Minecraft but Your Size Decreases!

this is me going from gigantic to teeny tiny in Minecraft from a giant man eating giant things to being the size of a pixel my goal is to do advancements to get smaller and smaller to fit into these new areas so let’s begin with challenge number one I’m so big in our first challenge is to squash five pillagers yep no weapon needed luckily we have a Pillager Outpost right there and some pillagers okay so I’m just going to go up to them and jump oh and squished them look at these little guys oh wait except you hold up hold up let me squish come on and we got him and with that we’ve now shrunk a little bit and as for the next advancement we got to destroy the Pillager Outpost how do I get up there though can I just jump oh wait let’s Stomp and stomp oh it’s actually getting squashed look at this thing oh my gosh wait we’re really squashing it okay and it’s gone guys I’m loving being a giant but yet again we’ve shrunk again and look how many pillagers there are around us that’s only two strings down and our goal is to be able to fit through that hole right there oh and we got a pickaxe uh very giant pickaxe cuz the next mission to shrink is to mine a ton of ores while you’re still huge going to guess I can only use this thing right now wait can I fit through this thing yet hold up no I can’t fit through it yet all right how does this work I can’t really fit into this cave right here do I just like mine dirt with it oh my gosh how did I not take fall damage what the heck well we found diamonds I can mine so much right I think we got the job done right I mean there’s more diamonds here so do I just keep mining oh wait we got some ores so if I go up to this diamond vanin right here can I have them at least oh wait did I get the Diamonds oh I got the Diamonds oh and we got the shrink again is this going to be big enough for the hole though looks like we got our next mission to find more ways to shrink ourselves so let’s get back up okay so now question can we go through here wait we can we fit we somehow fit this doesn’t even make sense but we made it oh my goodness what the heck is this place big tree and is that how small we’re supposed to get now one block I’m literally taller than a house right now so the next advancement is F5 f f Jack get down are you dumb do you talk sir where did Jack go climb the beanock to find out oh my gosh so I got to get all the way up here to get smaller well luckily at this size I can still jump up really high oh my goodness all right I know this is crazy but right now might be a good time we actually do some normal stuff and maybe make a normal diamond pickaxe and a normal diamond sword cuz we’ll need it and an axe why not this giant pickaxe is too dangerous okay with some normal stuff that should be better and take note that we are losing Health as we get bigger oh gosh this might be a little difficult okay we did it it’s like a weird parkour guys all right we’re getting really high up here anyone up here I’m looking for a jack oh is that a special Lily Pad okay maybe I got to get on that how do I do that okay jump on the cloud oh wait is this a cage hold up I can just climb the cloud then and going to be in the cage there’s a lever hold on let me real quick jump down here there we go oh is that Jack right there I going save you Jack P on a castle up here my goodness all right so do I just open it oh that should be easy wait the giant is coming out to feed him what what do you mean the Giant’s coming out oh that giant yo oh oh gosh oh gosh is is this like a boss battle what’s up with all the pillagers come on let’s get you off here guys my HS won’t kill him is he Invincible new plan what if we make him fall all the way down there all right all right come come to me buddy come to me straight this way he’s got a key on him too maybe that’s how I saved Jack looks like his leg’s a little bit broken but but come straight this way buddy I’m going to show you a place that might be your new home see you are the key for me to get smaller got to come straight this way and by the way if you haven’t already subscribed to the YouTube channel while you’re falling down there cuz I’m going to real quick push you all the way down here okay okay let’s get him here couple more oh and we got him yes oh um oh my gosh what well we got the giant cage key looks like we’re getting good at this another Pillager down and this should be what we need to shrink again so let’s real quick jump on this and do I open the cage like this oh oh yep that’s how it’s done all right jack you come with me oh he came out as an item nice we got Jack how’s it going buddy W we’re a little bit big and now we got to return Jack to his mother fast Giant’s wife is coming oh wait what okay uh do we jump on this thing then oh it’s a leaf parachute wait so how do I do this did I just hold it oh yo we’re parachuting all right very nice very nice let’s land real quick looks like the guy’s gone and now without further Ado Jack here’s your mother there we go and we’ve shrunk yet again and we’re almost the size of a house finally that was fun not small enough for the next area though which is again one block next up in the basements we have Kon ball which is water entire field of crops oh these crops right here I have an idea what if we go really high up and then just jump into the water and it sprays everything I mean we’re still big oh wait maybe that guy could help hold on I’m coming sir sorry for stumbling on your crops how’s it going um I’m here to help good sir please jump to the lake oh then he had my idea all right oh oh he threw me huh well that worked oh and it rained right after beautiful guess we did that advancement cuz we are now normal size but I don’t think it’s quite enough to go there yet okay so this next area says no Giants allowed but technically can’t I literally just get a crabing table and get a trap door like literally this would make easy sense unless this doesn’t work why won’t let me place it R they are shooting at you wait what hey yo they got guards they got little villagers okay okay sorry sorry I didn’t mean to do that what else am I supposed to do oh so now mission is to talk to the wandering traitor at the top oh this guy he doesn’t seem happy did he get shot too oh my gosh look at his eyes he’s so mad my goodness this is what happens when you don’t like the video guys all right what’s up oh a llama radar and a lead oh he needs me to get his llama I got you buddy it feels good to be normal size by the way okay the Llama should be straight this way also what the heck is that question mark up there this guy just staring at me is a llama going to be up there or oh no it’s down here wait why why did I get pushed back hey my llama radar became cool what am I supposed to do now the Llama radar broke investigate the area am I being forced to go all the way up to the question mark what why do I feel like I’m being pranked right now I literally see the Llama over there what’s up man I I’ll let you do your thing so I guess our new advancement is a secret one help brew a special potion okay who’s up here an enchant table oh wait is this a wizard hello sir how do I get smaller wa it’s you your mother’s in trouble huh my mother’s in trouble The Germ King captur her you must shrink and help her oh well I guess another reason to keep shrinking and he gave us an ingredients checklist oh my goodness he needs Nether wart sugar gunpowder bone meal and a vial of llama spit all right I got you and oh wait what is this right here family photo dear Nester I’ve been captured and held against my w by these annoying little germs please help me love Mom what the heck is this family photo well I guess we have another reason to get even smaller I’m going to keep this right here and let’s get this water bottle just in case all right first thing we’ll get is the Nether wart which honestly that was really easy uh we got the Nether wart next up we got the sugar gun powder and bone meal I’ll be right back can I land there can I land there can I land there I landed there nice all right let’s get the sugar very nice we can just go ahead and get that right there oh and a chest what do we got in here oh wait bones I actually need that too what the heck might as well get a golden shovel some Flint Flint steel very nice so now the Sugar’s done and we can also get six bone meal all right these three are good now for gum powder oh wait was in the chest oh my gosh it was Lally in the chest okay we got the gunpowder too all we need now is a vow llva spit my friend we’re back okay yeah we we we need a little favor I’m trying to get as small as a pixel and as a germ so I just need a vile a llama spin oh wait uh I was able to write him and did I get the vile oh there it is thank you buddy can can we get two likes from Mr llama this is nasty okay my friend I got all the ingredients oh and it looks like he’s brewing oh this is sick all right here your thing and he gave us a small potion good luck chap your mother was last seen at the other side of this wall all right so we got a small potion and now this should complete the next challenge let’s right click this and Shrink oh yes oh my gosh we’re only a block tall now that is amazing and now our mission is to find the crime scene where our mother was last seen looks like we can maybe cross over there now okay last time I got attacked but can we go through this time yo oh my gosh we’re actually just one block toing through this little tunnel and we made it they even got small trees over here what is this place wanted King germ looks like a jellyfish kidnapping moms allegedly okay is the crime scene this way oh there’s even a little villagers all right how’s it going guys looks like the crime scene is over here though all right I’m here to investigate what happened this is the crime scene find clues about your mother all right did we just jump over the Rope I guess we will what the heck is this is this like bacteria germ pile your mom must be in another dimension a tiny Dimension okay that’s our first clue oh what about these footsteps am I supposed to follow them tiny footsteps follow these to the next Clues oh okay so we got to go through here and follow where the footsteps lead us okay where is this leading me then it’s going straight this way to a barn what is this is this supposed to be me Nester age one what the heck is this oh I guess that completed the challenge and now we’re 75 of a block yo wait and the life fox has spotted you oh my gosh wait what’s going on wait what does this guy doing chill all right do you want the picture yeah the picture back oh my gosh okay new new Mission guys we got to seek shelter in The Beekeeper house getting smaller is not helping with this oh gosh oh gosh okay okay there’s a hole right there oh my goodness okay let’s jump up again let me in oh and we did it wait no no no no why why is he still after me oh wait he disappeared oh okay you know what that works let me just get some of bread and now we’re got to explore the beekeeper house house what the heck is this on the second floor it’s like a beehive with a portal in it I guess we’re small enough for that and the next advancement is to Infiltrate The Colony all right if this is what’s going to make me smaller do I just like walk into this thing oh and I’m in oh and I’m bigger in here that makes sense cuz I’m inside an entire beehive Dimension so this is one big old beehive and it looks like there’s beehive guards don’t worry guys I’m friendly and I’m not here to do any trouble looks like our next mission is also to go to the locker for some be gear that’s the locker right there with actual lockers too all right don’t mind me guys I’m just going to you know uh be kind get get get it get it no no no and uh make it straight to this Locker place okay let me make sure I can fit in here okay this Locker has nothing this one has nothing nothing nothing which one has something oh this one oh we get a honey suit how does this work oh well I guess I did a mission Cuz We Shrunk again and we now have honey armor okay we’re even smaller now and our mission now is to get an audience with the queen bee oh is that where the crown is right there I’m going to guess it’s best if we go all the way up here then uh where is her highness though oh in here find Honeycombs to access the be Castle oh do I got to give Honeycombs and this is the collector all right I will get you the Honeycombs and then see the queen how do you get the Honeycombs though are there places I can go around here okay we have a be right there and oh maybe I can go in there all right what do we got in here there’s a way up but I don’t know if I can fit in that and a water bucket maybe we can like crawl in hold up oh no we can’t oh gosh we’re going to have to do this the old fashioned way we’re going to grab water and put it higher and higher all right one sec guys almost there oh we did it oh my goodness all right two Honeycombs my goodness okay we got to get back down but oh my goodness everything’s literally just a giant be this is sick all right let’s get all the way back down straight into the water and now let’s give one and two oh and I didn’t realize I had honeycomb sources so we did the first one next up is win a race all right fast B I’m ready for this race oh gosh which way are we going you go first oh wait did it fall straight into the honey oh wait are we doing this am I doing parkour while they actually just fly around oh it’s zooming oh gosh oh gosh buddy can fly and I’m literally just stuck jumping it’s all good we got to do it in the name of getting smaller oh this is sick though we’re actually in a b Colony right now okay okay okay I’m doing parkour like my life depends on it my goodness I’ve done enough server parkours for this to be kind of easy wo oh no no no I got I got to start doing crazy jumps no no no no come on Finish Line did I do it I did it yes and we get Honeycombs two more I think that one bugged cuz I couldn’t pick it up that being said my friend that’s another one for you and another for you two more to go with build a bee and I’m going to guess it’s going to be it right here all right uh what are we doing right here oh it looks like we have a bunch of blocks so we’re building just a bee all right let’s just get some wool then all right we need the black wool some yellow wool oh and some white wool yeah let’s get some pink going too all right so here’s the move I’m going to make a very simple be guys I am not the best builder in the world I would say my builds could be pretty Hit or Miss but this is about to be fantastic guys cuz a be is very simple all you need is black and yellow pretty much and when I’m done with this I want you guys to rate my build in the comments down below cuz I’m really putting a lot of effort in this one cuz we got to respect the bees all right so this is going to be there then we’re going to put the legs right here there we go and then we cannot forget about the face where we just need to do this right here add the black wool and a little tongue look at this guy all he’s missing now is some white wool for the wings so let’s just do this here how Do’s that look oh yeah that kind of looks good so again we can just you know do a little thing like here oh my gosh the wings look hideous I guess we can add some FL over there oh and it came to life oh my goodness it’s goofy like I made it and from it we also get two new Honeycombs how’s it going buddy give my name in the comments down below that being said we should be done there and now Mr Fox let me deposit the two honeycomb taxes you needed let me in is the door open now oh it opened uh I still can’t fit so uh hopefully she doesn’t mind but I’m going to be actually breaking through uh it’s just so I can fit in okay there we go now that we fit in let’s real quick also uh break this roof cuz uh we can’t fit into the roof either but it’s all good problems of being big in a beehive okay so is she going to be in here oh wow hdb all right before we talk what do we have in this chest honeycomb blocks and honey blocks I guess more Honeycombs guess we can grab those just in case we need to give something to the queen bee but queen bee I am trying to get smaller can you help us you think you’re better than me honey I did not say that at all defeat the queen beee using honey wait what we just got a brand new build on the screen apparently we’re supposed to make this oh my gosh it’s a honey Golem go honey Golem oh my gosh wait oh we’ve started a war go honey Golems get them okay let me get some more of these honey blocks and more of this and we will make lots of the Golems I I have started a internal honey War oh this is so cool now get the queen oh we got her well I guess that happened now with the portal open let’s get out of here cuz that’s the mission bye guys here we go get me out get me out get me out get me out and I’m back oh and how tall am I now oh my gosh guys I’m like half a block and I’m going to gu cuz we spawn right outside here in front of the school that might be the next plan to G even smaller reminder we’re trying to get extremely small to the size of a germ in real life okay School enter your name to enroll where do I enter my name how do I get inside here look at these doors this is so small all right so we got to type in our name I guess this is easy enough n that’s the first one e is this going to be S over here no this is x s if you guys didn’t know by the way my name is Nester in real life so uh the X isn’t though t o and finally R Nester oh that worked and We Shrunk even more wait am I smaller than slab now I’m smaller than slab guys we are getting down there guys okay apparently we now going to attend chemistry class which I guess is going to be through this very small door right here oh look at us we can just walk through and chemistry is right here all right that’s the bell I guess a tiny bell so I guess that’s my teacher why are they so wide what what’s up buddy how’s it going how do I talk to you uh sir uh what do we do today oh he gave me something chemistry assignment so we got a brw growth potion where we need water grass Vines skeleton skull and Cobblestone and then we add everything into a cold quadrant opposite ingredients have the opposite effect I have no idea what that means but uh where do we get that stuff is it in these places not here oh wa there ingredients in here so we need the skull and stuff no not there this will make it a little easier uh not there got to place a block again just to get all the way up here but anything in here oh grass okay we need that okay so we got grass good we have water we have Vine now perfect we need skeleton skull and that’s it could it be in here oh and a skeleton skull perfect okay so we got the grass the skeleton skull The Vines the water oh but we don’t have Cobblestone oh there we go Cobblestone okay let’s now eat some Pew Bread Stow even though it’s probably bigger than us now and so which one is the cold water oh wait do I have this all wrong at the end it says opposite ingredients have the opposite effect I think I’m supposed to get instead of water lava instead of grass maybe weeping something weeping that makes a lot more sense hold up let me see if I can find anything okay weeping Vines I could be instead of the vines Nether wart maybe that could be instead of grass wither skolds instead of normal skeleton skolds lava instead of water so I’m going to put that right there and Cobble deep slate instead of a normal Cobblestone so literally everything we need is right here so real quick let me just get all the way up here and do we just throw it in here okay maybe this works so we put another wart nope I messed that up how do I throw this properly what about right here no I have an idea okay I got it so from right here if we throw it it goes in so let’s throw the Nether wart weeping Vines one lava bucket one Wither Skull and one Cobble deep slate wait no did I miss it come on go in there there we go and now do we just like right click it oh what just happened oh my gosh wait something’s going on in there that’s so sick yo is this going to make me smaller come on oh I got a small potion hey thanks teure and now with this small potion do I just drink it up let’s go in and we’re shrinking again oh gosh I am going to be so small guys um yep I am now half a slab block wonderful all right well thank you teacher I’m going to go on to the next class cuz that’s the Bell right there and it looks like our next class is anatomy all right what are we going to be learning today I mean I’m just a tiny man at this point is that a cow just chilling right there all right what the heck is it doing anyways how’s it going teacher I am ready to learn whatever you’d like to offer so how do I talk to this guy do I do I I punch him oh there we go punching them works and we got the Anatomy assignment okay what do we got here oh my goodness okay before we read it look how small I am in the inventory guys look at that little guy down there anyways we need to check the following areas the leg the stomach the chest the throat and the head of this cow and talk to Mrs grean to begin all right uh where’d she go there you are the wi teacher I am ready to begin do we go inside the cow or something I will not shrink you something I have no idea what just happened oh and we’re inside in normal size I I guess not really we’re still really small but vengeful ha belt revenge of the wheat huh I guess we got to go through every single one of these body parts and this is the stomach oh gosh what do we do here okay let’s not touch this green juice I do not trust it and technically I am very tiny so we do not want to go into the water we’re inside of cow right now gosh this is a weird class okay let’s just go all the way up here and okay nothing over there and oh my gosh that’s the vengeful hay bell all right guess is what I’m fighting oh gosh oh gosh okay okay we’re going in we’re going in doing the spin tactic oh and we got it and I cured the cow’s cough I got you buddy and oh my gosh guys I’m getting so tired look at me all right that’s another class done and also another advancement done where the next one is called exceptional crew mate is that in the library class all right well that’s the Bell again let’s go inside and see what’s up in here perform task to lure out the Imposter huh connect wires is this like a mongus are these wires what is this right here 1 2 three okay wait so do I match this to this maybe so that’s one okay this will be two so one two oh wait did it work I think I fixed it nice all right so that’s task number one done and now let’s walk to the next one which I can either go through there or we got some lamps I think an Among Us you’re supposed to turn on all the lights maybe we can do that route power okay let let me just go up to this thing then and just flick the lever oh that’s done nice this job is pretty easy all right this area right here looks to be red haing let’s keep going oh my goodness guys I’m literally like it takes a whole 3 seconds to get across one block oh my goodness oh we got wires again okay let me do this again so one right here four right here let me put that all the way there and then two one 2 does that work hey did it again nice I’m getting the Ang of this and this will help us get small soon or smaller all right let’s keep going empty the trash you oh sick do do I just open this thing oh well yeah that that kind of did it sick now that’s four to five done all that’s left is to clean the vents I guess this works out for me cuz I am literally under a block tall we just got to break this oh gosh okay let me just uh mine my way through oh this is could to be a maze there better be no jump scares in here okay we’re good here uh it’s like boogers okay let’s just keep breaking all this stuff oh gosh let’s get all this stuff out a little bit more dirt this way and wait did that clean it please tell me that cleaned it okay that’s the entrance right there I think that should be all of it clean so I guess now we can just walk out of here and will the mission complete it’s clean right oh wait what the heck is that what the heck is that he um pry sh again am I supposed to chase that guy down oh oh I I think that’s it Chase imposter broke it knows about your motor don’t let it Escape oh how am I supposed to chase them so small come back here wait is it undoing all my work what is he going oh my gosh there it is there it is come on come on get over here it keeps mounting around wait did it go into this bookshelf okay so if the book went straight in this I think it’s our job now to jump in here we go do I right click it oh wait where am I now the cookbook is this like a book pocket Dimension oh there’s a wrench in here okay maybe we need that multiple wrenches oh and a hammer too all right we’ll take the hammer anything else wrench and Hammer does button do anything no the button doesn’t do anything oh and there’s an enchanted furnace or a blue furnace oh it what looks to be like a Petry dish this might be how we get to the bacteria size okay what do we do with the furnace oh wait maybe there’s a thing here it’s a wrench and a hammer on the furnace then you put some stuff in the furnace and then I think that’s my mom got it so I got to fix the furnace and then b a cake do I like right cck this is there a wrench and Hammer oh it fixed yo I love the magic of that good old slam okay do we just keep slamming it when when when does it fix when does it fix come on come on come on we got lots of beautiful colors going oh there we go did did it did it fix it I think it might be fixed let me make sure to hammer it once in case it needs to oh and it’s repaired now to put all the ingredients I want like anything so I can put this this this this can I put some Cobble deep light can I put the a wrench oh wait that that worked huh so we have a splash growth potion and we somehow made a shrieking cake slice huh you know what we’re going to go with it this might be our way out though once we go inside of this petri dish cuz our goal now is to eat the cake and jump to the petri dish on the table oh gosh all right so now we’re going to become bacteria Siz guys what we’ve been waiting for here we go let’s right click this and let’s shrink oh and we’re now in The Germ Metropolis what the heck is this place find your brother don’t being spotted by the guards oh gosh we’re literally at half a heart okay uh I think we’re already spotted we literally need to dodge all these guys oh gosh th this is crazy this is crazy uh okay the distance is 47 I’m going to die I’m going to die okay I think we got to go this way hello guards oh gosh okay okay this is a little stressful oh my gosh it’s so buggy here oh this is weird Okay we got to go all the way over here and wait they have netherite there’s a trampoline right there oh gosh here’s the plan I’m going to go to their trampoline can I take it is it useful oh wait did they just come after me from where I was okay we’re going to keep going there has to be a way oh wait they’re distracted there we can go through here oh and that’s her and of course the king all right here’s the plan guys well we’re going to break through here we’re going to go in here Splash this potion and let’s go up oh gosh we’re going quick wa why is it screaming too and we’re out oh gosh okay okay we got to fight this guy I don’t even know what he’s saying anymore but let’s real quick take this guy down and enough I will send you to Ohio wait what does that even mean oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh go wait no huh what is going on what the heck just happened did my mom just uppercut that germ well we’re saved and she is flipping amazing well with that being done guys we are back to being Giant and that’s going be minecra side creen hope you guys all enjoyed for great one video just like this one bye guys

Minecraft but Your Size Decreases!

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