NOOB vs PRO: MODERN ISLAND HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

We’re stranded on a muant creeper Island we need to build Island houses to protect ourselves before the sunset my Island house is going to be way better than yours wudo it’ll never be I just have to type SL SL paace and now we have this empty Island house to build with

That’s the coolest house I’ve ever seen that ugly thing won’t be enough to stop the creepers though woodo sounds like you’re jealous and just to show you how much better my house is I’m going to turn it into my favorite color green ew green is the ugliest color of

All time no it’s not but it should be pink roodo pink I don’t know about that axie but what I could do is grab my trusty one tool and make these green pillars of over here into pink ones how does that sound yay that sounds good

Woodo but you know Green is also the color of creepers so maybe they’ll see this house and want to go inside green is also the color of fart that is not true and trust me axie the creepers will be really scared from all of our other defenses let’s start by doing some

Camouflage I’m going to grab some palm tree sapl sings as well as some bone meal so that we can grow plenty of these beautiful Island Trees all around our house that sounds nice Woodle I’ll start on this side all right axie and I’ll meet you in the middle and check it out

It’s already looking super duper islandyas axie probably something really cool like a pool oh wait how did you guess that correctly a see there actually is a gigantic pool back here and I can catch a little glimpse of what’s inside the rest of the house why

Would you want a pool when you literally have the entire ocean nearby it doesn’t even look like you have anything close to a house yet so I don’t know why you’re talking to me loser hey get out of my house right now okay fine come on axie we don’t need that stinky guy

Now that we have of our beautiful palm trees placed down this house is truly looking like a Vibe except it’s missing something we need to roll up in style when we come to this house so why don’t I go ahead and grab some really cool cars that we can put down here okay

Woodle also take this coconut to the face what are you throwing coconuts at me hold on a second axie I’m going to throw coconuts back at you where are you take this this a get away from me your Axel head is probably so squishy that

It’ll explode if I ate a coconut to it okay okay okay I Surrender that’s what I thought and for good efforts let me just throw a couple coconuts over to side hey stop that woodo don’t make me get revenge sorry it’s just an island thing now that we’re trapped on

This island but as I was saying let me goad ahead and grab these super cool cars and we’re going to turn them into a very awesome rainbow and we’re also going to have horses wait what horses who invited the horses I invited the horses woodo you invited the horses well I didn’t invite

Them well I don’t care because I want them oh okay well sure axie I guess we can have a couple of horses let me just go ahead and place down the rest of these super cool cars first and oh my gosh axi look at that I have a whole garage of these rainbow

Cars and we’re going to have horses that we’ll put in the cars what the horses can’t drive cars axi it’s not going to work yes it will woodo you’re just a hater oh my gosh are you kidding me let me go and see what types of horses and

Oh there we go these horses should be perfect axi woodo those aren’t real horses I’m sure they are if you sit on them and you imagine long enough oh my gosh axie is actually spawning in horses W this one’s suffocating oh it’s fine now while you guys are talking about

Horses I’m completing the best build of all time what are you talking about and wait a second is that your car in front of your house that looks like a grocery store shopping cart did you steal that wo who told you to come over

To my side get out of here oh gosh I’m sorry M good don’t shoot the Bazooka chill exactly don’t mess with me okay you know what axie we really need to stay away from that crazy guy let me just go ahead and spawn in some of my

Cooler cars now check these out they’re what’s going to make my garage stand out from anybody else’s woodo those cars are super cool and all but don’t you think horses are a bit cuter oh yeah but a I don’t think that horse likes you you can’t D it Dam

It yes it does it loves me don’t say that well it brought us inside the house and I think it’s trying to tell us something axie we need something to put in the middle of this giant empty space with that beautiful view of the sunset

And I think I know exactly what we need to do let me just go over here and grab some water buckets some sand and some Coral because I’m going to create one of the most islanded things you could possibly think of any guesses axie yeah a mud pile a mud pile isn’t exactly

Correct silly this is something more that us sea creatures like to use oh I understand now woodo we’re making a spa a spa well I guess it can be relaxing for some people but it’s not entirely a spa axie It’s actually an entire aquarium oh that sounds awesome can I

Live here well no silly it’s not for you to live here I was actually thinking that we could bring our turtle and axel friends to live here and enjoy this beautiful island with us but wood I’m in Axel too I know axi except you’re a human talking Axel so it works a little

Bit differently what do you mean I’m just a normal Axel well that’s what you think axie but I think you’re a little bit more special than the other ones nope I’m normal now look at me oh gosh axi is definitely not a normal Axel anyways let me go ahead and put these

Turtles back inside because they’re all trying to escape and then what I can do is I can clog up the aquarium oh gosh these Turtles are really trying to make a getaway they don’t want to be in your stinky aquarium okay fine axie I’ll let

Them back out into the ocean here you go turtles you guys can enjoy my pool too I bet it’s really awesome oh yeah I didn’t even try the pool out yet wait what axie did you actually morph back into an axel this is just how I look roodo a that’s

So cute if you you think axie is super cute then I want you to subscribe in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing now axi is going to stay in Axel forever uh forever but that means I have no hands to eat cake oh that’s a problem then axie good

Luck stopping being an axel okay wo fine you win I’m not exactly a normal Axel yay our axie is back to normal isn’t that good news that’s pretty cool woodo but I would watch I would I were you there might be things in your house going missing what why would things in my

House be going missing look at how amazing our aquarium looks right now axie look the Aon and the turtles are having so much fun W I have to check on my horses oh axie I think your horses are still here didn’t take them because they’re kind of useless yes hey

Don’t make fun of my horses smelly and stinky are the best horses ever smelly and stinky okay fine and wait a second I know what took I’m missing the red car in my rainbow and wait a second I see it right over there in front of his

House so you know what we need to do axie we need to go contemplate what to do over some cake no silly we need to to go completely invisible and prank he has to know that he’s not allowed to get away with this let’s go over there and try to scare him as

Revenge let’s see what he’s doing and what are these weird exies I can’t get past them oh Monga put down barriers that’s a pretty good idea I should probably put some in front of our base too to prevent manga from ever coming back and stealing more stuff look at

What he’s doing though he seems to be staring at nothing yeah what is doing let’s just sneak inside of here real quick and find out oh man my five-star Mansion has the best view of the ocean I can just relax over here all day is he sitting in a bathtub with no

Water what the heck is doing that’s embarrassing and look at his bed axie I think it’s made of frosting what in the world what the heck I think maybe we can take a couple nibbles axie the bed is gone now woo hey you didn’t save any for me sorry

Axie but you want to know why I did that why because we’re going to start writing some spooky messages on this sign and tell that a ghost is haunting him I’m I’m going to make it say your bed tasted good and I’m going to rate a sign that says you smell like poop

Smiley face wait what in the world hold on axi let me go ahead and put another sign behind it that says you taste better just to make think that this ghost is going to eat him now let’s try to punch him and get his intention

Hey wake up siky boy wake up wait what’s going on I feel like something is touching me okay let’s see there’s signs here it says your bed tasted good but you taste better and now it says you smell like poop wait a second there’s a ghost there Manga believes there’s a ghost

Already now what I want to do axie is I want to splash some potions around just to make him think that there’s still something here and I’m going to hang up these ghost lights oh my God there’s potion splashing around what’s going on oh no my house is completely haunted

Okay you know what I need to turn into a ghost and go get wudo oh Mongo’s turning into a ghost and he’s trying to come to my side oh wo where are you hey if you’re near my house you better leave right now wait what how did you know I

Was near your house um nothing axie is trying to steal more stuff so you know what we need to do this time we need to grab what I call very fancy TNT and I think we need to mess with him a little bit what do you think wait what

Kind of TNT are we going to use well there’s a bunch of different ones that we can use ax I see some farming TNT ice TNT do any of these sound interesting to you at all can we use cake TNT cake TNT I don’t think that exists axi but I

Think what maybe we can do is we can add some sort of firework TNT firework TNT that’s definitely going to scare oh yeah it is and we’re going to spawn it right in the middle of his house are you ready to see this axi yeah do it okay here goes nothing in

Three 2 1 and gosh the TNT is stuck inside and wow wao what in the world just happened a bunch of colorful blocks just spawned inside of his base oh gosh this is really really bad my house is becoming a disaster without me even knowing it his house was already a

Disaster I don’t know what that guy’s talking about I know right axie that was so hilarious but it looks like you fixed it already so let’s double down and just drop one more and then Let’s Escape out of here run wo what just happened oh my gosh when all the blocks

Fly everywhere it looks so funny axy but now what I can do is I can drink up some milk and we can continue on with making sure that our Island house is the best one and I’m not going to lie axie I’m a little bit hungry right now so how all

About what I do is I go grab a couple of stoves and we make a mini kitchen right over here did you say stove and kitchen and food Yes axie you heard me right okay woodo I’ll be right over oh of course axi wants to come over when it’s

Food related okay Woodle where’s the cake we need 10 of them don’t worry axie I have plenty of cakes here but actually this time around I wanted to place a couple of different cake options let’s see let’s add some red mushroom cake slime cake ice cake and lava cake and

Now check this out axie there is every cake imaginable that we can eat here I can’t wait to try them all I’m going to eat the Slime cake first boinging oh my gosh axie I think this slime cake gave you a jump boost effect look there’s lava too but I don’t know

If you should eat that one you might burn up and melt I’m going to eat it anyway axie are you still alive yeah I think it gave me regeneration and now I’m going to eat the ice cake what happened axie I think you had a major brain freeze are you okay a brain

Freeze no axi you’re going to turn into a fossil I’m going to miss you goodbye Woodle it was nice knowing you just kidding axie I’m actually going to free you out of here right now hello hello L I want to sleep for 10 years goodbye no

Axie you can’t I still have to put something in the middle of my kitchen and it’s called an Island an island but wood we’re already on an island well this is a different type of Island silly this is where you can prepare different types of food Foods so how about I get

Some really tasty food like lobster and maybe some sushi can we get some worms and raw fish please worms and raw fish I don’t know about that axie that sounds pretty nasty if you ask me okay well what about bugs then bugs axie are you being serious right now does anyone want

To comment bugs because if not I need you all to comment ew because axie wants to eat them hey it’s not my fault I eat ax aot of things but axi you’re not like 100% Axel you’re like half Axel I didn’t know you would still like to eat bugs

Well I like cake don’t I that’s not an axel thing but I also eat Axel things like worms and bugs ew that is so nasty you know what axie what I’m going to do is I’m just going to build my own little mini hot dog stand and I’m going to call

It Wood’s hot dogs that’s nice woodo and meanwhile I’m going to eat some bug meat bug meat oh gosh aie well here you go that’s the bug meat oh gosh it’s so nasty everyone comment ew right now delicious now I’m going to take my buut and go catch more bu what in the

World ax is going to catch more bugs oh she’s going to make me sick I don’t like bugs at all woodo there’s so many bugs out here woodo you’re such a scaredy cat crybaby what did you just say I’m a scaredy cat crybaby didn’t you have

Some ghosts inside of your base not too long ago how would you know about that wudo um well I just heard you crying and complaining about it MCO interesting interesting okay well you better keep that same energy whenever I come inside your base as a ghost wait what manga you’re not going

To come inside my base you’re banned no I’m not wodo I’m allowed anywhere in the world oh no that’s bad hxi come on we really need to finish this up I’m just putting down a couple of fancy paintings over here to decorate it and look they’re all ocean themes these all look

So so amazing and our kitchen looks official that’s nice wood but I’m going to put some bugs next to the aquarium oh my gosh are you putting down bugs no we need to delete these bugs immediately they’re going to be nice bugs I promise these are not nice bugs these are scary

Bugs here how about I just leave all that bug meat inside so that the bugs can enjoy that and maybe when comes over to our side he can enjoy some bugs too and ah the bugs are escaping Oho they’re cute see there’s an orange butterfly and then a brown butterfly and

Then a blue dragonfly oh the dragonfly actually looks really cool and his eyes look like your eyes axie hey what’s that supposed to mean nothing don’t worry about it but anyways there was something I wanted to watch just like how you’re watching these insects axi what if right

Next to them you could even watch a full movie a full movie yeah exactly you could technically call this your secret theater room where you could go 24/7 and watch anything you want on the big screen without anyone like to annoy you wao I’m not annoying you’re annoying no you’re annoying

Everyone comment that is annoying manga’s annoying no everyone comment woodo is stinky cuz he doesn’t use toilet paper when he when he uses the bathroom what are you trying to expose me yeah how dare you try to expose me that is so mean and um oh yeah

That’s that’s totally false by the way why did you say that’s so late woodo um no reason I think wasn’t lying at all I’m not a liar I never lie no he’s definitely lying okay you know what I’m just going to worry about the the snacks that I’m putting down for my movie

Theater room we’re going to have hot dogs and popcorn but of course we can’t forget about the amazing soda soda where I want to eat all of it here you go axie this is actually Freddy Fazbear soda why don’t you take a drink and try it out Freddy

Fazbear oh that scared you I thought when they adverti this it’s supposed to taste like Freddy fat bear let me just take a sip real quick and tell you what I think oh oh that actually doesn’t taste too bad oh um actually uh I had the drink is everything

Okay Freddy help me what Freddy what is axie talking about and oh my gosh I turn into Freddy Faz bear M go let me in I can’t go back over there why ra Freddy f Asar is here to destroy your base let me inside and eat your

Toes um actually this is just wudo morph as Freddy Faz bear you don’t have to be scared wait what no I’m the real Freddy Faz bear I’m going to eat you up right now uh mudo you’re not scaring anyone get out of my base before I attack you

Oh my gosh okay I’m sorry boo it was me jeez why did he do that oh oh I get it now that’s woodo with a Freddy morph wow I knew it all along axie you did not know that all along silly I think it was a side effect of the soda but anyways

Now that this theater room is all wrapped up I need to completely cover it to make sure that no light gets in and so that the movie is all that you can see this room looks so awesome I can’t wait to watch all your videos but

There’s an issue axie if we’re going to have a movie theater room then we’re going to need to know what movie is playing before we go inside so we need to paint something for the outside to show everyone what’s playing inside which is why over onto our next room I’m

Going to add a bunch of easel and canvases so that we can make this a painting room okay woodo I’m going to make the best piece of art ever okay axie let me just put a bunch of those easels there and now what you could do is you could technically draw a

Beautiful view of the ocean and look at this I’m even going to put an artificial sun over here to make it really look like the sun is Right Beyond Yonder oh I guess you could draw a nice view of the ocean I’m going to draw a poop though a

Poop wait can you draw pooping and then that’ll be the name of our new movie poops and destroys a whole city ew that’s disgusting yeah that’s kind of gross Woodle but that’s actually what’s going to happen though it is yes exactly and while you draw that axie I’m

Going to draw this beautiful scene over here the ax aot that had too much popcorn and got really fat from eating all those bugs hey that doesn’t happen well yeah of course it does let me just go over here right next to the view so that I

Can make sure that I see everything let’s start by drawing that beautiful sun on the corner up here like this and then what I can do is I can grab the pink color and make that beautiful round fat ax aot body what are you talking about I’m not

Fat I think you are axie especially after eating out of those bugs let me just go ahead and put a little belly button there and then I can draw the little things that come out your Axel face and now I can draw your cute Axel eyes and mouth axie whatever I’m in the

Meantime I’m going to name this drawing why you calling it because it’s about a poop oh yeah I forgot hot you heard that it’s a whole movie about you pooping and destroying the world are you serious you guys are so childish what I’m not childish it’s just facts yeah

and I bet you don’t have amazing artwork what yes I do no you don’t oh my gosh axi this is a masterpiece I don’t think I’ve drawn anything this good in a while look I call this the farting pooping Axel right next to the beach oh

My gosh this looks EX exactly like me I know right axie your big round Benny and stuff is all there and oh you Dr cute poop now we can take both of these paintings and advertise our two new movies yay one is called and is

About a huge poop and the other one can be called axie uh what is this about Woodle I’m not too sure but if I’m going to be honest I think we should leave the axie poster in the middle right over here and then I can grab some sea

Lantern trap doors and put them all around to make sure that it’s very nicely lit up and I think that should be the new movie then with painting that you drew I can put it up in a gallery right over here oh yes that makes sense this is a work of Fine Art

Exactly but I think the fat Axel’s even better what do you mean fat that’s my normal look just watch out I won’t let you get away with this woodo oh mango you sound so scary H I’m not afraid of you though come on axie I think to

Decorate this house even nicer I’m just going to go ahead and put a couple of carpets down right over here and then I’m going to draw a really big carpet down the middle and it’s going to be a big W and a big a because those are our

Initials oh my name starts with an A I didn’t know how to spell it wait what axi it literally says it on top of your head it says axie I can’t read what’s on top of my head oh my gosh axie are you kidding me hold on I almost got this

Done let me just put the a over here and after it’s done it’s just going to say w w axie it sounds just like you wood I kind of want to take take a nap though isn’t there anywhere we can rest oh yeah I forgot about that axie

Even though our downstairs area is super duper beautiful we still need a personal area to chillax which is why luckily there’s a complete upstairs where we can customize you a brand new bedroom I’m going to take the longest nap ever well actually you can’t take a

Nap right now silly we need to make sure that we beat so let me go ahead and put down some nice big beds of my own over here and then you can put your things on the other side I’m going to build a bed though so that my bed can be

Fancy a bedst what is that I don’t know I just made up the word cuz it sounds cool interesting axie well check this out I have that all set up and now what I can do is I can grab some lime Woolen oh wait axie that looks super duper cool

I’m copying that hey you can’t just copy everything sorry axie I think it looked really cool anyways what I can do now is I can put some super duper awesome toys all around oh yeah well my toys are going to be awesomer no they’re not axie I think

My toys are the coolest and everyone’s going to want to play with them my little mushroom and mini octopus they’re the best best no they’re not my Axel are the best look at this axie I can even build a mountain of turtles right over here as well as my little NightLight and

A flag that shows that this house is the woodo house you copied me I had axelos here before you had Turtles no that’s not true yes it is woodle anyway axi what I’m also going to do is I’m going to add another nice big couch on my big

Balcony so that I can watch that beautiful ocean whenever I want oh that is pretty cool I’m going to copy you well what aie you just said that you don’t like copycats whatever woodo you don’t know anything you changed your mind axie oh my gosh you know what in that case I

Guess we’re going to have a copy War let me go ahead and put a really fancy carpet right over over here axie are you going to copy that yeah obviously oh my gosh well you can’t copy my amazing lamp I just put down yes I literally can

Woodle I’m going to do it right now how about my bedside table where I can eat sushi directly from my couch while watching the sunset stop putting things down so fast I can’t copy them in time ha axie you’re is going to be stuck copying me while I also put down a super

Nice toilet over here so that we can poop oh are we going to poop together what no that would be disgusting axie we are not pooping but what I will be doing is I’m going to add oneway glass right over here so that the person inside can see everything outside but if you’re

Outside you can’t see the person inside taking a massive doodoo what’s wrong with watch watching someone take a doooo I don’t mind if you watch me take a doooo woodo everything is wrong with that axie why would you do that it’s just natural no it’s not that is really

Really bad axie anyways let me just put the restroom signs over here and I’ll add my bathrobe and I’ll add axe’s bathrobe too but I also need to put down a sink because it’s very important to wash your hands after using the bathroom wait it is I am I’ve never once

Done that in my life what in the world okay you know what axie what wood we need to start finishing up the outside we have this big area to play with and I think I know exactly what I’m going to put over here any guesses uh I don’t know but whatever you

Put I’m going to copy you like I did in the bedroom actually you don’t need to copy me for this one we’re actually going to share what I’m building out here it’s it’s a really fun game woodo have you not taken a look around your

House uh no why should I I know it already looks amazing well take a look take a look oh gosh fine I will take a look and oh my gosh why are there so many fat painings of me these need to be deleted M was this you yeah these are beautiful

Woodo oh my gosh I think you have a Fanboy I do not like this at all axi what do we do I think we should put them up everywhere I do not think we should do that I was just trying to peacefully build my basketball court over here yeah

Well sometimes you just have to embrace the mean things people do to you no I don’t want to embrace that though that’s super creepy and I know manga was up to it but don’t worry I’m going to beat him in this basketball match and he’s going to be so

Jealous yeah well I’m going to be both of you no you’re not axie I’m better than all of you and no that’s not true either oh my gosh you guys are such a mess Let me just go ahead and place this over here as well as the big

Center Line in the middle and now what I can do is I can start putting down the baskets okay Woodle put it down quick so that I can score no you’re not axie and you won for a million billion years but check it out we have a basketball court I bet

Doesn’t have a basketball court well I’m going to add one now oh my gosh anyways axi let’s add something that doesn’t have I can actually come right over here and use a special schematic which will load us in a hot air balloon a hot air balloon wo oh can we fly super

High in this exactly axie I’m going to go ahead and make mine out of lime green blocks how about you make yours pink okay woodo I’m going to make it so cool let me just finish coloring in like this and oh my gosh axie this is looking

Fantastic my hot air balloon’s going to go so high up in the air so high that we can see Mongo’s tiny little newbie build hey hey my build is a newbie well actually axie I was hoping that what we could do is see a view of our amazing

Yacht as well because no house is done unless you have a yacht really that’s super fancy let me go ahead and just get to the water level here and type in sl/ paston oh gosh it’s going in our house let me undo that real quick I hope it didn’t hurt the animals

Don’t worry AI it was on the complete other side I’ll just slash slash paste right here and check it out we have our amazing boat I think I’m just going to build a little bit of a loading area right over here so that now anyone can

Go on board can I go on board of course axi this is our yacht but I’m still thinking about whether or not we should let get on board we should definitely not let that guy get on board unless he pays up hey I can can give you

Five reasons why I should be let on board first of all I smell good second of all I look good third of all I’m really really good at sports so I’m going to beat you in basketball fourth of all I’m the best builder in our friend group and then fifth of all um

Let’s see what else is there ooh I like the best color in the world which is red boo oh yeah if all of that stuff is true then why don’t you prove it by showing us your build exactly I’m coming over right now to see it wait

What everything looks the same what do you mean everything looks the same Muro have you been to my build before oh uh no right axie I came here when wudo was trying to kill me as Freddy oh yeah I remember that come inside guys let me

Show you around first of all we have my amazing bed that’s made out of marshmallows and Waffles then we have my work table where I make the best videos and uh don’t look over here I’m just going to take a poop there you go just like this oh my gosh I think that

Your poop smells so bad that it’s actually causing a stick problem run gross gross gross um wuro I literally see you placing that down no look it’s so stinky oh it’s all green ew green like Woodle anyways you can use my shopping cart to go to this ugly

House over here this is the greatest Island house that you have ever seen in your entire life with the full garage and horses that used to be here but don’t worry about that you just need to come through the front entrance and look at the

View and it says W on the floor wow the view is pretty amazing and there’s some amazing paintings in the wall what these paintings weren’t supposed to be here this was supposed to be our aquarium and if you’re hungry you can even come over here for a snack wow let me just drink

Something real quick ooh that tasted really good hey do you want to try some of this ice cake it’s really good yeah try it please okay I guess I’ll try it let me just go over here oh gosh it’s cold what’s going on M you got a brain freeze now you

Can’t enjoy this poolside hot dog service I have wo those hot dogs were delicious well how about you come over here to our new movie theater where we’re serving Axel farts and destroys the world e hey it’s a great movie exactly but I know that we don’t have time to

Watch it now because of that mutant creeper so what you could also do is spend your time learning how to paint with this beautiful backdrop of axi eating so much popcorn and bugs that she farts everywhere ew hey it’s natural yeah exactly anyways if you come follow me upstairs

We also have our amazing woodo and axi bedrooms woodo copied everything from me where’s my bedroom oh my I’m sorry but you don’t have one what do you mean well you don’t deserve one anyway if you need to use the bathroom from eating all that

Food you can come do it right over here wo this bathroom looks amazing but oh gosh I can’t fit I can’t fit oh you’re too fat well you’re just going to have to relax over here on my beautiful balcony with a table of sushi no way that’s amazing and

Delicious but if that’s not your thing you could also try and beat me in a basketball match are you ready yeah let’s go wo all right I got to go pass and boom I scored no you didn’t no you didn’t I’m going to score I just need to tiptoe

Past Enemy Lines and boom I scored what MGA you cheated this one’s smaller and actually that’s a coconut not a basketball swim D let’s go this is my celebration dance woo very nice celebration dance but I would still watch watch out for those Mutant Creepers which is why I put

Down a hot air balloon over here for us to escape with oh gosh we probably need to Escape right now woodo I think that mutant creeper is coming over mutant creeper there’s no way it’s here right let me just turn around and oh gosh the Mutant Creeper it came on our giant

Yacht everyone escape on the hot air balloon go go thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

NOOB vs PRO: MODERN ISLAND HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft
We’re in big trouble! We need to build an ISLAND HOUSE in Minecraft to protect us from a MUTANT CREEPER attack! Will we be able to survive?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. hhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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