My First Time Seeing the Bookseller in Stardew Valley 1.6 – Ep 7

Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome back to my 1.6 St Valley let’s play we’re back for another episode yes yes yes and today’s going to be I think a pretty exciting day because we are going to experience something new in 1.6 it is on the calendar I think it’s tomorrow

Today is actually Shane’s birthday uh so we need to keep that in mind I need to get him something that he would like so partially cloudy with a light Breeze we got to keep that in mind for tomorrow as well the spirits are in Good Humor today

I think you’ll have a little bit of extra luck all right today I have a little bit of a plan for what I want to do but then again also I’m I am kind of down for anything so we’re just going to see where the valley takes us today

Let’s get all of our chores done in the last episode or you know past couple of episodes we got the backpack upgrade we’ve got a silo now we are doing relatively well look at this holy moly dear Nash have you settled into your new life yet I can’t believe you’re all

Grown up now time sure flies now that you’re gone I have a lot of extra money lying around so I included a little gift love Dad 500 gold enclosed that’s a lot uh to get us kind of go in here and I’m happy about that because we need a lot

Of money going into next season especially if we’re going to be buying some crops and things like that very very essential so thank you dad for sending us the extra money I am just going to get my little chores done around the farm quickly I do kind of

Think we should focus on cleaning up the farm too soon because I really haven’t done that and there’s still a ton of fibers and branches and all kinds of things just lying around it wouldn’t be a bad idea to think about upgrading our tools soon and I do have quite a lot of

Copper that we can get smelting so that we can start upgrading our tools although I think it’s going to be $2,000 to do that so it’s it’s a bit expensive all right so I know that Shane likes eggs uh he also really likes beer so we

Technically could buy him a beer if we want to but just because I’m trying not to spend money right now I think I’m going to give him this brown silver quality egg I guess is is it the best gift ever just throwing an egg at

Somebody no um but is it going to do the trick I think so so let’s head on into town and see if we can find Shane oo check it out we got a forgeable here all right let’s grab that and then I’m going to just peek my head up and see if

There’s any more forgeblacksmith game because I was watching another let’s play and their book seller came on like the 11th and I was like wait I haven’t gotten the book seller or did I just miss it or something no the book seller comes on different days for each player which is

Really interesting I think it’s probably dependent on your seed but oh jod needs a daffodil for 90 that is insanely easy I think we we literally have one right there so if we see jod today we are going to say hi of course and give her

The daffodil for the extra gold and then we need to see Shane too but anyways back to the Book seller thing uh yeah the book seller is I think seed-based and is different for everybody so it’s kind of cooler I guess different per seed I got an acorn nice so I I was

Wondering I was like why haven’t I got the book seller yet it it just turns out you have to be patient and it happens on different days but oh you brought me the item I asked for I really appreciate it here’s your payment as promised thank

You Miss jod I will take that and then I think our only other journal entry is yeah deeper in the minds reach level 40 which I would like to do oh hi Vincent what’s going on dad’s coming back soon I hope he brings me some toys that would

Be extra cool I can’t wait to meet this mysterious father I won’t spoil it if you guys don’t know I’m sure a lot of you do know who it is but it is a an NPC in the game oh here’s Penny she is so adorable hi Penny how’s it going today

This is such a small town you can’t avoid meeting everyone I wonder what it’s like to live in the city wonder if she’s ever thought of moving there I mean possibly she should try maybe I don’t know also is the city nearby H I don’t know what I didn’t hear you I’m

Busy thinking about something I’m sorry Sebastian disrupting his thoughts what do you want let’s say hi to Alex cuz I don’t think Sebastian wants to talk to us my arms are really sore but that’s a sign of progress for a guy like me I must have done a thousand push-ups yesterday

He always um very very active Alex very active I’m still keeping an eye out guys for who we are potentially going to romance in this series I haven’t really taken to one particular person over the other yet so I’m just I’m just letting it happen when it happens it’ll happen

Still kind of on the lookout for Shane I haven’t found him yet uh today is Saturday tomorrow’s Sunday so the traveling Merchant is going to be in town or the traveling cart guess we could go check the beach if we wanted to but I’m just going to kind of prioritize

Finding Shane first so we got jod we got Shane these two boys are I think playing video games down here and then I think I need to take a copper bar over to the community center so that’s the reason I brought this with me so I’m assuming

Shane is either in here okay Shane is in here awesome Shane happy birthday here is an egg and a large egg at that oh is it my birthday that’s right I almost forgot thanks no problem Shane why are you bothering me uh I want to be alone

But it’s your birthday I feel like you shouldn’t have to be alone on your birthday some people like that though so I guess we’ll let it be but let’s check Mar’s stock we really haven’t done this throughout the series we’ve got a milk pill heater shears look at the new dog

Houses oh we have to get a dog later in the game that’s so they’re so cute oh cat trees bird houses wow these are amazing we got some new stuff here okay and then we can purchase animals we could get more chickens if we want to oh

You know what we should do guys we should try to make the mayonnaise machine that would be really really really good also let’s go check if there’s any spring onions down south of the farm I’m also really curious if I can catch the GOI yet I’ve been leveling

Up in hopes that we can get down into the waterfall so we’ll give that a go while we’re down here okay any spring onions there are some nice there also quite a few HSE radishes we can pick up too all right I don’t know if I’m high

Enough skill yet but we’re going to Max it out and see oh my God we actually are so it seems like level four you can reach down here we’re going to give it a go and see if we can catch the goby oh this would be so exciting if we did

Because I’ve been waiting for this for such a long time all right so we do have to kind of Max it out but it does land right here and this should be fishing spot territory so I’m just going to fish guys I’m just going to fish all day and

We’ll see if we can catch the goby that I have been wanting to catch we got a hit got our first hit okay is this going to be the lucky one lucky goby on our first fish in the waterfall that would be pretty incredible so yeah you guys have been

Telling me you got to fish down in the waterfall and that’s how you catch the goby please please please there it is we finally caught the goby Yes we got the new fish I am so EXC static about that that was quick too that was the first fish that I I caught in the waterfall that is how you catch it so it turns out you just need fishing level four so let’s go over to my skills

Here wow we are like really good friends with Pam Vincent Shane leou jod Robin lius okay so yeah fishing level four and you can get down there that’s probably good good for you guys to know for the future forging is level three forming level three mining two combat one

Okay that sounds about right and then look at our hearts with uh with beluga Misti and anola I love that it shows you that that that now it is so so helpful I believe we needed 10 maple seeds for a community center thing so I’m going to

Take that over two uh I think we need this with moss and then we needed the like 200 fiber which we’re almost at 100 but we’ll check that when we actually get to the community center cuz I’m not quite sure about it so I’m curious if I

Turned in one of these already already I guess I could I did I did turn in this already dang it ah I could have checked ahead of time but what else do we need actually while we’re here batteries refined quartz Earth crystal that’s what I should have brought I think I have one

Of those yeah I already turned in the copper bar dang it this is why I have a spreadsheet I just don’t have my spreadsheet open right now which I should so this one I believe if we go to the forest bundle yeah right here so 200

Fiber Moss which I’m going to have to figure out what to do or how to get that cuz I absolutely have no idea last fish I’m pretty much cutting it close here so I am going to keep these but we’re going to head back up to the farm Marne okay

Marne Marne and chane are heading home late I wonder where Marney was at this late at night that’s that’s odd I don’t know oh I guess it’s Saturday they were probably at the saloon that makes sense I really haven’t dropped by the saloon to see everybody there yet okay let’s

Put everything away actually let’s get one more oh gosh it’s getting late let’s get our copper going I do want to have some of this on back stock just oh that’s not where that goes oh my goodness I’m making all sorts of mess here I want to have some copper on

Backstock in case we want to upgrade uh some of our tools in the future that’s kind of the plan there and then the rest is all fishing stuff trying to keep organized throughout this series and I’m hoping that we level up fishing soon possibly to level five in this episode

That would be awesome if we could do that but let’s move on to tomorrow cuz I am just excited to see this book seller o we leveled up foraging how did I miss that I missed the little message we did get the cookout kit though which is kind

Of great because if we want to cook stuff we can do it with the cookout kit and I can craft those I’m not sure how to even craft those though um but the book seller is in town today oh yes I love that we get a little message so

Let’s quickly do chores on the farm check the TV do all that at clear and sunny all day tomorrow and then we are going to head over to the Book seller also it’s Sunday so the carts in town the spirits are somewhat mildly ped today luck will not be on your side and

The queen of sauce what are we learning today radish salad there’s nothing like a fresh peppery radish reminds me of late spring my mother would slice up the fresh radishes and serve them on grainy bread with a little salt and pepper ah the those were the dates but I digress

Now watch closely there we go we learned how to cook radish salad the puddles oh it’s so nice and we got our first strawberry Harvest but not our second I will say that is interesting did I did I must have not watered these on one of

The days H it happens it happens it’s fine but let’s take care of these carrots like I said I’m going to do my chores and then we are heading over to the Book seller quickly I’m curious to see if we could make a mayonnaise

Machine I did want to do that in a past episode and it just started to slip my mind so we need one copper bar we need the Earth crystal and then we needed was it Stone and wood why I just looked at the recip and I’m already like what do I

Need a that’s always how it goes okay there it is our first mayonnaise machine now you guys in this update they added the ability to drink mayonnaise that’s right and that’s such an important important Revelation if you think about it so we are going to be drinking some mayonnaise today that’s

Right uh I’m going to make mayonnaise out of I guess this large egg um so let’s do this and oh come on there we go all right so now we just have to wait for this mayonnaise to be done and we can drink the mayonnaise now this of

Course leads me to ask you guys are you a fan of mayonnaise in the comments section down below please let me know I love mayonnaise I put it on all my sandwiches came not all my sandwiches definitely not like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that would be a little

Crazy um who knows there’s there might be some enjoyers of peanut butter and jelly and mayonnaise out there I wouldn’t be surprised but not for me but I’m I’m saying if it’s like if it’s a burger or a turkey sandwich or a chicken sandwich or a ham sandwich I’m throwing

Mayonnaise on that thing I love it anyways we’re down to check the traveling cart let’s see what’s going on here so we got wheat seeds vegetable medley we do have the fairy Rose uh and fairy rose seeds we can always plant those later we’ve got bread eggs sturgeon sturgeon those are notoriously

Kind of tricky to catch that’s tempting but I feel like I shouldn’t I feel like we’re saving our money right now I don’t want want to get too crazy especially because we are getting to the end of the season and like I said I need to save up

For blueberries so today after we go see the book seller and probably tomorrow in game I’m going to be fishing like a madom until I hit level five because I want to be able to catch fish and sell fish at a higher price that’s going to

Be good for us going into next season uh let me just check the trash cans and we are we’re jetting on over to the Book seller but first we got to say hi to Penny we got to we got to say hi to the villagers when we see them hello um the

Weather’s interesting today don’t you think I feel like we’ve heard that before Penny we we’re starting to run out of things to talk about I feel like I’m going to have to come up with some things to talk about with Penny let’s go oh I’m excited I

Feel like I I feel like I went the the longest way I could possibly go to get to this thing so it is right up past Jo jamart and up this hill back back here where these stairs are this should be exciting ready the book seller oh this looks

Amazing so this is officially my first time seeing it put together but there’s like a whole hot air balloon I love the wiggling streamers that’s amazing the big book sign is really cool too oh this makes me so happy okay marchello Marcelo marello I think it’s marello marchello’s books at your

Service okay so first observation is these are extremely expensive so it seems like something we’re not going to be able to do today but I’m glad that we get to look at it I mean nonetheless so what are these stardo Valley Almanac so it’s a skill book read

This to gain some farming experience interesting so there are books that give few little boosts that’s amazing combat quarterly read this to gain some combat experience that is the one that I need cuz I suck at combat in this game way of the Wind part one you run a little bit

Faster interesting so there’s perk books now they’re basically perk books where you can read it and you can walk faster you gain a little extra speed while writing your horse so your horse goes faster you will now run a lot faster through grass and crops that’s interesting price catalog you can now

See the value of your items H this is really exciting I love this I’m a little sad that I can’t partake yet but I mean hey it’s still pretty cool super cool and I can’t wait to be uh visiting marello a lot more in the future so with that being said I am

Going to go fishing like I kind of said earlier with that being said with what I said all of the different things that I’ve said in this video U are you friends with Gus he’s a pretty good guy yeah he definitely is he even gives me

Fe free he even gives me free beer on my birthday ah so a few days ago she was getting some free beer from Gus I see I wonder if he would do the same for us these are good questions anyways down to the beach I go I think I’m going to do

Some beach fishing I believe I’ve caught most of the fish that we need for this season too uh but yeah just a little bit of fishing to um just to just to finish out today is what I’m thinking Elliot it’s been so long since I talked to you hello I hope

Your new farming life is panning out how you’d hoped oh it definitely is I’m having a blast being a farmer it’s a path I never thought I’d take in life but definitely one that I’m thankful for o I got some sea jelly that’s exciting a rare jelly found in the ocean I think

That means I have one of each jelly now POS well Maybe not maybe not maybe I only have River jelly and sea jelly not quite sure about that but that I love the color of that that’s so pretty so it’s starting to get dark and I still haven’t got the message that

I’ve leveled up yet so it’s taking a little it’s taking a little while but we’re we’re doing good I’ve got a lot of fish let me just show you guys look at this I’ve even started to get aridium quality I didn’t even know cuz they were

In like the second bar that I couldn’t see I Can Only See This Bar wow we are getting aridium quality that’s I mean oh you’re starting to feel exhausted that got me excited for a second but that is not the message we want to see oh I didn’t even realize my

Energy is extremely low um okay it’s probably good that we turn in for the night I still technically have tomorrow that we can um fish so I’m not too worried about it I would like to get my fishing skill up before next season or yeah hit level five before next

Season and by next season I mean spring or summer it is Spring right now summertime I also need to get bait for these crap pots i’ I’ve been throwing away all my bait because before we got the backpack upgrade I didn’t have space in my inventory but now that I actually

Have inventory space I should be keeping the bait which I just haven’t got any bait like I haven’t gotten lucky enough o Abigail I haven’t talked to Abigail in so long so let’s say hi Oh man I’ve been pushing off my homework all week looks like I’ve uh I’ll be pulling another all

Nighter oh I do those all the time my sleep schedule is whacka Doo so I am here with Abigail on that one but it’s interesting cuz I wonder who the teacher is of the older kids are they homeschooled is she homeschooled by Caroline do you guys think I feel like

She would be homeschooled by Caroline I feel like that’s something they would do together but what do you guys think do you think Penny works with the older kids too how do you think they go to school I’d be interested to dear that but with that being said let’s go into

My fish chest here yeah it was the river jellies we got so we need to get some of the I think it’s the mountain jelly it’s probably not it’s called it’s probably called Lake jelly not Mountain jelly cuz that would be a bit a bit weird uh but

Yeah we should uh definitely think about trying to go get some of that too so we can make a is it Deluxe bait oh I’m already forgetting the new recipes I don’t quite know what that makes I do want to keep this cuz I think we can

Turn soggy newspaper into cloth if we get the recycler which I think I can craft uh yeah the recycle machine we just need iron so yeah we’re not deep enough in the mines yet look at the cookout kit that’s cheap you guys the coal not so cheap but I’m curious

Because if we get the cookout kit we could make Moy rolls and we could make the fried eggs that we need for the community center you guys I am on that Community Center grind it is my favorite part of stardy Valley I am like obsessed with the community center and Che

Checking off boxes I love ticking things off it’s so satisfying so it is like a thing for me that I just love the community center so much but anyways let me check the TV we are moving on to another day it is going to rain all day

Tomorrow that’s good to keep in mind we are so close to the end of the season guys we’ve gotten through spring of year 1 the spirits are in good humor to today I think you’ll be you’ll get a little extra luck okay so do we take that luck

And do we go fishing with it or do we take that luck and go into the mines H get your hands on a fishing pole and sell your catch fishing is a great way to make a little extra cash oh trust me we already know I am on the fishing

Grind like it is nobody’s business but my own and especially not Willies he’s got nothing on me in my fishing business so you guys want to think I’m crazy but part ofman wants to kind of keep these strawberries because they’re good as gifts for I believe Maru and

Demetrius I don’t know if they’re going to really make us that much money maybe right before the end of the season I’ll just go ahead and sell them all maybe that’s well do just kind of hang on to them right now cuz we don’t really need

That money at this moment so yeah I’m curious that uh I I don’t know I don’t know what we’re going to do normally I just sell the strawberries but I feel like today I want to kind of keep them or this time around just keep them for

The first season and use them as gifts hello my little chickies oh I love you so much they’re my cute little buddies I love beluga and Misty their names really have grown on me I’m I like the autogenerated names I feel like they did a good job on them it’s been fun

Watching other people stardy Valley series when they’ve been doing the metaland farm and seeing what their chickens are called cuz you always start out with two chickens and everyone’s chickens have had different names so far and some of them like the chicken names make sense and like go together and I just think

It’s really cute but anyways we have mayonnaise oh you guys already know what’s going down I am going to drink this mayonnaise that’s right 42 energy why did I I waste the mayonnaise dang it that’s okay we’re going to make more pop that in the mayonnaise maker I

Definitely am going to need a lot more mayonnaise makers and Productions so you know what possibly well you know I did say I wanted to do fishing did say I wanted to do that didn’t I H let me stop and think really quickly on what I want

To do for today’s plan all right so we’re running out of coal and we have tons of fish to sell I think the plan for today is we’re going to go to the mines it’s a good luck day uh should I check the oh we’re going to need to

Bring carrots if we’re going to go to the mines uh I’m trying to think if I’m going to bring a cherry bomb we’ll need one of those and I am going to bring some carrots these are really nice to bring to the mines too and then I’m

Trying to think if we should go check the bulletin board because I haven’t really been paying attention I only paid attention to Shane’s birthday and the Book seller but after that I wasn’t paying attention to anything that was going to happen after so we could have a

Birthday today and I just wouldn’t even know so I feel like we should check before we head on to the mines here’s Marne I’m going to say hello it’s important to talk to Marne I just love animals treat them kindly and they’ll become your friends yes yes yes okay so

We don’t have anything to worry about until the flower dance so that’s good to keep in mind book seller and then Pierre and Emily have a back toback birthday all righty so yeah nothing to do for the next couple days which is nice uh and we only have let me see here

1 2 3 4 5 we could sell some parsnips but I think I’m going to go really hard with farming next season I’m going to I we didn’t do a lot of farming this season and I just feel like I missed I like that was my bad just missed out on

It um early game so yeah I don’t know but I’m going to give it a go next season we will do a lot more farming hopefully whereas this season I feel like I was just trying to like get on my toes and just try to get things started

And rolling feel like we’ve done a pretty good job money has been a little low but I’m hoping once we get the fishing up that that’s going to fix that but let’s blow this thing away the rock with a cherry bomb and we can now meet the dwarf who I

Cannot I don’t know dwarf language I am not going to be a ble to understand this at the current time but once we get the dwarf Scrolls we will be able to understand the dwarf and hopefully get some pretty cool stuff out of it now ooh

I’m tempted to fish here Nash we’re not here to fish don’t do it oh are you kidding me no no no no no we’re not messing with an infested area that’s not happening that’s not happening no sir oh it’s just perpetually infested you’re kidding oh wait there’s only like two guys in here

Okay this is super tiny nice well this should be an easy fight I was uh not expecting this to perfect wow I was like I’m not messing with this cuz I thought it was going to be like a giant room oh wow okay we are already found the stairs beautiful I’m just

Going to go see if I can find any copper and any bugs and then if we do we will fight them or and or mine them and then get the heck out out of here GH not the kind of bug I want to see get away from

Me these bugs are the worst the flying bugs are the worst I know we’ve talked about this in a past episode but it’s just every time I need to say because they’re the worst ah look at this looks like we found some amethyst very nice

This will be good I think I need to donate this to the community center so kind of glad we found that o I think there’s another one over there too quite a few little copper nodes for us to get going down another level awesome oh Earth crystal yes yes yes we can make

Another mayonnaise machine or we can go put this in the the bundle like we need to probably that that needs to be prioritized so I’ll probably do that so this is going to be a relatively quick uh episode because spent a lot of time fishing and a lot of time just kind of

Here hanging out in the mines I don’t really tend to to like to put too much of this in the videos because I feel like it gets very repetitive but I do want to show you guys cool things that we get if we’re in the m or if we are

Fishing if I if I get any um what you call them like treasure chests those are kind of nice to show you guys oh God these are all going to turn aren’t they oh don’t turn don’t turn blue oh thank goodness I don’t know how we they didn’t

Turn we got another glow ring nice okay I’ll take it we got a book no way no way read this to gain some farming experience oh my God God that just made my entire day I thought we weren’t going to be able to get a book in this episode

And we just got one I wonder how much experience it’s going to give us curious very curious okay so what are we at we’re at farming level four so if we read this hold on I’m just going to do this right now I don’t know I don’t know

Whoa you’ve learned a few things about farming okay what does that mean what happened what’s going on so that was that was super cool interesting so I don’t I don’t know if we’ve we’ve leveled up but maybe crafting maybe if I look into crafting did we learn anything

New here I don’t think so very curious I did not know you could find books in the mins that is so cool okay get away from me slime go away I was seriously like a little bit bummed out that we didn’t weren’t able to buy a book today cuz

They were so expensive but we actually got that one that’s I am like so pleasantly surprised I will definitely take the geod I just have to get down one more level and we have plenty of time in the day so I think we’ll be able

To do it but still just so floored about the book that’s so cool and there it is level 25 yay I’m so glad we got uh down at least at least five levels if we could get down another five I would be uh feeling pretty good about that I want to

Get down to the Frozen levels as soon as possible that would be fantastic oh there we go okay let me just double check make sure there are no copper nodes none up there so we can just head straight down again just kind of keeping my eyes peeled for any copper nodes or

Earth crystals those are sort of like our main wish list items right now Earth crystals to make mayonnaise machines for our um for our eggs and then yeah copper noes just to get extra copper to upgrade our tools and to be able to make machines and things like that ooh tons

Of copper nodes down here beautiful I’m not really bothering with the bugs I can kind of come down and do the bugs at any time in the future cuz there there’s always going to be bugs and slimes down here so just kind of getting down is more so what I’m prioritizing right now

Oh yep that one I knew that one was going to turn I was like there’s no way oh gosh and we got the Green Smoke of Doom this could end up really bad for me actually oh this is going to end up so bad for me oh God run oh my God never

Been chased like this in okay there’s just a time where you got to fight you just get up fight fight no no no no okay okay there’s get up oh my God no that was the worst I’ve been swarmed in my entire life in this game oh I

Really wanted to get down the levels it’s 8:00 p.m. though so I’m going to head back home that was kind of spooky holy ho cow I never been swarmed like that before in the mines that was scary anyways we got a worm dig spot here is that another book are you actually

Kidding me what am I mix seeds go away Jack be nimble Jack be thick gain one defense what is happening with these books I cannot believe what like seriously what you’ve learned a new power I learned a new power how am I getting all these books like on the day

The books CER comes I’m getting extra lucky with finding boats this is incredible also we got our first piece of iron that’s enchanting as well enchanting I don’t think I’ve ever used that word to describe anything in my life but it just seemed fitting I don’t

Know don’t judge me we also got another glow ring which I’m happy about in case I lose the one that I probably will never take off of me so don’t know how I would lose it but you never know um but wao today was a super exciting

Productive episode you guys holy cow I’m so happy with our progress we got coal we got amethyst we’ve got glow Rings we’ve got books we saw the book seller we did fishing there’s just so much we got tons of copper and Bug meat like even the bug meat’s doing good I’m so

Pleasantly surprised did not get to take the spur on over to the the museum today but that’s okay I think it’d be good for us to save up artifacts and then go take them and bulk if I remember to do that sometimes I get excited and I just kind

Of take them all at once but it might it might be nice to to kind of save them up but anyways I’m excited to see if we scale up or anything yeah look at that we leveled up farming so I don’t know if that was because of the book I would

Assume so we’re level four farming water and Camp proficiency hope proficiency iron fence preserves jar we need to think about making one of these for the community center stuff and basic retaining soil combat is now level two we got the life Elixir yay we did it well anyways guys it’s a

Rainy morning but that is going to have to do it for this jam-packed exciting episode of stardo Valley thank you so much for hanging out with me today I had a lot of fun with this one uh exploring some new 1.6 things the book seller is really cool and just even finding our

First book it’s funny that we saw that book being sold for so much money at the book seller and then we ended up finding it I mean that that’s insanely lucky so I’m I’m happy very happy with today’s progress but you guys are awesome hope you all have a very beautiful wonderful

Day and I will catch you in the next stardy Valley episode bye guys

My First Time Seeing the Bookseller in Stardew Valley 1.6 – Ep 7

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! šŸ¤—


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  1. Iā€™ve been playing along and watching your videos and I just wanted to say 1) I love your videos and 2) my meadowlands farm chickens were called Beans and Toast!

  2. I do enjoy mayonnaise on many things!! As for Abigail, they mention her taking online college classes somewhere in the dialogue! Love this playthrough, your commentary and play style is entertaining and so like mine! I cannot WAIT for the update to come to console. <3 Your content!

  3. Trying to click the ladder when attacked is so stressfull! And Iā€™m happy for you finding books šŸ“š Also, Iā€™ve never had mayo in real life, because I know I wouldnā€™t like it. And despite what we tell kids, itā€™s very possible to know that without trying it! šŸ˜… (But to be fair, kids often do end up being wrong about their own tastes, because they donā€™t have a lot of other experiences to base their assumptions on.)

  4. Also also, because I forgot to say this in my first comment, I love that youā€™re taking your time. Some of the other YouTubes I watched played really quickly, and I get it! I want to see all the new things too! And some of them are speedrunners or speedrunner-adjacent. But while I was A-okay with spoilers for some things, I want to experience the thing with the tree for myself first, so I had to take a break from those letā€™s plays and streams. To be clear, Iā€™m not saying you (or anyone else!) should ever slow down for the sake of viewers in situations like that. Itā€™s just nice to have some comforting videos to watch that arenā€™t way ahead of my own playthrough. And if I end up having to take a little break from your series as well later (and havenā€™t given up on not being spoiled by then) Iā€™d absolutly come back afterwards. Because I really enjoy your videos ā¤

  5. I totally think you should pursue Elliott, him and Sam are my favorites. Also, don't forget to clean up your farm a bit, the debris can destroy your crops

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