Minecraft but there are Natural Disaster Hearts

The world of minecraft is succumbing to natural disasters we’ll harvest the powers of tornadoes solar flares and more to fight them back custom heart finder where is our first natural disaster oh my gosh look at the squids dude oh man well i definitely found our first custom heart natural disaster oh

God i’m in the air oh no i will find the eye of the storm i made it i survived oh gosh the salmon did not oh my goodness all right tornado let’s see what powers you give us i can squat and jump now to launch out an

Attackable tornado and i can sneak and right click to place down a tornado and then i can launch myself up in the air ouch you’re welcome world i defeated the tornado and now i am the tornado sorry chicken i just had to test out my

Powers it’s the last time i’ll do that i swear i lie next up a lightning storm oh snap dude i’m scared i hope i turn into a superhero and don’t become super dead well i think i found it what’s the worst that could uh happen there’s some kind of device on the top

Of this mountain up here let’s make our way upwards and save the world careful not to get struck by lightning okay i’m fine oh check this out yeah there we go i can use my tornado powers to launch myself right up yeah i’ve made it to the top what is this man

Conductors of some kind i feel like i’m gonna get struck by lightning uh any second now oh i see there’s electric conductors across all this but there’s a missing area right there maybe i can replace it or something uh please don’t get struck by lightning wait a minute i

Have an idea i am going to become the conductor strike me with lightning oh gosh i’m scared did we do it we lit up this box here i do feel a little funny getting zapped by lightning and the storm is gone ah yes dude lightning storm heart is acquired

And all it took was uh 10 million volts through my brain i’m fine well we got the lightning heart should we just go ahead and eat it yeah activated i’ve got a lightning blade dude what from this i have two new abilities i can lightning strike yeah oh

Any mob i want to hi cow god cook me some beef there dude i love lightening flavored beef it’s my favorite also we’ve got lightning speed now check this out running all those laps really made me sword next heart is the blizzard heart oh it must be right down this dungeon hope i

Don’t run into any bad guys down here oh i heard something is there a polar bear ah there’s a yeti dude i’m not ready to battle a yeti he’s shooting ice cream at me can i have mine chocolate flavored please you’re causing the blizzard you’re about to get blistered take my tornado

Oh tornado attack oh gosh the tornado’s not doing anything he made me slow now today i got lightning speed boy no no no no no no no suspenseful moment you mind backing off yeah okay lightning attack is working i saw his crack cracking lightning attack speed come on yeah

We got him it was a cool breeze to kill him do you see what i did there cause i see what i did there check it out man we got our blizzard heart well it doesn’t look like a heart but we’ll use it anyway the powers unite

I love the pets man look a blizzard pet will freeze hostile mobs with snowballs look at him we’ve got a yeti friend oh you are cute i like your teeth he’s got like two teeth sticking out come on little baby yeti wait did i just kill your dad am i your dad now

Ooh it’s nighttime you think you want to try out some of those powers on some bad guys yeah baby yeti you froze them good boy proud of ya yeah good work buddy what the heck is this baby yeti we found a volcano dude i guess this has to be

Our next natural disaster right oh gosh i’m gonna die excuse me excuse me i have the powers of the sun don’t try to mess with me and i have a son and he’s very powerful and we love him how am i supposed to defeat a volcano ah i made

It ugh ooh i found the opening there’s an opening yeah a tornado launch me yes okay i found the entrance it looks like whoa this is the middle of the volcano dude yeah oh gosh oh gosh that’s a long way down dude uh i don’t know if this is good for

You you’re literally made from snow you’re gonna be fine right well here goes nothing i guess yeah oh my goodness we’re gonna die we’re gonna die oh what we hit like an anti-gravity area okay okay have we reached the center of the earth already land gracefully at the bottom there’s

Monsters here buddy help help help where are you there you are freeze them yeah what are they cooled molten zombies oh they were molten zombies and then our yeti’s coming in to save the day here he is oh yeah i forgot i have a lightning sword

Away has opened nearby oh okay all right come here buddy there’s a water and a volcano that seems cursed is it this way all right let’s get back to the overworld okay i didn’t drown i’d like to have volcano powers please that’d be cool

Look at this i got a staff or get a mob while holding the lava staff then right click to erupt lava under that mob oh look the water’s all steamy hey cow you want to enjoy a hot tub not the kind of hot tub i expected whoa that’s a funny-looking beach that looks

Like a tsunami oh gosh this will not be good there’s a tsunami baby yeti oh gosh and there’s like water zombies out there hey you better leave dude i’ll get to the bottom of this come on buddy you’re coming with uh yeah take that water a zombie oh i see

It looks like they pass in a similar rhythm yes if i run oh i just made it oh gosh be careful dude we don’t want to get launched out to sea god lightning attack get him yeah don’t touch the water we can do this are you with me

He’s with me oh you can swim in the water how come you can swim in a tsunami but i can that feels illegal wait and go go go go go got me dude this is hard good go go go go go go oh gosh more bad

Guys all right i have an idea lava staff attack lava staff oh wait a minute i can use my lightning staff and run past it easy oh i’ve broken the system no we made it out we just got a lot more lava zombies to deal with water zombies i’m powerful already oh

Snap what the heck the squid keeps going by and then they just die wait a minute i have an idea it’s a weird idea but i think it’s a good one yeah that works if i can catch them yeah ah i can use our squids to make a platform to go across

The water now i can jump on this one yeah made it and i can jump on this guy oh okay okay come here squiddies and yeah got him yes only one more jump yeah i think that’ll do it and with a little speed boost yeah we can jump right across nailed it

Your monster yeah all right that’s it i’m using my speed boost let’s go yeah go go go go okay okay almost all the way across go go go go go yeah the tsunami bridge is clear where is it tsunami hard i bet it tastes delicious let’s munch yeah more powers ooh

I’ve got a tsunami trident tidal wave go go oh that’s awesome it seems like a water blast it pushes mobs back yeah tidal wave that is nice and it looks like the tsunami waves have stopped you’re welcome earth although you look you look a little cracked down there uh is that

Me doing that i don’t know i’m just here to save the earth dude and get some cool powers but i’m not done yet it looks like our next one is a drought ah all right i go from solving tsunamis to solving droughts i guess i can solve all

Sorts of problems except my emotional ones oh man it led me through the desert to this village here and it looks like it’s seen better days dude that or it’s chocolate milk nope it’s dirt okay well it’s always worth trying oh he does not look okay hey buddy our village is suffering

Through a drought the well in our desert pyramid usually supplies us with water but we think something is wrong please help us take this key you will need to find two more in the pyramid all right well i don’t mind helping you buddies i could probably drown your entire village

In a tsunami but not what you’re looking for yeah beggars have to be choosers oh there’s the pyramid okay so i’ve got one key i need two more keys to help him i guess is well here well well well don’t mind if i do oh gosh what the heck whoa so i guess

There’s the water down there instead of the treasure oh i see so they’ve locked away their water i got one key yeah baby eddie look out for a key we’re looking for two more of them oh nice you found one dude i’m looking for a key in all the wrong

Places it’s dirty down here dude there’s dust all over the place this is a thousand-year-old temple gross i think i found a secret passageway yes i found the key i knew it yeah hey we got it dude to celebrate should i jump in their perfectly good drinking water i think so

I made a mistake goodness gracious they’re huge dude help me dude frieza baby yeti yeah lightning and water go ocean trident yeah now i’ll just give him even more water there you go buddies oh i see the problem we got to turn the crank here

There we go to turn the water back on yeah yeah yeah there we are ah the water’s flowing now you’re welcome village now i’m just gonna swim back up again i apologize i know this is your drinking water i did shower just now i have peed in every swimming pool i’ve

Ever been in that is more relevant to this situation than i’d like to admit we did it dude we saved a whole village let’s go talk to our boy mayor mayor i fixed your water situation oh and he’s a happy camper look at him thank you so much take this drought

Heart with you i got a drought heart oh looking like a rough cut jpeg cause what that looks like thank you dude and you’re welcome i know i saved your villa would you like more water here you go yeah okay okay uh is he he’s still alive he’s

Still okay sorry amanda got overboard with the whole tsunami situation have a good day you guys got our drought heart and the desert seems like a good place as any two get our powers sandy touch mobs you punch will turn into sand i can’t punch a bunny yo give me a bad guy

To punch sorry oh dude look at this guys the village it’s back oh it looks great here you guys except for that guy all right shall we test out our sand punch ability sandy beast oh my gosh i just one hit him he just turned into sand oh no my bad guys

My bad custom heart finder is looking a little confused dude ah you know what it might be i might need to get myself to a new dimension to find the next heart time for a mining montage looks like it’s time for the nether what the heck is that

Oh my goodness he goes after what are you doing dude he just died what what just happened he just dropped a netherstorm guardian totem i guess that was another storm guardian he didn’t guard very well so i think i need to find and kill three of these netherstorm

Guardians to then summon the netherstorm golem maybe he’s the one making all these natural disasters we’ve got to destroy him let’s find some more of those guardians was that one yes i found one he’s chasing a piglet i think we got him yes that totem one more to

Get go did i do it did that do it there it is all right we got our three golem totems now we can summon the golem well here goes nothing one ah oh a two a three is that a portal or something hey a guy do you know what this is

No okay here goes nothing oh my gosh hold on just gonna get over the uh the lava real quick oh my gosh dude that’s him hello big bad boy flamey boss man oh we got a boss bar yeah if i learned anything from my previous battle oh half

A heart okay he does a lot of damage oh back up back up fire trident oh the fire trident puts him out a little bit water trying to go oh that does a lot i’m putting this smoke right out lightning go boom my gosh that was a close one only couple more smacks

A couple more pieces of water yeah netherstorm golem defeated in shambles look at it i push around your guts take that and i’ve got the netherstorm heart let’s munch on you i’ve got another storm 1. ah i breathe a wall of fire oh my gosh now we’re talking i’ve got

The power a lava water fire now but i’m not done yet the custom finder is pointing this direction at the earthquake heart i take my earth shaken not stirred i hope we don’t get a deal with another boss man i am not ready wait no i said i’m not ready dude yep

Yep that’s a giant iron golem uh you’re the one causing the earthquakes dude oh gosh oh gosh what the heck is that stop don’t be messing with the ground like that oh gosh how do i get close enough oh he launched me oh shoot ouch is this a ravine or did

You cause this fire wave go lightning go go go go that’s not doing any damage dude you know what dude i’m going in with my sand fists you’re going down oh gosh he’s gonna jump on me run run dodge it come on man dodge around before he jumps

Hit him yes he didn’t stand a chance boom i couldn’t help myself what is this the earthquake heart oh yeah now we’re talking i got an earthquake hammer i can right click to cause an earthquake yeah whoa dude that’s awesome yeah oh sorry cow that’s my bad is he

Okay oh yeah he’s fine fine tasting our custom heart finder still going next up is the sinkhole heart man we’re getting everything including the kitchen sink hole oh this looks convenient x marks the spot huh giant earthquake hammer go boom boom boom boom wait a second what

Now that’s a sinkhole okay now can i use my trident ah perfect yeah ouch what is that there’s like some sparkly things on the ground oh looks shiny i like it now let’s smash it hey yeah oh what the heck a bunch of mobs just came out of there dude die

Die oh that was a bad idea i just made them all supercharged creepers yeah yeah yeah yeah what the heck was that do they all just have mobs in them yeah no sinkhole heart fragment oh i see so i must have to craft the sinkhole heart for myself

All right mystery little sparkles what do you have for me today i got something a single heart fragment okay good i got two of them now oh gosh and a lot of mobs lightning water lava and sand dude we are destroying the sinkhole oh please have buried treasure

Oh i think we got another heart fragment we got three heart fragments we might need one more hey yeah oh diamonds i knew there’d be buried treasure around here somewhere oh yeah now that’s more like it ah what the is this a fragment no it’s a research lab key weird

Yes i think that should be all we need yep sink whole heart we’ve got all the fragments we crafted it i snip and now we can get the powers right click your sinkhole bomb creates a chunk eating explosion oh man i should not be given

This power i also got a research lab key i don’t know what this is for but i should probably look around a little bit in this area a research lab well i looked hard enough let’s go blow some stuff up dude [Applause] run run run

Oh gosh oh gosh hello was it a dud oh nope it was not a dud holy cow okay all right it’s not as big of an explosion i’m gonna sit right here and watch here we go here we go boom whoa holy cow and now it’s a stink hole wait a second

Meteor storm heart how am i supposed to stop a meteor the only way i know how to is to stop it at its source we’ve gotta go to space remember how earlier we got the small research lab key i traveled across the desert and found a research lab after following the disaster finder

And because i had the key i was granted access hello any research i can do here there’s some computers and whatever that is is that a rocket ship can i just get in this rocket dude oh gosh here we go oh man we’re going to space boys in the smallest rocket ship

Of all time wow i can see my house from here and all of my broken dreams we’re in space we’ve done it oh hi buddy it’s been a while since i saw you dude this must be the asteroid dude are we about to save the world from an alien

Attack hey hey don’t throw snowballs at the alien okay i come in peace hello hello strange looking creature will you help me mine those gold medias i’ll reward you nicely will you reward me with gold yep can i make it can i fly all the way over

I’ve got the perfect way to destroy asteroids yeah bombs bombs away oh dude that was awesome hey yeah run run run watch out buddy boom okay you’re good you’re good all right mr alien oh gosh we got bad guys coming in ah alien soldier no dude

Go go yeah mr alien i destroyed three of your asteroids thank you strange creature take this meteor storm hard with you yeah wait a minute i just gave you like so much gold it’s cool just thought maybe you know you’d make me an easy trillionaire or something okay all

Right my friends let’s get back to earth oh shoot i just oh gosh never mind it uh conveniently landed on this guy see at earth boys ow oh gosh oh ow ow ow oh gosh i think i flew into the sun on accident well might as well eat our meteor earth storm while

We’re here oh this gave me a meteor wand that’s pretty cool does it shoot meteors yep apparently we can find a solar flare heart in this direction so let’s just keep laying down some water and make our way there slowly but surely oh guys we found something ouch it’s an

Alien hi little alien sun guy you look a little warm stranger take the boots in the barrel there they’ll help you walk on the suck oh that’s nice i’ll take that my dude the only way off the sun is to claim the prize in the temple and

Light the portal but the only time that happens is when all four podiums are hit by a meteor rarely happens good luck well thanks so much sun guide oh this must be the temple it said light all four of the pillars at once what’s this the treasure i can’t get to it yet

It said something about meteors right well i’ve got a meteor storm wand hey yeah yeah yeah yeah is that gonna do it boom boom yes yes sun temple clear did that open the area below it did yes dude we’ve got it the solar flare heart it’s mine i’ve

Got a laser pointer right click the laser pointer to call a solar flare down on earth to burn everything nearby this looks a little like a portal up here uh it’s either gonna burn me alive or take me home i’m hoping it takes me home

Yes we’re back in the over world oh i’ve missed you ground what are you looking at dude what the heck is this man baby yeti are you seeing this dude look it’s like a nuclear power plant or something should we go check it out my little guy

Oh i really shouldn’t be swimming in the water next to a nuclear power plant how are the fish still alive whoa anybody in here hello what the heck oh dude that must be the heart a nuclear heart what the heck let’s go there’s a fire going on here

Oh my gosh look at all the zombies dude did you all get turned into zombies because of radiation i can try pushing you back tornado attack oh that worked great oh my gosh take that your monsters yeah into the sun you go yeah lightning generator power yeah okay we got that on

And then these must be power generators oh you know what can i strike you with lightning yeah that worked they’re all red now okay let’s check out downstairs here oh gosh this has been overgrown for a while never storm wand go burn it away oh that worked great somebody’s playing pong

Over here guys hi yeah all right well i turned on whatever that was the world just explodes so it looks like to turn on this nuclear power plant we gotta use all of our items that’s pretty neat oh what’s this oh you know what it might be like a

Solar panel or something i know just what to do hello son oh my gosh yeah that’ll do it and it looks like over here too we got like a bunch of levers maybe there’s a code or something we got to figure out i’m afraid to hit all those levers in

Case that launch is a nuke or something so i’m gonna look around to see if i have any more information first batteries charged solar panels powered i see passcode entered right so the only thing not lit up over here is the passcode that must be our passcode all

Right i’m looking for a password are you deep in the fire here i don’t really know what that does maybe i don’t push that looking for a passcode oh terminal passcode two three six nine five batman what was it again okay this is gonna be good dude we might

Get to launch a nuke two three one two three four five six i did it or i broke everything i guess we’ll find out well the only thing left yeah get that fire out of here well everything is lit up i guess the only thing left is this button over here

Ah do i press it i can’t tell if i’m gonna get the heart or if i’m gonna explode all of minecraft here goes nothing three two one press oh that’s good that’s good that’s good sound that’s a good sound i didn’t break the world i didn’t break the world yes

We’ve got our nuclear fallout heart oh my gosh i think it’s time let’s eat it dude dude i got a nuclear briefcase and i also may have broken the whole building but uh we’re not gonna talk about that i’m gonna go somewhere pretty safe amongst all these living cows well i

Guess we might as well try this right if i right click on our briefcase yeah oh gosh nuke firing nuke oh no i don’t want to shoot it at myself okay go go go whoa dude that was awesome boom whoa holy cow look at this destruction man

Let’s jump in shall we yeah oh my gosh oh no this fart that’s way farther than i thought it was gonna be oh am i ever gonna reach the ground oh okay okay where am i dude am i in the center of the earth oh no that must be earth’s

Core ah and who is that look at this monstrosity ew all right we gotta kill this thing man this must be a world eater he’s been messing with our world yeah you’re going down you can’t mess with earth like this it’s a little curse the center of minecraft earth is round

But anyways you’re getting nuked my dude that’s it you’re going down go yeah oh yes yes we saved the earth dude oh nice there is a giant hole in the middle of it but uh that wasn’t my fault okay and if you don’t subscribe i’m gonna nuke the sinner of the earth goodbye


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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but there are Natural Disaster Hearts! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but there are Natural Disaster Hearts

#Minecraft #But #Hearts


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  2. Blood Moon Prophecy
    Tornado, Extreme Lightning Storm,Extreme Blizzard, Super Volcano, Tsunami, Drought, Severe Fire, 9.7 Earthquake, Sinkhole, Meteors, Solar Flares, Atomic Bomb

  3. Chester ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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