I Broke into Minecraft’s Most Secure Prison

this is one of the most secure prisons in all of Minecraft not only is it filled with Advanced defenses but it’s also guarded by some of Minecraft’s best players when we go in there no matter what happens we do not split up okay we flying in or we going in no we can’t risk flying in cuz we’ll get spotted we’ll use the cover of the trees to get in breaking into this prison is thought to be impossible but we had to try because although we knew that we were putting our lives on the line this was truly the only way to rescue the player that was trapped inside all right ender pearl in three 2 1 Pearl Pearl Pearl okay break in break in break in go go go and through the obsidian was the first defense bubble columns meant to disorient us and bring us within hearing distance of the guards but luckily we had come prepared go go go in in up up I can’t break reck did you get in through this way through this way this way can’t follow me and once we made it past the bubble column we Cruis through the next defense getting closer and closer to the center watch out watch watch watch okay we got to go down we got to go down we got to go down what do you mean we got to I didn’t see anything okay but as we continued mining around little did we know that the guards had begun investigating the prison oh progress progress progress progress wait wait wait wreck wreck be careful be careful be careful I have a bad feeling about this bro I’m not going to lie and it wasn’t long until one of the guards caught onto US I swear I heard someone main come into the Vault come in come come in I see blocks broken there’s blocks broken in here yeah look they someone broke in here dude I don’t know what to do we can’t break to I guys guys wait I hear voices I hear voices did you hear that who do you hear I heard I heard a voice I think it was wreck wait wait wait definitely in it’s definitely them wa wait wait this B okay it’s time to it’s time to DP it’s time to DP drink I’m drinking milk you Bre Bre I’m actually out of help I’m out of help bro I’m help what are you guys doing I’m try I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying how Okay chorus chus chorus course okay okay okay okay I’m going to drink the milk and break these although that lucky chorus fruit had saved my life I knew that if we wanted to make it out alive our only option was to R this is so not good come to me down down down down down obsidian obsidian obsidian all right get get out get out okay okay okay okay the truth was that at the center of the prison was a machine called a chunk ban if you step inside its radius you’re permanently banned off of the server unless someone destroys it and a few days before one of my best friends wey had stepped inside of one Banning himself off of the server but before I was able to get wees out the the server’s Most Wanted player spoke banned himself in that same chunk band and following this the construction of a prison was ordered to protect the chunk ban and keep spoke banned forever and even though destroying that chunk band seemed impossible I was going to break wey out but after that complete failure recp and I knew how difficult this was actually going to be bro like what how do you have a plan to get past the chunk bam dude I was not prepared for that bro I was fumbling the bag my my inventory and once we made it back to our base we started planning if we wanted to really break wey out we needed a bigger team and lucky for us the prison that we had just tried breaking into wasn’t the only prison on the server there’s eight prisons for eight banned spoke goons and three of spokes goons I somewhat know and I I know they’ll team with us I don’t know what prisons they’re in this meant that I were only option was to break into these other prisons until we built a team big enough to break into the one that contained spoken wees but there was still one big issue we need to figure out a way to destroy the chunk ban without getting too close Okay I like what you’re thinking TNT cannons yeah yeah yeah yeah it was genius chunk bands were relatively delicate Contraptions and TNT cannons would allow us to launch explosives and destroy them without having to step inside of their radius so we agreed that I’d be responsible for building the cannon while recra distracted the guards and after recp prepared some distraction tactics I debriefed him on what we were going up against what we’re about to break into is a prison in the end Dimension so we headed to the stronghold entered the end and flew just within viewing distance of the prison that is yeah okay so you see the closest one to us yeah I think we elytra and invis onto it and if we somehow managed to break the chunk ban we’d be freeing one of spokes henchmen but there were no guarantees that they’d actually be willing to help us break wees out I just got to be very careful not to use my distracting fireworks as we’re flying yeah okay all right you want to fly in just land on the most outer platform just so we don’t get detected I’ll follow all right let’s go okay okay [Music] okay all right [Music] but I had completely underestimated the size and scale of this prison Not only would we have to destroy the chunk B but we would also have to somehow get to it without the guards catching on in the first place yeah yeah yeah go go I’m rning okay we got to make it to the front get oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dud okay oh my gosh we got to get on the shut up shut up shut up shut up go go go go go wait are you hitting him no oh no shoot at that 45° angle he’s coming in yo I want to take a little off the top you know just clean you up make you all nice and fresh but BR listen bro you have no idea how long it took for me to [Music] get what the heck who H is this all right dude okay oh shoot wreck wreck wreck we got a dip bro I hear someone else putting I thought okay he’s going for w re’s here re’s here he’s calling for Rex it’s it’s re take it and with recra coming in to distract the guards I was able to make it to the actual chunk ban without any of them noticing all I had to do now was construct the TNT cannon and destroy [Music] it but rrap and I had barely practiced building cannons like this before actually arriving at the prison and although I somewhat knew what I was doing it was still taking me far longer than I had expected [Music] two parts bro I was what the oh wait was that I see I see someone where is he did he juk me who who just exploited that oh he’s down there down there down there right I see him I’m behind you I’m on I’m on I’m on but seeing that the TNT cannon had blown itself up I knew that I would have to come back later to repair it is he around here M um yes I’m he might have jump off I him he’s one shot we hit him again bro I’m just saying he hasn’t healed yet I [Music] think don’t go down don’t go down don’t go down keep [Music] where did he go juk us wait did you see him muffin did you see him with the guards completely gone I knew that this was the perfect opportunity to go back and destroy the chunk B all while staying completely undetected [Music] chunk band’s still there wait was there another one they’re all they’re all blocks here which aren’t me so I actually don’t know you think he’s like you think he’s like um like what I’m assuming is we lost him at the end he’s going to come back from one of these sides but I don’t know which side he’s coming back from all right just Pat patch this crap up bro yeah yeah do you have the rest of them do you have the rest of the blocks well what I’m going to do uh yeah I do I think we just keep circling around yeah yeah yeah move what about he’s going to come from one of these sides we just have to wait from which side there’s another hole here is this you too yeah I broke that don’t worry I broke that um I I see the blocks they’re right there just I don’t know P that crap up what’s he’s definitely he’s definitely at the outer Islands right now he’s going to come back from one Sid he might be up too I might go up but not too close to the chunk Banks I don’t want to get panned obviously so I’m going look around okay I’ll keep circling all right um yeah yeah [Music] I have a feeling that if you cross that line you’re going to hey yo bro was this the blocks yeah there’s blocks here no no these these sandstones were these sandstones know talking about [Music] like what I might do because we’re not seeing anything right now I’m going to go to woie you stay here and make sure nothing’s happening but I’m going to make sure he’s all good doesn’t come back yet [Music] oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot hey hey I don’t know where you are look at that TNT wait where will you hear it here I’m going to peep inside oh there’s something here muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin muffin yeah break this bro yeah they’re trying to build again they’re here somewhere I PRS prps over here re re’s fighting wiie as well help him help him help him help him although recp had momentarily distracted the guards I knew that this would truly be my last opportunity to destroy the chunk ban at the center I know you’re around here somewhere buddy someone tried to do a little bit of rebuilding is that right hey you got no [Music] in hey B oh my gosh dude [Music] that [Music] e he’s going he’s going in this he’s an arrow he has an arrow on him he has an arrow on him [Music] [Music] oh there you are there you are what’s up how did it go dude I I messed up so bad really yeah I choked the I choked the cannon and you know that final piece of redstone how it’s not supposed to touch the other dispenser yep yeah par this is why we practice more you know what I respect the commitment though this present’s a lost cause it it’s a lost cause if we break into the other seven and we can’t get the three people we need we’ll come back here okay okay okay too many guards hopefully the other ones too many guards it’s too risky dude I almost died to the void like seven times bro really yikes bro yikes I’m low on fireworks where’s the next one yeah I’m pretty low on fireworks too seeing how difficult this was actually going to be rup and I decided to head to the Zam Empire to meet with Prince Zam the player who had ordered the construction of all of these prisons our plan was to try and make a deal with him but we knew how difficult this was going to be dude is that a plane yes okay no this the city got like bombed I don’t know why they didn’t repair it yet oh my gosh dude this Castle looks sick though yeah I’m actually wondering oh here he is Yo oh why are you always here knock knock why are none of your guards here um they’re working on the prisons uh making sure that all those people that got chunk banned stay chunk banned I don’t need any more spokes henchmen showing up here blowing up the place we need a meeting we need to meet now why every you always you always show up to my show up to my place you bring bring Parker with you this time that’s very interesting you you know can we have a meeting if I give you some apples does that help the case I it actually doesn’t help me a lot I was actually just restocking but I knew that this was my one chance my one chance to negotiate a deal and free wees I would have to make this count okay I don’t know if you heard I assume word already got back to you we tried to break into some of your prisons um we were unsuccessful with both and yep yeah makes sense I know how badly you want to keep spoke chunk band forever but as you know wees is stuck in the exact same chunk band that spoke is stuck in and we’re just here like like please 60 seconds all it takes is 60 seconds deactivate the chunk band for us that’s it what that’s it that’s it yeah that’s just 60 seconds please bro like actually please please please with the cherry on top please there’s no way I’m doing that no cuz what if okay theoretically someone is like an informant for spoke or something they could tell us they could tell him immediately and he would be able to log back on I’m not taking that risk I’m not taking that risk at all I guys just going to beg about be please there’s no way I’m doing that I’m going okay then we’re going to break in we’re going to break in break in you want you want to break in we’re going to break into that prison we’re going to you know these prisons are like impossible to break into like genuinely impossible and I don’t mean it like in the oh this is an impossible prison or whatever like that you know I mean like genuinely impossible we have methods that you’ve never even heard of oh yeah like what we got the we got the atom grid we got the auto piglin banners we got the SK the skull cake chunk bands got be got all sorts of things yapping this ain’t real SK I might have made up one of those I might have I might have made up one of those but listen okay you guys aren’t getting into those prisons you guys can try all you want as a matter of fact I hope you guys try because you will just fail you will just fail well all we need to do is break into that one obsidian one and we already know the entire layout we already know the entire layout we’re just going to come back with more people and break in well okay it doesn’t it doesn’t matter if you know the entire layout you know my people are working on making it like 10 times stronger than it is I’m tapped in with the prison Community dude we’re getting new technology like every day new new methods to make it even more unbreakable even more impossible every single day I am taking no risks on this why do you think the place isn’t repaired why do you think my castle isn’t repaired M that a good point keeping spoke banned is my number one priority cuz so you’re saying you’re renovating the the spoke prison yes we’re making it like 10 times better every single day if if you’ll excuse me I’d like to get back to what I’m doing and I think you should go back to you know being banished you know we I know we work together to like ban spoke or whatever but I I don’t know I still don’t really want you in my territory because it kind of leads to not so great things Sam we are assembling the greatest prison breaking team you’ve ever seen this little prison you’ve made bro this little prison that you’re modifying that you said there’s a new piece of technology or whatever we’re breaking in bro Child’s Play Child’s Play Child’s Play look I’m tapped in with the prison Community man I I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got the best of the best working on this thing man there’s I I don’t see you guys breaking in but hey if You’ like bro you messed up I messed up I’m sure I did I’m sure I did all right all right we’ll get out of here I’ll take my Z you’re actually cool you’re par you’re actually allowed to be here you’re actually you’re allowed to be here yeah you’re you’re allowed to be here not well unfortunately you insulted me and oh dude he almost hit me with that Arrow good shot do you really think he’s making the prison better he said a new piece of technology New pieces of Technology but I just don’t know what that means that’s the problem yeah but as I thought about what Zam could mean by this new piece of technology my mind slowly turned to the fact that wees was still stuck in that prison and that it was my fault par is it worth it cuz we can both leave it’s it’s fine it’s fine to not know it I just need you to tell me is it worth I mean I think you know what I’m going to say it’s all yours the reality was that until we actually broke into these other prisons and built a team we wouldn’t be able to get wees out so so rrap and I made our way back to the base and started preparing for the next prison so do you know where do you know where prison 2 is yeah this is going to be quite an interesting prison though okay lay it on me what’s what’s the scenario have you ever heard of Atlantis before I have I have yeah this is what I yeah from what I’ve seen this is a completely underwater prison okay so we’re going to need to prep some things like water breathing potions make sure we have dep Strider okay I think that’s good can I bring some conduits actually am I getting no that’s not worth it that’s not worth it okay water breathing potions though right yes but reck and I really wanted to see what we were going up against so we decided that we were going to scout out the so-called underwater prison okay all right you want to head out yeah let’s head out oh [Music] all right let’s try not to get too close but this is what we’re going up against what bro this is massive I [Music] know yeah we just don’t want to get too close Okay I’m going to Splash under water if you want it yeah I can’t see anything from down here bro but this is massive yeah that’s insane how do we even and break into this thing dude this is crazy bro look at it from here okay we got to prepare bro we got to prepare let’s go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay back to base yep but still not knowing the actual layout of the prison the two of us quickly found a massive issue if the prison was completely underwater it meant that the chunk band would likely also be encased in water as well we would need some sort of method that would allow us to destroy it um pickaxe for sure um I think wait wait wait wait wait wait there’s Tech to blow up TNT underwater yeah you’re right wait isn’t it like sand and sand yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s it okay okay yeah that’s how we bore in then yeah that okay that’s so smart that’s so smart I think that’s it yes yeah that’s it yes okay that’s perfect okay so besides the uh the boring thing cuz is it we didn’t see any obsidian did we well we saw an exterior design I’m sure there’s obsidian if it’s a vault yeah and then I need to make sure I got chus for on me too cuz that’s dude I just need to get Weepies out bro we need to get weees out we’ll do it we’ll do it we’ll get them out okay um so is it just mine in and then how do we blow up the thing or get rid of it Withers bring a lot of Withers bro all right all right stack it is okay perfect yeah all right I think we’re ready okay and after making some final preparations like remembering to bring a Riptide Trident for better movement R up and I headed to the ocean prison to try and break in about to hunt a a major you ready ready remember do not cross the ring when we get to the ring which is probably going to be heavily defended that’s when we start spawning Withers okay okay all right you ready and I’ll know the ring when I see it right oh absolutely I think it’s it was obvious for the last two okay okay all right let’s go we’re off on an [Music] adventure sorry bro shut they’re right by the entrance they’re right by the entrance bro what do we do like where are you bro yeah love the wall this way this way yes we’re go where are you [Music] oh guys guys guys guys get out get go go go go go go what the fre got okay ready R crab how are you using trident [Music] [Music] back up back up oh my gosh dude [Music] recr where are you recr recr here here Rec where are you Rec where are you recr where are you Rec where are you oh my gosh bro where’ you go what about it can’t can’t get rid of it W crap R crap there you are oh my gosh dude this place is massive bro yeah no dude we got dude we got separated instantly and then I start getting Chase I’m like oh my gosh I got to hi hide and I like can’t type and then oh my gosh dude that’s terrible I feel like they’re moving faster than me too you you can’t have boots on you have to take your boots off cuz dep strier yeah try it without boots like fully charged without boots yeah dude you just go so much faster what I uh-oh uh-oh wait uhoh up this way up this way yo did you see the chunk band no I saw it bro it’s crazy okay it’s POS it’s completely possible and we barely even need milk we just need to okay from what I’ve noticed there like a 5 to 10 block buffer zone inside of every chunk bin so we can actually mine in and spawn Withers okay okay okay okay let’s do it should we this time I’ll follow you and I’ll stay closely okay makes sense yo what oh my gosh W wck follow me reck follow me re this way this way this way this way this way I [Music] found R where are you I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here this way this way go just keep going okay we’re moving now we’re smoing bro we’re smoing go in go in keep going oh my gosh this is it this is it this is it Parker not you break in here B Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker [Music] Where Are You Break I see no I I almost got chunk B I almost just got chunk B you can’t spot him underwater you have to do it in the area you have to do it in the area okay okay okay okay what up nice nice nice do not let him get the yes bro yes we got some we got some we got some we got more oh my God oh my God oh my God think [Music] for is just like how we had predicted after 5 minutes of swimming around one of the withers randomly collided with the chunk G completely destroying it all we had to do now was get out of the prison sa wck up wck up wreck wreck wreck wck w yeah let’s go get him get him get him get him wreck wreck wreck wreck wreck oh what I know bro my I’m three and halfs don’t say that look get this kid bro you know how wreck is dude I got damage on it bro what have bro I have that bage on bro I hit like he no holy cow dude [Music] [Music] oh my gosh parot parrot parot parrot that was terrible bro that that was so hard how did you break it one of the Wither blasts I think just randomly collided but we can’t do that again yeah that was way too dank bro that was way too scuffed yeah I was running out of resources I got down dude I got down to half a heart that’s insane I had the clutch up bro the turtle Master potion saved me and to our Surprise by breaking the chunk ban we had freed one of the players that I knew would be potentially interested in teaming with us all right he should be showing up any second now okay okay he has the chords yeah look who it is Dap You dap yo what’s up yo how does it feel to get out of a chunk band dude oh my dude I’m not going to lie dude I thought I was never going to be able to log in ever again thank you I’m so glad I’m out of that now I’m so glad bro yeah what dude we just that that wither strategy is not reliable bro yeah I was struggling dude I forgot how to spawn a wither but there was a reason as to why we had even gotten to WRA you out in the first place and knowing that we needed to keep breaking into these prisons as quickly as possible I made him the offer because we got you out and because we are we are like we do somewhat know each other yeah would you be with willing to work with us and free other people from these chunk bands we got free dental what is that free free dental health insurance wait that you know what don’t if he dies he’s dead bro well no it’s just Dental it’s just Dental um yeah I I owe you yeah okay I’ll I’ll help you out I owe you so I knew it I knew it I knew it bro let’s go you’re the goat you’re the goat you’re although dapu had agreed to join our team I realized that there were still countless prisons that we would have to break into and that they would only get harder from this point on do you know what the next uh where the next prison is or do you know where another one is or just was D do you know oh yeah yeah I know where it is yeah I think I remember where it was uh yeah sure I think it’s uh actually this way this way yeah yeah holy the Australian ping dude yeah my bad holy cow dude this insane this is a prison looks more like a paradise than me oh my tell you but um yeah you’re going to need a bro we have to break into this yeah where even is the chunk then uh uh I think he should be in the middle of it what in the bro but unfortunately I don’t have the key card to get in here do you know who would have the key card or had I get one probably one of the guards uh yeah for something like this my only issue is that if it’s a confined area unlike okay so the thing about okay think about this right the water even though it was a confined area it was super easy easy to like maneuver around the void had like Infinite Space mhm this if we’re confined in a box there’s no way out bro well Lots sounds like lots of turtle Master potions and Enchanted apples all right should we head back to the base yeah sh me where the Bas yeah yeah yeah let’s go let’s get out of here bro so we headed back to our base and started practicing again with TNT cannons seeing that Withers were completely random and often ineffective we knew that TNT cannons were likely our best chance at quickly destroying these chunk bands wait you guys are going to use a TNT cannon to break in mm- we are going to blow up a chunk ban oh okay mhm wow you actually remembered how to build this that’s insane you know it man well well we’ll see if it work I don’t have the best are you missing a piece of red stud here no no cuz then you wait I forgot the repeaters all right and then wao [Music] okay why does mine always blow up parrot why it’s always mine yours has never blown up all right I’m building the cannon again I don’t understand all right you got you got to practice yours again though Barr yeah I got it I got it okay watch this watch watch watch a master at work okay I’m watching mhm three mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm three mhm ah okay okay okay okay okay okay bro is this not what I did just watch the master at [Music] work how howow howow I don’t get it but even then it still took me almost a minute to construct the entire Cannon alone we knew that there had to be a way to build them even faster so we continue testing see if this works what okay like it should just be the same yeah all right perfect we found a design yo this is like the ultimate compact version dude and we could probably um we could like you know those those NASCAR people like change out the wheels really quick yeah dude we could probably do that with this like one person places the dispensers the other person can we do that wait wait let’s try let’s try do you fill up the dispensers cuz you’re you got that Redstone yeah yeah okay two one [Music] go I don’t have any slabs um quick improvise um give me a minute give me a minute give me a minute I’m cooking all right done yep we launch it boom [Music] boom all right all right all right we we run this back we need practice we need practice we need practice we need practice we need practice oh and I lost my water I need water 3 2 1 [Music] go oh my gosh I’m choking I’m done launch it launch it uh-oh that doesn’t look like oh what dude no no it’s cuz it’s cuz you put the thing right here wait what if we do this then it aligns the teamt better wait wait wait yeah wait try launching this imagine it doesn’t shoot as far it doesn’t shoot as far yeah yeah not as far yeah so we spent the next half hour building these TNT cannons as fast as humanly possible and eventually we were able to get to the point where we were constructing them in less than 15 seconds 2 1 construct Frick I didn’t have my TT dispers oh no no no no no no no I’m ready okay launch it okay that was pretty fast that was pretty good that pretty good yeah that’s we messed up like a little bit like yeah we did we did little bit being me my inventory prepped yeah I think we’re ready cuz all I need is Cobblestone repeater Redstone however this only solved one of our problems because according to dapu the Jungle prison had some sort of passcode that was required to enter but luckily I had an idea but it’s got to BL we need the key card no we need a good buffer okay here’s the here I thought about the key card right and the reality is that you can shortcut anything yeah we can Hotwire it yeah okay it’s just the fighting that I’m scared about cuz like how do you get multiple guards to get off you all at the same time for 20 seconds you know I mean yeah okay I’m ready all right let’s do it y’all I’m nervous bro I’m ready to this way um all right we have to worry about key card or no we’re hot wiring yeah we’re going to hot wire it okay I got invs okay ready to go in yeah also this looks like it’s pretty close proximity do not speak when we get in there unless how do we communicate uh just follow we’ll just follow you yeah yeah okay okay I’ll try to figure out how this if you’re ever not sure if we’re all around you flash something on your hot bar and we’ll flash back that’s how weate okay all right sh [Music] yo hello oh I dude I need an extra inventory slot can someone take just splash the potion yeah I don’t know what to splash splash for you wait what okay take take take yeah oh no no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wait I can’t hear you where did you guys [Music] go listen bro I’m not I’m not going to have to use these Pros either way bro chill your sure I’ll chillax no I’m being serious too I’ll chillax why are you guys like scrambling up there oh wait this de be going nowhere oh hey guys well this a little bit awkward wa there’s an Ender hold on I got to go you think I across yo wait is that end trying to get to the chunk if you think I PE across you think I [Music] [Music] yeah like bro what is this wait come like this is done to is this is this you or no no this is we just came through this right yeah what are you bro you talking about no no someone’s actually broke into here no I’m being I’m being so serious did anyone break these two blocks pens come down here what two blocks I’m coming there two blocks bro that’s disgusting that was right my face excuse me bro excuse me bro tell me did you break or did you not break there two blocks no but there’s like two blocks up there that were already broken that’s just how we designed it yo come back up I think we go back up I think we need to go back up I have a we should we should probably have someone like all the way up no yeah I have a feeling that we’re right now yo should I go all the way up yeah I I think we’re getting trolled go go go go go okay I’m I’m going all the way up what if what if it’s all just a fake illusion by shoot bro for what are you about what what if it’s all a fake illusion what are you talking about no these are all broken what what did none of us break these okay isn’t broken I lowy think we should one of us you go through okay I’m going through replace it replace it replace it replace it I replace it no I actually have a strong feeling we’ve just been like trolled no shot where’s the thing again where’s the thing again go again it’s replace it I’ll block it up yeah there’s like people up here gu I’m to theing probably Landing hey Will there’s people here I’m kidding I’m going to go down and block him off though cuz I actually I don’t know something suspicious is all right I’ll protect you in case someone tries to eat you or something crch Crouch what if you I heard digging blocks shut bin Crouch tell me you don’t hear this zombie that’s a zombie that’s a zombie wait wait hold on I saw someone holding the elra what yo I thought wasie someing anding someing we just lost him I blocked it I blocked it no someone was someone was in this I saw I saw bro I I I saw I told you I told you they brok into through there oh my God wait I’m going up I’m going back up I’m going back up I’m going back up hold come come through come through come through should we go down footsteps to the right they’re in these I swear they’re in these walls am I capping I’m going look around I’m looking around bro I did I thought I heard a zombie walking around bro look like particles if you I’m telling you bro I’m hearing digging somewhere I don’t know where it is invis particles invis particles in here in the main room in the main room in the main room in the main room okay okay I’m in the main room they keep they keep on coming into this room sure [Music] they don’t break into the I see someone bro I see someone he’s someone he’s hitting someone he’s hitting someone go go go go go get him get him get him wait what just I’m going back here wait wait behind you behind you behind you behind you there’s enies I’m spam clicking yeah there’s people there’s people what the Bro there there’s two I’m going up I’m I’m I’m going to go up I’m going up I’m going up uh this layer seems fine there’s no one who like there’s nothing that’s been okay wait wait is that is that your Cube wait bin was this here before no wait no this wasn’t this wasn’t this wasn’t wait break through break through there’s obsidian up here will is it breaking wait wait wait wait did they make a tunnel here I think they D down they dug through wait they might have dug through I’m going I’m going up I’m going up again I swear I heard more mining I’m coming I’m coming back up I’m breaking I’m going I’m going up up you come back in I’m going to look this up too so they can’t come pass bro I popped you have another to Y there’s wait is there is there obsidian like supposed to be here give me the totem please uh let me let me and mphin come up here mphin bro I guys I think I think they went I’m going all the way up I’m going all the way up going all the way up go go go go all right go maybe that was a dist oh my God that might have been a distraction y you’re so oh my M yo guys yeah there’s broken blocks up here unless unless you guys broke blocks there’s broken blocks up here or it might be me the did did did you break these look no no no no this oh that was not me for sure for sure that was not yeah someone’s been up here someone’s been up here be in the room wait look around look around look [Music] around because like it sucks you see any one weapon no will have you found anything go to this hole see if I seen yeah yeah yeah see if like ratting around in the holes yeah I don’t I don’t see I’m going to keep going down if I see nothing I’m going to come back up I’m going place that back just try try and yell out if you like see anyone or hear anyone I’m keep going okay you want see my own particles but I’m mistaken them for so yeah same swear I saw your particles wait I see broken blocks have you guys ever broke yellow terra cotta I see yellow terra cotta there were tunnels here so at least so unless they’re still here not they they’ve managed to make it off [Music] could they be breaking it from under I mean there’s a chance to try to use um a distraction again what’s happen are they going to distract is that what you’re saying then they might use the distraction like how they did with um I’m going to go back down look you guys stay here for a second yeah I I agree I’m going to stay I’m going to stay and with the guards constantly patrolling the walls I knew that the only way to communicate with any of my teammates was through a phone call bro bro I muted they’re on me dude I know I know I know I know what do we do what do we do what do we do I I’m in a one by one I’m in a one by one in a wall they’re crouching around me bro dude ke I think they’re on me I think you should try building I can’t I don’t have the materials for it I don’t I I only have the I only have the blocks and Redstone bro we need to meet up I know I know we can tunnel around the walls that’s what that’s what we can do what the I swear to God I just heard a [Music] block who in the world broke that block guys I heard a block on this side here [Music] I I hear you I I hear someone in the wall yo bu the TT how much TNT do you have a start blowing up some of the some of the start start setting off explosions start setting off explosions just Underground just underground and then like patch them up yeah yeah yeah you know what to do you know what to [Music] do holy cow I heard that I heard [Music] that that was the [Music] third you guys heard that did you hear the TNT yeah the T I heard the TNT but there was someone like spam breaking blocks on this side but I couldn’t find them no actually I was no no there was someone on this side there was someone on this side G I’m coming I hear him I hear him he’s still here bet let’s do it guys make sure we check the um the shle box at old times but let’s try and dig off this person dig dig just dig dig dig dig dig everywhere I dude I’m so wait wait they’re all on me reick this is your chance reck this is your chance they’re all on me they’re all on me do it do it do it hear him anymore you think they went down there’s a room in here guys I don’t know if you’ve seen this room yet I’m coming down from the top [Music] are you there that wasn’t us that was not us I saw name tag I swear to God I saw name tag up all go go go go go go go yeah yeah they broke it into the yo it’s par it’s parrot it’s parrot it’s parrot the the dude dude someone finish trying to get back to the roofit block it off if I can block it block it dude just I’m scared this is there a trunk pan in the thing I blocked it I blocked it I blocked it out oh my gosh oh my gosh dude bro do it go back down go okay I’m I’m going to shut off I’m going to shut off the phone I’m going sh off the phone I need to walk in what if he just get up up up he’s f [Music] oh my God wait where is he P I don’t know but I heard a third voice Okay Okay C I did not expect this to happen to this here drop drop him drop him drop him drop him him get him drop oh [ __ ] okay me I’m good I’m good knock him into the chunk B knock him into the chunk B yeah guys careful to get knock I’m good I’m I don’t know if we win this fight building building it break it break it go go go go bro it does I even have a knock SW I don’t I don’t shoot that would have been smart oh my God yeah I’m going to take some yeah yeah yeah do that do that yo wck yeah you’re just going to toss me the stuff toss me all the stuff all the stuff all the stuff yo yo yo don’t let him do that don’t let him do that get it get it get it get it get yes I didn’t grab it I didn’t grab it I didn’t grab it and miraculously one of the three guards was forced to run after Rec rap managed to break his helmet which meant that the three of us were no longer outnumbered yo 2v2 him 22 him while I build this 2v2 him while while I build this okay okay go got got Yo get P off me get P off me get them both off me get them both off me all par someone building it par someone trying to build it I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming where is this is a 3v2 there’s just no way we win this shoot I need our chance this our chance are you yeah this is our chance quick build it bro I can’t dude I’m fighting P Bro what do you want me to do I’m just going to break this bro where are my teammates bro where I’m just baking this guys get them off of me how am iying you kill themill one each one each yeah yeah yeah no they’re building over here now they’re building get get get get me in the chunk get in the chunk B oh shoot [Music] how can you not get the head door off of me bro you are not building this I I don’t care but even though we outnumbered them I realized that unless the guards were truly out of the picture we would have no chance of actually building a TNT cannon we would have to use our power and numbers and completely drain them until they either ran or die oh that’s unfortunate go oh my God so bad bro I need a p yeah get get wrecked he doesn’t have a helmet wait what R did you not bring mending I didn’t this I didn’t think we would be fighting this long wait who are you Rec Rec come to me Rec yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what’s Up’s up yo dropping him something he’s vending him he’s vending him go tell I can drop turn take I got I got take I might need to rear though watch out watch out watch out watch out behind you behind you behind you helmet drop him drop drop him right now you are you good I’m good no I’m trying to drop rck I’m don’t get into chunk B yeah no don’t I’m I’m on parro oh my God bro we’re we’re just outnumbered I don’t know how we win this and my XP is so low okay we’re just going to have to fight this until they leave we’re just going to have to fight this until they leave leave okay left bro you guys okay theyed you D had to be low he had to be low bro okay I’m out of I’m out I’m out ofb restock box restock box restock take take take take I just need you good they got to get low they have to be low come on dude D do you take the rapid more gear bro oh my and they have gold apples bro I just don’t see how we win when they have gold apples oh shoot the W’s going to be low that is my elra P off P off what happened I was F hot I got F fine sh XP can’t let him build the machine also a chunk B there young I like I should have told myself the advice oh shoot I got popped I got popped I got popped get out get out there’s no way I don’t pop power here oh my that was he has Turtle M what you guys are start prepared yo you guys can leave now or we’re going to kill you bro p yeah what do we do we’re we’re not on gear we’re not winning on gear what do we do and luckily another one of the guards was forced to run yes we’re kidding we’re actually joking right now dude Panda’s gone Panda’s gone wait what the heck is happening doing no wait Rex’s bu it get no no dude that one oh my God no dude drop him drop it’s come on now he’s got to run he has to run or he’s dead he has to run or he’s dead he’s banned off the server bro there’s no way there’s no way he’s he’s got to run he’s got to run bro pop just him keep keep on him keep on [Music] them dude I’m going to build the machine I’m going to build machine d d dude go go go go go do you need more TNT do you need more TNT I need more dispensers drop it drop it all start building start building start building whoops construct operation construct operation construct I don’t have any Tru bro wait this power it power it who has a button I don’t have a button I don’t have a button power wait I have some redst blocks I have some redstone blocks I saw them okay dude I don’t know if it’s going to drop down though oh my gosh wait let me [Music] check no it can’t it can’t we’ll just build it down here we’re going to build it down here w [Music] got I got to slab slab slab up St go go go go go oh my God destroy it destroy it destroy it it’s tntn it’s tntn oh my gosh guys guys guys guys guys is all TNT in I’m putting in it I’m putting in it we got four shots no way we don’t break right okay no no no there also has to be oh my God guys we’re blocking we’re breaking out we’re breaking out all right all right Set It Off Set It Off Set It Off please BR yes did it here did it put more water put more water Set It Off Set It Off get out get out okay yeah I don’t care I’m I’m getting [Music] out just leave leave okay holy cow dude but to our dismay by breaking the chunk ban we had freed one of spokes henchmen that we knew had no intentions of teaming with us which meant that besides the fact that we had crossed another prison off of the list breaking into this one had been practically pointless so in the meantime we decided to head back to the original prison to investigate if Zam had actually added any new defenses yeah I’ll follow you all right we’re going on a little hiking trip yeah uh so what kind of like upgrades did uh Zam talk about reck do you remember bro uh there’s a piglin brute chunk ban there was there was prismarine bars there were um cake skull extensors I feel like he made at least some of those sensor yeah like what the heck is a going to do yeah we should definitely take the cover of the forest because I feel like after we tried to break into this prison he’s definitely got like so many guards on it I just don’t want to get caught bro dude my knees are getting heavy bro could we not have just flown there n too dangerous I feel like okay [Music] what the what was that hello yo what just happened bro oh he’s here yeah wa just got wa try [Music] to are you still on the server no I I just got completely kicked bro weird while we wait then um what Lobby are you in okay uh here let me hop on I’m in I have to wait until I can use it I’m still in 12 oh okay SL D do you know what the issue is apparent no I have no idea oh you wait where we just got sent back bro we should probably let this server chill out for a moment load up all the chunks and stuff all right all right let’s go check it back out okay wait where oh he’s down here [Music] what [Music] the it’s when we cross a certain point yeah it is is there anything on the server that’s like could crash it wait okay yo I [Music] just well okay it doesn’t it doesn’t matter if you know the entire layout you know my people are working on making it like 10 times stronger than it is I’m tapped in with the prison Community dude we’re getting new technology like every day new new methods to make it even more unbreakable even more impossible every single day okay call me crazy but what if that’s what Sam’s new technology is no actually actually uh dude it just like how far away were we 1,000 blocks or like 1,400 blocks bro what kind of tech does he have that’s a there’s no way right this a th000 blocks and we get B like kicked not just kicked bro this crashes the whole server and sure enough when we loaded back into the server we were in the same exact location as before bro dude have you ever seen any dude that’s insane what bro if there’s actually a cake skull trap I’m going to I’m going okay it’s not a c SK trap there’s he’s telling the truth this is something bro I just yeah but he wasn’t lying about revamping the prison is the point I know dude it’s just like how do we get around this wait you want to test it again yeah should we try flying from a different angle to see like what kind of what the border is yeah let’s do it um okay so wait wait follow me [Music] dude right are you kidding me I don’t even know what to say I mean there’s got to be a away right like how do they build the thing without like Banning [Music] themselves or crashing I don’t know I’ve never dealt with I’ve never seen something like and when the server started again we were in the same exact location if this was really a new defense we had no idea how to counter it but in the meantime we couldn’t think much about it because it made more sense for us to just break into the remaining prisons and build up our team so when we got back to our base I proposed a new way of destroying chunk bands I had a crazy better idea okay okay okay okay okay flying machines okay okay y machines that we set on the same y level as the chunk B they’re so easy to make so easy we set them off nuke them no not even nuke them the slime block disrupts the Redstone of the chunk band when it intercepts the chunk band oh oh so that’s so I mean like but like once we build the the Flying Machine if we did do this like you can’t really like they can’t get in like because it’s just a big lava once the once the Flying Machine crosses the chunk band line it it’ll keep doing its thing so all we have to do is we go like this we put a sticky piston right here we do two we put an observer right here oh and all right so look out WRA got him and then we put the Piston right here and then hypothetically wait obser yeah yeah the the wrong way so then if we break this block it stop moving you see that are we going to we going to break this thing that’s the beauty of it the only issue par yeah is we have to get inside of the volcano build this entire thing without them noticing us and it has to be aligned perfectly if it’s one block off bro that’s GG’s yeah I don’t think you realize how big this hole is this isn’t like some like like like small this is big it is huge really think we can fall off I’m just so scared bro like I think I think as soon as we get engaged in PvP combat it sounds like we’re just we’re it’s it’s over dude I just wish we had more team members bro it’s just us three how many chunk bands are is it just one chunk band to WRA you I think oh no no it might be two I think oh my god dude oh my God what do you mean it might be what do you okay there’s a lot of Prisons okay there’s a lot of Prisons okay I think I remember this one like there was like two it was like one above the other like um go yeah dude we’re not going to be able to pull a TNT cannon off we need something and you’re telling me we can’t go gather Intel before we do anything else we just have to full send it first time we show up do you want to go gather Intel bad it’s so bad do you know anyone feel like we should yeah we could but TR like if there’s multiple chunk bands we’re only prepared to do one all right you want to do Intel I I want to do Intel okay all right let’s do Intel then yeah okay okay are we going in guys don’t say a word they’re it’s active cards there’s active cards okay take off your take off your yes yes yes yes yes I know I know don’t say anything don’t say anything okay go I’m going in for 2 minutes then coming out me too for [Music] [Music] guys there are three chunk bands why is the last one so L dude wait where were the other I only saw one there were dude there were there were three there was one at the top one in the center one at the bottom of the volcano one at the top one even if you get rid of one and the bot wait yes in the air at the center and then also in the air at the bottom and then where was the third one by the lava wait I only saw the one by the lava so there’s two more above it in the air yes there’s two yeah yeah yeah but they’re all in the volcano guys what do we do wait I just thought of something oh sorry I keep wait wait wait I just thought of something insane okay guys okay do you guys have fire charges yeah toss me them okay guys oh wait wait give me a lever give me a give me a button give me a button give me button give me a button there’s a button there’s a button there’s a button does this actually blow up or does it just set stuff on fire it just set stuff on fire does a cobweb burn I that’s what I was about to say I don’t know if it does wait wait wait try the wait what what if there’s an item in the cobweb try wait does it light the surface of the cobweb but after testing we realized that fire charges wouldn’t work our last idea was TNT mine carts which if used correctly could blow up a massive area Okay so the way that TNT mine carts work is should I get rid of this let’s say you even if you only take six so you start stacking them in case like that’s a pretty good trajector all right should we just put a couple TNT mine carts on yeah let’s do it all right let’s empty the whole box okay D some stuff I’m going to put the TNT mine cut down yeah start [Music] stacking okay you want to test it no we need more than that are you kidding me dude we just used two Shuler boxes bro wait you filled up wait I I still have some okay see the issue with this is that we have to be able to do this undetected cuz like that took us a while to put all of them down yeah but we can kind of do this like enclosed in a block right like there can be blocks all around it like this so it’s going to be one this is going to blow up this is please so do we know what what 45 it’s going to go it depends on which okay so if I shove it from this side it goes this way if I shove it from this side it goes this way yeah yeah W I like that I like that okay that would probably hit the first to wait did it hit did it blow up when it hit the lava or when it hit a block cuz that’s important to know let’s test let’s try Dro lava um yeah yeah let’s lava lava for real bro that’s perfect the volcano is going to be the downfall of this base I know I know yes dude yes I love this okay okay wreck bring like 20 shulkers of TNT Minecarts bro so we devised a plan while dapu did his best to distract the guards I would be sending off flying machines that latched onto the chunk bands and destroyed their redstone in the meantime Rec RP would be blowing up TNT mine carts From Below okay yeah all right I’m good to go I’m quite frankly terrified bro this is should easily our hard not easily our hardest one so we can almost guarantee it’s not going to reach the top one though right 15 yeah we’re going to have to break the top one somehow so flying machines yes all right let’s do it okay yeah so the three of us made our way to to the nether prison without having any idea of what we were about to go up against dude this looks insane bro yeah can’t be having any glare you know what I mean dude look at this bro yeah stay down stay down stay down get down get down down here dude that was sord that was sword that was sord that was sord oh my God okay my vote is we go around the right side so the the south end and just try to sneak there invisible all me up and then just make down down down they’re guarding the entrance bro you’re guarding the entrance who’s going to use the entrance we’re freaking mining in right yeah we’re not using the entrance bro screw that here comes the corner real quick okay okay okay okay um dude I don’t even have inventory space Oh and Fire Res too there okay just just I’m going to okay yeah let’s go let’s go let’s flying and you have a totem bro be careful this way this way okay I’m like I’m going to mute up bro yeah me too me too on the right side on the right side follow me follow me ready okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don’t fly near the chunk B [Music] bro the cheating weers bro w he what the flame saurin saurin where where over here bro heard some block breaking sounds Su says yo you heard that you heard that right oh no no yeah okay no no they here they here they here I’m set up a d di di dig dig dig dig I’m setting up a h Beacon hurry set one up bro hurry that crap bro over here yep you can I can hear him right now I can hear him right now get flame where’s flame uh he’s going down the [Music] staircase I heard it down I heard it down [Music] found one I found one I found you found one I I I like I I saw I saw when elytra pass and like like they like dug and yeah we saw you chasing someone bro we saw like okay we have to be careful though they like to use uh they like to use decoys a lot so I’m going to keep going around de yeah okay dang it bro like I was so close [Music] [Music] go back bruh see if you find anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bro n bro it’s flame thring to his death right now nah bro bro gets on my gets on bro gets on me for eating door Dash bro but then he’s s on here eating some food bro and now now he thinks he’s so slick nah hold on bro Flame [Music] [Music] all right I take the lava nothing is he still eating bro yeah oh but when I take time with you I get dunked in lava I’m EA freaking Hershey bro how long does it take to eat Hershey bro it’s a big big bar bro oh it’s one the king siiz ones yeah yeah yeah you may as well be eating that sandwich I ate bro but like like [Music] of course of course that’s what I do methan yo stop fishing running me bro bro I almost freaking popped okay wait let’s think about wait wait wait wait wait sh I was okay I was about no no no I thought I heard footsteps it’s probably just us okay no no no no you weren’t here yet hold on wait let’s sh down yo this not natural yo yo yo yo yo come wait what’s this wait wait wait what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s this I I I found another brick I found another brick wait where where’s flame I’m about to go get flame M flame was the one that was here most recently but why would they M just that nether brick Oh tunnel tunnel tunnel th [Music] I saw like a there’s tunnels all over here yeah yeah wait what yeah I saw like sorry bro it’s me bro sorry sorry y something Sho shoot him make him glow bro make him glow [Music] who is this bro I’m right on you [Music] [Music] bro oh shoot I did not hit him I L still down I got the indicator [Music] going going back through [Music] no right [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on please please work wait do you guys not see okay no how the heck am I supposed to stop that bro wait what what does that even do wait that mess up our bro there’s a flying machine the middle there’s yo where’s it coming from wait what direction is I don’t know it’s over here here I hear laughing bro what bro I thought I heard something I hear laughing I hear laughing bro I hear laughing I hear block placing too bro like in here I’m trying to dig must it must been above must have been above it cuz look at where play look build how been y [Music] level wait right here right here right here oh [Music] the try and dig from the other side here see if you can like cut them off oh I hear block placing nether it’s you I’m break I’m breaking [Music] down there’s a little tunnel here too wait it’s not that is that that there’s Cobble deep slate here yep there’s nobody here bro who is this bro dick dig dick dick dick dig D you’re deep slate but is that you or who else is here [Music] [Music] [Music] t [Music] [Music] [Music] put that m g over here bro no bro freaking Obby [Music] bro could hear you burning could also hear you going down next to me oh there you [Music] par it oh your enies ran out how much long you last out bro I have any more Turtle Master bro no no no no no no [Music] wayu you get out you’re not there bro get out I don’t have strength and I hear in a light that’s me that’s me hello oh bro I was right on them wait whose choker is this wait oh this has to be their shoker wait un Crouch un crouch crouch I’m I’m I’m on Crouch I’m on Crouch I’m right here I’m below you I’m below you I’m below you was that you just what no all right I’m going get out of here all right I’m going to look for then [Music] yo break it break it bro bro no no he’s down here’s he’s down here he’s down here he’s down here right here right here right here Lan fr’s not again bro parrot where’s parrot I see tunnel I see tunnel see here I think we went down oh my God so much Netherrack here bro I can’t be B to M through all that fing obsidian right here right here what he trying to finish try to complete it someone like completely demolished this flying machine about completely oh all right all right okay okay okay we need to keep an eye on this Area OB like this is like around the pl wait this like a suspicious very suspicious line of freaking Netherrack yeah never mind bro wait does it align with L if if it aligns with the thing no it’s not them then probably really yeah but like okay it should be like the deciding factor bro bro so I swear to God bro one of them were hiding there bro and you freaking [Music] dude dude all we where we just got destroyed bro dude is even out I don’t think so I haven’t seen him I haven’t seen him since like the moment we got in dude we couldn’t I destroyed one of them I destroyed the middle I saw I saw I was about to help you with the the bottom one and then they were like onto me already yo that was terrible that was bad that was where you at how even get one flying machine off I don’t get it they didn’t expect it coming so by the time they realized it was already in the chunk B on but oh my gosh dude bro I launched two yeah I and they stopped both of them I launched and they both of my TNT things blew up literally blew up in my face they blew up in the air hor that was so bad dude we’re never going to be able to get wees out bro dude that was dude they were just so they were on lock bro they knew exactly what they were doing like they were patrolling every single area they were mining up like anytime I Peak through the side of the volcano walls I just instantly knew it’s like what could we even do bro yeah we need more people dude that was actually like oh my gosh bro that was horrible that was oh my go I’m glad we Brew total yeah Turtle Master saved my life bro bro that was so annoying I was trying the entire time anything bro we like we need to plan better I know like it just yeah I know what do we do what do we do I nearly ran out of stuff man here I’m going to turn on my AC real quick but in reality this wasn’t even the biggest problem we had because we still had no idea what that new server crashing piece of technology was so to try and get some more answers the three of us made our way to the Zam Empire once again we need to figure out what this is bro this thing this piece of technology we ready to go in yeah let’s do [Music] it Knock knock hello yeah what where is he at his second throne room oh my gosh it’s thundering it is thundering hello oh all right guys how are you guys back what we need another meeting bro you need to stop showing up here what the oh he it’s the jail we freed him from one of your present hey man yeah you you did it you got one of them that’s cool that’s nice how does that make you feel wow it’s um not the greatest how’d you get him out what you know we do have a a bit of a reputation Zam we got we got some tricks of our up Our Sleeve Zam Zam we just destroyed your ocean Vault we just destroyed your jungle Vault we’ve been telling yes bro okay interesting we just have one question though mhm what is that thing what thing you going have to be more specific there are a lot of a lot of things that go into prisons uh I mean I I assume you know like we already set it off cuz the entire server crashed like three different times okay so that thing good that thing I was worried I thought you guys find the diamond sniffer particle accelerator okay that is not that is not that does not exist cap cap no that is called a memory ban okay so you just told us that thanks yeah I’m not dang you must be really confident of it just I’m not worried it’s called a memory band yeah so what like what is a memory band okay I told you the name of it I’m not going to tell you exactly how it functions I feel like that would be stupid I I feel like I’ve already I’ve already made a bit of a mistake telling you guys the name but whatever I’m I’m confident I’m confident it’s fine [Music] and this is the new technology you were talking about this meally yes yeah and the diamond the diamond sniffer particle my diamond sniffer particle accelerator I mean yes please yes you’re not supposed to be here yes get out of here yes how many times are you going to show up here like I feel like at some point I have to start killing you actually actually I do have one question I do have one question so we’ve been seeing um some of the same guards across different prisons which means that guards are probably cycling around prisons right I’m not answering that what you no like I’m just thinking like yeah I mean it makes sense like that would mean there’s some way to get inside the shut up nothing yeah so yeah no so I was just curious like the the spoke prison um is that like a dedicated team or do you also cycle guards on that one too I don’t know parrot is it a dedicated team or do I cycle the [Music] guards what do you think yeah we’re going to break in bro all right let’s get out of here look at this R we got parent recor r going break fck get out of my property get out of here you guys need to leave I don’t know why you guys keep showing up here this place sucks yeah this place sucks bro shut you got some nice PLS out the [Music] front well I think that was successful I think okay so what that was like sorry no you’re good so I think there’s a way that guards are getting in and out of there which means that there’s a way through this memory band mhm my question is how you hold on to this spy glass this is my prized spy glass like this thing you don’t understand this thing means so much to me bro so if something happens to you that spy glass is gone okay I mean I I appreciate it y it’s all yours but as much as I wanted to break wees out I knew how much this memory band would complicate things so without knowing what to do the three of us headed to the next prison hoping to expand the team dude look at this thing bro like oh wow oh that just loaded in yeah it’s like a snow globe you know snow snow globes are friendly invis then yeah yeah invis invis invis okay I Fire Res too okay all right same armor flashing or I’ll I’ll flash spy glass okay just just keep it on lock [Music] [Music] reck re K who is this it’s I I found something really weird up here bro my my frame it gets laggy bro what dude do you see this what the look bro why I don’t know why is there so many wait there’s a beacon down there why are there so many drowned what is the point of this I think we should go in there why don’t we go a bit this way cuz if it’s right there it physically can’t be in the Jun P guys guys guys over here over here over here bro Reed flash flash flash flash they’re no no no we’re on top we’re above above wait do you see my to you guys are all the way up here I see I see I see guys guys come this way okay here hypothetically if the chunk band stretches they couldn’t have even covered up the top bro so if we break in through the top go this way go this way I’m also not getting mining fatigue up here yeah same I’ll mine the lower block okay I’m on the on the top down I’m I’m going just stand behind oh my gosh this this this oh oh this it guys guys guys all right we actually have to patrol this [Music] thing Psy oh hi sa yeah we got why is just a hole here [Music] bro where we what I this I swear I heard the Rapture bro wait really wait so why aren’t you saying anything yo I thought it was you bro wait so you thought you so he thought you heard the rapu then you said then you thought it was me yeah he was like it was like here are you a bum bro where that hole was tell me now are you a bum why are you inside the that’s not inside the chunk band it’s like it’s like a little bit extra it’s like that is the radi of it it’s not like actually just there’s like a hole in there [Music] all right I’mma so follow me man yeah let’s go all right all right you two you two listen listen we’re going to we’re going to do this okay cuz shouldn’t we shouldn’t me and cyer be with one of you two because like I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t know if Psy knows what he’s dosy knows what he’s doing now go with them I’m going to I’m [Music] is this you guys someone smash me with [Music] spash oh my gosh dude oh my god get on the other block get on the other block get on other block other block other block holy cow he almost just got chunk banned bro I’m so sorry [Music] yeah just be careful that you don’t go into the CH I don’t think they did all this you’re all the way to the left right so like yeah I’m all the way to the right I’m just scared cuz like they’ve been breaking into all these pris well I mean they failed to break into some of them right yeah I’m just scared cuz we don’t have like Willie was lowkey kind of smart with it so yeah [Music] anyways why don’t you just what the okay Mr keyboard [Music] sounds okay I thought they trying to be slick they’re going to oh they’re going to blow it up they blew up something bro they blew up something where where are they I heard wck I heard wck bro that’s that’s under us bro I saw it you say Crouch right away so like they don’t they don’t like pinpoint where you are and try to make minimal noises with your [Music] SP oh wait I think it’s still there I think trunk B’s still there still there don’t go don’t go don’t get too close oh wait yo yo T bro I see one of them I see one of them oh the okay I’m just going to hope that like that doesn’t like how’s it going guys oh we got Lu t uh no I actually don’t element I Elemental why did [Music] you bro they are where they I see his name kill him bro to kill yes hold on wait is our thing still there they’re pulling up more TNT I hope it’s not a lot no oh we’re good we’re good I mean it’s broken it’s broken you guys should give up yeah stop we can have a civil discussion oh no it’s gone it’s gone like wait we talk about the best kind of someone else is here I I saw I saw freaking waffles waffles okay waffles gotcha iard oh that was unintentional but even with wrap’s TNT distraction after realizing that the guards were on to us I headed back up to the top of the prison to come up with another game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] plan oh my gosh I got to leave no you’re he CRA there’s no way there’s no way [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s dude up hurry up please this should absolutely hidden there’s no way there’s no way this has to work [Music] okay on [Music] my gosh bro D done is this thing cooked or not let me know bro wait bro there’s a sign should should we go should we go to it oh wait par right here bro what oh no no no he’s kicked I had milk I had milk I had milk okay par too bye-bye buddy nice leaving bro [Music] [Music] care holy cow dude I oh my gosh look on the bright side is like one less prison right we actually took a W for once again finally dude finally and to our surprise when we made it back to our base we realized that we had freed another potential teammate from the previous prison yo yo oh my gosh oh my gosh yo thank God bro checking out my inventory so much you’re welcome bro you’re welcome we finally got somebody El welcome back welcome to the team thank you oh my god well actually reck we haven’t even asked him yet oh I mean we did we did break him out of a high security broke out of a high security prison and it’s pretty fun it’s pretty fun feel like should make the offer though here so we just broke you out of a Maximum Security Prison um I know our past isn’t the very best Eva M oh it’s not no it’s I mean I mean it’s it’s not as bad as like me and spoke bro or me and Wu but we were wondering if you would like to join us and help break your little friends out of the rest of these chunk band prisons under one condition what is that once we break all of your friends out we go for spokes prison nah we got pretty good refresh and Dent I’m just kidding I I’ll join you guys let’s freaking go let’s freaking go dude you don’t understand how hard it is to like 3v4 people bro fan was easily the most skilled player out of all of us and we knew that having him on our team would be incredibly helpful but most importantly F explain that he knew the whereabouts of a prison that was floating in the sky so we made some preparations and prepared to fly over oh wait do you guys have fireworks yeah yeah we should lowkey have a lot of fireworks yeah having a lot of fireworks is really good like last coup of prison okay I can’t see hear you wait what yeah yeah all right yeah let’s do it think we’re ready [Music] yeah so what’s the plan okay so they’re they’re all in the middle right they’re all in the middle are they I don’t I don’t know where else they’d be okay wait wait no come over here I’m inis smart I’m going to like mute up this entire time put on your chest plate yeah CH okay we ready yeah yeah yeah I think I think we just go and try to spot where they are first let’s do all right I’m M up all [Music] right dude we should have gotten blocks bro we should have gotten more blocks dude this thing is gigantic bro dude what bro this is pretty crazy are they just bro wait is this unguarded honestly is it looks unguarded there’s nobody usually there’s like guards out on the station so unless they’re all inside are we just about to walk in here and destroy this thing oh oh I I see I see the thing in the middle is that it that’s a chunk that’s a chunk that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it wait Did we just go in do we um I mean there’s no one here kind of looks free yeah quickly let’s just quickly do it can we go in here nobody’s here wait what I see like things on the ground though like were they here just quickly do it just quickly do it just just build it just build it just bu it just be careful be careful sh shut up shut up shut wait what the the heck is this actually unguarded guys guys guys guys guys guys guys y yo stay down stay down people top see [Music] that you want I just saw something at the top oh yeah I saw them too oh I see him I see him did they wait oh they see me they see me let’s get out get they see us they see us all right let’s get out behind me behind behind me up here up here y yo just take this 3v one bro help help just don’t guys do not step over the Sandstone do not do not step over the Sandstone oh shoot dude here comes main pair uh-oh okay ow guys got okay yo yo yo yo guys we’re already guys guys okay dip dip dip guys guys get out get out get out get out get oh my gosh get out hey don’t leave bro y there’s only three of them there’s only three of them please don’t leave oh my God but you see this was our entire plan because with all of the guards lured out of the actual prison Rec RP was still inside invisible and preparing to destroy the chunk band oh this guy’s dead oh that’s beautiful bro yo drop with no like bro are you going to take this fight and not die oh oh no no you oh my wait wait bro oh yo who is this invis attacking hello why am I oh they popped you with invis I’m pretty sure oh God bro I’ve been fighting you oh that’s unfortunate yo where are they y who’s this who’s this who’s this it’s me it’s me it’s me me guys guys guys guys we are getting heavy drop we are getting heavy drop get oh oh this guy’s almost de oh now I’m almost dead okay [Music] there I’m I’m following you I’m following you dude I need help bro badly badly badly badly badly where did bro where is dapu dapu guys guys guys I’m so screwed just leave us what you came into the wall no no that’s not us we’re inis [Music] [Laughter] oh this is so [Music] annoying F bro F I need help I’m trying I’m trying okay 2v one 2 V1 2 V one [Music] yes yes what the hell yes we destroyed oh what yo yo bro just oh okay that’s crit him out crit him out we can drop him right here right here right here right here I’m on 10 Hearts bro oh he’s done he’s done he’s done I want 10 Hearts oh bro what the who is this who is this who is this it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me I need more fireworks I need more fireworks badly okay okay down here down here down here down here where where where where’d you go where’d you go right here right here here right here right here go go go watch which one do we drop him now dude I don’t know you you it’s fully broken right I think so it look three flying machines at it it looks fully broken yeah it looks fully broken okay we need to find the rest of them yo I think dapu and B actually taking a 2v4 right now are we all good are we all good we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got out we got to out yo wait dude they’re all on us they’re all on us over here over here on this island on this island on this island hey buddy 3 one 3 one 3 V one 32 32 bro oh wait what oh there goes oh sky is so low yo skyer disrespectful bro uh-oh guys guys guys guys guys help oh my God I’m unable to crit it’s a 3v one 3v one guys guys guys we got to help toap you right now help toap you help toap you m fighting main pair I don’t know over over here over here he fell out of the we see we see them he’s he’s flying back right here right what where derap you derap you where’d you go yo where did this kid go wait what where did derap just oh over here over here over here D you follow us follow us follow us follow us this way this way that’s good guys guys guys 34 3v4 3v4 34 yeah we’re taking he’s on the Run he’s on the Run oh we’re behind us behind us come here bro bro bro broo bro he’s low where’s where’s where’s he’s flying he’s flying he’s flying who’s this who’s this nice oh so dead bro guys guys guys we just got to dip dip dip dip D sure yes yes yes yes we got to get out guys guys get out get out get out F get out B get out we’re going we’re going going run run follow me follow me follow me yeah follow follow him yeah we got to just oh is re coming with us and although the prison felt easy it was clear that this was only because fan had taken on most of the weight for us constantly engaging in outnumbered fights to try and leave space for recp to destroy the chunk ban and it must have taken a toll on him because when we got back to the base he was nowhere to be found I had like five I had like five people on me bro yeah I mean I just feel like that was launch the Flying Machine three times yeah that I think that I hit the hopper and then I went above it and then I hit it it was bad bro it was bad but we got the job at least we hit it it was pretty quick though like I feel like we actually got out of the like the fosses out of all them it was a quicker prison I mean I’m just skeptical bro cuz like that’s the problem that’s just an easy prison and like if Zam if what Zam was actually saying is true then I don’t know guys I’m going to be honest I I don’t think it’s possible like what no like everything I don’t I don’t think it’s possible you got to believe you got to believe this is the greatest prison breaking team on like we’re going to get we’re get them we’re going to get them all out winner mentality winner mentality three of us have gone through so many prisons bro with you now like like what like can I show you guys something real quick yeah oh crap wait what this what okay okay okay sure just follow me real quick okay okay okay what is what uh just land on the land on the Cobblestone and don’t CR CH yeah what is this oh so I don’t I don’t know how we’re going to get past any other prison to be fair because yeah obviously we’ve we’ve yo yo yo yo chillo bro yo wait you’re not chunk Banning yourself right now are you you guys realize that every time it’s just a greater and greater prison it’s going to be harder and harder it’s just like yeah but we build a team we’ll build a team and we’ll figure we’re better and better we’re better and better we got fans on our side now we we just got you out he’s not going to walk into the chunk band do you guys want to does anyone want to you know come with me stop no no no no you’re not going through you’re not going through right this is possible bro this is possible it’s possible fans stop fans F it’s not possible it’s not possible this is it’s an impossible task what makes you say that we barely even got we barely even survived the sky prison it’s it’s just dude we can get more people bro we can get more people more hold up hold up hold up hold up anybody got a fishing rod anybody got a fishing rod so what is your plan why are you doing it why are you doing this I just don’t I I don’t want to die I just don’t want die you’re going to chunk ban yourself instead I mean you can’t even play on the server what’s the point that’s Bro Look I made this close to the base so if anyone wants to later on follow me then fre do so hold up dude he’s actually banned all why I was not expecting that we spent so much time literally trying to get him out all of that just for him to just do that yo promis me right now you are not joining this kid bro I’m in it to the end parrot I’m in it to the end I’m in it to the end okay dude oh my gosh bro we just lost we’re back so bad it’s back to us f is so good too oh my gosh I don’t even know what to say bro that was crazy [Music] we can get him out like yeah but he’s not going to join us he’s not going to join us he’s just going to build another one or repair this one and ban himself again it’s his decision dang we just get more people on the team then like we still need the numbers we’re down to three dude this makes me question everything bro cuz like now if we okay I realistically know one or two more people that would join us but like dude if like fan is good at this game bro and if if he’s going to quit on us like that like I I guess I kind of see where he’s coming from like we could have genuinely died there but I don’t know what do you mean you see his point of view okay no I don’t see his point I don’t see his point I don’t see his point but it’s just like if we’re going to three other people and we’re going to put our lives on the line for that and this is like the potential outcome I don’t know all right let’s head back to the base all [Music] right yeah that’s actually crazy I don’t even I don’t know what to say [Music] bro that that Loki sets us back a lot yep you know we we can’t we can’t get down on the dumps though guys we can’t get down on the dumps we’re here to win we got to act like it yeah we don’t have Fant it sucks it’s going to make it harder we had three people at one point you know what we did we broke into a prison we did we did thing is like every single pris we’ve been to there’s more and more Gods it was we would just we would just like balance for once finally it would be like a 4v4 yeah now I swe like next dude it’s about to be like a 3v6 bro so do we even try to break these other people out or do we just go for like I mean we dude we need more people bro yeah we we need more people we need more what’s the next fa what’s the next one who we breaking out next do we do we really know jumper oh where is she I don’t know she’s either in there’s there’s one other prison that we haven’t broken into yet and then there’s the volcano one which we failed on and then the end one so completely shocked about what fan had done we realized that if we really wanted to break past this memory ban and into the prison we wouldn’t be able to do it with just the three of us and the truth was that we didn’t really have a choice but to keep breaking into these prisons so are we good like do we just go and break into the prison now I think so what what prison is this one we have inel yeah this is uh this is in the end again oh okay okay okay the the end one we did previously or a different one different one oh okay here it is here it is okay okay [Music] okay what this guy’s render at bro wait what we’re on Star Trek okay okay guys guys be quiet be quiet be quiet be quiet y do you see the guards wait what was that yeah I see two hear that piston yeah [Music] yeah this oh this looks sick yo yeah I’m [Music] ring bro cooked yeah I’m there we go that’ll help yeah that’ll stop that’ll stop that’ll stop us that’ll stop me um I could fight neite but [Music] cards cards where’s the cards where’s the cards guys we can literally just hit a diagonal shot right now got got another one you have the cards you picked up both troller boxes ready all right ready guys two of us distract one one of us places the cards okay you guys need to distract how do we we’re going in guns of Blazing let’s freaking go CP where are these guards at where are these guards at where are these guyss at I see them I see them here stick with me stick with me stick with [Music] me oh my gosh oh my gosh Direct Hit Direct Hit Direct just like help help help okay take them out take them out take their guards out while they’re here weing their members yo how are you guys so outnumbered bro bro how do you find this Yoo we had a c he didn’t really show up today what my is on dut bro you’re sick today man I just you up I’m sorry bro it’s like a oh shoot oh shoot [Music] oh my gosh dude get out of here BR yo like lowy I don’t think we can take this dude yeah I don’t [Music] think oh sh they’re running they’re running they’re running you got to run no how do you get out of here Lopez just dipped Lopez just ran Lopez just ran now Lopez is gone they gone dude we just destroyed this bro we CED up dude wait wait where are you guys dude okay wait wait yo milk celebration bro milk celebration yeah wait wait okay let’s just bro what is this like maze bro where are we wait oh that’s wrong way that’s what I’m saying dude no Elder Guardians two guards bro like come on dude only dude you got a clean shot bro bro dude it wasit there’s nothing here like what I just blew it up that’s how do it baby dud I literally what I did was I went like this right and I had one open slot in my inventory and I was aimed at it and I went and then wait that’s so good bro what dude and then I just dude literally 10 seconds this thing was destroyed bro that’s insane holy cow bro okay back to home base celebration yeah I I mean what’s interesting to me is there were like I just feel like that was too easy bro dude like it’s looks so nice like what yeah not even that like two guards we were in and out in like 2 minutes when’s the last time we broke into a prison like never yeah never two guards dude two guards okay okay wo wo wo okay let’s think about this right cuz there’s four prisons left there was this one there was the volcano there’s the end there’s the other n one and then there’s the spoke prison mhm and if there’s two guards on this like where are the rest of the guards and unfortunately the chunk band that we had just destroyed had released a member of spokes team that had no interest in teaming with us again but since we were already in the end we did decided to stop by the end prison that recp and I had failed to break into at the very start is this are there even any guards here bro yo yo yo y there’s a guy right here right here right here yo yo doing here bro he’s eating something bro I’m eat my pizza bro yo yo chill chill chill yo please don’t hit me please please please please I’m eating my Pizza literally this ourour chance what are we doing the keep him distracted we’ll keep him distracted wait don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me okay okay I’m eating I’m you better eat that pizza eat that pizza bro 10 minutes no 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes yeah 10 minutes you can you can have this prison bro go ahead go ahead bro just go ahead all right all right this prison chill there I mean cuz it doesn’t matter cuz you’re not getting the spoke prison so it doesn’t even matter bro you have bro are you actually not even fighting back I’m eating bro like what do you want me to do bro here take some carot with that you need some veggies oh thanks I I hear Gold’s good for the digest hello he didn’t evenue on it too Barbecue on carrots no barbecue pizza oh yeah that’s a good pizza you americ think is done you never have barbecue Pizza well maybe not uh no I’ve had barbecue pizza that’s pretty good all right soing to the enemy like oh is it actually gone yeah all right our distracting Z really is that enjoy your wait wait okay wait wait yo yo yo yo yo flame H really that easy where are all you hear what he said bro I’m kind of scared what I’m so confused wait why are we fighting him though prison right leave bro we can just leave okay wait Wait Flame hold on where are all your guard I don’t know bro that’s that’s why I’m eating on the job bro fre it broa on the job is crazy I’m not I I can please stop you from leaving because U my food is um I don’t think you can we got ous bro oh yeah wait oh okay well I got an elyra too actually does he actually want to why why is it just one we we like just don’t need to fight him no you do cuz what are you going to do what I’m I’m I’m the best guard they have actually all right Dau let’s get out here yeah I bro stop taking me as a joke oh no bro you are a joke bro there’s no way actually following us I I really I don’t get this man did that really just happen yes sir bro I feel like we like got out of that like faster than the other one like we are beating records right now like what is going on it’s scaring me is what’s going on it is terrifying because if all the guards are not here it means that they’re somewhere else yeah but luckily by destroying the chunk band in the end prison we had freed a player named jumper who who arrived at our base a few minutes later yeah I mean it is kind of like 20,000 blocks out in each Direction yeah okay H oh thank God guys I’m back I did it yo what’s up all right you look like spoke right now oh shoot yeah yeah um I yeah that’s my bad um yeah do you have different armor yeah oh yeah you guys like know each other yeah I you okay so you know stop H with you’ll be fine with AES yeah we we got we got uh chunk ban in the same place did you and you got transported experience yeah and then we both got transported to once all right all right we have a meeting to do right here bro okay jumpers initiation so as you know we just broke you out of a prison and this was actually our second time coming back to the that like that’s how far we went to break you out of this dang anything to say that’s it I mean I really appreciate it and um the reason why we actually broke you out was because we need more people uhuh we were wondering just because we went so far to get you out of this would you join our team to break the final prison it’s pretty fun too ooh this is really tempting get to use a lot of potions TNT sneaking around thrilling dressing around potentially D I mean no dying actually I mean the other team dies personally okay no one else had the The Willpower to come break me out I was I really appreciate it and and it does sound like a pretty fun Excursion I mean I don’t know I’d be down oh it’s Aion yeah offici on the team let’s go yeah do we have a team initiating ritual nice that I guess I don’t know dude yeah this this would be better this is going to be better dude oh oh sorry sorry I just zoned out I dude I’m just trying to think of how we’re actually going to get past this thing bro like we you know any experts that could help us out maybe later I don’t know what what were you saying Cher we we pull up right and then we just like go in and destroy everything and win jump funny say that jumper jumper jumper what’s the point I don’t I don’t think I need I need to get run down what’s happening do we need some Recon we need a Rec oh we absolutely need some Recon I think we’ve all nearly individually died a solid five times each so my only thing is okay so jumper basically this prison is protected by something called a memory ban what is a memory oh wait I think I have an understanding of what that might be when you load a memory ban it crashes the server basically uhhuh that makes we have a hypothesis wait what what were what were you saying to WAP you how to get through oh um I was suggesting that we should like uh just go through the nether yeah I think that’s the way cuz there’s guards coming in and out mhm so we go through the Nether and just like avoid the memory band three okay that that makes sense honestly yeah yeah cuz it’s like a massive like perimeter so if we just go through the middle of it it should be fine only issue is we’re just going to bump into a bunch of gods that’s going to be the most awkward part a lot of guards yeah we’re going to be probably outnumbered by double but my primary focus was trying to figure out how to get past the memory band because if there were guards guarding this prison there was definitely a way to completely avoid so while recp dapu and jumper gathered some materials I began looking through the old footage I had of us setting off the memory band eventually arriving at a conclusion if I did my math correctly the memory ban does not cover the closest 500 to 600 blocks of the prison okay which means if we portal in we should be able to completely avoid it okay so to the nether to the nether all right H oh I’m lagging oh okay and eventually we made our way to a set of nether coordinates which if I calculated correctly would allow us to completely skip the memory ban and enter the area of the prison well I’m nervous okay okay guys I’m scared oh God fun let’s go don’t say that and just like I had calculated the memory band didn’t go off and the server didn’t crash we were in okay that’s good no it’s the Aussie he’s gone sorry sorry I I fell through the entire well just then all so where are we right now 17 uh in a lush cave should we try heading oh yeah surface is at 62 yeah we didn’t get chunk band or like okay here’s what we do here’s what we do okay yeah we didn’t get memory banned so we’re good hopefully and we’re like right by the prison okay two of us stay down here two of us go up okay uh okay so re here’s what we do all right we’ll go up reck turn on your replay mod and we just scan by the prison and then we we just go through it and replay once we get the scan okay okay all right sounds good let’s go okay you this I just go up okay come on up surface where are we it looks like we’re outside no no I don’t really know what it looks like I have no [Music] clue oh down down down down down down down down down down down down down down do you see that no I didn’t see it at all oh my gosh bro 30 32 bro do you see this 32 I’m going to lag bro okay I’m on 32 refreshing chunks oh my gosh oh my gosh wait pull up wait you have replay mod on right we got to record the interior it’s on it’s on it’s on it’s on it’s on we got to get closer though right all the interior dude what is this bro how you want to get this I don’t see any guards here let’s just go around the [Music] edge what uhoh uh-oh back CRA backra oh my gosh thr around go go go go go go what we what do we do what do we do what do we do fly fly fly fly fly fly do you have portal stuff do you have portal stuff no I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t wait are they after us watch out watch out there could be active chunk bands in here watch out watch out watch out okay okay take cover get in the trees get in this Force Dark o for we don’t want to set off the memory band though down here down here below below the T I don’t think they saw us dude that that was way too close bro this thing is massive do we know where the trunk bins are like is it covering this person too I thought it was just the outside no we need to get closer bro because I got inv here come back here you want to invis up yeah yeah yeah yeah do you know what you want like do we how much closer in do we need to get 32 chunks is a lot to render are we just getting replay yeah we’re just getting a replay but the problem is if there’s mobs in there cuz Zam was talking about piglin banners right yeah yeah yeah if there’s mobs in there like the problem is we won’t render them yeah we just need to get close enough okay okay okay we should be able to get the full SC shot of the thing [Music] AC yeah go they’re right there take everyone rocks do you see me where are you oh I see I see I see fireworks are yo I wait I heard wait yo yo dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip why were they en this I’m chasing [Music] him [Music] or yo speak up where my arm up y r crap R crap help me [Music] my gosh dude bro oh yes dude where did you guys all come from [Music] get him bro there’s six people oh rec oh my gosh my mic off the time where you at somewhere over here [Music] yo hello guys wait wa wait uh par needs our quartz um I don’t know how late he sent this I’m not going to lie yeah so I sent that 4 minutes ago buddy lock in oh hey so hey um Rec RP’s in trouble like badly bro yeah what happened what happened getting chased by like the whole server like right now should we go help like are you good can we go help I don’t even know bro okay what’s the plan what’s what’s the exact plan what are we doing someone make an escape tunnel somewhere I’m going to go and try and find down here there is like two but they’re not great but they’re Escape tunnels okay okay I just need to find them Rec Up’s safe he’s coming down really yeah we got the blue yeah oh nice awesome okay we have just no idea what this prison actually looks like that’s just the one problem do you get a glimpse of what it looks like we dude it’s insane bro okay it’s insane okay oh God yeah this this might be really tough but it’s okay oh reck I hear you hello dude where did where where are I can’t believe I got in the wall I’m over here I’m coming I’m coming slowly okay well I’m glad you’re Al welcome back dude pearls plus elytra only way to get rid of those guys dude they were dude they just instantly hard targeted you bro dude no wait did that help you though I can’t I mean I got out I got out okay nice nice I’m pretty sure they thought I was you or something I I don’t even know bro I don’t even know did you guys go in there and invis or okay reck do you want to pull up your replay so we can look at this yeah yeah yeah you hop in a group VC yeah let’s do that okay okay okay okay okay all right all right all right let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see okay okay awesome yeah I’m fast forward a bit where we’re actually close oh wow oh my God yeah um what’s the interior look like cuz that’s actually what matters empty wait what wait there’s a chunk band somewhere though oh my gosh what is this what is that what is this wait is this the chunk band is this the memory band there’s chest wait wait wait wait wait keep looking keep looking around oh you kidding me guys what are we doing bro why are we going in this like actually the chunk that’s the chunk is this solid we’re in solid obsidian yeah so wait we can’t break that how what wait what is this this isn’t a chunk B that’s a piglin band bro that one that what is that piglin bands have longer radiuses than normal chunk bands because how does it work it’s a it’s a piglin it’s a baby piglin holding uh a shulker box wait what’s our goal here break in and then do what destroy the chalk Pand at the okay so how are we supposed to do that okay what is the CH what do we need to destroy I just don’t think the piglins are rendered in where would they be though you see that center block at the very yeah there in here yeah yes bro that’s it look that’s a disp that’s a dropper that drops the Shuler box let you saw some of the go wait wait I feel like we should like see like what it looks like though right cuz like we didn’t get to see it what are the gods looking like like what was the situation six of them oh you can we can I can show you the chase that I would love to see dude I was getting chased by five people bro oh this is where we meet up this is where we meet up and that’s me on the left down there yeah dude but wait so did you guys not like actually enter the building no okay guys guys guys guys guys I thought of a crazy idea you got away I thought of a crazy idea I thought of a insane idea bro okay what IDE we need to get back on the server all right let’s be real for a second if there’s six guards no matter what we do we’re not breaking into this thing okay okay the only way we’re going to be able to even start breaking into this thing is if we get rid of the guards first okay so that’s a good play I have an idea it’s interesting because it’s so hard to kill people when they’re flying right like even just then re you were getting 6 V1 elytra getting chased down but still somehow you manage to escape but that’s why they’re going to be so confident while they have elytras on they’re dude they’re just like a pack of hornets bro they like they they see you and then they all run towards you with their elyt so that got me thinking what if we somehow created a fly catcher I’m misten sorry oh what Why cat so I lowkey just came up with this term on the spot but okay catcher more listen to this listen to this ready three chunk bands underground laid side by side by side someone gets all six guards on them yes exactly right and this if we do this correctly it means we cover okay so these are the three chunk bands right so if we do this correctly the the three chunk bands in total will be 32 + 6 4 + 64 + 32 192 blocks across with three chunk bands okay imagine if one of us is just flying with a pack of six of them behind you and you just fly straight over all six of them get banned at the same time and one of us has to be how how long is the delay between flying into the trunk and getting banned so you’re saying somebody just flies straight into the chunk band and we don’t like activate it as they’re flying yeah yeah it’s that’s too risky we not like how long is the delay like they have to be close on you second 1 second literally they start seeing everybody disappearing then they might Veer yeah but that’s the thing I don’t think they will Veer they’re so they think they’re so strong bro they have some of this like the craziest pvpers and realistically it doesn’t make sense for them to get dropped yeah yeah honestly you have a point I feel like you actually have a point here we can’t like make a stasis okay well should we start building the thing we inside later yeah let’s do it okay I’ll just think about it but as I thought about it dapu did have a point we could set up a stasis chamber and all four of us could potentially survive so we started heading up to the surface to get started on this so-called fly catcher which if we pulled off successfully would’ be able to temporarily ban every single guard off of the server okay this chunk [Music] okay it doesn’t even have to be that low under bro but what we do is so go 64 to the right of this and then tunnel in 32 64 to the right yeah 64 to the right 64 to the left yo yo is this good yeah yeah can you mine out this way though 302 this way and then make the make the thing 3 to this way oh wow okay this this better this perfect um we need to set up Redstone though do you just want to start doing that sure yeah yeah just make sure the repeater don’t go more than 15 like make sure it’s like 12 in between each repeater and as I were trapped near completion I prepared to head out and mark the boundaries of the chunk band yeah we’re going to let him cook all right there’s Redstone in the sh what does this one look like reck you can set up the book band shers right yeah I got I got Redstone in my stash if you guys need some here I’m going to set up the pillars above okay okay I got you [Music] but this was going to be risky no matter what once our chunk bands were activated any player who crossed in between these two Cobblestone pillars would instantly get banned off the server and once the boundary was fully marked I headed back to debrief everyone on the final plan all right BR is this going to do do we need a repeater feeding into that one I don’t think so no no we we calculated you can test it real quick if you want all right I’m running oh my God please all right yeah ni okay the thing is Decor we don’t know okay so someone needs to be on the stasis bro okay because jumper the mo like when you’re about to cross the Cobblestone you need to message whoever you have to have this ready okay so all right Parker you’re on stasis I’m on yeah yeah let me throw the here we go your life is in my or my life is in your hands okay I got you I got you don’t worry all right yeah we’ll just stay here to rap you cuz re on stasis D all right okay what’s exactly what I’m doing all right when okay so you’re going to see two Cobblestone pillars up there actually I’m going to show you I’m going to show you this all right all right all right okay okay guys guys we do not need four people up here bro I’m down i’ like to know what’s happening yeah okay okay yeah so basically do you see that Cobblestone pillar over there I did yeah okay so when you fly so presumably right you’re going to be coming in from the direction of the prison okay yeah and when you fly in between these Cobblestone pillars the chunk bands are going to we’re going to set the chunk bands off uhhuh yeah yeah that’s you’re going to come from this direction um make sure you have all six of them on you okay and we’re just going to fly around until I have all six and then yeah book it for here okay okay I got it I got it all right all right let’s head back all right I’m pulling as soon as you sending me that message yeah jumper literally send that message like okay you just got to make sure you’re unlock the I’m going to have it I’m going to have it I’m going to have it ready I’m going to have the message ready yeah yeah you just like are cruising with it ready and help me okay that’s what I’m going to send you just got out of a got it got it got it and help will come um yeah I mean I have it ready so I can just go like this jumper I wish you luck bro good luck Good Luck Good good luck I just all six of them on me okay I’ll just fly around for a while make sure all six are on you and then like just full send make sure to give w a heads up okay give w a heads up as like okay I’m I’m about to head over there and then like 20 blocks before you cross through the thing send help and Rex’s going to pull it and yeah yeah re you got that oh my God first message is heads up second is pull mhm all right got it all right jumper good luck bro thank you all right yeah hopefully we should actually hear you come in or SE okay oh my god oh this is going to be interesting let me me God Apple okay I’m all right I’m going to set off the chunk band who has a button who has a button I do toss me this I’m going to Bro oh my all right ready oh hey guys hey hey what’s up okay let’s calm down for a second okay let’s calm down let’s we don’t got to kill me okay no no no hey hey hey it’s called it’s called Let Me Be Alive okay all right let’s back all right the chunk B [Music] yo what are we doing what are we doing that was so fast did it work did it go wait whatst B okay they okay I did it a fast what just Happ okay I’m not going to lie I did it early cuz I was scared but they just kept flying cuz they were like spamming Rock like they were like they were like this spamming Rockets to kill me so they just flew straight in it’s just us on the server it’s literally just we just chunk Bann every single guard that was so quick they were just all standing in front of the prison I fly over and they’re like oh jump you’re a kill on site and then they just like spam fireworks like this like they didn’t even gradually use them so it just screwed them over oh my God that headset message was really good that was really good was so seconds that was like 10 seconds yeah bro I was every single one of them okay okay okay wait okay just be careful yeah be careful of the chunk bands okay guys follow me follow me follow me follow this way this way this way all right let’s go over here so we don’t we really just did that bro yeah there’s no way oh my God although we had banned every guard that was on duty we knew that if we didn’t act fast Zam wouldn’t hesitate to send more guards to the area but lucky for us it was almost past midnight already and we knew that we had at least a good six or so hours before everybody started waking up again and if that wasn’t enough I’d gotten another player to agree to help us y dud the goat the goat has a r you not have team is this who you’re talking about yeah yo Canadian hey yo what’s good Canadian is one of the best prison escapists in the entire game in fact the prison that we were about to break into had defenses that Canadian himself had invented if anyone was going to help us break in it was going to be him okay okay yo yo yo we got to we we got to actually make quick work of this prison though because if if War gets around to the rest of Zam Empire that we chunkban six of their guards they’re not going to be happy all right welcome to the team uh sorry for short notice we need to break into this as fast as possible should be easy all right perfect me do you want to run show you a replay yeah we can show you a replay file of what it looks like okay that’s actually really helpful thank you okay okay here should we join the Discord call yeah yeah let’s do it yep okay all right yeah let’s look at this so uh Zam was telling us he said like lava grid Adam grid he said one other thing uh he was talking about piglin bands I think this is what we’re working with mhm so we have a suspected Central ban and four outer ones which we we thought maybe are piglins and then definely I foxes yeah either fo you can put armor on piglins so okay proba so Point me where you want what do well what what what y level is everything at first of all this is at 105 the lava uh the Bottom’s at 33 Okay where what level are the pigling gaps at so here’s a thing I don’t know if you have the resources for this or the time okay but Nether Portals can be generated as low as y equal 70 in hindsight I was going to say TNT mine cart can damage entities from 22 blocks away M so 70- 22 is 48 which is below the ban which means that would be within range but you would need several thousand TNT mine carts for that several thousand yeah but luckily Canadian had another idea that wouldn’t require this many resources to pull off um do you know how to make a Wither boore not even sort of great uh neither do I but I know how to figure it out okay here’s the idea I’m thinking of okay there’s a really cheap trick you can do to get through any defenses like this if you send a Wither Bo over them to sort of expose the liquids mhm you you expose the liquids and you then you send a second set of flying machines that have like um sponges and that’ll drain all the water and and then the the defense just doesn’t work anymore I think this this outer wall is outside the radius of the piglin band but are you sure yeah I’m sure I’m sure it’s this is yeah this is this is 52 outside yeah okay all right okay I think this is the top layer right here oh regenerating walls yeah right here right here right here this top layer oh perfect perfect cuz yeah all all right do not cross do not cross this do not cross this did I almost get and basic resources oh do we need to be careful yeah just don’t cross the don’t cross this dude this look insane and eventually Canadian managed to create this massive wither boore that supposedly could break past any obsidian defense this is so cool this is so cool wait and this and this is dude I’m actually so excited wait are you launching it right now we going no no no no not while you guys are in front of it we should got and it’s lined up properly this should start through the top yeah yeah yeah we’ll just like shave the first layer off oh all right I’m just double checking feel like about to launch a nuclear bomb summon the wither two push this guy in range and then book it and run that way okay I’ll do this part you guys can wait back there I can book it I can book it third we cross our fing ERS that the Wither sees the endermite and then and then four I flick the high lever and then five we flick the low lever an operation bro a master at work we’re here for moral support okay there’s the weather should we stay further away or yeah a bit further back okay okay okay okay sry guys start bridging start bridging okay oh there’s the Wither I have bad news uh the Ender mine instantly died wait really from the explosion wait wait I can go I can get another one I got some more pearls it’s a bit riskier now you have you you can go up there but just don’t get caught just don’t get seen got it oh wait armor off armor off oh oh one did it fall off does it see um fell off um oh oh okay we might be able to pick it up and rail it up here okay I me if you want if grab it we’re just trying to get another one uh this what is going on I’m looking a rat Chase on oh my god oh you you got it got it you got it okay okay don’t move it wait Did you just the end mic no okay yeah okay step back step back okay stepping back is all these random blocks going to interfere you know no I’ll break the torch just in case I think the Wither’s looking at we’s doing 360s yeah well lava’s flowing all right let rip come on no way it’s going come on it’s working it’s working is it it’s working oh my gosh it is working I’m working yes okay dude wait it’s just shredding through this wait what this is insane yeah this is actually going to be insane yeah this is actually crazy bro did dude this why oh [Music] my one of these W oh yeah wonder do we have these sponges oh it’s out Retreat oh wait what what what what what happened y did somebody get too close did the endermite die it’s still going put the it’s not breaking though that’s fine cuz it might go deep enough TR should I do you want me to try killing the Wither I can see it yeah go ahead but after killing the Wither we realized that Canadian’s wither boore had gone far enough to break through the first wall of defenses which meant that we could start draining the water on top is this deep enough to go in yeah so the professional way where where’s these end crystals perfect the professional way to destroy things you know uh a good TNT cannon really fast flying machine cannons uh I don’t remember how to make those but I remember how to make this oh wait is it going to explode when it hits it or did you just shoot it oh just shoot it yeah oh my gosh that’s so sick whenever you want what can I shoot it oh never mind I did it and then we just keep doing that and that gets rid of what the the previous flying machine we just needed out of the way oh I see see okay okay boom you guys time the shot I’m shooting this one all right take your shot not yet yo oh we got nice I’ll shoot it nice all you know what they call me I need another arrow I need another arrow what do they call you nothing bro I was going to say catness but bro knew you’re going to say that we need more oh oh nice wait that’s that’s good wait it took the oh that’s it no we go a Qui TNT cannon wait do we or oh that’s all we need to explode yeah I think so nice all right step two well we’ll need to explode a bit more in a second so here this first one done yeah so how do we get mov on oh we need a flying machine right yeah oh this is Che how are we going to get how are we going to get past the point like how are we going to eventually go past this yeah I sending one flying machine through and then after TNT to blow the it up is that the idea think so okay I’ll I’ll start building a flying machine behind it then no I’m just letting I’m letting you guys I want you guys to know I am not a redstone YouTuber at all I’m just I just BS it and I look smart Okay do y I guess all right actual speedrun strats from the professional yeah I just cleared up all the water got all the water all right I’m sending it look out all right let’s start building the next one yeah wait so the nearest water wait wait wait we can actually go a lot lower the uh if we break this chest can you see how far down the next one look out we got more TNT coming through look out I have a very good idea wait yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s use F5 yeah and you get a whole new perspective brus yeah and I’m able to see a chest we couldn’t have seen before yeah we can go way lower it got rid of a lot I see wow that did get rid of lot yeah so we can go wait how many blocks is that so with the top layer cleared out Canadian started working on the Wither board down below but that’s when he realized something I forgot one thing yeah this is Ender Grid it’s designed to stop wither boards and it does that and I’m really ashamed to say this is an idea that I brought upon the world so this is kind of my own like defense biting me back uh put redstone blocks in the wall yeah that’s what they’re for wait what is that power what’s on the front of the Wither board anything just if if the shoot Y and sure enough when Canadian built the Wither board below this redstone block defense completely stopped it from moving oh it’s going through it’s working it’s working yeah okay [Music] perfect wait there’s lava wait it got out wait it got out it got out is that is that Ender grid yeah the Redstone Block is just sitting right here and it just like completely TNT cannon TNT cannon do I hear TNT cannon well you can just break it but it’s like but the next one yeah and if that wasn’t enough Canadian then explained that this wasn’t the only defense surrounding the chunk ban but then we have the next one and that’s even harder really the next layer yeah yeah oh for real like once we get the outer piglin then we get the inner one and that one has a different defense we were at a critical point we had already spent 3 hours breaking into the prison and we knew that the longer we went the higher the probability that zam’s guards would log on and make their way to the prison unsure of what to do we open the replay video one final time to see if we had missed anything the amount of time it would take to bore through this is not the amount of time I think you have I mean okay here’s the problem it’s technically possible to get through but it’s only a matter of time before zam’s henchman get back on and like unban everybody that we just banned yeah yeah I get that I get that okay wait can we look back at the schematic this is not going to going work yeah or not the schematic the replay file okay okay wreck wreck pull it up all right I’m just trying to see if there’s like any fundamental flaws with this prison okay look closely look closely at the layers these ones yeah just everything more or less okay this the redstone blocks are placed like in a diagonal built it Canadian you built it Canadian I didn’t even build it I just [Music] I may have been involved in a weapons race hang on hang on wait so does it not go to the bottom of the world no it doesn’t wait go back down what seriously yeah what is the wait wait wait wait how low does this go uh what’s the difference between the height and the 33 and then what the height of the piglin Bands that’s a good question this one’s uh no 49 16 block the center one yeah wait what the center is the center one at the same height it’s it’s even lower wait 49 16 away okay yeah forget forget the outer bands we can go just for the center we go straight for the center for real and then we just have wey’s break out of the top when he um he can just mine down into like and make another Port yeah he can just M Block to make his own portal he surrounded yes exactly true true yeah he he he was banned he he had a pickaxe like when he banned himself he had a pickaxe he had totems is he banned in this spot no it’s it’s probably like right around that area but he can mine out yeah so the fundamental flaw with this prison and I don’t think cuz Zam said he was tapped in with the prison Community Zam low key messed this up bro I think this was intended to be at like void yeah this is perfect hey wait reck you were you were messing with that TNT cannon for a bit we were troubleshooting indeed indeed that might become useful okay okay okay okay okay either that or a lot of TNT flying machines again yeah yeah whichever works better if we borrow hole under the prison we borrow hole under the prison and TNT M carts up into that TNT mine carts will destroy the floor below them so we’ll send a line of flying machines that have um ancient debris on top of them and then we’ll basically create an ancient debris road that the TNT Minecarts can ride just keep do that you see TNT Minecarts can hit an entity up to 22 blocks away through obsidian and if the piglin holding the chunk band shulker was only only 17 blocks up from the bottom of the prison we could tunnel in and then shoot TNT mine carts up from the bottom it was a gamble but seeing that we didn’t have much time left we realized that this was likely our only option yeah all right let’s drop so this is where we start boring from what I remember why equal 32 yes oh yeah this is it but as we began tunneling under the prison we quickly realized that there was a major issue wait so what’s the line we can’t cross this guy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we need a way to get rid of that water okay IDE right along the center too I know okay so how do we get rid of that that’s my cuz that’s going to interfere with everything we just need to place a block well it’s a clogger right we use a clogger what’s that what’s a clogger a flying machine clogging machine not the best of name okay yeah so what does that a flying machine but like it I’m sorry like a diagonal flying machine no just a straightforward one you just need a flying machine to continuously push up blocks so that when it gets into it it just like slots it in is that even possible though do you mean like bro about to build it about to build it first say we have say we have something blast proof okay that’s a perfect block and then um oh oh wait is this lined up on the same yeah this is we just need an observer to be powering that every time it moves I guess if that’s what he means like that that’ll power every time it travels I don’t know if this will work yeah perfect you’re using the the engine to power the the Piston that’s going up and down here wait does someone have some extra obsidian I have cry actually oh yeah oh just just to make sure it doesn’t push out of the way at the beginning oh cuz this will this will pull it that Observer will update yeah yeah I don’t see why this doesn’t work I guess holy genius dude wait oh see if it clogs closely here it’s going to clog it no way right are you sure I don’t think it will no I think I think I has a good chance take your [Applause] bats okay so that literally just cleared all okay wait yeah set off your uh Cannon all right all right here we go here we go here we go ladies and Gent oh out look out look out look out look out oh it’s a little okay oh a lot a lot go little to the right keep going keep going so we started experimenting with all sorts of methods since we needed to Tunnel 144 blocks straight under the prison and after testing all sorts of TNT flying machine variations as well as some more powerful TNT cannons we eventually stumbled across a missile design that could potentially reach the very back of the tunnel oh okay watch this guys watch this okay oh my God oh my God actually worked bro yeah you know it all right there really I really like the Observer faces how they just keep oh that worked that worked let’s freaking go oh that oh that worked really well oh there’s water that shouldn’t be problem dude yo this is keep going this is yeah these are actually fire all right I need um what the heck they’re falling oh oh that’s so satisfying see what you mean what all right keep going keep going keep going this is actually working Finding Me did this from the start yeah dude this actually is saving us so much time [Music] yeah dude oh my God I’m so excited for it to blow yes oh it’s so satisfying w d yo that’s sick and then wait we got to start we got to start working on the flying machine to uh build the bridge thing you know yeah yeah we’ll do that that shouldn’t be too mistake I made [Music] earlier I’m at a point now where I’m like I’m so tired but like I don’t feel the tiredness anymore and it was true we had spent almost 5 hours up until that point trying to break into the prison all we could do at this point was continuously send out more TNT missiles until we reached a point directly under the chunk bin the last one missile last Miss yeah that’s it yeah wait there’s a lot of lava now wait so like I sent too many missiles no no no so this like if when this goes off this will be right under the the band we’ll double check when it gets there holy freck this is long yeah this is kind of insane and why and per we’re doing all this for one person yeah one very very special person I hope it’s worth it be this special all right Canadian you want to take over with the bridge machine okay [Music] blind we need on this final one though don’t we need one ancient debris like right there for it to hit yeah very astute as good point and that would have been very bad if we oh yeah can you check the replay and see like how much we’re like maybe off by like by a couple blocks and then we just keep do we have to do we have to blow it up after no we don’t have to blow it up after no what do we have to this oh this is simple this is simple stuff very simple yeah yeah wait so wait what does this do sorry it’s a bridge we’re building a road basically [Music] oh oh yeah you can just Place those and these ones there’s no time limit like we don’t have to wait yeah exactly yeah yeah let’s [Music] guys dude this is the last machine yeah wait the last one wait why are you wait yay oh yeah we we do need this last one yeah I thought we I thought I thought we could just like place the last oh just like reach it you know honestly [Music] lost one lost one oh it’s it’s okay it doesn’t matter and with the road for the TNT Minecarts complete we were now onto our final step sending a pack of these mine carts up to damage and kill the piglin from below this magic dud confused who my God what that’s real whoa okay dude we’re like a now no way wait no way no waye there’s no way we use our flying machines to blow a tunnel flying machines to make a path and TNT magic yo this is actually genius bro we won’t even be able to see the expion awesome this is awesome yeah oh you’re right we won’t be able to see it okay we just have to guess going off keep we just got to keep going we just got to keep going all right empty out an entire new shulker okay here stand somewhere and I will I’ll Place some we got to move this down you got to stand one down I can confirm it is damaging the piglin BET okay so are you good right there yeah yeah yeah yep okay there’s one shulker here giraff I need you to replace that with a new shulker here look in this all right that’s 27 I need three more would you like me to do W oh we need somebody on the three Duty three I set it off set it off all right jumper you’re on the three Duty okay reset draa okay app stand somewhere convenient I’m going to yeah yeah I need to get rid of this one too wait what just happened oh wait why did that happen did it stop Midway I don’t know yeah I say we just keep trying it again if it happens a whole bunch we can troubleshoot launch ready okay all right all right okay parrot ready for empty such such a strange way to do things that one’s going to FSE send that one’s going to go I think y this is so sa we’re not going to know if we killed the piglin or not right we’re not going to know until we cross the border wait that’s actually going to be sketch we might have to cuz it disappears well we can’t even go in anyway cuz there’s still another piglin ban can’t even hear it blow up yeah it’s literally just can wey get out yeah oh oh wait wait wait okay well let’s let’s keep chugging you ready for more mine carts yep here Dr I can be Duty too if you want to switch to rail Duty I can do rails pretty easily I’m also dropping three I don’t know was talking about earlier cuz that’s our big hold up right now ready tell me ready so jum jum this has to be yeah this has to be like this and then this has to be yeah that has to be flat oh yeah I think some of them freeze every time like two of them freeze every time or one of them freezes every time it’s like right by the ancient debris F okay I can be on shooting Duty okay sure all right yeah let’s hurry things up let’s go let’s go let’s go all right let’s go there’s another I gave you three all right yeah let’s get the system down perfect uh did anybody them pause did any of them pause doesn’t look like it’s from here we’re good we’re good we’re good yo yo all right we got a lock in we got a lock in yeah we got a lock in keep going keep going we got a system just tell me when more more I need more mine carts more mine [Applause] carts all right ready for the next one I’m ready yes up so as soon as jumper places that we’re just ready to go right yeah [Applause] okay oh oh oh my gosh there he is again okay okay yo yo yo guys guys please please come on come on come on got to hurry oh my God oh yeah now we’re cooking now we’re cooking uhoh oh it happened again yeah one of them paused one of them paused we got we got to maybe it is good that we made the entire thing agent bre yeah okay yep [Music] launch that jumper okay [Music] Y how will we know if the pig uh broken cuz we will joint yeah I think dude that one sounds cursed bro oh that was a big explosion guys I I just I think we just need one more big one think so yeah one more like we Haven been kind of cranking them like yeah just one more big one bro this is literally just luck one more big one keep going until we get it just okay all right let’s go just just brute force it brute force it yeah we we literally just need like one more good one yeah all right dra you got [Music] more dude you can see the shadow grow darker oh my God all right all right come on come one more bro one more one more come on okay should I launch launch launch please one please oh my gosh oh my gosh please please made it pass wait wait wait wait wait this might be it this might be it wait why is there more light up there that’s the lava come on is it going to make it it’s out of render we’ll just have to see it’s make I still see it I still see it it’s going to make it wait okay I can’t see anym it’s out of render it’s out of render it’s it’s out of should be come on do we just have to trust it did it hit wait what you C out there Canadian oh my gosh dude he’s on he’s on he’s not oh my God not Joke Man my God okay guys guys guys get out okay we need to get out of here bro okay will figure out his way out actually out yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we will figure his way out yeah he’s on he’s just on uh what what do we do about this what do we do about this uh just leave leave it we need to cover our tracks at all to make sure we don’t find I don’t think it matters we can’t cover our tracks there’s no going back yeah yeah whatever dude I yo get everything we’re getting out of here okay get out get out out somebody help me carry these uh TNT shulkers we got many okay I I got one I got one I got one okay okay all right yo yo yo ASAP ASAP ASAP way out up up up up up up up wait we got to find our same portal what yeah yeah I know where it is I know where it is just follow me okay okay okay okay okay this dude that was so insane that took so long I know okay is everybody out where’s the r this way this way guys guys don’t get caught in the fly catcher no fly catcher no fly catcher this way this way this wayos oh my gosh bro dude is that it maybe he’s already he already got [Music] out it’s a uh it was somewhere around here that’s all I remember yeah yeah look for look for a entrance down there should be another portal oh yeah right here right down here right down here oh my God okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh shoot go go go go go go go dude let’s freaking get out of this place yeah never again bro dude why is this the most elite prison breaking Team bro that was yo yo guys guys guys guys yo yo yo yo what did anybody do you not see this chat message dude that’s smoke that’s smoke yeah yeah yeah what do we Okay okay dude I don’t know can we can we start off the chunk man again no no dude we’re not doing that bro I’m not going back there we just need to leave we kind of leave F’s back though I don’t care I just care about wees bro that’s dude oh Sam’s going to be so mad at me bro okay okay go more traing with the Zam [Music] Empire wait is all five of us is this all five of us I I Trav the over all right this way this way this way okay okay [Music] okay oh I recognize this oh my gosh this is I know where we are oh my gosh this this is our base okay okay okay okay wait is everybody good wait is everybody here everybody here where’s the rapture what’s good Australian ping it’s just Australian [Music] ping weey I’m not going to lie to you bro it is a miracle that we managed to get you out like okay the things we had to go through to pull this off are like dude I mean we lost people along the way we almost died like countless times but unironically I somehow managed to assemble the greatest team that Minecraft has ever seen like don’t just thank me bro thank Rec RP thank jumper thank Canadian thank dapu yeah where’s everyone now gone all right yeah I don’t I don’t know what else to say but uh to say thank you to you guys you’re welcome say hi to we for us yeah please do I will I don’t know how much effort we put into this yeah thank you for saving me Parr I think we made a good team guys I think we made a really good te made a great team yeah wait one final screenshot one final screenshot yeah all right I will uh I’ll hope to see you guys around okay yeah you too see you around parrot say hi to Weepies bye lers [Music] do you know why I called you here I called you here because I need paric gone he’s destroyed all of my prisons he’s freed everyone I chunk ban and on top of it to make it worse he chunk b six of my Gars he’s the biggest threat to my Empire and more importantly to the entire server so that’s why I need you to get rid of him you’re the only one who can I know we’ve had our differences but I I’ll pay you like as much as you want I have I’ve been stock filing gear for a while I can give you thousands of backup sets I have multiple guards at disposal just whatever you need as long as you get rid of parrot that’s I’ll pay you whatever consider it done [Music]

Trapped in the center of this prison is my best friend, and I’m going to break him out.

Like ParrotX2 and his Unstable Universe series where he broke bedrock or blew up 2000 TNT. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or Lifesteal with rekrap2, Grian or MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.

People in this video: @rekrap2 @Derapchu @Fantst @jumperwho @Kenadian @Wifies @PrinceZam @Merffinn @yungwillx @ManePear @Sorhin @Syker21 @FlameFrags1 @Woogie @peentar @What_Max @SmileyyMC @Willsion @4CVIT @loppezz

The first and last prison were designed by @avatardotpng

This is a video on the Unstable Universe: a staged Minecraft server where ParrotX2, Wemmbu, and Spoke aim to tell the best stories possible.

A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!



    Also, this has honestly been one of my favorite videos to record and edit in a very long time. I hope you all enjoy 🙂

  2. bro is now uploading 3hr movies to make a video with a coherent story, plotline, goal and climax. Absolute 10/10 video making.

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