Let’s Explore Stardew 1.6 – “Weather Event” Today! (5)

Hello everybody happy Monday I think it is or Tuesday felt like so we had a 3-day weekend but man I could have used like another at least two days I don’t know about you welcome in everybody slow rabbits Kevin ortherion a nice throw crunchy no question yes I

Will defend crunchy peanut spread with my life and honor that is a hot take Cosmic theorist po Coffee Bean also on the crunchy no way I I would have never guessed welcome Cindy Holly Rebecca um po there are going to be there’s going to be gameplay on screen like pretty

Quick in like the next four or five minutes welcome in Snips it’s late in the UK and I got to get up early for a train you guys just had your time change didn’t you we’re a little bit ahead of you hey Lauren s Josh hello hello welcome everybody Crunchies unite

Yeah you guys say that but the silent uh the silent majority is absolutely and smooth you crunchy people are just outspoken uh so yeah welcome back after streaming like four times in six days uh I took took a little bit of time off to actually just play the game

And I’ve been recording on my own and also uh Danny and I started a new Farm which is awesome uh and I am into winter and it’s been amazing so far gug says crunchy and it’s not close to be frank guys are losing it you have no

Idea here’s the thing though when I get hungry at night sometimes if I don’t want to like deal with making food just take a little spoon don’t tell my wife that welcome in Nico welcome to green bean thanks so much for joining enjoy your emotes if you’re on the Discord

Welcome to the secret spicy Channel no it’s not spicy it’s it’s pretty slow we we we’re pretty chill out there but thank you so much friend I appreciate it welcome in everybody have you guys been playing 1.6 it’s been really good it’s been really good so far uh for all you

Console folks hopefully it’s on the way soon it’s uh it’s a really good time you’re in for a treat but we’ll uh we’ll get right to it tonight I don’t think we’re going to do any marbles today maybe later maybe later playing on Console it’s on the way I was just kind

Of reacquainting myself with this Farm because I’m doing a metal lands farm with Danny uh I am doing a riverlands Farm by myself which has been very interesting um and then we’re doing this one live so I just got to figure out what I’m doing love 1.6 and trying desperately to

Update all my mods I use um maybe I’ll make a video about this I use what is it called stard drop um so every day I don’t even log in well I have steam open but I don’t go to steam to run stard do Valley I use stard drop

And it’ll tell me which of my mods can be updated if you have a subscription to Nexus you can get them just like downloaded that way but I don’t I don’t want to pay for that but it can at least tell me like hey you need all of these things and

Then there’s a link straight to it so pretty much every day I need to install new new versions of at least a couple mods and it’s been pretty painless I’ll say as far as as far as it could be at least um we got ketchup Ranch mustard and

Sriracha already have a couple of books that’s awesome Jack B nimble Jack be thicky love it we have not sold very much all right cool 129 strawberries so I guess I know what we were doing doing probably yesterday um all right we got decent luck it’s Tuesday

The Second of Summer see what’s going on here we just went all blueberries on oh that’s right I uh I set up down on the southern section here you guys want to see jelly do I have extras of that no I sure don’t but maybe we can

Maybe we can make that work huh so I think we were trying to use let’s let’s uh let’s actually use the dehydrator right like we could build a million kegs but I’ve done that I’ve done that before I do that all the time let’s use some of the new

Stuff we got a bajillion blueberries and this is all looking pretty nice do I have a silo yet it doesn’t appear that I do okay little bit of everything I like it that looks good let’s um let’s check on our our animals here it looks like basically all

We got done last time was just getting crops in the ground and sprinklers up and everything so let’s see what we got going on here and um I should probably see if I can get that sea jelly for those little noodles although so we have a fish

Smoker I don’t think we have a bait machine yet huh cuz I was still kind of doing some research on that when we got this maybe we could look into that we don’t have any Coral yet um I’m in class right now I hope I don’t

Get caught that kind of makes me want to like yell but I have a feeling you’re probably wearing headphones so I’m not going to do that plus it probably hurt everybody else’s ears so but you know just to just to be sneaky just to ruin things just feeling little cheeky I

Guess you don’t need a watering can we do need to go cut down I need to work on hardwood we need to what are our our skills again here hardwood was the the pain for me in my uh my offline one so I don’t want to

Fall behind on that cuz I really want to get Mastery kind of all at the same time largemouth bass for Demetrius okay okay um all right so I think what we’ll do is we’ll run down to the secret Woods kind of take a look around and then head up

And do some largemouth bass fishing so let’s grab this I should probably work on the mines at some point man I’m I’m a little lost for what we should do to start here but got a broken Trident is that really our best weapon how far down the mines have we been 85 I

Mean even if that is our best weapon we can get the obsidian PL pretty soon or obsidian Edge okay well either way either way let’s go let’s go cut down some hardwood so we can continue to work on that I don’t like I said I don’t want to fall behind

I’m also going to check the cave I would be surprised if we did that recently I live for Bluey um from what I understand Bluey is like a kids show that is very palatable for adults huh I don’t think there’s like a subreddit dedicated to uh hating Bluey like there

Is for Coco melon or whatever okay since we’re just doing joa I’m not too concerned about forage so I don’t think we’ll go out of our way to go look for anything but we do at least want to worry about like experience from forage mix flower seeds huh

Wow um I don’t really have a weapon with me so we’ll just ignore you guys excuse me perfect that is what you love to see you don’t bring a weapon in the secret Woods you get swarmed by slimes every time right that’s just how it goes so we got a fiddlehead

Fern guess I don’t really need to worry about that it’s been a a minute since I’ve done like kind of mid to end game stuff and I was doing that on my other farm and I realized just how much hardwood I really needed it was pretty

Wild I was doing I needed I wanted to get a stable up I wanted to get the um the boat repaired right and then I wanted to my house upgrade and it was like 400 to hardwood do you go remix bundles we’re just doing joa so it doesn’t really Matter I think we should probably I know I said I was going to maybe go up to do largemouth bass for Demetrius but I kind of don’t really care I think I’d rather go see if I can find a sea urchin yeah don’t forget to look for sea urchins

Yeah I want to do that and then I also want to um I also want to see if I get a sea jelly for my flounders we should probably plant these huh couple mahogany seeds we can just throw them down in this area for now I

Think I’m going to go really light on the kegs here like yes we are trying to make a lot of money but I want to see what we can do kind of without too much of the the stuff like I I just want to mess with 1.6 stuff you know what I

Mean a gate um okay I don’t really want that summer Forge oh we haven’t even bought our membership yet huh should maybe do that soon so I can sell some of this garbage uh speaking of let’s go ahead let’s go ahead so robs some jelly some mayo we

Can sell our first Fern mixed flower seeds sound too Whimsical for this Farm I’m sure they would be very fun but that’s just not the right Vibe you know what I mean okay oh we have a tempered broadsword okay that sounds familiar now that I’m looking at

It oh and we missed planting our orange sapling we won’t even get anything out of that bummer okay you guys can stay let’s go fishing let’s go see what we can find and let’s take this with us all right let’s rock and roll is this the new map this is the metaland farm

Yes it is it starts with a little um it starts with a little like Coupe area and that’s fenced off uh but we’re not focusing too heavy on the animals I don’t know maybe we could look at getting a barn soon and start adding some more leap a lot want to do 1.6

Stuff also mix flower seeds no yeah true oopsy sardines for Demetrius he really hates the fish on this file huh okay that’s cool all right all right we get anything down here nope what the heck let’s um let’s get a coral down here or a sea richin rather let’s get a sea

Richin down here today right away I want my bait machine that is a coral that is not what we Needed I’ll take it anyway but and you know what Haley here’s a little flower for you I hope you have a wonderful day on on the beach and you don’t even lose anything that was given to you by your grandma e you’re all dirty that’s what I get for saying

Hello what’s even the point uh Willie what up what up you want to tell me about your stinky fish bait I think I’ll go ahead and skip this dialogue and what kind of bait do you have you have tilapia today okay I’m don’t really not too worried about

That okay well if he had something really fun I might have bought it but tilapia bait that’s not that cool let’s see we get an ocean jelly grab a couple new ocean fish here make a little bit of money fishing at the ocean at night can be really good in the

Summer you get set up with a a bait maker and a recycling machine down here you can make some decent cash Quot crunchy peanut butter you know what we should do honestly I should be working on other skills than fishing I’m so wishy-washy tonight y’all like we already hit Level 10 fishing we should be working on other stuff obviously but hey we do need that um that sea jelly for our flounder thing

Anyway so what the heck we’ll we’ll stay for a bit What is crunchy peanut butter um it’s like peanut butter with a crunch to it it’s it’s got peanut is the weather event rare I I don’t think you cannot get it in the summer I’m just I didn’t know if we’d get it today you know I should be

Smoking some stuff like this tilapia maybe kind of hoping we get out of here pretty quick though to be honest all right well whatever actually that seems like a bad idea let’s go like here get guaranteed each summer so it’s more and more likely to happen if you

Haven’t had it yet yeah we just we only planted crops and that was it for our our summer ability that was all I had time for before we shut down last time so but now we got you know the world is open to us so as per usual we we just fish for

Money I’ll take these flounder though once we get the sea jelly we can take off and we can throw that in there to upgrade that um that fish pond come on little jelly come on little jelly every time the fish smoker goes off by the way I don’t know if you guys

Have been playing with it but every time it goes off when I bring it with me I assume I have a bite and I immediately uh reel it in and that is that’s not the way to do it I’ve lost well I haven’t lost fish but I’ve wasted a lot of energy doing

That oh I got so excited I got so excited did you get the book that can be traded for three jelly I honestly don’t know I looked at my books at home or no I looked at the the skills that we have already but I don’t think I even checked

My books I’m also not exactly sure when the book seller is going to be here but we could look real quick until the 12th I kind of don’t really want to let them sit in there without an upgrade until the 12th you know distinctly remember that from a couple streams

Ago well if worst comes to worst maybe we’ll have to do that but I would really like to just grab one here bum we should probably be doing Quests for people too cuz we could potentially get either um another smoker or another dehydrator I don’t know it depends on our our seed Sam

Stalking he’s just seeing what’s going on he’s just checking things out it’s cool it’s cool is it past 6 already no okay kind of thought that was something else all right um now we really should work on leveling up another skill today cuz I went over which was kind of silly that’s all

Right how do you guys feel about darts is anybody a professional uh pirate darts player here oh no oh man I got so excited and then I’m out of bait I always miss that too all right we give it until give it until six and then I think we

Go that’s kind of a I should probably stick around but we don’t even have a bait machine so yeah we stay until six and then we’re out of here now is your chance ocean jelly now is your chance I leap a lot I like your videos thanks so much Moon I appreciate it

Nope all right this is the last one last chance then we’re leaving we’re going I’m being serious I’m not bluffing jelly trash trash I lost a bait machine off the dock the other day which not quite as bad as losing a fish smoker for sure but that was kind of annoying

Hello how are you okay oh hi good to see you again goodbye for now all right I’m I’m sorry um nothing that I need there could used a bubble spot up uh or over by the the dock though hello oh wow that was perfect my nephew Shane has been staying

At my place the last few months we’re already kind of close with Shane I think he’s like one of our only friends actually well let’s um let’s sell a couple of these things and then I think we’ll just load up for the mines um and just smoke fish in between going

Down a few floors at a time right so this can stay here I don’t have room huh we got a bit of an issue did we buy the bigger chest recipe that has been an absolute Lifesaver by the way I love the bigger chest recipe take this with us I think Coral can Stay fishing Rock can go in here and we want to take any ore up with us to smelt and we don’t have any ore to smel even if we wanted to all right baller cool let’s get out of here you know who you’re Romancing on this Farm yet we haven’t really decided

I was kind of just going to wait and see like what happened in the file and if anybody really jumped out at us but I haven’t really been a very good neighbor so that has not happened I think I’m going to have to actually like make an

Effort to do people’s quests and stuff you know we really have not been doing that yet here you go buddy it would be lonus if it could actually I I don’t think I would want to be in a relationship with lonus I think we’re just uh we’re just too different you

Know weather event is so creepy I love it yeah it’s really fun okay so what what’s even going on up here um 225 300 cool get smoked tuna I want to see someone marry Penny oh that’s right that’s right we were going to marry Penny we were actually

Going to marry Penny and then we were going to have kids and then we were going to divorce her I forgot about that I forgot all about that thank you for the reminder there I appreciate it perfect kind of a penny hater um um yeah I don’t know I don’t know how to

Feel about Penny she’s definitely not in my like top three there’s nothing really wrong with her I’m not a penny hater all right do we use bombs I kind of want to get through this we I should probably be just like Gathering gold so we can do more tool upgrades but kind of

Want to get down to the uh the the fire lava there we go the lava the fire water is what I was going to say yikes penny is the worst in my opinion I’m a penny matter lots of people say that me when minus 1500 friendship yeah you can

Lose a lot of friendship with Penny she she has opinions that she does not want you to disagree with and that’s not necessarily even true but yeah you can absolutely break her heart before you even get married and lose I don’t remember exactly how many hearts I think it’s like six hearts

Right oops uh that was not a fish that was not a fish going into my mouth that was a bomb going on the floor not in a very great spot either let’s um let’s kind of get a move on here it’s already 11 I’ve literally made it down two floors

Okay well I don’t I don’t know how far we’re getting today to be honest I thought it would be just an easy uh an easy walk down to 90 but maybe I just have to be satisfied with the little bit of gold that I got today this has not been

Good wasting all my bombs too all right can we get um can we get a little freebie on this floor no we cannot get a little freebie here okay well I’m just going to kill this guy I think and then off we go let’s pick up our smoker and start a

Little bit more gold and get on out of here should probably take that home and I don’t know how much Stone we realistically need up here don’t need my bombs at home and that’s all good let’s go breaking her heart is understandable but the picnic yeah it’s uh it’s good to

Be honest you’re not going to do well in a relationship where somebody really wants kids and someone really really doesn’t so I think it’s good that you like hash that out but man you uh you basically start from scratch if you tell her like that’s not the life you want Um who are we smoking here I guess the mullet huh oh we got we got some tuna that can go in there well that was possibly the least productive day that I have ever had I don’t know about y’all pretty fantastic off we Go what’s the third going to bring for us okay okay true true there was an earthquake during the night uh Lewis lost’s lucky purple shorts oh my gosh buddy that is so embarrassing I’m sorry guys I didn’t get you your jelly yesterday that’s 100% on me all right little

Chickens what do you think should we get you guys uh an upgrade soon move you into a bigger Coupe get you some little ducky friends maybe only like one ducks are they’re not amazing I got to remind myself on that I feel like chickens are the way to

Go and I guess I don’t have a silo so just get out of the way sorry losing my blue grass I should put up a fence or something but they are cute they are cute I’m playing on the riverlands um off screen and one thing that’s really

Cool about the riverlands farm is that the Ducks will like hop out into the water and swim to other islands and it’s adorable not the blue grass I know Okay we should go buy let’s go buy our joa membership today let’s cement ourselves into that path and then I think we’ll go back up to the mines maybe although we don’t have great luck but I think I’ll do it anyway kobis is the best kobis is a baller

Choice we love kobis in this house I really like kobis I like um I like Leah who else oh yeah we were supposed to get some sardines we should be doing these quests it’s it’s definitely worth it to do help wanted quests now 35 copper ore we might be able to knock that

Out Nothing uh open that 9 wow we’re a little early huh well just in time to check the trash nothing all right hello I would like to ruin this community please oh have we not met you okay let’s go yes I know all right say goodbye to the

Community center everybody we got a JoJo warehouse now hey Shane just so you know you’re not losing your job anytime soon Buddy oh every day is the same stalking those horrible shelves going to the saloon tossing and turning all night oh no ruined our our only friend’s life

Actually love the fact that Elliot dramatically says you’re pregnant darling he’s uh he’s a lot sometimes you want to hint for a secret sure I’m not uh I’m not playing this super spoiler-free so we got grapes for days definitely get some raisins going or make friends with

Vincent or I could just give you this Golden Grape because I love you lonus oh I’ve given you two gifts this week wow it’s only Wednesday between Clint and jojamart hug the fence on the right side of the map all right I’ll have to take a look at that at some

Point the right side yeah when you when I started reading that I was like I already I already know about the statues but right side that’s something else huh come on let’s get 35 copper so we can talk to Clint can we get literally any copper actually

All right literally one little oh my gosh every time I load up this file I forget that I took gemologist and every time it’s got to be getting annoying for you guys hearing me like complain and whine but uh what a difference it really makes huh what a difference one little extra

Guaranteed copper makes every time right well that was not bad about a third of the way there we get a little more copper here and then I think maybe try and see if I can get down to level 90 kind of just chilling to be honest we’re kind of just

Relaxing I’m coming kind of down the stretch on my other farm so it’s nice to be just coming and getting some copper not planning out every second of every day might even hit mining eight today huh if we start going down into the gold area fairly soon let’s get some extra

Stone love it love it why is Walter White on the thumbnail cuz we got a cook um it’s actually a sprite from ingame that we may or may not see it all just depends well I know we’re not going to see it tomorrow cuz

UI info Suite would tell us but uh if we get some interesting weather we might see some some really weird stuff Big Chill Vibes what I need on a Tuesday morning after a 4 Day weekend yeah I’m exhausted from all my time off I just got to got to relax it

Out apparently I’m a hypocrite for not um planting those mixed flowers so maybe we’ll go see if we can get some of those in the ground too Jesse we have to smoke fish you know what we should do this would not make for a chill stream but maybe we can do some testing

To before we call it tonight depending on where where the world takes us how time goes I kind of want to mess around with stonefish over here and the bait machine if we can get a we can finally get a what am I looking for a searin that’s the

Name you want all the possible days no I’m good I know that it would replace uh um like specific weather right blade welcome in by the way welcome welcome all right we got ourselves some copper we’ll get it when we get it thank you though um hey by the

Way I wanted to ask you a question about the curiosity lure and its interaction with targeted bait um that was what I was talking about in Discord I was wondering if with targeted bait if the Curiosity lure would come first and then the 1.66 multiplier would come after the

Additional chance from the the um the Curiosity if that even makes sense I think I said what I meant to say but I’m not 100% sure my brain’s melted after a long weekend of rotting no How Could You yep give me a sec all right cool thank you thank you oh vintage

Polo wow I have I’ve got to look that is for sure that really is something rotting is the best the only problem is uh you just feel awful when you’re done sitting there and like doing nothing thing you’re like yes this is amazing and then I get to the end of the

Day and I’m like well I’m a useless failure thanks good job self but you know in the interim it’s pretty nice I don’t think I like this shirt rotted in a hospital that again that’s a little bit different that’s called recovery that’s that’s when your job is

To get better that’s not rotting unless you like had sepsis or whatever then I guess maybe it is rotting necrosis is that what I’m thinking of actually not sepsis well I guess sepsis is like inside rotting kind of right hope you’re doing better beautiful hey Maya welcome

In curiosity lure is before that is fantastic news um that is very interesting thank you thank you for checking for me I really appreciate it oh for a second I thought I don’t I don’t have the Prismatic jelly Quest right now this is just like a a yellow

Slime that gives you money right no give me gold okay I thought it was one of the money slimes but I was looking for the Prismatic jelly on my other file and I that almost gave me an an excite oh there we go is it necrosis just tissue

Death if uh if you were to tell me that and say it with confidence I would believe you but since you asked it as a question I don’t know I really don’t um we can make some space here so here’s the thing our tempered broadsword is actually really good I

Don’t think the obsidian Edge is going to be better in this situation cuz ours has got enchantments got plus two attack we got defense and weight this one’s got crit power which I guess is kind of whatever um we’ll take it we’ll get rid of some sap here who knows right who

Knows oh I forgot to bring my smoker with me well heck you can get tissue necrosis due to an infection but you can absolutely get necrosis from like a lack of blood supply all right well we uh we have changed the focus of the stream from from chill evening to

Let’s talk about the ways your body can melt I’m here for it though you know what that’s interesting stuff put Moss butter on your toast that’s got to be a meme that I’m missing if I had to guess come on little stairs where you at oh my gosh can I

Click all right there we go let’s go freebie here so let’s get our coal and just kind of move on I think not too worried about whatever yall slimes are doing I don’t really care not my problem ow my leg to cool for school hey three we

Don’t have that yet or at least I haven’t donated it that’s pretty neat was kind of hoping for some stairs there not going to lie that’s all right all right there we go speak your truth into the world I I lost the syllable there the the one letter the L specifically can

We get some stairs I have a question for y’all what’s the last normal Minds monster that you usually get for the monster Slayer goals because I recently found out that it is void Spirits for me for sure I kind of did not expect that to be

Honest I figured I’d be in these areas enough that I would have gotten them but you need like 150 and I just I don’t come down here like fighting I come down here for gold mummy well yeah but I meant specifically just in like the normal Minds I guess sorry I should have

Clarified because it’d be easy to say like pepper Rex right or um the sparkers or whatever void Spirits for me imagine going for perfection I’m always on the Perfection grind until I start a new Farm all right well that was pretty decent I mean we we really did not make

Much progress at all but at least I don’t feel like I didn’t get much done and that’s way more important than actually getting anything done right chat let’s get these home the r shoots can stay I’m not going to need those for a while we got to sell some of this stuff

For our um our collections tab huh oh we could be making a whole bunch of copper bars don’t know that I need to be but I’ll need them eventually right you always need more copper all right let’s uh let’s rock and roll I loathe doggies interesting I feel like Dougies are

Usually fairly early for me slimes oh that’s fair yeah yeah I am usually chasing slimes am I Mis remembering that you used to have to do the eradication goals in order you know I don’t know I don’t know that I remember That that would be truly awful but I don’t know that that’s true the holes oh you just don’t like looking at the uh Where they come from where they go something something something all right we got to do something about this y’all what are we doing here um let’s get our I kind of want to keep that though let’s get our trash out of here that can go into the the fishing box the fishing

Pole can even go into the fishing box right bug meat can go in there um we got some stuff smoking and let’s let’s make sure we’re actually like selling one of things I would like To fill that out a little more you can stay here little guys sold some of this leak can go there we go this is going to help a lot this is going to help quite a bit clear out some space make me feel a little better a coal I kind of don’t really

Want to sell a coal yet but you know what off you go little guy do your best out there in the world little coal okay that’s a lot better um mixed flower seeds I said I wanted to plant some of those do I have any more sprinklers anywhere did we use them all

I’ll just hang on to him is this the one that you were saying we can trade this in we have two of these wow okay well if nothing else we’ll we’ll have that so and and we’ll sell a piece of sap and a winter route okay all right I’m pretty sure I

Checked my cave this morning but if I don’t go now I’m not going to believe myself you know what I mean let’s just make sure not a fan of the cave being over here I didn’t okay uh yeah not a fan of the cave being over here it’s really easy for me to

Forget I need to structure my day to bring me down through there I think it’s all part of the flow I guess um I need you with me little guy got to save a couple catfish I think maybe I’ll go check the beach again tomorrow I mean we were just there but

You never know right this is so dumb why am I carrying a strange bun around why am I so Disorganized Loki wondering how I can build a silo on a new Farm if I rush it you can go pretty quick copper honestly not the the bottleneck might at this point be the uh the clay so yeah it it could be really easy or it could be awful put my fish pawns

Near the cave to direct me down there yes that’s a good idea that area I was thinking maybe like um maybe a tree farm but fish ponds would be really good as Well level eight mining you love to see it oh no no no does he have the big chest recipe I sure do not nope I need to go get it that’s something we could honestly do today if we wanted to let’s um let’s smoke a little red mullet for

Breakfast say hi to the chickies beautiful and now we’re not going to get any notifications that we need to save our stuff for our silly little Community Center everything is going to be better now uh first thing that we’ll have will be tomorrow right cuz we should be

Getting some wheat I think I planted some wheat at least I did not plant any Wheat so I guess we won’t be getting anything tomorrow okay oh very cool very cool go me love to see it I’m going to check the beach today and then I think we will H should we go

Back to the mines should we I probably should have kept all my stuff and tried to sell it to Pierre we maybe could have gotten uh something purch over by the JoJo Community Development form huh okay here is the plan everybody we are going to grab our fishing rod step one step

Two I’m going to take um Jazz a gift because happy oh joa this is cute I haven’t seen this um um Jazz it’s your birthday what a little girl’s like that I have a strange doll I don’t think I’ve donated that so you cannot have that give you a little

Rock kids love rocks right I will definitely forget this is here by the way there’s there’s no possible World in which I remember that we left the pickaxe and the weapon here so just warning you now she likes FL flowers yeah I should just give her like a daffodil what am I

Doing why am I wasting a a beautiful Rock On You Jazz will just take a little flower all right 740 we’re going to check for the stuff we need to make bait machine off we go okay monsters dropped Galaxy Souls uh it’s been a long time since

I’ve dealt with Galaxy Souls but I I believe you can get Galaxy souls in the dangerous skull Cavern I don’t know about the dangerous mines a cave carrot George needs a cave carrot we could probably help him with that honestly if I Remember don’t forget to check for urchin true true true True lied about not saying it again okay yeah yeah yeah we’ll go do that I’ll definitely remember cuz I’m already right here my goodness yes finally fantastic excellent yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum Yum and we got some decent forage here today too how close are we oh we’re only like 49 experience away that’s pretty solid already have one of these right at home hello you must be getting pretty strong working on that farm all day your darn totin some clay nice well my inventory

Is already halfway full very cool we gotten the prize ticket from behind the book seller I don’t know if we have gotten that on this file um I didn’t bring my axe with me today though otherwise I could check but I I don’t think I can all right I’m doing this because I

Was told let’s check it out I’m going to guess right here huh no maybe like in here there we go I didn’t bring my axe with me or my pickaxe interesting that seems to go for a ways huh huh I’ll have to come back you need gold oh well was that a a

Okay it wasn’t even a stump yeah okay we wouldn’t be able to get in there even if I had brought everything so that’s all right is what it is let’s find Jazz give her a little flower and be on our merry way hey give me that no silver what did I

Say any green rain no we have not gotten green rain yet um I saw earlier somebody had asked how far we were with joa I bought the membership literally yesterday so Jaz where you at you at home still sounds good kiddo hello happy birthday child wow a birthday present I love

It new best friends let’s go yeah I could get in there huh that looked like we we can do Logs with steel I don’t know why I was uh I it’s it’s exactly what I said earlier somebody told me and it sounded like they were confident so I was like

That’s got to be true it’s a it’s a character flaw okay we’re going to go buy the upgraded chest recipe I can’t be dealing with this anymore um yeah you can all get get out of my life I probably should have kept the gold one huh upgraded chest Um do I want to do anything up there do I want to go for large mouth bass not really we could try and catch a sturgeon and start loading up on sturgeon bait Maybe think you’ll get the last backpack upgrade soon maybe people get on my case for that a

Lot it’s probably because I always have no room but um I kind of like having two obviously three is better but when you’re when you’re flipping through them on the Fly it’s kind of nice big chest recip 5,000 yikes you know what else I want out of here I would like to Grab maybe that one and Let’s do let’s do the stone walkway on this Farm hey we got some bubbles awesome Okay very cool Neato burrito you know what I said I was going to do we’re going to do a little bit of we’re going to test something I’m going to go to the 20th floor and we’re going to do some stonefish fishing we don’t have a

Very good luck day today um um which I don’t think will be a problem but my concern is so I I did something I did a video on the fish smoker and people were saying they were doing stone fish and my worry with that was even with a bait

Maker you’re you’re multiplying by the percent chance that you you like find the fish in the first place right so I don’t have the fishing info overlays anymore but if I remember right the stone fish is something like uh like somewhere between 5 and 10% chance to find and if we’re multiplying

That by 1.66 for the uh the targeted bait that’s not really that great you know so let’s let’s get some anecdotal evidence let’s mess with it a little bit well this is not going to help us Obviously somebody’s so good at Inventory management that he never got the notification that you can buy backpacks wow couldn’t be me I’m constantly throwing things away I should probably be upgrading my uh my garbage can sooner in the game to be honest this is about how I expected this

Would feel but once we get our first one you know that’s when it starts we got to get at least one so we can make the targeted bait and then we can kind of figure it out from there but this feels like a ghostfish so that

Stinks so that was the reason um if you were here earlier I was asking blade whether the Curiosity lure comes before or after the targeted Bait because if we go from 5 to 10% and then multiply it by 1.66 right oh cool well I mean that’s always good to have um that’s a lot better than doing the multiplication first and then the addition get some more respect on crunchy peanut butter I will when it deserves it Chris that’s my my spicy hot take that it looks like about 2/3 of you agree with my goodness can we please get just just one stone fish please pretty please God of the caves I should have brought a trash or a recycling machine Milano welcome in welcome welcome Happy possibly

Monday you know what this would give us some some Non day luck right that could be let’s go for it we’ll see what happens should I have saved that to make another smoker with possibly but I’m 33 and we have this phrase called YOLO God I’m such a loser

Come on let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right here we go this is it this is the one I don’t think this is the one I’m pretty sure this is a ghostfish and I didn’t even get a perfect catch yep that that’s no good no good no good shift one

Tile uh am I not hitting the the furthest away from from from Land I move one down tille down down one tile rather just for you Maya well we got a fish we got a fish not the right fish but it’s a it’s a step in the right direction right

I got to add all of the music back I pulled some of it out cuz I was worried about copyright but it seems like things are calming down a little bit it’s pretty wild to get a copyright claim on the Overture from stardew Valley and then there’s like a a media

Company in Brazil will be like yeah we own this so you can’t you can’t play it unless you know you turn over some monetization to us and they can’t win right because you can just link to concerned ap’s tweet that’s like literally you can use this

For whatever you want but you have to just wait there for 30 days while they canest it it’s a pain in the butt it’s a pain in the butt welcome in chenia happy Tuesday there’s another cave jelly I guess replace the one we ate hope you had that issue with undertale

Yeah it’s it’s really frustrating well this has been an exercise in futility so far this could all turn it around but I’m not feeling that it will oh oh oh that was a little more active but I still think that was a ghostfish yep hi I’m new well welcome and

Greg thank you for stopping By and I should we don’t I was going to say I should go kill some mummies we’re not even at the skull Cavern on this file so that that’s just straight up not happening all right I’m staying till 9 and then I’m I’m done with

This this is kind of what I was talking about where so if you have targeted bait you increase your your Chance by like 66% right all right last last cast but we haven’t found one so that’s still zero all right here we go you can change it all you can be our hero

Baby nope oh it was fabulous all right let’s go let’s go let’s try this my hope is is back I’ve been given life again that was the longest that has ever felt usually making bit I’m like oh it’s done oh it’s done instant instant every time okay can we replicate this

Success what are you trying to catch stone fish even on a 10% that’s just 16 I know yeah but it’s a lot better than going from like five to six and then adding the five after I still think we’re better off going for the what are they super cucumbers I’ve had pretty good

Experience with uh super cucumbers on summer nights I’ve been hearing some people say also um sturgeon but I feel like there’s so much other there’s going to be like a lot of byy catch I guess is probably probably the term lava eel is supposedly good I can

See lava eel being very strong at the Caldera but once again in here I I think it’s only like a 5% chance if you cast at full distance super cucumber is crazy yeah I’ve I had a pretty good experience with that like I said all right well we’re down to three

Bait so I’ll just go ahead and use them all up and I think we’re going to chalk this one up to anecdotally uh failure again this is not enough to really definitively say this is not worth it but we caught one stonefish and turned it into bait and we may see another one

If this catch okay so we caught one stonefish and never saw a second even with targeted bait we’ll go do something else tomorrow mine Fisher are like base five yeah I think the um the stonefish I think it it’s progressively lower I think it goes like 5 4.5 and

Four but I I could be wrong on that that’s pretty not great got some trash that’s very true we got a lot of trash I don’t think I have a recycling machine and these are not even really worth smoking at this point so um overall I’m going to give that one an uh

Uh I did not grab enough I think we’re going to give that one like a D minus honestly that was that was truly awful truly truly awful so I think I’ll just sell the ghostfish Cog can go geode will keep we could make a trash machine and we probably honestly should at this

Point but hey joa cola’s good now oh and you know what else um let’s do a big chest for our general storage we can do two big chests nice these are so nice we should probably have gotten a workbench while I was up there that was my bad oh well

We’ll build around as if we are going to get a workbench set up soon how does that sound everybody God that’s just it’s incredible it’s beautiful oops all right now before I forget I said I would never remember those and here we are all right copper can go back in

Let’s sell some stuff and uh let’s rock and roll huh keep that for tomorrow I think just started my 1.6 Farm any tips um yeah that’s a good point that um fodi foty foty I I’m not sure but that that’s a good point to have your axe ready in

The summer or by the summer you may not want to turn it in cuz you might need it on a random day you’ve already gotten that oh okay oh we got some coffee down oh no oh no I’m not ready for that this is going to be a problem where my watering can

Hello hello there you are oh I did have an extra sprinkler dang it dang it you guys the big chest oh yeah they’re amazing yeah they’re they’re pretty incredible um I need to get rid of that I think we’ll go for upgraded inventory today cuz honestly I’m just kind of tired of

This it’s a Friday today it’s definitely not the right move I should just be dealing with it better I should just be should just be better what fish do we have we got a flounder in there but they need an ocean jelly so I can’t can’t help them right

Now exponential growth here we go yeah um coffee is very exciting to find early but it also sucks like if you get your coffee up and going early it can be really cool um and it’ll definitely help us in the long term but it’s kind of a giant pain in the

Butt probably get those down too somewhere huh might as well I have another sprinkler um where you at summer squash come on little buddy you’re going to go right over here and I don’t have my watering can I put it away so you’re not even getting watered with the usual rainbow rainbow trout

That has paid off for me literally one time ever um but I I wish you luck I hope that it works for you I truly do okay it’s a Friday we have just kind of meh luck I’m thinking here’s here’s the plan today we got both of our tools let’s

Grab our fishing rod I think we’re going to do some ocean fishing today we’ll take our smoker with us oh and I’m going to do some more stobs like I said um this is probably not optimal as far as the dehydrator goes but I just want to mess with it you

Know I just want to experience the new stuff we’re about to hit another foraging level which would be really nice to do so I think we’ll go do like I said some ocean fishing and we need to buy some coal and we’ll upgrade our inventory is this going to be the best

Way I think it it doesn’t really matter check the traveling cart today accidentally sold the sturgeon I need the row for community center that is a big Bummer without automate coffee no thanks yeah that’s totally fair um one winter seed not as cool as you might think because we are not doing that run also you can just get winter seeds not too hard I don’t think any of this is worth it for us dish of the sea

Could be kind of nice maybe we grab that do I care what the heck it’s not that expensive we weren’t able to get the legend and spring because we really did not have the rain for it but we could at least knock out a crimson fish if we wanted to even today

Right eat our dish of the sea and away we go smoke that that’d be worth a fair chunk of change I don’t remember the exact value off the top of my head but be worth it be worth it got some I’m fishing I have been liking that

Actually it’s not it’s not a ton right you’re not seeing row super often but it’s nice enough that I don’t know if you find it throw it in a preserves jar and it’s just it’s just free real estate right you prep for the Trout Derby later

In the month I was kind of not super impressed by the Trout Derby it’s very fun don’t get me wrong but my gifts were they existed and that that’s about all I can say but you know what maybe I’m being a little harsh there’s probably more to it

That I just haven’t seen yet we sold one of those so let’s keep it we’ll get these in the ground sell the row and the Mayo yeah missing a blo down here that’s a fireable offense in my world got the Community Center completed for the first time congratulations

Chris once you’ve done it a little bit it might seem like that’s not a big deal but you know what it really can be that’s awesome Here We Go backpack upgrade there goes our money so let’s see if we can make some money back today I don’t think I’ll buy a blueberry

To fill that spot got really lucky with the Derby and got like 20 tags they repeat after 10 did you get anything that you were really impressed with or that was really useful I guess I should maybe say you know what LS I was just trying

To be nice think the Trout Derby is a cute Edition I 100% agree yes if you’re if you’re thinking in terms of like does it add to the game yes it absolutely does but that’s not what I’m thinking in terms of so what am I doing up here what uh oh

Okay the alleyway Buffet I read about this oh my gosh they they made this book for me y’all I okay so that’s where that is awesome Farm warps are a nice early bonus okay yeah I guess I I could see that hello okay never mind sorry able to get three diamonds and

Nine Farm warps yeah Farm warps could be pretty handy I suppose hello again here you go wonder what Alex is doing today well I just saw him I think he’s just being a jerk mostly let’s see what kind of bait Willie has today um everybody’s just insulting me everywhere I go

Huh what do you have for me my friend ice pit bait well that would have been very interesting to have yesterday when we were doing that experiment but alas I have decided I don’t care now what do I have on here nothing okay let’s grab a how about a trap bobber

Being able to get the ability to skull cam dive till 1:00 a.m. and so get home is pretty nice that’s true you’re not wrong have you used has anyone I guess I should ask Has anyone used the new furnace yet okay I don’t I don’t want to lose

Anything over here so I think we’ll just catch our our fish and then leave a crimson fish if we can snag it today that is a stick not quite the same did I miss cave fishing tests um yeah it was pretty disappointing we caught one stone

Fish and then we got the max number of bait from our stone fish and our bait machine and we never saw another one all right little guy you were uh surprisingly very friendly so that’s like another seven Grand overnight there’s a new furnace uh I have from what I’ve read it’s

50% it’s what it’s five it’s basically the cost of five bars three coal so 25 ore and three coal and you get five bars guaranteed but it’s pretty frequent that you get six right yoink smoke Crimson fish we’ll just chill over here for a little while struggling with fishing I’m level

Eight now but there are times where I feel very Rusty I definitely ran into that for sure once you start getting Mastery stuff down everything kind of flips on its head Again I don’t think puffer fish kind of just kind of thinking in terms of like fishing with bait and for specific fish I don’t think puffer fish are really probably the best shout like they have such a small window really realistically at the end of the day here we are going to be

Looking for well a I want a jelly cuz I honestly actually want two um but I believe if we use targeted bait we’re going to decrease our chance to find trash right and correct me if I’m wrong on that that that is not a definitive statement but I believe it’s going to

Cut into our chance to get trash and the trash we need from or we need we need a trash roll to be able to get a sea jelly Thunder tomorrow get their lightning rods down I don’t uh I don’t think we have hit foraging for that actually we should be working on that

Today maybe I don’t think we’re hitting it either way today but 948 it’s going to have to wait it’s going to have to wait maybe we’ll do that tomorrow run around in the rain cut down some Trees I’m always behind on foraging it’s a disgrace it’s a character weakness in fact how to get the recipe for the new furnace it’s Mastery so once you have gotten all your skills to level 10 you’ll be able to get into a a little room that’s kind of by where you pick up

Robin’s axe um and you’ll kind of get more details from there oh puffer fish you got done just at the wrong second UI info Suite out for 1.6 it is yep it’s UI info Suite 2 um and it’s available on NEX it’s not available on Nexus sorry it’s available on GitHub you

Cannot get it on Nexus Bob welcome in never clicked on a stream so fast I appreciate that thank you thank you feel like tuna could be pretty good during the day uh sorry I’m thinking in terms of targeted bait again like tuna could be pretty good during the day but once it hits

6:00 it’s all going wild forging experience was nerfed yeah yeah that’s true um that used to be a a very large portion of my forging experience came from the seasonal seeds uh the mushroom logs are really cool though I do have to say I think the next like mechanic video

That I’m going to do is going to be on the bait machine that’ll probably be this weekend there we go look at you already oh boy okay well that’s fine too I guess all right let’s see if we can get kind of silly here oh that’s row um this

Is what I’m looking for there we go the problem that I have with this is actually this could be a good thing I end up getting a decent amount of trash but if we can make it work I’ve been able to get uh a pretty good chunk of change from doing

This only problem I guess right now is that we only have the one smoker it’s really not enough to keep up I kind of like two I got up to three and I think that’s probably more than you realistically need unless you’re using challenge bait um if you’re using challenge

Bait and you’re a better Fisher than I or you’re using a fishing load out with like food and and the right Bobbers and stuff then you might need like four or five I guess maybe come on little guy don’t make me look dumb I’m l right

Now I was just talking about how you’re going to be good to us absolutely broke my ankles all right so where we at how much bait do we have left at this point we got four more let’s keep going the other problem is that we don’t have Artis

Yet and that’s a a very large portion of where the cash comes from with smoked fish it’s really wild you have Artis and instead of doubling you’re almost almost tripling the value of the fish 2.8 times so pretty czy come back here all right cool got a couple of them let’s

Um smoke one one bait Another one not eat the flounder don’t need to eat the flounder we got any bubbles actually now that I’m looking around no Okay remember jealous of argon’s fishing skill he is uh yeah absolutely cracked argon Matrix is getting ready for another Master Angler challenge catch all fish but things have changed obviously with 1.6 so should be pretty interesting this is probably a halit huh well that was frustrating um and that’s kind of the

Problem is this is not like catfish fishing where it’s like 90% catfish it’s closer I’d say to about 2/3 if we had um there’s a mod that I was using for a video that’s called predictor if we had that on we could actually see the percentages which is pretty interesting

It is not working for legendary fish which is a bummer cuz I really wanted that info for a video but whatever oh you’re tired buddy come on soon again yeah yeah yeah excited to see all right that’s better No you little you little so and so all right there we

Go so one of the things that I’m contending with I guess thinking about is at what point you know especially I’m thinking like lava eel at one point do you consider like maybe the wild bait instead of the targeted bait like at Caldera fishing that’s something I want to dig into a little

Bit all right there we go and how much more do I have on here five we’ll grab a little bit more how many have we smoked just two so far but so far just with those two and a third one on the way we’re going to be at like 3,

500ish that’s pretty solid for just chilling here for a couple hours at this point I would say it’s not competitive with like diving for idium for example but we didn’t set ourselves up for an early skull Cavern so that wasn’t really on the table anyway and I would

Argue this is a little easier to do regardless of things like luck um and equipment so all right there we go we’ve been to the second year Fest yet I have not actually no I’m I’m in about midwinter right now but I am excited to go check that out very soon very soon

Nice and what we got nine more on the on the rod there not bad not bad you have any plans for this stream uh not a ton I wanted to check out the cave fishing mechanics and see kind of how targeted bait affected that um and anecdotally it

Did not go well like that that we don’t have a enough info to say for sure but it was pretty disappointing in my eyes eight more got one stone fish turned it into targeted bait got the maximum amount of bait and never saw another stone fish so that was pretty disappointing I

Um I would probably have to do that a few more times to to really say for sure but I don’t think that would be very exciting yeah I was going to say you must be almost done same as the night market I’m really excited for the night market on my file

Because those are the last fish I need yay coming up very soon we’ll probably take off after this um this smoked uh super cucumber oh that was close so this is probably what our last last cast here well that was pretty quick see like I don’t know challenge

Bait it’s very for me high risk High reward I think I’m an okay fisherman in the game but letting it off the hook three times happens fairly frequently for me for the fish that I would want to use challenge bait with you know all right we got to get going all

Right there we go but I also haven’t sat down with like an enchanted Advanced aridium rod with uh two cork Bobbers and key seon seafoam pudding you know what I mean think the first green ran is on the 17th so it could be um it could be earlier than

That I think it could be later than that as well there’s a number of days that can take the spot of green rain if I understand Correctly bo bo got my first one on fifth of Summer did you have a second one in the same season Maya oh I don’t have any coal I forgot that was part of my master plan that was step three we needed to buy more coal well that does put a damper on things

Um maybe we’ll go to the mines tomorrow but we need to save some of this stuff to smoke uh for later I think bait machine or the bait maker can just go in there until I need it and same with the like targeted bait

I don’t want to leave that on my rod and forget it’s there so that can Go and we’ll save our challenge or our Mystery Box oh yeah didn’t eat my dish of the sea for the Crimson fish that’s probably good Crimson fish is not that bad we can save that for like the uh the glacier fish my absolute nightmare all right should be a pretty

Good night here despite the fact that we just wasted 10 grand on buying the bag upgrade uh double Harvest of forged items for me please should use Deluxe bait it works so much nicer um I probably should but I don’t have any Moss I guess I could buy it

Huh is it Deluxe bait that you need Moss for I know you need it for the machine right worm bin and Moss yeah bait and Moss so oh hey there we go we got green rain tomorrow so that means um we’re going to want to make sure we have our scythe and

Our Axe and probably some coffee tomorrow we also want to probably plant you’ll get m soon enough yeah we sure will we sure will I only have three hay I’m going to have to go buy hay from Marne what a pain in the butt all right well we got to make sure

We buy enough for tomorrow as well huh good job everybody hey Shenanigans welcome in let’s get some more stobs Going off you guys go I am out of coal entirely so here’s things we need to do today including but not limited to plant tree seeds um something that happened on my farm and I don’t know if this is just like confirmation bias but on my farm a lot

Of my trees grew after this event and it felt like it was related so have I been planting anything no I haven’t fantastic let’s get a couple things figured out here um I usually like to do like an Oak Plantation right for tappers but from what I’ve seen Maple is

Actually a little bit better in terms of getting um the mushrooms right the the the mushroom log excuse me oof this is not good so we might want to consider that as well bo bo boom um and actually put down the sprinkler while you’re there buddy all

Right there we go miss the acorns I was wondering like I didn’t see them there we go so we have a row of hardwood I think I’ll keep that there we’ll do maybe here and we’ll do Maple as well I don’t think I really care about Pine we’ll

Maybe do like one row of pine um do I want to go down that far I guess that’s fine and then after this we need to run over to Mary buy some hay I’m going to go down to the secret wood see if I can get a few more mahogany Seeds this is basically if I understand correctly and if I’m not just assuming this because it happened coincidentally this is basically like free uh tree fer izer essentially a lot of the extra trees that popped up for me did stay the things that I had planted stayed right um the weird trees they

Left but the trees that I had planted stuck around all right little mushies maybe we should be um dehydrating our common mushrooms okay so mahogany seeds hay from Marne coal from Clint and then probably mines probably need to do some mines we need more copper oh ouch the hiccups they hurt

Me did I not do any of these okay let’s just do at least a little bit we it’s possible that we’ll really need some of that later like pinear we could use it for um sheep if we ever have sheep but we could also use it if we need rain for whatever reason

So oh we got some peppers fantastic I’ll take those I’m really missing old Slither legs right now walking through the crops a little faster is very nice we got some early adopter Moss over here you guys are uh just a little bit ahead here today but we’ll hope to get a lot of

Moss tomorrow we also need to stock up on our hardwood right cuz I want to I want to do mushroom logs I think they could be really fun I’ve just looked at the chances a little bit but I believe Oak uh make morals more common maple make the purple mushrooms actually more

Common the Mystic trees you know those are those are the way to go for purple mushrooms but Maples are a little bit better than Pine and Oak and then I don’t think Pine is actually that great which kind of stinks because pine trees are already my least favorite but hey Whatever what’s your top three favorite features of 1.6 um I really like the aridium Scythe that’s been really cool the fish smoker has been pretty amazing um just making fishing feel worth it at least into the mid to late game is a huge buff for me like it doesn’t even have to

Actually be better just the fact that it feels better is more important than anything okay that looks good next we’re going to want to get some coffee I want to be zooming tomorrow we could grab a whole bunch of joa cola actually what’s a time difference what

Does how long do coffee give us and how long does um joaa give us I’ll grab a coffee and if it’s not a good math if it’s not a good math wow all right if the math is not good then we can always just give it to Harvey or something minute

24 and that was what that’s 300 right PO is like 21 seconds I thought it was like 11 seconds so only needs a gold bar I kind of don’t really want to give away my gold right now Emily I’m sorry let’s get some more coffee minute 24 is pretty good

Um let’s just get us up to a nice easy number right there and now I need to grab some coal if we had spare Georgia yeah I don’t know that I do but I will be heading back home before I go up to the mines this is kind of a roundabout day

But hopefully the the stuff we’re doing here will make tomorrow a little better um let’s just grab 50 just don’t think about it just don’t look at it don’t worry about it it is what it is it’s going to pay for itself it’s an investment in the future hello

Um so mine carts are 15 I always forget which one is 15 that’d be a good goal for stream today depending on how much time we Have we should probably save our gold Peppers right we could give those to Shane we’re all already friends with Shane relatively so I think maybe I’ll sell the silver and keep the normal and the gold we never did find an ocean jelly did we no I didn’t that kind of

Stinks okay we have crops up here so you guys can go up there that can all go we’ll sell the Fiddle Head feed our animals is probably a good plan slime let’s make sure that these guys get fed for real Z’s everyone everyone gets fed this is a happy happy joa

Farm and think I’ll get these down in the ground as long as I’m thinking about it right Mahogany Acorn did we go in here today I feel like I did well nothing in there okay um fiddle heads do I just want to eat those I think I’ll just sell these man I’m used to just running through my field now I got so spoiled already Happy joa

Farm they’re not mutually exclusive okay we’re happy because we’re making money okay is that all we wanted we have do I want another fish pond how much stone do I have um I don’t I don’t care we’re not going to worry about that right now we are going to want more fish ponds

Though kind of frustrating that we need ocean jelly for our fish pond that I built that would eventually give us ocean jelly hello you happy by yourself here’s a never mind can you imagine if you were just walking up to someone with a gift like

You were about to give it to them and then you said in your in your thoughts like oh wait I already gave them two gifts this week you know what never mind I’m just going to eat that very interesting so we were really hurting for copper at home right we got six bars

Up here that’ll be helpful for sure let’s get some I didn’t bring any fish did I no I guess I could smoke chubs but I’m just eating those right now so that seems like a waste well heck that was kind of dumb um yeah here we go let’s get just a

Little bit of copper I also need to get some gold roll into depending on what we’re uh doing with sprinklers like there’s going to be coffee coming literally every day because I have plants on alternating days now so it’s going to be a lot easier to do

These but if we want to get our other field up and going it’s definitely in our best interest to get more gold and make the quality sprinklers right did I see something moving no always seem to run out of copper I do too cave Jelly’s a pain to get we got a

Couple of them when I was doing testing yesterday but uh that’s not very helpful cuz that’s not what we were here for let’s get some quartz cooking I’m already flying through that coal that we grabbed from Clint just remember it’s an investment we’re spending money to make money got to think like

Joa here we go and I have a feeling we’re going to need a lot of stone later so let’s just go ahead and grab these as long as we’re here suggestion for spamming oh for finding Prismatic jelly I had a very lucky circumstance with that lately where the book seller came to

Town was selling the combat manual that I could trade in for Monster musk so I used monster musk to find the prison Matic jelly so that I could get the monster musk recipe it was kind of weird but it ended up working out really well obviously that’s uh probably not the

Most helpful advice cuz that was a pretty unique situation but if you’re in that situation try it out and if not then yeah that’s that’s fair cuz you probably won’t be but other than that yeah I just go to floor five for a little bit I was doing

Um 5 15 25 and then just repeating I don’t know if there’s any prevailing wisdom on the internet but um 21 also is a very small floor so you can go down to 20 and make it to 21 and see like the entire floor right away ah which can be very helpful

Got to eat some bread after all that W and their viewers just joined say hello hello wug and viewers welcome in might as well go to the ice fls cuz dust Sprites uh the reason I go to the lower floors is because there are fewer things that can spawn but that’s probably not

The worst idea in the world welcome in y’all how was stream G what’ you guys do what’ you work on we are currently just getting some supplies ready for a very interesting weather phenomenon that is going to happen tomorrow so should be a good time if you haven’t seen it

Um it I think it’s actually one of my favorite additions to 1.6 cuz it’s it’s really creepy and that’s fun right we like that G raade welcome in y’all welcome welcome hope you guys are having a fantastic evening hope that uh gug was able to accomplish everything he set out to do and

More uh we probably don’t need too many more dehydrators right I think with the one you know what I’ll save them I’ll save them it’s fun and weird I’ve had it twice so far it is pretty interesting going to check the TV to see what he says um if I

Remember it’s a pretty big if let’s let’s go for iron actually well we’ll go for iron and maybe some Dougies at the same time here go gets a lot done in 45 minutes yeah what was he doing what was the little r tcal up to Today making sprinklers oh that’s Fun I uh we got we got a fair amount of sprinklers down we didn’t go too crazy I think I don’t know how many we have we have probably somewhere in the 40s or 50s for basic Sprinklers and probably like 20 some quality sprinklers so it’s all

Right we tried to mess around a little bit with the fish smoker and see if we could get any um some testing done with the cave fishing but it just did really not go as well as I was hoping so we’ve mostly just been chilling this is a good floor

These are the floors that I like to come To oh and there’s a little more all right I think we should probably head out after this we got our coffee we have our tools we have our axe nothing is being upgraded we planted all of our seeds so those are all ready for tomorrow as well I think we’re we’re good to

Go how long you been playing on this file was it new last week yeah we started on Tuesday I stream late uh not for me it’s only 6:50 my time so unless that was a question in which case we’ll be going for at least one more day cuz I I want

To do the uh the weather event you know get some iron rolling and let’s get some of this stuff home we got a mess in here we can bring some of our gems home I think I’ll just leave that stuff I’m hoping pretty soon to have the mine carts up

So at that point it won’t really matter too much that we leave our furnaces for a while I think the rest can stay let’s get out of here oh oh oh oh yeah I definitely don’t want to leave that here and speaking of did I have nope nothing else all right let’s get

Out of here also get less or because I picked gem all just like a absolute buffoon yeah I accidentally I was just holding down left click and I was hovering over the spot where gemologist was so it selected for me which has been Aces major Good Vibes here glad that uh

Glad that you’re you’re digging it we this is a pretty chill chat usually current thoughts about 1.6 uh I’m really happy with it though my my only minor complaint is that I was really excited for new music and there is not any new music so I’m a little bummed about that

However that was never promised to me so I can’t really be that upset you know what I mean it’s not like it’s not like concerned AP said like oh get excited for the new music I just kind of had it in my head that it would happen and then

I that disappointed me you know that’s my problem all right so we have enough for 14 more sprinklers well we’re not doing that tonight so let’s not worry about it that’s the problem maybe for not tomorrow for Monday possibly depending on where where we get to check the TV

You got it you got it y’all um anything else I’m worried about no I don’t think so we got our coffee so we’ll go fast tomorrow we got our axxe and my axe all right cool let’s see what the the weatherman has to say about tomorrow’s event I’ll even go over to

The side so we can see it a little bit I guess we could even zoom in uh no I’m I’m in the menu already um there appears to be some kind of anomalous reading I don’t know what this means awesome this is one of my favorite parts

Of 1.6 so if you haven’t seen this it’s pretty interesting we’re mostly going to ignore everything for today and we should have a letter from Gus here uh that’s not what I was looking for thank you saw the weather report last night I’m not sure what will happen

But if anyone wants to take shelter in the Sal I’ll keep it open all day from Gus so is our Scythe actually better at doing this cuz I don’t think it is I think it’s the same right yeah maybe if we had like a gold Scythe or something but we do

Not so we got a bunch of our trees grew in not everything but still that’s pretty fantastic I’ll take it um we need to take care of our animals and then let’s get off the farm and go see what’s going on in the world cuz it’s it’s a little spoopy

Uh yeah I think I’ll just go with the the sword it seems to be about the same do I want to rip you guys up I guess I might as well huh I don’t know that I have any seeds to replace you with though little guys

Did this one die come on dude I don’t have any uh lightning rods yet we’ll have to come back through for some of this stuff okay um seeds seeds seeds seeds one star fruit nine melons all of our mix seeds let’s take care of our chickens and then get the heck out of

Here don’t worry Babies I will do the bare minimum for you all right cool they’re fine don’t worry about it did one of those guys not give me an egg did I I probably just missed it is it around the corner somewhere or something come on dudes oh no there’s uh there’s just two in that

Stack don’t worry are we playing the ingame music for the day I don’t know what music plays on this day actually to be honest I don’t want this I’m not going to wait until next year to plant it some coffee down here I could switch it over do you guys

Want me to switch it and see what music plays today all right it’s on Game music now I think we’re good oh I didn’t check the recipe today it’s wild out here so this is a fantastic uh way to get a bunch of moss which we are going to be doing

Some mushroom logs later so hello I wonder what this uh traveling Merchant feels how they feel about all this King chair starting music likes to take its time I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s just not really music today but I don’t play with in-game music very

Often does that give me anything no not really okay so these big weird looking trees if you knock those down you get fiddlehead ferns instead of wood which I just think is neat we don’t really need them though but I do need hardwood and then we get where where is

It this little Mossy seed so if you want some of those on your farm um you can actually get some pretty unique looking trees later just by snagging a few of those seeds Yeah I don’t know y’all I uh I turned on the game music right yeah I definitely did it’s on it’s not me Mossy trees drop more wood than regular trees we’re not too hard up for wood but that’s very interesting to hear kind of wish I had a horse right now

Um I think we’ll head into town cuz I’m guessing people probably want to see what’s going on there right if you haven’t seen this event it’s pretty interesting but yeah look at this it’ almost be nice to just like bring out some come on to bring out some bombs into the

Woods it’s nice to get that 15 experience from those big guys too you get one experience for just cutting the Moss off a tree but or yeah one per Moss I guess pretty wild and a lot of this almost all of this will go back to the

Way it was yesterday overnight so you don’t have to worry about your town looking like a natural disaster for the rest of your file remember the kangaroo incident from a few weeks ago uh yeah didn’t you have a kangaroo like walk into your kitchen or something okay let’s let’s cut a path into

Town it’s kind of a good thing that we did our inventory upgrade apparently and hey on the bright side we were talking I think just yesterday about how no was the day before about how I don’t have the uh the forging levels for our lightning rods yet we’re going

To be doing a just fine after today but we don’t have another guaranteed storm for a little bit yeah let’s cut this down how much do you give me 19 so I think you normally get like 17 right hello is it acid will it burn through

The roof and Sizzle Us Alive I got to keep my little brother safe Mom I want to go outside and play are you all right we’ve never seen anything like this before wish my husband was here he’d know exactly what to do Kent would have no idea what to do come

On what does the wizard say oh you know what I didn’t even think about that that’s my bad um yeah these two are in the bar never mind I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it all the way back there I can try um I think Elliot’s actually in the

Bar so I don’t think I want to go down there and I’m pretty sure Willie is too and LS also yeah okay hello everyone how we doing I’m just wearing my leprechaun hat must be a meaning behind this nature is trying to tell us something what

Though I can’t tell it’s hard to read I feel a strong presence though okay it’s situations like this where a person’s true character is put to the test says Clint I’ll keep M I mean I’ll keep everyone safe from the toxic rain okay I don’t think I’ve ever set foot in this

Place it’s actually kind of cozy Haley says oh I’m not worried about the rain I’m sure it’ll pass okay let’s not get in a tizzy now Gus I propose a round of drinks to settle the nerves okay says I saw the weather report last night it really gave me a scare are there

Monsters out there what’s happening I just got off the phone with the governor apparently this rain is supposed to be completely harmless just an unusual phenomenon of nature still some of the town’s folk are panicking which is never good okay sounds good way to be a leader buddy brought some

Medical supplies just in case be careful out there all right are you all right we’re all wondering what’s going on it’s a sign from the almighty we’re doomed don’t you mean yoa did you change your mind I I hope these weird rains don’t bother the fish it could ruin me

Life um okay well that’s cool I don’t have anything that uh you would really want but you like fiddlehead fern so as long as we’re here here you go thank you this looks special yeah I cut it off a tree outside uh let’s go check on Pierre and his

Family oh and we can check on the SE guys too what’s going on out there any action I got to stay here with my grandparents George dear is this the end it’s been a good life but I’d like to see Alex find his way before departing they’re there honey don’t you

Worry even if it is poisonous I breathed in more noxious gas in one minute back in the old coal mines and I’m still kicking George I I got bad news for you buddy I don’t think you’re going to be kicking anything anytime soon oh no all right uh Caroline I’ve never seen

Green rain before it must not be too dangerous if you made it here very brave Abigail I want to go exploring but I can tell my mom is kind of worried I don’t want to add to her stress God no customers any more this green rain and my ledger will be in the

Red come on L trying to figure out how to implement a green Rain Tax true uh so I didn’t actually go over to joa last time I did this I’m going to try and do that real quick hello I’ll take that thank you I don’t know if Morris has anything to say

About this I’d kind of be surprised if he does to be honest I’ve got the cha Community Development form right here for you sir care to take a look okay yeah kind of figured that was going to be the case and you don’t really talk so okay let’s go check on Robin Demetrius

And lonus um Sebastian Maru those guys are all up there if I remember right oh excuse me pardon me just I just I saw some forage oh there’s another piece up here I just thought I got to grab that real oh there’s another one over there all right well

Well I’m pretty sure lonus is just like don’t worry about it here’s Demetrius this is my favorite don’t mind me leap aot I’m just collecting some Supply uh some samples this may be a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity uh if you see my wife can you tell her I’m okay family man right

There knows how to care for these poor souls huddled in the basement I want to go collect samples with my dad but my mom is insisting we stay here yeah my mom’s freaking out but I’m actually kind of enjoying this I bet the frogs are going wild out there going to

Stay here to keep try and keep her calm though that man is insane why does he have to go out there we have no idea if this rain is dangerous ah it’s chill it’s chill we vibing why does the community center look like that Rose I have some bad news for

You that is not the community center my friend that is the new and improved JoJo Warehouse the community center was just a an eyesore On This Town hello all these strange trees will be gone tomorrow it’s one of the mysteries of Nature and I don’t think there’s really anything up here

No too bad we can’t get into Leah’s oh oh you know what I I don’t think I’m close enough with her probably she also is just kind of like huh interesting JoJo runs are fun in their own way yeah when I started this file it

Was like the day that the patch came out and we didn’t yet know that the endgame joa stuff was going to be available to anyone so I picked joa I mean honestly I didn’t actually sign the form until today but my heart was set you know

My heart was already set on being a a heartless corporate schlub so that’s what we’re doing that’s what we’re doing we’re not really worried about friends too much which probably was not the best call because there’s lots of interesting new dialogue um that we’re kind of missing

Out on so maybe I should fix that maybe we should have like our um our second recognition that joa is the bad guy after we already left our our job there it’s kind of silly did we visit Shane oh no we haven’t been to the to the ranch let’s go do

That I think everybody is pretty much open all day today and the wizard yeah yeah we’ll see I’m not 100% sure on that but I know like the saloon you can get into pretty early in the day so hopefully everybody else is staying open for this event as well

Maybe we’ll check on Leah I don’t I would be surprised if the coding was any different yeah it’s locked it’s not even just not even just saying we’re not friends oh it is locked that stinks all right well hunker down everybody you guys will be fine I’m sure

Nobody’s coming to check on you though so hope you have food who knows how long this one this will last except lonus says everything’s going to be back to normal tomorrow let’s go check out uh res modius what does he have to say about all this this is kind of his domain

Right a little little magical a little uh little spoopy hey buddy though the unusual rains may be alarming there’s nothing to fear on this day okay in fact it is a day of great joy for many living things all right weirdo how we doing on Moss here we got

104 what’s our best route for Moss I feel like it’s these things but if anyone wants to correct me on that apparently when can keep it going with a rain totem M that’s really good info for the next one doing community center in one year isn’t particularly difficult I would say

That it’s a lot more difficult if you don’t know what’s in the bundles you know it might not feel difficult anymore but it used to be my like goal like that was my I was so excited if I got the community center done in one year and

Now it it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal but that’s just looking at it with a different set of eyes you know but it’s fun to mix things up too so I like playing JoJo when I want to do something weird or mess around with a different concept

But you don’t want to like miss out on some endgame stuff it lets you get a little bit dumb what do you have to say about all this um hi o poke did you bring coins good me sell hats well that seems like kind of the

Same old same old if I’m being honest with you buddy I’m digging all the foraging experience we’re getting today too that’s pretty fantastic remix bundles are fun yeah yeah yeah remix bundles are fun not knowing what you’re going to get until you start digging into the bundles

I don’t know it’s kind of like I see Shenia just said uh I got the Christmas bundle but like it’s kind of like Christmas to me it’s like opening the game back up for the first time in a way uh you can go we we’ll go ahead take care of that whole tree

Actually so always excited to try something new we’re going to need to go home pretty soon huh this has been a pretty good day though um how much moss do we need for our so we should probably save 30 to make a deluxe worm bin right and

Then we need 10 per mushroom log that’s less than I thought that’s actually pretty cool so when we get home we can get some mushroom logs up kind of want to mess around with those I think they’re going to be really fun oh my God it’s glorious all right we got to start

Moving on the on the path back to home though I’m sure there’s enough of this garbage on my own Farm that I could be taken care of so I can dive into bed right right at the end there lots of mixed seeds today too huh

How many of those have we picked up 16 and 21 mixed flower seeds well I was saying I was saying I wanted to get some of those in the ground so that’ll be a good opportunity one thing we got to do though is we got to

Check the TV before we hop into bed we got to get um I would like to get the recipe I mean we can get it later so it’s kind of whatever but would like to get the recipe and also see I think the TV is basically just static today if I remember

Right yikes what a nightmare this would be so frightening like if this actually happened I would be one of the people just staying at home probably I don’t think I would want to even go to the the saloon okay um well The Show Must Go On though so let’s refill our

Machines and get everything into the boxes get some seeds down later okay I think we can sell this stuff pink cake we’ll keep uh definitely not something strawberries not selling strawberries those go in a different box actually okay boom boom boom and actually I don’t think I can get the recipe can

I yeah you can’t even get the recipe today I forgot about that if it happened I reckon my boss would still ask me to work yeah be like hey you you could work remote today right but uh no okay so yeah it doesn’t matter what you check here you just I’ll

Step out of the way a little bit you just get this fuzzy greenness so pretty cool event though definitely one of the the cooler parts of 1.6 and now we get the the lightning rod recipe a little late huh just check Wednesday yeah yeah we’ll be fine we’re we’re not too worried

About it we can always buy the book later too um I got a text from my wife but it looks like everything’s Fine well there was no music so we’re going to just go back to the other one um I like to record them on different tracks so this music would have been better for yesterday anyway the chickens are back out like it’s no big deal they’re like whatever dude It’s days like this that I miss the uh the Batcave more than like for actual Community Center stuff by the way um if you did not know this and at this point I think it’s I I haven’t personally verified it like I haven’t looked at any code or or

Anything but the wiki says if you’re doing mushroom logs um trees with moss help as far as the quality of your mushroom log output so instead of like chopping all of the Moss off your trees if you’re doing a bunch of mushroom logs you’re better off just leaving them is my understanding

Um possibly not true so take it with a grain of salt but that’s what I think I saw on the wiki we got some flowers some delicious flowers for for Penny delicious delicious yummy poppies and you know what let’s just go ahead and throw down some other flowers

While we’re doing that we’ll do some mixed flower seeds I suppose what a day that was huh and I kind of want to block off some of that area we have the most wood but I think over time we’ll have more Stone so oh it’s my nightmare I hate the

Gravel path but we have Cobblestone so let’s do that all right here comes the best sound in stardew nope it’s not because it’s not the wood one putting wood planking down so satisfying this is just kind of lame actually So you might be saying why aren’t you putting them in between well let me tell you viewer I’m planning on eventually putting mushroom logs in between the trees Here actually I can put mushroom logs on top of paths so that’s dumb I should just do it we’ll do this first make sure I have the paths for it um let’s actually make a couple of those real quick so I can make sure I’m not lying to myself uh

You let’s just go all out make all seven right away what the heck what could we possibly ever need hardwood for except like 14 different things we’re going to want to put these in kind of the middle the more trees that are around them the

Better but I think I can kind of just load it up so um yeah let’s go like here oh I must have cut one down on accident cuz that should be a seed right maybe we’ll put a Mossy seed there what the heck why not was is there something

There there was why could I put something on why was I able to put a mushroom log on top of a seed well whatever now I know I guess and let’s do the other one like right here so I’m very interested to see what we can do with

Mushroom logs I think we’ll have to keep up on our foraging cuz I want to have a whole bunch of those I think they look really really fun and then don’t forget about these guys over here kind of sounds like I’m riding a horse but this is so much better

Than the oh my gosh the gravel sound makes me want to throw up so okay all right feeling good I have not been looking at chat at all so I’m sorry if you guys are asking questions bloes are the best sounds true wondering why you don’t stagger the

Trees so you can see them all better I’m planning on being able to run up and down them in a line vertically because that’s the easiest for me for harvesting so that was the the purpose there hoping that I can just go eventually but we’re we’re a a fair

Away from that at this point but it’s a dream you know if only we would have planted our orange tree that I got for free and not been so indecisive since we can just move it now anyway how come you’re hoarding so much forage how come you’re not hoarding so much

Forage Gus what do you like buddy you like diamonds I got diamonds I got diamonds for you you make some donations to too as long as we’re out and about crack some geod we got geod for days oh my gosh okay and I think I’ll just drink

Through my coffee and not be too worried about that like we don’t have a whole bunch but we can just we can just go through it pretty quick here no the way I would do it uh if you have a suggestion I’m all ears to be honest I I’m not putting that

Forth as the ultimate way but I think it’ll be easy for me and sometimes that’s just what I need hello hello scared for nothing yeah you were you cowards I didn’t even talk to you yesterday I guess everyone in town was scared of that strange rain I

Had no idea I just thought it was incredible yeah what whatever you were crying in your bed Demetrius wants people to slay crabs probably not going to be able to do that hello my new best friend how are you today wow actually not really I guess since there was no

Quality on it that makes sense um all right yeah let’s get some donations we’ll talk to Penny and then I’m I kind of didn’t make a very solid plan for today so I’m not sure what we’ll do after that not 100% sure but that’s a good

Start some people have a post green rain dialog I was just seeing that yeah I didn’t realize okay cool some pumpkins don’t really need those yet trash gave me something I missed at ls’s but was it good heard you caught some kind of rare fish I’m impressed your arms must be

Stronger than they look and then he pinched me and said not bad yikes buddy uh pine cone I mean I I don’t really care all right penny where you at where are you these days Penny are you doing dishes or something you just walking guess we will get this hey hey

Wait I got this for you thank you I really love this yep nice weather she says one day after the apocalypse hey I didn’t crack my geodes Guys what is the most exciting thing that you’ve gotten out of one of these lowlevel mystery boxes I curious I like getting bombs out of them I get those with relative frequency oh a ring interesting two more boxes very cool what is amethyst knockback that is that that’s something I

Guess more Mystery Box yeah oh that’s not bad Deluxe speed grows oh my gosh oh my gosh how do they keep fitting in there oh we got some coffee good thing I just finished my coffee stack lots of mixed seeds that I’ve gotten out of those which is kind of

Whatever Three Times Lucky lunch oo that would be nice it’s a tardis exactly I guess well Clint I got to say this has been pretty pretty me I would say like it’s not terrible we got donations in here hopefully I honestly don’t really know the state of our

Museum right now it’s been a little while since I’ve looked at this file but I say it’s been like a week but there was uh an issue at one point where the uh the magma geodes or I can’t even remember what they’re called I think magma geodes were were stuck right so if

You could get to a valuable item by cracking other geod then you could stock up on magma geodes and take them over to Clint and crack them uh and just get 100 of these star shards or whatever which was pretty neat I don’t know what triggered that I

Think that happened on my switch file hello I’ve got stuff to give you I hope oh yeah we got a a fair bit here treasure Trove okay that’s 40 I think right all right cool um yeah I’ll take a rare Crow I kind of wish I hadn’t grabbed the pumpkin seeds

But as long as we’re taking everything we might as well take everything I think now we better be off to get more hardwood I want to build a lot of those little mushroom logs we got a little bit of extra space so we should be fine hello gentle little Sunbeam woke me up

This morning I’ve never felt so refreshed some of these folks are pretty nonchalant after what happened yesterday huh some of them are rightly a little worried and some of them are like n just having a cozy little dream got a lot of hardwood on the farm yeah but that that’s not going anywhere

I should cut it down but if I don’t cut this down I will not have it again later you know what I mean like it recovers every day but it’s 125 experience that if I don’t do it today I’m not going to have it I don’t know if that really makes

Sense the way I phrase that I’m less worried about the stuff on my farm right now as the short answer money Slime your math sucks one oh yeah there’s six huh mby train is passing through stardo Valley I I don’t know that we’re going to make it to be honest I think I’m going to go home and craft some Sprinklers and start expanding the field we need to get a silo

Maybe I’ll try and sneak in tomorrow morning or maybe I’ll just wait until Wednesday to take care of that I think I saw I had enough supplies for like 20 more Sprinklers and we are full up huh well that that was a lot of it yeah I think

The only thing I want to save out of this um the basalt cuz I know we might need that for a lava eel Quest the dwarf Gadget um well I mean we’ll save the iron but and I guess I can’t sell the ring at home Lu speed grow is pretty nice

Quality fertilizer is kind of okay I guess we could use it for like our melon seeds or something something but we only have two of those right now oops just stay there buddy okay um yeah there’s a lot of stuff I want to build actually now that

I’m thinking about it cuz I would like to get another fish pond down I would like to get uh an upgraded Barn I sell the quality fertilizer do I really care about it I mean it’ll last for a whole season we could use it for I don’t know something no I’m going to

Sell it I don’t care I’m never going to use it I’m lying to myself if I say I’m actually going to put it on something all right you are good to go little guy let’s get some more sprinklers down let’s see what I have for seeds we are going to have a lot

Of we got mixed seeds and mixed flowers summer squash melons and then our coffee is going to be growing like every single day so how long do you plan on playing for tonight uh oh my gosh it’s already 7:30 yeah I’m probably going to call it after

This one uh sorry I should have brought that up that is my bad oh we actually only have enough for 14 which is still good still good don’t get me wrong yeah we’ll we’ll call it after today um I usually like to go until about 7:30 7:45 is my

Time Let’s do let’s do some flowers up here that’ll be pretty and then how covered is that oh that’s perfect thank you previous me for thinking of that you are such a gentleman and a skolar some more flowers so lovely miss one and yeah how about a melon so

Yeah I’m definitely not going to fill everything in today huh this field is going to be super ugly that’s kind of sad actually but you know what maybe instead I won’t think about it that way I will just say we are more worried about the performance than how visually impressive

It is at this stage there’s time later to make things look pretty right a work in progress Exactly there’s plenty of time to clean it up okay I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 let’s keep going down here on this side four more would take us well we only have room for two so we do two more on this side or I

Could do all four over here um I think I’ll do two more over here we’ll just get them down do I don’t really even need a till I’ll do it I’ll do it you got me you got me guys I’ll do it some of this might even stay tilled

For me tomorrow and then let’s do a couple over on the other side we’ll have to figure out what we want to get over there tomorrow feels bad cutting all that blue grass but it’s not doing anything for me right now so and do I have anything little that I

Could eat not really I guess it’s just another chub huh or you know what we got a lot of time why don’t I just till it out and walk home oh I didn’t even I didn’t even get tired okay amazing fantastic so we have um another four plus one extra seed

Sprinklers worth of stuff to figure out next time we have a few of these put down already I’m going to go ahead and build more mushroom logs as long as I’m thinking about it you can go in here I need oh I can only do one more well you know what it

Is what it is let’s do at least that get this down here it’s so pretty with the fireflies I really like that and there we go that’s some some good Beginnings I would say that’s going to be a lot of forage which will be really fun we can do more

Dehydrators oh and I have some stuff to plant more coffee fantastic I can’t water it but you know what what I think it’ll be all right it’ll survive somehow oh I could have put put one thing there well either way that is uh that’s going to be it for

Tonight everybody I hope you guys had some fun if you’re uh still here from gug stream thanks for stopping by if you’re here from mine thank you as well either way hope you guys have a good evening or day or whatever time it is for you and um I’ll hopefully see you

Soon thanks everybody For

With Stardew Valley’s 1.6 patch, it’s time to head back to the farm and explore the new options that ConcernedApe has opened up for us! I’ll be taking it easy today on the new farm type today, but this will absolutely not be a spoiler free experience. Let’s go!!!

My Standard Mod List: (Many of these don’t work in 1.6 yet)https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e9US-o_MiJ56zChRKU_QycnbLcXtvWhEnqFIIwYkagE/edit?usp=sharing

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SPECIAL THANKS TO PATRONS AND MEMBERS: Alison Trimmer, Hannah Kaufmanteri, Amy Renaud-Mutart, JellyBellyStrawberry, Rachel, Eric Zimmerman, Elaine Hanratty, Andrew Steier, Dani, Delannister, Elaine Gander, Dog Doc Kat, DucksDucksDucks, Laineygreen, Cuber Liam, Shania A., mistyfrequencies, SilverRose, ColleenA, Twenty Something Loser, Chloe Galbraith, Dini, ftwilwin, BunnySkye, PharmDACR, Courtney, Kohana Megami, Zegidroph, Anna Frantz, JellyBellyStrawberry, IrishViking, Mewsli, Melancholy, Joshua Gonyea, Bigglesworth, Sarah Krol, Sassy Ramon, Bex W, Krumpli, Sleepless Insanity, mushallow, mwmxktty, Brendan McGrath, Madison Nieves, Wickedy, Heather A, Mar, Galaspring, Mushollow, Diana F
#StardewValley #SDV

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