How Big Can the Giant Get?

this is the giant Minecraft’s biggest mob ever but in 2019 MOJ removed it for being too powerful so by adding it back I’mma upgrade him to be even stronger until the giant is so big even Ethan’s mama would be jealous from level one through to level four the amount of space we get to build becomes more Giant ha but that doesn’t just mean our monsters get more thick nah they get upgrades to their power potential and obviously their pranks except our first giant well he’s kind of small yes I know that’s kind of a contradiction but just trust me all right I think they did my boy the Skelly Wrong by adding only a giant zombie so we’re going to come in with a giant skeleton which you know at first glance you might be thinking ah e that’s so boring you’re so uncreative well I have a message to all of you out there bro can you imagine giant arrows raining down from God above onto your face and of course we need a little bit of a human comparison size uh this is De all right and so that our Magic Machine doesn’t get it confused who man do you think that’s obvious enough I mean it we look very similar well hello cursed sniffer egg apparently skeletons and sniffers come from the say MERS this place is perfect it’s even got a woodland Mansion bro the home of the giant I I don’t know I just made that up my build came with a couple of fun items to use okay I like the sound of this foot brush I ain’t selling this foot brush on the internet if you know what I mean and now that is a feet pick when Ethan sees this he’s he’s literally going to pee himself oh I love it I love it so much give me another foot that is a sentence I never I’d say right now I need to see what the hands is like the the giant Falls over and crushes the land with his hands dude and what is this an earthquake brush it said use carefully but what if I ever listened to that oh dude you cannot have a giant without creating a little bit of bang to the terrain and finally we have the giant skull I mean my skeleton hasn’t quite died but uh you know what we can have this just for a little bit of fear dude after all the giant can walk through the forest and finally make his home here at our Woodland Mansion now of course guys as we all know the goal for Ethan is to make it to the inside of the Woodland mansion and stand on this pressure plate which I’ll put right here how easy I mean this can’t be that hard to get to of course not except unless the egg is uh sitting right uh let’s say here and of all of this still isn’t enough I’ve got this secret item up my sleeve to ensure that Ethan will keep keep screaming so that I can win you see Ethan refused to believe that the giant was actually real oh Ethan look what I found check this out put the put the weapon down bro you know those like scary Giant videos that were on YouTube a while back it turns out apparently they were actually in the game before Mojang deleted them because they deemed it you know too scary and big that’s what they said you know the giant was never in Minecraft right that was just not a thing why would Mojang at it it’s just a big zombie with a big booty like it’s a dumb M it was literally written on the Minecraft wikies bro it’s true bro you’re getting capped right now try and scare me with this nonsense but if you fail even just once uh you have to do anything I tell you to how about that for a deal all right deal yes easy D we so now my giant is going to make Ethan cry like a baby uh why am I inside a stupid Dark Forest bro I hate this biome it’s too dark but I got my kiding not L to keep me safe this ain’t going to make me scream okay I’m I’m not going to ask any questions about that NightLight but all you have to do is find the Woodland Mansion I’ll give you a hint it’s a little bit in that direction step on a pressure plate and win you can do that right Ethan just just stand on a pressure plate bro this is going to be so simple there’s no way I’m going to scream from a stupid Forest oh easy was that was that a scream I I think I heard you were a little scared there was this a giant foot what hell in the world okay well um good thing that won’t make me scream cuz I love feet so there we have it not going to make me scream someone CLI that right now guys no no no clipping and chipping not C 4K can’t go that way let’s just go around this way it’s fine this isn’t even scary go how is this not scaring you yet Ethan all right let’s keep on moving keep who what is this come on Ethan come on little scream come on I know you’re scared I know you’re scared what is wrong with you bro why is there a mega handprint there is no such thing as these stupid Giants you were going on okay guys I’ve just muted Ethan is clearly not getting scared by this so I think it’s time we turn it up let’s whip out the giant megaphone it’s time for a little bit of an earthquake let’s just chug one down right there that’s right Ethan the earthquakes are surrounding your area the giant is here he’s probably wondering where is he why why isn’t he talking anymore why is he disappeared oh well he’s a sand to give you a bit of fear wait what was that what was that wait no those are footsteps something’s coming towards me no no no no no quick build out build out the earthquake is coming again okay wait I’m going to hide down here and I’m just going to play it like right under Ethan right I need to be right near him and it’ll be super loud B bam B bam B bam oh my god oh we have to be so careful I almost fell in that hole I can’t concentrate with this noise bro I’m not gandi I don’t have p uh Ethan Ethan did you did you hear that what the giant did you hear hear the did you hear the sounds what is that I didn’t do that n that boy is a cap I’m not believing that I can get past this easy W although I I’m telling the truth it’s the giant oh yeah by the way that that’s where the giant is egg wood in the dinosaur is inside that thing I’m not about to play Jurassic Park right now wait up there I see it yes I see it the pressure plate so just go get it just just go get it it can’t be that hard right okay we just have to skirt around the egg with wait what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening no no no is so big why is Arrow behind bro okay we got to run we got to run I don’t want to get shot by this thing how is it so huge no I can’t find that scar I’m that’s the first round to me baby as fun as terrifying Ethan is it’s time to get serious and lock in because now Ethan will be prepared for absolutely anything for this next giant I’m using my extra space to build a giant Axel I quickly built its body added four cute Limbs and a screaming face to make it just a bit more terrifying my don’t be looking Axel yes I know he does look very stupid but that won’t be the angle Ethan seeing him from this will be where he gets to know my dearest friend deep within the ocean are the most terrifying things giant squids giant sharks and whales and now the giant Axel okay somehow this Bell is more scary than me getting an egg for a giant Axel I don’t know what this is supposed to be used for but I guess we’ll find out let’s ring the bell ladies and gentlemen oh nice that mouth oh dude when this thing gobbles him up he’s going to be quite a Shad but that doesn’t end there CU we can use this Mega whpo to suck him in right to the sharp and pointy teeth oh yes I can’t wait for him to be Ethan oh wait no he his name is already Ethan I meant to say Ethan but of course we need to make Ethan think he has some hope so his goal here is to get to the chest where I’m going to be putting his flesh because let’s be real he he’s never going to make it to this chest and even if he attempts to well we can see what this uh bubble stream has in store for him why am I in the middle of the ocean bro this ain’t no Hawai but there’s no skeletons here and I’m absolutely kidding I ain’t losing this one yeah well this ain’t your usual Island Getaway it’s okay Jerry I brought you some food what is that behold the giant a no it’s sucking Zuck must suck oh my gosh I got to get off this island oh by the way look there’s the chest you need to get to it’s just it’s just over here with the the portal we can make it bunai yes we doded the no no no no no okay you want you want the chest let’s just uh whip out the bubble stream shall we wait wait no wait why am I getting suck no oh you’re in the mouth oh what the this guy need to see a d just why is he stabbing my Boon I’m going to die no no yeah that definitely sounded like scared that’s another tick to me another scream down just two more times and we’ve got this in the bag bro this next one is going to be a different kind of giant though it’s one that isn’t on the ground isn’t in the sea but only known as the king of the skies and so I began construction on the third giant one which was larger scarier and mooder and after using every block I could possibly fit in the area the giant Phantom was complete supported by The Souls of the sand underneath its wings drenched in the blood of its enemies this ladies and gentlemen is the giant Phantom Phantoms are already the most annoying mobs in the game there is no doubt no disagreement but uh yeah this one yeah it takes annoying to a whole new level now of course this wouldn’t be a giant video without a giant build you’re probably thinking ah e that a build is as small well guess what ladies and gentlemen it won’t be small for much bigger it’s going to be Ethan’s new home and honestly I think he’ll be thanking me that I’m giving him a mansion I mean who wouldn’t want a free giant mansion you might actually need to call up pest control because yeah you see there’s been a couple of issues with the blood problem yeah it’s not looking so good I want to put the giant phom right here in front of the house so that Ethan goes running into the house oh I’m so scared I’m so scared that’s what I imagin his voice would be here guys so let’s whip out the spawn egg and holy you guys are getting a sneak peek at what this thing looks like but trust me you’re going to want to stick around to see what it does and of course though we still need to give Ethan a chance to win so uh let’s Chuck down a l right here at the very back of our giant bedroom because there’s no way he’s going to see this ooh we even get a remote control for the Fantom okay I like the sound of that not to mention blood sky and blood drip to turn up the level of blood why is that house so big and whose blood is that little baby is no longer so confident huh all you going to do is just uh open the door and find a lever inside the house bro open the door I’m not Charlie Deo let let me in please I can’t get in that door it’s too big oh no what’s happening to the sky why is the sky red is that a blood this wasn’t part of my plan Ethan what do you mean you didn’t do this wait is that blood rain what’s happening from the sky get inside you might want to you might want to look behind you what do you mean was that was that fear Ethan are you scared um it’s just there’s a giant bman I don’t know what to do with this say hello to the eat of brains take him out Phantom take him out destroy him I can just hide under the bed hi in the house yeah hiding in there going to protect you The Phantom is about to bring down the Terrors of the Phantom bombs y our build didn’t you know giant Phantoms have nukes built into them they have nukes built into them wait what is that boom boom boom wait that almost blew me up that are you are you screaming Ethan was that a scream no I’m very common composed and I’m going to die okay prepare to die so I just need to find the lever okay what’s the point of finding the lever Ethan no I mean there’s no point finding the lever you should uh go back there okay the lever has to be somewhere around here right I mean I think I’m pretty safe I found the lever yes yes that’s one round to me boy you know what that means you were definitely scared I no I didn’t lose that H nope I’ve been screaming my butt off today but now it’s my turn because I failed to scare Ethan he won the bet I said earlier and now he gets the power to build his own Giant on the biggest plot so I’ve managed to sneak into the world where Ethan is currently building his giant and yes I know that is cheating but here’s the thing I cannot let Ethan force me to do whatever he wants so I need to know what he’s building so I can prepare to defeat it I just can’t let him see us so that’s why we’re underground but you know where you can see me the Minecraft Marketplace just click in and then search for E stream and friends in the top right check out our brand new skin pack with the entire Squad so you can play Minecraft as us once you click that mine coin button in the dressing room you can equip the skin of any of your favorite people from my packs but right now I hope that Ethan isn’t one of those favorite people [Applause] because eyi will stand no chance against my Goliath build and I made him look like Kratos for the extra drip is that Goliath from the Bible dude I’m just a tiny little boy I can’t defeat him no no no I’m going to run and hide except that’s also what all the Israelites in the Bible did in 1 Samuel 17:4 and yet they still won all thanks to the weakest one of them all a boy named David who was only a Shepherd but he believed that anyone who stood against the people of God would fail no stop turn around we can do this and David said all he needed was a slingshot and stones from a river so that’s what I’m going to build literally right up there if he turns around and sees us we are absolutely done we need to be fast bro why am I even building a slingshot this is the your useless weapon this ain’t going to work but I really don’t have any other ideas in fact the king of the Israelites himself Saul actually tried to give David armor and weapons but David was so confident in the Lord all he needed was the weapon he would use to fight off Bears when protecting his sheep the slingshot so I quickly finished my build I’m putting a lot of faith in a flimsy little slingshot at wealth the Bible but hey I follow the Lord my God and no weapon against me shall prosper I have faith it’s John and unlike stupid EA who spawned the mobs I’m not going to leave it up to chance I will become [Music] go uh Ean why am I in a village because your next challenge is to kill me what you’re turning into the giant wait wait wait wait wait wait why are you a purple man look I like purple just shut up and die I’m not scared I’m not scared I’m not scared you can breing block with your body dude did even read the Bible bro a purple and he did not have that power I read the Bible and I actually know how Goliath Was Defeated little boy named David what are you yapping about let me Smash you real quick get over here W wo wo wo whoo wo wo aren’t you scared of a slingshot bro what are you yapping about ow wait why did that hurt so bad no way that literally did a third of your health I’m coming back again I’m coming back with the stone you’re my want to run bro come on on can’t beat me you can’t beat me I’m a I got you again baby no no no no no no wait that’s not how this ends you’re going to die get over here boy I’m not losing like this the only way David was able to actually kill Goliath was by hitting his forehead and uh well he keeps moving which is making it really hard let’s try no I missed I missed you can’t hit me with that stupid sling shot you’re about to get destroyed Bo wait I only had five Stones guys I only had five Stones okay come on I’ve got two more Stones left two more Stones left where is he where is he where is he where is he no I missed again I’ve got one stone left one stone left a for the prepare you beauty man you right in the forehead wa what we won take that Ethan you’ll never be able to scare me

Minecraft, But ALL Mobs are BIGGER Hostile MEGA GIANTS! Who’s your Favorite?

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