I Added A Villager City To Minecraft…. Again?

I added villager cities to Minecraft and I’m going to want make a TR bro how did you get into my house and why do you look like that all right what kind of Trades do you have 40 emeralds who’s going to pay that much for milk nah what’s in that bucket dude these trades are terrible oh wait there’s a new one one Emerald for all right bro get out of my house you’re weird okay now I can get back to the video in this video I’m going to bro why are you going through my chest did you just take some something out of there no bro I can see the emeralds you took just put them back and then get out of my house fine thank you now get out of here I can’t believe this what he took all my emeralds you’re not leaving with those emeralds give them back to me wait how did he just do that all right this is bad I got to find him before he gets away wait there he is bro what are you doing just give me my emeralds I don’t want to have to hurt you oh my God you’re ugly uh sorry crap he’s going to get away wait is that him uh excuse me can I help you uh sorry wrong nose I mean uh wrong person dude he’s going to get away I I got to think of something fast wait I think I have an idea all right who’s trying to make some emeralds all right guys this is perfect I think this will work I’m going to try to climb on your shoulders oh careful watch your hand my bad I’m at the top I can see so much from up here wait I think that’s him but how do I get down all right bro I’m going to need you to do me a favor and turn around what no way he’s running wait he’s kind of fast what what the heck how did he get up there oh I have an idea hey what the sorry he’s got me playing Minecraft Manhunt bro just get over here where’d he go are you kidding me dude just stop running and give me the emeralds you literally have nowhere left to go just give me the money back and I can go home hello wait what what you’re not even who I’m looking for why were you running I thought that guy’s an idiot wait no way that’s him he’s talking to that villager wait where’s he taking him looks like he’s trying to trade with him give me the now no all right then okay is he [Music] leaving I gu I don’t care about your son no don’t him here take my arrows this guy’s just evil why is he going out into the woods wait he’s building something a door why is he building a door out here wait wait what just happened no way how did he just do that again I got to figure this out wait I have an idea I’ll just take this and wait for him by the door here he is this is my chance all right bro you’re going to tell me how you’re doing this disappearing thing right now oh you C me what oh my God God how does this thing even work is it magic or something what did you just say oh my God I’m going to find a way to stop this guy wait when did that get there here all right that’s it I’m doing everything in my power to ruin this guy’s life maybe this guy will know something hey man I need some help there’s this wandering Traer and he stole all my emeralds and he disappeared through a door do you know how he’s doing it I can tell you how he’s doing it but first I got to goling from the back let’s go once he tells me how to go through the door door I can get my emeralds back wait a second oh this piece of wait I’ve got an idea hey man I need your help all right so there’s this guy that stole my money and he ran through this door and disappeared do you know how he did it I know how he did it really can you show me sure all wonderers can do it he just opened the portal oh let’s go I can get my money back why did you shut it I got to go in there players aren allow in there please there’s got to be something I can do to get you to open the door maybe I’ll get you in if you got me an ice cream cone all right we’re at the mall let’s go get you that ice cream okay you grab a seats what flavor do you want all right got it this Line’s not that bad next can I get one chocolate chip please sure all right how do you like your ice cream I a mint chocolate chip what no you didn’t can I actually get mint chocolate chip sure then you have to get back in line all right no problem oh my God the line’s way longer what it’s all the way out the door all right it’s worth it to get revenge it’s been 3 hours can I just get a mint chocolate chip all right here you go mint chocolate chip I’m not hunger anymore oh this mother wait I want a lemonade uh okay sure hey can I have one lemonade please sure but I just R out I can’t go more wait what there go one lemonade you probably shouldn’t drink that I uh never mind I want to go in this store plushy store sure that’s fine five emeralds these are actually cheap which one do you want uh I don’t like this ones oh are you going to get that Mario one no don’t exctly I like this one 100,000 emeralds all right fine best day ever all right I’m going to go get a drink you stay here all right what flavor Boba do I want something terrible happened my plushy accidentally fell here all right if I get you another one do you promise you’re not going to put it in there yes I promise let’s go all right I can get my drink now something terrible happened you promised you weren’t going to put it in here I didn’t I put it in here oh my God you’re going to keep this one safe right I n this time I’m watching him how does this keep happening all right there he is what’s he doing something terrible happened this mother all right stay right here I’ll be back okay hey can I get one Rubik’s Cube this should keep him busy all right buddy I got you this little puzzle I’m going to go upstairs come find me when you solve it okay okay finally some alone time done what how did you even do that that fast I hello all right throw in your emerald and make a wish okay here I go all right what’ you wish for I wish I had a amambo since you’re going to help me out and open the door I made your wish come true you got a Lambo no way no way take it for a test drive I’m so excited do you like it this is the best J ever can you open the door now okay fine I’ll open the door now wait where’s the stuff from before I thought you just wanted me to open the door all right time to get serious how can I help you can I get a potion of memory loss and a potion of blindness sure here you go all right let’s go this is perfect down be 800 how can I help you actually you know what I don’t need anything I’ll talk to you later all right is there any way you can do what you did before sure if you promise you won’t go in all right I promise I won’t go in see I did that wow that’s really cool dude um oh whoops I’m TI I’m time St me I can’t don’t worry it’ll wear off in 5 minutes what no way there’s a whole world in here I got to check it out what the heck this is incredible it’s like a Wandering Trader Dimension I wonder what kind of Trades they’ve got wait these trades are awesome how many emeralds it’s free everything’s free in L Trader City dude how much does it cost to live here uh zero no way wow this place is really awesome but I got to focus on my mission hey have you seen a wanding traitor his face kind of looks weird like a scammer Oh you mean that guy what no way there he is where you going to run to now all right give me my emeralds I don’t have them what do you mean you don’t have them I don’t have them anymore you better go get him that’s impossible oh honey who’s this one of your friends is that your girlfriend don’t hurt her oh my God he just killed that lady he’s got a done tadam that might have been a bad idea guys stop leave me alone I’m sorry all right you guys made me do this there’s way too many of them wait a second I have an idea okay let’s go it looks like they’re not following me but where am I oh there’s other people listen up noi we got to get more credits or we won’t make quota the others are this way let’s go uh okay sure follow me wao that looks kind of dangerous it’s easy we You’ done it a million times watch did he just die you hurry up okay I’m coming listen that guy was a noob if you stick with me you’ll make it out of here alive okay it’s fine they said there’s other people in here somewhere right I’ll just try to find them oh let’s go hey dude do you know how to get out of here uh hello wait what’s wrong with you all right I’m just going to retrace my steps what okay what the heck is that thing it’s okay it’s not moving I’m just going to walk away slowly oh my God okay new plan I’m just going to shut this door and I’m going to [Applause] run no way dude this thing is too fast I got to try to find an exit dead end crap I’m completely trapped what do I do quick I open the door right are you sure yeah you can trust me all right I’m coming oh let’s go dude that was Too Close you saved my life crap you’re here to of five wandering traitors waa what I didn’t kill five wandering traitors we got ask for how do you explain this video Don’t Hur her and how do you explain this all right you guys made me do this and what about [Music] this you have a camera in my house don’t worry about that for those traitors you’re going to work as a Traer till you past 20 million ammo take them away boys come with us wait they only have two guards all right let’s go I’m breaking out of here I’m not paying anybody any o are you for real right now for trying to escape I’m raising it to 40 million ammo what 40 million put that on what is that it’s an ankle bracelet what does it do it’ll let us track your position and blow you up if you escape again what I’m not wearing that I’m taking it a crap all right I guess I’m stuck with this now the training starts now you’re out here because you owe us money and you’re going to work as a one Trader till you pass back dude I don’t think these bracelets can actually blow us up I said we just make a run for it you wi all right yeah I’m down all right 3 2 1 go yo this guy’s escaping prisoner 74 oh my God they actually can blow us up all right good to know time to figure out hey I got sent here against the law uh sure okay small medium extra large I’m not an extra large what even is this item all right let’s try this on wait a second why these lowkey kind of drippy this is a portal used to practice stealing Amal you’ll go in and steal the Amal from the player uh let’s start with you give a try me what if the player sees me he never notices us really this guy sounds like an idiot what this is my house what’s the point of this that guy already took all my money it’s okay you can practice using your cloak it lets you return to the city all you have to do is think about going back when you open the door uh okay I’ll give it a try what wait that’s actually kind of cool now you’ll be a friend of pet llama wait there’s no llamas left what about me don’t worry I’ve got something for you are you for real right now this is where you’re turning your money at the end of the day you need to make 100 emeralds a day what if we don’t make 100 emeralds you better make 100 emeralds that was kind of strange and this is the fult no way there’s got to be like a billion emeralds in here this is off limits no one is allowed to touch these chests this is where we keep all the portals you can go anywhere from here oh my God these Portals go forever you can use this to make money good luck and remember if you TR SK we’ll blow you up okay that’s kind of unsettling well time to get to work content warning H sounds dangerous the mall I’ve already been there wolf Village what the heck is a wolf Village no way this is so cool hey dude what’s your name I guess they don’t speak English I wonder if I can make some money here oh a chest no way 64 emeralds that’s a great start I’m sorry I’m putting it back maybe I should try somewhere else mushroom land what does that even mean what it’s just a room wait I know what this is no way Mario and Minecraft this is so cool this build’s amazing no way there’s Goombas here too wait what we’re not Goombas these Goombas are sick me Mario oh Mario wait I challenged you to a Mario Kart race if I win you got to give me some emeralds wait what Rainbow Road no way we’re actually going to race here dude these Mario Karts are sick wait I have an idea nobody else is here I’m going to grab an item early to get a head start come on give me something good oh let’s go that’s perfect all right looks like everybody’s ready to race good luck Mario you’re going down they don’t even know I’m going to use this lightning on everybody at the start to take an early lead all right here I go what wait wait I’m sorry I didn’t know would do that I didn’t know wait emeralds let’s go okay at least it’s not all bad what no it’s all bad I can’t believe they’re all dead there’s only one thing left to do let’s go I’m about to win oh first place I’m the best dude that was sick well this place is really cool but with everybody dead I I think I’m going to have to go somewhere else to make money Savannah Village and that’s boring shabuya Japan I’ve always wanted to go to Japan wait what the heck what happened to Japan it’s completely destroyed who did this whoa wait what what the heck how did you just do that oh my God am I about to die what do I do this guy looks way too strong here use the store to escape Cordon Ramsey I’ll hold them all thanks domain expansion malevolent kitchen wow that was pretty weird all right well what else is there parkour civilization wait I have an idea come on oh wow it really is parkour civilization wait that’s ebo maybe he can help me what’s up seat all right EO I owe these guys a lot of money can you please lend me 20 million emeralds no way I actually have 20 million emeralds on me right now let’s go here you can have what you got to be kidding me Avengers Tower no way that sounds so cool what this is just villager City what when did that get there I wonder if any of the Avengers are here what an Iron Man suit I’m just going to take it for a little T wa welcome home sir no wait Jarvis I can see my house from up here all right let me see if this works oh yeah this is awesome it’s actually pretty fast no way it’s Iron Man what’s up little guy you’re my favorite superhero all right let’s not distract him he has a lot of important stuff to do oh it’s fine don’t worry about it sir hostiles detected what are you talking about no they’re friendly going lethal do not go lethal do not what oh my god I think I’m going to put this back where I found it all right I wonder what other cool places there are welcome back have you made a hun yet sort of well it’s get kind of lot you probably have time to go to BL location all right I’m going to go finish my work for today crap I got to try to make 100 emeralds where I go next water Village all right I’ll check it out and if it looks bad I’ll go somewhere else oh wa they’ve got to have a lot of money here this is nice uh hey dude want to make a trade are you here to stop the fire please we you do all the emds we have if you can stop the fire lord sure I’ll stop him really let’s go to Piat the Fire Lord you’re going to have to master all four elements water air Earth and fire that sounds like a lot of work but I need the money so I’m in start with air all right show me some air bending all right like this what the what I didn’t mean to I’m sorry wait I’m actually pretty good at Earth bending this this one makes sense oh whoops a bould just t to the window and Crush my M I’ll try to find who threw it all right did you master all the elements like two of them what it’ll be fine there he is the Fire Lord I’m going to have to have to take him down I’ve been training my whole life for this fight Avatar let’s go I did it so where are my emeralds here you go here’s all our emeralds all right sweet wait this is only two that’s all the amerals we have what a waste of time and maybe they forgot about me it’s time to turn in your EMS crap it’s my first day two’s not that bad Max how many em did you make uh yeah I made a two where’s the rest of them that’s all I have guys come on I’m still learning you’re going to have to come with me down this way what what is this place this is where we put the traders who aren making enough money Society wouldn’t work if we all didn’t burn our part they come here for a little extra motivation but I thought everything was free here nothing in life is free now come with me wait that’s going of B help me I have haven’t seen my family since Box’s last upload we’re full so you have to share this sir who I’m not going in there BL prisoner F all right fine fine I’m going I’m going that’s what I thought this is crazy you guys are evil I thought this was a nice civilization the guard will be here soon to give you your extra motivation dude this sucks it couldn’t be any worse I got to find a way to break out of here hello what you want to try to my TRC wait no way do you have a pickaxe or [Music] something how is that going to help me get out of here I don’t know I’m sorry but you’re an idiot Qui down prisoners no way you dude if you didn’t steal from me I wouldn’t be in this situation you’re a jerk ah dude I didn’t want to steal from you but if I didn’t they would have put me in prison I’m sorry I didn’t mean it dang I never really thought about it like that you’re right I’m sorry I killed your girlfriend it’s fine she was kind of ugly anyway I feel die so I’m going to treasure the key to your ankle B no way you’ll actually give me the key let’s go dude you’re the best what 20,000 emeralds dude you’re a scammer I don’t have any emeralds fine I changed the trade all right it better be free this time all right now that I got the ankle bracelet off I’m breaking out of here all right are you coming with me uh I could get him here oh uh okay well uh good luck then I got to get out of here before the guards notice all right up here stop right there quick anle bracelet all right I got to try to figure out a way to get back to my base no way I’m in the room with all the portals I think I know how to get back home but I have to find a portal no one cares about H this one should work no one will care all right now that I got all these pieces I think I know what to do and then I put this here all right let’s go I think this will work wait I came here because they stole my money before I leave I’m going to hit up the Vault I’m going just take a few million wait what that one’s empty that one’s empty too what’s going on they’re all empty I don’t get it where are all the emeralds going I’m going to get to the bottom of this all right there’s still one guy working here he’s putting the emeralds into the machine I think I have an idea how to get rid of him all right buddy it’s your time to shine go get him hey little guy how did you get out of your tank wait how wait help somebody somebody help me oh my God what did he do to him all right whatever I got to focus this is the machine they put the emeralds in so I’ll just follow this if I go to the end of this I should be able to figure out where all the money’s going what the heck it just leads to this room what’s going on here wait what this is just somebody’s bedroom hang on has this guy been stealing all the emeralds for himself how many does he even have in there 100 million I really wish you didn’t Fe that dude why are you stealing everybody’s emeralds you know what either you tell them or I’m telling them fine I’ll tell them really I didn’t think it would be that easy okay everybody I have an announcement all right they’re all paying attention tell tell them what you did all right everybody just don’t Tred to assassinate me wait what no I didn’t whoever kills him I’m going to give you 1 million emeralds tell them you’re lying how dare you we’re going to kill you if I was you I would run crap just so you know when I get out of this you’re going to pay this is bad this is really bad I got to get out of here this way you’re lost it can’t go this way they’re already everywhere I I’ll have to go out the front door look there yes I’ll have to go through this portal it doesn’t have a sign I got to find somewhere to hide I think I see him over there all right I got to find a way back to my base Oh weird I guess the villagers in this town have names honestly this Village is kind of nice maybe I’ll just stay here for a bit what was that what is that that’s my cue to leave oh they’re gone what D it dude this is getting ridiculous wait no way welcome to new villager City all right let’s go I’m back home I got to find somewhere to hide oh the mall there’s definitely somewhere to hide in there let’s go I think this will work wait what the heck how are they doing that this isn’t even fair a horse I can use that to get away if you want to use my horse it cost 200 emeralds all right let’s go now they can’t keep up with me all right I think I lost him guys I found him he’s over here what no way wait the woods I think I have an idea all right hopefully this still works all right let’s go I’m going to lead him to the Vault we have you surrounded all right guys I brought you here on purpose I know this is going to be hard to believe but your King’s lying to you all these chests are empty wait guys he find the truth it’s empty I know you guys got betrayed but all the money’s in his room let’s go arrest him and take your money [Music] back oh looks like I won if anyone T to AR up on me a bom BL up this entire city tell me how to turn that off right now I’ll never tell you I got the Bro all right quick how do we turn off the bomb you can what do you mean I didn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to take them what we do uh Everybody Everybody Run guys guys follow me this way everybody through here go go go we got to be fast all right I’m right behind you wait I just remembered don’t worry buddy I’m not leaving you behind now let’s go save the llamas all right guys we got to get out of here you know what the llamas can stay crap this is going to be close wait my son is still in there it’s okay maybe maybe he survived guys that was way too close but nobody got hurt and in the end that’s all that matters we all learned a valuable lesson make sure you keep your eyes on this one don’t let him get any doors actually you know what there you go now we’re even finally everything’s back to normal all right guys listen I like you a lot but you can’t live in my house but uh you blew up our fting all right that’s a good point do you stuff the emeralds you took from the chest nah all right I know what to do all right guys it cost all the emeralds you made but we were able to rebuild your Society here in New villager City you’re going to live with me now but you’re going to need a new leader for everyone all right guys good luck with that all right now everything’s back to normal yo bro over here listen I have a plan but I’m gonna need some help [Music]

This is another video like “I Added a Villager City to Minecraft??”
This is the Minecraft Story Video I hope you guys like seeing what happens when I added a city to Minecraft!!
Thanks @GroxMC @Evbo for voicing
Thanks Ted Mike and Gray helping film and write THE GOATS
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