Making the Perfect Farm in the 1.6 Stardew Valley Update Pt.2

a e e e e e e e e e for all right let’s see all right this stream is up and running let’s go welcome to pod two I spent like 12 hours yesterday just cleaning up and actually getting money so I could actually survive in this game so let’s see what’s new well let me show you what’s new let’s okay uh first things it’s new I got wallpaper I got floors and well new wallpaper new floor Niger damn new wallpaper and new flaws okay and then I won the EAS egg hunt so I got a hun I set this whole Farm up well now I got I think this pum Granite apricot trees and I install tops and stuff so we making a pretty good living for ourselves right now I’m just trying to get into our Tean Goods cuz like my Fast Track that actually having money so the farm is now like half cleaned up I upgraded my tools and everything so now you have a better chance of survival see I have cows and I am currently in the process of upgrading my Coupe so we’re winning at least I hope so I also upgraded my backpack to the all setting cows so now we have milk it’s great cuz now we can um sell more animal products I upgraded a lot of my skills too so oh well a got no milk what did I miss I didn’t miss anybody oh guess just didn’t have milk but what’s happening so far have a little enclosure I think this is so cute with these stone walls in the grass and I want to put another barn probably on this side when I upgrade it what we’re going to be doing uh I think I had this last time or if I didn’t I just got it Silo well preserves is this one I also went down to like the almost the I think level 50 if not 50 definitely 45 in the mines so and I have IR SM we have a Kil down this way so we making a we making a name for ourselves I going to start a tree farm cuz I have a lot of stuff that I need for wood and I did the Forester part of the what is it I can’t remember if it’s like Forest thing but I chose like 25% more wood oh um five what’s what’s with all these eggs I only have four chickens I thought I collected the eggs yesterday well guess not but so my chickens love me now but that 12 hours was very interesting I really thought that I could didn’t do it but here we are think I’m going to make more manise iise makers let me see mayonnaise okay make another P’s job let’s see okay ca Earth crystals I have a lot of Earth crystals so first let me just put all this stuff away okay put this away this way this way okay coffee nice running out of space I need to get that well she has so I can’t buy the recipe but I need to get that large chest recipe from Robin I running out of space I’ll take the wrong crate I’m organizing it by like ore and um material stuff so on here I love like materials uh stuff from the dungeon that I want to keep and then in the other box I love like farm and stuff but stuff I want to preserve making The Preserves I also got a cheese I have to make a cheese maker cuz I’d assume that cheese cost a lot I also been reading some of the books I did research on what was in the 1.6 update and apparently there’s books and a book seller which I think is really cool cuz if you get get more skills based off your book so I found like a lot of those in the dungeon and I bought one from the book seller and that one basically just makes it so you can see how much your stuff is worth you see like on the bottom it’s like this is worth $150 so that was nice uh else I think that’s about it I had some fre Farm going on in blackc like far wood and this is my farm for now I’m going to have more plots definitely want to invest in some sprinklers I updated all I mean upgraded all of my tools yeah all of my tools to Copper these are the trees I want to put tabs onoh what going on I don’t think I thought this out probably hold on what oh I didn’t have to do that I just walk I know I did this properly okay so that’s the top that’s the top and is supposed to be Rose so these all the different trees trees I’m going to make more toas I just have these up pair first because I don’t know if there is any money and see yeah Oak resin and stuff like like artisian gats I can sell that and make some money uh Demetrius also came made this cave a fruit cave um I chose fruit but I saw I think this is a new item too it’s like a mushroom log and the M wild trees you put it around and M it works as like 10 hardwood and Moss to make which Moss is also new yesterday when I was playing it had an event play where it’s like green rain I was like what the hell is this and everything started like turn it weird and quacky and all that stuff so let me see if I have it yeah it gave me where is it let me put this in here what else goes in here um this this put yams in here that’s stuff that I eat in the dungeons so whatever it is I put it in here oh I’m setting up for the gr display too I want a BPS so I have have all of this stuff I’ve been getting like what do you call this again like perfect eggs I think is it Majestic something I’ve been getting those a lot so I’m not really worried about them probably like on the dated Grand display if I feel like really showing up then I’ll get like two legendary Ty bags or something but for now this is just stuff for the Grands display or you know after you like just planted stuff and the Harvest is finished Villages sometime Villages residence whatever they sometimes like ask for stuff so that’s what it’s in there there it is it’s the strange seed the mossy seed I got I just picked up two it was way more than two when I was cing out cuz it made bushes grow like crazy but I picked that up just in case who know you might need it later and yeah that’s basically what happening I also have about three hearts with Haley now I’ve been working on my relationships with the Villagers while I was here who’s oh Maru okay these ones I still have the warf I still have yet to be the wizard to be honest I really haven’t been going over there but that’s basically it so now we’re we’re going to continue our journey to the perfect Farm also get a slingshot and this bomb I’m terrified of using that but like the other side of the farm is like overrun by trees so I’ll like throw that in there but I do not remember to range on a bomb so I’m just going to wait probably use some cherry bombs blow my then then just like put this in here I’ll use it for the mine or something but I do not want to set it up around anything that I built cuz this is actual hard workare now I need rest crystals and copper okay throw some of this iron in there cuz I need to upgrade my watering can I’m going to update it in the winter time though so right now hold on for sprinklers for Quality sprinklers okay so I could make all of these stuff and make some quality sprinklers as eight Tes that definitely make my life easier uh and I could have two farms at that point two actual big farms I have a lot of quartz cuz I was saving it up from the start I could get copper and iron all the time um I want to start a little Orchid here Orchid orchid whatever right here so I think this is Peg granite and this is arcate they’ll have fruit in the spring that’ll be perfect and then we start making real money and I can start upgrading this house cuz I have not upgraded the house now I am making manise machine Any let’s see how much good I want this to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible so that’s one two three I think three more spaces I’m going to make three more make three more Manna machines set it up over there I hate to C cut the grass I got the recie for the grass but at the same time it it doesn’t really catch like the grass and really catch like it that I wanted to so I just like put one piece of grass in like one space and it barely moves for the next month and I hate seeing like the piness here I understand this cuz I I cut this so this could be fine but from here I want it to be Rass at least here and up on the side as you know with the 1.6 update blue grass is a thing and animals really like blue grasses good for him honestly I did it because it a free chicken CP would help and all of that but I do love the animal aspect of farming I did choose that to so I level up my farming and then I chose the thing where it gives you like animal products is worth more so don’t have to worry about that I of course I’ll still be like majorly farming but I mainly want to be a Rancher my stone am I blind I run I running so low on on materials right now three oh now I put this back I’m going to put the that’s five CER bars I should probably work on doing this quartz too quartz is probably going to take way longer so and I want sprinkl eight tiles five sprinkers to calculate how much spaces I want to have so what’ll happen is I’ll most likely make another area for a farm and then I’m going to put the sprinkles like on the farm that’s farther away so I could just break them and then with this one that’s at the bottom here I’ll probably just keep watering it see what else I need to put in here I going I have sunflowers ha for Haley so yeah also I didn’t know she likes sweet pees but she likes swees like likes without the hard reaction so she loves Sun blows but likes sweet I don’t think I’ve given her a gift where she didn’t like it yet and if I did I can’t remember um what else make more preserve jws let me see if I can make any more no I can not so this goes back I think that’s pretty much it messy okay what’s back I’ll work on that another day now that we have the three Mayo machines put them I forgot to let the chickens out last one here and Mayo is like really expensive do not sleep fun making oh no hold on plus I don’t get my egg back but that’s much better so now I can make six M and I think every time I sell this three golden mails like a th000 and something but with the other stuff that I sell it definitely thbs up I just found out to that the new ideas to sleep on thing means that you just level up cuz I like what the heck is that and I can sell these bad m selling this selling that that I don’t have cheese stuff yet I need to find where get all the hardwood I need to upgrade my tools it’s just so much left to do perfect cuz we’re going to be streaming it all um what else what is this pickles that’s dungeon going to visit Clint okay and my things are getting upgraded so my plan is with this getting upgraded I could help ducks and I think it comes with an incubator so my plan is to like save money and just buy one duck and let it like lay duck eggs and then put it in the incubator basically what I was going to do buy more CS of course I’m going to upgrade this next I really like these Stone things and it’s so affordable too cuz it’s only use one stone it’s great I don’t know if these things have like a a certain environment they need to be in I see a lot of people always put them in the basement and stuff I don’t know if that like changes it or the game actually like recognizes that it only should be in a basement or I don’t know like with wine and stuff kegs I’ll probably definitely have inside just because that makes sense cheese I’ll put in the barn I I want to keep all the stuff that they make as close together as possible did I water the plant I think I did oh boy all this yapping I did no work at least the May will be like ready to be sold by time I finish with this so what I did was invested in like all of these practically all of these except for the wheat and Conor cuz I plan to get a maill and make more stuff um they’re like reoccurring so they just grow and then they keep bearing the whole time I documented like which one like blueberries and that’s summer blueberries make a lot of money but at the same time I like seeing the different crops in the farm so I’d probably just put like a lot of blueberries next time but plan more I’d have a bigger space cuz I’d have a more upgraded tools and stuff so it wouldn’t be that hard and I know like y’ll probably see this base right here what happened was I counted the plots cuz I wanted to have everything straight and I counted right the first time I was like I need more four eggplants like like four four more eggplant seeds so I got four more but then when I was PL them this was this I didn’t see this it didn’t look like this it was like plowed but I didn’t see it so I was like oh I count wrong I was like what do I do with this last seed I was like you know what I guess I’ll just throw it away and I threw it away and as soon as I saw it I saw it a blank patch but by the time that I noticed it it was like I think maybe 6:00 and like PA was already closed and if I did that then they wouldn’t grow the same they wouldn’t harvest the same like for the corn I did that cuz I miscounted and I should have realized but they like it takes away from I just don’t want them to be in like separate times to harvest like it’s now one half of the Corin comes before the next and I didn’t want that one to grow first so I just didn’t plant it I can’t tell you how much times I have been running from the mines at this time like 1:30 in the morning if I forget the many is I definitely can’t cuz I reach H like 120 be like praying that I I don’t fall asleep but I don’t what is the time that you fall asleep cuz I haven’t fall asleep yet I think it’s maybe like 130ish I know they give you second morning I know the third time you fall asleep but I don’t know what time that is cuz usually I just make it to the bad look oh aridium sprinkler quality fertilizer okay I a even touch radium yet see look at that those prices Man 6 2000 mayonnaise if you drink mayonnaise in front of the villages you could drink it but they would they would be like you I’m not going to do that cuz I’m not a freak mayonnaise is nasty well mayonnaise is good but drinking mayonnaise is not it and now we are on our journey to the perfect form I think yeah these on the side is like eggplant be pretty definitely better than the first time the first time was just like stress cuz I needed so much stuff and then you only like level one in the mines and you only have this much energy and I don’t have a kitchen so I couldn’t cook and I barely had crops cuz what I had to um I didn’t have like Surplus where I could sell and still stay afloat I also bought heaters ready for winter but there animals this is so much better I actually have like money to spend that’s a festival I know to be like oh my gosh a rare girl can’t afford it can actually get some skills from the book seller I think it would be more profitable to just get it from the mines cuz I got like at least five books from the mines already including that is like a monster book was it I think it yeah it makes monsters drob double loot so that was good no these are cranberries these are cranberries and this is eggplant think yeah PR sure I remember the layout yesterday so stupid I’m not going to harvest the corn I might I going to let them like catch up with each other at that there’s one they like SE all the time at each other okay this gu is going take so now I need more seeds 9:30 on a Friday okay so he’s open um I know I have a quest of there for myy needed armor H right now oh c hello Lou here Lou okay with the special all this thing I don’t know how through it is what what’s that skip I remember the special a this thing but I saw like in a video that they said you would want to do the special a because like there’s mod come with the 1.6 update and then they have like is it prize tickets I don’t have egg right now H freak you also I have no relationship with this m i cre and sunflowers go so I could just fill in whatever I don’t have sunflowers so 20 of these should do it’s so funny with the energy management thing because you either go to the mines at least for someone who doesn’t have like a lot of food right now so I can’t really replenish energy so after I finish with the farm what I do is I go to the bath house and then I go to the farm cuz I by the time I finish like all of this my energy is like in this is in this room like the bottom orang and I always forget to check the time with them because I’ll be like in I’ll be in the range for the the time frame and I’ll just be there like just sitting I’ll be like sitting in the dungeon just Mining and I’ll finally get to like the next threshold where El of it is and then boom it’s already like 12:50 like what the hell where the time go going to donate these the museum and the time flies so fast in this game okay who was I supposed to feed and I didn’t why why are they mad they have no food I forget to feed them oh my gosh oh I had to go I don’t want it in my pockets I’m so sorry my babies what EG there’s no EGS cuz they hate me right now I’m so sorry my guys already 12 I don’t leave the farm from doing I forgot I move the gate up here I don’t leave the farm until like one in the afternoon dashes any plans I have keep the shovel I mean the buckets yeah oh know J why is there one there always one cow who’s not giving milk is he a mom hold on well we’ll never know I also bring in a lot of like mixed flower things they’re pretty and they have good uses and stuff but I don’t really use them as much cuz to me they have the same valum as mix seeds like I don’t use mix seeds at all there’s no reason I just don’t use them there I don’t use mixed let Prett I need to get the money before keep clothes so I could get a duck I might as well get two ducks now and let them lay eggs until like the time cuz I just catch they’re going to be like babies by time they grow up it’ll be like FAO let’s purchase animals suck my quacking okay of another duck bam thank you maam okay um a good waiters no what’s a good name for a duck H his name is one chick bees all right um pretty much it with party next thing list is goats goat the thing is I could take these thumbs down now I haven’t I cannot take down the Rocks even with a c of pickaxe they don’t break this definitely needs an iron pickaxe I mean Iron um axe I need to make more CPS at first I was just going to keep it in that area and then like cut down the trees when it’s finished but why not I have more let’s see and make it was something you can make with the resin hardwood coer this tag sign uh Pine to I don’t have any sheep give me next one Sy okay bee house that’s good I’m going to save this maple syrup but now I make honey my mission right now is to just get a bunch ofan Goods this I don’t care about them um pretty much it and this could go wood finally we got everything cleaned up so let’s set up eating order this is for Haley I’ll just take them from there and put it there whenever I see her I pretty I think that’s pretty much it 41 so I cannot do anything with my life right now I just finished on ph so only thing I can do is hit the MS really so I let’s go to mines but B than mines cuz I need the food in my pockets for when I get in the M when all those monsters just jump me I stay alive so I I need or mining oh it’s lus okay where is my relationship with he’s so negative every time I see him he’s like if you come to really kill me and I knew about that but I thought like since I’ve never tried to actively like be friendly with him so I thought if I was like friendly with this dude then he would be like not negative but every time he’s like you going to kill me no not at all I just gave you food man I did try going like to the little map I don’t know what cut scene takes place in there I think it does I’m not sure okay energy finish okay goodbye lus if you see random trees in random places that’s because of like green rain thing it just planted random trees I haven’t planted any but just planted them and a lot of like bushes the bushes you get fiber from okay 55 I made it to 55 I also got new weapons I forgot about that thank the Lord bro I needed them because the first one barely any damage but this is like a for sword I had this for like plenty of FL so far let me see 8 damage I think I had this for like at least I got it off of like the 20th floor maybe I have two of them whatever this a great s especially for right now before like the deeper ones at least I don’t have to swing that much at least on the first floors I don’t have to swing a lot stupid little rats what even are those things I don’t know the name of it but they annoying they’re very annoying groups be like 20 of them in one area and it just gang you bro and then some of them just stand still like they’re accepting that I’m going to kill them which I know they’re not cute they look like the Sprites from gilby but gilby’s Sprites are cute is this I think I should start saving up on to PA it didn’t occur to me earlier but yeah there’s a b Al iron is so plentyful down here oh no it’s because I got the mining thing so now I have plus one off I forgot about that but at the same time before iron was still plen like for copper I had to go plenty of fls now just to get that much and and now iron just freaking veins I don’t mind going in the mines especially cuz I need like a lot of stone I don’t know what happens when I first started playing the game like before any update or anything like that I literally never run out what man this what I mean I didn’t realize it was 12 literally never run out of like stone or wood anything like that but then I just I didn’t upgrade anything like that I just upgraded the cops I wasn’t doing RTS and stuff and all that so I guess now I’m doing all that I literally run out of coal stone wood all the time and it’s not fun I know for stardo I’m wondering if I’ll keep streaming it I do like playing stardo but this summer since I am free a lot I probably going to be streaming a lot I don’t know if I do it on Twitch is at the same time I my laptop is pretty strong but I’m not like I don’t have like a super freaking muscle horsepower PC though I don’t know if that’ be able to do like that but I would like to stream B Gate 3 I just bought that I have like zero experience in D and D stuff but it is a fun game and I do like it why didn’t I have experience in that stuff because why didn’t I I don’t know nobody around me ever played D and D I’ve never seen anybody play it I knew it was I knew what it was but I didn’t really like look into it iron look at this look at Coppa I need to go back to like FL 30 and Stu and get un salute okay let me see how I girl okay not that one the the light okay definitely SPL starts melting this I do see that the plants already where are you that’s a baby this the last chicken okay I don’t know if it’s true but I saw this thing where like the ducks swim in like a pond let me actually search uhhuh so they have to be like at the bottom with the pond I guess but that is so cute I love it I the ductor be able to like this one perfect I don’t think so now four of everything whacking got a we’ll get the plants last three now I have the milk them outside the only B like down B about the mines cuz usually if I come back late I don’t want to risk like going to go close the hatches when I’m to come back inside so I leave them open but of course animals go outside like first thing in the morning and I gave them like a a huge pen well I guess this is better more aesthetically pleasing that way so I was thinking I would put like cheese machines either on this worldall or on this milk o milk the water plants the only reason the fertilizer is like this on son is because altim my I dog this is my go that dog grade or something I don’t know but the only reason realizes on like this side of the farm is because I forgot to put it on I forgot I had to put it on the dirt before you plant the seeds and I made a bunch with the sap that I have so when I forgot it’s like oh crap and then I just put it on on what didn’t have fertilizer so glad that I got this well cuz I usually just like walk into the chicken and Clos it to get water and it’s so I know it’s like a video game when I say so much work I me like unnecessary work oh okay I’m going to leave these catch up The Corn the corn is all on except for these ones and these I’m going to leave them on there I just leave the egg plan on little experiment see if it it works and I need four things to jellify I just pickle one it’s good stuff iron iron what did I need this for was something with the beehives one and maple syrup so um see if I have wood now I’m so broke in materials 44 wood this is a newow nulo is when you buy wood Robin is about to close so let’s eat this this pickle squash okay I have enough energy to actually actually this is a great time for me to test out that bomb I don’t feel like countryes no’s see oh will it disintegrate oh get this out of the radius of everything I own okay I’m definitely taking these out cuz when I set this bomb off got to run run wow I know I was so scared of that was literally nothing Well no I still got to CH on trees we’re chopping it chopping it chopping it down chopp it chopp it Green Seed still m is slowly shaping up to be something 13 12 10 okay that’s enough wood oh hold on instead of Honey dirty wood one copper this start making one that’s get honey first honey first honey first what else do I need this back one two three um bring these back take take that and now we craft the ring now put these away willstone why you can’t sell stuff like that you can trash it in the garbage byebye now where should I put the be I’m going to put him right here they don’t produce they don’t produce honey during the winter oh the hatches okay I know I forgetting something oh and a ma well you going to be making some money tomorrow I’m and stuff in there damn I want to start making wood but I’m kind of scared to use hardwood to use the hardwood I mean cheese I mean inste making cheese hardwood I have 18 hardwood to make chees 10 hardwood and I want at least like six them I need 60 hardwood and I want to get my this this my watering can upgraded too but I’m going to wait till L wi mon cuz I literally have the water these every I sprinkl unless make sprinkl I need more coal too who could I buy coal from at this point I’m just going to side buy materials cuz D it okay get to put this up and now it’s time to sleep okay blueberry three two Manny is just carries bro okay yeah it’s just easy this way to pet him you get like magnificent menis I’m putting magnificent eggs in and getting like golden menes as I work it’s milking time is must be the nobody is that large milk any Blue Grass oh yeah we’re winning large milk make large looking jez bad jez so I’m going to sell the rest of these milkus and then keep the large milk when we have cheese Miss three times kill me already I just can’t wait for the winter month so I can just go mine in and let’s see 45 million doll please did you make popcorn and T I don’t think so can you that’s another side that I’ve never really disco discovered not discovered um explored yeah that’s the word who’s a walking theasaurus I am but I never really like did the cooking but I just used to go to mines that’s all I used to go just like mine plan about a plot this size and just play the game that’s before the update before I like really knew how to do stuff so now I know how to do it so you got eggplant we to P the dog IO and then if there another 1.6 if you have full hearts with your current pad you can buy another one I haven’t looked into the price of that I don’t know and let’s go I have to curse this so far away CU I don’t want to pick him my energy already in abysmal level so stupid bro okay finally I need to invest in sprinklers this is not it at least I have more time in the day it’s already it’s already 11:40 there’s no way I need to make sprinklers okay you know what that’s that’s the prime the Prime mission right now sprinklers quality sprinklers I have not reached any idium levels so there won’t be any idium right right now this is pinea res yes it’s pinea now about to doing this I’m going actually let me see anything need p p anything that I want to right now M oh a battery this going to be so cool and I S love me butless say you’re fine qu oh and gold not copper I reach gold either on freak you system okay I think that’s it the man is ready and now I’ll sell that and that’s another good chunk of money and I won’t go to the Min today I’m just going to go talk to the Village today probably mostly Haley F Haley going to be so perfect I’ve seen way too much character videos they like if you like Kaye something’s wrong with you no man she’s just she’s just misunderstood I’m joking I do like her character development though I hate some I do like Haley’s character development because I think she like she warms up to farming and all that I just like living here oh I didn’t even notice Emily is though Emily’s weird a little bit you know the type of people who like pretty with their M cloth like when they don’t talk I black when not blonde bubblegum pink I do like her head way it is but the rest of those colors suck her with bubblegum pink C mm no thank you a little kid bro this is my favorite Village of all time he’s old granny don’t love old people Ry anvillain and and this guy’s a doctor literally never interruped him I don’t have enough patience maybe you should there’s no way I’m ever com the old hospital taking my dog all money I haven’t seen Hy and I didn’t check the this yeah I knew about that oh see is who dozen eggs how much eggs are in dozen 12 see that’s my how much money that’s two dozen eggs two dozen eggs two days I don’t save up eggs like that you think this ISS is Maru maybe I should build like Stone a stone Pathway to like my house cuz I feel like well it ends there and then from there it’s just like dirt roads so unprofessional hello where AO did you eat it a that joke okay yes fall in love with me on this this swing I look like I look like a real farm is and not like that now what do I do with my life mining yes but first we got to go to the bath house because no energy I want to I want to like start actually I should work on getting more relationships with all the villages cuz I want to see those dramatic cut scenes between pier and Carolyn again and the wizard wizard using magical RZ 500 p.m. again pretty sure going to end up in these mines again tell 12 let’s try and come back 10 got to do the little speed run through the mes I don’t think I’m going to make it for oh boy like for looking actually let me look at this oh what this I don’t know if this is here before impossible to B well I think I’m just going to go back to the farm that’s the only thing about going to the bath house this late you have to like but if you don’t time it correctly it never works I close this the chickens and car and then tomorrow we will hopefully get to pick these plants cuz the corn will probably get up always on standby imagine me an A in real life oh my phone just fell yippee the book sell is in town black FR season right now the bushes are full of them I I want to pick some but I lost my basket yeah that was one of those quests where I have to just do it anyway please horn still not caught up bro you can’t wait for winter mining season nothing it grow winter pretty sure and these sunflowers I’m very surprised not surprise it’s like a pleasant surprise that sunflowers get all grow and fall that canonical is that canonical okay really don’t want to pick the on tell it’s finished that was all caught up bro and I’m so sick of seeing lopsided feels like I just like collect from one side and then tomorrow G is going to be like ready on the other side you want to sell all one time more water back on I need these sprinklers I need sprinklers I need spray class I need gold for that I wonder if I should buy it from Clint this is so oh I could just upgrade my my what is this the heck I forget what this tool name let me see watering can my goodness but at the same time if I upgrade my water you can my field is going to miss watering for like one day but like more than one day that’s terrible terrible for business so I’m just going to not do that until winter so for now three tiles the water and is all we getting no I just give me a hose another water again usually two full water in cans takes care of this full Feld unless I watered some plants more than others okay that’s fully wed and the cranberry is actually ready today stop you L Bar let’s do the cows first cuz they farther away two large milk three large milk okay celebrates in this family are they eating the Blue Grass well they going to eat it eventually but whatever that the grass catching oh did the chickens just eat a round one okay now you can go outside I have to remind myself daily why I have six mayonnaise cuz I want duck Mayo too I for get that I’m just like it tast it’s not SYM magical blueberries did I also get the two things from for in too okay and let’s check this cave I haven’t checked the cave in a while oh wow no I didn’t know that pomegranate was in this game I think that’s pretty cool I did not know I wouldn’t expect that I didn’t expect it pomeg ground would be in there so we can see save that save that save that tell these sa that because haey likes sunflowers and sweet peas but she loves she loves sunflowers and likes sweet pees got to remember that okay one golden large milk way to go I bet that was MC cream mil mil you make some good cheese I about to jump in this production yeah I’m still making you can make cranber okay make a top again let’s do these stumps that way I could at least collect a hard one for the cheese stuff let see well else is my hardwood I think I did most of the stumps I was playing yesterday but I still left a lot and I haven’t used hardwood so the amount of hardwood that I have in my chest and in my pocket is like d that was on the phone I get over there make this Animal Crossing give me a pole no I can’t go over there slowly tracking into this side of the farm yes believe you can’t do it believe the green house I would love to put the greenhous right there I don’t even know if you can you allowed to move that 33 five cup so I have stuff to make this cheese let me see he’s looking back at the recipe I make three of them make three which you know what I’m going to make three yeah what am I missing oh you so lucky so lucky that I that Robin isn’t open cuz right now I was dropping 10 grand on wood on Stones let’s put it yeah oh yeah I like that I like that so by 550 most animals go inside and then I’ll go outside I have like the base things the base quested again building up on uh I supposed to make a cake 30 iron and O present let see o resin yay now where could I put these that won’t look weird let me put these up I’m saving up the MOs because I want to do the the the to tool thing where you like grow not grow it what’s it called the thing where you put around the wild trees and the mushroom girl I want to do that but as for right now hardwood is very hard to come by you won’t be doing that I also have a diamond from yesterday I don’t want to sell it cuz it’s only $750 but at the same time I don’t want to donate it cuz it’s so valuable and I feel like it’s going to come up later and I’m like oh you need a you need a diamond and then oh I don’t have diamonds so what am I going to do put this in my dress that’s what I think that’s new too I I don’t remember you did I never did that he I want my C to go okay I’m going to make a road straight through here okay it’s going to start here let me get some rocks tomorrow we’re buying material just insane rocks okay so now we going to make this longer I’m going to go and punch one rock but I could even that out cuz I don’t like that worth it oh now I have a extra real good to that I can I’m just going to line up as much CS as like good on that one and have the whole alcohol production I probably have if I ever to get a shed it’s going to be either here or either right there or I’m going to put it somewhere on this side well we figur it out later right now for pale ale going use the best hops I have vegetable oh how long does that take think is like 34 hours in game now we dra this away that put that coal away after we finish watering the plants we can head to the mines tomorrow time lightning rod what w totem beat this so interesting let’s see large milk you know I bought the book that helps you see what price it is and I Ain really using it cuz I’m looking at the bottom why it was like a couple days but it’s just straight rain so blasto pickle the corn what else are we going to pickle we pickle up I pickle bug meat yeah put this back that’s just for my bug steak that I use to survive down in M I think is that wheat I should have planted water um let’s pickle oh let’s pickle one two and now it’s time to do chickens on egg these ducks need to hurry up GR up you can like eggs Co Legend oh yeah these chickens little time legendary eggs and legendary large eggs that blue grass really making you wear cot got pale for Palm coming up you know I kind of like Palm she’s like also old woman old grumpy woman 7:50 a.m. large milk milk large milk okay two large milks one small milk I’m putting this back oh little silver stars and I’m going to put this in here I see SilverStar large milk gives us which quality oh yes finally everything is caught up with everything I’m not waiting on that arm around cuz it’s going to disappear this did it change oh what if you leave it longer okay that makes sense oh what I didn’t know you could do that little H for any more water BR water again water this a really good really good time to PR all these now um it was also an experiment to see if you leaving it longer cuz I play the game but I’m not like a stardo valy head like you know those people who like oh like jump out the fence three times you have like great milk yeah I didn’t know that so that was a joke I don’t I don’t know if that exist but I don’t know much about it so this is also experiment to see if you leaving it longer will give you better crops I’m assuming that you let it ripe so give you better crops we’re going to see now how much gold stars get this bro so far I made 114,000 we came a long way to have $20 every freaking day when I first started this it was like $30 and you could afford 20 seeds and that was even a lot well the paress wasn’t a lot but it’s like when it came out and you harvested by the time you used that money to buy a new part you had no money came along way like making money money you know what I did I invested in crypto I’m joking don’t do that unless you’re a licensed professional okay a lot of vegetables cranberries little ASMR moment for you guys okay let’s see out of that for wait not long you get four golden coin well but is of golden that’s going to make some big money seven okay so you know the rule you save all the golden here so put this this 1 p.m. I need to run to Robin to get that big chest recipe this and this okay finished with everything so let’s just run down to Robin to get this I need like loger test I thought I would never need it but I do cuz the pass me is barly stupid I was like I’m never going to be able to finish these chests and then I put steroids on my corn please be there no man please oh freak you when you’re aerobic Club you haven’t even picked mail yet whatever you know I still haven’t gone in the community center so going check this it’s well not a well it’s a mountain Haley is there I’m going to talk to say Hy it’s me no really accept upon yourself this flower of unmatched Sunshine yes sir you guys see his relationship love up please yes yes yes yes it is we’re almost at a for Star Event we’re almost sh up for all right let’s check this s r a little apple Bobbers me Bobbers I forgot just how you do that um I did experiment with letting Jo by the place to get the bus first just cuz this is like dedication I haven’t done Community Center in a while now do I see the the wizard now I have to see the wizard don’t I um okay let me go back in there I see you okay now when can I see the wizard let me go and try most houses closed at 6 I don’t know if I’m going to make it there and I don’t think I am my mail today we all right I’m ready no about them but I’m ready for this freaking BR display range car what is that’s for the horse let me see I to do be Place honey place outside and wait for delicious honey pretty much okay what else CH oil I don’t want pigs no just give you TR um last a yeah I pretty much have most of the now on FR why would how did I make this oh it’s on find turn Moss girl I know I have pine to and I have a tell like a ton of moss and I have Toppers so this is a good time time to close all the stuff oh yeah gold and S cheese imagine if I could get a bunch of them finally making cheese oh my gosh now I got to upgrade this Bond so I can do sheep cuz I never had the sewing machine I want to try that out I don’t even know how that works like a mini Farm production going on right there three yes that’s what I mean I counted these but I completely missed that oh that’s beautiful we come so we’ve come so far going to put this in the chest not saving a season there to make like field snacks instead of carrying fruit let’s go let’s go oh it’s 115 wait a minute huh whoa okay wello that that scared me I mean in a good way I saw 12,000 in the after I do that okay this is the right move CR is the right move and clans is The Right Move well pickle corn on cheese a nail oh payday look at that big bills oh my gosh I can almost upgrade my house oh yeah it’s honey 300 a pup now what did I do with you hello go my sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center okay I was waiting on your call okay let me do the farm work and then we drop the P off the Palm you’re adults okay already a golden duck egg my gosh you ready for work where’s the incubator and that’s how you get free Ducks okay already go time and a duck egg another one all right I wish they could have go in this water but they going could be better the pond maybe I’ll build build one but a porn okay I’ll make some plum wine you go down in the in the cave drinking that good job guys your cheese you’re really sells I want to get Sheep next I really need to get like more minut I get was at 400 and of the at least have four that actually make like a th000 how do you can you give I give I’m searching can we feed ours like Aman W insulation funny okay we’re back we can I don’t think we could feed him M that’d be pretty cool if we could give uh is this finish know it’d be pretty cool if we could give r one cuz like different foods like imagine if you could feed your guys like pizza something strawberry milk that be cool it’s a video game reason why I put them on the next side I just love the fact while I’m like watering plants or walking through I could just see them walking was just about ready l a concentration on water in these BLS I forgot I was supposed move this no yeah that’s good let’s put that right there lost like half more of my energy doing that but it’s for you organiz 120 where can I findly pal at 120 this is going wait there for a p oh whatever okay when I get sprinkles it’s over imagine having like I don’t know if anybody’s ever done it but like a huge industrial feel like this feel just goes this way bro and you don’t have sprinklers unless you have like a a ridium water in um can okay finally we can get out of here okay I have um there’s a farmer in town I just imagine these people every time I come into town they forgot I existed cuz I ain’t going to lie I just like I don’t come into town like that H PM where are you pem hello where could she be at a time like this the bus is not up and running H I guess I’ll just Way by out 6:00 is coming soon and 6:00 hits and I don’t get to the wizard of O I don’t want to belong this sitting on your coach bro just going to sit here until she comes back e m is really taking the time now I’m stuck in her house peace where is this woman start running LS around the house taking forever Sal to a chair very nice chair can I go in Penny’s room probably not what is huh where is this where is this woman oh that’s right she’s a drinker how could I forget real nice and poier oh thank you pom I love this Soul Lum I’m not moping I heard that was a sexy P mod I will never be using that something are not meant to be seen Penny what are you doing out late what are you doing at this l h can you be Vegeta haircut s all right we’re running this way hope the the Wizard to load us in I have like a ton of blackberries for going in the M tomorrow I did try and visit him earlier like when I first saw this the game but plus you can see him if you do the thing oh yeah look that rasmodius yeah I got uh really you foreseen these nuts he is captured the duno okay um what the fud I know you can do that interesting did I have The Forest book where this M’s m no turn me green if I fall out this [ __ ] is paying my hospital bill Alo I’m tripping oh this is so pretty I wouldn’t mind having this is a wallpaper can I wake up in my bed yay one I triple B now I might as well Discover it oh I do believe there was a secret forest in this pel that this here and I need the 10 to yeah I need 10 my 10 iron break do that I do believe I do declare I have five iron in my chest and I think it’s $5,000 upgrade it just upgrade my a by man duck Manon so now we’re going to sell this see how much more duck men is worth saving the fiber and it said a week from now it’s the GR play so B SES lot of energy 25 crazy so uh what am I going to do get to know me for yeah and that’s 3,000 by Duck men is were 450 like a 100 more than wow um nope honey is 100 think I just say that to give us presents oh thank the lord it’s raining out of the water of plants yes one bunch of Armon I’m free who that that oh my father dirty Stone you know what that’s actually perfect thanks I needed that that’s not even sarcasm I don’t have I don’t have I don’t have rocks 1 2 three four 5 only thing I have to do with animals 4 5 what what I don’t see no duck egg where’s the duck egg by little ducks egg wow how could do oh well maybe I picked it up and I don’t know whatever it is what is the lightning rod for what do I need that for energy from lightning turn into battery box oh wow okay I see I like that let’s see five bad Wings after all of the bad wings I throw away well gu we miss on that one for this yeah grow all your retainers Stone and Clay okay watered overnight huh speed Grill I don’t think I love be using speed Grill cuz I don’t need to I don’t need speed grow what I need is quality quality over quantity and now we take the the bond for the cows reside going to milk them I want sheep cuz I want to make cloth I really want again I’ve never done that and I always wanted to go inside I going to do why am I not getting Mythic level all I need to I need to study this real like I’m not getting Mythic level Mythic level like artisian Goods even when I put Mythic level eggs like if I put a purple star egg in the mayilo maker I get like a gold would I yes is fine at the same time like this off all I need let’s get my axe upgraded so I could go to the forest I think there’s a lot of hardwood in there and I’m going to make like two or three lightning rods cuz I can sell batteries I hope I call for now sh 250 gold door no no we won’t do gold though now I got to stop by Robin to get wood and stone R of you were about to say anything in the comments bro I don’t feel like chopping trees I mean I will if I really do need to but if I have the money to do it I’ll just get stone I mean yeah Stone and stone and wood go back all the way to my up there and stop by I’m going to stop by the mine to to pick up some bad Wings cuz I want to make lightning rod especially in this weather so so here I hope she’s here please don’t go blunch perfect 100 r and 100 Stone 105 Stone okay the big chest recipe um what else do I want get the calendar too that’s beautiful get that bro I’m just my money spending money uh yeah that’s pretty much it all I needed thank you now let’s go down to see any of those floors get a bot but I’m just going to go down to the one that I was on I’m waiting for the Bots to come to me not it’s slimes I don’t want you they B what are these little things let me tell me what these is rat who that oh gold oh I kill him while all right you’ve had enough showing off man just sitting here perfect you that’s who I wanted to see kind a bomb yes sir maybe I should start making bombs that make this so much easier okay I have seven bad wings I need 15 thank God for that book but give me extra M salute I just need Bots where the Bots oh look all y over here okay we have 13 I need two more B Rings what that me who’s in love with me oh well I’m my back like this to bar and this bad wi and then I’m just going to rush through these floors to get to 60 since I’m already here it’d be a waste perfect 15 this cave 24 I could do this I’m going to to 60 today come on man hurry up bro was taking his sweet time trying to attack me come on man taking forever no oh go to the middle we got to see what in there where these stupid Nar see cuz I’ve been here before I want that stupid thing come up well the B is start sing finally the first time I saw slime I thought is going to blow up get away from me die just die finally the middle and now it’s all for nothing all for nothing is worth a try hey these stupid spiral dungeons 60 Cal dager what a t dest h plus wait sir you just die well maybe I should use the thaty it’s going to be one0 weapon there’s a butt this little poke damage bro Nan worst weapon ever supposed to puncture them to death we’re selling that actually we can’t sell stuff like that we’re we’re trashing it maybe I should try and make it to oh yeah we have to make it to 65 Di yes 65 we going yes sir no bye Mr ghost oh yeah it’s time to go home we got everything that we came for the only thing was I was supposed to come out earlyer than this so I could actually like try to get some batteries but it’s whatever we might be able to get aridium as long as we get our hands on aridum I saw the worms I just don’t want to risk it as long as we get our hands on aridum those sprinklers aren’t a dream anymore please let it rain tomorrow I don’t the water the plant spider or Scout let’s do Scout maybe for I teaching Goods I have to let it sit in and age more I said all that I did not he myself it off and I have two diamonds well it didn’t rain today lightning rods refined quads and iron what where iron or but like this by I need to Winter need to come faster bro I can have excuse for PL least we have a well okay Sol plants now you can collect this amaran and how much we need to build that oh one each when these time four well where am I going to put this lightting where am I going to put these rods all about placement not all about placement I just want a good place to put them in at least I can put these up now give me two two of these back uh I could put the I should probably move this chest away from and I’m selling something I don’t want to sell s s that’s better oh 10 iron fence one huh and iron fence one good deal no wait till it finish in the meantime let’s get the animals ready play somebody in a mod all right really fed let him loose saage gra it um save the B rings I guess I want to do anything more and now we sell that go to the cows forgot about this cheese too get milk in oh no what well are they eating the grass bar at least they not okay oh now the cars are out I need to stop pickling my stuff what am I pickling pickle four of these I pickle Reserve Dam now where am I going to put these no you don’t go inside okay now that that’s all set up we set up the inside for let’s range this whole house I going to move the for h Rand whole house at 3:00 a.m. okay that’s better hey I like that okay where telephone go right there okay that’s better much better hello what okay this dude C me at 10:20 tonight I get myed because this is here okay that works okay perfect let’s see go wi rout um oh am is expensive let’s see what is it just cuz it’s that quality no a l amount actually well who cares you got money I forget this sell the cheese that I had like a little bit of water left in just give him water guess not Here We Go Again watering these dog on Plants might as well plant him over I might just have to buy that gold put a freaking sprinkle is bro this is not it we almost done P ground wow guess I’ll save it I can’t remember if I closed the hatch last night I didn’t I mean I enclose the house for n of them long freaking organizing house I didn’t get the cheese now it’s time to milk up what the heck was I doing only reason I did it was cuz I thought finished with all the work h another golden golden big milk big milk big milk milk o Bill what type of milk were you life is gone gone gone right there and 1250 I have nothing else on this phone so let’s go to Haley our heart should be at four yes finally Abigail it’s not it’s I don’t know what it is there’s Evelyn um yeah let me check I don’t even know no we’re not friends let see he likes photography and I think that’s so cool crazy behavior where’s haey Hy hay hay be over can’t believe it either just okay all right I think this is where I am going to end the stream thank you for watching and yeah thanks for watching it was pretty fun it was a lot of hard work but it still is fun to see how much stuff I put in I don’t know if I’ll do another stard Valley Stream I’ll probably move on to another game maybe Ballers Gate 3 or sun to the forest or subnotica it’s just like a lot of stuff I could do this summer so thanks for watching stay tuned come again all that good stuff bye-bye by

Stardew valley stream Update:
I spent like 12 hrs yesterday cleaning up the farm and mining so now we’re a little closer to our goal ๐Ÿ˜€ We finally have steady income.

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To my loyal subscribers I LOVE YOU ๐Ÿ˜€ i missed you guys!!!

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