Pro Terraria Player reads the Wiki

I’m a new player looking for help let’s go to the walkthr zombies have a 2% chance of dropping the shackle one of the earliest available accessories it’ll provide you with plus one defense point which may not seem valuable but it is necessary for the beginning of the game all right folks you heard it here the shackle is necessary for the beginning of the game s tier accessory you are not going to get through the early game without it feather fall and gravitation potions spawn in the cavern layer not underground traps also spawn in the underground layer and Bones don’t come from skeletons once you have increased your maximum Life by 40 or more and have some speed enhancements like boots it may be a good idea to clear out an area in the underground near your base SLS spawn point and learn about strategies against the torch God okay to start with negative torch luck is not a thing anymore secondly like I guess it’s emotionally beneficial thing but who is stopping what they’re doing to do torch guard at 140 Max HP bone arrow why why are we talking about bone arrow they’re like the worst arrow in the game I mean sure the skeleton Merchant does sell them but they suck why are we bringing them up okay useful items to traveling Merchant cells pad tie and fur not a life form analyzer not a zapinator revolver or ghee not a brick layer you should look for the outrageously overpriced food rather than growing pumpkins or fishing or hitting a tree from an Apple why are we listing the chance as 50% on breaking a shadow orb it’s not like it’s outdated we mentioned the updated version here and the fact that that it’s on every actually supported platform what is this for the five people who still play on the 3DS 20 creepers not 30 it it doesn’t have 30 creepers ever even in for the worthy it’s 40 you might as well say 20 to 3 million creepers it’s just as accurate as 20 to 30 and we’re suggesting The Ivy whip not not a snap Thorn not a blade of grass not jungle armor no the The Ivy whip that’s what we want our Vines for hey what you to Stingers craft I don’t know man figure it out what you want to walk through in this walk through the underground desert is on here twice with two completely different recommendations be sure to get yourself above 300 HP and be past Skeletron to have necro armor so you can come to the underground desert to get the second best gem staff in armor that’s a downgrade from what you’re using now and a Bast statue for those early boss fights after Skeletron recommended Buffs for Skeletron life force potion recommended weapons if you’re melee good [ __ ] luck and Rangers please throw your arrows by hand Mages just use the vilethorn I mean it’s got piercing right that’s what’s important not the fact that it’s going to do like five damage per hit I love how much these Wiki Pages completely contradict themselves due to updates summoner’s only choice is B armor so you have to use it except actually you can use obsidian armor and it’s just better but only if you’re playing on any version of the game that’s been updated in the past decade these weapon recommendations are incredibly outdated the knight’s Edge has Auto swing now we even crossed out the PO that said it didn’t have Auto swing why are we still talking about it it’s got incredible range now two the molten Fury is not the best bow the hellwing bow is and the hellwing bow does not have homing and it’s not best used with Hellfire arrows I wouldn’t even say the molten Furious I think it’s better with Unholy and we’re just listing every semide decent magic weapon from years ago here no zapon NATO no aquor no mention of the fact that the demon Scythe is way better than all the other options how is a new player supposed to know which of these is worth it or do you just want them to collect every single available weapon we’re still putting down lava waiters Terra spoke boots came out full 4 years ago you can delete old info on a Wiki we’re not in 2015 anymore I’m seeing a remember not to delete pre 1.4 content rule I’ll be real this is making these guides worse every platform except old gen console and 3DS are updated here and almost nobody in 2024 is going to start playing Terraria on those versions Queen slime is here but not the essive light a deal clops what the [ __ ] a deal clops it recommends making drills no no ah the devastating Shadow flame debuff dealing 5 DPS probably want to put in some mention of the fact that wuns can’t really make sharp tones that’s primarily how you dodge them the way it’s written here makes it sound like they’re fantasmal dragons which are nearly undodgeable wyns are very avoidable it’s it’s really quite easy you can even just jump from an island and shoot upwards and it’ll probably die by the time you reach the ground the biggest lie in this guide is that Queen slime is a fun boss we’re just listing like every halfway decent early hard mode weapon here you’ve got the Duke fishron weapons on here I’m sorry if a player can kill Duke fishron prech they do not need this guide It’s not like this thing hasn’t been updated since 2020 or something we’ve got the walf mount on here the prime saw and Prime Vice are very difficult to avoid and should be destroyed first that is just awful advice what we’re not using Wings we’re not flying in a circle Skeletron Prime has a reactive speed he goes as fast as he needs to to catch the player when he’s not spinning you can’t outrun him and even if you could lightning boots would not be fast enough yet no wonder you’re having trouble with the saw andice you’re not using Wings did the person that wrote this guide forget that Wings exist there wasn’t a wing section they were very casually given in the accessory section I think it’s pretty important to tell new players hey wings are how you dodge things in hard mode get them I think we need to tell the guy that wrote this walk through that seriously the guy that wrote this doesn’t know about wings I don’t Wings you dodge it with wings you don’t need to time a jump with lightning boots and frost bark boots you fly in the air gravitation potions are good but Wings Duke fishron is one of the hardest bosses in the game as of 13.3.3 please please please do not use the mega shark on the pillows please get a new weapon the scaly truffle does not give Infinite Flight why why are we even mentioning it it sucks progression graph who thought this was a good way to format progression this isn’t progression it’s a Loosely connected visualization that just has info thrown on it do you do queen bee before Skeletron it looks like no but she’s a PR Skeletron boss King Slime is further down visually than almost all the other bosses we’re using bold for important steps which is extremely difficult to see this is impossible to make sense of unless you already know the info why is the ivy whip shown explicitly it’s the only item shown on the entire guide it doesn’t even have internal consistency it looks like things flow vertically in h mode Duke fishron is listed alongside the mech bosses shite is below planta but why is the solar eclipse after plant era if we’re putting things where they should first become available it should be post Mech if we’re putting them when you should do them the Empress fishron of the Moon should be post Golem why does this page exist I don’t understand who this helps this confused me let alone a new player by the way this is a good time to point out the old ones Army has never been on any of these guides class setups I’m playing a class I want to know what weapons to use what not to use and what items to get okay we’re recommending 11 swords five different boomerangs nine magic weapons four minions it seems like we’re just going here is a list of all the semide decent items you could get but I feel like it would make more sense to go here are a few good items you should get why are we recommending the moam Masa or volcano against the wall instead of a Night’s Edge really all of these should just be gone and it should just be the Night’s Edge maybe the dark Lance it’s so much better than all of them why would you ever recommend using the bees knees or molten Fury over the hellwing bow why use fossil armor pick something good and tell the player to use it don’t just list every halfway usable option that’s pointless it’s getting worse 18 Mage weapon recommendations including the fishron weapons and the Medusa head which sucks is awful don’t ever use the Medusa head it’s like the worst magic weapon in hard mode back to the scaly truffle why are we recommending the scaly truffle please we’re listing fishron weapons why not the fishron mount we don’t even have consistency did you think the scy truffle was the shrimpy Truffle because it’s not it sucks hm I wonder which of the powerful old ones Army armors I can use for a hybrid Summoner armor set Squire’s great Helm so our recommended bows are the shot bow stormbow and pulse bow which either shoot multiple arrows or override arot type let’s recommend Hellfire arrows which have serious eye frame issues with multi-shot bows why are we still recommending The Squire Helm post Moon lord it’s not good died obtaining a teror Prisma oh this is going to be good for nocturnal bosses starting the battle just after the sunsets will provide the maximum amount of time to defeat the boss why are you recommending the tactical shotgun it’s so bad it’s so bad it gets destroyed by defense and the empress has like the second highest defense of any boss why are we comparing the Snowman Cannon to the piranha gun with the panag gun isn’t even a recommended weapon who cares if it’s better than the piranha gun like yes the Snowman Cannon is good but not because it’s better than the piranha gun oh oh that’s it there no sections of showing how to dodge or tips on how to move or anything that a player would actually want to know I just well I guess we figured out that the Snowman Cannon is better than the piran gun that’s something Moon Lord strategies look I love the old On’s Army armors as much as the next guy but I would never actually use them in a normal playthrough way too grindy and the event sucks I’ll make this guide simple use the Daybreak fantasm nebula blazee or Stardust Dragon with firecracker that’s all the weapon info you need to know if a player is struggling with the moonl Lord they do not need to know about the Flying Dragon theoretically outperforming the Daybreak if you’re close enough to hit with melee swings and the projectile on a second hit box why are we recommending holy arrows the moon Lord has tiny hit boxes and high defense use iore and please don’t use the electrosphere launcher on the moonl Lord the teror Prisma is not better than the dragon these other whips don’t matter use the firecracker and dark harvis to hit faster with it Wall of Flesh no it isn’t please be are not that good why sunfury why have you used the post 1.4.4 Knight’s Edge it is basically designed to perfectly counter the Wall of Flesh it is the anti-wall of Flesh weapon no no not the diamond staff no deerclops strategy page doesn’t even mention that you can run beneath her legs you know the intended strategy no that’s not you don’t need items in storage containers to stop them from being blown up that’s just not true despite being a key it does not unlock anything thanks it is smaller than both the volcano and blade of grass are we looking at the same sword the mega shark is not that good look I’ve beaten the game with a lawn mower and copper short sword and flare gun you can use weapons well past when they’re good but the mega shark is not good post Golem get a Venus Magnum get a stinger hell get a sniper rifle Rocket Launcher not not the mega shark no no they don’t function identically they’re pretty much downgrades in almost every situation don’t ever make drills in some cases they may even be more effective than their non-sticky counterpart hey uh so which cases are those dude I don’t know I’m not a Wiki Throne Waters do not do AOE damage it only damages what it hits directly tips it sucks I swear the people that write the wiki don’t play the game The W of spoking is good really good it is reliable and it doesn’t have low stats 14 base damage and 14% crit is great for a weapon obtainable a minute into playing the game it’s very powerful I I can’t keep looking through all these Pages look I respect the wiki and the people who maintain it but some of this info is just not good I didn’t even mention the guy who just made up the shroom rang coming from mushroom chest cuz he didn’t actually know how to get it or the one that recommended using the breaker blade to soften up enemies for the keybrand and I do think that a lot of the problems here come down to being extremely unwilling to remove or archive outdated information which leads to confusion and messy articles you say something and then immediately contradict it the number of players who are going to start playing Terraria on the 3DS or old gen such that they would need information from the wiki to help them in 2024 is minuscule why are we making the wiki such a headache for everyone else because of them a lot of the Terraria Wiki just has inferior information quality to what you’ll find scouted around Discord servers in the forums even just the stuff that I’ve made the level of information in my hoik guy mining guide and defense guide are way more detailed than what the wiki pages had especially the former two not to mention the moon Lord’s healing mechanics I know Jason I four on the Terraria Discord server has made some incredible class guides they’re easy to understand straightforward and effective you look at the Wiki page on class setups and you’ve got tons of information there’s no sense of what’s better or worse or what’s easy or hard to use it’s just everything somewhat decent thrown in a list but a lot of the wiki also has great heavily detailed information it’s a mixed bag and it’ be quite nice to see it in prove some of the guides are great the getting started page has some very helpful tips but then you click through to the walk through and it all falls apart I do know that people are working to make the wiki better even as I’m making this video I actually requested they wait a bit so some of the things in this video might already be fixed by now you watching this right now could even be the person to fix it

hey, at least it’s not fandom

I think some of the deliveries came off as if I was genuinely upset, when it was more meant to be poking fun at some of the ridiculous things on the wiki. A lot of the stuff was marked as outdated/needing to be updated, it’s not like this is going “wow the wiki is awful,” more “wow look at all this silly things it recommends doing.”

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  1. Good video, I'm properly cackling. I remember finding the bees' knees + hive pack absurdly strong when I last played ranger ~1.3. Has the ranger weapon balancing queen bee – wof changed since then?

  2. Honestly they should just keep an old-gen and modern terraria section on the wiki and update EVERYTHING

    PS some things do make sense(Ie the class setups, while yes the hellwing bow pretty much trumps everything I still use the bee knees for the hungry or if I dont have direct line of sight to the wall.

    I think they could honestly ask help of the calamity wiki team for some formatting and editting help in all honesty

  3. I wonder if the reasons behind the wiki's poor recommendations are difficulty select? There's a thing in the fire emblem community where wrong or limited information is often given by people who played on lower difficulties, since due to the greater leniency on play, units classes and weapons of a worse quality can be used without the problems they create on harder difficulties, and they end uo recommended on wikis/walkthroughs because "I used it and it worked for me". Maybe a similar thing here.

  4. isn't wiki still the only good place to check item drops? That's how i've been using it primarily while learning the game, otherwise i'd probably never found out about post-plantera dungeon drops etc

  5. As you say, the problem is that they're not willing to get rid of old info or, even better, make a sub-page for the same item/boss/whatever for an older version so every bit of information is where it belongs and where it is helpful.

    The Ivy Whip being mentioned so much in particular probably goes back to the 1.0 and 1.1 days when it was the only other hook besides the basic grappling hook (talking pre-HM in 1.1).

  6. I usually do torch god after brain, but that is only because i just spam the arena with torches once the brain is dead.
    Other then that, i never fight the god of torches.

  7. Anyone who hasn’t seen the second point under “Trivia” for the Hexxed Branch should check it out, the last part has some life changing advice

  8. i only use the wiki for item recipes and class setups since they show every weapon i could get, i know whats good but i still like having all the cool toys, i never actually read any of the articles but holy SHIT

  9. I remember using the equipment guide on my first play through. around hard mode I realized it was "recommending" every wepon so I would look through every items stats to find the actually good ones I probably spent more time doing that than actually finding the weapons

  10. i think i could smash my head into a fire hydrant for 10 minutes and still give a more coherent progression guide to terraria

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