Stardew Valley, But I’m Stuck on Ginger Island | FULL NINO VOD

he [Music] of [Music] hello what’s up what’s up everyone welcome in how are we what’s going on what’s up ads oh my God isn’t that so fun when twitch just throws you a bunch of ads what’s up everyone welcome in oh [ __ ] than were the [ __ ] hve train hello what’s up how are we all today chat chat I am [ __ ] sore I am sore what’s going on W look at these names hi everyone welcome into the the new chats how are you how are you chat is Chad I am sore I feel like I have been through the ringer dude I started up a new um I’m back at the gym after vacation so I started up a new uh uh workout regimen yesterday no this week and I feel like I’ve been through I feel like I’ve been through the beat out dude I feel like someone’s been like smacking me up with a baseball bat welcome in everyone how are we all what’s going on what have we been up to I got an exciting stream for us today are you guys ready for a new stardo Valley series like a new long-term stardo Valley series like a new longterm actually going to be playing Maybe be hourong videos stardo Valley series cuz I’m not because this seems like it’s going to be hard but I found this mod that I thought would be really fun for us to play this is like this is like um I’ve been watching your vids all evening waiting for you to stream the the the time zones have really [ __ ] me up a little bit the time zones have really [ __ ] me up a little bit in terms of uh knowing when uh I meant to be going live because I don’t understand where what time it is for Americans and the Brits the Brits definitely got get left out the British people were forgotten about I’m okay I’m okay with that British people being forgotten it it is what it is you know been watching so many videos oh that’s drogy what’s up Jay dog what’s going on welcome in hi Kota what the [ __ ] AA you can make it AA what’s up oh Sushi thank you for the two months Nino are you from New Zealand sadly I am sad and unidentified Ginger thank you for the 13 months has it actually been 13 months that’s crazy that’s crazy welcome in thank you so much for the resub oh wow it’s nice to see so many people resubbing after I was away for so long with in the UK and on vacation and and people might forget that they actually can use their twitch Prime on me since I was away for almost a month you you you know you can actually use your Twitch Prime on on me for free since I was away for so long you know you know I’m just just just just just remembering just remembering chat I actually like I actually feel like I have like it’s so crazy I wanted to speak to I wanted to talk to this about other twitch streamers cuz I wanted to see if this is like something common that happens with like other people Prime oh for [ __ ] sake have I not turned that off have I not turned that can someone have can can I turn that off I use my twitch Prime on limbo has limbo been filling the void uh while I’ve been away I can never catch limbo streams please give me money I mean yeah please give me money how the [ __ ] do I turn off that bandn redeem thing how do I turn that off I don’t want that I don’t want people to B I don’t want people to how do I turn that off someone teach me how to do [ __ ] um uh someone teach me how to do how do I do this channel points [Music] wow pom pom thank you so much for the tail one wait is it this now try it losers try it now try it try to ban a word go on losers try it it’s gone yeah damn right it’s gone damn right it’s gone I’m so [ __ ] I got there before dude I was so [ __ ] quick to it I was so quick to it oh dude dude like okay so what I was saying is I feel like coming back to streaming I feel like I’m so out of practice with it like I can’t like I forgotten how to stream I forgotten how to talk to people who thank you for the prime sub did you guys find okay some of you might be have been um genuinely forgot I had a prime when when now you remembered did you guys find I there was this there was this there was this uh how do I put this postco I felt like especially young people especially people our age there was this Mass six months time period post Co when we came out of lockdown where everyone had no [ __ ] idea how to socialize with each other meow thank you so much for the 3 months of prime there was like a 3 month 6 Monon period where everyone came out and there was no ability to socialize with each other whatsoever real that could socialize in the first place there’s studies on it dude like okay they don’t want to admit it they don’t these [ __ ] don’t want to admit it but Boomers and old people might have been more affected by it than some young people cuz let’s be honest let’s be honest we know how to socialize with people online right right we know look at us what we’re doing now we the third third spaces for young people is an online space okay we were all kind of we we all kind of knew about that old people don’t know what the [ __ ] a third online space is so they just couldn’t talk to anyone for 2 years then they come out of it and now suddenly they’re trying to run people over with their trucks and get mad at you when you walk along the [Music] street and why do I say that because I saw that happen I saw a biker okay that’s so redit that’s redit that’s I thought he say I thought he was saying that’s so Reddit rid of you Nino and I was like that’s the worst insult I’ve ever had in my life too many Boomers [ __ ] around don’t find out being an extrovert I was a little depressed not seeing people for a little while then got over it I don’t think I’m an extrovert or an introvert I don’t think I fit into either of these categories it’s like um what else is it called I forgot I don’t think I’m a extrovert or an introvert I’m an ambt cuz I’m special cuz I’m just [ __ ] cuz I’m just [ __ ] unique chat cuz I’m just unique you know what I am I’m a dog [ __ ] texter I always feel so ass when I’m texting I’m an ambt well it’s like okay what’s an ambt chat can we get like a can we get like a definition of what this is we’ll do like 15 minutes of chatting before we get into the actual uh sto what what is like what what’s like what’s an ambivert like what’s the what what is there a category for that I thrived during Co I didn’t have to see people I it’s a healthy middle what if I’m in an unhealthy middle can I be in an can I be an unhealthy ambivert cuz like if I’m okay so I’ve like talked about this with people I’m like I I’ve talked about this to you guys I I take it takes me a long time to get comfortable around people I would say on average it would take me about a a year of friendship to be able to be completely comfortable around another person right like about a year but like I also I I really enjoy talking to groups of people I’m a bit of a I don’t know if you can tell this with twitch streamers we’re kind of attention [ __ ] did you know this about twitch streamers I’m a little bit of an attention [ __ ] I love when the room is like all eyes on me I love getting up and doing public speaking I love talking in front of people I love making sure that people are like looking at me what really I know I know it’s a bit of a shocker it’s a bit of a shocker I I I I it’s weird right but then on top of that I don’t get lonely like at all I could literally I I during lockdown I think it was lockdown there was some point in my first no in one of my years of uni I went 2 weeks without without saying a word to anyone anyone and I felt I didn’t even realize I didn’t even it didn’t even process it was [ __ ] amazing I loved it gez Nino it was [ __ ] sick I had no I didn’t even process it I just didn’t say anything I think I I think the most I spoke was to my parents cuz I was living with my parent I was Lo in lock down with my parents she didn’t say anything and it was [ __ ] awesome and it’s like it’s like what what’s the what’s the in between with that wanting it like wanting what’s the where does the extreme go where it’s wanting all the attention on you 24/7 and then um just just not being able to talk to anyone and being completely okay with it for 2 weeks is that like ambivert to the extreme you know is that like is that like to the extreme there’s no middle ground either it’s to the extreme I forgot people didn’t have to go out I worked at a grocery store the time H H what’s that called what they what did you guys call that in that I feel you I did the same for one or two months dur quarantine it’s [ __ ] sick dude it was [ __ ] sick he just don’t say anything wow Chad thank you for the level three hype trains sounds like you’re just well adjusted I think it’s an okay chat who’s got ADHD can I can I can I question the uh ADHD is in there can I let me let me hear the ADHD is in there okay I think I think one what it is is that when you have ADHD you just your mind is enough to keep you company with yourself because your mind is just constantly going 24/7 so you don’t need someone else to fill in the space cuz your mind is doing it yourself where self yappers I think it’s a self yapping button and you just go constantly I’m just stupid me too you’re so real I’m never really bored me too when I was at the airport one time um when I was at the airport I had to sit for 6 hours I was at the airport flying from Dublin to Dubai and yeah I had everything possible around me I had a podcast I had music I had um Subway Surface on my phone I had a book I’m not kidding for 2 hours two of those 6 hours I sat there just [Music] and I had the time of my life I had I had a [ __ ] I was just I was my mind was just thinking I was just didn’t move a [ __ ] muscle is this stream just one big happy group of ADHD people pretty much it’s it’s what they are it’s literally just it was just [ __ ] sat there mind processing microwave noises no noises no noises dude you’re so real for this thank you thank you I do that sometimes if I’m on the bus and don’t put my headphones on well what what I like doing is actually having my headphones in but not listening to anything because it blocks the noise of the outside world and I really enjoy that if I don’t have to listen to people then I’m really enjoying that sometimes I sometimes I don’t like that but sometimes I do love it whenever there’s a blackout in my town or I do is draw and daydream does that happen often does that does blackouts happen often is it is that a Comon sadly yes okay don’t know if I should question that further um stay safe I um the okay this is just you guys ready for me to go from relatable okay speaking of ADHD quick switch of topics do you guys are you guys ready for me to go from relatable gen here to Old Boomer yelling at Clouds because I’m about to go old Boomer yelling at Clouds you know what I hate about young people you know what I really hate about it God damn it if you’re speaking to me take your Apple airpods out I hate when people start speaking to me and they have their airpods in bro I hate it I hate when people are at like at service stations and [ __ ] and they have airpods in it’s like dude if you are if you are buying something at the grocery store take them out just just any any bit of politeness it’s just it’s the the equivalent it’s the modern day equivalent of taking off your hat when you’re talking to people that’s what it is just pop one out bro I’m not even saying you have to double it but I don’t want to [ __ ] know I’m not trying to speak to you when you’re listening to godamn L little Uzi ver Okay and like a bunch of [ __ ] in there just pop them out my sisters do that all the time I swear to [ __ ] God I hate it dude I have headphones that don’t block out people but still just just pop one it seems it’s like you don’t care yeah it literally fearful that’s exactly it how do you listen with those things on as a cashier people have airpods is a huge P spooksy spook it [ __ ] sucks right it sucks it’s so in my opinion doing it to especially service workers is like hugely disrespectful it’s like so disrespectful I get so mad my brother does it when we are ordering dinner I dude I I I swear to God I hate it off topic I’m best friends with bot Simpson dude me too look me too I always pop one out for the service workers I always pop one out for a service worker too me too at this point I like just don’t care anymore am my job n no knees [ __ ] sh exposion not the shorts It’s listen it’s getting to winter here but it’s still 23° if I go somewhere it’s most likely someone will speak to me I always tilt one side of the headphones off just in case just just just take it’s just one out it’s just it’s just one out you know it’s just one out ankle picks oh [ __ ] chat dude dude I’m getting chat I’m getting the tattoo crave again I’m getting the tattoo crave again I only just got this one and I’m already like oh dude I have to get this one I said last uh last stream I have to get this one filled in again cuz you can see that it’s like thing but oh man I’m getting the Crave again I just don’t know what to get now cuz I had this one I was I actually had this one on my list for years I actually had this one on my list for years right and eventually um I came around to getting it and then I haven’t I’m like [ __ ] yeah it suck get a touchup and another tattoo that’s what I’m thinking Elvie cuz I like the artist and um I was like oh what if I just when I’m getting the touchup what if I just get a second one like while I’m there I kind of want a spider I kind of I kind of want a spider of some kind like a Black Widow I think would be cool I don’t know did my ha’s rough I don’t know Haley tattoo actually there is an artist I follow do you know where you want to place it I kind of want a patchwork sleeve I kind of want a patchwork sleeve I kind of want to start on that I want to talk to the tattoo artist who did this and be like listen bro help me design a patchwork sleeve let’s see what we’re going the issue some Patchwork sleaves I like the look of and some I don’t I’m not you know when they like fully patch work I’m like I don’t think that’ll look good on me I like the ones that are kind of like Patchwork but they have a flow in between that’s what that’s what I like that’s what I like now you have wanting another one problem is my best friend is an artist that just means mean you got good accessibility well thank you for the head Pats I just got you should get a tattoo of a squirrel I don’t like squirrels that much I just think they’re cute my favorite animals are cats so maybe I should get a cat tattoo I want to get a um tattoo of um my my my cats oh [ __ ] actually Shrek is daddy have you seen this hang on I got something to show you have you a [ __ ] I deleted it oh I deleted it damn it look you would look good with an eyebrow piercing okay see here’s the thing rap poison um um Chad I’m thinking of getting a lip piercing I don’t want to get the hopes up but I’m thinking about it I’m thinking of getting one here the okay so I’m I’m you guys ever have like things that one person says to you like 10 years ago and it sticks with you you guys know when you’ll just be like okay I feel like this is an experience you always have when you’re a teenager you just be [ __ ] vibing and someone says something to you and you’re like wow that’s a new self-consciousness that’s a new like uh self-esteem issue unlock F I was at a party maybe when I was like 16 or something God this light my lighting is so ass I was at a party when I was like 16 or something and there was this person there and we’re all talking and drinking out of [ __ ] nowhere I have never even thought about this before this point it was a fun party she was out making out with some dude she gets off making out this dude looks over to the circle we’re chatting with looks me de in the eyes out of [ __ ] nowhere unprompted never had this self-esteem issue before in my life till now she looks me D in the eyes and she goes Nino you know you have really small [Music] lips no I didn’t know that until you’re [ __ ] pointing it out and it’s stuck with me ever since and now it’s like and now it’s like something I’m self-conscious about it never occurred to me in my life and then she just did it and I was like and now I’m massively self-conscious about my lips 10 years no 7 years later thanks random [ __ ] person at a party what the [ __ ] so I want to get a Lip lip piercing but now I’m self-conscious about my lips so I’m like do I just put it in it’s just part of being white byy nah dude I got further than white people lips I got no lips I got this further than white people lips bro this is like this is no lips but now I’m self-conscious and get it I’d cry I was literally like I was having a great time I was having a great time with that party what was the point of saying that what was the point you just don’t have to say anything you know what I mean you just don’t have you know I I have thin lips but you know you just don’t have to say it you don’t you don’t don’t say it once someone told me my nose Wiggles when I talk like a bunny and I’ve never gotten over it yeah but that’s cute though nose Wiggles are cute that’s that’s cute it’s distinctive and it makes it I don’t know I think perfectly balanced with your face I think that’s a compliment I think I think that’s a I think that’s a compliment is you get nose ring I’ve thought about a nose ring I have thought about a nose ring we both agreed thanks thank you virus thank you okay chat should we get into the actual game you can go for Botox I’ve actually it’s actually at one point it actually got so bad where I was like What if I got lip filler and then I was like that’s a ridiculous thing to think Nino don’t do that what is wrong with you and actually I was like What if I got lip filler and then I was like no what are you talking about Nino you’re 20 I thought about it when I was like 22 and I was like you’re 22 what are you doing bro what are you doing I think Botox would ruin your smile I’ll smile like I go like okay where’s this [ __ ] sto my dad said a favor got a space ping pull on it God I had a belly button piercing I don’t know I’m just looking I’ve also thought I’m like maybe instead of a lip piercing I’d um I’d get like air ones instead I got lip fillow in the roof of my mouth how does that work how does that work what do you mean how many on study do you have don’t know actually not as much as you think probably not as much as you think cuz I only started playing in 2021 so so it’s like not as much you wait AA you thought about getting lips surgery too okay so that is good sorry I’m just trying to get everything [ __ ] sorted on my end so chat this would be probably uh a new series uh is this recording yes it is I wouldn’t but I’ve thought about it you just don’t need to say stuff about people’s face that they can’t control you know what I mean you can politely probably tell people like hey I’m not sure that hat Suits You hey I don’t I don’t know if the you know have you considered growing your hair out longer probably just don’t need to talk about the things that people can’t control how do how do you get C ear in St Valley I don’t know I don’t wear C in stard Valley I have small eyes a teacher point out I have small eyes what I got shre Crocs dude send them through actually that’s [ __ ] sick actually that’s so sick Nino time [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah okay chat so I’ve actually found a mod that let you start on Ginger Island which in my opinion pretty sick pretty sick um let’s get some music going I’m thinking of should I wear headphones that might be better yeah it might be better if I wear headphones uh so can you hear that is this running too two different yeah that’s running through two different channels sorry sorry sorry I haven’t done this in so long well it’ll probably be a 4-Hour stream anyway so this will be a long series that we do uh um it will probably be long YouTube videos long time uh uh of of this so let’s go let’s load up a new game it’s go load up a new game now I will need to rely on you guys cuz I don’t actually know a whole I actually have only when was the last time I played Ginger Island oh I’ll talk about this when we’re actually streaming okay name Nino Farm name uh what’s our farm name chat deserted desert deserted is that right did you delete your saves yeah AA the thing you said didn’t work so I had to go through and delete all of them queef Island what a [ __ ] unfunny name balls now that’s funny favorite thing gingers all right let’s go uh skin I color I I got really deep eyes I want to make actually just like my name nice I’m a ginger are you actually Ginger gang I haven’t actually seen any of the new um uh I haven’t seen new the new accessories maybe it’s time my dude had a bit of a glow up is that a clown is that a clown did you guys ever have okay this is really offensive did you guys have um did you guys have Huger okay in New Zealand um there’s a ter we call people with red hair Rangers I don’t don’t know why we just do it’s just we call them Rangers um and yeah I don’t know why it’s like an offensive word for gingerhead people um that sounds like a slur well it’s like meant to be said with a really kiwi accent Ranger so it’s like it’s like a jokey thing you call your like gingerhead friends and at school this is so bad this is so mean this is just Ranger is an R a n g a um and at school there was always a day Australia does it too yeah it’s like playful teasing right like a ranger Tang yeah so it’s like Ranger and there was there was always hug a ranger day so you would find a kid with ginger hair and everyone would go hug them it’s really [ __ ] up it was constant it was better than yeah I is this was this like a I think this was just a New Zealand key uh New Zealand Australia thing no why who knows bro who knows you just something you do as a kid it was it was not good I would not say it was good I can’t a [ __ ] it I I was trying to find like a really deserted shirt it’s just something you do when you’re a kid and I don’t know if they still do better than punch buggy well there was also puncher rang a day but everyone thought that was too mean you didn’t do that it got replaced by hug hugar Ranger I love Ginger hair wish is natural ginger hair yeah I everyone yeah ging is beautiful I don’t know what’s disconnecting is my um this is just new I don’t know I I’m not I’m not saying it’s a good thing we had these days I’m just saying we did have these days uh my hair color is usually darker what keeps disconnecting is it this I’m going to do these I’m G do these okay what do you hear that do you guys hear keep hearing something disconnecting am I is my video uh fine is my is it my video just the static noise what static noise okay maybe that will stop do you hear a static noise am I going I it sounds like Discord huh okay we we should be fine no static okay as you can see here down the bottom Ginger Island I don’t hear it okay favorite thing gingas we’re going to go to the ginger cat since it’s Ginger Island you guys ready for me to do a bit of role playing you guys excited I’m going to be doing a little bit of role playing let’s see if this works oh nino nino nino can you hear me Nino wake up oh oh where am I who told you that who where am I hello this isn’t Pelican town where have I washed up wait you know what be really funny hang on let’s make sure none of us are they there’s no cheating chat you’re going to pretend like uh pretend like you didn’t see this for your crimes against town oh [ __ ] how do I what should I say oh no I’ve just washed up on Ginger Island how could this have possibly happened what is this oh wait what is this for your crimes in Pelican town you are banished ml oh no chat that’s it my crimes in and Pelican town have finally caught up to me and mayor Lewis has kicked me out into Ginger Island once and for all with what looks like no way back I guess he I guess he got I guess he got sick of me paying for all those div divorces huh so now we’re stuck on the island and we have to make our way back that is the goal of this playthrough this is the mod that sends to Ginger Island for you where you were stranded and stuck and you must make your way back to Pelican Town through I don’t I actually don’t know how I’ll be honest with you I I actually I actually don’t know how but I know my wife Haley will be on the other side missing me so we have to get back to her um here’s the thing chat I haven’t played Ginger Island for about a year a year and a half I think was the last time I was at Ginger Island so I can’t really remember how I meant to do this um or how I meant to go anywhere but I think the first thing that we could start with is opening this nice little prison that Mia Louis left for us wait what did we get pass you received a a rapia am I saying that right I don’t want to say that wrong is is that correct An Elegant blade level 15 to 25 damage and plus two speed nice wait what else did we get pnip seeds and a bamboo pole okay that’s kind of easy wait so you’re definitely not saying repair is it repair it might be repair wait if we have parip seeds can we can we plant them here we can’t plant isn’t this where the resort is built this is like when the British dropped the criminals in Australia oh my God worse than Ginger Island I’m in Australia oh no oh look there’s worm things we can get these for our for our protection Omni geod I feel like that’s good to get straight away wait lots of omni geodes what’s a shame we don’t have a blacksmith here to like you know actually help us out okay can we get these parip seeds like planted must be PL pled on a farm I mean this counts doesn’t it it’s not like anyone else is using this area wait can we go inside here then go to sleep for the night oh no no no no we’ve got we need to build our survival tent cuz otherwise we’re going to we’re going to starve to death considering we don’t have water to drink you don’t have to deal with a 12 slot inventory do you actually that’s a good point we do have to deal with 12 slot inventory oh wow so we only have five 500 G no total earnings and it’s day one of spring oh God it really is starting all from the beginning wait so what’s the first thing that we can do like what do you bring to you on a deserted island cuz apparently I’ve brought pnip seeds that I can’t even plant uh wait what’s this way oh oh golden walnuts wait should we look for Golden walnuts is that like our main action plan here where were they again I always thought that you like uh I always thought that this you could push this down for some reason I don’t know why it always looked like a lever wait so I guess we should be looking for Golden walnuts right like that should be the main objective I mean we’re on a deserted island we should probably be looking for food shelter and water but golden walnuts Works to oh yeah the jungle area I guess it’s good to expl exp a little bit well there’s the first one that’s easy as pie you received a golden walner I’m sure I could crack it open and eat it Leo where are all the weeds Leo we should go see Leo that’s who I need to see another human being oh God damn it it’s a child what do I do with a child in this circumstance can I eat the bird oh you want my one golden Walnut sure take it Walnut give a eat it up good what does that get me oh hello child the boy looks at you with curious eyes child do you know where I can get some food I am I I worry I’m going to die in the next four days oh he’s he’s oh God it doesn’t even speak English speak to me he seems to have a close bond with the parrots what what gave that away the chirping but he’s too shy to approach you right now you know what we’ll win over this child a golden Walnut perhaps making friends with the parrots could earn his trust [Music] H so that means we need more nuts right so I can’t talk to him can I talk to you Arc oh God I’m going to two headden in the Fire Mountain Treasures AR two headden in the Fire Mountain Treasures where the hell is the Fire Mountain treasures and this tree for thing in his house you can hit them to get another golden Walnut so I guess that’s our game oh let me put some music on I use it pronouns on children too wait so I guess our first thing we need to do is get walnuts right chat that’s like the where do I where do I get these things I thought you needed the axe to get to the W house Walnut where’s the house Walnut this thing is this a walnut wait oh it is a walnut amazing do can I two headed in the Fire Mountain Treasures I feel like I don’t need those first right now if I recall my knowledge from um once again a year and a half ago last time I played this you need golden walnuts to unlock different areas of the island is that correct hello is this is this the parents are you going to fight me oh he’s running up hello where is is he going can I can I kill it can I eat this thing can I eat that thing you look like you’d be scrumptious come on I need to eat I’m I’m stranded I need to learn how to hunt we’ll follow it up maybe it’ll lead me to my death or maybe civilization oh the bridge oh and Professor snail lives here doesn’t he but he’s not home at the moment cuz we need to save him oh yeah it’s all slowly coming back to me now there’s a walnut up there another Walnut oh Two Nuts more than more than I need a person hello wait you’re not V Bas game are you are you the a base game can I eat you it’s another dwarf wait can I actually eat you what are you doing here I’m come on it’s survival the fittest okay I can’t I can’t talk to him oh I need to be speaking dwarvish right but I can go across here I need to be able to speak dwarfish dwarf dwarfish dwar that I need to speak another language otherwise he’s just we’re just going to be buddies at least I have a friend I can go annoy at any time and point all right this guy went this way so what does he want wait do I have a weapon I do have a weapon I do have a weapon okay okay okay before we go further I’m turning on auto hot key wait wait I’m not ready to go on these mines already I just arrived on the it’s my first day it’s my first day on the island please I don’t even have shelter I don’t have water I don’t have food I have a I’m living like lonus out here H uh ah no no no no no no no okay okay this was a bad idea this was a really bad idea this was a really really bad idea this was a this was not a smart decision kill it gave me a golden warut get the [ __ ] out of there dude I am not thanks for the heads up thanks for the heads up a little bit of hey don’t go up that way that’s the bad side of town would have been nice dude it’s like it’s like we speaking different languages okay how many walnuts to unlock the farm a joa parrot please gold you want gold can you go back to moris and let me know that Pierre kicked me out and if I go back to town I will pay for the JoJo membership I’ll do it hey is there golden Walnut here there is there is okay we need a we need to calm down and we need to lock the [ __ ] in that’s what we need to do we need to calm down and we need to lock in and I think the first thing we need to do is we need to figure out how to unlock The Farmhouse so we can actually get some par Snips planted cuz right now we have no food and the tiniest bit of shelter that doesn’t really help us so where can we get oh that looks like somewhere where a golden walnut would be and it is now come back here my food please please I don’t think I could hunt in real life now if I remember correctly I think this way was the way to the uh farm and I need 10 walnuts H oh God it’s 7 p.m. I’ve wasted the first day now we have four I believe so where do we get the other ones I think there’s one over this way right you won’t be able to see it but there’s not why did I think there was one over here what if I like shake some trees the bushes usually have some oh you know what we have a bamboo stick so if we actually really struggle for food we can just go some we can do some fishing did these will these drop a golden Walnut do you get to see the inside of the tent I don’t believe you do mahogany tree Palm jungle tree nothing nothing oh I’m shaking them good oh this looks like a place it’s like a fairy it’s like a fairy Stone area and those always have golden walnuts cuz the fairies are good to me I’m already losing my mind I’ve already been on this island for like for like 8 hours I’m losing my mind already now I think there were ones up here if I can remember correctly it was like one of these spots had one I swear no is it oh this one is it here ah it’s all it’s slowly coming back to me if I try to remember where they [Music] are it’s like and there’s one around here I swear too no there’s not okay maybe it’s time we go back to sleep or we could do some fishing to see out the night this is like a oh oh oh wait sorry I got excited and I clicked too many buttons look that looks weird right that looks like it’s a different area so it’s a golden Walnut no we’re three off now damn where was the other place was there like one around here sleep sleep chill chill chill chill chat chill no yelling what the heck guys it’s only 10: p.m. chat chat stop yelling sleep what are you doing what are you doing shut up chat chill damn what the hell it’s 10: p.m. dude we got another like few hours to go chill chill chill chat relax chat chat relax I’m not I’m not Hong Shing yet all right let’s go some let’s get some if I get a fish if I get a fish is it going to take up all my inventory I didn’t even think about that a sunfish and now we don’t have any now we don’t have any space in our inventory well let’s go to sleep then what a productive first night banished away from Pelican town and a good morning to you beautiful island and a good morning [Music] to [Music] what the trash is gone what is that meant to happen who who picked it up who did that was it the was it the ginger Island fairies was it Leo the birds but Wily’s boat is now accessible wait so what do we need this machine could be repaired with five battery packs is that what we need five battery packs that doesn’t seem that hard though does it I feel like five battery packs is not the hardest thing in the world to get like it’ll take a little bit but I thought we were going to going to need like some intense stuff oh look there’s a fishing thing over there oh yeah this is how we start the morning so we’re getting some need some Driftwood okay that’s that was that’s completely pointless let’s go find some walnuts Bros return I’m so back I mean technically I was back beforehand so we have three golden walnuts no we need we need three more hi fluff what’s going on we need three more golden walnuts was there one like around here I’m pretty sure so we can actually go back anything around here can you not get chess on Ginger Island now I’m 90% sure that this game this mod pretty much makes it so you like everything has been moved back to gingerella who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this this a [Music] package a ttin kit use this to deploy a one-time used tent for sleeping can only be used Outdoors we could use it for sleeping or we could sell it for 600 gold wait that’s really useful get rid of that slime we don’t need that dude the Amazon drops are crazy that’s so useful if only I could figure out where the other walnuts were this my Rags to Riches with this one I mean yeah we’re going to be have so much music reminds me of Mario Kart it might be It’s Paper Mario I’ve got like Desert Music on in the background okay so if we can’t I swear there’s some around here clay what if we just start Excavating the land what we just start breaking it all [Music] down cuz I cannot remember where the other three were wait what is this oh that’s a what if if you’ve got all those all you’ve got is a hole and a hope that’s just how I usually am wait I’ve excavated this right yeah wait is there one here how do you sell I guess we’re going to find out how we sell if we could figure out where the final three this one how do I fix this oh I guess I’ll need a walnut there’s still one up the top up here somewhere wait can I no I can’t maybe I can break down these trees oh I don’t know where I got that one but I’ll take it is it one around that looks like something I feel like there’s another one somewhere around here between the stones to the left oh I did this one yesterday yeah I already got this one you need a slingshot to get it well we don’t have a slingshot I like how the first hour of this video is just going to be me running around being like how the [ __ ] do I get these now this one you get for going through there Ajax what’s up how are you welcome back 15 months that’s crazy over a year is crazy I think you can redeem a shipping bin with walnuts on the farm I trust this mod will give me enough stuff that I can accomplish hey what’s that is that a coconut hang on can I chut can I can I cut this tree down will it give me something good no just wood but we can use the wood to build a chest if we need ah smart thinking my survival skills are actually coming into play where can I find the background music look up 2 hours of hot desert Nintendo music I can’t believe you didn’t get the coconut I tried it didn’t let me jungle trees come on two more where are the final two there are walnuts in that area in this one maybe if I what if I shake all the trees lift I got this one I got that one look there’s one over there I’m shaking everything I’m not getting anything look there’s a coconut up here and there not giv me a coconut keep going LIF between the trees wait can you go wait is there a hidden path over this way look look at that there’s no there’s sand is there a what I did not know you could go here okay well that’s not that means we only have one more dude I did not spot that hid and path I I am so uh blind I think I need new glasses but there’s no spec savers on a deserted island you know what to make this more uh in tune I think we need to get rid of these [Music] [Music] what’s the other [Music] one what’s the other one it’s like a it’s a shirt but it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a kelp shirt is that what I’m thinking of go grief he’s naked oh yeah oh yeah now I’m feeling like I’m in the deserted island fit now I’m ready for a deserted island now I feel like I’m living that loness life okay we got to find one more where did your pants go oh I don’t need pants where I’m going looking like Leo’s older brother oh I kind of do look like Leo’s older brother that’s kind of sweet cuz I got the same hairstyle the muscle shirt what’s the muscle shirt oh wait this actually might go crazy wait chat you might be on to something [Music] here oh my God this so goes so crazy wait this one actually goes so crazy chat you are cooking with this oh my God this is just what I look like in real life too so that’s that’s you know it’s fitting it’s like it’s like real role play you look like Taran you know all those hours out on the farm really helped me out okay chat we’re chat we we we’re losing sunlight it’s 3:00 we’re losing sunlight again we need to go find our final Walnut so that we can actually get a farm going go straight down to that tree and try to go in it what this tree what tree this one whoa whoa whoa whoa the final Walnut the final nut oh my God I thought I was going to lose it for a second wait that’s perfect so now we should unlock the farm right excuse me would you like my nuts for a farm a ten W nuts wake up Turtle can I do you think I could eat the turtle what are they doing to it oh God they ate the turtle they they ate it finally I have somewhere to sleep a roof over my head [Music] I’m going back to the tin dude are you serious are you are you serious this is who who left it like this Leo has no upkeep whatsoever okay so what do we need 20 walnuts we’re going nut hunting again at least we can probably plant these pass Snips right at least we can get these pnps going fine I’ll actually start farming I’ll actually start trying to make something of myself on this island is this I think this is five yeah I think this is about right so they only take 4 days perfect and maybe we could also build a chest to go along with it so if we get these pass Snips going maybe we can have a food supply so we don’t Rod away however I don’t know what the point of having these Pips is pass Snips are because if you can see we don’t have a shipping [Music] bin that’s not good that that isn’t helpful maybe if we uh maybe if we build the house we can get a shipping bin I definitely know this mod will have one but right now that is not helpful you get it with the house oh do you just cheat I’m not cheating don’t ask me to cheat we’re doing this legit I don’t usually do it legit but I do it legit oh look look the previous owner of the the previous owner is just uh their bones are showing Look whose bones is that has the previous owner just like been improperly buried or something he’s finally ring rising from the grave can I get to him oh no these have just spawned on top okay amazing a mix seed I feel like we should collect mix seeds right chat I feel like we should I feel like mix seeds would be actually really good to collect at the moment but for now we need to get a chest what can I make I can make a chest I think that’s our I think that’s our next goal taking it one step at a time and our next goal is to get a chest cuz we’re currently struggling oh God my health to place anything luckily we caught that Sunfish earlier so we can just eat it alive it never died shashimi catboy God damn it dude okay I’ll put on the carers you’re starting to feel exhausted you’re telling me okay so we we can actually build that chest now right what are we keeping here little bit of everything let’s take the bamboo stick and the Rapier I think we need that if I plant this mix seed am I going to die oh we’re getting close oh not close enough I hope you’re hungry for nothing and let me put the dude my legs are so sore from working out at the convention I was at I wore these and I had to talk to people um while wearing these all right day two closing day two coming to a close and I you know I actually think that was a productive second day on the island I think we got a lot done getting into a farm finding a dead body eating a turtle it’s been a good day hey look crabs okay don’t make any s movements but this could be our next dinner okay not that one okay no come back here come back okay okay we’re not eating tonight all right we are we’re not eating tonight then never mind it’s all right I don’t actually like seafood oh oh yeah we’ll need to plant our pass we’ll need to water our pass Snips every day I forgot about [Music] that let’s water our P let’s water our P Snips and let’s start our journey to find the next walnuts now if I remember correctly there was some at the bottom on the beach down here I think there was some don’t you get some in these cuz these are must [Music] aren’t there ones that drop in the muscles maybe it’s these ones yeah there are maybe it’s only [Music] one no there’s a second you already have muscles oh [ __ ] a third one it’s a certain chance per day maybe our Luck’s just really high today oh my God maybe our luck is really high today we just got four [Music] wait that’s kind of crazy oh we do have we do have high luck I forgot I have UI info Suite on so the next one is um the dice don’t lie dude there is one as far as I can remember somewhere in this direction was it not that one why can I ho that specific area if I can’t get a wallnut from it weird maybe I’m too early to get it you need a note for that one no God this has been so long since I played Ginger Island no Willie what happened oh God Willie I told you not to have a bottle of whiskey before you went on the seas oh God no no willly can I go inside maybe I can loot it oh he was a real one too oh I can loot it I just got to go through here all right where’s Will’s corpse maybe he’s got some money for me oh just a golden warut it’s all the same I guess and we can cross the bridge oh my God I forgot about this guy I completely forgot about him [ __ ] [ __ ] is this I hate this worm so much come on it’s just whacka all water him I got to I got to pee on him instead damn it how do you wait surely there’s something I can do that can help me out here now I know there’s an old there’s a fence trick right where if you put fences in the way he can’t walk up is there what if I can put something in the hole like your mom oh speaking of your mom who are [Music] you I can’t believe we actually found your mother h a visitor come closer child you like my and do you like my shirt you I’ve been working hard on the farm hello I haven’t had a visitor in many moons I can tell not very not very good socialized not very good social skills I almost forgot what the other people look like they don’t all have these muscles that I do I’m Just One of a Kind well I suppose now that you’re here I may well I may as well ask you for a favor come is that is that what you want me to do or oh just follow you I see have you seen that wrecked ship on the South Shore have I seen it dude I’ve already pillaged it my husband was the captain a pirate he was Willie Willie was she married to to Willie he said sail one day never to return took me 3 years sailing high seas to find his remains we won’t tell her that Will’s just living at Pelican town will he’s just like I just got sick of living at I just got sick of living on an island with one other person Hi K welcome in hi I’ve been here ever since my dear guarding his bones well that’s slightly terrifying nice to know I’m sharing an island with a crazy woman who guards people’s bones my child if I can only find a Keepsake of his it would bring me such peace wait here make a run for it dude this is ain’t word that make it hello here take this it’s an old photograph that washed up on on the shore it’s all I have to offer but somehow I think will help you find what I seek what about what I seek we give me a golden Walnut for it a war momento it’s a faded photog it’s a faded photograph of a soldier do I just okay I guess I can get rid of the SAT for [Music] that hey why is this guy blonde and J act K trash it yeah what does this do for me what do I get out of this like what what’s the point of this what what if I just Chuck it in the water just get rid of it what if I just chucked it in the water I don’t know what I meant to do with this does does this help me in any way what if I offer it to the pirate ship is is that like it is this some sort of like ritualistic magic here have this nope nothing what do I do with this a war momento am I meant to give this to like Kent or something does he get like Vietnamese flashback flashbacks have you not played any the ginger island quest lines like I played them like a year and a half ago or like 2 years ago or something it’s crazy I’m like vaguely remembering where everything is all right all right I guess we can just Chuck this back I don’t know if there’s any point to this considering um you know we need to give that to Ken but we’ve been banned from Pelican town so I guess I’ll just keep that [Music] there all right let’s go find let’s go find some more hey what are these what is this ginger on Ginger Island unel believable I also like how she was uh she was like hey no one else lives here like there isn’t a child that’s been surviving with parrots for the past 8 years uh-oh tiger slimes okay we need to avoid these but I think you can go and find a I I might be mistaken but I believe there’s a golden Walnut back here somewhere there it is nice so we’re already at seven so we’re all almost halfway to our second goal is it year two no this is literally year 1 let me just fight fight luckily I’m okay okay what if we can just dodge these T dodge dodge run around nice there’s another one oh no oh no uhoh for those of you that um oh God do we do this now I hate this one so much if youve ever watched one of my videos and thought wow this Nino guy is like super ADHD and forgetful you haven’t seen anything yet oh God okay here we go let’s see if I can just I’m just going to try do this by myself okay chat just don’t don’t help me okay easy dun ding dun I missed the first one already okay I already missed the first one that’s fine d [Music] D nice uh oh my God I can’t believe I remembered that no oh I feel like I did pretty good I feel like I was pretty close that oh dude wait so what was it it wasn’t oh I actually just forgot what it was okay okay we run again we run again oh God this is going to be the next hour wait oh my for [ __ ] sakes I was not paying attention easy okay nice nice God I’m so locked in right now [Music] oh God this is it your son looks like a girl I think this was [Music] two no what was it another green it must have been another green oh it must been three greens [ __ ] oh okay okay okay we run again we run again I feel like I think that’s the last one I think I think that’s the only one those the last ones you need okay okay we run again D I hope you guys don’t mind my terrible singing while I try to figure this out [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh the terrible singing did it oh my God I can’t believe I actually did that without cheating I think the that last one felt way too easy holy [ __ ] oh my god dude I don’t know the last time I was able to do that without like cheating it oh my God ADHD who not me boy not this [ __ ] ginormous IQ oh my God I locked in so hard just then dude it is coded to become easier every time you fail okay well just just let me have this you know what I mean just let me have this one there’s no need for that no need for that all right let’s now let’s kill all these like tarot things oh my God that was that was crazy hey who do you what do you want 10 no [ __ ] that I’m building a house I need a house I need a place to stay oh my God okay well wait how many how many golden how how much do we have how many walnuts do we have post that let me have this I was just plugged in goang Hill is a crazy name sorry it distracts me every time I see it ow ow give me that warut okay we have 12 oh look Mr key down there can I not go this way I thought I could go this way am I stupid oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no I didn’t realize how bad my energy was okay that’s fine I didn’t realize how bad my energy was now if I remember correctly if we’re going through the last few ones there was one up here p Mr Key’s house oh there it is thank you so we actually only have seven left to do before we’ve unlocked a house so we’re making good progress sort of now eat ginger I’m going to say something crazy here I’m going to say something crazy the actually two things crazy the first thing wood the second thing can I put this Ginger in where the guy is jumping out of to block him eat ginger no I’m not sure why I thought that would work to be honest with you okay is there something I can do that would actually be able to block him hey look an X nice useful I guess it would be like fences right right you know where this fences oh God we need to sleep Jesus who know who knew running around on the deserted island could be so costly could be so tiring can I break these I can’t break these but I want to get into those bones okay we can put all these away oh God I forgot our tint was so far away I forgot our tent was ages away it’s all the way over here we have to go so far to sleep for the night it’s crazy there’s another there’s another crab okay last time last time we were slow and steady but I think this time if we run for it we could grab it grab it grab it I didn’t do it okay just go to sleep just go to sleep for our third time look there’s another one come here come here come here come here come here come here [ __ ] I I get closer every time okay we don’t have full energy today which is a little concern but I think what happens when you pass out cuz like Harvey’s not there who’s going to rob you Leo oh well there’s another one that’s really easy never mind I can’t go that way spoke too soon can I I must be able to walk around here to grab this one right bada bing bada boom that’s a nut in your not finishing that not finishing that sentence Oh yeah the the the secret path wait there’s a secret path here I didn’t listen chat I didn’t realize where that I I just started speaking and trying to come up with a rhyme and I wasn’t sure how where that went [Music] there’s a secret pass path here [Music] somewhere is this gay butterfly going to help me okay straight I can’t I can go up here but I can’t I kind of I’m like stuck okay okay so if I go straight okay I can go straight here and then I can go up but I can’t go any further I [Music] can’t just follow the path yeah I thought right I can’t go any further right and I also can’t go lift I get I keep getting stuck so the the entry path is like here what if I go down what if I try to go down no okay there’s the exit down right I always suck with this one see I can go up here but then I can’t go anywhere in there I’m like stuck in one single tile H maybe we should come back to that now what I usually do in that area is I have a glow ring but I don’t think we’ll be able to access a glow ring this time so that’s going to make it much harder [ __ ] it no I want to know how to do that I don’t care if I’m going to spend my entire day trying to do this [Music] again go go forward go forward why why can I not go [Music] forward I’m stuck I’m stuck I can’t even go up now what the heck am I stuck on okay okay go down hoe it no you’re meant to just be able to walk straight but I keep getting stuck on stuff I’m like damn I literally cannot get anywhere further okay I’m actually just like just adjust little by [Music] little this is going to be so satisfying when I’m finally able to get through you know what you know what you know what we’ve wasted 2 hours doing this let’s go do something else there’s other golden walnuts we can find I just somewhere somewhere there is other golden walnuts we can find I’m sure of it like is there one down this way no we already got this one that’s taking you longer than the crystals probably it probably did now if I remember correctly there’s a few more around here right somewhere or you can fish oh yeah this one there’s a spot here there we go if you got to look out for the freckle spots now what do we reckon now what do we reckon chat should we try do the fence thing how do how much do we need to build a fence two oh yeah we could totally do the fence trick with him right what is this [Music] music paths only cost one does it work with paths too so if I grab this wood and make oh I see we need we need we need wood so if I grab these and make four paths does this work for that little dude I don’t think I’ve done this one before I don’t think I’ve used paths before for can you get out of the way butterfly I’m trying to make a trying to do a dramatic laugh butterfly please I’m trying to I’m trying to be really dramatic about this no way to run now gotcha gotcha and it’s dead now we only need three more before we actually have a place to sleep maybe these have somewhere oh you know this looks like an area where there’ be one no all right where else can we look x marks the spot I’m pretty sure I did this one yeah I did I [ __ ] I killed a man today so it’s a good day these things always make me think there’s going to be be one behind that tree behind a tree did I walk past one is there one around here you guys you’re [ __ ] joshing me chat oh wait that one was so hidden oh my God that one was so hidden I can’t believe I didn’t see that it was cuz I was too distracted by this coconut that it won’t let get dude when I go back to the shore I’m better have a bunch of coconuts for Haley like when I go back to the mainland and you know first thing I do I’m going to kill Lewis for sending me out here that’s the first thing I’m got to I’m going to do all right I’m going full kill build with this stuff okay we’re going full kill L all right all right but then I’m giving Haley my passet um but then I’m giving Haley some coconuts we’re going to we’re going on a Revenge Arc we’re going full we’re going full kill Bo we’re going to kill Lewis and then I’m going to make sure I marry Haley but I’m also going to steal Louis’s house maybe his wife too that could be kind of funny actually kill Lou and steal steal his house that could be pretty good there’s one right beside the dark path and the trees I’m 90% sure I got that didn’t I [Music] oh no I know what you mean is a I swear okay I’m just back here again I’m literally just back here again cuz I let me hey wait these things make across does that mean dude we literally just have one more and we have a house and I wish I know where one is there’s one up there I just can’t I just can’t get to it cuz God hates me look I can go up this way so maybe what if I like try break something nothing h smash my way through that path wait am I meant to smash my way through I think you could just walk through [Music] I thought you could just do I how is he not figured it out what do you mean do I have to like swing my way through I thought you just I thought he just meant to walk [Music] it try the opposite direction press you what the hell is pressing youu going to do I don’t think youu does anything God I’m so jaed what if I swing my sword you can just walk through that’s what I’m saying but I can’t find it when the head Pats go on the okay get the [ __ ] do a head Pat let me see some head Pats then I’ll try to fix it let me get see some head Pats and I can try fix it there you go chat now you can stop complaining you got to wiggle well I can’t see the path anymore cuz it’s too dark and now I’m stuck so I guess we have to try to figure out if there’s another one we can get now I have to just see if there’s another one we can get somewhere maybe like these trees I feel like there is one around here what about here damn it go to the main areas feel like what if no I already got this one didn’t I yeah I definitely got this one what if I go up that path up there well they’re all having a great time did you get the one by the tide PS the one by the tide pools have you been fishing no that definitely that should work in the mod I definitely have a fishing rod I guess we can fish out the night to see if we can get one have we figured out how to sell stuff yet not yet we could try fish it out the night cuz I know you can get one from fishing and we have a bit of luck today but you know I just have to make sure to do it I actually actually make sure to lock in and fish and maybe if we get some fish we can actually use that for Survival cuz our energy has been really low the past two days a CD I don’t want to listen to Louis’s trash mixtapes dude I’m trying to find some [Music] nuts I’m trying to find some nuts kiss the slimes all right so we can go up and we can try kiss the slimes and see if they give us any let just give them a [Music] little I don’t think this will so when you get a golden Walnut from fishing do you actually have to fish it in or is it just like a rare chance like what’s the vibe cuz that’s a lion fish which is kind of good actually that sells for 125 it’s like trash oh I see I got these ones right well maybe we should actually just call it an early night so I can get some energy back yeah let’s call it an early night and go to day five so I can actually get some energy back otherwise I’m just going to be like tired for the next five like every time that I do this and also I can’t see [ __ ] and we’re back is there is there one down here that I’m missing did you get the ones by the Driftwood south of the farm the one over this side yes wait is there one on this side all right you know what we could do we could go [ __ ] up oh yeah by the mus oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got that I got I I I I tried to get that and one wasn’t there what if we try [ __ ] up those slimes what if we Sorry I should say kiss what if we went and tried to kiss those slimes just give them a little smooch but we need to make sure I actually keep forgetting to water these which is really bad it’s cuz I don’t live on the farm yet that I’m just like not paying attention to actually doing the main part of stardo Valley which is farming cuz why would you farm when you’re on a deserted island the main focus here is surviving off of Ginger and Nemo and also kissing these slimes come here for a smooch come here come here come here for smooch ow uh uh nice come here chat if you lie to me and I don’t get a golden ow ow and I don’t get a golden Walnut for killing all these slimes I’m going to be so mad oh you didn’t lie to me chat I’m not going to I’m not going to be mad at you oh my God you can actually have dinner I’m actually going to L you out of the cage for the next day yay chat has freedom for a while oh my God that means we can get a house let’s go chat’s slit out of the cage here you go mister build me a house yay look at them going dude they work faster than other property developers a shipping bin a shipping bin oh wait this is this is arguably more important than the fact that we now have a house this is arguably more important oh oh my go oh my god oh this is oh this is not nice oh dude see lonus it’s not that hard to get on the property Market oh this this is nice sneazzy okay see it’s not that hard liners come on so now like the thing is is if we try to sell these what’s the point hey is that a is that a cave a frog hello are you just the old lady said she was alone but I’ve met like three other people so far cribbet who there who there to my Nest a humble farmer come to cultivate my land it’s more like colonized to be honest with you oh how fortunate oh how the r blush me you see my f on ched with fresh fruits and canned vegetables but I’ve have gone out and without the Vigor of you my feel to worthless dust hey do you know who whose bones there are out there there’s a pile of bones out there no no that shouldn’t question it okay no worries what I would go to face My Eyes Upon that banquet of delights once more that’s where you come in me you must go for me that sweet delight which is both pink and juicy what are we talking about here what what are we talking what what is that melons that’s pink and juicy right do not fck it from the earth I wish to see it in its natural state what is he talking about melons I don’t well how the [ __ ] do I get melons if I can’t go back to the township holding back from what I say yeah I didn’t want to get demonetized on YouTube um um I was going to make a Haley comment but I didn’t want to get I didn’t want to get demonetized uh what the hell how do I so we wants melons how do I get melons I guess mixed seeds right mix seeds would be the best bit that would be like our best bit of doing this but I don’t know if mix seeds can mix seeds give you melons so I guess we can just try get any of these there’s some more MC seeds wait rhubarb okay so the mod I have installed actually does tell you what you’re planting rubab what the [ __ ] is this that’s not sweet I don’t think I’ve never had rubab but I don’t think it’s sweets like a girl the melons were the friends we along the way the melons would Haley come on give me some give me some mixed seeds dude we ain’t getting [ __ ] Palm jungle tree oh it’s growing there is a chance to get mixed seeds from from melons that would actually be pretty sick okay let’s try it now MX seeds are summer fruit right but Ginger Island doesn’t matter what season it is sorry is this a a journal [Music] scrap what day one my ship is lost scattered by a tempest in the unforgiving sea I find myself stranded now on the strange Shores my crew has perished but I still live perhaps Lady Luck has blessed these Wicked bones of mine or has her own designs for my fate at any rate I have no choice but to make life for myself here this fresh water in abundance where where please tell me where I’ve been living off salt water and you don’t want to know what else for the last 5 days food to forage and fertile soil to work first I’ll build a shelter there are some pages missing oh my God we’re getting we’re getting Willie’s back story dude hey maybe the person who wrote their Journal is is this guy mix seeds on Ginger Island only grow Ru blueberries melons pineapples and rhubarb that’s very interesting so I guess we just need to get enough mix seeds and hope to God we get a melon out of it well first we actually just need some mix seeds traveling Merchant is in town doesn’t help me at all though does it it doesn’t really help me though does it dude the my Lighting in this from is so ass it’s so ass there’s enough melons to go around don’t be talking about my wife like that do not be talking about my wife like that all right chat what’s the next game plan now that we’ve unlocked the farm what do we try to do here now how do you survive on a deserted island I should have watched more Mr Beast videos dude I guess there’s like we can try to unlock different parts of the uh Island right that can be the next step talk to Leo oh yeah I forgot about Leo I forgot about the pirate boy I guess we can TR be try be friends with him where was he he was all the way back at the beginning wasn’t he so how does how does the old lady not know that there’s someone else on the island how does she not know that there’s a child on this island once you get too friendly he moves away probably best he goes to school hello Leo are you here Leo oh there’s much more Birds now cut scene Leo I’m I’m your long lost brother I’m here to help hello oh he’s actually come down to say hi speak to me Leo God we really do look as same huh hello parrot boy you Bird friend I yes I ah ah don’t they’re not real muscles seem good is he seeing is he going to eat me is he seeing how tender I am is he going to try to eat me please I don’t taste good oh God oh God he’s trying to he’s going to eat me she asked if you’re a bird friend I told her yes good how where are your parents oh God maybe Le maybe Willie was Leo’s parents maybe that’s what it was maybe Willie was Leo’s dad and and Willie’s just a deadbeat father who left him here uh how did you end up here oh I made him sad big storm waves lightning mother father swallowed by the sea I I was washed up on [Music] shore you no no no no that that was just a dream right no I was born here just like all the other bird friends can’t you tell if you’re a bird how can you speak how old are you yeah like how long ago did this happen did the the Pelican Town not send out a search party did picant Town not send out a search party dude Louis really needs to get his taxes sorted hold we don’t think like that we say how many golden walnuts have you eaten you’re eating my you’re eating my you’re eating your currency you’re eating my you’re eating my currency I’ve eaten 3,729 golden walnuts dude I could unlock the entire Island for that but you don’t become an elder until you’ve eaten 10,000 I’ll get there someday hey I remembered something is it is it where the golden walnuts are my name it’s Leo oh hi Leo what a cutie what a sweetheart didn’t help me in the slightest of my survival plans though but that’s fine that’s all good I guess I just I’m guess I’m just out here fighting for myself you know one time I was at top of I was at the top of the volcano at night and I saw lights far far away I wonder if there are other bird families out there I don’t believe believe you you saw nothing okay you saw nothing there’s no such thing as other bird families damn it he won’t tell me where things are okay Chad I’m going to try to fix my lighting real quick I’m going to just keep this going [Music] [Music] I wish [Music] had I wish lands so cheap where they just don’t fix things hello how’s that is that better I think it’s slightly better wait did that parrot just say something wait Fire Mountain heading down fire River Fire Mountain where the hell is Fire Mountain what Fire Mountain the volcano hey what is this I got to put something there I forget I forget what I’m putting something there that WN not the Fire Mountain does that mean it’s time to go go into the does that mean it’s time to go into the volcano use the water to make magma oh yeah we need to get some more water good point I’m worried it’s too late and it’s going to spend too much time to get anywhere 20 I think we should aim to get the resort going cuz I think that would be pretty cool and it would also mean I’d get to see my wife right you put a banana at the shine yeah I thought it was a banana cuz it’s a monkey that comes down 10 bucks is dies on floor three I’ll take you on that bit I’ll take you on that bit I I’ll say uh A Gifted sub I can get past floor through how’s that now how do I get Professor snail it’s over that way right I need to get into there and he’s up in that he’s locked in there yeah he is look at that he’s mining away let me get uh so I can go is it there’s something over the leftt over here right that’s right there was something over here see it’s all slowly coming back to me the ginger Island stuff there’s a dude but I just like can’t forget it lean thank you so much for the 12 months that’s crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I should have brought food I guess I have ginger nice ah ah it blows up it blows up wait what is [Music] that pineapple seeds I guess that’s useful I actually hate Ginger so this is like my worst nightmare oh we get two we got two golden walnuts from that nice pineapple will be great for money see the thing is is that I want to figure out how we talk to this dwarf what’s a good way to be able to talk to this dwarf I also want some more Ginger Scrolls sure there’s a new way nah [ __ ] it we’re just going to go for it I I think I really need to not die and survive is there anything to the right Al I don’t I don’t know if this is how physics Works dude could you imagine if it just a watering can were you able to do anything okay there’s nothing over here amazing glad I just wasted all that [Music] amazing there’s nothing here glad I just wasted all that energy and water fantastic uh yeah so I think I need to not die um because I don’t know what happens if you die on Ginger Island do you die in real life oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [Music] [ __ ] wait what is that thing [ __ ] what is that thing what did it drop it dropped damn it it didn’t drop anything okay what if I just run run run run run run run run run okay [ __ ] it’s I hate these things I forgot about these ow I forgot about these so about that floor three bit so about that floor three bit so about that floor three bit never [Music] mind what if what the [ __ ] so about that floor three bit Nino wait who okay you’ll get your [ __ ] gifted up who Nino wake up who is this Willie are you okay I found you washed up on the Shor lad Willie can you could you take me home you really had me worried I thought you were a goner Bel care while F not will you Willie the island can be a dangerous place Willie don’t listen to LS you can take me back you can take me back lost two items in the backpack oh for [ __ ] sakes that was the most Okay we okay so much for the pineapple seeds and the solar Essence Willie you can just take me back just just take I’m right here Willie just take come on man oh for God’s sakes fine W that wasn’t uh very successful um at all but at least we got the two walnuts from it Willie did you take my [ __ ] tint too Willie did you take my tint too I got evicted and I don’t even have a landlord dude who the was you wasn’t it what the [ __ ] all right chat for those of you who are really good at Ginger Island what do you think the next game plan is what do we think the next game plan is now that we have the farm what do we think like should it be getting Professor snail getting 10 more I don’t think I can go over there fishing what is fishing going to [Music] do fish fishing for money and walnuts all right are we going to be in our fishing area chat is that our game plan go for a little scooch fishing for money and walnuts there’s five free walnuts from fishing okay so you can actually get a lot from that now I’m thinking for the next area we need to unlock not the resort but maybe Professor snail fishing is definitely your best bet well like all good Stu playthroughs at the beginning you just fish you just fish wait wait I just remember I had a farm there’s bubbles on the left side I know but I just remember I have a farm with pass Snips I totally forgot about these I have a bunch of pass Snips now you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on which is fantastic but and we get we’ll get an extra F 100 G for that that’s great and all but now I’m like like do we sell these or should we use them for food I feel like we can sell [Music] them do you have a seed maker no I don’t have a seed maker which makes me not want to sell the parsnips right away because I’m like maybe I should hold on to them maybe it’s for the B that I keep five and sell the other 10 so I I have a little bit of money in my [Music] bank and sell the rest so our next few goals are do a lot of fishing and hope to grow a melon which we need from mix seeds which we didn’t actually get last time but you can get a lot of I don’t know what’s going on on that muscle you can get a lot but you can get a lot of walnuts from fishing so if we try to keep that up too then that could help us a lot dudes there was a um emulator that just came out for iPhones I don’t know if you guys saw this it’s an emulator for iPhones for um oh [ __ ] oh god oh no how hard are the fish in the ginger Island I’m pretty good at fishing I feel like this shouldn’t be that bad [Music] come on stop reading chat and lock in Nino lock in lock in Nino this is the part of the edit where it’ll just be Clips like it clip in between me catching everything chuna okay chuna is like the one of the few Seafoods I actually Joy you can play Pokémon yeah I have it and the first game I got was Harvest Moon which just tells you my addiction to these games I’ve love it so far I used to have an emulator one of the first farming games I ever played was an emulator on a like my first smartphone when I was a kid cuz I had a shitty little Android and I played Harvest Moon festivals of uh Festival of friendship town of friendship something like that I loved that game it’s so funny watching people struggle so hard usually I’m really good at fishing friends of Mineral Town is what I have yeah yeah wait maybe it’s friends of Mineral Town that I played as a kid I used to go after to the pinkhair girl and um the one that looks like Haley yeah I’m not usually that bad at fishing I Char Delta on my drawing pad since that’s the only Apple I have and it said I don’t have enough space that’s really weird I I would think that there was a few glitches with it uh considering what it is but that’s very strange I’ve heard that drawing pads are really good to play DS games on Nino has a type I was talking about this in um Celia yeah I was talking about this in milkberry stream cuz we were talking about it cuz milkberry was like you know I love Harvey but I wouldn’t date Harvey in real life cuz he’s too old and I was like you’re so real for that because I love Haley but I would not date Haley in real life like Haley is just not the type of character I would go for in person not cuz she’s like like I just I don’t know I mean like not cuz she’s like mean it’s just it’s just general Vibes trash I just I just fished up trash amazing that’s fantastic um great this is this is palic town it’s pollutions issues are hitting the wider Community I love Shane St I’ve never i’ never interact with what the [ __ ] is going on with this pollution issue in in Stu Valley What’s Happening Here what are we doing why is this this town so polluted what’s going on I’m blaming Sam for this okay this is this is brutal what does Sam just Sam throws it into the ocean definitely throws into the ocean we don’t need any of this damn dude these these these we got to put some taxpayer money into cleaning up the ocean dude this is disgusting we eat these fish we don’t even the micr Plastics don’t even in video games you can’t escape microplastics dude it’s like I it’s like I can’t say I wouldn’t go for a Sam IRL uh Sam IRL is just like a dude with ADHD I’ll be honest with you just Sam I think is one of the most like real real characters in the game if that makes sense oh golden Walnut let’s go so that’s one of the four that we can get from fishing 1.7 will add a garbage floating island in the ocean 1.7 the climate change update yay I would 100% go for a harvey in real life yeah there was inter she was like I wouldn’t go for a Harvey and I was like crazy the ADHD stream relates to the ADHD Sam yeah it’s true oh it’s like I’m like if I’m thinking about what what of the what of the bachelorettes would I actually date in real life my mind doesn’t instantly go to Haley you know what I mean I don’t know another one okay maybe the bubbles are the way to go maybe I just maybe the bubble is there air escaping from the golden walnuts how is this working another nut dude the we are okay I was definitely in the green there but that’s fine dude these nuts are nutting everywhere come on hold it hold it hold it oh [ __ ] what kind of fish is this hold it nice what is this a puffer fish wait that’s a really good catch to get this early on that’s a really good catch to get this early on we need to have a word about we this planet’s [ __ ] man this planet is [ __ ] Sam needs to have a [ __ ] word dude yeah if I’m like thinking about the bachelorettes I would date in real life I think the first I think it would dude we’re okay so we’re one off all the golden walnuts we can get from fishing that’s all the golden walnuts we can get from fishing wow that was way quicker than I thought it was going to be so now I guess we’re just here to get like anything else we can that was four nuts dude we just four nuts in a row that’s crazy that’s dude we’ve got [ __ ] stamina dude all right let’s go put these away clean sweet so we can sell the puffer fish cuz I’m not sure what you can actually use this for the joia cola would be good to keep around but I’m sure we can sell the puffer we’ll keep the lion fish we’ll sell the Jo no not the joaa we want to keep the puffer fish we want to keep the joaa sell the puffer fish and we might actually have put the soda in your fridge do we have a fridge on Ginger Island what do we have electricity I mean sure but do we what do we have electricity is that is that what’s happening how does that work who how does that even how does it make sense I’m first stream managed to catch so far this is just sad what oh you redownloaded it when I went to Vacation sorry to hear that I just work here how does that explain to me all right as I was saying Bachelor it’s I would date in real life I it’s like it’s probably just like Abigail to be honest with you yeah I’m like going through my head penny maybe I feel like Penny would actually be a boring per person to date in real life like listen I like Penny I just feel like she would be quite boring to date IRL you know what I mean I she didn’t really do a whole lot you know Abigail’s got Adventures being honest Abby or Leah yeah Leah Leah would be out there too it’ be Abby or leer I think I don’t know Haley in real life I feel like listen Haley in real life would be a Swifty let’s be honest here Haley would definitely be a Swifty um and be way too into like online stand culture and it’ just be too much it’d just be too much Yi a flounder nice these are some good catches these are some good catchers I just don’t know what to do with all these I guess we can just sell them she’s too Normy for Stan culture that’s that’s why she’ be a Swifty cuz swifties are like Normy Stan culture oh my God we are floundering [Music] around we are floundering around Abigail just seems like the people I would like interact with the most in my day-to-day life too being on Twitch and Abigail would 100% be a twitch streamer Abigail would be in this chat that’s what I’m saying like just in my day to-day friendship groups and the day-to-day like people I hang out with someone would be like Abigail would actually be in those day to-day your friends eat rocks yep yes they do dude we’re getting some good catches we’re getting some good catches I think this has been a productive day of fishing [ __ ] I missed one I think this been a productive day of fishing we now just need to figure out where to go next next you don’t need Rock I swear to God Sam I swear to God please just use a trash bag like just use a rubbish bin Sam it’s not that hard [Music] please what is this music is there anything we need to sell let’s sell one flounder and a joa cola so this will be our first night sleeping in our new house because our other house was just like Blown Away In The Wind at some point time to honk shoe for real oh wait fertilizer oh [ __ ] that could be really good ho proficiency oh it’s like I’m back in my University years level one fishing nice we can get a survival fish too yo that’s some good money too have you learned your cooking recipes no cuz we haven’t cuz this is the starting in it 720 if only we could actually trade with someone if only we could actually trade with someone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry chat I’m reading the [Music] wiki here’s what I’m thinking okay chat here’s what I’m thinking oh let me put my muscles back on here’s what I’m thinking chat what if we just go find a bunch of Ginger like as much ginger as we possibly can so we can ho it for when we go to the volcanoes that’s what how does that sound for a game plan cuz I think so where do we get oh [ __ ] me there’s so many this keyboard sucks too I always press the wrong thing look it’s Louis’s birthday today oh leis leis when I see you again the only prison you going to get is a is a slit throat I swear to God Lois the next time I see you you’ll be getting a prison it’ll be a knife in the back oh look a golden coconut oh [ __ ] this this is a one this is one tough knot to crack but a professional might be able to break it open I wonder if this game is going to give us I wonder if this mod is going to give us someone who can break open um these things MC seeds perfect okay actually do we have sap let’s start let’s actually start doing some uh let’s actually start doing some farming stuff so let’s try get some sap and let’s try plant some mixed seeds we have so many Omni geodes [Music] too why do you say that like you know that what is this music so can we cut these down how often do these grow let’s get some sap so we can make some some basic fertilizer so whatever we plant can actually be nice and good for us you can cut those they regrow every few days well that’s really useful so let’s get all these done my strong strong muscles that was all hardwood didn’t even realize whoops these beats are mystical as [ __ ] I know I don’t know what this is maybe really want revenge on uh on leis sorry my keyboard’s so loud all right now we have a bunch of sap let’s just make as much fertilizer as [Music] possible so we can go through I’m not vibing with this music actually I want some more upbeat music I think so I can actually hear it this is kind of upbeat it’s kind of up beat I can’t put fertilizer over the top of no I can’t but I can put one there and then grab that mix seed we had please be a melon please be a melon let’s go holy [ __ ] wait that’s perfect so now in 12 days we’ll be able to accomplish uh this thing the the the weird the weird frog guy will will love us and hopefully leave us alone so we don’t have to see him again let’s go I have to remember to not stop watering that I have to remember chat remind me every day water the melon and a geode there has to be a way to break the goess a local blacksmith there has to be a way to break the goess dude I I refuse to think there isn’t any other way I refuse to think we can’t do it what is this I wish we could go up here don’t the frogs need two other crops oh for God’s sakes does it need more than just that what does he [Music] need he asked for garlic and something else God damn it it better not be pineapples but you get the nut for the melon that’s all I care about and wheat wheat I don’t know how we get wheat kind of getting some practice in here okay okay run sorry excuse me these take a lot to kill [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah I know Willie yeah I know I know I washed up yeah I know I know I know 100 Grand okay okay and I lost some satp okay bye Willie you you he doesn’t even help me at all more Omni GEOS dude dude what the heck why do we have so many of these looks like a girl at least you planted your melon oh my God if I had lost the melon I would have lost my mind Taro tuuba plant these in warmer weather takes 10 days to mature wait that sounds good I feel like we could use that but we can’t plant them cuz we’re going to go to sleep hang on I do have a fish I can eat though let’s eat a flounder how am I going to be able to eat garlic and wheat so will this grow quicker if it’s around here oh yeah takes 10 days but when it’s next to water it takes 7 Days oh that’s interesting oh and they’re already ready to go okay let’s go to let’s go eat let’s go eat for the night and then we’ve spent officially and today means we’ve officially spent one one week on a stranded Island yeah I could totally be Mr Beast dude we’ve now spent one week on a deserted island I could definitely be Mr Beast yeah I I could totally I could totally do that kind of content now we just need to find more Ginger and more mixed seeds this is kind of just the hunt it’s kind of just the hunt for it more muscles than Mr Beast for real that’s dude you just coming after Mr Beast like that I like how this is I think what always happens when I play Ginger island is I get to a point where I’m like I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing anymore so I just stop playing that’s I think [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot about these guys like I think that’s what always happens so I’m always just like but for now let’s just grab as much ginger as possible we did that I have such a mental block yeah I always like forget what I meant to be doing on this okay so if we have all this Ginger that’ll be really good for the energy in the volcano like I guess we could go back to the volcano and try again and try get some materials through that now that we have we could use a lion fish and a chuna should we we we might have enough we might have enough all those walnuts taunting you you know what could be good to get next the Pirate Cove how oh how do we get the Pirate Cove is it this way no this is where Leo is what do you plan on luck with the walnuts I’m saying let’s get the Pirate Cove but where is it you got to open the Hut on the [Music] beach the Hut on the beach how do I open the H on the beach this isn’t this the resort hey what the [ __ ] is that can I kill it an aquamarine did you [ __ ] out an aquamarine that’s crazy that’s uh I think that’s useful Guna can tell you more about this too bad I don’t have any access to Guna so I need to unlock this dude wait so I need to unlock this dude to then unlock the Pirate Cove is that correct jewel is important for walnuts I like that chat just started telling me what to do like about it there’s a shrine in the forest this thing go right [Music] what what is this I don’t remember do I have no recollection of ever doing [Music] this okay hello who are you when dark clouds cry begin your quest to seek the save the begin when Dark Cloud cry be your quest to seek the Fable gem Birds four each day one north south east or west arrange their gifts upon my door wait so so there’s one each day and there’s a walnut over here which is amazing we need that so can I go find the rest of them today or is it one each day so every time it rains there’s always one one that’s really interesting so we need to keep an eye out I’m guessing we get more walnuts for that now just to extra confirm oh God okay I don’t like birds we’re going to have to keep an eye out for more birds just to confirm we need to unlock this to then unlock Pirate Cove right just just just give just confirming yes sir okay that’s good to know God we need a lot of walnuts and I don’t know where to get them isn’t there something like 100 walnuts in this [ __ ] I forgot my thing this run is a grind that’s why it’s going to be like four YouTube videos that are like an hour and a half long each who are you cursing out first when you see them the beach I’m not C cursing I’m murdering and it’s Lewis kicking me out for what what war crimes what the hell even is what what like what are these charges dude what does he actually have against me what the hell even is fraud you know like what are we talking about here what they what is he meaning tax evasion I don’t think that I don’t think legally that stands you know you didn’t pay your taxes listen I just think Lewis has his own his own head up his own ass okay all right and suddenly oh I don’t pay tax for the 3 years that I’m living in pelicant town and yeah maybe I held a gun to Clinton it some point and yeah I’ve gone through like 12 divorces stolen money sent Louis to the hospital but what I’m the bad guy I’m the [ __ ] bad guy okay right maybe ask man’s therapist who the bad guy really is you know and it was the tax evasion that finally got me too that that just really gets me the day is in your hands nice we got to figure out how they how to talk to this little fella too surely there’s a way cuz he’s definitely new he’s definitely an addition from the mod oh [ __ ] now what we need is I’m kind of hoping these dudes can drops God God damn it this takes so long I forget that they explode I need to remember that all those hours grinding out um the Stu Valley all those hours grinding out the Stu Valley Rog light better come in handy now woo that was close uh I think we can just run through the issue is I have a giant light in my face up there and it means I kind of can’t see half of this that just drops Rock we need to find some good uh can I deflect those I don’t think I can or we’re just going to grind out some ore we’re literally just going to grind out some ore as much as we can now these don’t do anything I don’t think right we’re going to take this nice and slow and grind out oh [ __ ] is there a thing [Music] there wait was there a little enemy there I thought I saw a little [Music] enemy or I can’t even use well there’s the button so if we maybe we can just run into the second room see I don’t want to go too far you need the furnace recipe from Clint [ __ ] I didn’t see that flying guy I hate these in the I hate these things so much I can handle one but when I was playing the Rog I hate these they just [ __ ] me up every time these are like these are worse than in the uh oh [Music] [ __ ] oh for God’s sakes oh how is there so many how is there so many time what the [ __ ] how is there so many I’m [Music] bailing I’m bailing eat the ginger run we’re reeing this I’m leaving the caves dude we’re bailing we’re bailing hopefully he can get higher in the volcano and get better weapons yeah it’s just like how do you even how do you even do this when you have such trash weapons you know how do you even try this when you have such ass weapons bring protection and food I mean that’s what I try to do everywhere I [Music] go bro nah there’s no shot there’s no shot there’s no way [Music] oh [ __ ] oh he’s in love with me he’s in love with me [Music] run there’s no shot this so fast dude oh it’s so difficult at least we get a solar Essence which I’m sure will be useful for something like that’s this is why I’m thinking maybe we just try to do this first try get Professor Snail out first which we need three more walnuts for does anyone know where we can get some walnuts use the joaa for Speed and book it I think you’re on the right [Music] track what does that [Music] do kill a few enemies each day we could do that Island Trader ah that could be useful okay let’s go back to here now I’m like we could sell the oh solar R drop [ __ ] doesn’t do [ __ ] the gold we can’t even use I’m thinking I’m thinking dude this is so much of a grind let’s try kill these dudes up here let’s try grind and wa we literally just have to grind out killing everyone and hope for the [Music] best [Music] [ __ ] it’s just the weapon is so ass I can’t even kill the babies I can’t even I’m trying to kill their offspring and I can’t even do that a bullheaded frenzy what the [ __ ] is a bullhead frenzy what what are you saying to me what does that mean what’s a bullhead frenzy should I go to that that doesn’t sound promising I kind of want to go to that what’s good donation hi Mila what’s up how are you today what is a bullhead frenzy did you download that mod I sent to you you’re actually going to give it a go cuz I I actually don’t know if it works fishing frenzies got added but what’s a bull Bullhead is a fish wait so wait where do I fish it up here I didn’t bring a fishing rod [ __ ] today’s awesome at eating Pard I’m going to say something controversial around here no one hate me for the facts I’m about to spit I don’t like porridge I think I I’m not a porridge guy I think porridge is the equivalent that I can the equivalent texture that I can say about porridge is it tastes like worms going down your throat porridge is ass dude part like all my ancestors just rolled in my grave mine too mine too mine too and it’s like it’s it sucks because it’s like it’s it’s a healthy food for you like I wish I liked porridge [ __ ] where were the bullheads chat does anyone remember does anyone remember I wish I liked porridge but like I just I just don’t [ __ ] with it it’s like it’s like if I wanted to eat like a 1942 British orphan who’s been sent to the countryside because of World War II then I would move to England you know what I mean but we’ve moved past that as a civilization and so I’m not going to eat it however however [ __ ] I was reading chat I was reading chat I lost it however let me have my breakfast in peace sorry you were the one to come here and say you were eating porridge um weirdly you know wheat bicks Australian new zealanders you know wheat bicks I just I just need to hear some confirmation that yes you understand what wheat bicks is before I say further just just yes Nino I know what wheat biix is you dumbass I live in Oceania I really like getting weat piix like 2 to three pouring some water in putting it in the microwave for a minute and a half taking it out mushing it up and then putting a little bit more water in like oh no what milk milk milk I meant milk I meant milk I meant milk I meant milk I meant milk sorry I was thinking of water cuz of the beach I meant milk dear God I’m not that much of a psychopath I’m not that much of a sociopath I in milk [ __ ] God God help me okay milk beer yeah okay I have had beer and wheat bicks together um so like milk wheat Bick into the microwave 10 like a minute and a half take it out more milk mix it up and it’s like porridge beer okay so you want to hear the beer beer the beer story you I hear the beer story um me and my friends went up to uh me and my friends went up to a small Beach town in New Zealand up North for a weekend during University and our plan was to pretty much be because of the beach town you don’t need to walk anywhere and we have absolutely like no electricity where we are we’re in a badge our plan was to just um be slightly drunk for the 4 days we were up there like just be constantly slightly drunk for the whole time you’re up there um and it got out of control at points where we would just beit like not not getting to like vomiting our guts out drunk or anything like that but like like a good amount of drunk and when we got up there um it was going great we would like we were having a bit of a bender but like a chill Bender like a beach Bender right and and we woke up in the morning on the Third Day ad break did it actually just get an ads did it actually just get ads at the moment damn you guys want are you want ads but why cuz we were like 21-year old man men damn I have to wait I have to wait for the ads are you on ads wow what do we do we just sit here got four ads damn oh wait for those of us that don’t have ads we’ll wait we’ll wait I’m also going to make myself orange guys is a crazy way to avoid ads I’ll let them know when they come back I’ll let them know chilling with my lack of ads hi wank Bagel how have you been how have you been as a as a subscriber of the ninoo channel wank Bagel how have you been Mila can you send me through like what camera do you have cuz my camera [ __ ] sucks ass my camera can’t handle any form of lighting that’s like not perfect whatsoever I mean chicken Snack grabs how are you king not bad okay Sony a6000 can you see me that on Discord cuz I’m going to forget cuz I’m pretty sure I’ve looked it up I’m pretty sure I’ve asked you before like on stream and I just totally forgot anyway I’m slightly confused I don’t have an ad it depends how long you’ve been in the Stream for uh welcome back from the ads everyone so yeah we’re on a bender up north we’re having a great time um and the only thing we had for breakfast one of the mornings this is after drinking through a a crate of uh Spates lights after drinking through a crate of Spates nights the night before we were all having wheat bigs which is a weat you know it’s like weeder bigs it’s a weat biscuit that you have for the morning and everyone else was going through with all had coffees and we were sitting there and we had about that much milk left for me to have three wheat bcks and I was oh [ __ ] I’m telling the story of one of my lowest parts of life and this I get a raid of 113 people hi Wendy welcome in what’s going on what’s up um wait how do you say um How do you say hello in Portuguese how do you say hello in Portuguese wel inan thank you for the follows how do you say uh hola hola mi mi I don’t know Portuguese should I learn Portuguese I’ve thought about it I’ve thought about learning Portuguese because I have a lot of Brazilian viewers um anyway wman Wendy how is your stream what’ you get up to um I’m telling the story of one of the lowest points of my life that I think your chat would be very interested in so there I was it was a morning and then we were having like um Wendy MC mccr buddies that’s so funny you should learn Portuguese sure sure I’ll learn Portuguese I need more like upbeat [Music] music welcom in so we’re doing uh uh Wendy we’re doing a challenge where I’m playing on Ginger Island and I’m starting on Ginger that’s McDonald’s and I’m starting on Ginger Island and it’s very hard it’s very much a big grind anyway right now I’m telling a story of when I was the lowest point with alcohol so we were having breakfast and there was about that much milk left and instead I was looking around the room and I was like dude is this the only milk left and they’re like yeah sh that’s all you have and I was like [ __ ] and somewhere in my brain I was like well we’re kind of here for a bender so instead of grabbing the milk I grabbed one of the fresh War warm bottles of milk bottles of beer that had been left out on the kitchen countertop the night before and I ped it into my three wheat picks and I ate it and it was 7:30 in the morning and that’s how was there toppings on the wheat bck it might have been a little bit of sugar that might have been a little bit of sugar was it good so so the great thing about beer is that it’s made of wheat so you just you just got to it’s just kind of wheat on wheat um was it good you give it a go I’d say give it a go I would say it wasn’t the worst thing in the world I’ve eaten but that’s cuz I’ve probably eaten worse things that are more inedible I’ll say give it a go you know what I mean when when you need an opportunity what can I do okay chat in that circumstance what do I do we were running out of milk we almost didn’t have enough milk for me to have wheat bcks boy breakfast okay a boy’s got to have his breakfast I’m a growing boy I got to have my breakfast so I’m going to put in liquid that’s around in it you know H milk I do love milk but um the thing is is uh every man from South I drink that from the cotton no way no way milkberry likes milk I couldn’t I can’t think of what could be an indicator that you like milk milkberry I’m a big milkberry I’m a big milkberry guy I’m a big milk guy me too I [ __ ] love milk Nino you are silly thanks thanks you watered down the milk with beer with beer I’m going to be honest with you chat um oh [ __ ] that music’s really loud after that trip I didn’t drink for like a month and a half 2 months um I actually had friends stop drinking after that trip because it was like it was too much I used to have a very good uh I IED have a very good tolerance level and I used okay how do I say this without sounding like I’m a degenerate I used to have a very high tolerance level of alcohol but the issue is is that I started too young and I peeed too young and and now at 24 because it’s because I peeed too young it hurts my tummy when I drink alcohol well this guy’s an edge Lord yeah dude such an edge Lord no it just means that now I’m 24 and now I get my now I get now I get hangovers really easily at the age of 24 which is really embarrassing I get two day hangovers and I’m [ __ ] 24 over here at least I can drink more than two vodka cruisers on a night out and not be you know smashed so I got that going for me at least bro you’re 24 do I not what do you mean you look great for 24 how [ __ ] old do you guys think 24 year olds look like what do you guys think 24 year olds look like what you 24 you think we’re in a [ __ ] geriatric home think off you know take all take old man out the back and put him down dude old racehorse hasn’t got another race in him put him down you look 20 I mean I’ll take that but how old do you guys know that 24 is not that far removed from 20 right this is like you’re pretty much a millennial don’t you [ __ ] say that to me you can call me old you can call me short you can call me an edge Lord but godamn it do not call me a millennial all right I was there in the bunker okay I was there in the bunker in the Tumblr days okay if I can remember MLG [ __ ] MLG goddamn uh what are they called [Music] oh my God oh my God I have Alzheimer’s I have Alzheimer’s I can’t remember anything I was expecting like an 8-year difference what do you remember MSN no I don’t remember MSN my earliest memory of the internet is um playing the pinball U and playing P pinball that’s my earliest memory and Club Penguin I was there for Club Penguin Nino is very Zuma coded thank you I feel like I’m look look the Millennials do this [ __ ] yeah I’m cool yeah I’m cool I [ __ ] look at that I got [ __ ] yeah I’m cool okay mushy monsters rise up I didn’t like mushy monsters I wasn’t a mushy monsters guy it’s cuz you’re 24 I [ __ ] should never have told you guys my age I should have kept up the bit where I said I was 32 I should have kept up the bit [Music] why I ever why I ever just like is there a [ __ ] helicopter flying over my house what the hell just happened excuse me why I ever open up my soul to you guys I will never know why I ever just like reveal any part of myself to you I never know cuz all it does all it does has been that you hurt me you just use it against me so you were born in [Music] 2000 um no okay pretty much I was pretty much B I pretty much was born in 2000 I was pretty much born in in in in the year 2000 I was9 November 1999 um I bet you shared those ‘ 90s kids memes no bro I didn’t want to be old no I didn’t I was born okay chat I was born on November 1999 I had a month in the year 1999 okay does that really count are we really counting that are we we really a little bit of leeway you know what I mean yeah a little bit leway with that you know under 2000 is Millennial I don’t know man no it’s not genz is 1997 to 200 like 5 or some [ __ ] like that so no it’s not first time catching you live Nino well now you seeing now you’re seeing me being roasted by my own chat being like you’re a [ __ ] baby boomer you’re coping buddy yeah I am to the 1997 to 2012 is wait is that actually gen Z years hang on chat are this meant to be for a YouTube video chinzy jiny [Music] years let me Huff of my copion for a second let me Huff of my [ __ ] go [ __ ] your mothers go [ __ ] your mothers I suck on this copium dude I will suck the Copan te because I’m right 1997 [ __ ] I mean I was 1999 I’m a down the middle jinia you Boomer asses dude Millennials is [ __ ] old none of these in my chat please none of these in my chat crazy how one comment has you this tilted you know what it is you know what it is is that is that when you go on Twitch it’s so crazy how many people you’ll be like you’ll be like talking to and they’ll be like w you’re pretty successful on twit like you’re pretty successful on content creation and they’re like oh yeah no I’m I’m 19 yeah I’ve been doing this for 4 years and it’s like holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what are you talking about like sometimes it does feel like 24 you’re like you you you’re you were the [ __ ] Boomer where is he from I’m from I’m uh I’m from I’m from uh Portugal some people start so young it’s crazy dude it’s crazy it’s wild to see how many people like how many people young chat we meant to be playing a we meant to be playing a we me to be playing a mod dude I feel like I’m a boomer I’m 27 I feel like I’m a boomer I’m 24 no I’m still I’m still hip and young and cool I swear to God guys I swear I’m so cool he is Australian yeah get it right I found myself today I found myself um scrolling through rental properties in Melbourne the The Urge grows Ed goes closer every day every day your mom’s house chat what the [ __ ] were we up to again you don’t want skibby memes oh we are the same every day I go through and I I just I literally find myself scrolling through cuz my friends just got back from Melbourne and I want to go later this year I want to go to Melbourne later this year to convince to move to Melbourne and my friends just got back there got back from Melbourne and they were like oh my God it’s amazing it’s most beautiful city eggs are so cheap that was the one thing they said to me they were like they were like oh my God Nino you won’t believe how cheap eggs are in Melbourne and I was like yeah how much and they’re like I paid $5 for a 12 pack of eggs and I was like I I literally I was asking about what you got up to and and you said that was it I was like that’s crazy watermelon what’s watermelon what are you talking about what are you guys talking about I’m scared watermelon what are you talking about the rhubarb takes ages water the melon oh I forgot you guys I forgot I asked you to do that you told chat to remind you eggs are usually that price though see this is what this is what I’m talking about milkberry eggs are 12 pack of eggs in New Zealand is about 14 bucks it’s about $14 for a 12pack yeah New Zealand’s really expensive bro New Zealand’s crazy New Zealand’s crazy e e do you know where this cheese is made you know where this cheese is made that we’re playing these paying these prices it’s made in New Zealand it’s made in New Zealand it’s New Zealand cheese and I have to pay [ __ ] 16 bucks for it because we have a mon Monopoly on a godamn dean industry in New Zealand where they literally they literally send they export so much [ __ ] dairy products that we have to pay more for New Zealand products than in Australia England France and America we’re getting screwed over by Big Cheese big cheese is coming for New Zealand dude I like how there’s going to be a half hour thing to me just ranting ranting in face cam that the edit is going to have to go through chat chat what are we doing chat what are we doing what are we doing here $7 for a sixpack of EDS that’s about normal too what are we doing here what what we’re trying to unlock the next level we want to get um we were grinding that’s right we want to get enough Ginger so that we can go through and actually like do something in the mines do something in the mines I want you guys to know I’m not actually mad about my age by the way I feel like 24 is still a really genuinely I always make jokes about it on Twitch because on Twitch you do like it is like more of a middle ground but I literally still feel like 24 and 25 I feel like this is getting to prime years dude and I feel like this is getting Prime in my opinion this is when we start to Peak you know what I mean every R is just like te AG on Twitch is crazy I mean milka you had it rough on [ __ ] like the M I think I think I think I think Sushi said this in your stream yesterday and I like completely agree Minecraft side of things the age demographic is [ __ ] insane like it just brings it down for creators too like for creators the age demographic is like low like isn’t like Tommy in it like 18 or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I feel like Tommy in it should be close to retirement this way bro I feel like this dude should be close to packing it in isn’t where hasn’t he been around for like 5 years oh mix seeds mix seeds that’s what we want he’s like 19 now that’s what I mean dude like I swear to God these kids how what it’s crazy he just turned 20 that’s [ __ ] insane how like when did he start content creation oh nice we got some pineapple after I lost my pineapple seed by being murdered and Willie stole them from me cuz no one else on this island would have taken them Willie no one else on this island would have BRB it’s 420 somewhere have fun have fun I just watched a podcast we were talking about streaming a young age I couldn’t imagine going back to that age like I always talk about how I started streaming when I was like 20 or something and listen the biggest issue is preco was funnier than I am now you guys will never get Peak Nino uh funniness sorry to say my friend cab just turned 18 has been doing this [ __ ] since 2021 what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that’s crazy bro was hilarious yeah yeah hexler was there for those days but I I just like with how much there is for streaming I’m like damn I I’m actually glad I didn’t take this seriously at a younger age I don’t know why it just feels it feels like too much it feels like too much at a young age it’s like you know what you got to put yourself out there a lot he was 13 when he started streaming [ __ ] hell I was going to make a [ __ ] ell that’s crazy who streams at morning hello we have a lot of Ginger we still need to figure out what this war momento is and these geod if we can get them broken now chat does anyone actually know where we can get some more golden War nuts does anyone actually have any any knowledge in their Noggin about where we can get golden walnuts I’m I’m desperate here I’m slurping for a walnut I’m feing for a walnut Dude any any knowledge nope sorry damn it inside the volcano that’s it that’s all we got is we we already got inside the volcano do we really have to make this [Music] run yeah open up CJ beer who there’s a heap in there okay okay I’m trying to be legit with this dude I’m trying to be legit cuz right now we’re on a hell of a grind and we need as much ginger as we can get we literally just need three more cuz that’s where this is the area I want to go to but the dude keeps saying oh you know what let’s go talk to Leo and let’s go see if the parrot has anything more you didn’t get those clothes legit yeah but it but it makes me look strong Nino how did you start growing your YouTube um I sold my soul to uh oh God Leo what are you doing there hello when sun is angry it feels good in Jungle Sun can’t find us beneath the leaves we trick him don’t trick the sun Gods Leo they can see everything uh when I uh got started growing on YouTube I sold my soul to um Susan the CEO and God of YouTube at the time and I offered my life to her and she started putting me good in the algorithm hi do you know where I can get some golden coconuts two buried in the North two people two people buried in the north two buried in the north wait chat we that’s where we were right no dude you just just literally just steal content from other people dude it’s Leo’s Mom and Dad buried up there I’m sorry to hear that Leo maybe that’s who’s on the farm all time to go uh rob their graves so we can get a little Walnut so this isn’t the north right this is more like the center would you say this is the center so that means there’s some up here that we’re uh so that means there’s some up here that we’re missing right feel like there’s one around here that I haven’t got yet feel like there’s one around here we got this one we definitely got this one did you shoot the squirrel I don’t have a slingshot yet so I can’t but I swear there’s another one around here we got this one maybe there’s one like up here are you avoiding the walnuts and the trees oh these ones down here I can’t get to yet right uh you have to walk across the bridge to get those and to get to the bridge you need to unlock that area down here there is no way there’s two more buried up here I feel like they right where could they be I’m losing my mind hey what’s that wait what where am I excuse me how did I end up I didn’t know there was a path this way is that the only one I can get a [ __ ] I was hoping we could go we can’t go down this way damn it oh well that’s still a good get at least we got one so then find golden walnuts you know what little bit out of my price range just a little bit out of my price range what if we just said yes can we I mean we’re here for we’re here for fraud anyway can we just you don’t have enough money [ __ ] [ __ ] the banks the banks Clos my accounts need to take out a loan for that dude okay now we have that one but he still reckons there’s two more buried up here [ __ ] I mean Chad I I don’t know I don’t know how many more we got I don’t know how many more we got it’s so hard to like keep track of all of them too to know where you’ve got them I feel like there’s Leo what are you doing here you see that thick tree to the right I’m always keeping ey out for thick trees I think there is a path he goes south thick tree to the right thick tree sorry chat I’m [ __ ] losing my mind down here the this one I got one that was I got this one Bliss thank you thank you CH thank you the only other place I could think that there would be some would be on the beach this is the only other place I could think where there’ be some go back up where up here it’s Oh no I got this one no no no we we got this one this one got got have you grown the stuff for the Frog so we’re currently growing a melon I think we only need one more we’re yeah we’re currently growing a melon the melon is growing and chat will yell at me whenever I forget so we have eight [ __ ] did you get the one in the dark path no we couldn’t get that one in the end I knew there was one around here I knew there was one oh my God I’m not stupid I knew there was one ah we got the nut we got the nut I know I swear there’s more on the beach we just don’t have yet more Omni geod is always good I swear there’s more around here x marks the spot I already got that one can I go into a house I can’t swear there’s one like around here too damn it anything else no it’s too dark to see but we have heaps of omni geod like a lot of them I got the one near Mr key room the one where you go up I got that one okay another night in our in our lovely cold house without my beautiful wife although we need to put things away I think he can use those with the trader bird I think I think so too okay we have a lot of Ginger and a lot of lion fish which is making me hopeful and a lot of past NS but I want to keep the past NPS we also have a t kit that’s making me hopeful for going up if we have a good luck day tomorrow I think we can hit the mines I think if we have a good luck day tomorrow we can hit the mines rainy day rainy day we need to find a we need to find a uh a bird we need to find a bird where or where could this birdie be Lewis took my wife away from me I think if we what what it was on the east west and north parts right so if it’s not around here I think the best place we could look would be North and and then does it just shed out a uh does it just shed out a a a gym and that’s what we use it for bars thanks I’m not seeing any birdie Birds die I’m not seeing any birdie birds at I think we I my guess would it would be it would be up north my guess is it would be up North for some reason I don’t know why I feel like we should name these bones I feel like we should give it a name we walk past it every day I just I feel bad you know Bonita Bonita that can be its name James James is a pretty good name more Omni geodes more geod so we have to we we literally just have no indication of where it is we just have to go around the entire Island and help and hope we can find it oh there it is die what did it drop for us an emerald so this was technically up north oh so if this counts as the North Area then maybe there’s some hidden in a place that I have haven’t seen yet maybe there’s someon an area that I just have not got to yet yeah I know it’s 10 I’m one off yeah I saw this we have this one I’m pretty sure yeah we do have that one has to be another one somewhere around here can you guys hear the music by the way it’s quite it’s really quiet for me dude I’m losing my mind I’m this close to going on the wiki the stone circles got him I’m this close to going on the wiki it’s quiet how’s that the grass circles got him I got him grass circles got him paths got him Stone circles got him so this one should go up North so that makes me think that wait that makes me think that this dude was saying that there’s two up north and there still Halo sorry I’m shy today oh he’s gone nonverbal oh what a cutie cribbet oh that doesn’t [ __ ] help me at all man that’s what I’m working on now that doesn’t help me at all what are you doing to me I already know that CRI oh my God I already know this dude isn’t there one in Leo’s house yeah I got this one I got the one that was here this dude is actually playing me there are a few in the volcano [ __ ] it we’re running the volcano what’s our luck today we’re feeling lucky we’re running the volcano [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we’ll do it live I’m placed I just placed a gym but we haven’t placed all of them dude I I I hate running slow I wish I could run fast I can run fast I have a joa cola oh Sam Sam your polluting has really come through oh thank God Sam doesn’t care about the environment it’s going to help me so much [Music] let’s take uh let’s take two of these the Shipwreck got it I’m telling you chat I think the only ones left I think the only ones left to get are in the volcano so I just have to be a man about it I just have to I just got to be a [ __ ] man about it man up look at me man up what about fishing I got all the fishing ones that’s what I’m saying this what I’m saying I have them all I I got them all I just need I just need the last I need one more to unlock and I don’t I’m like worried about what area it is to [Music] unlock good luck in the mines we go again I can’t do any I can’t like block that fire [Music] right he’s going to shoot he’s shooting we’re in our grind [Music] era okay I’ll take coal ow bastards did you get the ones for the muscles I did I can’t block this right am I losing my mind I can’t like shoot it back to [Music] him okay I can swipe them out of the way that’s good to [Music] know okay so I don’t have to run away [ __ ] that was quite a few hits Banger of a song [Music] though let’s get another let’s get a Lon fish no block no block let’s also get some uh joaa so we have a bit of speed cuz I think this gives us speed does for 30 seconds it gives us speed [Music] amazing what what the [ __ ] why did it amethyst I’ll take an [Music] amethyst dude the first level it’s just that they take so long to kill did you get the one left the entrance I [Music] did I’m the music is so chirpy and I’m I’m logged in like [ __ ] here what did I get what is that Cinder Shard oh that’s used for upen a warut we got number 10 we got number 10 we can go to pricious snail we can help him let’s get all this first though we got the nut [ __ ] uh sap we don’t need sap let’s not die now n know what did I just say Nino what did I just say what did I just say I said don’t die what Nino what did I just [Music] say oh [ __ ] an amethyst is pretty cool too I don’t know what we can use an amethyst for [Music] but [ __ ] this is a clown show dude this is an this is a clown oh my God stick a red nose on me this is a clown [Music] oh my God oh my God level up thank God almighty thank god [Music] dude is there anything else good I can get here I don’t think so okay I’m I’m being brave and I’m venturing forward eing Ginger is wild you got to do what you got to do to survive on Ginger [Music] Island hey there’s something over [Music] there what is that what is this I think this is uh another [Music] Shard oh no it’s copper I guess copper is kind of useful is there anything good over there [Music] look what is [Music] that [Music] nothing you know what I’ll get that oh great it didn’t drop me anything awesome level two just give me give me something there’s not a whole lot here [ __ ] can I I can do a cherry bomb we could start blowing them up could that that be [Music] useful kind [Music] of like kind of ah no it’s not worth it it’s not worth it I don’t know if this is worth [Music] it eat the oh my God we need so much Ginger to be able to do this that’s our last [Music] food I don’t want to go that way that’s where the scary guy is it just they take so long to [Music] kill they just take so long [Music] he’s disappeared always [Music] back oh my God oh my God oh my God what am I doing oh please Mr fireman just leave me alone just leave me alone I’m just here to I’m just here to take all your wears I’m just here to pillage your entire home is that so bad I got another Cinder Shard but I don’t really know if they do a whole lot this early [Music] on all right chat what do we think is worth it first the island Trader is it worth going to the island Trader first or is it worth getting Professor snail what do we think is our first bet cuz we have 10 walnuts now and I think this is an important decision to make hey what is that is that a diamond I wner [ __ ] go go go go there’s two of them drink the cola and run run run where’s the exit run run get out of here run oh God ah how do you live like this what wait what I can talk to the dwarf how can I talk to the dwarf [Music] what happened and he sells batteries why can I now talk to him upgrades he sells [Music] upgrades an iron or well that doesn’t really help us at the moment but a copper pickaxe dude we can actually upgrade our stuff who this has changed the game this has changed the game he does a ridium too okay so now we need copper food he doesn’t sell food he uses food maybe because you got your first Cinder Shard I’m so curious oh wait hang on it says on the mod page it says to learn dwarvish you need to so to speak to the dwarf you need to either find a diamond or Prismatic Shard find five gems collect 20 ores or Crush 30 rocks and I guess we’ve done that so now we have this guy to help us out that’s a game changer dude whoa D kick thank you so much for the for the for the for the thing to uh Artic Artic Fox okay so now chat we have two decisions we could either help this man who should be [Music] dead or unlock the or unlock the island Trader let him die all right I didn’t wasn’t calling for blood but you know I like the I like the direction we’re heading what do we get from Professor snail surely this would be the best chance to get more walnuts right I think we do it I think we do it Professor these nuts [Music] I’m stuck how do we get him out sorry sorry chat no one’s dying today we’re going to try to get him out but I thought I thought you needed a gold pickaxe to get him out this isn’t working what about a cherry bomb that won’t work why did you tell okay what about a cherry bomb will that work I it did amazing hi sir oh thank you I thought I was done for it to be honest with you I don’t know how you survived in there it’s been like 8 days I’ve been stuck in this cave for months but one more cave mushroom salad and I would have been gone for one more cave mushroom salad and I would have gone off the end so rubbery anyway I’m Professor snail Professor snail are you’re a single are you a single man because I know a crazy lady that might just fit your type I’ve been conducting a service on the flyland floor and forner for the past year truly a remarkable Place well I think I’ll go back to my tent and freshen up for a little bit I’m afraid I smell like mushrooms no no no thank you I just saved your life hey you should stop by the tent sometime an enterprising individual like yourself could be a major ass to my projects farewell no thank you nothing I just saved his life and he’s not even going to give me a mushroom hi PL welcome in but now we have an all but now we have an entire new area that’s been uh that we’ve found and we have a mango sapling to go plant so we’re kind of actually making progress which I’m shocked about let’s go see Professor snail hello sir ah come in what are you researching what could possibly be out in these islands that that need research maybe the birds that ship gems that would be quite interesting to learn about welcome to my field [Music] office as you can see it’s it’s quite empty Y how long have you been in this island you haven’t really done a whole lot getting stuck in the cave was there a huge setback to my project but that’s where you come [Music] in I’m in the bone business you see oh I’m in the bone business too yeah know me too I I’ve I’ve been in it for a while ancient bones in particular and the island is full of Oh you mean fossils oh oh we talking about different Industries see if you have encountered any bones fossils or mummified specimens on this island bring them to my desk okay I’ll make it worth your while all right so we need to look out for any bones sure I’m a bone Master just like I’m a Nut Master would like I’m finding all over the island island survey please report the number of purple flowers present on the island I don’t know 21 that number doesn’t fit my models at all damn it okay so I actually have to count things oh [ __ ] it’s getting to night time we could use a tent and sleep here no let’s go put things away let’s go actually put things away and we’ll come back tomorrow we’ll get a good night’s rest and then tomorrow we’ll be out to help Professor snail in his area I feel like in the 3our recording session that we’ve done this we’ve gotten so much done I feel like we’ve made made some crazy progress [Music] chat there was half an hour of me just yapping to you guys but that’s [Music] fine we’re on the Big Ups that’s so true we are cooking can I so takes 28 days to produce a mature mango tree bre fruit in the summer all year round so can I plant this where is a good place to put a mango [Music] plant I guess like right out [Music] front like [Music] here wait am I [ __ ] stupid how do you plant fruit trees again no you needed needs more room right so I guess we can put it like down here there we go that’s just that’s a terrible area for a mango plant but it’ll be fine and we need to sleep otherwise we are going to be screwed underground I forgot level two combat do we wait did we get level two combat oh [ __ ] we did all right I guess we can start making our way through some of these fishing would be a good thing a good skill to get up Mining and farming I think we’ll do just as we go along but I think fishing would be a good skill to get up luck will not be on your side today damn it so if we’re going over to Professor snails what’s something that we could actually [Music] use that maybe that are you Leo that would be pretty funny stardo Valley but I’m Leo daily melon reminder thank you thank you I forgot about the melon I truly forgot about the water ordering the melon this is why I ask chat cuz I I do be forgetting I just think there’s no reason to farm and those are those are still growing okay let’s go over to Professor snail to see what we can actually do for him see if we can find some of these bones he’s craving [Music] degenerate I want a more yellow lighting [Music] dude it takes so long to get anywhere on this island this is just taken me like five it’s taking me half my day to get here all right so what was it o these are all new oh mixed seeds perfect fragments a small piece of bone what can we do with bone fragments Al we can have a look and see if we can find some a journal you found a lost book the library’s collection has been expanded well that’s doesn’t doesn’t help me when they’ve kicked me out of town you know when do the mine carts unlock you got to buy them in this one so we’re getting a lot of bone fragments but I don’t actually know what these do hey what’s this just more bone fragments [Music] more clay interesting so I’m going to assume that the place to find his uh another lost book a library okay I’m helping the community and I’ve been kicked out of the community but I’ll take the Omni geod cuz we need those I’ll rid of the clay I mean the stone oh what is that uh [Music] Jack be nimble Jack be thick yeah Jack be thick what gain one defense what you’ve learned a new power what just happened did I just educate myself is that a book you can get from the book Trader now that I just found in reading is a part of 1.6 y concern date made it so we can read now so that’s a new part of the um uh up with the book Trader right that’s new part of the book Trader is now you can upgrade skills with um the books you can buy that’s crazy all right let’s go into this cave let’s actually see what he was Excavating in here mushrooms oh this could be useful this could be useful I’ll take a purple mushroom I’ll definitely take a purple mushroom oh dude I wish our bag could be bigger I don’t know how else to describe this do you see this you see this you see this thing here you see this Fern do you guys see it how it could kind of be like like a chameleon with thick thighs is that just me can you guys see [Music] that do you see it I’m not going insane right oh my God you see it no I’m not going insane Mr eight what are you making it’s doing the splits literally that’s what I’m saying dude okay I’m not going insane I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not deranged it’s good to know I wasn’t the only regretably yes it’s time for the cat boy to touch grass I Can’t I Touch lots of grass I just I just you know sometimes you you see things and you’re not sure now there was areas around here I wanted to be able to get to and I’m not sure how are you the anime dude from yesterday on YouTube what no Who anime wait look at these things 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 what the hell chameleon took Jack be nimble Jack be thick too seriously that’s crazy that’s crazy what anime guy do I look like an anime guy Jack be thick one oh look these are the per wait I don’t know if you can see it there’s the purple flowers we need to count so one two chat you need to count these With Me 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 are they just in this area or are they everywhere we counted this one so we’re on eight 9 10 [Music] 11 11 12 13 14 15 we counted that one so 15 in this area I feel like it could just take a random guess you know what I mean so we got 15 so far I feel like I could just take a random guess is this a mod yes it’s a mod that it’s a mod that makes you start on Ginger Island so the area is in a mod but the mod Mak you start here 15 16 hi Leo 17 dude we are counting these 18 [Music] 19 hi Anna so we’re on 19 right chat Have I miscounted None up here Chad don’t tell me I’m trying not to you guys don’t spoil me 19 where is Leo going did I count that one I think I counted that one 20 [Music] uh 20 what does that do I think that unlocks the area just got my ass handed to me that’s fine okay so we’re still on [Music] 20 and I can’t see anymore have we missed an area 20 un I miscounted in the [Music] beginning uh [ __ ] maybe up here no just a thick [Music] chameleon I don’t have the East Side unlocked yet okay so we’re on 20 we could make an educated guess from 20 like we could just try well we we counted 20 so we know it’s [Music] not we counted 20 right so we know it’s not anything under 20 right 22 [Music] sure that seems very accurate I don’t even know if that’s accurate dude thanks but thanks for the golden warut anyway I just I just made an educated guess starfish oh my God [ __ ] it [Music] uh 14 damn it so how do we get a cross here how do we get to here there looks like there’s a cave area we can get through oh it looks like you can go through wait it looks like you can go through am I going insane it looks like you can go through here you can wait that’s actually crazy I did not know that so that means two more oh [ __ ] I did not know that was [Music] there and then we got the one that’s here so what do we do with this area what’s the point of this area that we have we can [Music] get dig spot is there a DI [Music] spot we can get more Ginger have you ever made it to Ginger Island before a long time ago and because of that I’m very out of practice with it so what do we do with this entire area is it just that it unlocks the mushrooms which is kind of useful like these are good collect [Music] bones okay so let’s collect these bones what is that is that a hand ew what is that a foot a fossilized foot ew ew what did bro need the for dude have this I don’t want this have it donate to the museum ew I don’t want that beautiful these bones are exactly what I’m looking for now let me clean my magnifying glass hen before I got stuck in the cave I was exploring in the little Gully nearby the stones there are full of fossils if I were you I’d be breaking them open to look for bones what you too lazy to do it I’m trying to get off this island dude I don’t need to be doing these side quests why he’s he’s just standing in his office all day dude jerking my digital dog leash what the [ __ ] what are you guys talking about mods sorry the only mods this is called starting in ginger Island that’s the only mod the yeah I’m stuck on the island Nintendo I’ll just see Jesus my brother in Christ you the one that said it uh all right let’s go back for the night and then we can come back here tomorrow there do be a dig spot for the Walnut where where where is the nut give me the nut where is it where could where looks like there’s that kind of looks like there’d be a DI spot in [Music] there the where’s the where is it where’s the Dig spot come on don’t leave me hanging Phoenix girl is it here down here this kind of looks like an area I don’t have a lot of energy [ __ ] I don’t know about this one I don’t I don’t think there is a dig spot around here I feel like I’ve been drooped by my own chat room up you mean up you guys are going to be more specific than up I’ll be going up wait is that a dick spot oh my God maybe my chat isn’t trying to just like kill me at every second can I point out something for you to look out out for sure go for it and thank you for asking dude I think you know what maybe I don’t need to go back to Pelican town I feel like I’m thriving here you know I feel like I’m thriving on this I got my bird friends I’ve just rescued a dude I’ve got my wife who lives like across in a little Hut from me I don’t need Pelican town I don’t need them they don’t want me I don’t want them you know what I mean I’m living at I I can I can live here with my pit I can make friends with my rocks I’m having a I’m having a great time dog are we still going what it hasn’t even been that long bro it’s been late but Haley though yeah I do miss my wife okay let’s get these final melon pineapple and rhubarb and let’s head it for the night so then tomorrow we can go over to the Quarry area and get those going but it’s going to take us a long time to get to bed look how for all the fairy circles you you always want to dig in them oh yeah I’ve been doing those I’ve been looking out for all of those and I have most of them that I’ve seen nice level one foraging so we can get wild seeds now but and field snaks but I don’t think those really help us staircases don’t don’t help us at all I’m pretty sure I don’t think either of these are very helpful raining oh oh bird [ __ ] we need the we need the gem [ __ ] I saw you pass a few o oh that I have gone through them um by now wait so where was the last one the last one we got was up north if the last one we the last one we got was up North so the next gem [ __ ] should be somewhere around here hi teacup that’s a cute name teacup right unless it’s out east and then we can’t get it because we haven’t unlocked the East area yet East and West oh look Bird’s not out sometimes they reappear in the same spots that’s so lame actually that’s so lame what’s even the point of that bro what’s the point then I can’t use the gems for anything just make sure there’s none up here oh Duke them out Duke them out see those side SS see those side steps dude and there’s nothing up here so with our next 10 golden walnuts that we will eventually get what’s our thoughts on what to unlock next the trader do we save up the 20 and go for the resort down here how do you get a weapon if you started here it spawns one when the mod the mod spawns one oh wild bait i’ go Resort more walnuts they [Music] area going to be lurking have fun have fun on your homework okay where is that open that weird door thing you have to stock up a lot of stuff to trade well I mean I haven’t really been selling anything hi Ellie how’s it going I’m good I’m I’m doing hard challenge I haven’t really been selling anything so I’m thinking I I I’ll stock up as much as I can before the trader gets here but for now we just need to collect some fossils can I see the fossils I need to collect so oh [ __ ] I need quite a few okay so I need another leg I need a stomach I need a butthole I need a middle part and a skull and I need the same for all of those interesting well we can definitely do those and I also have to count all the uh Stars so I think we can do that over here I assume these are the ones yeah there we go we got a scapula we got a prehistoric scapula which wait this isn’t for this this is for gun does this not oh I can’t donate this well you know what [ __ ] you Guna you never stood up for me gim bird might be on the way to Leo’s house I actually completely forgot we were looking for the gy bird I literally totally forgot we were looking for that but the Leo’s house doesn’t actually count as the east side does it I think that’s e never eat soggy wecks yeah that’s East kidney stone bird nah it’s not here oh wait yes it is thank you for the kidney stone D that must hurt so now we only need one more now we just need one to spawn on the beach I hope this gives us more than one there’s better give us more than one Walnut like yeah I know we haven’t done a whole lot for it but now I got to run all the way back to the Quarry and that’s a big effort you know that’s a big [Music] effort dude I feel like we should get through like one one month although I don’t know how long this will take us wait so who are you you’re the trader I think we’re still in Spring I feel like we’ve done a lot for still being in Spring my opinion we’ve we’ve done a lot so these give us clay oh there’s a lot of stuff over there there’s a lot of G there’s a lot of [Music] Ginger and a skull and a skull we dug up a snake skull yes we need [Music] that I know it feels like you’ve done a lot but it’s only been 12 days I got to I got to justify that it’s been a lot cuz I got to make YouTube videos out of this all right Snak skull I wonder if we get a walnut for each of these so if we find an entire frog one ah now this is a truly fascinating P piece of Natural History thank you I don’t need you yapping to me old man I just need to go work I got to go work old man I don’t need this you know just keeps going eventually unlock the boat yes you do a fossilized leg perfect there that’s another one we’ve got another foot and the boat needs batteries but batteries don’t seem that hard to get so I almost think it’s kind of fun if we keep playing like we just try to do as much as possible you’ve out done yourself Nino this is one of the most prestin I’ve ever seen you’ve out done yourself Nino this is one of the most PR specimens I’ve ever seen thank you just keeps talking bro like wrap it up come on we got things to do move it along dude come on M I wonder if how many fossils you get changes per um the luck right that would be really interesting like if you get more fossils depending on the luck you have Ying it’s been 9 months already oh my God our baby Ying it’s on its way wow that’s crazy thank you for the sub Ying thank you for the 9 months oh a page what is that what is that a journal scrap the second Journal we read this one before about how he was washed up day six I won’t go hungry here the waters are full of edible nay delicious fish I even caught a stingray in the caves by the southeast Shore I have a clue what to do with it though the other day I even finished up at a couple of golden walnuts they seem to be all over the island all the other day I even fished up a couple of golden walnuts they seem to be all over the island the local parrots go crazy for them well that you just gave me no new information thanks though I appreciate it Joe bber Joe B can you beat the twink allegations look at me does it look like I can beat the twink allegations look at look at who I am look at what I look like like come on now me can you be the twink allegations no proud twink what can I say I’m not trying to [Music] let’s let’s like clear this place let’s just clear this entire area we have the ginger to do it we should be collecting the oh we are collecting the clay I’m literally wearing cat boys comes in with the can you beat the twink allegations when I have the when the [ __ ] C ear is on all right that’s enough that we we are about to pass out we are about to pass out traveling Merchant is in town does nothing for me build a coupe how would I even be able to do that can you actually how would I even be able to do that what possible form could lead me to build a coup coup no C is when you cou is what the french do the mod said there’s an ostrich coue you can build that seems difficult oh you know what I want to sell all this clay cuz that’s a lot of money so these bone fragments you guys are said to keep you guys said keep the bone fragments don’t sell those thank you for the follow and I always listen to my Chatters but is there anything here we could sell for an extra money see urchin we don’t need a SE SE urchin amethyst want to try get that Walnut in the dark path do you want me to try it again you want me to try this hellscape again okay I don’t I don’t get it dude how am I meant to where’s the entrance am I meant to cut something out of the way fish I have no energy oh you sell the fish follow the plants I’m trying I’m stuck that’s as far as I can go right that’s the weird thing I’m holding down D and slowly making my way up and down I’m stuck chat I’m stuck okay okay okay we’re we’re free okay go right up and then what I feel like and I meant to get to there and I meant AR I meant to get over that way [Music] but this is as far as I can [Music] go I’m literally like stuck right here like I’m not moving any further than this can you go go down can you follow the leaves pass I’m trying I’m not like like once I go in right I’m holding down [Music] D I thought you mimic the path that’s what I thought too right right so now I’m going up I’m hugging the right wall and I’m like I get like stuck [Music] here I can’t walk down Okay so this part I can’t walk down so I’m like hitting something here [Music] [Music] that was that was that was that was more complicated than it should be and now I’m stuck and now I’m stuck oh God get me out of here get me out of here please Jesus Lord okay that was Jesus Lord get me out of here that was more complicated than it had any right to be dude but at least we got the nut good God shut up okay so we’re on seven nuts at the moment we’re half almost halfway to the resort and we earn a decent amount of money we got the N time to go back to the time to go back to the fossils can’t forget the melons though cannot forget the melons does the rort does the does the resort do anything I actually have no idea if the resort will actually do anything I just got told to do the resort because apparently if you do the resort it gives you more walnuts and I like more walnuts how much longer on the melon it was like 9 days or something 9 days till melon but I don’t think doing the oh also opening the resort unlocks the pirate code that’s what it does and we really need the Pirate Cove cuz I think there’s more things there that the mod has added like I have a suspicion there’s a dude who breaks geodes at the Pirate Cove that’s my suspicion damn there is not a lot of fossils today so need six for lightning rods but we can trade um multiple walnuts in the Pirate Cove dude there’s no fossils we’ve cleared out this entire [Music] section oh wait what’s [Music] that another leg wait we don’t need another leg we already have we already have [Music] legs what the [ __ ] does this do for me we’ve already got legs damn it dude fine I’m going to sell it you know what let’s go count the starfish cuz that’s what he wants us to do next let’s go count them chat are you ready to count count up to 10 with me you can get fossils from the volcano Oh yay can’t wait to go back in yay okay one one fossil uh uh uh the egg Festival has begun in town oh no that’s my favorite festival and I can’t compete in it no oh that means my wife’s birthday is tomorrow and I’m not going to be there my wife she’s going to be without me her first birthday without me that’s the sick and Starfish Alex is probably kissing on her right now no don’t say that she wouldn’t have moved on on she wouldn’t have moved on three 4 five uh uh uh guys you would think you don’t think Haley’s moved on already do you I’ve only been stranded for 14 days six haa I’ve only been stranded for 14 days I don’t think I don’t think seven I don’t think she would have moved on that quickly you know 18 I mean eight we see at the flower dance nine dude i’ you got me stressing chat what did you do to be banished um multiple war crimes against humanity what are we on nine maybe not moved on just expanding her Horizon she should only have eyes for me nine 10 11 12 13 okay is there any down here 14 six wait 15 16 17 you guys don’t think she really would have moved on right like you know like all jokes and stuff but you don’t think her and Alex would have done anything right 18 19 I didn’t count this one no [ __ ] she misses with you that’s what I’m saying she misses me right like 19 or 18 did I count that one already [ __ ] is it 19 or 18 I feel like I would have counted one twice so I would have gone with I’m going to go of 18 I feel like I would have counted it twice hi Leo I’m sad today guts for you dude like unlucky you know what you can do about that Leo bit help who happens to be the sponsor of today’s [Music] video better help can help you I don’t I’m not I’m not I’m not doing that okay what did I say 18 I think yeah okay it doesn’t go to 19 so 18 yes yes that seems very accurate indeed if you know it’s accurate why am I doing this so what’s the next thing oh there’s not a next thing is that it is that the only things I have to count that was it oh that was counting with Nino I hope you enjoyed I hope you learned to count to 18 let’s grab some of this as much clay as we can cuz it’s good for wow that was the entire area cleared out that’s the entire area cleared out and we didn’t get a single fossil how many walnuts did they give you it gave us two so I’m thinking the only other place to get walnuts is um the volcanoes uh and waiting for the melons to goow so maybe that’s maybe that’s our next bit hi Leo you go on and have fun let me be sad all right I will see you grind I’ll be grinding let’s sell this fossil and this clay dude I just I just want a bigger backpack I can’t handle the 12 slots I can’t handle it we do not have the Taro will be done tomorrow but we don’t have enough Ginger to go to um through the volcano like nowhere near enough try to also figure out what I meant to do with birdie I guess oh [ __ ] I remember what I was meant to do with birdie so you yes she gives you a bunch of stuff that you give to the villagers right so I meant to give the war momento to Clint oh I just I remember now but give me clay dude I remember now I’ve just had it it’s just the memories just come back to me why am I such a [Music] [ __ ] let’s go and talk to uh Leo’s bird to see what else he could possibly want for us maybe he can give us a little hint I feel like Leo’s bird is just going to say the the dude that we’re growing the melon for [Music] though help man and T what is he what is this what what what is this what what advice first that’s just me that’s just me I’m the Man in the tent I’m trying to help myself what is this advice like yeah I’ll help Professor snail I’ll find the fossils but is there none more I can just like dig up so where else do I find the the fossils in where else do I find the fossils just in the cave also trying to figure out what this is I want to get in here what is this like what what’s the point of this all right let’s go to [Music] sleep now [Music] damn wait what about all the clay oh yeah day 14 give it up for day 14 give it up wait where is it give it up for my wife’s birthday and I can’t spend it with her [Music] damn she probably misses me she probably thinks I’m dead dude she probably think Louis [ __ ] killed me this is how execution Works in stardo Valley they just throw you over overboard happy birthday my wife I miss you every day every day I miss you oh too oh yum can I eat these oh [ __ ] these are pretty good okay that’s pretty good I I I’ll eat [Music] those what if yeah Lois probably just told her I [ __ ] died or I left or something I’m going to kill Louis wait what is that all right they good for the Trader we don’t have the Trad yet all right oh yeah drink water I need to drink water [Music] how much longer does melon have 5 days 5 days all right let’s head up the [ __ ] let’s head up the cave God help us let’s try this let’s do it I’m going to get my ass handed to me dude okay oh we could also go to the Quarry though and let let’s see how much the Quarry has left we’re just grinding out these fossils whoa look at all these whoa look at this Ginger why does the ginger look alive is there a little creature underneath there I don’t know about maybe we should just do this and hope to get some fossils instead of going into the cave although it hasn’t doesn’t really respawn that much there we go there’s a prehistoric scalp peal that we give to that we good to good the and a orderless fossil okay [ __ ] it this means nothing this was nothing this was nothing now we have to go all the way back to sell it and then go up to the cave just to make space do the cave especially when you have water with bones what okay we’ll do the caves we’ll go through and we’ll go we’ll go through the volcano fishing gives fossils too it does but we’ve got all of them can you make a chest yeah I was going yeah I think that’s the best plan make a chest whoops okay we’re going to make a chest that we’re going to drop off to the front so we can drop off any goodies we get right by the cave so things we’re looking out for thick chameleon not thick chameleons things we’re looking out for are walnuts fossil and any ore just because that’s good to have copper is a really good thing to get so I can just leave this here right yeah I’ll take wild bait and Cinder shards yes I’ve been getting quite a few Cinder shots actually so Cinder shards are used for upgrades is that right can I just dodge these dudes save them up mhm mhm the issue mostly is these flying [ __ ] are so annoying if we can avoid them at all costs oh for God’s sakes like a girl thank you for the follows everyone is there any way to get a better weapon I think I like I see I’m having these questions too and my thoughts are the Pirate cve Cove is probably our best bet I’m thinking the Pirate Cove would be our best bit oh my God there’s so many on if we need uh weapons upgrades and anything like that I think let’s go Pirate Cove we’re so close to 20 are we I I actually I thought we were at like eight [ __ ] me man [ __ ] me come here you little piece of [Music] [ __ ] how much ow okay just missed go go go go go go see I can handle oh magma mushrooms do we need those awesome there’s just like no [ __ ] cool there is like no there’s nothing dude oh my God [Music] okay I didn’t realize they could go through the walls oh God eat eat wait we have so much Ginger wait what the [ __ ] where did we get 55 Ginger [Music] from what we’re actually so back where did we get that much Ginger mobs drop it holy [ __ ] I thought we were so screwed I thought we had five I was like we’re doing ass for this amount oh can you [ __ ] off bro you know I’m getting out of [Music] here I’m running oh my God I’m going I’m [ __ ] losing my mind [Music] I’m locked in so hard dude I’m locked in so [Music] hard [ __ ] off how was another one found me [Music] oh my [Music] God can you go away can you please oh my God you didn’t you didn’t come you didn’t die in an area where you could drop a cinder Shad they give you so little combat XP do they I wasn’t looking I was trying to just focus on not dying [ __ ] off how are there so many of you what are you here for what’s the point don’t you have a family a wife a kids go away what the fu hell how I’m on a lucky day oh my God my keyboard’s dying [Music] [Applause] too do they spawn in is that that what it is do they do they spawn like does there does isn’t there isn’t just like a random amount when you enter the uh level oh my God no more [Music] please what is that thing there’s a giant white thing over there what is that are you see oh my [ __ ] God I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game so much a dragon [Music] tooth at least these things are kind of easy they just take so much [Music] damage don’t touch the computer things but they drop things sometimes a dragon tooth that’s good right we need that ah damn it dude I got to go all the way back through this okay give me more shards thank you how are we going okay we can eat we can eat those are big for Traders I thought so wait sadly what’s the one thing you hate about the mines okay so there’s nothing else around we’ll take some more copper we need copper oh you have to go all the way through back yeah I guess it is meant to be hard as dick it just doesn’t give you the same goodies that skull C gives you you know not worth it alome I’m about to run out of water and I think the water is only at every every five level oh [ __ ] off every five right it’s just these things it just wouldn’t be so unbearable if it just wasn’t for these floaters cuz then they they do the and they oh look at that I missed because I was looking the wrong way just without these dudes I just would have I just would have thrived like just come close just don’t no reason to be that far away come get to no me a golden wall see we’re at 10 we’re halfway to the we’re halfway to 20 well we’re close to halfway to 20 oh give me that another Journal scrap day 14 after half a month of this island I’ve learned a thing or two about finding those golden nuts one must keep their eyes ped for subtle cloes if something looks unusual there may be ahead and I yeah we know we know we’ve we’ve been through this I’ve noticed signs in the sand and sign to the leaves I even saw a nut up in the tree near the volcano a finally I found a way of shooting it down whenever I’ve spotted a nut plant I’ve always found a way to reach it oh look I’m also on day 14 and and we’ already we figured this out on day two so we’re doing better than this guy please leave me alone please I have a wife that wants me I’m hoping she could be going after another man I don’t know I can’t contact her and now I have to deal deal with you guys attacking me incessantly when all I want to do is get back to my beautiful [ __ ] blonde wife that’s all I want thank you or I’ve already died Willie finds you on the Willie finds you nice more mining that’s good and this is a Shard right oh no how oh my God enter a room will you oh my watches you enter a room you must defeat all the bosses to PR PR all the enemies to progress I would cry I think it would be over for me come [Music] on bro I’m just just die is it so hard that you just wouldn’t die for me would you just not die for me is that really it is that really it oh my God oh my God no no okay we have heaps of uh shards though like in terms of the actual shards we have we have a lot of shards we are sharding out here these guys are easy to kill you just get them in the corner and then you just slaughter them in front of their children however we are out of water um and it’s almost and it’s almost midnight so I think one of the first things we should do when we get back is upgrade our watering can right that feels smart it’s getting [Music] late you’re telling me okay I might have gone the wrong way oh [ __ ] oh oh I might have gone the wrong way it’s fine we just run it we just run it just run it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine do you have copper no no no don’t have copper bars oh no it’s fine it’s all good [Music] [ __ ] it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yeah I know he’s sleepy it’s okay we’re kind of in a you know the adrenaline should be going right now I don’t think you should be very sleepy the adrenaline should be pushing you [Music] further Dodge nice Juke him out Juke him out [Music] refu go good night Noel oh [ __ ] we’re not going to make it to you know what if we’re not going to make it put everything away put everything away cuz I’m not sure if we’re going to make it home everything everything away cuz I don’t know if we’re going to make it home dude can I just sleep in here can I just sleep in the tin [Music] we ain’t making it it’s j I’ll just pass out by this parrot but at least we made that genius play of putting everything away now we won’t lose a single thing level three mining is good too level three mining is [Music] good and we made some cash money listen I guess we just on the beach right like technically we’re just sleeping on the beach but I did miss my wife’s I did miss one my wife’s oh we just woke up in bed what the hell we just woke up in the bed good I valkyri valkyri variety and we got a rub Bob and we got a rubab I don’t know what that one does but that’s great no watering no it’s okay we’ll go back and get the watering can don’t worry Ying don’t you worry we’ll go back and get it we not over [Music] yet it’s not over [Music] yet we just have to miss my wife Tails we just have to run so far to go get it okay let’s grab all of this actually what don’t we need what what can we keep here we can kind of keep some of our gems and stuff right you getting the bird tra or Resort I’m thinking getting the resort okay can’t why can’t I that was weird I think I’m getting I think let’s go for the [Music] resort fossilized leg stop giving me these [ __ ] legs stop giving me these thick and sturdy leg bones please why is this the only thing I’m getting and ginger lots of [Music] Ginger that’s the main thing you get in the Quarry oh God damn this dude was like go into the Quarry and you’ll find stuff I ain’t found [ __ ] apart from broken bones I want the feet if you don’t want [Music] them what what do you mean by [Music] that okay um anyways let’s go water this melon so we can finally get this part [Music] done and let’s get all this into here now we have fishing bait so I’m like maybe we should do a day of fishing maybe we should do a nice day of fishing fishing and get some of our fishing levels [Music] up purple mushroom could be good to do when we go into the levels yeah [ __ ] it plant one of those toar seeds do I have to seeds oh I do I didn’t even realize okay let’s get this too Farm going on a little bit more but let’s go a little bit of fishing God I love [Music] fishing fish familyy and women women um um avoid me and that’s why I spend the time fishing away at the [Music] beach my heart is growing fond for our tiny rag tag Island what happens if I get too attached to living on an island what happens if I become so accustomed to this life that I can’t just go back to civilization you know this is all I know now it’s been day it’s been 15 days out here of living surviving trying to go in every trying taking it one day at a time how am I going to go back to the hustle and bustle of pelicant town the big city I just can’t bye Ying wait what time is it for everyone [ __ ] I’ve been going for five almost 5 hours holy [ __ ] okay this is our last day I didn’t realize the time oh my God I actually did not realize the time dude I need to wrap the [ __ ] [Music] up oh what is that what was [Music] that what is that dude I actually did not realize how long I’ve been going for my bad just a man just man going for his little fish on Sunday I must be so sunburned a snake skull oh my God we already have the snake skull okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it might just be the one other thing we have that’s fine it’s all good just chew me you know what I’m saying oh [ __ ] I was looking at my phone and I missed it salmon is joj Cola are [Music] back I mean okay when how comes into chat and says good morning you know it’s been a long stream that’s when you know it’s been a long as [ __ ] [Music] stream wait treasure oh my God we found the Pirates treasure the Shipwreck pirate oh [ __ ] [ __ ] sh [ __ ] okay we actually have to make sure to catch this fish cuz I want to see what the treasure is we have the pirate treasure Wily’s Wily’s brother’s treasure what did we get iron or we got iron or yay yay amazing awesome that’s so sick that’s everything I’ve wanted I’ll get those Omni geod though that’s everything I’ve wanted in life just y That’s everything he had in his Pirates treasure this is everything he had in his pirate treasure dude I would have ship ried my ship too I would have crashed my ship too honestly if that’s everything I had if no I’m just going straight in the coral reefs okay let’s get these last few tows planted at least we got a nice little Arrow Farm coming along it’s kind of cute it it’s kind of cute you know what I think this is a peaceful way to end our first Adventure I think this is a peaceful way to end our first like chunk of Adventure on um on Ginger Island you know it’s like we this might not be the end of the video we’ll see but we’ll be coming back to this on Monday you know we’ve done a lot today we’ve done a lot if we’re self-reflecting as we go a little bit fishing we’ve done a lot we have woken up after realizing we’ve been banish from the island with another skate another snake skull are you serious bro how many how many snakes have died in the water of this island how many snakes are dead out there [Music] anyways we woke up on the beach bees dried hungry missing our wife disorientated we unlocked the farm we found a bunch of walnuts we found we unlocked the farm we built up a farmhouse we met a crazy old lady we met a child who thinks he’s a parrot we’re on our way oh we we saved Professor snail now we’re finding some [ __ ] now we’re finding some hles to make sure that Professor snail can give us on Golden War nuts you know what chat I think for a first stop for an act one and our adventure in getting back to Pelican town and killing Lewis with our bare hands I think it’s been a good first stop that’s the end goal our end goal for this is to kill Lewis for what he did for me for for what he did to me taking me away from my family my wife I’ll kill him I will kill him that’s always the end [Music] go this is my this is my uh uh this is my we are now officially we are now officially and now kill LS AR [Music] call me om Thurman dude I [ __ ] love killo we will be the new mayor of pelicant town oh what the hell I can get more golden walnuts from fishing I thought I could only get five what the hell when I get back to that town I dream of having a shower seeing my cat kissing my beautiful wife and slitting that old man’s throat in the middle of the Town [Music] Square t kilo might be my favorite Tarantino film yeah that seems like it would be your favorite Tarantino film have a shower no one has bathrooms High blade what’s up well I just mean going for a swim in my pond that’s how I’m having a shower swimming in my pond skinny dipping in my pond do I have a pond on my farm dude Sam you got to cut this [ __ ] man you have to cut back on the joic cans Jango Unchained yeah I don’t know Jay dog you just you seem like hillbill would be your favorite I don’t know what that is about you but it seems like if I was to guess what your favorite Tarantino film would be I would have said Kill Bill I think it might be mine too to be honest I think killbill volume one I prefer volume two is cool but I I think I prefer volume one what’s up blade blade did you go to the uh concert nice I did what’ you think oh [ __ ] you would have gone to the one where people got engaged right that’s pretty that’s pretty crazy that would have been a crazy site to see sea jelly what the hell is sea jelly a rare jelly found in the ocean I don’t like jellyfish I’m scared of jellyfish I don’t want to eat this although it does give me plus one fishing I’m going to use that in the mines concert was awesome it was so sick I I really enjoyed it that was the first time I got noticed out in public was uh was the concert first time someone came up to me two people I had someone asked me for a photo there too that was crazy actually she was so shy she had to get her dad to ask ask me if I was a YouTuber and then ask me to get a photo it’s very sweet oh I got geod dude where do we Crush these geod open am I going to have to do it with my thighs in the middle of this beach cuz we have so many of [Music] these and so many I’m selling these [ __ ] snake skulls I dressed up as my character 3D printed advisor that’s so sick wait that’s actually so sick are you going to twitchcon we don’t have twitchcon in New Zealand oh wait twitchcon San Diego no I don’t really have many friends who do twitch so it would just kind of be me going over and then just like standing in a corner I can sell the fossilized egg too maybe you start practicing txy with the bones you’re collecting maybe I could turn them into a stew wait I got a skull snake skull right chat do we remember [Music] that I’m going to keep one I can’t remember if we did actually end up getting a snake skull I’m going to keep one I’m 90% sure we do dude we almost need another chest [ __ ] we actually do need another chest let’s go do that maybe dream hack in Australia I’m thinking uh I’m thinking of going to um whatever the one in mbour is at the end of this year it just depends how much the Australians the Australian twitch streamers I know convince me to go and how much I want to go to Melbourne start selling more stuff yeah we really should oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that was a stupid hit we really should we’ll do our last big cell and then that will be it for this run through let’s sell a lion fit no I want to keep all the food though that’s the thing the cell clay I want to keep all the food anything I can eat I think is good to keep I almost want to sell the kit ttin kit cuz I’m like what do I need this for muscles we can sell oh [ __ ] we can get a lot of muscles path we can sell slime we can sell I don’t think we need slime for [Music] anything sap we can turn into fertilizer and then sell that next one packs yeah maybe packs I don’t know I just have Australian friends that are like you better [ __ ] come to one of these things all right let’s sell all these oh what’s that in your crafting excuse me excuse [Music] me can you make cooked fish no you can’t make to cook I don’t think you can cook the fish all right let’s sell all of these clay muscle path slime that in your crafting menu survival fish what wait this is new I have not seen this you can make cooked fish oh my God I have not seen this before that makes sense dude wait so if that does what does that do what do I get for survival fish 90 energy 40 Health how much should I get for lion fish oh much [Music] less much much less okay those are definitely new that’s a modded thing this is a part of the mod let’s make it oh my God wait this has opened up a whole new game plan when it comes to the mines now this has opened up a whole new game plan when it comes to going into the volcano now we’ve just changed the game game changer chat game changer holy [ __ ] we have eight of those that is a big Discovery and we’re going to go further than that me and the squad pulling up on the fish in the stick and we’re going to dist and we got level two fishing which means we can make bait but we don’t have any bug meat to use damn we made a lot of money though [Music] but but chat that’s where we’re going to end it for today cuz I didn’t realize how long we streamed for whoopsie but what a fun new series that we’ve got going oh God don’t Echo don’t Echo what a fun new series super fun stream we’ll be doing more of this it’s very interesting to see it play out I’m not very like you guys can see just how bad I am at this game and I’m playing it like this but it is very fun um I’m like oh should I turn that into one video or should I [Music] uh should I make a new video after more next time so the plan for the next little bit is probably this again on Monday and then on Tuesday I have a mod for us which adds um uh I think it’s like 10,000 killer crows to stardo Valley so that’s going to be the next bit that will be the next one um but thank you guys so much for coming through oh oh my God yeah yeah uh keep an eye out that keep an eye out for that but if you guys haven’t join me on the Discord follow me on Instagram uh follow me on Twitter if you really want to but Twitter’s absolute [ __ ] hole now but thank you guys so much for coming through today it was very fun it was a very fun stream um I can’t wait to continue this this will be my first long form series on stardo Valley which I’m really looking forward to I’ve never done like a big long form series before so thank you guys I catch you later and see you around see you on the Discord bye everyone bye bye-bye

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