How Mikey and JJ Control Zombie Family Mind in Minecraft (Maizen)

Oh my God what’s all this loud banging oh my God JJ I think we’re in trouble let’s see what’s going on in there oh no it’s zombies but why did they come here they’re going to eat us are you stupid what do we do Mikey follow me upstairs I

Have a plan a plan what kind of plan I hope it’s a plan to destroy zombies we can use the potion to get smaller and teleport into the zombie head so you’re saying we’re going to control those stupid zombies Jay I don’t like that idea at all this whole thing looks

Pretty iffy we don’t have a choice Mikey so drink your potion and get in head everyone’s going to have a zombie so let’s go Mikey I hear you JJ well good luck with that yeah Mikey I’ll meet you inside good luck to us woo I think we

Did it except I’m in the zombie mouth aren’t I so so yes it is but I need to find the brain because once I get into the brain I can control this zombie I don’t see Mikey here oh yeah he teleported into a zombie man and I’m in a zombie

Girl oh my God there’s the reason for the smell there’s a lot of rotting meat in here ah it’s horrible I’m starting to regret teleporting here but we’ll see what’s interesting in the end maybe we’ll even get to prank the villagers somehow but first I have to be here to start controlling the

Zombie hey JJ you there Mikey is that you I see you did well too huh uh that’s right JJ so we’re in control of the zombies now well your plan was really good uh but what are we going to do about the little guy let him be with us

He doesn’t even realize we’re controlling his parents I don’t think he’s going to get in our way listen why don’t we scare the villagers get back at them for what they’ve been doing to us lately my it’s awful but I agree with you I’ve been thinking about it too so let’s go

What’s up villagers you’re scared huh you should be scared let’s fight them so they start turning into zombies that’s a great idea let’s raise an army of zombies but what are we going to do with them Mikey look we did it they’re turning into zombies cool let’s go do

The same thing to the others cuz they’ve gone somewhere they’ve got nowhere to go so we can handle them too hey you filthy mutants get out of here I hate zombies wow I see some of the villagers are even trying to fight back uh I’m surprised

Myself can they even hear us I take it they don’t if they could hear us they’d be trying to talk to us take that you dirty zombie and don’t ever come near me again come on Mikey we need to do something about those guys too we’re

Going to eat them too now I’m even angrier I’m not going to let them get away with it so go after them oh my God they’re out of the traps this can’t be happening losers now try to get out of there I’m going to get you some lava oh

My God Mikey I think we’re in trouble JJ calm down there’s no problem just dig up the dirt and get up there it’s not that hard hey what are they doing oh my god oh no how they got out of the hole is impossible you don’t know a lot of

Things man you’re going to regret doing this to us leave us alone you filthy mutants JJ get after them they’ve got nowhere to run and sooner or later we’ll catch up to them because they’ll get tired leave us alone you rotten pieces of meat they locked the doors this is

Ridiculous JJ make sure they don’t get away and I’ll break down the doors oh my God they’ve broken through the defenses but you’re not going to catch us just like that but you have driven yourself into a place from where there is no way to get away great Mikey it seems we’ve

Succeeded and we destroyed this Village uh great job but oh my god oh no it’s morning oh no not again since it’s light out that means we can’t move around and we’ll take damage all the time we need to find some resources and make helmets there’s no other way there’s a building

Right there let’s see what’s in it or we can wait all day until it’s dark and go out at night I’m not going to sit here all day so let’s see what’s in the building there can’t be no resources in the village there’s got to be something

In here there’s a chest so let’s wait for the fire to pass and then open it up and see what’s in there maybe there really is something we need JJ what are you standing there for come on open the chest and tell me what you found there’s

A lot of iron and sticks we can use them to make helmets sticks well then maybe we can make tools why if I’m not mistaken zombies have no problem walking and breaking blocks so I don’t think it’s necessary uh great this should really help us now well let’s go then

Let’s not waste any time we’ve got to think of something else H by the way I was wondering what are we going to do next I don’t even know listen it’s gotten kind of quiet in this Village don’t you think so yeah well we turned everyone into zombies and they probably

Just burned up in the sun hey why don’t we make a house a house wo don’t you have a village to live in look at all these houses no JJ I want to make my own unique home I don’t want to live here not after what happened here yes you do

I agree with you I don’t like this place either so we’d better get out of here and find somewhere else where we can make a home I wouldn’t mind going that way what do you say come on I don’t understand exactly where you want to go

But let’s go I hope we’ll find some quiet place where we can build a house there’s a place not far from here hey Mike Mikey look at this place look how cozy this place is you want us to build a house right here yes don’t you this place looks really nice well

Then let’s build here just be prepared that we’ll be here for a long time yeah no problem the sooner we build the house the better it’ll be for us there we go looks like it’s all ready do you like it yes it looks cozy I

Really like this house and now I want to sleep in this new house not so fast this is our house hey who the hell is that clown hey you chicken what’s your problem I said this is our house and it’s not up for discussion JJ come on inside we need to figure

Something out do you really think you’re going to live here do you think you’re going to live on our Terrace I don’t care about you or your territory get out of here before you get in trouble that’s ridiculous I’ll be standing right here waiting for you mhm

Then we have time to think about this for a while what if we lure him here somehow what if the little guy helps us somehow what if we trap the skeleton and it teleports into his head JJ that’s a great idea all we have to do is create a

Trap like this so it falls right here does that little guy even understand us I hope he understands good we’ll have to act fast when he falls here otherwise we’re going to have a problem wait JJ we’re almost there hey I didn’t realize realize you were taking so long hurry up

And get your stuff together that’s it my patience is wearing thin oh my god what have you done let me out of here quick hey little man you ready hurry up and get the Pearl and teleport into his head what oh no oh God no don’t you dare do

That little man hurry up what are you waiting for jump faster before he calls the others hey help me shut your mouth come on jump into his head now come on what are you waiting for I think he’s got it but it’s taking him so long to get it into his head so

Little guy listen to me carefully your job is to look around and find the brain uh it’s got to be somewhere up there uh Jay are you sure he understands us I don’t know but I hope he understands us he’s got to be able to hear us anyway

Find that pink Cloud that’s the brain get in there and make some space so you can get into the brain itself and then you can control the skeleton and the three of us will have an easier time dealing with the skeletons so what is it do you think he did anything I don’t

Know honestly what’s his name and why don’t we know his name uh because he’s the child of those zombies don’t you remember oh look at him I think he did it oh good now the three of us will have a much easier time taking down those skeletons so let’s go to battle we’ve

Got a house to protect hey you clowns we’ve captured your leader and now we’re going to destroy destroy you so you’re all done JJ you take that dude and I’ll take this one the two of us will have an easier time dealing with them you get the dirty skeleton Mikey we almost took

Them out but congratulations JJ hey what do you mean I think they might come back here because this isn’t over they were too few I think they have a lair somewhere not far from here we need to prepare for battle and maybe defend ourselves somehow I agree with you but hm what

Could we come up with any ideas maybe if we could get weapons from the neighboring Village do you think it’s there JJ for sure I remember that in that Village there is some scientist who worked on crossbreeding mutants and he got biological weapons what you just

Made that up uh no if we can find that machine in that Village that would be great what if there’s nothing there that means there must be some information about the experiment maybe even the blueprints so follow me quickly Je Jesus I just can’t believe someone would do that in that

Village H here’s JJ I know for a fact that this is the village where those creepy experiments took place creepy experiments then why are we coming here if the experiments were a failure quiet JJ we’ll talk later do you see the villagers yes I see them I see that

They’re Warriors so we’re going to fight them no JJ we have to do it the smart way we have we have to find some kind of passageway and just go around maybe even look uh there’s this building right here I think this might be where that machine

Is or some information about it all right if you think so let’s go look for it what exactly are we looking for what does this installation look like you’ll know right away that’s what we’re looking for I don’t really know what it looks like but it’s logical that such

Equipment would look very big all right I understand you well let’s try to find something now just how to get in here oh there’s the stairs I just didn’t see it hey Mikey this place is really locked down maybe there really is something we’re looking

For there’s a lot of junk in here it’s like it’s all been abandoned or it’s just someone’s storage unit uh yeah I can see that there’s a lot of boxes let’s take a look around maybe we can find some blueprints or resources in here hey JJ I found some blueprints it’s

Definitely from this rig uh but I’d like to check out the first floor I have a feeling that’s where we might find the parts listen what does this machine do it’s supposed to cross two mutants to make one big strong monster I mean if the three of us get in there we can

Create some kind of unique monster that we can control wow listen I found some resources here I’m guessing these are the parts from the installation uh yeah I collected some items too I was right after all we can really do this I hope listen do you do

You even know how to put this together uh based on the blueprints I think we can do this hey I’m not putting this together by myself you’re all going to help me too I agree with you but first we have to get out of here and we can’t

Go in the front door because that’s where the villagers are yeah yeah yeah I’m getting tired of fighting all the time we need to be sneaky I’ve heard that before but what about those skeletons they said it was their territory oh yes and it seemed to me

That their lay should be very close to our house I think so too maybe if we succeed we’ll find some traces that will lead to their lirer if such a miracle happens I’ll be very happy now let’s get back home as soon as possible we need to

Settle this experiment hey Mikey are we sure we’ve got enough on our plate or are we missing something that’s right I’m giving everyone the same amount of resources you’ll build the glass sections and the little guy will do the wiring w that’s dangerous we all have blueprints right

If so we can get started go no time to waste uh this is what we got and it looks like we’re all set does that mean we can start yes everyone needs to get into this facility and then the transformation will begin and we’ll become one mutant cool we’ll probably

Become very strong mutants if we go in there together maybe we will so if everyone’s ready let’s get started I’m so so excited to see what happens because it’s really interesting I’ve started the program and now we need to go inside whoa so what have we got now I

Can’t see you JJ uh Mikey I think we did it because I can’t see you either which means all three of us are in the same monster cool so what now are we really stronger than we were I think so now it’s our job to find the skeleton’s Lair

And Destroy them before they get here uh maybe we should explore our new abilities first huh what do you think about that JJ yeah yeah I’ve noticed that I can move fast uh not me but Us JJ don’t forget we’re the two of us controlling this monster yes we are all

Right I guess we’ll have to learn our skills on the way to the lair if we can find it uh first we need to find traces of the lair what if we just find the skeleton tracks and see where they came from if that works that’s Great there’s a chance this is where the skeleton’s Lair is yes this cave seems to hold some not so great secrets that we’re about to learn today Mikey be careful there are skeletons in there so we’re on the right path and we’re here we found the skeleton’s Lair it’s just

Weird that they don’t seem to see us why don’t they even attack us they think we’re one of their own that’s why we attack them first go JJ yes Mikey now now we’re going to take them all down super fast hey you piece of meat you think you

Can just barge into my Hideout and destroy my subordinates so you’re the boss of this place then you’re going to get it I’m here to destroy you all because you’re interfering with my life yes and you’re going to regret attacking us you’re so funny hey are there two of

You inside is this some kind of joke none of your business cause you’re about to get it you’re done you walking bone all right Mikey we destroyed him it looks like we’ve cleared out the skeleton’s Lair no hey what the hell is that whoops wait they’re not attacking

Us maybe they think we’re their leader so what does that mean that we’ve become the leader of the skeletons I didn’t want the plot to go this way uh now I’m curious to know what we’re going to do about it we’re going to re-educate the skeletons to be cool and proper guys so

Let’s get to work

How Mikey and JJ Control Zombie Family Mind in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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