Newbie Plays Terraria for 200 Days

Terraria new player takes on another 100 days of Terraria. This is Newbie plays Terraria for 200 days.


(Early access, extended cuts, and bonus content)

Part 1 (100 days):


  1. Yesssss
    I can't tell if he's saying oricalcum wrong on purpose or not.

    But like Ori-Cal-Cum

    Also id love to see what you can do after learning a ton of stuff from watching lots of pros doing there thing and explaining everything.

    How fast could you beat Moon Lord?

    Some tips for the future

    Read the wiki… A LOT
    There's tons of stuff you'd never even know about if you didn't. I'm still learning new things to this day.

    Cut your world into section if you wanna remove the corruption and Hollow.
    The clentaminator is the most useful tool for this, there is an upgraded version that I don't know the name of that can shoot farther.

    Get tons of souls and ore
    there is a lot of useful craftables that use them.

    The zenith is the best melee sword in the game
    Just watch how it strikes

    There are 5 classes
    Melee, ranged, mage, summoner and yoyo.
    Each have there own armor, tools, weapons, and play styles. I use a combination of them and I've become unkillable.

    There are lots of tiers of wings
    Each having there own height of flight, try to get the best ones. You can always put a cool looking pair in the vanity slot to cover up how they look.

    Speaking of

    Vanity slots have toggles, so if there is something you don't wanna see, you can hide it.

    Do not underestimate any boss, always go hard and getting the best stuff to fight.

    Potions are underutilized, always have then.

    NEVER NOT have torches

    Always be ready


    Make it a goal to mine an entire world and then make your own.

  2. I know it's probably been said already, but the reason the voodoo dolls don't work some of the time is because each time you throw the doll into lava, it kills the guide. So you've got to wait a little bit for a new guide to spawn in for the voodoo dolls to work again

  3. a few explanations:
    22:57 you can show the time by crafting a pocket watch
    23:47 items despawn either when you leave and rejoin the game or when the loose item limit is reached which i think is 400
    28:23 the voodoo doll summons the wall by killing the guide, but you already killed the guide with the previous doll so theres no guide to kill

  4. There’s a “quick stack to nearby chests” button just below the Ammo/Coins in the inventory that auto places items from your inventory to the correct chest, so if a chest already contains Dirt blocks, it will place any dirt blocks from your inventory to the chest.

    This button ignores any items in your hotbar and any favourited items (hold Alt and click to favourite an item)

  5. I just rewatched the first episode as I forgot what had happened as it was so long ago and was shocked how different you sound now!

  6. I was surprised to hear that "the inventory control in this game is awful as everybody said". I can understand that your inventory fills fast, but the inventory management is actually one of the best I know thanks to the huge amount of quality of life features. Quick stacking to nearby chests, quick resupply, several variants of portable storage which grants you additional full inventory spaces… They make it as pleasant as can be. I guess it can be frustrating if you don't know about these options, but I just find it hard to believe that "everybody said that it is awful" as I'd assume most people know about those and I don't think anyone of those people would complain.

  7. usually a big fan, but the music in this one is so distracting and overwhelming. it's also the same track repeatedly which is not fun for over 30minutes of gameplay.

    if it was a 5min highlights video i'd get it, but a 30 minute let's play does not need music at all.

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