Stardew Valley Fair! (Baer Plays Stardew Valley)

hey everybody welcome back to stardew Valley I know it’s been a minute I apologize but we’re back ready to pick right back up where we left off let’s find out where we left off a beautiful rainy day and boy this Farm is really coming together ain’t it look at all this look at this fun little guy don’t even remember getting you is that for like a mine reward or something like that fancy little scarecrow that’s fun got a few things to harvest today as well little broccoli yummy I think that might be my favorite vegetable of every single flipp in one not in the game I don’t know if it’s any good in the game but real life dude I [ __ ] with some broccoli absolutely it’s so easy to make too easy to make easy to season as a youth well who am I kidding as a full grown adult I also like to feel like a dinosaur as I bite off the top of the tree can I even get into that section I think I’ve left an eggplant unh harvestable that’s a bummer oh well I expected to be able to walk through those things cauliflower is like broccoli that tastes like whatever you put on it though so that makes cauliflower bad but if we’re looking at it from the perspective of food simply being a vehicle for sauce or spices in that case it’s fantastic start Valley Fair is happening tomorrow don’t forget to bring your night it nine items for the gr display what does that word mean what’s a gr an outlying farmhouse in which a religious establishment or feudal Lords stored crops and tithes in kind Grange that doesn’t sound very stardew Valley this game get religious oh bar you haven’t been paying close enough attention brother oh my damn inventory is full again okay get back into the swing of things here got some gold star eggplants and grapes some gold star broccoli as well I think I was hanging on to purple star fish or something like that wasn’t it I I got this guy I don’t really know why I would do that oh I didn’t want to hang on of the maple syrup as well where was I putting that stuff I can go in there that makes sense to me be forgot about the actual cult altar in the General Store guess I haven’t made that a big priority so far okay yeah maybe that’s on me just got to pay closer attention brother it’s all around you [ __ ] oyster seaweed hot pepper there we go put my quality fertilizer away up here as well man it is nice to have the big chests huh yeah that feels good we can just upgrade these by what did I do here I think you just make a big chest and then you just put it over it right but to make those you need wood and copper bars which I think I might be out of wood pretty low anyway yeah we got to go chop down some trees I guess that sounds like a nice rainy day activity starting to run out of trees to chop down around here though man making some big progress in this area of the farm yeah we’ making a lot of progress on the farm itself for sure I feel like I spent a lot more time outside of it like through the first two seasons now we’ve been able to get a steady supply of income going which has led to a lot more seeds and we’ve got some upgrades that I found were uh giving me a lot more incentive to try to build a better Farm as well like the upgraded sprinkler for example it’s been making this a hell of a lot easier I am a little worried though we’re getting into uh winter pretty soon I don’t think any of my crops are going to be growing so I feel like I need to find a an alternative way to make some money through that season which could be a good reason to try to get some animals going actually all right looks like that’s enough wood for a big chest but I I think I needed two I think it’s the uh the carpenter lady up north east by the mine I think she sells the uh what’s it called the animal place I think she’s she’s who we got to go to for any of those needs I think we also need to bring a lot of res ources up with us for that she needs a lot of gold but also a lot of other stuff to be able to unlock those things oh I need to get an upgrade to my pickax as well so I can destroy this stable that’s the word yeah that’s it or both stable and barn cuz I imagine stables for horses and then barns for other stuff so probably both then yeah oh CP right yeah I couldn’t think of any of those three words clearly a little further remov from this than I thought six gate for the barn I can afford that oh we also need to create some uh value out of our garbage here plop these guys into the uh incinerator or whatever it is okay let me take a look here so we’re going to go ahead and make up another couple of big chests so that still requires a couple more trees be chopped down here think I’m okay with getting rid of these two I miss my music the pitter patter of the rain is nice and all but oh my God I’m already out of energy again sheesh uh we got a fish go ahead and get myself a chub get myself a bear chub oh yeah we have three chests as well which I suppose I could just go ahead and plop down over here in case I need stray extra space at some point got some iron ore nice go ahead and transform this bad boy and then very very close probably need like one more tree sure did yeah we got that w good day in dd2 it’s time to unwind and relax I have to eat one of my uh fancy meals today oh that’s hardwood right I forgot yo half loaf welcome back appreciate the resub 32 months welcome back joining us for some stardew good to have you appreciate you welcome back in than for the bear hugs for him as well there’s Mr big chest oh we need the copper bars too right do we have two more of those I wonder we got one more and no ore ah Shucks okay oh no wait we have ore right there there we go up a couple more of those put the excess back in there halfing masses thank you so much for that contined generosity from the ever generous half loaf another 10 gifties some bear hugs and bear gifts please for appreciate that where my bear gift go disappeared there you are thank you very much half love appreciate it open pile y’all all right so we got the one big chest here waiting on the other one we’re going to go ahead and replace this guy oh that’s not how it worked is it that’s right no it’s now it is how it works isn’t it how do you do this I could have SW you can just pop it oh those are already big chests that’s right so we can just do it over here right there cool and then we got to change that oops put that down interact with this make it yellow nice there we go now we get our last one no not that there we go cool go like that and then pick you up and then get in there and change it to Blue cool all right that’s a nice little upgrade yeah good enough good enough for now pour stuff away and we’ll head over to the barn or to uh get the barn rather and see what we need for that in fact I’m just going to go ahead and bring all this [ __ ] just in case some of this stray stuff is what we actually need for it and then I believe it’ll be a little faster if we take the mine cart to get into town yeah that’s a modifier that you can do Leo you can have a 24-hour modifier for any emote the black and white one for example I’ve got the urge to make my famous giant omelette but I’ll need two dozen eggs or apparently artichokes are considered the latest superfood in zuu City anyone who ships 100 artichokes by the end of the season will earn a substantial reward from the Pelican Town agricultural front fun the PFF is going to hook it up the PFF for BFF let’s see if I can buy some artichoke seeds from Pierre I don’t know if that’s even actually an option for me you at all excited for the game changer finale tonight yo that’s tonight yeah now I am I’ve been waiting for that where’s Pierre yeah looks very good it’s apparently like a Dropout version of the circle which is not a show I’ve ever really been interested in but with that cast I I’ll watch them do anything Game Changer is on Dropout which is a streaming service uh for the group that used to be college humor which college humor probably has some sort of connotations in your mind for the kind of content to expect but discard those because they have transformed into in my opinion one of the best bang for your buck streaming services that exists right now $6 a month and you get Game Changer Make Some Noise Dirty Laundry uh there’s a few others they got a new show thousand airs that’s looking pretty good at a strong start those are the big three I watch if you like watching Dungeons and Dragons content they have got that in Spades yeah that’s the dimension 20 group led by Brennan Lee Mulligan who is a goddamn genius one of the best comedic Minds that exists Full Stop on top of being an incredible dungeon master I love that dude all right kind of wandering aimlessly here I just remember where I was actually trying to go I got distracted by the dropout conversation let’s head down to the carpenter it might be a little late today actually I might have waited too long it might already be closed yeah it’s getting close to that point for me too Anarchy I’m kind of debating just getting rid of any anything else because I spend most of my time on YouTube and Dropout these days anyway I watch a lot more YouTube content now than I ever have in the past I found a lot of good YouTubers I like and make some high quality stuff for some reason I’m much more interested in watching like a two-hour video essay about a niche topic than I am about getting into any new Netflix series or something like that well it’s not for some reason I know the reason is because that stuff is way more interesting to me these days I wish I watched less YouTube you go ahead and keep watching the same amount all y’all I enjoy the amount of YouTube You’re consuming it’s it’s beneficial to me I feel that though yeah I feel like I probably spend a little bit too much time on those things that was a fast day we just call that a night I guess hopefully we can go back and get some actual stuff from them tomorrow I did sell all of my crops the one eggplant left to harvest right I’m pretty sure I got everything else that needed harvesting though yeah we’re good me watching hourong War Warhammer 40K lore videos yeah I dig it solid day 2400 for light work man I’ll take it hey silver feels like interest in history is higher while Netflix shows quality of drops not all but overall yeah that’s that’s been the case for a while now it feels like unfortunately yeah Netflix honestly was kind of the easiest one to cut for me at this point it’s just very little keeping me interested in that platform anymore God is it satisfying to just have all this taken care of when you wake up in the morning or they have the water a damn thing yeah same silver I had it back for uh I i’ gotten it back again for something I forget it might have been the new melany thing which was unfortunately kind of [Music] disappointing there’s another thing I was watching on Netflix for a bit there oh I was going to check check it uh I was going to try out that uh blood of Zeus or whatever it’s called that Greek mythology show which I enjoy the first season though but I can’t seem to get into the second one an occasional Bojack Horsemen and Community rewatches although I don’t think they even have Community anymore they’re losing steam fast don’t eat the crab dip yay yay Godzilla minus one was apparently just released on Netflix I feel like I’ve watched a monster movie in a long time so I’m going to do that I got to watch uh what’s the one with the giant shark that they’ve got like six of megalodon or something like that I forget the name yeah I forgot we built this too it’s fun little additional Shack the mag yeah that’s the one Pon weren’t you saying that’s yeah you you were singing that one’s Praises a while ago I I just got to dumb myself down and allow myself to enjoy that kind of thing every now and then oh yeah it’s sty Valley Fair time what nine things should we bring to appease our Lords and Masters and praise God what’s the fanciest stuff I own well first of all I’m going to bring him an ancient fruit because I feel like that’ll impress people put some of this other stuff away real quick I don’t really need the wood yeah figure some gold star things will help me out I bet they like the signature stuff too right little purple star action I’m also going to bring this pink cake cuz I bet that’ll be impressive I’ll bring a gold mushroom some jojoli yeah there we go how about a bomb I bet they like a bomb we bring a gold albore gold clam gold pumpkin anything fancy in here how about a gray hoodie have to love that oo a prismatic Shard that’s probably pretty good isn’t it I want to do that just because there’s part of me that feels as though they’re are probably going to be some internal screams occurring as a result of my decision to do so yeah I got two of those suckers so I guess we can take a risk with one right how many is that that feels like enough I’ll fill the rest in with junk I’m impressive enough already squirrel I’ll get that later hooray [Music] it’s time for the fair trade in your star tokens for prizes cool ooh strength meter well bear it’s the big day our most important Festival of the year the stardew Valley Fair if you’d like to participate by setting up a grange display I’ve left an empty stand for you just let me know after you’ve set everything up so we can get to the judging hey buddy are you strong like me Smash Stone um please stand at the red [Music] arrow bulldozzer hell yeah I’ll take it I’m happy with that play the slingshot game and win star tokens [Music] cool oh okay uh ha ha oh okay I got you y y he’s a god straight gaming up in here double double shot double shot ah [ __ ] oh get him get him ah damn oh that’s satisfying that’s very satisfying I like that a lot that makes my brain happy double shot oh yeah get it get it get it oh Baby that felt pretty good still more though yeah oh jeez oh god oh yeah there we go nice that pretty solid 78 yeah that seems seems pretty good 89% accuracy ooh the multiplier 40 star tokens I have no frame of reference for how many of that is but that feels like a lot selling star tokens for just oh you can just buy them hold on let’s see how much the expensive stuff [Music] is we can get a star drop a mysterious fruit that empowers those who eat it the flavor is like a dream a power ful personal experience yet difficult to describe for others I kind of want to get that that seems important a prize ticket oh for Lewis’s house right yeah and then some pepper poppers a light green rug how delightful got to get a fedora right and a rarecrow okay so we got some fun stuff to get yeah I was going to say probably not ideal to buy them oh got to spin the wheel though pick a color and place your bet for a chance to double your wager pick a color pick a color pick a color pick a color don’t think now just pick that color orange or green orange or green you decide 69 on green we got a lot of Green Love here let’s do it wager them all all 140 send it send it [Music] [Applause] yeah good choice chat well played oh got a fish got a fish oh just some straight up fishing that works for me oh boy H some tough catches in here maybe though that’d be fun like we haven’t really struggled with a lot of fish lately oh boy but yeah they got me going here now they got me good oh [ __ ] this is a hell of a reintroduction to fishing man [Music] nice oh we just get to score here okay [Music] cool welcome back hey the K 61 months on the pile welcome back thanks for the bear hugs for him appreciate it oops a come on give me that Max cast right yeah I do actually have to go set up my Grange thing too don’t I let’s go knock that out after the fishing so I don’t forget isn’t Time Frozen though as long as we’re in the fair so it just it won’t proceed until we actually tell it to you right so there’s no like crunch to get that done quickly okay yeah cool so we’re just chilling Fair one end until you leave right we got to get a quick catch here I don’t know if we’re actually going to have time before the buzzer beat the buzzer let’s go nice that seems good Perfection bonus okay 528 star tokens damn dude here we go he doesn’t look very happy I guess mayor Lewis had to cut cost with a budget clown this don’t say that right in front of the poor guy maybe that’s his shtick maybe you thought they’d go sad sad clown this year I complain about my job sometimes but I do take pride in my work these just some of my finest pieces I hope you like [Music] them you got just a couple of plain ass copper bars line up in here dude all right if you say so my crystal ball is swirling with visions of your future young one ah indeed I see you in a room having a conversation with a lady oh it’s Pam you seem to be close friends ooh it’s dark and I see you and a certain young lady she looks quite hopeful and eager to spend time with you now what’s this young lady’s name I believe it starts with an E the crystal ball has moved on now I see you harvesting a plump ripe melon you’re on a wonderful looking Farm bursting with life this for col is horny as hell ah the crystal ball is gone dim that’s all I can do for you young one now just keep in mind that the future isn’t set in stone whatever I’ve told you today can still be changed if you set your heart on it but make sure you let me [Music] watch I don’t remember any young ladies whose names start with e [Music] no that’s right [Music] Vincent all right let’s go ahead and set up our little display here get right okay obviously the pumpkin’s going in the dead center that’s the most impressive bit Prismatic Shard right up front actually you know what keep those away from would be Thieves slap that in the back there and then a nice little mushroom we got a ancient fruit pink cake and a bomb sick tell me that ain’t the finest display you’ve ever seen all of stardew Valley Green With Envy The Miraculous bear and his supply of [Music] knick-knacks okay is that all the mini games oh right you’re you’re just selling star [Music] tokens so we get sad clown blacksmith display we get the fortune teller I think it might just be those three well four technically I guess imagine just putting a bomb on your Market stall it be pretty intimidating I wouldn’t feel super excited about sharing space with that guy [Music] yeah I think I’m good on that guess we’ll do a little more fishing for Star tokens do want to get a star drop after all star drop and a prize ticket seems like a good [Music] goal this one more time see if I can get a better score [Music] Max oh can I do the grain rating and not end the fair so I can talk to L and I can see how many more we need after [Music] that yeah I’ll do that then only ends when you leave right all right oh come on that doesn’t count for anything I’m clearing the space for other fishermen [Music] doing a public good it’s not worth any Star [Music] points I do need to try to get those perfect catches CU there’s clearly a big bonus for [Music] that easier said than done obviously although not nearly as difficult of a catch as I expected on these guys not taking it easy on me now [Music] oh oh you son of a gun so close keep on casting brother keep on casting want to get one perfect catch at least come on come on cooperate hey there we go can we get one more I wonder if it’ll let me get it if I’m in the process of reeling it in before the time runs [Music] out looks like it does nice that work pretty [Music] well perfect bonus perfect bonus oh only 20 that time damn yeah all right let’s go ahead and do the gra display [Music] now it was a long bus ride here but totally worth it this Valley is so beautiful Simon loves it don’t you Simon yeah he looks like he’s thrilled my impression of [Music] Simon just staring at his lollipop like what is this garbage but apparently always green spay yeah that’s what worked for us [Music] you already finished setting up your Grange display yep check it out it’s pretty [Music] baller don’t like the [Music] bomb I left a set of matches right next to it just to test the resolve of the towns [Music] folk yeah this soundtrack is delightful silver I agree it’s very [Music] pleasant keep it a thorough once over what’s say ye mayor Lewis your Grange display has been judged return to Mayor Lewis for the [Music] result you want first place W world’s greatest gamer 1,000 star tokens oh and don’t forget to clean out your Grange display box thanks [Music] buddy [Music] sweet th000 star points for [Music] Bear all right oh he just eats it [Music] your mind is filled with thoughts of the pile A oh cool maximum energy level is increased that’s pretty [Music] dope does he even do anything about that no he just wants you to keep hitting [Music] it I want to get that Max rank [Music] God damn it it’s like a tiny delay there it is yeah nice now that’s what I like to see I have a single star token okay I’m just going to go keep fishing [Music] then not super [Music] incentivized to go for the prize token from from this but uh I can’t remember exactly how we get those anyway like might actually be worth it I know we did have some cool stuff in there hey it’s free yeah you’re not [Music] wrong don’t look a gift horse in the mouth unless that gift is [Music] spit and you’re concerned for the horse’s [Music] well-being you okay buddy you know other people are giving out like hundreds of star points for rewards right you know this is essentially like hucking a penny at my face and saying good job you did it [Music] who [Music] perfect boy I am fishing like a madman out here give me one more perfect catch s a brand new course record oh God okay hold on got the real deal now oh never mind we’re good all right I I think if I get over 500 points here I’ll go for one more session there we go oh damn one more spin we’ll put 200 on green be Luck Be luck bear Luck Bear Luck Bear Luck Bear Luck Bear Luck Bear luck come on come on yes let’s go three [Music] points thank [Music] you I kind of want to get the rarecrow [Music] too I am curious yeah let’s just oh [ __ ] wait no don’t don’t gamble on orange duh I’m curious to see how many times we can just double our star points here green until it fails yep no I’m committed now double or [Music] nothing oh nice there we go there we go keep it up might as well if I’m going to leave anyway [Music] right bet 50% nah dog All or Nothing nice there we go one more one more will do it give me that rare Crow baby easiest star points in my life let’s go one more time let a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ride never punished streamer luck let’s go one more one more time give me that bar lock baby come on I’m Addicted now my my gambling personality is rearing its ugly head that’s looking good nice oh boy [Music] boy rolling in the points yes I’ll take everything you got please and thank you let’s go ahead and grab one of each of these if you don’t mind all right 2,000 to spare yeah that’s all my bare luck exhausted for a little while was there anything else to spend these on now bet orange yeah [ __ ] it let’s do [Music] it I will you think I won’t think I’m scared watch it happen watch it happen I’m not even going to look guaranteed guaranteed [Music] ore bam ah [ __ ] all right fine [Music] now we go a fun day at the fair let the Festival end awesome got to plop down our our new rare Crow let’s get you over here yeah cool I guess you can be in line with the other ones sweet oh got to throw on my Fedora too right of course I don’t need this fancy ass helmet anymore be looking fine looking slick as hell brother nice little green rug here too you can’t flip these things right I feel like I keep asking about that there’s no rotate button that looks pretty decent I guess oh it’s right click okay ah there we go nice thank you that’s fun I like that you good boy you good buddy little [Music] Chub just got to put away some of this extra crap keep my Prismatic shards safe uh you can go in there you can go in there there we go and then my ocean themed Goods Moss technically I guess kind of uh then we got a bit of this stuff we got the acorn to put in there as well what’s going on with you up there we go oh yeah I have pepper poppers now one prize ticket bunch of sap mushroom goes in this one I want to say there we go okie dokie I think I was putting these guys in here and I’ll work if not awesome just not everything rotates right that’s what it was so I think I was like trying to rotate this bear at some point cool oh sweet I was already working on that apparently the gold pickaxe is ready to pick up and some eggplant juice oh yummy that’s right we can put stuff in there to make juices out of them now right let’s make some grape juice so much ready to harvest too lovely o we get some cranberries today awesome little bit more broccoli already a great day this is one of my favorite tracks the flute does it for me okay plop y’all into here a little grape juice going these guys on [Music] sale get our gold saved in here let’s all look pretty good see if any of this needs to go to the community center I don’t think it does oh the corn okay so we need one more gold star corn and one more gold star pumpkin it looks like I still want to save the gold stars anyway I think the rest of them though I can pretty happily depart with although there are often uh missions that will pop up that ask us to provide a certain amount of Any Given thing so maybe it’s worth it to hang on some more for those [Music] purposes all right let’s go ahead and finish the watering real quick we’ll get rid of this space at some point so I don’t have to do anything it’s not automatic I do very much enjoy having all these processes take care of themselves I have any seeds to plant I do have I no that’s Deluxe bait I don’t think I have any seeds to plant at the moment I was going to see if artichoke is available that’s right so we got to go to Pierre’s along with the blacksmith so we can crack these geod and then get that pickaxe so we can come back and start destroying those stones those mysterious purple fragmented Stones down here still curious about what’s going on with that missed two corns I did I did yeah I did didn’t I yeah here we go those perhaps gold star corns they are not unfortunate okay I haven’t filled up my dog’s water bowl in days I’m a monster there you go buddy I’m sorry I’m sorry I neglected you there’s a good boy look at this stylish new hat new hat and gold shirt I am going to be the fanciest dude in town let’s do it ah it’s true yeah he did get the rain water last time didn’t he perfect hat to be friend zone by Emily I mean I I probably would wouldn’t want to interact with me to be fair man that’s so convenient now I love that let’s go okay time to process these geod brother what’s in the box it could be it could be anything that is pretty sick mix seeds ooh is that new n I’ve got that before apparently mix flower seeds mix normal seeds neat okay aridium pickaxe oh boy okay 25k and five aridium bars I think I have one of those and I can’t even remember how I got it cuz I don’t think you can get that from the mines [Music] right unless it’s like a different part of the mines I haven’t gone to [Music] yet I want to look for bugs but Mom gets mad when I’m all dirty it’s a tough choice I don’t envy a [Music] brother you’re going to make your way in these Mean Streets clubs on Wednesdays you son of a [ __ ] it’s a bit rare and only in the lowest layers so you’re saying it’s a possibility okay okay does feel like my priority still ought to be the community center it seems a lot of stuff is still walled behind that oh I wanted to go get a barn today too that’s right let’s go see if that’s an option I don’t even know if this is faster to get to get up to the barn lady oh right yeah know mines would do it though that’s right this is nice and Speedy need Stone and wood for the barn okay we’ll go see what we need and then we’ll go back and grab it all hi construct farm buildings a coupe requires wood and Stone Barn requires wooden Stone Silo requires Stone clay and [Music] copper oh yeah we can get our own fish pond that’s fun and a dedicated home for one pet stable require hardwood and iron yeah take it easy half thanks again for the uh gift Subs appreciate you fill water troughs and slimes will create slime balls that’s kind of fun I have 15 fish ponds on my farm I think I’ll start with the coupe here this seems like a good way to get uh introduced to this and that means we need wood and stone okay 300 wood 100 Stone see if we’ve got even close to that I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to chop down a bunch of trees to get that much let’s just get as much as we can I’m sure we’re going to need a lot more surplus of that in the future as well I still don’t know whether or not artichokes are even going to be an option for this season I don’t want to take that Quest unless I know I’m actually going to be able to do it I keep lying to people and I feel bad going to get a reputation for being the most unreliable member of the community and we got our fancy new golden pickaxe now oh boy let’s try this sucker out yo oh [ __ ] well there we go there’s a good way to get some aridium God damn give me another one of those I could have sworn I saw a second one somewhere on the farm that’s awesome isn’t there another one somewhere around around here maybe not still though that’s awesome let’s go ahead and get that cooking up right now clearly got enough furnaces so we only got 10 there but that is going to make two more bars so that’s over halfway there sweet let’s go ahead and plant these seeds too while we’re at it see what these will turn into I know buddy so excitable where is my hoe did I put it away I must [Music] have put this garbage in here too go ahead and sell this Stone I think get rid of the wild plung too yeah keep those on my person for now where in the world is my hoe there it is I put that away be’s crops maxing yeah I’m certainly trying to get the farm going these days we have fertilizer too I think right where did I put that away must have put that away that’s fine all right cool that works I do have to actually water these guys now oh wait no this is watered already yeah we’re good sweet time to start chopping trees again imagine the gold pickaxe is going to make this process a lot faster too getting all these rocks out of here yeah I want to make it some run two these things real quick there we go I should check to see if I’ve got any good food that would help me speed up this process a little bit I am already running out of time today though I’m pretty sure I’m going to have enough energy for it anyway some always use more hardwood too snag some more of this here not nearly as much Stone on the Farmland anymore look for those big suckers now we are really starting to like much more quickly than I anticipated I might clear out all this Farmland before the end of the end of the year thought that would take me a much longer Time come on come on there you go oh boy that feels nice so quick that was a quick 50 Stone there dude nice look at me split I’m going to pop a field snack real quick and then what is this thing dried sunflowers that’s going right outside the front door I just want to know who dumped all these Boulders on your land yeah the the growth is explainable makes sense but somebody had to make the effort to drop all these rocks on our farm right almost there’s secretly a savitur in our midst that we got to sniff out there’s always got to be an antagonist right there it is I knew there was another one of these fancy purple rocks on the in the vicinity somewhere let’s go another ten aridium or oh my God that’s actually we just need the gold now and we could get the aridium pickaxe that’s awesome it’s the man from the fair hucking rocks the strong man I could believe that I mean he’s one of the few I suppose who actually be capable did you see Steam shared the top 20 games played on the steam deck during the month of May Hades 2 is number one Hades one is number four and stardy Valley is number three okay so now we have to guess what number two is do it with me chat let’s see what would that be is there maybe a recency bias on the sort of stuff that would be most common on the steam deck just running down like the list of like the most popular games on Steam I feel like Counterstrike probably isn’t it it’s not DOTA Team Fortress 2 is probably not it H dead cells oh Isaac maybe Isaac still maybe yeah that’s true skyro Game of the Year Edition oh that’s a good answer Aries yeah that might be that might actually be it vampire survivors Isaac is 16 that’s still pretty damn good for Isaac dude for a game that’s like a decade old now that’s pretty sick I think it might actually be vampire survivors is it not 14 for vampire survivors really that’s shocking I thought it’ be a lot higher than that that seems like the perfect steam deck game I fully believed he nailed it with that man now I’m drawing a blank is it like do the sports games play on the steam deck is it like FIFA or some [ __ ] oh balers Gate 3 yeah that’s not a bad idea I think it’s tunic I feel like tunic wasn’t as wasn’t as popular as I wish it was some awful gotcha game yeah is it genjin that might actually be it too I’m just committed to the idea of clearing the whole space Oh genin’s not on Steam okay yeah I guess that wouldn’t be it then Ballers Gate 3 is number five no sports games on the list at all balers gate three and number five okay man what is number two then my wishful brain wants to say spunky Spelunky to more likely I’m starting to run out of options that was a pretty successful day oh that’s another good guess Aries yeah it could be balatro huh batro would be a great steam deck game too for sure GTA is on there number 15 Honey Pop yeah Bater number six dude we’re getting like the entire rest of the list what the hell this feels like a round table game now that’s super surprising I feel are we going to be shocked by what’s number two ebony do you think or is it something we should have guessed by now hey pretty good day again nice [Applause] it can’t be DOTA right there’s no way it actually is dota DOTA doesn’t seem like it would play well in the steam deck but maybe not number two is shocking due to [Music] age Elden ring seven okay oh that’s a good guess cavia might be [Music] Terraria got a lot to harvest [Music] today I’m hoping the YouTube comments are guessing along with us as well this is taking way longer than I expected it to not for sure we’d get it by now slay the Spire Minecraft oh is it Fallout online because of the Fallout Series yeah that could be it too these are good guesses at the very least that would make sense to me 76 right yeah that’s probably on the list somewhere if not the actual number two I feel like I should do something about this so I can actually access this thing oh it’s Fallout 4 okay yeah that makes sense that’s wild yeah that is certainly shocking due to the age of that game obviously but also it’s just like the amount of uh the the Resurgence of those games has been ridiculous and can only really be attributed to the show I find that funny cuz I’m playing Fallout 4 now like was there an update when the show came out did they update the game too or is it just people remembering that they like Fallout there’s a Next Gen update okay okay that helps explain it a little bit more for sure and it broke all the mods oh Jesus that sucks particularly for that game I know people love the mods for that [Music] game well we got all the aridium ore we need now man God damn that’s crazy or radium bars rather so we can go ahead and whip up that pickaxe upgrade still looking to get a lot oh we have a lot of stone actually Okay cool so we must have need wood at this point I can do that go turn in these geod real quick as well let’s get rid of those guys get the grapes in there cross the eggplant oh no no no no bring that back don’t want to do that whoopsie okay and then you two are going in there nice and I think I’m just going to keep these seeds oh that’s bait never mind yeah we can keep that I had such high hopes for Starfield one a tremendous disappointment yeah I feel you on that for sure it became so clear so quickly that Starfield was not what we wanted it to be and I already had had my suspicions about that when we were watching like the final trailers and every character that you interacted with was still giving you Bethesda face you know like when they when you walk up to them and all of a sudden it’s like we need you to acquire six iron or deposits and bring them to our star Fleet always be thumbnail farming oh [ __ ] I forgot I oops uh oh wait hang on there we go fixed it [ __ ] I forget every time that’s a that’s a hotkey for stardo too I forget it’s like screenshot mode or something yo Mr sidekick welcome everybody thanks for the raid we’re just vibing with some stardy Valley to wrap up the day little ways into fall now oh my God can we finally go buy some artichokes from Pierre that dude has got the most fickle business hours of anyone I’ve ever met yeah right on thank you for the raid appreciate it hope your time was good the monsters known as squid kid are throwing the elemental balance into disarray slay a single squid kid I don’t even know what that is but I feel like I can probably handle it uh year one here mister and I’m on my very first ever started Valley playr too so I’m enjoying the learning process he does not have AR of chokes damn okay that’s a shame starting from number eight the rest of the list is Fallout New Vegas Diablo 4 hell divers 2 I feel dumb that I didn’t guess either of those two Diablo 4 hell divers 2 that was that was a pretty easy guess 76 cyber Punk vampire survivors GTA V Skyrim animal well oh that’s dope I’m glad that’s doing so good slay the Spire ghost the sushima Monster Hunter World okay right [Music] on uh I doubt I’m going to be able to get two dozen eggs but let’s try it so we need a lot more wood right I think in fact that was the resource that I needed more of I think it was 300 wood and 100 Stone if I remember remember right I’m not going to be able to chop any of these trees down here am I I can’t chop any of the trees that aren’t in my area right is that a thing oh wait no I’ll do that not in town but everywhere else is good okay right on yeah we need a lot more wood okay see if I can get that done before she wraps up for the day so I can get these ones then ah okay cool these probably regrow I’m guessing or new ones will spring up I assume or we’ll just turn this into a Barren Wasteland either way people say stard do fa or Starfield failed because Todd overused Oblivion formula but it’s not even Oblivion the fact that it’s not even a true open world ruins everything with why Fallout and Skyrim was fun well I mean a lot of the issue with Starfield is the fact that while it may be an open world quote unquote there’s still just nothing to do like that was easily the most discouraging part of the little bit of Starfield that I played was going to planets and going out and trying to explore and it’s just empty just fully bar in nothingness and then you’ll get like the occasional random little outcrop or like an enemy ship will drop down on you every now and then but it’s still just so uninteresting you know that’s the one word I would absolutely if I had to describe that game in one word it would be uninteresting just boring really like that’s that’s not what you want to hear about Starfield they’ve kind of just like I don’t know it’s it’s kind of just like edgy to say this at this point but like bethesda’s just kind of fallen off they’re not really the barometer for Quality anymore they once were and I’ll sit here and praise Skyrim fearlessly dude because that as as much of a meme as that game has become Skyrim was the [ __ ] when it initially released and it’s still fun it’s still a very good enjoyable game like we played that three years ago it was still a good time Fallout 4 was pretty good Fallout 76 obviously had its issues un launch but since then it’s become pretty good but it’s just kind of been downhill from there I think Starfield coming out between balers gate and the Cyber Punk update really highlighted how dated some aspects of bethesda’s approach are for sure yeah and even those two games like well a lot less so balers gate but cyber Punk still absolutely Falls victim to some of like the the tropes of open world AR PG design that we’ve come to recognize like it almost feels mmoes a lot of the time when you’re dealing with quests in those games which you know falls into the get this many of this thing for this reason sort of dynamic there’s a lot less of that in cyberpunk for sure is a lot more interesting like Side Stories and objectives going on with that game but a few times I was just like you know go here go here and kill these dudes don’t ask why did you see the kill all yarl speedrun and Skyrim for fast 50 this weekend I didn’t that’s dope though that’s that’s a fun category I like that yeah I’ve watched a little bit of the fast 50 I’m glad it’s doing well it’s a cool thing Ludwig’s doing there’s always room for more speedrunning charity events in the world kind of just aimless again here I think I just need to keep chopping down more trees actually wonder if I can chop down the ones over here yeah I agree storm it was just kind of cookie cutter unfortunately we can chop these down yeah I think we just need to get as much wood as we can today maybe get a barn tomorrow what do we have to now 230 yeah we still need a whole bunch going to need way more than this too I wonder if there’s an easier way to get wood this is is working well enough and all but I’m going to need a lot more than this soon my copium is that Starfield fell flat cuz all the good people are working on the ELD Elder Scroll 6 Elder Scroll 6 GTA 6 and silk song are not real until they are in my steam Library till then that’s that’s all vaporware that’s all make believe like we’ll probably be 15 years removed from Skyrim prior to seeing anything further about the Elder Scrolls 6 cuz we still haven’t gotten any other update Beyond like that initial like literally what was just like text and a 20 second teaser that was like yeah we’re making it we’re not going to show you anything yet but it’s it’s it’s happening yeah GTA 6 I believe will actually eventually happen I just I’m pretty sure that’s still like two or three years down the road at least we are at year 13 from Skyrim yeah that feels weird dude Skyrim probably still feels recent because there have been 12 other releases of Skyrim since uh oh I got anything to eat I don’t think so I could probably chop down one more 11 111 I remember fondly yeah sure enough I remember uh skipping all my classes in college that day having gone to the midnight release at a mall we’re all like lined up in the mall parking lot outside the full building because the mall itself was locked and then they like guided us in a single file procession through the mall to the GameStop in the mall for us all to get our copy of Skyrim and then leave immediately all right good enough I was just going to ask that Hess yeah was the last midnight release y’all remember going to because it’s not really like a thing anymore used to be a lot more common I think Skyrim might have been my last one cuz I went to the one for Halo 3 and I went to the one for ODST and then I went to the one for Skyrim which I think was after ODST yeah I think that might have been my last one gather 24 eggs put them in his fridge yeah another rainy day that’s pretty nice be I’d like to buy a pumpkin from you my daughter and I want to carve a jack a’ Lantern for the upcoming Spirits Eve Festival can do I got you covered I got some fancy ass pumpkins for you time to harvest oh boy talk about satisfying huh all right leveled up our farming too hell yeah that feels good all kinds of stuff it’s going to bug me so bad not being able to get that eggplant maybe it’ll just like drop on the ground at the end of the season or something like that yeah maybe that’s a better question maybe I should ask what’s the last physical uh physical copy of a game you remember getting not even necessarily a midnight release all right whoops last physical was Jedi Survivor oh you prefer physical still nice at The Witcher 3 collectors edition I was thinking about getting the animal well collector’s edition just to support Mr basso let’s go crack these geod turn in our prize ticket sounds good to me we got a little bit of time actually maybe we could chop down a few more trees first biom mutant is that like 2016 or something like that primar right remember that game had like a little raccoon thing on the box art seems Vaguely Familiar Mario RPG on the switch not the or are you talking about Thousand-Year Door Paper Mario so I’ve heard very good things about that 2021 oh I think I’m thinking of something else then am I actually I think I’m thinking of the right box art hold on yeah know I’m thinking of the right thing just came out later than I thought okay Seven Star Saga an old Super Nintendo game ah okay okay you going to play the Paper Mario though like you played this it seems very familiar doesn’t it yeah it might have been like a sponsored stream or something hold on quick Google of bear plays biom mutant something that I have to do about things that I have or that I think I have played way more often than I’d like to admit Googling my own videos nothing popped up by the way so I don’t think so I’ve heard very good things about the Paper Mario so might be worth a go even thinking about picking that up myself oh it’s book seller day fun oh right yeah I forgot I was supposed to slay something yet again Mr unreliable you can count on me to take the task and never complete it I do like reminding myself death that I have maintained my youthful exuberance I’m growing a I’m growing a bunch of Grays right here man I’ll tell you what this is like you can’t really tell anymore this is just like a full gray patch on my head now oops what you got oh silver thank you for the resub give him some bear hugs please wel back in Ral welcome back thank you for the bear bucks or sorry the Bezos bucks which we convert into bear bucks read this to gain some experience in all skills oh [ __ ] run a lot faster through grass and crops we’ve already purchased the price catalog haven’t we kind of tempted to buy that book of stars dude it seems pretty good got salt and pepper at the temples but one side someone knocked over the whole salt shaker it’s just everywhere yeah it’s weird to me that it’s like so concentrated oh the thumb means I already know it okay got some geod for you brother cool aeronite what that is it’s a badge of honor for making it this far in life yeah honestly I don’t mind it look a little more dignified okay so we got aeronite and Frozen tear we can deposit this bad [Music] boy yeah no I know I’m not actually old I’m never actually going to be old in the eyes of twitch chat been saying this dumb [ __ ] since I’ve been like 26 [Music] local woods and mountains are great places to find wild produce you don’t say yeah Sol B look usually does pretty well for just about anybody add some some seasoning to your to your style I’m turning 28 this year I still feel pretty young oh yeah you’re still a baby I’m still a baby to be honest still need more wood right yeah we can go get the barn now though knock that out at least he donated a pris prismatic Shard to the museum you generous man that was one of our three so I don’t feel too bad about it got some serious streamer luck in that regard apparently hooray it’s painted oh that just Paints the buildings I already have I see all right this is going right here for sure cool I’ll start working on your new Coupe first thing tomorrow morning hooray YY that’s cool wonder if I can build anything else already it’s probably worth a look hello why can’t I oh she can probably only do one building at a time right okay that makes sense you’re only as old as you feel and my bones feel brittle W that’s making me I I got to get out more man I’ve been I keep talking about this but I got to get my my uh my walking Rhythm back out there and enjoy this beautiful weather it is rainy today unfortunately certainly fits the mood here uh I can’t really speak to that mister Name of the Wind that just makes me think of the books I’ve been reading the drist D and Saga that I can’t stop talking about because it’s all I’m consuming oh the prize ticket I forgot about that let’s go turn that in real quick too I miss the physical man uals that came with the game purchases that’s yet another reason uh who a walleye frenzy has begun in Cinder sap Forest what the hell is that where even is that uh anyway I was going to mention uh that’s another one of the reasons I like tunic so much was because of the uh functionality of the digital manual in the game rise time cool oh damn yeah some fancy stuff up in here gotcha see I still not really sure how to like prize tickets I think they might be like a reward for these things sometimes that’s going to be the case we got to get ourselves some chickens are you eag girl you are it never rains in Calico desert that’s where my friend Sandy lives love Sandy who are we supposed to give a pumpkin to bring Caroline a pumpkin where’s Caroline Jody Kent and Sam Emily and Haley [Music] you always be my bad thing dick as hell f as [ __ ] oh my God that’s my lady just passed it this house I didn’t see any over there or her name and any of the descriptions oh it’s Pier’s wife okay ah yeah yeah yeah got you hopefully they’re still open might if I go back here you Caroline Oh [ __ ] whoops no I don’t mean to do that crap hopefully I can still give her stuff here you go oh the pumpkin it’s a good one Abigail will be so happy when she sees this thanks bear you bet you need any pumpkins you come straight to me still have no idea what’s going on with this thing alter of Yoba oh that’s what yall were talking about when you were mentioning the religious connotations right that’s that’s starting to come together yeah I don’t think I’m hunting red slimes think we’re just going to keep chopping trees and then probably call it a day oh [ __ ] ancient fruit wine drink in moderation 1,600 jeez that’s pretty good keep that in here for now I’m just going to go ahead and sell this Frozen tier I sell the mixed flower seeds too I’m not super interested in planting any flowers right now to be honest the wood and the fiber away and the sap and the hazelnuts and the maple seeds there we go get our pumpkin back in here actually need two more golden ones of those hopefully we can find some this season flowers are just like crops some are worth a bit more when sold that makes sense I I know why I hadn’t considered that I thought I’m a farmer I must grow fruits and vegetables exclusively I suppose that’s not the case is it oh [ __ ] Mystery Box oh do flowers affect honey too oh interesting okay I won’t be so quick to sell those seeds then I should probably just plant those all over would pretty up the joint wouldn’t it come on buddy come on buddy you become the be Lord in your farm nice boy yeah I feel like we’re going to need to uh I want to get these other buildings constructed we’re going to have to spend quite a bit of time chopping trees over the next little bit get all the goods one of the Honeys is worth over 1K a piece oh my god dude the monies in the Honeys I guess there’s always money in the honey stand all right well not the not the most eventful day pretty successful session though took first prize in the stardew Valley Fair got ourselves a golden pickaxe which in turn provided us with the aridium ore that we needed to eventually upgrade that to an aridium pickaxe got our Coupe construction underway I haven’t checked my mushrooms in a while either I should head in there real quick yeah I got a lot done the very last of our energy chop down one more tree check in our mushrooms real quick I thought that would be more wood there there we go all right and then we can put five of the same type in there to make the morsel bag right see if I can knock that out real quick here too being all mushrooms in there there we go let’s do five of these guys see what that gives us I’ve got the two beehives there were those producing honey on their own or did I have to do something with those oops no come on dude is this not how I do this oh can I not do these with star mushrooms maybe they have to be normal ones oh reds don’t do it okay and these just take a few days okay right now so we got to use these guys then I guess and not collapse for the end of the night here there we go all right yeah great session today feeling good fun stuff got level nine farming oh seed maker and AR radium sprinkler oo damn oh boy I wonder if I’ll be tempted to go with that instead of the pickaxe early on so we can get some serious farming ground going that might be fun tree fertilizer wild seeds oh [ __ ] I can make a warp totem now for the mountains cool that’s pretty awesome another five grand from the farming today too sheesh okay damn we could actually just go get the aridium pickaxe now that might be tempting for next time all right well thanks for watching Everybody fun session of stard Valley today got about uh 10 days left here for fall we get into winter next time most likely good times if you’re still enjoy these over on beara he does do a great deal to leave a like on those videos if you want to continue to see more stard valy uploaded over there in the future for now thanks for watching appreciate the support and I’ll see you in the next one

Stardew Valley:
Taken from a live stream on

From the developer: “You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?”

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BaerTaffy, or just Baer, plays games like Spelunky, Darkest Dungeon, Darkest Dungeon II, Hollow Knight, FTL, PowerWash Simulator, Hardspace Shipbreaker, Dave the Diver, Dredge and many more!


  1. Baerdew Valley has been one of my favorite series to have on while I work. Thank you for the cozy vibes and the good times!

  2. Extremely pleased to see this series return. I could listen to the Baer Pile Farm's rainy forecast days w/ headphones on and just immerse myself. Others may know more than I do but quite some time ago when you reached Floor 120 in the Mines, I believe a Key of some sort was obtained? It may grant access to the town's Sewers. Alyse would know for certain. Made nice progress during this VOD.

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