Mikey and JJ Survive in Emerald World in Minecraft (Maizen)

Get him it’s really an emerald monster he has so many emeralds he has enough for our whole village we must catch him as soon as possible Mikey look the villagers are chasing after some emerald monster this is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this they’re running

To the emerald portal has it been there the whole time we need to follow what happens next because it just looks incredibly interesting I’m wondering what’s in that Emerald portal I think we’ll have have to scout it out today I totally agree with you we should get to

The end and explore everything there of course he’s escaped to the emerald world that’s just unbelievably awful we won’t be able to take him back oh they’re giving us emeralds youo we’re going to be fabulously Rich it’s true now Mikey Emerald blocks have started coming out of the portal what’s

Going on they must be monsters from another world look there’s even Emerald Golems well definitely have to look into this situation and find out about this world all right let’s get started as you saw we have a new problem a very strange portal to the emerald world has appeared

In our village Mikey and I need to investigate it and see if it’s dangerous for our village or not this is going to be really interesting because this is the first time I’ve seen something like this yes Mikey is right how many things have we seen but we haven’t seen a fully

Emerald portal yet is it likely that there’s a real emerald world or a kingdom in there we can only find out once we get inside no other way wait but we can’t just jump in we don’t know what kind of monsters there might be or how

Dangerous it is okay what do you suggest do we need to prepare well for it exactly we should make cool armor cool weapons and defeat all the monsters we can destroy those Emerald blocks and get some emeralds for our armor that sounds like a really interesting plan JJ I

Totally agree with it they can really be attacked there should be a lot of emeralds falling from them we’ll make emerald armor and of course some other things tools I’m 100% sure we can really pull it all off I want to see it all through to the end whether or not we can

Do it JJ we’ll definitely be able to explore this world and find lots of things so we should try really hard before we go into this world anyway each of us is really trying hard to collect these emeralds there are really a lot of them falling I hope we can really make

It all up and get the most that’s really what it’s all about well done friends here we are finally making ourselves emerald armor now we have to go to this Emerald world and explore it fully I’m really excited about it I totally agree with you the portal will definitely be

Able to take us to the place we want to go I hope we can solve all the problems and finish to the end anyway we just have to take it and get there from there it’s up to us to figure out what to do Mikey look at all this there’s Emerald

Blocks and slimes all over the place it’s unbelievably cool this is exactly how I pictured the emerald world I wanted to see at all anyway everyone is really doing their best to keep exploring this world I don’t even know what could be interesting here we can start mining blocks to become rich Mikey

There’s definitely something more interesting than just blocks we should explore everything here it’s a really big world but where did that emerald monster go yeah that’s right I was wondering where he might have gone too we have to find him this world is also full of TNT Mikey sure likes to blow it

Up so we have to be very careful with it he’s really going to blow things up around here that’s a good idea let’s blow this place up and see how many blocks I can pick up be careful Mikey TNT can jump up and blow up the ones on

The ceiling this is going to be an incredible explosion woo it blew up really really big I’m really enjoying it here that’s why this is the fastest way to get emerald blocks there’s a lot of them here I’m glad Mikey liked it and we’ll

Use it but it’s time for us to move on and look for the monster Mikey look there is some kind of chest on the other side we have to get to it as fast as we can I have an ingenious plan for how we can get there we’ll make a huge

Springboard out of slime blocks and jump on it wo that’s a really interesting plan but do you really think we’ll have the strength to jump there we’re about to find out JJ we have really cool armor and it should work I really hope we can jump over without any problems good I

Like your plan I hope it works as well as it should if the plan actually works that would be very very cool I feel like the first thing I’m going to do is fall into the lava and everything will fail friends that’s really what happened Mikey went under the lava I was really

Hoping he’d have the strength to jump over the whole thing but he didn’t I was a little short it’s really weird that I didn’t jump up I just fell down so we need to make the playground even bigger that would be really cool the chest is

Already on the other side waiting for us we just have to get to it what do you think could be in there something valuable or something that will help us I think there will be something in there that will help us I hope so because it’s really hard to move around like this

There’s lava almost everywhere okay JJ now you try jumping maybe you’ll do better let’s give it a try YooHoo oh no I fell into the lava too that really hurts your jump was really much better than mine I don’t understand how to jump just trust and jump straight to the

Center it will beat you back on its own anyway I’m already on the other side and now I have to wait for Mikey I have a feeling he won’t be able to make it to the jump and we’ll just forget about it that’s going to be weird while Mikey is

Out there trying to jump let’s see what’s in the trunk wo there’s some magic shoes and a hook this is really going to be useful we’ll be able to move around this world much more efficiently Mikey did you hear that yeah I heard but I can’t jump so I’ll just walk to you

I’ll build myself a bridge now that’s really unfair I had to jump and you just do everything like that so Mikey just get an arrow and fall into the lava that was really funny ouch that wasn’t funny at all but it’s so good that I finally got out of there I’ll

Take the magic shoes and of course the hook now we’re going to fly around Mikey let’s fly as fast as we can and see if we can’t find something interesting it’s incredibly convenient and cool to move around with this hook we can get anywhere we want to go but it must be an

Emerald World out here I don’t see anything that interesting let’s try flying some more what if we can really find something interesting in take it away I’m sure it’s not a simple world and we can really explore it JJ look over here it’s a real Village inside the

Emerald world there’s some Giants in here too I’m really scared and I’m getting out of here as fast as I can what really there are some huge Emerald Giants in there too are they guarding the village JJ it’s really something interesting in this Emerald world we

Just have to get in there and explore everything so let’s come up with a plan of some sort you’re right if it’s really the only thing here we should explore it quick that emerald monster is probably from here we’ll have to find it ouch I fell into the lava again I haven’t quite

Figured out how to fly this hook yet when we do we’ll definitely learn everything about this world I was really curious about what is in this Village what are the Giants there if there really are emerald monsters there we should defeat them and earn a lot of

Emeralds I think it might be a lot more dangerous than you think JJ I’m looking down on it there are several of these Giants and they are apparently guarding this Village Village are we sure we can handle them we need to come up with a plan to get around them all otherwise we

Just won’t get through we need a really good plan I hope we have the strength to beat them all anyway each of us is doing our best to win this battle I hope we can really solve all the problems and find out what this Emerald Village is hiding what if there are some

Experiments going on here or is it even a fake world I don’t even know we need to somehow destroy these Giants and move on that’s the only way let’s try to build our own Golem then that would be very very cool then we can definitely

Solve all the problems to get to the end our Golem will try to destroy their golems and we can win let’s do that we should build a really big golem much bigger than we have now add as many blocks as you can to make it a real

Giant I’m sure the battle will be really intense and I think we can handle it great we’re really making a Golem let’s try to summon it as quickly as possible and have it start the battle you’re right Mikey we should start doing that already we can take this Golem with us

Look I have a special Crystal where I hid the Golem I can summon it at any time put it in the village and let’s try to destroy everyone in the village we have to find out their secret okay Mikey I’ll put him on display now great you

Set our emerald golem and it will fight the Giants it’s a start we must fight them to the very end you have to realize that they all have a lot of Health it will be hard to penetrate them so we have to really come up with a plan to

Help our goal as much and as fast as possible possible I really hope he wins and we can explore this Village these Giants are dangerous I really hope we can defeat them and of course show our friends this whole village it’s literally made entirely of emerald

Blocks this is the kind of Village our villagers would like to live in that’s 100% I’m sure we can take over and build something in our village there must be a warehouse of emerald blocks and we can rob it and take it for ourselves that would be really really cool I really

Want to take it all back for myself we’ll use this Emerald world to replenish our supply of emeralds that way JJ and I will be the richest in the village we can buy anything we want that’s really cool I hope each of us will look forward to all of this very

Very soon anyway I hope we can manage all this our Golem is really strong the battle is really very serious and I hope we can do well and can keep on winning and destroying everyone anyway each of us will try to reach the very end and

Take the biggest prize we need to defeat all our enemies to look around and find what we’re looking for I hope our efforts will pay off and we can take it all away I hope our efforts will pay off and we can take it all away of course it

Will pay off I’m more than sure that we’ll have enough of this stuff soon our Golem is already beating the second giant you put TNT on for nothing now it’s sinking anyway I wanted to get the two of them out but for some reason it didn’t work we must defeat this giant as

Soon as possible and destroy it we really have to help him to destroy this giant once and for all I hope we have the strength to do it and keep exploring this Emerald World hit him JJ we must defeat him he doesn’t have much health already yes we can really handle him

Already it’ll be an easy battle youo we did it we were able to defeat all the Giants of this Village I threw him into the lava it was really a lot of fun but we didn’t now we can go explore the whole village and try to find anything

Useful only where do we start from I haven’t seen anything that I can jump to that huge giant is still burning but anyway we’ve definitely beaten them all we have to jump to the very center the well I saw some kind of door there okay

Let’s go inside as fast as we can and see what’s there there must be a passage and I’m really curious about what’s in here Mikey look it’s really Emerald villagers they’re all here hi Mikey and JJ we’re glad you made it to us we are villagers from the emerald world come to

Your village to give a piece of our world we would really like it if you would take all the weapons and armor from the chest and try to make something more like this wao there really is so much stuff in here it’s incred inedibly cool I hope we can really take it all

With us I have a lot of faith in that are we going to have to build Emerald houses and stuff into our village the villagers will be all for it we want to make a strong connection between your world and ours we’ll give you emeralds you give us other resources that sounds

Really beneficial for all of us we’ll definitely go for it anyway we need to go back as soon as possible to our village and spread the word about all this I’m sure our village will take it well and we can unite the Two Worlds at

Once let’s go as fast as we can can we still have a lot of work to do we have to get everyone to agree with our decision all our villagers will only support us in our decision so there’s definitely no problem with that we should just go back to our world you’re

Right Mikey we should get back there as soon as possible and tell our friends everything I really hope we can join forces and get this over with as soon as possible we’ve had enough awesome fun we had a pretty good fight now we can get down to Serious Business so we’ll get

This done pretty quickly and hopefully we can keep this going on and on and on you’re right let’s not waste any time and just do it I hope it goes really really cool and fast let’s head back to the portal it’s the only way out of this

World anyway you and I are now the richest in our village we’ll be able to buy or build literally anything we want JJ that’s awesome I really thought we could find some kind of secret but it turned out to be much simpler than that they gave us cool weapons Cool Tools and

Said they wanted to unite our world anyway that sounds interesting too I’ve never done anything like this before for JJ you’re really right about that no one’s ever done anything like this before we’ll be the first but I love our adventure we were able to find out that

Such a world even exists so it would be really cool to do something like this unite I like that plan anyway if anything we can just mine our own stuff here as much as we want there’s an endless supply of emeralds you’re really right about that if we want them we can

Work with them if we don’t want them we can take the emeralds either way I’m sure every everyone enjoyed the world but ours is much better and more peaceful I hope we can see it all I have faith that each of us will get exactly what we need in the same quantity either

Way we should tell all the villagers about Emerald world we should give them some Emerald blocks each and build The Village’s first Emerald house that’s a really good plan I really hope we can solve everything quickly the villagers will definitely be happy that we’re giving them Emerald blocks I really hope

We can solve everything and make the villagers love the emerald World villagers a attention we have been to Emerald world with Mikey and it is completely safe Mikey follow me as fast as you can we have to build the first Emerald house somewhere around here yes

Friends we really were able to come to an agreement with the emerald world and now it’s ours too okay JJ I’m coming to you let’s really build the first Emerald house it should be really simple like the Villager houses it will increase their interest I’m sure we’re doing it

Right and fast enough our house is definitely going to be cool I hope we solve everything fast enough and win this battle I really hope so each of us is really trying to do our best to improve our village that’s why our friends and villagers trust us

Completely we will be able to do something great I totally understand what Mikey is talking about yes we have the authority and popularity of the villagers we are their defense against Bandits and monsters they will accept our every decision we will be rebuilding the entire Village soon with Emerald

Blocks we did it it’s really the first Emerald house right in our village yeah we finally got it all done it’s really really cool and we hope to keep it going like this we now have to go to the village and tell them about the first Emerald house I’m sure the other

Villagers will want something similar it’s going to be really cool we did it it’s really the first Emerald house right in our village okay that’s really very cool we have to keep going as soon as possible with all of this friends this Emerald weapon is really very legendary we will will definitely be

Able to fight off any monsters anyway we finished almost all the business for today we just have to convince the villagers to accept our terms let’s run over there as fast as we can friends we are entering a new era the era of the emerald Village we will truly be the

First Emerald Village in this world so we must try our best with you yes they really agreed to it soon our whole village will be made of emerald blocks so friends we will see you very soon we should go with Mikey to get some rest good luck everyone and bye we’ll see you

All very soon bye everyone

Mikey and JJ Survive in Emerald World in Minecraft (Maizen)

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Maizen – @maizenofficial


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