Oh my God what I turned around for a second and it’s here oh my God it’s actually in this cave no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dude stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop

Stop oh my God it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming no no no no oh my God this is so bad this is so bad no no no I’m dead okay we’re back in this world that some of y’all may remember from the last

Video I’ve uninstalled every horror mod from that video and now we only have the irritator I don’t have a single clue what this creature can or can’t do I don’t know if it’s dangerous like I I literally know nothing about this mod but I guess we’ll find out soon but

Honestly come on man I mean look at this house this house is garbage so I think it would be cool to build an actual base like kind of near the water over there yeah like right here I feel is a pretty good spot for it um and then I can also

Jesus Christ okay and then I can also make an underground tunnel system leading to that cuz my mine is there so yeah I think that’s I think that’s the plan for this video the only thing I know about this mob is that it’s tall and I know like relatively what it looks

Like I also know that I like TNT I would like some Gunpowder from these creepers and yeah I’m honestly like super geared up already so it’s it’s really nice to get oh God bro oh my God bro please don’t kill me please don’t kill me and The Shield is mad underrated

Honestly but that’s actually really good cuz now if we get ourselves in a sticky situation I can just Pearl away and uh hopefully this thing doesn’t move fast but yeah I want my base to actually look good instead of this uh heaping mess so that means that I want some wood for it

And there’s some wood here cuz I never cut down this tree properly also I think it would be really cool to actually kill this monster if it’s possible I know there’s a lot of monsters in this game that you can’t actually kill but I’m going to flatten this area out because

This area just is not landscaped enough for me and then we can put right here a cute little house this will look so nice and by so nice I mean it will literally just be a square but you know for some people AKA me that is really nice yeah

And I think I’ll put the door here yeah nice I’m going to need a lot more wood though cuz then I also want to put the logs here on the corners oh man there’s a lot of saplings here oh my God 14 I mean this spawn is honestly so

Weird because there’s no trees around I mean there’s a tree over there one tree over there but there’s no like Forest there’s that Village though I think we raided this Village last time and then yeah there’s some trees over here I can get the wood from here what the

Hell oh my God I thought it’s eyes were completely black bro that was like so weird I can’t remember did I loot this blacksmith last time oh wow what the hell I didn’t wait have I never found this Village before there’s a saddle in

Case I get a horse a bunch of this stuff is good for food and then I’m going to steal your wood sorry guys and yeah I kill every single animal I can um okay that’s just like a little ice Glacier over there goodbye to you goodbye to you

Wait that was a naturally generated pink sheep and I’ll take this wood I’m sorry bees that you’re not going to be under a tree anymore oh no it’s getting nighttime that means the irritator could come out oh this is the hole I fell in last time what the

Hell oh my God there’s a tree right by my base that must have been a sapling that just grew cuz that was not there before just going to put some logs up here I think five tall is probably good enough God dang it and now it’s raining God this world looks so

Beautiful yeah let’s put some torches around the base it’s like way too dark around here probably don’t want them right next to the tree actually now that I think of it but yeah we can put them like right there yeah light up this whole area uh-oh the hell is

This wait how have I never seen this it’s just like a a hidden cave under my base what that’s fine I don’t care bro I do care actually I don’t know why I’m lying I’m just annoyed no no don’t blow up more of my crops please don’t blow more of my

Saplings Jesus and now there’s zombies zombies creepers and Enderman teleporting around I mean how can it get any worse than this bro I’m not going to lie installing these mods is actually like really scary sometimes um because I always for some reason I always have ignore that I

Always have this thing in the back of my head where it’s like oh man I I probably did something wrong like I probably didn’t install this mod right and I wish there was just a way to test if you like installed it right so I mean by that is

It’s super easy to install a mod on its own but most of these horror mods actually pretty much every single one of them requires some other mod for it to work and for me I don’t know it’s always a matter of oh did I install this other

Mod right did I get the right version of it and I just never know I never know until you know I make these videos and I see the monster and so far I’ve always installed it right but I don’t know for some reason I just get that feeling like

Oh man what if I did it wrong but I went went ahead and I looked at the mod page for this irritator mob and it says it only spawns at night and I don’t know if it literally means like just night in general or night with clear weather and

Night with rain you know what I mean I don’t know if the the weather impacts how it spawns but you know it was just night time and it didn’t spawn so but I am going to place these trees all over this area and this wood should be the last

Little bit I need for this house nice and now I just need to do the roof God dang dude I suck I keep getting these little blocks all over my roof now I actually have a fully enclosed base um I actually just want some windows and then it’ll

Feel more like a home so what do we think about this H that’s uneven that’s even I think yeah we could do window like that I guess we may as well do that same thing on like every side right so window like that window like that and

Then right here as well just get rid of all of these except for the last two yeah so now we just have all these windows like this around here I think that’ll look pretty good and I know I had some glass in my chest in this

Building so we’ll see how much I had um 16 that’s actually perfect right I think all of those windows needed five glass each so 15 glass I think that’s that’s perfect and then we can also make a little sunroof 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

5 1 2 3 4 5 perfect that looks really good this is a nice little cozy house now I can see the terrifying monster before it kills me epic that’s exactly what I wanted and then obviously I’m going to need a door too let’s go ahead

And just make a crafting table and just put all the stuff inside of this house uh I’ll put it on this side and then move my bed in this corner nice and it’s pitch blackout oh my God no no way no way oh my god dude dude

He wants to get inside my house so bad you you’re not allowed inside buddy you’re not allowed inside oh my okay in other words I’m so sorry I’m ruining the moment but I sat inside and my dog look at me cuz you know with a dog you’re like

You know I don’t want to say it cuz he’s right here but you know you say uh do you want to go outside or let’s go inside you know you say stuff like that and so when I said outside or you’re not coming inside okay Jesus Oh

Disappeared okay well I wonder how much damage it does now I wonder if I could kill it but first I actually want to make my tunnel to uh to that thing so I’m going to do that first wow that monster was actually like pretty terrifying though I like

Seeing unique monsters in this game that’s what I like I like seeing uniqueness um I like how I don’t see the exact same thing over and over again you know I feel like most of these Minecraft horror mods are literally just reskins and then reskin and reskin and reskin

And reskin like yeah like there’s not too much originality in the horror mod scene so whenever I see something that’s a bit unique even if it is just a tall mob uh it’s refreshing you know no God dang it I was going pretty C crazy with this tunnel too but anyway

With all these reskins it also makes me wonder like what the what the lifespan of this mod will be or not this mod but all the horror mods like are people even going to be playing Minecraft horror mods like this and uh oh wow that skeleton looks really

Cool it’s like blue um are people even going to be playing this in like a year from now I don’t know I feel like it’s going to get going to get milked completely dry dude I have so much iron from the last video it’s like ridiculous new pickaxe super easy we are we’re

Going to have to mine soon though we’re going to have to get some more stuff cuz you know that Iron’s not going to last forever okay let me just uh let me just go to my base I don’t see that mob anywhere so that’s good creeper please don’t blow up

Okay thank you it’s also good to know that that mob can’t break down my base which is cool it’s cool yeah cuz it probably would be annoying if it did destroy my base um but you know that’d be some nice variety and I like the variety oh look at

That oh nice we’re here oh my God that was actually perfect what the hell well I guess it wasn’t perfect cuz I went on that side instead of um my ladder went all the way down there God dang it I have to go get that but that was nearly perfect close enough

Oh bro why does it do that with its hand why do you want me to come to you hello hi what is this epic music holy I feel like I’m in a movie um how much damage do you Do oh my God are you going to kill me bro it doesn’t do that much damage oh God I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go it’s going to kill me oh my God oh my God

Oh that was crazy CRA that was actually crazy oh it disappeared oh my God okay so it’s not it doesn’t do that much damage I don’t know how hard it is to kill but it it doesn’t do that much damage I do need a new Shield the hardest part about it is

That it’s so big it goes around me like super easily and it ends up behind me or in front of me and you know so my shield doesn’t do too much to protect against that wow that was that was pretty pretty wild though I wonder if I got a lava

Bucket and then put it on it how well that would do against him I also should get that coal up there for fuel I don’t have too much coal left I don’t think um I actually have zero coal so yeah I definitely need that so I’m going to do

That get a bucket maybe find some lava in this cave and then murder the irritator that’ be epic I don’t think something that tall can well I guess it could I was going to say I was going to say I don’t think something that tall could spawn in a

Cave but I guess if a cave is this big like this one down here I guess it could Diamond just thank you for the one single Diamond hell yeah are there any more hiding nope nope there’s literally just one Diamond epic wait there’s a light over there what could it be more

Diamonds what the hell I got three diamonds now wait that’s enough for a diamond axe I could actually kill that thing oh bro what an absolute troll that was bro that was crazy I thought this was like maybe a little I don’t know maybe like a little cave and there was

Lava in there but no it was just literally straight to my death but what is that over there could that be Lava hopefully that would be actually so wild if the irritator could spawn inside of these caves no that’s got to be Lava there’s

No shot it’s not lava oh no no it’s so much brighter than those little glow lkan things and then yeah we’re also going to make a diamond axe this is amazing yes that is exactly what we need I saw that Cobblestone there I was like have I been here before

But no it’s just from the the water here nice so now we can head back and yeah I can probably kill the mob with a diamond axe and lava bucket like just like that um H he is strong though I don’t know it’s really tough I need to make a new

Shield as well there’s there’s a lot that needs to be done another thing that I feel like would be kind of funny what if I made like a trap out of TNT like pressure plates and TNT put sand over it so it falls instantly I don’t know I feel like that

Would be like a crazy trap that could kill it oh my God wait there’s so many creepers here I could actually totally do that hold up I think I’m actually cooking if I can kill a creeper then I would be cooking but I can’t even get to a creeper cuz of

All these dang other mobs in the way what is that noise I hear a noise as if he’s around what is that noise there’s no way he’s in this cave right oh my God those are diamonds right here I didn’t even notice these earlier okay that was really

Creepy oh my God what I turned around for a second and it’s here oh my God it’s actually in this cave no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dude stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop

Oh my God it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming no no no no oh my God this is so bad this is so bad no no no I’m dead no God dang it no oh I thought my my plan there was

To try to jump in that water that was right next to that lava but the water wasn’t there I was hoping it flowed down there but H now I have to go get my stuff that is crazy so yeah I I guess that answers my question it can spawn

Inside of a cave Jesus Christ that thing is so hard to kill because it’s so big it just goes around around your Shield every time you try to block it I’m assuming it despawned I think these mobs despawn whenever you die or or something like that so I don’t think it’ll be here

Anymore there it is it also sucks too well that’s gray also how all that stuff pretty much landed right there but it also sucks too that that spider was killing me because I was thinking like oh man I’ll just um oh there’s water here damn I didn’t see that it’s cuz of

The Shader if I saw that then I would have been able to jump in there now that spider was hitting me and it and it sucks because my plan was to dig into the wall right can’t dig into the wall when you’re being attacked constantly oh

My God the amount of creepers in this cave bro is there like did I install some Creeper Queen mob and she’s just birthing creepers inside of this cave all right back up to the surface cooking some food nice I’m going to make a new Shield I’m going to

Make this is the gigachad way of making stuff by the way you literally just look it up holy all right let’s see TNT make two of that um I don’t have any gravel maybe I do over here oh wow more gunpowder in there a piece of gravel

Here for Flint hopefully I get it relatively soon and it doesn’t take 30 billion tries but I’m already on try five six 7 oh man it is fun trying to get gravel that’s for sure oh whenever you complain about something I swear to God you always get it because

Every time I’ve ever complained about something happening the universe always shuts me up right after so so nice now we have a flint and steel um although I don’t probably need it if I’m going to do a trap but just like that we can make another thing of TNT now we have three

And it’s night time right now honestly I may just wait for it to come at me and then TNT it lava it try to hit it with my axe I feel like like that may be the best course of action but the question is where do I want to kill this thing

Probably around here yeah let’s just put all this up right here and then when we see the mob just run over here and hope that uh that we don’t die in the process yeah so we’ll have that that TNT over here and then I guess I’m going to place the lava down

When it’s close as well like right here or something like that try to catch it on fire oh man this is this is going to be crazy but I think I can actually kill it here if it assuming it does actually die oh no that’s like the worst spot for it to

Be maybe if I don’t look at it it won’t start walking oh shoot it is hey man hey man I see you um I’m just going to go over to my little TNT over here Oh my God oh my God come on buddy I know you want To God damn it that didn’t do anything dude dude bro it’s feet H never before did I think I would be defeated by feet but here we are I wonder if this mob potentially has a skill issue when it comes to trap doors cuz the mob looks big but what if

It actually isn’t as big as it looks so I’m wondering if I just make trap doors and I put the lava under the trap doors if the mob will just walk into it and die this may be like the most ingenious way to kill this mob yeah

Hold up I actually think I’m cooking here what if what if yeah so they’re all two blocks tall now and then we just put trap doors and hopefully they don’t burn I don’t think they would but what the hell do I know yeah cuz the AI I assume

Would read this as a full block so they would try to walk so then the AI would assume that they can walk across this whole thing but they can’t cuz it’s going to be like this and then they’d walk and then they just fall in okay that is the

Next play for when I see it try to get it to die in this lava like the dumbest way to kill a mob ever but hey man you got to do what you got to do when you’re facing against a N9 and a half block tall creature oh

There it is there it is there it is there it is there it is hello hello yes what the hell where are you going bro you are the I hate everything about you oh there’s another one right there hello thank you for not despawning I appreciate that very much I’m going to run

Now get rolled idiot get rolled absolutely outplayed by the 5 billion IQ genius oh how does it feel buddy how does it feel to be outplayed outskilled God dang Jesus Christ look at this thing this is a monster a monster being outplayed what I died it died get roll noob


The Irritator: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-irritator



TWITTER | @ Vivillyyy

SNAPCHAT | @ ItsVivilly

INSTAGRAM | @ viv23v


The Irritator is a BRAND NEW Horror Mod for Minecraft…

​​​​​​#minecraft #mcyt #horror


  1. the idea of a really big horror mob is cool but its pretty obvious this is just a reskin of another mod (probably the cave dweller or whatever) it has the same hitbox and same behavior, only difference is the model and animations and where it spawns

  2. actually i was searching in the comment bcs i was convinced that someone asked for the shader but surprisingly nobodies asked so ima ask you : what is your shader 🧐

  3. It's honestly crazy how people actually think he copies. I mean the most recent video in DylanMC's channel shows the mimic dweller(im pretty sure thays the mod but idk) and guess what, that dweller uses Vivilly's Minecraft skin.

  4. Fun Fact: The Irritator is actually the official name of a real dinosaur. The reason it was named the Irritator is because of how absolutely fucking difficult it was for the archeologists to complete its skeleton.

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