Why Scary MONSTER HEAD Attack JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft Maizen

H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it oh Mikey it’s the same giant monster

Hiding in the forest this villager was eaten in the same way huh what’s this the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what’s this huh huh there’s someone strange on the

Screen Mikey I knew this was going to get creepy I’ve got a bad feeling about this turn it off already come on go ahead H got it huh holded up it won’t stop ringing the doorbell what now hang in there Mikey it’s too dangerous here let’s take

Shelter in my secret basement let’s hide there over here just click this to open it all right hurry Mikey hurry right Here let’s wait here until morning Mikey it’s just too dangerous let’s check the security cameras before we sleep oh right uh what’s it doing what H the puppets at that villager’s house huh huh it’s ringing the Doorbell huh oh what I think it’s hiding in the shadows Please Mr villager don’t open the door oh it opened hang on no no Mr villager that was bad the Villager was eaten to be eaten like huh what what is this place huh well there’s Mikey Mikey come

Come on wake up Mikey wake up huh where are we Mikey I think we watched a cursed videotape if you watch a cursed videotape you become trapped inside it we’re trapped inside of a cursed videotape uh Mikey we need to find a way to escape from this world H okay I hoped

There was going to be a game show on the tape for now I’d like to get over there there’s a door but these iron bars are in our way what do we do H so we’re locked inside this cell what now well we need to find a way to escape huh we’re

In a cursed videotape so don’t let your guard down hold on I figured out how to escape what if we could pull these levers in the right order I’m sure we’ll be be able to escape huh let’s try different combinations mhm maybe this you’ve got this Mikey how’s this mhm weird uh need

Help maybe this way oh this way this H like this H H strange h Huh hold up this oh it opened there really was a door hidden here Mikey H Mikey stop this is tough H Mikey look over here what look huh there was a

Door I found a secret door oh let’s go I want to escape from this cursed videotape yeah we found the secret door so let’s move on okay huh Wow hey Mikey why were you screaming hang on this is bad this is bad no what do I do what do I do oh it’s pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide place to hide uh no not there or there oh

That’s right I put a secret door here okay phew somehow I managed to hide this is terrible that strange person broke into our house and then Mikey disappeared that strange person must have kidnapped him oh what am I supposed to do now huh huh huh this is bad did he break in let’s

Check the security camera save me this guy’s crazy just do what he says my demands are clear $1 million within 5 minutes or boom huh did I just hear that right I have 5 minutes to save Mikey or he’ll be caught in the explosion along with a criminal what well what am I

Going to do oh I’ve got it an idea just came to me there he is it’s all over I don’t have a million dollar I’m too young to die I hope JJ lives a long happy life for both of us oh hey Mikey hey keep it

Down sh you scared me he’s going to hear you you’ve come to rescue me thank you JJ of course I did buddy come on I dug us a tunnel Let’s Escape yeah come on right down here coming today is not my day to die let’s get out of here mm

Which way there’s only one way come on what no it’s behind me watch out oh no go just keep running faster you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful the ghost it’s coming around no it’s coming run run come on hurry go it’ll catch us

This leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes now it’s closed phew okay let’s go up to the second floor all right we’re safe huh it’s the ghost h no way huh it keeps ringing the doorbell It Won’t Stop

It’s still after us but whatever happens don’t answer mhm it’s getting dark yeah we’ll survive you’re right the ghost is persistent seriously it’s morning the Sun is up huh huh huh huh it’s leaving did it give up oh I wonder why weird oh huh huh it’s gone it went back

To the cave it’s gone that’s good he gave up on us M wait it’s too soon to relax huh well the ghost might come for us again tonight you might be Right it’s night time already I’m pretty hungry yeah me too H was that the doorbell oh it’s here nice huh what is it oh thanks huh wow what it’s what I ordered check it out JJ oh what did you order Mikey well Tada M here have some oh is that yep I

Ordered a special Pizza mhm oh wow let’s eat while it’s hot what a nice surprise let’s eat so good hm huh H huh what oh H it’s so dark in here now oh the power must have gone out wait there’s something on the TV huh it’s an emergency news alert Our Gang

Has successfully taken over everything in this town belongs to us huh oh the power’s back on Mikey did you see that news alert yep our town has been taken over by a gang I don’t know what that means well I’m sure we’ll be fine as long as we stay inside our house I’m

Tired from the move so let’s call it a night that was weird well I guess so I don’t know any more than you do huh we’ll be okay if we stay inside it’ll be fine yeah it’s really late now so let’s sleep I’m tired pH good night JJ mhm sleep Well huh what was that noise hey wake up Mikey what was it h Huh uh who is that Intruder what back off Mikey wo hold on ow I think this what’s going on is the gang from the TV no way really the gang of Thieves from the

TV they broke into our house get him yeah go take him out hit him hard wo sheesh wow wo the gang broke into our house the window are all broken oh No what was that it sounds like glass breaking again huh huh no way the gang broke in and there’s two of them seriously two gang members Mikey we have to try and take them out get them JJ take this yes we got one nice job hit him Mikey yes sheesh that was

Close again seriously wait look they broke the barricades no one else got in right we’re safe wait Mikey huh hold on I think I think I heard someone downstairs let’s check the Cameras no the gang member he destroyed all the barricades he’s in what do we do I don’t know oh what’s he doing just turn around and leave already huh huh no we noticed the staircase he’s coming up this is bad he’s coming upstairs we need to hide in here quick JJ hurry

Up what’s going to happen are we safe let’s check please no he came up he hasn’t noticed us right is he looking for us JJ sh oh he’s in the bedroom hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up H what what happened here huh uh

How wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined

Uhhuh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our house still there this is what our house looks like now our house is wrecked and everyone is gone what just happened right what happened our village Why

Us du huh what huh what’s that sound holy cow Mikey zombies zombies what seriously how there’s no way how can this be there’s so many of them Mikey JJ wake up please JJ uh huh H where where am I hold on I’ll wait I remember we were abducted by that ghost that’s right and if we stay here only our bones will be left see oh no oh if we can’t find a way

To escap escape the ghost is still out there how can we escape huh the ghost left a this is our chance we need to escape but the door is locked we have to get out of here right away uh wait Mikey look huh right here there’s a hole huh maybe if

I if I get down on my hands and knees maybe I can fit through H okay let’s give it a try can you fit I’m out I made it awesome now get me out of here please no help me wait I see a key huh I

Can’t let the ghost see me it’s gone right I’ll grab the key I got it Mikey I’ll open the door oh good okay yes it unlocked the door come on Mikey thank you I’m out that’s better for now let’s just get out of here come on Mikey I’m coming nice run for it

Hurry Mikey huh hang on JJ the guards are coming what now run away run for your life Mikey they’ve spotted us trying to escape oh it’s okay up the stairs okay keep Going they’re gaining on us I don’t want to go back to prison if they catch us this will all have been for nothing no way they’re closing in uh-oh don’t get caught Mikey I definitely won’t hurry we’re going to be fine once we climb these stairs we’ll be up to the

Roof will it be safe up there this is how we escape almost there yes we made it Mikey yay hang on are we okay we’re on the roof almost free we’re escaping here we go W woohoo we made it out yeah we escaped woohoo this means we finally escaped

From that weird place if you enjoyed watching us please subscribe to our Channel and like this video bye bye

Why Scary MONSTER HEAD Attack JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft Maizen Challenge Mizen JJ & Mikey

Maizen Mazien @maizenofficial


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