I Played Terraria’s Palworld Class, and it’s BROKEN.

Thank you to wand for sponsoring today’s video all right let’s get the business uh let’s check out the crafting recipes here it is so we have these spheres right as you can see they all kind of consist of something I will give you the rundown myself so you guys don’t got to

Look at that so basically our goals right now is that we got to build a house once we build a house we have to get the merchant to move in because when the merchant moves in he’s going to sell us the basic pal spere and with the

Basic pal sphere that’s what allows you to basically start doing damage and whatnot and that’s what allows you to basically upgraded to these versions these versions of PPH just do more damage based off of the specific biome they’re in so we really have to look at those until like later game but yeah

Other than the power world mod I’ve installed vervain’s uh Cave generation mod and M shaft mod so they just kind of make exploring a little bit more easier a little bit more better a little bit more cleaner so that goes without saying check out verin’s channel verin’s a

Really good friend of mine they actually gave me early access to the power mod to check it out anyway so I was late I didn’t play on time so here we are now so the thing with the power capture class is that it does scale with Summoner damage we technically do have

To play a Summoner class Loadout the only thing with that though is that when you play with a Summoner class Loadout uh you can’t use actual min because if you use minions it actually depletes the damage from the actual Pals that you catch hey Frank capture sphere boom this

Is going to be our damage allows capturing and using enemies to fight for you right click to switch from capture okay this is how it works you can right click it dep I set my own key binds capture mode is to do damage I’m pretty sure you can keep doing damage it’s

Pretty decent damage once you do enough damage there’s that symbol that pops up catch it you can right click it now it tells you what you have down and you could release it and Bam that’s my homie right there and now he’s just going to follow us and kill stuff you can set

Keybinds to teleport them over you can only do that a little bit and you can also do one where it freeze them I don’t like the freeze one so I don’t I don’t keep it you can also set formations so you can make them either go towards you

Or be more offensive so the think about the Slime or any thing that you really capture is that they’re really strong and I genuinely really really strong but the problem is they’ll die really quickly so you can only have a limit of two of them being out at least from what

I remember so our goal probably before a boss is we’re going to have to spend a decent amount of time just capturing everything like this fing worm come here come on come come on peep out peep out I’m going to catch you in my nuts baby

Girl he’s edging me dude oh there we go a giant worm throw him out and now we have a worm that just like kind of circles us see that you cannot tell me that damage is not crazy they also kind of inherit a unique AI sometimes so for example one

Time I caught a uh a hornet in the jungle and instead of just like running into enemies it would what is that what did vervan add here a shimmer trap they’ll inherit the unique AI so my Hornet when I caught it it will like circle around me and shoot stingers

Oh my gosh I think the worm is one of the best ones they also die really quickly so even if you can see they’re about to die he’s serving well for the cause we got some good stuff so far ideally we could get a grappling oh there’s another life Crystal down there

Dude what the hell Diaz the demolitionist is here beautiful beautiful I think for this run I will use other weapons like of like if I get a shotgun I’m going to use it cuz I don’t want to just sit there and throw spars at the enemy oh my God oh my God

It’s m shaft dude the last time I was into M shaft was for uh the Battle Royale for Terraria that was really fun oh it’s a pal fight go slime 67 damage you see what I’m talking about he’s kind of kill him a little close a little too

Close honestly oh these M shs are so nice they’re going to be kind of irrelevant soon though so no I got a cave bat go cave bat go it’s killing everything that Kat just kicked ass that’s my kave bat oh my God I just killed it in one shot okay at

Least it’s my oh look at all the amethyst oh that’s so sexy and beautiful and it’s making me feel some type of way something’s rising in my pants so your summon scale with a Summoner armor but I’m thinking we don’t really need that I think honestly we

Could just go for a tanky build like using gold and platinum armor early game and then kind of just build off of that defense and just you know we’ll just last long enough to kill everything so it wouldn’t really matter obviously the priority is a pickaxe so we can mine

Faster I make any armor at all I can make what armor by the way a lot of people keep asking for my armor set if you guys really want it I will make it available it’s just not properly sprited as you can see I just have the wood

Armor it just sprited on when you like put it on so so the thing with the palpar is that they have no knockback two spikes uh I cthulu spelunker potion I’ll take that I will say though it is not good to rely on the pal here for

Damage it’s not bad per se but the problem is it has no knockback so even if you were to do a lot of damage if it cuz thing we’re playing on Master mode so if you’re playing on like normal mode it doesn’t really count but if you’re

Play on Master mode I’m pretty sure it’s just much more better to have like a shotgun weaken them up and then you capture them you know just like in Pokemon or power world you know that’s just how it would be okay I’m going to put them in capture formation cuz I want

Them real close to me I want this uh okay oh oh oh it’s my bat from before so the thing is even though you can only have two at a time you can capture more than that you can capture I don’t know how I don’t even know if there’s a limit

To capturing things but you can just have things out dude no no no no no no no stop stop no damn it okay we’re still really weak oh I got to stop I got to stop I got to stop messing around I got to stop messing around I was going to say we

Should be able to fight the IE culu soon cuz as long as we Stack Up on minions or I Pals I should uh should say we should be fine but that again we’re making a lot of progress for 20 minutes in it’s cuz of the M shaft baby ver what is this

I know this is something that vervan made there’s no way o a mother slime can I capture that all right we’re catching we we we nonstop catching baby girl I want a skeleton yes okay skeletons are pretty good they’re really tanky so the way that it works is that if you

Captured a lot of things it goes down the list in the how in the order that you capture them that hurt a lot wait am I going to die campfire oh my God I was going to die wait how did I die to silt I was on

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Register and once again if you are completely new or haven’t played in 6 months make sure to get that free delicious massive bonus package across every single platform and yeah back to the video you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go to the snow biome if we

Can get a snow uh ball cannon I love that Weapon by the way it’s going to be over that thing is so good unlimited ammo cuz it’s just snow cuz right now we don’t really need Hermes boots although I would like them I’m not saying that we

Shouldn’t get it I got a bat and I got a slime with me they they I oh my gosh imagine if we fight the a cthulu and we just Stack Up on like ant lions in the desert we just catch a million of them I have a feeling that the snow biome is

Not this way oh wait a face monster would be really strong if we could catch it of course my bat died oh face monster versus F that’s that’s not a face monster that’s not a fa bro get away from me don’t don’t do it don’t do it stop okay where are my

Face monsters at face monster go it’s so slow it can’t really do anything I just got a Crimea wait I want that one I want that I want it yes why is there AI so ass when it comes to being with me no oh my wait they’re so strong I

Just got like five crime ARS from that I got to up this this sphere though I wonder if there’s one that I can have like more minions out combat formation go wait we’re wait let’s this is kind of goated we’re just stacking up on face monsters never have I been so happy to

See face monsters before in my life keep it coming Keep It Coming you make me stronger no way oh my God boom Another one okay another one another one boom wait what wait I don’t even know what I die to let’s just move on folks let’s move on with our face monster Army

A pinky I got to get me one of these I got me a pinky baby oh my God if only you could like look at a list you want to summon onto your team that would be actually insane you know who I feel like I feel like the one girl from uh

Summertime rendering no spoilers but if you if you watch it you know what I’m talking about with the two babies now unfortunately I don’t think you can catch uh bosses that would be kind of broken anyway cuz then he can just Farm bosses my Loadout still kind of sucks

Balls though I don’t have any Hermes boots I have one form of Mobility so so I think when they’re on capture mode they can’t kill anything oh my God it’s a m shaft oh look at all these lead bars oh my gosh we can make like one lead

Helmet ooh I kind of want me to get a I kind of want a skeleton okay no they definitely do kill them so the thing with capture formation is that it they lower their HP to like really really low but in doing so they take a scrutinizing

Amount of damage am I using that word right so I think I will keep it on capture mode but the only reason why is because it does make up for it because you can capture a bunch of things I guess I don’t have to offset for the

Fact that they kind of just die a lot wa why is there a big gaping ho ow oh my gosh ver Vin that hurt o flurry boots that’s pretty pogy wagies dude this whoa it’s just a shimmer trap no ver I hate you let’s make some

Full iron armor cuz I I’m pretty baller enough to afford that huh I’m thinking we can honestly fight the king slime Dolph should not pose any trouble we could probably fight the I cthulu we might have to stack up on more um Pals though wait you can choose what you

Summon you use your scroll wheel no way Verve that is so cool you’ve thought about it before me he was probably watching this video and I said about that part but oh I wish you could pick a list of what you’re doing he’s like smashing his desk oh yeah did you guys

Know that if you have a sink you can make like bottled water there Waffle Time told me that I’m like huh anyway let’s do this wait I got oh I got two face monsters on me I forgot you can capture the Servants of cthulu they’re not that good though I

Need you guys to be in combat formation all right folks combat formation you can capture the servant of cthulu but they’re not that good they they’re like suicide bombers at this point I need my face monsters to kick its ass oh my God they actually do so much

Damage oh my god did you see how much damage they did face monsters help me they did 300 damage capture capture capture one of them died can you guys help me please um um Servants of cthulu I’m just going to spam it there’s my Crimea servant of cthulu go Ser of cthulu

Go oh it killed it oh you just committed cannibalism on your father dude nice Shield of cthulu look how weak the servant of cthulu are they’re they’re like suicide bombs I guess I’ll keep them though they’re kind of cute I’m going to get the tendon bow now I don’t

Really know if we can fight the BR culu but honestly we’re pretty stack we can honestly try it out where was the Crimson biome over here cool cuz the thing with that is that since um the reason why I picked bra cthu is because it has a lot of creepers and I was

Thinking I could probably just capture the creepers well the only part that I’m kind of worried about is our defense we do only have 21 defense and if you get caught at any point in the fight you’re probably just dead obviously at every single point of the game you’re going to

Have to catcher stronger enemies in order to do more damage to the bosses so I was thinking like event bosses or event enemies would be crazy ooh honestly for this fight we should should get those spiders dude that’d be cuz they they probably can crawl on walls

I’m going to throw out some of the uh blood crawlers you think they can crawl on the walls oh my God they can oh my God wait this is actually going to be crazy no no no I want to capture you guys okay cool cool cool I think I’m going to

Spend some time here and just capture a bunch of stuff I don’t really see the point in starting the fight early and accidentally messing it up when I can just sit in the back of the arena and just throw out blood crawlers why is this Blood crawler running Donuts on

These enemies I do have an extra accessory slot open uh I do not mind getting a crimson heart but ideally if I can get a crimson heart with a beautiful succulent warding Panic necklace I will be very happy the cause damn it what I get oh Crimson

Heart I will take that okay next one will be the boss okay I’m going to block these off cuz I don’t really want anything to kill me I don’t I don’t really want to capture anything mid fight get the back one throw another one catch another one all right cool yeah so

Like for every creepy Crawley you get you can get five more I can’t imagine how broken this is in regular mode you probably just don’t lose anything go attack combat formation can I CT the oh I can’t capture them that’s okay they’re in combat formation more blood crawlers go go

Go look at that oh my God they’re doing so much damage holy crap they’re taking a while to find the target but it’s working out a another Blood crawler one one died another one keep it going keep it going ah I’m dying oh oh my

Godh wait wait wait wait I I’m going to die no I’m going to die my blood crawlers aren’t really doing anything right now oh my God wait they did they were killing it the entire time they were watching my6 how many did we go through like four just four dude blood

Crawlers are actually so good oh my God imagine if we use these for the Queen B fight now that would be crazy dude this class is so fun all right let’s get some uh Crimson armor I’m going to go for like a a tanky build o imagine if I have

You think whips work I don’t know whips will work oh my gosh this subass is actually crazy honestly we could probably oh wait we should probably upgrade our spheres it doesn’t seem to take a lot to upgrade it and also we’re going to need to get every single

Upgraded sphere to get it maxed out what does it do again it I’m pretty sure it like increases your damage by 200% that’s kind of crazy oh wait the underground capture sphere uh damage and capture is increased by 200% imp Purity and snow underground oh wait we should

Have told oh my God 10 diamonds that’s kind of expensive dog let’s just make our way to the jump jungle brother please yes oh my God a jungle pylon is beautiful yo a granite Golem would go hard know why is there so what the I got a

Mother slime oh snap dang I wanted to capture a man eater oh ankle a wind I need to start building this capture sphere stuff so I don’t really know what to use these guys on I think I’ll just like throw them all out while of fles if I ever fight him oh my

All right I got a meteor head how much damage will it do wait it’s kind of crazy I’m going to capture a few of these before I throw out the whole meteor do we need anything for meteorite I don’t think so maybe I should have kept it just so I could you

Know Farm meteor heads damn actually should have done that huh I’m trying to fight the King Slime before I fight Skeletron that’s why boom ocean pylon now we can fight the Skeletron boy whenever you want all right where do I find a demon alter I’m not really close

To one all right we’re building up our roster we’re building up our King Slime should not have any trouble bus uh let’s do some meteor heads let’s go in combat formon wait what half of his HP is gone not bad you know a tenth of his HP not bad at all

All right the meteor heads are like slow AI but oh dude they do so much damage let’s throw a grubby go skeletons do crazy damage skeletons do crazy damage and skeletons won that’s actually insane all right well we’re back in the jungle I need to farm for some more

Queen bee stuff orn it dead damn these guys are volatile getting a lot of good loot getting a lot of good loot we should be able to fight Skeletron sometime soon I’m trying to find a queen be Nest but not really finding one iron skin this is pretty decent all right

Cool let’s buff up let’s do this I want to have primas out wait wait no what am I to do how did I live that wait I have like no Mobility this is kind of crazy this is like a suicide mission right now I’m not going to lie yo these crime

Ain’t doing jack guys they’re just standing one of them died meteor heads oh meteor heads are pretty solid oh they’re pretty solid all right come on come on come on hit the mother slime all right mother slime does decent damage boom we just got to keep teleporting we only got we only got

People that can like tank oh my God wait it’s coming daytime soon this is bad no it turned daytime that’s my fault I need more meteor heads though I’m going to farm some meteor met heads o a goblin army yo I’ve been farming meteor heads I have nothing but meteor heads I

Was farming all night for meteor heads and now there’s a goblin army which I will happily take CU I want rocket boots oh meteor heads kill them kill them all oh my God oh my God look at them oh my God are they not dead yet yo these meteor heads are actually putting

In the work it’s kind of crazy they’re wiping wiping dude wiping oh one died let’s throw out some of the Goblins out all right the Goblins are actually giving okay the Goblins are actually putting in the work they are kicking ass it’s like a wall of death and we’re done

All right let’s go find some Goblin tinkerer boy oh there he is right there boom Spector boots and then I need an agler I think honestly the range ones like Goblin sorcerer is going to be kind of the best for capturing things the problem with before is that every single

Mob would lob itself at everything to make sure you can catch it but then it won’t kill it and that’s what ends up killing the your your summon wait I just realized if you restart your world you lose all your captur I just lost all of my meteor heads all right we’re getting

A few more I want I want to make sure we’re stacked on Stacks all right I got all these meteor heads I should be fine boom oh come on meteor heads you KN I don’t think we have enough meteor heads oh one hand down all right the

Strat’s pretty good as long as he doesn’t start throwing crazy things at me I’m should be fine all right hands are done got to do that myself kill bro guys what are y’all doing come on hit it hit him nice that did I don’t know how much damage that

Did that did that did oh maybe we oh we do have we do not have enough oh God okay well we don’t have enough meteor heads but these guys should be good enough to kill Skeletron okay that did they do a th000 damage each but I don’t have any more

Well Skeletron I wanted to kill you with some minions but you don’t you’re not giving me any minions to capture either so unfortunately this is not DN if only we could capture him that’d be crazy huh man I wanted to capture him all right I got to build my repertoire again all

Right we’re here for a bewitching table if that even affects our pal stuff we’re also here for a battlecry which makes things capture which which will make things easier to capture all right let’s see if the bewitching table will work wait is that mine oh that’s mine that

Scared the [ __ ] out of me all right we’re going to capture a lot of these guys while we’re here just cuz boom boom oh yeah so I built a little bit off camera as you can see but we do have some updates we have a little inator now

Cuz we’re basically kind of at wall of flush but while we’re almost there I’m going to craft myself a de bringer pickaxe so apparently I did a little bit of perusing you can actually get more minion slots if you have Summoner stuff so that’s the reason why we have four

Cuzz look okay but the only reason why we have four slots is because we have the Bewitched so we should aim for some more minion slots to get more more of these what I was thinking is we should go for the spider armor when we get into

Hard mode and kind of ignore the B armor set right now because I don’t really want to do that I don’t know if that’s really going to be a fun time but we could try we could try it but I did also get the ingredients to make this the

Evil capture sphere which will give us more damage in the evil biome you know just to have it just to have it it’s a nice thing nice thing now I do want to get the other ones so I need to go to the merchant to buy more pal Spears so I

Kind of want to make the jungle one cuz I actually I kind of want to fight queen bee and I’ll also make the underground one hell one Etc I definitely want to get the hell one before we fight wall flesh though that’s going to be real nice hellstone obsidian that’s not bad

At all and then the jungle one that’s not bad at all either get a few of these guys you know doesn’t hurt to have them okay do I have enough to make the jungle one I do jungle capture sphere nice 200% increase in the jungle and a plus one

Capture bonus since we reloaded this into the world we have no summons on our team but that’s going to change in a little bit make our way down let’s try to find a beehive beehive beehive plus two red wait what why is it plus two catching a red slime gave us

Two yeah what the hell wait why did we just get wait is the plus one capture bonus meaning you just get more instead of a higher capture that would actually be crazy dude you do I have two Hornets now now wait this is kind of crazy all right

Maybe I do want to get the queen bee armor or the be armor just so I can have more summons I’m not going to lie I don’t know why I can’t find a queen be Nest usually I can find one off the bat ooh I also need to get the regular

Sphere we need 10 diamonds for that I think I can buy 10 Diamonds though so that shouldn’t be too problemo we don’t really need much for the queen bee fight other than hopefully we just don’t get poisoned so let’s pop this down all right let’s do this

Damn dude they do so much damage and everyone’s all dead though SHO I’ll shoot some Hornets at it there you go beautiful Got The Beekeeper sword be nades which I will keep on high pack which I don’t need let’s make some be armor baby all right B legs all right

Let’s see how much we got 38 defense not bad not bad and we have four more slots for more damage that’s got to be crazy should we I think the move is to farm some jungle enemies folks what do yall think let’s see um let’s go get some

Hellstone let me get a permanent summoning potion for an extra more slots beautiful all right we got a little mini arena for wall flush things are going to be good things are going to be nice if we can catch a few Red Devils in hard mode after oh that’s going to be crazy

Against Mech cuz if you guys don’t know Red Double spawn after you kill one mechanical boss so if we can kill if we can kill the twins or something we could definitely destroy the Destroyer with Red Devils oh that’s going to be crazy let’s get ourselves a Molen pickaxe

Let’s get ourselves the underworld capture Sphere for that bonus damage during the wall flash fight and then does anyone sell d diamonds cuz if they do I can get a delicious capture bonus or damage bonus I should say diamonds baby oh yes all right we can now have the underground capture sphere that

Gives us more DPS in pure biomes which is the forest biome and snow underground that’s very nice all right let’s get to City Buster and then farm for a jungle stuff this is going to be crazy oh imagine if we can catch a giant tortoise that would ow just stacking up on

Enemies you know nothing too crazy I think I have enough things to kill the wall of fles with wait can I get a bone serpent this is actually going to be crazy wait wait this is crazy ooh Some demons would be nice for dude this is crazy this class completely changes how you

Think yo these bone serpents do not die yo I kind of want more bone serpents get some demons out all right put them on kill mode let’s do this let’s do this what do you got go go go oh my god oh oh my God guys I want you to kill the wall

Of FLH though oh no no oh my God oh my oh [ __ ] we do so our damage is dumb I okay I expected good damage right I I expected good damage but not that dude oh my God imagine if we get like those worm things in the in the

Corruption oh we can’t get them but like maybe we can get some sand sharks the enemies at like I think the worm AI enemies are the best they will oh my God imagine if we can get that thing the solar pillar centipede I need one of you

I need you wait do you think we could capture wyverns I just got two more bone serpents oh my God wait this this is crazy um I didn’t get the uh gold skull damn it Summoner emblem though I will put that on cuz I’m assuming that increases our damage all right let’s

Find um a spider nest and let’s also get out some Wes look at all these RFS let’s see how they fair you cannot tell me that we can’t kill the boss right now we don’t even need any gear oh my God they just touch and they’re bro it’s like the Cheese

Touch oh my God actually absolutely broken oh my God all right let’s get some enemies popping in cuz we need to get some let’s get a mial pickaxe and then let’s go farm for some wings and then let’s farm for mechanical items actually I don’t really want to go for titanium

When you can go straight for hollowed bars all right myal pickaxe let’s try and get wings now baby girl Wings ooh werewolves that would be a very powerful never mind they’re dead all right we need some feathers for the sky fear as well I believe is what we need we need

10 of these o wyvern oh we can totally catch a wyvern yo imagine unleashing like 10 wyverns on the Destroyer please oh oh they’re not really killing anything though all right I need to get more Souls of Flight all right we have have the uh so if you guys don’t know you can

Use a harpy Banner to make a harpy feather and then you can use the harpy feather to make hary wings all right well I’m not really getting any Souls of Flight for some reason all right I’m kind of catching a bunch of stuff right here I got to start building up my

Repertoire for fighting the Destroyer I think the Destroyer is going to be something that we got to we got good stuff good good a good handling on leveling up my werewolf repertoire hold up another wiver oh my God o mechanical eye I will happily take that baby we

Should be able to make some wings try hary Wing Harpy feathers beautiful replace that with the cloud on the bottle I don’t really need that anymore and then let’s make the uh Sky capture sphere which I will put in the back burner baby girl ooh a nimbus Rod all

I’m going to just farm for the mechanical stuff I think that’ll be real good okay we got the mechanical worm we also got a few giant tortoises that we going to lob at the guy I do have some strong wyverns right now one’s about to die but do they

Regen I think they regen a little bit that’s cute wait a which doctor does he sell me the pygm necklace all no he has to be in the jungle I remember I remember I think it’s night time baby girl all right boom we’ll pop a minion down that’s what I’m talking about baby

Let’s get some tortoises out tortoises out toris is out attack okay wait wait wait that’s a lot of damage oh my God wait this class is actually broken I didn’t think it would kill this fast wyvern a and wyvern B are still alive giant tortois Squad conveniently is not doing anything but

But it’s okay oh my God they’re dead the Destroyer has died let’s try the mechanical mechanical eye let’s see how this goes wait wait where did his HP go let me get a let me get a harpy out you know hary ain’t going to do anything

But I got to get these guys out of here I think the wyvern is actually like one of the best best guys out wait did the r Wait did the spat fasm die already there’s no way wait it’s actually kind of crazy how broken this class is I did not expect

This at all I’m going to stand with the fact that the wyvern is one of the most strongest if not the strongest minion you could probably get I don’t think you can capture mimics but then again mimics are basically mini bosses but then again wyvern are technically mini bosses so I

Don’t know why you can capture those I’m going get some Adam anti for some Adam anti Forge boom all right I’m I scared I almost died meteorite has landed that’s beautiful honey but I don’t care I don’t care about that all right I want a mechanical skull I need five iron before

Day last sets Okay mechanical skull all right I don’t have full HP but I don’t think I’m going to need full HP for this everyone beam to me AER attack okay they’re not they’re doing oh my God that’s a lot of damage I’m also taking a

Lot of damage I am using preh hard mode armor by the way all right now I have a little bit more defense oh oh the TP is actually broken this is Master mode dude we’re doing insane I’m going to be the very best like no one ever wants to catch him as

My real test to train him as my cause there’s no one no one’s going to stop us now I’m s some jungle mimics actually what do jungle mimics even spawn I mean drop I got a red potion Dam they just spawn random stuff number one let’s make

The mine car to upgrade kit let’s make a uh hollowed Greaves we’re the full hollowed armor set for the mimic by the way I’m sorry not for the for the summons and then let’s craft ourselves a pickaxe Axe and get the achievement because for some reason I don’t have the

Achievement actually H let me think what what can I get y wait do you think we could beat the Empress of life cuz that would actually be kind of crazy the hollowed yes okay we have a um a power glove and then a berserker’s glove which

Is going to be really nice let’s pair that with the I’m going to take off the Cobalt Shield I don’t really need that now let’s also get that charm of Mian let’s see um I do need more Summoner upgrades but most of them are kind of gatekeep until Pumpkin Moon so maybe if

We could speedrun to planta and then don’t kill anything else but do the Pumpkin Moon then we’ll do everything else that would be really nice I definitely do want to fight the emess of light though I think it’ll be worth it let me see when I can make the universal

Sphere by the way um do I need luminite wait I don’t I can make this the universal catching sphere I think I know what we’re going to be doing today so I do not have the dungeon one I think I can make the dungeon one actually okay

Wait the dungeon one requires five water candles I need the hollow one need the desert one and then I think I have almost every single one of them dungeon captur spere beautiful beautiful baby girl all right let’s go get I dropped my phone damn it let’s go get some of that

Uh desert stuff we need an anal sturdy possible and Amber so I need Amber and sturdy fossil I’m sorry Amber and yeah Amber and sturdy fossils I’m going to mine a bunch of this stuff why are my wyverns glowing also where are the ant lions at I feel like I’ve only fought

Everything else other than an ant lion which is very incredible man this this this is one of my favorite subclasses for summon I’ve ever played it’s actually so fun all right desert capture spear baby girl now we just going to get the hollowed one three unicorns pixie dust and Crystal

Shards beautiful now let’s go get that uh shards all right we got all the uh Hollow stuff Hollow captur spere is that it I know we need Souls but let me check let me check I I don’t want I want to be surprised every single biome now instead of

Getting an extra 100% damage we have a little bit more but not only that it is now increased by 50% and also has a higher capture bonus so now we can capture more things this is actually going to be crazy since I can’t get the goat skull can I just get a regular

Horse dude I want a I want a I want a Dark Dark Horse Mount how can I get one of these 21 gold I don’t have that many the balloons dude why does this do so much damage wait this does so much more damage now

All right let’s buff up I got three Moss Hornets dude put that down put a campfire down and then let’s do it Lantra the wyver does so much damage let’s throw some Hornets down I need these guys out TP to me Squadron Bomb It Bomb It bomb it no come

On one more bit yes oh okay that was close that was so close that was a pure DPS race we have access to the dungeon though so instead of fighting Golem let’s go do to the let’s go to the dungeon and let’s go get ourselves some beautiful succulent eopl and catch us

Some delicious dungeon enemies I got three necromancers wait that actually sounds kind of crazy oh I got three diabolis too oh my God every single okay every single annoying enemy I’m going to collect I’m going to raise them from a little infant and make them into a killing machine I want three

Necromancers and a diabolic I’m going to capture some stuff now got to capture all right um I think I can craft myself a pumpkin Medallion no I’m stupid I’m wrong there we go let’s do a pumpkin moon let’s do it and let’s use the enemies oh it’s

Raining oh it’s raining I forgot they do that I got to capture some enemies though okay well nothing’s dying throw them out throw them out are they just dying I can’t throw wa I don’t think I can throw event enemies I’m kind of cooked for this then not going to lie

Okay well this event is chalk I don’t even if I can get spooky wood it’s not going to matter wait I can why wasn’t it working before Oh was there too many enemies o ooh ooh capture capture oh oh just give it to me can you capture a Morningwood no I don’t think

So damn it holy crap they’re shredding the Morningwood though oh my God okay maybe this event is possible I got to stop using the uh the battlecry though it wasn’t working okay okay I want the morning one to die capture capture capture we’re just going to stack up on

Pumping Moon enemies baby girl all right I got to kill this guy I’m I’m trying to get a dark Harvest whip that would be fantastic no no no no no no please we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close please please yes please give me what I want no

I just need spooky wood armor I think I could buy it but oh dude this is rough all right blood moon ended I mean pumpkin Ed I have a scarecrow Banner which is nice it’s is nice it’s nice not bad not bad I got a few Halloween

Enemies but we really want that spooky wood baby I think we need like a th I definitely don’t have a th all right I’m going to get myself a horse a darkg horse so you want to play with magic o it’s kind of cool ooh it’s kind of

Slower than the goat skull I need an architect here I need to buy I need to buy wood okay let’s see what I need let’s see what I need I need a scroll I need the Papyrus necromantic scroll Papyrus Scarab that’s what we want that’s what we want I have enough spooky

Wood make some full spooky armor how much will that change our 12 to 14 that is not bad at all okay we need the Hercules beetle and we also need the necromantic scroll maybe we should fight the Golem I don’t know honestly dude I think the lizards would be a real good

Good mop theat three snakes put them on capture formation baby girl I said c guys come on we’re on capture formation come on come on catch up catch up I mean keep up keep up we’re catching baby we’re catching we’re mad catching go go go go go Squadron out Squadron out catch

Catch catch catch catch I have no more out go go go go go go go out out out out out let’s capture these guys easy easy captures easy captures baby girl easy captures woo dude we are getting free lizards for days all right let’s do this let’s go on combat

Formation okay wait okay wait okay wait this is kind of illegal wait wait wait they all died they all died but the flying snakes are what yo come on K combat formation go go go oh my God it’s actually not even fair what the [ __ ] oh my God we’re

Playing Master mode what a joke all right let’s get these accessories do we want the summon or emblem I don’t you know I’m going to keep it on I’ll keep on the warding shield look at the but I’m going to replace the brain of confusion I don’t really not really

Using that pyus Scarab beautiful that gives us two more I believe two more slots 16 slots oh that’s beautiful I want to get some Duke fish R Wings baby girl there’s one right there all right let’s do this this can’t be that hard honestly I think we’re going to be good let’s do

This uh let’s summon the snake team it’s not even fair guys okay we’re kind of dying wait I was joking I was joking I was joking okay wait okay wait okay wait wait why did I die so fast I have severely underestimated my opponent okay we have 62 defense the defense is a

Little bit more better than before we should be good now I here my lizard boys they can’t fly but I don’t know they could be kicking ass I need to get more flying snakes I think the flying snakes are op wait why do I take so much damage is this

Right oh I can’t see [ __ ] lizard Squad a why am I getting my ass beat why can’t I move all right let me get a goat skull real quick yo these lizards suck okay well you can bomb them though all right cool please give me the goat skull yeah let’s get these flying

Snakes out I just got to get the goat skull dude and then I can do this Duke Fight Man baby oh I got it if I die I’m going to give up on this fight I don’t know why the Duke fishron is so fast in this boom all right now

It’s going to be over oh that’s rough oh that’s rough oh okay that was close dude we are we do so much damage it’s kind of [ __ ] stupid we didn’t even get what we wanted but we did get this I will appreciate that I need money which is a

Problem all right I’m going to sleep until I can fight the uh Empress of light we also need money anyway so money to farm Duke fish on cuz I’m not doing that ever again dude what else can we do it’s like nothing can kill us oh goat

Skull’s so hot you’re so hot goat skull you’re so fast I’m here to support I have magic magic weapon and piss all we got one shot with Empress of light all right one shot do not miss your chance to blow this opportunities once in a lifetime you know boom let’s fing do

This I want yall to kick its ass all right wait wait they’re not really hitting it guys beautiful oh beautiful oh beautiful okay okay I can’t Dodge it cuz I have to be next to it to summon wait they’re all dead all right well I farmed kind of unsuccessfully for some flying snakes

But we should should be good yes yes yes come on a little bit more no all right I’m just going to honestly sit in the temple and just farm for snakes all day long slept woke up nighttime let’s get all my snakes out baby girl we have some fishron wings now compared to

Before I’ve also reworked out my Loadout so things are going to be a little bit better should be more mobile compared to before so we shouldn’t get hit more I also stacked up on a bunch of flying lizards this is going to be e baby oh

It’s beautiful I got to get real close and then TP them onto me oh that’s rough oh that’s rough oh that’s good I can’t surpris me I can’t move as much as I’m supposed to yes please they missed by an inch please yes oh my gosh that took way

Longer than it should have but that’s because I was trying to cheese it extremely fast we got the lucky SAR Insignia which we are going to replace with our Berserker gloves cuz we’re not really going to need those anytime soon we got a staright I actually never used

A staright but maybe this time I’ll use it we got Prismatic die E I think we are ready for the lunatic cultist which is probably going to be the easiest fight of Our Lives you guys are in combat mode right all right cool now wouldn’t it be crazy if we can

Capture the lunatic culus that would be gnarly but can’t holy crap I’m just going to go on top of it and just summon everything man the flying snakes really are the best okay I’m kind of dying cuz I got to be like close to him damn all right I’m going to stop

Using lizards bro lizards suck I threw that damn I’m embarrassed I’m not going to lie I’m going to go pee my pants real quick damn he took a lot of damage oh no we killed the wrong one wait we can catch that oh my God wait I don’t even

Care if I die dude I want to catch that catch it yes no way I’m going to throw Three fantasm Dragons out I’m not going to lie you guys are a little bit disappointing but he has 2 Hp nice what bro dude I’m not even mad I

Have a star what is it called a Starlight Dragon a stard it’s not a Stardust Dragon it’s a something Dragon sawdust Dragon it’s not good I don’t know all the worm AI is a little bit funky let’s speedrun this let’s capture some stuff while we can cuz it’s the

Final battle of Terraria I think I’m going to catch a lot of lizard stuff I’m sorry not lizard stuff Vortex you know I I kind of want I kind of want solar but I I don’t I don’t think solar is going to come out real well okay so I want to

Actually try something before we end off the series or end off this playthrough I have some dungeon guardian spawners um accordingly according to vervine you can catch the dungeon guardian the only problem is catching the dungeon guardian okay since we have time to kill since time can’t skip till morning time I’m

Going to go over to the vortex pillar I’m going to go kill them and catch a lot of stuff reason being um the dungeon guardian is going to probably instakill all of our uh our summons so my plan is to get the vortex meter all right let’s see how fast it’ll kill

The is it daytime yet oh I think it is daytime all right wait let’s try this out right we do like one damage well we have a few thousand to go I don’t know if I’ll have enough bullets bro maybe I should have build a hoik system if this

Doesn’t work out I’ll build a hoik one I’m not doing this this will take a while but it’ll be worth it okay so I built my little hoik machine this took an entire day so now I have to wait well now I have to wait till the entire day

Is over bro oh I also got a blade staff so what we’re going to do we’re going to summon our blades and hopefully this will take care of skella skella dungeon guardian Tron let’s try this out no all right well I think what I’m

Going to have to do is I’m going to have to lure him in the middle before I get on my thing is this it I think this is it all right don’t touch anything else Adrian okay I’m getting a little dizzy though wait there’s slimes coming in wait wait

Wait there’s slimes coming in there’s slimes wait are you I’m going to set a timer for 5 minutes dude you spin me righton my Rec baby I just realized if we capture the dungeon guardian we have a capture bonus of plus two meaning that we’re going to get not one not two but

Three whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa is that enough HP come on damn it please please oh my God dungeon guardian you have one command kill look at him go he’s okay he’s a little slow but that’s why we have more than one oh there’s just no chance there is

No chance for the moon Lord every class gets their respected weapon and we just deserved ours the dungeon guardian the real lunar weapon look they pop up on the map you guys are not safe from the dungeon Guardians oh instant kill that is brutal that

Is I am the Lord of destined to death and you will have no mercy from me I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m sorry you had to be this way don’t be sad because we’re on opposite sides of the war impending doom and proes what on Earth is the Moon

Lord going to do with this the only way that the moonl Lord can kill us is if it uses a gigantic enormous laser and disregards my guardians but my Guardians they shall reign they shall be here until the dawn of time oh oh oh oh my God look it’s just gone it’s gone

It’s it’s okay wait is still killing me dude dude dude that is the fastest I have ever killed the moon Lord like period that is actually crazy this mod is actually so fun make sure you guys check out vervain’s YouTube channel in the description he like detailed his entire

Process on making this mod once again thank you so much to wart under for sponsoring today’s video

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I Played Terraria’s Palworld Class, and it’s BROKEN.

So my friends Verveine sent me EARLY ACCESS to his Palworld Capture Class Terraria Mod, and I finally finished my playthrough and it was so fun. This was a fun Terraria Master Mode Playthrough with Palworld / Pokemon Capture mechanics.

Check Out Verveine! (he MADE this mod!)

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