I Survived 100 Days as a MECHA DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft

on day one I spawned in a prehistoric amusement park as a baby Mecca dinosaur and was surrounded by my Dino friends welcome to your new life little one we were all created to bring enjoyment to the people W amazing just then alarms blared throughout the area the caveman exhibit malfunctioned everyone run bursting in entered this Park’s large Mecca caveman a you people created us for your stupid Amusement big mistake I am a destroyer and with enough scrap you will see that the caveman charged in towards all of us Mecca dinosaurs because of our small size none of us stood a chance against him with every Mecca he killed he gained more scrap no my friends he’s gone too far we all have after unite to stop him it’s the only way but as he said this he was destroyed too no on day two I reluctantly ran away as the caveman’s deadly explosions were going on all around me it wasn’t long though until I successfully made it out of the park he’s planning on hunting all of my friends down no I can’t let him but just as I said this the floor beneath me opened after looking around I realized I had fallen straight on a conveyor belt sending me to my death yeah dude we finally got one of those robot dinosaurs oh yeah time to get some sick items from it oh no as a mecha T-Rex I had piercing laser Wars I could shoot out at my enemies take this oh dude it hurt although I was putting up a fight I just kept getting closer to my death this can’t be how I go out it won’t be suddenly a mecha Velociraptor jumped onto the belt with me my friend he was incredibly fast and with his sharp claws he was able to break the belt W thanks for the safe of course that Mecha caveman is the hunt for us all but I think I found a way for us to stop him follow me on day three I followed the mecca Raptor until arriving at a clearing in it was a strange looking machine I had never seen before I took this from the punk and I think it can make us both stronger but how just then the players from before dropped in holding shredders you’re not getting away that easy get them they both rushed in and began to slash at the two of us with the shredder every hit they dealt was Lethal towards us yeah the machine the two of us rushed over to it and once inside it powered on with a giant slam the two of us had now been merged into one we were built even stronger with 10 whole hearts and I now had the Mecha Velociraptor speed and deadly slashes wa this is more like it the players rushed in once again but now in my newly upgraded form they were no match for me I let out one more slash and Roar taking them down sweet if that caveman plans on getting stronger then so will we in the midst of the destruction I saw that there are five other dinosaurs that manag to escape really if we can find the remaining ones and merge with them we can become the ultimate Mecha dinosaur and stand a chance against them if that’s what it takes to stop whatever he’s planning then that’s what we’re going to do on day four before I went searching I took the time to build up a safe place to hide out I also moved the machine here for future use and decided to build up a home for myself and the Raptor to stay in as a mecha dinosaur I had my own gadgets installed to help me with my builds and done ha made to scare off any Intruders wait a minute an intruder aha another one of you I’m taking you as a prisoner oh really you and what army this Army oh no the rats all charged in I fought back against them but with the sheer amount of rats around us they were winning the head Mech rat then shot a Strang looking airrow at me and my programming shut down I powered back up and was now in the middle of a destroyed looking dump ah why am I here around me were the mech rats looking angrier than ever your kind is the reason my home and many of my people are destroyed because of that stupid caveman caveman dude I’m not with him I’m trying to stop him what David I thought you said the dinosaurs worked for the cavemen my um memory chip must have malfunctioned sorry look I want to put an end to what ever he’s planning but in order to do so I have to find more Mecha dinosaurs oh you do follow me on day five I followed the head rat until he gave me a strange map that Mecca caveman is dangerous and I’ll do anything to help take him down this map leads straight to the ancient cheese you get it for me I’ll be able to help sniff out another one of those dinosaurs for you oh sweet sounds like a deal I headed out following in the map’s directions as it led me to the edge of a distant desert but once there stop huh I ran over to see a village Up in Flames there laughing above its destruction was the mecca caveman he had gotten more powerful and now had smaller Mecha Bots doing his Destruction for him us next were me to Serve the People well now it’s time they serve us keep searching for the last dinosaurs this is awful another Mech I hate you all of the villagers heads snapped towards me and began to chase me out of the village why I hate all Mech now yeah imagine being medal thankfully after enough running I was able to lose them great now they hate us Mech too this isn’t good I looked forward and in front of me was a sacred looking desert temple wo that ancient cheese it has to be in here on day six I entered the desert temple until coming across a fossil looking Guardian hi there I’m looking for an ancient cheese around here oh the old thing follow me sweet I followed the guardian until making it to the Temple’s main room there waiting for me was a large fossil T-Rex wo awesome you’re kind of like my ancestor no I am not I was a real dinosaur while you are a fake one W hey come on sir he’s looking for the ancient cheese cheese he is lucky if he makes it out of here alive just then the entrance I came from slammed shut oh no I was running through the temple halls with the large ancient fil biting at me from behind I was trying to slash at him all I could but nothing would hurt him he was already dead I ran into another room and was surprised to see there in hiding was another Mecca dinosaur in ank asaurus I’ve been looking for you I’ve been hiding out here away from that caveman just then the T-Rex broke through the wall another one oh we have bigger problems right now she shot out a crazy amount of fire which stunned him quick follow me on day seven I followed my newly found friend until arriving at yet another machine looks like all of us mechs think alike we both hopped on in unison and turned it on because of this the two of us were merged together I now had 15 hearts total and the mecca inosa surus had been built into me I feel stronger the fossil T-Rex charged in again but I now had Crazy Fire blasters of my own I used them to keep the fossil at Bay and combined it with my Roar to really show him who the stronger one was he tried his best but with the combined strength of three mechs he didn’t stand a chance yes who’s the real dinosaur now with that I went through the temple until finding the ancient cheese in one of its abandoned rooms with this hopefully that rat can help me find another one of my friends I was about to leave the temple when I saw stuck inside of a cell was a baby fossil dinosaur a are you a prisoner yep the ancient fossil made that pretty clear he called me weak and useless he called me that too but don’t worry he’s gone now I let the fossil out of its cage and he was excited oh this is the life how amazing come on you can stay with me the two of us left together until making it back to the mech rats you have the cheese I can smell it yeah I do wait a minute aren’t you a robot and what robots can’t enjoy food too give me that I gave the rat the ancient cheese and something sparked within him it’s working I’ll be able to take you to another Mech Dino in no time on day eight because their home was destroyed I brought the mecca rats and the baby fossil back to my base I used my Mecha building abilities to make the dinosaur their very own fossil home then from there I made the mecar rats their own little dump to call a home again as well yep trash that’s the stuff yeah after that I also expanded my home and even added components to it that I knew my other friends would love we are sharing a body after all yep wao what’s that I walked outside to see that the lead Mecca rat was going crazy oh yeah I think I got a trace I got it he then started to rush out of the base hey uh wait up his tracking system was going off and we were led into the mountains high up I approached to see that there blocking our path was a very deadly river yep another one of those Mecha dinos right past this River but but uh I ain’t doing this good luck on days 9 to 10 I quickly began to make my way across the river there were different rocks sticking out of the water and I used them to my advantage but some of them were just too far I cannot fall in this water I’ll definitely short circuit my claws use them huh my programming felt weird and I had an urge to shoot out my claws wa I have grappling claws with this I was able to make jump after jump this is too easy I made it to the other side and as I did a random explosion went off to the side of me what the what was that ignoring it I pushed on only to find the mecca pterodactyl past the bushes of the Jungle yes another friend I walked up and saw that something was wrong it was powered down oh no what happened happened to you I happened a large Mecha Knight then dropped down in front of me this piece of scrap belongs to the mea caveman and so do you without hesitation the large Knight charged in I used my new grapple claw to avoid his charging arm attack and even used it to deal attacks of my own but sadly he also had the ability to shoot out Mecha bombs who quickly charged towards me and EXP exploded when they pleased I won’t let you take my friend fueled with rage I shot a laser at him like I never had before causing him to fall back mea caveman has something big planned and soon his mission for Revenge will begin Revenge what Revenge if we want to fix this Meg we definitely going to need a power core a power core huh well let’s go find one then on days 11 to 12 I quickly hid my friend and searched through the nearby area come on there has to be some place that could help me why do I always fail what’s that I followed the voice only to see a sad mechanic walking towards a factory ah the grand race is tomorrow what am I going to do Grand race I followed him inside which had tons of equipment and there amongst all of it was a power core what are the odds I went over to grab it but was stopped what in Minecraft’s name are you uh what does it look like look I need that power core you aren’t taking anything I need all the supplies I can get for the big race big race what are you even talking about I followed him into another room where there were lots of failed racing car set up there’s a race going on and whoever can win it wins a thous th diamonds but look around I can’t seem to make anything I mean look at that I don’t even know where that smile came from right an idea then sparked within me wait I think I know how you can win that race I’ll help you but only if I can have that power core on days 13 to 14 I arrived at the racetrack as the mechanic’s ride are you sure this will work uh we’ll see the two of us made it to the starting positions where loads of other players were getting ready dude look at this guy’s stupid car yeah what even is that hey a ouie everyone get ready the race is about to begin line up all of us then lined up at the starting line this better work 3 2 1 go with that the races began and the cars immediately sped past us oh no I ran as fast as I could though with the Raptor speed I was actually keeping up with them woohoo we were coming up on first place but the players then began to play dirty oh no you don’t he shot arrows at me which caused me to slow down ah hey you’re cheating I was about to blast him back but he was hit off the road by the pumpkin cart you treated me like a joke well I’m going to win this race and those diamonds for myself on days 15 to 16 we were neck and neck in our final lap the Finishing Line was coming up close and the cart would just shoot out deadly explosions at us how is this even possible I don’t know I had an idea and shot my fire out ahead of us causing a line of fire up ahead oh no I jumped over it as the C tried to steer out of the way which caused him to crash take that with that I crossed the Finishing Line and had won the race y we did it he was granted all of his diamonds in the form of a diamond cup but as he was celebrating something began to happen I was getting hacked and within an instant my vision teleported away ah I looked up to see I was hacked by the mecca caveman this isn’t good what do you want I want my revenge I was just a sad little caveman M everyone loved the dinosaurs but no one cared about me you all had each other and I had no one so one day something snapped I will make everyone pay for how I was treated and show the world why Caven are better in every way I won’t let you you won’t have a choice with that my vision was brought back hello hello there finally you’re awake come on it’s time we we fix up your friend on day 17 to 18 I brought my powered off friend into the factory hold on he got the power core and implemented it into the pterodactyl what where am I within an instant they began to fly up and away wait no get back here I chased after them he was clearly scared but thankfully though with my grapple claws I was able to bring him back to me oh wa another mega dinosaur and you’re stronger I quickly caught up the pterodactyl on our mission and he was astonished yeah our home’s gone because of that caveman anything to stop what he’s doing great welcome to the team with that we both went back to the factory and saw another machine was built up by the mechanic wo thanks with that the two of us hopped on and were built together I now had 20 hearts and had grown my very own pterodactyl Wings wo I can fly now woohoo hey you can call me Timmy nice to meet you Timmy time to regroup at home on days 19 to 21 I made it back to base wao you got wings now yep with these wings I decided to build up a nest on top of my home I even added a flying course throughout as well just so I could practice my flying whenever ever I pleased sweet with the wings it’s best if we survey the area couldn’t agree more I flew throughout the terrain trying to find any clues for the next Mecha dinosaur and it wasn’t long until I came across a deadly current leading down below the ground wo imagine falling in that I was then hit from behind causing me to fall in it I turned around to see a couple of strange fish m this new power is incredible new power I was flowing down the current and the water was causing my vision to blur just like that I had short circuited H what happened I lost you for a second that’s what happened huh I turned to see next to me was a Mecca chronosaurus wo another MEC all right I’ve been trying to get to you but I’ve been having my own problems own problems wait a minute why can’t I suddenly operate underwater I did a simple rewire to you you’re water resistant now here follow me I followed the chronosaurus leading up above the water into a lush type cave there in it was another machine but some fish came by and used it to transform themselves into me fish this power is great I hate those guys well we need that machine to merge the two of us correct with you byby side we can take it by force agreed the two of us charged in with pure aggression but we’re stopped by their leader halt halt you stole this machine from us yeah because we need it we don’t mean any harm tell that to the people who pushed me into the water give that machine back now you want it follow me we followed the fish until being brought to an underwater uh aquarium how about a little game whoever wins keeps the machine do we have a deal on days 27 to 29 I was next to the fish Mech leader rightand man we have hid away one of our fishes water ORS the first to search through this aquarium and find it shall win and take the machine y going down yeah right horns went off and the two of us began to search immediately naturally the fish had an advantage not only could he swim faster than me but he knew this aquarium inside and out of course this competition’s rigged I got to find my own way to win I swam through searching every corner I could find use my eyes the pterodactyl’s vision is topnotch oh right I focused my cameras and because of this I was able to see through walls wo awesome I saw the orb was behind a piece of seaweed and my competitor was swimming right towards it oh no you don’t I swam towards it as fast as I could he tried to hit me away with his spear but I fought back against him underwater my abilities were a lot weaker but I used up all of my strength and hit him away which allowed me to win the competition yes I did it on days 30 to 32 I return back to the fish’s town with the chronosaurus all right I won fair and square that machine is ours fine take it without it though we won’t standun a chance a chance against what follow me we followed him and looked into a really dark underwater cave in that cave there is a sea monster like no other it comes out often and takes all of us fish down as it pleases we were helping with the machine we could upgrade and put up a fight against it but we are limited in men huh I have a problem of my own above ground how about I help you with this if you join my team D with that the Chronos source and I initiated the machine and merged into one I was now a larger Mecha dinosaur with 25 Hearts not only could I swim in the water faster but I could also shoot out my own water blast sweet now let’s go deal with that monster in my upgraded form I left the town and headed deep within the cavern Roars kept sounding off and they kept getting closer and closer until one happened right behind me oh no within an instant I was pulled deep below I looked around and was now in the middle of an underwater temple in front of me was a tiny little water Leviathan aw how cute you’re what the fish are afraid of I’m going to eat you alive uh what the Leviathan then started to grow and grow and grow uh hey you aren’t a fish yeah obviously and you’re not cute anymore so like stop eating them dude never it charged towards me it was incredibly strong and just from its Roar sent down magical blasts that took away lots of my health ouch can’t we just talk this out it wasn’t listening so I was left with no choice but to fight back I was able to swim way faster now and with my new water upgrade I was able to counter him with ease aha that’s right the Leviathan wasn’t letting up though but with one final water blast I was able to take it down woohoo take that the fish leader swam up and was happy thank you you actually did it I for sure thought you were a goner but anyways we will gladly join your side sweet on days 36 to 39 I made it back to my base and quickly used my claws to dig out a pool once I had the shaping just right I used my new water blasts to fill it full of water for the fish me oh yeah thank you Foo don’t mention it all me have a home here with that I went over and added some nice details to my home to match my newest upgrade well well look at those pearly whites I’m glad you like it just then I heard some voices from outside of our base oh come on who’s that I quietly snuck outside to see two pillagers running by in panic first SL Park and now our home to these s dinosaurs are destroying everything their home was destroyed by a dinosaur no that doesn’t sound right I better check it out on days 40 to 44 I ran off in the directions the pillagers are coming from only to see that their mansion was completely destroyed I looked around and saw that there were large footprints on the ground wait a dinosaur door it really was another Mech why would they do this just then some of the caveman’s Bots came in searching the area I better hide and see what they’re up to you are the boss scavenge whatever is left we have to get back to the forge ASAP they quickly grabbed what they could and headed off a forge I followed behind them until we eventually made it to a massive Forge built up in a clearing the Bots were using the structure to smelt down all the scrap they were harvesting this can’t be good yes my most powerful upgrades are soon at hand my revenge is close so close I can taste it foso I sense someone’s watching us I quickly turned around to see a strange light how dear who was that I can’t let them blow my cover on days 45 to 47 I ran away from the forge and into the forest after the creature come on where did it go I then saw the light again moving throughout the trees aha the little creature clearly knew the forest well and constantly was avoiding me suddenly the light flashed as magical Roots were summoned all around me ah oh come on wo what’s going on in the distance just then the creature with the light began to reveal itself you have entered the Ancient Forest a cursed place so uh be gone aw you’re adorable but What’s your deal man I’m sorry but you can’t really be here that last meao that came in here didn’t really end that well wait is that another Mecha dinosaur I need your help I used my fire to burn away the roots and made a break for where the sound was coming from wow wow wow did you can you not hear me you can’t why we ran up to a ravine where a massive Mecca brosaurus was trapped at the bottom and he was stomping around like crazy oh so much power on days 48 to 52 the brosaurus continued to stomp around shaking the Earth with every step something is definitely wrong with him see I told you what happened it’s like he’s gone mad exactly he has gone mad and it’s all because he took one lick of a power ore and went completely nuts what’s a power ore the sloth led me over to a nearby mine where glowing ores lined every wall wo it feels so powerful here don’t touch it this here ore is cursed and those who touch it are blinded by pure powerful rage right okay so how do you cure something like that well I’ve watched over this stuff for a long time and the only way I know how to get that stuff out of your system is to sleep it off but he won’t be sleeping anytime soon with all that energy and we don’t have time for that does that have some of the ore in it yeah why do you ask I think I may have an idea on days 53 to 56 the sloth and I made our way back to the Ravine where we both got ready for my plan okay here goes nothing I’m getting too old for this hey big guy do you want some power ore yes yes yes the brosaurus came charging towards the sloth now run oh boy ah the sloth ran as the mech chased right behind him I shot down my attacks from above using my water and fire attacks to try and tire him out but he just kept running please that little legs can only go so fast ow with that the sloth was thrown against the Ravine walls no the brosaurus was about to finish him off when oh oh no you don’t I flew down in between him and the mine dude stop this I need your help the mecca caveman he’s my power with another slam he launched me back and into the mine wait oh no on days 57 to 59 because of the or’s power I started to grow in size and felt all the energy in me was maxed out wo what a rush oh dear I’m going to die here the two us charged back in as our massive forms clashed no my power I could feel the power getting to my head it was exhilarating but I thought back to all my friends all of the people I’m fighting for come on man keep it together we continued to trade blows but then the sloth used his staff’s power to blast out a cone of ice that froze the brosaurus in place hurry with one more slash attack I was finally able to knock out the dinosaur that was close good work fow but are you okay yeah yeah I just think I need a little nap I awoke with the sloth and brosaurus standing over me you all right there b me how about you oh yeah I’m doing just fine thank you for asking wow you’re really nice this ore stuff is crazy powerful if it could change someone like you oh it is I have guarded it since ancient times for this reason but maybe it’s time to let it finally be used for good what are you talking about on day 60 to 63 we follow the sloth deeper into the mine where he showed us another Mech combining machine that’s right this bad boy has to be one of the first models too it drives on the power of the mind but I’m afraid it’s on its last legs that mine too well if we can use it maybe it’ll stop anyone else from being corrupted by its power wow all this time and you’d think I would have thought of that well go on the brosaurus and I stepped on to the old machine causing it to turn on as the ores around the entire mine gave us their power it’s working we were instantly combined together causing me to upgrade again I now had 30 hearts and the overwhelming power of a brontosaurus sweet but as I said this the mindes began to shake the or’s loss and power caused the caveen trapping us inside oh dear we’re done far I don’t think so use my power foso right with my newly acquired abilities I was able to unleash my own Jurassic Quake attack breaking us out yes w you make a pretty good team why yes we do this place was my home for so long what will I do now I think I know just the place you can go on days 64 to 68 I brought the ancient sloth back to my base and quickly got to work building them up a comfortable Treehouse you know all you hot Tech bozos really aren’t that bad after all I then went over and built up my own home so that it could fit my upgraded form nice and rby I agree Soo what are we going to do about the mega caveman you saw that crazy Forge he had right yeah there’s no telling what he’ll do once he has enough scrap for his plans I say we fight his head off well that’s not very nice just then the baby fossil Dino came running up to me foo foo what’s going on little guy listen you got to come see this this volcano it’s going crazy on days 69 to 73 the baby fossil led me to the base of a very active volcano clumps of magma were splashing down all around us as I heard a roar coming from the summit where are you what is that I don’t know but I saw this mea Triceratops rampaging through here he ran up that volcano causing so much destruction that as he went it became active wait a mecha Triceratops they’re the last Mecha dinosaur that escaped the park thanks I’ll take care of it sweet I’m not ready to die by a meteor twice with that I started to make my way up the erupting volcano I tried to fly up but the falling lava bombs made things extremely difficult I guess I have to do this on foot I tried my best but the lava just kept coming oh no there was now a large flow of lava that was blocking my path but with my water blasters I was able to turn it into obsidian ah being Mech is amazing with that I made it to the top hey it is you ah yes they said you’d be here now prepare to meet your doom by my horns wait what on day 74 to 77 the Triceratops charged in with its horns I flew up quickly evading the attack but I was confused why are you doing this we have to work together I will never work with the likes of you not after what you’ve done what what did I do the Triceratops charged at me again but this time his speed and strength allowed him to dash up at me in the air whoa ah I can’t believe you you killed all of the other Mecca dinosaurs and stole their parts I will end you dude are you crazy that’s not what happened we’re all on the same side liar he charged in again so I used my new Quake attack to completely disorient him I Then followed up with a powerful slash that sent him back I didn’t do that they’re all still with me I’m doing this to save all all of the Mecha dinosaurs what then why did he who are you talking about just then an explosion erupted from the side of the volcano revealing the mecca caveman and his Bots all according to plan on days 78 to 80 the mecca caveman approached the Triceratops you you told me that he was killing the others oh right I lied I just wanted both of you the same place so that I could take your scrap for myself no my friends in his blinded rage it ran into attack but the caveman easily struck him down this isn’t even my final form the Mecha caveman started to charge a powerful attack that would finish him in one hit no I pushed through the Bots with my abilities and left toward towards my friend yeah from the caveman’s hit I was taken down to low Hearts he’s still so strong that’s right and with each of your scrap I’ll become strong enough to give this world what it deserves now BS push them into the lava they’ll be easier to transport when they’re already melted down now I have to get back to my Forge the caveman stormed off as his bot charged towards us and pushed us straight into the lava on days 81 to 885 I could feel my body melting down is this it this can’t be it not if I have anything to say about it the Triceratops swam up to me as our molten forms began to merge into one so anyway that’s why I used premium oil myself it really freeze up your tears yeah uh truce I Unleashed my new horn charge attack which completely tore through the remaining Bots woohoo not only that but I now had 35 hearts and became the most powerful mega dinosaur to ever exist great work hey Tracy you finally came around oh thank goodness I’m so glad you’re all safe I’m sorry I didn’t believe you foso it’s all right you just wanted to know your friends are okay and now we got to make sure it stays that way on days 86 to 90 I made my way back to the caveman’s Forge to finally take him on but when I got there sir a b still I would return from the volcano no matter we have enough scrap what they their base our BS just found it now sir without the meca T-Rex there his friends won’t stand a chance what they’re attacking my base good now wait here as I upgrade into my final th the Mecha caveman lowered himself into the forge and started to use up all the scrap they had collected no no I have to save my friends on days 91 to 94 I rushed back home to see that my entire base was being attacked Bots were scattered all around destroying all of our homes and cornering my friends stay back I’m warning you I can’t wait to melt down your scrap no I quickly flew in and slammed down into the ground taking out a group of them what the get him the Bots rushed in but I use my fire to burn them all down yeah they don’t stand a chance against me anymore oh boy thanks Foo you really saved our taals anything for you guys now hurry let’s make sure you guys stay safe I took them over to a secluded spot and used my charge attack to dig out a Hideway for them everyone in here they all hid in the cave but the mech rat looked confused you ain’t going to join us I can’t I have to finish this you can’t do it alone I’m not alone remember yeah let’s go show those cavemen what Real Steel looks like on days 95 to 99 I returned to the forge only to see that the Mecha caveman was still transforming I still have time oh do you well you’re going to have to get past me you metal lizard sounds easy enough but as I said this more Bots came out of the factory to stand with him less easy they all charged in and began to attack in unison they weren’t as scary anymore though but their sheer number was still overwhelming I used all the abilities I to take out groups of them at a time but any chance he could the Knight would just come charging in and hit me back stay back I knew that the Mecha K man was about to finish his upgrade I don’t have a second to lose because of this I Unleashed another powerful Jurassic Quake that took out the remaining Bots oh no and I finally took down the Knight as well and stay down yes we we did it but as I said this no I’m too late on day 100 I was finally face to face with the fully upgraded Mecha caveman and you were so close too but now nothing and no one can stop me let’s just see about that the Mecha caveman began to blast down at me with the barrage of attacks this was clearly the perfect upgrade for him and he was the strongest he had ever been we continued to fight and I had to use all of my new found abilities to dodge around his attacks I was now much faster than him and my new abilities were actually chipping away at him but I got too cocky and was hit I was extremely low on Hearts no his power is just too much no you can do it you are strong Foo and to think not long ago I was even weaker than you and neglected because of it but now you are the only thing left in my way remember we are all with you I could feel every one of my dinosaur friends power up inside of me all of our rage and energy built up into the strongest burst we had ever felt before no no the shock wave itself struck the caveman and finally took him down for good yes we did it the entire world can now live in peace

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Mecha Dinosaur! I had to save my friends from the powerful Mecha Caveman! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


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