I built a 1950’s DINER in Minecraft Create Mod!

last episode I built a green grocer a butcher shop and a couple of apartments for the currently non-existent residents of my new town which has really helped to expand the streets and today I want to try and finish off this corner over here and probably around the back a bit as well and just try and have at least one completed section of the town which means we need at least one brand new building and a whole lot of work around the back here as well we need to start adding fire escapes a little bit of parking some Alleyways maybe a garage or two things like that really just to kind of fill this are area without actually adding more shops on that side I don’t want anything facing that way this road here is more of a kind of a back road type thing that way we can get this section integrated into the landscape and we can maybe even get our raw food deliveries up and running properly which is something we’re going to need a new van for and I really really really do want to get my bus route back up and running again I think the bus is still stuck in that tunnel it’s been there for a very long time which basically means we’re going to need to put some Phantom rail on this road so the bus can do a loop probably add a new bus stop but we also need to add rail underneath for the delivery trucks which means we’re going to have to have some very clever signaling to make sure that the bus doesn’t crash into a truck cuz they’re actually going to be running on completely different rails just to make life difficult for myself and I do want to say a huge thanks for the positive response to these builds and what’s been going on so far people seem to be really be enjoying the actual town build here which is nice and I’m sure at some point in the next couple of episodes we’re just going to have a blitz and get lots and lots of buildings down and just kind of well try and smash out a big chunk of the town and I’ve had loads of suggestions for types of resturants we should put in here and I’m going to try and basically cover all of the different food types which means yes there are going to be a lot of restaurants at least another four or five and the first one of those I think is actually going to be on this corner here there’s been quite a lot of suggestions for this corner ranging between diners and post offices and all sorts but a post office isn’t really going to be useful for me in this world so I think we’re going to do a diner here a sort of greasy spoon calf on the corner I think it’s going to look really good but I feel like in the last couple of episodes I have talked you through the build of these and sort of you know just to give you a bit of an insight into my thought process but today I think it’s time for a time lapse we haven’t had a montage to the beat time lapse in a long time so let’s do that and hopefully when I bring you back we’ll have a lovely big building here ready to sort out the interior on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well it still needs some detail but I’m pleased with the size and the shape of that I’ve decided just to do this as a single story building I don’t think it needs to have apartments or anything above it on the inside I’ve put in a checkered floor we’ve got a lovely wooden ceiling and we’ve got a bit out the back here which is going to be the kitchen area I still need to add all the air filtration systems to the roof and some bits to the side and lots of other detail I mean there’s not even a sign yet but first I want to deal with this Frame problem it’s really annoying me me and I think I’ve got a couple of ideas of how we can uh well improve the frames in this area it’s almost certainly related to all the particals being produced by the sprinkler system so I’m going to temporarily disable that and the other thing I know that causes frame problems are Harvesters even when they’re not actually in motion just having them existing in the world like this they’re really not that great for frames and the problem is I’ve got 10 in every single one of these green houses and we’ve got 11 green houses so yeah we’ve got a lot of Harvesters here that we probably should temporarily remove even having them turned off doesn’t help with the frames so yeah I think they’re just going to have to go but we’ve got so much food backed up it’s really not going to be a problem and I want to know how much difference this is going to make I mean currently when we stand here and we look around a little bit look at that look we’re dropping to 40 frames this is not good keep the sad music while we destroy all our hard work [Music] well the deed is done question is has it made a difference it certainly feels like it look at that we’re getting 140 what the so with that my advice is don’t overuse Harvesters and sprinklers don’t do a beardy oh that’s so good I’ve got all my frames back means I can turn my render distance back up wonderful oh this is so so nice I can fly around again and I can look in that direction without crying this is wonderful now before I finish off the outside of this building I think I want to focus on the inside we’ve got a lot of space in here and my plan is to have a huge seating area over the majority of this we’re going to have a sort of service counter I guess over at this side here we’ll have a condiments table and then of course down here we will have our kitchen and I think the best way to work this out is probably going to be by placing some seats and working it out from there but we’ve only got seats at the moment and I think I want to use some bright red seats in here I think that’s going to work better luckily the wool is just over here yo well that took longer than I care to admit but I think I’m finally happy with the seating L we’ve got some sort of big cubby type areas we’ve got these little tables here at the side and we’ve got a couple of tiny tables as well just for couples and I was a bit worried that the red might make it look like a fancy restaurant instead of a greasy spoon but uh yeah I think we’re definitely pulling off the whole sort of greasy spoon Diner look especially with all the little bits of uh sort of texture and worn bits on the ceiling looking good I do still need to sort out some lighting and some other decoration in here of course but we’ll get to that later what I want to figure out now is the counter what to actually make it out of so I want to make sure that we can actually get in behind the counter and then the counter itself maybe white concrete alternatively I think there’s actually this one the white concrete panel this might work quite well yeah I think I like that now before I go any further with the decoration in here I think I should probably have a little go at well try and work out what we’re actually going to be making in here and try and get some of the cre stuff up and running just so we’re producing the Mills we can work out exactly how much storage we’re going to need which is what these little Cubbies are for either side and I’m hoping this is going to be enough space But first off let’s work out what we’re going to cook in here I had a quick perusal of the menu and this is what we’re going to be serving up in here burgers of course it is a diner we’re going to have bacon and eggs and stuffed potatoes and I’m hoping that this kitchen’s going to be big enough to do those three things but we should be okay maybe next up I need to make myself an ingredients list and on looking at this list we might not have enough room back here we’ll hold off on the stuffed potatoes and only put those in if we can find the room we’ll focus on the burgers and the bacon and eggs first I think now the final construction of a burger will be done in some mechanical crafting tables which should be absolutely fine we don’t need to process anything for the onions or the tomatoes but we do need to chop and cook some beef patties we need to chop up some cabbage and we’re going to need to get some bread but to be honest we’re already baking bread next door so we might just steal it from there now the first thing I’m going to need to do is to get all of this system hooked up so that they’re actually interacting with each other so this one here is the grocery store and we can easily just link that up to the system here but we also need to connect up The Butchers and I guess that means we’re going to be going through this wall here and I think we’ll just run it straight down the floor there is going to be our best bet and we can just attach the diner across here and hopefully if I just Chuck this on there something should come out okay cool that means it’s all linked up so the first thing I’m going to do is get the burgers chopped up and cooking and I think I want to to do that across this wall here because it’s left a gap right through to the restaurant and the idea is that from here you’ll see stuff working and spinning and chopping and all that stuff so Yep this is where we’re going to do it so if we were to have a slicer right there then I guess we’re going to want a Depo a little bit higher up in fact let me raise this up a little bit and we’re actually going to use a belt across the back here we stick that in across like that fact we’ll go one shorter stick a Depo on the end I’m trying to work out how I’m going to do this and fit everything in and I don’t really know how that’s going to pan out so instead I’m going to introduce you to Future beard is going to do a lovely voice over and explain what it is I’m doing I hate when he lumps this sort of stuff on me right so it looks like I placed a stove and then I spent too long trying to remember how to make a skillet but I worked it out in the end apparently I then made a Depo basket Hopper combo to make the cooked beef patties accessible and then I jammed another belt on the back wall with a slice of the cabbage and added three more depos to retrieve the remaining ingredients and I think we’re pretty much there with all the ingredients prepped for the burgers we’re pulling through bread from next door we’ve got onions tomatoes from the green grosses we’ve got cabbage from the green grosses which we’re then chopping up into smaller bits just makes it Go a bit further I guess and we’ve got the beef coming out here getting chopped then gets fried in here and turned into beef patties so we’ve got all the ingredients we just need to actually construct the burgers now and for that we need five mechanical Crafters in that shape I believe with some funnels on the back filters set like that and then we need one more mechanical arm that’s just going to put everything together I guess the put stuff in there and take stuff from all of those and we’ll just stick him at the back there oh he can’t quite reach those okay we’ll bring him forward which means more cogs is just the easiest way to move power around the top here okay don’t judge me and we need a cog there although I might be better off putting that at the bottom here because that way we can actually still get into the back if we need to and look at that we can conveniently just steal the power from there oh I think I think I got everything wrong oh jeez yeah let’s turn this off haven’t actually set it up probably over here so that one needs to go over over there all of this happens and for now we’ll just store the burgers in that drawer there but we don’t have any beef at the moment but we’ll just add beef into our system down here for now and that should transfer everything across and yep it seems to be working we’re cooking up some beef we’re all prepped for a burger and that should make our first one hey look at that automated Burgers so I also want to do bacon and eggs down here and it does occur to me we’re already cooking bacon and eggs next door and we don’t have a lot of space down here so we could just craft them I think sneaky sneaky which means all I need is a few different depos one for bacon one for eggs and of course one for bowls just connect those up oh looks like we’re out of bows but that’s something we’re not actually automating so I think I’m just going to ah that was a bad idea let’s put it over here and lock it first and then I’m just going to make a whole bunch of bowls and fill this thing up that should do the trick but now I’ve got to squeeze in another crafter this is going to be a little bit tight well it’s extremely cramped back here the working conditions are really not that great but but thankfully it’s all just robots so we don’t have to worry about that but we’re making our burgers and we’re making our bacon and eggs we just need to get them into a better place because they kind of want to be accessible from up here I wonder if we were just to do that and have things go directly into the draw slaves they should hopefully just appear up here yep there we go beautiful just got to hide this now and some of these wall panels will do the job nicely excellent and we can see the chef’s cooking we can see the knives doing their thing oh this is awesome I like that we still got a whole bunch more detail we need to put in around here though it’s looking a little bit empty got distracted after reading my comments to the last video and somebody mentioned about window transfers and I think we can get this to work because we can of course use pngs over here and if we were to use something like that ah look at that that’s awesome we should probably have that on all the windows yeah that’s very cool I like that anyway that’s not what I was supposed to be doing let’s sort out the inside here although in saying that Stam has just messaged me on Discord asking for my help so I guess we’re going to head over there first right the question is where is St um he’s not oh he’s got a lake out here now look at that wow this place has changed oh this place is looking awesome there loads of new stuff Sam Sam I I thought I heard someone hello hello yeah um you you said you you needed me what’s going on I I did need you yeah I lost my pants and look at this I’m so slow I I I need Swift sneak and I was thinking you know you could come along we could maybe bring Bruno oh okay well and just do like an ancient city raid mhm yeah yeah definitely uh okay that actually works out quite well for me because I do need to do like a clothes shop for my wall stuff so getting some armor trims that’ be good if I can get the silence armor trim I’ll come with you yeah if you find the armor trim I get it fair fair last time I saw him he flew off in that direction oh boy yep so you don’t really know where we going nope that direction all right I’ll follow your lead then I’m lost look at this place this is cool oo Bruno welcome to my hble oh my God this is so nice I’m loving the man loving the brutalist architecture you got going on here this is very cool thank you so much I came up with that idea myself so why are you guys here I mean I’m glad they got visitors I just got this place done but is there like a r there there’s like some why are you here I I I lost my pants that’s what that’s thing is like why did you take them off in the first place that’s what I want to know um yes we’re here because sto has lost his trousers um I’ve lost my trousers he needs he needs Swift sneak Y and I want um the silence armor trim so and I want so I guess we’re going to an Asian City yeah and you want me to go why because you’re Bruno you’re good at this sort of stuff and we thought it would be fun come and hang out afternoon in the dungeons what more could you want Asian cities are just too easy we should do it with our with our jetpacks this this is just going to make it a breeze okay and they like a challenge yeah yeah yeah yeah that makes sense I mean there is three of us after all so so no noet we’ll use the jetpacks to find the city but then we’ll take them off one thing down here it’s very difficult to get to did you just say Way Stone Bruno no Bruno you promise I’m sorry it’s literally right in the middle of your thing you are not allowed a awayone until you’ve connected to the main area Bruno yeah I know what I’m about to do I’m literally doing this on this episode so it’s it’s fine it’s Stam you told me it was okay there’s a mountain right there so maybe we should yes that looks like an ancient city m oh Bas any big mountain generally has one right so it’s a deep biome yeah you’ve already gone right yeah let’s see if we can find a way in are we taking off our backpacks or jet packs now uh no no I think we should we need we need to know if there’s actually oh there’s deep dark there’s definitely deep dark oh I see bricks I see bricks yeah look at the size of that City it’s right here oh R um did we set up our bed up here cuz I got a bed with me I feel like uh you might run into some issues it’s probably not a bad idea you’re probably going to run into some issues you haven’t even got any armor I think that W you’re holding both no no no no I it’s it’s all about the pose okay I lost you all I don’t know where you guys are uh I’m at the chest that you were at a minute ago beard oh nice there’s another chest around here found a disc fragment exciting I have not found anything good in any boxes yet yeah oh there’s Bruno I see Bruno hey buddy I’m break here whated you oh St fine it was very PR pressure plate why’d you walk on a pressure plate I can hear a warden uhoh is there a Wen yes there is over there on the left hand side Stam Noise We no what do you mean make noise yeah we we’ll go this way very ni stop are you luring it it’s there it’s right there dude where oh yeah it’s just under your Bridge samam it knows where you are oh oh oh he’s watching you I told you to take a shower man I have two bathrooms in my house ah silence I got the silence armor trim no really just going to go see what’s over here uh-oh that was me uhoh if you say so there are more coming there are tons of War they’re all coming there’s another one here be stop D Never by this stage there are about 20 wardens roaming the ancient city and Bruno and Stam had found the armor trims that we needed Stam also had Swift sneak so we decided to leave but we stumbled straight into a woodland Mansion so we made quick work of that and also got the Vex armor trim I then introduced Bruno to my grappling hook and never saw him again oh dude this is amazing well that was a lot of fun hanging out with the guys and we’ve also managed to get ourselves three new armor trims which is absolutely amazing exactly what we needed for our wool shop not that we’re doing that today but it’s nice to be prepared so what I need to do now is sort out this counter area sort out the rest of this interior and I kind of want to get a bit of detail on the outside which is probably just going to be some fans and air vents and things like that on the roof maybe a few bits on the side too so let’s stick on some music and get this Diner finished [Music] [Music] well that should just about do it I think I’m actually done with the interior in here we’ve made use of some candles for sort of ketchup and mustard pots we’ve got a condiment shelf over here we’ve got plates and cups and all sorts going on on the tables but more importantly I’ve actually sorted out the sort of counter area at the front here I’ve tried to keep it nice and clean we’ve just got a few extra condiments and things a little bit of storage some fridges on that side and of course a lovely staff entrance but this allows access to all of the back area and to be honest you can’t actually reach the bacon and egg from this side of the counter it’s a little bit far away but it’s fine you can still get burgers I guess it just means if Stam or Bruno want some of the bacon and eggs they’re going to have to go behind the counter but that’s fine I’ve also added a little bit of detail outside some sort of airon units and things like that with a bit more going on around the kitchen area and of course I’ll put some stuff on the roof but with that I think Ruby’s Diner is now considered complete but what I want to do is sort out this back area around here and I do plan on putting maybe like a small little loading Bay a bit of parking space and just general back alley things I guess we’ll probably get a couple of fire Escapes in as well for these buildings because currently well they are a fire hazard the only entrance and exit is actually through the shops themselves and that’s not really ideal I’m thinking it might also be a good idea to get a sort of couple of old storage buildings out the back here as well just as if it’s the Overflow from the shops things like that but I don’t know kind of need to see how it pans out to be honest let’s crack on and see what we can do and something like this is what I’m thinking so I’ve only just sorted out the sort of base area at the moment but essentially there’s just somewhere for trucks to come in there’s places where we can put like the bin and things like that and we’ve got space at the back here for a building as I say once again it’s not going to be a main building like these ones at the front it’s pretty much just going to be like a little storage shed type thing I’ve also left space here so we can put an Alleyway between some buildings cuz there will be another building here maybe another block out I don’t really know yet but I am for sure going to be sorting out this bit here and on this little corner here it’s a very awkward shape it’s a bit of an awkward space I think I’m just going to plant a great big tree before we go too much further getting in all the details on this side though I want to try and get in these sort of fire escapes that we’re going to need and I think the best way for me to do that is to head inside up to the appropriate floor and find somewhere to actually punch one through so for example with this one I think it’s going to have to be straight out the kitchen and we’ll also stretch that up to the roof this one wants to be at that level there and I mean it’s only one block higher than that one we could potentially connect them together and here in the sandwich shop we can probably get away with a door there and one directly above it over here so that’s where they need to go I think we can make this work but my inventory is absolutely rammed so I’m going to go get this sorted out and make sure I just come back with the things we actually need because currently I am struggling to move stuff around but that’s the first fire escape in I think that works quite well we’ve got the ladder pulled up at the moment we can even get onto the roof and we’ve got access to both sides here I did consider putting a route up onto this roof as well but it’s the diner and it’s only one story it really doesn’t need it but now I need to try and figure out these ones here which are going to be a little bit more tricky I think because we’re probably going to want to attach them which means we’re on two different levels here but I think that’ll be okay and that’s the second fire escape in and I’ve even connected the roof so people can get across at the top they happen to be stuck up there but I think that works quite nicely it breaks up the back and if we were to add a few dumpsters down here that’ll look pretty cool as well but I do also want to add maybe a couple of back doors for deliveries and in most cases I don’t really have much choice on where that door is going to be I mean that one has to be there this one will have to be here this one there and one for the brand new Diner as well so this one’s awkward because well the ladder’s there so we’re going to have to just Shuffle this ladder over a little bit well that’s coming along nicely that works well but I think the next thing I want to do is to sort out this building here and the other boundaries and for the boundaries we could just keep it quite simple and use a fence like this potentially and a similar thing on this side here and then we’re going to have the building in this whole area there so yeah just another small boundary here I guess all right now let’s build a garage there we go a short while later we’ve got another building in I’ve pretty much just used umber brick strips bone some cracked Umber and a little bit of the mossy stuff but I think that works quite well it doesn’t really need to be anything major it’s not a focal point of the area it’s just something to kind of fill this space so we’ve just got a bit of a garage we’ve got an entrance at the side here and currently nothing going on inside but that’s fine let’s just close that door and I’m sure we’ll put something in there eventually maybe but for now I need to get a little bit more going on out here I think we pretty much just need maybe a couple of sort of big dumpsters a little bit of you know empty boxes things like that just general rubbish that you find around the back of shops I guess and probably a bit of foliage for some overgrown as well something a little bit like this maybe I think it’s working quite well it looks like a sort of clustered back of the shops type area but we’ve still got plenty of space for parking and we’ve got space for the deliveries to come in once I finally sort those out I decided to only add one dumpster in the end and it’s almost blocking that door because it turns out there wasn’t really a lot of space for dumpsters I’d already put too many doors and ladders and things on the walls but I like how that’s come out I’ve just dumped a load of random junk in it but I think it looks a bit like an old sort of skip type thing and I’ve also stuck a big one of ad’s trees on this corner here which I think works quite nicely it certainly ties that bit together I just kind of need to move the Airship out the way now if I’m honest but that has given me one completed corner of the town the only thing it’s still really missing is some street lights on the Main Street so maybe I should do that now now for these lights what I’m thinking is maybe we can use some of this chiseled deep slate and if we combine that with some framed posts and pillars we can get a nice poles situation going on and how about maybe using a framed pillar for the light I mean it’s better than a full block right but I think it needs a little bit more so maybe just a panel on the top look that nice simple street light I quite like those let’s just get a couple more down throughout the street that we’ve got so far and we’ll see how we’re looking there we go I think the street lights work quite well yeah they certainly held tight together and with that I think we’re just about done we didn’t manage to get the delivery vehicle in today but we can certainly sort that out for next episode and well you may notice my brightness is down a little bit and that’s just cuz I wanted to see what this street looks like at night I mean have I actually applied enough light to the side of it I don’t really know but to be honest it’s a bit brighter than I thought it was going to be this is good and it looks beautiful with shaders as well look at that but sadly that is all the time we’ve got for today I hope you’ve enjoyed yourselves I’ve just noticed I’m starving luckily I’m by the food so I’ll sort that out but I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye now

In this episode I expand my Create Mod town with a brand new 1950’s style diner that automates burgers and other food, as well as expanding the rear of the shops to have parking, loading bays and more! I even went on a little adventure with @BrunoDanUy and @Stam1o ! Fun was had.

Get the pack on Curseforge – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-perfect-world – and come join us on the community server via discord! https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw

🥳🥳🥳Merch now available! https://mrbeardstone.com/ 🥳🥳🥳


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#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode58 #survival #1000days


  1. To solve your problem with frames. You can use deployers to place contraptions. Rather than keeping them loaded you can place them when needed and pick them up again.

  2. I don't know if this would fit the style of what you've made but I know that behind those diners would be a ideal place for someone to place a homemade basketball shoot or something else similar for sports activity to just get young children doing something beyond sitting bored in their rooms since these diners are also houses. Mix that also with the fact it could still be used as a drop off point because kids know when to get out of the way and it'll still look fine.

  3. 3:13 I'm willing to bet that it's more harvesters being on contraptions rather than just there being harvesters. You could likely fix the problem on that end by making a point where the harvester contraptions sit and stop being contraptions instead of having them active at all times. Definitely would be hard to make look good, but hey, it's a good challenge, no?

  4. I have an idea. You are short on some spaces to out everything you want. So for some things, it could be a good idea to stick some cutting/crafting bowls/cooking processes inside the back warehouse areas!

  5. Hi beardy! Id really like you to add a specific mod to your modpack. It may help with decorating interiors and adding some color to your wood gradients as well! Please add "Stained Woods" created by me. It adds a spark of color to your plank variants and also comes with vertical plank alternatives. Its a small mod so it doesnt do much really I just really want my mod in ur modpack because ur my fav YouTuber (other than myself) it just got posted and will take a while to be approved by the forge team but it will be available shortly!

  6. im sorry sir as i turned your vid on while i was playing Runeterra, and finished a match while playing Jinx and she is a little crazy so with a win she has a sinister laugh and that went off as you said you had to tear down your work que the sad music.

  7. I really like the diner build, there's just one thing that feels a bit off. The size. Maybe I'm just more familiar with diners in cities than country towns but to my experience it's so large that it feels like a restaurant trying to capture the aesthetic of a 50's diner.

    As I say, maybe I'm just more familiar with the smaller pokey ones you find in a lot of cities.

  8. For the streetlights, its just a little thing but i think a framed pot also with the chiselled deepslate on top of the panel on top could help with the shape maybe? idk if it lets you place right on top of those panels tho

  9. Got an idea for your next series…….how about a create city….where when complete, people can go to your city and buy food, drinks, even get a job or something

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