How Mikey and JJ Control Enderman Family Mind in Minecraft (Maizen)

Ah I have to sleep early again well at least I got a good night’s sleep hey Mikey hi uh yeah JJ let’s get ready we got to get out of here hey did you hear that too what was that weird sound uh yeah I heard something too and I don’t

Really like it to tell you the truth like something breaking in the kitchen hey what are you guys doing here are you out of your mind hey hey stop right there you’re going to fix the whole house for us you’ve lost your fear these Endermen have really started

To lose their fear and they’re out of line we’ve got to teach them a lesson follow me do I have an idea what idea come on tell me what you got a great idea let’s get something Mikey are you sure it’s a good idea to jump into their

Heads and control them oh yeah we could get so many opportunities you’ll thank us later so let’s drink your potion and jump into their heads ah I doubt that very much this is not how I envisioned this day all right let’s go who did I do it yeah

I think I’m right inside the Ender’s head hey JJ run a redstone to the brain so you can connect to it and use the levers to control the mutant manually yeah I already figured that out hey Mikey where are you and why can’t I see you uh because I’m in the body of

Another Enderman I’ve already done everything and I’m waiting for you to do it wa I just jumped into the head and you’re already done how did did you get here so fast as Enderman we’ll have so many possibilities we’ll have so many unique abilities that you’ve never seen

Before in your life yeah that sounds really interesting Mikey all right looks like I’ve got everything set up here where are we going to go what are we going to do as mutants uh I don’t know maybe go to the village and help the villagers in some way maybe we could

Even make some money what do you say to that now Mikey I want to understand a little bit about the management because I don’t understand anything yet it’s not that complicated watch this you probably know that Enderman can teleport this way of traveling can save a lot of time yeah

Cool I know they can teleport and I wanted to do the same with teleporting you can get an advantage in combat and you’ll never get hit but watch out our greatest enemy is water water what’s wrong with water because of their nature Endermen are very afraid of water and

They take damage from it oh my God so we just can’t go into the water oh yes now try the magic hand you can use it to grab blocks and even throw them at your enemies wow this one’s pretty cool because I can just keep the enemy at a

Distance the Enderman is a very versatile weapon you can fight in blitzes and keep the enemy at a distance all the time now let’s go to the Village I still think we should ask the villagers hey I see a group of golems and it looks like they’re pretty aggressive hey they’ve started

Destroying the village but why are they doing that let’s go talk to them hey you stand up and stop doing that right now I’m talking to you you monster stop it now or you’ll regret it who the hell is this stupid monster are you in some kind

Of trouble you’re going to have a problem if you don’t get out of here what the hell do you think you’re doing I’m going to show you that you shouldn’t have gotten involved you’re going to regret coming here get out of here you weakling you can’t do anything but bully

The week not bad of course we dealt with them but why did they start doing that I thought the Golems were supposed to help the villagers ah thank you for helping us but they’ll be back because this is not the first time this has happened to

Us they keep attacking us and we keep repairing our village is there anything we can do to help you so that these Golems don’t come here again I’d be happy if you could do that but I don’t know how to ask you we’ll figure something out like do you have any

Resources or traps traps resources yeah that’s right I’ve got some in storage so I can bring them to you maybe you could help me uh yeah I guess so we’ll have to help them we wanted to do it yeah but I didn’t think we’d have to fight Golems I

Wasn’t really looking forward to it to be honest so that’s it we’ve got the traps and now it’s our job to set them so that the Golems take damage at regular intervals I don’t want to fight them so you and me Mikey we’re going to have to focus on the traps I don’t

Understand why the Golems decided to do this what did the villagers do wrong that they attacked the village I have no idea but this man told us that the golems come here often and just destroy everything so why don’t the villagers just leave what’s the problem maybe they

Don’t want to leave their homes because of the Golems they can’t fight them either because they’re afraid and so it turns out that this problem just exists good thing this dude had mines which means there’s going to be a lot of explosives in here and the Golems are

Going to have a hard time getting through do you think we can fend off their attack hey Mikey what’s with the depressing thoughts of course we’ll beat them back just what maybe they’ll come back I told you I don’t want to fight them because I don’t care about the

Villagers but uh we promised them yeah there you are so what are you doing back I’ve come to talk to you the way you deserve to be talked to if you can’t understand words I’ll have to use Force hey you you talk too much and you’re starting to piss me off why don’t

You just walk out of here quietly and we will not touch you it’s funny because you should not care why we attack the village well since you’ve already talked about it maybe tell me why you do it because this one developed Golems to be used everywhere for their own purposes I ran

Away with my family family and now I want to avenge my brothers ah not so fast deal with us first and then do whatever you want my friend I’ll be back I’m not just going to give up and I’m not afraid of you remember that we beat

Them we’re good Hey where’s the little Enderman there were three of us H oh no I think the Golem stole him I’ll be waiting for you on my turf then we’ll talk hey hey come back here right now I said stop JJ why are you standing there

We have to save him yeah but we don’t even know who this Enderman is why do we have to save him are you crazy it’s the child of an Enderman Family this is the place looks like this is where they’re keeping the little guy we got to get him back somehow but without making a fuss hey what if we climb up that rock over there that’s a good idea cuz if we just go forward we’ll be discovered and then maybe we’ll

Be in trouble so we need to somehow quietly and silently free that little Enderman H to be honest I thought there’d be more of them somehow but I didn’t think there were only three the fewer the better we don’t want any more trouble it looks like we’re undetected

So we’ve got plenty of time to get the kid out of here yeah you’re right let’s do something what do we do we can’t break the wall or we’ll be discovered let’s just use our hands to grab the blocks and push them aside hurry up but

You can’t get out of here that fast why not do you want to get yourself in trouble no I want to blow up their Camp are you crazy why do you want this oh wait maybe why not not so fast you just stay here and wait for me hey little man

Get over here now come on it looks like we haven’t been spotted yet and that’s a good thing nobody’s calling us because we don’t make much noise now stay here or leave I want to plant Dynamite to blow this place up all right but I’m not going anywhere without you so hurry up

Yes I don’t have that much work to do here already I just need to dig a little hole first I’ll put a bunch of dynamite in here and then when the dudes see that the Enderman is missing they’ll come to the cage and of course there will be an

Explosion so let’s see how they handle it uh what if that Golem was telling the truth I really thought about what he said you realize that they wouldn’t just attack for no reason I guess I’m not sure about that but it makes sense doesn’t it that’s what I’m thinking it’s

Like those dudes from the village are hiding something from us I wouldn’t trust a Golem maybe he’s a bit of an inadequate Golem I see that everything’s ready is everything ready or is there something missing well let’s watch the place explode we just have to wait till

They find out the Ender’s missing and then the circus will begin now let’s just stand around and watch it are you sure this is going to work are you sure we won’t be detected what’s in there come on get in there hey I don’t get it

What is it and where is it oh my God where the hell did he go I think it worked it can’t be it’s like he just disappeared so what do we do now and where do we look for it oh my God oh my God oh no not bad uh it was just a super small explosion I feel like it didn’t even do any damage okay I think we should get out of here wow wow there’s a lot of activity here I can see that there’s a lot of

Activity going on here it looks like the villagers have decided to set up some kind of trap here we could use some something to stop the Golems uh we could create a giant webbed pit but where would we put it exactly well there it is let’s see how much space there is I

Think a pit like this would work really well and there’s no way the Golems could get out of it for example this is where the pit will be there will be a lot of cobwebs in it so the Golems can’t get out that’ll be great now I guess we’ll

Just have to wait for the Golems to show up are you sure they’re coming here yes they’ll definitely come back because they won’t leave the village alone unless they’re destroyed but this is the Trap that will keep them alive right yes but the villagers will figure out what

To do with these Golems it’s not our concern so let’s just wait for the monsters to come hey you know you’re out of your minds you have no right to come in here and steal our property hey you release us now or you’ll regret being born into this world

Blah blah blah blah just another Idol conversation from some dude enjoy your stay in this whole loser Jesus and the in thank you so much for saving us from the Golems no problem we’re waiting for the reward there will be a Ward I think you’re going to need

This one here it’s a map of the area where the mystery portal was seen we look forward to seeing you in our village so come and visit us again good luck to you JJ what’s that map that’s so interesting well it says here that it’s

A map from an island in the sky wow can you imagine that uh an island in the sky I heard about it once and I can tell you the story well according to one Legend whoever gets to this island will become Rich a portal will appear in which a

Surprise awaits him namely infinite wealth wao the legend sounds interesting but I don’t believe it well let’s find out if it’s true or not what’s stopping us from going up there nothing we’ll just use the Ender Pearls so we don’t waste too much time so there’s a portal

I can see why the villagers couldn’t get there yes and maybe we’ll be the first ones there finally something interesting is starting to happen because I’m tired of these mob wars whoa I’m looking at all this and there’s only one question how would we get in if we didn’t have teleporters that’s why

It’s so clean because it hasn’t been touched by the hand of man so to speak come on Mikey we don’t have much time left and I guess that piece of the island over there is where we need to go uh I think so so hurry up we’re almost

On our way to infinite wealth I don’t think that’s true and that it’s just another legend or myth oh my God there’s there’s a monster standing there that looks like some kind of Guardian uh there’s a teleporter but there seems to be something missing I guess what’s

Missing is this guardian we need to destroy him and then we can access the portal this portal is different I thought it was it’s kind of weird yeah it’s like I’ve seen it somewhere but I can’t figure out where now we just need to put this Pearl in the hole and the

Portal will open huh come on what are you waiting for JJ it looks like the Portal’s working are you ready to jump in uh of course I’m ready let’s just jump in there well then good luck to us let’s see what we can find in that Dimension yes that’s right this portal

Is like another dimension good luck with that J we’re in an underworld and there’s no riches so what does that mean that it was a legend after all it probably is and we need to get out of here and to do that we need to slay the

Dragon dragon how are we supposed to slay it if we don’t have anything with us uh there are chests what if we manag to find some items and then what I’ve never been on a raid like this before tell me what to do the dragon is flying

And we need to destroy it maybe then we’ll get lots of treasure and riches but first we need to find some weapons right I got it yes so go find it there’s got to be something here maybe even something that’s designed to fight a dragon well let’s see what’s in this

Chest there’s obviously something valuable in here ah there was some kind of weapon in here looks like a sword a sword a diamond sword maybe it’s there for a reason JJ what do you mean that this sword can be used to slay a dragon I didn’t say that but what if it could

What if this sword is a special sword that can slay a dragon with a single blow if it is that’s cool but there’s something we need to do to weaken the dragon so gather your spirits and follow me H why don’t you tell me what we have

To do to destroy the dragon you see these towers each tower has a dragon Power Cell on it and we need to destroy them so that the dragon is weaker and easier to hit oh yeah that’s right that makes sense I hear you Mikey yeah well

Let’s see what we can do now it doesn’t sound that hard but getting up there you’re doing the right thing use the blocks in the teleporter to get up there it’ll be a lot easier that way I wonder why the dragon doesn’t attack us if it

Can see us don’t you think that’s weird Mikey stay back I’m going to destroy this element and you watch the dragon I hear you JJ you can destroy the mechanisms for now because the dragon considers us his allies oh yeah that’s right we’re Enderman that’s why the

Dragon won’t attack us hey Mikey I’m supposed to destroy all these elements right oh yeah JJ I’ve already destroyed some of the Machinery too come on JJ you don’t have much time left so we should be able to take down the dragon soon enough hey Mikey I’m all done the

Dragon’s weakened now and it’s a lot easier to hit I can see JJ wao what happened looks like we destroyed it that fast I guess I was right this sword must be special if it can take down a dragon in one stroke what does that mean now

What’s our goal now we have to find the treasure the dragon was hiding and then we can get back to our world well then then let’s find the treasure and get out of here here

How Mikey and JJ Control Enderman Family Mind in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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