Which Stardew Valley Exploits Still Work in The 1.6 Update

with the 1.6 update a lot of new content was added to stardew valley but I’m really interested in which of the exploits that were in the 1.5 update survived in the new one so today I’ll be testing all of the exploits that existed in the previous patch to see if they work in the new one but before we begin please do press the Subscribe button so you join our little Community it’s totally free and it helps me out a lot so let’s find out which of the exploits managed to survive starting off from my good old friend Marne Marney had an exploit that if you name the animal you’ve bought from her with an item id like for example 74 in Brackets which is the item ID for a prismatic Shard or 645 in Brackets which is the ID for the idium sprinkler you would in turn Spa those items in your inventory as Marney says the name of the animal the limit that you can go for is three items so by making your chicken name 163 74 645 and buy the chicken when Marne says the name it will spawn the legend fish Prismatic Shard and an idium sprinkler all in your inventory and this exploit has managed to survive even in the 1.6 update the second exploit that we have is pretty similar but this time it is with a player name if you name your character or Farm name with item IDs anytime a villager would say the player’s name or Farm name it would spawn those items in the player’s inventory I made a new character just to test this out and I was rich from the start it’s neat to know that things like these exist since it’s fun to mess around and enjoy the game from different aspects every now and then you can name your character from the start of the game or use the renaming Shrine in the Wizard’s basement to change your player’s name if you do that you will see an neat little message from concern ape as you change your name to an item id knowing that we’re cheating but it’s still pretty fun and at this point I think it’s even a part of the game so it’s still alive in the new update next up we have another old exploit that has been in the game for quite a while and that is the multiplayer duplication glitch so when I tried it out with rakus AKA catur on the community farm that we have on the Discord Channel it successfully duplicated the item on the table the trick to this is to both pick up the item from the table at the same time and it will give you both an item in your inventory slots so this one still works the next exploit that I want to talk about is the chair exploit the chair is one of the most powerful Tools in stard Valley and I made a few videos on it you can use it to get to the secret Woods earlier get into the villagers rooms without the required friendship points and even get to to some areas quite earlier than expected if combined with some other exploits like day one mines and day one Quarry I thought that this wasn’t going to work but when I tried to enter the secret W I just went straight in and I could say the same that this exploit was still alive but I needed to see if I could enter the villagers rooms as well since that’s a bit gamebreaking for this to work the door had to be at least open so I had to have entered the house before they exited the room and when I tried it out I was amazed to see that it still worked and I could easily enter their room for example I could get Louis shorts but sometimes you need a few tries at least but it’s safe to say that this exploit still works and for the next one and it’s one that everyone knows about and that is the out of bounds glitch this is quite awesome since you can explore areas that you’ve never been to and seeing that for a bit can be quite interesting you just need to have patience for this to work and to know when to move so you don’t enter the other Zone by accident I tried it out at the train station and it worked like a charm meaning it was still feasible to access other areas that are Out Of Reach and even open up some secret encounters like the one with Mr key that was added in the 1.6 update I made a video on it and it’s quite fun to see this interaction from concerned ape with the players but it’s quite quite creepy so far the exploit that I have no known about they all worked even in a new update meaning they’re a bit harder to fix but also they are a part of the game for some of the players and even concerned AE thinks about that as well so he doesn’t want to remove it from the game but now let’s see about some of the other ones as well the next exploit that I want to test out is the clay farming well this was more of a feature than an exploit but after testing it out for a bit it didn’t work sadly and that was because concerned ape updated the random Ness factor that was previously in the game for the pattern for clay spawning so this was one of the things that sadly died out with the new update there is a trick however to go back to the old farming method but that needs to be implemented at the start of the new farm and that is choosing the Legacy randomization which will have the randomization options for everything from the older updates that way the clay farming method will work on the payr and that can’t be changed if you have already started a farm in the options another exploit that I wanted to cover was the Statue of perfection this was a well-known exploit that was used to get an infinite amount of statues of perfection and it was fairly simple get a statue of perfection from Grandpa Shrine and just place it on the farm then fill out your whole inventory with items and hit the statue of perfection with a tool and by doing this the game doesn’t detect that you have a statue of perfection since since it’s not placed on the farm and it’s not in your inventory or chest afterwards when you interact with the shrine again it will give you a new Statue by doing this you could have an infinite amount of statues on the farm but when I tried to do it now I didn’t get a new Statue sadly meaning that this was fixed in the new update and also after the update I had to try the old an iconic exploit which lets you get ice cream without anyone being at the ice cream shop in the summer season this works by just having a monster or the most easy way your horse next to the ice cream stand I did that and it turned out this exploit still works so we can still get ice cream without anyone selling and the horse will become quite rich in the game I just don’t know where he spends all that money though another exploit that was in the 1.5 update was concerning the geode Crusher the geod crusher was introduced in that update but there was a small bug with that as well when you opened up geod at Clint shop and got something special like for example a prismatic Shard from them if you stopped and put the next geode in the geode Crusher you would have gotten the same item that you got from Clint this was a small bug but still quite gamebreaking since you could get a 100% Prismatic Shard from the next Geo and while testing this it turned out that concerned ape had fixed this bug in the 1 .6 update and another exploit which I can’t say it’s an exploit since it’s implemented by concern ape and that is the recount nuts command by using this command you can get the golden walnuts since the game recounts the walnuts which you have picked up but you can just Spam this command and get a lot of walnuts this way which can be used at Mr key shop and it still works in this patch as well this was implemented for people that couldn’t get all of the golden walnuts in their playr so you could get them that way and there you have it these are all of the exploits that I know of which were in the game and their fate in the new 1.6 update some were fixed and some were left as it is since I think they’re already a part of the stard valley experience what do you think about these and do you use some on your playr let me know down below the one I use mostly is the outof bounds glitch since it lets you explore areas even more finding neat little secrets around the game but everyone I hope you enjoyed today’s video and if you like consider subscribing to the channel since it helps me out a lot and it’s totally free I hope you all have a great day and I’ll see you all in my next one but till then stay safe

In this video I will show you some of the Exploits and Glitches that you can still use in Stardew Valley with the latest 1.6 Update. Glitches were pretty common and there used to be a lot of exploits in the game that were patched out over time. In the video we will cover only the ones that work with the 1.6 update. We will cover all of the exploits that still work in the 1.6 update of stardew valley.

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