How to Enchant in Minecraft 1.20.1 (Enchanting Guide)

so you’re in your Minecraft world playing with a friend or something and they show you this mysterious object right here and they call it an enchantment table and you’re wondering what can I do with this thing it doesn’t seem very useful I know it’s got a cool book that flips back and forth on top there but what does it actually do well basically this is one of the best items you can have in Minecraft because it gives you something called enchantments and they are extremely useful welcome back everybody to another minecraft tutorial video this one we’re going to go on through enchanting all of enchanting in Minecraft yes that’s right I’m going to go through the whole thing because they added a few new enchantments in the last few updates and I kinda want to go through those and tell people what all the new ones do and stuff like that so I’m gonna go through a full guide and enchanting in Minecraft this will be a bit of a long video I think but hopefully won’t be too too long and so I’ll go through literally step-by-step how to enchant and the different enchantment you can get and what they do so to start off by enchanting in minecraft the first thing you want to do is make yourself an enchantment table of course now it is pretty expensive of course and because it does do very very cool stuff so to craft it it will be for obsidian and two diamonds as well as a book so you of course will need five diamonds in theory to get an enchanting table unless you happen to find obsidian in a blacksmith or something like that in the village so yeah you will need of course like at least at least two diamonds to make this probably five in in theory so you can graft it like this and and this is what it looks like once you open it this used to not be here it used to not need lapis to enchant but that’s part of 1.8 Update which makes that it makes you need lapis to enchant your items to actually use an enchanting table in Minecraft you will need something called experience levels what you can see down here at your hotbar so currently my level is 26 and you can tell how close you are to the next level by looking at this experience bar down here at the bottom and when it gets to full you move to the next level and it starts over again you can get experience minecraft by smelting and mining and killing mobs breeding a bunch of different stuff so just basically play the game and you’ll get levels is what I’m trying to say and not all blocks will drop experience when you mind them but most ores will so just keep that in mind you can also get experience and by getting bottles of experience which are quite rare in your Minecraft world you can only really get them by trading with certain villagers and for mmo’s so that’s kind of the only way to get bottles of experience to give yourself more let loose but once you have some levels of minecraft what you can do is you can place your your item it can be a sword and it can be a bow a crossbow a fishing rod and any kind of armor any pick and he acts and he shoves any hoe anything like that basically you can enchant in my craft so as you can see I place my wooden sword in here and I get some of these guys which are called enchantments and now to get this which is gonna be sharpness one and I’ll go to the different and challenge in a second but basically to get this it’s going to cost me one level on the left side here it’s gonna cost me one level to encounter so I’ll be on 26 after I enchant and it will also require me to have one level as well so the difference between a requiring one level 2 and giant is that you just have to have one level like it won’t use that level but you have to have one level 2 insurance and what it will take away one level once you do in charge so that’s what you have to keep in mind and and then for this one which is the bottom one it requires me to have four levels and so if I have four levels I can get this enchantment but it will take away three levels when I enchant it if that makes sense to you know these enchantments are a very low level because and charm tables on their own will only go up to as far as probably level six or seven over here and but if you put books around your enchant a both bookshelves and you can get much higher level enchantments up to level 30 level 30 is the highest enchantment you can get in Minecraft and it will cost your three levels for the bottom enchantment every time so to make these bookshelves and you will need six oak planks are six money planks sorry and three books in between those and that’ll give you one bookshelf and you’ll need a minimum of a bird turn you’ll need sixteen bookshelves minimum to get your maximum level 30 enchantment it could even be a bit less I’m not sure and you have to experiment a bit with that but this is the kind of recommended pattern of bookshelves around your enchanting table to get your marks enchantments and as I said before as of 1.8 you need lapis lazuli to enchant your items so we’re gonna grab some lapis here I’m gonna show you how to enchant I’m gonna get to level 30 so I can show you this properly and so we’re at 28 no 29 and perfect amount of fair bottles okay so we’re gonna put in our wood sword as you can see we have bane of arthropods one as our level 1 a challenge obviously lower level enchantments are worse and the highest level enchantment in your enchantment table with maximum books it’s going to be very very good most of the time you can get bad ones of course but most of the time you’ll get enchantment so for our level 13 shamans’ here it’ll cost three levels for me no chant so I’ll go back to 27 but it requires me to have 30 levels to enchant it so I only have to have 30 levels and it’ll take away 3 and once I do enchant so I’m gonna put this in here and as you can see and the levels are now I can actually get the levels because I put the lapis lazuli it requires lapis like I can’t enchant this sword I can’t click on any of these things without lapis lazuli in so if I put the lapis lazuli in I can now click on these things and I can get an enchantment on my sword so my options are bane of arthropods 1 I can get sharpness 1 or sharpness for sharpness 4 is very good so Tim chant with sharpness 4 it’ll cost me 3 lapis lazuli and 3 enchantment levels to get me sharpness 1 it’ll cost 2 lapis lazuli and 2 enchantment levels to get bane of arthropods 1 it’ll cost war lapis lazuli and 1 enchantment level these will be different every time and it’ll be there it’ll be the same for the same weapon you put into the enchantment table but if you enchant something different and then come back to the enchantment table it’ll be a different a gentleman on your item so right now I’m gonna get sharpness for just for the sake of the video and as you can see my wooden sword will know how sharpness 4 and unbreaking 3 and the reason it has that unbreaking 3 is because and items have a random chance to get an extra enchantment every time so the first and gem you see it’s just you’re guaranteed enchantment so this is guaranteed knock-back 2 but it could also have unbreaking 3 and maybe sharpness or something like that it can also get a second enchantment or a third one if you’re very lucky and so it’s not just a guaranteed sharpness one and that’s it you can get something else with that you know so I’m gonna go for sure smite to here and see it’s just my two so it can’t have an extra it doesn’t mean it will it can’t have an extra enchantment when you doing chance so that is the basics to enchanting in my craft anyway that’s what you kind of need to know and just for enchanting your standard gear you can chain your iron or diamond gear with that and that’s fine of course but if you want to go a step further and get something really really good like I’m talking max protection max sharpness on your items and stuff you will need to use an anvil you will need to use an anvil and another effective way of getting the enchantments you want is by using books you can use book in your enchantment table you can enchant their book and it can get an e and challenge in the game on your book so certain items like a sword for example I can only get sharpness pain of arthropods smiting and unlike fire aspect and I think that’s is um push other items can get different enchantments so like only I’m working at protection and stuff like that so a book can get literally alien challenge in the game like for example piercing is a crossbow enchantment on breaking can be applied to anything a bane of arthropods it’s only for swords and axes I think so and yeah a book can get any enchantment and then if you get a really lucky book and jemmye likes a sharpness for or protection for what you can do is if I were take a sharpness for in my book here and I have sharpness for my sword what I can do is I can combine them in an anvil so if I put my sword and here with the book in here say this was enchanted with sharpness for then I would get a sharpness 5 wooden sword when I combine these two and it’ll cost me a lot of levels to enchant obviously because it’s a very good enchantment but it’s definitely worth it in the long run and you can also for the sake of this I’m just going to enchant this sort with I didn’t target myself whoops so I’ve encountered this extra sword with sharpness for and now what I can do is I’ll go over to my anvil here and I’ll put sharpness for which sharpness for and it’ll give me sharpness 5 and it’ll also keep my on breaking enchantment on the first sword as well it’ll cost me 11 levels it’ll cost less and if I use a sword with sa broken durability if there’s your ability god on the first sword it’ll cost a bit more to repair it but if I’m combining and a less used sword or like a more used sword with and so say this was full durability and this wasn’t full durability it would cost less than the first time around you get that you get the gist of it and it’s kind of more advanced stuff but for now I’ll need to know a sharpness 4 plus sharpest 4 will equal sharpness 5 so it’s not the same as you know I won’t get sharpness like ace if I combine these two it doesn’t work that way and so the sharpest one the sharpest one in sharpness to sharpness two in sharpness to sharpness 3 and and you can’t combine a lower level of sharpness with a higher level sharpeners and expect to get more it doesn’t work that way so if I combine sharper swollen sharpness – it’ll be sharpness – it won’t be sharp mystery and fickle money sharpness – with sharpness – it’ll be sharpness three not four so for now I’m gonna grab this sharpness five sword and yeah very very good sword because it’s got the max enchantments that is available show sharpness goes up as far as five if you didn’t know and and to make an anvil you actually will need four iron ingots and three blocks of iron so that’s 27 that’s 31 iron you will need to make yourself an anvil and so it’s not it’s really worth in the long run trust me I know it it’s a lot of are it sounds like a lot of iron but it’s actually not that much when you mind for like a decent amount of time and definitely something worth having know especially if you have an enchantment table you can pretty much get like like gear that’s way worth more than the end for the costs in the first place so yeah definitely good thing to get in your Minecraft world and as a 1.14 this item was added to the game and this is called a grindstone and a grindstone can be crafted using two planks two sticks and one stone slab like that and it looks something like this it’s a brand new item in the game well not brand new it’s 1.14 which is pretty new and considering I’ve played since like one point six or seven or some like that so yeah and but if you place your enchanted item an enchantment item in here you have a chance to you have an option to remove your and enchantments from the item and you’ll get some experience back it won’t be as much as you enchanted for but you’ll get a tiny bit of your experience back when you remove the enchantment and if it’s a really good enchantment you’ll get a lot more experience for that so um I can I can also repair an item by placing two of them in here and they’ll give you more durability on the item once you take it out so if I take out this sword now as you can see I got a bit of experience back there you saw the orbs coming up my level went up a bit and an enchantment is gone from this wood sword so that’s why I grind stone it’s very useful because sometimes in the game you can get enchantments that are not very good and you may get rid of them to try again with your enchantment table you can just use a grinding stone and taking chapman straight off and try again basically so that is the basics of enchanting in Minecraft as in 1.16 they haven’t added anything new or different yet in this update so that’s kind of everything you need to know about that now so now we’re looking onto all the different jump okay so the first thing to know is certain enchantments can only be applied to certain tools and weapons so protection can only be a polite – – or – armor and efficiency can be applied to tools sharpness can only be applied to swords and axes that kind of thing and so these are the three enchantments in the game that can be applied to anything with durability whatsoever so the first one we’ve got here is unbreaking 3 that couldn’t be applied to anything that has durability which is anything you can enchant pretty much armor tools weapons anything like that so I’m breaking three really good it goes from levels one two three three is the max of the firm breaking the next one is mending mending basically means that once you gain experience and so if you’re wearing say a chest plate with mending on it and you get experienced it will the experience will actually repair your job durability and you won’t get any more levels in your hotbar but you will get more durability on your chest plate when you do get those levels and experience basically it goes experience raises your ability on your chest plate so it’s kind of a way to have an unlimited durability as long as you’re getting experience for your damage that you’re taking so it’s a really good enchantment that’s really rare one that’s sought-after in Minecraft in Survivor the world and it only goes to one level as well and it’s just one level that you can get and it will repair your armor once you get experience and the third one is the curse of vanishing so this can be applied to anything I think and and it just means that once you actually try to use the item it’ll disappear and so for example if I was to happen to my sword and I hit something with my sword with curse of vanishing my sword would disappear it would just be gone out of my hand it’s the same with armor if someone were to hit you with and just even their fist and you had a curse of vanishing chest blade your chest plate would disappear it’s the same with tools if you break a block and the tool disappear so yeah curse vanishing not a great and gentlement because it is a curse it’s a it’s a negative enchantment basically so these are the enchantments that can be applied to armor only armor so the first thing we got here is cursive binding and cursive binding means that you can take off your armor unless it either breaks on durability or you die yourself in the game and there’s no other way to remove the armor you can’t take it off when it’s been creative as well creative you can but in survival there’s no way to take it off that other breaking or you’re dying so those are the only two options for you then next one is protection protection goes one of those 1 to 4 and protection is kind of the most sort a sought-after enchantment for armor in Minecraft because it works on everything if someone were to hit you you take less damage if you’re in lava take slightly less damage if you get hit by something projectile take slightly less damage everything like that it’s all protect its all protection that helps with those things it goes up to level 4 I can be applied to any piece of armor the next one is projectile protection and as I said projectiles will do less damage with protection but with projectile protection it does nothing if you get hit with a melee weapon so for some be hits you it’ll do nothing basically it’s it doesn’t affect that at all but if a skeleton were to shoot you and you take a lot less damage because projectile protection is really good against projectiles but not it doesn’t do anything against MLE go some levels 1 to 4 and blast protection especially useful against creepers and TNT of course and gas fireballs and wither skulls so blasts protection goes from levels 1 to 4 and it’s it doesn’t really protect protect against projectiles or merely but it will it’ll protect you a lot against explosions and like TNT as I said on creeper and stuff like that it goes from levels 1 to 4 the next one is fire protection protection and is very good especially if you fall in lava you take a lot less damage per second if you fall in love with fire protection especially for production for and its really good against places if you get sent on foyer take a lot less damage and basically you got a longer time in between each take of fire as well and so yeah it’s it’s very similar to fire resistance except for resistance is total immunity to fire but it will use the durability I believe but fire protection is very good for anything relating to fire and it goes 1 1 2 4 and the next one is thorns thorns means that the armor that you’re wearing will have it’ll take a lot of durability when you get hit but you also deal damage back to whatever hits you so say a zombie hits you and when you have thorns on your armor he’ll take damage as well he’ll take the damage back especially if you have thorns 3 it’ll do a lot more to him than if he were to hit you so it goes another one two three and it will use a lot irritability though keep that in mind when you get it with thorns it uses a lot of durability and on your armor so it’ll it’ll remove your and your ability really quickly but you also deal that much back to your attacker so it’s kind of useful in that way respiration means that you can breathe for a longer underwater and so it goes from levels one two three and you can apply to your helmet of course and you basically get to you know breathe for a little bit longer and when you are swimming or whatever like that and the other one is aqua affinity and aqua affinity basically means that you can mine you can mine faster underwater especially useful and guardian temples for example when you need to grab the goal from the center monument and aqua affinity is very useful helps you mind really quickly and if you’re in a sticky situation cuz you do mind much faster are you mind much slower underwater and usually but with aqua affinity you can mine a lot quicker and kind of counter that in a way it only goes up to one level and these are the enchantments that can only be applied to boots exclusively so this one is feather falling and feather falling basically means that you take a lot less fall damage when you fall in the game so if you were to fall from maybe six blocks and you could take no damage if you feather falling for and however you would take damage normally if you did enough for the falling on your armor and goes from levels 1 to 4 and you take a lot less damage if you fall from very high Heights without the falling like you could realistically survive like a 30 or 40 block 4 if your feather falling for but if you don’t you die for them which that’s just how it works and and yeah very very handy enchantment especially if you’re doing anything kind of up high above cliffs and stuff like that the next one is depth Strider depth shredder means that you can and run in water basically and so as a 1.8 this was added and what it just allows you to do is you can run underwater if that makes sense and because obviously you move you move a lot slower underwater I know this is kind of different in 1.13 now but you did before at least 1.8 you moved a lot slower underwater it took forever to get anywhere but what depth Strider you can move you could basically run underwater the same you could and and so that sort of goes for levels one two three and at level three you basically run as fast as you would as if you’re on land so it’s very very useful and I think now it just means that you can swim a bit faster on the water as a 4.13 and finally the last one we’ve got is frost Walker frost Walker means that once you walk on water and you basically freeze the water that you walk on turns to ice and you can kind of make a pathway for yourself so I’ll actually show these ones in demonstration okay so on my left I’ve got the frost Walker boots and a my right I’ve got the depth Strider boots so as I said Darren allows you to and basically run underwater in theory so as you can see I know it makes me swim for them if I don’t swim I do move a lot faster like I’m running very quickly actually and this is like this is walking speed remember I’m not sprinting at all and I’m moving very quickly when I’m just walking underwater I take them off as you can see me I move like a snail and absolute snail without them and put them on a lot quicker as you can see and I believe it also makes you swim a bit faster too if you get onto the ground and off the water yeah you can move a bit faster if you’re on the sea floor or whatever and so that’s basically with episode or does and if I were to grab the frost Walker boots and I first to walk over the water and the water will turn to ice and and it will decay actually as you leave it so if I take off the boots and I’m now no longer able to turn the water to ice but it will it should decay to it’s not the king why is it not the king okay I don’t know why that’s happening but usually and the ice would if you run over a river the ice will kind of crack and go back to water gradually as you walk over it so yeah I don’t know what’s not working here but yeah anyway you get the idea and now moving on to the weapon in gentleman’s so the first one we got here is sharpness this is the basic one this one you always want on your sword sharpness basically just increases the attack damage of your sword so it used to be a case of every sharpener would give you an extra 1.25 damage that was changed in 1.9 so now and sharpness 5 only gives you an extra three damage so it doesn’t stock and only gives you an extra percentage every time the first and the first level of sharpness gives you an an extra 0.25 but after that it’s only like an extra point I don’t know point 5 or 0.75 something like that and but it’s not as good as it used to be basically but it is still very good to have because it is just more tactile the only way to get more attack damage on your sword and so it goes when I was 1 to 5 the next one we’ve got is smite this is very useful against undead mobs so skeleton zombies husks and wither skeletons Withers I don’t know creepers aren’t n terminar yeah basically any undead mob you can think of you’ll have to google the whole list yourself I can’t think it’s not stop my head um but basically goes to level 5 and it just does more damage against undead mobs so as my personal sharpness is an interesting question because smite is way better against undead mobs and sharpness is and sharpness works on everything you do more damage in general but smite is exclusive to undead so smart won’t do anything against say like a creeper or an image or something like that it won’t do any extra damage against those guys and sharpest will so smite will do like double the damage sharpness will against undead mobs exclusively so it goes levels 1 to 5 the next one is bane of arthropods bane of arthropods means that you do more damage against spiders and I think silverfish – maybe and so cave spiders regular spiders silverfish I think andrew mites might be included in that too and but yeah basically all those mobs are very weak to bane of arthropods like you can one-shot a spider with bane of arthropods like 2 or 3 I think and if you put diamond sword so very very strong case where there’s only have like eight hearts anyway I think so yeah bane of arthropods really good enchantments and goes for numbers 1 to 5 the next enchantment is sweeping edge this was out of level point no and I believe as well and I’m sweeping edge basically means that once you attack a mob in a group so if there’s like three mobs beside each other like zombies or something coming for you and you hit one of them and you get a sweep attack of course that’s normal on a sword but you also do more damage to the other two mobs as well so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna grab this and actually show you for demonstration okay so this sword has no gentlement this sort of sweeping edge 3 so we spawning three on each other and as you can see if they okay no go back into the group go back into the group if I hit one of them aside the other – okay whatever just do your own thing I don’t care if I hit one beside another one and they both get sweeping attacked back and but it only does like half a heart or something to the other mob but doesn’t like nothing there’s nothing compared to the other mob that like this one will take a lot of damage this one will take out the heart every time what if I use sweeping edge they will take a lot more damage if I attack them so if I hit these guys he took a lot of damage to it like I attacked this guy but he took a lot of damage well but you just can’t see and the damage really so these husks are being very uncooperative but it’s fine so I hit this guy but the other ones are taking the damage to trust me yeah it’s hard to line up sweeping edge sometimes but if the moms are really grouped together you can really make use of the extra sweep damage and yeah like that guy dad from the sweeper time because it was so strong that’s kind of how that works and the next enchantment is far aspect for our SPECT likes the mob that you hit on fire whether it be a passive mob or a hostile mob it’ll be lit on fire for a certain amount of time once you hit them with fair aspect so if our next one is a couple of seconds when I expect to is I think twice the duration so if you hit them with forest like two and they’ll be on fire for a good while and the only way to extinguish them is with water and so yeah that’s kind of the only way to do that and it goes up as far as level two oh it also into mention you can actually get cooked foods and from passive mobs with foie respect so if you were to hit and a cow and the Karaites on fire and then dies and while it’s on fire with the fire expect and it will drop cooked beef instead of raw beef so it’s a way to get kind of cooked food straight away without actually cooking it – and the next one is knock back knock back em is basically just a way to as it describes give more knock back in the game so and like this is the regular knock back in Minecraft not very far if I use knock back he would go maybe back to here or something and knock back to that is so yeah knock back very good and jamming to half if you’re especially for PvP and I know for skywards now black is like insane to have because you can just send players absolutely flying because they just takes so much knock but they just like they just get off them up that’s the point it’s what you want to do you want then go back further when you hit them so that’s kind of the whole purpose of knock back and it goes up as far as level two the next one is looting and looting can actually be applied to access as well I think yeah and looting basically just means that you get more drops from mobs and rare drops from mobs when you kill them with looting so when you’re getting wither skeleton skulls in Minecraft typically people always use looting 3 and because there’s a way higher chance to get a wither skeleton skull from wither skeleton he’s learning 3 because it’s only like a 3% chance or something if you attack them normally and whereas it’s a 9% chance I think if you kill them with looting 3 together with a skeleton skull off of them so looting 3 very good to have and you get more potions off of witches you get and sometimes ironing it’s off of zombies and just other rare drops from mobs too and you get more of regular drums like rotten flesh for example when you attack them including three and kill them and it goes up as far as level 3 so these enchantments can only be obtained on the Trident and added 1.13 so the first one is impaling and impaling used to be really good it used to be more damage against everything but they nerfed it so it only does more damage against sea creatures now sea creatures include squid fish and ground Guardians elder Guardians dolphins that kind of thing and but yeah it used to be a lot better but they didn’t offer quite a bit so it’ll do a lot more damage obviously against those mobs because it’s impaling 5 it goes up as far as level 5 it’s basically sharpness for your island because I don’t think Titans can get sharpness the next enchantment is loyalty loyalty means that your Trident will return to you when you throw it and I’ll actually demonstrate that really quickly so this trident has loyalty if I throw the Trident it will hit the ground and slowly come back to me but if I have loyalty 3 it’ll be a lot faster coming back to me then if I were to wait with loyalty 1 and where did that go I okay there we go that took a long time but loyalty 3 is much faster it’ll kind of come back to you nearly instantly as soon as it hits the target and what loyalty 1 very slow as you can see and the next German is Riptide and Riptide is very very cool actually because you hold and right-click to throw your trident and it launches you forward assuming that the weather is thundery so it has to be raining and thunder for this and jamming to actually work which kind of sucks but I’m it is very very cool once you do get a working because you can launch yourself very very far with the riptile enchantment and replied three means you can launch yourself very very far when you do hold it right click and launch so it of course goes from levels one two three oh sorry I meant to say this also works in water of course because you know it’s it’s a trident so if you’re underwater and you hold and right-click you can launch yourself up out of the water too and stuff like that it’s really really cool and the final enchantment for tridents is channeling and channeling only works in thunder weather Thunder e rain kind of weather you know that you know I’m talking about and what basically this means that when you throw your Trident at a mug while it’s Thunder e weather and lightning will strike that mob so very very strong attack assuming the weather is Thunder E so two of these and chapman’s are only useful really if it’s thunder e or if you’re under water for one of them and but yeah it’s it’s kind of sucks that’s only depending on the weather so the weather has to be a certain way but it is still very strong enchantment and it’s really really cool too so these enchantments can only be applied to boughs and the first one is power power it just means more damage it’s the same as shark it’s the sharpest equivalent for a bow is basically and and power five means that you could do basically double the damage of a bow and with the same shot so it goes from levels one to five and it just means more damage in your arrow the next one is punch punch is the same thing that’s knocked back for swords it just launches your and I like the thing that you you attack further back when you hit it with the arrow so if I were to hit a cow with an arrow it’ll be launched back a lot further if I get punched you then it were that it would if I didn’t use punch if that makes sense so it goes when I was one to two and the next in gentleman is flame flame basically it’s the same thing as far as spec for bows and you basically shoot an arrow that’s on fire and that arrow and they can set other mobs on fire I could also ignite TNT and stuff like that so very very good enchantment and it’s not the same as setting like the grass on fire you know it won’t like set a tree on fire it’s not like a fire or a flint and steel and it’s just a flame arrow it says mobs and fart kind of exclusively and it only has one level and the next enchantment is infinity and this is kind of the most sought-after and gentlement I suppose and that unpowered when it comes to bows because infinity means that you never need more arrows to your bow again and which it’s it’s so good to have because you don’t have to keep crafting arrows all the time you need to just have one arrow in your quiver and then you have unlimited arrows as long as your bow has more ability to keep going and it only has one level of course because you get infinity no matter what and but as long as you have one arrow you can keep firing as many arrows as you want in your inventory unit you just have one our own inventory and you can fire as many as you want it’s a really good at chapel to have only as one level of course and these and gents are for crossbows only so the first one is piercing piercing basically means that your arrows or your bolts your crossbow bolts will go through mobs when you shoot them and so it’s a chance to go through up to 3 mobs I think at a time and and it goes as far as piercing force so they might have damage you do when the arrow goes through mobs depends on the level of piercing you have so when it goes through the first mob it’ll be a good bit less damage but um if you are piercing four it’ll be more damage on the second mob then it would be if you didn’t have piercing it that makes sense and so it goes up as far as piercing four and the next one is quick charge quick charge means you can reload your crossbow faster and because with crossbows use the whole know right-click for a second or two and then you can shoot your arrow but with quick charge it’s very very quick it’s like points to a second or something to reload your M your crossbow before firing it so quick charge 3 is really really good because you can kind of spam arrows that stage nearly you reload so fast so of course it goes from levels one two three the next one is multi shot a multi shot is very very cool because it allows you to fire up to three hours and once I think yeah it’s three hours at once and when you for a normal shot basically so you shoot in three directions when you and shoot once with a crossbow and you have the opportunity get 3 mobs that way or if you’re up close enough you can hit the same up three times with all three arrows and it only has one level so these enchantments can only be applied to tools and first one is efficiency efficiency makes everything mind faster so your pickaxe will mine blocks faster your axe will mine and I’m sorry your pickaxe to mine stone and ores faster and stuff like that and your axle mine logs faster your shovel mine dirt faster and and your whole mind like leaves and stuff faster I think it is now so 4.16 but yet the more efficiency you have the faster your tool online and different sort of blocks that’s on that’s dependent on that tool to mine them and and I goes up as far as efficiency five and the next one is fortune fortune basically means you get more and rare or like or drops when you mind certain ORS so like say if I were to mine at diamond diamond or I had the chance to get up to like four diamonds from one block if I use fortune three and at the opportunity get I think up to two fingers fortune one and three if I use fortune to so the more fortunate I was you have the more chance you have of getting more and like ores from your and when you’re mining or blocks if you can that make sense and it goes up as far as fortune three and the next one is touch and select touch just means that you can em basically whatever tool you’re using you can harvest the block in its natural form so with leaves you can harvest leaves with em sort of touch shears and you can literally just grab like leave blocks and place them down or whatever like that but if you mind shears normally are a few mine leaves normally at it just disappear and and you can use photo to harvest ores to you with a pickaxe you can use them to get glass because you break last normal each disappears what if uses so touch pickaxe you can and harvest the glass back and get into your inventory and you can also pick up ores without turning into diamonds or coal or redstone or stuff straight away when you mind them so it only has one level of course and the next one is fishing rods only so the first one we have is look of the sea look at the sea goes up to level three and it basically just means that you get rarer drops from fishing so you can get em for example better loose if that make sense you can get a chant that books you can get a chance the fishing rods you can get and name tags you can get leads I think a and you kept you can use get better fish and stuff like that and it’s just you get better drops it’s basically a fortune for fishing rods in that sense and it goes from level 1 to 3 and the final enchantment is lure lure goes up from level 1 to 3 and it just means that you get and you get pulls on your fishing rod faster and when you have lure on it so so there’s usually quite a long wait in between your bar being in the water and then getting a pull on the blubber and so you know the fish or something on the line and there’s usually quite a long time takes for that to happen but with Laura that time was a lot less so if you have a lure three you only have to wait maybe three or four seconds before a fish will come along every time it could be a bit more it depends obviously but it takes a longer time if you don’t have lower than if you do so Lourdes means you can fish faster in a nutshell and it goes from levels one two three so yeah this was a much longer video than I anticipated my voice is absolutely killing me after it but hopefully that didn’t lighten some of you who have never enchanted before or anything like that on what each enchantment does in Minecraft I hope this was of some use to you at least and I know there’s a new enchantment with 1.16 actually called soul speed that just came out so I didn’t get to cover it sadly push yeah this one called soul speed it just means you can run faster on and so sound and so soils so that’s basically what that does as well and but yeah that’ll do it for this one thank you so much for watching if you did watch the end oh my god you’re a hero because this is going to be a very long video I already know I am so yeah hopefully that was of some use to you if you want to see more videos like this in the future make sure to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel if you’re brand new and there’s also a tutorials playlist on my channel and with more guides like this on how to be different mobs and find different ores in the game if you’re interested in something like that and make sure to go check that playlist out so thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you in the next one take care [Music]

This is a guide on enchantments and enchanting in minecraft. I go through everything including the enchantment table, the anvil, the grindstone and what each enchantment does.

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Intro music:
Zelda – Song of Storms (Deon Custom Remix)-

Artist – Deon Custom-
#Minecraft #minecraftguide #MinecraftTutorial


  1. 11:59 Unbreaking
    12:15 Mending
    11:39 curse or binding
    13:58 Protection
    14:23 Projectile protection
    14:50 Blast protection
    15:47 Thorns
    16:26 respiration
    16:40 Aqua affinity
    17:50 Depth srider
    20:52 Smite
    21:44 Bane of arthropods
    22:17 Sweeping Edge
    25:56 Impaling
    26:27 loyalty
    26:56 Riptide
    27:35 Channeling
    28:08 BOW, Power, punch ,flame
    29:51 cross bow piercing,
    31:15 efficiency
    31:46 Fortune
    32:22 silk touch

    [Note: This is only for me , I haven't mention every single Enchant Book]

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