BUNDLES & BACKPACK! – EP 6 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome to another episode of stardy Valley 1.6 update oh we’re back we’re back with another video and you guys already know I love stardew and you guys are loving stardew here on my Channel I want to say thank you for all the support on this

Series it is doing so so so well and I can’t believe how just like incredible the first video went so thank you guys so much for watching and sharing this series it means a lot but it is a rainy day today you guys we are going to check

The TV it’s going to be beautiful and sunny today and it looks like what is my cat doing is she shivering in fear what is going on the spirits are somewhat annoyed today luck will not be on your side o that’s not good although we are going to use we’re going to take

Advantage of the weather today and my kale has grown oh yes oh also my tulips so Community Center day guys like I said we’re going to be taking advantage of this rain and we are going to be doing some Community Center stuff so dear fing asash I’d like to apologize for joking

About your grandpa’s old Cottage when we first met it’s really a a nice little house however you might need some more space someday that’s where I can help if you bring me some raw materials and pay a fee I can expand your house the first expansion I offer includes a kid kitchen

Exciting we can start cooking things with a kitchen you’ll be able to cook any recipe you’ve learned anyways I hope you started to feel at home in stardew Valley I almost said just stardew that was weird in stardew Valley your local Carpenter Robin I have been struggling

With my words the last few days I don’t know what’s going on also I do know that I need fish bait for my crab pots so they are just kind of sitting there but it’s better they just sit there and have a designated to them than just chilling in

My inventory uh Misty is doing good I’m trying to grab that egg but yeah my inventory is full so I guess that kind of makes sense I guess we’ll just pet my chickens and then I will come back and do that hopefully before the end of the

Day we need to get an Earth crystal so we can get the mayonnaise machines but like I was saying guys we have some busy work to do I do want to keep some of these tulips uh but we need to donate one to the community center and then I also

Need to donate kale to the community center and that is a bundle complete you guys let’s go do it I’m excited to start this episode off with a pretty big exciting accomplishment zipping on over to the pantry cuz I think this is where our bundle is going to be I can’t remember

If we unlock the Vault but look at that spring crops bundle is finished beautiful oh unlocked a new room too we only have two more well technically two more um little packs because we have the bulletin board and the Vault so let’s see which one we unlock I think

Hopefully it’s the bulletin board but it might be the Vault it it’s the bullettin board nice okay so you I couldn’t remember what order you unlock the rooms in technically the the bullon board is like a hallway so it doesn’t really I guess count as a room maybe it does I

Don’t know but the vault is going to be last so I am excited to see forgers bundle oh my word I don’t think I got 50 salmon berries guys oh this one’s going to be tricky okay 10 hay that one’s easy three apples 10 Wei that’s relatively easy

Chef’s bundle this one always gets me cuz the Truffle and the fried egg in the mocky roll a these are hard okay 10 eggs of any kind that’s that’s cool I can do that so I should be saving my eggs good thing I’ve been saving my eggs milk of

Any kind wheat flour okay and then purple mushroom nautilus shell chub Frozen geode okay so we need to catch another chub that’s fine we need to go put the tulip in the bundle really quickly that seems like a lot a lot of work but we’ll get there it’ll be fine

Okay so where was this flower bundle was it in here no I do have a cave carrot though that I can bring for this kind of forgot about that and then we need to get tappers so we can get resin that’ll be good for us so it must be up here

Where the flowers go yes Garden bundle here it is all right let’s put the tulip in and then we just need three more of these we already have the blue jazz on the way so we’re doing pretty good when it comes to that but what I want to work

On next is some of the rainy day fish that you can only catch on rainy days during spring so we’re going to head down to the river and we’re going to try to catch I think it’s a Shad and a catfish we also have oh tomorrow’s Pam’s

Birthday okay I need to remember that we also have this one here two chubs I need to catch chubs anyway so maybe we can do that today uh should I go dump off my inventory yes I think I should we’re going to be catching a lot of fish I

Think and I also would love to get the backpack today you guys that would be such a fantastic goal but I’m not sure if it’s gonna happen we’ll see okay I am going to sell one of my t lips I believe this probably is something that we need

To ship I would assume and then I’m going to keep all the rest of this on me just in case I decide to go mining if we catch all of our fish relatively quickly so I feel like I have enough bars open in my um in my hot bar down there to to

Get us through what we need uh I thought about grabbing that leak but we have full energy so I think we’ll be okay we need to catch the elusive catfish today which can be a little bit tricky uh oh it’s still s Berry season I thought I wasn’t seeing any salmonberry bushes so

I just kind of assumed I was like oh it’s over I guess not maybe later tonight I can make a round to do some salmonberries but this is my fishing spot over at the river I am going to spend some time here trying to catch

Catfish and a Shad and I will see you guys in a second we also might move to this bubble spot here in a second I didn’t even see that cuz of the rain it kind of like leaves Ripples and they all look the same but let’s do a little

Fishing there it is we caught the Shad that was our first catch so now we just have to wait it out for a catfish and also I’m planning at 400 p.m. to go down to the beach and try to see if we can catch an eel cuz that’s another rainy

Day fish that we need to catch too here it is we got a catfish we got a catfish we got a catfish no we lost it they are notoriously very difficult to catch H because they’re they just go crazy on the bar we’ll get it we’ll get it we’ll

Have another chance just got to really be on top of it after you play stard Valley quite a lot you start to like recognize the patterns of certain fish and that’s how I can tell whether it’s like a a chill fish like a Shad or a smallmouth bass versus a catfish or

Something that’s a little bit harder more hard to catch uh so yeah it’s you definitely start to pick it up the more and more you play the game uh what is this this one is not a not a catfish I don’t think but I will say I have gotten

Tricked a time or two where it didn’t seem like it was a catfish and it was super chill and then it ended up being a catfish um catfish right here oh my God no see it goes crazy it’s so difficult and if you guys are ever curious if a

Fish is kind of easier to catch or harder to catch their speeds and their uh patterns are list did on the wiki the wiki is something I use all the time the stardy valley wiki page it is so helpful it has all the information you could

Ever need about stard Valley and if you are needing help with something specific I highly recommend checking it out here’s another one okay okay okay oh God I feel like I can’t even blink when there’s a catfish don’t do that ah come on Nash you got this you got this you

Got this come on this one’s so tricky okay I think I think we get it we’re going to get it this catfish yes yes we did it oh my gosh we did it and in the nicked time too it is 4:00 p.m. we can

Head down to the beach to go get my eel oh my gosh it’s so much harder than it seems guys like keeping that bar in place my goodness but we did it oh that feels so awesome all right time to catch an eel let’s see what we got so the eel

Pattern is one that I’m not quite sure about don’t think I’ve caught enough of these to really know and the reason why I know the catfish one and like the carp one and stuff is cuz you catch a lot of those whereas I feel like I don’t really

Fish at the beach very often so I’m not as familiar with the catch Styles and speeds of these fish here uh so I’m just I’m just hoping to catch one soon but we’ll see this might be the eel has a little bit of a different pattern go on

It’s a little bit more sporadic so that would be really cool it is yes okay cool yeah sometimes sometimes they’re very they’re very different all right let’s get rid of this Herring so we officially caught all of the fish that I was hoping to catch today there might be one that I

Am missing but I’ll double check with my spreadsheet and um we’ll try to make sure we stay on top of things and yes I am a spreadsheet connoisseur I love me some Excel actually I kind of prefer Google Sheets over Excel oh sorry but sorry to all the

Excel fans out there but yeah I have a whole spreadsheet for stardy Valley and the bundles and like how I’m kind of tackling all this so it’s been fun but anyways we caught the catfish we caught the the Shad we just need the tiger trout then if we go into the nightfish

Bundle that’s where we could put the eel so we just need one on both both of those uh we can’t get those currently though with the season that we’re in so we’re going to have to wait those ons out until the next few seasons come up

But we are making a lot of progress and that makes me feel really good so with the rest of the fish I am just going to sell them I think I was going to wait until we hit level five I’ve talked about this in a previous episode but I

Think it’s more beneficial for us to get the backpack right now and then yeah we’ll just we’ll just sell it it’ll be good I’m still so sad about the strawberry incident and not saving up for strawberries learn from my mistakes guys save up for your strawberries ahead

Of time another thing I want to do uh before we end this day off is collect some forgea bles and try to go get some more salmon berries since we need 50 for the community center if I could get 50 that would be absolutely amazing uh the

Chances of that are are slim but I mean hey it’s it’ll be good if we can try to do it you know I’m going to I’m going to try my best so I have a little bit of time I’m just going to make some rounds and sell my fish so obviously because

Wily’s closed we are just going to sell all of those into the bin beautiful and then what we’re going to do is I’m just going to pop down to the south of the farm because that’s where a lot of salmon berry bushes are and I’m hoping

That we can get uh just a bit more this is what I’m talking about three salmon berry bushes right here beautiful I know it’s so dark it’s hard for you guys to see I apologize but I’ll I’ll try to use my commentary to tell you guys for salmon bushes salmon berry bushes not

Salmon bushes salmon bushes okay and then let’s see here we got another one wa I didn’t know you could hit salmon berries off the bush with your that’s kind of awesome hold on let me try that again yeah you can that’s so cool I never wow I learned something new about

Stard Valley today I learn things all the time but still that’s like actually I don’t know kind of way more efficient than just hitting it uh it is becoming super late though so I’m just going to get the last couple I see in my vision

And then get out of here okay we have 16 that’s pretty good I wonder how many we have in the chest okay let’s check the chest really quickly let’s put those leaks away we have 52 we have enough for the bundle oh that is very exciting oh my gosh hold on I

Think we could also do this hay one oh my word let’s put two up there I really just wanted to make a lot of progress on the community center today so this is working out fantastically let me go ahead and grab out there’s some pieces there and then we’ll put our eggs

Away do we have 10 eggs that I can give I have seven of those five of those I think we can mix those so we have the egg one as well all right let’s go to sleep it is I’m like it’s just dressing myself out with needing to go to bed all

Right let’s move on to tomorrow see if anything exciting happenings happens wasn’t tomorrow Pam’s birthday I need to figure out what Pam likes okay 466 is that enough to get us the backpack drum roll please no oh my God 1998 you’re kidding we could sell an egg

And get it that’s fine all right let’s check the weather report it’s going to be beautiful and sunny day tomorrow fortune teller says that the spirits are very displeased that’s never nice refreshing rain a farmer’s best friend when it rains you don’t have to water your crops use this to your advantage we

Already have been doing that 100% you can get a lot more done my blue chass are done too oh yes yes yes yes everything is coming out good guys because we are actually getting like money and things there’s more salmon berries too uh I need to go water my

Crops pet my cat pet my chickens do all of my uh everyday things also The Silo is built guys we officially built a silo in the previous episode and it is very nice to have one I don’t have to worry about if my chickens are going to be

Able to be fed or not so that has been great let’s let the chickies out are they going going to come on out they must be wanting to stay inside today oh they’re still kind of sleeping all right hopefully you guys are happy and good I’ll come back for their eggs later

Today we are going to remedy the clogged inventory problem I’ll be able to pretty much hold all of my tools on me at all times which to be honest with you guys is something that I personally enjoy like I like having all my tools just in

Case I ever need them so getting that backpack upgrade is so nice we’ll come back for all the salmon Berry too but I just kind of want to go get some things done first um yeah and then we I think we need to sort out Pam’s birthday too I

Feel like I’ve been taking a lot of quests on the bulletin board and haven’t been actually doing them because I’ve been so busy doing other things so today is Pam’s birthday okay um I oh my God 600 gold for a catfish I don’t know if it’s actually going to rain within the

Next couple of days though so not sure that we’re going to do that one but first things first Community Center most important morning task of the day actually probably taking care of my pets and feeding my chickens is the most important thing that’s definitely for sure but second most important all right

Going into the fods bundle let’s take off the 10 hay there we need to do the salmon berries for the foraging bundle that makes my life so much easier I am not going to be scrambling at the end of the season trying to get this done that

Makes me very happy and then we need to oh the egg for in this one as well I believe was that the chef’s bundle no no we need to get an apple tree though here it is so I think we could do that and then that yeah and that makes 10

Beautiful 10 milk and wheat flow so we’re going to need to get I I think we can buy wheat flour from Pierre’s but I think I’d rather do it within the game and try to get it through the mill cuz to be honest with you guys I’ve never

Even had a mill on one of my Farms so it’d be cool to have one and there is the garden bundle we’re cruising along I am feeling so good about our progress and I heavily would like to thank my spreadsheet cuz it’s so helpful ooh Pam

Our girl Pam loves par Snips so let’s go get her a par snip or two all right I’m excited and let’s go get our backpack guys it is backpack day ah the inventory space just thinking about how incredible it’s going to be to hold so many things I am excited oh

We’re getting a cut scene what is going on here looks like some some stuff’s happening Pier welcome to Pier how can I help you actually I would like a backpack upgrade but uh seems like I’m being interrupted so that’s not very nice Jo’s like I don’t care what’s going

On Come and Get It folks coupons for 50% off your purchase at JoJo Mart 50% oh gosh look at him with his tickets flailing around well any takers no guys Pierre is so cute and quaint and there’s a heart on the wall like this is the

Heart of the town you guys but I can’t match those prices I’d be selling at a loss it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that but can you blame them JoJo Corporation is clearly the superior Choice soon the whole town will realize that M AB

Absolutely awful he looks H he just looks mean he just has a mean look about him I’m so sorry Pierre I will give you um I’m actually going to be taking some money some money from you uh sorry about that I’m going to sell some stuff to you

But I’m going to give you 2,000 gold to make up for everyone that just left today so I’m very sorry about that um but we got a large pack your inventory space has increased to 24 heck yes you guys we now have the second bar unlocked which means I can now just

Hold everything all of my tools I don’t have to worry about it oh it’s a beautiful thing and I am so happy and excited about it okay so next thing we need to do I’m trying to think there’s a lot of things we could do I mean stard

Valley is jam-packed with like a million million things to do but what do we want want to do is the question what do I want to Do Pam’s birthday that’s what we want to do I literally had to uh pull up my inventory screen and paused because I was like what are we doing Pam’s birthday all right so on the wiki it says Pam loves herself some parsnips I’ve never had a parsnip in my in my

Life I don’t think pretty sure I have never have uh so it’ be interesting to try sometime but Pam likes them apparently and I should have some back at the farm I don’t think I’ve sold everything this is another reason guys why I tend to like kind of hoard things

Because you never know who’s going to love a parsnip you know what I’m saying I have 12 parsnips should I give her the star quality one we have oh I need to go to the museum too we had this predicament in the last episode or in a

Previous episode where I was like does the quality matter when gifting I haven’t read your comments yet so I’m I’m still not sure because I have kind of been recording these episodes in bulk I’ve just been wanting to play honestly I’ve I feel excited to play stardew

Valley and so I just kind of get on and and record and I do check your guys’ comments but sometimes I record like two videos in a row so I don’t get to necessarily see your comments because they the previous video hasn’t been posted yet so yeah there’s a lot to that

But um yeah I I guess let me know in this this video too unless you already left a comment but why am I going here I don’t need to go in here I need to go into Pam’s trailer and see if possibly she’s in here is Pam hello no I don’t

Think she’s in here okay then she’s probably a JoJo Mar she likes to shop there so let’s give it a check ah there she is told you guys he always going on over to Jojo Mar we’re gon to follow her in the store and be like hey you want a

Free par for your birthday happy birthday oh is it my birthday I guess it is thanks this is nice is that her love is the wiki is the wiki misleading me again oh okay yeah I think uh for loved loved gifts she does say that so that’s

Good let’s go talk to everybody in here blah I had one too many caramel Porters at the saloon last night go away okay I won’t bother you very grumpy Pam this morning on her birthday but makes sense she was pregaming for her birthday uh Shane’s hard at work he doesn’t seem

Interested talking and it looks like Sam’s not here so just kind of Move Along Morris we’re not even going to act like you’re there that’s brutal oh man I shouldn’t do that that’s mean anyways let’s go and head on down to the museum turn in this artifact so in between episodes as well

Guys I did play a day where I just just was was fishing that’s literally all I did I thought it was insanely boring but I did get a treasure chest that had this like Elvish jewelry in it and I wanted to turn that in with you guys so I

Wanted to tell you where I got that from it was from a treasure chest when I was fishing and it was a rainy day yesterday and so I wanted to or no it wasn’t rainy it was just a fishing day so yeah I just wanted to like there will be times where

I might play for a day without you guys in game it’ll usually just be super mundane things like going to the mines or fishing all day it’s not going to be any big game related things um and that’s just because sometimes I just want to play stard Valley and like I

Love recording it but sometimes I just want to play and I don’t want to start a separate Farm because I’ve done that in the past and I feel like I get very almost confused with what’s happening either in my let’s play versus my um like my personal save file and then I’m

Like what have I done and then it all starts to blur together and then I get confused and then I I end up playing way too much of one and not enough of the other so I there’s there’s going to be days where I just play okay just so you

Guys know and I think that that’s healthy and that that’s something that I’m okay with and I hope you guys are okay with too just for my own like mental sake of of being able to play a game that I really want to play and and

Just playing it so yeah uh whenever I feel like it and recording whenever I feel like it but the bulk of this series I will say too like I want to show you guys so again those EP those days are just going to be when I’m doing the

Really mundane things like fishing all day and you guys just don’t it’s not fun to just watch me in the cave All Day or fishing all day it’s really not so whenever there’s fun and exciting things that happen of course I want to show you guys but when there’s not there’s just

Not oh my gosh what’s that little chicken sound what was that all right going to get these carrots planted pick up my blue Jazz here beautiful should I sell these or should I keep these I guess once they’re plucked uh they might be good for gifting though again I’m

Like ah do I hang on to these things I’m going to sell them cuz I feel like we need the money more than anything at this point in the game and then what we’re going to do is is we need to get a copper bar for the community center that

Could be something we work on and I do have the exact amount of copper I should probably think about heading back into the mines cuz we’re a little bit scarce on some of this stuff we also need to turn a cave carrot into the community

Center so that would be good for us to do do not eat it don’t eat it I would like to sell this largemouth bass as well let me put the green algae away 200 fiber for the community center uh so we’re quite a ways off of that I’m

Trying to uh mayonnaise machines what do we need for these again Earth crystals that’s right and more copper so yeah mining uh beehive is iron oh wow okay so getting down in the mines is going to be important for us yeah cuz we need quite a few things for that okay all right

Earth prioritizing Earth crystals copper but iron I think is at like level 40 so that is deep deep in the mines so it’s getting a little bit late in the day I might just spend the rest of this day fishing quickly we could take this

Copper bar over going to see oh we have some quartz we can donate as well there anything else we would want to give I don’t think we need any of these things anything in here that we need to donate oh I didn’t I didn’t plant my spring

Seeds although I have a different use for those later on in the game so potentially going to you’re going to hang on to those all right and then for the speed grow I’ll probably use that next season on my blueberries blueberries are a great Money Maker so I

Think I’m going to save those let’s head over to the community center and drop off just a couple more things okay gemologist bundle quartz is in and then we need the blacksmith bundle the copper is in then I believe the cave carrot was over oh God gosh is is testing my memory

Was it on the Bolton board or was it I think it was over here in the Exotic bundle potentially not Forest oh do I have maple seeds I wonder if I have t of those I didn’t even didn’t even remember that was a thing exotic foraging that’s

Where it is beautiful okay and then mushrooms have got to be a thing that happens too so another thing we should focus on is gifting villagers I really haven’t been doing too much of that getting those French shs up would be nice cuz then we can get more cut scenes

And we can unlock some more things I think once you become friends with the Villagers they’ll like start sending you things in the mail uh a chub we could do this two chubs where do I catch two chubs at Lo is the final day it’s super

Late I don’t know if we’re going to be able to do that so okay I guess that’s fine anybody’s birthday tomorrow no but Shane’s birthday is the day after that that’ll be fun to do well I guess I am going to spend the rest of the evening

Just fishing I know it’s not the most exciting thing ever but it’ll just kill us some time ooh Sam the clouds look great this time of year don’t they they do I mean I wish I could see them I guess I I can’t really see the clouds in

This cave I’m envisioning them what they would look like uh like scoops of vanilla ice cream floating on the blue raspberry sauce or maybe I’m just hungry okay you’re making me hungry that sounds fantastic what the heck that was also very poetic I mean he is a musician

Right so I’ll do fishing until maybe like 10:00 and then head back up to the farm you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on I leveled up fishing again oh I’m excited I think I think that’s going to be level four fishing for us and that’s

One stop closer to level five so I am so proud of that that’s going to be amazing I’m just going to keep going like I said I’m going to stay out here until about 10: and this is going to just keep making us money I’m kind of wondering

Since we’re one level away maybe I should hoard these fish um because then we’ll sell them for I believe it’s 25% more so maybe this is the time to start kind of hoarding fish is when you’re one level before leveling up I think that might be a good idea all right going to

Turn in for the night let’s head back up to the farm caught quite a bit and again just going to kind of put these in the fish chest that chest probably smells so bad now that I’m thinking about it just shoving a bunch of fish in a chest

Hopefully it’s a it’s a more like a cooler we could just pretend it’s like a cooler all right time to go in head to bed and move on to tomorrow there it is Deluxe bait that is new that is new the worm bin and the recycling machine yep so we hit level

Four fishing pretty stoked about that and it looks like we are getting an extra $300 I’ll take it all right we are going to do one last Quick day here in the valley I’m hoping that we have a good luck day because today is going to

Be all about mining it’s going to be beautiful and sunny Spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed that’s not what we like to see I’m going to head down to the traveling cart and see what’s down there first but ah look at this we got our friendship up with Pam

Enough to get our first cooking recipe so cheese cauliflower that sounds really good hey kid here’s the recipe for for a little tree my poy used to make cook it slow Pam thank you I love that farmer Nash I have a request for you I need a

Fresh cauliflower for a recipe I want to make it could you bring me one jod absolutely we can do that today some things on the docket things on the docket let’s go take care of all of our animals take care of all of our crops

We’ll take care of Jodie and then and we will head into the mines okay we do have a cauliflower we can give so that is perfect is there anything else I’m going to need I’m going to need some leaks for the mines are potentially oh you know what actually let’s bring some carrots

Yeah yeah yeah we don’t have a whole lot of money for the traveling cart story of my life but that’s fine uh we don’t even know if the traveling cart will have anything we need but if it does I am happy about it okay okay refined quartz

We do need that but I can always make that pretty easily parsnip soup Shad a beer that would have been nice yesterday for Pam’s birthday cuz she loves beer mayonnaise we have plenty of that where it comes from blueberry we’ll get those next season snow yam we’ll get those

In uh when when in Winter sunflower seeds we we can buy those nothing nothing good all right so I think jod should be in her house hopefully fingers crossed oh Sam’s still in bed yep same old same same same same for me too uh oh that looks so delicious thank you this

Is just what I wanted it’s going to be perfect for my yellow curry can you teach me how to make that that would be fantastic 350 gold yes we are making so much money so this is the point in time where we’re about halfway through this

Season and what we need to do is it would be good for us to start trying to save up for blueberry season which is next season and blueberries are going to be a huge uh huge thing for us going into next season to make money and we’re

Going to need a lot of money we want to buy cows and animals and all kinds of things like that so yeah that’s something I’m definitely thinking about probably going to try not to spend as much as of my money as possible as much of my money as possible here good star

Have a daffodil I always give lonus my random junk in my inventory cuz I know he’s going to like it does anyone else do that all right down into the mines we go if we could get down five levels that would be fantastic let’s do a bit of a

Montage Earth crystal yay that is what we need for the mayonnaise machine as I just realize this is our uh first time this is our first time going uh mining with our new backpack upgrade I love it oh what is happening green smoke this is fre an awful I hate these

Bugs so much there a staircase anywhere around here I’m getting attacked I was getting attacked by three at once now it’s two now it’s one now it’s two again oh gosh now it’s two again and the smoke is gone beautiful I don’t come back I don’t need more of

That yay we got down five levels I love to see it okay just uh going to keep collecting we have plenty of time in the day so just going to keep going down if we can get five more that would be amazing another Green Smoke oh you’re joking get me out

Whenever I can I just leave I’m like I’m not messing with this we made it down to level 20 yay and we got a glow ring oh you’re joking oh that’s incredible oh that’s the best luck we could have ever had now you guys will be

Able to see what I’m doing at night time oh oh I’m so excited about having a clover ring we can also fish here there’s a few uh maybe not a few fish but there are fish we can catch there anyways I don’t know we have a glow ring let’s go

Outside look at that look how much brighter it is you guys can see that nice bright light around me now can finally see what I’m doing at night time that is incredible and it’s such a big radius too it takes up almost all my screen so

Very nice I’m ah that just made my whole day I’m so glad that you guys can finally see what I’m doing at night time during the videos yes but you guys that is where we are going to call it uh we got our Earth crystal that’s nice we’re

Probably actually going to end up donating that one not to Gunther but to the community center I also got some rice shoots H that could be good for us okay let’s do geod stone I’m just going to put the Earth crystal in there for now and then I do PL of SM

My copper up uh let’s actually just get like one one roll in here and then I think aside from that we are good to go and good to move on to next episode those carrots are really handy for the mines so definitely suggest those if you guys are planning on going into the

Mines all right that is going to have to do it for this episode thank you guys so much for watching as always I greatly appreciate it don’t forget to head down below subscribe we are trying to hit 100,000 subscribers by the end of 20124 so if you guys could help me out with

That that would be in incredible that’ be amazing um but thank you for your continued support I do greatly appreciate it on this series and I will talk to you very very soon for the next episode have a very beautiful wonderful day bye guys

BUNDLES & BACKPACK! – EP 6 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! 🤗

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  1. I am the only one to realize this in my game the bundles are a little different than in Nashs game i didnt have to put the new crops in it or have the flower bundle

  2. Since you don't have a glow ring yet, what I do at the beginning of the game, I use torches! I put them all over town and I carry one with me for areas I wouldn't put torches 😊 like just hold it while walking around gathering items or going home from the mines

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