i played stardew for 9 hours and so much happened

That our shirt give us TSS huh oh well yeah it appears that it appears that it did oh wow how did I just notice that wow good for us though right since yesterday I’ve just been dreaming and thinking about stardo two and a half years brain rot I need to play uh for

Like 12 hours so if you don’t mind I could have like spent a few hours taking care of some stuff maybe doing a little laundry no I just need to play stard so join me are we yearning yet we’re yearning but okay I think I yearn for

Fishing also I yearn for the pond pride in the river I want to fish we go 76 months with the coolest Community watching has helped with postpartum so thank you I hope you’re well less than three yo Sarah Lulu I’m happy to hear that we can uh help in any way I hope you’re doing okay thank you so much for uh the big reset the crop field is sending

Me what my the way I’ve organized my crops you hate It He What three years and counting shees I’m going to try to repair this fence so people don’t keep coming in and yelling at me about how the fence wait what okay all right uh take two we’re learning okay we’re learning I kind of [ __ ] with it though I’ve done the same thing in Minecraft

Lasts longer than a wood fence why are we not doing Stone Fence no offense Stone Fence is ugly that’s why say less say less wait can we alternate what if we for what does this look like when we do it like this yeah it’s kind of weird F Out of Here all right we’re kind of cook in there now it’s definitely a bit of a wide gate that’s for sure a little double gate but it opens together which is nice ni hold on we got to finish watering our crops put torches on fence posts what did we just get

Corn oh my God we got corn make torches happen wood for okay cute it’s 6 o’clock where did that day go I don’t know let’s put all these things away um I’m going to quickly beb have you dug up any Wiggly Worms in the ground yet yes I have yes I have I’m

Going to quickly BRB I think I just not hungry enough to eat lunch so I’m going to go grab my lunch uh yeah yeah beby what for for St you valy eat there’s no way I did this again there’s no way I do this again is my chicken okay did he die

How is he locked out I thought I left that gate open Where’s bro you sleeping in the cold a I can’t believe I did that I literally I literally paused the game and then unpaused and went theb mining oh we can make gold from something else now right is that what that Is book sellers in town All right two things I want to do today upgrade my watering can and drop off um the hoe to get upgraded as well and do some Fishing what’ you call me oh um now I was talking about my my tool the hoe this thing I’m going to drop it off so we can uh so get hammered a bunch and then uh turn into a silver or a steel Tool blackberry bushes yeah yeah yeah there they are oh my god I’ve never seen one yet blackberries how many do we need for this Quest oh I have to find his stupid basket I’m not using any mods playing Vanilla hello what the hell just Happened Lake fish we could do both of these wait wait wait wait wait what’s a lake fish hold on wiki wiki wiki Lake fish fish you find in Lakes ah you can only accept one at a time ah the hardwood one would have been easy too happy dinkers thanks for bringing

Laughs love and light to Julian and the Rats some of the hardest moments of my life have been made easier through y all right we just dropped off the hoe oh you can’t even go back to the other one you didn’t read the whole Quest what is the whole Quest Catch an angler fish already did I have an angle in my fish tank oh so I the fish one is technically a repeated Quest because I’ve already done the fish population control One wait what no I need a local angler not catch an angler fish I’m the angler come on chat keep up what up Leah can I vent about my Collies right now oh yeah yeah hit us what do you got I waited days and I put on speed grow everything and

Then it turns to summer day one and everything dies yeah something similar happened to me too that sucks that sucks that definitely sucks wait this this Lake sucks right we just need fish from Lakes so I need to go here Is your food tasty it is thank you for asking it’s a Caesar salad I put extra Capers on it and it’s it’s great it’s really nice oh these blackberries wait I want to get more blackberries how fast do they Regrow oh we got to drop off our watering can I already forgot about that I did find the Hat Mouse yesterday we found him yeah I’m looking for Linus’s basket have y seen it Yet it’s kind of difficult oh is it always in the same spot I can’t get that Should I just be selling blackberries or what hey Ulan hey chat 2 years BB so happy to be part of this community The Vibes are always Immaculate and you’ll always look so good dink fam Dink clovy and respectfully Papa arms be arming today hello sir biob bissa welcome back thank you for the

Resub sending love and all that good stuff just found out I’m having a baby LOL dink love dink love dink in the making oh my God congrats peach rings what the heck congrats oh I can’t upgrade this at the same time as he’s working on the hoe what’s

This oh the balloon’s the book seller is it okay if I don’t do that I don’t like care oh they’re really expensive oh they’re upgrades is that what that Is for so we need bullheads Harps largemouth bass and sturgeons oh Damn I think at least those are the fish in the lake fish bundle What was that breathing oh yo welcome Raiders uh Mard thank you for the raid raincloud hello bhead oh perfect we got one mid welcome welcome y’all we’re just doing a little fishing for Quest fishing and farming Oh this is the easiest quest of my life just catch 20 fish here what happened to the chest I didn’t get it in time I don’t have a bobber on me that’s a carp I think For Unless it was patched oh you’re talking about the treasures we’re going to finish this before tomorrow I can’t wait to use the the G the casino gambling machine at the mayor’s House I love I love these fishing quests because you get to keep the fish you don’t even have to turn them in the state state sanctioned gambling yeah like you get the money from completing the quest and then you also get the money from selling the fish For okay I like all of this game but fishing is definitely definitely my favorite right Now that’s Bullhead oh that was a car or a chub okay that guy was Whing got to get home are you able to craft totems that’s a good question I actually don’t know I’ve only found them so far yeah the crafting menu is very helpful yep Okay herbs and Bones thank you for the resub one we from today we’re holding the stardew Valley Fair in the Town Square it’s the biggest event of the Year drawing people from across the country to our humble Town nine items that best showcase your talents holy [ __ ] Okay Have all nine items be male it’s a power move it’s actually really funny uh um I’ll show you the heart status but it’s not something I’m really actively working on so I don’t really care too much I wish it was a little easier to tell what where you’ve watered and where you haven’t

I did get the ancient food I did get the ancient food I’m just going to take a bite of my food real Quick My meds are ready for pickup let’s Go oh my God you’re right my earnings is almost 69420 let’s just drop the eel off salad tour nah stupid we already have one of those recently up to my meds I feel like I can move mountains that’s so great I’m happy for you adjusting your meds sometimes is

The biggest game changer you could ever imagine um it’s crazy to think that like just tweaking the amount makes such a difference but it does it really does whether going up or down or Whatever oh Bubbles that’s it that was the bubbles m Oh what up Jamie yeah we got the aridium rod it yesterday I Think oh an anchor goes in the museum nice the perfect Catch Sarah listen Okay I have to be good at something and if it’s fishing in stardo I’ll take that you know what I mean plus I’m not even that good it’s just a fun little mini game I just enjoy it it’s just so chill to Me mhm mhm I need this I do need this I think I’m one fish away I know the rubber ducky is so cute is that 20 no I could show off the amount of fish I’ve caught yeah I think there is a a way to do that my biggest catch was an angler Yesterday yeah Demetrius has his eye on us he he’s not perfect easy peasy 1,500 and we go get to collect our ticket now yeah I know I was probably going to do that anyway so to make money off of it it was cool do you eat fish nope I

Just um I fish in stardew and sell the fish in stardew and that’s that oh yeah we’re going to make some money off of the these catches is the hoe ready ah I want more quests all right gambling time we can make a peach tree are you done yet oh

Clint wait that’s Clint right I was watching stream and started hearing an ad didn’t like that happy 27 you you up Monica thank you for the resub keep purple fish Okay Yeah I’ve got a sturgeon Cor we’ve donated all the lake fishes to the community center I’m pretty sure wait so is purple better than gold Oh I thought purple was underneath gold oh okay purple’s better than gold that makes sense I’ve been thinking gold is the best my lips still hurts from biting it [Applause]

Yesterday oh this is what we had the other day oyster wait yep Community Center maybe we go home uh check our storage and then head up to the CC purple’s aridium quality okay that that makes sense really is not there I can’t ho the Wiggly Worms because I don’t have my

Hoe it’s currently being um hammered for a few days until it becomes steel Sprint ah I’m going the wrong way no way I’m getting there in time I’m so slow for what I’m not getting there in time ah we were at the worst possible spot for that all right that’s some

Stuff stones and geod Dink DS leprechaun shoes I got 13 Geo just now oh my God I thought it was three I’ll take 13 um all right let’s head back Home let’s sell all this stuff in the sell box Wild Plum wait oh we’ve already done that for cc you can see lonus basket oh God all right I got to get looking for that I got to get looking for that where’s my garbage that’ll make us some good money and then

I can’t plant the tree yet wait maybe I can maybe I can okay I can’t for some reason no why don’t I even carry those around I just keep accidentally teleporting it’s happened so many times it’s like enough already oh I don’t need to teleport or not tele a mine cart I can

Just get straight home all right let’s load up the cellbox for what oh we can put the glow ring in our dresser there we go nice good boy what’s in here again random garbage sleepy time I’m sorry is that for years dink lovey dink lovey dink lovey we made hell of

Money the junk drawer yeah it’s the junk drawer I love a good junk drawer A up why is that wheat not ready did I not water it maybe oh I think I missed watering that One that’s what I think yesterday when I was watering that one I literally said the sentence it’s hard to see which ones are watered and that one was UN watered okay oops let’s go to the CC let’s Bring hold on how do we upgrade water and cans okay first one is copper okay so we need to actually go get Copper should we go to the mines and try to get some cop n hold on I got to focus okay so let’s um I got to lock in let me lock in let me finish my salad and lock in um I have not played Supermarket Sim today I played it yesterday

Did we get the alert that the hoe is ready we did okay so we head to Clint pick up the hoe and then drop off the watering can he but we don’t have copper bars so we might need to um okay let’s go to the mines let’s first go to the

Mines grab some copper I need what what let me floors is two through 39 all right we’re just looking for Copper oh wait that’s copper 32 months sub on the day I officially become a 32y old lady eating club uh andcat thank you for the 32 oh I’m one-shotting the copper Wow free Palestine ding Club let’s go to 30 30 level 30 H how many do we have nine oh I would like to like at least get 15 but Nine’s a good start no I’m getting s h getting sidetracked but I do want to get as many as I can Pap pass I have some potatoes yes you can have

Potatoes I don’t know if we’re going to make it um to four make it by four is what I’m trying to say um let me see leave the mine let’s go home bus stop these smelt pretty quickly wait we need five we don’t have enough we don’t we literally don’t have enough

Oh I’m silly does he sell copper bars I don’t think I make this in time he sells ore I don’t think I make it oh wait bringing the furnace is a good idea hold on hold on we’re running we’re running I don’t think we do it great great yeah yeah great yeah great

Okay oh my God chat oh my God oh my God we did it that’s insane that felt like I was speed running a full netherite armor set that was crazy beautiful good call on bringing the furnace good call on um taking the mine cart all great advice all around okay all right sweet

Deal can’t take another Quest yet can I and when’s the cool down where the hell’s this basket bring Marne a bunch of one bunch of hamar oh we still got to do that get pammer beer [Applause] thank God copper um smelts so fast is the watering can just as slow to get

Upgraded that one’s going to be kind of annoying to not have two days [Applause] okay like why why are you Clos on Wednesdays why do you have to do that to me oh you know we do have time to hit the community center let’s do that let’s do

That let’s um let’s pick up everything that we needed uh to donate there except wheat it’s going to be ready tomorrow we’ll put the Coral in the cell box wait didn’t we need the the bug fles for something all right we’re going to keep our fancy fish in here purple fish goes in

Here yeah I definitely want to start cooking I still don’t know much about it yet but I’d love to learn damn no rain oh cute new shirt ooh cute I don’t have the upgraded uh sprinkler recipe which kind of sucks Farm computer um I’m going to do a quick little BRB chat

I’m going to refill my water and um let the dogs get their food and then um I’m thinking we take the community center trip tomorrow morning because we’ll have the last the 10th wheat so we’ll donate the wheat we’ll donate the oyster what else like forget what we were donating the

Muscle One two8 n wait yeah I have nine wheat okay so that’s correct all right yeah quick little BRB chat keep an eye on things be back in a sec okay I’m back put the sigs out dad is back uh I got two drinks and my water Vapes out the window

Okay I forget everything I was doing why is bro sleeping outside come on you have a drink for me yes Lizzie I do throws Vape away um o a donation chest is a good idea donation chest is definitely a good idea um what do we what color should we make

It this is a donation chest let’s make it green green for gonation stop stop stop stop stop stop uh what are we sell in here mayo and then an outbox for geod is smart oh like a put our geod in here this is probably a good spot for

Geodes wait this shirt can go in my dresser Nice gold for Gunther wait GRE wait gold hold on green for gun thr wait Museum milky white for Museum and then G for go go away don’t question my methods chat I know what I’m doing okay uh let me cook what’s wrong with milky white that’s like what come on

Chat blue for Bon and red for rther stick a sign behind Him [ __ ] I don’t know what to do do with this bear he’s just in the way everywhere and then this one is it’s too many SE put him inside your house oh the bear goes inside my house there we go you can barely notice him it’s getting late okay whatever hi Lonnie

Hi come here she ran away can you make a sign after my character’s name what’s your character’s Name I forgot to put the The Crab Pot out Big C bad H down Where do I I’ll make a sign for your character no problem what am I doing Even Community Center Mom come pick me up Chad is talking about bathtub water yeah no that’s a valid reason to have Mom come pick you Up Is why am I going the wrong way still have you played at the playground Nar I don’t know who this is mar here you go come here Okay okay we need to go to the pantry to drop off one corn 1.6 has been so fun I love escaping into my own little sty World hope you’re enjoying it too oh yeah blackberry and common Mushroom in the crafts room no I’m I’m having so much fun Megan I’m glad you’re

Enjoying it as well you can just right click the bushes you don’t need your Scythe yeah but the Scythe is so much Cooler common mushroom how do we not have that yet you saw one outside oh okay we’ll find it Oh we’re so close I thought we had one of those oh we sold it I think devastating wood skip did you get the basket no I don’t I don’t have the basket okay now we need three apples where’s the mushroom at it’s the brown mushroom right just the regular one for

All these cozy streams lately just hit different best 43 month seever Gracie Lynn thank you so much for the long time resub I really appreciate it for let’s look for mushrooms I keep feeling I keep feeling like I’m seeing them but like on different levels like higher up like up here and Stuff wait how the hell did I wa you can go this way I wish you could chop these down cuz I want to get these flowers ah it’s the Basket Forest bottom for mushrooms let we go in here what what is that what is it oh I hate the vibe okay let’s sell hi baby are you trying to get comfy okay there you go okay eggplant we were just at the CC for wait who does this belong

To oh lonus oh we can go drop that off That our shirt give us tis huh oh well yeah it appears that it appears that it did oh wow how did I just notice that wow good for us though right yeah we’re like stacked all of a sudden okay stop Chad stop looking stop walking like that not you blaming my walking

Form I’m not flaunting them I’m just I’m just walking regular I’m Jesus don’t say jiggle physics no no no no no no no we shouldn’t say that we shouldn’t say that what the hell [ __ ] is lonus doing Dam you guys got timed out you can silence chat but you can’t

Silence the the knockers there he is what’s bro doing up here no Lizzie you cannot put me in emote only as much as you’d like to free chat or free the nip which is it Lizzy listen okay did you romance lonus um no no he’s very scary he’s I’m

Scared so you guys are married yes wait can he be can he be rised oh he can I don’t know man you can live in the dog house are you asking lius to bark for us wait wait we got to get fishing the event coming up lightning

Rod oh we can craft totems now let’s go bro bro’s a freak because he’s just he’s always outside he’s in touch with nature Is [Applause] You know who’s better bad the mayor bro we know we we been know that the mayor is freaky what is this what is this little [Applause] guy how’d you get the ducky bobber I went uh to Willie shop and I changed it there’s a machine on the right side of his shop where you can change it me in 43 months and happy to be here thank you Julian mod good times on even the toughest of days dink love thank you so much apprciate that God it’s about time Clint cool why do you uh do you have red eyes I do have red eyes yes so I can water more crops now with this thing I started playing this game because of you and now it is all I can think about watching this stream while

At work to get me by before I can go home and play how does this work oh like that okay Okay that worked I think fall seeds Laura bath thank you for the gifted sub appreciate that which one is not Watered your villager looks exactly like me thanks I appreciate that cuz I think he looks Good except for one key feature which feature oops there’s all our money two features two features is crazy yeah GI I put a uh a screenshot in Discord I don’t know how it happened what plant is not watered I don’t even know what you mean they’re all watered the center one this

One middle right side right ah oh this guy oh you should have said middle right side chat just let me know next time you know did you upgrade your house it looks different I did upgrade my house oh cool cool cool yeah no great no I’m

Super glad we put that out so you could collect garbage yeah yeah yeah yeah he definitely upgraded something if you know what I mean Ah should we just fish we didn’t bring any of our Bobbers or our hooks but we can go fish two Bobbers in your shirt bro that’s Inappropriate At my birthday dinner it’s your birthday dinner right now oh my God happy birthday thank you you for inviting us to your birthday dinner I wish I had known that purple stars are higher than gold damn makes sense cuz of aridian but I just didn’t Know I had to work late so I’ve been watching while I work which makes it feel less bad dink clu dink dance Bella thank you for the resub I hope work going Well I’m wondering what oh like my fishing level yeah let me check uh one two three four five six seven eight oh it Says level eight Counting Tutorial got a wild One Ch um it’s screenshotted on dink dink Dink having some pad tie right now bro I’m having some for dinner I’m so excited about it wow it is hard to get a purple fish do you like peanuts in Savory food like Pat Tha I do like peanuts in Patti and some stir fries yes

Yeah I can only really think of like a certain couple of Asian foods that I like peanuts in but Yes For Bubbles pral did not happen yet No Damn dude not a single purple fish I can’t believe I’ve been selling them oh we almost lost that one it’s that Perfect I need to eat no I’m just going to go home now I’ll eat I’ll eat I’ll eat joa Cola can fix that we found the JoJo employee in chat alien is I’m just kidding I’m just kidding for and look at our organization oops eight surrounding tiles one two three four five oh

Okay I didn’t mean that how do you unho oh you don’t need to you don’t need a till it okay I think we sell these fish you can unho by finding God all right didn’t you need a wood skip that wasn’t a wood skip was that a wood

Skip I thought that was a I thought that was a a bull Bullhead oh okay good okay good [Applause] good Up ancient fruit we got a gold ancient fruit nice is our pickaxe ready I’m not paying attention to our our alerts wait do we have a hot pepper we do right oh no we got to we got to get another one for George we donated the one that we

Had oh it’s not in season okay so we’ll just have to do that one later which is fine Saturday I think the board the bounty board refreshes on Monday let’s check the weather it’s going to be clear and sunny all day for that’s cool do you have a favorite protein

Powder brand um I use um Vega Sport and another one called move the table and chair into the kitchen please no I like it where it’s at preserves jar can we make that oh it’s right here I didn’t see that okay cool Tapper Uh Lucy Essie thank you for the reubs so my pickaxe isn’t ready till tomorrow I Think so let’s go to Gunther or well no we’ll go to Clint and process the GEOS and then we’ll go to Gun wait I did the wrong I did the wrong Thing oh you can’t process geod while bro is working on your stuff that’s going to be in an update right they’re going to fix that next update okay last shs you can give these to Willie oh I’ll give it to Willie I like Willie [Applause] where is Willie

Had a honk some shoes all right good night Ellen noce good night good night you yearn for the mines right now me too but I don’t have a pickaxe I just realized we don’t have a blacksmith box we’ll make this the blacksmith box Um what do I do with the lava Y what I even do with him keep him in a pond oh interesting this just kind of a nothing day we’re just kind of waiting for our tools to finish up just cooking let’s go around and see if we

Have anything we need to sell to the adventures Guild more Community Center I don’t think we have anything for so happy to be here dink love dink dance oh purple mushrooms oh but that’s go oh but that’s fine you had the eggplant we donated the eggplant we already did that one um

I wish you could have like Hoppers or something where you could like load stuff into these machines so you don’t have to like stand by them and queue okay fiberglass rod and these shoes oh things get more automated later oh okay okay wait we’re going here so we can go to

The adventures Guild oh they close it no they open at two we’re good they go two to two I think need a new sword no I have the best sword in the game lava Katana I do not have the best sword in the Game um okay so we okay 55 to 64 damage plus three defense 25 crit power plus three weight level 10 sword uh well that’s what I’d like for myself I my sword is level six 6 30 to 45 Damage 55 to 64 damage wow yeah Matt I’m going to play some uh valerant I just don’t know when I’m going to I have to like hin myself to get back into it because I don’t want to dabble I either want to like play or not you Know should we get fishing so we could find our new Sword what up Nikki clove looks goated but valerant can eat my Jorts that’s kind of how I feel too um okay we keep getting garbage from our pot that sucks okay oh let’s put a bobber on this thing lead Bobber [ __ ] L perfect have you get little ducky you just got to go to Will’s spot oh oh that’s a that’s a loot hall right there How many people are leaving their glasses underwater what’s that About The fish have prescriptions I thought fish had perfect vision I want to try the uh treasure bobber which is only a couple of gold gold bars it makes it so the fish don’t escape when you’re going to get the treasure and then also there’s a higher chance of there being treasure Oh night time Fish hey purple purple chub let’s go so we’ll bring that to the whatever next week that’ll be uh our second fish that we bring mystery box was in a treasure that we fished Up there anything on us that needs to go to CC I don’t think we Do we should try some other night fishing maybe go to the ocean see what they’re cooking down there I thought I had my my ocean TP I don’t I have fish in the mines oh is this just garbage cuz it’s not the ocean yeah we caught a Lobby eel and an

Angler yesterday it was a good day for fishing yesterday our first [Applause] legendary oh hello oh we do have this for the CC do I have no food can I just eat this looking very Summer today thank you I feel very [Applause] summer heyo What the hell is [Applause] that avocor L’s gone we got two purples oh this is spicy at night fishing over here damn got another one old super cucumbers EA the most luxurious bean dip right now oh bean dips are [Applause] Good got to remember that I don’t have a TP so I got to go home at like 12:30 [Applause] 41 in albacore and a purple anvy oh my God what a great day all right last one last one last one all right one more after [Applause] This last one last one last one last one last one last one last one last one okay that was it got to go oh I’m cutting it close oo I’m cutting it close n we’re fine we’re fine just breathe we got this oh we’re fine we’re fine yep good day good

Day that that went for 1400 1300 for the fall seeds damn I like it gives you an itemized receipt fluck made an emote from something that happened yesterday on stream which thing a lot a lot of things happened on stream yesterday um show or else M you show it’s your emote didn’t get

Out we could rename it too if you Want I’m on mute no no no no no no don’t say that no no no I’m Not What you can’t see me chat what is happening man what are you talking About CH just lying to me right now for what what did I even do For April fools is this cloth e get it out all right let’s uh let’s go pick up our gold pickaxe and go to the mines uh or we fish I think we Fish I think we fish cranberry Harvest oh we have a harvest W oh is this hops what is this broccoli corn why don’t we have a Crops yeah geod can go and gun through spot I I actually don’t care we’ll share that box and then this is for crops that makes that makes way more sense way more sense here what do I do with this fishing rod I can’t do anything with It throw it away this watering can is so much better upgraded I want to get that um okay we need to go pick up our pickax I want to get more copper cuz I want to get the copper trash can no I’m stoked to get a a sprinkler

System in place but I’m not rushing it I’m just enjoying the Progression name of the game I played yesterday stard Valley oh uh Supermarket simulator is that what you’re thinking of we almost out of bait let’s grab our pickaxe our go our first gold tool it’s Exciting so iridium pickaxe we need to farm way more idium and we need a lot of money we don’t that’s rushing we don’t need to do that gold ax could do I think the copper trash can is what I want to go for 15% of the value so what does that mean

Value how do you get 15% of a fishing Rod that emote is so funny what the heck the cell price oh so this is stupid Maybe Let’s go to the mines I want to test out this Pick let’s go to 100 oh damn it’s quick it’s two Shotting so we get aridium from defeating those guys who put out that like AOE guys with the masks on I think those guys drop aridium right Jade no that was just a drop oh you can mine it oh huh oh this is just a PVE oh you know I don’t have food for

This this realized I don’t have food for This oh he kind of [ __ ] me up a little bit mystery box [Applause] solar Essence iron copper okay no ridium can’t eat fiber right now lot of mystery boxes that’s cool PI from the bats crab I got a crab wait we need that for CeCe oh chill chill chill chill chill

Chill was that a dwarf scroll DWF scroll dwarf scroll dwarf scroll number three can I eat white algae yes I can eat this too I’m not equipped for this actually I just realized oh God oh God bro’s [ __ ] me up oh my God I I’m like I’m lower than I want to

Be right now I should eat that purple but I need it for the CC Anonymous thank you for the five gift Subs this one’s tied with a blue rope yellow yellowed Scroll of parchment filled with Dwarven Script void Essence why did I think that was aridium I want to leave uh I want to leave the mines I yearn for them and now I yearn to leave our health is too low for this Y what up Sierra uh no this isn’t like too difficult it’s like I just didn’t come down here with any food at all so I think it’s time to go and just re up on food but what is this nothing it’s nothing leave dink love oh my God fluck is flu’s uh popping off today another

Emote oh this one’s good this one’s good wait a minute I already have an emote with that name what oh we’re we’re removing it we’re updating a certain emote and then we’ll re-upload where is it go to the spa oh to reup my my energy level that’s a good

Idea it Wast the day though no we have dink caught now and it’s better than our old dink caught although I do want to keep the old one which is the camera one for oh gotcha is good for the camera one I just can’t find it in my um

Folder the one that used to be caught but I can’t find it like the image weird we are energized um let’s get rid of this purple mushroom I just feel tempted by it for hi I’m here to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty happy 46 St and

Rats and our overlords the mods heart heart heart em is Magic monstera happy 46 thank you for the big resub secretly SI thank you for the seven just got a new job at a major trucking company and one day I will go on a trucker Ride Along I get to go on a

Trucker Ride Along I was so excited to tell you dude that is awesome uh really really cool good news happy to hear that thanks for sharing ass fixation I have not tapped trees yet no fishing Fountain y4 this say a Meme fruit bats oh I haven’t checked on them in so long let’s go check on them um oh this guy needed to go to the CC no he didn’t crab not a cc the void Essence needs to um we have a um we have a lot of whatever this is solar Essence

I’m I’m sure we can use that for something I’m not going to sell it what are these again I don’t even know what these are again charcoal Kil oh it turns wood into coal H yeah we don’t really use these Much Anymore um place a fish inside the bait maker to

Create a targeted bait so you can try to catch a specific type of fish interesting yes I did know that um star thank you yes I did know that oh let’s go check the bat the bat spot I could have cleared out my inventory before doing this for sure did I though

No dink dink dink so happy to see a you stream thank you you dink love dink love dink love I did trash an egg yes I’ll do it again too okay Cherry goes to CC nothing else here goes to CC so we can sell all this fruit

Sell the crab right I don’t know never I don’t really have I don’t feel like I’ve ever really seen these too often so I don’t know if I should sell it yeah we just checked the fruit bats yes bat wings what am I keeping all these bat wings for wait oops hold

On so this guy sell this Mayo you can donate the crap well too late for that [ __ ] I didn’t know we’ll get another one we’ll get another one all right sleepy T sleepy sleepy time day 15 of fall God we’re cruising can I get some turnips uh fair is happening tomorrow we

Got to bring nine items to display all right let’s check this out there’s a fishing mini game okay catch me there slingshot mini game catch me there Smashing Stone catch catch me everywhere um star tokens fortune teller okay first place gets a th000 Stars rare Crow

Okay all right I’m stoked I’m stoked for the fishing uh mini game all right let’s put these in here this goes in there can make another Mayo real quick plants are getting watered for free that’s great we need more baits you have the best video quality I’ve

Ever seen oh thank you thank you so much appreciate that uh the problem is we don’t have enough items to display we got to get we got to get cooking we only have um three one two three and then a gold oh four we have four purple and then one gold oh God

She 47 months I think we got to go fish oh okay we can put we can put gems in there oh yeah let me check the points chart have you watched what we do in the shadows I’m going to get a back to two on my forearm this weekend in honor of

It oh I love that I love that Bobs yes I have minerals points diamonds are six that’s the highest I’ve seen star shards whoa Prismatic Shard looks so cool okay diamonds are six ancient fruit is six but we’re not giving away our ancient fruit Alor watching you play Stu while

Playing stue it’s St oh with a purple cooking what’s mayo worth oh you get the items back should I bring my Angler okay regardless we should get cooking on uh on fishing CU we have literally one day we have Moss put this back I got hella broccoli oh oh

Forgot that we could Harvest that we got a gold broccoli oh good shout on the broccoli good shout let’s go fish for a little bit see what we can come up with I think you like the fair a lot better than the dance the dance nothing happened no

Offense yeah the dance nothing happened I literally stood there and then it ended you got to romance someone I got to fish Hey frons happy to be here for 42 wanted to share some exciting news I am 8 weeks pregnant happy to be here dink dance mads Mill Congrats oh my God mads that’s Huge maybe we run to uh the blacksmith and get some of our geodes processed before tomorrow see if we get anything Crazy what was the luck for today oh I didn’t check my Luck How’s the CC going good good good good purple let’s go wait wait wait do we have another oh my God we have two purple carvs and Oh wait we’re popping off can you have repeats of items or is it better to have a variety I guess I I got

To check the wiki on that purple 30in Bullhead oh what’s Happening Lady Luck 2 years sub but a lot longer following your content all right bet okay for the many years oh my God I’m so excited we got to go we got to go home we got to get our geodes uh and our mystery boxes go process those um

Yeah oh yeah I think our luck might be good today let’s go our luck is set for the day whether or not we check it right it’s just like checking it doesn’t affect the actual look okay move the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your

Ah why did I do that it’s like checking your credit whoa so should I not process theang out with you cool cats rad a you look great tonight dink fam oh geodes are not based on look it’s bomb why are you why am I getting bombs uh was that soap stone tiger’s eye Elite sandstone Malachite God stop with the stone you know mud Stone I don’t ruin my inventory uh what do I throw out let’s donate these two Rarecrow oh cool yep I did miss the skeleton tail it’s so small I could I like literally couldn’t see it on my Inventory What’s that Limestone all right so we need nine items let’s take a look here um okay minerals so Diamond hell Vite is also six um so we’ll do a diamond a hell bite okay we’ll start putting together our kit okay Diamond Elite purple fish let’s go back here rubies are

Five could do an emerald a ruby best three of of any category will count okay so if we do a diamond a Hite and a emerald and then we’ll do three purple fish it was Ruby right that’s what I said no Emerald it was Emerald or

Ruby a ruby as well Ruby’s five as well okay oh we’re cooking we’re cooking tomorrow’s going to be a big day all right old broccoli maybe gold Mayo Ruby gold ancient fruit is good yeah but don’t I want to keep the ancient fruits about to embarrass the competition of

This Fair all right so we’re only going to do one I don’t want to double up on fish so we’ll take like largemouth bass a bullhead and maybe like a the purple chub one two three one two then we have the Ruby the diamond The Hite that’s six then we have the broccoli

Seven the Mayo eight and and then one more item oh what about our angler wait is the angler wanted to say love you and I’m so grateful for you and the dinks you all are the literal best dink lovey our angler is silver so it’s six

Points dude the Ang the angler might not actually be that the move because um I’m seeing the angler a a silver star um because he’s only Silver Star he’s six points versus like a um a purple chub is seven purple Bullhead is seven purple carpa

Six you have a name for the angler no I know we’ll get everything back I know I’m just trying to min max I think we I think we leave the angler in here how many categories of produce we have so far all right so you know what dude okay

I’m making a chest chest for tomorrow okay pink chest okay put everything we’re taking tomor start it’s amazing I know isn’t it great all right uh all right let’s look at minerals uh tiger’s eye it’s low on the list it’s low on the list oh actually no it’s five it’s five

That’s not low but it’s not the highest so we it’s not yeah we’ll drop a diamond yeah we’re going to clown on we’re going to clown on everyone at this Fair okay Diamond Elite Ruby okay and we have purple Bullhead purple bass purple chub then we have gold

Broccoli gold mayo and we have room for one more Item wait a gold star egg is seven points that’s wild Actually super cucumber um n oh n only if he’s purple he’s worth something he’s eight for purple six for base what was that wait do we have a oh wait do we have a a gold let’s see let’s see we have a gold super cucumber Dan thank you for the

Raid so it’s the second column over it’s six points the super cucumber I think we keep that gold ancient fruit oh yeah you’re right let’s just do that let’s just do that yo Dan thank you so much for the raid welcome welcome your chests have no Rhyme or Reason uh to you

Maybe to you maybe do I have a purple ancient fruit or did you say gold ancient fruit no raid alert yeah I just played one two three four five six this is what we bring to the stardo Valley Fair this is it Dan thank you so much for the host

Hope you had a fun stream I think we win I’m selling all these fish Pier might as well not even show up idiot imagine let’s just make some uh Mayo before tomorrow just in case we end up with something purple which we won’t but we could

Try it is nine items yeah so interesting seeing where you’re at with the farm on your first play through yeah I’m having a great time yeah this is going to be a sick a sick layout here yeah Brit thank you for telling me I did know that actually chat helped me learn

That wish should could have bigger chest that would be cool so what do I do with the rare Crow put them down like That there’s a there’s eight different types I’m stoked I want to collect more in fact um we’re going to wake up with some good cash and if we if there’s anything that we could buy at the fair we’ll have some good money to spend Robin sells the big chest recipe

For 5K oh I definitely want that oh you only spend Stars oh CU you’re at a fair so you get like the fair currency how are you liking stardew um it’s consumed my entire life oh so we’re going to play the mini games to get stars is that what you’re

Saying oh we’re going to play the fishing mini game and some they’re expecting us not to win okay oh gold star cherry wait let me just check this just to make sure Cherry isn’t super high up gold star cherry base five points for gold wait what does it mean

Base it says base tiller knowledge what do those categories mean like am I a tiller or is it base Mr big chesty base is no profession oh did I choose anything for um farming tiller okay we’re tiller perfect so a gold Cherry when you’re a tiller ah five that’s it just

Five thought it was going to be more and whatever when you’re a farmer but you do farming the least yeah no I fish that’s what I do can I fish in this River or is this not count will they just be garbage Yeah must have garbage and we got two gold mayos already have a gold one in here let’s sell these put your crab pots in the water did I not do that already I’m going to sell the red mushroom I don’t think I keep that I know I have a crab pot in the

Mountains but um it’s it’s fished up nothing but garbage so far so 3 years feel like we had more quartz or refined quartz that is only have 14 recycling machine I saw that I think it’s the recycler right oh that’s what I’m doing that’s what I’m doing at that’s literally what I’m standing in front of I’m currently using it all right we’ll put the bombs in uh in the valuables container yeah once once the fair is

Over we’re getting that um that bigger chest Recipe if you know what I mean girly pops Serena thank you for the resub is hi Julian hi Julian’s arms you greeted my arms as well respectively damn thank you for the greeting Jessica mwood thank you for the three welcome back me Zin thank you for the

35 what year are you in 2024 I think oh year one in stard do I want to process all these glasses before I go to sleep I don’t know why Dan were you playing um stardude today you have a cow yet no I don’t have any animals besides my chickens

Apparently Evelyn likes them as gifts but she called you yucky so oh yeah that that ship is sailed yeah I don’t care about her you have a good farm setup I’m pretty happy with it I’m pretty happy with it this Wiki is a godsend chat you were right about it

Yeah so glad you’re loving St you dink love it’s my favorite and no offense but so are you XOXO how are we 26 Chrissy thank you so much D appreciate the 38 months that was nice of you floral Fox welcome back for 26 here we Go we can fish with a magnet ah seafoam pudding did we max out our fishing just got out of jiujitsu thank you for inspiring me to start and for being an amazing human less than three KD Skywalker hope you had a great class hope you’re having all the dink

Lovey the uh post Jujitsu amazing Good Feeling Vibes those happy chemicals good morning seem to be doing well the farm looks great oh you can use cloth to tailor all kinds of clothes all you need is access to a sewing machine and I happen to have one

At home feel free to swing by to use it any time Emily the goat thanks Emily yo that’s awesome I’m excited for that we can make clothes perfect well hold the damn phone um Pumpkin has a tiller gold is six and broccoli there broccoli wait why can’t I see broccoli under vegetables is it Undering no oh broccoli is new it hasn’t been updated oh okay we’ll sell broccoli we’ll sell broccoli uh we’ll put this in the gardening Box what’s this eggplant rpe okay I think we’re good to go I’m going to gpg before the fair ashini good uh good night have a good day dinner thanks for swinging by I’m going to gpg fill my water before or water’s full just going to gpg before the fair b or

B all right we go just started my own stue Farm 2o thanks for the inspo and the two plus years of fun you learn less than three wow juice up the crops first streams often but when I do it is always a treat love you ul and Dink fam dink love you

Dink co yo Ella thank you for the 41 happy to have you here Chelsea thank you for the 17 sending you Good Vibes both of you gen Z thank you for the smiling face with hearts Caroline thank you for the resub it’s my Greyhounds gotta day seven

Years with this weird horse growing H weird horse hey happy Gotcha Day to you and your gray that’s amazing seven years good for you that’s awesome can you get that grass in the middle for a mental health can’t reach it all right I got it oh we need our stuff I almost forgot

Everything wait 1 two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 H what was that doing there one 2 three four five six seven eight n oh we don’t need the Cherry I think we’re I think we’re looking good here broccoli over Cherry oh do we choose

Cherry hold on let’s let’s sort this out here fruit okay mailler Cherry hold Five Points oh we don’t know what broccoli goes for we don’t know what broccoli goes for because it’s new so I’m just going to go with the broccoli I think we just go with the

Broccoli like I’d rather just risk it cuz yo we’re Here what do we do ooh shop Trad in your star tokens for Prizes wait no uh I don’t have star tokens Yet hell yeah I’ll play the slingshot game oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how do I play it’s harder than I thought it was going to be oh it’s not as Easy oh you can get multiple oh my God We’re we’re John we’re John Wick over here with the slingshot oh baby a triple all right 82 144 star Tokens I hope that’s a lot happy four years I’ve earned my degree in dinology but you know what I actually picked up my cap and down for my bachelor’s degree today we stay winning Dinks oh my God capping gown That’s so exciting D set Liz congrats that’s very exciting Okay come on let me cook I got to use the competition Rod Oh it’s we’re on a timer I see Are you only allowed to play the mini games once do you get bonus for perfect catches or no oh what is that salmon unlimited and time pauses at the fair right so we can just play this Forever there is a perfect bonus Oh come on give me one More 400 our score is 340 let’s go Again do we gam by the tokens I like see how much I’ll Get what is this this is something Different who Oh we’re farming right Now You get any points for those I haven’t checked if you get points for the seaweed oh God damn what is This we’re going to have a better run right now It would be cool if you kept the fish after the mini Game that’d be kind of broken though maybe because then you could just abuse it because there’s no time all right I think we actually beat our Score Get this kid out of the Way I want to play this one oh that this is it Oh we got a star Token oh we just got to do it perfect and we get a star token oh you just get one you can’t you just can’t get keep doing it what’s this one again selling star tokens for just 50 a piece you could just buy Them oh no I haven’t checked the the shop Yet Fedora light green rug prize Tickets star drop rare Crow okay I want to get all those wait this gives you one one and I’m getting like 400 from fishing what am I Doing all right let’s buy the star drop does this change oh it’s 2,000 I don’t have enough all right let’s get back to Fishing do the gamble wheel I would love to do the gamble Wheel Oh for my display I forgot about my Display Salmon it’s going to be our new our new record right here we pop off this needs to be a perfect having so much fun watching you play my favorite game oh my God I’m having so much fun playing it D thank you for the resub I’m glad you’re Enjoying another salmon yeah this is going to be our best run I think we’re just getting good luck too we’re getting a lot of Bites Lady terot D I’m going to try to beat my score over here we’re cooking we’re cooking Aries rise my birthday was last Thursday I am now a redacted year old Lady we missed the purples we’re in Trouble well hot dog it’s been a while to Dance it it it it tracks your accuracy oh yeah the the rewards are lower on this one oh we have 1,800 I see okay I didn’t see it up there let’s go back to fishing this is what we know this is what we know oh I Okay I do want to try to beat my score just for fun what’s your favorite food um th food probably you get one point for seaweed Yeah we’re bu yeah we’re buying the whole shop we’re buy nor shop this fair is so fun That okay it was a waste of time Who Who I literally did so bad I’m Embarrassed we got to go for accuracy E 103% accuracy how does that work wow you just don’t miss a shot and then you get Points oh multiple when you hit oh I see okay that’s what gives you double oh we could Farm prize tickets this stuff doesn’t sell out right I can just take my time I just take my damn time right and you can only buy one of each Or ah what’s happening strange but the taste reminds you of pad thai maximum energy level has increased yep Yep star drop so it’s a onetime consumable and it increases your energy level that’s awesome hello Don’t forget your Ran Miss Muffy oh yeah when do I so talking to the mayor sets up my ability to put my display out or do I go somewhere else first Set up and then talk to Mayor okay okay For Will it stop me if the time runs out and I’m I’m mid Catch we just got Jed oh it lets you finish that’s cool what is this oh is this his display that’s Clint’s display hey clown why you like this Clown is this mine oh baby We’re cooking Dink lovey dink lovey you should have put the Underpants in there the Mayor We Dink lovey dink lovey dink Lovey can you for Kennedy welcome back illiterate frog thank you for the resub kind of a bad run all right let’s um let’s buy our gambling Money uh rare Crow that’s 800 we want that we don’t need the glowstone ring we could get it and sell It what’s this again now this is a terrible Deal pick a color and place your bat for a chance to win um to double your is this All or Nothing do I lose everything oh we choose why is the arrow spinning not the wheel swear to God we’re Rich I love this fair is this guy rocking a fanny pack it’s a Tourist get your fortune Red Oh it’s all the way down here hey where you hiding down Here can see you at the beach talking to Marne say something funny seems like you two are good friends now I see you middle-aged walking through town at dusk you pass a window to see a family having a dinner you hang your head and hurry off into the darkness bro that’s Sad they just basically said you’re going to be old and alone Mean you going to be just like Willie hey man you know there are worse Things Married to the Game what’s the clown up to hold on no shot ads just played no actual Shot All right I’m going to wait we’re going to sit here and wait give it a couple minutes while the ads play and then we’ll do and then we’ll proceed so people don’t Miss Adds over all right we go oh bro’s cooking he’s looking at he’s looking at all the displays this one’s just cheese uh who’s ra whose rat display is this oh sorry am I in your way Freak all right what are the results first place yeah something tells me it wasn’t even close I bet these dummies don’t even know about the wiki oh we got to take our stuff can we take their stuff Too talk to Pierre rub it In what’s Su brat Yeah no we’re here you know we’re here let’s just buy the shop I’ve been loving watching you play this game for the first time I’m so glad you are enjoying it so much dink CL we’re bad going to get some doubles get our accuracy up Accuracy is low but we’re getting all the good targets that’s good oh that’s Bad got like two or three hundred maybe 200 this one’s fast I like how efficient this one is the fishing one takes a while plus we we get a lot of fishing in on a regular basis So E okay four five uh we’ve played Juno Kart for 4 seconds and then I Quit all right we can afford That and that and then we need um 600 Jun Kart is the worst game ever made time does not pass it the fair now I don’t Think I just imagine this being like a middle school fair with like you know mini game set up for like kids and then me showing up and just absolutely sweating see all the Prizes in maxing my tickets pickpocketing the Kids Go check up north before you leave the fair okay say Less hurry up it’s a competition man All right this might get us Enough nope wait yep wait nope we have exactly enough to buy out the store my God out of stock sorry guys sorry sorry everyone everything’s mine hey Pierre how’ It Go in the Competition uh we’ll get him next time will we we literally minmaxed the fair oh all right hey have you guys checked out the prize Booth I really admire Robin’s carpentry skills I use a lot of the same techniques In My Own Line Work Okay pettings Zoo two-way petting Zoo Let me in lonus these animals never judge people by their looks the same can’t be said for humans bro I absolutely [ __ ] with lonus okay I relate to him the most on the on the whole island or Valley or Whever like he prefers animals to humans say less say less holy moly 79 dink dink dink hell yeah what what the hell Demetrius oh Taurus he’s wearing the same fit as Demetrius whoa Are these for Free I just got so much energy all of a sudden lonus is my bias a free that was awkward All right good fair day good fair day hey do you have Anything you Know I don’t want to say it went perfectly but kind of went perfectly kind of popped off today at the fair mhm yep yep o the sunflowers are a cute little decoration cute cool little rug with the ring in our dresser oh hold the hat and the

Dresser won’t be wearing the Fedora but I’ll keep it got the other rare Crow rare Crow is looking good so we can just sell these fish now all this stuff yeah just make make Cash mhm mhm mhm put the bomb in crate number one oh didn’t we we need five golden pumpkins I think anyway you can put the Fedora on one of your sea urchins oh my God you can all right EP time for What’s That Yam This game has me in a choke hold dink what up I Blame You youan same for real big time oh we can put the watering can in the garden bin that makes sense all right this is for you chat Oh we can pick up a weekly Quest again let’s do our gambling our weekly gambling good morning whatever that’s garbage it’s actual garbage are you kidding me mixed seeds Okay Robin’s resource rush I’m putting a little promotion putting on a little promotion just for fun if anyone can

Collect a thousand pieces of stone in a week they’ll earn a reward and they can keep the stone or extremely rare powerful goop known as Ectoplasm let’s do the goop one that that seems way harder all right back to the wiki ectoplasm 99.5% chance to drop from ghosts carbon ghosts and putrid ghosts while the quest is active once ectoplasm must be given to the wizard okay ghosts Are hover toward the player upon entering the level okay what level 31 through 39 okay we’ll do that one 5 days where’s Leah at no like I know where she lives but like where’s she at where’s she at G are 51 through 60 oh [ __ ] all right let’s go grab some food

And head to the Mines how do you get moss from the trees You look super Respectable like me like me as a person thank You Yeah Pam pam is is still thirsty yes and she will stay thirsty until I’m good and ready to feed her have you donated money to the vault in the CC no I I’m not that balling yet I’m not that balling yet let’s put you’re going to like the prize from that one oh

Damn start playing starter for the first time because of these streams and I’m loving it nice Wolverine nice thank you for the resub chicken have I not kissed today I think it’s him yeah so your farm looks interesting thank you I’m a professional wait so 31 through

39 the levels that ghost spawn on or is it oh 51 through 79 ghosts are 31 through 39 no carbon ghosts are 31 through 39 regular ghosts are 51 through 79 and putrid ghosts are 51- 69 let’s do 51 let’s do like 51 through 69 because that’s the highest uh we want

Regular wait really ghost carbon ghost and putrid ghost have a all have a 99.5% chance to drop so I think I want any of them where the ghosts at what was that breathing get out of here yo Lexi thank you for the raid putrid is a great word I like that

Word a lot Lexi thank you for the raid hope you had a fun stream welcome on in Raiders here we go here we go here we go 99.5% Chance I just yeated him holy [ __ ] Lexi how was the stream would yall were we all doing hell divers today or what were you playing first one you’re joking that’s literally the that’s the whole weekly Quest right there just One what do you mean what do you mean That’s wild that’s wild it took you three Days um Lexi what tell me what’s up in Hell divers I’m curious I want to play with you again I can’t believe how lucky we just Got but like hate us cuz they ain’t us chat oh sorry farmer sorry farmer sorry farmer happy 41 months think hell yeah 9.5 bro we just 99.5% chance is a small drop rate that’s not like tiny but it’s also like that’s I was expecting like at least maybe five

Ghosts I’m level 23 I got a bubble backpack and it’s my favorite thing in the game we need to attack the robots to take control of the planet in 3 days or they’re going to attack us Lexi you’re level 23 bro oh I got to get on I got to get on

I’m falling behind I’m getting surrounded hell R level 23 is crazy and I’m happy to attack the robots the automatons or whatever they’re called got samples to collect all right I I’m living a double life here okay because my stream life is stardew and Supermarket only and Hell divers is

What I do on my free time and sometimes also eat and sleep and other things but what is this why is he got an antenna why is he on 1,000 HP Forest sword new faction can show up any day now oh my God I don’t have a co-ops server star slime

What do you want about oh he is a star slime so he drops a weapon when you kill him coffee bean Crystal fruit wait oh damn I thought that was a cc item Lexie were you solo running today or were you playing with someone did you play with Hannah coffey’s

Big you can make bulk coffee and run faster oh oh nice Lexi nice bro 23 is huge so what is the bubble backpack in Hell divers Cal fruit is CC winter B I must already have it because it’s not lighting up girly pops Serena thank

You so much thank you for the gift subs for chat appreciate that it makes you so tanky like a shield backpack oh that’s cool if you become tight with Evelyn she can give you a coffee machine yo having a dam uh uh not a damage uh an armor buff in

That game is like I can imagine probably so huge wow okay I didn’t even know the bubble Shield was the thing I had never heard of that oops Love you all so much oh Serena thank you for the I appreciate that y’all if you’re getting a gifted Sub in chat and you feel comfy just uh drop a thanks to Um to uh Serena for buying those gift subs and the CD is okay CD is okay enough to the point where I can call in a couple oh wow so you unlock the bubble backpack at what level 20 everything’s unlocked at 20 oh okay yeah I’m 19 I’m so I’m so close Crystal for this is this must be why we don’t need the crystal fruit for the CC cuz we were down here killing baddies and they probably dropped us one earlier before we even knew what any of this [ __ ]

Was frozen geod nice Mech at 25 oh the mech is going to be wild yeah I I don’t know like I want I think we’re going to play hell divers again soon on stream I think Chris wanted to play on Friday or something but the the I just found that like it

Was hard to get Chad into it a little bit so like I might need to just like keep playing it a bit hot watermelon I love hell divers liked watching you play it was chaotic but enjoyable okay no no it wasn’t hard to ReChat it

Was like I felt like uh chat was having a hard time getting into the game but that might have just been you know in my head like internally it’s a very different vibe from like um most of the games are playing right now which I think is good for

Cheese press yes quality sprinkler recipe yes okay two things we got to do out in the world today we got to go talk to Robin to get the recipe for whatever and then we got to go to the wizard and deposit this it is raining we make this thing well that’s kind of

Expensive for for we can rearrange the farm when The Season’s changed that’s what we’ll do all right so step one see if Leah’s home give her a little gift step two go to the wizard tower you got broccoli I did I got broccoli seemed like a starter Pro I’ve

Had a lot help from chat and uh I’ve been playing a lot lately so you know there you go 2500 that’s fat like that 2500 for killing one ghost they just put a hit on on that one ghost um I’m going to go grab my dinner give me one sec chat

Yes chat you can have a bite it is Pad Tai okay when the season end we could plant the Coffee Bean does it taste like stard Drop yes yeah it does what’s your YouTube channel name uh Julian and Julian 2 in the greenhouse I pull up the wiki for that one okay

So I could spend an exorbitant amount of money on a sword or I could start putting money into the vault at the CC I blinked and 50 months went by glad you’re loving star youm can’t wait to see Rat Ranch farm grow wa that’s cool Vault 100% when crafting here you’ll have access to any materials all materials in any adjacent chest but she sells so much stuff I kind of feel like it doesn’t matter to do the chest upgrade right now we need a lot of gold to get the Vault done isn’t it like 100,000 or something okay lightning rone 25,000 is the highest I’m not putting bait in the The Crab bin or whatever it’s

Called I just haven’t been doing it For we historic tool I see we are using our right to bear arms or whatever the Declaration said dinky yep uh literally don’t look at me thank you for the uh 30 J all right so we need to um can we make it to the blacksmith before they close I think we can

It’s going to be close but I think we make it yeah we make it easy I did I delivered the ectoplasm Yeah Burnt offering I didn’t collect the mystery box I just left it there does it just stay there uh jelly donuts can you restart the day oh it went back in the water oh damn okay how do we make fast money we go mines Maybe f

I’m kind of all over the place I’m going to go to the saloon give some gifts actually first we gamble wow That oh my god oh we’re really full fish smoker would make hella do wait you can make a fish smoker for for for is that a bad spot for that is that your house what has in common with the last house I asked that question uh plants this is my house yeah

Thanks Lassie um where do we put this I don’t even know what it is looks like a pizza looks like the uh the Dunder Mifflin iPad For for wow wow wow I’m almost 40 years old thanks for keeping me company love this community and thank you Papa for all that you do Yo Joe Marie thank you so much thank you so much for the tier three support happy to have you here thank you thank You damn look at those sprinklers Go blueprints for mini Obelisk We can make that we can make that place two on the farm to warp between them we can Teleport how many solar Essence do we have we have 18 oh we don’t even have enough for one we got to farm those okay all right we’re cooking Now Huge this game does this game does absolutely rule we just need to deliver one pumpkin for that Quest For we already delivered the ectoplasm new quests damn reskin mod that makes the dog or Greyhound that’s pretty cool The CC session oh yeah the the caption bot we use is great I’m glad you you’re enjoying having it yeah it’s an incredible caption caption bot have you been giving people gift on their birthdays nope take that theux speed grow is damn this place is nice broccoli makes Bank

Okay wait she was in the kitchen I didn’t see her oh up here Ah that’s the wrong person that’s not Caroline that’s Abigail hold on ah damn okay we’re got to do we have another pumpkin I think we have one oh we have plenty we’re Cooking yeah I know Carolina has green hair I just couldn’t I couldn’t think fast Enough here we go I kind of spoiled it because I already gave Abigail one but yeah whatever it’s my birthday today smiley face happy aies Season MAA happy birthday I kind of feel like we go to the mines and just try to get as many fancy things as we can to sell I yearn I just yearn right now we haven’t really had a moment to chill cuz we’ve been so busy with all of our quests

And fishing and fair and all that so here’s what we’ll do put that away oops yeah [Applause] we mining now is we didn’t check our lock today did we heyo started a new job this week have been waiting for this kind of opportunity since 2022 and it seems like

A great move for me already dink dink have a good night everyone par snip congrats that’s great happy to hear that congrats on that ooh the blue mushrooms yes these guys are worth 113 has blue mushrooms oh good to know good to know purple mushrooms just got [ __ ] up a little

Bit mushroom FL is random oh okay n we didn’t get any gold but that’s that’s still okay okay that was the star room is that what that’s called lady [Applause] look good find thank you that guy hits so hard oh my God no he could see me over that rock Squid

Ink but he’s not a squid oh did I forget the bombs I did I did all right we’re going to kill this guy with zero damage that did take a while what was that hi everyone dink lovey dink lovey dink lovey what is that thing it’s a book I need to use

It monsters have a small chance to drop double loot oh my god oh that’s forever now oh wow so we now oh my God that’s huge oh the book seller I see what you mean cuz they sell books just like that increases your luck and drop rate and stuff another Diamond up here

Let’s eat this all right I’m going to sell everything that I just minded because I’m not there’s no point in like keeping any of it just trying to make money now I will keep that keep that as well keep that as well all right so I’m not selling everything

Okay oh the CC doesn’t require ink e make the lightning rod and put it outside today is this not a lightning Rod rotting in bed eating Thin Mints playing my silly little farm game nice to hang with you all nice to hang with you as well thanks for thanks for chilling here with us lavender Lea I’m a seal RR thank you for the 10 oh my Melly granola girl Jos boss Katie bear welcome

Back what’s the longest you’ve ever streamed uh about 24 hours For for Bro that’s big that’s CC rotting on the Rat Ranch looks really wonderful I wanted to keep using our works so I made one up wonderful yo flat thank you for the 34 welcome back wonderful cc is Community Center hurry up with the with the mail you know for kiwi everyone’s good thanks for

Asking lemon Stone Had to read all that For for I have cloth I could bring here I just didn’t know if I should use it or not oh bee house we can make honey maybe What is all this want to go to there me too what is it let me go broken bridge Run and Jump damn I didn’t even notice this before what is this what are these things those Bones there’s so much more to this game oh my God I’m so excited I love that I’m not like going to run out of content anytime soon I’m just having a blast I’m immersed when do we hit Level 10 wait what is what is the uh magnet increases the chance of

Finding Treasures when fishing however the fish aren’t crazy about the taste interesting so you could just like focus on um on fishing up Treasures instead of fish chat if if we made an emote of uh of this guy so you can have it in chat as well a

Little animated version what would you want it to be called thinkink do bro that’s so good what the [ __ ] Chad you’re smart all right let me get back to you on that let me get back to you on that just kidding it’s already Uploaded shouts out fluck bro cook today bro absolutely cook today wait wait wait wait it’s a CCE fish no oh we already got it Twilight trailer has been filmed how did it go lightning fam hope you’re doing great lightning good to see you thank you for the 96 Months Whoever said buy pumpkins was smart I made so much money selling those pumpkins we got a purple getting some good stuff we’re out of bait for Have I done any other community board quests yet yeah I’ve I’ve been farming those they’re just they just have such a long cool down so we have to wait a week when we finish we we literally had one where we had to get ectoplasm for the wizard so

We had to kill like ghosts until they dropped an ectoplasm we walk up to a ghost the first ghost we see kill it and he drops it and then the rest of the quests have mainly been like fishing I think yeah I definitely got some streamer Loot we need bait what if tomorrow we try building a magnet and just trying to fish up um Treasures only seeing what we get kind of a Vibe one iron bar that’s cheap as hell we can just make a few even for going to bed early we’re so close to

25 for the um Vault room try to knock out the $25,000 one 25,000 gold one and then and then switch over oh we got a battery oh we got a battery that’s dope that’s Great we are low on iron huh damn I didn’t even realize that oh this gives you three okay great E well let’s try this got the magnet hook so let’s see what what we can fish up you not cold no it’s pretty warm Here What oh it’s for for can you hear me we back okay sorry about that um my mic um I don’t know something’s going on with my USB on my computer USB um devices are just having trouble did I use all three magnets already are they gone show us your fish fish collection uh

For For Fish fish fear Him Yeah I’m level 9 but like level 10 When fish fear Him Evelyn thinks he’s Gross For yeah fishing in different areas give you different uh fish fish yeah like certain fish only spawn in certain areas and during certain times of day and year and Oh the magnet Hook is lowkey terrible it’s single single use it doesn’t have durability it just breaks after one single pole and I didn’t even get a a treasure on those poles Either how is the magnet a level nine recipe that is wild lead bobber dude lead bobber and cork bobber are probably my two favorite lead bobber makes it really easy to catch like wild Fish you like trap the best what up M no pun intended but stardew has me hooked causes fish to escape slower when you are oh that’s nice a little less Pressure it is really making me work for level 10 huh think you’ll do another tattoo tour in the future yeah I will I will I have some leg ones I haven’t really shown off I want to finish some of the arm ones I have planned oh bubbles yeah the bouncing at the bottom

Is really bad we’re losing all those bubbles Get back Here oh you pair magnet with the treasure Barra oh I see Start do Mayo tattoo now it’s really nice to have more energy in this game dwarf scroll 4 is that the one we need I don’t know actually I don’t know For doesn’t say anything about Gunter can we have it okay can I come to your Island to trade Is that real or is that just like a animal crossing joke rare disc has a 3% drop when you hold it you’re overwhelmed with the feeling of obsessed when I

Discovered this game less than three you’ve inspired me to start a new Farm happy start Lo zigy that’s awesome thank you for the 66 glad you’re enjoying glad we’re all enjoying this game together what a great what a great day uh so I sell this right the rare

Disc that’s got to be worth something if it’s such a rare drop oh [Applause] hello that’s a bomb I can put the rare disc in the museum I’ve already donated one I have to get chats per Miss to sell items in this Game little R it’s popping off now s in the pocket and trade oh God I walked right into that how is bro Alive get get away from me get away from me why is this level so hard right now yo yo yo yo chill chill chill oh that’s the big one that’s the rare one I’m going to I’m going to loot everything chat I’m going to loot everything where’s he at where’s the rare

One yeah there he is right here right sniping his ass is that not the rare one dude the slingshot is a great weapon in this game underrated weapon massively underrated we’re going to go get the rest of these guys [Applause] out of hear you little rat whoa what are you doing who who

Who we got to go all right time to go chat song is sick I don’t know what level that was but we got to go cuz we got to put some stuff in the cell box before we go to bed okay not selling the crap for

Oh I got to run back to town real quick ring of Yoba and Thorn’s ring oh combat Rings interesting oh we might be able to afford the 25k a combat ring Do Thorn’s ring when enemies damage you they take damage themselves okay so it’s like thorns in Minecraft and then ring of Yoba occasionally Shields the wearer from damage occasionally occasionally I don’t know if I’m sold occasionally yeah give me the stats show me the little literature

Did the message for the Book seller come up oh I didn’t see it Chad did you see It Why am I keeping the crab again I’m selling the rest of these pumpkins I think oh wait we need to keep the gold one Community Center it’s not me it’s not um popping up for me I thought the crab was part of it but maybe it’s

Not if the scroll has a description that isn’t donated to the museum to learn more it’s been donated so I can sell it right that means I can sell it St we’re going to go make a lot of money at Pi real quick let’s put these away actually Yeah the fish smoker is definitely something I’m considering I just know that like it’s an investment and I also don’t know how it operates someone said something about jelly wait wait wait book seller’s here Look buy books you can now see the value of all your items WAOW that’s a cool bro you will now run a lot faster through grass and crops you will gain a little extra speed when riding a horse don’t have one you run a little bit FAS having dental surgery on Thursday please

Send Good Vibes Okay I’ll buy the price catalog whoa it says the price of everything dude that’s kind of cool way of the wind is 15,000 should we just buy It that way we can move faster I know chat I know I know the Vault I know we’ll get it back we are faster now though which is really nice yeah look at this strut look at my big steps that I’m taking garbage I should have just sold these oh what that obsidian Reward huge air Statue being able to see the oh new we yes okay so we can kill bats or we can get bug Guts Uh juicy bugs wanted it’s a Willie Quest 3,000 gold and you get a quality bobber recipe the cut scene at the beach cave Patrol 6,000 gold you get a geoc crusher game Happy subers double the gold think about the Democracy the bug guts it’s a wi hard Quest nice

Nice geod Crusher sounds cool 100 guts is a lot even if they drop multiple bats are more present so we have to slay 50 Bats floor is 31 through 39 a regular bats then Frost bats 41 through 79 then lava 81 through 119 skull Cavern 20 and 40 and then aridium bats 51 Plus on prehistoric floors what the [ __ ] is a prehistoric floor I’ve never seen an aridian bat Hello she just placed her head into my hand you know what time it is peach you know stop saying unlock the bus bro I don’t know what that means if you’re telling me to do something in the this game that I’m not even close to or I have no idea about

That would be probably not the thing to say you know what I mean cuz it’s just like telling me how to play the game when I’m not even all right so I really want to do the Vault we just got sidetracked And all right let’s slay the bats we’ll do the bats look at my community center log more carefully you mean like oh oh that was helpful thank you reward friendship I’m not doing this one oh Greenhouse Bridge Repair wait glittering Boulder that’s North right no I don’t need friends Pot friend wave oh I’m slouching Big Time friends give you free things Ah we got to pop off in the mines kill some bats M it was an accident Marney rude though you know like you don’t have to love the gift you just say Thanks dink lovey dink lovey mean mean yeah I don’t understand you I don’t understand you you could have just said no thank you or thanks for the gift wow this thing is large where do I even this a real bear okay that’s cute I don’t

Know okay so we’re at 13k we need 30k I think we need 30 for the vault no we need 325 we need 325 so we need about 20K um I think we we need 20 we’ll have six coming in from the quest so we’ll need 14

I think if we’re in the good levels of the mine we’ll be making some good money with what we’re finding preserves jar what’s that for again turns vegetables into pickles and fruit into Jam bro where’s the wood Oh so does this go on the ground do I place it oh I do okay yeah I factored in the bat Quest giving me six so we we’ll need 20,000 uh the bat Quest will give us six so we’ll need 14 after we turn that

In bro I am going to need more more than one of these let’s grab some wood real quick those take days we should should have multiple then if if it takes that long we should definitely have multiple I oh we have the fruit from the bat cave which is wonderful

Did we just lose that stuff oh I got a mystery box nice is let’s make one more okay So okay preserves job are star fruit ancient fruit these sell for over a thousand P pumpkin sells pretty high melons sell pretty high okay okay let’s go oh we sold a lot of our stuff okay should we pop the star fruit in there oh chat split on this one

Save for seeds and wine oh okay okay for Rons what necklaces do you have on I have um this one is the Aries little Aries pendant from air and anchor and the other one is GUI I’m keep I’m keeping this though for the CC oh we don’t need the eggplant wait oh we don’t need the eggplant can we put that in The Preserves oh we can eggplant Jam I just want to uh get the most use out of all these preserves jars Ops Moss summer squash

Maybe all right they’re all cooking did you shave your head I hope not does it no I’m just wearing a hat okay preserves jars are going to be real nice thank you for that tip chat we are completely out of wood though and almost all out of stone too you’re

In the mail grind well we were haven’t been producing as much lately but good reminder pop some in tonight I think Peach needs to go out I’d also call Eddie say what up tell said you know hope he’s having a good night or whatever do a little BRB fill my water let pachy

Out give me a minute Bingo Bongo happy 25 dink GL ding gritty love all right what did I miss did I forget to pause okay so we sleep and then we hit the mines rest up and then hit the mines I didn’t know you were gone I just got jump scared I was AFK for like five minutes two should I not have sold these wow we’re not going to recover from that I don’t think we’re recovering from that Okay we Go enjoy the cake from Mom sells for 480 thanks Mom um we got to kill bats Right 31 to 39 Where them bats bug meat destroying that guy the bats all right we’re 37 oh I didn’t even see him he’s just dropping Stone useless doing the wrong Quest right now oh wait we can walk through here oh here are the bats okay that’s one 31 through 39 okay this is the last floor

And then the other bats show up those aren’t the same bats yeah but I can I’m pretty sure this Quest um it just say bats and I think I can kill Frost bats lava bats aridian bats or regular bats yeah we do need a swarm we really do need a

Swarm but that’s just random right love this music SW scroll three ah we already have that one what scroll do I need that’s a good question one and two Maybe yeah gold pick yes we leveled this thing up real fast I haven’t seen a single bat here we Go here we go these are Frost pads 50 is quite a bit we’re going to have to get into some swarms here we go what triggers um a bat swarm is anything or is it just random bad luck Oh There’s another bat over here we’re getting a good amount good thing we practice that the fair know we were getting a stu SL gun show double feature oh [ __ ] the double feature is crazy yeah a lot of monsters on this level our health is chilling is

Uh G GG Jane thank you for the 39 months I appreciate that welcome welcome back W the caves go hard why have not mined before literally only fishes yeah dude but that’s a struggle because fishing is too much fun oh winter rot wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I’m a witch I ateed the kousaki place and met Chef Pearl while I was on my work trip Sarah how was it that’s awesome fishing level 10 while everything else I’m farming I had zero levels yeah I’m almost yeah I’m like I’m similar I mean I’m a little bit more spread out but

Fishing is disproportionately more fun to me it was so good the watermelon the G blew my mind yeah they um they have some fantastic food there I’m glad you enjoy it that’s so cool I think we go back I really want to go back some geod you went for your birthday gave you

Some free sake that’s awesome where the bats at where the bats at you know where they at my comfort streamer playing my comfort game d you Flamingo I’m stoked to hear it thanks for being here they’re not ready for these hands they’re that’s what I’m saying like why are they hiding stop

Hiding here we go here we go here we there we go I hear him come here bat I’m a witch how many have we gotten wow 10 out of 50 ah I think I just left right as a swarm was coming I’m not sure but I think I did

Starring and doing and valueing what a time to be alive we’re doing all those things Ace bear welcome back thank you for the 51 oh we got multiple multiple bogeys okay for everyone saying I have ridiculous luck in this game there are no and I have to kill 50 of them okay so

The luck might not have applied to this Quest are you enjoying stardew I love it so much For for is we can make a mega bomb not bad not a bad take for one day monster [Applause] musk is that something that like attracts Baddies not seeing it wow this is expensive a solar Essence and a void Essence to make a bomb okay let’s go we pop off now straight to the mines 6:00 a.m. let’s go not even water in the crop [ __ ] [Applause] it Is what thought that was the sound of a bat here we go here we go this is what we need come on over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice nice got a handful okay we’re at 20 out of 50 not bad 20 out of 50 solid

Okay let’s see if we can get some Frost bats now that was a crit what e yeah bottleneck is a just like hell divers a great Strat creating a little choke point oh ladder yeah it’ll turn up oh here we go perfect just called it just ask for it nicely three

Tiar I think I do have good luck today yeah I think I do have good luck today which is not helping although we did get a swarm so maybe not oh mystery oh yeah we have good luck look how many look how many um what’s it called and lots of loot

Yeah we might have good luck today we double nice oh there’s one up here to the left I see I would say we probably need 20 more 21 damn I hate when we hear the bat sound right as we’re exiting level right For We are just chilling in these mines right now Ice cave music is Great Mystery Box nice I might reset reset to 30 let’s reset to 30 yeah we’re farming bats for a weekly what the damn d health oh mushrooms yeah yeah yeah was it teas just one mushroom come on yeah mystery boxes are like geod I don’t know the like um how different the loot

Pool is with them 14 left all right let’s try to go a 50 four years dink W dink cluff Pisces Sprite thank you for the 13 Pizza wolf with the 48 welcome back Pizza thank you for four years thank you for that long time support all right um uh uh

Got to move that thing that Crystal thing I have only three days left to fall got to make it to uh so winter right fall then winter oh yo Jam d a jelly Blackberry jelly sells for 90 okay not terrible Nice wall triangle thank you thank you I really love it oh I’m not watering these plants I should be watering them cuz the sprinklers aren’t covering everything actually it’s not even worth dude whoa all these just Popped Cranberry 400 it says for 400 oh Baby b b go for 170 for 50 months heye thank you for the 50 appreciate that oh the community center oh it’s just one All right cm Yo quality for izer Beach totem Deluxe speed grow not Bad this will go for 400 wow um let’s just put a bunch of garbage in here that I’m not using currently happy Iris season it’s my 32 birthday today Pete happy birthday happy Aries birthday to you all right this is going to be too satisfying there’s too many rocks not to do

This still no ladder though huh how many bats we got so far I think we need like 12 left 13 13 hardwood I need a swarm give me a swarm for for what am I 85 isn’t this a lava Level 110 okay I’ll try 110 I’ll try 110 there we go two off rip that’s pretty good three okay good shout it’s a great call yep good call it turned around sometimes swinging the wrong way house plant bro dropped a house plant those guys are pretty easy to

Kill just kind of stand there must be a snake plant that far down nice maybe like a weird succulent ah ah I wasted who’s your favorite villager probably lonus so far we’re cleaning up higher levels was definitely the move here we go swarm we’re going to finish it here I Think yes dude Is for good evening excuse me stard drop tee a very special gift that would Delight anyone that was 120 per bat you did the map nice dated reference that’s wild that’s wild kistin thank you for the resub violent thank you for the six what’s with this wind what up Cayo how are

You hi everyone I hope you had a good day and if you didn’t I’m glad you’re here 58 months and running Alexis that was really nice of you thank you pickled summer squash what is this go for 140 thank you for the reset by the way Bandana shirt thoughts it really is a difference it’s rare oh yeah that’s cool bandana does match the Hat let’s put the shirt in here all right we sleepy nice we are close we are really close happy to be here loving the Stu stream stink [Applause] Lobby Oh geod Crusher nice Okay fried Camari notice the chill in the air it could be the approach of winter or it could be the tingle of dark Spectre of a dark Spectre here’s to help us celebrate tomorrow’s Festival the spirits Eve 1 p.m. tomorrow Up Just any jelly works all right we’ll donate the Blackberry jelly then all right we’ll swing by the CC Oh we’re so close and we have cloth at home we could literally go get cloth am I Romancing anyone sort of it’s hard to keep track of where they are honestly to me I think that’s the more stressful part is like tracking them down each day

Are they at the saloon are they at the bar I mean at their house are they at the market are they at the beach you got to learn everyone’s schedule I’m just more invested in progressing my skills in gear right now but um there will come a time when I’m going

To try to romance them oh that was a oh damn For CH I might go into uh stardo no cam mode for a little bit and then see how long I Got so could we get some dink does in Chat thank you chat Keg oh my God we got a keg we need a blueberry and a tomato okay we’re done with our Quest so we could just go fishing we can finally get Pam her pale ale oh wait how much does that pay Dam we look good you’re calling chicken Protective

Services cuz I didn’t pay the chickens sir bliard you know it um what do you guys do with all like where do you put running out of space for all this stuff in fact I’m not really using that guy So Robin can build you a shed oh a shed sounds so Nice one to two days for the Hops to turn into beer Wait does the CC require okay all this milk and cheese talk do should I no I’m not going to spend any more money I’m not going to spend any more money I’m not going to spend any more money bar snip and green bean we have to get through the CC room

We have to finish the Vault and then we can spend Money why is this so expensive River jelly let’s look this up River jelly and also be acquired from a midnight carped fish pond book seller m trade three rubber jelly for one jewels of the sea each provided the player has already earned the power from that book cannot be sold to

Willies place okay fish smoker Oh All right chat I’ll give the chickens a kiss God damn they’ve been laying yeah I know the the or bars or sorry the gold bars and the silver bars sell for a bit but I’d like to keep those for I I just feel like I’ll need them although I want to try this

That chest organization just sent a chill through your body by the crab um I’m just double checking that Gunther doesn’t need it We might No yeah I thought it was CC but it’s not lighting up and I did we’re Stupid wait these are great these are great drops neptunite wait that’s really good okay um short quick BRB chat all right I’m back got a liquid death lights are off and I’m chilling all right what’s the what are we doing here gotta go to The yeah super super vibby uh it’s the convicted melon flavor whoa what was that thing all right back to the trid and true uh no been asked before what’s your most and favorite most and least favorite liquid death flavor okay my most favorite is convicted melon not

Even close can’t get enough of it I’ve been having two to three a day it’s really bad um second most favorite is lime and Gratch isn’t it the best um I don’t know if there’s a flavor I don’t like like the um the uh the the unsweetened the plain

Sparkling water one the black can probably my least favorite but just because I like I enjoy the flavors um yeah oh I haven’t tried some of the newer ones mango chainsaw I haven’t tried that one only ever had dead billionaire yeah that’s a tea they have te’s and they

Have Sparkling Waters and they have Waters yeah Jenna Jenna prefers the plain black one too cuz she doesn’t like the the sweetener or the like she likes the flavor but some of the Sparkling Waters taste a little too sweet so she likes the black ones which again I don’t mind like I

Think it’s great sparkling water the black cans but I I just prefer having flavor can’t do Seltzer it’s so better well we’re just talking about seltzer water this isn’t alcoholic it’s just um it’s just bubble water I Absolut love having carbonated beverages like diet sodas and liquid

Deaths is like all I drink besides water these days it’s so good [Applause] Spin drift yeah my brother loves that one he’s always talking about spin drift for for real Heidi it’s like everything else just seems so flat and like lifeless then you have a sparkling water and all of a sudden you’re like whoa you know what sparkling water like

A good sparkling water does it makes you feel something dude that’s it it just makes you feel something [Applause] uh omn ex EXs good for you that’s awesome lroy is great and um liquid death is also good too I know liquid death is very popular amongst the sober

Crowd uh because of you know how how cool the cans look and high design very inclusive in that way I think oh we got a spicy [Applause] one Deluxe bait in combination with uh bubbles crazy response [Applause] Down is this ancient [Applause] doll [Applause] For we need that lead bobber back dude okay this is a this is a beast what am I catching here [Applause] this spot is crazy right now [Applause] these bubbles are lasting forever [Applause] I don’t think I can craft a lead bobber [Applause] is um I chose Fruit wow these are these are good good money Pretty it’s such a good shade of purple it looks so good oh it’s one down final day of fall and then we have the uh event tonight [Applause] oh we’re so close Dude What Yeah Oh this goes so slow giving us bait so slow y’all talking about chips on sandwiches damn that is such a move all the time I love chippies on sandwiches where’s the damn pale L Ham’s been waiting 45 years dude chips on sandwich after swimming oh that’s specific um for me it’s

Chips with or on a sandwich after a hike oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s Kermit singing and crying so I’m going to let him down one sec sour cream and onion Pringles on a PB&J hey the salt and sweet uh salty and sweet you know I get it

Like sometimes they pop off together the bread I use these days when I’m like making actual sandwiches is is probably most commonly little Northern Bake House what keep thinking that noise is our is our beer being done in The Keg but it’s not did you get a heater for your

Chickens for the winter what what I don’t know about nothing where do I could do that I don’t know me look it up hold on I got the wiki up says the heater is a reward for completing this bundle but down here it says friendship somebody give me three [ __ ]

Apples I know I could buy it for for 2,000 at Mar’s but as you know we’re saving all of our cash oh Batcave they’ll be fine they just won’t produce eggs oh okay got it good to know that they won’t just perish Actually is why mushroom cave is the goat do you get purple mushrooms in that is that real no you do damn purple mushrooms are amazing yeah it makes sense that they’d be rare they’re like a low drop low drop rate or low spawn rate in the cave so Wait a minute wait wait wait wait does this Work dink cozy Well sort of worked it didn’t really take down the trees it just knock stuff off of them that’s cool what is saving up for uh woodwise or MoneyWise MoneyWise we’re trying to complete the Vault woodwise we depleted all of our wood just now building all of those uh preserve canisters so I’m just

Restocking W is all fishing in the winter made you so much money yo that got me so excited dude I can’t wait to fish in the winter what do your signs say uh pther Steiner and CC look at the tree starting toow bro there are certain days in this game where I

Just I’d like for them to be over oh why did I do that like for them to just be over you know just like real life yeah put me to bed I just woke up I want to go to bed going to sleep at 7 who cares wait is the event

Tonight I thought it was tomorrow tomorrow oh it’s at 10 though we probably can’t hang out down there cuz they’re going to be setting up oh yep there it is I almost slept through that we just chill pickled broccoli that is absolutely [ __ ] feral emote wheel what the hell so

Funny I did not know that was a thing for Make sure your Silo is filled wait oh so we should get some hay real quick okay it’s already winter bro it’s like not giving me hay oh my sil’s full oh that’s what’s happening it’s full okay good Shout good shout whoa where’s Pam where the [ __ ] is Pam have no more

Hops bro this will be the best beer she’s ever had oh scary what the heck gravestone oh the funky rug is kind of nice oh we got to get the rare Chrome The one’s all dressed up mother won’t let me go in the Maze it’s Pam oh I can’t give it to her Pam you don’t even know you don’t even know Pam there’s a maze oh wait the kid just told us about is what is with this game throwing events right when the ads

Are playing what is happening this is like the third time it’s happened how like statistically speaking how’s this happening okay oh the maze bro you lost oh this is cute Is What the hell this maze is like a maze Chat whoa whoa what is that huh what what no way wait this is so cool golden pumpkin oh my God 2500 we’re rich well that was cool that was a really fun maze the SE the secret entrance in the in the in the hedges was really cool love That I’m Ruined so wait do we go like what are y’all doing now we got to go back Oh Clint oh Clint shut up he’s staring it actually does look like they’re just like making eye contact yeah there’s a Connection what if I gave this pale to Leah guys I’m scared AR didn’t you yell at me for giving you a gift like a day ago give it to Elliot right in front of him that’s a Vibe actually was a cool event this is fun you know things exist outside of being

Productive Marne did you know that do you like it better than the flower dance uh I do yes so we definitely sell tell this golden pumpkin right make fat stacks save it give it as a gift Leo wants it that’s a that’s 2500 oh it’s a loved gift let’s see

Let’s see if Leah likes it not for Leah sell it buy her a salad or something not salad or something um for real though she always loves salads it says right here she loves salads and goat cheese weird um wine oh I can make wine I have a

Ceg I’m just gonna I’m just gonna give her wine dude that’s all she that’s all she wait Universal love wait the pumpkin is universal loves sell money over love how do you make a salad cooking leak dandelion vinegar okay I don’t have any of those any of those

[ __ ] things you know what I mean like not one of those things here we go though there going to be a bottle of wine for Leah I sell salad every day oh well we’re going to need to finance this salad so of course we have to sell

The golden pumpkin chat sorry I don’t make the rules we’re going to make a lot of broccoli Jam right now wait actually now that this is done let’s put this with the others exactly one golden pumpkin or 11 salads Chad’s like give it to Leah she loves it as a

Gift no just sell it get her a salad like out of context I have this golden in ceramic golden coated pumpkin life size worth 2,000 gold give her a salad just feed her a salad already bro what if I sell this this pale L right now what if I just pour it

In the ground that’s a cool grave ah ah ah chat chat chat chat chat chat chat chat chat Chat how did this happen how did this [Laughter] happen oh God um okay so lit lit um so we need like two grand Clint will buy these right just go fishing yeah I’ll save my I’ll save the bars you’re right I’ll save the bars for Jack be nimble Jack be thick gain plus

One defense that is so Funny It’s nice little F Powder melon For For yeah that fish gave me more bait that was nice of Them [Laughter] all oh we are so close how much is the salad cost 220 okay only like 10K left to do the Vault and get the bus repaired no we’re at it 3250 3250 is what we Need For For look is it still fall it is okay all right it is it is I did my math wrong a bait maker yeah I’ll probably make one I’m just really strictly saving my money right now all right here we go here we go crystarium insert a gem of your choice

And it will grow copies we’re duping gems yep yep oh damn we really fixed this place up nicely let’s go King I have 47 gold in my Name Bring back J&J’s kitchen okay we’ll film tomorrow hey look at all these mons dink lovey dink lovey dink dance dink dance you p oh I’m so glad I didn’t just give the beard a penny oh she’s at the saloon like everybody else we’re about to give gifts over here where’s

Leah it’s four o’clock she should be here hi there Leah got you something R oh now where’s Pam oh was she here oh is that Pam oh I I missed her hopefully Leah doesn’t see me give Pam a gift I want to create new drama thanks kid okay keep that to

Yourself Julian my dear I’m so sorry for not being super talkative times have been very tough in the 911 dispatch world and quite frankly I am just exhausted I want you to know however your videos on YouTube have been the thing keeping me going instead of hiding

Away in the quiet thank you thank you for always being my protector when I’m too tired protecting others love you long time Julie Molly less than three yo Molly sending you a lot of love thanks for the kind words I’m sorry things have been tough I’m glad the videos can um streams

Can help you feel a little bit better yeah I can’t imagine the kind of stuff that you go through on a regular basis so thank you for what you do and uh yeah no shot we’re duping this let’s go let’s go all right tomorrow’s winter we’re

Going to wake up and it’s going to be snowy probably or something oh jillion with a 100 months you oh my God hype in chat for Jillian 100 months Jill thank you so much that’s so many years that’s no are you the it’s you and Heidi right two

People wow look at that exclusive Club y that is actually so cool so so so cool and the special alert actually just jump scared me thank you I thought I thought granny was like in Discord or raiding me or both oh Jill I appreciate you sending you uh

All Good Vibes and yeah thank you so much for supporting wait have I even gone to my kitchen once yet can I like go in here and cook or what these are recipes whoa okay okay stir fry wait I know someone who likes stir fry what was that breathing

Oh God B with the with the raid again welcome ant pile yeah Jill really really just wanted say thank you so much appreciate the 100 month3 an pile Oh how was Rivals how did it go you guys were on early for that second place she dude congrats that’s

Awesome bro that is awesome congrats wow you guys are becoming like a force in Rivals yeah go get some rest go [ __ ] park it you know thanks for the raid dude appreciate you we cooked oh I can’t wait to hear about it that’s awesome Farm’s good last day of fall

Uh we finally got the D the dupe machine we’re duping uh a diamond right now fall year one yeah we spent all our money uh completing the community center vault which is no longer here uh let’s go to sleep and wake up in Winter I suppose uhuh

Stay in here bed dude stay in your bed yeah the bundles are it’s it’s fun it’s a fun Grind All Right Ben sounds good dude have a good watching lurk or whatever uh thanks for the raid and congrats again oh my God the junimos singing in Winter oh my God I’m so excited Oh my God it’s a winter Wonderland Wow Did he get the heater no no I didn’t I didn’t I did not get the heater uh but it’s okay because guess what I I’m going into town what’s this what is this what the hell is that thing who who what when what is it Running all right first thing to do on the first day of the new season of course is check the weeklys what are we cooking with Gus’s fam famous omelette I’ve got the urge to make my famous giant omelette but I’ll need two dozen eggs oh my God

We don’t have a heater okay I’m going to invite some friends over to do rock Rejuvenation I’m looking both of these up Rock um all right we need to collect a ruby a topaz an emerald a Jade and an amethyst and you get a th000 gold and a sewing

Machine versus Gus’s F famous omelet and you need 24 eggs and you get a mini fridge and 3,000 gold I’m all about the the paper right now so I think we go with the the Gus’s eggs and we just got to figure out sewing machine oh chat chat says sewing machine okay you only have two chicken well we would have problem solved more clothes what about the money though what

Is the mini fridge for what is a mini fridge allows players to expand the refrigerator storage used for cooking and sold with the carbon sh okay here’s I think we actually do the rock one because we don’t have a heater yet Okay it makes sense to do this oh we got a fish we got a fish what’s swimming around in this Season wow what’s Happening Here oh Something’s Cooking us oh something just cooked us first First Catch of the Season we missed HS van nice Nice Jill have a good lur it was really good to see you thank you for the 100 month resub legendary appreciate you damn dude I’m getting absolutely owned by that one tiger Tru huh let’s go to the ocean and see oo what are you that’s for the CC more powder melon

Seeds wait there was a guy up here where’d he go [Applause] Oh Got your first legendary congrats Aiden what the [Applause] hell yeah stardo is an amazing Vibe it’s very [Applause] chill I’m like pre-firing for that one fish are you level 10 fish yet no dude I don’t know what’s happening it’s like it’s taking me forever to get there I’m on nine but it feels like I’ve been on nine for so long I agree ba I think having a good

Um a good fishing rod makes all the difference in this game especially with the Bas and the [Applause] Attachments does our duck have a name uh David D duckington and the d stands for David D duckington [Applause] [Applause] yeah that one hurts my brain too if you if you actually try to like Rite it out it would just be it would be an infinite number of Davids in a row cuz he would never you would never progress past the first cuz if the D always stands for David D duckington

It’s just it’s infinite [Applause] Davids okay so the only thing we’re not selling is that shell thing what the we’re back up we’re back up we are back on top got on a whole flight and Julian’s still streaming uh boo I hope you had a good flight I hope it went

Well oh the salad fund yeah that is the salad fund oh we got to get into the mines lus his birthday we got to get him something nice wait wait wait what is hold on let’s see what lus likes I want him to be my friend okay so walks to Spa stands at

Entrance I so he’ll be at the spa what does he love Dam [ __ ] I have like nothing maybe hazelnut let’s go see if we have a Hazel perhaps a bus ride wait Leah’s birthday is this month oh [ __ ] damn it oh hazelnut CC that goes there what crystals do you have for the quest oh good shot good shot which ones do we need topaz we don’t have that uh Jade we don’t have that we’ve been selling those like you know and I don’t need to be

Selling stuff I could just I have like nothing I literally only have Ruby we got to get to the mines we got to yeah we got to get to the mines do we have any Driftwood take one of those what are some of Linus’s likes not loves just likes

All fruit except cactus fruit okay so we’ll just give him my cactus fruit I mean I mean we’ll just give him we’ll just give him uh I don’t know a plum a plum okay we’ll try out the bus another time the tea that I got crocus or Driftwood

Ye one quick one quick little guy see what’s in here what are we rocking what are we rocking damn uh 520 usually stands outside stands inside entrance lonus my goat I want him to like us yeah his his fit is adorable actually um Community Center okay crocus is part of the

Winter foraging oh yes we’re going to probably finish that whole bundle because it is the winter sorry chickens I know it’s cold in there this wine is taking forever I got to start planting stuff but I might want to do that next time no crops in the winter what about the winter seeds

No for wait so I plant these and they grow in the winter or I’m confused okay for Mossy seed that’s a new thing hey what up mix I have three cakes What All right we’re going to go to the mines tomorrow we’re going to finish this uh weekly and then I should I should turn off stream I’m having such a blast these long streams with stardo I love the I love this stuff This game does melt the clock it’s wild lost book okay I’m selling these cakes I’ll keep them for gifts actually Whoa this is Magical oh say less Willie night time in the ocean we got to catch a Squid that would be a good time to carry warp totems I’ll I’ll look the squid up on the uh Wiki but I might try to do the squid next time because if I start that I’m I’m going to go for 20 hours that’s funny um wait to we have food yeah we

Have bars okay let’s go to is that amethyst already cool we got amethyst topaz and Jade oh baby jeez he kind of [ __ ] me up a life Elixir no I don’t think I I’ve seen that oh God oh God oh God [ __ ] you Oh h that was a ruby I think I think I just left a Ruby it’s possible that I just left a oh that was Fire Quartz oh I have a ruby oh I’m silly uh oh I’m silly I’m like the silliest person hey Diamond take that sorry for the

Gasp rat get out of here is this oh it’s the Jinx effect I feel like Jade and emerald are lower levels like 85 40 plus it’s okay it’s floor is 40 plus I literally am in the wrong floor wait no 85 okay I think we still go a little lower though is there

50 I forget what it looks like a little bit I know the color it’s copper I don’t have a favorite level yet in the mines but I’m I’m sure I will we’ll scream if we see one okay thanks chat oh Mystery Box oh my God I wish I had a

Bomb actually I don’t need to deal with this uh 40 plus 2 45 I would have stayed if I had a bomb but fighting all those guys with just a sword I don’t know oh I would never hurt of junimo what’s this that’s shade Emerald last one’s Emerald okay

That one’s easy to see that one is easy to see gem nodes in the mine any floor after reaching the bottom of the mines floor 80 plus otherwise did she get toaz oh no no no we need topaz as well topaz is any4 that’s not helpful Taco Bell run oh my god um

Guys what the hell I can’t move this game is terrible [ __ ] oh there’s topaz here You oh these guys kind of hurt and here’s our topaz and purple Round Rock why did why did I think Emerald was like a green looking ore okay now F oh now all we have to find is okay we’re done that’s the Jade oh no no no Emerald node it looks

Like is what it looks like on the wiki right here guess we got lucky Emerald Jade amethyst topaz Ruby Emerald Jade topaz Ruby okay we got it now we got to find where Night Market what the hell’s Night Market cozy Saloon Wait do I Give It’s pretty cold in my little cabin she Says Okay and what about It She want she want me to warm her cabin Uh okay we’re done Here I would go oh no we said we weren’t going to do that because it’s too much okay much does this cost5 nice all right wait let’s grab our ticket grab our ticket yes okay quick gamble quick gamble quick gamble [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right we we’re going to

Bed uh we’re going to bed I’m not looking for for the the dark uh shadow creature right now I’ll do all that next time you know I haven’t decided what I’m going to do do with all these yet so I’m not going to just sell them yeah we popped off today we

Absolutely popped off today are you going to be able to survive with that starter tomorrow yeah I think a break will do me good I think I’ll play some hell divers and um yeah like let the brain rot wear off maybe a little bit just for like 24

Hours and then I’ll be back on Thursday Probably all right chat GG’s thank you so much for Hanging

catch me live on twitch: https://twitch.tv/julien

julien’s amazon storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jsolo

my instagram: https://instagram.com/juliensolomita

video edited by fluck


  1. You can hold the mouse button when watering to water an area not just one spot. Depending on the upgrades you get you get different sized areas. The hoe works the same.

  2. I relate so much. I played obsessively for months 😂 it's just one of those games, and it's amazing. My husband and I play co-op a lot after the kids go to bed.

  3. Enjoy the streams! Stardew will always have a place in my heart. Had to take a break sometimes from the stream because of the backseating in chat, but then I just collapsed chat for awhile and it was much more peaceful.

  4. i literally just finished the last video and was so sad i didn't have another to watch and BOOM theres another!! glad you love stardew! you're putting in WORKKK! love ittttt!

  5. Julen, you weren't catching any purple star fish cuz your bobber was landing too close to the other piece of land. Max cast+perfect+5 tiles away from land gets purple star 😊

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