Having a SECRET DRAGON FAMILY in Minecraft!

everyone welcome to the secret dragon island we will all learn how to become real life dragons and grow our wings and be super awesome dude are you serious we could become dragons how by learning from the dragon Master hello Mr Dragon Master say hi to my friends this guy knows all the sauce on becoming a dragon right young ones I’m here to teach you how to be a dragon ho oh gosh he’s super serious oh this guy really want to go let me pull on his beard really quick Y no Roxy he’s our teacher relax he’s going to teach us how to be a real life dragon dragon Master what is the first step of becoming a dragon I already got my friends all the super cool dragon outfits what do we do now I want to fly first you must learn the art of flying what flying guys we’re about to learn how to fly wa check this out I call First Luke I’m first move I already know you’re going to try and call I’m first I’m first I’m first no no no no no it has to be me wa there’s firework Rockets sick here is your wings catch wao guys your boy got Wings check my back out okay okay watch and learn Roxy watch and learn I’m about to show you how a dragon actually flies ready what what was that um it’s so hard to fly give it your best shot put your wings on and try and fly okay I got you I’m the man with the wings wait not into the water oh my gosh Roxy H this is hard Mr Dragon master sir we don’t know how to use the wings you must learn or else the Dragon Hunter will come and kill you all what the Dragon Hunter uh what are you talking about oh gosh a Dragon Hunter OHS this is bad yeah it sounds pretty bad but Dragon master I don’t don’t see a Dragon Hunter around what are you talking about he is my brother and he will kill any dragon he sees so you must become powerful to kill him bro oh my gosh all right guys we actually have to lock in Focus up okay Mr Dragon Master how are we supposed to fly through these Rings what’s the method dude do you want to know the real answer or the fake answer uh real answer please you have to squeeze together your butt cheeks hey yo is it something like this Dragon Master oh let me show you he’s kidding that’s not going to what crashing oh my God okay uh Luke he he went flying so I think maybe the butt cheek method might work okay I’m clenching so hard right now looky I’m flying oh my gosh is it a bird is it a plane it’s O yes son oh my gosh oh my oh gosh I’m making it through the rigs baby come on guys yeah I’m sore it through the oh ow ow and wait huh huh huh huh let’s go made the finish line and it says you made it now fly back oh gosh oh oh Dragon master high Dragon Master oh my god oh oh Perfect Landing yes watch your friends come up they must do perfect too uh of course my friends are going to oh gosh who is that who is that Alexa over here oh my gosh Alexa yeah did you just make that that was actually fire that was so crazy oh no who’s next it needs to be someone good do not fold I don’t want to be embarrassed oh babes I’m coming go Crystal go oh my gosh Crystal over here Crystal oh my God Crystal what are you doing a you’re making me nervous just go through the rigs Dragon Master Crystal does not know what she’s doing Crystal yeah wait hold up I stand corrected go through the last ring you got this I’m trying my V out oh no oh no you made it did you do the butt clutching technique yes we should smooch the celebrator all right no we shouldn’t um Mr Dragon Master why is there a dragon skull with blood next to it my brother the Dragon Hunter was very hungry what hold up he eats dragons just like you this one was a young trainee ah I’m lowkey scared oh what’s good guys Roxy in the house uh why is everyone so arkward Roxy we just found out that the Dragon Hunter is out that was his old traye bro um he’s serious dude do not mess with him if you see any Dragon Hunter bro did not just fart on him okay Roxy I’m saying that the Dragon Hunter is out and he might kill us cuz we’re dragons in training we’re super duper easy pickings he can easily defeat us yeah I can easily defeat you I’m Roxy okay what dragon Master tell Roxy that he’s easy pickings no that is a master in training I could see him defeating my brother what hey hold up okay hold up hold up wait is he like the chosen one yes one of you will defeat my brother but who will it be waa it could either be OBS Luke Crystal Alexa Heather Rock or Li uh Lily um Lily Roxy where’s your girlfriend at where’s Lily Lily where are you uh Luke have you seen Lily around I haven’t seen her since we got here oh no we got to check back at Camp maybe she’s still chilling over there yeah good point all right everyone let’s go back we have to save my girlfriend go going I’m going I’m going swerve it oh gosh I don’t want to hit anything and Lily hello Lily hm I wonder where she could be I smell her where is she Lily hello I think over here what uh okay you’re no SM duh oh no oh gosh this is not good Dragon master dragon Master where is he Dragon Master emergency I found Lily I cannot believe it one of my new students is gone oop was this your brother he boomed Lily it had to be she was not strong enough oh gosh guys we seriously have to get strong and fast and wait doesn’t that mean that Dragon Hunter is around here where’s he at I want to kick his b okay Roxy we’re not able to kick his butt yet dude he could be anywhere everyone stick together in case we see him we could just jump him okay stick with my with my uh guys um look in the corner over there Luke do you see that Dragon Hunter I don’t think he thinks we could see him let’s just slowly approach him and we’ll beat his butt up okay no I don’t I don’t think we’re ready for all that so yeah I love the color of the sky I’m totally not just talking you’re going to get hurt no no no no no just not just talking just so I could continuously approach him he’s right over there he’s right over there Roxy I’m going to turn around and I’mma get him yeah SS on three count 1 2 three get him what’s up huh huh Luke he was just here where did bro just disappear to oh no does he have like super speed or something oh gosh this does not make any sense he is a Master Level Dragon that’s why he can move so fast what your brother’s a dragon then why is he out here killing all of the other dragons he’s stealing all of your power for himself now he has Lily’s power oh no but okay everyone just stick together we have to keep learning our Dragon abilities cuz we have learned how to fly and boom we’re actually really really good at it but Dragon Master we must learn how to attack like a dragon we need to learn how to do Fireballs to get revenge come right this way we’ll train you up come right this way we’ll train you right up waa Luke we’re about to learn how to use balls bro we going to be ball Masters dude I wanted to shoot balls my whole life yes sir ski all right guys wa is this it Mr drag Master wait I see balls in here yep you see those red targets you got to aim right in the middle all right Boop oh my gosh Luke that was bad do not no one saw that no one saw that I I didn’t miss embarrassing you airball check me out uh Luke there is no way you know how to hit dead oh my gosh bro just almost took out the dragon Master oh noo you need to watch where that’s going young one yeah seriously ly all right Roxy give it a shot I believe in you brother M I believe in you you think you can mess with my L like that sh what the what was that Roxy that was awesome you’re so powerful you just one tap b that John yeah anything for w Roxy dude we got to get like Roxy try your best all right I got to hone in my skills I’m going to stand right over here and boom let’s go look did you see that dude I just boom that one sheesh that was a bucket no two for two three for three four for four five for five 6 for six wao wao w wow I’m feeling a lot of Aura coming from this one yes sir SK oh gosh I’m kind of on fire Crystal blow me out blow me out oh gosh oh baby no we didn’t get married yet what uh thank you but yo Roxy it’s your turn let’s see you can get some of the up targets over there they’re super high up yo Roxy uh Alexa where did Roxy go have you seen him why is he not talking he right behind me why did you just make a squirrel s Roxy oh no ly blood just killed Roxy blood just killed Roxy blood just killed Roxy he was the chosen one what there’s blood on the floor oh my god oh no he said too slow smile emoji from DH uh what does d stand for Luca uh dragon hamster no dragon Hummer uh dragon humiliator dragon humus uh I have no idea you guys can fight but you aren’t very smart what hey all right Mr Dragon Master what does DH stand for if you’re so smart Dragon [Music] Hunter oh gosh we’re all going to die yeah Crystal relax relax we have to keep C and we just have to s together we’ve already learned how to use our fireballs and we’ve learned how to fly so we’re basically getting super strong but Dragon Master that’s not enough now it is time to find out who is the chosen Dragon wa it’s me duh really Alexa you are not the chosen Dragon The Chosen dragon is going to be the one to defeat the Dragon Hunter and that’s clearly OHS ow ow oh my gosh ow ow please blow me blow me oh my gosh I’m actually going to die Dragon Master oh gosh it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurt so bad you young ones are so toast oh my gosh we’re not toast Dragon Master this is going to be easy but where is the Dragon Hunter we must get our friends back you only get your friends back if you kill him he’s in the cave what the cave oh my gosh that thing is gigantic oh gosh ly that’s the farthest we we’ve ever flown to do you think that we could actually make it across this River of course we can we’ve never been scared of a challenge all right I’m going one rocket challenge oh gosh oh SC made it pull up y’all pull up oh hi ly and whoa this must be where the Dragon Hunter lives but we all stick together cuz I do not want to get boomed yes babes I need to stay with you at all times don’t worry Chris they’re going to be all good but it looks like there’s some rings over here all right ly let’s go through wee and look there’s a sign swerve it says fly to the ring and land on the purple platform good luck saving your friends stinky dragons how dare they call my friend stinky watch out coming through careful watch out oh my gosh you you made it okay okay everyone group up we got Luke we got Heather we got Alexa oh gosh Slow Down slow down oh no oh no don’t fall perf oh my gosh okay well we got Alexa and we got CR Crystal um Crystal are you up there still huh she she should be coming down soon yeah she sh uh Luke what’s that on the floor um did you accidentally slip and fall uh why is there guys oh no they got Crystal what the what not my girly POA oh no hm and wait a minute have you guys noticed every time someone gets boomed the dragon Master isn’t around to see it as a matter of fact where is the Dragon Master Luke are you thinking what I’m thinking dude what if the dragon Master is the Dragon Hunter oh oh no he’s getting us juicy and all like powerful so he can take all the juice and then becomes super juicy powerful oh no okay okay everyone no no no this is actually getting serious we have to all stick together right now there’s some more Rockets we have to make it to that purple platform and if we mess up we land in lava and he’s going to easily destroy us do not mess us up let’s go come on we got this you made it oh gosh oh Heather you okay okay yeah I’m good Alexa you’re good Luke over here come on bro do not fold dude I need as many people dude I’m getting nervous are you crying Luke don’t cry dude come on you got this just go just just send it send it oh I’m going do a by close no look wait that’s not oh my gosh are you okay I’m fine I’m not in the lava okay just just slow down slow down oh oh wow that looks like go too fast but it says get ready to fight my crazy creation what M nope I’m not going in there see you what Heather you have no no no girls if you guys don’t go in he’s going to get you off don’t you realize whenever someone is by themselves they die all right fine I’ll go with you just so we can stick together all right good uh let’s meet up back with Luke cuz he was alone by himself oh no got I knew we shouldn’t have left him he died to the creature guys is it just me or is that obsidian moving uh what what is that Alexa oh it’s getting close that’s what took ly wait sir wait do you speak words do you understand me guys I don’t think you understand me get too close to him I don’t know about that no no he doesn’t seem dangerous guys he’s not attacking maybe he like stepped on Luke by mistake I want to stand so close oh my okay guys he’s evil everyone use the dragon abilities we’ve learned bost’s face attack around yes you’re not going to like this oh yeah yeah fly around and get him oh go ahe go oh gosh oh I’m taking some damage I’m flying around and wait he has a pressure point in his back guys over there do you guys see the purple block yes we have to attack yes sir okay okay fly around with our Dragon abilities then we could sneak behind him and then get his back boom boom boom boom let’s go I just got a bunch of hits in yes and I’m getting some too nice everyone go in we have to get revenge for ly how dare you dragon slayer think that you could defeat my friends get him boom wait guys yes we actually got that monster and I can’t believe he took luky and speaking of people that we lost I’m really getting suspicious of that Dragon Master guy how come we haven’t seen him in so long where did he go was I late for the show guys um M nope get away from this guy he’s suspicious seriously suspicious Dragon Master uh where have you been this entire time we just literally lost all our friends and we’re down to just me Heather and Alexa finally I will have the most strong dragon to eat what what w you what do dragon Master what did you just say oh no I mean uh that sucks Your Friends Are Dead um Dragon master I don’t know I’m liking this just back up cuz me and the girls just destroyed a giant monster and he stood no chance against us right guys yes he didn’t even have a chance mhm cuz we’ve now learned all the dragon Powers we can fly and Fireball boom so you better not mess with us my friend don’t worry just make sure to get that evil Dragon Hunter I’ll be right behind you uh okay Dragon Master if that’s even your name guys I’m feeling super suspicious about him what about you two I’m going to keep my eye on him he better not leave seriously Dragon Master you better stay behind us and it says the truth you seek is ahead oh no yo where yo yo Dragon Master hey hey what are you doing back there what are you doing back there hey come with us come with us see you later oh no guys he closed the door on us oh my gosh I think that the dragon Master is the Dragon Hunter and one of us have to defeat him oh gosh we’re stuck here no we’re not stuck here guys don’t forget we also learned our Dragon Powers come on let’s go follow me we got to go W it looks like over here we have to drop something down but luckily W did you guys see that I just instantly boomed it good job boms yes but what was that for uh that’s so we could go over here and fly wee easy and wa what is this place it looks super scary Alexa there’s skulls and dragon skulls oh gosh I’m nervous right now I’m nervous what’s going to happen Ms are you going to protect us of course I’ll protect my friends to the very end and we will get revenge for Luke Roxy Crystal and Lily we have to find the oh uh dragon Master hey um he made it here before us uh have you seen where the Dragon Hunter is by any chance we’re ready to take him on well well well I think it’s time for me to reveal my little secret what your little secret what do you mean your little Seeker what are you talking about I am the Dragon Hunter what oh no guys this is not good he’s the one that killed our friends you’re evil you have to leave yeah and you made a mistake you trade us too strong so now we can easily beat you in a fight are you sure about that fireball spare oh gosh watch out guys oh oh my God he’s attacking oh no this is do he have so many oh gosh that guy has to be a master level dragon and he has all our friends Powers yeah how do you kids like that oh gosh come on guys we got to parkour up quickly oh gosh he’s shooting his balls at us hey hey chill chill chill oh weave weave I got to avoid all his attacks easy easy easy I’m going up guys I’m going up go up Alexa go go go Dragon Hunter what is that in your hand this is the octopus Smasher 9000 what does that even over here go no I’m about to die I’m at two hearts guys that thing is crazy he should not how does he even have that oh no what do we do he’s too strong Alexa careful careful I’m trying oh I’m so low oh gosh everyone under here under here he can’t attack us we need a plan there’s no way we’re going to beat him in a head-on fight what do we do I’ll sacrifice myself SS I’ll distract him and you get the final blow what well if I kill him then you’ll come back to life so this plan actually might work Heather used stay next to Alexa for backup in case we need a second distraction okay but I don’t want you guys to die just try not to die okay Alexa I’m so going to die I’m already low yeah me too I’m at 2 and 1 half hearts so what about you Heather I’m at like four oh gosh okay Alexa you fly up over there Heather you stay behind her and distract him and I’ll go for the kill in the back go go go Dragon Hunter my like fart Hunter oh good job oh no Alex and Heather both just got bomed I didn’t even make it all the way up I have to be super sneaky he must be looking for me where is that last one he’s the chosen one and I need to suck up all his powers oh gosh he’s right over there he’s right underneath me okay I got to keep going oh okay hide he’s right there oh this is scary Blue Boy you know you can’t hide for B oh gosh he’s right there he hey Dragon Hunter Bo to your face hey you’re not supposed to be that powerful yes I am what’s up get it you think you could take my friends out and not have any problems Fireball Blaster to the F we it’s not going to work oh gosh I got to avoid it hold up I just got the Dragon Hunter I killed him what we’re back guys you guys are all back boom destroy that silly K okay well get out of here let’s go Heather Luke Alexa Lily Crystal Roxy yes I defeated the dragon Master SL Hunter all thanks to my great friends and now we have dragon Powers yes Siri and we don’t have to worry about no Dragon Hunter yes sir come on guys let’s go have fun with our brand new powers yay and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandCrystal #Jeffy

I make vids on Dating a SUPERHERO in Minecraft! i Survived the World’s STRICTEST Babysitter WEIRD STRICT vs Most Secure House In Minecraft! One ELEMENTAL COLOR Build Challenge in Minecraft! Omz made a SUPERHERO MOVIE in Minecraft! I Built a Secret Room Cash Nico Jeffy Johnny Aphmau


  1. aaaaahhhahhahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahhahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahaahhaahahhaahahahahhahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahaahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa⚽🎟🎀🎟🎈🥎🎗🎫🎫🏀🎗🏸🤢😆😆😚😘🤩🤩😗😗😗🤣😘😚🤗🤑🤭☺🤔😙🤨😐😪yameteckdasay

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