Minecraft Wheelchair VR Gone Wrong – Real Life SMP

Well hello there and welcome to a brand new life series called real life what is real life you wonder am I in real life or is it when I put on these goggles we’re in freak whoa whoa who these thingss are heavy whoa okay okay okay I’m good I’m

Good okay I’m good now we’re in real life right we’ve got the Minecraft we’ve got the real life I’m getting dizzy I’m getting dizzy Gran since we’re all here and this is it can we do a little dance just like a yeah we dab we dab we floss dab dab that’s surprising

Good just going to be like this is just going to be like the first ever season of third life but we’re in VR and we’re probably going to throw up and we’re probably going to fall over and it’s probably going to go terribly why is Big B so big

Over here is so tiny you are not this this is not how tall you are I’m a normalized person I’ll have you know except for Big B he’s a normous real life this is how Big R in real life is yeah should we explain that if if if they’re short it’s because

They’re sitting down if they’re this tool it’s because we’re standing up right we three lives when you’re red you’re can PVP on how many is it going to take for you people we’re all you SK how you doing buddy come on SC come with me what’s

Wrong with oh God together the got dude I just face planted the wood dude wheat down here look at this we have actually food I keep forgetting that you need to look around so if I look here this is my inventory yeah I don’t like look at how

Big we are or small we are compared to these blocks is this what a meter is in real life a you know what a like in real life I’m American you sound morean a meter is tiller in America look at this I’m crafting I’m crafting wait how are you how are you

Doing this hold on dude I don’t know but I’m going to make something happen watch this I’m going to put a crafting bench down oh okay I’m guessing which button it is I got one how do we put so if I go like that no yeah yeah you did it but how’d

You do it I did it right hey double crafting bench Jimmy’s dead what what happened how how did you just see are you kidding me Jimmy come over here we’ll take care of you come on man come over here we’re learning how to do this in a safe environment yeah he’s going to

Die again I we can’t help him I I I don’t know how to access the access the crafting bench how do you do it try a how do you know which one’s a my I can’t see the controller I’m just pushing random ones man can you not look like

You’re trying to cut your head open with a sword I got a sword you got a sword in your hand I’m still learning how to craft here dude I just wrapped the controller around my arm and I can’t get it off oh here we go here we go here we go okay so

Like that okay all right I got a sword dude this is great terrible at the same time it it’s so difficult to do anything I have bread watch me eat this SC oh wait no you’re covered up I have a menu in front of your face I’m sorry oh wait

Scott can you see me now check this out eat eat it I just put it to my mouth actually I tell it’s right up against your hair it looks the same maybe stop hugging and eat it we got to prepare dude this block is really high

It’s hard to get over I don’t know why oh jeez I’m in the hole oh God ohen it’s so dizzy oh my gosh dude what in the world all right keep going Scot come on let’s mine some stuff okay I’m mining I’m mining I don’t know about you but I’m getting a little

Sweaty this is the most I’ve worked out in years man this is the most I’ve worked out I am I’m feeling it right now dude we have like a little house dude this is like when we first play Minecraft for the first time you’re like

Let’s make a little hole I feel like I’m playing Minecraft for the first time this is this is so difficult oh can we go kill people I feel like I’m going to fall over yeah make sure you put your brakes on your wheel your chair yeah I

Oh I will dude oh go oh man this looks scary down here I’m going to make some torches I was just checking cuz I would have expected to see some mobs in here right right check this out dude I’m going to make some torches how come I can’t hear you with

The sword oh wait you can’t just swing and hit oh you can oh my God oh my God you can what no I I don’t know how to do that I shall light away grian okay okay we got some coal now so that’s good where’s the iron and where are the mobs

Tim have you seen any any mobs Tim we tried to protect you and you ran away wait how do you open oh dude dud dude what in the world I just sweit out of my my chair hold on you fell out your chair yeah a little bit it’s okay I’m

Fine my pants kind of came off for a second but it’s okay excuse me it’s okay oh my God I dropped something oh my God I dropped my phone in real life was it a skeleton impulse died from a skeleton yeah Green you’re a monster hunter I am zombie slay look at

That dude you got to check your health I just realized I had like minimal Hearts oh oh my so do yeah I just yeah yeah check your check your check your wrist check your wrist check your wrist boys I’m coming straight down like a bad boy oh come on come on down there’s

Nothing beneath me right yeah you never know life’s life’s a mystery ow wait where are you guys oh there guys it’s really surreal being in the caves I it’s really strange dude is it’s wild it is wild it is pretty strange being in here now are we playing the life Series so do

We have three lives yep okay okay all right I get it now I got you SC was I just got told to show up at a time in a date I didn’t get to what we were doing dude it took so long to get this set up I was aware look at B

Be in his hole just dude green died green died fight anything over there oh look oh my gosh Big B Big B you need help guys I need to go into hibernation this is bad what’s wrong what happened no I went to get his stuff our stuff’s over

There I can’t be the first one to die again this is bad don’t you even try it right wait okay I need to go get my stuff need a sword I need a sword yeah we need to go and get our stuff don’t worry SC come help us nearly out already

Hold on I I’m going to save you guys guys I’m going to save you don’t worry I’m going in hard here guys guys guys it’s really bad it’s really bad I think I’m on fire oh SC I just watched you I’m not going to lie

Bud yeah I know you watch me you steal my stuff I’m going to end you here oh how do I open the gate where dude you can open the gate like more footage what’s wrong hey what’s up noig I tried to save you a minute ago Big B

Yeah you did you did oh my gosh this is so cool oh my gosh what there’s a freaking Cliff there’s a cliff hello Martin that is a view there’s a drop off never been more tired in my life I’m already exhausted who’s the little uh the little fell up

On the hill is that Ren the the the little look smaller than I am hey SC dude Ren Ren’s smaller than I am I think little bit does anyone want to join our club how about you can I have my sword back uh how about you I don’t I

Want to join the club he wants to join the club I want to join the club let’s go let’s go oh wait wait this means death wait wait are we killing oh I didn’t know that you’re in the club was the kill where did I get

The memo that the the club was to murder get from dayare SC welcome to the club dude I didn’t know the the club was to murder me where is he this was the club what do you think the club was just like hang out like with friends and stuff and

Go caving and make a house and a farm no the red we know how this work the club me break it he’s I got it I got it I got it no wait no it broke wait cl cl club club club get him over here one of us a bus a

Bu right guys we need to get guys seriously all right you okay yes where’s the iron no idea all right you I was trying to dig down for it where’s the don’t speak to my child oh is this our headquarters come on in yeah headquarters right here got the view

Right all right guys listen up let’s let’s all huddle in here for a second okay look at the look at the view out there yep wait tell me oh dude that’s amaz fish in the water there’ll be fish there’ll be fish in the water it’s getting dark

Let’s not go outside right we’ve got one life left if we want any chance of winning we need to stay here right here right here right here right here not down there right here right down the hole right here no not down there no I’m

I’m on n and a half hearts but I need food to to yeah get up I see that scar is hogging all the snacks you leave my wrist flashing let’s see what you’ve got cuz I need I need to eat there we go Jimmy oh that was good

Oh my God look at you guys oh give me give me give me give me where is it are you kidding me I need that I get it I got oh I got it feed it me oh my gosh that’s gross don’t don’t baby bir it yeah

I don’t like what I’m seeing here it doesn’t oh God it’s still night what are we this is the worst sleepover what somebody needs to die outside uh guys close that door door dude I don’t know how to close the door I’m trying I’m trying to close the door shut the door

I’m trying I’m trying close that door I’m hold on I’m coming back in I’m coming back in the door I got oh there’s there’s there’s blocks missing hold on I’m I’m a Minecrafter I’m a mcf wait I got this i got this move out of the way put the blocks

Everyone’s out of the way why can’t I why can’t I move out the I feel like I better stand back up hold on I got this guys watch this you’re going to be so impressed with me I’m stuck maybe not what let how you block something oh wait I did it I did

It I did it right let get back yeah let’s go that was like the hardest thing I’ve done in months placing those blocks I’m wiped out I’m turning the oxygen up guys over there you’re friendless in here you have many friends Joel do you

Want to be a spy sure okay come on in here I’ll break the wall sure give me a second I’m just Wall’s open come on in wait I don’t like that scar no it’s it’s okay Joel’s coming in come on Joel no it’s not okay scar no it’s not okay do

We need a sword guys There’s a Zombie outside here it’s okay I’ll open the wall again here come on in Che your he come on Qui quick Joel okay right come on in Joel come on you better not kill me come on in what are you doing down

Here dude have you got an iron chest plate yeah I’m pretty loaded man wow try hard get him guys are you just kidding no Scott what are you doing oh my go on fire we can’t guys put me out put me out a fire guys somebody water water guys

Please it burns so much guys guys oh Joel Joel now that’s worth a death we invited you into our house go out the Jim do you want some I’m trying you want to dance how do I why you so angry all the time you you me angry so sorry I’m

Trying to eat can you check your health impulse I’m pretty sure what he doing in the corner down four Hearts over here how do I eat and not hit impulse I got to get away from scar hold on we’re literally in this house cuz we see those there chops

Scot what the heck what did get him y we got him get in SC careful careful let’s up the stuff let’s divy up the stuff here I need food I need food yeah yeah yeah I got the food steal all my stuff thought this series would Joel

Joel here’s your here’s your chest plate we need to get out there and we need to be strong plate now there you go and can I have some food all what the heck oh my god dude I freaking fell on my chair I haven’t I haven’t I’ve only got four pork chops I

Oh my go give me in did you do thats I’m trying to remember how to eat and it was the attack key I’m so sorry hi oh my God Joel look at this this is crazy Goodbye Oh you devil oh stupid swimming Jimmy Jimmy come here Jimmy how

Do i s dude come here quick in real life dude this is amazing you got to see this where are you come outside look look down there look at them swimming don’t don’t you dare don’t you oh I don’t like this come here oh my god dude that was

Amazing swimming than I did in anything else we’ve done I am wildly queasy why is the salmon so freaking big oh my God we got to get a couple we got to get a couple salmon here we got to get a couple salmon dude why am I not going

Upwards come on fishy come on fishy come on there we go there we go I threw tools for you Joel I threw them back in the house I got you here you go right I got the sword here’s a pickax sword guys do you have a

Bucket no I have no iron I really really feeling queasy from that water guys I feel that that water has made me feel really ill yep okay so the plan is we all need to get geared out properly geared out so that we can just goon

Squad and bring this series to a victory for our team let’s go go team yeah which one of us wins which one of us actually wins yeah you know what it’s April Falls why don’t you win that’ be great oh my gosh this is my protect you thank you thank be it Jimmy

Jimmy this could be my only win Jimmy that was an insult man excuse me imagine scan needing to tell you I don’t think it was I want to get what’s up is is this the is this the is this the closest where ever going to get

To making out all right I am going to be on my way do that why did you say that why would you why did you say that let’s go to the top of the mountain guys so we can watch the other people let’s go to

The top and we’ll set up up there wait for me guys wait for me oh guys I’m pillaring up I’m I’m I’m coming come on I’m coming so close I’m so close I’m coming some I’m up I’m up oh my gosh you made it yeah that was

Excellent dude I’ve never been so tired playing video games in my life what level are we at how do we dude oh there’s how many doors does this place have are they going to go get us stuff while we rest why is there three doors yeah yeah they’re going down to

Get stuff oh is this the M down here yeah yeah went down what’s going on down here is skis up there skis no just impulse oh are we looking for skis no sorry I thought I heard skis dude this is so trippy impulse look look look down the Sha back

Down look at him oh my gosh that’s so fny oh my god there it is my back is hurting yeah it’s all this coal mining that we’ve been doing yeah cold dust you know you going down for diamonds Jimmy wait can you actually like whack the block with dude you can

Dude I didn’t know you could just whack deep s how’ you whack it oh like this just shake your hands real hard like like crazy yeah yeah that’s a lot of mining fast I’m tired I’m tired this is too much for gamers can you yeah yeah

Just start W you got do like you got to get really close and do pick a swing in motion it’s not working oh wait that’s too much oh I hit him I hit the torch oh my gosh it’s working oh dude I’m so strong you just I need I need a pickaxe

For my left hand are we just like we are looking for iron right let’s not lose the plot can I see someone someone’s down here a green name guys we got a green name green quick come down is that someone is that Martin yeah wait dude

There must be one of us let’s get get my picka let’s get move out the way I I’ll take over the bridge I’m more worried about you keep TR the guys cave oh mine’s this way mine’s this way follow me Gary guys this way you promised me to win

Lord this sounds like we’ve got people ambushing there’s a red down here hello friends hello guys give us skizzle or we’ll leave you alone yeah give us you can’t have him he’s one of our banam oh God they’re up there come on give us SK and we’ll leave you alone SK says he

Wants to join the club is guys impulse impul GRE impulse yeah come here back me up I don’t know what you mean okay they’re right here in boys I don’t know what you mean I will fight to the death ha leave him alone what the oh

Him he’s rumbled in the corner we’ve SL him ah no God peace peace treaty peace treaty I’m scared I’m scared yeah got him I’m scared wait guys we get just impulse left who died I don’t know what happened green and Joel out series us there we

Go well I uh I went on a rampage wait did you kill people What happened looks like there’s Carnage killed them all dude yeah I K them all wait impulse have you have you got any food there’s some down here I killed them all they had stuff watch out fires everywhere all

Right give me a sec put out the fires watch out um um or Jimmy there a chest plate floating over there there’s a chest plate yeah um dude there there dude there’s wuff oh look at all this stuff over here I need I go this is insane okay so can

We take kill I’ve ever had in a life series let’s go dude that’s amazing well done well done dude I need I need some food we lost we lost two members we lost green and Joel they’re out oh they’re out out for oh that’s my sword shoot

Your sorry I’ll drop it I’ll drop it you I don’t know how to to drop stuff properly you just grab I’m going four fish for you guys four fish oh dude thank you you hand me four fish that’s sufficient guys good job and we picked up a lot of stuff I’m actually shaking

You can see me shaking in game can’t you dude you just see my arm shaking I’m so proud of you impulse I’m so proud of you I killed three of them you killed them all and they killed green Us by the way and Joel they didel gone aren’t they we lost them

Wait are you by the way is this irony Green’s the first out of a series oh they’re coming back they’re coming back we’d be brave we got to be brave guys dude they had eight iron they had eight iron oh you I want a word with you I’m trying to

Go up where am I where a guys oh jeez I just slid out of my chair oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my no no no it’s okay hold on hold on guys oh jeez oh oh no no no no I’m out oh God oh God oh jeez oh

CR oh c oh no I’m out oh jeez oh crap Help not really how I thought that episode would go um let me know in the comments yes or no is VR scar safe I want to know please in the comments put yes or no um I just want to show everybody I am okay I took a little tumble a little bruis a

Little sore but I am okay I hope you enjoyed our fun April Fool’s uh life series episode and uh yeah if there is anything else you want me to do with VR that’s more scar safe you let me know once again thank you guys so much for

Watching thank you so much for GR for organizing this fun one-off episode and until next time we’ll see you Later

Welcome to the Real Life SMP season 6 of the Life Series – episode 1! This twist of the life series SMP is in virtual reality Minecraft! We have VR goggles and try to survive in VR Minecraft with only a Green life, yellow life and the infamous red life and after we are out of the series. I hope you enjoy the world of VR Minecraft on the Quest 3 VR headset! Also, seeing someone try to use a VR in a wheelchair.


My Links and stuff:

* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347
* T-Shirt Shop: https://teespring.com/stores/goodtimeswithscar
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar
* Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar
* Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar
* Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1LCWlMV


Grian: https://www.youtube.com/@grian
Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans
Smajor1995: https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname
bigbst4tz2: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbst4tz22
PearlescentMoon: https://youtube.com/@PearlescentMoon
InTheLittleWood: https://www.youtube.com/@martyn
GoodTimeWithScar: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodTimesWithScar
impulseSV: https://www.youtube.com/@impulseSV
ZombieCleo: https://www.youtube.com/@ZombieCleo
SolidarityGaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming
Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@MCSkizzleman
Geminitay: https://www.youtube.com/@GeminiTayMC
Rendog: https://www.youtube.com/@rendog

#MinecraftVR #Minecraftvirtualreality #LifeSeriesSMP


  1. VR is soop not Scar safe! šŸ˜… Glad youā€™re okay. (U have pretty awesome parents). Recommend if you ever play VR again- please get a 5pt harness. Just for all of our hearts šŸ˜Š

  2. Scar and Jimmy needs bubble wrap. This is what my grandad would always say to me. Not only is it soft, but itā€™s also a warming for people if they fell like scar did


  3. I donā€™t think VR is a Scar safe activity unless itā€™s like VR Chessā€¦.is there VR chess?? Glad you are okay! Props to your mom and dad for helping you quickly!

  4. When Grian came over to have you killed, he had his arms raised and it honestly reminded me of the football players who are way too rough with introverts. It honestly scared me. I physically wanted to leave.

  5. I'm glad to know you are okay, scar. Also, good fun of you for still posting the fall. As long as you are safe and happy doing more vr videos, then I will happily watch, but if you don't find it comfortable, safe, or enjoyable, then don't worry about it.

  6. Love the VR. This was amazing!! Chair adjustments need to be made to keep you in place. Tell your parents we all said thank you for coming to help you back up!! They are so great with everything they do. So much love and respect for them!!

  7. I was expecting everyone to have their IRL cam On the whole vid but they only had them on in certain scenarios.. Iā€™m so glad Scar kept his the entire time! šŸ™ŒšŸ½

  8. Maybe the wheelchair and harness is not VR safe. šŸ˜‚ Hope you can find a safer way to do this if you try this again. Entertaining as always though.

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