My Friend Was FED His OWN PET In Minecraft Squid Island! (troll)

Today is a big day on Minecraft Squid Island crina has invited me and jelly for a meal at his new restaurant where we have supplied all of the ingredients however those ingredients might not be what Craner expects this is an act nightmare for me and we are going to see

The outcome of that today hey jelly how you doing I am doing good but I’m not looking forward to this did did you get your invite to to the to the new restaurant yes I did I got invited to go eat at craner’s restaurant oh I’m

Excited you no okay you hung I just I just finished all this bread um so I’m literally not even hungry okay somebody say hungry he yeah hey C hey guys hey guys welcome this what isome my partner my partner welcome to noish 2.0 collaboration with bco that’s me

That’s me that’s me yeah just did this o are we are we going up here you smell a little bit like yeah yeah yeah come watch the new design I actually no no JY J you go down there you go down there we’re going to we’re doing our talk am I

The peasant being t no no me and Josh are business partners dude you’re not a peasant so guys I am the customer you got to treat me like a king I did I slept you on the bo I’ll be quiet yeah so on this momentous day we we see the

Results of our flourishing relationship between bco with the introduction of our new meat factory woo and the new Kina no fish rest drop 2.0 y wait let me fire an arrow pretend it was firework guys oh okay it’s going to ow um youve got okay anyway a banger

Come up here dly oh let me hang on let me just grab something let me grab something let me grab something do this what you grab it just just hold on hold on oh you’re doing like a we got a snip snip oh oh now now now jelly as the

First um as the as the first uh customer would you do the honors of of opening it can you open up 2.0 customer as well though well I I am I am coming here as a customer but also as a partner and you are our true customer and I’m the owner

So I can’t what if I am the only possible customer just cut the damn thing cut it cut it now just be appreciative that we have a restaurant M I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be here let me just go fireworks uh Craner yeah yeah got another one coming

Buddy now I have learned my lesson and I will not be standing right here oh oh anyway let me open up the door for you business partner first thank you are you spitting on the handle I was cleaning it off go thank you they’re quick the do are quick go the doors are

Very can you go that thank you thank you and jelly yeah after you my good sir can I go through the window jelly have some respect please I just built this brand new establishment I’m being forced to be here don’t you understand all right take a seat take a seat jelly

Right there I don’t eat any meat jelly take a seat is that a seat take it and Josh you sit there my beautiful princess look like a stair now in between when I built this I did order a meat a shipment from Josh right yep so thank I I want to say

Thank you to um crina for your trust you’ve put in borco by removing your entire meat sauce and only relying on borco for your meat wow only the best quality meat around here jelly correct I don’t eat meat only the best okay meat is a general term jelly okay just just

Be quiet all right now that you’re seated let me go get you the fresh meat from the best sauce ever B can we can we get let us know what we’re actually going to eat though crina please uh I’m getting hungry what do you actually think of the new uh the new

Look by the way jelly did you ever see the original one it looks yellow stain uh yeah Josh the what the there’s only fish in here Josh why is there fish in my meat shipment wait what do you mean sorry hang on wait a second the only thing I’ve got to serve

At restaurant no fish is a bunch of freaking let me just grab let me just grab the the order out here hang on so what isit J could you just read this order please J just read that I trust you I trust I love this love myself hello there slug

CA I would like to order one meat shipment as soon as possible I’m holding a grand opening of no fish at all and I would like to surpr you might not want to go in there crer Craner you didn’t specify type of me CR what is thisness dude what is happening Josh we’re

Business partners what did you do this is my meat factory um this is an actual nightmare for me J crina look okay let look how do I get let’s just go back to the restaurant okay just just ignore this don’t look at this don’t

Look at this you have a piece of my land and you use it to farm fish this is not your land did you not read that the name of the restaurant is restaurant no fish okay do be clear jelly did you read the order yes yeah it doesn’t specify

Anything like Josh you delivered exactly what Craner asked correct now Craner do you want this restaurant to go down as a failure or do you want to serve us some amazing Sushi and I would like to add on top of that me as the only possible customer on this swi island server would

Like to be sad now cran also listen to me closely listen to me closely okay we’ve only got one customer here okay if that one customer leaves a bad review that is going to be the review on the entire restaurant but the whole point of

This place to save the fish if you were going to leave OPP without eating anything what rating would you give this restaurant if the if the fish tastes like fish five out of five well there you go Craner and if it doesn’t if you if there’s nothing to eat and you leave

Hungry zero out of five plus a TNT CR what was that yeah he drives a hard back and doesn’t he Craner serve the fish I don’t want it serve the fish crer come on go back come take a seat time here while crer prepares it and prepare the fish

Yeah oh Josh I am all of a sudden a little bit hungry you are yeah this is so messed up so level I’m definitely looking forward to trying this this is like the worst thing ever man can you stop complaining at the back all right you know what you

Guys want fish then yep yes that’s what we ordered here you go you can have every single fish that bonco has murdered you can have it all thank you no no no Craner what what are you thinking you can’t serve me and slowo fish before having tried it yourself

What are you talking about I’m not going to eat fish guys you are the chef of this restaurant you need to make sure is of a to be fair if if you know Sushi if it’s not done right can be incredibly dangerous so you guys want me to risk

Not only my reputation but also my butthole on this well you prepar sure that you’re not getting food poisoning but there’s nothing wrong with it I’m not even hungry right now let me why am I even going with you guys also I’m pretty sure that what you’ve

Done is probably illegal Josh you leas my got the delivery you made you made you got the delivery note jelly can you pass it I threw it over to I have it I have to delivery not I read it it’s completely legal and absolutely fine your own fault hit me

Jelly and I am the only customer hit me harder I got you thank you harder more I want to suffer more give me more dude there we go okay I should get hungry soon anyway what what’s your point Josh well it it just says uh meat it doesn’t

Say like any specific meat I have never heard anybody say bloody fish before not have one I have one point to make before I eat this fish okay I have never heard anybody say yo waiter give me a piece of meat and then the waiter’s like yeah

Here’s some fish dude that’s what I nobody thinks that when they hear meat I’ve had that all right you know what if this is going to make you happy Josh and you happy jelly I’ll eat the flipping fish okay well I don’t I what I want to

Make sure all right then I don’t get food poisoning okay I’m going to eat the fish there are you happy are you we no I’m not not emotionally but in my tummy I am oh this is good good fish go there we go wow that was delicious

Craner Josh you made me eat fish today great quality fish thank you slogo what are you doing now he’s renaming the restaurant it’s restaurant uh what what are you typing a dictionary dude maybe it’s lots of fish okay I hate you guys so much I hate you guys wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just wait is this like that one time you guys made me eat my pet fish no better if he’s not down there I swear I will make each and every single there he’s right there oh he is

Right there oh thank do be fair yeah I do remember one time I made you eat your own fish but look that was you did and I’m so Scar from it and you know what I had just forgotten about it Josh so I had to check but luckily you guys aren’t

That mean he is still down he’s right there so it’s all good he’s so cute crer what wrong what color was floppy yellow why are you what shade of yellow very yellow I don’t know what you you had more than one in here right no okay crina I’ll be look okay no this

Is floppy who is this I’ll be straight honest I who is this fish where is my that looks like a fish to me guys if I find out that I one of you guys have floppy in the inventory right now right it’s a prank you guys are pranking me

Right it’s wait what do you mean this is not floppy floppy is not here I just ate a fish did I eat my own fish again jelly Josh did you make me eat my I know I I I didn’t look I look only person that the only person that gave you a

Fish was jelly jelly did you seriously make me eat floppy um jelly be honest right now it wasn’t do it wasn’t me did you make me eat my very own pet I I don’t know what you’re talking about I was this is twice now that I’ve eaten my own pet because

Of you guys wait jelly did did you actually make crina eat his own fish I I have no idea what this is on I I have nothing to do flppy is not down here floppy isn’t here I will say one thing Craner I know you’re really mad and

You’re really upset yes but now you know what it feels like when your pet dies and then you eat him I guess I don’t know what that feels like but what you so it was you you you made me so floppy is dead I don’t okay no jelly you made me eat my

Own P I have a vague uh uh like image coming back to my head of him suffocating but anyway I am coming uh I’m I’m coming back to the restaurant it was a five out of five five stars are you kidding me Josh did you know about this oh he did no I’m

You’re both so dead I don’t care about anything anymore you made me eat my own pet jelly all right see you next time thanks for the fish thanks for the meal I guess bye you guys are done for

Tragedy has hit Squid Island, our #minecraft survival series. Today @Jelly and I went for a meal at @MisterCrainer ‘s restaurant. After the meal, Crainer found out some disturbing news…


  1. if I had a nickel for every time someone kills Floopy and Crainer eats him I have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?

  2. lol, this is great, but we all know that Crainer deserved it. For that HE did to beenie. Josh did try to help but accidentally drowned Beenie. But Jelly has other plans for that….

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