i have 10 hearts with EVERYONE in stardew valley (Streamed 5/26/24)

welcome back good morning happy Sunday we’re going to do a little bit of farming today at least that is the plan I hope you had a good day so far hopefully everything works fine cuz I was having some slight PC problems this morning and yesterday it wasn’t that bad but yesterday my whole PC did die in the middle of my Stream So fingers crossed it doesn’t happen again um and welcome back let me load into my safe so we can play I’m kind of excited I’ve been looking forward to this all week I’m not going to lie also uh since we got off stream last night $43,000 um we we passed uh we were at 402,000 when I got off stream so people donated a little bit offline which is wild um but hi good morning hello hello hello um let me turn off I have like double music playing wait there we go there we go um 400k I know yesterday we passed $400,000 raised imagine my shock we also got to 100 babies yesterday in the 100 baby challenge um so I was kind of thriving yesterday there is a lot of great things going on it’s so wild anyway good morning you’re in Winter you’re three but you’re behind in Perfection oh you’re fine you got plenty of time there’s no rush you know don’t pressure yourself J says Stu is the best game ever invented come back next month for another true fact um you know fuzzy I’m probably not going to play Sims today um we we played The Sims yesterday on stream for like seven hours um so if you want Sims content I got loads for you but I think I’m going to just Farm today um if that is okay um if that is okay you forgot I was going live yeah I wanted to stream in the morning for a little bit this morning I don’t normally stream on Sundays but I’ve been streaming every day for the whole month of May obviously so 7 hours yeah I was live for a while yesterday I was live for a while it was fun but it was the baby challenge you know so you need to respect stardo day faith says yeah it’s a nice peaceful Sunday morning you know peaceful Sunday morning you just woke up well good morning and welcome to the farm welcome in I’m posting a YouTube video today fuzzy yeah I am um yes I am okay okay well anyway uh when we ended the stream in the last stardo day um we’ve been working slowly towards Perfection we’re on summer of year three right now um obviously we’ve got all of our skills we’re super close to finishing all of our friendships um we just have a couple more people to give gifts to but they birthdays are coming up so we should be good there um I don’t know why I clicked the map uh as far as crafting goes we’re missing a a couple of recipes we need to do some more of like the quests in the Walnut Room to get more of the gems and then we can buy the recipes so that’s kind of a goal for today um animals don’t really matter I’ve got all this done um we finish the collections for the most part so we just have a couple of achievements left to do um and that’s kind of where we’re at so does anyone know if and when she was going to make a new not so Berry are you the person who asked like 10 times just now I can’t answer your question um so I’m not making a new Nots so Berry I I was never going to make a new Nots so Berry I was never going to extend Nots so Berry people are like why not well I think that Nots so Berry is already extremely long and I’m not going to change the existing rules so that’s kind of my reason uh I am going to write a new Legacy challenge but not yet um we have a lot of incentives that we’ve unlocked throughout the fundraiser um I am actively stressed out of my mind trying to finish the fundraiser um there’s no time to do additional things I’m I’m drowning as it is with the exist workload so we’re going to work on these things post fundraiser um but there’s a new expansion pack coming out for the Sims probably in July um I don’t want to write a new challenge pre that expansion pack because I want to see what the expansion pack comes with um just because what if I want to use it for the challenge you know I don’t really know what it’s going to have so I’d like to wait and see until after we’ve played the expansion pack and then it’s not going to be like a quick process to write the challenge um but I will write one so just give me some time basically um I’m not even going to start probably until July cuz I I really want to see what the new pack comes with first you know um I I don’t want to like write something and then be like wait I should have used this thing you know so I I’d love to wait and see um what it’s what it’s going to have so um I’m not I’m not going to use AI to help me write my challenge laa I’m not going to do that um I’m at 88% Perfection um we have just a couple of recipes left to get and Craft um like like crafting recipes not cooking recipes I have three friendships I haven’t finished and then obviously the golden clock so we’re close but not quite there not quite there um we also don’t have that much money left CU I just finished buying the obelisks uh reys thank you for the $25 to St Jude Shannon thank you for the donation to St Jude thank you so much um okay I think we should be good to go to start though um I’m not quite uh a speedrunner so don’t judge me okay don’t judge me what’s a legacy challenge it’s a it’s a Sims challenge at its core it means that it’s like 10 Generations um the the like original concept of a legacy challenge is to start off with an empty lot like a big giant empty lot and a very small amount of money and then play through 10 generations and like slowly build up this Mansion for your family over the course of a long period of time um there’s lots of different variations of it that have different rules like sometimes they um quite specific sometimes it’s more generic it kind of just depends um so um anyway any Sims codes today I’m not going to do any Sims giveaways today Charlotte because we’re not playing Sims I usually Save The Sims giveaways for when we’re actually playing The Sims you know we’ll play The Sims tomorrow um we’ll play The Sims tomorrow so okay okay I placed in the speedrun tournament so confirmed speedrunner there you go that’s me confirmed speedrunner oh God the weather is unpleasant isn’t it okay anyway I just want to I just want to have a nice chill farming stream because recently my life has been not nice or chill so bear with me okay the fundraiser ends on Friday all my fences are broken I cannot bring myself to replace them with hardwood fences I just can’t also I don’t want to be this zoomed out okay let’s fix them let’s fix them um anyway I hope you’ve had a good weekend so far chat um any big plans for the last week of the fundraiser I mean I think so hopefully other people think so uh tomorrow we’re doing the dreaded mod shell which I’m actually kind of terrified of um so we’ll see what that how that goes for us um it it’ll be fun I think but I’m kind of scared I don’t know what they’ve done um so we’re doing that um let’s see what else I think that there’s going to be a Sims update and probably some kits that are coming out this week so that’ll be kind of fun too um that’s definitely been a slight change of my original plans but um I’m not mad about a pack release you know that certainly won’t hurt to have some extra Sims pack um okay I think that that should all be good I may I don’t know I like to just use some of these fences to decorate a little bit cuz I feel like the place is looking messy so I’m trying to add on Hi mve how are you ah no boo ruining everything okay okay that’s all fixed that’s fine all right we should be good there now um there are kits this week well that’s not confirmed but there was a leak Breen so I’m pretty sure but it’s not it’s not confirmed does that makes sense uh McKenzie thank you for the $10 to say Jude um we’re we’re fairly certain but don’t take my word for it cuz we could be wrong you know you know this is the new metaland Farm F Type yeah um it is the meal lands Farm type that we’re on right now um you went on S yday said something is coming this week yeah it’s been saying that for a while um we think there’s going to be a hopefully pretty exciting update um I need to make some more of these don’t I but we don’t actually know what it’s going to be yet so we shall see I need to work on like maybe we could try and spend some time doing this today and fixing our like little room to try and make it more expensive or make more money I mean off of stuff in there um okay there we go I’m going to go check the island real quick though and then we’ll come back um okay let’s go you got to the end of the volcano and started for the first time ever and you forgot your Cinder shards oh no oh no no I think a lot of us have done that in the past where we’ve messed up and forgotten things it’s very easy to do I’m so sorry um Anonymous thank you so much from you and your cats thank you thank you thank you um oh my goodness all right let’s go what in the Back to the Future just happened oh I teleported to the island using my um my Obelisk thank you thank you thank you um yeah you can go straight up through to the forge now without too much hassle these days so hopefully that helps a little bit oops okay have I married anyone yet yeah we we’ve been married to Maru for a while um we got married in year 1 and we’re in year three uh I’ve got almost perfect relationship with everybody except Leo the dwarf and kobis we’re working on it um we’re working on it oh Mandy I’ve only been live for like 10 minutes we just got here this is the first day that we’ve played in stard it’s only 11:00 a.m. so yeah here’s the Perfection tracker Perfection update for the beginning of the stream 88% U the main thing is that we’re 91% great friends 93% crafting recipes made um and then we don’t have the golden clock so that’s kind of what’s holding us up um oh wait do I have to oh I have a quest to give love gift I forgot I picked that at the end of stream okay well can I pick another Quest at the same time I have it never mind sorry I thought that was a different one I have a quest it’s already chosen so now we must gift that’s going to be a big one I’m actually kind of excited about that we need to go home and do that now yeah the clock is worth 10% so that’s that’s the big thing that’s holding us up right now is the clock obviously um okay well I’ll see if anybody’s here um if Leo’s here I’ll give him a gift and then we’ll go around and start giving out some more um why are you live um I I stream every day in May um and we stream in the morning usually on Wednesdays but I’m here uh on this fine Sunday morning as well I don’t normally stream at all on Sundays but we do in in May usually so I think he might be at home but I’m not sure so I want to check while we’re here uh Lana thank you for the $25 to say Jude thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you it’s 9: a.m. for you yeah it’s 9:00 a.m. for me too Ryland um okay well he is here so I will gift him real quick I may have to come back for these people but I’ll probably just do people that are at home all right how are we doing oh seven Hearts we’re almost there did I go live at 9: I did I did um oh you got this sessie I’ll be thinking of you you got this um all right just sell those real quick 11:00 p.m. for you and you have work tomorrow oh my goodness this is a terrible time for me to be live for you isn’t it I’m so sorry I’m so sorry all right let’s just start Gathering loved gifts yeah we’ll start filling up our inventory with presents for people um I think I shall bring myself a bunch of diamonds no probably not that many diamonds maybe like that many I know that we can bring um a few things like this I have some other presents like sunflower for Haley can bring that to Jass [Music] Demetrius um I don’t even know where I want to start that’s the problem I have to just kind of look through my list and figure it out huh all right let’s grab also a cauliflower I have a lot of cooked food that we can bring out to people as well I spent all this time cooking I might as well use it Pizza um overwhelmed oh my gosh Beck thank you for the $100 donation to St Jude uh because your mom is officially in remission from breast cancer that is such amazing news thank you so much for that gener generous donation thank you thank you thank you um oh my God ah sorry thank you so much I’m so glad to hear that truly I’m so so glad to hear that um oh my things are all messed up I got tea we can bring that um ice cream somebody would probably like that complete breakfast for Alex I’ll get a leak oh do I have any chocolate cake yeah I’ll bring that to Evelyn that’s good too your stard new cookbook arrived today oh very fun that’s so cool um I I bought it too I haven’t used it yet though I haven’t actually used it for anything but I did get one as well um I’m looking for a leak in here oh I might also bring a oh bring that to Vincent um pomegranate where are my leaks am I being silly or is there it’s right there I am being silly sorry um I will probably bring a lovely Little Flower to um my dear friend Sandy at the desert she can have that one I’ll go do that first figure that one out um yeah that’s a good point you can try and get the cookbook from your library if they might have it that’s an interesting idea um okay there you go bestie that’s two oh good oh very very good um all right I’ll grab these things while I’m here as well um is it possible to unlock some by doing the random sub emote no Stevie cuz you have to use um the the animated emotes twitch won’t let you get for free that’s not my choice that’s just how twitch works unfortunately um so yeah I’m going to give lonus the coconut Judith that’s my plan that is my plan um do I have does Pam like cactus fruit yes she does just as I thought there you go Bessie um I could probably give this one to Sam then for the other one um they have a lot of loved gifts so won’t be too bad I think I will save that one though I’m trying to get more cuz my inventory is running out of things um I got that one is for Penny I need to give Clint I’ve been giving Clint emeralds too um let’s just go give these out and we’ll see where it brings us I don’t have anything for jod do I I can give her the diamond okay um what about Kent I’m going to try and make some I think I have roasted hazelnuts for Kent already I am so overwhelmed by all the things that are inside of this chest I feel like I don’t have any is there any fiddlehead rosado in here it looks like a little circle doesn’t it there you go I do have some for Ken um can give Mario I get ready to get seven of them yeah that’s going to help too um that’s definitely going to help too but it doesn’t hurt to go around and give people gifts it’s fun to talk to them so I’ll start here um the subscribing count is donating so Liza um uh I don’t like encourage people to subscribe in the month of May I’ll tell you I personally have donated $30,000 to my campaign um which is the the concept here is that it’s how much money I make on Twitch and then some um like a like a lot more than that you know yeah it’s fiddlehead Rado that’s that’s also a loved gift for him cozy don’t worry um oh hi snap um but I don’t want to tell people like hey subscribe and then I’ll donate the money to St Jude cuz twitch then takes a cut and like that’s that’s a waste of everybody’s money that goes straight to twitch so um I promise I I will donate the amount of money I make on Twitch this month but I’m not telling people like subscribe and it’ll go to St Jude because I just think that’s a bad idea I know that some people do like subathon for charity um but that’s not really my vibe I don’t really feel like that’s a good concept for for me at least um so I I don’t like tell people that I donate the sub money but I did donate more than the sub money already does that make sense um but anyway I don’t want to tell people to subscribe because I think that’s a bad way to fundraise um plus if you donate directly to St Jude then um the you get it’s tax deductible you know it um the money goes straight to St Jude confirmed um so that’s the idea I’m skipping these I’m sorry all right Hal my dear I have a gift for you already um yeah snap’s in here she went on her cat tree right there next to me um I don’t believe that Emily’s in the house okay um what percent in completion are we at we’re at like 80 8% um right now so okay Vincent that’s for you I brought Pizza for Sam I cooked this for you so you better be glad it’s been sitting in my chest for about two weeks but um hopefully you still like it pie thank you for the donation to stay tuned thank you so much um I really appreciate that oh my goodness um oh I have your complete breakfast I don’t think I can I haven’t seen like any of Harvey’s Cuts scenes yet maybe I’ll watch it oh huge news huge news Oh wrong cat cam wait huge news huge news um all right well H’s talking on the radio I guess oh I don’t care sorry sorry to skip um oh I don’t have Harvey’s present almost off work good for you that’s Snappy by the way that’s my little cat I will try and get something from inside of there um yeah sweet I I don’t want to use that every day I don’t want to use that same one every day um I saw some people like spamming panicking about it but it’s it’s fun for a special occasion I think it’s a little bit busy for me to use every day though um so okay in here real quick um I forgot to bring anything for Louis so that’s bad um salad coffee I didn’t bring anything for you either does Louis like diamonds he seems like the type I’ve never given him one um oh he likes the tea I do have tea I can give that to you why not okay okay do you have to complete the cut scene to get Hearts well you’re allowed to skip the cut scene it’s okay if you skip it um 13 okay um Kate oh my goodness happy birthday oh my gosh Kate thank you so much for the $150 donation to St Jude that is so generous of you thank you so so so so so much um I’m going to run up and see if I can give Harvey this um good bye bye bye bye bye bye um uhoh Nevada what did you do uhoh um um okay I already gave Pam a gift what are we working with still all these things I forgot my horse hold on hold on I didn’t really time this very well I wasn’t really going in like the best order um okay let me see who we’ve got coming back from the beach real quick uh I usually give Willie one of these diamonds I forgot to get a frozen tier for Sebastian so I’ll have to do that a different day um let’s go in here oh sna for your Aunt Lori who’s standing strong as she starts chemo soon thank you for the $150 to St Jude thank you so much uh and Liz you got accepted into graduate school last night and you got a scholarship that is so amazing I am so so so so so excited for you congratulations how cool is that um congratulations oh no thesia really that’s that’s terrible I’m so sorry okay I’m going to check in here real quick nobody very sad let’s go over here real quick Clint buddy I got you an emerald I make 16 easy peasy all right um that’s [Music] for you can hear the biscuits yeah she’s being kind of loud it’s kind of cute um she’s definitely uh thriving oh two cut scenes two cutcenes there you go um I’m not going to play The Sims today friend I I played The Sims for like seven hours on stream yesterday so hopefully that’s okay um hopefully that makes it up to you uh I do have a gift for Demetrius oh that’s not what I meant to give you was it oh no oh no oh I messed up big time I messed up big time Big Time it’s okay that’s bad but it’s okay I need to get something for Abigail but I kind of messed that up too jod I was going to give you a diamond that’s 18 I don’t remember if I don’t know I’m trying to remember I should have brought more things with me before I came out here does Emily like diamonds I feel like I’ve given her every single thing except a diamond no she doesn’t like diamonds um that’s fine I’m totally fine okay okay let me just see if my besti is in here real quick he is I made you this I’m glad that you like it um topaz oh I had the topaz for I guess I could give it to her I was saving the topaz for somebody else but I could give it to Emily I guess please don’t go in bed please don’t go in bed please don’t get in bed please don’t get in bed please don’t get in bed please don’t get in bed oh my God that’s 20 do I have rabbit’s feet I have a couple but I think it’s fun to give them gifts like this feta um to give them the more personalized ones while we’re around you know doesn’t the dwarf not like diamonds that’s my fear okay okay okay um that’s true that’s why I always give the dwarf um the topaz but it’s okay it’s okay oh Marissa what did you end up getting what did you end up getting what books did you buy um I’m excited is snap selling biscuits for St Jude yeah if you donate $10 to St Jude she’ll make you a biscuit true story can’t confirm oh my gosh Amy Renee with the $500 donation what Amy thank you we we just passed $44,000 what thank you thank you thank you for that incredibly generous donation to the kids of St Jude I don’t even know what to say thank you so much um oh my God okay okay I need to I need to focus so we’ll keep diamonds with us um that’ll be for Elliot Jass that’s for um lonus that’ll be for the dwarf I’ll probably get another one I might go give him a gift now Darby thank you for the $100 to St Jude as well thank you thank you snap you got some work to do you better hurry up the people they’re um they’re pay up all right we got to do all these real quick um I’m going to be rich today so much money from all my star fruit [Music] wine okay very very nice oh my gosh Jess thank you for the $50 to St Jude as well what’s going on thank you so much for your incredibly donations in incredibly Don no incredibly generous donations is what I was trying to say uh I do age the wine missous but we we have um we make a lot more wine than we’re able to keep up with aging because it takes so long to age so um we will I should probably go check on um the thing today cuz I know it was about to be ready in the next week or so but um we have more that we make then we’re able to age so we sell a lot of it and age a lot of it you know we have an excess of wine okay almost there almost there just a couple more outside too okay um okay save that and I’m going to check on the house real quick too I missed one on the left did I can you tell me where I’m top left and top right I see a top right one I don’t see what you mean by top left left second row am I being so silly I literally don’t see it second row bottom left oh is that why were they saying top left then I don’t chat I don’t see it one in from middle I don’t they’re all moving I think I don’t see it I don’t think that it’s actually messed up okay no one else can see it so it’s not just me that makes me feel better okay those are all still going that’s fine um Anonymous one order of Snappy biscuits please thank you for the $10 to say Jude thank you so much um I don’t know why I’m doing this right now oh my God I’m very silly for this what did I why did I come in here Kayla now you’re going to pass out absolute fail of a day that’s fine that’s fine um okay I’m going to just sell all this I know I have extra fruit or extra wine inside of the house already so we’re on year three right now may it’s summer of year three at the moment um okay I’ll take it I will take that 333,000 thank you very much I’m very pleased with that all right we’ll have to give Sam a birthday gift today um hello to my [Music] child blessing of extra friendship I will gladly accept that as well um okay Pam’s got a letter um clothing thing thank you all right well the bakery’s closed chat so it appears that snap is no longer taking orders so sorry that was uh that was brief all right what can we take maybe a few more of those that’s going to be for I’ll give three people those um fan oh my goodness with the $150 donation to St Jude in memory of your wonderful dad Andy who you lost to brain cancer in October thank you so much uh for sharing that and for donating in honor of him how special thank you so much um I am so grateful to you you are all really cool this is really cool what we’ve been able to do together um all right that’s going to be for Evelyn I got cake um I want to think Pierre real quick my bestie Pierre wants fried calamari I don’t know if I have the ability to make any of that for him but I’m going to try okay wrong thing I also want to make um before I forget I was thinking about trying to do some roasted hazelnuts I don’t think that I have any extra eels H I only have one never mind too bad for Pierre too bad for Pierre he’s not getting any gifts from me um I can make my roasted hazelnuts that’ll be for Kent um I can bring this beard to someone I have pizza all right calamari squid oh calamari squid not eel why was I thinking eel I know what I’m trying to say it’s squid I have plenty of squid I can fry him squid I’ve literally made him multiple of these already I don’t know why I was thinking so incorrectly all right before I do that I’m just going to grab a couple more things I have like grapes for Vincent um I can bring that out um pumpkin flower hot peppers sunflower let me get topaz I need to get a frozen tear for Sebastian as well um I need I think I have some spaghetti that I can bring to Robin oh I almost forgot about my um I need another leak I always lose them okay um then I wanted to bring out a um what’s this this I want a mango peaches for Robin are so easy I guess I can do a peach for Robin that’s no problem um I’m going to bring the wizard a void essence as well I’ll probably bring him one tomorrow also um all right what was the last thing I was going to make the fried calamari I think that was right oh my God Katie Bell just donated $500 for Uncle Don go Blue Katie Bell thank you for that huge donation for your uncle Dawn thank you so much what the heck what theck he oh my gosh um and he does like the void Essence misery I always I always uh give the wizard void Essence proof um proof cuz we have so much of it all right I think we should be good to go oh my gosh uh ktie Belle thank you so much thank you so so so much I don’t even know what to say um wait I forgot Demetrius I messed that up once already I’m going to bring him the oh I’ll bring him the ice cream that’s what I was going to do yesterday and then I stupid and then I give him a melon for some reason um Gill sandwich a memory of your oh go away oh my God I’ll run past it and then I’ll use my Horse flute I still didn’t make the calari oh my God Chad I’m actually like flopping I was supposed to cook it I knew I was supposed to do that I’m very overwhelmed um but Jill in memory of your papa uh your grandma and your your aunt thank you so much for for that donation thank you so much um there’s the calamari there we go that is what we need that is what we need I’m going up okay yeah the gifts it can be quite overwhelming trying to do all of that um oh Mora oh my gosh um sharing the book haul in a charity donation so you can offset the book problem okay so yesterday Marissa got happy medium by Sarah Adler unsteady by pton Karin and savor it by Tara do it those all sound good I’m excited to hear if you like them um oh hello little bestie I have a gift for you I’ve already given Leo two gifts this week okay never mind okay never mind I have a peach for Robin you’re welcome I have a frozen tear for Sebastian can you gift him when he’s asleep y you can 23 out of 50 that is fine by me you read a whole book yesterday really Mir what did you read that’s so fun um absolutely thriving with a chance to do that um actually I’m going to go into the mines cuz then I can tell teleport around oh hi lus I have gifts for you I couldn’t give you one yesterday cuz I didn’t have time so all right I’ll pick that up while I’m here might as well um ostrich’s brains are smaller than their eyeballs animal fact thank you for sharing this uh valuable information I’m kind of obsessed you know I love ostriches you know I do um okay let’s go to the town everybody in the chat’s like wow me you are all so silly okay I have this for you you’re welcome you are welcome I still don’t have anything for Abigail I knew I was forgetting something I’ll have to go back for her don’t eat the fairy Rose oh my God gosh I have a grape for [Music] you I have this for you nice okay so much to do still um Abigail bestie I’m sorry that I failed you again I may have to come back cuz oh wait I got a pumpkin oh I can give that to you I was thinking about that for kobis but you like pumpkin so you can have it I have to beat them uhoh uh-oh um here please take um I don’t have anything for you buddy so sorry so so sorry um Anonymous with $100 for your aunt rebot you would have loved to have eaten ice cream with you forever oh I’m going to cry thank you for sharing that for Reba thank you so much for that incredibly generous donation thank you thank you thank you that is really special chat you’re all really cool this is really cool oh I forgot to bring anything for Gus I’ll have to give Gus a gift tonight when I I’ll I’ll go back to the house and I’ll get a something cuz he likes oranges so I’ll make sure I bring Gus something later um oh it’s kind of new karet I I put it like a few days ago I’m pretty sure um I’ve already given kobis two gifts this week we got 33 out of 50 though I I gave a pomegranate to him Mystic I had two on me um I did give him a pomegranate already don’t worry I got his gift um Emily what do I want to give you I think I brought this extra Ruby for or sorry um Emerald for you right I think so okay I cooked these roasted hazelnuts literally just for you 33 out of 50 what oh we have to give gifts I have a quest to give 50 loved gifts to villagers um so that’s what I’m doing right now we’re we’re doing loved gifts right now and we’re at 35 out of 50 oh I have cake for you bestie 36 out of 50 37 out of 50 um I’m going to give Marne a gift too don’t worry I’m going to check on Pierre first because I made Piera gift just for him easy that makes 39 and then I have all of these extra things on me that we can do very easily okay thank you I’m going to go down and talk to Marne and then um I think I will go to the salute tonight and see yeah we can do the daily spouse gifts pretty easily too um oh my gosh I didn’t even realized Anonymous thank you for the $30 to St Jude we just passed $45,000 raised thank you so much that is so generous of you they said 500k baby with their donation message okay I have a hot pepper for you Bessie I knew you would like it um Marney you’re about to be rich cuz I’m giving you a diamond that makes 41 okay and now I shall go around I still have to give a gift to my wife I have a gift for Demetrius we got lots of things to do um lots and lots of things to do you’re in the UK and having a thunderstorm oh cool I love a good storm I love a good storm um all right wizard buddy I have this for you 42 my horse is wearing a chicken mask thank you for asking my horse has a chicken mask on that’s what that is um all right and we’re off so if I see Pam I’ll give her this um which will also be good good all right I’m going to check on these little guys really quick too we’re doing great never mind you’re fine um thought it had a horn oh it’s a beak it is in fact a beak it’s lovely isn’t it oh I meant to get Gus something oh I supposed to go back to my house that’s fine I’ll go around I guess Sim mango thank you for the $25 to say dude thank you so much um I’ll go try in Florida do you get thunderstorms year round um I guess sort of but not really we have like serious storms um for like the whole summer um I don’t wouldn’t say that it’s Stormy in the rest of the year but I can happen um it can happen it’s just not that often I guess and it’s very often in the summer okay I’m going to bring two of these cuz I can give him one tomorrow so as long as I just have them already it’ll be easy here who am I looking for still Demetrius leis people like that me going to Florida in August knowing it’s like this it’ll be fine it’ll be fine unless there’s a hurricane in which case it won’t be fine but you know they’re only predicting that it’s going to be one of the worst hurricane seasons in a long time Anonymous says dolly trade maybe and simmered mango gave $25 I have a mango I have that okay no still no Lis all right that’s fine that’s fine I’m not seeing Pam either I don’t know where she is oh I was going to buy that’s right I was going to try and buy um some coffee um that for Puerto Rico every year yeah I know um there’s been a lot of it’s been like a real uh buzzword in the news this week because um basically the water is extremely hot which is not good um for the storm situation uh Pam is not at the bus stop she wasn’t there there was a sign so she might have gone to the island or something who knows um but she was not at the bus stop earlier there’s my bestie hi Harvey all right that makes 44 okay I got Marne already they should be coming back from the island in a second right so it shouldn’t be too bad they usually come back at like 6:00 p.m. don’t they 45 that’s Leah there’s my bestie Pam I was going to give you this okay well that’s 46 46 I have to go get some salad for Leah or something okay I should have got some earlier salad try again run and catch her before she leaves where’d you go to the left I can only assume probably I don’t know if I’m going to get her I can give her tomorrow a gift it’ll be fine I don’t know if she went home or if she goes to The Saloon after she comes back from the island or not she might have gone to the saloon maybe she was on the bridge and I’m just silly I don’t know I thought I missed her oh there she is I was too fast okay well that makes 47 if we could find Demetrius and Maru and and stupid LS then I could finish this today my wife should be hopefully at home I don’t know where LS is I already did the dwarf I could try and do Sandy I already gave Shane a gift um I don’t know Saloon I feel like he wasn’t in the saloon I checked that earlier um I got Demetrius there you go that’s 48 um I did The Wizard already too I already did kobus um I have I did Linus this morning as well no you can’t do two in a day unfortunately Maya it’s one per day and two per week with the gift giving I mean I’ll check this the saloon again he might be in his house now he wasn’t in his house earlier but he is now all right that makes 49 gifts I did get Shane yeah I did um what are you going to do to celebrate the end of the fundraiser sleep maybe I got Leo already titanium as well um I’m going to hope that Maru is at home and then I can just give her this cauliflower and then we’re done and that’s easy that’s easy Ava Lily thank you for the $10 to St Jude thank you so much um do you see my wife anywhere oh yeah she’s right there there I did it all right that was easy I can save the rest of this stuff then I keep turning this off by accident um I still have to harvest all this pineapple too that’s fine that’s fine all right save those you save those I’m going to try and repair some of my fences cuz they keep breaking and it’s making me feel sad Maru doesn’t do anything like literally ever she doesn’t help with anything terrible wife choice if you want someone to help you fix your broken fences mark my words don’t marry her I just put that there by accident okay okay I will be taking all of these things put that in there I will take all of these battery packs you married Mario and say the same thing really she’s terrible for this how could she do this to us um all right well fences are all messed up kind of still but that’s fine do I think I’ll divorce no I’m not actually going to divorce her I don’t I don’t actually dislike her I think she’s cool but I’ll still complain about her behind her back um I’ll still complain about her behind her back you know and that’s fine by me okay I am very silly cuz I don’t have any starf fruit on me to replace all these so I have to go do that real quick Missy Ellie just donated $500 Ellie think thank you so much for that incredibly generous donation I don’t even know what to say thank you so so so so so much Anonymous just donated $100 thank you thank you thank you that is so cool of you all to do I wasn’t I wasn’t expecting people to to donate like at all today so I’m really thank you so much I I’m so I’m like truly in shock thank you chat for for helping us do this today that is so so so so so cool I actually don’t even know what to say I don’t even know what to say I just got here I just I’ve been live for like an hour we’ve raised like $3,000 thank you so much um thank you so so so much okay I’m going to sell that real quick I’m actually going to sell a lot of these things if it’ll let me all right and then we’re going to go check on the stuff in inside of the house I meant to do this earlier and help age them earlier but then I forgot to do it last night and it became quite late yes it really bothers me how these things are like out of sync cuz I like put some in and then made more and then you know kept going like that early on and now they’re all like this and it’s terrible um okay that should be good um we’re going to be rich that’s 229,000 and that’s 166,000 I’m not selling this star fruit though am I I just sold a bunch of ancient fruit wine oh I probably can’t sell it right now cuz it’s kind of late uhoh we have to wait that’s fine go to bed Thea um for your Aunt Marie um I’m so so sorry uh Thea with with uh your loss thank you for that incredibly generous donation for for Marie uh Oakley thank you so much for that donation I donate to say June every January but what’s 10 more thank you Bren with the $10 to say Jude thank you thank you thank you um I really appreciate that do I think we’ll ever get a cat cam with all the kitties together that’s a good question um with the with the cat cam situation the kittens don’t really like sit still is kind of the issue um we have had actually a cat can with all the kitties together it was on a stream like it must have been a few months ago but basically I had like kitten kitten on the cat tree and snap was on my desk and I was trying to like angle it so we could see all three in Corners basically um but snap’s a little bit more likely to sit still and hang out um than the kittens are they they move around a lot so it’s hard for cat cam purposes as you can probably imagine um but we we’ve had them from time to time Sunny was in the cat cam for a sec the other day um it was just hard to see her cuz she was on the window sill I had it like angled up more um so you could see the cat tree more and setting on the window still um um okay that’s good um uh Sho says is someone who’s lost several people to cancer thank you for doing this thank you for for sharing and for the donation I really appreciate that um okay I need to make some more iron bars Please hold um and then we’re we’re going to try and Craft um put these in here cuz that’s faster we’re going to try and C craft some more kegs today um all right very good Claire thank you for the $5 to say Jude thank you so much um I think what I also want to do today is build maybe another shed I’m not sure um Lisa paa Claire thank you again for those donations everybody um all right let’s try and rearrange all of this room take those things out real quick we could try and decorate this room too which might be kind of cute if we wanted to try and like I don’t know make the Vibes a little bit cuter just for fun cuz I’m I’m totally down to do that just put all that stuff in there for a sec okay let’s go get some of our materials so we can decorate and make it cuter that would be very fun all right I have um oh I think I put them all up high the only room I haven’t really done the kids room yet and I also haven’t really done this room yet so we could definitely um use some uh working on those things but it’s okay it’s okay um oh did you that’s fun Val it’s fun to decorate the little sheds and stuff you know um it’s really fun to do all right let’s start with wallpaper so this is just my little storage room oh my gosh glucose grandma with $150 for snap what are you calling her a grandma I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding thank you for the donation I really appreciate it U that is so generous oh my gosh hi Ray thank you for the raid welcome in um we’re we’re about to decorate my like shed crafting storage room thing we’re going to try and redo it do it so you’re here at a good time um and and thank you for coming by we’re actually raising money for St Jude Children’s Research Hospital for the entire month of May we’ve raised 400 ,000 on just our stream so far um but it’s good to see you all uh and oh my God Les is matching the next $500 plus you have matched and donated so much this month thank you so much if you’ve been thinking about donating now is a really good time to do so because there’s a donation match in progress so if you donate $1 actually it’s two because Les is matching your donations um so thank you so so so much what do we think about this kind of ick actually I don’t know probably not that um maybe we could do like no maybe it’s not ick what we could try and do like a tile floor not if we’re going to use that wallpaper obviously but we could try and do like a cute tile floor or something um and then maybe we could pick what does that one look like kind of ick I don’t know oh this is good I need these I’m going to try and craft myself some more kegs eight more kegs what other things do I want to make more of I could probably get a couple more dehydrators and then maybe I could get honestly it might not be bad if we made like a second um fish smoker the question is where did they go oh I need to get my jelly please please hold 1 two three I’ll make like two more fish smokers that should be good too wi Casey thank you for the donation to St Jude thank you so much um oh puff face tree hi thank you for coming by the stream I’ve crafted everything that I can craft Christine we’re missing a couple recipes that I have to buy from the Walnut Room still um but I’ve crafted almost everything uh all the stuff that can be crafted has been crafted um be with the $15 for your best friend’s mom thank you so much uh Char life thank you for the $25 to St Jude thank you so much maybe I could make some more mushroom logs Marissa that’s a good idea um you know what we could do is put at least one or two more right here these aren’t like the best layout obviously with um how it works but maybe I could do some there and then we could put some on that side too and just move those if we wanted to I might want to let them Finish First although really does it matter that much I don’t know I don’t know we’re at $46,000 race what um neon plop for your mother-in-law thank you hippo lover uh queerly Brazen thank you Liz loock um oh my gosh uh your dad this is a funny story kind of you said your dad went to the hospital for a surgery and his tumor was benign which is fantastic but his nurse looked exactly like me and now she watches my videos because he told her that she looks like me that is so cool I’ve got a doppelganger and it’s she’s a nurse amazing truly amazing um thank you so much for sharing that U that’s really cool and thanks for gaining me a subscriber oh I placed this by accident huh weird wonder how I managed that um I just put something I didn’t mean to in there I meant to do that um okay maybe I will use honestly I have a better idea I might use a lot of the junimo stuff and a lot of the wizard stuff in here because I like it and I think it’s cute and and therefore I’m going to do it I might use the Juna wallpaper and flooring I know it’s kind of dark but I don’t know it might be kind of fun especially if we put a lot of plants and like bookshelves on the back wall I think it’ll be fine snap cam Supremacy she loves this she’s having a great time I could probably try and rotate it a little bit you see she’s sitting so weird um so you can see better okay um let’s get some more windows I also I don’t want to sell that cuz that desert fireplace is kind of expensive but um and it was fancy but I don’t really want to keep it either so yeah the wizard stuff um although this is pretty pretty cool the sparkly walls ah ts4 Elite gamer with the $150 to St Jude thank you so much what the heck that is so generous thank you for thank you thank you thank you for donating um I will save those in there cuz I don’t really want to use them let me also pick these up um okay nice nice nice nice nice nice save those there I’ll probably move around a lot of these um furnaces too and maybe I want to make another heavy furnace I don’t really like how my furnaces look so how long I’ve been playing stardew oh I’ve been playing stard probably for like oh I don’t even know like since like 2016 so I’ve been playing for a while heavy furnaces are better than the regular ones heavy furnaces are definitely better than the regular ones maybe I’ll make that many more or let’s do that and then I’ll bring this regular furnace um and I’ll I’ll bring the regular furnace to the island you know um I think that could be good all right I don’t really like how these are looking so I’m going to need to reorganize how I’ve got them laid out too but that’ll be fine I have nine of them now um June bug with $150 um thank you for donating again that’s so generous of you um Anonymous gave $25 there’s still a bunch of money left in Les oh sorry there’s still $40 left unless this donation match you you all beat that a little bit quicker than I expected I’m not going to lie um but that is really cool thank you all so much um stard is only $15 CC so if you’ve been thinking about getting stardy Valley um it’s it’s actually uh not that expensive um which is pretty cool uh compared to other games I think of this caliber um stardew is a fantastic value for the money um it’s got so much stuff in it and it’s uh really really really not that pricey all things considered um and it does go on sale relatively often as well so okay I don’t know about that brick fireplace maybe I’ll use the stone fireplace yeah don’t like the brick one go away all right very cool I want to get some of the Little Wizard bookshelves my vision was to put um a couple books and honestly like some potion tables kind of fit The Vibes for in here I want shelves next um Catalina thank you for the $25 to St Jude thank you so much um okay I was looking for small wizard bookcase I was thinking about putting them on like either side of this and then doing like some little book Stacks around somehow I don’t know I don’t know okay um you finally got all the cataloges oh cool I’m glad I’m so glad it’s really fun isn’t it there probably is a wizard fireplace but I don’t know if I want to use that one this is the wizard fireplace yeah does that like fit The Vibes with my bookshelves on either side actually it kind of does I think it’s cool never mind I’ll use it Molly with the $100 donation to St JW Molly said that they’re in awe of this community which I am too I am too uh and Les’s $500 donation match also just came through which is incredible um I don’t even know what to say all right I’m going to get myself some junimo little wall panels I think a couple of these little mushroom lamps would also be cute and some literal Jun would be cute and I don’t know let’s try that um scoot that over how about like that is there a small one that I can use dark leafy light leafy do you think this will be cool or will it be weird and cringe I don’t know oh it’s Tony’s birthday I forgot Happy Birthday Tony Dan can you hear me saying that make sure you message Tony happy birthday I hear him downstairs Happy Birthday Tony I heard Dan say on stream last night um that he was goingon to say happy birthday to you now because he was like What if I forget to message you tomorrow so so there I got it I got it I told her to do it okay this is all of my like little Collectibles I want to probably put these like um I’ll get my chest together somehow over here I don’t really know what we’ll do with it yet but um put that in your inventory maybe I should get a couch should we do a couch there’s a Juno couch but I think it’s kind of like scary isn’t it Juno bookcase Juno tree that’s cool it’s big Juno Hut Juno Juno Juno duno couch yeah see it’s like a doesn’t really look like a couch but it is so go away go away stard Valley Book Nook kit really yeah you can move the chest by hitting them in vanilla you can which is pretty cool uh marcian thank you for the $2 to say June um oh and also oh thank you Lula for gifting that sub to Tony I was going to say mods can we give a shout out to Tony um because he is also a streamer um and a good one in my humble opinion so and you have to follow people on their birthday that’s only fair um wizard bookshelf is there a wizard couch I’m pretty sure there is I don’t remember if I liked it though wizard end table wizard bed decorative wizard door wizard chair I is there one I don’t know book stack can’t remember it’s in the normal catalog oh is that what it is that makes sense well we don’t have to use the wizard one I could oh that’s what it is yeah I don’t like it uh-oh maybe I could use the large brown couch cuz I can put that like over a little bit I don’t know if I like the brown but um no don’t do that put it like right there okay can I get this that’s like a really scary tree I feel like I don’t know I don’t know um marcian I’m I am so sorry to hear that thank you again for that donation to St Jude I really appreciate it um this is going to be my shed of machines yeah sorry if that didn’t say um I’m going to be putting all of our Machinery in here or at least trying to that’s terrible hate um at least trying to put all of our Machinery in here I want to get a little plant something small and decorative like this one is good okay um so that’s a corner obviously we’ve like pushed stuff we can’t really use that for machines now cuz I’ve got everything in that corner but I’ll move this out of the way Mandy thank you for the $10 to say Jude um I will also put all these things in my inventory so I can like put my machines down cuz I probably should do machinery first right before we get too far ahead of ourselves I think so I like that okay it’s giving witchy Cottage that’s kind of what I’m going for so I’m glad that you think so um here are all of our machines just a few machines um kind of ridiculous I think I’ll just start saving these kegs up I won’t put them in here cuz I’m going to use them for a different room I’ll make a whole shed just for the keg um one two three four five six seven8 n oh my God it’s kind of chaotic though if there’s that many of them I don’t know make a whole Winery yeah I have one of I have a whole room of just kegs already I feel like we could probably use another room of just kegs I feel like I should have done this with like four and four or something and have like two rows of them four maybe I’ll do five and then we’ll do four here two three four okay maybe I can make another one then that should be fine I can do that sorry about my indecisiveness everyone um I’m not really sure how to best decorate something like this cuz it’s quite a bit busy it’s kind of a lot you know okay that should be good um maybe I’ll make one more of them um you like using empty cabins yeah it’s nice it’s nice to have um little decorative stuff like that your friend built a Tavern and a shed oh cool yeah with this one I feel like my priority in here is obviously I want it to be like somewhat cute but the priority is mostly just to throw a lot of Machinery in here like at the end of the day we’re we’re trying to use it mostly for machines so I need to keep that in mind um we want it to be mostly machines and just like slightly cute next to it that’s four maybe I’ll make five preserve Stars put in there um one two three four five okay and then we could probably use oh wait this is poorly done I want to save The Preserve jars to put near my like drying things and smoking things um pedal dollar trade for Tony’s birthday thank you for the donation somebody else said dollar trade to 407k we are very close to 407,000 um which is kind of wild okay I want to put all of these things together I think it’s already 7 p.m. oh my gosh um I only have three of those one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three one two three okay and then I guess we could do six of these then one two three four five we’ll make a sixth one that’ll be good that will be good um this is so weird this is so so very weird um maybe I should have put like maybe I’ll keep that centered maybe I I want to have like 12 of these like I have 12 of the drying things I don’t even know if I have enough wood to do that CM thank you for the $150 donation um happy birthday thank you so much they said this is to celebrate all the kids at St Jude for passing birthday Milestones thank you so much we at $47,000 raised for St Jude thanks to you um I don’t even know what to say all right these I’m kind of wasting some row by doing this but I don’t care I think it’s fine I will make one more of them all right one two three four five six interesting large amounts of things the other like random machines that we have are mostly these items um and I’m okay with putting a lot of those kind of together I might also honestly um pick up these items yeah I have a couple more jars in the greenhouse but I I’m kind of trying to build out the amount of jars that we have in the greenhouse so I’m okay with them uh staying oh wait hold on let me rethink this Nick oh my gosh thank you for the $100 to sa you that is so generous of you and Nick said make sure you take time for yourself after this month is finished thank you for being so nice to me that is really cool of you um that is really really cool of you okay maybe I will scoot these all down then um and maybe we could try actually you know what we could try and do I don’t know if this is like the best way to do it but I feel like with these furnaces being like this it’s easier for me to collect them so I probably want them to be sort of like that and then the crystarium I’ll put sort of like that and then we can do all of these little things I don’t really care about that slime item either this and the mini Forge I feel like I could build something specifically to make these look cooler you know oh my God scoot over scoot over scoot over recycling machine okay um this is a little bit uglier than I wanted it to be so never mind with that concept I would prefer it to be cuter than that so forget that plan it was a bad plan maybe I’ll just line those up down the sidew wall [Music] um it’s so cursed everyone it’s so cursed I don’t know how you can make a room that has to be this full of machines look not ugly honestly I’m like at a loss here I’m going to get a lamp and put it in the corner probably one of those mushroom lamps again wizard catalog retro catalog whatever Elise thank you so much congrats on your new job and Mandy thank you for the $10 Sierra $20 for your 20th birthday happy happy birthday that’s so exciting um okay try I can’t even get into this here I want my mushroom lamp again this junimo lamp to me is the cutest thing ever made in the entire world and I’m being serious how long is simy streaming for uh probably a few hours I’m not exactly sure how long I’ll be live for but probably a few hours um I feel like we should put some more maybe like another book stack right there and then another junimo okay I’ll probably want to keep the chest oh and this probably can break too okay I’m probably going to want to keep the chests like that was a massive fail I’m going to want to line up the chest somehow um I think that I might do chests down here um I don’t know I don’t know I feel like maybe I should put them up in the back then actually I don’t know what I want I can’t tell we also need more lights so let me get a couple more of these Juno lamps something like that and then it needs something more Central maybe I could do a little side table with a lamp cuz we have some of those and that would probably be good cuz that has a light sort of in the middle of the room and that leaves all the fish things in a row which is fine um Ty thank you for the 355 yeah I also think the chest nearer to the door makes more sense but if we put them in the back then I can put um like a sign behind them and that kind of in oh I’m going to pass out I didn’t realize it was 2 a.m. oops I didn’t realize that’s my bad um uh juel that was yesterday that was yesterday we did a we did quite a few giveaways yesterday and I’ll do quite a few giveaways tomorrow as well um but I don’t usually do giveaways of Sims packs when I’m not playing Sims does that make sense um so I’m sorry that you missed the stream yesterday we were live for like 7even hours yesterday we had a ton of giveaways I finished the 100 baby challenge yesterday um but we we usually do Sims giveaways during Sim streams and not so much during non-sim streams um I hope that makes sense to you um I hope that makes sense and just so we’re clear I don’t do Sims pack giveaways every Sims stream I’m I don’t have that amount of access to Sims codes but we do them like sometimes like during the fundraiser and on special occasions so um hopefully that makes sense all right I’m back again and now it’s the morning so that’s better all right I know I have a sign somewhere I don’t think I want to use the text sign I think I’d rather use the picture signs that’s the wrong chest I know I have at least one somewhere I don’t think so um I can put an item on this to display better I’ve used like all of our wood up so that’s bad um one two three okay um maybe put them like that that’s not centered in the room but it’s centered with those thingies so that’s fine that one’s empty um I’m going to see about trying to move this myself without having to do anything okay that’s fine so this one is going to have um I guess it’s going to have like fruits and stuff for us to be trying to um turn into thingies and these dryers that’s kind of the idea stuff to process basically like that um and then one of them this one I’m going to put it in the middle is going to contain all of our fancy Collectibles okay um no it’s not a mod I don’t have a mod Ty I don’t have any mods in this game um uh you can just you can hit them it’s that’s perhaps it’s an update thing that you didn’t realize um it’s not a mod though I don’t use mods really I don’t have any um okay for this collectible chest I might use this pretty pink star Shard and then I have to put the last one down myself and that one I don’t know what goes in it so I’m not sure uh pancake thank you for the donation Ty um I really appreciate your donation as well that’s so kind of you um okay let’s use this house plant oh flip them like that probably um okay okay so that’s good storage for the chests and then we can do perhaps the crystarium could go like this maybe I can make one more of them so that way I can have eight cuz I have a weird number of them right now okay to make you my little friend easy what do you think I should put in these um I’ve been using obviously like the stuff to trade like Jade and emerald not Emerald rubies and stuff like that but outside of like the obvious ones what do you think is best for money in there um I don’t really use I I think probably just diamonds right I don’t really use the staircases like honestly trading Jade for staircases isn’t helpful to me um I think I probably will just put mostly diamonds in there and then um I think what I want to do hold on try again we’ll do one Jade Four Diamonds I’ll do a ruby and I’ll do quartz I like to have the quartz in there cuz I think that it’s helpful for me to trade for bombs so that’s more my speed quartz Ruby Jade oh I missed one um you can’t do Prismatic shards in there no you can put some of the collectible things in there um maybe I’ll do another quartz actually there and I’ll have them next to each other so it’s easier for me to collect them all right that seems good we’ll get some more decorations right here and here I still have a few additional machines pick that up pick that up pick that up pick that up okay move move move move okay this is good yeah the course in the crystal crystarium is actually really helpful Christine because it’s it’s like what five for one bomb um but it’s pretty useful to be trading in there in my experience um okay well here are my like kind of ugly machines that I don’t like I don’t even use this charcoal K like ever geode Crusher Bone Crusher how do I want to go about this maybe I will line them up on this wall I feel like it’s less ugly when they’re like that I do love my little recycling machine I’m not going to lie we just put them over there and then we try and put some things in the middle to block it what does the Bone Crusher do oh the Bone Crusher it um maybe I’ll make some more recycling machines honestly the Bone Crusher turns bones into fertilizer I can do three of these I just wasted one whoops um one two three oh you know what maybe I could try and line these up like this I’ll put those lower down though cuz I can get all the ugly things that I don’t like and I’ll put them kind of like that this Slime Guy I literally could not care less about and I mean that when I say it like I almost want to hide it I don’t use these things ever um Mo thank you so much for the donation um Bone Crusher does sound ominous yeah it’s kind of a scary sounding uh concept isn’t it okay I will do these three like this and I’ll get something cute next to it how about that um no I really want to have all of my items out even if I don’t like them I still want to put them all out on display so that I can use them in the future um you have a chest of unused machines that you had to craft for Perfection yeah yep classic classic okay maybe I could try and put some of these cute junimo things in see I can use that to try and hide some of the things I don’t like junimo dresser I might get some more of these leafy wall panels too um something like that I don’t know what else maybe I’ll get myself a couple more little junimo friends I like this junimo flower too that’s cute um maybe I’ll put that over here waste of space for everybody um you’re forgetting what mods you have oh really yeah I um I don’t use any mods so I don’t really know I’m not really good at that stuff you know um okay sorry that I’m doing such a bad job of trying to organize all my things I’m really kind of flopping here so I got my junimo dresser that’s a brochure cabinet this is a little junimo plant that’s also quite big um but it might also be good to maybe I could get a few of those can I put a couple and put them like here on this side of this thing I kind of like that we could probably get a couple little machines right here as well if we wanted to I don’t know I could if I really wanted to have put my um crafting stuff in all of my chests in here but I don’t really want to let me think about one little thing I think the junimo stool maybe would help fill in that space I don’t know you just see all the plants there okay where’s the fun in that exactly exactly okay well that helps to split it all up a little bit more these need to be open are there any other machines that I might want to get extra of granted I can’t I have like no wood left so that’s the main problem Anonymous thank you for the $10 to say Jude you know what I don’t have um the extra shed for my extra kegs yet so it probably wouldn’t hurt if we started using this space in here for some of those kegs can I put stuff in that one I’m G to find out hold on every little bit counts move I’ve been trapped by a cat keeps following me where I’m trying to go yeah actually that seems fine to me at least it’s going you know at least it’s we got stuff on the move I’ll probably end up using some cheaper things and maybe I do want to get another chest I stop I probably have oh I have an extra Auto Grabber in there I have an extra fish smoker and an extra charcoal K oh no uh-oh Well turns out I do have one more fish smoker than I realized um I will probably put that then well we could probably swap that out I don’t have a need for two of these charcoal KS at all but I’m kind of thinking that I may as well put them and maybe I will keep no you know what I’ll do I will switch this and I will replace it with a lamp cuz I can use that extra one the extra Reserve star inside of my my Greenhouse yeah the fish smokers are really good for money so it’s good to have I’m trying to build more of these preserves jars to put inside of the greenhouse you can kind of see me starting the process here there’s two now there’s an even number up there so it’s a cute shed you think so M I’m glad I feel like it’s turning out all right okay um let’s do bananas yay and then I will oh I have these too oh I should take these and put this stuff in the um preserves jars inside of the building oh I have to harvest all of this oh my god I’ve been so focused on my on my shed that I haven’t been harvesting anything we’re losing money get it together get rid of that really okay hold on you’re trying to figure out what to do for lunch ooh are you thinking about like ordering food m is that the Vibes that we’re going for or what missed an apricot I probably have to go back in there for inventory space purposes so so it’s fine um yeah I don’t know what I’m going to do for lunch today either I did miss one of the apricot trees silly silly me okay honestly put that down there just leave it for now you’re going to have pasta for dinner oh that’ll be good okay um I was going to put my little fishies in these where I can and then I’ll probably put some other stuff in there okay um move that over move that over too honestly actually just keep those in your inventory for a sec so do I have an extra mini shipping bin I feel like I crafted one didn’t I I wonder where I put it oh it’s there I have one right there I’m thinking that it might not hurt if we got another little mini shipping bin right outside of this room cuz we’re like going in there and coming out constantly so I feel like that might be a good idea I’d also love to have another chest but I don’t have any wood so that put does put us in a bit of a predicament you can craft shipping bins you can craft the tiny ones and you can buy more of the big ones um so you can’t I guess you can’t really but you kind of can craft them wall baskets oh maybe I’ll put this creepy skeleton in there that seems like fun okay where can I put it oh maybe I’ll block the ugly bone machine that I don’t like with it oh that seems great okay um where’s the junimo table okay junimo table I’m going to get one of my little duno friends too I like the purple one oh that’s the big table sorry Juno side table end table or whatever they call it um plant plaque pot tree small end table okay okay no wrong thing that’s bad I want the small one sure sure um okay I think we’re getting somewhere with this I’ve got a vision now Juno goes on there that goes away we still have a little bit of space but I’m going to put a chest right here and then I guess you know what it might not hurt for us to leave this area down here for like extending extra machines that we end up getting right I feel like that’s probably in our best interest to like leave ourselves some space okay did somebody just Yeet St Jude that’s actually kind of messed up that’s actually kind of messed up that you did that okay um Raja thank you for the to say dude thank you so much um yeah I don’t think I have an extra chest how much food is in here maybe I could try and start doubling up cuz a lot of this stuff I can probably oh my God yeah a lot of that can go in there I don’t think we’ll have enough space for all of it in this chest but some of these things I can take out too I’ve just been using this to store like all extras but see like the miners treat we can take that out this Mayo can come out that’s an extra mini fridge um so that can come out lucky lunch can come out sa that I might be to get it all to fit actually the answer is no the answer is I can’t do that I could save the survival Burger I might want to save all these things that have um mining bonus and like luck bonus I might take the seafoam putting out too keep that yeah that’s fine okay good so that that saves me this extra chest which is really good I’ll just put those in here for now this is where like all my tools are going it’s kind of a mess I think I want to put all of my um trinkets in a chest I think I would like to do that and I think I’d also like to have a chest to sto store all of our extra Weaponry cuz I I really only use the same weapons so it might be kind of fun if we did that maybe I’ll get that for this stuff and then perhaps I could put all my trinkets in this one take all this back out okay uhoh no not that’s not right I wanted to put like a trinket on there no oh oh no oh no I’ve made a huge mistake okay put all your weapons in this chest for now take all these out again the room is too tight for me to organize anything chat I’m overwhelmed break that one okay I’m going to make you like a dark purple and I’ll put all my trinkets in there cool I like that I think that’s kind of fun um and then I feel like I have more room to expand in there if I really want to this will be again for all of those random Collectibles and then this one is going to be more for like all the stuff that we’re going to be doing in here plus extra storage you know maybe you could could be pink and you could be a oh we could do like three shades of purple if we really wanted to you’re back with your girl Lune oh what did you get M what do you have for us um the people want to know all right that’s good so I just need to get now take all this back out for a sec I want to put that’s a cool looking weapon so I guess we can use that one make it a dark purple no make it that purple and then I will put all of our extra weapons in there not you okay not the cat sword well I always use the cat sword so I feel like it’s fine to keep the cat sword on me and like display something else you know aridium needle oh that’s a huge help now this is like way more organized with stuff that we can actually bring and use okay took us a while to get to this point but we’ve got everything all nice now so I will save those thingies um oh you’ve got Publix mac and cheese that sounds good may have the people are jealous okay oh save those in there have I ever had a British roast dinner um probably not to the standards that you would like cuz I don’t eat meat um but I’ve made things like that for me and Dan that uh is vegetarian so um and uh Dan Dan has helped so therefore it’s uh confirmed British authentic um but hopefully that counts right yeah the potatoes are the best bit right exactly we made um roast potatoes uh every year for Christmas and stuff um classic whenever you visit your boyfriend’s family you cherish the chance to have roast dinner nice nice oh I tried to make Yorkshire pudding for Christmas um this year uh I don’t think that they turned out that well but I tried cuz you know um first try I tried to make your pudding for Christmas um no Dan’s not vegetarian too but we don’t cook meat at the house um cuz it gives me the ick and Dan agrees so you’re having a Sunday roast in a couple hours oh that sounds good maybe I’ll make something like that for dinner tonight I could run to the store and buy some cauliflower I usually roast like a whole head of cauliflower instead of meat oh it’s the Trout Derby oh fun you get the same prizes again don’t you but that’s okay cuz um I would like to oh thank you for the wood I need that um I can get a ticket right from doing it do I have any rainbow trout that I can turn into bait I might already have rainbow trout bait tiger trout octopus oh tell me if you see a rainbow trout in this chest I see one um all right basically instantaneous thank you for all of these things oh no oh I’m going to probably replace that by accident a bunch of times that’s GNA really bother me uhoh all right I’m gonna go to the Trout Derby um and then I think I’m going to go to the island and harvest all my stuff the Trout Derby is really agitating you know what I may even bring with me also um I might just bring this cuz then I can make more bait when I get there um you were eating meat the other day and you got really grossed out by it and completely understanding vegetarian for that reason alone I mean that was like a a major turning point for me m when I was a kid I mean I I like sort of slowly stopped eating meat from the time that I was like 14 and then I completely stopped when I was 16 um and I literally one day I was eating chicken nuggets and I was like this is vile like this is not I can’t do this um and then I never ate maid again after that I had already kind of stopped for a while cuz it was like slowly icking me out and like I felt like it was wrong and all this stuff I’m not trying to preach to you it just was how I felt um and then I one day was like I’m done never eat meat again after that so oh yeah it was like a slow burn ick I guess you could say um all right so for the Trout Derby it’s kind of annoying um we have to get these golden tags and it’s kind of a slow process but it’ll be fun um the meat EG is real yeah I think a lot of us have been there um you feel like it’s wrong too yeah I mean that’s just kind of I’m not again I’m trying to shame anybody that’s just kind of how I felt I have a lot of um uh troubles with like food aversions and like texture issues and stuff um so that’s also kind of part of it for me um but I know some people like have like texture issues with vegetables whereas for me like veggies are a safe food so it’s not hard for me to cut meat out of my diet because I gives me the creeps so you know um I have I guess I’m lucky in that way um that makes sense move that makes sense um I don’t know I mean I feel like there’s nothing wrong with it and you’ve like cut out a lot of eating meat and that’s key um when you’re thinking about like environmental stuff obviously and like things like that um if everybody ate me a little bit less that’s a lot better than a couple people being like a completely strict vegetarian you know um so that’s good too that’s good too um I got one get rewards bucket hat I already have that now I have two I want a ticket I forget how many you do you remember what order when you’re cycling through the rewards which one is a ticket um cuz I want the ticket um okay a ticket I mean a whatever don’t I pressed the wrong thing after the first run of prizes it’s random oh really oh sad well maybe I’ll just use up the rest of my bait I have one more of the trout bait and then we could do it um oh my gosh snap is thriving with the sun shining right on her like this right now snap’s in a great spot with this it goes in the same order okay that’s what I thought I figured it was in the same order um that’s good to know okay no tag I’ll do oh should I do one more set of bait I think I will just for The Vibes cuz I’m kind of having fun it’s a set order but it starts randomly Ah that’s what it is that’s what it is that makes sense your lizard is also loving the sun coming in the window I love that I love that um that’s cool um you had your makeup trial for your wedding today oh my goodness so exciting so exciting wedding stuff is wild um oh I bought okay I don’t think my sister is here doesn’t actually matter I’m not really doing like the whole bridesmaid thing too much um cuz I’m I don’t know it kind of stresses me out so we’re basically just having like family in the wedding so like my sister Dan’s sister this is kind of assumed and has been talked about for a long time I haven’t actually told them that that yet though or like well my sister she’s like my sister is operating as the maid of honor having not been officially asked to be one because you know people give like a gift or like a little card or something so I’ve been thinking about trying to figure that out this week and the only thing is that I’m quite nervous about trying to mail something all the way to Dan’s sister and like things breaking and like stuff like that so I don’t really want to do like physical items too much um if you have suggestions for things that are actually usable cuz you know people do like t-shirts and like no one actually uses that stuff I don’t want to do that if you have suggestions for things that are not going to break and are actually useful and are cute for our sisters taking them taking suggestions um I’ve been thinking about maybe like a a item of jewelry or something small like that as an idea um that was kind of my uh initial thought but okay one piece of bait left um Mia thank you for the $10 to say Jude thank you so much um an anonymous thank you for the kind words somebody else said snap has my full attention sorry ssy um I think the jewelry is a is a nice idea cuz it’s a nice Keepsake and then they can wear it to the wedding which would be cute too um I’m just not really sure exactly what but I don’t know I’ve been thinking about it Mystery Box um gave your bridesmaid straw cups so they could drink water and not ruin their lipstick on the wedding day that’s smart too actually Christine that’s kind of fun I was thinking about something like that um I really just want to make sure it’s something that’s like actually actually useful you know um actually useful so and necklace with your initial on it see that’s cute too I like that as well um I like that as well okay let’s put these things back um you got a succulent from your friend oh see there’s so many cute ideas like that but then like you obviously you can’t send that internationally um that’s like a crime to send plants um so you can’t do that so I don’t know there’s so many cute ideas but it’s like the the complexity of um the international borders that are um difficult to work with you know okay you can get stuff like that on Etsy I guess that would be sent locally um I don’t know I don’t know sell both of those I will keep some extra of the trout and then sell the rest and then is there I guess I’ll save this Crab Pot to bring to the beach next time I go save that too all right now I’m going to the island Next plan just send her money I don’t know I feel like that’s not like as sentimental as you wanted it to be you know um I want it to be like oh I should have put the trout in the fish smoker oh silly me silly silly me all right we’re back it’s finally all in the same um uh like schedule which was good I was waiting for it to get on the same schedule send her a Sims code oh my gosh um now I I think that the jewelry is a good call cuz it’s easy to mail so I’m glad that you agree cuz that’s kind of what I was thinking um it’s nice and small so I know some people do like whole giant gift baskets and stuff but I guess I mean I could also do that and then bring it with me if I wanted to cuz I’m going to the UK in August but at that point have I waited too long like I don’t know it’s just our family so it doesn’t matter that much um I guess I could bring it separate I could like I don’t know I don’t know uh K you thank you for the donation from Australia thank you so much that’s so cool um no it’s not too long okay um okay that’s good to know also yeah the birthstone thing is cute I was looking at these necklaces that are like inspired by people’s birth flower as well which I kind of liked because I feel like you don’t see that very often um so I don’t know imagine my sister decides to watch the stream today for the first time in like weeks she listens to me saying this um yeah I think it might be nice to bring it in person so maybe I will do that maybe I will just wait instead of like making myself Panic about trying to figure it out and worrying about time um okay that’s fine then I have more of this than I can keep up with processing so I’m going to sell the gold and silver um and just keep this ancient fruit I think um seeds would be fun okay so that’s one of those things that you have to buy in England because again it’s a crime to bring uh plants and seeds and stuff internationally um illegal it’s it’s kind of funny imagine we break the law trying is it actually yeah uh company or countries not companies countries are really worried about um it’s because of like uh like diseases and stuff for your their local crops um bringing like uh crops and and animal products and stuff is not allowed that’s one of those things that you have to declare at Customs you know when you like come through the border and then you pass passport control and then there’s Customs um they want you to declare a bunch of things um but plans and stuff it’s a big problem it’s like diseases invasive species stuff like that that they’re worried about so even if it’s like something simple like you you know brought seeds for a tomato plant still illegal still a problem um they really don’t want the agriculture stuff to get messed up okay while I am here um I am going to purchase from you I cannot buy the recipes for these yet oh my God I need one more one more I can get the Bluegrass starter recipe so that’s fine um I can make some Bluegrass for them now okay good lots of progress here yeah like even bringing flowers not allowed yeah oh we must have finished who was I it’s kobis I must be besties with kobis now yeah we have nine Hearts okay good we’re not quite there yet but we’re almost there um yeah like traveling to Hawaii you have to do that too right because they don’t want you to bring stuff in like that um so um your Dad tried to bring mangoes back from Jamaica and They confiscated them yeah exactly they they do that they do that um your wedding’s in 27 days hoping for for good weather oh my gosh I hope it goes well that’s so exciting um that’s very very very exciting okay I’m going to go and chop so many trees now that’s our next plan um okay oh let me grab this too thank you we’re on the Meadowlands Farm on this one by the way I saw somebody ask um yeah exactly Red Wolf it’s um a lot of places like it’s I know it sounds kind of weird but it’s it’s a serious concern trying to protect from like invasive species and stuff so that’s why they do it um but anyway long story short plants as a gift cannot bring yeah or like bugs and stuff there’s all kinds of reasons um so many so many reasons um you always just bomb your quy I guess I could do that too I’m fine with chopping though um I’m fine with chopping I could craft some bombs probably with the things that I’ve just gotten from the quy if I really wanted to um on my pickaxe I have powerful uh the enchantment I’ve got Swift on my um axe okay we’ll try and get all of this bombs as a gift are also bad yeah and you know somebody better tell Kent that somebody better tell K that one and Mario she gives you bombs too okay thank you nice lovely I found this in my workshop please this is unsafe we have children oh my gosh maybe I will craft a couple bombs exciting stuff yay that’s a big help one more clear up some of that do I use any mods no I actually don’t have any mods in my game right now um I I have been playing this save completely vanilla yeah honestly when she says she found the bomb it’s like how did you lose the bomb are we brushing over that like that’s a really concerning thing to say you know you can’t just go around doing that all right I’ll just keep going until my energy runs out pretty much and then I’ll plant some more oh my God last night you were playing stardo you went to put some oranges in your preserves jar but you clicked your bombs instead and you blew up your entire shed no I have been lucky enough to not make that mistake except for the one time that I did it I learned my lesson I’m so sorry um I’m so so so sorry horrible oh hey ketu thank you for the raid welcome in we’re um we’re currently playing a little bit of stardy Valley and raising money for St you Children’s Research Hospital um so I hope that you had a good stream thank you for coming by um I’m trying to get some wood from my quy right now that might have to be enough for me to stop at this rate I guess I have fiddlehead fern that I can eat if I need to it’s 11:20 um doing the same very cool very very cool thank you for coming by it’s good to see you um I’m currently oh also this is my cat snap on the floor you can you can see she’s thriving cuz she’s in a sun spot right now um but we’re um we’re we’re close is to Perfection we’ve got like 88% I have a couple things left to craft um and then I have uh the golden clock so we’re working on it we’re working on it all right one two three I think I might have messed this up I just hit those in like totally the wrong places I don’t really want to waste anything for energy purposes right now you know um what other oh here we go here we go sine sah thank you for the donation Hannah thank you for the donation to St Jude um I appreciate that the golden the Golden clock you need to get um it’s like 10 million gold um and uh you gotta pay for it and then um it doesn’t let any weeds or anything grow on your farm and your like fences don’t break it’s kind of nice but it’s very uh some may say excessive and it’s kind of a grind to get enough coins to do it but that’s the point that we’re at right now so okay um I’m going to put a few more things over here I know I didn’t plant these very well I’m out of energy and I don’t want want to waste anymore so we’ll just accept it one two three there we go all right everything’s planted the clock rind is all you have left yeah yeah I’ve got 1.3 million um so I’m getting somewhere oh okay I am stuck I could have roten the horse back but it’s almost 2: a.m. oh no oh no have we liquidated our assets no we don’t need to do that yet I still have things to do I’ve still got stuff I want to play and everything so we don’t need to do all that just yet and we’re passed out inside the house whoopsies yeah the clock is 10 million so lots of stuff all right we have to remember cuz the ancient fruit will be grown one week from yesterday so next Saturday we have to go to the um to the island again crab cakes cool cool all right let’s put the rest of it away pancake thank you for the donation and for those sub gifts that was kind of you um thank you so much ew oh my God thesia that’s horrible oh wow okay I might try and get quickly a new wallpaper to put in there cuz I would like to step it up a little bit um save that is that the optimal keg layout um I don’t I don’t know it is to me n thank you for the donation I also cannot believe how much money the community rais it’s so cool it’s so cool what we’ve done together um and happy 18th birthday friend um happy happy birthday thank you so much for donating um have the best best best day all right I’m going to pick a couple things for my keg room I’m kind of tempted to do like I don’t know should I do maybe I’ll do like a stone flooring and then a wooden wallpaper [Music] and we could get some windows too cuz we don’t have any of those and maybe I could get some wall lights also wait under the wall decor section no not under the wall decor section scroll again until I can find it um no no oh you know what I should do is upgrade my trash can I still haven’t finished upgrading my trash can there we go wall sconce okay that should be enough I’ll go add that then we will upgrade our trash can cuz look it’s only gold I upgraded my pan to aridium we did do that I just keep forgetting about the trash can and not doing it even though I know that I need to um okay all right this is what I was picturing for this room it’s a little better it’s just it’s simple but it works I think it’s nice um I need to get some meridium bars then which we can do I got to harvest all of these I should probably buy some seeds from Pierre or I should see what other seeds I have left I don’t really remember what we have to do still okay keep forgetting the pan can be upgraded yeah exactly me too well I actually I did upgrade my pan but you know what I mean it’s easy to forget about some of these things you know no very silly very very silly okay towards year two or three you get lazy and only plant crops that yield multiple harvests yeah I um I’m still at that point where I’m trying to like I want it to look good I guess um but I’m reaching the point now where I’m going to be like okay let’s just start only putting the most expensive longest growing thing like I’m ready to be done you know okay so some of the pigs are upset cuz I don’t have enough uh to feed them so that’s my bad um they didn’t come outside and that’s their bad um we need some grass starters in there no it’s cuz it rained I’m pretty sure is the problem um I mean I could definitely use some more grass starters but I think it’s cuz it rained I also need to make I guess I can make some of these grass starters oh oh dear I’m going to go to Pierre real quick I’m going to buy some more regular ones um oh our luck is better today that’s good sell sell I do have six of these that’s nice um okay let’s go to Pierre and then we’ll worry about this stuff afterward Oh wrong thing okay let’s go hi cath how are you hello snap good morning okay good night again oh okay shortlived um shortlived you have a boil in your ear oh no oh no I’m sorry okay we’re looking for something in the summer that will grow quickly um I guess we can do a radish I think I have 24 oh that’s 25 okay I’m also going to buy from you my little friend some extra grass starts I’m sorry cath I hope that you feel better um that’s horrible um but you treated yourself to new pajamas and a new fun water cup which you deserve um you downloaded stardo last year played two days and never went back are you serious I have almost a thousand hours in this game it’s funny how different um like people’s tastes are you know um cuz for me it’s like greatest thing of all time for you it was like I don’t care about this very funny very very funny okay good um I’m going to give you both a little bit of blue grass and then I’m going to put some regular grass I’m going to make them eater around it first okay they hate me great all right any names for various plants we have things like Ivy Clover I’ve got a lot of plants already plants and flowers were kind of going for with the babies little dino names um I’m seeing a lot of names that we’ve already used wait monstera is kind of funny cuz it’s a cuz it’s a dinosaur maybe I will do that one all right let’s incubate that egg next I’m trying to get a place of only dinosaurs basically going so we have probably another one ready when I go into this Coupe in a second so okay yep Arta choke is also kind of fun party oops I think I spelled that wrong hard a joke get that going I shall move you little artichoke into the other Coupe very good all right I will make myself a little bit of mayo I’m mostly going to sell these eggs though I’ve been trying to save like regular quality stuff um um and then sell a lot of the aridium quality stuff oh I meant to go oh no I have to come back hold on I meant to go to um Clint I just used it twice by accident Amanda thank you for the donation Judith lemons Dollar A Day Day 26 thank you so much oh my gosh that’s wild um what’s the benefit of having dinosaurs uh they’re just kind of Ry so you earn some pretty good money from them um you’re losing motivation and folding laundry oh my gosh I got a fold laundry today too um I it’s been hard for me to keep up with like household chores this month um I’m not like my house isn’t a mess but it’s definitely Oh I thought I had the oh my God it’s copper not gold I’ve upgraded it even less than I thought oh my God I need to get iron bars whoa I guess I can tell it’s copper now that I look at it I just thought I had upgraded it more I’ve only upgraded it once anyway my house is kind of my life has kind of Fallen apart let’s just say that um in my defense there’s been a lot of stressful things going on this month outside of just the fundraiser like my grandpa’s in the hospital my family’s dog is really sick um my just beyond that there’s been so much going on so um spent a lot spent a lot um yeah my mom went up to Illinois to visit my grandparents and to visit him in the hospital she said um he’s been doing a little bit better today than he has all week so that’s good um that’s good um okay but stop um and I will plant these things next Okay so so I guess we’ll just keep upgrading that I could also really benefit from giving a gift to Leo the dwarf and kobis so I will try and do that too I don’t know if I’ll be able to find okay kobis dwarf Leo I might try and clear out some more of these things actually I was going to try and make these never mind don’t clear out any grapes I need to keep keep them I might try and clear out some of the stuff that we don’t need as much of though cuz we could probably start by trying to dry some of these things to get some more money you know okay good that’s something save those put those back all right I have to plant these little radishes now too oh that sounds good Tilly love that all right if we want to start thinking about oh my God I need a 32 not 24 why did I think I only had three there okay oh dear oh oh dear all right let’s buy eight more I think I should make it in time I should be fine yeah we completed the museum Dara I did complete the museum it might be fun to try and reorganize the museum a little bit too at some point um I might like that okay I’ve got there we go muffin the cat oh my gosh thank you for the $10 to Jude thank you so much um I have to bring Alex a scorpion carp too um oh I finished that Island ingredients thing too I forgot I did that you know what that means prize ticket um th000 wood ship 100 hot peppers no no no no what I really want is this I’m trying to get there so I can get that unlocked um how can you reorganize uh the how can I reorganize the museum you can just move stuff around in there um oh Jake with the 174 remaining balance from a gift card thank you so much um yeah we we could do that if we wanted to it’s easy you just pick it up and move stuff around um I just have to give him a scorpion carp right so it’s easy I just have to get one that I already have cuz I can do that that shouldn’t be a problem I will bring it to you Alex I’ll plant those things when I get back tonight um the music in the background can sometimes get slightly distorted it’s not copyright reasons I don’t do that for a I think it’s more of just a glitch with that um and and not anybody doing it on purpose cuz I don’t I don’t know when that happening and I didn’t do it myself so there you go Alex thank you U little seems he is a queen thank you for the donation also that was really sweet of you um okay we’re looking for Leo the dwarf and kobis now wait I think the dwarf’s birthday is tomorrow yeah the 22nd okay we’ll make sure we get give my gift tomorrow um oh thanks Jambo I can’t believe it thank you so much it is absolutely wild absolutely wild um I actually cannot believe it so thank you for saying that okay um I will give this to my little friend that is our next plan I really love this stuff thanks me too okay how are are we doing halfway but I’m going to get a bunch of um hopefully a bunch of Hearts tomorrow so that’ll help for a birthday gift okay um let’s go into town cuz I want to go to the Sewer now and give this to kobus I’m not sure where Leo my little bestie will be have I ever completed Judo Kart no no I haven’t for Susie stream hey thank you for coming by it’s good to see you um it’s so good to see you I’m glad you could make it all right are we besties yet kobus we just got nine Hearts so we probably are not quite there yet but yeah few more gifts few more gifts I think I’m going to give Leo the stard drop tea days um because I find Leo a little bit harder to give gifts to just because he’s less predictable with where he’s going to be so I’ll probably give Leo the star drop tea and not the dwarf um we could basically finish our birthday with the dwarf tomorrow but I’m not like I’m not speed running it I still have you know millions of gold to earn to buy the clock so it doesn’t matter if we take a little bit of extra time so junimo Kart donation incentive oh my God I hadn’t really thought about that I’ve literally like basically never tried to play jimo Kart now I’m scared it might be worth it though maybe we should try what do you think the number should be maybe it like um we don’t have to get it today but oh my goodness so much stuff um maybe at like 400 and 420 oh my God I was gonna say 415 chat’s over here being chaotic how many Auto pets do I have why do you care to know Dan why do you care to know I only have one okay 420,000 and I’ll do a judo cart attempt um I don’t even know what that means for us like what what is a Juno Kart attempt ssy actually plays Juno Kart for once or something Dan you I can’t help that my save hasn’t gotten me lucky and given me shut up why is he bullying me Sam CLA with the $100 to St Jude thank you so much for your for for your nana and your granddad thank you so much um you hate Jun Kart prairie king is so much more fun I never play either of them he’s bullying you because he’s insecure thank you Purple Haze you’re so right okay let me put on my incentives um Milestones simy actually tries junimo cart we’re really we’re really grasping at straws here with the at this point that’s fine though one more thing to have right one more thing to have um okay it’s the dwarf’s birthday I hope you’re excited little buddy um I hope you are excited okay we should probably go to the island and try and get a um Quest again today cookies junimo cart ruined you yeah that’s that’s what’s my what’s in my future I’m kind of scared okay [Music] blueberries take those as well has the wine aged yet um most of it just finished we might have a couple more in there that were like slightly delayed um that we might want to check on but most of it did just finish okay oops complete fail yeah we could also do the movies for friendship but I think we got time you know Marissa I feel like we got time okay I need to get my star fruit seeds um and then we will plant them inside of there I only have 58 okay we have to go to the uh desert then so that’s sad take all of that please oh I did not mean to put a blueberry in there I guess I’m doing blueberries in here that’s like basically not worth it all right I’m doing blueberries in here too all right I shall save inside of this chest don’t worry about saving the gold and silver I don’t think um dollar train to Judo cart thank you so much thank you for that donation um all right we should probably try and go buy some some star fruit then okay what adorable mushrooms in my shed oh they’re from the um they’re from the Juno catalog they are they’re little lamps actually believe it or not which is kind of cool um this is turning into a mess a mess I tell you I didn’t chop like any of these yeah I quite like them though I think they’re really sweet oh you can’t see any of this stuff it’s behind my face cam okay why don’t you chop all that too whatever is happening behind my face cam is a secret yeah just take my word for it okay I swear I was chopping wood I swear okay am I going live later I won’t be live later we’re um we’re just going to stream once today um just going to stream once today um yeah I’m not I won’t be live again later only for right now I might want to try and plant some more of those to be honest I’m just going to break all this I know it was Blue Grass but I might try and put some stuff down here we could probably try and plant more C props down here if we wanted to um streamer only streams once in a day unbelievable I know well the thing is I’m I’m dealing with a lot of um uh and please don’t I know you’re going to laugh at me for this I’m dealing with a lot of like guilt and anxiety what oh my God I had a secret keg right there guilt and anxiety about not doing enough with the fundraiser um I know I know that’s ridiculous Lil simsy you sound silly saying that um but it’s true so all anyway that’s I did I did think about it and then people are like what are you going to stream again I’m like maybe but no I shouldn’t do that I shouldn’t do that okay um I don’t have enough iron bar S I need to make more iron bars let’s go in there I also am running out of just iron in general so okay that’ll all start going um oh Courtney thank you so much for the donation to St Jude I am sending you so much love um and and and luck to you with the procedure thank you so much for the huge donation to St Jude I’m really glad that we’ve been able to like be there for you a little bit in this weird time time um yeah that’s the thing Dan iron ore is the hardest to get it feels like and um it’s what you need the most I need it the most often and it’s what I have the least of um all right let’s go to the desert now and I’ll buy some more star fruit seeds um okay okay I’ll probably chop some of these trees down while I’m here too broccoli uh Flopper suggesting a Sims Medieval stream as an incentive oh oh we’ve streamed a lot of Sims Medieval on um on our Channel over the years we are big Sims Medieval fans around these parts U we are big big big SES medieval fans around these parts um we probably should we probably should do that too again um pit Beast you know classic Dan somebody in chat earlier um they were talking about um they were like have you ever had an authentic British roast dinner um and I was kind of telling about how we sort of make a roast not really you know like that but we make a roast with the cauliflower do you want to make roast cauliflower and like potatoes and stuff for dinner tonight it might be kind of fun we have to go to the store but might be like a fun fancy plan all right you’re watching a f I didn’t tell you I was live oh no sorry that it didn’t remind you that stinks um can you have some please I’ll make enough to share don’t worry everybody I got you I got you um I think it’s so nice that simy and Dan are going to cook us dinner Nix thank you for the $150 to St Jude what thank you so so so much for that incredibly generous donation thank you they’re so thoughtful for including us yeah no worries Chad I got you I got you okay I’m thinking I want to start trying to save up some of these broccoli seeds cuz I’m thinking that I’ll probably plant some broccoli next season cuz the broccoli regrows I have 25 so we can put it in one of our big Open Spaces which will be kind of cool um I would like that I think train is passing through stardy Valley have I seen the new kits uh I’ve I’ve heard a lot about them I’ve been actively trying to avoid the leaks I really don’t like to see leaks of the kits cuz and more so of like expansion packs and stuff I prefer to like be surprised so I while it’s impossible to avoid hearing about it you know obviously I’m a Sims YouTuber I try not to look cuz the op object list leaks and I don’t want to see the object list like I I really would like to get a chance to uh experience the objects for the first time when I see it in game so I try not to look at them um nerra 6 thank you for the $150 to St Jude as well thank you so so so so so much oh my goodness um yeah that’s the thing cuz there’s no gameplay in the kits like when you see an object list leak that’s the entire kit like the whole thing’s ruined so I try not to look at it cuz I I like to experience it um and I feel like it makes I don’t know I like to have like reactionary type content too and you can’t really do that if it you’ve seen a leak so you never buy kits so you look at it yeah that makes perfect sense I mean I can see most people not caring about that you know like I can totally see most people having uh absolutely zero concerns about um looking at kit leaks but for me I just don’t really want to see you know um all right you put those away that’s 54 of them that’ll do that’ll do okay I’m going to move these kegs probably out of this room eventually cuz I’m going to build another shed um oh maybe I could try and build another shed now hold on should we try to do that to go up to Robin and build a shed now started to put kegs on your Island yeah I have kegs on my Island too um H actually you know what we probably should bring those kegs to the island now that I think about it um that’s probably better for them cuz I have like a maybe we could go work on trying to improve the island a little bit that might be good oh Tess thank you for that huge Don to St Juden thank you for the kind words oh I have to give the dwarf his birthday present that would have been so bad I’m going to do that first I’m going to do that first put kegs in the bus tunnel that would be good too that would be good too I kind of like having them more on my farm because I feel like I’m able to um that’s the wrong place I feel like when they’re on my farm I’m able to check them more frequently but we have a schedule for the ones on the island so um happy birthday are we friends yet yes nine Hearts okay we’re almost there I got to give a gift to crus now um 48 oh my gosh sweet thank you for the $150 to St Jude we just passed [Music] $48,000 oh my gosh um thank you thank you thank you yeah Dan I have kegs outside of my shed too so I know I so I know when they’re done as well um I do the same thing it’s helpful it’s really helpful to know that way um Millie thank you you’re drawing All In The Stream oh very fun how many people are like doing something like artsy right now while you’re watching the stream I know a lot of people i’ I’ve been told this week a lot of crocheting in the chat while I’m streaming which I am obsessed with um I love that but anybody doing anything else kind of crafty these days um I need to put some more stuff down here I don’t really know what you know what I had more preserves jars there but then I got rid of them maybe I’ll make myself like six of them that would be good one two three four five six okay um and then I will put probably oh nothing’s in there okay that’s cool though Ashton I love that that’s still fun um no you know what I’ll grab actually is some of this stuff cuz I can put these in here easily good that’s good money I will also save these here for now yeah it’s all of this that we got to start working on maybe I’ll make some more um cuz we want Oak resin maybe I’ll plant some more oak trees um I might want to get some tree fertilizer where did she go tree fertilizer little green buddy oh I have no fiber anymore oh God okay well I guess I’ll just plant some acorns using a level four parot recently oh that is smart actually you probably get a lot of money off of that um I’ll plant some acorns and I’ll plant some mahogany seeds and I’ll just get these all kind of lined up in here I think one two three four did I put too much space in between the others I don’t know if I’m just going to chop these so it doesn’t really matter where I put them does it does not really matter to me or maybe I’ll tap them who knows these ones I was going to chop that’s what our lovely mahogany seeds are for okay um no probably just do that many cuz I’m going to put another shed right here so we don’t want to get into it too much all right that should be fine that should be fine um and then I will put these things back where they belong okay I guess um I don’t have to go to the island for a while I could probably expand I have some kegs down here I can fit like two more which would be good that I can see I guess I can have one right there as well okay if we really want to I could put some like right here should I just leave them until these are finished though probably and then once our shed’s built we can put them in there nice what are we doing we’re playing a little bit of stardy Valley today um we’re hanging out we’re farming um things are going quite well I would say um thanks Milly yeah we hit the $400,000 goal yesterday I could not believe it um it was really really cool um it’s been a really fun couple of weeks but yesterday was wild um all right I think I may um I’ll just go to bed never mind never mind how long are we here today um I’ve been live for almost 3 hours I’ll be here for a little bit longer I’m not quite done yet um we’ll be here for a bit oh I meant to check on the um the basement I’ll have to do that on the way out today do I have any plans for my break when the month’s over oh it’s the green R I was just talking about how I have no Fiber Well I spoke it into existence now I do now I shall have fiber um all right hopefully we have enough wine to replace all of this and um then we’ll have to get some more crafted or saved I mean from the next batch oh I missed some I’ll get them on the way out don’t worry yay plenty we have plenty anyway and when we finish the fundraiser um the question is what are you going to do when you take a break I’m going to have a few days off um and I’m going to do nothing no what I’m actually going to do um I’m I’m going to like not stream over the weekend probably next weekend um do nothing stream during the week and then next next weekend I’m going to visit my grandma in Chicago so um that’s the plan pretty much um all right that’s 67 starfruit wine worth 300K I will gladly accept that I will take these also oh my God not the green rain trees terrible okay we’re going to go get so many weeds just you wait um your grandma in-law lives in Chicago and she’s 99 that’s so cool yeah my um my dad’s family is from Chicago um okay we’re going to get some nice Moss from this as well so that’ll be good very excited about that yeah I’m just going to go like all over the place and get so much of this cuz I literally have no fiber left I used all of it up um which I was trying to make Bluegrass starters and then I realized I had less fiber than I thought and I made all of it and I used literally all the stuff that I had left over um okay you go up here we’ll hit this myself okay good that happened to you too really yeah I was like I immediate regret after that one oh it made a lot of my trees grew oh it was really smart enough smart of us to plant those yesterday cuz look so many of them are already full grown good work team we didn’t know that it was going to rain but um that was worth it that was well worth it we’ll get a bunch of hardwood from that too okay keep going so much of this oh I was going to put a few of these things I was going to sell them wasn’t I maybe I’ll go around who knows tree fertilizer who I know we were like oh man we have no Moss so we can’t make tree fertilizer cut to us having all of or not Moss I we have no fiber so we can’t make tree fertilizer cut two the green rain fertilizes our trees and gives us all kinds of fiber sounds good to me to me all right I’m going to sell a lot of this stuff real quick just to get it away I’m keeping these Tomatoes oh look huge moment we were just talking about needing more wine we were just saying how we were going to have to start saving up some more for the next um well we still have like a month but I don’t want to forget so I’ll try and keep like a hundred of these to be aged okay thank you thank you okay um let’s put all this star fruit in here I’m trying to be very careful as to not mess up and miss one that was good to the ears yeah why do you need the wine oh we’re trying to get rich we have to earn 10 million gold you can see I have almost 2 million gold now we need 10 million gold um to buy this golden clock thing so uh we’re basically in the long process right now of trying to turn so much wine into money I missed one right there or so so much star fruit into wine uh into money so that’s what we’ve been up to very good all right that should be enough we’ll save all of that um 68 bottles is the amount of wine that I need for the basement is it um okay I’ll come back and fix those fences again another time I’m going to put that in there so I don’t forget and the wine brings in the most money the wine is a very effective uh tool maybe I’ll keep like 80 five in there no I’ll keep 100 in there that’s what I said I was going to do don’t change your mind simy we can’t build the shed today cuz it’s the green rain I don’t think Robin’s going to work she might but I don’t think she does um oh Beth thank you for the $10 I’m glad that our streams have been helping you through all your uni work you got this um I had 67 today and one unfinished one yeah but there’s more um there’s more than 68 in there I had like a little bit more than half oh yeah and it’s Tuesday anyway yeah so she won’t be there no matter what um we have so I I don’t remember how many of the little casks I have but basically we’ll need more of it eventually so I’ll just keep it in there they only get upset the first year oh maybe I’m not sure it doesn’t matter she won’t be there no matter what but thanks for reuniting my stard do Obsession an Le thank you for the donation I’m glad that we did that for you I’m very glad okay let me keep my fiber and my Moss up so I can see what we’ve got I want to know I want to know 219 okay yeah we’re literally going to spend like all day doing this I think I’m sorry if this is boring um I’m trying to get a bunch of extra it also would be nice if we can make some more mushroom logs that would be good too um you have about 100 cast in your basement okay yeah I don’t know how many I have Scythe ASMR yeah basically huh okay yeah s this this stuff the green rain that I’m doing right now this is new this came out in the update uh that was like a couple months ago um it’s like a special event that happens once every summer um It’s actually kind of cool if I I probably won’t want to spoil like some of the storyline for you in case you pick up stardo again cuz there’s some really fun like dialogue that the townies have on the first one cuz they’re like oh my God we’re dying the screen rain um but I you should probably pick up the game again cuz you might like it you misheard what I said and thought I said there’s 100 cats in my basement I mean I wouldn’t put it past me if somebody was going to have a scary number of cats it’d be me dried common mushrooms and white that’s easy I can get that for you um your elderly dog judee’s having a dental surgery so you’re manifesting Jude good luck by donating Jude the dog thank you for the donation yeah it’s it’s the basement part in Florida we don’t have any of those no I don’t I would never actually I don’t really uh see myself in my life having more than like three cat um I like having a lot of cats now but I worry about um ability to provide adequate attention to all cats you know all right I’m going to chop these I want some more wood there we go yeah The Rock C have a bunch of babies in my save it’s kind of cool it’s kind of cool um all right what what did they say dried common mushrooms and white algae cuz I can make that for them pretty easily um the only way you would have 100 cats is if you also had more kids to sare for the cats yeah yeah more people would be helpful you need to have about 1,000 litter boxes if you’re trying to have 100 cats oh my goodness so much down here this is good this is good as a person who has three cats sometimes I feel like we have a king-size bed as well but sometimes I feel like our bed’s not big enough for all these cats they to be fair they kind of sprawl out and they take up so much room I get like pinned down by cats when I try and sleep but imagine if you had more and they were all trying to be on the bed we barely got room for the five of us on the bed get a bigger bed just for the cat yeah well shrimp is also absolutely enormous [Music] so he spreads out you know you know um we’ve seen shrimp lay on the floor we know the sprawl yeah you’ve seen you know he spreads out so much um Lauren thank you for saying that thank you for the donation to St Jude um that’s really cool they try and sleep on my pillow snap does that snap likes to be on the pillow not every night but sometimes um the kittens don’t try and get on the pillow really cat ears oh my God some of these I don’t have yet I don’t think I have these ear muffs yet either oh my goodness we’ll have to go through and buy some more hats one of these days I’ll get my ear muffs ready for the winter they sleep on your husband’s CH chest with their butt in his face yeah y sounds about right sounds about right all right we’ve got 532 of this that’s pretty good if we just get like the last little bit of it um that’s down here in the forest I think I’ll feel confident about how much we have we are at like 88 or 89% Perfection Isabelle we just it’s the golden clock pretty much and like a couple of uh crafting recipes that we haven’t gotten yet from the island but I’m not like trying to Super speedrun that those last two because obviously I still have a golden clock to get which means I need about 9 million more gold so um we don’t really need that many more Fiddle Head ferns no I’m not really even chopping the trees that have them just because I have so many at home um but yeah we need money right now is kind of the main thing the golden clock itself is 10% of perfection it’s like a massive role in the Perfection task so okay thank you everyone almost done it’s 1120 yikes look I got 600 though that’s a lot that’s going to help us um glattus thank you for the $10 to say Jude thank you so much um okay that golden clock is quite the row Flex you’ve heard of a Rolex uh get ready for a Rolex with my golden clock that cost $10 million what do you need so much for of the fiber um I don’t really need that much fiber I just had none left um because I used all my fiber up uh making Blue Grass um so I wanted some more to like kind of replenish that and also I really wanted to have um oh that’s it that’s the whole reason never mind oh maybe you need money the money is cuz the golden clock is expensive that was the only thing I was going to say sorry I distracted myself um you get the Bluegrass recipe from the island you need to get into the Walnut Room which you maybe don’t haven’t heard of and I’m sorry if that’s a spoiler um okay let’s sleep oh my goodness we made 400k today that’s more than I thought I thought we’d get like 350 so Bonito thank you for the donation I appreciate that it’s Wily’s birthday today oh I got the next achievement we have officially earned 10 million gold total so um good neighbors respawn the dangerous mines most powerful weapon craft every item we’re almost there we are almost there okay I’m going to go to to the island oh I need to make some I need to dry some common mushrooms don’t I I should have done that last night and I didn’t look how many of these I have okay make sure I do not forget when I pick these up tomorrow that I need to give them to um at least one of them to the little raccoon guys that is important okay I might also quick recycle those three all right save all that save that very nice oh and you can dump those too okay do I have any more um fences yes cuz they’re always breaking terrible oh I got battery packs from The Stingrays we put those stingrays down because people were like oh you might get dragon teeth from them I still have yet to get any dragons teeth from them but I did get my first battery packs from them so that’s got to count for something okay um oh my goodness I guess I’ll I need to go get some more starf fruit I’ll put that starf fruit in there um we’re just going to stream stter today Le I did a 7-hour Sim stream yesterday though so if that’s um something that excites you I’ve I’ve been playing a lot of Sims this week oh no I forgot to put the star well that I didn’t add when I did those last night so they’re going to be out of sync those are supposed to be there on the outside so that I know when they’re done but I forgot that’s fine now these will be in with it so we can just wait until these are done and then get them that way and that’s probably a good thing cuz it’s all going to be the same time then okay I did finish the $2 million mansion builds yeah cat we finish that on Friday um so thankfully we have finished that one okay save that I need to go to the island now um cuz I want to pick up another Quest if I can and then oh you know what I’ll do first though is go build another Shed from Robin that’s better we shall start there oh I’m missing some more thingies right there okay more grapes um anyway gladus thank you again for that huge donation to St Jude and San said what’s my number one sty Val value advice oh my goodness I don’t even know where to start with that um oh Leo’s here no oh that was an accident oh my God stupid Kayla I gave him the wrong gift he said he accepts my gift I was not trying to give him that I was just trying to talk to him um anyway with stardo advice I feel like it depends where you’re at in the game and like what you’re trying to do I don’t even know where to begin with that really um um I hate when I give them something by accident like that that’s so annoying it’s okay um honestly don’t be afraid to use the wiki I think as a good piece of advice um cuz there’s some things that are like kind of confusing um and hard to remember cuz there’s just so much in this game um so that maybe is a good piece of advice um with starting um honestly if you can try to get down the mines as quickly as possible and get your farming skill level up as much leveled up as quickly as possible you’ll be thriving cuz you are really going to be happy when you have sprinklers so trying to get the materials for Sprinklers and getting sprinklers quickly is helpful um when you’re able to not like quick quick but you know like um trying to prioritize that early game will be a huge help to you okay well I’ve saved a few of those now so that’ll help us later on and that is all the wood that we have left yikes um I’m going to make myself some copper bars while I am in here I think that would be nice okay feminist cheesecake thank you for the donation also to St Jude thank you so much feminist cheesecake is kind of a legendary name okay I’m going to see what Mario claims that she did I never realized the amount of care and planning necessary to run a farm it’s a lot like working in the lab yeah I’ve been trying to tell you I’ve been trying to tell you all right to the island then I might chop like all this when I get back um okay broccoli um oh yeah Judith it does it ships it the next day oh no um yeah you’ve lived here for how long Maru and you’re just now catching on to the fact that it’s a lot of work to run a farm interesting Mario you we’ve been here for like two we’ve been married for like 2 years saying that while not helping is so funny right she’s just standing there she’s not helping us um oh my God 100 of each red orange yellow green blue and purple items um junimo cart endless mode I don’t know this one wasn’t that bad when we did it last time I don’t think so maybe we could try and do that um I’m I can’t do junimo Kart as we’ve learned so I can’t do that it’s not for me um the Prismatic range one is pretty easy actually I’m going to chop these real quick I don’t like having to do it though CU I feel like it’s a waste of so many things but whatever whatever I’ll take these real quick and I will bring them home with me okay so I guess we can try and get all of that stuff together first um I like the idea I take these two real quick as someone who lives on a farm can confirm it’s a lot of work oh my God gosh I cannot even imagine um oh El Franco wait you’re donating $2 for every question your non Sims playing husband got correct during Sims Jeopardy that is so fun I love that you did that that is so fun forcing him to play and then donating for all the ones that he got right uh Kim um your daughter Thea watches with you um happy happy birthday Thea thank you so much for sharing and thank you for that donation um that is really cool um um all right let me put these things away and these things away and also while I’m here these things away okay okay so we have to get a 100 of each color and we need obviously red orange yellow green blue purple so easy peasy is yellow we can do 100 sap absolutely no problem so that’s yellow we can do for green honestly some of this fiber that’s 100 I was doing last time void Essence for purple which I thought was pretty useful um we can do ore copper ore is good for orange orange yellow green blue purple okay so we just need red red and blue so sucks to waste fiber yeah but I mean like Alternatives I guess could be some crops I have a bunch of hops um I’m not really using those anymore so we could put the Hops in first um I have a lot of rubies but doesn’t that feel like a massive waste I have blueberries too so that’s no problem um okay don’t you have strawberries I don’t have a 100 strawberries I have some strawberries we did cranberries last time um oh yeah that’s fine we can do cranberries again that’s enough that is enough um yeah so if we bring some of the Hops I could probably bring some tea leaves too cuz I don’t really use them then it’s not that much fiber yeah it can be combinations of items yeah you can do combinations if you want my dinosaur is in my crops spaghetti from the saloon works for red oh my God that’s really funny I probably wouldn’t spend all that money on it but that’s hilarious um oh explosive ore is pretty good probably too uh ammo or whatever I just don’t want to waste all that stuff you know so many different things that you can pick yeah Spaghetti would be so expensive joj Cola works for blue too oh that’s smart also that’s really funny this is my second time doing this quest in this safe I don’t really want to do it again after this feels like a waste but there now it’s not that bad yay um well we still don’t have any great friends I still can also not buy the last things that I need I’m trying to get the um I need the hopper recipe and oh actually the hopper is the only recipe that I still need so one more Quest and we’ll get it that’ll be good that’ll be good I will chop some of this hardwood down real quick um I’m not going to stream The Sims today friend I I did a 7h hour Sims stream yesterday um if that makes it up to you oh my God I’m feeling so much guilt the number of people that are like are you going to play Sims are you going to do a second stream I’m feeling so much guilt about this H I’m trying so hard to do so much I’m feeling a lot of guilt about not doing enough enough for the charity stream even though I’ve literally been doing everything so much I just let it get to me you know um I just let it get to me um Sarah thank you for the $10 to St Jude as well thank you so much that is so generous um that is so so so generous okay let’s come put or let’s come do some chopping I can get rid of all these That Grew already oh wait I was going to put tappers on them wasn’t I oh fail I was going to chop these hardwood trees and chop those that’s okay it’s totally fine um okay so I have to make three or four tappers um one two three four that’s good more Oak resin that’s what we need um I’ll put one on this tree I guess I could put them on more than that but I don’t know oh my God this is literally all wood everywhere and broken the whole thing is turned into the trees oh my God okay that’s good too tree island yeah seriously okay this is the uh Meadowlands Farm or whatever the farm type that we’re playing on right now um it’s the one that came out new in the update oh the birds chirping that you’re hearing that is in the game that’s not in real life that is in the game that would be cool if it was in real life but it’s in the game okay well this gives me an excuse to make like two more tappers I guess so that’ll be good oh Leah thank you for the donation and for being so nice to me it’s I know I just um I don’t know I want to do everything in my power um to raise money for charity this month but I don’t think that streaming again later is an effective use of my time um especially if I have to uh finish all the donation incentives I have to like balance everything you know um we got a lot of work to do and we need to we need to balance it so I know a lot of the wood fell into the water but it’s okay Ally we got plenty of wood still from it all oops oops there we go there we go if only you knew how much uh nonstop everything’s been this month um it’s it’s a lot to organize something like this but must fund raise yeah literally Court yeah yeah okay um so what was I going to make I was going to do two more tappers that’s right that will be good um oh hello duck you’ve escaped that’s okay if you want to escape I won’t judge you do what you got to do okay that’s good that is good um oh no faith that’s horrible I can’t believe people do stuff like that oh we have to go pick up our trash can tomorrow too you know what I should grab before Oh put that back I should grab um oh here that’s actually good that I checked that we’re going to need gold bars um so that’ll be really good we’ll get that started I have some blueberry jelly that’ll be good too um how far in advance do I start planting the fundraiser each year um I don’t know I guess there’s like levels to it right because um to an extent I’m already kind of thinking about next year’s fundraiser right now but I’m not actively planning it I probably I probably say I start planning it um like in the New Year like like come January we kind of start um but then it like really amps up in March and April um this year I was scrambling because somebody not naming any names this cat got cancer and had to have surgery um and and uh that was like what early April or something um so that really uh threw me with my planning so that was not so good that was not so good um it happens it happens but just keeping us on our toes you know all right I will get my melons um I might grow a little bit of wheat in this for the next couple of days too um I think that would be a good thing to do um she’s doing a lot better she’s doing a lot better um she’s I would say thriving now thankfully can’t stop won’t stop oh my gosh you got Perfection on your metal lands Farm a couple weeks ago and now you started a beach Farm to play again that’s going to be fun I’ve barely played on a beach Farm um I haven’t really used the beach Farm type that much um so I’ve been thinking about doing a beach farm at some point soon too cuz I want to do um like the rest of my my um sorry my expanded mod playthrough but then I was thinking about playing on a beach Farm as like another Next Step I’m not like the biggest fan of the beach Farm but I feel like um because of that it means I never use it and it might be kind of fun to use it so that’s sort of what I’m thinking um okay I like having a lot of crops though so who knows you want me to play as a boy Tilly it’s a good story I know it’s a nice like story arc with Alex but you know okay um the next thing I was going to do what did I say I needed to do today uhoh I can’t remember oh oh wheat seeds I was going to buy some wheat seeds that’s right we’ll go do that um we shall go do that all right I am excited Ray of sunshines I am sending you so much love I’m glad that I’ve been there for you this month Ray um thank you for sharing that with me that’s really kind of you we got two more Oak presents that’s good stuff that’s good stuff you’re going to be a boy marry Alex for your JoJo run that’ll be good that’ll be good I think um oh you know what you want a blueberry Caroline I can do that easily and I get my ticket from that okay wheat seeds how many is it 48 I think it’s 48 okay and then I can bring a blueberry to Caroline that’s fine and then I get my ticket and then I get my fancy tea and then problem solved I’m going to give it to Leo tomorrow um how long do it take me for to get for me to get this far in a a save you know I’ve literally been playing this save for like close to 80 hours or something I can’t I have to check when I close the game I can’t do it today I’ll have to like do it tonight when the game sleeps um I don’t want to reset the day by accident but we’ve been playing the save for a long time to get this far ahead um okay slowly saving up kegs oh my gold that’s good cuz I wanted to get my uh gold trash can I have to bring one of these and I also have to bring a um set of little bits of algae to those little guys the raccoons I think it was four but I’ll bring a little bit more than that just in case okay oh and a blue Berry oops yep that’s good um get rid of those okay let’s go to Caroline first um I have a plant before the te- still oh do I have a plant before the tea still uh-oh if so that’s bad vibes I got the mushroom don’t worry I got it I got it for the raccoon I’m hoping that Caroline will be in here I need to look her up on the wiki hold on it’s a summer Thursday Caroline um what will she be like in the town square is anyone else lagging uhoh I I only see you it looks like my stream’s not lagging it might be which I can’t tell okay any ideas about Caroline any ideas um a th000 pieces of stone in a week rainbow trout that might be doable for us to catch 10 rainbow trout I might try that um cuz and then I can get another chcken okay thank you for my upgraded trash can I don’t know why I waited this long to do that okay um we can check the library yeah it is Caroline I don’t think so I’ve never seen her in there though somebody said um there’s an error message oh that’s just just the um alerts Tilly they like they usually fix themselves but I’ll refresh it maybe she’ll be by the community center okay when I try and catch the rainbow trout what time 6:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. okay she should be at the shop you think I was in there first unless she’s in her like little tea room um cuz I was I looked in here first so no no maybe she’s by the community center let’s find that out and then we have to catch rainbow trout car line do you think she might be in there Evelyn’s in here no it’s only a Thursday so she must be at the island I bet she’s on the island if I look at my relationship panel yeah swimsuit she’s on the island that’s okay I’ll catch her when she gets back I’ll catch her when she gets back um can you see on the map no not without mods I don’t know why I didn’t check that first I I knew I should have um swimsuit boo okay we’re going to try and catch rainbow trout then I’m going to make myself some rainbow trout bait again um and then this can be caught in the river um I’ll bring myself to cuz I can get another one of my little um tickets from this okay is it a long stream today um I guess it’s longish I’ve been live for almost three and a half hours but how did my chest get so big oh you can get an upgrade for them now you can get an upgrade for them now we will not be able to finish all this today but we can do a little bit of it today oh my gosh Jore thank you for the $150 donation to St Jude thank you so so so so so much um that is so cool thank you for that donation oh I got 10 that’s good all right let’s catch 10 rainbow trout shall we chat um I’m ready easy that’s one and two you only just got the notification Oh weird twitch I’ve been live for 3 hours what is wrong with you hey Clockwork thanks for coming by I’m glad you caught the stream live that’s so fun and you too PL up Mel it’s good to see you as well um it’s good to see you tiger woman I have that on a permanent timer um I have on a permanent timer it’s intentional how many is that three maybe um that’s so annoying same universes I’m sorry that it’s been doing that um a present very fun hopefully I can catch all 10 oh you finished the book I saw actually I saw you say brew that it destroyed you in mods um which is what I heard about it should I read it or no or no yes okay add it to the list add it to the list um it’s got a lot of big words okay um very interesting it’s called the ministry of time I’ve heard a lot of my friends have said really good things about it um I haven’t read it yet but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it um okay any tips chat I’m really in a fish um I never am good at answering people that ask for help with it um honestly the best advice I could give you is to get the training rod from Willie and practice with it because that makes you better and it makes your in-game character better which will make it easier for you to fish um in the future it was cute and then it made you want oh that’s good it was that anxiety inducing oh no oh no if it was that anxiety and doy maybe I shouldn’t read it no I’ll probably read it um I’d like it maybe not right now okay I’ll wait until we’re in a better place there you go there you go maybe that’s the spirit um all right just a couple more we’re almost there um I ever try a Perfection speed run in stardew a Perfection speedrun is like 20 plus hours um I’m not cut out for that kind of speed running I I did a community center speedrun and I find I found that incredibly distressing um to the point where I didn’t like it so I can’t really see myself doing a whole Perfection speedrun you’re trying to map socks nice Christine good for you okay I’m going to wait for Caroline to get back from the island now um yeah massive seagull I thought I was going to do that on Monday and then my grandpa had to go to the hospital and I became extremely emotionally unwell and thought you know what maybe I shouldn’t stream two times a day multiple times this week so um we had a slight change of plans oh I’m just going to sit here wait for Caroline I got to drink some water it’s been a lot this week been a lot it’s been a lot um how long are we here until I’m not really quite sure um I’m going to play at least probably a couple more days I have a blueberry for Caroline but I want to make sure she gets away from the others so I don’t give it to the wrong person okay good and extra prize ticket okay now I have two prize tickets now I get my tea now we’re set anyway I’m feeling a lot of guilt about that at this current moment in time because it’s been brought up all day um like the non-stop why aren’t you streaming again later are you going to stream twice today I’m like oh I’m horrible um all right I got my tea I got my tea yes yes um okay so I will save that for tomorrow because tomorrow is Leo’s birthday so I got to give that to him um and that’ll save our rest of our relationship with Leo we only need two more Hearts actually which isn’t that bad but um I’m going to go give these things to the little um raccoons too um don’t think they’re upset just curious well a lot of them are like why are you playing this and not Sims is why it’s kind of getting to me Court but they don’t understand that I’ve been hearing it all day um they don’t know oh I got another one um so it’s it’s not like a mean message it’s just that like when you see it 50 times it m it really weighs on you heavily when you already are dealing with some guilt but I don’t want to make you all feel guilty I just I’m having guilt about um I I think it makes sense that I do this fundraiser every year and I try so so hard to do as much as I can to raise money for these kids um and I uh want it to go so well so badly you know um and then it’s like you know I have probably like 12 hours of work to do after I get off stream with writing all of the letters um so like I have so much to do today but then I’m like still not doing enough you know it’s just it’s a personal anxiety problem so that’s where we’re at um that’s where we’re at okay um so nice nice I want to try and get caught up with the rest of by the way if you didn’t know if you donate $150 to St Jude I will send you this adorable card and I will also send you four stickers you’ll get one of each of these really cute emote stickers um if you donate $150 I I’m going to try and get caught up with the ones that I have not yet sent um which is probably like 200 that I haven’t done um which is a good problem to have so that’s my plan for after stream um I’m going to work on all of those can I use this in here maybe that’s good um maybe we should go bring so I’ll give one of the star drop teas to Leo tomorrow that’ll get the rest of the hearts maybe I’ll give the other one to kobis because he’s my bestie and I’m obsessed with him yeah I’ll bring him a diamond too we might as well no star draw the t-shirts are only available in the month of May um so they’ll they’ll be gone after May yeah Dr monster you get it the like ridiculously high standards that you hold yourself to you know yeah yeah um you all get it okay star drop tea for my besti kobus I might not have to use it but we’ll see do we have 10 Hearts I would rather give it to you kobus because I love you oh we have 10 hearts with kobis oh good okay so I’ll give this to the dwarf then and then I’ll give the other one to Leo tomorrow okay you keep a chest of aridium horse prod in the seers for Cris really uh peey thank you for the donation broccoli Jesse uh in memory of your brother St Drew was his favorite charity thank you so much for sharing and for that incredibly generous donation to St Jude thank you so much um I really appreciate that okay oops lost lost oh really mity I don’t think I knew that well there you go um go to Clint it’s faster yeah I don’t know why I didn’t by the time I thought about it I was already halfway here and I was like well guess it’s too late I rode all the way here um all right well I’m going to give you this topaz first oh never mind I can give you that instead they will always accept the beautiful gift um so now me and the dwarf are besties so last it’s just Leo and I’m going to give him the other star drop tea tomorrow so yay yay okay Leah actually believe it or not we raised $516,000 last year for St Jude um we raised about 990,000 of that in one day on the last day which was uh unbelievable and um we also had a massive donation match from s or from twitch sorry um twitch donated $25,000 last year and they did not this year so that’s another thing um so that’s almost 1 million in two years I know it’s really wild and kind of scary U really really wild kind of scary in a good way it’s just hard to wrap your head around you know um all right it is Leo’s birthday I am going to bring him a gift and he’s going to like it far Morp totem very cool I got a blessing of speed I will gladly accept that all right let’s get all these blueberries okay um I’m going to sell the expensive ones instead of just storing them all I think it’s more worth it um way more worth it okay so I will grab these little tea leaves and then where do you think Leo is going to be if it’s raining I feel like every time I look at the wiki it’s wrong so I struggle a lot with finding him righteous onion oh my goodness thank you for the $100 to St Jude thank you so much that is so generous of you to to donate thank you thank you thank you um all right nothing in here and then oh my thing is finished that’s good we’ll be able to start putting all of our stuff in there how much is needed for the clock we need 10 million for the clock and we have 2 million so um a lot is needed for the clock thank you Purple Haze I mean I I couldn’t do it without all of you it’s it’s thanks to everybody in the chat that we’re able to do all this together um and it’s really cool we’ve managed to do for charity together so thank you so much everybody um can I donate 8p it makes you the minimum that you can donate is $1 um you can’t donate less than $1 otherwise it won’t work on tiltify um six plus Hearts rain on a Friday he’s supposed to be in the mountain area Okay the wiki was wrong last time oh he is here oh my God okay here we go you remembered my birthday I did and now we should have Max hearts with everybody yes not my kids obviously but that doesn’t matter we did it Max Hearts um nice very nice so I think the next thing I’ll do is probably go to the island um cuz well I don’t really need to do I the island I have to go there tomorrow cuz I need to get our stuff um picked up stuff being like all of the um no wrong thing stuff being all of the ancient fruit okay this can be sold um the wiki wiki a 50/50 that’s why you get the map mod yeah that makes sense that makes sense the crafting recipes that I’m missing I’m pretty sure um well let me think this through okay hold on these can go and be moved now into the new thingy um so I’m pretty sure that we’ve crafted everything that I have the recipe for already um we just have to look and see what we’re missing I believe we’re missing one recipe from what’s his face maybe I should upload my save maybe I should upload my save to starty checkup because then I can find out um hold on let me get the all right this is mosow at 12:37 okay there’s a website called stardo checkup that you can upload your save file to and it gives you all such important information um so obviously we have um all of these things checked out um max out har B Bas game villagers we this is like from yesterday in game so it hasn’t saved Leo obviously we got Leo um we have not finished our family progress yet I haven’t seen Abigail’s eight heart event I haven’t seen basically any of Leah’s heart events um Leah we got we did that um we need to craft oh there’s a couple recipes that I know that I haven’t cooked yet then it’s the deluxe scarecrow the hopper and the desert warp totem I don’t have the desert warp totem recipe I thought I got that a long time ago okay well we can we can craft those things then um let’s start that now um let’s start that now so basic retaining soil for some reason I have not crafted basic retaining soil we need the glowstone ring oh cuz it was iron bar does that make sense heavy Tapper where is the heavy Tapper am I being silly is it the last page oh yeah I have no radioactive bars let me start getting some of those smelted that’s going to take ages oh just two sets Okay um all right well we can’t craft that yet so we’ll do that um speed grow just regular old speed grow I haven’t crafted regular old speed grow yeah um the island DWP totem I have to waste one of my dragon teeth GH stresses me out um the deluxe scarecrow we still don’t have and then so I guess it’s just the heavy Tapper and the hopper Deluxe scarecrow and then I need to buy the desert warp totem recipe the desert warp totem what do you need to buy the recipe is it aridium bars 10 aridium bars it’s just I must just keep forgetting to bring aridium bars with me when I go save those things for a sec okay um Georgia thank you for the $10 to say Jude thank you so much um 10 aridium bars I have to get one more Scarecrow from the um we have to go to the desert I guess I could do it now you know what I could bring let’s go gamble let me bring a lucky lunch and let’s go gamble I’m ready um we can do that it’ll be fun and then I will trade this I can’t believe I still haven’t traded for the desert worp totem recipe I’m like actually shocked at myself for still not having that yet I thought I did have it yeah don’t be like me gambling is bad kids but sometimes when you need a scarecrow it has to be done sometimes it has has to be done all right let’s play Slots okay okay nothing we could just buy it as well nothing nothing the camer reminds you of harvest moon really oh Bo I haven’t only played Harvest Moon so I’m missing out there you go that’s something oh my God here’s our file do you want to play one of these can I um let’s play I forgot how to play what do I do I think my cat Cam’s blocking it too help what do I do hit I lose that’s your fault how could you do this let’s play as the big shots stay under 21 oh okay the dealer has a three what do I do nothing with that I press stand I lose this is a mistake whip left thank you for the $150 um I’m sorry that you still struggle with that thank you for the donation and thank you for what you do being a pediatric nurse is magic thank you so much uh Ellen uh El sorry Elina Cara you got accepted into your master’s program congratulations um thank you for the donation uh wenella with the $5 thank you for the donation thank you so much I win okay I’m quitting I didn’t like that I just want to buy them oh my God don’t you need 10,000 I’m pretty sure that you need 10,000 to be able to buy the stupid scarecrow maybe I’ll play more slots this is terrible advice fail oh no not a fail I got something luck matters so I have magic can your lucky lunch I I just ate a lucky lunch Eve I brought one I already ate it I did already eat a lucky lunch um do you really Brew that’s fun I love that gambling is bad kids gambling is bad thank you again Elina and whipup for those massive donations to St J by the way thank you so much um as long as you have good luck you’ll get it from slots eventually yeah yeah oh Anonymous thank you for the $150 as well we just passed $449,000 raise thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you uhoh what is a lucky lunch it’s a it’s a food in the game Rose it’s a food in the game and it makes your there there’s like a luck mechanic in the game where your luck is like higher or lower on different days and if you eat lucky lunch it makes your luck higher it’s a it’s in the game it’s not like a real life thing oh um oh my goodness thank you all so much all right I’m maybe I’ll just pay for it it might be worth it to just buy at this point maybe I’ll buy up to 6,000 and then I’ll bet down to 5,000 and then we’ll see what happens cuz then we can bet a bunch you know you know this is why you don’t gamble kids it’s bad gambling is bad all right 6,000 I’m going to use this machine now here we go here we go you want brunch now oh that sounds good yeah we just passed 409,000 I pressed the button didn’t I now you’re making me second guess myself I thought I pressed the button um yeah Jacki you can press y you can like X and Y X and Y X and Y and it’s faster that way um I did press it okay good okay good how long will stream be today I’m not sure bleeding hearts maybe a little bit longer still um maybe a little bit longer gambling is [Music] good what’s the lesson here and that’s when you stop chat that’s the lesson when you win then you stop do I want to buy any of these other things um I don’t know I’m kind of interested in buying this top hat right why would I buy a hardwood fence from you I’ll probably leave all the rest of our uh gambling amount of money in there cuz I I’ll probably come back and do more at some point okay okay now we have the last um rarecrow at least I think we have the last scarecrow I might want to go check at home cuz if not that’s really bad I was pretty sure I had them all but I don’t know now I’m second guessing myself okay so that’s one that’s two that’s three we have down here the witch is four this one’s five six uh-oh do I not have them all I was convinced I had them all I don’t have the stardo Valley Fair one do I actually not have that one I don’t have the mouse either wait I must have the I’ve donated to the museum I don’t have the dwarf one do I actually not have have the Snowman maybe they’re just not placed they must be in a chest somewhere no no no no I didn’t bring them to the island cuz you can’t use scarecrows on the island oh no we’re in big trouble chat we’re in big trouble yeah the traveling cart has the Snowman all the time I don’t maybe the checkup does say which ones you’re missing let’s find out if it says on the checkup somewhere um Perfection tracker yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah arcade games yeah yeah yeah I don’t think it does I’m still missing some of the secret note rewards too yeah I don’t think it tells you which one the raccoon is right there what is it in here or is it outside you don’t need to place them yeah I know but oh I have the little mouse thingy I do have that one okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s the fair okay so that’s three we have the alien the fair one the mouse thing is behind my face cam we have the witch that makes four this one makes five that makes six so I’m missing the dwarf I have to buy that one and I’m missing the the Snowman one how do I not have the snowman I’m furious with myself you think I you saw the dwarf one oh maybe you did on the other side of the field with the star fruit is it no I don’t have the Snowman one over there I know that um little Flo thank you for the 22 the I was going to say the $22 donation oh my God charity brain rot has set in um thank you for the raid I’m so embarrassed by that okay nothing there bad bad bad bad bad um bad bad bad bad bad thank you for coming by it’s good to see you I’m sorry I’ve embarrassed myself so badly here um thank you so much for the raid I don’t understand how I don’t have the Snowman I guess I must have just thought that I got it in the first season and never bought it even though I thought that I had so that’s horrible cuz this whole time I fully thought that I had the Snowman already but I guess I just didn’t go to my house well if I have it if I had it it would be I’d have the recipe already wouldn’t I there’s no snowman Scarecrow in there no it’s tomorrow oh yeah it shows up in the traveling cart so it’s not a big deal um but I’m mad at myself okay the recipe shows up overnight I’m being told so let’s play one more day and then I’ll probably get off stream yeah Melvin thank you so much for the donation um thank you so much and from physics with love has just offered to match the next $500 of donations oh my gosh so have you’ve been thinking about donating now is a good time because physics uh is matching the next $500 um that is so cool thank you so much uh Melvin thank you for the donation again thank you so much um there’s a match okay my gold trash can is ready so I can upgrade to aridium as well um it only shows in the traveling cart in the fall or winter okay that’s fine good to know yeah I don’t think that um I don’t think that we have it all right I got some star fruit to harvest now chat um well you do have mail oh does the recipe come in the mail oh wait it’s from Pierre boo boo yeah if you’ve been thinking about donating though uh thanks to physics who is so generously offered to match um with that $500 match if if we raise 500 they’ll donate 500 is kind of the idea and that’ll get us to 410 $1,000 which is really cool um we’re trying to get the last the the special scarecrow recipe Danny but it turns out despite me thinking that I already had um all the rare crows I actually didn’t have all the rare crows so I don’t have the recipe so that’s our current problem um that is our current problem right now all right this is a lot of starfruit money Christine um with the $10 you finished organizing and and decluttering cherry tomatoes clothes oh that’s a huge task Christine thank you for the $10 which is actually not $10 but $20 thanks to physic’s match thank you so much um I’m glad I need to do some organizing today too I think if we have time I’m not going to have time I need to work on the letters I’m not going to have time that’s fine though it’s worth it Anonymous also gave $10 which is actually $20 thanks to the match uh Rachel with the dollar dollar train to 410k thank you so much um that’s not the last crafting recipe that I need what was the other one I closed my thing uh-oh uh-oh um the other one I I needed one from um I need one still from the Walnut Room I need to get a little bit more it’s like the hopper recipe I think that I’m missing um oh my God this is so much this is so much grace with the $10 oh you named the baby race car so so Grace was talking earlier a few days ago about calving at her Barn um there was a baby born um and and they named it race car which is such a cute name I love it um did I say Hopper isn’t that what I meant that’s what I meant to say right I don’t know what I’m talking about Ally thank you for the $10 to say too as well thank you so much um the hopp enough I have enough of the radioactive ore oh no um I I don’t have the recipe bought yet is the problem um I need to buy the recipe still um okay you know what I can make though is the heavy Tapper okay that scares me um Works twice as fast as a normal Tapper oh I didn’t mean to make a regular one oops we got to use some of this um about the Scarecrow oh um I checked the VOD and I didn’t buy the Snowman year 1 because I was too preoccupied with pumpkin soup I didn’t buy the Snowman year 1 because I was too preoccupied with pumpkin soup Kayla Anonymous thank you for the $50 to St Jude Emma with the $25 to St Jude jevie with the $25 thank you so much uh Anonymous said dollar train for me and for those that can’t thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um I cannot believe that I have cursed myself because of soup soup that actually kind of tracks you know wow so embarrassing so so so embarrassing okay you saved those extra tomatoes I can get rid of the others you save some more radishes save all of that and then I will sell these things okay good um star house you found an old Visa gift cards you’re donating the rest here thank you so much that is so cool like genuin so cool of you to do um I make can you turn the magma caps can I dry those o I haven’t done that yet I don’t know if that’s really worth it but it seems cool to me so I’ll try it I’ll try it um I can’t get it again until the festival comes back or it shows up in the traveling cart so we won’t be able to get it again until winter but that’s not the biggest deal um like it’ll be fine we um we’re probably going to need to play until winter to make the rest of the money that we need anyway so um Robin listen I am so so so so so proud of you that’s huge thank you for that donation um thank you so much um yeah drying the silver or lower mushrooms is worth it right I’m pretty sure um I think so I think so my next lizard hatched any ideas we’ve been doing like plant names for the most part um Sprout Oh that’s cute have I done that already no I haven’t oh good baby Sprout is born okay they’re they’re dinos it the game was like I think it’s a lizard the game’s like I don’t know what that is that’s why I said that um also Anonymous thank you for the $35 donation to the kids of St Jude thank you so much look at how many dinos I have um thank you thank you I really appreciate that and there’s still like $300 left of physic’s match so if you’ve been thinking about donating now is an amazing time to do so because your donation is going to be doubled yeah I’m out of hay I’m currently out of hay I know I know no it’s terrible it’s just terrible okay grab all of this come on um see morex see morex I can’t get him I can’t get him donate thank you for the $10 pay up or he’s going to eat you does that scare you cuz it should he’s a dangerous shark thank you for that donation oh my goodness oh take this too that’s 49 of them oh my God oh my God okay um I’m just going to sell like pretty much all of this uh blue thank you for the 333 to St Jude thank you so much um the dinos don’t attack you no thankfully not thankfully not um they just stay tiny they don’t actually get bigger than that either they stay very little all right we got another one other ideas the dinosaurs just lay eggs and their eggs are pretty expensive so that’s the bonus of them um any ideas any ideas oh basil that’s cute I now need to move you over to the other one I’m trying to keep all of our little guys in there very nice okay yikes save that stuff so far take all of those um is there anything maybe I’ll keep the extra duck feathers I might keep it an extra ostrich egg in there even though obviously um it’s not really um like it doesn’t go in the coupe but I’ll just keep it I’m going to sell the rest of this stuff I’m just trying to scr up extra money where we can um okay you bought Animal Crossing for your birthday because of me did you really that’s so cool that is so so so cool all right we should make a lot of money off of that today and now we got to go to the island um Next plan um shark fact dollar train they have pointy teeth Chloe says Visa gift card left over what’s my favorite highlighter color like for highlighting paper um I don’t know I think pink um Annie says donation match thanks kind people thank you so much and chat we’re just about halfway a little less than halfway through that donation match so if you donate right now it’ll get doubled by physics who is so kindly offered to match your donations um so now is a good time to donate if you’ve been considering it all right here we go I’m going to bring these extra two home with me I think cuz I plan on putting those inside of our new um shed at the house cuz I’m trying to get starfruit wine which is more expensive than the ancient fruit wine but um ancient fruit is good too Sydney thank you for the $10 congratulations on your graduation um and thank you for donating that is so generous of you um okay good that’s good lovely I really enjoy all this money that we make off of these we actually have a lot of a extra ancient fruit at home so I’m just going to sell all the stuff that doesn’t go into the kegs today which should also get us a whole bunch of money um you lost your airpods this morning no I’m so sorry oh that’s horrible nothing worse than than that well there’s some things worse than that but you know what I mean that sucks that really sucks um how did I get so much ancient fruit seed makers you start with just one and you slowly uh put them in seed makers until you grow more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and then you have a whole Island full of it um it’s kind of how it goes Anonymous thank you for the $150 donation to St Jude U they said thank you for all the hard work you put into this charity event thank you for donating that is so generous thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um what the heck what the heck okay we’ got all these pineapples that we can sell also which will also be good is ancient fruit or star fruit better for money um the star fruit is more expensive but the thing is with the star fruit you have to pay 400 gold per that you buy to plant um and it doesn’t regrow the ancient fruit just continuously regrows so it’s a little bit more passive which is uh perhaps bonus for you like I like to keep it on the island cuz I don’t have to keep checking um I find it kind of hard to like non-stop check if my stuff’s grown um so uh I I feel like the ancient fruit is better for the island but I keep starfruit on my farm in my Greenhouse so brinny thank you so much that is so much money thank you for donating Emily too with a donation please don’t ever apologize for not donating enough I really mean that um any amount of money to charity is a huge amount of moneyy to charity St Jude is a Children’s Research Hospital here in the US um they’re a research hospital so uh they treat patients from around the world uh that come far to St Jude for things like clinical trials sometimes um and and they’re doing a lot of groundbreaking research uh to help find cures for things like uh different types of Childhood Cancer things like sickle cell disease um and they’re doing all of that thanks to people like you um and your your generous donations so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we’re actually so close to $410,000 um II thank you so much oh there’s a tram in Helsinki that’s going to have pride colors for pride month that’s so cool I love when they do stuff like that um I wish they’d keep it year round to be honest um thank you so much and no the seasons don’t matter Maddie uh when you’re growing the crops on the island uh the island grows it’s basically like a giant Greenhouse the island Grows All crops all year round um so you can grow like the ancient fruit’s never going to die there if you put it on the island um say as your Greenhouse basically so okay well that’s not very many I’ll leave one outside um yeah the original goal at the begin beginning of the month was to raise $100,000 um and we kind of I would say we kind of smashed that goal let me see if I can make any more CS I have no Oak resin okay never mind I can’t make any more CS that’s fine that’s totally fine oh wait I forgot to talk to um hold on I got to watch that for a second um Nick happy birthday oh that’s the desert oh my god well that’s bad big mistake big mistake I wanted to go to the Walnut Room oh no um but happy birthday and thank you for that donation in honor of your grandparents thank you so much um thank you so so so so so much um all right I’m going back cuz I want to go to the island and see if I can get a Quest from the Walnut Room Before I Forget um and will the shirts be shipped the pre-orders end um at the end of the month Fanta and then they’ll they said like one to two weeks for shipping um after the pre-order time ends so um oh my God oh my God cat thank you for the one $150 donation to St Jude we just passed $410,000 rais second dance party oh this is a good one and physics thank you for your $500 donation match thank you so much thank you so so so much I got to get my Shark for this it’s good this is a good dance party physics said thank you for all that you do simsy so glad I found this community and amazed at all the great streams so far this month let’s get to 410k physics thank you for offering to match that $500 donation we just raised $1,000 like that thanks to you which is so cool thank you so much $410,000 that is such a wild number that’s amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody we’ve raised like 8,00 000 today alone and we’ve just been farming in the morning like I thought that nobody was going to come to this stream I thought it was going to be like I don’t know I don’t know what to expect thank you so much um thank you so much tigers um thank you thank you thank you for that donation to St Jude as well um the party button makes the stream freeze when you watch on your TV is it because of all of the like spamming in the chat cuz if so that’s hilarious that’s really funny like everybody dancing makes your your stream like close up basically oh I’m distracted again I was going to the island oh my goodness get it together L simsy get it together all right let’s go try to the island real quick um this is so cool thank you all so much um hammer of gone to the negativity no I don’t mean to be negative I don’t know I just I don’t know I didn’t know what to expect so thank you all so much uh Mac thank you for the donation it did Tigers I liked it it was good it was good your stream lagged chat you all dance so much that it made people stream lag you dance so much that the streams they lag all right let’s check for request none okay that’s fine see the last thing that I need to buy the last recipe that I don’t have um is for this Hopper um so we can’t do that yet we’re at 89% per Perfection because we’ve got 100% great friends um we’ve crafted 97% of the recipes so it’s just like a couple more recipes that we have to craft and then it’s the golden clock and then we’ve got Perfection we’ve done this really well this it’s gone really well it’s been a lot of fun now it’s just like the grind for money basically but um that’ll be good I think this might be the last day that I play to be honest I might I’ll probably be up until like 2: a.m. on this day but this might be the last day that we actually end up playing I’m going to try and chop some things and like get some materials together um and then we might wrap up the stream it’s been a lot of fun you know I love to farm so I really appreciate you letting me do this today I needed this it was fun um and and the plans for the next few days so tomorrow we’re going to be doing the mod shell challenge which um I’m kind of nervous about uh the mods basically make made me a Shell they it’s a puzzle shell so every single one of my mods made a room um like a a box of some sort and we have to use them like puzzle pieces and fit them together to make them into a building so we’re going to do that tomorrow the past couple years has been extremely chaotic um so that should be fun U that should be really really fun it won’t be like an official shell challenge that I’m going to like um you know do a tour stream for or anything because I don’t expect that many people to want to do the the mod show cuz it’s usually quite chaotic um but we’ll do that tomorrow and then on Tuesday I’m pretty sure that there’s going to be a Sims update cuz they’ve been teasing for like weeks now stay tuned in a couple weeks giant update stay tuned giant update so I don’t know there’s something they keep saying something is coming something is coming um in in on the main menu um so I guess we’ll probably try and do that um on or like do something related to it on Tuesday we’ll work on a build challenge for the most part but then also hopefully an update on Tuesday um and uh that’s the plan for the next big couple of days do you think it’s a hot tub I don’t know they don’t usually tease like this by saying like oh something’s coming I feel like we don’t usually get stuff like that out of them so I don’t know I don’t know what to expect but I’m kind of curious what if it’s a bathtub that would be funny if that was all it was after they teased it this much and it was like just a bathtub um yeah I don’t know I really don’t know what to expect I assume that there will probably be a kit release this week too um just based on all that so I hope it’s two hot tubs that’s the spirit there you go okay take all of these we’ll process some of this stuff no stop stop oh you know what I could probably start drying some of these expensive things now um that might be good for us to work on hadn’t really considered that but like look we have um I I’ll sell all the silver quality ones cuz we don’t really need the silver ones but another toilet that’s what we need is another toilet you’re so right you’re so right um okay it’ll probably be like a decent uh level of bug fixes too um okay I’m just trying to like grab stuff that might be good for us to uh allow us to dry cuz we have quite a few of these things now okay that’s good obviously my thing is mostly full right now but I can save them in the chest and we can use them later on save all of those for later I’m going to get a little bit more bug fixes Galore yeah well it will probably actually genuinely be quite a few bug fixes because um they’ve been sort of hinting that oh maybe I’ll do an apple they’ve been sort of hinting that they well they didn’t hint they made a whole announcement post they hired a bunch more people and formed a bigger team to work on bug fixes um they had a team before obviously I think but they made like a bigger team to work on bug fixes and like the laundry list and stuff so it’s like triple the size of last time’s laundry list now which is also kind of cool um so we’ll hopefully have a lot of that in this update as well okay I think I’ll probably end it here cuz otherwise we’re going to start getting into fall and I’m never going to get off stream so we made 500k this day whoa um whoa whoa whoa uh and and Sophie thank you for memory of your Nanny thank you for the donation to St Jude and in honor of her that’s really sweet um and thank you all so much for hanging out with us this has been so cool we’ve raised so much money for the kids of St Jude um and I had a lot of fun farming so hopefully you liked it too um I will see you tomorrow for some more simming which I very much looking forward to um I think I’m going to go oh snap have been in here like the entire time that’s amazing um I think I’m going to go and find someone to raid um which should be a lot of fun oh my gosh actually um my friend miv is like this close she’s like $40 away from her goal her $3,000 goal and there’s a donation match in progress right now um so if you’ve been thinking about donating um now might be a good time cuz M’s got a donation match as well um and she’s playing stardy Valley so we can go over there and hang out with M um I will see you tomorrow for some more sing and stuff chat thank you again for hanging out I had the best best best time um and uh if it wasn’t clear M’s also fundraising for St to that’s what I was trying to say um I had the best time today though I needed I needed some farming it’s been a lot of fun um and I will see you all tomorrow for our Sim streams oh you just got here no Charlie I’m so sorry I’m so sorry thank you again for hanging out okay chat have a good day bye by

Working towards perfection in Stardew Valley!

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– Origin ID: lilsimsie

Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com


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