I Played 100 Days of Super Modded Stardew Valley

All right let me talk to you in this video you will be able to watch my journey through 100 days of super modded stard Valley well actually I played through the entire year so technically it’s 112 days normally for a video like this I would talk about the mods I’m

Using and explain what they all do but if I did that here this intro would be 30 minutes long instead I will talk about each mod when they appear in the playthrough I have not set any goals for for this adventure we’re just going to

Take our time with it and see what each and every mod has to offer anywh who no more Dilly dallying let’s get started with Day One to begin the first day I opened the box of parip seeds Mir Lewis gave us which is arguably the nicest thing he has ever done for anybody then a magical mystical mysterious text box appears basically we have had a very strange and creepy dream the text box recommends that we

Visit the museum where we might be able to get some answers this text box is the introduction to the Duran’s rest mod one of the very first videos I ever made on this channel was about this mod so I do know a bit about it but it has been a

While so a lot of it will hopefully be fresh I clear out a bit of space on the farm to make room for the seeds I will be planting later make a chest and deposit my items into it elwa I don’t really know how to pronounce this name

Elwa Eloise El El El I’m going to go with El I think that sounds correct elwa has sent us a letter I must say I was very surprised to see we had a letter available to read on the very first day elwa is a villager included in the East

Scarp mod they mentioned that their father is a vet and hopes I will become friends with their father uh maybe we’ll see what happens at the bus stop i e drop on a conversation Lewis is having with his sister Lenny Lenny is the chief administrator of rside Village Lewis as

Always isn’t exactly friendly in this conversation I really wish there was a mod that had kobis or Willie take over as mayor of pelicant town I feel like that would be a lot better for everybody involved I head into Pelican town where I talked to Kenneth one of the many

Villagers included as part of the ride village mod and one of the many many many villagers in the game overall I enter the museum and talked to gother he also had a strange dream a shadow figure told him I would be visiting him he finds warp totems in a

Book and gives them to us I collect these warp totems and use them to teleport to Duran’s rest the one unfortunate thing about Duran’s rest is the vibrant pastoral recol mod does not work in this area so unless there’s a way to fix this that I don’t know about

This area is going to look different aesthetic Wise from every other area in this playthrough but that’s not too big of a deal in my opinion thankfully the mod itself more than makes up for this I visit the home of a villager named Duran who wants us to defeat slimes in the

Area these slimes drop salt which we need to give to Duran before we leave his house Goran shows up and says he can give us a weapon that will Aid us in our Quest sweet I immediately enter goran’s house and retrieve a hammer from his chest not only will this Hammer help us

With this Quest it will also make going through the mines easier as we won’t have to rely on the starter sword Marilyn will give us later on I defeat a group of slimes with relative ease and collect all of the salt I need I give this salt to Duran completing his first

Quest I received 20 barley seeds as a reward Duran has also instructed us to visit the market which I do upon entering this Market I receive another Quest instructing me to return to Duran’s house Duran has already taken a liking to us thanks to everything we’

Have done so far but he mentions that there are other villagers who we should also work on becoming friends with in other words I have to reach one heart of Friendship with everybody in this town I receive a Dwarven ale and use the lookup anything mod to find out how much it’s

Worth almost 2,000 gold that is going to give us a lovely Head Start when we sell it like I said I have a quest to reach one heart of Friendship with Aaron Balor Duran Edis and Goran as well as this I have two other quests the first is to

Deliver 30 bone fragments to Duran at which point he will allow us to enter the old mines in the town the second Quest requires me to plant The Barley seeds during give us Harvest them and give 10 barley to him all in all I would

Say these are pretty handy I use a warp totem to get back to the starting area from there I enter the teleportation station and return to the bus stop I sell the ale I received from Duran pumping my bank account up to over 2400 gold the shop here has received an

Upgrade as things like sprinklers ancient seeds and coffee beans are all being sold this is thanks to the shop overhaul mod I’m using I will be sure to point out the effect it has on other shops When I visit them a metal detector is also being sold here this is included

In the coin collector mod I buy the metal detector and spend my remaining gold on potato seeds I have quite a few seeds to plant but thankfully I can use some of the forage items I picked up today as a source of energy to do so I plant The Barley potato and parsnip

Seeds I have but I don’t water them as I am almost completely exhausted in better news however Duran has sent us the crafting recipe for the Duran’s rest warp totem I’m sure this will come in handy in the future another trip into Pelican town is on the table now as I

Want to take a look at the bounty board both William and Clint have Quests for us Willie wants us to catch carp and Clint wants us to collect coal The Help Wanted mod allows us to accept more than one Quest at a time something that I’m

Sure will be very beneficial in terms of earning friendship points and getting some extra gold I spend the rest of the night walking around town hoping to find something with my metal detector unfortunately I do not have much luck with this or any luck at all really I

Went everywhere but it didn’t make any noise and the Green Dot that appears when you’re close to BU treasure did not pop up but it was still a nice way to wind down after everything we did on this very busy first day I collect some forage at the beach then I pass by

Sophia’s House Sophia is of course a villager included in the stardo valley expanded mod so in total I am using four mods that add new areas to the game doran’s rest East scarp rside Village and stardy Valley expanded this means there are a ton of new recipes to unlock

Fish to catch villagers to befriend cutscenes to watch secrets to find and overall just a lot more work to do than in vanilla stard Valley so this will undoubtedly be the longest stard Valley Adventure I have ever embarked on and you know what I am very excited to go

Through it all I returned to the farm which I’m going to speak about very quickly while footage of me entering the warp room on the farm plays I can use this warp room to teleport to The Farmhouse the Quarry the ocean Mountain Forest and River areas on the farm I’m

Playing on the ever Farm a mod I have actually made a video about before if you would like to know more about this Farm feel free to watch the video I made about it it the short version is this Farm is massive and I’m going to do my

Absolute best to make sure it looks absolutely beautiful by the end of this playthrough I finally head to sleep feeling very happy with everything I accomplished today on the morning of day two I clear out a bunch of fiber from below our field of crops I didn’t do

This for aesthetic purposes though no you see I want to build up a collection of mixed seeds the better mixed seeds mod I’m using allows any crop to grow from mixed seeds under normal circumstances this would mean that strawberries ancient fruit and coffee beans would be able to grow from these

During spring but as we are using the stardy valley expanded mod along with other big expansion mods even more rare and valuable crops will grow from these seeds too I’m going to plant as many of these seeds as possible so we can get a taste of what the crops in these mods

Are like Lewis has sent us a letter he lets us know we can use our mailbox to send gifts to the villagers this is a way of introducing the mail Serv mod to the game this mod allows us to send gifts ask Clint to upgrade our tools and

Send Quest items to villagers just by using our mailbox it will make things a lot more convenient for us William has also sent us a letter perhaps the most important letter in the entire game he has returned from a fishing trip and wants us to visit him that I shall do Mr

William but first I must forage for a magnificent flower known as a daffodil I check out out the bounty board again where five villagers have a quest for us I do not know how many of these quests I will actually complete and I do not want

To board a socks off you by reading them all so I won’t read them all however what I will do is let you know when I have completed a quest I visit William at the beach and receive the fishing rod ordinarily this would start a long period during which I do nothing but

Fish for several days in a row but truth be told there is so much excitement flowing through my veins this excitement is not reserved for for fishing nay but rather the abundance of content included in every mod I have installed so as much as I would like to sit and stare at my

Screen catching fish after fish after fish after fish I will not be doing that that’s not entirely true actually I will be doing a bit of fishing so technically that was a lie but you know I don’t keep it 100 I keep at 99 because I dabble in

A little bit of deception from time to time after donating an artifact to the museum and receiving 2 50 gold for doing so I do a bit of fishing at the river in front of Leah’s cabin Willie wants chubs and Demetrius wants Sunfish I catch the three sunfish with relative ease but the

Chubs prove to be quite the carfuffle and by carfuffle I mean my heart did not long for the shrill shriek of the river and the fish it holds but rather for the tender Whisper Of The Big Forest included in the stardy valley expanded mod my arms achd to hold the forage

Items it contains my soul asking delicately yet insistently to be set free in the open air of this beautiful area I pick up an artifact in an abandoned Farmhouse along with maple syrup which I found in the northwest of the area I continue gallivanting through this mystical place my entire being

Feeling at peace I find multiple ancient swort artifacts before happily passing out it may not be as comfortable physically as sleeping in my bed but spiritually and emotionally it is so much better day three is of course a rainy day which means I do not have to

Water my seeds speaking of seeds I have collected enough forage to make 60 spring seeds I’ve also got a couple of mixed seeds on me as I am planting everything a light bulb goes off over my head I have just had an idea it has been

A long time since I’ve made a ton of tea saplings and sold them to make a bunch of money in a playthrough in fact I can’t even remember the last time I did that so I think that is what I’m going to do which means I need to do three

More things alongside growing spring seeds and collecting forage number one I need to get Caroline to two hearts of French chip so I can unlock the crafting recipe for tea saplings number two I need to get a ton of fiber which won’t be difficult at all because of how many

Weeds there are on this farm and number three I need to get a ton of wood which again should be really easy to do because of the absolute abundance of trees on this Farm I for one am extremely excited about the future tea sapling Empire I will be assembling

There is no time for daily dallying though as I use a warp totem to get to Duran’s rest I engage in a lengthy battle with the local slime population before returning home and getting to work on building up my collection of fiber and mixed seeds there wasn’t

Actually a reason for me to fight those slimes endurance rest I just wanted to let them know that I’m here now and things are going to change no longer shall they rule this land on opposed for I the skybike sensation the master of marvelous Mischief the dabbler in

Delightful Deeds the Tom Foolery Trooper the hseep playay hero has arrived and will not tolerate their nefarious actions and by nefarious actions I mean keeping to themselves harming nobody and just kind of staying out of everyone’s way but I mean you know I like I mean you know let’s just focus on what’s

Actually important here and that is the fact that I have collected a total of 48 mixed seeds today I spend a bit of time fishing but if I’m being completely upfront with you all my heart simply is not in it my brain is in action mode if every neuron every synapse every brain

Cell is not engaged all the time then I am doing something wrong so I stopped fishing and instead focused on planting all of the seeds I picked up today a much more valuable use of my time in my humble opinion clinty winty pays us a visit on the morning of day four thanks

To the copper ore I acquired at the Quarry area yesterday he has decided to give us the crafting recipe for the furnace although I appr appreciate this show of good faith I shall not be letting my guard down if you have watched my other playthroughs you probably know that my relationship with

Clint is tumultuous at best and bad at worst this man always finds a way to ruin my day typically around the 100 days Mark when I can’t afford for anything to go wrong simply put I would rather have Gordon Ramsey critique my cooking than be friends with Clint and

That says a lot considering I am fully capable of burning water I can make a beautiful bowl of cereal though with a delicious side of slightly warm bread anyway five villagers need our help at the bounty board the most important one here is ls’s Quest he wants a fourleaf

Clover and will give us 1,200 gold for giving him one this is way too good to pass up fourleaf clovers are found in the Big Forest so I will absolutely be going there today I may not like lwis but I like money call me a baker because

I’m all About That Dough that’s the yeast of my worries at the moment though as I must first focus on my friendship with Caroline I present her with a daffodil laying the groundwork for an eventual two hearts of Friendship with her I was hoping Gus would be selling a

Fish taco as Caroline loves them but like a terrible game of yatsi no dice I buy two salads and head to the Big Forest determined to find a fourleaf clover as there are Irish connotations associated with the fourleaf Clover I think now is the perfect time to

Practice my Irish so I would like to share one of my favorite Irish phrases with you all that phrase is to lra short and sweet this phrase translates to a good start is half the work this is something I’ve have tried to keep in mind during these first few

Days I have been a very busy be and I’m sure that will continue for the remainder of spring but it will all be worth it I have a lot of footage of me walking through the forest making spring seeds and planting all of my seeds so while that footage play I’m going to

Give you all a two for one special on Irish phrases with that being said the second phrase is is far nant this phrase means health is better than wealth this is especially relevant here as you will see in the coming days that all of the seeds I have planted end

Up having a detrimental effect on my well-being sure harvesting all of these crops and forage items will earn us quite a bit of gold but that comes with a price that price being it will take many minutes of my time to water these seeds every day this will take a toll on

Me both in terms of my character’s energy and in terms of The Vibes I am emitting there will be days where the Vibes will not be good no they will be bad if not very bad but I will persevere I am nothing if not dedicated and I will overcome this challenge but more

Importantly I will become so rich that I will literally have no idea what to spend my money on on day five I am blessed with my favorite Cuts scene in the entire game Marney has dropped by the farm and she is accompanied by a dog

I’m sure you all know what is about to happen right here I adopt the dog and lovingly name it noodles I would like to formally welcome noodles to Lightman Farm I have received a letter from a villager named Susan she cannot access Pelican town right now because a big

Boulder has separated her home in the mountain from the rest of the town do not fret however I’m sure we will meet her at some point in the future I cannot wait to ignore her when that happens not because I’m mean or anything like that but rather because I have not mentally

Prepared myself to begin the process of working on my friendships with any villager besides Caroline the local mind system has opened up that is the entirety of this letter summed up Jo really should hire someone else to write our letters I feel like whoever wrote that letter was trying way too hard to

Make a short story long now that I think about it I do the same thing when I write the scripts for my videos actually I take back what I said I for one am a massive fan of whoever wrote that letter in fact I feel like they deserve a pay

Raise with my dignity tossed to the side I begin the gargantuan task of watering all of my seeds did this take up a lot of my time yes did I regret planting all of these seeds yes will I learn from this and limit how many seeds I pled

Before I get access to sprinklers absolutely not who do you think I am I use my mailbox to send the fourleaf Clover to Lewis collecting my monetary reward immediately I am now one happy camper I also use the mailbox to send a daffodil to Caroline I make use of the

Warp room on the farm to quickly make my way to the South exiting the farm and entering the forest I check out the traveling cart but I don’t buy anything right now the item I would like to see the most is a garlic or a garlic seed

Pier doesn’t sell these until year 2 so I’m basically relying on the traveling car to get access to garlic right now I buy a few salads from Gus then I accept a few orders most of which I probably won’t even complete Clint does want coal

Though so I feel like that’s one I can actually do I buy the first backpack upgrade which reminds me actually you may have noticed that I have four rows of inventory space that fourth row was added by the bigger backpack mod the price of that one is 50,000 gold so it

Might be a while before I eventually buy it I have made the the executive decision to finally visit rside Village I don’t really do much here in fact I don’t even enter the actual Village itself instead I just do a bit of foraging I do however find two mountain

Arugula I think I’m pronouncing that correctly maybe not though which I am very happy about because both Robin and Caroline wanted one so with both of those orders taken care of I use a warp totem to get to doran’s rest I continue my mission to completely eradicate the

Slime popular ation for no reason at all really I don’t know why I keep doing this then I make my way to the mines and Pelican town where I meet Marlin ordinarily I would happily watch this cut scene and gratefully accept the sword he gives us but I have the hammer

Goran gave us so although I respect you Marlin I’m afraid I must skip this Cuts scene I enter the mindes and begin the lengthy process of making it all the way to the final floor floor 120 of course this will not happen today and probably will not even happen before

Spring is over because knowing me I’m going to get incredibly sidetracked by a bunch of different things but for now I am enjoying my escapades here the hammer is making quick work of the slimes and other monsters and I’m getting a delicious amount of copper ore I call it

A day when I reach floor 5 and begin the lengthy very lengthy walk to the saloon I show the copper ore I collected to cleint this part of the quest I accepted from him and he rewards me with 200 gold back on the farm I send the mountain

Arugula I collected a rside village to Caroline and Robin to earn some more gold but more importantly this also rewarded me with some bonus friendship points with Caroline I decide to make the most of the remaining energy I have and do some mining at the Quarry area on

The farm before heading to Sleepy Town barley and Par Snips are ready for Harvest on day six what a magnificent start to the day watering my crops has gone from being an inconvenience to being slightly therapeutic and oddly relaxing I’m sure that will change again soon but

I’m going to enjoy this feeling while it lasts I have been sent some cookies in the mail delightful Marlin also lets us know that if we defeat 10 slimes we can join his adventurers Guild and enter his shop considering how many times I have battled that group of slimes endurance

Rest for no reason at all this is something that very much appeals to me I watched the cut scene where Lewis shows us the community center he is very disheartened by this state it is in and wants nothing more than for it to be rebuilt personally if I was upset with

Something I would work as hard and as passionately as I possibly could on improving whatever it happens to be Lewis on the other hand has decided that the best course of action for him to take is to simply not do anything and hope that the community center simply

Rebuilds itself I guess you would think the mayor of Pelican town would prioritize repairing such an important building but I guess not at this point you might as well make noodles my dog than of pelicant town as harsh as this is to say I’m sure my dog would do a

Much better job than Lewis I take a look at the calendar on the bounty board that is a lot of birthdays and a lot of villagers that will not be receiving birthday presents from me Caroline has requested a winter star rose I will repeat that a winter star rose in Spring

I am massively confused as to why she thinks I have access to a winter Forge item during spring in other news I meet a villager named Flor just outside the community center let the bodies hit the floor I can’t be bothered making an actual joke with a setup and a punchline

But like you know the song let the bodies hit the floor it’s it’s like that but Flor is spelled f l o r because this villager’s name is Flor I I apologize for that terrible joke it will happen again I will make jokes like that that

Are just as bad but I I do apologize I take a look at the golden scroll in the Community Center like the essays I wrote during my time in college it makes absolutely zero sense I return to the mines where I place a furnace beside a

Chest and toss my ores and coal into the chest I am using the automate mod which means the ores will automatically be placed into the chest and the bars will be taken from the furnace and placed back into the chest without me having to

Do anything it is a very handy mod and I honestly struggle to place D Valley without it in terms of the mines I end up making sort of decent progress today again the hammer has proven to be very useful and has made these first few floors a lot easier than normal I think

Now is a good time to mention that unlike some other playthroughs I’ve done I’m not going all in and trying to make as much progress as possible as quickly as possible I’m trying to take it easy and Pace myself because there are a lot of things I’m going to have to do to

Achieve Perfection so realistically I’ll probably get everything done and reach perfection in year four maybe I would say year four very earliest I have played through stardo Valley expanded before and gotten perfection in that around the start of year three I think it was so with all of the other mods I

Have installed this is definitely going to be a really long playthrough as long as I consistently have new things to discover and small goals to keep working towards it should be a fun one all the way through anyway long story short I’m going to take my time with everything

Not rush to achieve Perfection and most of all just enjoy it by back to the gameplay now after reaching floor 15 in the mines and making sure my furnace is stocked with copper ore I make my way to the saloon I wanted to show Clint the

Call I have to complete a quest he gave us the problem is he isn’t here so in a desperate attempt to reach him before he goes inside his shop I buy a coffee drink it and make a beine for his shop unfortunately I too late Clint is

Nowhere to be found and I have just wasted my time and some money I go to sleep and dream about throwing snails at Clint’s front door on day seven I watched the queen of sauce TV show and learned how to make stir fry this Begins the lengthy process of watching this

Show every Sunday to learn all of the cooking recipes I can the wizard has been spying on us and is aware that we have been poking around the community center as he put it firstly I was not poking around I was just being nosy secondly I do not appreciate you

Spying on me you little rascal thirdly I will happily pay you a visit and very much look forward to befriending you after watering my seeds I send a daffodil to Caroline that is basically all of my socializing done for the day so I am very happy the traveling cart

Still is not selling a garlic or garlic seeds that is not good that is not good at all I visit the wizard where he teaches me how to read the language the scroll in the community center is written in we can now begin donating items to the community center I take a

Look and the forging bundles have not changed changed something has gone very wrong here very wrong indeed I installed a mod that makes the community center bundles more challenging but it does not seem to be working properly which can only mean one thing I have done something wrong I will get this fixed

Before I start donating things to the community center I teleport to doran’s rest where I you know I mean yeah there you go I give 10 barley to Duran completing his quest and unlocking a new one this one requires us to craft the Dwarven medium malter we then put

Dwarven barley into it to make Dwarven barley maltt and give five of this item to Duran I returned to the farm where I read a letter to unlock the crafting recipe for the malter the bad news is I need an iron bar an idium bar and derium

To create this machine so it might be a while before I get around to completing this Quest but that’s okay like I said I plan on taking it slow with this playthrough I talked to Lewis to complete a quest he gave us let me make

One thing very clear right now I did not do this for him I did it for the money it’s off to the minds for the rest of the day to continue frolicking around and overall just having a jolly good time I replaced my hammer with the club

And this made the minds even easier the monster only floors especially became a cakewalk with this weapon I make it to floor 19 but I unfortunately pass out before I can make it to floor 20 on the morning of day eight I harvest some potatoes that have grown I can use a

Scythe for this harvesting session as I have the Harvest with Scythe mod installed while not an essential mod it saves a bit of time which considering how many crops I’ll be growing during this play through is very nice I have also managed to get the challenging Community Center bundles mod working and

Upon looking at the new bundles I wish I had not gotten it working this is going to be an absolute headache based on the forging bundles alone and you know what I welcome that headache in fact I hope it evolves from a headache into a full-blown migraine I welcome this

Challenge and I very much look forward to feeling my sanity steadily and continuously leaving my body as I meticulously gather every single item needed for each and every single bundle in the community center I will take every ounce of dedication passion willpower drive and determination and

Use them to the fullest extent in order to conquer the community center I mean I could also just buy a Georgia membership but where’s the fun in that any H I read a few comments on the video I made about the farm amusing and how it links to the

Mines but for the life of me I cannot figure out where to go in order to access the mines I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be in this cave here but it’s empty right now so I must be doing something wrong or maybe I’m missing something I don’t know hopefully I’ll be

Able to figure it out soon because being able to get to the mines from the farm would make life so much easier I send a daffodil to Caroline I really want that tea sapling crafting recipe then I make use of the part of the community mod this mod gives you bonus friendship

Points for doing things like talking to villagers shipping items and completing bundles in the community center in this scenario talking to villagers near Caroline gives me bonus friendship points with her next up is perhaps the most scandalous form of shenanigans I have ever participated in I enter Harvey’s shop and steal two stamina

Capsules that’s right I have the shoplifter mod installed I have just become a menace of the highest degree do I feel bad no not at all especially considering those stamina capsules are worth 1,000 gold I returned to the mins where I triumphantly make it to floor 20

Redeeming myself after failing to do so yesterday I make sure to keep my furnace going returning to the surface every once in a while to do so floors 30 through 39 are of course the dark floors now in the past I have said I absolutely hate those floors as I always struggle

To get through them that is not the case anymore when it comes to getting through the mines I am easily top two and I ain’t number two yeah that is a massive exaggeration by the way I’m actually pretty bad at getting through the mines I just wanted to use that phrase I pass

Out on floor 35 day number nine has dawned and the first thing I do is head to the mines to collect five copper bars I sell two stamina C capsules and some other bits and Bobs before entering Harvey’s Clinic I wanted to do a bit of shoplifting not

A big deal but Maru showed up and stopped that from happening well well I never Maru you have just been added to my list of enemies I donate some gems and artifacts to the museum and collect the following rewards ancient seed the crafting recipe for ancient seeds and

Nine cauliflower and melon seeds I talk to Clint to complete a quest he gave me then I head back to Pier shop I considered buying potato seeds but I decided to go for spring seeds instead if I’m going to make tea saplings I want

To make a lot of tea saplings in fact I want to make so many tea saplings that I end up turning into one big giant tea sapling myself after sending my axe along with five copper bars to Clint in order to have it upgraded I return to my

Full-time job as a farmer it takes a bit of time to plant the seeds I have and an even longer length of of time to water everything but I managed to get it all done I spend the rest of the day clearing out fiber to get mixed seeds I

Got so invested in this that I completely lost track of time and ended up passing out our first batch of spring forage is ready to harvest on day 10 this forage is used to make 130 spring seeds that’s good that’s very good even however it is not enough I want dozens

If not Millions more spring seeds before I begin making tea saplings I go to the clinic and participate in a little bit of Tom Foolery then I talk to Caroline I also talk to Ian and Lewis which gives me bonus friendship points with all three villagers but of course the

Important one here is Caroline this round of socializing was enough to bump Caroline up to two friendship Hearts which means her two- heart cut scene has been unlocked at this point I should have gone back to the shop and entered Caroline sunro in order to watch this

Cut scene and unlock the crafting recipe for tea saplings but I did not Prime merily because I wanted to continue making my way through the mines but also because it is Wednesday which means the shop is closed so although I wanted to watch that cut scene immediately I could

Not as her husband is simply too lazy to work on Wednesdays despite that whole situation weighing heavy on my soul I did manage to make considerable progress in the mines today after making it to floor 40 and obtaining the slingshot I return to the surface to make sure my furnace is

Stocked with copper ore and coal from there I progressed dress through the icy floors Gathering iron ore and quartz which I also add to the furnace I make it to floor 50 where I decide to call it a day on day 11 I finally collect the Der Bloons Duran sent me after

Completing his quest to bring him 10 barley a der Bloon is the currency used endurance rest so I’m pretty excited to see what exactly I can buy with these after a little harvesting session involving spring forage and strawberries I check my mail Clint has sent us the upgrade copper axe this male Services

Mod is an absolute blessing it really does save quite a bit of time I make 60 spring seeds okay nice I believe I now have a total of 190 spring seeds I teleport to Duran’s rest where I become reacquainted shall we say with the slimes here all right I think it’s time

To let you all know why I actually do this these slimes can drop some pretty nice items I know for a fact they can drop diamonds and refined quartz this is why I have been coming to this area and defeating them as often as I have been unfortunately though I have had zero

Luck when it comes to getting either of these items which is deeply upsetting in the market we can buy some boots with the Der Bloons we have which is you know nice but at the same time the more useful boots cost upwards of 1,200 der

Bloons which we do not have right now we can also use der Bloons to buy hats which I will keep in mind finally various bars can be bought here too I end up grabbing five iron bars and I’m sure I’ll come back to the shop in the

Future to get iridium bars I have quite a bit of footage of me chopping down trees truth be told I do not know why I recorded all of this normally when this happens it means there is something important I want to discuss hence me getting enough footage to play in the

Background while I talk about this very important topic the problem is I completely forget what I wanted to talk about while footage of me chopping down trees plays this whole segment has been a complete waste of time there’s no moral to the story or punchline or anything like like that wait no actually

Literally as I’m saying all of this I’ve just remembered what I wanted to talk about and that is tea saplings so by the time I unlock the crafting recipe for tea saplings I should have around 200 spring seeds you need two spring seeds to make one tea sappling which means I

Will be able to make 100 of them that also requires 500 fiber and 500 wood which explains why I specifically chose to get footage of me chopping down trees it all makes sense now luckily when it comes to Wood and Fire fiber there is an abundance of both items on this farm and

I’ve already got hundreds of fiber assuming everything goes to plan we will make 50,000 gold from the sale of these tea saplings as they sell for 500 gold each I enter Caroline’s sun room where the cuts scene does not play I believe I have arrived too late that is

Unfortunate but rather than blame myself for being late I am instead going to blame Pierre his shop wasn’t open yesterday and if it was then I could have watched the cut scene yesterday yesterday avoiding this whole kurur fuffle completely as payment for the inconvenience he has caused me I

Permanently borrow several items in a shop including five pomegranate saplings I utilize my upgraded axe to break a few tree stumps on the farm before spending the rest of the night chopping down trees not only does this give us wood but it also rewards us with foraging XP

This was the push I needed to reach foraging level five or I choose the perk that gives me a chance to obtain two of any Forge item I pick up that being said the other perk that gives us 25% more wood would also have been a great choice

I head to the community center on Day 12 where I complete my first bundle the construction bundle hardwood fiber wood fences wood Stone sap and Clay are all needed for this one the reward for doing this is a workbench I normally use the workbench when I’m crafting every item

At the end of a playthrough so I guess I’ll be able to use this one when I do that during year five or year six or I I don’t know how long this is going to take really I take a look at the new bundles I’ve unlocked and I think it’s

Safe to say that this is indeed going to be challenging truth be told the spring crops and quality crop bundles might already be a lost cause I shall do my best however to complete the community center by the end of winter I have zero faith in myself to actually do that but

I’m hoping me saying this out loud will make the universe take pity on me and I will somehow get everything I need for these bundles taking a look at the fishing bundles completely eradicates any in all faith I have in my ability to get the community center done before

Winter ends I talk to Shane and Yuma in the Town Center I am very proud of myself for getting out of my comfort zone and socializing with people then I perform the ultimate scallywag maneuver I sell the pomegranate saplings I stole from Pier back to Pier for 6,000 gold

This has boosted my confidence so I take a look at the spring crops bundle to keep myself humble I buy for parsnip seeds and 20 blue Jazz tulip and kale seeds before finally watching Caroline’s two hard cut scene a weight has been lifted off my shoulders I feel like I

Can achieve anything and everything and yet all I want to do is cry because the traveling carrot is still not selling a garlic or garlic seed I do get a rare seed though so you know take the good with the bad and all that I plant all of

The seeds I bought then I watch a cut scene where the best mirror in the entire world complains about the large rock that has separated Susan from from the rest of Pelican town instead of you know actually working on getting rid of the rock which I feel would have been a

Much better use of time than just complaining about it but hey what do I know I collect my iron and copper bars from the mines and send my pickaxe to Clint so he can upgrade it to Copper I water all of my seeds then I make 10

Spring seeds which brings us to a total of 200 be e a utiful my master plan is going perfectly the tea sapling Empire shall Thrive very soon I’ve got just a little bit of time left at the end of the day which I spent Gathering some last minute wooden fiber Caroline has

Blessed us with the crafting recipe for tea saplings on day 13 this is what the last 12 days have been building up to this is what I’ve strived to achieve this entire time I have wasted many many many minutes of your lives trying to explain my very straightforward plan in

A very complicated way allow me to be complicated no more I make 100 tea saplings and toss them into a shipping bin securing a 50,000 gold payment tonight with that out of the way I attend the egg Festival I spent some time talking to the villagers as this is

A good way to introduce myself to more of them I buy a very small number of strawberry seeds that was actually very humbling and the Egg Hunt begins like I’ve said in previous playthroughs I do not mess around when it comes to this competition the prize for winning is the

Beautiful straw hat and I do not just want want that hat I need that hat I need it more than you could ever imagine so winning this egg hunt is not just an option it is the solution nay it is the one reality in which I want to exist

Upon returning to the farm I plant my six strawberry seeds but more importantly I put on my straw hat my spirits have been rejuvenated my soul has been soothed but Above All Else my bank account is looking absolutely delicious thanks to the tea saplings I shipped this morning

I learned how to make col slaw on day 14 from this point forward I will not mention watching the queen of sauce TV show unless I run out of things to talk about which realistically shouldn’t happen during the first 2 years maybe even 3 years considering how much

Content has been added by all of the mods I’m using Demetrius says he will set up a mushroom cave for us then I receive my copper pickaxe from Clint I immediately send this pickaxe back to him along with some iron bars to be upgraded again the traveling cart is

Selling oil of garlic it feels like they’re taunting me with that one so to get back at them I give them some of my hard-earned gold in exchange for a coffee bean a rare seed and a rice shoot I take a moment to completely embarrass

Myself as I fail to break the log in front of the secret Woods then I buy 25 green bean seeds and 250 potato seeds along with 200 mixed seeds I pick up Cherry apricot and Peach saplings along with 100 coffee beans I began the day with over 50,000 gold I now have 10,000

Gold I make poor financial decisions I take a look at what Robin is selling thanks to the shop overhaul mod items like Oak resin tree fertilizer hardwood kegs and garden pots are available to buy I buy 10 kegs then I spend the rest of the day planting all of the potato

Seeds I bought along with an ancient seed I had I did not plant my mixed seeds or green beans but I did get my potato seeds watered so a win is a win I I get extremely lucky on day 15 as it is a rainy day but again if there is one

Thing I prioritize it is keeping myself humble so I take a look at the spring crops bundle to remind myself that I still have not gotten access to a garlic we also need rhubarb for this bundle which means we need to unlock the Vault bundle and complete it in its entirety

In order to access the bus which can be used to access the desert or at least that’s what I would have to do if it wasn’t for the walk to the desert mod as the title of this mod implies it allows me to walk to the desert from the bus

Stop it is quite a trek and does take a couple of minutes but it will absolutely be worth it I also find salmon berries along the way which makes things even better there are enemies around the place but they can be avoided relatively easily so it’s not a big deal along the

Way I stop at a deserted Town completely devoid of any villagers I spent some time searching the place but find nothing maybe if I come back in the future we could find something interesting here but for now I continue marching ahead reaching the desert shortly after this I take a walk around

The area collecting coconuts and cactus fruit before entering the shop here and meeting the owner of said shop Sandy she believes that us being here means the bus is up and running again no no it isn’t but I’m too excited about buying rhubarb seeds to even consider telling

Her how I actually got to the desert I end up buying 25 rhubarb seeds and 25 beet seeds before getting on the bus and going back to pelicant town I guess technically the bus is up and running again so Sandy was actually correct I plant my rhubarb seeds then I spent the

Rest of the day chopping down trees day 16 is the most glorious of days a rainy day Georgia veggies parsnips cauliflower and strawberries are all ready for Harvest which makes the day a solid 10 out of 10 Clint has also sent us her pickup in the mail that is Splendid I

Take the kegs I purchased from Robin and set them up beside a chest I toss my coffee beans into them in a couple of minutes we will have a nice batch of coffee ready to consume also a few mushrooms are ready to collect in our mushroom cave so I gather those I also

Am still massively confused when it comes to going to the mines from this Farm I have no idea how it works I don’t even know if I’m going into the right cave or if I’m in the right area of the farm I hope I’ll be able to figure it

Out before I reach the bottom of the mines but I don’t have much faith that I will if I’m being honest I collect some coffees that I’ve been brewing in the Kegs and head to the mines to continue working my way through the floors the iron pickaxe is proving to be an

Invaluable acquisition as it makes getting through these floors easier and quicker than ever before I pick up a diamond on floor 69 which makes me feel very happy I take a quick break to throw some ores and quartz into the furnace then it’s back to business I make sure

To defeat any skeletons I come across and collect the bones they drop Duran will give us access to the mines and Duran’s rest if I give him 30 of these and that is something that really pequs my interest I make it all the way to

Floor 76 where I pass out I was not able to get all of the bones I need but I did make some good progress on it I’ve also kept the furnace stocked with quartz and iron bars which I can eventually used to make quality sprinklers a beautiful

Amount of spring forage is ready on day 17 which I Harvest and turn into 150 spring seeds I’ve have also collected a few Georgia veggies these sell for around 1,000 gold each so I’ll be tossing every one of these I get into kegs I make over 50 tea saplings and

Plant the mixed seeds I bought a couple of days ago this is not an easy task and requires me to clear out even more space on the farm at a certain point I’m just going to have to clear out this entire field because truth be told it would not

Surprise me if I eventually end up planting over 1,000 seeds here I would like to have enough quality sprinklers to water around four or 500 seeds before I do that though I toss my tea saplings into the shipping bin and spend the rest of the day watering my

Seeds the CEO of the weather must have a soft spot for me as it is raining on day 18 this would always be a good thing at the start of every playthrough but especially for this one as I have over 600 seeds planted at the very least I

Would estimate I head to my home away from home the mines as always my goal is to make it as far as I can through the remaining floors although I am very much focusing on collecting bones too I pick up a bone sword on floor 78 which is an

Upgrade I will gratefully accept although I am only a couple of Bones away from the target of 30 I must put that mission on pause for the moment as I have made it past the icy floors skeletons will not spawn past this point this is a heartbreaking sacrifice indeed

Although it quickly pays dividends as I reach floor 90 and obtain the obsidian edge sword despite my best efforts however I was not able to make it the floor 95 before I passed out I did reach level five in farming though and I chose the perk that gives a 10% bonus to the

Money I earned from selling crops Jacob wanted us to give him a diamond so I use my mailbox to do that on the morning of day 19 earning 2,250 gold I harvest some blue Jazz which I need for the community center I water around half of my seeds

Before I make a quick detour to the mines I collect the ores and coal inside my chest here along with the two furnaces before heading to the saloon I treat myself to a pizza here well I say treat myself but in reality I will be sending this pizza to Shane as I

Accepted a quest to give him one I returned to the farm where the smelting station has been moved from the mines to this little area beside our field of crops just like day 17 the rest of the day is spent watering her seeds day 20 is finally potato Harvest day I can feel

Any tidbits of sadness leaving my body as I swing my Scythe across a field of beautiful potatoes my inventory is filling up with potatoes in the same way my body is filling up with complete unfiltered happiness I sell these potatoes to Pier earning around 30,000 gold quality sprinklers are now being

Sold I pick up 30 of these along with four seed makers I do want to clarify that both of these items have been added by the shop overhaul mod I mentioned previously quite frankly I have no idea what to buy with the remainder of my money while it is tempting to grab

Hundreds of seeds i instead opt for a further 23 quality sprinklers giving us a total of 53 the hard work never stops in fact one might even say the work has only gotten harder as I spend the rest of the day placing the sprinklers while planting any and all seeds I have I

Wanted to make sure the existing seeds would also be watered which means some of them had to go bye-bye as in I used my pickaxe to destroy a seed and put a sprinkler in its place I did this multiple times and it was a soul crushing experience each and every

Time it was worth it however as now every single seed I have planted will be watered except for those in the top row of crops but that’s okay all right day 21 we have officially reached the end of our third week on the farm and I am feeling really good about the progress

That has been made here especially when it comes to seeds specifically the watering aspect which as I mentioned has been almost entirely automated thanks to the Quality sprinklers I purchased we have received a lovely pink cake in the mail an item which I am as always

Thrilled to receive I make my way to the community center where I donate blue Jazz to the spring crops bundle I also donate horse radishes daffodil and salmonberries to the spring foraging bundle next on the agenda is a trip to the mines where the goal is to obtain a

Couple more B fragments in order to progress with Duran storyline this thankfully does not take long at all as there is an abundance of skeletons in the minds once I have obtained the bones I need I return to the farm collect my warp totems and teleport to Duran’s rest I decide not to

Start a fight with the slime’s here it seems I am now an entirely different person after acquiring quality sprinklers perhaps having to water all of those had hidden negative effects on my psyche that caused me to aggressively attack pack the slimes here I give the

Bones to Duran who rewards us with 200 D Bloons that is nice of course but the real reward here is we now have access to the mines in this lovely little town I take a moment to browse the wars that Duran is selling this is something I

Wish I had done sooner as it turns out he is selling fish taco Caroline loves this item so buying some of those would have sped up the process of obtaining the tea sapling crafting recipe but that’s all right it worked out well in the end I enter the mines where the benefit of

This area makes itself known immediately there is a ton of copper ore on the first level this could be quite the lucrative location when it comes to Gathering ore in the future this benefit increases tfold on the second floor as iron ore appears here too zombies also

Show up on this floor maybe they drop some valuable loot we shall find out soon I reckon floor 3 is very similar to Floor 2 but with even more ore I am loving this mine already if I can get my hands on some bombs I could easily get

100 or maybe 200 copper and iron ore on Floors 2 and three there is also a chest here that contains duranium the dark yellow SL dark gold pillars also drop duranium when you break them it is getting late however so I’m going to call it here for the day day 22 begins

With a mini harvesting session then I use 300 wood to repair the broken bridge at the beach this opens up the tide pool area which should be useful in the future if I can figure out how to get a ma installed up and running I won’t

Spoil it right now but I will be sure to point this mod out when I do begin using it in the future I enter goran’s home where he has a request for us if we can bring him 40 derium he will make us derium armor I shall get to work on this

As soon as I possibly can Goran I’m sure that armor will prove to be quite useful I give 10 zombie flesh to Duran as he requested earn 500 der Bloons for doing so and return to my new favorite area the mines as tempting as it is to mine

All of the copper and iron ore i instead Focus my attention on getting to floor 3 so I can defeat more zombie four men these drop a special type of zombie flesh and during wants five of these this type of enemy as I discovered yesterday is quite the challenge

Although I thankfully managed to take care of them without too much hassle there were multiple close calls but I emerged from the battle Victorious though not unscared it is slightly nerve-wracking taking on a pawn is as difficult as these but nothing worth having is ever easy to

Obtain I progressed to floor four where serpent likee monsters have started appearing the small ones prove to be easy enough to tackle the large ones are also fairly easy surprisingly enough I make it to the door in the middle of this area where upon entering it I encounter a character called tenra

Although we have proven our strength by making it through the Labyrinth we must now prove our intelligence by answering three questions question one how many letters are there in the Dwarven alphabet making a complete guess I say 18 which ends up being the correct answer nice question two is a riddle

Which is good news for me because I love riddles I answer this one correctly which takes us on to question three this is also a riddle which is very much of my alley as I said I am very thankful that these are the questions I have to

Answer again I choose the correct option definitively proving my intelligence see I knew there was a few brain cells floating around my head the chest in this area contains a life Elixir which like pretty much every other item I found in the mines here is very useful I

Use the teleportation station which has now been added to the fourth floor to travel to Ten’s home Killer Bees can be found here they drop shadow honey which is worth just a little bit more than 1,000 gold just like the mines I think this is going to be a very lucrative

Area for us in terms of boosting our bank account if I can get the crafting recipe for Monster musk it should increase the spawn rate of these bees which assuming I can defeat them all will mean I will have a metric ton of Shadow honey at my disposal interesting

Very interesting indeed I add some ores to my furnace and toss the items I collected during today’s adventure into the shipping bin I did hold on to the zombie forem flesh however as during wants that these items earn me 40,000 gold all right I think we found another

Money Maker to go alongside our tea saplings the morning of day 23 features another mini Harvest though at this point I think I’ve obtained all of the spring crops available to us at the moment I have yet to decide how many mixed seeds I want to plant during

Summer I might just focus on starf fruit and summer seeds instead we’ll see it’s off to Duran’s rest an area which I am sure I will become very well equipped acquainted with now that I have discovered how valuable the items in the mines in tenra home are I enter the

Mines and make a beine for the third floor there was actually zero delay dallying on my part my goal here is to obtain three more zombie form and flesh in order to complete Duran’s Quest as he wants five of them these enemies are especially nasty today and I had quite a

Few close calls I am very grateful to myself for bringing as many crops as I did because my health dropped pretty low several times and by pretty low I mean I actually got knocked out that’s not good that’s not good at all there I even say

It is bad things go from bad to very bad as I have lost 700 der Bloons and my obsidian edge sword but such is the risk you take on the road to Fortune I enter the saloon where I could have done a bit of shoplifting but I respect Gus too

Much to do that I have not am not and I’m never going to steal from Gustavo I buy 50 of each spring seed as an insurance policy we’ll call it how am I going to grow these seeds when spring ends you may be asking one word garden

Pot we can buy 10 of these per day thanks to the shop overhaul mod so I’m going to make very good use of that my goal here will be to fill a shed with them and plant our spring seeds in there I also made the realization today that

Garden pot is not one word but two words I am tremendously surprised by that and feel slightly foolish I grabbed three iridium sprinklers to cheer myself up after that certified silly goose moment I just had I consumed some salal berries to restore my health and energy after the unfortunate events that occurred in

The mines earlier today grab some food from the chess on the farm and return to Duran’s rest oh you thought I was done today nah nah not even close you see I may have been knocked down but I get up again you are never going to keep me

Down I returned to the mines with Vengeance on my mind and determination in my heart I obtain a bit of duranium and then I use a warp totem to get back to the spawn area of Duran’s rest then I teleport back to the bus stop because I

Don’t have a weapon I forgot I lost it earlier today in a very ironic and very very cruel twist of fate I also lose my pickaxe upon teleporting back to the bus stop like it’s gone I don’t know what happened to it but it’s just not there anymore I am tremendously confused by

This every fiber of my being wants nothing nothing more than to eat an entire five tubs of ice cream and forget this day ever happened the lost and found box in Lou’s house does not contain my pickaxe which means I will have to return here tomorrow to see what

Exactly the story is with that I do Rectify another situation though that being the case of my missing obsidian edge sword I ask Marilyn to deliver it to me tomorrow I also take a look at a shop he’s selling various rings that could be quite valuable in the future

Among other items but for for now I must pass on them as I am broke not for long though as the Georgia veggies I threw into the cakes have been turned into Georgia veggie juice which should sell for quite a bit of money Marlin has sent

Us our sword on day 24 which brightens my mood substantially now all I have to do is get my pickaxe and we will be back on track speaking of Lewis has sent us a letter informing us that her pickaxe was dropped into the lost and found box last

Night I head to his house it is locked because today is the flower festival that’s okay I can come back tomorrow in the meantime I attend the flower festival where I talk to all of the villagers that are present here there are quite a few of them which is good

News for us as it means I can now send gifts to all of these people using the mailbox I probably won’t do this for a while but at least they’ll be there when I do get around to working on my friendships I buy the tub of flowers

Crafting recipe and a rear Crow then I abstain from the dancing portion of the festival I I am far too preoccupied with getting my pickaxe back to even think about partaking in an activity such as dancing in all seriousness though I really do need to get my pickaxe back

Tomorrow it cannot be overstated how vital that tool is to me being able to earn a ton of gold and the more gold I have the better the beginning of summer will be for us Lewis pays us a visit on day 25 he is impressed with the progress

We have made here on Lightman farm and is very happy that I’m getting along with all of the villagers and making friends I wanted to steal from Harvey but his Clinic was closed unfortunately so my plan was foiled I finally obtained my pickaxe from the lost and found box

Lovely today is already a successful day in my eyes I buy 10 Garden pots a purchase I will be making very frequently if not daily for the foreseeable future I teleport to doran’s rest and enter the mines we have a problem immediately upon using my pickaxe something feels off

It no longer takes just one hit to break rocks something has gone terribly terribly wrong I brush it off convincing myself that the rocks have just somehow gotten stronger and require more than one hit to break of course that is not possible what has actually happened is

The pickaxe I retrieved from the lost and found box is the starter pickaxe not the iron pickaxe I had I would be lying if I said this did not upset me a great deal but like the hardened Adventure I am I push forward hiding my tears behind a mask of

Determination all of that determination is used to defeat another long serpent to get the orborous ring it drops they are quite valuable with a sale price of 4,000 gold so I will take as many of them as I can possibly get with money on my mind I teleport to the home of the

Killer Bees where I spend most of the night defeating them to get Shadow honey I get knocked out and once again I lose my obsidian edge sword in my defense though I did not realize how hard those bees hit I went from half a bar of

Health to zero in one hit that was not very chill of the killer be something else that is not that chill happened Marilyn’s shop is closed so I have to wait until tomorrow to ask him to return my sword again I make a Duran’s rest warp totem and use it I am slightly

Embarrassed to admit this but it is only in this moment that I realized you don’t use up the warp totem if you use it while you’re on the farm among other locations I will keep that in mind some bad news now as I have the derium that

Goran asked for and the zombie form and flesh that Duran asked for but both of their homes are locked on Day 26 I finally make a dwarfen medium malter this is the machine I need to toss The Barley into in order to get the item Duran once as part of the quest he

Has that revolve around crops and Artisan Goods I head to Clint where with a heavy heart I hand over five copper bars and 2,000 gold so he can upgrade my pickaxe I could have done this with the mailbox but the events of yesterday have clearly clouded my judgment in other

Words I forgot I can use the mailbox to upgrade my tools I asked Marin to find My Sword Warp to Duran’s rest and give five Foreman flesh to Duran completing his quest he now wants two Ora Boris Rings this is going to be difficult not when it comes to obtaining the Rings but

Rather when it comes to handing them over as I mentioned they sell for 4,000 gold each so I will essentially be throwing away 8,000 gold but that is something I am ready willing and able to do for Duran as a thank you for providing us access to the mines that

Have given us so much valuable Loot next stop is the market where I give gloren the 40 derium he asked for I use my der Bloons to get two aridium bars with that completed I return to Pelican town where I sell my shadow honey to give my bank

Account a boost and purchased 10 Garden pots I used the refined quartz iron bars and gold bars I have to make 25 quality sprinklers I spend the rest of the day clearing out the trees to make space for the planting of crops during summer Marilyn sends us our sword on day 27

That is a delightful start to the day Pierre has also sent us a letter informing us that we can use a bouquet to dates someone a pelican town and the greater stardo Valley region if you’ve seen my previous playthroughs you probably know that I tend to ask kobus

To be my roommate instead of dating a villager I will be doing something similar here it might be Cris or if there’s somebody else that can be my roommate then I will probably ask them instead at the risk of sounding like a broken record it is off to Duran’s rest

I am spending quite a bit of time here I know but I would very much like to go through all of the combat SL exploration Quest that Doran has for us just so I can check one storyline I guess we’ll call it off the list I grabbed the suit

Of armor Goran made for us from the four chests inside his home the boots are the only item in this set that say they provide us with bonus defense so I don’t think I need to wear the other three parts to get this bonus but I’ll wear it

For now it does look kind of cool I enter the mines where I defeat pretty much every enemy I come across bear in mind Clint still has my pickaxe so I can’t break rocks outside of using bombs but I can still get some pretty valuable items from the enemy inside here once I

Acquire the Ora Boris ring I leave the mines as I now have two of them I give these to Duran who rewards me with a new weapon Duran’s Warhammer neat his next Quest requires us to meet tenra luckily I’ve already done so which means I can simply War to her home and immediately

Watch the cuts scene where she gives us a quest this one is simple though it comes with a cost she wants 10 Shadow honey getting this honey should be easy we’ve done it before after all however 10 Shadow honey sells for over 10,000 gold I don’t really like the idea of

Giving all of that away but I shall do it as I am nothing if not dedicated to the residence of Duran’s rest with crisp trepidation I get to work on defeating the bees here I obtain 12 Shadow honey then I get knocked out luckily I did not

Lose my weapon this time what I did lose however is all of my honey as has become tradition I make my way to Maryland where he wants over 12,000 gold in return for giving me back the honey I lost I think I’m going to cry on day 28

I learned how to make an omelet no I don’t I said I wasn’t going to mention the queen of sauce TV show anymore uh Clint has sent us our copper pickaxe and a plethora of spring forage is ready to harvest all right I’m liking this let’s

Try to keep the good news train on his tracks I would very much like to end spring on a positive note especially after the numerous Kur fuff I’ve endured during the last few days I complete the spring foraging bundle in the community center except I don’t because I brought daffodil instead of

Dandelion I feel a bit silly but it’s okay because after making a few bombs I returned to the community center donate some strawberries and finished the spring foraging bundle I receive 30 fertilizer as a reward and the Boiler Room bundles have now been unlocked I take a look at these bundles and they’re

Not bad at all I’m actually looking forward to tackling all of the bundles in this room the the only iffy one is the monster musk as you unlock the crafting recipe for it after completing a special order for the wizard but that bundle only requires you to donate six

Of the seven items it has so I don’t have to get the mustard musk if I don’t want to I make 75 tea saplings and toss these along with some items I picked up in the mines into the shipping bin I head to the bee area where I very

Carefully take on the bees in order to obtain the honey tenra once and when I say very carefully I mean very carefully I am not taking any chances here I’m taking on each B one at a time to make sure I do not get knocked out I give the

Honey to tenra and receive a new weapon it is a dagger which while I’m not too fond of the dagger weapons this is actually a really cool one I earn almost 50,000 gold from the items I shipped today and that is the end of spring it

Took quite a while but we finally made it to the end of the season I am very much looking forward to seeing what happens in summer I basically ignore a letter from joja Mart to begin day 29 they want me to buy a joia membership I will not be

Tempted by such scandalous Temptations I will complete the community center regardless of how long it takes me to do so and more importantly regardless of how much of a toll it takes on my soul I’ve got some free time before Duran’s House open up so I head to the mines to

Very quickly decimate the Slime population within and collect some copper ore I move on to floor two repeating the process though this time I am dealing with zombies instead of slimes this proves to be nothing short of cathartic it is incredibly satisfying defeating these enemies and picking up

The valuable loot they drop despite Duran’s house opening at 9:00 a.m. I continue on to floor 3 at 10:30 a.m. this was not a conscious choice on my part I simply did not not realize how much time had gone by though I will say I cannot even fathom a more enjoyable

Way to spend my morning despite the urge to remain in the mines and continue going further I am eventually forced to leave the mines when my health drops to a smidge above zero I pushed my luck just a little bit too far but thankfully the consequences of that were not dire

If they had been and I had been knocked out because of it it would have had a disastrous effect on my vibes I head into doran’s home and speak to him he does not have a Quest available for us I feel like I have made a slight error

Maybe I’m in the wrong location or something like that I take a look at the goods he is selling a lot of cooking recipes are available for purchase like a lot suddenly the requirement to cook every dish in order to achieve Perfection has become a lot more

Difficult but as always I am nothing if not dedicated this is but a minor obstacle on the road to perfection in the market Balor is selling seeds of various types I’m not going to buy any right now but I will keep this in mind in the future should I require any of

These seeds something to note is that he sells artichoke seeds which peer only begins to sell during year 2 so at least we have a reliable way of getting those seeds now rather than just relying on the traveling cart I head back into Pelican town I have decided to put the

Whole Duran’s rest thing to the side for the moment while I figure out what I have to do there next I talked to Demetrius at the fountain by the community center a conversation which I actually enjoy I let him know about the sprinklers I

Have on my farm I like to dabble in a little bit of flexing from time to time a trip through the saloon is on the table now as I require many cups of coffee to ensure I have a nice pep in my step I also buy a couple of salads while

I’m here and immediately inhale them to restore my health I do something I probably should have done a lot sooner I ask Robin to build a shed on the farm the garden pots I acquired during spring will be placed in here so I will be able

To plant the spring seeds I bought for Community Center purposes Robin is also selling quite a few nice things kegs preserve jars hardwood among other useful items are being sold here thanks to the shop overhaul mod she too is selling Garden pots so I buy 20 of them

I head into peers at just the right moment to watch him walk away from the counter this under normal circumstances would be annoying at best however this was something I actually wanted to happen right now it it means I can partake in a bit of shoplifting I get my

Grubby little hands on four pomegranate saplings along with four Georgia veggies in total these are worth around 10,000 gold so I have absolutely no regrets and I will be doing this again in the future I send my pickaxe the Clint so he can upgrade it to iron quality then I toss

Some items into the shipping bin to give our bank account a little Boost after the shopping spray I went on today I spend the rest of the day fishing I won’t show me fishing often as it’s pretty much much the same thing every time but rest assured I will be doing as

Much fishing as possible any and every time I get the chance we need so many fish for the community center it is quite frankly unbelievable and the last thing I want to do is fall behind on that or even worse fail to repair the community center before the end of the

Year because I Dilly DED for too long when it comes to fishing on day 30 I send gifts to Arwin Balor and Edris I believe what I need to do to unlock the next Quest uran’s rest is reach one heart of Friendship with these three

Villagers so that is what I shall do I also had to do that with Doran and Goran but I’ve already achieved quite a few friendship hearts with them thanks to the quest I completed for both of them I set up a little area for my seed makers

And toss my salal berries and Georgia berries into a chest beside the seed makers Georgia berries sell for around 900 gold I believe and salal berries are a fantastic source of energy so I would like to plant as many of these two seeds as I can

I begin the long walk to the desert making time to blow up some rocks along the way to get some ores and gems upon reaching the desert I do some foraging before entering sandy’s shop and spending all of my money on starfruit seeds when I return home it is time to

Knuckle down and get to work on planting various seeds I begin with the starfruit seeds I just bought then I follow that up with the planting of Georgia Berry seeds and calberry seeds I’m getting a bit of deja vu here I must say this is giving me flashbacks to the stard Valley

Expanded playthrough I uploaded last year where I did pretty much the same thing I planted hundreds of georia berry seeds at one point maybe I will do that again here maybe I guess it depends on what other seeds I can get my hands on I want to get started on making and

Planting summer seeds as soon as I possibly can so the rest of the day I spent walking around the Big Forest collecting summer forage tea saplings as we saw during spring are an excellent source of gold in the early game so that’s going to be the meta for a while

Basically I want to make hundreds if not thousands of tea saplings during summer day 31 begins with a little text box informing me that there was an explosion during the night immediately upon leaving the house I watch a cut scene where Susan introduces herself to us in

Person she is no longer separated from the town as the boulder that was blocking her way in was destroyed last night I do a bit of harvesting following this cut scene which results in me obtaining Georgia veggies salal berries and ghost berries Clint has sent her pickaxe back to us

That is wonderful news hopefully I don’t misplace it again shall we say I decided to make good use of the space available to me and place quality sprinklers on the farm I then enter the shed that Robin built for me and begin placing my garden pots the veteran stardy Valley

Players that are watching right now might be aware that sprinklers do not work on Garden pots luckily I am also a veteran stard Valley player so I remembered this pretty soon after I began to place the garden pots and quality spring sprinklers I quickly fix

My mistake and fill up the shed in a much more effective manner I decide to focus on green beans cauliflower and potatoes first planting the seeds for each of these crops of course I will have to water them manually every day but that is a small price to pay as this

Is pretty much the only way to complete the spring crops bundle in the community center I toss a spiceberry into a seed maker as that should give us another pack of Summer seeds I clear out just a teeny bit more space I didn’t have to but it’s honestly very satisfying

Chopping down trees and breaking rocks and just clearing out the mess on the farm then I finally begin planting all of the summer seeds I made using the forage I collected during the last 2 days I’m not done yet though as I also want to plant coffee beans I would

Eventually like to have a shed full of kegs that are constantly producing coffee I continue working on my friendships with the residents of Duran’s rest as I am very excited to continue making progress in that area I am very much in need of some finan Cal Aid as I’m currently the opposite of

Rich so I head to the home of the bees endurance rest I spend the rest of the night defeating them in order to obtain their alsoo valuable honey it still amazes me that this honey is worth over 1,000 gold but I certainly will not complain about it in fact I am very

Grateful for it I harvest a pearl on day 32 which is not a sentence I ever thought I would say truth be told I do not know which mod has added a seed that grows pearls as this one Grew From A mixed seed that is a mystery I will

Investigate in the future I doubt I will go out of my way to buy or somehow obtain the seed in the future too but it’s nice knowing that we can grow a pearl they’re worth a few thousand gold and pretty much every villager loves them so they will be nice gifts in the

Future Willie has sent me a letter informing us that his friend Murphy has arrived in town Murphy would like someone to assist him on his fishing tler you remember back in Spring I repaired the broken bridge at the beach and unlocked the tide pool area I mentioned that that area will be useful

In the future when it comes to a mod I installed but was not able to get working yet well good news I was able to get that mod working it turns out I was using an outdated version of it but that’s all sorted now so we are good

Basically this mod the fishing tler mod allows you to go on Murphy’s boat and do a bunch of different activities to keep the boat running smoothly at the end of the fishing trip you get to keep any of the fish that were cut during it the

Best part you don’t use your fishing rod the boat has Nets that automatically catch fish I quickly toss some items into the bin of shipping then I permanently borrow a couple of sports drinks from Harvey without his knowledge I buy 100 summer seeds from Pier then I

Rush to the beach specifically the tide poool area where I meet Murphy we set sale for the highas where unbeknown to me the most difficult nerve-wracking experience I’ve ever endured while playing stardy Valley was was about to take place I grab a cup of coffee which

Gives me a plus two speed boost and make my way into the deck of the ship I think it’s called everything seems to be fine here so I go into the hull area immediately things go wrong as there is water flooding the boat already at this point I became tremendously confused and

Did not know what to do I focused pretty much exclusively on grabbing coal from the box and using it to keep the engine running while also making sure to patch up any holes on the wall so that the ship doesn’t become entirely flooded I thought I was doing a mighty fine job

And I was feeling very proud of myself unfortunately I forgot about two other aspects of this fishing Adventure number one there is a computer in the room Murphy is in you can interact with this computer to get more time added to the length of the fishing trip number two

And this is the important one I did not interact with the Nets in any way shape or form they ripped very shortly after this whole thing began and I did not repair them which means all of the fish I caught before before they were ripped were lost on top of that because they

Were not fixed I could not catch any more fish in short I finished this fishing trip with zero fish I did not realize my mistake as it happened and so I was very very confused when I checked the chest that supposedly contains all of the fish I caught and it was empty

This was a disaster plain and simple and even worse than that it was all my fault I have nobody to blame but myself while I plant and water my summer seeds I want to quickly discuss something related to the fishing tler mod so the way it works

Is you select a day and you can only go on the fishing trip on that day I originally selected Thursday but I was not happy at all with how today went I felt like I hadn’t gotten a proper idea of how beneficial this mod might be so I

Decided to change the day to Friday meaning I will go on another fishing trip tomorrow this will be the one and only time I do two fishing trips in one week after tomorrow I will only be going on Fridays also if tomorrow ends up being a complete failure again then I’ll

Just accept it I won’t go again on Saturday but I do have a much better idea of how it works now so I have faith that we will do a sensational job tomorrow I harvest some more pearls on day 33 along with an ancient fruit ancient fruit have joined the group

Consisting of salal berries and Georgia berries this group of crops will automatically be tossed into seed makers so I can grow more of these crops than I could ever possibly know what to do with I would like to bring something to your attention now Jacob has a quest for us

In his words and I quote I am looking for coffee to eat in front of the TV I don’t think he is aware of how Coffee Works you do not eat coffee you drink it that is also a sentence I never thought I would have to say regardless I will

Provide Jacob with what he wants I can only hope he does not eat the cup along with the coffee it is now time for for the main event of the day once again I immediately drink some of Murphy’s coffee to get a speed boost then I get

To work on patching up the room with the engine it is honestly very very nerve-wracking trying to do this and keep the engine stocked with coal and repair the Nets all at the same time and you know what I love it I don’t just want this challenge I welcome this

Challenge with open arms I have opened the door to my house pulled out a chair allowed this challenge to sit down at my dining table and prepared a lovely three hor meal for it if this challenge was a villager I would already be at the maximum 10 hearts of Friendship with it

Based solely on the amount of time effort and focus I put into it today I am rambling right now I am well aware of that truth be told I’m simply trying to say as much as I can so I can show as much footage of me working on this ship

As possible I feel like I’ve shown enough of that footage for you to feel my share raw Panic through the screen as I did all of those activities involved in this fishing trip so let us now look at the rewards I received upon successfully making you back to shore

Halibut a new type of seaweed whose name I cannot pronounce and will only embarrass myself if I try to puffer fish and red snapper and a decent amount of these fish too in total 19 fish I am very glad I did this fishing trip again today for the sake of Science of course

Because as it turns out it is absolutely worth it I will probably sell this fish as the majority of fish needed for the community center have to be gold star and I’m already working away on that whenever I get free time but all in all I think it’s safe to say that this

Fishing trer mod is absolutely worth using I teleport to doran’s rest where I talk to the villagers in the market in order to bump Arwin and Edis up to the magical one heart of friendship I have successfully completed the quest to get five of the residents here to one heart

Of friendship Duran gives me a Dwarven ale for doing so which I sell right back to him I also give him the five waren barley malt which as usual unlocks another quest in which I have to make a machine put the item I just gave to

Doran into it in order to make a new item and give five of those to Duran I head to the broken bridge in the town where I read a sign that says warning Bridge intentionally destroyed talk to me at the pub if you’re brave enough to venture into the

Wasteland if there’s one thing I’m good at it is repairing Broken Bridges so this is something I am very much interested in I head to doran’s home where the newest Quest reveals itself I must deliver 600 wood to Doran in order to repair the bridge that isn’t too bad

Actually I have plenty of wood back on the farm I have also unlocked a farmhouse here in doran’s rest the big man durin has sent us a bed and a fridge as housewarming gifts I assume which is very kind of him I have also been sent the crafting recipe I need for the

Machine related to the quest he gave us today there are a lot of quests here in Doran rest but they are definitely worth doing I mean we’ve gotten a really cool Hammer a new Farmhouse some crafting recipes access to an area where we can get Shadow honey and access to the mines

Just by doing these quests so while I have spent quite a while doing these quests I am happy with that choice because it has helped us out quite a bit especially when it comes to our finances after sending my pickaxe to Clint I spend the rest of the night chopping

Down trees the crop fairy also shows up during the night and does some magic stuff in order to fully grow some of our crops on day 34 I discovered that it was our salal berries that the crop fairy decided to bless with magic last night which means a good portion of them are

Ready for Harvest something to note about salal burries is they are similar to strawberries and agent fruit in the sense that once they have fully grown you do not have to replant the seed when you harvest the crop it stays there and you can Harvest it over and over again I

Spent some time watering my crops in the garden pot sh plant some agent seeds and geia Berry seeds make a couple of warp totems and teleport to Duran’s rest I have said Duran’s rest so many times in this play through already and I’m absolutely going to say it many many

More times what can I say I love the doran’s rest mod I enter balor’s house and go into his basement where Supernatural eggplants have taken over and I must fight them once again that is a sentence I never thought I would say after clearing out his basement I head

To doran’s house and give him the 600 wood he wants immediately following this I enter the market where the residents have gathered alongside Duran Duran announces that I have accepted the responsibility of keeping the town safe from any enemies that may show up on the island the

Bridge connects to I did not sign up for that but considering the positive effect this town has had on my bank account I willing to protect the people here Balor says he has seen something strange in the neighborhood and apparently we are who he is meant to call upon he wants me

To meet him at house I feel like I may have jumped the gun a little bit by going into his basement earlier and defeating the eggplants sure enough upon entering balor’s home he tells us that his eggplants have come alive and have taken over the basement he wants us to

Take care of them which I unfortunately cannot do today as these eggplants seem to function similarly to the bees that drop shadow honey in the sense that when you defeat them they won’t respond until the following day which means Balor must wait until tomorrow for his eggplant Kur fuffle to be solved

We’ve spent enough time in doran’s rest for one day I feel so I return to pelicant town where I buy all of the seeds I need for the summer crops bundle in the community center I also pick up some wheat sunflower and corn seeds while I’m here along with a couple of

Scarecrows I then spend the last of my money on summer seeds I got to say in a weird way I am really looking forward to doing the normal Community Center bundles in a future playthrough I have a feeling they’re going to be a lot easier compared to what we’re doing now

Especially the fishing ones I have to catch so many fish like I said I have done some fishing here and there whenever I have had downtime but at some point during the season I’m going to have to dedicate a few days exclusively to Just Fishing so I can make sure I get

Everything I need in terms of the summer fish Clint has sent me my golden pickaxe on day 35 I have arrived too early to enter balor’s home so I do what I usually do in this circumstance and spend some time LLY gagging in the mines I eventually enter balor’s home and get

To work on defeating the haunted eggplants this goes relatively smoothly and I defeat 10 of them without too much hassle the time I have spent battling bees has made me a lot more cautious when it comes to combat so I will hopefully avoid being knocked out for

The rest of this playthrough I talk to Balor at the market to complete his quest and I spend some of my der Bloons on red cabbage seeds I also buy two new versions of hops seeds along with 100 arok seeds 40 Dwarven Kamas seeds I’m not sure how to pronounce that one and

20 nuot bulbs after that little spending spree I talked to Duran who warns us that the hardest enemy we have ever faced Waits across the bridge the good news is this enemy cannot fly which I very much appreciate this enemy turns out to be the dirt Dragon it isn’t too

Difficult surprisingly enough it shoots Fireballs which do a bit of damage but they’re easy enough to Dodge I will say however bumping into this enemy takes away like half of your health so the best way to approach this battle is to just slam the hammer down when you’re

Near it and run away as soon as it starts moving I make my way around the area carefully battling the dirt dragons here these dragons drop eggs when they are defeated and during once 10 of these so our main goal here is to of course

Acquire 10 of these eggs I take a break from this battle of the century and do a bit of gallivanting around the area I head to the west side of the island where I find a hidden cave I enter and walk to the end of the cave where I find

A sword that has been lodged into a stone reminiscent of the Legend of King Arthur I pull the sword from the stone acquiring the Legendary EX Alburn this is an absolute GameChanger and for once I am not exaggerating when I say that this sword makes quick work of the dirt

Dragons it shoots Fireballs which means I can keep somewhat of it distance from them hurl Fireballs at them and collect the eggs they drop I am very excited to see how this sword handles the enemies in the Pelican Town mines and especially the enemies in the skull Cavern along

With any other enemies we may encounter during our ES AES after collecting all of the eggs I need I walk back to the starting area then to the bus stop I spend the remainder of the night planting my summer seeds I give the dragon eggs to Duran on Day 36 and I

Believe that is the final quest he has for me that is related to combat which means all I have left are the quests involving things we can make using dwarfen barley you know the things I put into machines to make other things and then I unlock the crafting recipe for

Another machine that can make another thing I don’t really know how to describe it but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about also the sword I picked up the ex Alburn I don’t know if I’m pronouncing that correctly but regardless the exal bur has made going

Through the mines so much easier I genuinely cannot even begin to describe how quickly it takes care of all the enemies here even the zombie four men which were a decent challenge before do not stand a chance now that I have this sword I almost feel bad for the enemies

Here almost I got so immersed in using the sword that I didn’t realize how much time had gone by before I knew it I had made it to the home of the bees and was taking them on so I could get their wonderful honey again the sword makes

Quick work of these bees I can throw Fireballs at them and take them out in one hit as overpowered as it may be I did do a lot to get my hands on this sword so I do not feel bad for using this in fact using this sword has had a

Profoundly positive effect on the overall Vibes I’m experiencing I managed to make it back home and toss the loot I collected today into the shipping bin before the night is over I also make one each of the machines Duran has sent me to crafting recipe for on day 37 I

Observe my machines marvelous I send my watering can to Clint and buy 10 iridium sprinklers because of the amount of seeds I have that I still need to plant I decided to spend the rest of the day preparing the ground for the planting of these seeds it takes many minutes but I

Get it done and plant a good percentage of the seeds I bought from Balor a couple of days days ago too and that’s actually it for today the salal berries that were grown by the crop fairy continue to shine a light on my life as they are once again ready for Harvest on

Day 38 following that it’s off to the mines I took a bit of a break from this area but I’m back now and I want to make it to the bottom of this place by the end of tomorrow I make it to floor 100 where I obtain my first star drop sweet

I push forward making my way through floor after floor after floor the golden pickaxe paired with the exal bur makes things really easy and I get the floor 112 before I pass out Clint returns our watering can to us on day 39 I am greeted by The Sensational sight of

Summer forage which I harvest and turn into more summer seeds 400 more summer seeds to be exact but that is not all there’s even more forage ready to collect on the farm I used this forage to make another 220 summer seeds I make 165 tea saplings which I toss into the shipping bed

I donate red mushrooms cave carrots and mixed seeds to the Exotic foraging bundle Maple and pine tree saplings to the summer and winter forging bundles and donate multiple items to The Boiler Room bundles the luau takes place today but I unfortunately participated in too much Dilly dallying and I ended up

Missing the festival I wanted to spend my der Bloons in the market uring rest as I need an aridium bar for the Boiler Room bundles but the market is closed I assume because of the luau so I teleport back home and return to the community center with more items for

The boiler room as well as muscles for the crab poop bundle and torches clams and coral for the foraging bundles I head to the mines not to advance further and make it to floor 120 but rather to obtain the remaining bones and bat wings I need for the community center I end up

Completing the skeleton monster eradication goal which I was not expecting but I am very pleased with all the same I also made 82 2,000 gold from the saplings I shipped today some radishes are ready for Harvest on day 40 I plant Georgia Berry seeds along with some summer seeds I buy the crafting

Recipe for der Bloons from Duran now I can use one duranium to make 100 der Bloons which is a very fair exchange if you ask me I buy some coal and an idium bar from Goran along with some rice shots and a Citron Crimson Citrus and rested juniper tree sapling from Balor I

Purchased the second backpack upgrade in peers and grabed an orange and apple tree sapling 10 Garden pots and 10 iridium sprinklers also while I’m here I somehow wink wink nudge nudge get my hands on five grass starter I tripped and I I fell into them and they ended up

In my inventory you I mean you know how it is you know what happens it’s happened to all of us right I send my copper axe to Clint so he can upgrade it to iron then I head to the saloon I make good use of the part of the community

Mod here talking to a villager gives you five friendship points with the surrounding villagers this the default value for this is two friendship points but because of the number of villagers in the game I feel like five points is a fair compromise because of the amount of

People here on a Friday I can get 85 bonus friendship points with everybody here just from talking to them on top of the 20 friendship points you normally get from just talking to a villager so 105 friendship points in total I donate an iridium bar coal bones and white

Algae to the community center unlocking the bounty board bundles and the Vault bundle but I have not fully completed the boiler room yet I still need to donate some gems I take a look at the bounty board bundles at first glance they make me want to cry but upon further

Inspection it’s not too bad I suppose don’t get me wrong it’s going to take quite a bit of time to get them done but it’s not as bad as it could be I feel the Vault bundle is pretty simple I just have to donate 98,000 gold overall I’m

Feeling pretty good about the community center General I think the two most difficult bundles are the fishing and bounty board bundles but they’re manageable also I did check and the only fish that is exclusive to Spring is the legend which we don’t need to donate thankfully so we’re good on that front

Susan sends us melon seeds on day 41 thank you Susan I harvest some poppies and coffee beans along with some ancient fruit and wheat also the potatoes in the shed are ready so I collect those too the bad news though is I don’t don’t have enough to donate so I sprinkle

Fertilizer on the garden pots and plant potato and kale seeds I wanted to ask Clint to crack open some geod for me but I forgot he is working on upgrading my axe I find that a bit questionable considering he was not doing anything at all when I walked in but then I asked

Him to do something for me and he’s just magically busy that’s pretty suspicious if you ask me it’s off to the mines and this time I am indeed going to progress further again we have some pretty powerful tools and weapons at are disposal so I was able to get to floor

120 thanks in large part to the golden pickaxe and the exeler I now have the skull key which means I can enter the skull Caverns I think I’ll wait until I get the idium pickaxe to go to the skull Cavs though our axe has been returned to us on day

42 what a delicious start to the day I’m also not really sure whether or not to mention harvesting crops anymore or how frequently to mention it I think what I’ll do is mention when I harvest plant the money makers so to speak so things like ancient fruit Georgia berries and

Summer seeds as well as things I need for the community center like the potatoes and kale I have growing in Garden pots I donate coffee beans summer Spangles poppies and peppers to the community center I am really proud of myself for staying on top of the

Donations next up is a visit to Clint where I have my geod cracked open I need one petrified slime I think that’s how you pronounce it three mudstone and three celestin I believe and I only need to donate two of those three items so we have a bit of leeway with the last

Boiler Room bundle as I can choose which two of those three I want to donate I donate some items to the museum including the one mudstone I had I did not mean to donate this but I have two Celestine and one petrified slime so I guess we’re going with those two I asked

Clint to crack open even more geod and I do not get the item I need but that is okay I want to get the boiler room finished before the end of summer so I still have 2 weeks or so now that I have the iron axe I can break tree stumps and

Logs to get hardwood I’m going to break any of these that I see as I want as much hardwood as I can get for future projects that will require that material I check out the traveling cart which is not selling garlic or garlic seeds but it turns out I don’t actually need

Garlic at least not for the spring crops bundle you see I can leave one of the crops out and just donate the rest and will still be enough to complete that bundle I grab as much hardwood as I can get my hands on in the secret Woods

Along with some red banebury the Quarry area on the farm is filled to the brim with copper iron and gold ore emeralds diamonds and other gems and Frozen Shields I want to break every Rock here and collect everything but I am a busy bee and it also is my bedtime so I must

Leave this place for now day 43 is already off to an absolutely Sensational start as I harvest Georgia berries and starfruit among a couple of other crops summer forward is also ready for collection I have to say the shop overhaul mod has paid dividends and has undoubtedly made this adventure quite a

Bit easier thanks to the sprinklers that were added to peer shop I donate radishes to the summer crops bundle and gold star starfruit to the Quality crops bundle I finish off the summer foraging bundle for which I receive a bee house acorns and common mushrooms are donated

To the fall foraging bundle and a petrified slime is thrown into the boiler room I really do hope I have been pronouncing petrified correctly but I don’t think I have I sell the rest of the starf fruit I have to pier and make 73 tea saplings I’ve got more Georgia

Berry and ancient seeds at my disposal so I plant those I would like to get the Georgia Berry and ancient fruit Empire up and running as quickly as possible the tea saplings I created are sold along with half of the salal berries I have in my inventory

I find a banana at the area outside the tunnel beside the bus stop which is a very nice find ordinarily a banana is something I would obtain in Winter after reaching Ginger Island so I am very surprised to receive one this early though it is of course a welcome

Surprise the walk to the desert also provides me with plenty of opportunities to take on monsters that will have to be defeated as part of the monster eradication goals so it’s nice to know that we are consistently making progress on these goals every time I partake in this Marathon to Calico desert upon

Entering Sandy shop she tells us that we should avoid walking home as ghosts come out in droves at night time I hear you I understand you but above all else I’m going to ignore you I buy some rubarb seeds 10 coconuts and 200 starfruit seeds then I Venture onto the road back

To Pelican town just as Sandy warned us the area is teeming with ghosts luckily we have the Exel bur so getting back home is a complete walk in the park just before I head to sleep I make sure to plant some of the starfruit seeds I bought today the planting of starfruit

Seeds continues on day 44 I continue the tradition of making summer seeds I feel like I have grown especially attached to these wonderful packets of seeds and I harvest the green beans that have grown in the garden pots for the first time I need 30 of these so

This is something I will have to repeat two more times I head to Duran’s rest where I deliver five dwarf and barely malt to him this of course unlocks a new quest to make five of a new item and give them to him I check the mailbox at

My farmhouse here and read the letter that contains the crafting recipe for the machine needed to make this new item I spend just a little bit of time battling the bees here to collect some honey I might as well while I’m here then I head to Grandpa’s shed for the

First time as I have the iron axe I can break the two logs that block the entrance to this shed I step inside and analyze my surroundings just as I thought this is indeed a shed but it’s not just a shed no it’s a big shed the

Rest of the day as well as days 45 and 46 are spent chopping down trees and clearing out the rest of the space in this big patch of land where I have been planting my seeds day 47 is a massive summer forage collection day of course I collected other crops the main ones

Being ancient fruit Georgia berries and Pearls I don’t know if you can consider a pearl to be a CR but it grew from a seed so technically it’s a crop I don’t know what’s going on anymore my brain is fried if I’m being honest between the

First day of spring and now I have written around 20,000 words that’s 20,000 words about stardew Valley I wasn’t exaggerating about my brain being Fried by the way when I go to sleep I dream about summer forage and the mind’s endurance rest and stealing tea saplings from Pierre and catching dozens of fish

After making 67 summer seeds I plant as many of them as I possibly can bear in mind I also planted more summer seeds and starf fruit seeds during that period of time I spent clearing out more space on the farm I would not be surprised if

I end up with like a th000 or 2,000 summer seeds by the end of this season that’s just the way things are going right now I donate potatoes cauliflower blueberries Tomatoes red cabbages and melons to the community center all of which I harvested during the afrom mentioned period of time spent cleaning

Up the farm I complete the summer crops bundle and receive an idium sprinkler sweet upon further inspection of the bounty board bundles I got to say they’re really not too bad I admit I panicked when I first saw them simply because of how many items are required

For these bundles but if I stay cool calm and collected I think I’ll be able to get this one done before the end of the year I buy some geod from Clint along with a rusty Cog and a rusty spur for the museum and five battery packs I

Ask Clint to crack open the geod I just bought and I very quickly get my hands on two mudstone it’s at this point I deeply regret donating that one mud Stone I had to the museum I buy some more GEOS from Clint ask him to crack them open and I receive the third

Mudstone I need I was actually hoping to get one Celestine because I already have two of those but I mean I’m not going to complain about this I will happily take three mudstone I make a few Don to the museum I have been lacking just a bit

When it comes to this area but there are a lot of things I’ve had to stay on top of since this playthrough began so I won’t hold that against myself I head to the beach where I talked to Murphy even though Murphy isn’t anywhere to be seen

I have the option to go on the fishing trip but when I accept it nothing happens I believe what has occurred is you cannot go on the fishing trip after 600 p.m. I made it to the beach before 600 p.m. but talked to Murphy after 6:00

P.m. so maybe the game just made Murphy disappear because even though I got to the beach on time I was too late when it came to actually seeing and talking to Murphy any wh I donate three mudstone to the community center finishing off the boiler room we have now unlocked the

Minecart system we have also just completed our first room in the community center well done us on day 48 we have officially reached the stage where we will never be shorten coffee beans ever again I make 100 70 more summer seeds I do apologize for how often I have mentioned this but

Harvesting forage and making seeds brings me so much happiness I just want to share this experience and that happiness with all of you I head into Robin’s shop where a cut scene plays Robin say she has figured out what material she needs we need to give her

150 hardwood 600 Stone 50 iron bars and 20 battery packs yeah basically what has happened here is the game for some reason skipped the cut scene where Robin shows up at her house and talks about Grandpa’s shed instead it has just jumped ahead to her telling us what she

Needs to repair the shed which doesn’t really bother me in fact I’m just happy to finally be able to repair the shed the reason for this being it contains a greenhouse which I desperately need I did a bit of mathematics in my head while I walked to Clint and figured out

That I have just enough gold to buy 15 battery packs from him this is very good news because I already have five of them which means I have the 20 needed for Grandpa shed so I gather all of the required Stone hardwood and iron bars and toss them along with the battery

Packs into the chest in Grandpa shed and just like that we have delivered everything Robin asked for I refused to partake in any sort of dilly-dallying when it comes to that shed and especially the greenhouse it contains I buy three iridium bars from Goran as well as five iron bars and two more

Iridium bars I make five of the new machine required for Duran’s most recent Quest then I make more der Bloons and buy eight more idium and iron bars which I used to make four of the previous two machines that Duran taught us how to make just before I leave I buy a final

Five iridium bars I place all of my machines down my thought process here is I want to be able to make everything during once as quickly as possible I’m at the point where I want to wrap up the Duran’s rest quest and find out what we get for completing everything Robin pays

Us a visit on the morning of day 49 and lets us know that the shed will be repaired tomorrow thank you Robin thank you so much also I goofed uh I accidentally interacted with the mailbox while I was holding my golden pickaxe because I had five iridium bars in my

Inventory it sent my pickaxe to Clint to be upgraded that was very silly of me but I was planning on upgrading my pickaxe anyway so we shall call this a happy accident I take a look at what Marne is selling the shop over H mod has added eggs milk cloth wool basically

Every animal item along with things like fiber and mayonnaise machines to our shop I don’t buy anything but that is good to know next up is a cut scene where I pet Dusty the dog this was a therapeutic cut scene and was very much needed after the previous action filled

Jam-packed and very intense 49 days I have gotten to the point where I don’t even read the quests on the bounty board anymore I just accept them and if I have an item any villager wants then I send it to them when I get the chance this

Honestly does not happen as often as I would like it to as I don’t yet have access to a good portion of the items that the villagers have requested after selling some crops to peer I buy 50 tomato seeds as I need gold star tomatoes for the community center as

Well as basic fertilizer nine iridium Sprinklers and one more iridium sprinkler that I was able to afford after selling some salal berries for the first time I cross Shearwater bridge and enter East scarp I cannot believe I haven’t come here yet but in my defense

I have been up to my eyeballs in various Shenanigans and Tom Foolery up until this point the first house I enter in this lovely area is going for a minimalist aesthetic shall we say it doesn’t have a lot of furniture is what I’m trying to get at here maybe this

Will be my house in the future I would like that I would like that a lot I enter a hotel or an inn I think it’s called I meet Rosa who dropped something she was cooking and immediately blamed me for it lovely my first day here and

Already somebody is angry with me I apologize which results in Rosa immediately apologizing too I am massively confused I think I’m just going to forget that happened and start fresh with Rosa water under the bridge right she is selling bread cookies coffee East scarp warp totems and the

Crafting recipe for warp totems I don’t buy anything but I will remember this for the future as I’m sure those warp totems especially will come in handy I explore the hotel a bit more and I find a lovely swimming pool area the rooms here are very nicely furnished a stark

Contrast to that first house I entered overall I like the aesthetic of this hotel I enter a house where I meet munching ton the cat nice we have Dusty the dog and munching ton the cat there is a lovely Beach area I hope some sort of Festival takes place here or just

Something that involves the villagers hanging out here I feel like that would be a lovely touch I enter a Cave System but I don’t have a pickaxe with me as I accidentally sent it to Clint this morning so I shall return at some point and see what this cave system has to

Offer I enter another cave and meet Lexi I do not know who or even what Lexi is but I want to be their friend they have a positive aura and I’m liking the vibe they’re giving off I make my way to the north of East scarp where I find an exit

That leads to the mountain area you know the place by the mines and Robin shop it’s good to know that we can access e scarp from here I was not aware of that until now the Duran’s rest machines are thriving on day 50 though I would like

To build a shed and put all of the machines inside it but that is a job for another day maybe even another season as I have a lot on my plate right now I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m complaining when I say things like that I’m honestly really happy to have so

Many things to do and talk about on a daily basis I don’t want this to change I want to have a dozen different things to do every day Robin has repaired Grandpa’s shed that is the best news I have received during this entire playthrough so far the first thing I do

Is head upstairs and plant all of the tomato and kale seeds making sure to sprinkle fertilizer on them as I do the reason for this being I need gold star kale and tomatoes for the community center I also plant some artichoke seeds fully covering the entirety of the

Greenhouse with seeds I donate 30 green beans and take a few minutes to really assess what I have left to do here in the community center allow me to explain what I’m thinking right now the spring crops bundle is fine I just need rhubarb and unmilled rice both of which are

Growing in the garden pots for the quality crops bundle I can thankfully leave out the strawberries and easily get the other four done the fall crops will be a walk in the park I will just buy the seeds I need for them when fall begins The Artisan bundle shouldn’t be

Too bad it’s just a case of throwing fruits and vegetables into preserved jars and cegs and planting the fruit tree sapling so I can get apricots peaches cherries and pomegranates the animal bundle is the most difficult one here the items being gold starred does add a significant challenge to the this

But as long as I can get a coupe or two and a barn and fill them up with cows goats chickens and Ducks within the next 2 or 3 weeks I should be fine the fishing bundles are just timec consuming more than anything else I have been

Making a very conscious effort to fish whenever I can like I’ve mentioned a couple of times it has been going pretty well but we are closing in on the point where I need to dedicate a few days specifically to fishing to make sure I don’t miss out on any of them the bounty

Board bundles I spoke about this one earlier it’s not necessarily difficult it just requires a lot of items I think the worst part about this one is going to be getting all of the cooking dishes I need I could buy them I know Duran sells at least a couple of these dishes

But I would rather make them myself instead of buying them and that goes for all of the other bundles too unless I absolutely have to I would feel a lot better about myself if I obtained all of the items I need instead of relying on buying them in shops so overall I am

Feeling pretty confident when it comes comes to the bundles I have left it won’t be easy don’t get me wrong but it is a lot of fun and a very nice change of pace compared to the normal bundles I ask Robin to build a coupe for us then I

Spend the rest of the day fishing at the beach I have received my aridium pickaxe on day 51 the very first Corn Harvest takes place the rest of the day spent fishing at the mountain lake yep the fishing portion of this playthrough is officially underway on day 52 two I

Harvest more summer forage than I know what to do with that’s a lie actually I know exactly what I’m going to do with this and that will be revealed pretty soon I finally buy the Iridium fishing rod and as you may have guessed I spend the rest of the day fishing even more

Summer forage is ready on day 53 I never really took the time to plant summer seeds or spring or fall or winter seeds this much in the past so I had no idea it would result in this much forage growing on the farm now I truly understand why people invest so much

Time and effort into making tea saplings it makes so much sense now at tomato Harvest takes place too and of course any Georgia berries and ancient fruit I get are thrown into seed makers as always I ask Robin to add another Coupe to the farm and I buy 10 preserve jars

From her we might as well continue the tradition the rest of the day spent fishing starfruit is ready for Harvest on day 54 I’m going to be honest I’m a lot more excited now when I see summer Forge than I am when I see starfruit which is weird because starfruit has

Always been my favorite crop in the game I visit Murphy at the tide poool area and embark on a fishing trip with him I drink a cup of coffee as always that speed boost is invaluable when it comes to getting around the boat as quickly as possible just like the last fishing trip

I went on this is nerve wrecking to a goofy degree that is the best way I can describe it it’s a lot of fun but it takes so much concentration and effort to stay on top of repairing the Nets keeping the engine running and repairing the wall to make sure the boat doesn’t

Get flooded my one and only complaint is that you can only get ocean fish from this fishing trip maybe I’m wrong and in the future I’ll be able to get River fish and mountain fish that would be swell but that is just a minor complaint

On my part this activity is a lot of fun and I’m really glad I installed this mod when the timer dropped down below 20 seconds I did something I am very proud of myself for doing I remembered that I can use the computer to add 30 more

Seconds to the timer when the fishing trip concludes I check the chest containing all of the fish we caught during it I have received clams starfish halibut crayfish snails Purry Winkles and red mullets it may have been difficult but it was absolutely worth it prepare yourself now for the surprise of the century

The rest of the day is spent fishing the penultimate round of starfruit harvesting occurs on day 55 I also get a tower route which is really cool normally you can only get those when you unlock Ginger Island I’ve built up a nice collection of seeds I’ve got 14

Ancient seeds 57 joa B starters and 20 fall seeds I acquired the fall seeds by putting common mushrooms into the seed maker things are looking mighty fine in the greenhouse and Grandpa shed as the kale is tantalizingly close to being fully grown I sell a few of my crops by

Eight full stacks of fiber from Marney and buy four chickens for the first Coupe I had built on the farm I spend the rest of the day fishing in front of Leah’s Cottage as I need to get Pike and Dorado for the community center I have also decided that I’m going to wait

Until I have every fish I need and donate them all at the same time I feel like that is going to be really satisfying so I’m very much looking forward to doing that day 56 the final day of summer after making as many summer seeds as I can I

Have around 3,200 of them okay now I really understand the obsession some people have with tea saplings though I will say I may have overdone it as I make over 600 tea saplings and the only reason why I didn’t make more is because I ran out of wood 600 te sapling sells

For 300,000 gold so we are going to be in a very comfortable position financially heading in the fall the final star fruit harvesting session of the Season takes place officially signaling the end of summer that’s a lot of ess’s in one sentence I harvest all of the kale that has grown in the

Greenhouse and plant wheat and artichoke seeds in their place I improve my financial situation even further as I sell starfruit to Pierre unlocking the achievement for earning a total of 1 million gold I buy iridium sprinklers donate corn gold star kale and unmilled rice to the community center I also

Donate a total of 98,000 gold to buy all of the Vault bundles and complete that room in its entirety the third and final backpack upgrade has been purchased which means we now have 48 inventory slots that is very chill I must say I head to doran’s rest I have lost count

Of how many times I have said that and I give the five items Doran wanted to him which of course unlocks a quest to make five of another item and give those to him too I utilize the super Elite tactic of using the warp totem in my farmhouse

Here to get back to the starting area as fast as possible disaster has struck as I am unable to plant my fruit tree saplings in the greenhouse I will be completely honest and say I very much panicked at this point however as I’m watching this footage and writing the

Script I know exactly why I couldn’t plant them it’s because they have to be planted under the dirt and not on the wooden flooring basically this is a very easy fix and I will plant them all on the very first day of fall I spent the

Rest of the day fishing to catch the last couple of rainbow trout and Sunfish I need and that is the end of summer I feel like this is going to be slightly shorter than spring but I also feel like we accomplished a lot more here maybe that’s just placebo effect because I put

More focus on the community center during this season but regardless I feel like we’re doing very well for ourselves I know for a fact I have repeated myself many times and I have rambled quite often but that’s just how my videos are I’ve accepted it now if you enjoy

Rambles and listening to someone talk really in detail about the smallest things feel free to stick around and watch more of my videos because that is my specialty anyway this has gone on long enough and I’m sure fall and winter will be a similar length so I won’t take

Up any more of your time I had tremendous fun this season let’s see if we can keep the ball rolling and fall A gentleman by the name of Richard pays us a visit on day 57 a piano player has arrived in the hotel owned by Richard truth be told I do not know who Richard is nor do I know where this hotel he’s referring to as located but I do

Appreciate him providing me with this piano lore all the same the majority of our crops have withered away which is always a sad sight however the Georgia Berry ancient fruit corn and Pearl seeds are still standing and I am sure there will be a plethora of seeds I can plant

In place of the summer crops this season I harvest some green beans and rhubarb from the garden pots the important one being rhubarb as this still has to be donated to the community center I make a beine for the greenhouse and Grandpa shed where with a heavy heart I begin

Removing the entire two rows of seeds at the bottom I plant five fruit tree saplings in place of these seeds this is repeated with the top two rows of seeds I did have a bit of a lacad isical moment however as I seem to have forgotten my pomegranate tree sapling

That is a travesty of the highest order and must be rectified immediately I head to Pi where I buy 50 of each fall seed 550 speed grow and a pomegranate sapling I buy a further 300 pumpkin seeds bringing us up to a total of 350 of them

I have also decided to pay more attention to the villagers birthdays this season and by that I mean I will be over the moon if I remember to give gifts to three of them I do not have high expectations for a friendships this year I donate the rhubarb I harvested

This morning to finally complete the spring crops bundle I take a look at the remaining crop bundles to once again keep myself humble I ask Robin to add a shed to the farm or storage situation is disgusting quite frankly dare I even say the overall aesthetic of the farm is not

Sensational in fact I would go a step further and say the current state of the farm is an insult to every stard Valley player that has ever lived okay no it’s not that bad but I’m hoping me saying this will motivate me to tidy it up just a little bit during

Fall after purchasing a couple of machines and tree fertilizer from Robin I returned to Grandpa’s shed and plant the pomegranate tree all of her trees should be fully grown on the first day of winter to finish off the day I get started on planting all of the seeds I

Bought today I am content with how the first day of this brand new season has gone the planting of seeds continues on day 58 the bad news about being able to buy hundreds of seeds is it takes quite a bit of time to get everything planted the good news is once everything is

Planted I can pretty much just forget about them and let the sprinklers work away I think at this point it’s safe to say that the Undisputed MVP of this playthrough so far is the Iridium sprinklers they have very pry much added a positive vibe to this adventure so far

Also when it comes to the speed grow there is absolutely no rhy or Reason when it comes to how and where I sprinkle it some crops were blessed with this magical substance while others were not I make the executive decision to enter the skull Caverns for what I

Believe is the first time my goal here is not to collect aridium ore and gems but rather to see how well we can do with the idium pickaxe and the exalver the the answer pretty well the sword easily takes care of any and every monster I encounter and the pickaxe

Breaks every Rock here rather swiftly my curiosity has been satiated by the time I reach floor 5 so I end the skull Cavern gallivanting session there I think I will save the proper skull Cavern runs for next year the beautiful sight of freshly grown artichokes awaits

Me when I enter Grandpa’s shed I need gold star artichoke for the community center so this certainly will not be the final artichoke harvesting session of the Season back on the farm Lorenzo has decided to pay us a visit when he was younger his parents would take him and

His siblings to this Farm to visit my grandparents my grandpa helped his family when they were new to Pelican town and as a token of his appreciation for this Lorenzo gives us a couple of gifts one Deluxe speed grow a plate of spaghetti 1,000 gold and a lucky charm

That belonged to my grandma Lorenzo AP izes for taking so long to visit us and tell us all about the shared history between our families he wanted to make sure we actually are our grandfather’s grandchild do not fret Lorenzo that is a very understandable choice I spend the

Rest of the night planting even more seeds now that it is fall I can plant the artichoke seeds on the farm instead of in the greenhouse that is marvelous news a shortcut scene plays on day 59 where somebody I ass assume it is our grandma appears to us in a dream I think

I’m not entirely sure what any of this was she tells us that she and our grandfather are very happy we have finally arrived in Pelican town and are settling in nicely what a sweet start to the day it has occurred to me that I have prioritized doran’s rest above

Every other expansion mod that is not something I intended to do I was actually planning on bouncing back and forth between each one and giving them all plenty of time to shine in this playthrough here ago two things must happen during this season number one I must do everything I can to speed

Through the remaining quests associated with juran’s rest I assume these quests will require a plentiful amount of Dwarven barley the seeds for which I shall acquire this morning number two I want to dive into another expansion mod and I don’t mean I just talk to the villagers and walk around the East SCAR

Or rside Village no I want to begin a new story line and start showing what these other mods have to offer I’m hoping this will spice things up and keep this series entertaining I make my way to Robins where I purchase 20 kegs preserve jars and tappers now that my garden pot

Obsession has been tossed to the side I can fixate on these three machines instead I ask Robin to add a third shed to the farm inside this shed is where the kegs I obtain will be placed the special orders board has been added to the town center I for one one cannot

Wait to accept special orders and then immediately forget about them I wish I was joking but my brain is a Sie when it comes to actually remembering to do the special orders I accept I accept a special order from Clint to defeat 50 dust Sprites this is a very easy special

Order to complete and the reward for completing it is the crafting recipe for the geod crusher will I actually complete this special order no absolutely not in fact as soon as I took one step away from the board I was already thinking about a dozen things

None of which involve going to the mines and defeating the afro mentioned dust Sprites some wheat is ready for Harvest in the greenhouse this is another crop that can be planted on the farm during fall so the greenhouse is going to be used almost exclusively for fruit tree

Saplings for the foreseeable future I say almost exclusively because I do need gold star Tomatoes which must be planted in here ears is closed which means I must Venture into geja Mart where I purchase wheat and amaranth seeds do I feel bad for giving money to the geia

Overlords yes but also no because if Pier simply opened the shop on Wednesdays I would not have to do this I can’t wait to finish the community center so I can officially rid this town of the georia stench just like the previous two days I spend the rest of

The day planting the seeds I just bought wheat is ready for Harvest on day 60 which is nice because I need plenty of this stuff for the community center bu Choice have blessed us with their presence which I also require for the community center I believe do I I think

I do I’ll be honest I am operating under the assumption that every crop that can be grown is needed for the community center this isn’t true of course but it basically ensures I grow everything I need it has become apparent that we are in dire need of a tree farm Oak resin

And pine toar need to be donated and the oak resin can also be used to produce a conglomerate of kegs in the future I place Cobblestone Pathways down connecting each tree sapling to each other the reason for this is quite simple the automate mod allows you to

Use Pathways to connect machines to a chest when these Oak Pine and maple trees are fully grown I will put tappers on them all of the oak resin Pine toar and maple syrup will be deposited into a chest I of course sprinkle tree fertilizer on all of these seeds to

Greatly speed up the entire process I throw hops into the Duran rest machines as they are required to produce the item Duran once day 61 begins with the collection of eggplants on the farm and tomatoes in the greenhouse I was actually surprised when I realized I have the required amount of gold star

Tomatoes I thought I needed 40 or 50 of them but I only need 20 sweet I donate muscles Driftwood and Purry Winkles to the Crab Pot bundle seaweed algae bait wheat rainbow shells tulips and Sandstone to the bounty board bundles Jam juice eggplants Bok Cho grapes and tomatoes to the crops bundles

And Chantels to the foraging bundle I asked Robin to upgrade one of the sheds on the farm and continue the new tradition of buying kegs preserve jars and tappers from her every time I visit her shop there is quite a bit of time left in the day which I spend cleaning

Up a patch of land fiber wood and stone are all invaluable resources so I’m always happy to gather more of them that and the level of dopamine in my body increases substantially every time I tidy up an area on the farm my tea sapling Obsession has returned in full

Force on the morning of day 62 as I make 500 of them I will say however I would very much like to diversify my sources of income I’ve made hundreds of thousands of gold from tea sapling so far and while money is nice I don’t want

To rely on them as our primary Money Maker so I have made my second executive decision of the Season any fall seeds I make this season shall only be planted I will not be turning them into tea saplings that being said the summer seeds I have are still fair game I’m not

Going to turn my back on tea saplings entirely that would be very rude of me to do after how well they have served us so far after planting some fall seeds I sell some items to appear to revive my bank account I invest this money in 250

Fall seeds is it just me or does I invest sound so much better than I buy it makes it seem like I’m making an important business decision rather than just throwing my money away next up is a cut scene in which Jazz has gotten lost

In the Big Forest I help her get home which Marney thanks me for if I am being entirely honest here I did not do it out of the kindness of my heart I did it because the Big Forest is my special place I do not like the idea of anybody

Else being in there frolicking around and potentially stealing all of the forage it contains that simply cannot happen I buy cheese presses mayonnaise machines oil makers and Looms from Marney and I buy four chickens for the second Coupe on the farm this reminds me that I already have four chickens on the

Farm they are not happy with me that is complet completely understandable to say the least I mean I have completely ignored them up to this point my sincerest apologies to these chickens I plant some fall seeds then I head to rside village where I encounter a junimo

Called kiwi Lenny has set up a bounty board in the village I already talked about how I tend to forget about the special orders I accept in Pelican town so I really hope nobody in this Village is expecting me to do orders for them this year I want to believe me I really

Do but but there is a decent chance that I’m not even going to look at this new special orders board a single time during the next 4 weeks another cut scene plays in which I am introduced to torts the resident Turtle of rside Village torz snorts when they see me

That hurt my feelings quite a bit I won’t lie I enter a building where I can pay somebody to pet my animals every morning this is an offer I cannot refuse this should make the whole process of keeping my animals happy a lot easier year which is delightful news that means

The size and quality of the eggs produced by your chickens will improve without me having to do any work later in the day Yuma pays a visit to the farm and lets us know that Lenny would like to see us she has a job for us ooh how

Exciting I spend the rest of the day fishing with a new season comes a new batch of fish for me to catch as was the case during summer I’m going to dedicate a few days specifically to fishing sooner rather than later day 63 begins with the harvesting of dwarfen barley we

Should be covered on this front now I highly doubt I’ll need to plant any more for Duran’s Quest speaking of Doran I deliver five of an item to Doran which as you may have guessed results in him asking for five of a new item oh wait hold on NOP actually Duran doesn’t want

Five of this new item we actually need to give this item to dur that that was a terrible joke in fact I’m not even going going to consider that one a joke that’s how bad it was I apologize I spent some time in the mines here in Duran’s rest

I’m running low and derium which I need to make a new machine and I presume a couple more new machines in the future a curve ball has been thrown our way up until now every machine required derium an iron bar and an aridium bar to make the Dwarven fermentor is a different

Story however I need wood hardwood Oak resin and iron bar and derium I was not expecting this but this still will not be difficult to make also as I predicted I completely forgot about Clint’s special order I am neither surprised nor disappointed the rest of the day as well

As days 64 through 67 are spent fishing I did a few other things during this period of time which I will point out on day 68 speaking of which day 68 begins with the harvesting of cranberries fall forage and pumpkins I use my summer seeds emphasis on summer seeds not fall

Seeds to make 300 tea saplings which I sell it is Community Center time now as I donate wheat to finish off a bounty board bundle and donate Marl and sea urchin to other bounty board bundles pickles gold star artichokes pumpkins yams fairy Rose beets and cranberries are donated to the crop bundles which

Results in me fully completing the fall crops bundle I finish off the exotic foraging bundle and the fall forging bundle I will say however I did something I really wish I had not done During the period of time I spent fishing I bought 10 Oak resin from

Robin this is the oak resin I donated here I said during summer that I did not want to buy anything I need for the community center if I can avoid it so I’m very disappointed in myself for doing this I’ll try not to be too hard

On myself though because I mean I would have gotten the oak resin for my tree Farm anyway I ask Robin to upgrade one of the coups on the farm and as always I buy kegs preserve jars and tappers I buy 10 Pine just to have it then I

Check on the crab pots I set up beside Penny’s trailer I did this during the fishing period so I can get access to the items I need for the Crab Pot bundle I also set up crab pots at the ocean as soon as I step foot on the beach fishing

Items float towards me this can only mean one thing somebody has destroyed the chest I placed beside the crab pots here that is not very chill I make a few donations to the Crab Pot bundle now all I need for this one are crabs and cockal

I buy 100 bait from Willie place a new chest beside my crab pots and fill it with the bait circling back to that fishing period again I also had Robin add a silo to the farm and our trees have fully grown this is a double whammy as they say our chicken chickens will

Have plenty of hay to eat and we will have a steady supply of Oak resin Pine toar and maple syrup really soon I pick up the kegs beside my house clear out the garden pots in the shed and replace them with mayonnaise machines cheese presses and looms before the night is

Over I place 36 chests in the first upgraded shed this is going to be our new storage area I also managed to place all of my kegs in the second upgraded shed the Harvest is plentiful on 69 as I gather what I hope is enough pumpkins to

Provide me with more than enough gold star ones for the community center there is no time for celebrating though as I immediately get to work on the storage shed I spend the entire day working on it the storage shed is almost fully complete on Day 70 I already feel so

Much better about myself putting all of my items into their designated chest really does soothe my soul for what feels like the millionth time this playr I teleport to doran’s rest where I give Doran the item he asked for I unlock the crafting recipe for the light molter it

Requires an iron and idium bar derium and a solar Essence I harvest more pumpkins when I return home ensuring that we have all the gold star pumpkins we need Doran gave me a Cascade hops starter when I completed that Quest earlier today so I plant it in the

Greenhouse as I assume I will need Cascade hops for the current Quest quest of his I am working on I would like to start day 71 by showing you all my storage shed I am pretty happy with how it turned out when I buy the wallpaper catalog in the future I will absolutely

Be sure to add a lovely wallpaper and flooring to this shed just to make it look even more beautiful I head to Mar’s where she is nowhere to be found you know that reminds me I’ve heard so many people complain about Marie never being in her shop but that rarely happens to

Me so I’m going to let this one SL I make up for this unfortunate yet minor inconvenience by asking Robin to perform the final upgrade on one of her coups I complete the final stage in the process of setting up a new tree farm by adding

Tappers to the trees then I donate gold star pumpkins to finish off the quality crops bundle I am mesmerized as always by the sight of forage on the farm on Day 72 I wanted to visit the market endurance rest but unbeknownst to me the stardy Valley Fair takes place today as

A result the market is locked that is more than okay though I am excited to go to the fair and get a star drop and a rarecrow I immediately get to work on my grin display doing my best to fill it up with some really nice items I’m feeling

Confident as I watch Lewis look at each stall hopeful that I will be awarded first place and receive 1,000 star tokens sure enough that is indeed what happens Sensational I make sure to take all of my items back I would be very upset with myself if I left them here

And then the event ends I am teleported back home for some reason I have no idea how this happened I am absolutely heartbroken as this means I have to wait until next year to get my hands on the star drop and the rare Crow you can get

Here no joke I am so confused right now I genuinely have no idea why that happened things go from bad to worse as I forget that peers is closed on Wednesday I wanted to sell some Jo bur starters as I found out they sell for 1,000 gold

Each so day 73 is not off to a good start things go from worse to worser as Robin is nowhere to be found in her shop I am in tremendous need of a pickme up and that pickme up comes in the form of a cut scene featuring the man the myth

The used car salesman Clint he has a mission for us he wants to get rid of the boulder blocking the entrance to the summit but he needs us to bring him 20 idium ore and 20 coal which he can use to make a bomb I may not see eye to eye

With Clint in fact I do not like him at all but he was there for me in my time of need so I will do my best to give him the items he needs before the end of fall actually no before the end of winter I can already tell I’m going to

Get srack and forget about this Mission he has given us so I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep I make a good start on it though by buying 20 coal and 10 iridium ore from hold on a minute he already has the coal and iridium ore he

Needs to get rid of the boulder why do I have to give him this stuff I’m still going to do it probably but I’m not happy with you Clint I’m not happy at all Jazz has a special order for us she wants us to give salmon to the cat on

The beach in East scarp I obtained plenty of salmon during my fishing Adventure so I will happily accept this one except it’s not that simple you see I can’t just give the salmon to the cat I need to catch five new salmon this Revelation has basically confirmed that

I will not be doing the special order not because I’m too lazy to catch salmon no I’m just going to forget about this one like how I did with Clint’s special order I take the geode Crusher I received for completing a bundle in the community center place it beside a chest

And put my geodes and coal into the chest this should give us plent of gems and minerals which we can donate to the museum I make my way to East scarp where I enter the cave that can be found on the beach I came here during summer but

I did not have my pickaxe on me so I couldn’t explore it as much as I wanted to that is not the case here I make my way through the cave where I discover a locked door and the entrance to the cave Lexi lives in and that is pretty much it

I’m not disappointed though I like the whole aesthetic of this cave cave I decide to take a leisurely nighttime stroll through the town taking in all of the sights and sounds of the area my heart and soul feeling truly at peace I can confirm the geode Crusher is working

Well on day 74 I am very excited to see the goods we obtain from it in the future I collect a good few eggs for my CPS and I am delighted to see we are already obtaining large eggs we need gold star large eggs for the community

Center so it was a massive relief seeing these show up I enter Mar’s shop but she is not behind the counter I do a bit of shoplifting and shall we say acquire a few eggs as payment for the continued inconvenience she is causing me I also

Steal M Le’s purple shorts look all I wanted was to get some rabbits and Ducks I don’t think that’s too much to ask for I place all of my eggs into the mayonnaise machines but I make sure to hold on to the gold star large egg Robin

Is back in her shop after yesterday’s carfuffle so I asked her to build a barn for us then it’s off to ride village where Lenny has a job for us she needs our help to repair the minecart system here you know what Lenny seems like a genuinely good person and she’s doing a

Much better job at helping people in rside Village than Louis is at helping people in pelicant town so I figure the least I can do is assist her in repairing the mine carts she wants $300 wood 10 iron bars and five gold bars which isn’t too bad at all I enter the

Hotel in the village where I meet the piano player Richard told us about on the first day of fall neat up next we have a cut scene involving Lorenzo Kara and shenise I hope I’m pronouncing all of those names correctly but as always I’m probably not shenise says she isn’t

Feeling well which makes Lorenzo worried I’m assuming Lorenzo is Shen’s husband Kiara says shenise is showing signs of being pregnant shenise seems confused at first then agrees with Kiara they asked me to back them up quite frankly I am tremendously confused as to what is going on I do not know what they’re

Talking about and I could not even tell that they were trying to make a joke I decide to support them anyway and they eventually revealed that the whole thing was in fact a joke now that I actually understand it I think it’s pretty funny I take a look at the items Lorenzo is

Selling it’s basically the same items peels just without any of the seeds the rest of the day spent chopping down trees I have already used thousands and thousands of wood during this playthrough and I have no doubt I will need so much more before all is said and

Done Marie is finally at the counter in her shop on day 75 I have waited so long for this moment I buy four autog Grabbers which sets me back by 100,000 gold I also by four ducks and four rabbits then I take the autog Grabbers

And place one in each Coupe I place a chest beside the autog Grabbers so there will be plenty of space for all of the eggs wool Etc true to my word I embark on a voyage to rside village where I deposit the iron and gold bars and the

Wood Lenny asked me to get in order to repair the minecart from there I head north of the village where I meet a mysterious man named Gio I think look you all know how much I struggle with pronouncing names in this game there’s no way I’m pronouncing this one

Correctly I’ve accepted that he is aware that we are the grandchild of our grandfather he is surprised we can see the true shape of his ears I mean we’ve got that junimo magic flowing through a body of course we can see his real ears he leaves without saying much else it

Turns out he did not go far because I see him standing beside kiwi I go to the right side of this area where I find a house in this house is a note that reads keep an eye on the old man’s Farm await further instructions interesting very

Interesting indeed I walk to the north of this little area where another cut scene plays I meet Gio once again I’m going to be completely honest here I do not like his Vibes it’s like oo look at me I have cool ears and I’m friends with

A magic junimo and I’m wearing a sweet outfit aren’t I just great it may be time for Clint to step aside I believe I may have found my new Nemesis the rest of the day spent wandering around this big Forest there is an abundance of forage to be found here which I

Absolutely love there are also quite a few enemies here which I do not mind at all I have no doubt that my sword can make quick work of them one thing I am not happy about however is that one of these monsters can hit me with the

Nauseated debuff this means I can’t eat or drink anything for 2 minutes this puts me in a precarious position as I fight off waves and waves of monsters unable to eat anything should I need to restore my health the monsters here drop an item called spiritual Essence cool

The big long serpent like monster also drops Mountain Mist Bloom when I defeat it realistically I could have left the area at any point but I wanted to test myself and see if I could last until 2: a.m. and that is what I did I receive a

Letter from Lenny on day 76 she has invited us to a festival in the village wonderful I’m excited to see what this is all about I enter ridgeside Village Walk around for a few seconds and once again the festival ends and I am teleported back home at this point I

Became convinced that one of the mods I am using has a feature that let you skip festivals by pressing a certain key I take a look and I think I was correct the event repeater mod has an emergency skip function so I reckon I accidentally hit those keys while I was at today’s

Festival and the stardy Valley Fair which caused them to end I feel very silly on day 77 I am proud to announce I have seven gold star mayonnaise only 23 more and I will have enough for the community center the egg situation is also looking bright our chickens are

Producing a ton of them each day I’m feeling less anxious about the animal bundle in the community center now I harvest Cascade hops in the greenhouse then I remember that I already bought Cascade hop starters from Balor and grew them so I retrieve them from a chest I

Throw them into my machines and they get to work durin once Dwarven ale we are currently making bitter Dwarven Red Ale wart that’s a mouthful wow okay uh which can be turned into Dwarven Red Ale I’m going to be completely transparent here I’m not proud out of what I did next I

Was torn between two trains of thought number one what if Dwarven Red Ale is not the same as Dwarven ale and Doran won’t accept it and number two I’m making Dwarven ale right now I’ve basically done all of the steps involved in this Quest why don’t I just make this

A little bit easier for myself I head to the mines endurance rest where I gather as much derium as I possibly can I use this duranium to make make der Bloons and I spend these der Bloons on two dwarfen ale I returned to the mines to collect more duranium I’m sure you can

Figure out what my plan is I’m not going to wait for the Red dwarfen Ale to be ready bring it to Duran and hope he accepts it I’m going to be a bit cheeky and just buy the dwarfen ale I need do I regret doing this honestly yeah yeah I

Do this is similar to me buying 10 Oak resin and donating them to the community center I I feel bad for doing this but I will make up for it I will not do this again for the next item Duran want I sell 124 joia Berry starters to Pier on

Day 78 like I mentioned earlier these are worth 1,000 gold each so this earned us a delicious 124,000 gold I toss my coffee beans into the keg shed then I visit ride village where the minecart system has been restored that is fantastic news and on top of that

Everybody was very grateful that I helped them out it’s nice to be appreciated so that was a very heartwarming cutscene I head to the north where I enter the house here for the second time a Cuts scene plays where Gio introduces me to somebody named Dia

I do not know how to pronounce half of the names I’ve seen in this playthrough so far and that is no different here it might be de or it might be Dia I might be right I might be wrong I do not know anyway both of these adventurers have a

List of items that we need to collect from the Big Forest just north of here I need to gather 25 Mountain Mist blooms and donate one each of the following items silver Fishbones hollowed bear intmed ring shell bracelet lovers Sorrow Yellow wood sculpture in fossil night black diamond and a golden skull Coral

This won’t be easy it might even be difficult but I shall persevere I said that I want to make progress on a storyline outside of the Duran rest one this is the beginning of that mission if I don’t find all of these items by the

End of this season then I’m giving up on this playthrough I cannot will not and must not fail to deliver these items I enter the Big Forest where I spend the rest of the day battling monsters and searching for the items I need one of these monsters drops a golden skull

Coral and an inomed ring I also donated the Inked fossil while I was in the house as I picked that up the first time I came here that is three of the nine items taken care of already I am curious about the mountain mist Bloom though it

Said to gather 25 of them which makes me think they’re a forage item and I can find them in this area on top of getting them by defeating the long serpent monster of course I’m not seeing any of them on the ground here right now so

Maybe they only show up during a certain season or it depends on the weather or the time or something like that at 11:00 p.m. I find a very interesting item on the ground a golden pumpkin I need this for the community center this is a very

Nice find day 79 begins in the mines uran’s rest I want to buy the three dwarfen ale I need which means I must get my hands on some more duranium I took all of my der Bloons with me and after leaving the mines I turned my derium into even more der Bloons

I buy the three ale I need and give it to Duran for which I receive a noble hop starter the crafting recipe for the Dwarven dark molter and a quest to bring five dwarfen Porter to Duran I need iron bars iridium bars derium and void Essence to make this machine I promise

You this machine will be made it’s back to the mines so I can get even more derium I only need five to make five of that new machine but I figure it’s better to get at least 10 of them just to be on the safe side I make the new

Machine on day 80 I place a Dwarven barley and piece of coal into it to get things started I’ve decided to only have one machine beside the chest here I don’t want to run the risk of making the wrong item by having every machine working at the same time the wizard has

A special order for us he would like us to find a prismatic slime defeat it grab the Prismatic jelly at drops and bring it to him I accept this special order order but unlike the previous two orders I’m actually going to do this one I’m tired of letting these villagers down if

I can’t remember their birthdays then the least I can do is complete some orders for them next up is Museum donation time I have ignored the museum for quite some time now so to make up for that I have brought every gem mineral and artifact I have with me all

Of these items are donated I collect the dwarfish translation guide and two RAR crows from the rewards available to me which allows me to talk to the dwarf in the mines for the first time he is selling oil of garlic and life Elixir I need both of these for the community

Center so I do not buy them I do not need to I can make them myself I will remain strong and resist the temptation to do things the easy way once again I return to the forest in rside Village I use a rain totem before I go to sleep I

Want to see what affect the rain has on the forest and the items that can spawn there gther pays us a visit on the morning of day 81 he thanks us for donating so many items to the museum and he lets us know that we will be

Receiving a large sum of money in the mail I check my mail and the first thing I see is a letter from Rosa the East scarp Inn will be holding a Halloween party on Spirits Eve starting at 1:00 p.m. I will make sure to check that out

In 2 days time I grab my coffees from from The Keg shed then I watch a cut scene where Marilyn enters the sewers I just realized I did not receive the key to the sewers from gother this morning I forgot that Marlin gives you the key to

The sewers When You Reach five hearts of Friendship with him I asked Robin to upgrade the barn on the farm then I deliver the four items I found in the forest last night Mountain Mist blooms have shown up in the forest which confirms my theory that rain makes them

And potentially other items appear and by Theory I mean I looked at the wiki for ride Village and found out that rain makes mountain of mist Bloom spawn I just wanted to be honest about that I pick up the yellow wood sculpture outside the tent on the left side of the

Area grab the shell bracelet in the north and I meet a ghost girl in the right side of the forest I talk to her and I obtained the hollowed Bear all I need now is the night Black Diamond I spend the remainder of the night G rting

Around the forest hoping to find this diamond but I have no luck with it unfortunately but that is okay today was a very successful day regardless gother sends us 40,000 gold on day 82 thank you gother I also realized I need five of the item Duran once so I place another

Four of the same machine down beside the chest this is going to be a long process I need to take the dwarfen barley Mash this machine will make swap the machine for a different machine make another item swap the machines again rinse and repeat until I end up with five Dwarven

Porter I asked Marie to add four cows to the barn and buy two iridium bands from Marlin then to the surprise of everybody I’m sure I head to the mines to work on the wizard special order I need to find a prismatic slime my tactic for this is

Simple I use the elevator to get the floor five and I search for the Prismatic slime if it is not here I return to the top of the mines then I use the elevator to go back to floor five rinse and repeat until the Slime shows up and it actually shows up really

Soon after I start this process this is without a doubt the quickest I have ever obtained the Prismatic jelly I enter the Wizard’s House where I become a bit nosy I’ll admit and I start reading a book on one of the Wizard’s bookshelves the wizard catches me reading this book and

He is a bit miffed that I’ve decided to do this but he says he’ll teach us plenty of magic in the future I present the Prismatic jelly to the wizard completing his special order I spent the rest of the day searching for the diamond in the forest long story short I

Was not able to find it the wizard sends us a letter on day 83 he lets us know that the shadow people are holding their own celebration for Spirits Eve and the sewer unfortunately I do not have the key to the Sewer so I cannot attend this celebration this Festival is added by

The Festival of the mundane mod I really wish I remembered that we get the key to the sewers by getting Marlin to five hearts and not from Gunther after donating 60 items to the museum that makes me sad I head to the Inn in East scarp as a Spirits Eve party is being

Held here it’s not really a festival or an event it’s kind of just a group of villagers hanging out inside here but it’s still a really nice touch I’m excited to see if a similar party will be held for the winter star Festival the Inn itself has been very nicely

Decorated for this party too I really like this I leave the party and head to Robins where I buy kegs and preserve jars I stopped mentioning me buying these items during the last week or so but you will see why I mentioned buying these items today pretty soon Ive move

On to the next stage of the Duran’s rest items machine production thingy I don’t know how to describe this process anymore in fact I won’t mention this again until I have the dwarfen porter I collect a few mushrooms that have shown up on the farm collect some that have

Been deposited in the chest beside our tappers and collect them from the chest in the mushroom cave I make 20 life Elixir and 10 Farm warp totems as I need them for the community center I throw hops into the kegs to make make the pale ale I need and attend the spirits Eve

Festival I don’t spend long here at all though I just buy a rarecrow and the Jacko Lantern crafting recipe I head into the forest in rideside village at 1:00 a.m. out of curiosity I take a screenshot of the map and the diamond has actually appeared the problem is

Here is where the diamond is located it’s at the very top of the map I probably don’t have enough time to grab it but I guess we’ll never know if I would have been able to get it because my game crashed at this point so I had

To repeat everything I did today all over again the only things I did not do are byy Kegs and preserve jars from Robin and go into the forest at the end of the day I’m taking all of my faith and putting it into the hope that I will

Be able to find the diamond tomorrow day 84 the final day of fall mayor Lewis pays us a visit and tells us that the governor is sending his wife and son to live in East scarp for winter Lewis is relying on us to make them feel welcome

The replies to this are a mix of funny and also very accurate my personal favorite is isn’t that your job that being said I’m busy enough and what’s in it for me are also very valid responses too in my opinion I decide to be nice

And say of course I will I collect eggs and wool from my Coupe and ask Marin to add four goats to the barn I toss some eggs into the mayonnaise machines add hardwood to the list of items I will be purchasing from Robin every time I visit

Her and I ask her to build a second Barn for us I collect crabs and cockles from the crab pots at the beach I only get seven crabs but luckily I have another nine crabs in a chest in the storage shed I add an auto Grabber and a chest

To the barn and finish off the Crab Pot bundle by donating the crabs and cockal I also finish off one of the bounty board bundles by donating life elixir farm warp totems and a golden pumpkin finally to finish off the day I head into the forest to search for the

Diamond I said earlier that if I do not find all nine items by the end of fall then I’m ending the playthrough This Is The Moment of Truth have these 84 days all been for nothing is this the end of the series I was sweating and shaking at this point my

Left leg began to bounce up and down nervous L but then just after midnight I found it I found the diamond the ninth and final item has been found this playthrough will continue I am incredibly relieved I genuinely did start to believe that I wasn’t going to

Find the diamond so I’m really really happy right now and I think that is a good place to end the season again I feel like we were very productive especially in terms of the community Center this season I think at this point the main question I have is will we be

Able to fully complete the community center before the end of winter we shall find out very soon all right here we are day 85 it is the first day of winter which means we are closing in on the end of our first year it has been quite the adventure so

Far and I’m really excited to see what happens during this season we start off with a cut scene featuring the governor’s wife and son they have arrived at the bus stop and are waiting for Lewis as their mayor of pelicant town surely Lewis has made sure he is

There to greet them on time and provide them with the warmest of welcomes right no of course not he is late which honestly I am not surprised by I don’t really know where my sudden intense dislike of Lewis has come from normally directing this sort of frustration and

Anger and annoyance towards Clint anyway let’s not waste any more time talking about our wonderful mayor let’s rewind time a little bit on the last day of fall I was able to find the final artifact that Dia asked for I’m very excited to see where this storyline is

Going so of course the very first thing I do this morning is Drop That artifact off I must return tomorrow to continue this mysterious Adventure I send myo to Clint I don’t plan on planting any seeds during winter besides some winter seeds so I can get the winter forage I need

For the community center so I can do without it for a couple of days going from one expansion mod to the other I head to Duran’s rest where I buy four Dwarven yeast I need these to make the item Duran asked for I have some wonderful news now as the trees in the

Greenhouse have fully grown which means we can start collecting fruit from them I am eternally grateful for Grandpa shed as I would not have been able to get the fruit I need for the community center without it I find the shadow guy hiding behind a bush and he gives me the

Magnifying glass this allows us to collect and read secret notes I’m not sure if the ride Village or east scarp mod adds more secret notes to the game hopefully they do it would be a lot of fun discovering any new Secrets they reveal I headed to Mar shop where she is

Nowhere to be found I do not enjoy stealing unless it is from Pier or Harvey of course but stealing some wool helps to alleviate the frustration I feel when Mary lets me down like this I do a bit of frolicking through the Big Forest collecting winter forage and

Having a jolly good time I head to a place I have become very familiar with the river in front of Leah’s cabin I decide to spend the remainder of the day fishing here with a new season comes a new batch of fish that I must obtain for

Community Center purposes I have put way too much time and way too much effort into fishing during this playthrough so far as a result I refuse to miss out on any fish that I need to donate I would be so upset if that happened so I’m

Going to do everything in my power to ensure there is not even a sliver of a chance of that happening and if I’m being honest fishing has become somewhat therapeutic for me it’s a nice break from the usual hustle and bustle my mind can finally be completely emptied during

This time and I can simply relax on the morning of day 86 I replace the machines for what I believe is the final time the next item we get should be the one Duran asked for I pop into my ceg shed where I collect the pale ale that

Was brewing here so during fall I bought 10 Oak resin from Robin and donated them to the community center I still feel bad about doing this so to make up for it I’ve taken 10 Oak resin out of the chest beside my tree farm and tossed them into

The trash it’s difficult to explain exactly why but I felt like I cheated by buying the 10 Oak resin as a certified stardew Valley scallywag it feels weird saying that making an aspect of the game easier has made me feel bad but you know as Patrick Star once said the inner

Machinations of my mind are an enigma any whs I make a recycling machine I can toss newspaper into it and I might get cloth in return let’s cast our minds back to fall one more time I completed a quest that resulted in the minecart system in rside Village being repaired

This is the result of that this is pretty nifty I will say I have a feeling I will be going to the big Forest Area here and the entrance to it is located right beside the shop so they should save us just a little bit of time I head

To the house Gio lives in there is a note waiting for me it instructs me to return here after 8:00 p.m. that is no problem at all I can do a little bit of Lolly gagging in the meantime Robin is nowhere to be found in her shop

But it does not feel right shoplifting here after the tremendous work she has done on her Farm I passed the time by fishing at the mountain lake before heading to the forest in rside Village here I am introduced to Belinda she is the Seer for the red tailed lady I do

Not know what that means but I am already invested Belinda’s mission is to find the spirit realm and cleanse the spiritual corruption in this mountain oh okay so it’s not a forest it’s a mountain okay my bad my bad Belinda says we are special and have an interesting

Aura which can only mean one thing she is about to ask us to collect several items and bring them to her we return to the house where Belinda thanks us for collecting the artifacts for her she and her children have spent years trying to decipher that book but had no luck so

She is very impressed that we were able to do it and use the information inside the book to find the artifacts yeah I didn’t read the book I just kind of walked around the mountain and hoped for the best and I also used the Wiki page so I appreciate what you’re saying but

It’s not true I’m not special Bliss Dia and Gio have all shown up they have brought artifacts with them apparently Belinda now has everything she needs to open the spirit realm just a heads up this cut scene features flashing lights at times so I’m going to cut them out so

If it looks like the footage has jumped ahead a bit that’s the reason why it’s probably a really small thing that I don’t have to worry about but I also don’t want to run the risk of hurting anybody’s eyes any Belinda did open a portal but it disappeared again almost

Immediately afterwards suddenly a voice can be heard the voice tells Belinda that the portal is unstable so it has to be closed again Belinda recognizes this voice apparently it is somebody called Ry Ry says she wants to talk privately to Belinda and me yeah we’re absolutely

Going to have to collect some items very soon I’ve developed a bit of a sixth sense for this kind of thing Belinda refers to Ry as her beloved I am immensely intrigued now I want to know all of the lore is this a lovers quarrel we are witnessing between the two maybe

Belinda tells us to meet her children at the Ridge Forest tomorrow okay wait so there’s a forest and a mountain all right it turns out I wasn’t wrong after all when I called it a forest this might get confusing so here here’s what we’re going to do the area we’re in now with

The house and these characters I’m going to call this place the forest the area where I collected all of the artifacts during fall that’s the mountain thank you for clearing that up Belinda that would have gotten very confusing very quickly anyway that’s it for today Clint

Sends my hole back to me on day 87 I head into Marines and buy heaters it is winter so I want to make sure my animals are nice and toasty inside the Cs and barns I asked Marin to add four cows to the second Barn I had built do a bit of

Fishing at the mountain lake with a focus on catching link Cod and ask Robin to upgrade one of the barns I dig up an artifact spot and get a snow yam sweet now I can make winter seeds I plant the seeds then I sprinkle some speed grow on

Them the dwarfen porter Doran asked for is finally ready so I collect it do a teeny bit of forging and run as quickly as I possibly can to doran’s home I give him the dwarfen Porter and he starts talking about how we should make a dwarfen still and use it to make another

Item there’s a bunch of steps involved in this and honestly I don’t want to make these items anymore it’s been fun don’t get me wrong but we have made so many of them already that and I didn’t get a new Quest from Duran so I don’t think he actually wants the item that

This new machine makes another little foraging session takes place I will jump on any opportunity I get to grab more forage then I head to the forest as Belinda requested Belinda that dismisses her three children that’s what she calls them anyway I don’t know if they’re like

Biological children of hers or if it’s like the you know she’s the leader of a group and she just calls them her children or I I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what I’m saying Belinda says we have to offer certain items to the crystals located around the mountain in

Order to restore their magic and work towards opening a stronger portal to the spirit realm we must offer 30 items that are the same color as each Crystal so for example we can grab 30 cranberries from the storage shed and offer them to the red Crystal this one shouldn’t be

Too difficult if that’s the case I probably have 30 of each colored item I’ll need for this we need 30 blue green yellow orange and red items for the corresponding crystals oh yeah I definitely have what I need already this is a lovely development I must say uh it

Turns out there are two more colors gray and purple stone and eggplants easy after collecting the items I need for this Quest I plant some winter seeds then I return to the mountain and donate 30 cranberries to take care of the first Crystal I find a golden pumpkin nice

Donate 30 Stone to the second Crystal eggplants to the third crystal blueberries to the fourth Crystal fiber to the fifth Crystal sap to the sixth Crystal and pumpkins to the seventh and final Crystal after doing this we hear a voice telling us to return here tomorrow

Bliss visits the farm on day 88 and lets us know that the Seer will be waiting for us in the forest after 8:00 p.m. I head to the greenhouse where I collect three of each fruit that are growing on trees here I think it’s safe to say that

I’m guaranteed to get all the fruit I need before the end of winter so that is quite the relief I must say a very short cut scene featuring kiwi the junimo plays they simply say hm and that’s it I’m already invested in whatever is going on with kiwi Demetrius has a

Special order for us he wants us to catch 10 squid I need to donate 10 squid so I might as well accept this one I buy two battery packs from Clint and check out the Wares that the dwarf is selling I need to get my hands on 25 cave

Carrots in order to make 25 survival burgers for donation purposes I could have sworn the dwarf had cave carrot seeds for sale but I guess not maybe somebody else is selling them I know for a fact I’ve seen them being sold I just can’t remember which shop I saw them in

After having no luck in peers I visit the shadow Market but Balor is not selling these seeds either it’s okay though I do have a plan B when it comes to getting cave carrots in the meantime I visit Balor who has a quest for us he

Wants us to give 12 juniper berries to Doran this is actually an amazing quest for us the reason for that being one of the trees I planted in the greenhouse is the juniper berry tree I’ve already been collecting them and I can easily continue doing so until until I obtain

All 12 that are required back on the farm I make two slime egg presses I have the option of donating a red and a blue slime egg for one of the bundles I don’t have to donate either as I only have to donate six of the eight items in the

Bundle but if I get one or both of these eggs I certainly will not complain in the saloon I buy 25 bread from Gus I also pick up the triple shot espresso recipe it is time for the plan B I mentioned earlier to today I buy some

Bombs and mega bombs from the dwarf use the elevator to go down to floor 15 and place a bomb on the patch of dirt doing this results in us getting two or three cave carrots each time I repeat this process over and over until I get all of

The cave carrots I need I head to the beach where I spend some time catching even more fish then it’s off to the forest where Belinda is waiting for us she activates a portal of some kind a voice calls out Belinda’s name Belinda immediately recognizes this voice as

Ray’s voice Belinda disappears and Bliss says she went to the waterfall across the bridge to the west of here so that is where I go it is here where I finally meet Ry for the first time Ry asks us if we think it’s strange that crops and

Forage grow so fast around the valley it turns out it is because of her she then says she is kidding or is she a bit of bickering takes place between Ray and Belinda in regards to Ray shutting down Belinda’s portal in the past we then mve

To an area with several podiums then we are bestowed with some sweet sweet backstory our grandmother worked with Belinda and Ray in the past she used these podiums to create a portal to the spirit realm she entered and was successful in helping to ensure that the corruption is restricted to the mountain

And only the mountain unfortunately she left the world a few seasons later the price she paid in order to save the world essentially now it is time for us to finish what our grandmother started we need to enter the spirit realm and get rid of the corruption entirely from

The valley however in order for Ray to be able to open a portal for us to enter we must find a few relics and place them on the podiums here the bad news is raid does not know which Relic goes on which Podium so we will have to guess where

They go when we get them trial and error basically it shouldn’t take too long for us to figure it out after we retrieve these relics and that is it for today I wanted to ask Robin to add a pond to the farm on day 89 but I am baroke I didn’t

Even realize I had almost no money left until right now I sell 107 Georgia Berry starters to pier and buy sugar and wheat flour for the cooking of dishes in the future I returned to robins and actually have her build the pond this time then I

Rushed to the forest I am very excited to learn more about the spirit realm so I will not be doing any Dilly dallying when it comes to Gathering all of the relics Rey needs I take a look at a book in the house which provides details about where to find these relics I’m

Going to be completely honest here I’m just going to look at the rside Village wiki page so I can find these relics I don’t have a good excuse for doing this either I’m just feeling very lazy in the hotel here in Rich Side village I swing

My axe at a painting on the wall I receive the ancient music box for doing this at the cliff to the right of the cable car I dig up a patch of dirt between the tree and the bench to get the Moose statue I grab my watering can from my

Farm then it is back to the village where I obtain ever Frost Stone The Village Hero sculpture and the sapphire pearl I bump into Bliss outside an abandoned Greenhouse she says we should return to this greenhouse at midnight if we want to save a lost soul I retrieve

The Elven comb and the opal h Yow opal opal you know what I don’t think it matters what it’s called Uh anyway at around 1:00 a.m. I enter the abandoned Greenhouse a cold chill runs down my spine we feel some sort of presence here maybe some sort of spirit then we pass

Out the results of the Slime egg press are revealed on day 90 I received two green eggs I do not need even one of this egg but there’s still plenty of time left for me to try to get a red or blue egg again so I’m not worried another fruit collection session takes

Place in Grandpa’s shed I have six of every fruit that I’m growing here except for pomegranate and juniper berries I have five juniper berries I’m not sure what happened to that missing one but I do have 12 pomegranates I think what has happened is the foraging perk that gives us a

Chance to get two of any forage item I pick up has only applied to the pomegranate tree for some reason I think that’s what happened anyway or maybe the pomegranate tree just gives double Fruit by default for whatever reason with adrenaline in my soul I make my way to

Rside Village Bliss is waiting for us outside the greenhouse she informs us that the greenhouse itself is stuck between the spirit realm and the Physical Realm she encourages us to return here at midnight to investigate further yeah look one of the relics I need is inside this greenhouse so can I

Just pop inside and grab it really quickly no no that okay okay I see how it is let’s move on to the eight Relic for this one I head into the forest and stand in front of this statue here according to my sources AKA The ridgeside Village Wiki I must remain

Here without moving for 2 minutes I do so and I receive the Relic Fox mask now when it comes to the executive decisions I make many of them are big in fact all of them are big however every one of those pales in comparison to the one I have just made

I have decided to spend not just the rest of today fishing but also days 91 through 97 fishing the reason for this being I not only need to finish off catching some winter fish but I also need to grab quite a few of each of the fish that are included in the specialty

Fish bundle the following fish were caught during this period of time squid perch Herring ghostfish stone fish ice pip wood Skip sandfish and Scorpion carp all that is left for me to do is to get five spook fish which can only be done during the night market which takes

Place on the 15th 16th and 17th of winter during this fishing period i harvested the winter forage that was growing and asked Robin to upgrade my house twice I also made sure that my animals were looked after and collected all of the milk they produce and I continued collecting fruit from the

Trees in the greenhouse I would like to clarify one more thing I did not go into the abandoned Greenhouse in rside village and grab the Relic or give 12 juniper berries to Duran I wanted to wait until things were back to normal before I did either of those things

Thank you all for indulging me there I hope that wasn’t too boring let us get back to the game play I’m going to begin day 98 by showing you all some important items I have stored in chest number one I have placed the items I need to make

Artichoke dip and survival burgers that is two of the six dishes needed for the community center I also have pale ale and I can easily get some coffees and use them to make espressos when it comes time to donate these items so that’s actually four of the six dishes sorted I

Must brainstorm the final two and above all else hope that I can complete the cooking bundle like I said I did not grab the final Relic from the greenh house so I still have the eight relics which is still a very nice position to

Be in I’ve taken all of the gold eggs I need and put them into a chest along with the winter forage cloth fruit Mayo duck feathers and cheese I have collected I bought 20 casks from Robin during that fishing period now what I

Need to do is ask her to add a Sellar to the house so I can throw my casks into the cellar throw my cheese into them and leave them be until they reach Gold Star Quality I also have 11 of the 12 juniper berries I need which means I will get

The final one today I make 20 artichoke dips 10 espressos and 25 survival Burgers I collect the 12th juniper berry from the greenhouse and enter the community center where I donate the three items I just made along with pale ale oranges and wool I also donate cherries peaches and apricots completing

The Artisan bundle finally I donate large white eggs and mayonnaise to the animal bundle and I complete the winter foraging bundle the foraging room is now now done and dusted three rooms down three to go I grabbed some Georgia Berry starters from a chest grab some cloth

For my looms send my ho to Clint so he can upgrade it and sell my Georgia Berry starters to Pier I then turn around and immediately ruin my financial position by spending 100,000 gold to have Robin add the seller to the house it’s off to Duran’s rest now where I give the

Juniper berries to Duran he is very pleased but more so than that he is very very impressed that I was able to get these he tells us he has something to show us upstairs after following him up there he talks to us about a diary that

Belonged to his father one thing in this diary has especially stuck out to Duran his father wrote only when I return home put down the axe and take up the hoe will I truly be a champion Duran’s father built secret bunkers around the town many many many years ago one of the

Bunkers is an underground Greenhouse we go back downstairs and Duran presses a button which causes an elevator to Rise Up from the ground outside our farm here of course the first thing I do following all of this is use the elevator to enter this underground Greenhouse it is

Massive and I mean massive there are four big patches of land where we can plant crops and there are 20 spaces for us to plant tree saplings it was worth it everything we did here in Duran’s rest all of the monsters we defeated all

Of the items we gave to Duran all of the machines we made it was all worth it there is a second floor with the exact same layout another four big patches of land for crops and another 20 spaces for tree saplings there’s also another floor and another and one more there are five

Floors in this greenhouse now I’m no mathematician but if I was to estimate I would say we can plant around 900 maybe 1,000 seeds on each floor we can also plant 20 tree saplings on each floor which means we can plant 4,500 to 5,000 seeds and 100 tree saplings in this

Greenhouse I grab my geia berry starters and ancient seeds along with 10 iridium sprinklers from the storage shed I collect more seeds from the chest beside our seed makers and pick up a further 34 iridium sprinklers lying around the farm I toss some items into the shipping bin

Then I Venture forth into the greenhouse in rside Village the spirit here is very happy that we have returned apparently the purple man and lady are keeping them captive here because they gave the spirit a challenge and they failed this challenge the spirit asks us to complete

The challenge for them hoping that this will result in them being set free I use my watering can on the statue at the top of the greenhouse to obtain the final Relic then I take a look at this chap challenge we have been given we have to collect 25 Mountain Mist Bloom that’s

Going to be easy collecting five rubies will also be easy unfortunately though there is no way I will be able to collect 10 sweet gem berries before winter is over so I guess the spirit will have to wait until next year to be freed I actually feel bad for the spirit

I will complete this challenge as soon as I can in Spring of year 2 on day 99 I do something which I cannot believe I have not done yet I go to the beach area on the farm and break open the supply crates that washed up on the shore this

Provides us with a ton of nice items bombs artifact troves dishes and triple shot espressos are all added to our inventory NAU shells are also in plentiful Supply here which is absolutely Sensational news as I have to donate 10 of them I stayed on this beach

Until around 11:00 a.m. at which point I left and went to the forest and so begins the trial and error portion of the quest I was given basically I Put A Relic on a Podium and if it lights up The Relic stays on that Podium if not

Then I must remove it and try it on a different Podium it doesn’t take too long for me to get this done and when I do Rey appears and thanks me for my hard work the rest of the adventurers no you know what Heroes the rest of the heroes

Show up too at which point Ray creates a portal that will allow us to access the spirit Realm as the descendant of our grandmother we are the only person who is able to venture inside and cleanse the corruption for good we’re going to be looking for purple Flames inside here

Which we must extinguish right no more Lolly gagging let’s do this I head inside and find myself in the mythical spirit realm similar to the mountains there are many monsters here what we now have to do is interact with a green Crystal to teleport to another green

Crystal and basically just hope we get lucky and find all of the purple Flames the green crystals really confused me I had a lot of difficulty making my way around this map I will save you all the details of the hardships I endured here long story short I extinguished most but

Not all of the purple Flames at 8:00 p.m. I remembered that the night market is open so I used a borp totem to go to Duran’s rest from there I went to the bus stop and hopped into a mine cart at the bus sto to get the town and walked

The rest of the way to the beach I did accept a special order along the way to get ectoplasm for the wizard again I will do my very best to make sure I complete this one the rest of the night is spent fishing in the submarine I was

Able to catch one and then a second spook fish before the night ended Clint has sent our ho back to us on day 100 I take a long walk to the desert as I wanted to buy theux speed grow from Sandy upon entering her shop I am hit

With the unfortunate news that she is not selling Deluxe speed grow today is Tuesday she sells it on Thursdays I have goofed Pierre also is not selling it I already knew he wouldn’t be but I was hoping for a miracle a miracle that at

Last did not occur I buy a bus ticket in order to get to Calo desert then I get right back on the bus because I realized I am not as prepared as I want to be for the skull Cavern run I plan on doing today I head to the mines and buy bombs

And miners treats from the dwarf then I head back to the desert drink a Monster musk and head inside the first floor is the spiral floor which is Dreadful there is no other way to put it it takes longer than I would have liked for me to

Get the floor too but that’s no big deal you see I’m not here to get down to the lowest floor I can instead my goal is to try to get rabbit’s foot I need to donate three of the and the serpents here have a chance to drop it when you

Defeat them I wasn’t able to get one here today before I used a warp totem to leave and go to the beach but at least I know that defeating the serpents is really easy thanks to her sword It Takes Two Hits to take them out so I will

Definitely come back here a few more times and try to get at least two of The elusive rabbit’s foot I do some fishing in the submarine and catch a spook fish nice we have the three spook fish we need I have have no reason to spend any

More time in the submarine so I leave and call it a day day 101 has arrived and with it comes the moment eye and maybe some of you have been waiting for it is time to donate all of the fish that are needed for the community center

I am experiencing a very real sense of Pride and accomplishment as I complete the river fish bundle then the ocean fish bundle then the lake fish bundle then the night fishing bundle to the surprise of absolutely nobody at this point I’m sure I have made a massive

Mistake I thought I needed three spook fish it turns out I need five I’m going to focus on the positive here this is not the end of our Dream to complete the community center in its entirety the night market will be open tonight for the final time this year so as long as

I’m able to catch two more spook fish everything will be okay I grab my casks and cheeses from a chest and head into to the newly built Sellar I toss the cheese into the casks that are already here then I place more c i I’m not going

To say that word anymore c a s k s i I can barely pronounce that word I can barely pronounce the letters when I’m spelling out the word so I’m not going to say that word anymore I plac those things down and toss the goat cheese

Into them now we must play the waiting game once these reach goals St quality I will collect and donate them I they Ed the portal to enter the spirit realm and again I’m not going to show me running around the place and getting very confused and lost I’ll just cut right to

The chase I was able to extinguish the remaining purple Flames here and when I did I Heard a Voice Gabriela the person or Spirit or entity responsible for the corruption here has been defeated with her grasp on the valley removed the mountain now looks completely different and the spirits that were trapped here

Have been set free another other words we just saved the world what can I say it’s no big deal you know what I’m saying it’s just part of the job that’s what I do I I I am never ever ever for as long as I live

Ever going to use that voice ever again I am so sorry to anybody who is listening right now and had to hear that Belinda and Ry thank us for the work we have done here hey no problem it was an absolute pleasure I will say this entire

Storyline was a lot of fun to play through I really enjoyed all of it the of the mountain has revealed itself according to Ray there is a house up there that belongs to an old couple who were trapped there when the corruption took over the mountain Ray would

Appreciate it if we visit the old couple to see if they are okay Belinda has decided to give Gio and Dia the responsibility of keeping the mountain safe nice I think that means they’re going to stay here in rside village and we can become friends with them Dia

Thanks us for the work we have done then Gio says he is very grateful for what we have done too maybe I was wrong about him perhaps he isn’t my Nemesis as I thought when I originally met him oh no never mind he still does not trust us

Okay well that sucks but you know what can you do anyway I teleport to the beach where the most intense fishing experience of my life takes place inside the submarine I catch the fourt spook fish then at almost 1:00 a.m. I catch the fifth spookfish I feel so relieved

Right now I’ve got a ton of adrenaline flowing through my body right now so I harness that adrenaline and use it as a source of motivation to get to the community center before I pass out at 2 a.m. I arrive at 1:50 a.m. and donate the five spookfish the fishing bundles

Have now been entirely completed I could cry right now that is how happy I am but there is no time for crying as there are still plenty of things for us to do before the end of this wonderful action-packed and chaotic year I do a bit of gallivanting around the beach

Area on the farm on day 102 Nautilus shells are a top priority right now so I reckon I shall be doing this a couple more times before winter ends which I do not mind at all it is very satisfying collecting these shells and especially breaking those Supply

Crates I sell some crappie wippies to Pier then as it is Thursday I go to Sandy shop in the desert and buy 800 to Lux speed grow two two new locations have been added to the ridgeside minecart East Summit Farm and West Summit Farm I choose the west and I

Believe I have found myself at the house that Ray said belonged to the old couple inside the house I find a note you can pause to read the note in its entirety if you like the gist of it is the old couple who lived here were sealed away

From the rest of the world one day a purple Mist approached their Farm nature itself came alive and encased the farm in high walls of soil plants and trees they tried to take down this wall but were not successful in doing so they weren’t angry at being trapped however

In their eyes this massive wall wasn’t trapping them but rather keeping them safe from the purple Mist they end the note by saying that this Farm now belongs to whoever reads this note first of all sweet we just got a new Farm secondly I don’t know if it’s just me

But that whole thing about them being trapped by a giant wall of soil trees and plants that is Nightmare fuel I can’t even imagine being in that position that sounds horrible so I very much respect the fact that they were able to view it as a positive thing that

Could not be me the area surrounding the farm is very beautiful in my opinion I don’t think I’ll plant crops here anytime soon but I’m looking forward to making the old couple proud with what I eventually do with the farm in in case anybody is wondering the entrance to

This Farm is located at the north of the mountain where we collected those artifacts we can now accept special orders in the house in the forest I look forward to accepting these special orders and then forgetting to do them I enter the greenhouse in Duran’s rest and place sprinklers down nine iridium

Sprinklers cover one patch of land if my math is correct that means we can plant 216 seeds in one of these patches with four patches on each level that is 864 seeds per level so all five levels gives us space to plant 4,320 seeds that is going to be a lot of

Ancient fruit and georger berries the rest of the day as well as days3 and 104 are spent planting ancient seeds and JoJo Berry starters on the first floor the odd jobs team in ride Village has sent us a letter on day 105 they have been informed that we now

Own the house at this Summit in rside Village they can renovate the place for us if we provide them with enough money I shall keep this in mind I harvest some pearls and send one to Willie if you’ve watched my videos before then you probably know that I consider Willie to

Be one of the best characters in the game I’ve also made jokes before about how this character or that character is my favorite villager in the entire game this time I’m being 100% serious Willie is my favorite villager and truthfully it’s not even close after learning how

To make pumpkin pie I make 15 of them I collect a nautilus shell at the beach than I head to the desert Trader where I discovered that the crafting recipe for the desert warp totem can be purchased for 10 iridium bars I thought it was five I remember I accepted a special

Order from The Wizard to bring him an ectoplasm so I head to the mines where the very first ghost I defeat drops the ectoplasm neat I buy a r CR from the traveling cart deliver the ectoplasm to the wizard and walk to the desert the good thing about this walk is it gives

Me the chance to defeat some slimes which drop well slime these can be tossed into the Slime egg press which will hopefully give us a blue or red slime egg in the future to finish off the day I trade 10 iridium bars for the desert warp totem on day 106 we have a

Kur fuffle on our hands the cooked dishes bundle might be an issue I have the pumpkin pies so we need to get our hands on one more dish right off the bat truffle oil is out the window I don’t have pigs so I can’t make truffle oil the shrimp cocktail recipe is unlocked

By watching the queen of sauce show on the 28th day of winter in year 2 that one is also out the window we need garlic to make escar go which we do not have so again we cannot make this dish that leaves us with the final dish Lobster bis

This one only requires Lobster and milk which we have unfortunately though this recipe is unlocked by watching the queen of sauce TV show on the 14th day of winter in year 2 or after reaching nine hearts with a specific villager which means we are all good I have the recipe

For lobster bisque you see that specific villager is the one villager whose birthday I will never forget they are the one villager who I will always make time for the the one villager who I will always go out of my way to talk to and to give gifts to gifts like sturgeon and

Pearls which I have acquired quite a few of thanks to my fishing Expeditions and the Pearl seeds that grow on the farm they are my favorite villager in the entire game Willie Willie send you the recipe for lobster bisque When You Reach nine hearts of Friendship with him so

When exactly did he send me the recipe this morning yeah that was pretty good timing anyway the entire day was spent in the skull caverns and I was able to get a rabbit’s foot today too beautiful I plac more slime into the Slime egg press on day 107 Mr key has sent us

10,000 gold for reaching floor 25 in the skull Cavern thank you Mr key my bank account was not looking Sensational in any way shape or form so this was very much needed I make five lobster bisque and collect the 10th and final nautilus shell I need at the beach area a

Rabbit’s foot gold star large eggs gold star duck eggs wool and duck feathers are ready to collect in our Coupe I tossed the wool into Looms in order to get some cloth and I take a look at a chest containing some animal products I’m feeling good about the cloth and

Rabbit’s foot situation I feel like I’ll be able to reach three rabbit’s foot and 50 cloth without too much hassle I don’t think I’ll be able to get 10 duck feathers before winter ends but they belong to a bundle that lets me pick and choose what I want to donate and which

Two items I want to leave out finally the gold star duck eggs I’m slightly nervous about them though I am hopeful that I will be able to get enough of them by the end of this week I use the lookup anything mod to see what slime

Eggs are being produced the first is a purple egg that’s not what I need but it’s still cool all the same the second slime egg is the blue one nice I don’t eat lobster BAS pumpkin pie and Nautilus shells to the bounty board bundles all I

Have to do is donate two of the five items you see on the screen right now a blue slime egg is being produced so we just need one more item the gold star requirement is actually making this really difficult I’m I’m legitimately worried about this bundle I’ve got one

Gold star large milk and large goat milk and one barn and seven milk and two goat milk in the other Barn we’re just playing the waiting game now and hoping we end up with enough of either of these to donate along with what will hopefully

Be enough duck eggs on the last day of winter moving on now I buy some coffees in the saloon turn them into triple shot espressos and warp to the desert I spend the rest of the day in the skull Caverns I was not able to get a rabbit’s foot

But I did get some cloth speaking of cloth I collect some more frommer Looms on day 108 we have two squid in in the chest beside our pond but I’m almost positive I won’t be donating this item I collect the blue slime egg Pi is closed of

Course he is so I end up tossing some items into the shipping bin as I am broke like actually certified broke I have zero gold in the seller I use my pickaxe to collect my gold star cheese and goat cheese I donate the Slime egg and this cheese to the community center

I am excited to finish the community center because that means I won’t have to sit Community Center anymore I have lost count of how many times I’ve said it now I head into the skull Caverns where I decide to leave almost as soon as I enter the reason for this being I

Don’t have any bombs with me I need those I return a short while later feeling much more adequately prepared for this skull Cavern Malarkey session I spent the rest of the day in here just like yesterday I was not able to get a rabbit’s foot but I did get more cloth

So a win is a win day 109 is the Feast of the winter star Festival I talked to the villagers before giving Evelyn a fairy Rose Then Caroline gives me a gloring I appreciate the thought I buy some bombs from the dwarf and watch a cut scene where Willie gives us the

Copper pan we can use this to do some panning I’ll be honest the only time I use the copper pan is to get artifacts on Ginger Island oh and I also wear it as a hat sometimes I’ve got enough cloth to donate to the community center that

Is all of the bounty board bundles completed as long as our animals do not let us down we will get the community center finished by the end of this week Mir Lewis sends us a letter on day 110 the items we have donated to the bounty board bundles were delivered to the

Villagers that wanted these items this has earned us two hearts of Friendship with the Villagers at least I think it’s too in vanilla 30 Valley it is but I wonder if the challenging Community Center bundles mod has changed how many friendship Hearts we get Gus pays us a

Visit and gives us a wonderful piece of Machinery he gives us the Jukebox Gus is officially my second favorite villager in the game just to give you all a progress update on our animal items I need three more gold star duck eggs one more rabbit’s foot and 12 more large

Milk or 13 more large gold G milk I am nervous about the milk I head to the odd jobs building in ride Village because I want to see what exactly they meant when they said they can renovate our farm at the summit it looks nice it looks very

Nice even but a I cannot afford it right now and B I kind of like the aesthetic of the farm as it is right now I will buy this renovation in the future but for now I’m happy to stick with what I have also it has just occurred to me

That I never showed my Greenhouse uran’s rest after I planted all of the Geer Berry starters and ancient seeds I have so here you go Georgia Berry starters are like green bean seeds in the sense that you can’t walk through them hence the layout of the seeds here I didn’t

Want to accidentally block the way to some of these crops and end up not being able to harvest them when they have grown that and it also allowed me to plant ancient seeds with the Georgia Berry starters I did not plant any fruit fre saplings but I will absolutely be

Doing that next year the goal is to fill up every floor in this greenhouse with ancient fruit and Georgia berries I am drooling at the thought of how much money we will earn from harvesting all of those crops as has become somewhat of a habit during the last few days I warp

To the desert and spend the remainder of the day in the skull Cavern I get a rabbit’s foot on the fourth floor lovely I’ve got all three I need I spend some time with my animals on day 111 I’m trying to encourage them to give

Me the duck egg and large milks I need and that is all I did today day 112 has arrived the final day of our first year begins with a letter from Lenny who invites us to the Ember of resolutions Festival it will be taking place in the

Rside village Forest at 10: p.m. tonight I go through the chest in my Coupe and barns and gather all of the duck eggs and large milks that have appeared it is time for the moment of truth I have 19 gold star duck eggs 17 gold star large

Milks and six large goat milks I don’t have enough to complete the community center if I had just one more duck egg and three more large milks then I would have what I need but should have would have could have I donate the three Rabbits Foot to the community center and

You know what is it disappointing that I was wasn’t able to finish off this last bundle yeah of course it is I was really hoping I would be able to get it done by the end of today but at the same time I feel like we’ve done pretty well when it

Comes to the community center we came so very close to getting it all done and hey at least we can say we gave it our best shot right we gave it our all and I’m proud of myself for getting as far as I have I will admit I did stand on my

Barn for five whole minutes hoping that three more milk would appear in the chest here but of course of course that didn’t happen anyway let us make haste to the forest where the New Year’s Eve party is taking place I talked to the villagers here sharing a moment of Peace

Relaxation and Good Vibes with them all and that is the end of winter and the end of the year we’ve done a lot during these last 112 days we’ve conquered the mind’s endurance rest we’ve delivered some lovely food and drink items to Duran we’ve become friends with

Everybody in Duran’s rest and we gained access to a massive Greenhouse there we basically helped save the world in ride Village and unlocked a new Farm there we repaired Grandpa’s old shed and unlocked another Greenhouse inside it we have done so much and I have enjoyed every

Single second of it I hope you’ve enjoyed watching my adventures in this massive modded playthrough and with that I must bid you all ad do thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed have a good one

Come join me on my journey through 100 (112) days of Stardew Valley with way too many mods!

Mods Used
Automate || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063
Better Junimos || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2221
Better Mixed Seeds || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3012
Bigger Backpack || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1845
Challenging Community Center Bundles || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6361
Coin Collector || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/9843
Durin’s Rest || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/12345
East Scarp || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5787
Everfarm || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/9347
Festival of the Mundane || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4630
Fishing Trawler || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/15941
Harvest With Scythe || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2731
Help Wanted || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/14640
Lookup Anything || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/541
Mail Services || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7842
NPC Map Locations || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/239
Part of the Community || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/923
Ridgeside Village || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7286
Shoplifter || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8569
Shop Overhaul || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10598
Stardew Valley Expanded || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3753
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6367
Visible Fish || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8897
Walk to the Desert || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8630

All music used in this video is from the Stardew Valley soundtrack

Intro 00:00
Spring 00:42
Summer 1:07:58
Fall 2:00:51
Winter 2:45:04

Thank you for watching!


  1. hi
    I'm currently on a little holiday so I haven't had the chance to make any videos about the 1.6 update. I will absolutely get to work on a 1.6 playthrough when I'm back home during the first week of April though! In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy 3 and a half hours of me struggling to pronounce names.
    All of the mods used in the video can be found in the description. Have a good one!

  2. I haven’t been able to get online in a while but I’m so happy that you were the first video on my feed! Hope your holiday is amazing!!!

  3. I love how much you talk about how you're good at riddles and didn't realize the first question is also a riddle (the words 'the dwarven alphabet' have 18 letters)

  4. "I go to sleep and dream about throwing snails at Clint's front door" I'm glad that every stardew valley player is unanimous about hating Clint

  5. you're a goat I haven't even watched the video yet but I'm hype and def want to see another part! Also, I think the name Eloise is pronounced the second way you said it like Ell-o-wees

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