The Problems with Stardew Valley

[Music] stardew sucks okay it doesn’t suck it’s one of the best farming Sims out on the market right now I’ve praised this game relentlessly for months but that doesn’t mean I like everything about the game even though I basically use it as a default to compare every other cozy game too and how they all make mistakes and stardo doesn’t but that doesn’t mean it’s not full of some annoyances like the skull Cavern and how I suck at it let me just go to level 100 while using staircases I spent the time to gather the resources and craft all of those staircases it is not cheating to use staircases and I won’t let this man Gaslight me into thinking I took a shortcut it’s not my fault I have bad RNG the holes I do find set me down like one or two floors is rude when I need a break from stardew I like to whip out my phone and play today’s sponsor Midas merge midus merge is a mobile game where your goals are cozy and simple nurture the most amazing guarding end creatures by satisfyingly merging oh can’t get enough of the merging there’s something so pleasing about organizing your wares and cleaning up to create new items to merge those with and create even more items to merge those with when my life is a mess at least my free time isn’t part of merging is finding these cute adorable creatures and evolving them look at this deer how cute I love watching them hop around the garden the wiow babies the best part of minus merge it’s completely free there are no ads forced on you that interrupt you no required payments and you can play offline F your ultimate goal is to help King Midas and queen Leah on their journey to restore The Gardens of gold you do this by utilizing your adorable creatures feeding them fruit and unlocking more of the map there’s also the Vault of riches where you can try your luck with getting extra merge items to help expand your garden you all know my RNG it’s the worst but here I can enjoy spinning the wheel and winning I love to use minus merge to just relax in my free time the organization and cozy atmosphere are just the cherry on top of a good day right now Midas merge are giving away a $500 Amazon voucher to one of you lucky viewers make sure you download and reach level 10 to be entered to win this amazing prize play minus merge Now find your cute creatures and relax by clicking the link in the description or scanning the QR code on screen join me and merge now back to stardo speaking of him in his quests the the key the the chi the the Fruit Quest can’t go play in traffic not only do you have to go find the seeds but you also have to somehow grow find 00 of these suckers no thanks he can grow them himself this man definitely has access to farmable plots why does he need us to do it and why does he need them by the end of the season the first time I accepted this Quest guess what time it was the end of the season immediate fail if he wants us to do his hard work he better pay us in more than just his madeup currency stupid key chees Z Chi speaking of which his name no one knows how to pronounce it everyone has their own way is there a correct way probably I’m sure Eric Baron calls him something in his head is it the traditional Chinese name pronunciation is it the way an American would say it no one knows we all just keep calling him whatever we want with everyone else correcting everyone and this all could have been avoided if his name was Jeff as much as I love the 1.6 update and everything it has to offer and it offers so much and it’s incredible and I really do like it it’d be nice if it could stop messing with our trees in our lovely Orchards we spent the time to plant and grow these lovely areas full of life and beautiful trees to tap and then one day in Fall the game just says and just ruin some of your trees you can’t even tap them anymore I know they drop Moss seeds but like leave those trees alone they didn’t hurt anybody why do you need to punish us and them okay this next one is more kind of my fault but I’m not alone why am I always picking up the crab pot I just want to check them and like take the fish Shadow them I don’t want to remove them from the water every time speaking of fish the legendary fish they can go die in lava trying to catch these is the worst torture on top of being incredibly difficult oh the stress the stress is too much damn you concerned ape you wait forever for one of these son of a guns to show up and then when it finally does you regret life and realize you’ve never actually been good at fishing in stardy Valley another annoyance those J that take all your stuff when you pass out on the mines why do they always find that one Prismatic Shard that you have in your pocket every single time or why are they taking like 90% of the aridium incredibly rude not only do you have the risk of not having enough energy the next day you also get mugged great time Shane Shane Shane I have a bad habit of starting new farms and as a result I want all the chickens including the blue chickens which means I have to deal with Shane and all of his problems for the 50th time he has a nice story the first time when you make a new Farm you relive everyone’s lives or at least those that you choose but if you want those blue chickens you got to deal with the real intense issues that Shane brings along I guess we should just learn from his turning points instead of paying attention to his awful choices this does remind me of how annoying it is to try to raise friendship with Sebastian this dude never never leaves his room which is inaccessible to you until you get at least two hearts of Friendship with him which is impossible to do because you have to catch them in the 3 minutes that he leaves his house if you never leave your room IRL just know that this is why your love life is in shambles you have someone out there trying to give you gifts but you never leave your room so they can never create a friendship with you there’s some life advice you’re welcome now Clint I want him to do the complete opposite of Sebastian he needs to stay in the same spot for way longer than he does why does this dude get off work so early he barely has a life might as well just stay at work if he could open a shop for a bit longer and actually work hard then life would be good for us Farmers can’t believe nobody wants to work anymore even in video games seriously though make the guy work overtime I sick of rushing to his shop every day besides Abigail eating all the diamonds that you give her she definitely cheats during the egg hunt this girl walks around and I’ve never seen her pick up an egg but she always has more eggs than everyone when time runs out it took me a few egg hunts to find a good path for myself and now I can actually be competitive with her but that took like multiple egg hunts and it doesn’t excuse the fact that she still cheats and comes close to winning every time bomb should make you press a different button to place them down if I got a nickel every time I’ve accidentally set off a bomb and destroyed my farm I’d have like eight nickels which doesn’t seem like a lot until you’re replacing pathing and fencing for the eighth time then it feels like it happens way too often I need something easy to press so I can get a bomb off when I need to something more out of the way please like I don’t know I don’t even have an idea I’m just upset at bombs finally the most annoying mechanic that’s supposed to actually help us but is just an excruciatingly evil being the crop fairy This Witch throws my crops out of a sink and I hate her for it I’ve got my farm all nice and organized and then Tinkerbell comes through like an awful JoJo cor boss to ruin everything my perfectionism can’t handle the week of out of sync crop growth just leave my crops alone or if you’re going to bless one pumpkin bless them all all right I know these were all jokes stardew is near perfection in my eyes but nothing is ever perfect and though these are silly personal issues that I kind of want to to just joke around with it does go to show that everything can be improved we’re always striving for more but even the game closest to perfect doesn’t reach our ridiculous expectations of games I’ve been critical of cozy games in the past and rightfully so it’s some of them but if we’re looking for something to be wrong we will always find it maybe just enjoy some of the good things in life and games got any fun annoyances about stardew any games that you think are perfect let me know in the comments below and I’ll see you next time and don’t forget to download and play midus merge Now link is in the description or scan the QR code bye [Music]

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