The New NPC Gifts & Custom Reactions in Stardew Valley 1.6!

in the 1.6 update most of the NPCs now have new changes made to their tasting gifts some are loved liked and some are even hated and all come with unique custom dialogues from their reactions so if you’re wanting to find out these new liked gifts for your favorite NPCs or maybe you want to learn about the new disliked items to avoid this video is for you we will start off with the newly added Universal gifts Universal gifts are items that are universally loved liked considered neutral disliked or hated by most or all of the NPCs there are currently three Universal loved gifts that every single person in the town loves and these are the golden pumpkins magic rock candy and the Pearl there are also two more Universal loved gifts that are loved by everyone bar peny and haly and this is the Prismatic Shard which Haley hates and the rabbit’s F which Penny hates but we have a brand new Universal loved gift added to the 1.6 update called stardrop te now this is a universal loved item that all NPCs love and even comes with new unique custom dialogue for each person and some of them are pretty cool it’s literally one of the best all around gifts in the late stages of the game as you can make a lot of this in abundance it’s much better than the rabbit’s foot and the Prismatic Shard at least because Penny and Haley are difficult human beings and clearly are worth more than that but no one hates the star drop tea this is loved by every single person which kind of makes me wonder what is actually inside this star drop tea hm something doesn’t smell right it must be some kind of happy juice now we also have two brand new Universal liked gifts so this is not as good as the loved ones of course but still great to share around the town and the first one is the rbow shell this has now been made a universal liked gift to all the NPCs apart from the two most boring NPCs in the game yep you probably guess them Elliot he is neutral towards the Rainbow Shell and the miserable doctor hary hates it like come on guys seriously lighten up for once the pair of you jeez just saying your name makes me want to fall to sleep now the second Universal light gift is the treasure chest these are Universal liked by all NPCs B lonus who actually dislikes them and that’s probably because he values life and nature way more than shiny expensive things he’s a simple honest man and not greedy and high maintenance like the rest of this let’s move on to the individual custom NPC gifts that have been changed or added which also have brand new custom reactions and dialogue to match them which is pretty awesome so let’s start with the world’s strongest man Alex if you couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic but Alex has had multiple changes probably the most out of them all actually so firstly he now has one new loved gift which is the jack B Nimble book Jack B nimble Jack B Fick this will help him try to reach his dream of being buff which let’s face it will never happen only in his Wildest Dreams he now also likes the dinosaur egg because we all know he is a huge fan of eggs and he likes all types of varieties you know it’s all about that protein hype and just like the ostrich egg dinosaur eggs are enormous so he will never refuse one and sticking with a theme he also likes the new parrot egg to help feed his eggy addiction poor parrots and lastly he also now likes field snacks as a gift basically anything high in protein it seems because he’s a Gym Bro there is actually also some brand new funny dialogue to Alex if you try to give him the frog egg he finds this kind of strange but he’ll still give it a go and he enjoys is eating it a weird guy now it’s actually worth noting that if you use the trinkets as gifts such as the parrot egg and the frog egg they will not show up in the gift logs even though they do like them now we’ll move on to the snobby Posh Elliot Elliot now hates super cucumbers as a gift he must have had a bad experience or something I’m not sure what his problem is but he is also now neutral towards sea urchin now let’s move over to the guy who loves an alcoholic beverage Pam I mean Shane I must have read it wrong sorry Pam so Shane not Pam is now neutral towards a strange bun when he’s gifted one Shane also has a unique loved gift dialogue for his birthday and if you give him a gift that he loves on this day he will say oh is it my birthday I was hoping I’d forget this is actually really nice though thank you now I still don’t feel sorry for him he probably forgot because he’s still drunk Sebastian gets added to the list of guys who love strange eggs in Pelican town but this time not to eat he now loves the frog egg as a gift so he can hatch them and make new slimy friends he also now likes the combat quarterly and the monster compendium book clearly showing the true geek that He Is We love to to see it now another geek at Art Abigail Sebastian’s close gaming friend also loves the monster compendium book and she also loves two new artifacts the ancient sword and the bone flute all of those hours playing D and D aren’t just for nothing there’s going to be a new monster Slayer in town soon it saves me a job and lastly giving Abigail the combat quarterly book like Sebastian will make her happy because she now likes them some of these books are actually very handy as gifts you’re going to see a lot of this as we move forward right Emily apparently now loves parrot eggs again though she won’t eat them well I hope not because she does have a parrot as a pet but we all know how much she loves parrots so much so she apparently wants to be their mother this town’s getting weird man but who else in town loves parrots yeah that’s right Leo AKA parrot boy he now also loves the parrot egg if you give him one as a gift right let’s not yoke around let’s hatch a plan and move away from the eggs because my brain is scrambled all of this egg talk is exhausting and quite frankly I’ll be excited to run away from this topic Maru the future astronaut she now loves the dwarf Gadget as a gift which makes it perfect if you find these in abundance and you have no idea what to use them for let’s move on to the sexy MERS in town oh in fact jod she doesn’t like or love or hate anything else it’s just the same but I guess we move on to the second best thing and that’s Caroline she now likes wild horseradish the town’s trusty blacksmith and joining the most boring people in town is Clint he now likes the mining monthly book and also the Jack B Nimble as a neutral but let’s go over to the scientist the smartest man in town Demetrius he now likes a dinosaur egg as a gift perfect for his studies the dwarf has a few changes as well he will now love a lava eel if you gift him one which is perfect because you can find a lot of these in the mines Just Fish one up go over and give it to him he is also now neutral towards all milk but whatever you do guys don’t give him the aridium milk am I a joke to you the coolest granny in town Evelyn now loves raisins she will appreciate this as a gift to dry up those grapes in the dehydrator and give Evelyn as many raisins as possible she also now likes broken glasses I mean I understand if you give her the first set of broken glasses you know oh I kind of lost them but then after 20 broken glasses you kind of think how many has she actually lost in town poor poor Granny poor Granny but let’s move on to the Little Sprouts in town Jazz and Vincent so Jazz actually now loves the fairy box which is a trinket again if you give her this as a gift it does not show up in the gift log but she does actually really love it although her dialogue is kind of creepy but let’s move on to Vincent he now loves frog eggs oh oh come on we’re back to the eggs really we may as well call pelicant Town egg town from now on what is going on all right yeah he loves frog eggs I I guess Frog’s kind of fun for a kid we all picked up frogs when was a kid right whatever makes you happy Vincent but let’s move over to Vincent’s father me I mean no it’s not me I wish you are the father but anyway Kent he now likes the dwarvish Emanuel book if you give this as a gift I’m not I’m not sure why I’m not sure why I guess he just finds it interesting I mean you can’t even understand it it’s in different language is this something he’s not telling us Ken are you a dwarf cow us he now loves monster musk and the monster compendium book and he also likes the strange bun I love that kobus has a few more gifts added to the log that we can give him because he’s just the cutest thing ever but moving from cute to ugly lonus no no lonus is I love lonus I mean he’s he doesn’t he doesn’t grub up well bless him but he’s homeless but anyway he now loves the alleyway Buffet book of course he does he loves checking the FR cans this book’s going to be super handy he is also neutral towards the CP and wild bait but like we mentioned at the start he does dislike the treasure chests so do not give him one of those unless you want to make her an enemy but then be my guest but don’t do that to lonus lonus is the best I tell you who’s not the best though man she now likes the stardy valley Al manic book she’s not that great of a farmer she needs a lot more research she needs to learn a lot more you know she thinks she’s the best farmer around town but she’s not all right she’s not oh we got we’ve got someone here who’s even worse than Mary Pierre Pierre now loves the price catalog book of course you do you slimy sleazy tow rag stuck up greedy Willie he now loves gold bars as well as the crabing book and the jewels of the seab book you never really see him catch a fish in town so he’s got a lot of learning to do as well but he also likes the bait and bobber fishing book so all of those fishing books that you get that are spare keep them Willie will actually appreciate all of them and they will make a great gift Now we move on to the last three NPCs and the first one here is Robin she will now also like another book and this is the wood cutters weekly book she’ll appreciate that but you know what she appreciates more the Woody secret book she loves this as a gift so if you find a lot of these which I normally do by chopping down trees just give them to Robin the next one is the wizard if you give him the book of mysteries he loves this this is a great gift to give him although these are extremely rare to find and hard so you won’t really be giving him this to be honest but if you have any line around wizard your man and lastly the chef in town Gus if you give him the queen of the source cooking book that he can purchase from the book seller he actually likes this although it’s very expensive not sure if it’s worth it but he will appreciate the book so so here we go guys that is all of the changes made to the NPCs the gifting the new dialogue the custom reactions there’s been a few changes here and there and there’s some new ones added to their gift log so make sure you’re stuck up on these new items in the game these new gifts and share the love I want you to tell me down below who is your favorite NPC in stard D Valley and if you enjoyed this video and found it very useful please smash the like button and subscribe for more stardy Valley 1.6 content I have a playlist Down Below in the description or in the top right you can see all of the new changes that has come to stardy Valley I have covered so much in videos make sure you go over and watch them to learn all about this new update make sure you’ll take it easy guys I’ll see you on the next one stay safe and stay cozy

➤ There’s been some changes made to the gifting in the latest 1.6 update! There are new items that are loved, liked and even hated by some of the npc’s once gifted, that you need to learn!

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  1. I once read that the dwarf was curious about milk so I went out of my way to get a big one which he spilled on the floor like a baby

  2. I love how some artifacts have gift uses now! Question. Is there any point other than perfection for giving Max friendship with the dwarf? Maybe because I never friended him because he had cut scenes or send you items?

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