Can I No-Hit Every Terraria Boss?

no hitting no hitting is a challenge done in many games mainly boss fights where the player has to do it without taking a single point of damage there are undertale no hits there are Elden ring no hits and of course there are Terraria no hits now I’ve done a lot of Terraria playthroughs and I’ve put like 2,500 hours onto the game but I’ve never tried no hitting before which led my dumb brain to ask a question what is it like to no hit in Terraria so that began my journey of me trying to no hit every Terraria boss there were two rules set up first off don’t cheese the bosses secondly no using immunity frames so things like the brain of confusion or Master ninja gear are not allowed with that out of the way let’s begin so the first boss was the King Slime let’s no hit our first boss oh yeah by the way I’m doing this on Master mode so that’s fun guys watch this we get to destroy this we haven’t even used our Arena yet I don’t have a hook I forgot I don’t have a hook oh guide is dead I guess whatever sure are we going to no hit this first attempt chat there’s no way easy no hit chat first try where is he where are you where are you no please don’t kill me please don’t kill me yeah let’s go okay ow wow wow W okay wow that still counts Chad don’t get wrong okay the king slim was easy literally taking me one attempt oh yeah by the way if you want to see the unedited version of all the fights I have a playlist in the description of all of my fights with no edits and none of my voice whatsoever before we continue on I just want to say that if this video gets to 6,000 likes I will do this s hit Challenge on The clamity Mod yeah so please like this video if you want me to suffer anyways so the next boss I tried was the I cthulu and yeah I’m using a texture pack that replaces it with LeBron this is so easy like what could go wrong do I still have g mode on okay no just got to make sure the the last the very last phase is going to be probably hard to no hit I don’t know if we can get that first try where it just like becomes cracked no okay all right I guess I do this again I love no hitting no he was at how much health was he at he was at like 0.45% are you serious that’s too easy the eye of cthulu fight was extremely easy to know him except the very last phase where he becomes caffeinated and starts charging everywhere which was really hard to dodge no I saw it dude it’s called basketball getting killed by basketballs dude LeBron is shooting out basketballs are you serious right now what how am I supposed to what how does this work like okay getting some good damage in okay I think I I just can’t move in a straight line for the last phase oh my god oh okay okay good good good good LeBron James dead GG’s everyone GG’s that’s two of the 18 bosses that cthulu took me eight attempts and like basically all the deaths were because of the very last phase I’ll do B of cthul and then after that I’ll go into a different world and do the E of Worlds I guess let see how this is going to go the Illusions might trip me up well I I don’t know honestly I don’t know how bad the Illusions are going to be this phase is extremely easy to Dodge I think unless if I suck at the game which of course I don’t CH I don’t suck at the game trust me okay I have to like Dash instantly Dash just like One Direction and then it’ll work probably just like keep dashing like this we almost got hit there wa this is so hard guys all right GG’s I kind of thought the brain would be harder but I guess not since it took me only one attempt I went to a different corruption world and began my Eater of Worlds no hint the Eater of Worlds was just like the brain of Hulu me expecting the fight to be harder but taking only one attempt let’s see how hard this is going to be the the projectiles are going to be so insanely stupid to dodge oh good damage good damage good damage oh my how did I not get hit all right oh oh oh you fool you can’t hit me you fool you can’t hit me you fool you can’t hit me oh my God does that count as cheese I don’t know I don’t know if that’s cheese or not maybe it is who knows die die die got to kill this one oh yep all right GG’s now the next boss to no hit was the queen bee which I expected to be pretty difficult because of the amount of projectiles usually in the fight let’s see how this is going to go the bees could be like insanely annoying the bees the bees could kill me queen bee has a lot of attacks that are like pretty hard to no hint got have to like time it perfectly this could be this could be pretty hard I’m actually not going to lie this could be this could be pretty hard but I’d win honestly so oh the bees the bees the bees oh my God oh no here comes the bees no no that’s that sucks what I’m so bad at this game how am I that garbage at this game oh my God where is she going I couldn’t see it I couldn’t see it how how could this possibly happen how how could this possibly happen stop with the bees stop it I literally I’m going to die to one of them so yeah clearly the bees were hard to dodge but would I lose nah I’d win oh perfect perfect Dodge perfect Dodge I’m literally Ultra Instinct let’s go Ultra Instinct that was such a perfect Dodge oh my my God I’m bragging about that dude that was such a good Dodge you guys have no idea you guys have no idea so that’s a queen be down I could be wrong but I think wall fles is going to be easy so the next boss was Skeletron let’s get to it all right guys I’m fighting myself and I already died waa W all right come on die Skeletron you suck you’re the worst Terr YouTuber Skeletron there’s probably a YouTuber out there named Skeletron that probably sucks at this game so badly God damn I hate that guy so much whever that guy is I hate him so much so far easy so far pretty easy I’m not going to lie this phase is so easy dude we are shredding him now all right all right nice nice nice nice yes we just where did the other hand go where did where did the other hand go all right there it is how am I okay okay maybe this boss might be a little hard maybe this boss might be a little hard but still not too bad oh my God the shield of cthulu save Shield of cthulu absolute save like I just I I have Ultra Instinct again again the shield of cthulu such such a goed accessory so this phase is free I think I just have to like pay attention just keep circling around him okay wait how going to kill myself this this isn’t hard I just I’m just cooked today I don’t know why come on come on come on come on die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die all right yeah cool let’s go Skeletron no hit W yeah baby so Skeletron was fine but the next boss was deerclops I was not wanting to know H deerclops but it is unfortunately a boss so let’s get to it it is deerclops in time oh my God okay we we already died nice okay okay nice nice nice this is such a bad boss I’m not even going to lie this is like horrible this is horrible garbage boss yeah okay yeah I figured it out it’s it’s insanely easy oh my God I’m so I’m ultra Instinct I reacted to that hand bro the shadow hands are oh my God they scaring me oh so now it was time for the final boss of prehard mode yeah this is even close to the actual final boss the wall of FL F or as I like to call it the wall of fish Ron I’ll link the texture pack in the description if you want your wall of flesh to be fishified so wall of fish Ron time let’s see you guys called this hard you guys called this hard you guys called this hard like every I just got to stay away from him and whenever he does the lasers just jump up a bit you guys call this hard just call this hard this is easy oh how do I how did I not get hit by those oh okay wait how did I not get hit by that that’s weird bleaches are going to be annoying two attempts run maybe maybe oh no no what okay wait that is okay that might just be like that last phase might be kind of bad I’m not even going to lie okay hold hold on maybe I should just stay in the middle at the last phase stupid hungry bro what all right me strategy time go oh my god oh I should have kept running no oh oh oh I can’t see him I can’t see him I can’t see him where’s why did I jump no I sold I sold I actually sold that like oh that’s stupid hungry that’s stupid hungry I hate that so much okay come on come on come on come on die oh my God die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die it is the Run indeed let’s go too easy dude only only 15 attempts okay I hate this so much now we’re done with all the prehard mode bosses however this challenge is going to get extremely scary as pre hard mode was just the beginning of the difficulty in this challenge this is going to be especially emphasized by the next boss the queen slime now if you don’t know why I’m scared of this boss it’s because this boss is literal projectile hell it’s insane with a dart pistol in my hand I summon the queen slime we’re doing good damage the amount of projectiles on screen is going to be insane so we have to be like extremely careful that is going to be like very very hard to dodge all right I mean we’re doing good so far we are doing good wa who random projectile random grass particle oh my God okay I just want to know what did I die to what did I what I need to look back back at that footage that was an actual grass particle dude okay this is going to be like an actual Nightmare and I died nice nice where is she she’s on the bottom and like okay okay man what wait what what how did I okay okay okay that’s just BS dude how that is okay man all right shred her shred her shred her just go just go just go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go literally no sweat at all no sweat at all no sweat at all what can I say I’m just that good at the game now the next three bosses were the mech bosses however which one did I want to do first skeleton Prime cuz that’s that’s what my chat wanted me to do first so I summoned the boss now we may think Skeletron Prime is going to be an easy boss to know hit but just watch okay do not get hit by the hands maybe I should use a better weapon honestly yeah I don’t know if this is a good this is good enough for Prime might as well use dless I guess dayless stormbow okay that stupid laser man I hate that laser so much I hate that laser oh my God okay this boss was a bit harder than I thought but mainly it was just for one reason the laser that’s it the laser arm was so annoying I don’t know why I was able to predict my movements so well laser is almost down and then we die of course of course just like please please please please I beg you please a that was so close that was so close we almost killed that laser what what oh that that was such a good attempt that was such a good attempt okay okay I’m getting better at it though I’m getting better at it though now by the time I wanted to end the stream I had already done you’re not going to believe it 75 attempts this was like the most stupid boss I had to know H and it is all because of that laser last attempt before I end the stream all right see you chat I ended the stream cuz I got you know a teeny bit angry but it’s good cuz we’re back and this time I tried to use the Unicorn Mount all right let’s see this you spawned on the wrong side my man oh I don’t know if this strategy is going to work okay we’re going come back to Old Strat never mind screw this B of Discord I should not I should not be in space why was I okay after a bit I finally got a good attempt for once I didn’t expect the laser to be this much of a problem I’m not even going to lie oh stop stop stop it stop no oh Laser’s down chat maybe this could be good who knows oh no stop it die for me die for me die for me 176 attempts 176 attempts going to kill myself bro okay so yeah this boss was way harder to know hit than I thought at least we beat it in the end though with like 176 attempts however the next boss I summoned was the Destroyer I mean dless has been nerfed a lot so it doesn’t destroy him but it does some good damage I’m not expecting to do this first try but I don’t know if I’m going to have much trouble with it uh half Health who no that was actually somewhat good though not going to lie Whoa stop stop no get the probes away from me no no get the probes away from me these probes are going to be the death of me I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die like these probes are going to no no oh what okay that at this shield shield shield of ctha dude that bounce oh my God 19% health man good attempt maybe potentially I don’t know can’t jinx it though this is not the attempt Chad this is not the attempt I’m going to die I’m going to die this is not the attempt I’m not I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die oh Rod of Discord carry Rod of Discord carry dude Rod of Discord carry oh okay the Destroyer made me have some trouble but not too much however it was now time for the final boss the twins die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die okay okay wait hopefully if I just don’t succumb to pressure then this is easy now all right GG’s GG’s chat yeah nice nice nice the twins down now it’s time for planta I used the chlorified choo and I didn’t expect her to be too hard of a boss and I was right so far destroying her let’s see if we can do this first try we do we St have God oh no we still have god mode enabled okay hold on hold on that doesn’t count that doesn’t count this is our first attempt R of Discord is going to carry me I swear oh Rod of Discord carry chat chat Rod of Discord carry oh no guys I’m going to die I’m going to die Rod of Discord how hard was that that was the first attempt I mean if we’re not counting the accidental God mod attemp that was literally the first attempt okay nice no Rod of Discord Run come on sure you know what no Rod of Discord run no Rod of Discord run no Rod of Discord run guys come on no Rod of Discord run all right we’re moving on the Golem after setting up the temple alter room and upgrading my gear I started the Golem no hint oh yeah wait Golem is going to suck the amount of projectiles in the Golem fight is insane this is going to this is going to suck okay this might even be worse than Skeletron Prime I don’t know honestly the lasers are going to like be an issue oh accident lasers are going to start now what the spikes okay okay hold on no man the arena is so small that’s the problem I’m having I have to like control I have to control I need control for this fight I need I need control for this fight oh I knew there was a fireball there but I couldn’t Dodge in time no no no I’m ultra Instinct you can’t land a single hit on me I’m ultra Instinct what’s his l are so oh then I ended the second stream of this challenge however I decided to actually no hit Golem off stream the reason was I wanted to beat this boss without getting distracted by my chat screaming at me telling me what to do what I did was switch to the chain gun so I could actually take out the arms before the body then I didn’t have to worry about the arms in the second phase it became pretty easy after using that strategy now it’s time for the final four bosses at first tried Duke fish on go I don’t have God on right yep all right all right good damage good damage good damage good damage we’re doing pretty good so far oh almost got hit by that okay once we get to the third phase it’s free it’s free once we get to the third phase it’s free I’ll show you guys hold up what what no what how wait why does it why does that not work no okay okay okay second try that that doesn’t count that doesn’t count chat chat how am I am I I’m cooked today okay yeah all right hold on easy what the I can’t see I can’t see why am I so bad at this game hold on guys I got to focus I literally thought this would be such an easy boss but I’m not focusing who nice nice nice nice okay third phase time this is going to be so easy all right nice Duke fishron done so now we have access to fishron Wing yeah and also the tsunami something we can use for the Empress of light so I got ready to fight the Empress of light not going to lie I was expecting this boss to be actually kind of challenging to no hit I am not doing this first try all right Chad watch this we don’t have god mode on right y all right so how hard is this going to be whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa so far far so good the second phase is where it like really begins so yeah okay nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice oh how I how am I how did I not get hit by that what what how did I not get hit by okay man okay no we’re so close no it’s easier to see her things in night time though so I’ll do it night time it’s easier to see the attacks in night time so yeah it’s way easier to see our attacks in night time so might as well just do this all right second phase maybe if we did in night time before we could have we could have done it like what the all right now I’m actually like being able to focus well oh no no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop all right this face why is ass falling the way I’m missing all my shots oh no no no no no no no no no no please okay okay okay okay okay okay all right we are good guys so the Empress of light only took me a couple of attempts being easier than I thought the next boss was the qust we’re good though all right this is going to be extremely easy so since we have clarify bullets we don’t need to aim so we can just turn our brain off and just dodge focus on dodging uh that one oh the new attacks are starting to kick in I almost got hit by a void thing uh it’s that one I think just die for me like please just die nobody likes you uh that one all right GG’s just die okay nice okay 2 minutes 44 seconds that took quite a long time I’m not even going to lie so yeah first TR cultist it’s just as easy as I thought however it’s time to finally know hit the final boss the moon Lord let’s see what happens let’s see how this is going to go oh all already nice okay nice amazing what the one hand is down what the I guess we use asphalt hold on let me make an asphalt Bridge real quick so now we have asphal let let’s see what happens get this true eye away from me get this true eye away from me whoa he’s going to do the thing all right one more hand down oh what the no how am I after a few attempts I managed to get my first good attempt here’s what happened I should use this I should use this guys I should use this this is better all right come on down here yep nice all right now it’s just the core like Skeletron don’t choke don’t don’t choke oh no we’re at the ocean we have to turn we have to turn Chat we have to turn no no no no please please please please please please please please oh oh my voice um I thought this would take way longer dude 46 minutes stream wble ‘s in the chat double use W use so yeah I have finally no hit every single Terraria boss now here’s the thing I already said this but if this video gets to 6,000 likes I will do this on the Calamity mod so please like this video Also may me subscribe cuz I’m almost at 100K Subs thanks for watching and see you [Music]

i love nohitting


Wall of Fishron Texture Pack:

Music credits:
Intro: Battle Cats – The Filibuster
Gelatine Groove, it sees everything, stinging onslaught, curse of the dungeon, hex skull, and playing with firepower are all by ENNWAY

Legends yet unspun (Stars Above Mod)
Gauntlet of Glass (Starlight River)
Catalyst Mod Astrageldon (By HeartPlusUp)
Blessing of the moon (DM Dokuro)

All other soundtracks used are terraria soundtracks

Thanks for watching! If you like my videos, make sure to like and subscribe, as I want to get 100k subs.

This isnt me playing terraria’s calamity mod in hardcore mode, or playing terraria’s masochist mode, this is me no-hitting every terraria boss

tags: #terraria #gaming #calamity


  1. Summoner is unironically a pretty solid option to no-hit brain because summon tags help you keep an eye on which Brain is the real one, being able to attack automatically means you can focus on dodging, and summoner's piercing potential means it can handle creepers quite well.

  2. Going to roast you as well xD (Please spare me this is for the funni)

    "No-Hit playlist in the description" imagine not having it uploaded and it's currently being made (At the time of posting this comment, for context within an hour of the vids upload) that's EMBARRASSING bro.
    "Get this video to 6000 likes and I'll No-Nit the Calamity Mod" yeah pal the real reason you're doing that is because likes probably affect the algorithm and you want to get sent higher, and asking for likes and subscribers? Nah it's their choice, stop pointing a skeletal gun at em.

    And now to roast the commenters with those five forsaken words…
    "Now do it on Infernum." We get it now could you kindly NOT ask? It's Skeletron's choice…

    Regardless… congrats on the no-hits, may the blessings of the no-hitters be upon ye for the future.

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