Reaching Perfection (Finale) | Stardew Expanded

Hello everyone and welcome to the official finale of our stardo expanded series after years and years of playing through stardo expanded meeting new characters going to new places doing new quests finally we have almost perfected it no dear Charlie your angling skills surpass even my old papies the star

Drop’s been passed down from Willie senior to Willie Jor that makes me a Willie oh my gosh your mind is filled with thoughts of expansion I’m so glad to hear that all right friends so there’s a couple things we really have to focus on today in order to finally

Achieve Perfection the thing we’ve been chasing for years the first thing we need to finish crafting every single recipe I also had a bunch of people in the comments say that you could like turn on something that showed you oh my God I thought that was a mod that people

Were using oh no okay this is actually so helpful thank you guys so much for opening my eyes to this so as you can see we’re doing pretty well in the crafting Department we’ve gotten all all the way I think to page four we also need to do everything from like here

Onward the second thing we have to do is of course go to Ginger Island and collect salal berries to sell until we make it to the $10 million that we need to buy the golden clock oh it’s beautiful this is probably the thing that’s going to take us the longest

Amount of time so every 4 days when these regrow I’m just going to be coming back here doing some harvesting like behind the scenes and another thing I want to accomplish is I want to beat apus the huge giant scary lizard thingy in the Crimson bad lands yeah I kind of

Want to beat that thing up and the last thing I want to do in this stard to expanded world is of course decorate the farm fully ooh we also have to sell an apricot we did make the fruit salad last time but we needed to sell one as well

And oh look how happy George looks in our new little plot of land so next up on our list I think we should head to robins and just make sure we have all the recipes we need to buy from her and I also got a lot of comments about

People saying that you could just leave the menu and then re-enter it and then the new recipe would be there I did not know that so let us see we have the carved Brazier and now the skull one you guys are so right the marble one and

That is it that is all of the ones we need to buy from Robin for most of the evening I crafted up all the brazers I bought from Robin as well as other random items left like lamp post and fairy dust now these are the potions that

We’re going to need for beating apus we do need a a lot of void souls for these and I think yeah we’re running low so we might have to go take a trip to the Crimson Badlands and we also need a bunch of hardwood for some of these

Things but we’re making very good progress now I also want to say just because this is technically the finale doesn’t mean that this is the last star to expanded episode I’ll ever make so if you guys want to see me find all the new 1.6 items and kind of go through that in

This stard to expanded World definitely comment and let me know but yeah otherwise I’ll probably only make episodes if there’s super new cool star to expanded content that just needs to be examined you know all right we’re getting a good amount of hardwood and I’m also just trying to clear this area

Out as much as possible because we’ve got a lot of decorating ahead of us ooh and our gold bars are ready okay that means I think we can craft up most of the rest of these things we’ve got a mini Obelisk a hopper ooh and I need to

Make another radioactive bar okay hold on geod Crusher bone Mill and other than that I think it’s time to go to bed well shipment ship every item I wasn’t even going for that yet wait no way the apricot was the last thing look at that every single one of these things

Including all these funky expanded things has been shipped oh my gosh this thing still cooking okay well while that bar is smelting up I’m going to head to the Crimson Badlands and we’re going to collect some void souls for the other Elixir recipes that we have to craft up

And it’s actually been a while since I went here maybe it’s good I have to like survey the land before I go for just like beating a pice you know oh it’s just as horrifying as I remember stop that I’ve also been thinking um I should probably work on upgrading my sword as

Well before we try and go for Aus and using the Slime charmer ring is probably the move because I don’t really want to deal with all these little idiots while I’m beating one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen in my life you know okay

What am I here for void Souls I haven’t seen a single one oh no it’s baby apus I’m not ready for this today no no no that’s not even the the one like that’s just a little baby and even that shivered my Timbers that almost makes me

Sound like I enjoyed the experience but I assure you I did not there’s one there’s one there’s one one I think we need 10 total and we currently have nine so if we could just find one more I found one I’m also just going to go pick up the products I need from

Pierre’s I don’t know exactly I think I only need one sugar I’m just going to get two just in case and I think we need five of this and the radioactive bar is done we might finish the crafting recipes today I I think we will heavy

Tapper haste elixer and our final one we need solar Essence armor elixer did we do it wait did I not do it hold on I don’t think we get the achievement for that until maybe the day after so I guess I’ll just move on to the next

Thing I got to do I actually have another little goal that I’ve been wanting to do for a really long time now which is to get like the little shirt that I always put on myself and thumbnails I like that shirt in order to craft it though I do need an ancient

Drum which you have a 3% chance of get getting from Frozen geodes and you can also get from artifact tropes I opened up all my geodes at Clint but as usual felt nothing but disappointment that is not what I want but I wasn’t ready to give up over the years I’d somehow

Accumulated a total of 403 Omni geodes and with these geod purchased 25 artifact tros from the desert Trader before returning to Clint before I even made it to the Anvil though I had a terrible realization oh my gosh guys I just realized we’re missing some of the crafting recipes

Please yes okay this is the one that gives you like the grass starter recipe or something we have to fish a bunch of garbage out of the water and then lonus is like here have a recipe that you need to perfect the game but okay ancient drum send me your ancient drum Vibes

Ancient drum that’s that that’s half of the word I need ancient drum oh my gosh okay now I just have 20 whole artifact Dres and I don’t know why oh my gosh now I’m not super familiar with how to use the sewing machine but I think I put

This here and that there and then I get shirt the Regal mantle look at me oh this is endgame baby maybe I should dye my pants purple I am so stylish oh I feel like I should totally dye my pants purple maybe that’s just me that thinks

That let me know if you think that’s a dumb idea I might actually okay um so red orange yellow and then I get to dye my pants okay fantastic news ooh that looks so sick oh my gosh I look so cool I feel like this solidifies my status as

A wizard is that just me that thinks that all right but with that done the fun is kind of over now we have to deal with Linus’s trash Quest so we need 20 pieces in total that should be like 5 Seconds as I stood there I managed to

Fish up a bunch of trash pretty easily but it gave me a lot of time to reflect okay I’m going to say it in this lighting the full purple outfit is looking a little Dopey maybe I should have died it black oh that would have

Been so much cooler oh now I have so many regrets all right how many more do we have this is going so fast only eight more literally not a single fish to be found just how I like it one more piece of trash please yes okay we’ve got a book it all

The way to the recycling bin run where is that thing there it is a everything in and we have finished community cleanup thanks for helping me clean around the valley Charlie the waters are looking much cleaner and now we have the fiber seeds recipe there we go with

Linus’s Quest now wrapped up I decided to pay a visit to the Caldera and upgrade my sword in preparation for the battle with apus currently we have the vampiric trait which is kind of good but not the greatest I’ve played a little stardo Rog likee in my day so I know

Exactly what I need for this apus fight and basically that entails three rubies because they give you extra attack power and then also the Crusader quality of the Sword whatever that’s called the like special thingy I also need to change the pants color it’s I slept on

It I hate it all right so there’s my Infinity blade please oh oh well okay that was easy so we have objectively the perfect sword I believe and we have the perfect oh wait no we have to redo our outfit too oh my go I was looking at

Myself thinking actually I look really ugly what am I talking about I wanted to like match my hat you know oh that looks sick look at that that’s the fit yes yes okay I’m very nervous to say it but I think we could try and beat Aus I think

I’m going to try this one has plus two luck plus two speed I think I’m going to I’m going to going to down a do drop Berry I’m going to get an espresso from Gus and then I’m just going to pray I’m so nervous hello Gus I’m going on an

Adventure today you know I think I’m going to wait till tomorrow cuz the rain is scaring me it makes me feel like it’s like it’s raging or something even though that is not logical in the slightest you could do this oh it’s thundering even better actually it is

Raging I said it was nonsensical but look at it look at us now but I can’t prolong it anymore I’m just going to go oh I’m going to die moving on I have chills right now that was not good that was not good for the morale of the team

Okay let me show you the build I have a slime charmer ring so that I won’t have to deal with the slimes I have the vampire ring I don’t really know why and I just realized I can’t use the do drop Berry and these two potions and plus 10

Defense is like absurd and necessary so I’m just going to take the coffee I’m going to take the armor elixer and I’m going to take the speeder we’ve got 2 minutes and 50 seconds now the times where I’ve seen apus it’s been in this like bottom left corner over here did

You see that little rabbit foot drop this is going to be okay I think hello hey apus anybody home oh somebody’s home okay okay this isn’t that bad actually okay apus is a little bit Paralyzed by my elegance and Beauty what the game glitched that’s not even my fault okay I’m chasing I’m

Chasing after it I want to end this once and for all aice I got a rabbit’s foot okay come on Sir Okay I did it I beat Aus what did I get a void Shard that didn’t even seem that good I mean hey goal accomplished I’ve been wanting to do that since I discovered the existence of apus and it didn’t really have the best loot I will say but I’m really

Proud of myself I think that is Quite a feat that we have managed to accomplish today I had him right around my finger okay the whole time I wasn’t even scared I wasn’t even nervous a second oh my gosh I am like on a high can you believe

That that just happened I just beat apus I beat it up with my bare fists and we got a rabbit foot this rabbit foot is a little bit sacred this is the rabbit foot that I got mere seconds before defeating apus I think that goes in the

Fridge okay well I guess the next thing for us to do is to continue decorating okay so first of all I think I going to pick up all of this stuff here and we’re going to move this little like blacksmith area over to a different spot up here isn’t this like the perfect

Little corner I thought so too so my idea for this blacksmith area was to have it be more than just a place for my furnaces I wanted to have like the smelting area all my crystarium and the geode Crusher just all together once I’d laid out the foundational flooring I

Started adding some hardwood fences to blend into the entrance of the farm then to partition off the actual blacksmith area I used some Cobblestone walls with my furnaces slapped down I began to use some of the stardo expanded rocks and node items to add a little bit of

Texture and then lit the area up I was a bit unhappy with how much the area stood out so my next course of action was to add some Stone pass to the outside and try to blend the stone wall into the grass a bit more oh my gosh it’s 130 I

Was cooking but that’s fine I’ll take a little nap ah what a beautiful Sunday seeing the building daylight I knew we had a lot of work to do first thing I finished up the stone passs and then began to place down more of the expanded items like these Boulders also I was

Getting some of these expanded items out of cjb because it just would have been such a hassle to have to retrieve them from all the different corners of the world and I didn’t really want to limit myself creatively on a farm where I was feeling excited to go above and beyond

With all the new decorations that the mod offered also what meant I got to app Point Gourmand as the head of the forge so bed up next I added some more pths as texturing especially under the furnaces and geod Crusher and then placed a bunch more of the expanded dwarf items around

And with a couple finishing touches as well as one late night salal berry harvest we had finished our first build and I think it looks pretty good we’ve got gourmont the head of the blacksmiths and then all of these furnaces this is a chest for coal this is for like the ore

And stuff like that and then this is for processed materials and then this is for all the geodes now you may be wondering Charlie why do you have six dwarf Gadget things and I was wondering that myself and then remembered oh no there’s another crafting recipe and it’s called

The Farm Comm computer which we also need to get from a special order Quest so this is our blacksmith area I’m so so proud of it I hope you guys like it too and you don’t blame me in the comments but I’m just going to start making a

Little path that leads to our next area I do want to have something down here and I’m not quite sure what it is yet it could be kind of cool to get like a slime Hutch maybe $10,000 Stone refined quartz aridian bar easy let’s go get a slime Hutch

Oh no no no so sorry about that let’s see construct farm buildings and I mean getting a slime Hutch is so wizard isn’t it I think I’m just going to put it right here that gives us a decent amount of room to do some cool stuff and Link

It up to other things and I like it so I’m kind of thinking I was going to do a little bit of like the dappled Stone paths that I generally do and then I started doing it and it just Blends a little bit too much with the stuff that

I did outside of the blacksmith and I’m thinking maybe maybe we should just do this path I was considering maybe replacing it with the brick that looks pretty sick actually I wasn’t sure about it and then I placed it down and I was like ooh okay that is so exciting so I

Guess I’ll just get rid of all of this stuff which is unfortunate the stone floor has been here like the entire time but I don’t know I just had a little bit of a change of heart it even matches the door come on now it looks so good it’ll

Be worth it it’ll be worth it I promise okay so this is what I did last night we have the paths a little bit fixed over here an interesting Junction there and then we’re going to have a smaller path that leads to our slime Hutch here and

Some stuff outside I was on a bit of a roll with the decorating so I decided to Dive Right into our next area so it’s kind of like Lance and I sit here and we’re like wow look at these children that we have and then they play here you

Know you got to like immerse yourself in the world okay or else I’m just going to seem weird right off the bat I framed the area with some fences and pine trees and added some small items to spice it up like the teacup and Globe then I put

The signature Charlie Stone path leading to the bench and in front of the Slime Hutch along with other slime related items to finish up the area I have some little slime presses this is going to be a chest for all of my extra slime and little petrified things I put a little

Junimo statue here I thought it was kind of cute and then a little danger sign because it’s dangerous ooh and I definitely want to do something in this area too I think that might be what I’m working on next just so we can completely finish this right side of the

Farm what to do over here though I don’t don’t know okay this is what I have done I don’t know why oh oh my God I was eating a frozen banana bumped into Robin this morning she told me you’ve got a new slime Hutch I was into slime

Breeding at your age it’s a great hobby but dangerous how do you think I lost this eye oh okay just kidding okay cool here I’ve got something for you a slime egg oh this is going so well oh my God that looks so good okay so I should

Decorate in here too maybe I think I’m just going to put this Stone path all along it except in the areas where I’m going to walk yeah baby that looks so cool so now we just have to wait for our little slime eggs to hatch and I’m going

To put my red one in the chest here and move on to our next decoration thing so I was thinking about what I wanted to do in this big area below the farm and then I had an original and wild thought what if I just made it an actual Farm after

Clearing out the trees and weeds in the area and placing down fences around the whole plot we had prepared a pretty substantial space for our farm with a bunch of weathered floors crafted I spent the rest of the night planning out 12 plots where our crops would go first

Thing the next morning I harvested a bunch of salal berries and then continued working on the farm my primary focus for most of the afternoon was finishing up the stone path that ran down the center at this point I’d been working with them so much that I started

To understand the ways that they changed orientation and fit together which felt really cool with that done I then started placing down more of the cool expanded items like these barrels and trees just trying to make sure it all felt organic and then added all the

Sprinklers to the plot as well as signs that I’d used to indicate which crops were growing there and with those decoration set down it was time to remove all the paths and begin actually hoing the plots okay this was actually super beneficial for us too because in

The process we were collecting a whole bunch of clay that we could use to craft up brick pass later which we very much needed this continued into the next morning and by the time I’d finished Pier had opened so I ran over there to buy all the seeds we needed so so we

Need 24 of each one I’ll get that potatoes some kale let us begin planting I’m so excited about this idea the idea of just normally farming I know it’s so novel for the next couple hours I took the time to plant all our different seeds in the plots and label all the

Signs with the extra crops we had in storage okay and this is our finished little plots of Farmland we have one of every single spring crop here which it’s just so satisfying to see you know in the little signs but we do have to keep decorating so I’m going to get back to

That and there’s also some like expanded plants that I really want to try using it’s like these ones that are near the greenhouse that just immediately turn into different crops and then they also change with the seasons so it would actually be like the perfect thing for

Our little crop area using these crop items I added a bunch of vegetation and little details to all the corners of the farm I also used a bunch of the earlier stage crops to look like little weeds that were sprouting up around the path and other little areas next to the plots

And with the addition of some lamp posts I had finally finished this monster of a build this is my finished Farm as you can see it looks like it’s literally daytime but that’s okay so we have this little area which is very very cute I

Tried to use a lot of the like expanded decorative like crop stages and barrels and like the little backpacks and overall I tried to make sure that it looked very very natural and I think I did a pretty good job wait our slime is hatched I’m

Actually so so excited for this oh what a cutie oh my gosh hello welcome to the world little one so this is a little enclosure I put the sprinkler down so it’s going to start automatically watering this so that our slimes don’t die or like I don’t even know what do

The water even do do they even drink it I haven’t I’m not really experienced with the Slime hutches I’ll be honest oh okay so the egg Festival has started I’m a little beyond that I’d rather replace all my paths with Clay flooring so that is most likely what I’m going to do

Today I really apologize to all the towns people Louis I’m so sorry leou and that is just what I did quickly getting to work removing and placing down my new clay floors with some difficulties and bringing it around to oh George move move move child oh my gosh I can’t wait

Until the 1.6 update tomorrow when this will take less time while doing this I got a bit distracted by how overgrown the area near my chicken cpop was and focused for a while on cutting down all the trees removing the grass and clearing the way to the bottom exit of

My farm I also built this random ominous little square at some point too I really could not tell you why I don’t know what my plan was here I continued on the next morning by tackling the left side of my farm starting off by replacing the main

Path that led to the greenhouse a lot of my time that night was spent trying to spruce up the path to the secret Woods by adding some little fences and lamp posts and then I moved on to the greenhouse itself to make things easier for myself I just cleared out the whole

Area and put in a bunch of hidden lighting to get myself started I didn’t have a super concrete idea aide for what I wanted to do so I started by adding a little table for the family and began experimenting with even more of the stard to expanded items I particularly

Fell in love with these little Bunches of tulips and let me tell you these are about to carry my farm for the rest of the night I just sort of went with the flow and continued placing down items that fit together until it finally felt done good morning everybody yesterday I

Fixed up this area which it it’s still a little bit rough but it’s better than it was before at least but the p the resistance this I am so proud of this one I again tried to use a bunch of the expanded items like these little bushes

Of flowers I feel like this one came together really really well I wanted to put something on the table I don’t know what so I’ll just put a wild horse radish I guess okay so that is that area done and done I also want to make a

Little bit of a nicer area for our little Obelisk I was going to put it here but now I’m thinking maybe a better area might be right here because I do want to keep this open so that I’m able to like see things like look at that

That’s practically asking to have a mini Obelisk put right there wait I don’t even have to do any other decoration like that’s perfect I’m going to be honest I feel like this is probably the first time that I’ve ever just like decorated in stardo Valley before and I

Almost feel like this is the perfect Farm to do it because this is probably the closest to my heart the next morning I added some Little Flower bunches to our warp area and got back to it so first things first it is Tuesday I want

To check and see see if any of the special order requestyoutube oh it’s so cute I also realized that I messed up my sprinkler placement and that my slimes couldn’t even get to the water so I did a bit of redecorating in there before deciding what we’d tackle

Next so just a recap this corner is done the Slime corner is done the central part where we have our farm everything is growing so nicely except for what the heck oh there’s no scarecrows that’s okay that’s the price you pay for beauty our farm is looking moderately okay this

Part around the back of our house is definitely done there are a couple things that I need to go to Robins to do so that is probably like the next thing on my list and then I think once I do the stuff I have to do at robins and

Finish up the little chicken area and the barns will probably be done after a wild night of lighting up the whole farm and doing some salal Berry harvesting I made a very big decision the kitchen floor needs to be dealt with I can’t stand it anymore I know it’s a remnant

Of Victor but it it just has to to go this one’s kind of adventury and cool and this one matches the rug a little but it’s kind of a lot for the eyes I think I’m going with this one so today is Wednesday so I think I’m going to go

Talk to Robin and I had an idea for something to put here and then I don’t know I just I just feel like it’s too much I think what I’m going to do instead is add a fence along here and kind of do the thing where you put the

Fence posts in and then even if the chickens eat the grass there will always be a source block that looks so good okay I’m actually very happy with that I think that was the right choice so first things first I’m going to upgrade my Coupe it is very very annoying that my

Chickens don’t get fed automatically and it is wearing on me mentally so I just I think it’s time with Robin hard at work on our Coupe I got right back to it removing the stone paths in the barn area and replacing them with our clay flooring I also added some trees behind

The barn for some detailing and I think it turned out pretty nice the next morning though my attention went right back to our chicken coup area where I finished up placing our grass and fences and began to add more rocks and bushes around then I went in with my new

Favorite Little Flower bushels as well as some bird statues okay at long last I believe I have finished the chicken area to begin with I moved all of the little mayonnaise makers up here and I created this little area which I think Blends so nicely into the path that goes down here

To the like traveling cart area it just looks good and then I kind of just added some decorations along the bottom and this side is well just kind of low-key stuff you know the chickens need to run around they must feed but then I also thought this space looked so empty so I

Added this little uh junimo Shrine I just figured that the little guys would like to be with the little guys now this area is looking pretty good I do need the coupe to be done so I can finish this area up but I’ve been looking at

These areas along like the path and just thinking it looks kind of bland to address this I put some lights down all around and then went back at it with the boulders and bushes then I started to tackle the pond area next to my house first fencing it in and then going in

With the little details like flowers and crops my next big project though was going to be to move my storage chest to this area in the corner it got tiring pretty quickly though so I took a salal berry break and then went back to robins

And the first thing I’m going to do is just move my horse it is just in the worst place possible and I think it would look really nice right there and then all the like Transportation stuff is in the same area okay this is a great

Idea I’m also going to move my fish pond oh I don’t know maybe here and finally I’m going to move these Mills upward a little yeah that looks a lot nicer all right that is all looking good and my next order of business is to build a

Couple more fish ponds hopefully oh of course everybody is in the way you’ll love to see it okay well I’m going to build one there but I’m going to just continue moving my chests over this way also I literally was thinking about this right before recording I should put a

Red cowboy hat on our horse sweet pudle now that pudle was all gussied up I continued the painstaking process of moving our entire storage system emptying things out moving the chests and then reorganizing the whole thing I also moved some of my stuff around like

The fruit I decided to store next to the Batcave just for convenience it was a very long and very tedious process but with the removal of my foraging chest I had finished I have officially moved the storage system from there to up here with all of the space now available I

Began adding some of my Infamous Stone pathing to link up the dining table and the storage system for the rest of the night and the next morning I went in with the trees and flowers to add the finishing touches to this little area all right I think this area is done I’m

Pretty happy with it I think it’s very very cute I like well the cake is getting rained on but don’t worry about that and having finished it up I then spent the rest of the day with a gigantic stack of grass starters just filling in all the empty spaces on the

Farm I also used the pine trees and flower bushels inside the grass to add some more interest and I think it turned out really well especially next to the Mills and alongside the main path honestly it felt like the perfect way to just polish all the builds and bring

Them to that finished look so I went hammy with it below the farm around the obelisks next to the fruit cave which turned out really nice as well as by Grandpa’s shed all right friends we have officially decorated the entire farm and I’m going to go to sleep now tomorrow we

Have to go and get the final expanded recipe from Camila and we’re also going to be checking to see if the ones that we need are on the notice board all right let’s just go straight to the Crimson Badlands and see if Camila is selling the recipes Camila was indeed

There at The Outpost but when I checked up on her shop she didn’t actually have any recipes which left me kind of baffled I was like did I already buy them or what is going on here I wasn’t actually sure where the final expanded recipe could be purchased which did

Worry me but I went to check the notice board anyway being met with only disappointment and headed back home okay well now that our farm is fully decorated I think we’re at the point where I’m just going to sleep I tried to show a lot of the process of me building

Stuff but I definitely am going to be doing like a final farm tour hey hey hey oh my God I hate it here wao like literally everything is grown this looks beautiful except for the parts that the freaking crows ate I’m just going to harvest these and sell

Them because I think there’s also some type of achievement for selling like 15 of every crop or something like that which was also part of the reason that I wanted to do this and so began our new life which consisted of only harvesting salal berries and sleeping thankfully I did

Still have some quest to complete for recipes so on Monday I went to go check the notice board as usual please be something that I need wait wait this is one of them un reasons the local population of Dorado has grown to an unsustainable level I

Need a local angler that’s me to help reduce their numbers I can do that okay so that’s the special request that’s going to get us the the recipe for the farm computer which means that once that’s done we only have one left so Dorados are found in the Forest River

From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the summer I don’t know exactly how many we have to fish up I I it’s been a while 10 that seems not bad demetrius’s Quest would pretty much be my single Focus for the next couple days I immediately went to the cindersap river and started

Fishing up a storm pretty quickly getting my first Dorado but then literally nothing else for the rest of the day okay um Demetri ecologist to ecologist I I got a single Dorado what do you mean overpopulation I mean we only have 7 days to do the quest so

Hopefully it happens I’m just going to be fishing every day until we finally get all 10 our next day was off to a pretty slow start and by the afternoon we’d managed to reel in two Dorado but then something strange happened um what is why is this chicken here what is

Going on this should not be possible no what leave me alone what’s going on somebody please please tell me am I cursed or is this real life um okay well I still have to catch the Dorado I trucked on getting our fourth Dorado and after placing down the final of our fish

Ponds on the farm I got right back to it and over the course of the next 2 days we’d finally managed to catch all 10 Dorado the final Dorado okay so we finally finished that one which means that now we’re just waiting for Caroline’s Quest I Charlie

Thanks for your help with the fish nature is usually good at keeping things balanced but sometimes artificial factors can cause an imbalance I’ve enclosed a blueprint from a Science magazine that you might find interesting the farm computer let’s go I’m selling that paret so to craft the farm computer

You need a dwarf Gadget battery pack and refined quartz which of course I have one more recipe I don’t actually know what this Farm computer does I feel like I’ve crafted it before and it it’s never really said anything super interesting he say hey total crops

Oh okay thanks and back to bed I’m such a productive member of society okay it is Monday which means that the special request board has been reset stop sending me these so let us go check I am really praying it’s carolin’s I mean we have $3.2 million right now which isn’t

The greatest ever but it’s also not bad because I get about 300,000 every time we do a harvest so if I was not being interrupted by all these other things wait it’s the right one oh wait that sucks 100 Toro roots oh jebs okay let me

Just see how many I have oh great 13 perfect okay I’m just going to grab a couple of these seed makers actually all of them and I’m going to head right to Ginger Island okay all right this is not the best start ever but I’m going to make

The most of it and I think instead of planting them on Ginger Island because I don’t want to have to pickaxe any of my salal berries I might grow them in my Greenhouse at home okay so from the Taro that I put in the seed makers I have gotten 55 tarot

Tubers which is pretty a lot I’m also almost certain that I have more tarot tubers at home but in my seed chest so I’m going to have to check that out and then pickaxe my Greenhouse throw the tarot tubers down 45 T we literally have

Exactly a 100 are you kidding me guys I swear to God that wasn’t scripted that is just like fate we were destined to get 100% today you know the thing too is that if we had gotten pineapple or something I would have been so screwed okay I’m going to harvest and pickaxe

Everything in this greenhouse I care not harot tubers also grow really fast and I’m thinking that if we put hyper grow on they might be done like before we can even bat an eye at least that’s what I’m hoping for goodbye my sweetberries and there we go I’m just

Going to sleep until the next salal berry harvest which I think is on the 12th and we’ll just check in with the Taro at that time too please let them be grown please oh they’re not harvestable yet but they’re literally like a day or two away you know what is harvestable

Though our slal berries let’s hit it and the Taro is ready to harvest that was so fast ship 100 Taro oh my gosh it would really just be my pleasure what do we get in the mail Cash Back Rewards let’s go this is like the Moment of

Truth for real and I am nervous hi Charlie louw told me that you’ve been shipping a lot of ingredients from the island it’s great to have access to new produce the solar panel with the solar panel finally cra CED we only had one single recipe left to get an expanded

One from our favorite little Adventurer Isaac and luckily for us he just so happened to be selling it on the 19th of the month let’s go to the Crimson Badlands please please please please please please please please please please don’t let me down youer yes yes yes and just like

That we have become the craft Master we have crafted every item in this godforsaken game and oh my God it almost broke me so literally now the only thing we have to do the only thing is save up $10 million and I’m going to be honest I

Don’t even think it’s going to be that bad let’s go I’m falling asleep and I’m harvesting salal berries for like a month or two straight so for 2 months straight I did nothing but sleep and harvest salal berries hours and hours and hours of harvesting these berry

Bushes no matter the weather no matter the season and as we woke up on the 12th of winter our suffering had officially ended and there it is $10 million but let us go and get the golden clock wo I literally forgot it was Winter I’ve been on Ginger Island this

Whole time oh it looks so ugly in the winter but I mean so does real life the final journey and after years and years and years and years of playing on this little farm we are getting ourselves the golden clock I honestly feel like maybe here is a good

Spot there it is oh my God look at it our golden clock okay we have to go to Ginger Island and check the Perfection counter but that should be it hello Mr Chi here we go wait what do you mean found all star drops no oh oh my Lord as I frantically

Reviewed all our collections I had an incredibly amusing disc discover y apart from the one star drop there was a single thing in our way of reaching full Perfection a single piece of rhubarb just one and I literally have one I just grew like every single crop in the past

Months all right here we go our one piece of rhubarb the final step in Perfection and it is done shiip 15 of each crop let’s go baby oh my my gosh hello sir and there it is Mystery of the star drops find every Star drop I literally

Had sweet J berries that whole time I don’t know how I didn’t get that okay now let’s go back to Ginger Island and check the Perfection tracker I am decently certain that that was the last thing have we done it have we finally achieved Perfection let’s find out oh my God

100% complete no way oh my goodness you feel it in your heart somewhere somehow grandpa is beaming with pride the legacy of oat Farm is eternal oh the the Summit is calling to me why are all these parrots here in the winter all right let’s go to the summit

Ignore all the dead plants I literally don’t want to talk about it go past Susan’s Farm past the grampleton railway ticket up to the summit lands my my beautiful husband I don’t know why I didn’t expect that it’s like this every time but it just made me

So much happier hey Charlie hi I was just thinking about the last 5 years we’ve been through a lot together haven’t we stop I’m actually going to cry no matter what unknowns and dangers await us in the future we’ll always be by each other’s side to me you are my

Dream come true and I would never give that up for the world and there’s crus stop the end sequence neighbors Dusty oh my gosh and all all the new expanded characters too and apples and who the who the heck is behind apples who the heck is that I didn’t meet that person

Wa a lot of adventurers and Charlie the chicken why is Charlie the chicken here I don’t somebody please explain I only saw it once oh my gosh why am I actually tearing up right now this has been like years in the making I am it’s it’s surreal to even be here especially with

All the expanded things like we there’s so many new characters so many new fish so many new recipes and yet here we are we have done it truly this was so incredibly emotional for me and I just want to thank each and every person that ever watched these videos or gave me a

Chance like this series and just this channel in general have given me the opportunity to do stuff that I’m actually excited and passionate about to meet so many incredible people from like all over the world all walks of life and to support myself and my whole family it

Is just like impossible to articulate how grateful I am but just thank you like really why am I actually crying maybe I’m just hungry oh my gosh it’s good it’s Grampy himself been a long road you challenged yourself to reach the summit yes I did and you’ve

Made us very proud My Two Dads oh I have chills I’m tearing there’s tears in my eyes wow I am genuinely in shock we managed to befriend every single villager we even got freaking Gertrude to love us after all this time we have full levels in everything we

Shipped one of each item caught every single fish even all the funky expanded ones got all the artifacts got all the minerals cooked every dish got every achievement and like decorated the most beautiful Farm I’ve ever had in my life I couldn’t I couldn’t be happier with

The progress we’ve made and I’m really sad it’s coming to an end but wow well that is it we have reached stardo expanded Perfection we became a wizard we befriended a junimo went to like 50 million new locations like the Crimson Badlands we beat Aus today truly

I cannot summarize all of the amazing things that we’ve done throughout this series and I also just can’t thank you enough for being a part of it like I am so grateful and I hope that you are as happy with this farm with this ending with everything that we’ve done here as

I am I’m sorry my I’m tearing up well without further Ado I will see you guys next time Bye

This is the FINAL episode of our two year journey to reach Stardew Expanded perfection and ultimately 100% the mod. In this final installment we set out to DEFEAT Apophis and take back the Crimson Badlands, finally finish crafting every single recipe, FULLY decorate our farm, and save up 10 million dollars for the golden clock. Thank you so much for being part of this wild ride and I sincerely hope you enjoy the final episode of our adventure together on Oat farm ❤️

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► FULL Stardew Expanded Playlist:

This is a modded playthrough, here’s the link to the mod download for Stardew Valley Expanded if you wanna try it out for yourselves:

Time Stamps

00:00 – Intro
01:50 – Crafting All the Recipes
05:15 – The Regal Purple Shirt
07:57 – Battling Apophis
11:23 – Decorating the Farm
28:25 – Camilla’s Recipe
29:34 – Dorado for Demetrius
32:07 – Taro Roots for Caroline
34:56 – The LAST Crafting Recipe
35:28 – 10 Million Gollars for a Clock
36:40 – Reaching Perfection…
38:52 – The Final Farm Review
40:55 – Outro
Edited By: CharlesBarles


  1. Rewatched the entire series last week it was so entertaining to watch I’ll be sad to see it go tho. I think you should keep playing this save to explore 1.6 content instead of starting over in a new farm

  2. SLAYYY QUEENNNNN!!! 😆😆😆😆😆🥳🥳🥳🥳🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶👁️👄👁️🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🌸🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌺🌼🌼🌼🌼🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️💎💎💎💎💎🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀💅💅💅💅💅💅💅✨✨✨✨✨✨

  3. I really love the blacksmith area, especially with the fake rocks as they just make the place feel more lived in if that makes sense and it kind of makes me want to do something like that as normally I just put all the machines and stuff into a shed that has a few workshop decorations in as well.

  4. Charlie! Your stardew content makes me happy. I’d love to see you achieve 1.6 content in expanded or in a full new save! 💕 as long as your happy making stardew content, I’m here for it!

  5. All this time I thought the black serpent was invincible, so I was shocked when you killed it. Your SVE was my comfort series! Hope you’ll come back for Castle Village! Maybe you could start a Ridgeside Village Series 👀?

  6. i absolutely loved this series and recently started binging it from the start when i was sick earlier this week to bring me comfort
    its amazing to see you finish it but its also sad, like saying bye to an old friend. thank you for making these videos and making not only me but so many other people happy with them. i cant wait to see what else you do

  7. Does anyone know what to do about the Lance's children mod? I heard childtonpc is outdated and I can't get Smapi to pick it up, I use the farmers children mod. It's bothering me because I'm not good at altering files but I still want little Lance clones

  8. I truly cried watching this, have been watching since the 1st episode and just a what an amazing send off! Thank you for these amazing videos Charlie

  9. Charlie just had to upload this when I was coming back to my house so now I'm late to watch. I mean it not like I'm not going to rewatch it after but still 😢

  10. By the way, if you want the witch, to not touch your slime, you can put a wicked statue because if you have the super super rare tiger slime in the witch is like well it’s black now if you just put a wicked statue which will never come

  11. the farm looks so nice, and it's amazing how much you've accomplished! congrats on reaching perfection, i can't wait to see what the future holds for you <3

  12. CHARLIEEE please do play sve 1.15 when it comes out!! it’ll be sooner than 2.0 and there’s gonna be more content! 2.0 sounds hugeee from the interview the creator did

  13. as much as i love this series, i do think that going through 1.6 on a new farm would be a better idea, as there are things that would just be unlocked immediately because you’ve gotten perfection in the farm

  14. Congratulations!! I've loved watching every one of these videos (and all your stardew videos!) I can't believe how much you've accomplished in this game it's blown my mind! What a ride

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