I Spent 100 Days in an Under Water City in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened

Water it’s in all of us and soon it will be there will be a lot of it in this city this the city’s going to be underwater what a terrible way to start this video stick on go go right to the script what you’re looking at is the

Hall breaker a giant fish or I don’t know if it’s a fish I don’t know what it is to be honest a giant creature that has been added to this mod pack by my good friend Robert and apparently I’m going to be I’m going to be spending 100 Days with

It in a flooded city I didn’t I didn’t know we were going to be adding something like that to this uh I thought I thought this is going to be a nice peaceful swimming video or fishing video but apparently it is not I’m just now finding out

That look look at the teeth the teeth on that that’s uh we’re going to fill this city with water every 10 days days more and more water is going to be added to this city until it’s completely submerged apparently a giant fish monster are going to be swimming looking try to eat

Me the whole time the water level will continue to rise until it’s basically just one big giant ocean and I’m either dead or eaten by the I don’t really see any outcome here besides me getting eaten by this thing in the water there’s going to be a whole bunch of creatures

Uh like this okay there we go a hippo good peaceful creature good good good let’s get more of those a bone fish not a peaceful creature kind of another another little bit of stress that’s I’m going to these things impale impale a man oh hangler

Fish come on show me like a crab or something like that piranha it’s not uh whatever that thing is who knows what that is painted painted crustation that thing’s got teeth so I’m I got a feeling it’s not when you see the teeth you you feel the

You feel the Panic sea serpents well no not why do crocodiles that’s oh seagull yeah that’s good that’s a that’s that’s a good one right there like that that’s cool this is a massive City with many buildings tons of places to explore and a whole lot of

Stuff to do as the water level rises the fish are going to get scarier and scarier and you know where this is going I know where this is going Robert knows where this is going so here it is 100 days in a flooding City will I survive I don’t know I

Genuinely don’t uh 20 minutes ago I thought yes I would survive no problem problem uh but now I don’t know just got a little glimpse of some of the creatures a lot of them are looking not so peaceful so I don’t know we’re going to find out I guess

Here we go 100 days flooded city day one a man who had dry feet all right completely dry not a single what am I I’m I’m already off script I spawned on a rooftop and the very first thing I see is this big green alligator

Just uh a good sign of things to come you know I give it 3 days max before this man has me in his Jaws I’m not going that way what was going on there there’s a piranha fighting a alligator who’s going to win doesn’t matter that’s who for the

First few days I wanted to just kind of uh explore this part of the city a little bit look for things that I could use and maybe start figuring out where I’m going to build in retrospect this probably wasn’t the best use of time because uh at that time I didn’t know

That the water level was going to continue to rise every 10 days and it would have probably been a better use of time to look for somewhere High to build or start looking for seeds or I don’t know I spent a good chunk of day one just looking around I don’t even know

What my plan is right now look at this look at this a man house is Flooded okay there’s piranhas what am I doing what am I doing look at this there’s piranha going to get me it’s coming for me what am I doing right now get out of the water can’t be going in there what did it just get stay back look you can see this

Little fin coming at you here what are you doing what are you doing what is that ow okay look at this big guy how’s it going those piranhas I can’t even enjoy he going to come down and see what he’s doing like a sewer system right there

So many fish after getting some wood which would later be a very valuable resource should have got more of it to be honest and spending some time at what I thought was I guess the community pool building I don’t know what this is about uh I head further into the city stopping

Like every 16 seconds to look at a new fish there’s so much to explore and I want I really want to see what one of these guys do are you a friendly man or are you a man who’s going to do something weird to me no you’re a friendly man can I grab

You raw catfish oh oh oh look at this fish what is that oh stop stop here’s the thing about the water level increasing as time goes on larger fish are going to be able to spawn because there’s going to be more room for them to swim and uh right now pretty

Easy you know there’s a couple little fish snapping at my toes an alligator here or there it was going to get so much worse so for the first few days it was very crucial that I found somewhere relatively safe that I could rest and start Gathering precious resources that

Are easy to get now that will be very very very difficult to get later by day 50 or 60 the water level is going to be as high as some of these buildings and uh the fish that’s going to be in that water swallow me whole so I I really

Needed to prioritize getting stuff out of these buildings and finding chests and looting as much as I could while I could so for now I looted what uh I believe to be a mall hey you know what I realized I can just jump off buildings cuz the entire ground is Water smash my way anywhere I want swim around oh yeah iron right here there’s a cookie here you got to find everything it’s all in the water feet Locker oh it’s the mall that’s cool oh Apple beautiful and Lantern urgency flare coal I should uh try to

Find somewhere to set up my bed here in a second why don’t I finally make a boat sail right out carry on my little torch not bad look at This there’s a bank here what are these oh oh oh my okay okay oh pack of Turtles right there look at that where am I going oh I’m back here okay sail through here sail through here sail down I hope that alligator’s gone as well just find a little rooftop

And just sleep okay there’s a scary fish coming so I’m going to get out all Right oh there’s the alligator right there so that’s that’s good big fish like something hissing over here what is that is it this Thing oh the turtles are back my fish is trying to climb day two day one was just kind of a big waste of time so these Turtles are still here here get an Apple oh okay I’m going to loot this building and then I’m going to find turtles are stressing me out

Honestly the nice thing about is that cheeseburger take that get that off get the cheeseburger head on hey not bad some bread here any weird fish in here if I jump down am I going to just what are you what is going on with these Turtles what did I do to these Turtles they’re still coming why is there so many turtles this is good stuff right here all this string and Pelican egg give me that H can I give me that too the turtles are still outside here I got to

Just completely get out of this area or kill these Turtles I need like one more iron to make a sword and then I’ll just eliminate the turtles oh oh oh my God it’s just a fish it’s just a fish oh oh I thought it was a turtle these Turtles got me stressed out

I genuinely don’t know why I was so concerned about the slowest moving creature in the ocean chasing me uh but these things freaked me out for some reason little did I know at the time but soon there would be I can’t even begin to explain the fish actually I’m going

To be honest with you it’s not even a fish there’s a water creature that’s known for thrashing people out of boats that thing is a problem these turtles or whatever they are not a problem right what is a problem was food I was starting to real realized that getting

It wasn’t uh wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought it was going to be going into this I thought it was going to be Jeremy Wade just sitting here with a fishing rod catching all sorts of fish no problem well you know what fishing

Rods don’t work on this map which is just absolutely perfect for a video focused on water and water level rising in fish yeah it’s good look at this cast in my fishing rod I’m catching absolutely everything besides food no no here we go another video of me starving

For 100 days can’t wait hey look at that hunger bar going down low so if I wanted to eat I was going to have to find food in chests which don’t want to be doing that too much or I needed to find seeds or build a farm that I hope won’t be

Underwater in like 3 days so all just talking about food made me hungry in real life I’m just eating a little snack right now I’m doing a brutal job read reading this script right now I’m not even not even I don’t even know where I

Am on it right now here I think at this point I was trying to find iron cuz I wanted to make a sword so that I could start killing all these little fish that were nibbling at my toes okay one of these houses is going to have iron in it

Somewhere in this whole area there’s going to be one piece of iron then I can get it and start eliminating some of these Turtles where’s my boat a crocodile here oh my God there’s a crocodile in that House oh oh there a whole Animal Kingdom down There look at this there’s like you go through here you go through this door what do you see oh okay that’s it that’s that it could have been over right there okay there’s there’s too much going on in this whole thing day three things are just falling apart for me so

Quickly I don’t know why I thought that I needed iron to make a sword could have just made it with the the stone I was standing on at the moment here but no I needed to get iron and I was convinced that there was going to be an iron ingot

In one of the garages on this street street but the problem with going into them was that half of these garages had alligators in them for some reason and I didn’t want to get snapped in half on day three so I don’t know I found one

That had a bunch of turtles in it so I uh climbed down and started slashing at them and once they were killed I jumped in and looted the chest and realized that I went through all of that just for some rotten potatoes or something I I

Don’t even know what was in here it was just waste of time that’s what was in there look there’s a scary fish swimming up from I have no how much damage this thing does justas get out of the water just get out of the water what am I doing why it’s so

Simple to survive this look now the turtles are here it’s incredibly simple to survive this entire scenario just don’t go in the water and what am I doing I’m jumping in putting a bathing suit on diving into sink holes in the middle of the street oh look at that I uh really

Really struggling to hit that fish there you think that I should cut something like that out but here we are anyways food was starting to stress me out again and uh I the fishing is just so brutal here what is that why did I get a scaffolding that thing is stressing me out

Too I’m getting bamboo sticks perfect what’s that rotten fish I I have oh I was hoping to get some rotten fish oh shovel or spoon Perfect by day four I was I was one hungry man what do we got to eat one cooked bass delicious what happens if I put

Rotten no you can’t can’t put rotten fish in there what am I thinking smoked fish if I put it in a smoker how do you make a smoker I don’t even know how to make a smoker I need wood around a regular I got a cross over and go to

Those other houses but I really don’t want not good this is not good this is not good okay well I crossed over oh I knew those holes were going to be a problem you got food in here who’s got food in their house I started looting

More houses and I was having a really hard time finding more food which was uh really starting to stress me out the sink holes are stressing me out no you don’t stressing me out the turtles if there’s no turtles and no piranhas I could just go get one of those

Catfish but I can’t I can’t I can’t do anything yeah see that’s that’s exactly it see this man underwater it’s going to be me see Elbert Einstein all shriveled up if that’s a grocery store that’s my best bet but the problem is you just got alligators doing who knows what I don’t

Know if there’s alligators in there there’s Pon what is that there’s there’s a fish right here there’s a fish right here give me give me give me give me give me this give me this fish o Rass of course I left my furnace on that rooftop over

There if I had dirt I could start a farm well I don’t can I eat this no I can’t I can’t I the only thing I can eat is this and I can make some wheat okay give me the eel I’m fishing robw

Ass give me that give me give me C me me c it’s scary being in the water day five you know when they when you it’s to day five they say you only got 95 days more to go you’re almost there I don’t know don’t know why I

Wrote that so uh yeah I needed to get to this grocery store badly because this whole food situation was just not good but I climbed down off of this building and uh I started hacking away at fish and I was just about to jump into the water and start swimming over to the

Grocery store when I remembered that you could make boats I I had already made one in this so I don’t know why I I was not thinking about boats I had already used one uh so I made a boat got in and started rowing over grocery store here we

Go I’m going to have to swim down into it oh I don’t want to die here look at this this is cool is that milk what am I going to do with milk oh an apple bread oh seeds we’re here for seeds apples are good but we not doing a zombie thing

Right now why are these or a potato a potato there’s seeds right there there’s seeds there’s seeds there they are okay come here oh that is good some good stuff I got too much junk in here I’ve probably already passed seeds and been like no don’t need those O chicken it’s a good grocery store it’s been picked clean for that what is that protein Shake regeneration okay cool okay I didn’t find any oh is there more seeds here what is this a sapling a mine cart with some bread here oh here’s the Piranhas classic piranha in a grocery stor is good oh oh fast oh catfish oh three Catfish oh what you Doing coming for some food SW he swimming through the door what you guys grocery store is off limits I should throw the helmet on so I can breathe under water I could cook beets but who wants that or Farm beets berries I’m not I’m not devolving into eating berries no

Way Iron nugget it’s just teasing me at this point oh look at that that’s a huge trunk more bread okay I’m getting doing good for food now charcoal I’ll take I’ll get rid of I was about to my seeds no way get rid of that look at that there’s a

Shark on the road right there oh these catfish they’re trying to get out of there trying to get away from the shark come on out trying to get on my boat oh oh a Prana ow oh okay relax relax oh get out what are you doing catfish in the

Way oh it’s like a speed bump the water’s a little bit more choppy water’s a little bit more choppy out here oh there’s grass right there I could have got seeds there easily I should really get a bed or something a shark on land right here what are you doing

What are you doing relax I don’t know about being out at night oh it’s a bridge that’s here I some underneath it hey relax all right day six now that I had a bit of food I was feeling way better when a man has food a man feels normal

In the mind you you know and the best part about it was that I had seeds seeds that I could use to make a farm and then not have to worry about being hungry ever again but I wanted to look around a little bit more so I went back to the

Gate that I cut through and I wanted to see if there was somewhere around here that I could start to build or at least loot to get more stuff all right way more houses to loot here there like a whole part of the city right there I got the hospital

Here there’s oh lot of fish lot of fish lot of angry fish angry fish okay I can not smart them easily like that what are you going to do can’t do anything that’s what you’re going to do I’m going to sit here I’m going to eat my candy all right should I

Build look all the kelp that’s spreading that’s kind of cool start growing on its own I kind of want to go underneath the bridge over there see what’s going on I didn’t know it at the time but I was about to face my real first challenge in this 100 days an animal

That I would soon come to hate dearly oh my God oh my God oh my God the turtles are back too how have they they’ve been chasing me so long they’ve grown Moss oh oh These hippos are no joke oh my God they’re tagging me from up why are there hippos here look how fast that fish is is oh the

Hippo oh I don’t want to be in the water with the hippo oh my God there’s what look at that giant Cowfish oh my God look at the hos they’re coming out of the hospital go go oh my God the turtles oh what is going on what’s down here get out get straight

Out of Hippo City I ended up sailing over to the hospital and climbing inside of it this was without a doubt one of the biggest mistakes that I would make in the next 100 days it definitely wasn’t the largest there’s a way bigger mistake coming but uh this shouldn’t

Have gone in the hospital while I was blissfully unaware inside of it looting I don’t know why I wrote looting the script there was nothing in this hospital just a big giant empty building the hippos were outside Gathering there’s fish just coming out of random rooms oh my there’s two of

Them okay I’m getting a little bit it’s loud out there oh my God what the hell is going on these hippos look at the Piranhas oh those guys are like parked like parked cars waiting to get waiting to get in I don’t even know how to deal with the the

Hippos quarantine Zone well you know what this there’s no zombies so I’m going up here oh I climbed up several floors of the hospital before finding a nice little spot that I thought I might sleeping took a nice look at the the sun setting and the uh all the hippos

Gathering in the parking lot and I didn’t know it at the time but later on in this video the water level would be higher than this this whole thing was going to be underwater it was going to be you know real nutty real fast but I

Slept here for now and in the morning when I woke up I realized I got to get out of this hospital and I got to find a way to get around these hippos they were still there just sitting there waiting for me to come down and it make things

Worse a storm had rolled in which made the waves uh just a little bit higher but the problem with the waves being a little bit higher is that if I were to get into a boat and start sailing it’s a little bit more difficult to see if there’s a hippo hiding behind

A wave and the hippos in this can knock you off your boat and if you get knocked off your boat it’s it is over for you especially when there’s that many hippos so just uh little little problems stacking up here and there you know getting starting to get out of control

But I kept looting the hospital and I was Finding next to nothing and as I looted and as I ran around and jumped on things my the little food that I had was starting to wear down but then I found the cafeteria and I thought hey perfect

Cafeteria just jump down there grab some food and problem solved not problem solved because the cafeteria was underwater which meant the hippos had a direct route to the cafeteria and by jumping into the water uh I was basically exposing myself so not only hippos but also the Piranhas that I

Didn’t know at the time the hospital was full of I’m so scared I’m going to go out one of these doors and there’s going to be a hippo o PR though oh few piranhas oh oh there’s a lot of lot of piranhas there oh there’s hippos in the parking garage oh my

God that something they’re just waiting for me why is there hippo there never iron never iron I I don’t even want to get close to a hippo I have a bow don’t I okay that does oh my God it does a ton of damage am I running low on food

I don’t think the hippos can the the hospital is so full of piranhas oh my God there’s so many piranhas oh my God what am I going to do oh this the hippo scares me I’m almost completely out of armor why did I come in this

Hospital like why am I in here oh so close remember didn’t really expect there to be a hippo in the parking garage or piranhas for that matter but hey here I was stuck on a was like a shelf or something like this next to all these ambulances the exit was right

There but but the hippos were preventing me from going out of it and if I went the other way and tried to swim through the hospital there was a bunch of piranhas there and in my current state both both of these things would easily kill me so I was stuck the normal

Solution in this predicament would be to just break some blocks and climb out but I gave myself a really stupid rule that I really wanted to break here which was I wasn’t going to break any blocks that I wouldn’t be able to break in real life

With my bare hands so if I was truly stuck on this shelf in this hospital with a bunch of hippos and piranhas nibbling at my feet I couldn’t just tear down the wall with my fingers I needed to I needed to think this one through

And get out using my brain so I put down a bed and slept and tried to figure out what to do next why why are they flying in now why are they flying in I was just about to jump and run wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait I just got an idea come here come on if your hippo come on over here that’s what I say if your hippo come on over your hippo come on don’t nibble don’t nibble no nibbling no nibbling your hippo come on it stresses me out

How they can’t get through there but the pra is G the PR’s G I’m breaking my rule this is such this is such a terrible situation to be in such a terrible situation to be in there’s just there’s just more hippos coming into this into this garage oh my God I have no way I have no way to deal with these

Hippos they’re going look at this they’re getting they’re getting excited getting real excited they’re thinking oh he’s he’s running out health I can’t even run across that cuz they’re like I genuin you like bones I’m like I’m looking at that and I’m thinking

If I can get to that I can get out of here or if I could get through there I can swim cuz the hios can’t go through there it’s only the Piranhas I would need to worry about I have blocks across the Gap blocks to shut The I don’t like how the hippos can like hit me okay Okay running out of options here getting real low on options Here really didn’t really I’m like debating whether I want to break my rule and go through there it’s just I don’t see I how how does a man get out of this situation I genuinely believe that no man has ever been in this situation before okay but now they’re all over

Here I got to use my brain the only way I’m getting out of this is with my brain how fast can I out swim one of these things like if I ran B swam and I got to that if I got to that I’m free I’m one free man the problem

Is these guys like to bite they like to bite if I go and I’m out if I can try to get more of them over here you know then I go oh oh Swim full Speed oh my God what’s fighting Me oh oh Oh ooh man it feels good to be out of that I was really thinking I was going to be restarting this 100 days right there died dying to a hippo but look at this that was a man who was out and he was alive first thing I did make a boat he

Caught in that boat and sailed away sail straight out of that got literally nothing from going in there almost got killed like three times getting straight out of there I really want to stop at that house I’ll take one peak one little Peak no I’m not going to

I’m going to get as much distance between me and the hippos as I can I was still struggling with food though but I had a bit of an idea I remember when I played this map the last time there was a farm near here and it had a ton of

Food in it so I started sailing towards it and sure enough when I got there there was tons of seeds floating in the water so I grab those and then I start trying to pick up ha bales from the field and as I’ve doing that I realized

I’m the dumbest man alive because like 2T away from me is a grain silo filled with hay bales absolutely filled to the brim with hay bals it saved me back when we did the zombie scenario in this thing and it was going to save me again so I

Stopped doing whatever it was I was doing here sail over to it break in and sure enough my eyes melt when I see a million hay bales mean and I wasn’t going to have to worry about food anymore oh it it feels good to have this I remember this place I also

Remember what happened in that Cellar down there a man was murder man I hate hippos I can’t you ever heard of the game Hungry Hungry Hippos just lived it Hungry Hungry Hippos is the game look at this house oh why look at the look at the look at

The oh look at that axe I wanted that axe all right that that would be very good to have I also wanted to go in the house because if I remembered correctly uh there was some good stuff in here as well but here I was messing around with

Fish I have absolutely no idea what I was doing here yeah get in a fight fight each other while you fight each other I go I shouldn’t have gone I shouldn’t have gone I should not have gone oh oh I should not have gone I should not have

Gone oh oh oh oh oh it’s like banjo kazui when the shark chases you I just hear a dog there’s a dog in that house oh someone’s going to get that guy out who Sean who who’s going to get him out there’s no other one there’s pigs there’s pigs over there [ __ ]

They’re making they’re making their way to the land Piranha’s everywhere there’s those things I I’m scared of the hippo I’m want to see the Hippos what okay I got to do something cuz panas are just pooling up below me I’m trying to get a little nibble if I swim for that I can go through the door or if I swim for that I can open the door close it go up the

Stairs got Go Fast close the door behind me okay okay I was inside and as it turns out I didn’t remember correctly I remembered incorrectly because uh there was nothing in this house it was pointless I I again risked my life getting in here for basically nothing

That’s not true I got this axe that would be basically nothing the first time I used it was like a broken axe some other scraps so uh I checked every room every chest and then I finished looting this house by making some stupid joke about the toilet the lever the toilet oh what

What what’s the point of flushing it now be honest would you flush right now like what’s the point I I don’t know what I was what was going on in here I still wanted that axe though uh but it was outside and it was surrounded by

Piranhas so but then I think to myself they’re just piranhas why not just jump in the water and grab it so I jump off the roof swim over to it start panicking don’t grab the axe put down some blocks for some reason and climb up onto a tree

Or or block tower whatever this was hey it’s good good job so I go back over to the grain silo and think okay you know what I’m going to make a boat sail over to it and then try so I do that and uh I

Don’t know if I’m on a boat can the Panos hit me no they they can push my they’re pushing my boat but I can I can come over here I don’t know why I’m Albert Einstein right now I’m Albert Einstein and that’s from that’s from a different thing I’m going to change that

I can come over here hey how’s it going perhaps these piranhas might be interested in a little something you know take a little nibble of this man hey there’s the Axe I got it I got it I got I got the axxe I got the axe oh oh oh oh I just took heavy Damage okay it’s just an iron axe but that’s huge now that I had an axe I could easily get wood to make a a shelter that hopefully would be waterproof uh and more importantly fight off all the little creatures and fish that were nibbling at me stand here as they come ow Oh okay that was really dumb I thought I could just stand on the boat look how many There it’s just piranhas if I’m having trouble with these things what happens when the other cre look I gave up trying to get inside that cold Celler instead I boat over to the barn thinking I could perhaps turn this into my shelter actually Oh this isn’t bad EX for the there’s a reflection or piranha coming to bite me once I was in the bar and I got up to the higher level started looting some of the chests and realized it was the evening of day 9 meaning that the water

Level was about to rise again and with it it would bring larger and more deadly fish okay the water level has risen right up to the window what is that what there’s a giant fish in here what is that thing I don’t even know what to

Say I I don’t I didn’t even I didn’t even know something like that was going to be in this mod pack look at that okay what what am I going to do to get out of here I think the easiest solution is just just jump out

There take a bed with me I have food I have I have nearly unlimited food well not quite right now I don’t know why I’m saying that I could get more I’m going to take a lot of these hay bales with me so I don’t have to worry about food for

A while I’m going to build a reverse aquarium might be wondering what a reverse aquarium is it’s where I’m in the tank and the entire outside world is the fish I’m going to have to make another boat I don’t care at this

Point go go go go go go go go go go go look at this place now remember yesterday trying to get in there oh my god look how many fish are spawning now they can I got to go okay okay I almost just died there my boat there’s an there’s anacondas in the

Farm oh don’t stop Don’t Stop Don’t Stop Don’t Stop Don’t Stop I’m being ued right now I’m being pursued oh my God I am being pursued I was just saying that as a way to psych myself out oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh my God where am I going where am I going there’s a big fish down there there’s a big fish Jeremy Wade was never in a situation like this not not in one single episode was Jeremy Wade in this situation oh my God the gate’s closed there’s iron behind the gate I

Just saw a piece of iron oh wait through here everything’s just flooded how many times I going to say that the thing about having Robert set up this mod pack for me is that I had no idea what was going to spawn in or how it was going to

Spawn in or when it was going to spawn in so when I saw those massive Jaws it started to hit me that this wasn’t going to be a fun little swimming vacation that I thought this 100 days was going to be usually I have some sort of idea

Of the creatures that I might encounter in the world I had no idea what could be in the water I was one terrified Man Standing on this rooftop just thinking about everything that could be down there and this Rooftop by the way it wasn’t wasn’t the safest rooftop to be

On because there was holes in it there was holes everywhere and while I was scared and running around the rooftop you could absolutely guess what happened next can I like close this place up a little bit so that I can okay this is getting that oh my God what am I doing right

Now what am I doing I’m going to die some of the houses that were in this suburb were larger than the ones that I originally was at and it made me start to think that there might be better loot in these than the trash that I was

Getting in people’s garages before but I was nervous because I didn’t know if fish could swim into them or not so I started looking around I’m trying to see if they can the fish can get in there but I’m I’m Watching Piranha swim straight into the house look yeah there

We go hey have fun it’s your house now these houses especially that house has to have something good in it and I’m like thinking if I get in my boat and just quickly like I can uh I was about to jump on that rooftop thinking it was safe it is not I don’t

Even I don’t even want to know how much damage those things do just like stressing me out being on here day 10 I basically sailed 25 ft almost died seven times this is nutty I end up just sleeping on this rooftop because I had no idea what to do next little did I

Know at the time though uh remember those uh hippos from before well they had been following me this entire time and they were going to be here very soon but in the morning I had a plan I was going to jump in my boat sail over to

The big boarded up building and loot the top floor which was still above water but just as I was about to make my move the hippos arrived I need armor like I’m why am I still wearing this skin too why no no no no no why are you

Here you’re supposed to be at the hospital right here Oh my God there’s thins right there there’s thins where I was going to go oh okay I was in the building and safe you know what I don’t know why I’m saying I was safe don’t know why I wrote that was not safe I was alive so the roote I was

In the building and Alive big difference between safe and Alive anyways the building was was dark so I made a torch and started looking around bowl of popcorn sit back relax hey if I’m going to do a sponsored video right here this is where you see it right now speaking of which this

Video is sponsored by I don’t know if okay there we go done done with a sponsor if I have one I don’t know oh trip wire what happens if I this is how oh how did that get in the house is it stuck oh my

God o o o it’s not stuck it’s not stuck it’s not stuck it wasn’t stuck I was stuck okay there was nothing up here except for a locked door a bed and a TV I told myself I can break Windows cuz I could like theoretically throw a rock

Through them or something like that so I was allowed to break windows but if I did I’d just be jumping into the mouth of the hippo my boat that I had was on the other side of the house and I couldn’t get to it because at the bottom

Of the staircase was a a fish larger than me a goliath tiger fish was swallow me ho so I was stuck up here I just sort of paced around thinking about it watch out for Chester that Chester oh my God that’s got to be Chester eventually I

Came to the conclusion that I should be able to break down doors even iron ones my rule was doors and windows and sometimes if I really needed to would I don’t know I was kind of making these rules up as I went all right so I said I

Can break doors you know it doesn’t matter okay anyway so this room I broke into had some random stuff in it like these grenades which last time I used one of these uh in our zombie scenario I had killed a bunch of people with them

So I thought this might be useful I also took a moment to look at the swimming pool in the backyard this thing was overflowing what’s what’s the point of a pool at this point who cares why did there’s no need to mention that the next

Day I needed to get out of here I was keep getting stuck in rooms with fish and hippos and snakes and alligators I was get sick of this stuff so I went to the the top of the staircase and I started slashing at the fish in the stairwell before quickly and without any

Fear whatsoever swimming across I’m going to try to swim across again oh it’s so scary it’s so scary swimming across that oh my God I climbed out the back window onto the lower roof and got into my boat and sailed away oh yeah switch my skin Albert Einstein in a bathing

Suit pretty good I peaked around at some of the other houses and uh some of these I could get in some of them I could take a look in chests just quickly walking through them I was afraid that there’ be some sort of big tentacle thing that

Would wrap around my feet and drag me to the bottom or an alligator’s Jaws or some sort of fish that would infect me or I don’t know my mind was just going crazy being in all this water and checking this stuff out but eventually I made my way to the largest building

Which was in the very center of the suburb it was like a like a dome roof in this big point and I knew that had to be something good up there so I climbed on the roof broke my way in I guess I kind of probably maybe I forgot about my rule

Here I I have no idea the rule the rule is kind of confusing cuz what if I want to go mining what’s going to happen then I don’t know okay anyways this see doesn’t matter I was in the building and you know what this is exactly why I

Wanted to do this 100 days cuz seeing stuff like this it just looks so cool these flooded buildings on the inside I was having a very good time looking around swimming looking at the sun shafts all this stuff I love this look okay this I was I was enjoying this

Right up until I swam up onto the roof again oh there was a hippo on the Roof oh my God the hippos and survived the grenade that you know how many players that killed before the I can’t fight a hippo these hippos are stressing me

Out here we go this has got to be good oh it’s good it’s real good key I can use it open doors all righty then that’s good finally I mean it’s still not weapons but definitely can help wonder which way I should go probably that way eventually maybe

Building one of those I don’t know I don’t know what is that that looks like a big grocery store if I can get to the roof of it Things Fall Apart from me so quickly in this I go from a man who’s on top of the

World to a man who’s just so stupid the next day I went over to the grocery store what I thought was a grocery store nearby swam inside of it for some reason without using my boat get lost well underwater start to panic and then start

To drown and I think to myself okay the only thing I can do right now is pull out my special Golden Apple that I just found to save myself use it swim out the front door directly into a hippo get hit by the hippo then get stuck in a tree

And finally make it onto the roof before saying this is not good as if it’s something happening to me and not just me being an idiot extremely high IQ moves right here world’s smartest man goes for a swim what was going on there anyway so I realized that with the

Golden apple buff I could probably take on some hippos because there were so many of them out here and if those made it over to me EV the other ones were going to remember how many were outside of the hospital they were on their way to me and they were

Going to make it to me at some point or another so I thought you know what when I got a chance I’m going to start taking on something getting rid of some of these hippos there’s another hippo how long do I have this buff

For I got I got it for I got it for another minute I’m going to try to kill another hippo oh that’s a lot of damage actually but I can fight the hippos if I’m underwater I realize they can’t okay they can hit me I just wasted an apple I’m doing so

Poorly in this 100 days coming I got to I got to think quickly the water’s not safe I don’t like how I keep going in here I just saw legs do I see legs what is that a sheep what was going on with the hippos man fighting hippos man getting chased by

Hippos man has hippos on the M couldn’t I don’t know all these hippos I swam further into the city though and at this point it was like a prop ER skyscraper type city with a bunch of vines growing down the sides and a dense City area

That I had not been in yet and I just started looting some of these buildings I was going in some swimming through entrances going into staircases looking in chests doing what I could to try to find anything useful uh while I was while the water level was still

Relatively low but I wasn’t finding anything really just I I don’t I don’t know what I was doing honestly I should have been doing so many other more important things at this point but here I was climbing onto buildings to be honest I think I just I just wanted to

Jump off one of them don’t know what good use of time right here let’s go to that one oh here we go fire underwater it’s good makes sense don’t think about it I climbed up some Vines onto another building and then finally finally found something good oh Jack old bow power five punch

Two now we are talking we are talking talking good where is the arrows that I Supply stash this well okay maybe I should read one of these books maybe it’s going to tell me something Jack I leave these supplies nope not reading that just continue on the script here

The bow was incredible the only problem was that it was nearly broken finding nearly broken items like this for the average Minecraft player it’s very simple you just go repair it but for a man like me it very difficult for me not to just use it and waste it I had to

Tell myself many times do not use this bow do not use use the bow until you can repair it just don’t do it don’t but I knew after finding that bow I was I had to find an anvil next because this bow would make things so much easier for me

I could start shooting fish from afar I could deal with crocodiles the hippos oh man I wouldn’t have to worry about a hippo ever again this was the bow for me the rain stopped beautiful sunny day even a rainbow actually I needed that Anvil so I started looking around

For one and while I was looting I ended up going into this Bank building or a police station or I think it was a police station I can’t remember but while I was in there a hippo scared me big time o hippos why are hippo is the biggest

Threat I’m facing in this world I eventually got tired of looting these buildings and made my way to an overpass which thankfully was a overwater perfect perfectly named overpass over over theall who cares stop stop so I got a brief Taste of land and it didn’t last

Long though because uh I made a boat and got right back into the water I’m kind of scared to do this honestly here we go he’s off and he’s out of there remember this place above water before now it’s underwater Turtles Hey Turtles are least my concern right

Now there’s a hippo coming out of the woods right there see you later don’t care about you I don’t know where I’m going right now oh I wanted to go home but I the wall oh this is going to be awful I can do

It I don’t want to do it look at the fish I don’t want to get out of my boat I made it back to where I first started and the water level was now up basically to the top of the garages which meant all of the wildlife also was now able to

Get on the garage including this man right up to the rim oh feeding them all the Rocks here you go eat them oh my God he can move what of course he can move what what why was I shocked that an allig okay I don’t know what’s going on

Anyways this whole neighborhood was filled with dangerous animals there’s snakes everywhere there’s Turtles here hippo probably on their way with once a safe neighborhood to enjoy was now full of all sorts of who knows what that Robert put in this thing honestly who knows I don’t know could have been

Anything in these garages but I kept moving around kept going to building to building end up sleeping in like a jail cell the next day or that night I don’t know who knows time was flying snakes in the water you can’t think when there’s snakes in the water or hippos in the

Water who knows what oh yeah okay so this jail cell had arrows which was good I don’t know why they’re giving him prisoners arrows but I was Finding arrows there’s also an anvil which would have been good but I didn’t have the stuff on me to either repair the bow

That I had then and there or take the Anvil with me I didn’t have a a pickaxe so I thought okay I’m going to look around a little bit more and leave then come back and get this Anvil here’s the thing though about taking stuff I had

Another rule that honestly I might break later I don’t know the rule was I any object I find that I need to use or interact with is an object that needs to be its intent to be used that makes no sense when I say it in my brain it’s

Crystal Clear when I say it into words it is no one knows what I’m talking about I had to pause recording voice voice over there to think about this the object that I find in the world I have to use it as it was intended to use so

If I find an anvil and it’s in this world it’s used as a decoration block for like a pillar or like a wall or something like that I can’t use that Anvil for that for an anvil it has to be an anvil in the world it has to be used

As it’s designed to be used if that makes sense who cares this is so long that I’m ranting on about now I I was just swimming through buildings looking for iron again I always need iron that was a thing how how is a man going to

Find iron I had to find it in buildings and it took me so long to realize that I could just take iron nuggets I don’t know how many I I skipped at this point probably a lot who knows I don’t even know probably a ton cuz I always tell

Myself I don’t want Iron nuggets for some reason which is just stupid cuz uh I I don’t know I was just going through this apartment building looking in different rooms reading books just looking for taking people’s cookies out of their pantries eating food I don’t know what I was doing honestly that cool

Vulture Buzzard a cool bird there’s alligators on rooftops look at that oh he’s doing the spin oh scared me Big Fish down there yeah it’s quite peaceful at night actually I don’t know why there’s alligators on rooftops but little Buzzard flying around hey how’s it going that’s cool I like these things

Hey can I name you how do I get this guy’s iron armor how do I remove this from this guy oh it’s leather I it’s better than nothing but what are you doing it was day 16 and I I had not made any significant progress yet I had just been going from

Building to building almost drowning getting hippos slapping me around getting bit by piranhas snakes grabbing my feet crocodiles chomping me just no progress and in four more days the water level was going to rise again and who knows what else was going to spawn here

I was on top of a building playing with vultures but I spent the day looking for things that I needed at one point I saw a sign that said jump here and I was going to do it cuz it’s very difficult for me to resist urge to jump off these

Buildings especially when it tells me to but there was a lot of alligators down below oh I just I I’m going to be honest I thought about it for a minute or two I didn’t do it though I well no oh look at I’m jumping off the back good job Sean

Definitely no alligators on this side of the building any I ended up returning back to where I spawned and I finally used my axe to get some wood well I could because I remembered that in 4 days the water level was going to rise again and who knows how hard it’s going

To be to chop down trees when they’re underwater we should have done this day one but here I am day 16 finally doing it and on day 17 I didn’t realize I don’t I didn’t realize I didn’t really do anything I just sail around and look

In a few buildings can get some leather armor which I guess I finally threw in the towel and said all right I’m going to wear the leather oh love that LE leather armor good stuff you know real good stuff eventually I just uh slept or wanted to sleep at this military

Checkpoint this military checkpoint I was hopeful for because I thought maybe there might be some iron here and maybe some more arrows maybe some armor armor Better Than Leather that would be good maybe some weapons I don’t know good stuff maybe an anvil too cuz I guess at

This point I had completely forgotten about the one in the police station the next morning I uh looked around this military checkpoint a little bit more there were some iron nuggets here and for the first time I think in any of my 100 Days videos I decided to loot iron

Nuggets which is a direct result of uh people leaving comments constantly saying why don’t you take the iron nuggets well you know what I finally did it here we go grabbed them and you know what it actually a decent amount of them here I think they were labeled as

Something else but I was grabbing them all up and taking as many as I could from these chest I also found a totem of undying here which uh I left behind because I feel like when you have one of these you’re not playing hardcore Minecraft anymore people always ask me

Why I don’t ever take these nope that’s not true I people never ask me why why I don’t get these I don’t know why I wrote that in the script just completely pointless right anyways on the other side of the military checkpoint was the military base which was what I was

Really here for cuz if there’s going to be something good it’s going to be in there big huge massive military base w got to be something good in there for a man like me but to get to it I was going to need to go through this tunnel and uh

Tunnels made me very nervous because I didn’t know how long the tunnel was and and therefore I didn’t know how long I was going to need to be underwater for and it would be dark in the tunnel and who knows what’s going to spawn in that

Thing so I don’t know but I went in and turns out it was completely fine there was a little air pocket at the top I just swam through I might have killed a couple fish here and there got out to the other side and was thinking okay

Things are finally going good for a man like me real good the military base was there but in front of it was something also pretty interesting uh another large Tower which there had to be something good at the top of it so I spent a good chunk of time climbing up this thing

Trying real hard not to place blocks to get up to Ledges that I couldn’t get up to just trying to use my brain to get to the top cuz I think it was designed to be a bit of a puzzle uh but when I got

To the top uh there was a chest and in the chest was an elytra and I did not take it cuz I feel like it doesn’t really suit this theme so I just left it and jumped off the tower straight into the water and uh swam over to the

Military base climbed up the side may or may not have broken one of my rules about digging into the thing maybe I went through a window I don’t know who know you know cuz you can see the clip right now I don’t I can’t see it I’m

Looking at a wall of text right now why am I looking at why don’t I look at the clip anyways when I got inside there was this big huge room with a bunch of Windows and a big glass roof and I thought this room looks perfect maybe

Just maybe I’ll make this my shelter the water can fill in all around it it’ll be perfectly fine cuz I can seal it all up it’ll be good so I got to open a chest though and a a man spawns okay there’s a zombie in here now

You are not this is a wrong scenario that is not supposed to happen but you know what I’ll take your oh it’s an iron sword a lot better than what I got going on here I took this man’s gear and uh you’ll notice I got infected had to had to clear that cuz

That was not not supposed to happen in this mod pack so we got got that all taken care of uh and then I spent the entire next day looting the rest of the military base getting more iron nuggets and finally merging them all together to

Get look at this four iron after all of that plus the one that I had found I think was labeled as like a graphics card or something like that I don’t know but five iron total which was enough for an iron pickaxe so you know what hey not

Bad at all for day 19 five iron on day 19 how good is that that’s good but that’s going to need way more than that because uh uh it was about to be day 20 and the water level was going to rise again okay first thing I did on the

Morning of day 20 was uh take a look and see how much the water had risen by plane’s underwater this entire Runway is now underwat and H this is what I was worried about the tunnel out of here is now also underwater helicopters underwater everything is underwater but here’s the good news

Remember I was saying I need to get wood yeah I wonder where I could get wood from took me 20 days to realize that 20 days before I realized I could just get wood from right there all right I’m going to go for a swim hopefully a quick one hopefully a

Quick one hopefully a quick one what why why have I jumped in here I swam to the shore ditched a bunch of the stuff from my inventory to make room for wood and finally finally began chopping down trees I spent the entire day doing this so that I would ideally

Have enough wood to build my shelter and speaking of my shelter I had a plan since I didn’t know how high the water level was going to get to I don’t want to risk making it on top of a building like I originally thought I might and

Then just have my entire base flooded in like 20 days so instead my plan was to make it on the side of a building and totally enclose it so that when the water level did rise I would finally achieve something that I’ve been trying to do for years at this point on my

Channel live in an underwater base in a 100 days video the best part about doing this is that I wouldn’t even need to go through the tedious process of sucking up water and getting it out of whatever it was I was trying to build because I absolutely hate doing That for now though I I just slept on the side of the mountain once I had a lot of wood but I wasn’t done with wood yet because I’m finally smart enough to know that I’m going to want two types of wood in my build usually I just get wood

From one type and then I go oh you know what this this is not the wood I want or I want to get another one then I spend a bunch of time looking for another type of wood I wasn’t doing that this time so I went to the top of this mountain

Because there’s a lot of spruce up there and spent a good while cutting down some Spruce not as much as the oak that I got but still a decent amount I was a man who was working hard on the side of the mountain cutting down wood looking

Around and just uh I don’t know I sto to admire the view oh this a good view of the look at that oh my God wait I’ll wait till I’m in the observatory which is right here look at the city I never went on the roof of the

Hospital anys look down there there’s there’s hey look at that there’s the hippo room probably still some in there look at how high the water’s gotten when I started it was like below these roofs here like there oh hey there’s my stuff right there yeah look at that look how it’s

Complet remember I was walking along that that thing there and the water’s like right up there completely the rooftops over there that I started on completely underwater there’s the barn I was in I actually really didn’t really just on the other side of the wall the gate is completely underwater

Now The Silo is just halfway up it all this stuff is the military base is the tunnel’s completely flooded whatever that place is flooded a radio tower that’s crazy okay what’s this welcome to Mountain anes is that does that say anthes I got to get better at reading I got to learn

To read better welcome to the top of mountain okay you know what can read fine don’t need to be getting that going in the comments I was liking spending time up here out of the water with my dry feet away from the Piranhas just a dry man you know feeling good about that

I know what you’re thinking Sean why don’t you just build your base up here and not have to worry about the water level rising oh you know what that’s a good idea but I I have a better solution I could just not have the water level

Rise to begin with then I could build my base anywhere and you know what boom don’t have to worry about anything no completely defeats the purpose of doing this in the first place plus I I so badly want to finally have an underwater base so why didn’t you go ahead and

Leave a comment saying the opposite like my man I thank you for building your base deep in the ab AB of what was once the air what what am I WR I’m not reading that out what what is that man this is brutal here on the script today

Anyway so I was on top of this firewatch Tower to try to get an even better look at the section of the city I was staying in the theme park is just completely underwater the hamburger is underwater the roller coaster is underwater the Ferris wheels it’s not underwater but

The rest of it is under look at all this stuff crashed plane there all these skyscrapers with helicopters on top of them the hospital is full of hippos this is quite the site oh who no water down there to catch me now this map is incredible it is remarkably

Good and it blows me away every time I see it the group of people who made this map are insanely talented and you should absolutely go support them I’ve got a link to this map not the flooded version the regular version in the description I was the one who flooded it well

Technically Robert and I were with some commands and stuff but let’s not get into that you know what I I kind kind of hope they don’t mind that I flooded their City this is a very beautiful city that I’m starting to put underwater getting way off topic here I was up in

This Tower and I was having a good time and then on my way back down though I found a very interesting man Sean I love your name my man I think I think I met you last time fantastic name although you spelled it wrong s e a an it’s correct way to spell

It any other way is not correct you ever say your own name out loud Shawn it is weird like it well I’m not saying your name is Shawn my name is Shawn well maybe your name is Shawn I don’t know statistically there has to be another

Sea watching what am I just oh my God okay the whole reason I came up here was for for all of this TN I don’t know what I would use it for well that’s not true I do know what I use it for because at the time of

Writing the script I’ve already recorded this whole thing this TNT gets me into a lot of trouble bu some bad stuff come on I don’t really know what I can do with it but I’d rather have it hey hey hey hey what do you think I want more the

Sign or the TNT the next part of the plan was to get to the big Stadium on the map and start building I figured it would be a cool place once it was underwater and that it was worth the extremely long Trek to get to well I

Shouldn’t say Trek sail to get to but before I went there I wanted to stop at the airport and take a good look around there there wasn’t anything specifically that I was looking for here but I just thought it would look cool and wanted to

Go see it I finally made it back down to the water slapped down a bed on the roof of this building and then went over to the next building which as it turns out was an aquarium started thinking about the the lives of the fish inside of it which is

About to get way better or I mean maybe worse cuz they’re going to get eaten by bigger fish but these look at this oh my God you guys have no idea what has been going on outside of here here you have no idea what the world’s

Become I I got great news for all of you your world has got a whole lot bigger crazy that you’ve been stuck in here come on out everyone yep head on out come on out everyone Turtles Fish Everyone oh oh yep come on out it’s a big world come

On yeah yeah everyone let’s go let’s go let’s go come on can I scare you out oh what was That ow okay you know what what I get for trying to help all right hey look they’re all free it’s good to see I got to go though cuz there’s some nasty fish coming but you guys enjoy life now right except for the whatever fish stung me I’m a man going places and

I hopefully don’t need to see any hippos on my way another hippo right there there’s two hippos right there see it’s a hospital of hippos hippo Hospital Hipp hippo oh my God the hippos oh my God the hippos the hippos the hippos is exactly what I was afraid

Of I’m faster than them so who cares we see you Later I’m going to sail right over the amusement park look at all this the big Burger okay the hippos are the hippos are ruining my trip through the amusement park right now here’s the restroom where another terrible event took place not for me of course for someone else and look at this is this the airport I we can just sail over everything right now oh my God sailing

Around these buildings right now like this is like activating my it’s like itching my brain in such a nice way look at all the carpet though that is that was activating my computers look at this look how cool this is look at this look how cool this looks this is amazing right

Here oh my God and everything flooded in that building this is so cool why didn’t I do this 100 days earlier this is some of the coolest stuff I’ve ever seen in Minecraft what is this what’s over here what does this say Olympus is this to the stadium where

This go I was going Buck nutty here I and even now watching this clip back I’m loving this right this look how cool this looks this just this this is this is just nice I I don’t know what it is but I love the look of the stuff I

Decided to look around one of the buildings a bit to see if there was any loot or supplies that I could grab from here I get to cross the bridge I’m crossing it oh almost fell in it oh the plane the plane was a mega waste of time found nothing useful in

There at all but I climbed up the tail looked around and ended up heading back towards the amusement Park only to make an important realization wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s a big those are those are is that sponge I think that’s sponge I think that’s sponge I think that’s

Sponge there’s also jungle wood here come on let me on the coaster the Piranhas the Piranhas like they don’t do a lot of damage on that of armor but they still stress me out I don’t know what that sound is I don’t know what that sound is I don’t

Know what that sound is I don’t know what that sound is I don’t know what that big sound is what is that big sound what what what type of creature makes it sound like hippo okay I knew that I knew this clip was coming where I was going to scream hippo completely unnecessary

To be acting like that while I’m doing this right I think I drank a bunch of coffee or maybe I was eating some chocolate bars you know what I was eating chocolate bars you heard me eating it earlier I don’t know I I don’t know why what was going on here anyways

I was on top of the building that was made out of sponges there were these sponges would be very useful in the event that I need to soak up some water if it got into my base but instead of harvesting them I was messing around with the hippo hit me I dare

You I’m smarter now I realized I can hit you after you attack yeah took me like six years of playing Minecraft to figure that out but it’s over for you come on probably get two hits on you even there we go but here’s the thing I don’t think

The hippo is the thing that made the sound yeah cuz it’s that it’s that thing why did you got to be P why you got to be in these Waters give me the sponges I know I said I wasn’t going to take stuff but in a situation like this I’m taking it

Right what house am I in what is this what is this cool old home oh okay well that shouldn’t be on after I got a bunch of sponges I swam over to the top of the roller coaster because I thought that it would make an excellent

Place to sleep so I put my bed down and slept not realizing that in fact it would not be an excellent place to sleep as the next day I would end up in a very very bad situation precisely because I thought this would be an excellent place

To sleep no hippos involved though okay I don’t want any hippos man taking a nap on a roller coaster in a flooded amusement park nothing more nothing less it’s incredible life would be so peaceful if there were no hippos I imagine a life with no hippos and I think

How peaceful would that be hey there’s a fox what’s he got he’s got something got a feather oh hey you want Help I would help you but there’s a hippo there so and you’re swimming away anyways we got a feather I like that feather what is this building hope you enjoy the ride here take a free souvenir what is This just oh pecking me come here it’s making it’s making me dizzy making me really dizzy oh alligator oh oh oh what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing why are you climbing on this building there’s a bald eagle here come

Here give me that feather give me that feather I need that feather four more arrows oh oh there’s some sharks there don’t like that okay there’s some whales there sharks now in the just stressing me out this is stressing me out big time there a big squid

Too why the why are there whale why are there killer whales here was there some sort of like SeaWorld type enclosure that they’ve broken out of now why is there sharks here now Too oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no this is really bad this is really really really really bad this is really bad this is really really really bad stop stop stop pecking where where okay what is going on what there’s whales everywhere come here come here the whales are going out of control

Here there’s whales this hold there broken out of the enclosure oh my God okay you know what it’s time to leave I still hear a bird you okay that one that one is the bad bird oh he goes pecking like crazy I need to get in a

Building oh my God I cannot go in the water right now I cannot go in the water this is this is stressing me out look at this what the why is there alligators climbing up oh my God oh my God this is stressing me out beyond

Belief did you see how high that thing just jumped oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I don’t want my bow to break I’m so scared of my Bow Breaking okay I need I I need to find an

Anvil to repair my bow I need to get out of here but there’s look at that look at did you see look how high they can jump they can they’re jumping up the building oh my God I’m so scared of those things I am so scared of those things it’s fighting something it’s

Fighting a piranha the piranha is fighting back I hope the piranha wins come on piranha come on piranha take it out I need to be in that building I’m so scared they’re going to climb up here I’m so scared the hippo are going to run up here those are stressing me out those

Are stressing me out look how high they can jump I need to get I need to get out of here I could jump to this tree and I can get up on top of the tree and then I can make my move oh oh what if I jumped off of there onto

There and I ran across there and then up into that building why is it Smokey here right now I am so I can’t I can’t tell you how stressed out I am right now this going to me a lot of damage oh my god oh oh my

God oh my God oh my God is there a window please tell me there’s an open window up here or something I can just shatter and break into I I’m allowed to do that oh oh oh there’s oh there’s a farm right here too oh man oh let me in what is this

Oh oh oh okay wa w I am feeling good I am alive I am one happy man right now human St get the lights on what do you mean human studies what is this what human studies what is it that’s and close that door that weird

Can I go oh I can go down I thought it was floated all the way up here storage closet bathroom whatever I need this is this is my building I’m feeling good right now anything good in here for me a little reward for just oh that stressed

Me out beyond belief from one high to one low here I’m going to sleep right here put a light up take a look outside go to bed it was now day 24 and yet again I found myself in one of my Mega distractions I I was supposed to have

Been at the stadium by now probably building some beautiful structure but instead I was on the like fifth floor of a building and it was surrounded by Orco whales are they whales Orco whatever they are I thought these things were supposed to be friendly you could swim

With these things but look at these going nuts I made the mistake of assuming that it would be easy enough to just to make a boat and jump out of the window and sail away how aggressive are oh my God Okay that that that immediately answers my question so I won’t be uh there’s a big squid there too look at that that is just terrifying wait wait wait I have an idea I have an idea hey wait I want to make sure I can survive it hey

Hey I want to get I want to beach him Beach a whale if I was on that roof he could get me okay that is insane that is absolutely insane he’s like laughing you hear that not you’re not there’s no way you’re eating me absolutely no way going to eat me I

Got seven arrows that do a ton of damage why is there so many giant squids there’s three of them There there we go whale down know those squids that’s another story I don’t know what they do all right I need to get out of this area as a whole I don’t know what’s going on with those guys and they’re to be honest they’re stressing me out a little bit they’re so

Long I think if I drop in here and swim that way not swim Boat Boat that way no way I’m swimming right Now it stresses me out it stresses me out so much remember what I I was I was a struck going through here thinking how beautiful it is yes I do and that’s the entire reason you almost just died there because you got distracted by it but

Nonetheless I was I was finally on route to the stadium or rather the airport because I hadn’t gone there yet and I still wanted to look at it for some reason but I made it onto the onramp on the overpass climbed up it and was very

Happy to touch dry land again it was pure peace being up there don’t have to worry about giant whales squids alligators any anything like that just concrete concrete and freedom it was good so I started walking down the tunnel that I assumed was going to lead me towards the airport and uh there’s

This giant hole in the ground started to nearly let my intrusive thoughts win but thankfully I did not jump in the uh dark hole that led to underwater tunnels considering I know it’s down there too now glad I just kept walking checking out the cars and I don’t know

Making my way out of the tunnel onto the road and I followed that road and it led me to the entrance to a farm look at this beautiful little Pond this beautiful here look at all the look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this look at This there’s got to be an an anvil Anvil but I don’t have any string to repair my bow look at all this swords Shields coal even turn the lights on look at all this look at this this is so creative look how look the way they built this is just

Insane there’s so much here and none of it is flooded it’s peace peace on Earth here this is an enchanted shovel I’m going to get rid of my boring shovel for the enchanted one give me this unbreakable shovel unbreakable hear that doesn’t break ooh get rid of my leather chest piece

And throw on an iron one okay I need to find string string is very high priority right now well there it is right there okay it’s so peaceful not having to worry about water no water here okay take that this fully repaired Jack old bow more like Sean’s old boat I should

Have named it that take all that impressive what is this protective casing put that’s stained glass I could use that right absolutely use that take that my inventory is getting so full I need I can’t look at all this Mo well I don’t need it now cuz I

Got look at all these arrows right here look at all these arrows I’m getting here look at all the arrows I don’t even need feathers anymore this on ironically you know what I’m not even I’m not even going to say it I’m going to say it I was going to say this

Relaxes me this this whole farm farm life relaxes me makes me feel good seeing all this looking out that window looking across across a field like this feeling the breeze maybe some humming of insects I like that but I don’t want to say it out loud because I got a feeling

That it’s uh I don’t know I know what you guys are thinking but you know what it’s not going to happen you guys just enjoy yourself what do we got over here these potatoes windmill switch forward on back off I don’t know if it’s going to work it

Works absolutely beautiful what did I get okay take a moment to do some inventory here I got two iron pieces one of them is annoyingly named so yeah whatever uh tons of hay bales some sponges for building the house I have kelp which apparently I can burn we got some glass

To keep uh keep make my walls or whatever I’m down to one Enchanted Golden Apple I had to use that cuz I got attacked by a I don’t know bald eagle or something uh I got tons of wood tons of arrows eat some rabbit stew right now

Just whip the bowl it’s good got my one potato life is good life is truly good you ever wake up in a windmill and think o I’m in a windmill what what okay I woke up in the windmill what I saying right now I was I wanted to take one

Last look around this place to see if I missed anything important that I should take with me uh I did you’ll see that later but then I head out the door beautiful Farm absolutely beautiful Farm but I got a plan now think I got everything I need here who oh oh oh

Oh the Locust tarantula hawk no don’t eat it’s waste it’s waste there’s there’s another one there’s two oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no all right back in the windmill on half a heart uh if you’re not familiar with the creature that just injected me with it’s massive Stinger uh that is a tarantula hawk and apparently I had a horde of them on me at this point in the video it’s probably worth

Explaining that uh at random points in this 100 days large groups of various animals can attack me without warning I had all notifications off meaning I could just be minding my own business looking at a log or something like that climbing a tree eating some fruit or

Something and suddenly 5 to 10 tarantula Hawks or whales or crocodiles or whatever crows beavers I don’t know what whatever Robert chose to set up uh could just start trying to kill me at any point in this case it was tarantula Hawks and it was was it was bad all

Right these things are things are not good so I waited in that tower for a little bit to see how many would spawn luckily it seemed like there was only one left so I cautiously walked out the door I drank like a coffee that I found

In here somewhere some sort of potion so that I could be a little bit less afraid uh pull out my bow and shoot it and I think I’m good to go only to find out that there was it was not the last one so I take care of that one take one more

Look around at the little food stand and finally finally walk out of that farm and start heading back down the highway towards the airport no trespassing private area stay out smart Corp well obviously I’m going to be going in here water intake water out let’s not be talking about water right

Now who cares about water I’m a dry guy right now look at this building oh it’s the airport okay yet again I’m getting distracted but you know what this is a good distraction after this I’m going to Stadium the road okay so this is you go

Through the airport you go you come up here you go hey charged air hey you know what I want you to do want you to sh there’s my luggage take that piece of bread and they put on the Belt they go all right bring it up here oh they had little

Flaps oh here’s the upper terminal so it would go down there yeah I don’t know where that’s going so whatever happens here happens look it’s a two story it’s a double decker where’s the okay where do I go how do I get on a plane go through

Here oh yeah this is security scan me I’m through and you wait here for like 3 hours this is so this this map is just mindboggling how good it is and how detailed it is I’m going to sleep in here what restaurant is this okay it’s like a Chuck-E-Cheese

Restaurant so of course off my bed so I don’t know let’s get on this flight maybe there’s a bed on it Smash down the door board in my flight I’m getting on the light go to the Bathroom it’s the Captain’s Room you got a bed in here no who’s got a bed oh it’s an airport you do you do not get to sleep at an airport if I want to sleep I got to lay lay on one of these sup BR or sup suus am I dumbb

I don’t know what that says I’m dumb I’m dumb I can’t read wait these are apartment buildings are they not there a this is a hotel what what is hotels known for I’ll tell you what they’re known for beds I took a different route back to the city one that I kind of

Remembered from when we did the zombie scenario on this map and uh yeah this tunnel was a little bit little bit more uh I know it went downhill which meant that it eventually led to water and I was going to need to swim through through the tunnel the problem with that

Is I didn’t know how long the tunnel was I didn’t know how deep it went and worst of all I didn’t know what might be in the tunnel uh so yeah I don’t know why I took this risk just started swimming through it for some reason probably was

Really stupid but thankfully I ended up back in the Square where I had battled the Orca whales so I climbed up over to a building went inside and started looking around whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is okay it’s through the window oh strung me why are they

Here like scaring me I was trying to get my bearings and figure out where exactly the stadium was the water that had now been flooding the city was making it a little bit more complicated for me to understand where I was and where I was heading and I don’t

Know was a little bit confusing but by climbing on this building and looking around I was able to get my bearings and I realized that if I wanted to get to the stadium I was likely going to need to boat over top of the amusement park

And uh I absolutely did not want to do that considering that the amusement park was full of the world’s worst sea creatures at this point so why would I why would I sail over that and I started thinking about how I can get around it and I realized it’s right there in the

Word how to get around it just go around it just go I don’t know why I need to sit there and think about that some sometimes my brain just just not engaged I don’t know and I like that right in the scripture I devised a plan to go

Around it what plan you just you just you just went around it got it got in my boat and started sailing I went underneath the underpass and alongside a brick building those carrots right there pigs carrots everything in there go go go that was so scary oh oh I’m being pushed

Oh okay pit stop here pit stop here pit stop here while I figure out what’s going on what am I even freaking out about here saying I got to figure out what’s going on what what is going on what is going on with you Sean being world’s biggest weirdo right here and

The crocodiles barely even got you just relax right I anyways I sailed all the way back to where I initially spawned and and just look at how high the water was now it was completely up to the garage I got back to the rooftop that I

Spent some time on at the start the one that I was like thinking about going to the grocery store at and speaking of the grocery store completely underwater at this point also that little like wall that was made out of wood that I was using to get wood that was also under

Water it was only like day 27 and all of this stuff was already flooded started started to really realize how nutty this whole thing was going to get and uh yeah I thought I had an idea it gets so much worse than the water gets so high later

On you’re the things that start spawning it’s a oh no day 28 a man with one thing and one thing only on his mind the stadium got to get there got to start building so I got in my boat and I sailed through the city the stadium was

Far and uh it was going to require me to Cross some very deep Open Water specifically water that was already an ocean but now had way more water on top of it so it was extremely deep water and deep water made me very afraid of what

Was going to spawn in it I didn’t know and I was was very nervous to sail across this I don’t know I don’t know what was going on down below but by Nightfall I made it to a now sunken military ship and slept on it in the morning I got back in my

Boat and sailed until I reached the coast that would lead me into the stadium incredible hey there’s a catfish right there I love seeing these guys still swimming around it’s becoming their world you know we’re just living in it can I swim through here how do I get in oh it’s raining perfect

Ooh ooh get me in get me in get me in I think I figured out why the frame rate is tanking so bad in certain areas I think it’s cuz when the world gets flooded all this stuff like these carpets and everything start floating and there’s like a million things

Floating in the water and the game has to render all of them so if I if I swim out here whoa look at this absolutely incredible oh that is not that is not incredible that’s not incredible at all where’s what is that there a zombie villager that you

Are not supposed to be in this game heard like wings is that one of those fly things oh right there look at this what is that it’s coming what is it oh okay well you’re not getting close to me that is for sure there’s another one right there all right

Well this is the stadium med little little snooze right here this is incredible it’s like a giant pool once I sleep though with this water level is going to be higher so I don’t know how about how much but we’ll be higher here I was a man in

The big Stadium finally made it to this kind of quite honestly underwhelming thought it was the stadium is incredible it was built very well but I was I don’t know I thought it would be more fun to build here but uh I I mean I made it in time though cuz the water

Level is about to rise again so the water level Rose and I was sitting here in the Stadium it had gone up like I don’t know like 5 6 7even who knows a bunch of blocks it was higher now and I was I was really second guessing building a base here because

The the the biggest problem was while it looked cool and it would have been like a good thing to look out of and and all this stuff it the stadium was kind of far from everything else it was really far it took days to get here and uh yeah

I don’t know kind of kind of not wanting to build here anymore after everything I had gone through probably should have probably should have thought about that before coming all this way and going out so just like that I changed my mind not building the stadium I thought there

There was a basketball court nearby that if I came all this way I wanted to at least look at and see what it looked like while it was flooded so I went over to it and uh yeah it’s was cool but uh I was not sold staying here you get stuff

Like this in your house I know I’m going to try to kill one of these things oh he’s outside oh man on the outside eh yeah swimming around the that scared me swimming around outside not so good is it I sailed all the way back from the stadium across the

Big open water through the suburbs and the city and right back into the city Square where I had thought I don’t know why it took me this long to realize this but I this was the place that was I thought looked so cool and I just didn’t

Consider that I could build here I just real realz this was the area that I thought was the coolest looking I was like excited to see this area why don’t I just build here why don’t I just choose it like that was I don’t know why I didn’t think of that

Yeah this is going to be it this is the area don’t know what’s going on there yeah a build here crocodiles and everything I knew that I wanted to build somewhere in this square but I wasn’t entirely sure where exactly that would be I was either going

To build it right smack dab in the middle and like kind of sail over to it with a boat or I was going to build it off of another building and kind of use that building as like a door to get in or out I didn’t know so I just started

Looking around a little bit but even doing this wasn’t easy even when I was out of the water I was start running into problems with tarantula Hawks were chasing me I I got guess they followed me from the farm oh oh wa oh whoa oh what see you later one of the buildings

In the Square was a recording studio oh stop Sean stop stop stop stop stop yeah I was having a very tough time picking where to build I liked this bridge this corner is like really appealing to me but ultimately I’m going to be underwater so I think the best look at these

Crocodiles right here what are they going whoa I had picked the red brick building because it was the most Central and had the best view so I climbed on top of the building next to it and finally took all of the stuff out of my inventory and put it in chest

Day 33 all right day 33 big huge massive day cuz I finally started to build the idea of what I was going to build was pretty simple I was just build like a dock looking thing off of one of the buildings specifically coming out of like a window or something and then

Connected to that dock in the center of the square or near the center of the square or whatever I’d build like a square cube with Windows all around it so that no matter where I was where I was standing in my house I could look out and when the water level Rose I

Could see all the creatures swimming around and I would be safe only problem with doing this was that uh I started building it out of spruce and I ran out of spruce very fast very very very fast but thankfully the mountain with all the spruce was right there so I made a quick

Trip over got more and then I realized that I only had like 7 days to build this entire thing because once the log water level rose up again uh if this base that I was building wasn’t totally enclosed it was going to get flooded so I needed to stay up all night building

This thing being awake at night though showed me some of the Weird Mobs that didn’t get disabled when we were building this mod pack uh like what what this what is this it’s like a zombie with a trash bag on its head the wrong theme all right we in the wrong mod pack

And kill it a bunch of flies come out or this what is this okay so some weird stuff is happening right now some stuff that uh should not be in this mod pack is happening right now like these men that are just in the trees I’m not sure what’s

Going on here with all these seals are getting weird have to figure that out seals you’re good especially you whatever you’re doing over there jiggling I needed more Spruce again but I didn’t want to keep climbing up the mountain to get it so uh I used my big brain got

Some grass from the building that had a garden on the Upper Floor and I made a 2X two square on another roof and planted four Spruce saplings to make a mega tree grow didn’t know you could do that just learned about that like couple months ago when that was uh yeah I don’t

Know but things were going well I mean that was until uh the morning yeah see how that’s on the roof that’s a really big problem just in general seeing some of these things right now is kind of kind of I’m not I’m not exactly uh thrilled about what I’m seeing down below right

Now I don’t know if the seals are aggressive but the fact that they’re pooling up below me makes me think that they uh might be interested in fighting me if it’s a horde then yeah yeah that whale is trying to get me yeah that these these crocodiles and alligators are look at

This oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh why did I do that for so Long oh my God are those the ones that climbed all the way up there it’s stressing me out a little bit oh my God seals aren’t dangerous right they’re really acting like they can get me oh having a little nap got a little tired yeah shaking what are you

Guys not doing I’m not doing it again not doing it again I hope that grows into a mega tree I don’t want to you guys were really trying to get to me you too eh Everyone hey thank God I wasn’t down there building just go yeah have a little nap it’s fine all right you I know you guys are bad new so I’m going to have to commit a crime Here I’m sorry but you guys are clearly trying to get to me so I’m not dying to a seal oh my God this is scary so I can’t be down there building right now jeez okay I got back to building I I filled in the roof with Oak slabs uh so there was some contrast it wasn’t just like one type of color I don’t know at

This point though I had a decent frame build but I was missing the most important part which was the glass I could use it to look through into what would later be underwater and it would just look better and all this stuff the only problem was is that I I I had a

Finite amount of glass I didn’t know if there was sand on this map I hadn’t seen any anywhere uh but I did have the protective glass that I had found on the farm but I suspected that uh it wasn’t going to be enough you know what we’ll

Figure that out when the time comes for now I needed more wood and my axxe it was broken I didn’t have any more iron and usually that’s not a really big problem because I could just go mine and get some but since this was built above a normal Minecraft world anywhere I dug

Would just lead me outside the map and likely to a big drop down to a regular Minecraft world I felt like that was breaking the immersion of this thing so I told myself I wasn’t going to do that if I wanted to mine I had to find like a

Mine somewhere in the world or I don’t know I didn’t want to drop down into a regular Minecraft world to get to the stuff so mining wasn’t an option I was going to to find iron so once again I got in my boat and started sailing looking for

More the roof of the hospital probably has something good I think I only explored this path I forgot about the hippos the roof of the hospital didn’t have any iron so I jumped off it and had to fight the hippos again I can’t hit from that come here and try it

Again I checked out some of the other buildings and didn’t really find anything besides angry man on the top of the roof here or something like that so I came back and built my windows over the night uh and when I ran out of protective glass I I dreaded this moment

Because I knew I was now going to need to try to figure out where I could find sand uh but I don’t know I was getting curious though about if what would happen if I did dig into one of the hills here just to see if maybe there

Was iron in them themselves or I don’t know I was making a lot of assumptions about how how this map functions so I started mining in the side of the the hill I like how I say with I go one day I say I’m not going to mine 2 days later

I’m like all right going to start mining here I am and strangely enough guess look what I found in the mine sand are you kidding me does this count random patch of sand right here yeah I also found iron and an entire cave and realized that I was in fact in

A proper Minecraft cave and I was wrong about the map being built above the world and if I mined right here it led me to Minecraft caves like regular ones that had ores generating and stuff and it said all right you know what going to

Use this didn’t have to drop down into a regular Minecraft world was able to dig straight into it so uh this was this was fine so I got some resources and when I came back up it was midway through Day 36 I smelt my stuff made a new axe cut

Down the rest of the tree and set up more windows before sleeping and on day 37 I spent the the day continuing to build the house and I even set up a small farm inside of it that I could grow potatoes in so I didn’t have to worry about food things things were

Going well the next day I transformed all of my stuff or rather a lot of my stuff not transformed transferred I learn how to read better wa no no don’t let not don’t say that moved everything over and uh yeah things things were coming together but I wanted this place

To look a little bit nicer so I booted over to the amusement park which at this point had been cleared out of all the scary stuff I guess it despawned or chased me to other parts of the map and got stuck on stuff I don’t know it was

It was gone uh so I swam down though to get some lanterns and glowstone and the next day I set them all up I filled in the rest of the holes in the house and started to expand upwards to try and beat the flooding that was about to

Happen yeah it’s not looking bad now it’s it’s pretty square and blocky but uh this will eventually be underwater and will be cool and now it was time for the water level to rise again okay halfway up not halfway quarter of the way up not even a

Quarter still I’m excited to get in there and see what’s why are you guys you guys have been harassing me for years at this point okay where’s the downstairs okay so we’re there’s a little bit of a flood I open this lunging at me through the wall it

Scares me you can’t hit me through the wall right look at this though this is good I like this look at the seal hey see you later hippos hey keep on swimming this is a hippo free home right now you that’s not that ain’t right that ain’t right shouldn’t be able

To you can’t bite me right it scar it scares me even standing like that close all right day 40 how are my plants doing they’re growing after it floods I I always want to go see what it looks like everywhere else on the map if the water’s

I don’t know just give me some perspective of How High the water is getting so uh I stashed my stuff in a chest went to the roof of my shelter uh made a little boat and uh jumped off there we go oh oh this is not Good this not Good not the seal stay out here there’s two seals trying to get in here stop three seals oh no that’s fish yeah stay back they’re like circling the house I’m In oh he just chopped down from the ceiling the sealing stop it oh oh you’re stuck in the web can’t believe I the ceiling stuff who do I think I I hope the hippo can’t fit through that if I just let a hippo in here I’m going to I’m going to be

Angry no I can’t get in I Don’t Want to Waste My Arrows I need to get out of Here I’m gone well by the time I finished dealing with all of that it was already getting dark so I returned home and slept the next day I tried it again I got in my boat sailed away and this time I not getting knocked off by hippos take a

Look at this suburb here all the hippos here and here’s the uh here’s the town the first town I went not the first town the second town I went into uh it’s just it’s totally submerged at this point yeah there’s the gate that’s crazy here’s that crazy house I was trying to get

Into much easier now can I fit through this oh oh I’m through and here’s the first area look at this there’s my bed remember all this alligator sitting on the roof there remember this rooftop hey the turtles are still there yeah this rooftop was good just wanted to see all this this is

Nuts this grocery store that I went into remember this on my way back I stopped by the grain silo again to uh just try to get some more food I guess I mean if you’re stopping by why not right you run out of food have to come back here when

It’s even more flooded so getting in was very easy just swam right in got the grain hay wheat whatever you want to call it uh but getting out of this thing that’s where uh yeah I don’t know what happened here this was absolute nightmare yeah there’s a hipple no problem you stuck

Too dumb hippo ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh there’s a lot of look how many fish there are oh oh oh there’s a swarm of them oh oh didn’t know that man was here oh hey the turtles okay okay I got to I

Can’t look at these right now I can’t look oh my god oh I don’t want to go over it [Applause] oh okay getting getting nutty here I want to see how the turtles are doing I’m eating cheese bread now am I still being

Chased oh oh man oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no that that actually stresses me out that stresses me out those things leap as you can see got To that stresses me out those things are no joke the angler fish too okay this is not good the water is getting higher and bigger things are spawning I’m getting low on arrows I need to save them what is that what is that that’s a huge Sherk there’s some tentacles over what

Is going on oh man these things these things freak me out not Even okay the longer I stay here the more stuff comes got sharks swirling around me angler Fish and I’m out of arrows that’s my last Arrow I don’t even have enough wood to make a boat there’s my boat right there this is freaking me out being down here like This I do not want to spend the night here this is a really bad situation to be in I know my boat’s there all I really need to do is get to there there go go go go oh my God I just saw the eyes and the teeth

Go oh the shore was Clos I took a long longer way I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that glowing thing is that’s not the right mod that that is the wrong mod okay looks like uh yeah what happened here when did all of that start

Spawning well I mean what what do I mean when now that’s when it started but the stuff that was coming out of the bottom of the lake the stuff of nightmares right not not good what started as a simple just sailing across the map turned into a horror movie weird stuff

Coming out from the bottom but thankfully now I was on land and uh things were going good about to sleep in this little cabin get some get some rest and uh but I got interrupted this weird garbage zombie attacked that’s that that is not right I don’t know what this is I don’t

Know what this is oh my God this is not ow all right I needed to get home get home fast but there was no way I was getting back in a boat with uh just all that going on so instead I I walked the coast

All the way back to I guess like past the hospital past the mum Park just trying to get back to my shelter and it was good because look at this the hippos they’re following me this entire time and these things can get on land I’m pretty sure like look why they’re F

They’re coming fast can’t get up here can you the hippo is like my natural actually these things those things right there scare me more than anything just how they dive onto land that’s the worst part almost home of course there’s got to be one little one little man on the way you

Know calculated move right there all right I you see stuff like that outside your house like look look outside my window big F he’s trying to get down into the Subway have fun down there and the hippo what are you doing okay what what was this whole trip for I got this this

Banner that’s cool I guess I already had a ton of food so I got bone so uh we get a lot of bone meal the thing about living in a house like this is that you you get to see some Buck nutty stuff out of your windows look what was going on

While I was just trying to tend to my potatoes oh my God he’s he’s fighting he doesn’t like the hippos either look at this oh who’s going to win I have a little show right outside my window hippo comes in comes in strong oh who another hippo hey how’s it

Going oh stop TRN getting distracted oh here he comes this guy’s just removing the okay what if I got a straw and just started started drinking by the way if you want want to see some of these clips as they’re happening to me in in real time or rather right after they happen

Follow me on Twitter cuz I I posted this there and uh I don’t know just go follow me on Twitter Link in the description I don’t know what I’m saying with this you know that doesn’t matter Focus okay right now I was having a big problem and

That was arrows my bow was excellent it was very very very good at dealing with whatever it was that was attacking me it would knock it back and do a ton of damage which was perfect for for a man like me the problem was was I was

Starting to get a little bit little bit too loose with the amount of arrows I was shooting and I was either out of arrows or I was going to be out of arrows in one or two more shots so I needed to figure out a solution for that

Usually you can just go kill some chickens get some feathers bada boom you got more arrows uh not with this world because I guess all the chickens had drowned there was no more chickens meaning I was going to need to scavenge for arrows I was going to need to find

Either feathers or arrows in chests or I don’t know I was going to need to be going in buildings and half the buildings are now underwater so I was going to be having to swim down get eaten by fish it’s kind of stressing me

Out actually uh so but I had to do it though so I packed my stuff and looked out at what I was about to jump into I used to jump down what do you think would happen if I jump down now look at this guy not even underwater just take a

Chunk of my I need a ladder that comes up here do I though cuz I should be done going there okay everyone everyone wants a little bite you’re not getting it no way not a chance I got to be careful with that they were they were they were able to hit me

Through there I got to be cautious of that yeah my plan was to go back to the farm and see if there were any arrows that I missed I felt like I I only kind of searched the windmill was like a very distracted man while I was in there and

I’m really bad at in real life too just finding things I go to the fridge can’t find ketchup it’s right there on the Shelf can’t find it can’t find anything in front of me maybe that has something to do with my poor reading ability stop stop stop talking about I built a new

Boat uh I climbed down off of this building and just got going using a regular boat was kind of I don’t know when I was making this mod pack I was really trying to implement that mod that lets you build a boat and then sail it

Around the one that we did in the other scenario video where we were all Pirates I really wanted to use it but we just couldn’t could not get it to work with some of the other mods we wanted to use so yeah here I am regular Minecraft boat

Sailing around think about thing I love about this boat is that hippos can knock you out of it and send you right into the abyss that’s good but you know what you know where hippos can’t knock you out of the boat when you’re on your way

To the farm because I was now out of this boat and walking down the highway again when I got to the farm I was a man on a mission I’m I was going to find arrows no matter what 200% luck a steel fishing rod with gold and silver Engravings across the

Handle the line seems to be made of braided silk all right what’s this how did I miss this Emperor Trident heavy steel Trident with silver and gold how did I miss that before where did I find all those arrows is it this house oh man imagine there’s chickens I missed this

Room back here how did I miss this oh axes oh pickaxes that would have been nice oh man arrows please there that’s some right there I’m dreaming of arrows man remember when I came here and there was all those arrows what a day that was today is not a good

Day today I got no arrows okay there’s arrows I look at that right there flash sum’s a flashbang whever it lands boom shot someone’s a grenade wherever it lands sport shot shootable Mt this is I don’t know man I would love uh like a standard standard stack of arrows you know okay

The farm did not have any arrows or it had a few I don’t know I needed more than what I got it had Forks or something like that I needed way more than that I was going to need like stacks of arrows so I left but here’s

The thing usually when I’m leaving the farm I walk down the road and I turn left to go home uh this time I turned right and started walking down this very long highway to just see what I could find and after a decent amount of time of walking uh I found a small

House you arrows lot of food in there here’s the thing I don’t want food right now hey where are the arrows whole lot of nothing in your house well may as well follow the highway two chickens all I want two two guys I have I have two chickens

In real life I have more than two in real life I need two in game oh there we go four arrows I was hoping for more but that’s fine Four’s four is better than zero every arrow I get launches some sort of sea creature back one

Time that could be the time that it’s going to kill me so what’s this unloading only unloaded some arrows ly TI up okay I’m getting getting real sick of listening to me chew into the microphone what is going on here just don’t eat while playing get a snack then record I

Don’t know what’s I was doing this uh but there was this tunnel here at the end of the road and I was thinking all right let’s go see what’s going on down this tunnel dark deep tunnel so I start walking down it and I get I get pretty

Far into it before I realized uh I should be underwater at this point but I wasn’t which told me that this section of the map was not flooded there’s no flooding going on here and uh so I I turned around because I don’t know breaking the theme if I go down here but

This was a long Highway this was a giant long CA shaped Highway it was like it went on a giant curve and I was thinking there’s no way I’m walking all that way back so instead I thought I could just take a little shortcut by turning left

And and running into the woods and like cutting the sea in half so that’s exactly what I did and as it turns out this was a very good decision because just just take a look at this who a cabin all the way back here I don’t see this look at this this is

Promising there’s targets here whoever lived here like archery where’s your Stash Seven Arrows Five Arrows okay we’re at 16 zombie shooter boom 13 arrows baby that’s what we’re talking about what we’re talking about hey gats you guys got arrows Three Feathers though will be will be some arrows four arrows or four four Feathers Man this is I can’t believe I found this house the only reason snap what’s this an old bow with an absurd amount of tension in the string looks like it’ll break itself just after a few uses yeah it will so we’re going to we’re going to

Repair it it’s crazy that I found this like I I only found this because I didn’t want to go down the hallway because I didn’t think I flooded that part of the city other like there’s no trail that leads here this is just a hidden house there more

Flint it’s like solves my arrow issue not quite but it does a lot to solve it I kept following the forest and ended up on the edge of the farm again I ran inside and repaired the bow I found on my way back to the shelter I stopped

To grab some more gravel from the farm uh I made my way through the tunnel got a little distracted looking at a king zombie oh here’s another dumb thing I did I remember seeing I remember when I did one of my first 100 Days videos

And I saw one of these guys and I thought it was a king zombie and I thought it meant that there was going to be a bunch of zombies attacking and I called it a king zombie and everyone got real mad about that one I hadn’t played Minecraft at that point I

Didn’t I didn’t know what was going on this stresses me out for many reasons look at this stay on here stay on here stay on here they you hit them and they take off I need to drop into here and I need to go fast no not doing it anymore you know why

Oh cuz that’s what I would have dropped into water’s just getting getting rough you stay in one spot too long these things they know you’re there they come over you got to got to keep moving so I went further down the overpass jumped off of it ran across some trees climbed

Into a building went through the flooded building climbed up another building I just took the long way and uh made it back to the roof yeah I got to figure out a solution for that cuz that’s not having that coming down the stairs getting whacked I

Wanted to try out the Trident I’m going to be honest here I really don’t understand how Trident this work in Minecraft I mean now I do because I use this thing so much but at the moment you’re going to see some you’re going to see some rough gameplay all right I had

No idea what I was doing here here we Go oh oh oh man I threw it I threw it I forgot you could throw it oh my God I got to get my treent back look how many of these things just got in Here there we go give me that t back I spent the next day cutting down trees that I had been growing on the rooftop I needed wood that I would then use to make charcoal so that I could feed myself some of the potatoes that I was growing I had a

Decent stockpile of whatever it is grain hay but it’s always good to have wood you know so I was cutting down trees and getting ready to I don’t know burn it down into charcoal so I did that killed some fish a day of work was day 48 and

Day 49 same thing day of work I was looking at my armor and I was thinking oh day 49 you got world’s worst armor good good to have that still here’s the thing though the angler fish dropped fangs and fins and you can use both of those to make some decent gear usually

They have a pretty low Drop chance but this trident that I found had uh I guess a luck enchant on it because whenever I killed an angler fish it dropped everything so all I had to do is just kill a bunch of angler fish and sooner

Or later I would have some decent gear so I spent the entire day doing that killing angler fish getting bit by them watching my Hunger drop down breaking the armor that I had getting getting nibbled on by the little fish and by the end of the day I had a decent amount of

Fins and fangs and uh it was going well the only thing I kind of kind of almost forgot that the water level was was about to rise once again oh day 50 I’ve been been waiting for day 50 day 50 is a big day all right

And it’s because we changed the mod pack we went from version 1.9.2 to 1.20.1 and what that means there’s a whole bunch of new mods have been added aot a lot of spooky creatures specifically when we were originally making this mod pack we were torn between 1.9.2 and 1.20.1 because both

Versions had very cool things uh but they weren’t available on the other one so we had to kind of pick and choose and I realized you know what we don’t have to choose cuz I’m just going to switch the mod pack and after seven short hours

Of messing with mod packs and trying to get it to work we successfully moved the world over lost a lot of mods but gained many the biggest of which being Alex’s caves and specifically it’s submersible take a look at this you ever see something like that before that’s my

Submersible all right you cannot build this thing it’s not craftable so let’s just say uh Robert air dropped it in for me which it’s on the second floor or it’s underneath it it doesn’t doesn’t really make sense for it to be air dropped I don’t know why it doesn’t

Matter okay I’ve got the submersible now oh look at this really glad that uh that got air dropped right into here I was real happy to get this thing because I could easily very easily explore underwater now the only thing that I needed to do was uh

Get it out of my house which meant ripping up almost the entire floor stop it I’m going to break this thing there’s already I just got it I just got it and there’s I’ve cracked it I haven’t even got it in the water yet and I’ve cracked it Oh oh oh oh oh There flashlights right gee flood lights oh Oh it’s Fast wa who oh oh okay those are those are Fish I’m fast in this thing this thing is oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m being stored by PRS how do I go up it’s space to go out oh F like I was driving a driving a race car around underwater I mean it

Makes sense that this thing is fast it was designed for the Abyssal Chasm which is like this giant underwater biome what I was using it for was not this I was driving around a flooded city which was very tight and yeah this was not the intended design for this thing and while

There was no Abyssal Chasm on this map uh there was some mobs from it and if you know anything about that mod uh you know what creature I’m talking about that thing was out there now so uh yeah that’s good so anyways I spent the entire day trying to get the hang of

Driving this thing and I did that by going just sailing around to see how high the water had gotten no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this thing is Fast oh my God Cake Factory here’s the problem with doing everything above water before I have no idea where I’m going at this point when I’m underwater like I am just sailing around here I think this is underneath the bridge flood lights at this point how do I what was that okay that’s not supposed to be here I’m going to tell you right now that is no you’re for a future video that’s that’s a future 100 days video right there what are you doing here just get stay away from that oh

Okay T-Rex in the water and uh just not not supposed to be there but you know what hey this man was jumping through time you you’ll uh probably see him in another 100 days video so you say see you later T-Rex leave a comment saying

I’ll see you in the future right or I’ll see you in the past stop stop okay but right now I was a man driving home at dark kind of spooky this new version of the mod pack also introduced I just slammed my elbow so hard on my chair a lot of new

Creatures trying to figure out what I should build now who look at this man okay you oh That’s okay this is getting come on pop up wait you’re poisoned there we go okay I just took a ton of damage ripped up my armor but you know what hey he’s gone I want to know what that guy oh when we move them out from 1.9.2 to

1.20.1 I I lost a few things uh specifically all of the angler fangs and fins that I had spent a good while collecting uh so once again I needed to get them but for now I was just getting heavily distracted with all the new Wildlife look at this guy oh Oh oh oh I want to get a little bit lower cuz that’s okay that just eating potatoes down here listening to the whole crack this this submarine is so fast it’s like uncontrollable it’s too fast oh my God go go go go go go go go

Go go go go go go go I want it to be fast now full speed Oh I was liking this submersible all right driving this thing around smashing into basically every obstacle in front of me here’s the thing about the submersible as time goes on and the water level gets higher it’s going to get significantly Higher by the way uh this thing is going to become more and

More useful it’s going to get way easier to use right now a little bit tough driving in things kind of I don’t know I found out if you go in third person it’s a little bit better so here I am a little submersible driving around so I

Drove it to the other side of the city uh which was the side that I had not visited yet uh there was a mine there that I wanted to check out but I ended up crashing the submersible into it and just uh yeah I I didn’t know what I was

Doing here right I didn’t know how far down I was I didn’t know if I get stuck I didn’t want to get out of the submersible I know you can mine with it like you can like from inside you can do stuff but I didn’t I don’t know I just

Drove out of there for some reason went to the mansion which was nearby I parked it got out of it and I slept in the Mansion I’m going to go this whole segment of the video I’m going to go real fast because I don’t know what was

Going on in that Mansion maybe all the carpet or something had like been knocked up from the water and was floating around but I had the world’s worst frame rate here I felt like it was 2006 again and I was playing World of Warcraft on my laptop it was just awful

Here anyway with the Mansion I walked through uh I went to the backyard made some dumb jokes about why there was angler fish in the pool hey who knows how’ they get in there anglerfish in a pool I don’t know I found a ton of arrows in this thing oh that’s pretty

Good the next day I checked out another house I remember that this house specifically had some really good stuff back when we did the zombie scenario uh but this time I don’t know what happened I guess the water got rid of it or something cuz there was nothing here

Maybe the fish ate it I don’t know look at that imagine you see that outside your window just teeth oh trying to get me see you later I swear this house had good stuff in it I’m just confused now I was fighting a lot of angler fish and they were they

Were these things were coming out of nowhere they’re coming out of cacks and swimming up to me and taking Chomps out of me I guess it’s maybe because the water was deeper now or maybe the spawn rate on them had been increased since it was day 50 I don’t know what was going

On but I was I was a man dealing with angler fish getting sick of these things actually at this point I was pretty far into the city uh and there was just a few more things that I wanted to see before I sailed home one of them being

The giant crater that was in the very center of the city apparently in the lore of the map a bomb went off underground down here and that’s why there’s a big crater here and so I wanted to see what this would look like underwater so I got in my submersible

Drove it over there and started zipping around down there but uh didn’t want to stay too long cuz there was a bunch of fish spawning and they were just freaking me out and I didn’t know how long it would take me to swim to the surface if I got out there was cracks

Forming in the submersible just kind of stressing me out a little bit so I thought why am I here and look at my frame rate it was just brutal so I sailed out of there and started moving on to the next place which this one this

One was uh very interesting to me this was the factory now if you remember from the zombie scenario video uh I spent a considerable amount of time in this Factory and so I was very eager to take a look around it again maybe see if the

Loot had changed and uh just see what it was like now that it was underwater I don’t even know if who scared me I don’t know where I’m going right now I actually have no idea where I am I should at least go into the chemical plant quickly okay I’m going in the

Chemical plant Just for Old Time sake you know don’t want to be in the water don’t want to be in the water oh yeah this place brings about good memories you know oh you guys want in don’t you not happening absolutely not this just one flooded F Factory man this brings back

Memories you see you see the fish out at Sea I got to go that way too nope nope nope you’re not safe anywhere it’s scary going this way da down all right diving down snake oh that was almost some Battlefield level stuff where the thing took off without

Me look at this sunken ship Here see I could technically take this thing into the sewers which is kind of oh that a big jerk oh on stair from Those oh I can see a shadow chasing me look at the Shadows too fast even for those things oh slow down a little bit Turtles could to see you no alligators remember being in there here hold on it’s probably stupid but I wanted to see something remember being in here

Remember all the trouble I was in on top of this and now I’m just sailing out of here with my little submarine that is a big creature you feel like something is chasing you what what what what does that mean what do you mean something is chasing

Me yeah something is chasing me those things oh couldn’t fit through something was chasing me came I’m home after all that that was crazy day 56 I guess I I had water in my brain cuz they just I don’t know things weren’t I I don’t know okay I got to

Build I got to build I got to build I got a lot build that is a huge sake you know what oh sh why did I do that it’s so hard to resist my urges it’s so hard I spent a good chunk of the day cutting down trees because I

Wanted to expand my shelter after I got some wood I started to build only to get get distracted when I remember that I desperately needed to make my angler fish armor what I should try to do I should try to capture an animal I’m going to need some sort of

A name tag though I think I saw a name tag somewhere I just can’t remember where the next morning I finally started to make the armor that I should have made a very long time ago I don’t know why I was Da you what day 57 here and

I’m just finally now getting out of leather armor or like busted up iron armor I don’t know was going on with me honestly boom terrible boots throw those on get rid of these throw on the terrible boots I can use the fins now to make terrible

Legs get rid of these through that one terrible legs I can use the fins to make I won’t be able to make that but I can make this terrible head which it might not be the best because taking damage in water increases your swim speed at 120% for 6

Seconds what did I get Ooh shiny spell again last time in the after that was taken care of I wanted to get back down into the mines that I had made not the M from before uh so I could start building my shelter upwards the next plan I had uh made for my shelter

Was a giant fish tank I know what you’re thinking why build a fish tank when outside of your window is also a fish tank well it’s because I wanted I don’t know okay I thought a fish tank would look cool inside here I I can’t come up

With a good answer to that I thought it would be cool if like catch one of these cool looking sea creatures and stuff it in this tank and name it and I don’t know so I went over to my mine where I usually go down to get some deep slate

And stuff and realized that uh I did not put a door on it did not seal it before the flood and and therefore all of the water had poured into it causing a nice big flooded mine so I tried to swim down to see if maybe there’s an air pocket at

Some point uh there wasn’t the whole thing was just filled with water so hey looks like I’m going to have to dig up another mine later that’s uh that’s good love that so instead I swam out and uh I figured I’d start setting up the tank

First and then do the walls last so I got back to the shelter made a second floor put down some dirt where the tank was going to be didn’t want a dirt floor just wanted I don’t know the bottom of the tank to look kind of realistic um

And then I put in some supports I also got a little Fancy by adding some Spruce trap doors for a trim thought this looked very good I was uh I was liking where this was going but now it was day 58 and uh in only 2 days the water level

Was going to rise again and I only had half of this floor built if I did not finish it in time uh it would not be good because the water would flood and it would flood uh this entire thing that I was building not to mention I don’t

Think I sealed the entrance down to the lower floor so I had to get this thing built in in 2 days time otherwise my whole house is going to be flooded so it’s very simple I was going to need to make a new mine go down there grab some

Deep slate and get out I did not have enough time to get distracted if if I got distracted it would be catastrophic for me just needed to get down get the Deep slate no distractions no talking about moles no talking about plants Xbox 360 just in and out

Whenever I’m mining though I always start thinking about the most random things like right now I just keep thinking about this this must have been like almost 15 years ago at this point I I don’t know somewhere around there but I was playing Halo 3 online back when it

Was at its peak and was the main Halo game and I remember this one guy who I played with pretty frequently I was in the back of a warthog and he was driving around and he used to get so mad at me because I wouldn’t stop shooting I was

Just hold the the chain gun down and he was he told me it was wasteful and I said that it has Unlimited ammo so it’s not wasteful and then he didn’t know what to say back to me and just sighed really loudly and that might have been

One of the last times I played with him still remember him still remember his gamertag too hasty wonder how that guy’s doing it doesn’t even seemen that long ago crazy here I am digging out with a bunch of sand in Minecraft and I miss Halo getting on Halo the boys every

Night kind of Miss Xbox in general Rainbow 6 I I specifically actually miss the like the first like 3 years or 2 years of Xbox 360 I remember getting an Xbox 360 no let me let me back up I remember I was in the forest near my house with

Uh my friend it was it was snowing and it was 2005 or six whatever year it was that it came out in so I was like what do you mean this guy messaged you who is this guy he showed me it was Call of

Duty 2 at the time and I had call I was like wo okay this is the this is the good stuff here he just gets in an online and so naturally go home and I tell my mom we have to buy an Xbox 360 right now let’s go buy an Xbox 360 get

Another little taste of that Xbox and uh well we got to because you you don’t even understand what I’ve Just Seen I’ve seen things that you you possibly couldn’t even comprehend so one day we go to the grocery store I used to like grocery shopping with uh my mom a

Grocery store called The Real Canadian and I plead my case I say everything I need to and I sit back and wait other games like Tony Hawk American Wasteland Ghost Recon I think Rainbow Six Vegas needs a remake because right now the main Rainbow Six game is a little game

Called Halo 3 came out at this point I mean it’s 2000 still remember his voice operator’s voice 800 for my Xbox is your Xbox M anyway so I devastated my Xbox is broken I can’t use it everyone else is playing Halo 3 I can excuse me he’s like

Yeah it’s got this map editing mode it’s called Forge I was like what he’s like yeah you can go online setting up turrets on the door I have no idea where I am in this Mine by the way I’m completely lost at this point be better

At making maps and share my maps with people and get people to download them and all sorts I was making home movies with my friends and at some point they don’t want to be in my home movies anymore so I figur I make my YouTube

Channel uh and I title it paint XX as that was where am I going I keep going in circles I don’t know how to get out of here another one I start showcasing other people’s maps and bada boom bada bing it’s now Halo 5 and I’ve been

Posting so now fast forward like 10 years and Halo 5 is out and I am still posting change my channel name now here I am playing Minecraft uploading to that same channel yay it’s now day 61 and the flood had happened while I was underground and uh yeah started thinking

Hey did I I leave my door open or leave a hole to the lower floors of the base Oh looking oh that’s not I hope the inside’s not oh man oh no look at this what a disaster okay how do I I have those sponges still right yeah okay before you use those I don’t know how to use them this is just [Applause] Okay not that bad this is something that I would have liked to happen to Kim’s house not my house like I’m feeling I’m mopping up a big mess like water drops out of it wet sponge I need to fill these holes in did this this all just filled up again okay you know

What this is crazy let’s seal off this hallway for now let’s get the leaks patched in here and I don’t even want to know what what I’m going to do about the ceiling have to re what a disaster this was this keeps filling with water here but I don’t know

If it’s like the like this spot specifically right here keeps y so here I was doing my absolute favorite thing to do draining water out of a building especially when I don’t understand how Water Works in Minecraft and I put a block down and then boom water is still

There magically comes back I I’m too stupid to figure out how to figure this out so I don’t know even watching myself have to do this now is I don’t I don’t want to watch this okay let skip forward day 62 no here I was still cleaning up

My big mess giant buckets of water getting out of my house halfway through the day I think I finished or at least finished enough that I didn’t want to do it anymore moved on or something I don’t know still had a lot of work out of me

For example the roof the roof which I had failed to fill in was now totally flooded so uh I started putting up some walls up there to at least I don’t know I guess the Silver Lining to all of this was that in the Upper Floor I only

Technically needed to drain half of it because the one half that was full of water I was going to flood anyways because that’s where the fish was going to go so that’s good I guess but I worked on this all day I was having a tough time figuring out which type of

Glass to use for the walls either pains not paines is it ples is it PLS of glass or panes of glass I don’t know the thin glass right I couldn’t figure out whether I use the thin glass or the blocks the thin glass water was making

Its way through and I was smashing them and then putting them back down and it was just getting too complicated so I started using fulls size blocks and uh that’s it and on day 63 I spent the next day painstakingly filling in the bridge with dirt uh this is as I’ve said

Exactly what I did not want to be doing in this 100 days video and uh here I was doing it don’t even want to watch me doing this just going to cut here skip past this all right here we go here’s the good stuff I was uh I wanted to

Catch a fish for the tank so specifically though it wasn’t just any fish not say catch a fish I wanted to catch one of the prehistoric fish there’s like these uh there saber-tooth salmon alligator gar uh sturgeon bunch of other cool looking fish and I was

Happy to take any of them I mean technically I wanted to get a saber to salmon but all of these looked cool and I’d be happy to get any of them so I got to my submersible started looking for one oh no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no oh man oh man oh they’re fighting each other oh man oh big boy oh I want one of those so bad I don’t want one of those I want a sturgeon I’m going need to like get probably a lead or

Something and bring him back that way I had no idea how I was going to get one of these fish into the tank I I thought maybe you might be able to tame them I think there was something about that in the mod description I didn’t really read

The M description I just kind of saw the fish thought maybe I don’t know what’s what’s going on I’m watching this footage right now what is going on here what is [Applause] that what in the world is this oh you’re friendly yeah is the problem with just adding any

Mod that has fish in it [Applause] you end up with stuff like this hey big turkeys oh can I ride these things you are not a fish you are a bird hey come [Applause] here one thing that’s taken me a very long time to just really drill into my

Brain is that every time I capture an animal in Minecraft I should first capture a name tag right so many times I’ve captured an animal brought it back and then it despawned or not I don’t want to say animal like a creature or whatever because I didn’t get a name tag

I wasn’t going to make that mistake this time well I was almost going to make that mistake this time but I needed a name tag oh no look at this not getting a name tag I’m getting distracted again I was uh building I guess uh making it look nicer adding some barrels you

Windows adding some grass to the tank you know what that’s fine okay just make it look nice on day 65 I wanted to make the tank look nicer cuz if I was going to put this work into it let’s just make it look a little bit nicer the ground

Was just dirt and that was kind of boring usually if you go to a river or the ocean or something like that River specifically uh it’s not just dirt there’s like gravel and sand and a nice mixture of that and I wanted that to be

In the tank I wanted it to look like we’re just looking into a section of a river here so I added some gravel I added sand I even added some logs but in doing that I realized that the more I add to the bottom of this tank the less

Room there will be for the fish and therefore I should probably expand this thing upwards and make get like a two-story tank and so that’s what I started doing started working on that and on day 66 I was getting real excited to capture a man and uh bring him back

Here that’s the fish I want right here right there right there right there right there what is it this guy I want that look at it that’ be so cool to have in there if I take my fishing rod out now can I no what if I go to the surface and then

I catch You how would I get you I don’t want to be off this thing I just like wait what if I’m standing on It I had no idea I was going to get that man back but I I just figured I’d find out later come up with some sort of plan later on right now I was getting glow stone blocks uh to make the tank look nicer and have a little bit of light in

It so uh once I got them I you know it’s looking good actually I was pretty happy with this all right perfect got a little bit of glow in there I forgot to cover it with a block that’s fine that is totally fine I was now starting to foolishly think

About getting the fish back which is perfect because I had just talked about how uh important it was to get a name tag and uh I was doing this with no name tag so hey that’s good my first way to try was to uh use a fishing rod uh but

That didn’t work so for some reason I just kept trying with angler fish I guess if I wanted an angler fish in there no problem just go like this get them pull them along like this I can go come on we’re going see watch I’ll even get him in just to

Prove a point to myself drag him around here here he comes come on in okay maybe maybe a bit bit harder than I thought but in the morning I got up and uh got right into the submersible and started looking for a name tag and I’m not even joking about this the very

First chest that I look into had one look at this think this building’s at name tags in it oh man look how much the floor is made out of carpet you know if any idea what that does to I found a name tag literally first chest I looked in had a name

Tag okay I looted a bit more and I came home and made a diamond fishing rod no idea why I made this thing but you know what when a man is a diamond fishing rod it’s uh it’s good I guess day 68 uh fishing wasn’t going to work so my next

Idea was to make a lead with the Slime that I had gotten from one of the big giant fish that their stomach drops slime or something I don’t know uh but I had some slime so I made a lead and uh got in the submersible and went over to

Try it right there right there right there right there right there only problem is there’s some other fish around here that I’m not really interested in like that big thing I want this thing did I attach it there’s other Fish this Thing don’t even know what this thing is it’s floating on the Water okay I don’t think I can do it from the I’m going to have to use a boat which is just so scary to do come on why can’t I put a lead on It I had it on my fishing rod there for a Second come on let me put a lead on you how can I get you Get in the boat Wait wonder if I can like Oh I thought I had Him Go look at this Fish they’re jumping that’s not the fish I want though what if I could somehow get them on land I even settle for one of these things oh I got that guy Hooked hey come I need to get him on land can I scoop him up in a bucket there’s no way that works and you I want you so bad I mean any one of these is fine but I could boat you there so quickly just get in the boat for a

Minute I got him I got him I got him but it’s not pulling him oh man that’s Scary this whole whole situation is scary it was pulling him I don’t know what that whale is Doing oh man this is not a good situation to be in right now this actually a terrible situation to be in right Now on please tell me I’m pulling him I wasn’t how hard is this to catch a I was getting Fed Up and desperate and when you get fed up and desperate you you stop thinking something’s going in this tank I built and it’s not me even though

It is me right now for a second but come on do I need to AGG gr you do I to like there soes that make you mad okay it okay it’s freaking me out a little a little bit freaking me out doing that okay perfect now come over here perfect perfect perfect perfect

Perfect come around come around come around oh the door is not big enough you want to come in you’re allowed in I’m going to have to make these entrance bigger these this entrance bigger okay you are the one I don’t want in here oh a lead works on this guy orca’s

Might okay well how about orca might your way into here come on in come on please come in please come in please enter please enter please enter it’s open for you come on in enter come on it’s perfect in here come on get get get get in get get in get in get

In all the way in all no no no no no no no you don’t want to leave you don’t want to leave you don’t want to leave you want to stay in here this is your home now no okay come on okay it’s probably for the best that I didn’t trap an endangered

Animal in a very small enclosure especially an orca whale what was I doing here trying to to get this thing in a tiny little tank if you’re wondering why this thing wasn’t trying to eat me uh it’s because previously when they were it’s when they were a

Part of a horde this was just a wild one so uh nice friendly guy shouldn’t have been friendly cuz I was trying to put him in a tank for the rest of his life maybe if he knew that he would wouldn’t have been so friendly anyways day 69 I

Usually don’t like to look things up when it comes to these mods and I know I know that makes people mad I get many comments saying Sean you got to look up the mod or why don’t you read about the mod before you use it or whatever and

Here’s the reason why I don’t I enjoy figuring these things out myself it makes me enjoy playing them way more I don’t like looking up guides for stuff I don’t like just reading exactly what to do and then doing it cuz I feel like there’s no point but there was a way to

Get these fish these prehistoric fish to do stuff and I was going to figure that out I knew that I knew that they could I didn’t know how and that’s what I like doing in game I I find it way more fun what am I saying right now I I was

Trying to figure out how to make the fish follow me this is the fish I want right there right in front of me how do I get this guy what do you eat a salmon oh oh oh he swam to it okay what about Cod oh you want you want to swim to

This you don’t know what that is and it’s sinking too but salmon you’d go for okay okay what about bone meal okay that’s something so I need to catch more salmon okay okay okay I have an idea I know how to get salmon it’s not going to be pretty

Though I need to kill these things oh man they do so much damage okay that was scary okay two more salmon and a shell and some slime and an ink sack there he is right there oh my god oh don’t want to that didn’t just Happen that didn’t just H okay it’s just just cracked a little bit right here hey hey you like this right see the salmon good throw it here oh oh oh I got it come on over here right here on right Here you went inside here okay that’s that’s good cuz maybe I can keep him in there Hey I had this man in the house it wasn’t my house but he it was in a house and that was a start uh I needed to head back now though because in the morning the water level was about to rise Again Day 70 all right I was uh begin about Day 70 I was nervous with the water level rising given that the last time it flooded uh I woke up to my entire house being underwater didn’t want to be doing that again I really really really really hope this isn’t flooded oh man

It’s the water is like all the way up to the building now okay good is it all good this is flooded oh this is so deep now but look at that view look at that view that was incredible I got to swim up so high to get out of here now though

The tank still had open walls so I fixed those by putting in more deep slate and then I jumped in my boat and sailed back over to the house where the uh the fish was stuck but when I swam down to get the man it was gone I was devastated I

Was looking around everywhere I thought maybe he was in like one of these carts or something or he’s hiding I don’t know just disappeared appeared who does something like that so I returned home uh lured an angler Fishing 0% chance I was keeping this thing in this tank she

Get to listen to for the next 30 days not not happening so day 71 yeah you know there was good news on day 71 day 71 was a good day several days ago I had noticed that uh a lot of the sea creatures like the fish Turtles the

Alligators all that sort of stuff was not spawning near my base in fact it wasn’t spawning at all everything I was seeing was just like leftovers from before and uh as it turns out I had accidentally uninstalled the mod that we were using to get fish to spawn in the

World but we fixed it and look at this fish were spawning everywhere around my base it was perfect cuz now it meant getting one of these prehistoric fish into the tank was going to be way easier I was going to need to like lure it from

Halfway across the map come on over here any one of you both of you all of you not you anyone but you look please please please please please you’re so close look look I’m going to put a salmon right here come on can you sniff it oh you can sniff it wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait salmon come on you can smell that oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God where is it okay stop oh my God no no oh my God I was getting real fed up with these Predator fish but eventually

I got one oh you can get in you can get in come on come on come on I’ll open up more for you the Salmon’s in there I got him I got him he’s not the fish was looking for but I okay okay name tag name tag where is it where’s the name

Tag where is he where’s the name tag where’s the name tag where’s the name tag where’s the name tag where’s the name tags where’s the name tags name tag where is where are they right there okay okay don’t even know what that says don’t even know what that says G gam man doesn’t

Matter there’s a hole right there please tell me he didn’t swim out the hole please tell me he didn’t swim out the hole please tell me he didn’t swim out the hole please tell me he didn’t swim out of that hole oh oh please please please he wa

I’m going to fill in the hole first okay you’re going away you fish over there I’m going to open up a passage for you and I’m going to encourage you to come inside look there’s a wait I want that to be further in here hey hey hey hey hey the where’s the

Salmon oh my God come Here that one fish just took it that one fish just took it I don’t care get in my house go in go in Name Tag okay he’s in but I I don’t trust that he’s fully in yet I don’t I do not trust that he’s fully in yet please please please please please please please please please please please please don’t get out please don’t get out please don’t get out you have a name

Tag you have a name tag you can’t jump please don’t jump they might be able to jump I hope he can’t jump give me the Cobblestone give me the Cobblestone come on come on come on come on come on please please please please please please please please please please

Please please please please please please please please please come on come on come On he’s in oh he’s in okay now all we got to do all I got to do let fix a couple holes I got to be real fast about it too cuz he’s going to fall out what are you what is this no man should ever have to see that look at this

I am speechless right now that I get to see this I can’t believe I have him in here look at that incredible this is not the fish I wanted it’s similar to The Fish I wanted it’s not quite the fish I wanted but oh my God that’s the most

Beautiful thing I’ve ever seen I love fish man fish are so cool look at that that is so cool I can’t believe I have this I am speechless right now this is legitimately one of the coolest things I’ve ever done in Minecraft that is such a cool mod this

Mod absolutely incredible I was a very very happy man because of how well this all turned out I love this fish incredible truly remarkable I love seeing a man like this swim around in his enclosure there was a lot of these prehistoric fish and I didn’t really know anything about them

Uh like this one for example this big one uh seeing me swim around this thing right now uh just kind of it’s a real deadly fish that I find out later here I’m just swimming around it anyway so I spent the day checking out the house uh

And the area around here and a happy man today you doing on here what are you doing look at that got a man on my roof she going to stay there all right you got no plans on going anywhere you’re just going to stay there all right I’m going to open up

This and hopefully get another shell nope you you know what I don’t I don’t mind you stay there that’s fine Sun’s going down still here these guys don’t need water or anything like that it’s just just fine to have this like this things were going well going very well was had nothing to

Complain about no problems that fish is so cool looking Sabertooth salmon what is that what did I just see okay that’s not good oh he just ate that fish in one bite okay that was a massive problem that that was a sea serpent there were sea serpents spawning now hey that’s

Good perfect just when I thought I could deal with the angler fish and the anacondas and alligators and everything else nibbling at my feet these things are swimming around now so hey you know it’s good I guess the water gotten significantly higher uh because I was so

Focused on fishing I hadn’t really spent time checking that out yet cuz when I went over to the highway which usually was a dry place that I could walk on uh it was totally submerged which meant that the farm was probably also underwater and because I got flood brain

And I need to see things that are underwater uh I wanted to go check that out so I started sailing over but when I got there I saw something I shouldn’t have and uh to be honest you shouldn’t either I don’t know why I’m showing you this the the flooding didn’t work over

Here just didn’t didn’t go and in fact it crashed my game and then I tried to go home and I got stuck couldn’t couldn’t return home wouldn’t load on the way back either just uh I don’t know but you know where it didn’t crash the airport so uh started sailing over there

Look how cool this is I just hear a chicken kind of want to like oh did I miss it oh are you trying to get in my boat if you got in my boat I would be furious I’m going to be honest with you what am I supposed to do with this

Guy can I eat this thing oh oh wa oh oh oh what am I doing oh no oh no oh no oh can’t get through Kenya can’t even get in how’s my man doing there he is a scar despawned hey how’s it going good to see you day 74 okay things

Things have got a little bit more challenging because we updated the config files yet again uh to make the mod pack a little bit more difficult and now the prehistoric fish that were usually passive towards me uh were not passive anymore and we’re interested in taking little bites out of me

Ow they bit me oh just bite me oh like nip me when I got close that nip me ow nipping okay that’s C serpent remember that thing giant orange snake like creature swimming around right by my base had to deal with that taking something like this on is

Incredibly dangerous these things as far as I remember from the RL craft days would just rip me apart they would just I didn’t even want to go in the water because of them and here I was on day 74 thinking about swimming out to one of

Them and fighting it in a hardcore 100 days video this was not going to be easy but if I did manage to kill it it would drop scales scales that I could use to make very powerful armor so went out to try to take it on what am I doing right

Now I need to I this what I need to do I need to lure the sea serpent to the hospital and fight it at the hospital there it is there it is it’s like hunting the fish wait if I get over the land if I get if I get to the

Land oh my God what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing oh my god there it is going from me

Hey doesn’t even care about me it’s more pissed the F you know what you take care of those guys look at this thing is this thing trying to get me too ow ow it’s it’s the the sea serpent is just fighting everything maybe that’s good Ow go fast o Snake oh my God oh my God what am I doing right now I’m out of arrows okay that is one of the most anticlimactic things that has ever happened to me I one shot the sea serpent two scales four teeth what can I do with

Teeth oh I can make Tide arrows oh okay GNA I don’t know shouldn’t uh thought that was going to be way harder just guy man just went I guess maybe some of the other fish attacked it or something cuz this guy went this guy went down way

Easier but here’s the thing this wasn’t just the only sea serpent these things were now spawning they had a they were rare but they and you’re going to see more of them one that does something truly terrible to me in just a few days

Here uh I don’t know okay I got a few scales need to kill more of these things to get more scales to make the more armor make the more armor what am I saying make more armor for now I returned back to the house and started

Putting up my roof because I didn’t want to deal with another flooded room and on day 75 guess what I did I worked on the house more I I took the roof down that I had just set up don’t know why I did that uh I guess maybe to redo it change

Some of the windows also finally dipped into some of those diamonds that I had collected back in the cave tons of them I weren’t even they were just sitting in a chest so I made a diamond pickaxe and uh this the fish were going Buck nutty though the going I don’t know

Oh oh it’s swimm right for me okay what am I doing why am I going to let them bite me oh there’s another one right there whoa whoa whoa oh they okay okay okay they’re coming through the windows look at these things relax these are fish I am

Man I grew the legs you did not they’re slow but it scares me a lot a lot of meat from them okay where is my it’s flooded that’s where it is I have to keep making these holes and they keep getting filled I need to make

My mine entrance just like high up I don’t want to dig all the way down to deep slate again it’s brutal I needed more sand so once again I dug down into the m M uh mine was flooded again I just could never remember to seal it up so to

Dig all the way back down there I got some more sand and then I wanted to make the for some reason the back of the tank glass which was kind of a dumb idea because what’s the point of it then I just see past it I don’t know I don’t

Know what I was thinking I with some really stupid ideas and I just try to do them I also needed more deep slate so I spent the entire next day Mining and collecting it just a kind of a boring day and on day 77 I finally addressed or

Started thinking about addressing one of the biggest problems problems that I was facing which was my door yeah it was a hole in the floor that required me to swim in and out of to get out of my house which wasn’t always the best idea got my seron cooking all right me versus

You oh my God he hits so hard he hits like a oh my God oh my God look how look how many hearts I have oh my God it’s right behind me oh my God I see the shadow oh my God oh my God go go go what was that what am I

Doing right now why didn’t I eat while that was going on look at the fish are swimming belly up oh the oh oh guess guess I’m just going to ignore the door not doing that yet so I started replacing the back wall with glass and I realized that this was

This was a really stupid idea because the fish that I had caught uh I kept trying to get out every time I placed a block down it also just looked bad at one point I even fell into the tank trying to do this oh he’s biting me he’s pissed at me

Stop oh my God I was having a real rough time with all this everything you know I usually say things are going well uh things were not going well things were were going terribly oh my God you almost it’s not worth it it’s not worth it look how what is going on Today I’m not going to make it to 100 days like I’m not going to make it this looks so bad inside of there but if I go in there the guy goes nutty on me how do you stop a man from going nutty on you and look look how ugly that

Is look there’s just giant chunks of stuff there after all of that I needed to do something more calming so I set up some Spruce trap doors on the top of the tank which looked nice and uh calmed me down a bit just nice to do stuff like

That then I spent day 78 just making the back wall of the tank look nicer it was patched together with random blocks that I had panicked and put in uh to try to seal the fish and and I wanted these to be I don’t know whatever deep slate make

Just make it look a little bit nicer so I spent the day doing that and then on day 79 I finally started thinking about what my new door was going to be so I thought okay you know what swimming through the water sucks keep getting bit

Every time I go out this door so instead I’ll just go up I’ll just make a ladder that goes right up to the surface of the water and uh that that was it so I I made the ladder go up then I made the top floor of the shelter look a little

Bit nicer I started building up some more walls in case I want to expand this and I was thinking oh maybe what I’ll do is I’ll make a little parking garage up here for my submersible but then I started thinking wait wait a minute where is my submersible oh yeah it’s at

The bottom of the water or bottom of the lake or wherever this thing is ocean in the middle of the amusement park so I wanted to go see exactly where it was and the condition it was in so I got in my boat started sailing over there and

Because I me I got very distracted very quickly when I saw the hospital and thought about going in there to check up see what was going on okay uh yeah I don’t know how much stuff is here those stress me out though as I’ve said probably 300 times

At this point I try to kill it before I get in there’s another sea serpent he coming for me oh ow oh oh oh my God oh my God he’s on the Hospital okay okay it’s like the Chamber of Secrets right Now what is going on look at this he’s in the hospital oh my God he’s slithering into the Room these things stress me out they’re just spawning now give me your scales though three scales how do you get more scales than get like four scales per think was just like slithering towards me I ended up sleeping in the hospital uh which yeah I don’t know if I should have done this

Because the water level was about to rise again and I was not entirely sure if my house was uh Waterproof After the flood the water level reached close to the floor of the hospital that I was on was also filled with a ton of dangerous fish wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait get that guy activated so I can pop him or start it’s causing all these problems I hate these

Things how many times I going to say that it’s hard to tell how high the water is right now okay so it’s pretty high that I mean that’s where I was in last night oh man I went up like six or seven block it went up a

Lot oh these waves are getting high too this is like deep sea ocean now oh my God oh my God go after the other fish where’s the roller coaster the roller coaster is finally fully submerged what just jump something just surfaced over there look at that the building’s under

Finally and here’s my house oh man did I close the hatch I didn’t close the hatch please tell me it’s not flooded oh it doesn’t flood close that though this is nuts I checked out the area a bit more almost everything was fully underwater at this point except for the

Tail of uh that airplane I climbed up on it and I was man it was just standing on the airplane again looking around nothing to see but water getting high and speaking of that I started thinking hey you know what I forgot about my submersible it’s down there somewhere so

The next day I got in my boat and sailed back over to where I uh sank the thing oh my my God how did I forget about that why is there TNT in this house I didn’t even know that existed give me all this I don’t know

What I’m going to do with it but there’s sea serpents everywhere they’re just like spawning everywhere now oh the frame rate is so bad okay well I should be hunting sea serpents cuz I can get their armor it’s so hard with this frame rate though that’s the

Only thing oh I hit it it’s hunting the fish it’s dead this bow is so strong that was an orange one too so I need to get rid of that thing before I start jumping in the water there we go and then more scales give me the

Scales and the teeth which are kind of useless for me’s getting me okay I need to get out of this Zone cuz this zone is brutal oh my God look at that boy oh I don’t get close to that boy oh a lot of fish here

Oh lot of fish lot of fish lot of fish lot of fish coming in oh my God oh my God so I used the scales to make a chest plate and uh yeah this thing was good that was a really good chest plate and I also made what

Was it leggings or helmet oh yeah the helmet we got to make the helmet first look at this thing very cool helmet and then I got real weird about it start being a big weirdo look at this I’m Albert Einstein got the water when with I do more damage have

More armor and can slay any fish and okay okay you know what enough of that absolutely enough of that that just unnecessary to be doing that Hey Day 82 what can a man say about day 82 I uh finally got over that submersible again swam down to it and checked out the

Damage yeah it’s right there wait I have water breathing right can I fix you that’s what we’re all wondering is this a repairable item what have I shift right click on it since there was only like 18 days left uh I did something that I

Don’t usually like to do and that is I looked up how to fix this thing and I know what you’re thinking Sean you just you went on a rant recently about how you don’t like to look up how mods work before you play them and that’s true and

I normally would not have looked this up and I would have spent time trying to figure it out myself but there was only 18 days left if this was the beginning of the 100 days I would have I would have tried out a bunch of different

Resources I would have tried out a bunch of different things I would have spent a bunch of time trying to figure it out on my own but I want to spend the bulk of the next 18 days actually using this submersible so I looked it up and as it

Turns out you can use copper to fix it so the next day I was a man who had copper on his mind it’s usually very easy to get copper you just uh you know you dig down a little bit boom copper here copper there copper everywhere in fact copper actually makes makes me

Angry cuz whenever I need iron I see copper and I think oh I found iron and no it’s copper most useless thing on the planet and uh but today it was not the most useless thing today was the most necessary thing on the planet only problem is is getting copper on this map

Very difficult because uh as you know this map was built before or I think I don’t know there was no copper you mine down you can’t find Copper I think it’s just cuz this map’s older if you want to find Copper you got to go all the way

Down to deep slate and find deep slate copper which is very rare or at least I don’t know I’m ranting so long about this it was hard to find Copper on this map very difficult so I went over to the mine I started digging uh because yet

Again I forgot to uh seal the mine up before the flood happened so my mine got flooded uh so I got down to the first cave and I looked around big cave you know I’m not seeing in this big cave Minecraft’s most common resource what’s this was this this is part of my

Old shaft wasn’t oh oh this is just lava that was pouring out before diamonds cool but I’m you know I’m not God to find them but i’ for once in my life I’d rather be copper okay I’ve been digging all day saw no copper whatsoever and I’m worried

That there’s no copper on this map CU I thing goes made before copper was introduced which would be a big massive problem I didn’t find any just yet but I I I wasn’t done searching although I was not hopeful at one point I actually started considering whether or not I

Could even find Copper started to think I I had no memory of seeing it at all in the other caves so I went to bed thinking am I going to get copper I don’t know I spent all this time building an upstairs aquarium so I could see these fish and they’re just outside

My window now when I was climbing up my ladder to go back to the mine I saw another sea serpent that I wanted to kill so I went over and uh took this thing down oh it’s a big one there we go oh I missed hit it and it’s dead give me those

Skills I really thought these things were going to be a much bigger problem but going down real easy I had enough scales now though to make leggings so that was good and then I used the leftovers plus the fangs to make Tide arrows tide arrows are cool because uh

They work like regular arrows in water they’re not impeded by the wat you can shoot them it’s all very good and with that out of the way I uh made my way back down to the mine finally to look for copper again see lat oh oh oh

Oh oh that scared me they’re friendly though right friendly oh my God what blood loss what just happened those things are Buck nutty all right what is that is that one mean fish a brutal fish anyway so I need did this copper badly I was I was on the hunt copper copper copper copper copper copper copper copper copper copper my biggest fear because I

Don’t I don’t have the knowledge of Minecraft that a lot of people have is that I’m going to waste a bunch of time doing this looking for copper when it just can’t be found underground at this level okay here’s a cave might not even be a cave diamonds

Again like I’m finding diamonds more than I’m finding copper what does that say about a man cuz a man’s crazy Redstone I’m going to find every ore besides copper look here’s a giant Cavern gold Redstone whatever that stuff is iron that more of that stuff gold

I’ve been here yeah it’s one of the caverns I’ve already been in and look oh my God I don’t want to fall in that no copper not a single piece of Copp copper I’m going insane copper should be extremely common right where is it wait iron more diamonds hey good to see you

Diamonds you know you know who I’d love to see right now my man copper have you seen him seeing you more than I’m seeing I’m going to get lost even though I’m putting down these Cobblestone things iron red stone iron Redstone more this stuff okay this cave is

Massive here look at this side more diamonds hey Bingo baby Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo I’ve never been so happy in my life to see copper holy moly holy holy who who Who whoo whoo whoo wo whoo whoo whoo whoo

Whoo whoo woo oh that is how I feel right now here we go someone just messaged me on Discord you don’t even know you don’t even know what’s going on right now with me only thing I’m concerned now about is how much copper does it take to repair that

Vehicle gobble it all up oh you don’t even know I was about to give up just about to give up whatever wherever I’m at oh one steep drop down now I just needed to get these ores smelted down so I started doing that when I noticed there’s some weird stuff going on

Outside right here what was that What what is going on what is going on out there what is all that like swimming at my door okay okay okay okay okay what is that what is that oh my God these fish are going nuts today wait wait wait maybe I shouldn’t go up maybe I shouldn’t go up maybe I

Shouldn’t go up maybe I shouldn’t be up here maybe I should not be up here okay okay okay Okay okay what was that where’s my bow do I barrows no of course not of course when these things to stress me out oh my God they are again they can’t go through one by ones right what are you Doing it’s like a fish swarm right now There’s a there’s a whale jumping above my head oh my God heavy bleeding again oh my God it’s doing so much damage to me you know it be really nice to be dealing with this in my own home and not below a tree while every creature in

The ocean these giant Jaws freak me out oh angler fish good to see you you had to get involved here eh Every Creature known to man is trying to eat me right now there’s whales now too that’s perfect I don’t have my bow I love that hey not a problem

Lint taking heav oh whale tail no I’m actually kind of mildly concerned about this situation Oh my God oh my God know the plan is the plan to get out of here it’s so simple like stupidly simple look at this all these creatures want me right they all want a little okay that I didn’t that I didn’t plan for but this

Ready I better be ready I better be ready I better be rude what am I doing oh my god did it work am I going home still see some fish I need to get home how you can’t leave a man out here like this did it work I don’t know if it

Worked I don’t I getting too close to the whales I’m getting way too close to the whales I trying to I thought I just ate that it’s scary when the whale tries to eat you I don’t like that all right here’s the next stage in my plan cuz if

I jump in that water they are going To do everything they can to get me are they coming from me right now are they trying to eat that I think they’re trying to eat that rad Gill my house is right there safety they don’t seem to be after me this one definitely seems to be Oh yeah there’s a sea serpent back don’t go back in the water yes okay there’s another one I just got I just got to keep doing that where’s my bread I’m out of bread I got to start eating stuff that makes me sick you what is he doing okay you come on

You want me right come on come on come on you want a bite come take a bite of Albert Einstein come take a bite of Al Come on one more far I’m going for it oh my God why have I done This I I I I saw that thing I thought it’s over for me oh my God going to bed after that one that was brutal Yay Day 87 hoping it would be a little bit more peaceful didn’t want to get caught in a situation like that again without arrows or I don’t know

Just stuck up against the wall so I put down a bunch of gravel and started uh digging to get flint and uh make more arrows oh my God there’s a sea serpent right there he’s fighting that fish there’s sea serpents outside of my house who’s going to win

Did they kill the sea serpent oh all right I’m going in it’s too easy it’s so anticlimactic I thought when I was doing this these sea serpents were going to be like hard once that was dealt with I bed over to the wreck swam down and tried to repair it here we

Go aha I thought this thing was toast now look at me zipping around I can turn the flood lights on and break my shaders it’s so easy to drive this thing now because of how high the water is I really thought this thing was done I’m not going to park it right up

Here smash it into the wall get out easy easily ah it’s good to have it back I really thought this thing was going to be stuck at the bottom of the ocean forever but here it was back in my base night repaired looking good too I

Celebrated by taking it out for a spin and uh just looking around see seeing what was going on now that the water was so high remember this like look at the houses now look at the mall now look at these buildings now you don’t even know where you are

Anymore here’s the mall that I started at going floor to floor it’s is a dangerous world now at least it’s easy to get around my little ship here hey man under the water there’s a front of the hos remember the hipos that’s brutal alligator still

There I got a little you can see the little light it’s kind of cool now that I have the submersible I could finally do what I wanted to do for a very very long time which was explore the subway tunnels and little did I know at the time uh there was something

Very uh not good down in those tunnels probably should never gone in the tunnel there right now problem was was that I could not fit the submersible down into there yet the stairway down was too small so for now I swam down there and uh just checked it

Out a big fish in here it’s kind of cool there a lot of fish in there Though this thing away look at all these fish what is That what is that what is that thing I’m going the other way I’m going the other way is that chasing Me yeah I’m leaving okay okay I think was the size of the tunnel look how big I am just going to get right out of these tunnels okay that I don’t know whether or not Robert manually spawned that thing in the tunnels or if on day 90 the

Mod we were using to make creatur spawn in the world the config made it so that those things could start spawning either way what was that doing down there and more importantly I really wanted to get my submersible now down there to go get a closer look at that thing or at least

Just uh I don’t know so I started trying to dig a pathway into the tunnels but I realized this was just dumb trying to dig it this way so instead i s swam down found the highest point in the tunnel and started digging upwards and I

Figured this would be the best way to get the smers bowl down there oh my God look at the Piranhas are just fing me out enough oh it’s still biting me oh oh guys just ruins my farm then I had another idea why don’t I just blow it up

Clear all this stuff out instead of digging it so I grabbed some TNT from my old chest that was on the rooftop and swam back down into this pocket that I had made and filled it with TNT I mean I’ve already like pretty much dug the

Whole thing out I don’t know why I’m use this TNT I guess this is more fun okay so basically I light the first one and I swim Away really fast it’s that simple oh my God all right oh my God oh my God oh my God did I just do what I think

I just did is my house okay oh I thought I just destroyed my house I got a huge hole here just about big enough ooh I can go there no water just about big enough for me to get my car down here it was still a little tight getting down

There so I cleaned up some of the blocks and eventually I was able to get the submersible down perfect timing too because the final flood was about to happen look at that like it look it looks like the surface of the water is the clouds that’s how high it is throw some

Rocks in the water to begin this is huge let’s go get my oh my God look at that it’s higher than the building look at this you don’t even know I’ve had it with the the Piranha’s we’re done and now the Panos are back they turn up they turn to blocks when

They go down you wouldn’t even know there’s a city here okay like a feeding frenzies enough enough more I’ve had it with the Piranhas I’m going down I swam down into the tunnel got in my submersible and started to cautiously explore the tunnels what if I should go through like

This can’t really see where I’m going then though that’s the only thing look at that hey Albert Einstein if I press G oh that’s so cool okay what am I doing of course there’s a piranha in here oh I don’t really know where I’m going right now I’m just going to bulldo

These piranhas boom boof what was that we’re like slamming these tunnels are sweet okay that thing’s still in the Tunnels oh my God turn around turn around turn around turn around go go go go oh oh my God oh my God oh my God it’s coming for me in the tunnels why is this thing beeping Is it still Coming I Think that is Terrifying Oh my God oh my God oh my God it’s right there go go go go go go go go go go is it chasing me oh yeah it’s chasing me it’s chasing me go go go go go Go go go go go go go okay that’s a there’s a fence there’s a fence get out get out get out get out oh my God can I swim underneath this oh see you later look at that thing what are you going to do what are you going to do I explored

The room I was in for a little bit looking for an exit uh but I wasn’t able to find one or I think I found Like An Elevator Shaft but it was jammed because of the I don’t know I was just swimming around in here trying to bide my time

Because uh I just either wanted that thing to despawn or Swim away either of those things would be perfect for me just uh yeah I don’t know what was going on with that thing regardless after a little while I went back to the steel pipes and left I moved down the the

Tunnel and thankfully it had either you know despawned or uh yeah maybe the other option swim out of the tunnels which is uh yeah I don’t know about that one hopefully it just just despawn and and swim somewhere else I probably should have got out of my submersible at

This point and went into my base but instead I decided to keep going came out of the tunnel and uh started started uh exploring a little bit further into the now very deep water4 is struggling this thing I can just take it anywhere now come over

Here go to the hospital which is now just completely underwater got my little light on nice beautiful actually look at this little town feels like I’m playing silent hill now hey it’s good I like going around these little Houses what is that what is that go go go go go go go go go go okay it’s gone why is this thing beeping oh my God look at it look at that Thing look at it oh my God that thing is massive I don’t think it cares about me though like we’re just like checking each other Out hey I’m going like fly into It I hit It should I try to kill this thing okay okay time to go time to go it’s coming for me it’s coming for me I don’t want this thing at my base it’s still coming for me it’s getting lost in the hospital I think I lost it wait is that it over there Ah stuck in the hospital eh oh my God what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing go go go he just snapped at me oh okay go go go go oh my God get out get out get out swim oh my God oh my God Oh okay uh didn’t know didn’t know that thing could break blocks had uh had no clue that it could do that so uh here I was dead one dead man 10 days short of completing all 100 laying there a broken broken shelter in a the belly of a giant

Whatever that thing was Hall breaker I was 10 days short of completing all 100 days but uh that’s I died on day 90 I I don’t know what to say I was I was dead all right that Beast just ripped me up but you know what I think it’s actually kind of

Okay that I died because I I don’t cuz if you do then there’s no tension and I love I don’t know sometimes I’m not going to make it to day 100 I mean if I make it to like day like 60 or 50 I’m going to restart but I was dead here day

90 and I felt like if I were to start again and do this whole thing again uh I wouldn’t get the same genuine reactions to the some of the stuff a lot of this was based on surprise and figuring things out and uh if I redid the whole

Thing I felt like it wouldn’t be the same there it was dead day 90 one dead man I don’t know all right there it is 90 days in a in a big flood all right Albert Einstein now I’m why am I ranting so much right now I’m just so far off

Script okay I’ll see you later goodbye

I Spent 100 Days in an Under Water City in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened
#100Days #Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft

Robert helped me make this!

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#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days

I TRIED to Survive VR Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened

Video Includes:
Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days
Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay
Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1
Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play
Hardcore Minecraft VR
Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days

Forge Labs


  1. Hippos are not peaceful. Hippos are a roited up rino that traded the horn for a body of pure, rage filled muscle powered by an insatiable appetite for violence that rivals that of a black hole.

  2. Do you remember when you died in your river monster 100 days video at the end the creature that killed you were those giant clossal squids🦑😂

  3. My man! Time to build that underwater base..(Sean nearly dies from bald eagles..Pod of orca in the distance…)lovin it mate!❤ Thanks for the good sauce

  4. Hippos are generally peaceful, unless provoked or if they feel threatened. Then you can pretty much kiss your life goodbye. They can become the most dangerous animals ever. Super fast on land and water and are built like a tank. Good luck surviving a rampaging hippo

  5. Can i just say mods and modpaCks have Come SO FAR sinCe the beginning like its baffeling to me everything now looks 10x better and has very good animations etC

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