New Stardew Valley Update!! Stardew Valley 1.6 is here!!

How we doing how we doing wow I was not expecting Mr streamer to stream this early yeah we’re kind of on top of it today uh unfortunately the update isn’t actually out um but you know we’re going to play some of our other stardo save until it drops the minute that it drops

I’ll know and I’ll switch over also guys guys guys guys I’m barely about to catch my bus for school it’s actually 10: a.m. for me so it’s not too early I’ve been up for like an hour just hoping that the update would come out so I was like all right

I’ll do some dishes first come back well update’s not back okay well let me let me go take a shower okay well come back and update’s not out let me get everything ready for stream make a thumbnail make some new emotes if you guys aren’t over on the YouTube as a

Member make sure to go be a member we have Mudkip flip uh just cuz I’m looking for placeholders but yeah it’s seven for me nice yeah go check out the new emotes on YouTube we added like four new emotes so pretty cool but anyways we’re just going to

Play some of the old save also I got to show you guys something because I forgot that I did not update you guys so number one thing the gfuel game so I got the kame Miha I got the Super Saiyan and then oh my God could you

Imagine he got the Isaac’s tears he’s a little bit scalped but it’s fine you like the pter reaction I want to see how [ __ ] compressed that is over on YouTube oh my God the pter caught me off guard when I found out I was like I just

Want to add that just cuz it’s funny looking how’s the pter look live pter reaction I love that one the Mudkip flip bro it’s so good it’s it’s just it’s two [ __ ] things that’s it anyways so we got the uh the Isaac’s tears so I will be trying that on stream

Tonight it’s very funny dude I love the live pter reaction all right let’s get into it just cuz stardew is hot today stardo flying off the [ __ ] shelves man also the uh the stream the other night it got demonetized if you’re wondering yes it has been since destroyed it’s not good

Swag a chat box yikes I mean we all knew it was going to get demonetized it was just a matter of when it happened it’s not like I did anything bad or said anything bad it’s just consumption of uh products I guess they didn’t like it why

Ever all right we’ll drop it right there above the energy that’ll work that’ll work it’s not really blocking anything cool all right let me pull up twitch chat again let me share the stream out to the Discord it’s going to be a long one today I’m probably going to play as soon

As the update comes out till God knows when kfish thank you for joining the Discord appreciate you if you are new say what’s up welcome in glad to have you out here all right share that share this I don’t know where we left off or

How much we had done in stardo it’s been forever I specifically stopped playing stardo just so I could be like hey there’s an excuse to play it more if there wasn’t already wait is’s your cat named guppy is that an ISAC reference maybe yo Dave welcome in how you doing here

Is uh it’s not out quite yet but soon that’s the number one thing soon soon soon that’s all I can say I have no clue I am not the developer but where we’re just going to have some good time playing St talking about the update upside down Mudkip why would you

Leave him unflipped don’t leave him unflipped okay so I set it up with controller keybinds is 1.6 it’s not 1.6 yet it’s coming out today within like the next couple hours but I’m just not sure when thank you for un flipping him all right I don’t remember what we were

Doing might take me a minute just to you know figure it out again my bad yeah better unflip him live title said it was here I got my hopes up trust me I woke up I started the stream and I thought here we go 1.6 and I loaded the game and it wasn’t

Updated so you got baited as much as I did Welcome in Mercy though how you doing we are going to be streaming for quite a long time today so if you guys are excited for the update make sure to drop me a sub we’re going to be playing

All day it’s going to be a good time all right I want to give this to Emily can I give it to Emily please no not okay maybe we donate it then let’s go take care of some of these donations cuz it’s raining why not I think we need 10 of those I’ll

Take one of those one of those how much do we need of that like 100 we need 10 of this and Frozen tier sure what about bars spitting bars oh I can actually smell one of these no I got super excited I was like man the update’s going to be out I’m

Going to wake up it’s going to be a good time and it’s like he’s got to wait for his morning coffee I’m like damn you small game developer no I’m just kidding he can do whatever he wants all right I got to go have a good stream appreciate you man

You have a good one Alex probably be live when you get back just letting you know also if you guys are not following over on the twitch side make sure to do that as well sorry for click baiting I’m sorry trust me I don’t want to do it as much

As any other person but you know it’s soon how much more soon can the update be I mean it’s got to come out in like the next couple hours right I’m Brazilian I like your videos good stream thank you appreciate you that means a lot can you give me the egg please guys

We can drink mayonnaise in the new update this is insane news it’s all worth it now we can drink the normal mayonnaise who’s excited for that I don’t know there’s a lot of things that are coming in this update today that I’m genuinely excited for like it’s it’s pretty

Big I think what we’ll do is we’ll run through just like a couple minute tutorial on like the new Farm like see how it is and and then uh we’ll rock out till the events have started and then maybe just full move to that farm if it’s good enough I’m worried about it

Having not enough like Farmland area which is going to suck if it doesn’t hi Gavin how you doing Mr Man yeah I don’t know it it it depends cuz the new Farm does start with a coupe as well as two chickens and that’s huge but does it have a good amount of

Farmland I don’t know I’m honest I’m honestly scared to find out I hope that it does can you please smelt I get that you’re a gold bar but like come on man damn give me those didn’t mean to eat it can you tell I haven’t played this game in a minute

H I can my mayonnaise is going to be done before the gold bar man I mean at that point I’ll just take it how’s everyone doing though welcome in welcome in got a lot of people coming in I’m again so sorry the update’s not

Out yet trust me I thought it was too I started the stream and just got really really disappointed but soon I got the Twitter pulled up we’re going to be refreshing until the update comes out it’s not stress concerned AP out give him time give him time he’ll cook please gold

Bar what’s going to be new there’s a ton of new updates that are coming out today uh the main ones are going to be the new Farm as well as like you know new possibility of like frogs winter out fits couple new festivals uh quality of life Improvement

Like the map will actually be winter themed when it’s winter like this map over here which is nice cuz being in Winter and having that map Green as hell throws you off a little bit greetings Gavin home early cuz the toothache stopped me from working and getting some

Tooth numb stuff now Life’s good and it’s a Gavin poins morning stream so you can make it to a morning stream this is epic can this gold bar hurry up bro the mayonnaise is done with I’m going to ruin my entire day just waiting for this thing uh whatever I’ll come

Back I was really trying to bait it yeah have it be done by the time I get over there all right do I need any of these no I’ll hold on to it though grape’s not bad for also like the new updates for like jams and jellies and wines and stuff being

Colored to what they’re made out of that’s huge I cannot wait to explore this update if you guys are excited let me know don’t eat the grape bro I need a trash can hat too also you can put hats on your pets bro you can put hats on your dog and cat that’s

Huge today is such a good day o I can only donate two eh it’ll be fine I don’t need that much space okay can you PC moment hold on I’m going to like jump back and forth between them don’t want those I can chill for a

Good two hours before going to my youth group thingy youth group basically means autistic hangout for me fair enough I mean that’s I would take a youth group like and go hang out with my friend and it was always like his grandparents were super into church and

I wasn’t so like they’d be like oh yeah you can come to church with us I was like oh cool but they had like a band at the church and they served like monster so I would literally just go there get like hyped up on Monster and then just

Chill out and listen to like this church band it’s pretty cool all right I don’t need you don’t need you give me a aridium right off the bat that’s [ __ ] amazing I’ll sell the grape too cuz I want to crack these geod brother well that’s terrible that’s not

Bad I don’t know if I have that do I I do sell it get it out of my inventory has the update dropped yet it is not dropped yet trust me I started the stream and I was just upset as everyone else but it’s fine it’s fine we waited

Out I already had both of them unfortunate church is that an Isaac reference I think so speaking of Isaac references I got the G fuel yo Julio welcome in how you doing I got the Isaac shaker cup as well as the Isaac steers gfuel so we’re gonna

Be trying that later on stream I can’t do this on controller bro this is 1.6 it is not yet soon look at my money 11 11 11 11 make a wish nope we’re just going to be playing our normal save until the update fully drops I am refreshing Twitter I’m

Refreshing Reddit I’m refreshing everything is soon as it comes out we are going to be playing it so definitely make sure to stay in the Stream I wish for new update me too you R it 7 out of 10 right with a Super Saiyan being a 10 out of 10 and the Kami

Being a two out of 10 yes so out of all the flavors I got uh the Kami is a li cheese strawberry it’s a little bit too strong in my opinion uh like powder wise okay here’s my opinion G fuel compared to gamer Subs cuz those the only ones

That I’ve really tried uh gamer Subs is so much of a smoother experience with like little to no Powder being used for massive amounts of flavor gfuel is so much powder being used for a little amount of flavor once you get past the chalk you can taste a little bit of it

So like every flavor for me starts off at like a 5 out of 10 because of that but strawberry ly being a two that explains how bad it is like I just genuinely don’t like it Tess enjoyed it but it wasn’t great let’s just say that the number one thing is the

Lemonade one it just tasted like a better Crystal Light which I was down for I don’t know if I have anything for these I do I have the the lake bundle y give me that completion moment what I get what I get I’ll take

It I’m sure POG Apple would be a 10 out of 10 I don’t know I like genuinely I do want to collaborate with gamer Subs more than gfuel but I don’t mind gfuel as much anymore I feel like I tried a little amount of flavors and now I’ve

Tried more so I’m more like you know in tune with like okay well maybe maybe I forgot I to donate one of those I forgot I had to donate that too I’m just [ __ ] up all day around it’s Saturday tomorrow we got to go to the traveling cart don’t let me

Forget yell at me as soon as it changes day should I donate some money get some of those bundles completed I don’t really remember a lot of them take a free furnace drop that plus that that is done swag how’s it everyone doing though good morning good morning let’s hope for a good

Day look at that little jimo how much are they I know one of them is like 25k yeah we’ll start off we’ll do two of them why not give me that that’ll take some quality first fertilizer ooh we’ll do that on the pumpkins pumpkins are going to go crazy

Doing pretty good I got a band concert to play in school after nice what instrument do you play give me that I’m trying to remember it’s been a minute since we played trombone nice my sister plays saxophone I believe I don’t I was never a band kid not my thing not my

Thing did I have to donate this or did I want to rubit on George what was that I did want to donate okay yeah I don’t think I’m rubbing that on George today not anytime soon we got 18 people in here how you doing I’m sorry sorry for the

Clickbait trust me I wish the update was out right now too but as soon as it is we’re playing it what’s your most excited part of the update honestly I feel like if this Farm goes crazy might be the best part of the update starting with a coupe is pretty

Overpowered not going to lie all right just give me some basic iron don’t really care about anything else hey get away no I’m okay don’t feel like dying today hate to tell you oh look at that give me all of the stuff I’m just farming for ore at this point why

Not two frozen tear I’ll take that that’s free money everyone joining in the update’s not out they leave damn it’s unfortunate they’re not even giving me a chance dude sorry for the clickbait and they all left I mean honestly that’s how it feels though it feels bad but you know at the

Same time does it no it’ll eventually be out it’s just not right now I’m coping just as much as they are so funny though this feels like uh back when I used to stream Pokemon and everyone was like getting the Australian copy early cope flamer welcome in how you doing good morning morning

Cope oh the update isn’t out yet and the title lies but trust me when I started the stream I thought the update was here it’s not crazy hello I mean we had decent luck today what’s going on good Lord when is it uh as soon as concerned

Ape wakes up and drops it he’s a small Indie developer so you know I don’t blame him for anything but everyone’s kind of just waiting him out finally home can VI nice I’m going to die oh God actually please don’t it’s not very epic I don’t want to

Die I it could be out in an hour it could be out in 10 hours it really just depends on when he wants to drop it he could be an absolute Troll and not drop it until like midnight tonight wouldn’t put it past him it’d be not cool but oh

I’ll take a [ __ ] Diamond [ __ ] hell yeah uh give me the magnet ring I don’t have a ring I don’t need clay we’re already good on a silo really don’t want the Slime don’t care about it but I’ll keep it I think today is finally work on

Video day nice let’s get it out let’s do it it is what day today is Tuesday very epic Tuesday also I did map a I mapped a controller just so I could play it better is it 1.6 yet not yet unfortunately but I’m playing it as soon as it

Drops everyone and their mother be hopping in is it 1.6 I wish then they leave you guys don’t even stick around for the funny all right I will take these free bat wings just cuz lightning rods man lightning rods are essential 1.6 1.16 please that’s what I’m saying it’s actually what I’m

Saying make sure to like the [ __ ] stream amen I hear one thank you come here Bozo all right can we find the way down I’m going to run out of energy do I need this I do well I guess we’re leaving then you know what blew my mind the other

Day the one hit one drink video that we did had like 50 likes that is insane like that that’s my most liked stream let’s make today the most liked stream come on now Mr pogin I need your guidance what do you need my guidance for

Forest also I got to turn on live chat just in case also Mods make sure to go crazy today cuz like we don’t know what is going to happen as far as like people coming in coming out so make sure you’re on top of it today

Written above going to do an ISAC run which character should I go completed Isaac a zazil Samson for context do Kane Kane’s just easy right give me a little bit of that give me this give me a little bit of that yes sir that stream went crazy it really did

Though thank you everyone that came out to it it was a little bit rough but you know it was fun as as long as we had fun that’s all that matters correct correct I’ll put you away just cuz I don’t need you for now brother I don’t

Have another chest uh you can just go in here the ones I’m severely lacking in right now is Lazarus and loss loss is Justified just cuz no mantle WWA well then do greed mode complete that greed mode today brother well as much as you can because greed mode equals keeper but

It also gives you lost mantle which lost mantle is great man you can’t pass up on Lost mantle it’s raining two days in a row kinge greed Grand let’s go do it you got this pancakes yippee o got some stuff done give me give me all right I can sell everything

Except for one tomato no I’m not going to save a hop ever George’s knees can uh survive one day without it make one of you one of you and one of you could be my mayonnaise is mayonnaise an instrument you guys know the funny SpongeBob I feel like I should upgrade C

Pretty soon here might stick around the farm and break some trees might my best way to spend time today don’t really want to go to the mines when it’s low luck cuz then I’ll spend all day there and I’ll be sad maybe upgrade my ax soon too it’s

Sunday I got to go to the traveling cart who almost let me forget I told you guys to remind me I had to remind myself what kind of streamer am I chat’s supposed to yell at me yay spiceberry that’s what I needed all right cancel the chat cancel the chat they didn’t remind

Me how helpful is the update out yet let me check the Reddit refresh do we know when the new update will have everyone’s just posting the same thing but two minutes apart One update that is the question what we got I’ll take another one skull poster I’ve never seen

That good don’t need none of those get me out of here I don’t want to be down here do I do I want to cut trees down here instead no get that cursor out of here whoa it went through my screen and now it’s a cursor on my what the [ __ ] that’s

Weird I don’t like that it like went to a cursor on my computer everyone chilling love to see it also if you’re a member and you’ve not used any of the new emojis make sure to check them out we have flip Mudkip two people uh I don’t don’t know

When the new update’s coming up we have no clue it’s up to concern a he is a small Indie developer let him do what he going to do apart from that make sure to sub cuz we’re going to be playing it as soon as it drops welcome in guys Isaac

Chaos face I love the live pter reaction is it coming out today yes it should be coming out within like the next couple hours look at that Mudkip flip I love it someone asked for it and I was like it’s so simple yet stupid plus we have 80

Members so might as well I think I can use like three more emojis or something like that so we got to get uh we got to get Mr flam dra on that oop time to work welcome back from your vacation time to work no the update is coming out today

We just don’t know exactly when so uh bear with everyone we’re all in pain guys hello welcome and Chris how you doing as soon as the update comes out you guys will know because I’m playing it not right now but as soon as it comes

Out I can do them pretty fast now that I have my drawing tablet again let’s go we need Isaac holding Soul heart we need hype we need sad uh I think it might drop before noon I would guess probably around either 11 EST noon or 100 p.m. EST is what I’m going to

Guess he said he’s going to wake up have his morning coffee then drop the update so we’ll see what that means I don’t know we’ll let him cook though he could have just not dropped 1.16 you know but he is he’s very generous but he’s a game developer that’s what he’s supposed to

Do based on previous updates it’ll likely release on Steam in about 7 hours from now this is what I found on Twitter I don’t believe that’s true I think that’s what people are coping with I just accidentally tossed that it’s fine I needed a better one don’t worry I wasn’t reading chat

And just accidentally tossed it it was planned post at 7:00 p.m. for you H I don’t know I guess we’ll we’ll see what happens bro said he was going to going to have his morning coffee and drop it if he has his morning coffee and then drops it like 10 hours later everyone’s

Going to be furious that’s all I’m saying not me though I don’t care it’ll drop when it drops till then we’re just going to play the normal game I also don’t want to delay a stream and wait until then because like come on man we can’t do that we got to keep the

People entertained I can still cut some trees there’s a lot of the day left give me a cake mhm live poter reaction it’s my favorite one I just found that picture I was like I need to put this as a [ __ ] Emoji why the pter so silly dude it’s so

Compressed and I love it like I found the picture and it was like a 750 by 400 or something like that and it was like uh it has to be in a 1ex one aspect ratio I was like okay so I opened up an 800 by 800 posted it in

There and then it worked I was like okay honestly we have we have no clue when it’s going to come out it could come out in 10 minutes it could come out in 3 hours it could come out at midnight tonight your guess is as good as

Mine but like I said we’re just going to chill until then soon as it comes out I’m going to be playing it that’s why tonight’s going to be a long stream I would be surprised if it’s not dropped in like the next two hours or so bro

What he’s flat no he is though I love it what are the odds of getting us on another Matt Jeopardy video I mean I talked to him about it so we’ll see I have been in communication there’s been more than one message exchanged so we’ll uh we’ll see he wants me to do

A what is it called uh why am I blanking out what’s the [ __ ] what’s the challenge called I genuinely just can’t remember my goat making out of the hood with this one the thing is is like I’m going to keep doing what I’m going to be

Doing but I I do think it’s funny when uh he was doing his stream and he was announcing the person that was going to be part of the quiz and all I see is is it going to be Gavin poins and I lost my mind

I was like who did that and I found out it was Mr Kappa what a goat he’s asking the real questions though I feel like I’d do better on a quiz than I would like racing him in some aspect but we’ll see I have no Clue someone just asked if their 13-year Farm is going to be okay when the 1.6 drops yeah I think so why do we have what the [ __ ] why do we have like 20 something viewers right now hi how we doing you’re just chilling with 20 viewers on a stardo stream this is crazy

Uh this is why number one thing is like I wanted to stream all day today that’s why I took yesterday off I got tons of sleep I’m ready to go we are all waiting on the update we are though plus I feel like I went to the

Stardo category and I just checked out like if people were live most of the people that were live were like Japanese streaming without like 1.6 being a thing they’re just like yeah we’re just playing stardo so I was like you know what got to grab the attention of some

Of these uh non-japanese speaking viewers cuz I I couldn’t find a single English stream at least one that people were talking it’s pretty cool though thank you all for being here holy crap we almost got 30 viewers right now make sure you guys like the stream and make sure you

Subscribe bad luck yippee I’m totally going to go mining today Melons I’ll save a few of them for like wine and stuff Big Melons it’s a crazy turnout I wasn’t expecting this many People do you need gold ones for the quality crops or is that pumpkins it is okay I feel like this is going to be easier than corn but it is also more money so I’m Like said he was going to drop it when he wakes up so like 2:00 p.m. La time that’s 5:00 p.m. East Coast fair enough then we shall be waiting until then I’m not really affected we’re still going to have fun we’re going to hang out appreciate you coming out range

Rider thank you very much yeah we’ll just we’ll all be here for when it drops and then we’ll start playing I want to show off the new Farm as well as skip to the new events and then play a little bit on a new one I already worn Tess I said hey I’m

Going to be streaming all day today she said that’s absolutely fine we binge watched like almost all of the rest of Attack on Titan yesterday we just have the two final episodes so definitely got in my got in my test time I’m surprised there aren’t mad streams up right now that’s what I’m

Saying that’s why I was like um as a small Channel I’m going to try to capitalize as much as I can if you call it clickbait you call it clickbait but to be fair I woke up started the stream and said oh [ __ ] the update ain’t out so

I’m just as mad as you are no it it is an easy way though especially cuz like stard DW is one of my favorite games so it’s like you know might as well capitalize while it’s hot I wasn’t able to capitalize off of it when the island came

Out that one was a very fun update though we have 30 viewers right now how you doing again if you are not subscribed make sure to subscribe like the stream also there’s a membership button in the the the link below the description whatever it’s called make sure to join the Discord follow the

Twitch all that good stuff I got to promote my myself every once in a while I know it’s going to make people leave but like hey that’s fine how’s everyone doing though what’s your favorite aspect of the new update what are you most excited for quite honestly I’m thinking the hats on pets

Like that goes crazy I don’t know why that hasn’t been a thing but it is now so that’s all matter got to go put the mayonnaise in the machines I need one more mayonnaise machine how do you make one Earth crystal that’s what I need well I don’t got one

So hate to tell you but no more Maya machines I could go fix the uh the bridge also I didn’t fish while it was raining that’s my bad this is going to be a crazy amount of views at the end of the stream I’ll tell you that that is a for sure thing

Did the update drop already it did not is the update out yet it is not trust me I wish it was as much as you do but we’re here we’re chilling waiting on it yeah might as well upgrade the bridge but I could upgrade the coupe with that amount the coupe’s

Better I know that’s what I’m saying too we chill exactly we’re just going to chill until it comes out I appreciate you make sure to subscribe if you’re not cuz I’m going to be playing the update all day today as soon as it comes out it’s 400 p.m. my time I don’t know

When concern where concerned is from but the day is almost over I don’t know where he’s from either someone said that it was going to be around like 2: p.m. PST and then like 5:00 p.m. East Coast so we’ll see what happens honestly it’s just a mixed bag

Right now like who knows stard is definitely one of the low-key most popular games yeah 100% I’ve been waiting for so long it’s 10:00 a.m. my time to think that I almost started streaming last night at midnight like we would have already been here for 11 hours without an update that

Would have been the saddest thing ever I’m so glad that I actually like went to bed and like yeah I’ll just wake up early and play it I’m a new player I hardly know anything about stardo I’m so so excited it’s going to be a great update I’ve

Been playing stardo since pretty much it came out so this is going to be huge we haven’t really got like an update that’s been focused on like the mainland so I’m pretty excited I don’t know why it came in here what am I trying to do I don’t know anything I can

Do foraging grabbing stuff Selling Stuff money money money money get into stardew I mean if you are not into stardew definitely try it out it’s a great game one of the games of all time in my opinion do you think now would be a good time to finally play it or get into

Playing it absolutely 100% my sister plays it a lot but I have never you’ve never played it you’re out of your mind you’re going to play with mods probably not I’m more of a vanilla stardo player I see the appe the appeal can I speak I see the appeal in uh like

Stard to expand and stuff but a lot of the mods are just kind of you know it’s too simple for me stard to expanded is nice it adds quite a bit but even then I’m like I’d rather play the vanilla that’s why I’m excited about the update it’s one of the best farming

Games I’ve ever played maybe the Crown Jewel honestly like being a kid cruising like the Xbox indie store there was a lot of good farming games on the Indie store but like this one is definitely the king of all of them I love little like farming games like I

Used to play Harvest Moon on the Game Boy when I was grown up so it’s very big we’ll buy a couple sunflowers like 10 and then the rest just invest in melons cuz I don’t really care about money money is obsolete melons are forever my first game was Harvest Moon on the

SNS I’m way old I mean I never had an that s NES if I can speak that’d be awesome we have 33 viewers right now this is the viewer cap has been absolutely demolished I was at like 20 viewers Max previous to this thank you all for being here I’ve been

Playing for a year and I’m obsessed I have over 800 hours in 3 one Farm I’ve like been known to restart stardo way too many times but to be fair it’s usually like I’ll get into it and I’ll start playing it my friends will be like

Hey I want to play a world so we’ll start one up and then they’ll dip out I’ve been like the only dedicated stard player out of like my entire friend group me and my wife did have a nice save that we had built up over a couple

Of years I think it was like we got it to 5 years or something like that chicken please move please okay well I’ll come back it’s a great game to play with your friends so if they can get into it and they actually like stay on top of it

It’ll be nice but if they don’t like my friends you get maybe to Summer and then they stop playing it’s like we didn’t even get to Winter dude what’s everyone’s favorite season mine is winter just because of Night Market Night Market goes crazy my ADHD my OCD it’s going to be too

Much I have to plant five random ones oh no I need to eat something love autumn for the Music Fair see I would be playing stard music right now but it just doesn’t play enough for me to like be able to run it so I got to

Run background music or else I will go insane good Lord I don’t have anything I don’t really want to eat a cake I’ll just eat a strawberry I guess I really wish they would add crossplay crossplay would be nice because a lot of my friends played on the switch and then

A lot of my friends play it on PC I just recently got it on PC just cuz I wanted to try out modded but you know we’re back on PC because the update it’s unfortunate that console players won’t be able to get it but we’ll see how long it takes

Them hopefully not too long what if you just run start starting music in the background the soundtrack is actually so small that I would have to reloop it and then it would just drive me insane we have 45 viewers right now what is actually happening what do

You normally do on this channel uh I play a lot of Binding of Isaac play a little bit of Pokemon play a little bit of this a little bit of that we try to mix it up I’m not trying to like stick to one game too much so that I don’t

Like cap myself out but you know I was playing sardu quite a bit on the channel and then uh the update was for scen and the prophecy so I was like uh better better not play stue until the update’s out now we’re just waiting we’re in purgatory Boys did it update it did not update yet we are unfortunately waiting so excited for the update I’m going to stream for the first time to play it even just watching you play has got me so stoked honestly I hope that your stream goes well 53 viewers if you

Are not subscribed make sure to subscribe I appreciate all of you coming out thank you all right uh day pretty much wasted what do I do Panic what do I do I have nothing this is insane I got to year 19 on 25% margin oh

My God so you were like playing like a real gamer I’m not a real gamer like I got to have 100% margin because I got to make every penny I can where can I get the 1.6 they don’t have it on Gog what is Gog what do we huh I’ve

Never heard of that is that like a launcher or something it should update via every launcher I love that we’re all here waiting for the update Good Vibes honestly I appreciate all of you guys Gog is a game store I’ve never heard of it that’s a lot of money bro I’ll take

It concerned ape says he needs to get up and have a coffee yeah we’ll see when he wakes up and how long his coffee will take I’m sure he knows that everyone is waiting but uh you know let’s not let’s not stress him out or anything let him take his time a sea

Urchin I’ll take it silver starfruit yippe thumbs up and subscribed I appreciate you honestly you guys are awesome I appreciate everyone coming out to the stream I didn’t know how it was going to do I was like yeah we’ll just run a start a stream it’ll be fun but like

Honestly one of my best performing streams so far I’ll save 15 for wines they’re not the best for wine but like it’ll still be some money you know what I mean no not 16 that’s too many oh I need to donate that sure is it already out it’s not out yet we’re all

Waiting currently at school we’ll be watching all day appreciate you yeah we’re going to be streaming for quite a bit today so if you guys are long form viewers congrats today is your day oh I actually do have an Earth crystal what was I yapping

About I can make that right now wait can I hold on small brain yes give me that give me that give me that give me that wow now we have mayonnaise guys you can drink mayonnaise in the new update it’s crazy who would have thought this isn’t the new update uh

Trust me I wish it was it’s unfortunate again I want to stress to everyone that I went live and then I booted up stardo when I was live and the update wasn’t out so I’m as surprised as you are could I change the thumbnail and the title yes should

I everyone’s just chilling we’re all just waiting Good Vibes hi a happy time zone all welcome in bone how you doing are you playing this save or a new one when the update drops I’m going to play on a new one I want to skip around and uh play on the

New update and like see how the new Farm Works cuz the new Farm is going to go crazy but I want to I want to dip my toes in a little bit of everything your cat needs water I hate to tell you but it’s a reference to another cat so

Unfortunately the cat is going to be starved it’s a reference to Binding of Isaac thank you for subscribing appreciate you but it’s a reference to biting of Isaac guppy the cat is a dead cat so you know we just won’t talk about it why you killing your cat I’m not it’s

A reference everything is a reference it’s fine God we have so many viewers right now what the heck yeah it’ll come out eventually we’re all just uh kind of waiting around chilling out having a good time is the update released myself a Binding of Isaac thumbnail wait hold on

That’s a profile picture of Isaac welcome in myself uh the update isn’t out yet are you subscribed because I feel like if you’re not that’s kind of crazy welcome in fellow Binding of Isaac enjoyer no you shouldn’t exactly yo Save State welcome in live pter reaction I’m loving this me too I didn’t

Expect to see 60 people in the Stream but uh you know things happen thank you all for being here appreciate you the true avocado I don’t know how to name my Farm I can only get dumb ideas honestly me too and I had chat name this Farm

Um we’re just not going to talk about what the Farm’s name is and we’re going to move on all right I need to go buy a sword cuz I am a little broke boy I’m still waiting for the update to drop me too is 1.6 out are you preparing uh

We’re just playing a little bit pregaming it we’re going to be doing a long stream today so definitely uh waiting for it everything for the bit true member be damned we balling in views apparently if you guys didn’t know there is a membership button that you

Can click you can get access to cool emojis and [ __ ] it’s awesome also helps me out but if you guys cannot afford a membership or you do not want to hitting the like button and subscribing that also helps me out over 60 views right now what is going on also make sure to

Go follow over on the twitch if you are a twitch viewer hey how are you I’m doing good how are you you welcome in twitch viewer welcome in Smith how you doing I didn’t buy a sword I’ll be fine maybe not please get away from

Me I didn’t even know what the luck was today but we’re going to just ball out who cares I should probably get some more copper cuz I don’t have a lot but it’s fine funny Isaac Emoji yes very funny Isaac emoji the mud flip do we love the mud

Flip I love the uh the Mudkip in a box that’s my favorite emoji the best that has ever been he does like to troll the community he’s probably sitting there enjoying his coffee right now watching a bunch of streamers like freak out who knows he could be in this stream right

Now probably not but you know could happen see the mud C in the Box it’s great love it oh God I really don’t be having a sword right now I could leave and go and get one but I want to go down one level at least get the check

Mark just got the green machine past 400 with two of diamonds nice good job get that greed machine done so you can play epic keeper thank you all for being here appreciate you guys this is a huge day but I’m going to die just let me find the exit please I’m in

Pain Hey listen when I get a paycheck buddy I shall for now I’ll hit the like thank you appreciate you yeah we do a lot of games around here it’s a pretty fun time oh my God I’m out of here if you are in the Stream Please Release the update honestly

Yeah about to be watching with my teacher he’s excited that’s amazing welcome in teacher how you doing I’ll try to stick away from the profanities I’m just kidding this isn’t a PG stream maybe it is I don’t know imagine if you change the title to 1.4 release to confuse the mass that

Would be hilarious we just start like playing on the island right now guys look at the new update it’s crazy everyone’s like the Island’s been out forever no no it hasn’t you’re out of your mind I don’t want any of those Kyogre noise scares me every

Time no I appreciate all of you go this is this is a huge stream I’m Blown Away you guys have stumped my brain how many Subs have we gotten since the stream started we’ve gotten close to 19 Subs if you are not Sub make sure to sub what the heck is

Happening it’s been out for 2 years nuh I’ll just counter interact every argument with nuh-uh this isn’t the new update nuh-uh you don’t know I’m in the mines right now yeah I’m actually playing on the new Farm it’s crazy I would do that though I am the king of

Gaslighting right flame drag gas light you all the time Tess just texted me and said I’m watching your stream I feel like I’m the mouse eating M&M’s right now that’s how I feel too gas light pugs daily oh my God whatever flamer can you please stop the nuh meme with the Darth Vader

Nuh yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you myself he was not subscribed the fellow Isaac enjoyer did you know that that’s the main staple of my Channel right now is going for triple dead God it’s crazy thank you for subscribing Shelby appreciate you the mouse eating M&M’s comparison is

Crazy the wife’s analogies they go crazy he clicked on the channel saw the videos and subbed I hope so like a real one exact like no we will be doing stardo content for probably like the next five or six days like as soon as this update comes out it’s going to be

Nonstop you’re going to be a star kid a star kid me I’ll have you know I’m I’m the ripe age of uh 23 I am no child the new Farm is the mines exactly it just starts youing the mines don’t worry guys on level 70 I’m growing potatoes we’ll go down there

We’ll pick him up we almost have the funny number amount of viewers this is wild everyone stay here so that we can see the funny number of viewers spawn L yeah I wish I was 23 again it’s a good number although to be honest with you my life

Pretty much capped out as soon as I got married like the next thing that’s exciting that could happen is having kids but that’s about it not saying that marriage life is bad or anything it’s just what else more is there life is simple is it true that you’re going to

Start on the farm with the co the cop and barn oh 100% the update dropped it didn’t it yeah it didn’t I wish I never reach dead God in Binding of Isaac because of Jacob and Esau in their tainted version that’s who I’m trying to currently beat right

Now yeah I’m definitely going to be starting on that new Farm though that’s going to be pretty crazy yay 65 has the update happened yet unfortunately it has not but we will be playing it as soon as it comes out clickbait clickbait trust me I got click baited

Myself I woke up right into streaming and then no update so I’m upset girl we’re so angry I don’t know when the update’s coming out though hopefully soon if not though I’m going to be streaming until it comes out so if you guys are here to stick around and chill

I appreciate you make sure to hit that sub make sure to hit the like other than that we’re just going to be chilling 69 let’s go okay so I can no longer talk about my viewer cap seeing how my live stream viewer cap was at 23 yeah now it’s at 60

Something almost 70 so uh yeah definitely can’t focus on viewer cap anymore there’s no way we’re ever going to beat that like 70 views is insane big chilling who is ready for the update though e clickbait the viewer cap will never be the same it

Won’t we need 69 we were one away but we didn’t hit it clickbait dang everyone’s coming in here now Spitting Fire everyone’s trying to fight me listen I’m not the messenger trust me I wish if I had connections to concerned ape I could just be like yo drop it right now but I

Can’t I’m in the same boat as you gaming together equals gaming together forever husband and I just had our nine-year anniversary on St Patrick’s Day nice congratulations to you yeah we we’ve been together for it’ll be 3 years this year so pretty cool been together for a while though

We always play games together and she always makes appearances on stream are you on PC I am I’m just using controller cuz it feels more comfortable to me personally welcome in non-existent how you doing by the way I love that your name is just it’s just dumb [ __ ] like what the

[ __ ] yo dumb [ __ ] welcome in how you doing like what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do three more more people till we get the funny number amount of viewers make sure you stay here is it out yet Jacob it is not unfortunately I wish it

Was but we will be chilling here until it comes out it is the Day of Reckoning all right give me that don’t need that I sell it h Emily likes that actually yeah I’ll give it to Emily can you access the chest thank you I don’t need those

She doesn’t show up in the chat because of her name oh my God that’s insane you’re actually winning right now what controller pad are you using I’m using Xbox One controller it’s not my preferred controller but it’s the one that works no we we skipped over the

Viewer cap we were at we were at 69 and then went directly to 73 one viewer on Twitch wow exactly I mean I’m more of a YouTube streamer to be honest with you it’s just twitch is like that other Avenue it helps the channel grow as well as like you know

People like twitch more which I understand I’m more of a YouTube guy though I’m going to be 100% real is it out on Playstation yet I don’t think it’s going to be dropping on Console today I hate to tell you this like I don’t mean to be the bearer

Of bad news but I don’t think it is all right I’m definitely going to fish today get out of here Isaac console will come later this year thanks honestly the the name is great give me it’s same day as PC and mobile though is it really dropping on PC today or

Mobile is it dropping on PC Today the number one thing that’s happening a single sweet P love it love to see it he says he wants to have it on console as soon as possible so maybe a week that would be big I got to drink

Water oh my God you guys are talking it up I can’t even keep up with this Terraria could never I like Terraria I just feel like stardo is more of a it’s a viby game you know are you going to start with a new save file

Absolutely what are we going to name the new Farm everyone drop your suggestion welcome everyone on this our holy day it is it really do be come on guys for the funny that’s what I’m saying we skipped right over 69 went straight to 73 we got to stick to the the 69 view

Cap I just lost everything on my [ __ ] desk I moved my controller barely and sent everything flying ew I don’t like that the controller has vibration I might not fish with controller hold on this is so bad but it’s just going to stay over there and it’s going to vibrate now I

Don’t like that gross I’m disconnecting controller yeah we’re using the mouse and keyboard now moving on does anyone know if he woke up yet uh I have personal connections he has not messaged me yet so he’s not woke up turn it off in the settings oh you’re kind of

Right I’m a little bit dumb don’t worry I’m a little bit dumb it’s fine fishing on mouse and keyboard feels better anyways two red snappers y’all are selling everyone is leaving what is going on we’re losing all of our viewers guys this is so sad give me the treasure

Hunter obviously it’s the best bobber all right give me you you go bye-bye no you go bye-bye thank you stay if you want to contribute to 69 exactly funny number maybe we’ll hit the the funny number and likes who knows can we get like an epic like goal

In chat with like the membership emojis like the Isaac POG or something like that 48 oh my God we’re dropping dropping like flies did the update come out wait hold on is that why we’re losing people or am I just that boring I don’t think anything’s come out

I’m checking Reddit it’s not out yet nope atas it is not out feel Farm is the update out yeah we’re playing on the new farm right now no the update’s not out unfortunately check for update I have checked it’s not out I wish it was it’s the farm

Farm my creative mind think of name for my farm the name Farm it’s so simple I love it fire music just started playing let’s Go you can’t beat me where is my treasure chest though hype Everyone likes the music love to see it I should probably move my microphone just a little bit just a tad you know what I mean mean I feel like noon EST 35 minutes from now I have to be I have no

Scientific evidence to back up my feelings though Jenny I fully understand I feel like it’ll be noon too but we could be lied to what if it doesn’t release until midnight or like 11:59 just because he’s a troll I feel like that’s not out of the realm of possibility

I’ll have my morning coffee and I’ll drop it almost at midnight my brain cooked and I thought the dang furet music was on didn’t know it’s stardo track it’s not it’s actually the fet song I just have like a chill lowf five Pokemon going on in the background new Farm is only Willie

That’d be insane Willie but the bachelor bro what the [ __ ] quit doing this we’re losing everyone this is so sad guys we hit our Peak we shall no longer recover I live in Michigan so I can safely Say it’ll be noon in 33 minutes I live in Michigan as well hello fellow

Michigander how are you doing whenever I say I’m from Michigan I’m always like met with either like okay well they’re from Detroit there maybe from like Saga I feel like Saga is a pretty good area to guess michigander michigander that’s how you know I’m from Michigan like if I’d

Be saying michigander come on I’m in Michigan too we’re all in Michigan wait what have I hit the Michigan demographic let’s go doing good just got my coffee by the way msan here nice msk Keegan’s not bad town I’m from the sagna area that’s what I’ll say I’m not in sagna but you

Know I’m from Ohio this isn’t going to work I don’t care about football so Ohio doesn’t matter to me you guys got Cedar points pretty cool Ohio flamer is not a michigander michig gamer I love that oh we’re one view away from 69 if you are not subscribed make sure to

Subscribe also like the stream Roll Tide baby I’m not big in a football Indigo energy gamer Roll Tide welcome man mosan far up for me H what’s like bottom left three people leave subscribe appreciate you Jenny Saddles up on my horse text Tas you [ __ ] Texas get out of

Here I’m just kidding we like people from everywhere but you know Michigan’s pretty epic it’s actually freezing right now I hate to tell you like how cold is it someone’s going to pinpoint my location by how cold it is it’s [ __ ] windy today bro I can’t fish mouse and keyboard

Sucks always Detroit Ling literally that’s like the only things is this the updated version or are we just chilling together waiting we’re just chilling waiting we’re having a good time look he’s here too Norway here we love Norway that’s where me and my wife want to go for like

One of our anniversaries before we have children we want to go on a trip to Norway it’d be sick yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you we live we lived in Merill for a while 30 minutes from Zago Merill is not a bad Town ask three people leave and 10

People leave it’s unfortunate but it’s still you know we’re still trying to see that funny 69 as soon as someone grabs it post it in the Discord by the way you can join that it’s in the description will the update come for for mobile too I’m not sure I know he said

He wants to get it out on all platforms pretty soon but I’m thinking PC first then we’ll see within like the next week hopefully maybe month it’s kind of one of those things yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you insane turnout today we were up 19

Now we’re up holy crap we’re up like 30 subscribers I appreciate you guys Livingston County very very rural being from Tuscola County originally when I grew up I can understand that Tuscola was nothing but farmlands Livingston isn’t a bad Community though give me that can I get the

Dinosaur egg please I’ll upgrade my coupe right away I promise you go there we got to drop six I think at this point the 69 does not matter everyone make sure to like the stream get it to 69 likes how about that we can pull off 69

Likes I mean we’re at 24 and we have 70 something viewers so if you have not liked the stream make sure to like the stream insane stream it’s really beautiful when it’s not raining I AG agree but like you know some things just got to be done like

Fishing in the rain we need those red snappers Bergen is the best I’ve never been to Bergen I really like the up though yo welcome in I see those waving emojis two 69 viewers it happened fruit bat cave or mushrooms I like fruit bats personally the 69 it

Happened I see it on my end trainer T Rob Tristan how you doing welman my boy Tristan you going to be playing the update today 69 AO let’s get it this is a huge day I keep switching away to check his Twitter to give you all a chance at 69

Viewers well we’ve hit it now it’s it’s the cap what was our cap today we hit 78 can we break 78 consistent viewers on the stream did y’all screenshot I didn’t screenshot but uh you know yo bingus welcome and how how you doing uh can you give me the

Chest can you give me the chest thank you if you guys have not liked or subscribed make sure to do that greatly appreciated we blowing up today we making it out of the trenches with this one ooh I’ll take that did this break it’s almost broken swap it throw it away

Uh don’t really care about that but sure we’re all waiting right now we are waiting bro is growing uh apparently the stardo stream on the day of release was actually the correct thing to do I was kind of like wishy-washy about it I was like yeah you know maybe I won’t stream

It I’m glad I did though this is a huge day this is more viewers in a stream than I have ever seen and probably ever will what feature are you most excited about uh probably well we broke the viewer cap again um probably just adding like hats to

Your cat and your dog I mean that’s pretty big I do like just every quality of life update that he’s giving us though it’s going to be insane what’s everyone else is like what are you most excited for in the update new Farm ah new Farm is going to be pretty

Crazy will he write it somewhere when he updates the game I mean I’m just kind of refreshing between like Twitter and Reddit and a Discord server so I’m trying to get like three things going so we can consistently have like an update you can drink Mayo in the new update you

Can it’s pretty crazy new Farm new Farm goes crazy hats on pets and drink Mayo yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you there is Bubbles up here I don’t know if it’s like worth it though yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you crazy stream what is going

On oh I missed it it’s whatever my monkey brain is happy about colorcoded Artisan Goods me too honestly like that makes my brain super happy cuz now I can change like the sign T have a specific color of wine that looks good that would be nice like I said any Quality of Life

Update is amazing in my book so we’re we’re winning today oh my God uh yes sorry copper or goodbye that was the fattest chest that I have ever seen thank you honestly we love it we just love it I’m just that good guys how much money is that isn’t the

Treasure chest like 2,500 or something like that or is it 5K is this a freaking cucumber you’re killing me you’re killing me you’re killing me well he’s gone pogin with the cash I do be making the cash I kind of want more chest it’s only 6 p.m. but like I don’t have inventory

Space I’m kind of broke give me that mayonnaise Farm I do be getting the mayonnaise the mayonnaise is like the best thing the fact that he told us what the new Farm is means it’s not the biggest new feature that’s true I’m so excited for that farm though

You start with a coupe as well as grass that chicken and cows and all your animals love more than normal grass which is like what I’m just worried about it not having a lot of Farmland which we’ll see I’m probably going to classify it that it’s in the same as like all the

Other ones that change the farm like the fishing Farm as well as the uh what is it called the mining Farm like there’s not a lot of space to put crops down but there’s good aspects of them I don’t know who’s out here really using the mining Farm though like it just depends

Really man I don’t know you what the throw it the wrong way Mayo on eggs love it Mayo is just eggs you’re putting eggs on eggs no it’s not mayo and eggs are two different things I’m trying to like read chat but also fishing and reading chat is like super

Hard sorry I’ll try to do my best we have 83 viewers if you are not subscribed make sure to subscribe thank you for being here I got the 69 screenshot I got it thank you flamer make sure to post that in the Discord also if you’re not in the

Discord make sure to join that link is in the description as well as a membership button the twitch link all the good stuff that you need Mayo is eggs plus oil it is Mayo is just eggs if you think about it especially in stardo terms because

It’s literally just you put eggs into a machine and you get mayo so what more is it poggers I did too everyone got the screenshot of the 69 we love to see it eggs on eggs yes I mean that’s what it is you got to be honest with

Yourself I feel like we can get a few more fishes in am I allowed to be racist in the Discord I will ban you no racism bro I do think the update will come out in the next hour two or 3 hours I believe so but like I said imagine he trolls us

And it’s 11:59 p.m. like a minute before midnight guys I still technically released it on the day yeah we’re we’re welcoming of all kinds here we don’t care about nothing do what you want to do but uh you know leave leave leave some of that [ __ ] leave some of that [ __ ] at home

Don’t don’t bring it here Bas I mean you have to if you’re not based and you’re a streamer then yikes am I right am I right what if it’s funny racism I don’t think there is funny racism you have to understand like just know we’ve achieved Perfection we’ve

Peaked we have but we’re still at 83 viewers so I appreciate every single person coming out thank you so much thank you for subscribing appreciate you what a crazy day we’ve already gone up we’ve gone up 39 subs today I appreciate you guys so much this is honestly huge today is an amazing

Day yeah funny racism is just if you’re trying to be edgy and funny which you can be funny without being edgy in my opinion just got 100% on my main farm with no cheats yesterday nice I’ve never got 100% on a farm hate to say it but I haven’t um you

Know what I’ll just eat you yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you I’m here till the stream ends well the stream is not ending for a long time because as soon as the update comes out I’m going to be playing it for hours is the update out yet it is not

Unfortunately we’re holding 80 plus honestly thank you all appreciate you I’ve gotten Max three viewers ever that used to be me and I started playing Binding of Isaac and then my Peak was like maybe 20 if I was lucky but we’re almost at 100 viewers right now what is is going

On why did we just get a surplus of like 30 people hi how you doing welcome in are we all excited for the update someone please get a screenshot if we hit over 100 what is going on all right what do I need what do I actually need red snapper don’t need a

Hit don’t need mullet don’t need flounder don’t need tilapia don’t need tuna I need the Fire Quartz sell everything except for one snapper profit huge money cuz it’s stardo day I mean you’re not wrong it is national stardo day we stay winning don’t eat it put it in the chest thank

You this is an insane day to say the least you guys have uh you’ve blown my mind is 1.6 or is it going to come out in like another 30 minutes we have no clue when it’s going to come out but uh we’re all waiting is the update out not yet unfortunately I

Wish we all stay hoping and praying that it comes out soon we just went up another five Subs if you’re not Sub make sure to sub what is going on God you guys are insane I I I just don’t know what to do I’m just sitting here

Amazed we’re at over a 100 viewers on the YouTube oh my God God I don’t know what to do you guys are blowing my mind hi how we doing well how do I start other than hi make sure to make sure to like make sure to sub appreciate you coming out

Who’s excited for the update I’m sure everyone that’s watching is excited I think the new metal lands Farm type will be a good for speedrunner because of starting Koopa chickens you’re not wrong it’s going to be huge so hyped for the aridium Scythe me too this is insane what is going on

Dude never did I think I would go live with stardo today and just like blow my channel out of proportion but uh thank you for being here I really do appreciate every single one of you when is ape getting up I don’t know thank you for subscribing appreciate you this is insane

Dude I just don’t know what to do I’m just braing his shutdown we just got another three Subs oh my God we’re at 1360 we’re 40 away from hitting 1.4k thank you all for being here appreciate you guys who else just got the 1.5.6 hot fix what is

That he dropped a hot fix question mark wait if I donate the corn am I not done with That do I not have to donate thank you for subscribing do I not have to donate Peppers now or pumpkins I don’t cool didn’t expect to hit that but appreciate it me too bingus any thoughts on what the new Festival could be I have no clue thank you for subscribing I mean

Obviously we should get like a New Year’s Event right so like what else would we get other than New Year’s that’s our question and I don’t know the answer oh I sold too many corn but I still have to donate one yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you well just give me that

Back we went up another five Subs what is happening you guys are blowing my channel up I appreciate you every single person here you’re amazing a star you tuber I probably should go get more crops today it’s Thursday I can who am I kidding I do wish modding could have

Been a part of the Steam Workshop with this update but it’s cool yeah I agree but I mean like sppy isn’t a bad thing to use it’s not really hard either like sppy is pretty easy to learn bye see you eore thank you for coming out though 120 people watching I don’t understand

It I just realized my Discord wasn’t updated to be a member I’ll have to hit you with that I forgot as well honestly we got so many memberships over the past couple days too that I like it it’s hard for me to keep track of

It they actually said it might not be a New Year’s Event it’s just a screenshot of some stuff altogether I don’t know I feel like there’s a need for a New Year’s Event though we’re just passing time till the update honestly yeah and like as soon as the update comes out

We’re going to be playing it so definitely stay tuned if you guys are not able to access it or you just want to watch while you’re playing as well I mean that 120 people watching your live at least mine device is showing number 12 120 mine is 128 so you

Know we definitely got a lot of people here I appreciate you make sure to like the stream make sure to subscribe yo welcome in how you doing the gaming Cafe who’s excited for the update guys come on when exactly does the update come out

I have no clue trust me I wish I was the uh I wish I was the allseeing eye but I’m not I know nothing more than you do I’m just here playing the game I didn’t know the stard community was chill like that me either honestly we should stream start do more

Often can I not throw things away thank you me trying to relearn the keybinds on computer versus consol is cancer we’re chill like that the update’s got to be coming out soon thank you for subscribing I hope so I hope it’s coming out soon I’m excited

Of course well why else would you be here I understand everyone is super excited trust me I wish I was playing it right now it’s unfortunate yes more streaming welcome in how you doing little little kids on Christmas waiting for Santa this is like the feeling of waiting for your parents to

Wake up so you can go and unwrap all their presents like that’s exactly what it is I’m just waiting we have another nine subs thank you so much for subbing appreciate you I’ll take a book yo Genesis welcome in I’m thinking around 12:00 p.m. since concerned ape was releasing One update

Description on Twitter at a time all week oh you’re right I am starting a new file for sure that is a definite thing that is going to happen waffles yeah I’m more of a p Pancake Man I’m going to be honest with you waffles aren’t bad but I feel like

Pancakes are just more consistent you know oh this doesn’t go in here I’m dumb goes in this one but where there it is the red snapper goes in here yep that one’s done sweet waffles have syrup Pockets I mean you’re not wrong but like I don’t know I’m just still a pancake

Man so who’s going to crack down the 1.6 guys someone needs to go and break down his door and unlock it I’m just kidding don’t do that we’re all waiting patiently I thought I had more for this bundle I guess not update yet or not unfortunately not yet but hopefully soon

Oh it’s a fall crop I thought it was not a fall crop H interesting I thought the corn was a summer crop but I guess it makes sense Mr Kappa the goat Mr Gavin farming yes sir Mr Kappa do you see the absolute viewers right now um it’s kind of crazy

Hopefully that you’re able to come in here and mod cuz it’s getting a little overwhelming for me I my brain is fried I don’t know what’s going on it’s in a few minutes let’s hope it’s in 9 minutes we’ll see what happens what do I need to donate like

What do I have in my inventory that I need to this and then the fire quart that’s it I love waffles cuz they’re crispy fair you’re not wrong guys should I buy stardew or Sun Haven by stardo will there be a 1.7 update I don’t think so I think this is going to

Be the last update until chocolate tier comes out but I don’t know I just realized the Pokemon music in the background the thing is is like stardo music while it’s great it does not play for long enough or as much French Toast French toast is actually the win right

There like you just dropped the favorite thing but we got a lot of people over on Twitch too thank you for subscribing we’re at 1375 appreciate you guys so much this is an insane stream I’m proud of you bro congrats on 100 uh pretty crazy stream YY appreciate

You Pokemon Loi is goated it it really is though I brought all these I need to donate them I’m like getting lost in what I’m doing right now cuz I keep looking over at chat and just like having a small heart attack every time I’m used to streaming to like 10

People I can’t you guys are blowing my mind right now I can’t keep up with it is too much is there a new map uh technically during the winter uh this map will be winter instead of it just being green all the time so there’s that so when’s the next Dynamax

Adventure featuring the stream Adventure stream featuring The Goat flam F you’re really trying to trying to hop on my coils right now n we need to do that though hopefully sometime this week you thinking like weekend or something ban him ban him it’s on sale for $1.99 on Steam

Nice I’m sleeping with the stream on just scream very loudly when the update comes out I will spammer that’s why I said please mod ban thank you love you appreciate you thank you for subscribing appreciate you Stephanie yeah you guys will see it first when it comes out right

Here sorry sir bogin sir a little bit late cuz he’s trying to uh you know bring his own image into my stream no I’m just kidding we love flager can you rush Mary pan before 1.6 drops yeah I’ll do it right now I’m playing crab Champions oh my God Rose

Goated uh apparently I don’t get it but you know it’s the new update people are excited so are you are you cozy game based YouTuber I’m not thank you for subscribing appreciate you Genesis uh I’m not I mean I I’ll dabble every once in a while but uh mainly right now we’re

Playing Binding of Isaac on the channel we’re doing a little bit of everything though trying to play some stardo some Pokemon a little bit of monster h a little bit of this a little bit of that now it’s your personality I don’t know about that like I have somewhat bad anxiety

And I’m kind of like panicking right now you guys are going crazy appreciate you though I was just going to chill and I was going to have a good time and now I’m freaking out what do I do where do I spend the rest of my day I

Guess we can mine mine and craft Isaac is not cozy that’s why I said I dabble a little bit in everything 1.6 will be fun it will stardo is trending it really is it’s not sad though it’s pretty epic just pretend it’s one person typing really fast that makes it even worse

Ignore the peeps and find a fun g a fun time in game but I’m trying to like interact with chat then my brain my brain shuts down I had a game where I didn’t get animals till year four I mean I’ve done that too you just kind of gota like figure

Out how to spend your time I don’t get like anything done though has the update arrived not yet unfortunately we’re all just sitting in here waiting are you multi streaming I am multi streaming if you guys aren’t following on the twitch make sure to go follow on the twitch if you use

Twitch don’t freak out enjoy your time you’re doing fine I appreciate appreciate you I focused on fishing fair enough the whole reason we’re here is because of you I appreciate you save State you are amazing all of you are amazing please stop hitting me get out of here

Dude focus on the joy you’ll be putting hats on cats I’m putting a blob fish on my hat as soon as I or blobfish on my hat blob fish on the cat as soon as possible that’s why you got to marry Emily though yeah hats on

Cats is your name Isaac that’s my son’s name we named him after Isaac Clark my name is Gavin you know totally not what the Channel’s name is no my name is Gavin though people have asked that before they’re like is your actual name Gavin yeah it is it’s

Crazy I feel like I don’t meet too many people named Gavin so Isaac is the name of the game though that’s like my main like favorite game right now it’s pretty fun Gavin is technically poggers I mean I didn’t say it you heard it here first 142

People I had a friend in elementary school named Gavin going through the same school for my entire Like Preschool through senior year I think we had three Gavins maybe is the update out it is not out yet unfortunately but we’re just waiting how does your PC handle that double streaming I’m actually streaming

On a laptop fun fact every single dollar that we make from YouTube though is going directly into a PC fun so I can hopefully get something better but you know you got to do what you got to do with what you have I’m actually confused what do you

Mean so the number one thing is my name is Gavin uh we play a game called The Binding of Isaac which is like a uh biblical Rog like sort of game biblical is very very stretched it’s not at all but it is but it’s not Emily’s Polo color on her dress is too

Sus like that kid that wears School uni on the weekend fair you’re not wrong ooh give me that anything for Emily give me give me are you on the update already unfortunately I’m not I wish Yo thank you all for subscribing holy crap we are blown up today

We already went up another 10 subs thank you so much my YouTube studio is having a problem receiving all of these subscribers it’s actually going crazy holy on a laptop it’ll be melting at the end uh let’s hope not if you guys do want to join the membership there’s a membership Link in

The description as well as there super chats whatever you guys want to do but if you just like And subscribe that’s the number one way to help me how will we know when the update comes out I feel like he’s going to post something probably but if not I mean I

Just keep refreshing like Reddit in Discord and twitch Matt Pat retires left a massive power vacuum and you’re filling it I don’t know about that I’m not going to put myself on the same pedestal as Matt Pat I’m just a just a humble little streamer with a th000 Subs that’s about

It like quite honestly ly in the grand scheme of YouTube I don’t really add up to be a whole lot but you know we’re here and if you guys enjoy my content that’s all that matters Gavin Theory when yeah okay my brain doesn’t work for playing

Games on a normal basis so like come on you think I’m going to start doing game theories it’s just a Gavin Theory yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you my guess is it’s going to come out at 10:00 well I mean time zones do exist so

I don’t know what you mean by 10 right now for me it is 12: exactly 12:00 p.m. mad has an iconic intro voice I never got into the game theory I mean I used to watch Game Theory but I wasn’t like crazy on it yo the hooded gamer

With the $5 donation thank you respect the PC fun grind see you in 1.6 mate thank you we appreciate you guys thank you so much for the donation man let’s go we made it to 70 I don’t like the master slingshot fun fact I’m just tossing it thank you for

Subscribing oh El the hood Gamers pop up we got another 10 Subs though actually though thank you for subscribing hooded goat actually though misleading AF damn sorry about that thank you for subscribing I’m just a little Misha gamer that’s actually what it is just just humble guy from Michigan thank you for

Subscribing is the update out yet not yet unfortunately we’re just sitting in here chilling it’s going to be post midnight I mean what time zone is he from though cuz like technically thank you for subscribing uh technically if it comes out like you know past midnight eastern time

He could still be able to be like well I still released it on this day guys I don’t know where the dev is from either what is that creature doing in the bottom left of the corner uh that’s from The Binding of Isaac I I’m I’m a

Small streamer I I don’t know why there’s so many people here right now but it’s a it’s a channel meme honestly at this point gevin is the only click baiter I support I didn’t even clickbait it I just started the stream and I woke up

And I said oh I’m going to play the new update it’s out it totally wasn’t out how is this my fault we are four Subs away from hitting 1.4k appreciate you guys so much the judic carts let’s go apes live in Washington what is that comment oh he’s from California okay

Update out Nani it’s not out yet welcome in volcanic though how you doing binding of Gat I mean that’s actually what it is though give me that people want to see the update we’ll be at some point I guess good stream thank you appreciate you fortnite streamers will clickbait

New updates so week in advance actually though we are at the top of the page for what the algorithm is with us we are here the algorithm is here yo three Subs away from 1.4k thank you guys so much come on guys just a humble michigander I

Am all right what did I get I got a lot of stuff I don’t need that so I can sell it I guess I’ll just put everything away put those away put that put that throw everything in here here easy uh we’ll throw the sprinkler in there save the blueberry save the ice

Cream Alia here did anyone genuinely watch like Alia like all jokes aside did you actually all the mods are finally arriving true the mods are here they shall help me in my Panic state of 140 viewers in the Stream at one time this is the most that I’ve ever seen my mind is

Blown we’re one sub away from 1.4k this is insane you guys are amazing we started today’s stream at 1319 and now we’re almost at 1.4 this is insane congrats sir Gavin thank you no name what a what a ridiculous time I married Elliot like four times I’ve only

Really married Emily just because I like having the sewing machine in the house it’s pretty nice it’s a little luxury as a zombies fan I watched Alia a decent amount I feel like when it came down to zombies I was more of like H I watched Syndicate a bit but

Like what was that one guy’s name I can’t even remember I don’t know I seriously can’t remember I own the fortnite skin though oh God the Alia fortnite skin I unironically watched Alia when he used to do zombies Fair that’s not a bad take but like if you watched Alia for like fortnite

I feel like that’s a generational disconnect I always marry Leah I married Leah one time but then the wooden statues in the back of the house they kind of started making me angry so I restarted based what’s your Bachelor or Bachelorette of choice I’m going to have

To go with Emily just because of nothing but free cloth as well as the sewing machine huge profit like it’s actually use free money I focus on whatever NPC can give me the most amount of money or like the most benefit like my sister always argues with me cuz she’s like Emily’s useless

I’m like what you wake up you get free cloth you turn that into a hat boom I have hats I’m in a room with cromus I love kobus I think I have a kobis sticker somewhere that my sister Drew up speaking of my sister everyone should go follow garlic toads on Instagram she

Made all the channel art for this channel it’s pretty cool everyone go spread some love go and follow her on Instagram she does amazing artwork I think she has a picture of her kobus posted funny enough I need to upgrade my watering can for I am broke all let’s check the

Reddit I don’t think it’s out yet but maybe as the update dropped yet it’s the newest thing nope looks like it’s still not out who needs a love filled marriage when you have cloth that’s my honest take and I stand by that at least in the

Game why would I focus on anything else okay what am I trying to do what do what do I need done by the end of the season I need to check my page sorry guys give me a second trying to figure out if I’ve got everything all right summer foraging I

Can go and check the traveling cart today let’s see we got corn blueberry melon hot pepper orange wheat we need to grow some more wheat I better go buy some tomato poppy sunflower gold star melon gold star corn I already got all the foraging I need to go catch a puffer

Fish and I think that’s it did I catch the puffer fish I can’t remember Amen to the Mayo drinking Mayo is actually the best addition we’re living in luxury now okay I didn’t catch it I need to drink Mayo I wish if the ability was here I would do

It by the way chilling VC in the Discord doubles is St update weit room 100% trust me just join the Discord Fair definitely join Discord who likes Harvey my sister does cloth Above All Else true how do I get into this Discord there’s a link in the description it

Should be top link for the Discord what time is it for concerned a I think it would be 9:00 a.m. right now if he is from California don’t fish that way fish this way oh I got to turn the vibration off oops forgot about that where is it

Though there we go it’s 9:00 p.m. Seattle time right now Fair well I got to go I’m in PE and they’re playing [ __ ] Weezer I’m actually not wearing a Weezer shirt for once that’s kind of crazy people hate Clint because he’s trying to hit on Emily I mean that’s why I hate him

Bro oh my God is this 1.6 or not it is not we’re waiting on 1.6 this is the waiting room stream hip hip my steam says I have 156 hours in start nice yeah mine’s like compared with a bunch of other things like I have

A big stard do save on my PlayStation I have one on my switch I have one on Steam so it’s like I have a little bit of everything in stardo so it’s hard for me to add up all the numbers I’d probably say I have like over 500 hours though for

Sure Kavin Pinn this 1.6 1.6 is not out yet I will let me get done catching my fish brother hold on fish is priority maybe we shouldn’t though because chat activity you know the longer someone’s in here asking if 1.6 is out the longer they’re going to stay here

Right if you’re going to start a new file for 1.6 and why play this file man so this is my on stream file for like playing stardom and it will get updated to the new update so it’s not a total waste but I definitely am going to

Prioritize the 1.6 one for this stream why is your voice so soothing you sound like someone who would make boyfriend ASMR videos boyfriend hits you with a frying pan ASMR has anyone seen that Tik Tok my wife showed that to me and I was dying I can’t tell if that’s an insult

Or compliment it’s it’s a compliment have you ever romanced Abigail and Penny I’m going to marry Sebastian Elliot this time oh I’ve only okay uh I think Abigail one time but it weirds me out that she enjoys eating amethyst so I’m like I need that Tik

Tok I’m sure you can just find it on YouTube look up boyfriend hits you with a pan ASMR how do I put this on there thank you penny is the most boring NPC facts I 100% agree with you he has seduced me countless times all right flam Dre you’re actually

Banned get out of here banned it’s here it’s not here yet unfortunately this is the waiting room also thank you for all the subs and thank you for all the likes guys you insane if anyone is new make sure to hit that sub button we’re at 1.4 with 79

Likes on the stream this is insane uh definitely the best stream I’ve ever done so I’m very very thankful for all of you coming out appreciate everything Penny slander will not be tolerated I mean she’s kind of boring though like if you if you like penny

More power to you but to be fair I don’t think there’s a single NPC in this game other than lonus that I actually care about fun fact Sebastian all the way Sebastian’s pretty cool not me having steam open and just staring at the play button to change update honestly

Who did you marry first uh first was probably Emily me wanting the update now me too as soon as it’s out someone let me know penny is a little bit of a pck me girl you’re not wrong I got to eat something he’s married Tess first actually uh well I married someone in

This game before I married Tess so fun fact but then to be fair she also married Sebastian before she married me so you know we’re locked into our stardew relationships now kobis as well as line is true kobus is great penny is the basic female option you’re not

Wrong she’s trying her best for the kids again not wrong leave a like and become the real Dirty Dan boring smash argument over true bro what is this fishing today does this look like I got a puffer fish oh yeah isn’t it only till like 400

P.m. or something like that did I miss my window I did oh no oh well man I wish you could every birthday festival thing in this update that’d be pretty crazy I mean we’re almost at 100 likes that’s insane screw being Dirty Dan I’m Pinhead Who you calling pin

Head okay since we have 120 people in the Stream right now here’s where I’m going to ask the real question flamer clip this post it in the Discord post the chat’s reaction to this question who he thinks I sound like moist critical let’s be honest do I

Sound like moist critical just say yes or no that’s it it’s all I want to see it’s all I want to see cuz everyone thinks that I do they say oh you have the same mannerisms you have the same voice you have the same this and it’s like I

Don’t yes oh my [ __ ] god this is not helping my case you’re coping it’s not me that’s coping it’s my chat chat says that I sound like moist critical just got here is this out or it’s not out yet unfortunately we’re all just waiting teu moist I’m just

Trolling with similar Cadence too oh my God I’m enjoying the chaos I mean you got to ask the important questions he want to be moist critical so bad all right ban bingus don’t actually hopefully we didn’t lose everyone welcome back this happens every two hours just to let everyone

Know is there a countdown I wish the thing is is like as soon as he wakes up and puts out the update that’s going to be what happens you don’t have moist critical voice moist critical has your voice see he was born before me though so your argument makes no sense

My argument makes no sense as well I just don’t sound like him I don’t I don’t see it to be fair though there’s one video on my channel that was edited and my editor put in a clip of moist critical saying get the [ __ ] away from me and I

Thought it was me saying it so I kind of fell for it o laptop uh no it’s just a dual streaming thing for some reason it just disconnects at exactly 2 hours 4 minutes and something amount of seconds hey Gavin nice stream man it’s really chill I’m enjoying my time thank

You I appreciate you you guys are awesome he’s going to release it after he gets his first coffee what if he starts doing it on his first coffee and then he’s like I got to wait for my second cup of coffee and then I’ll actually put it

Out all right I got to go buy weat I didn’t check the traveling car I’m a buffoon what a what a guy Pokemon Loi because it’s goated you’re not wrong you would be correct you know what I’m playing all week I’m too impatient me too it’ll be fine

Though don’t worry we’ll get through it together this is the waiting stream this is the chill moment the Mudkip flipping to it yeah drop the Mudkip flip has no idea how stream works yeah it’s not a setting it just it happens buffoon buffoon pack batro reference I [ __ ] love

Batro I kind of was going to do like a a bitro stream in order to wait for the stardo update but I’m glad I didn’t to be honest if I would have done batro we would have not have had this this big turnout and I I thank every

Single one of you you guys are awesome he sounds like moist cousin oh my God I don’t sound like moist critical I don’t ballr is goated it is you guys can get all these cool emojis if you become a member by the way it’s only $1.99 a month that’s very very

True helps out the channel helps support me every single dollar that this channel makes whether it’s from ads or whatever is going straight into a PC fund hopefully get me a better PC so I can do some more streaming as well as make some more videos it’s going to be pretty

Fun no we just dropped below 100 this is the first time in like 30 minutes that we’ve had under 100 viewers I mean I’m still happy but damn that feels rough critical pogin yeah it is though the membership’s very very cheap don’t worry it’s just the ads fair you know us YouTube premium

Enjoyers we don’t even know what ads are I like how it’ll tell you how many ads that you’ve missed like in the YouTube premium setting so for me it’s like oh you’ve missed over 15,000 ads and I’m like I’ve only had it for a

Month how old is this Farm uh this is a pretty new farm that we started for the stream oh is it penguin zero yeah it’s me it’s Charlie totally Buy telephone from Robin what does it do I actually don’t know ad block enjoyers ad block actually is hurting YouTube channels now fun

Fact people are basically kneeling down to serm D to release the update soon very true 104 watching again we rise up we’re back from the depths we return thank you guys so much appreciate you Opera fair enough Opera is better than just having like Chrome with an ad blocker I will say

That can we get an opera GX sponsor I would use it I don’t use it right now but I would telephone helps you know when they’re open and what is in stock oh okay you sound like a sibling of penguins instead of exactly like him fair see I’ll give you that I don’t

Sound exactly like Charlie everyone thinks that I do everyone claims that I do everyone anyone else eating a jar mayonnaise right now as soon as the update comes out I will I shall consume the mayonnaise oper GX is built in adlock exactly so it’s like give me an oper GX sponsor I’ll take

It can Dad get a fortnite battle pass give me that like there’s similarities but you have your own voice good I hope I have my own voice can’t wait to eat Mayon what’s your old Farm uh I have one with my wife that were on like year five or

Six yo you got 5x your normal view what the [ __ ] happen since Saturday uh or Sunday it’s release day for the new stardo update so everyone’s hyped that’s my only claim to fame right now thank you stardo give me that I want more backpack space Also holy

Crap we have 86 likes on the stream if you are not not liking the stream or subscribing yet please do that everyone put your hand in a jar mayonnaise in celebration you are the waiting room uh currently I guess the thing is like I went on YouTube and I was like oh I’m

Just going to play a game and watch some stardo and I don’t think I seen a single person live streaming stardew that was talking so I was like well I’m just going to stream then and I’m glad I did what am I doing where am I going

What do I have on the agenda uh plant the wheat I guess I’ll get something to eat from the saloon it is already out the update I don’t think so I don’t think So no no update unfortunate I got so goed at fortnite my dad still didn’t come back this is not epic confirmed uh no I looked on Steam I just checked too and it’s not out how many hours do you have in this game probably like over 500 maybe a

Th000 I I don’t know I have it on so many different things that I’ve played on so many different things that I can’t even give you an answer like I’ve played on Steam for a long time I’ve played on PlayStation for a long time played on

Switch for a long time it’s one of those games where I’ve played on everything sh I even have it on mobile so like cannot give correct answer we need a wheat patch so we can get 10 normal wheat this is a must do chaquil o’ Neal I still need four move chicken

Move all right I’m waiting you out as bad as my OCD is I’m not going to let you place that go go go go go go go before he runs over it again yo welcome in coconut how you doing no Shaquille O’Neal pixie welcome in pixie how you

Doing haven’t seen you in a minute appreciate you coming out pixie did you know that we have a Mudkip in a box lurking emote it’s pretty crazy it’s been that long that we now have memberships and we have our own emotes what if the update drops in like

3 minutes then I’m ending whatever day I’m on and I’m moving straight to it absolutely not epic he never came back no matter how many Victory Royals maybe you’re just one more away just get that final Victory Royale it’ll come back doing good how are you doing uh

Doing amazing this is an amazing stream today glad that you’re doing good eat the egg I don’t want to eat the egg I got to donate it I cannot consume the egg it’s not in the prophecy today all I need to donate you you’re going to

Emily but I got to donate one H she’ll like a jade if she doesn’t like a jade too bad I don’t know what to say too bad I don’t remember these emotes they’re new I just added them today live pter reaction again I didn’t plan on stream

Going crazy I added some funny Isaac em mode like that’s all I did I was like yeah just get some more funny Isaac in there but I didn’t expect the stream to blow up I I would have added like stardew Emojis all right there’s nothing else time to

Go I’m not going to eat the egg move be get away there’s a video on YouTube comparing the size of Shack to a bunch of things from movies and animes he bought Shaq’s name horribly you have to drop it in memes in the Discord please I’m a night shift so I’ll

Probably have to go to bed before the update weep for me enjoy it Nathan thank you for coming out appreciate you we will be playing it here the VOD will be uploaded afterwards so definitely make sure to check it out believe it who genuinely likes Naruto I’m going

To get flame for that Naruto is just one of those like animes to me it’s all right but ain’t my Favorite everyone have a favorite anime or are we going to drop a million are we going to drop a million subscribers for mentioning anime all right I didn’t know there was still something in here preserves jar shoot I’ll take it no put the egg thank you I tried the first episode did not

Click I mean I watched all of the original Naruto as well as like half of shapin but it just it didn’t really grab me you know there’s been way more animes that have like you know I’ve binged in a matter of months like one piece I’ve pretty much

Binged all of One Piece in like 3 months four months so the new Farm is easy mode pretty much the new Farm is insanely easy never watched any anime suggest me an anime to watch for the first time watch Hunter Hunter hunterx Hunter is a great

One more of a JoJo person JoJo is amazing what’s your favorite part my favorite part is part four did you see for in the season I did not I just started showing my brother tales of the house husband for the laugh tales of the house husband is

Great sorry Kitty going to have to get your balls cut off today tales of the house husband is underrated it’s not talked about it’s one of my Favorites do I have anything good sure that time I got reincarnated as slime is my favorite anime I tried giving that one a shot I think I made it through like 20 episodes and then called it it was all right is the update out or not it’s not we’re still waiting in

Purgatory watch Soul Leader I always got recommended Soul Leader I never give it a shot though coming a kill never watched it I’mma leave no why are you leaving keeps auto correcting Hunter Hunter got six seasons dude hell no it’s good though like it’s insanely good my favorite would be

Future Diary that’s one of my wife’s favorites get the telephone I’ll go get the telephone Moy roll anyone watch chainsaw man respect to your being able to rehat respond while doing chores in the game I can never multitask I’m kind of floundering right now but it’s fine I’m

Trying to remember what I need to do and I’m probably failing at that like today I need to check the traveling cart am I going to remember probably not chainsaw man is goed 100% dude I don’t know why we hit the algorithm today this is crazy you guys are blowing my mind all right I’ll save one hot pepper for George’s knees probably my most favorite anime as a recent I feel like jjk is starting to be like the best current going

Anime apart from that I’d probably say like Attack on Titan but everyone’s been [ __ ] on Attack on Titan I think it was good I think it had a great ending I think the last two episodes were better than I expected sure they took a little bit

Long to get out but they were good Dragon Ball I mean my profile picture is a Mudkip that’s dressed up as Ros so I would have to say dragon ball is Peak I’m also wearing a Dragon Ball shirt fun fact I love chainsaw man chainsaw man’s great what’s like the most most

Overhyped anime you guys know I feel like as of right now I would have to say Demon Slayer Demon Slayer is just uh it’s kind of mid in my opinion a little bit too much hype for a whole lot of nothing the episodes are good I watch them you know I’m excited

For the new season but I just feel like it’s a it’s a little bit too hyped Demon Slayer is great man I I just don’t know I feel like it’s a little overhyped bro can I water correctly oh my God my brain my brain malfunctioning yeah no we we 100% are

All crying rest in peace Toriyama the goat it will never be the same without him oh I forgot about the mayonnaise bro don’t e di jobless reincarnation I recommend I have to give it a shot never heard of it mids Slayer I never watched the show Source never watched

It oh yeah he he definitely made the most influential I mean look at the amount of like other manga and like anime creators that you know posted in his in his death and you know the amount of people that he taught slash the amount of people that he gave light

To like think about how many animes wouldn’t be a thing if he wasn’t around it’s pretty crazy spy family is my favorite spy family is good I never finished the second season I just kind of ran out of time I’ve been daily streaming for like 3 months straight now so I really don’t

Have a lot of free time other than daily streaming but we’re still chilling I thought that was ready it’s not it is unfortunate telephone I know hold on let me go to the traveling cart and then we’ll go thank you for reminding me we got to check the traveling cart

Cuz what if the red cabbage I joined around 20 viewers oh my God this stream grew uh definitely my best stream that I’ve ever done hands down I appreciate every single one of you how many Subs have we gone up cuz we just had hit 1.4 when I last

Checked we’re already up another eight Subs oh my God still not out yet it’s not h I mean I got the money sure don’t judge me for buying the puffer fish I’m not golden enough to catch one my hero okay everyone’s hot takes on my hero the community around it is

Absolutely disgusting like the cosplays the cringe voice acting like genuinely my hero is a bad show but huge but there are still things that makes that anime good hero killer the new season with like the anti-evil like I’m going to kill everyone deu that [ __ ] was

Amazing but it’s still a bad show and we can all agree on that it’s just so cringey man like everything in that show is just like holy moly so many people Mr coconut did you just notice this when you joined in there was 140 very overhyped it is very overhyped but

It’s it’s good phone go and grab it I still can’t get the deu popey’s Tik Tok out of my brain same I feel like it had a lot of possibilities squandered it kind of did though me who does not watch anime definitely pick up anime anime is

Great yeah my hero though it’s a little bit cringey Demon Slayer is getting to the my hero standard at this point for me like if there’s not a single episode that isn’t just a cringe Fest I what am I watching is this actually good anime and then something cringey happens like

The end of the season where nezo spoke I was like all right the entire show is ruined for me this is amazing what time is it coming out in EU I have no clue this will be a staple in Kevin pin’s history sh wel in how you doing uh

It’s a pretty crazy stream not going to lie it’s $2,000 ghost stories are fantastic they just put Ghost Stories on uh YouTube for free if you guys have never watched it definitely go watch it the dub is hilarious all right I’m going mining why not hi new to the stream welcome in Rand

How you doing thank you for coming out if any of you are new and not subscribed yet make make sure to hit that sub button I do stream daily I’m probably going to be streaming stardo for like the next 2 or 3 days we’ll just see how

It goes see how the new update is get away from me the telephone isn’t all that helpful I mean I’ll just buy it enough people wanted it so I’m just going to buy it Fortnite I only found out about it from the official podcast podcast watching on patreon what are we talking about saves time sort of fair I mean if I upgrade my Coupe then I’m going to need to know if she’s there and if I’m running there and there’s nobody there

I’m going be mad oh ghost stories yeah that’s the same reason why I found out about to but I mean also just the memes on it like the dubs are hilarious man I can’t say any of the words that happened in the dub but just trust they’re

Funny won’t be on stream tomorrow I’m be traveling to England well have fun sorry that you won’t be around I know I’m too epic you know it makes you sad that you can’t see me but we’ll still be here what are you throwing jet 4 game is rigged there’s ranged weapons

Ranged enemies I mean Marne is never there never and if she is she’s staring at the microwave guys I said the funny Marne in front of the microwave it’s hilarious is the update live not yet unfortunately we’re still waiting in purgatory who knows when it’ll come out what if it doesn’t come out

Today yeah the update’s out no go go go go go update your game if if it if the update isn’t out for your game you have to uninstall your game and delete all your save files that’s the only way to get it to load that’s how I did it I’m just

Kidding don’t actually don’t I just realized saying that might actually have some bad implications people might delete their saves cuz of me who would ever lie on the internet not me too late already deleted let’s go no yeah the my hero like fandom the people that were obsessed with it they

Have slowly left but wait for the new season to come come out they’ll have their Resurgence don’t count them out yet cring is soon to come we just keep jumping like over 100 views back down to like 80 back up to 100 it’s kind of crazy I’m from Brazil welcome

In JoJo Mark could sell Blue Grass that’s a missed opportunity if it doesn’t happen that’s a missed opportunity also what about that new uh the new Parrot on the island that’s like talking about JoJo what’s that going to be about what are we thinking calm down bro what are you talking about

BR get these things away from me thank you I need to kill more for the completionist joju ginger Island h the update’s delayed until tomorrow fun fact it’s not delete your game remove all the saves it’s the only way to access the update yippe floor 80 ah trolls yeah there’s been no statement

Made I don’t think he’s awake yet maybe he is maybe he’s just sitting back watching the chaos I’m chilling like I don’t care when the update comes out out I’m still going to play it I’m going to have a fun time what if I ended the

Stream as soon as the update comes out and I just never play the update how but hurt would everyone be it’s not going to happen but it it would be funny you can’t disagree it would be funny get away from me hi I’m new welcome in how you

Doing glad you could come around he’s getting coffee and stuff see 9:00 in the morning I heard that he’s got to wake up and have his coffee and that was 9:00 in the morning it’s now past 12 so who knows when it’ll release I don’t know it’ll come out eventually today I’m

Not too worried about it oh the crab actually needed that thank You give me give me I always place down the bottoms so free you need to tell me your credit card information that’s how you get the update exactly the crab no we are just we’re just waiting though like this is the the big moment new update time when it dropping

Though it’s 9:45 PST maybe he stayed up really really late last night and he’s got to you know he sleeps until 1: p.m. you don’t know nobody knows nobody knows what’s going to happen I’ll take a diamond oh crab he’s dead crab Rave coming for you I actually need that

Too why are we getting so lucky right now is there any other mushroom I’m so ready to chug Mayo it’s going to be the best part of the update I’m tired of waiting about to head over to his house so you’re going to delay the update even longer for us that’s

Unfortunate my phone is about to die it’s all jover this is unfortunate can we get some Soldier salutes for this man in chat no way I make it to 90 no way it won’t happen maybe take an emerald I don’t think I’ve donated Emerald I’mma play some Ultra kill I was just

Going to play random games until stream time for stardo but I’m glad I did not cuz you guys are epic guys update is delayed stop filling slanderous information in chat Mr coconut we shall ban who plays bralla I’ve never played it maybe like one time for 10 minutes I got bored of

It if my 10: a.m. theory is correct in 10 minutes we’ll see I’m hoping so Mr coconut is out for chaos he always ises he’s like one of my biggest trolls as far as like normal viewers go it was right there the whole time how could I have been lied to it’s

140 I’m about to pass out give me a red mushroom somewhere red mushroom red mushroom red mushroom damn it I’m new here maybe I’ll be your big your next biggest troll trolls are welcome concerned date passed away oh no destroy his house yeah let’s not give me that how many more subs we

Got we got another five Subs holy crap if if you’re not subed make sure to sub also like the stream if you haven’t do a little self-promotion here click on the description join the Discord there is also a membership link there there’s a link to my twitch go

Follow my twitch I do stream every day so make sure to stick around even if it’s a game that you don’t care about maybe I’ll be playing another game the next day we’re kind of just big chilling he’s on his computer or is he actually real question mark let me load up

Twitter concern ape is this real welcome craiger how you doing he’s Gooding this is real okay maybe it is 10:00 a.m. then I mean we got 10 minutes use telephone thank you for subscribing appreciate you my shop is closed today good news good news she’s closed he is okay we’re moving somewhere

Hopefully we’re going in the correct direction is this Our Moment is this our moment I don’t want to like do too much if I’m just going to have to end it let me check Reddit I’m not seeing anything like I’m I’m genuinely still not seeing

Anything I must use it to make a big CPE I have no clue but we do have enough materials so I could granted I want a dinosaur egg first but it’s fine it’s ball Rover are you going to start a new farm with the new Farm type yes absolutely Okay the phone’s actually

Pretty useful not even going to lie 10,000 what do you think I made of money sorry guys I hate the update no now what what shall we ever do I don’t know if I’m able to even sell anything to make enough I’m kind of broke it’s real it’s real is it

Actually I’m I’m not seeing anything still I mean we got 7 minutes till it’s 10:00 a.m. for him so we’ll see I don’t really need these throw them away give me this I don’t know we’re all just kind of waiting the one piece the one piece is real give me

That I guess I can water but like again I don’t want to put too much work if I’m just going to have the end of this day anyways I sent you the YouTube link thank you appreciate you I don’t know we’re all just someone said one thing and I’m like are we doing

It could have been lying to me I don’t know can we get much higher so high I love the one piece meme why is everyone leaving what are we what are we doing again if you guys are not subscribed make sure to subscribe hit the like button I think we’re almost at

100 likes which is pretty crazy we are we’re at exactly 100 likes thank you so much uh definitely the biggest stream I’ve ever done crazy appreciate every single one of you speaking of the one piece the live action adaptation is pretty dope it’s yeah it’s not bad I mean compared to all

Other live action remakes it’s pretty good update is soon I’m hoping it soon you were the top recommended when I searched stardo Valley update that’s that’s insane the algorithm thank you welcome in how you doing 109 likes Jesus we’re making history boys I mean this will go down as one of my biggest

Streams so this is crazy I wonder how many views we’ve gotten probably a lot I think they kind of messed up arlong Park you’re not wrong about that not to mention arlong just didn’t look the best but what can you do I did check out some other streams

But the Vibes here are unmatched let’s go I’m epic that’s when you just give him a good old nener ner you know haha I’m epic you’re not ner ner probably over 1,000 views for sure I’d be surprised if it wasn’t I’ve gotten over 1,000 views on way simpler

Streams stard valy 1.6 waiting room that’s what this is we’re all waiting we’re waiting for our moment I don’t really want to save the inel fruit algorithm is on my side for once yeah I guess I’ll just put it away I don’t really care about it like not

Right now we don’t have wine yet so it’s not as epic all right let’s go to let’s go to Clint break open some of these geod do I have anything I could take anywhere is the update out the update is not guppy the cat you are so Isaac

Pilled I am hate to say it but I am Isaac build I could take another one to Emily do I have the Quest for George’s knees no I don’t what is the best item in stard to at the moment I don’t know I mean probably just like the the weird rock with different

Colors it’s out wait did he actually tweet that no it didn’t it’s not out someone with a uh a fake concerned ape uh profile picture and name is trending right now sorry you guys coffee machine broke bear with me post a picture of my dog in Discord nice [ __ ] Alex moment wallpaper engine

Moment if Alex the mod joins the chat everyone Cy that’s what we’re doing though how dare you pop up in my stream I don’t need anything it’s like almost end of the season everyone who’s sharing misinformation mute for 30 minutes uh no we can all share misinformation here

Sorry Evelyn hey guess what sorry Evelyn hey guess what I bet yeah okay I was like I bet you won’t walk down here do it to him for a third time concern date passed away guys guys the update is not coming out today yeah what do we naming our new

Farm what are we doing are we just going to name it farm farm how did you come up with your channel name uh I took my actual name and then changed one letter and then I posted it it’s about it like that is the genuine thing no

It’s not I used to donate to a guy he was a streamer and he was like my inspiration for starting streaming I would donate to him and so he changed my name because my name in chat was my actual name and he changed my last name

To be pogin and I was like yo that’s actually pretty sick so when I started streaming I was like I’m going to go buy Gavin pogin now that’s basically how it happened it’s as simple as that now he was a great guy twin Leaf Matt will always be like my inspiration

For streaming what a great guy Gavin poins Laur actual real and then Tess changed her name too it’s honestly great even my little sister did too like my little sister was a channel artist she changed her name too mine’s just honeybee Farm I always Nam my character B nice I like that it’s

Simple someone in twitch chat just said I think Penny cheated on me I’m so sorry to hear about your loss farm farm is a good name I mean I don’t mind it that wouldn’t be a bad name the coffee is real guys it’s real it’s happening right now he just posted

A picture of him drinking coffee well I hate to tell you guys but it’s 10 and there’s no update so I’m just saying Chopper cry Farm oh I need to go donate it’s almost 11:00 p.m. where I am it’ll come out soon it’s coming right now I promise he

Told me you have connections to concerned AE yeah he used to just be coconut but now he’s Mr coconut it’s pretty crazy where’s Emily oh Emily there you are hello let’s go one more I can date right something like that Mr coconut lore he’s on his fifth coffee by now

What if he just like what if he’s not even awake we’re actually all just like praying that he’s awake right now but he’s dead sleeping coconut he got married and became Mr coconut coconut how’s the wife how’s the kids mad where you at lore that pad’s gone deceased I definitely can’t upgrade my

Coupe we’re all just coping right now we are make sure to subscribe and like for the the amount of cope that we’re dealing with I’m winning on the fortnite update fortnite’s not epic bro I guess I’ll put it in this one save it for the other one I don’t care about the other

One he’s online on Discord real mat pet will enjoy dissecting this frame by frame who else is waiting on multiverses didn’t you weren’t you the one that just asked about braw Halla bro cannot pick a game for the life of him he could be watching the stream though that’d be pretty

Cool what if he just tweets out Gavin pogin I love you what about that what do we think epic or cringe I forgot to donate this bro I’ll get it another day stop the game and open Steam but then the viewers will go down the minute

That the update comes out then I’ll do I’m not doing it now I’m not doing it now I’m waiting for like the full thing to be out and I’ll jump on the views are playing the game The Views are not sitting there with the game not open please bro the game is not

Out that drops 9 hours I think it’d be funny if he drops it 1159 PST that’d be hilarious I would actually die how many what does it take to make preserve jars again that’s a lot of wooden Stone how many can I make make quite a bit

Actually they’re not as good as kegs but like guys it’s out no it’s not what’s your favorite update prediction I mean I just know the ones that he’s like showing off right now I don’t really know a lot of other things I feel like none of us really do to be

Honest I’m just hoping that it’s amazing that’s unfortunate yippee preserve jar moment give me those give me those we’ll do three and then two good enough he could have forgotten about his alarm and overslept I mean we’re at his Mercy though he is the one that made the game

He is the one that releases the update he’s the one that knocks it’s kind of up to him I’m just trying to like like not do too much just in case it actually does drop right now but I have a feeling it’s not going to Breaking

Bad I’m a crack download the update cuz I’m broke what do you mean crack download the update what does that mean do you have any tips for getting a girlfriend be yourself question mark Mr pogers does it let you stream if you only have 10 subscribers cuz that’s all

I got for now I think it does I don’t think you have to have a I saw someone streaming with one subscriber on sted today um good hygiene I do does conser d have like a favorite number are we trying to figure out like Morse code of how to win this all right

Everyone’s going to leave but I got to go take a piss um it’s unfortunate it really is though enjoy the music we are so back question mark hey no one left cool gin needed the tinkle I did I’m sorry dude I sat here for like 3 hours

Straight Gavin died in a brutal accident car came crashing through my house all right I wanted to show something off just like in case any of the uh the Isaac viewers are here and you did not see the post on Discord but um where’s my face cam at sir there it

Is we got the Isaac Shaker boys the G fuel Isaac Shaker it’s here it’s so nice looking and I also got he he got a little bit scuff my Tor but we got the Isaac’s tears too this is way too small turn that [ __ ] up we got the Isaac’s tear

Bro Who’s Isaac catch me up I’m new see he’s not moist I’m not moist critical the Isaac Shaker I also got the Super Saiyan ones because you know rest in peace dorama this one tastes like [ __ ] though I’m going be honest with you I hate this one it’s but the the Super

Saiyan lemonade that’s pretty [ __ ] good like cryos no not at all all right face Cam’s going off this is not a face cam stream my man cute I see why you got a wife hold on that’s not what you said my man you cute I see why you wife got you

Mhm face reveal I guess face reveal for all the new people yeah concerned DA has been tweeting all week around 10:00 a.m. Pacific time it’s currently 10:10 so maybe it drops pretty soon that’s what I’m hoping for why do all of us michiganders look related I actually need to check your

Profile now cuz I don’t believe you cap if you guys don’t have live chat turned on by the way make sure to turn on live chat but you’re not wrong please don’t cringe it’s you I’m Sam do you remember me I don’t concern so if you oil up the

Update will drop yeah he posted that brutal I’m your long sister hello f for Sam I lied oh no I got trolled I’m chilling cuz like I don’t know if the update is going to drop right now who knows not me you guys should subscribe if you’re not

Subscribed it’s pretty cool thank you for 112 likes the number is going insane right now oh my God 1.41 thank you so much we’re at 14 15 Subs you guys are insane is it already 1.6 update not yet I make the pizza right now do it

Make the pizza can we get Subway Surfers in the bottom right bro no my gluten-free pizza I don’t mind cauliflower crust pizza it’s not bad concerned Cape hi I’m so hyped for the new update me too we’re just chilling I love conert Apu Valley me

Too it’s 1:11 a.m. for me right now it is 1:13 p.m. I have Celiac I don’t I just enjoy gluten-free pizza it’s not bad honestly it’s not you’re not missing out on much I don’t see a difference really and I would rather have like a cauliflower crust pizza it’s unfortunate

That you have that but it’s not bad got to send Tessa text always make sure to text don’t leave round red hey bro play another game hey hey bro Mr streamer no Mr streamer says no I’m playing the game what what now we’re waiting for sty value we

Are what what again what huh Mr Mr streamer what is Mr streamer missing what am I doing what’s what’s on the agenda I need the wheat that’s what I need Mayo drink the Mayo oh wait the update isn’t here craft stuff maybe I don’t know that’s how I

Feel I’m like what do I do have you played Risk of Rain too I’ve not played risk of rain at all I considered playing it on the stream but like we’ll see I did just pick up uh someone gifted me what is it called um slay the Spire

So I’ll probably play slay the Spire at some point this week till then l l streamer all right time out bingus for 5 minutes enjoy your time out and that’s real that’s a real moment slay the Spire it’s so good I’ve never played it I’ve never even seen it

So it’ll be uh my first time ban bingus nah just time him out five minutes he’ll come back though I got him best mod Bing is got in trouble we put him in the corner it’s a little timeout session why’ the music just Skip it’s like I’m listening to a record

Hello risk rain 2 is goated though but I’m not an L streamer because I’ve never played it I just haven’t got around to it don’t ask me how time works girl Mr streamer play Risk rain 2 it’s national stardo day I cannot have you played in description if you

Have it’s that but slightly different I’ve not played incription either I’ve never heard of that one as well I feel like my buddy talks about risk rain but he talks about other Rogue likes more so I do have slay the Spire though I will be playing that hopefully soon Mr

Fer Play valerant here’s my only take on valerant if you play valerant more the less stream valerant I think you are a and this is not to start any wars on people obviously I have a friend that plays valerant on stream I think streaming valerant is a waste of time uh

Unless you are playing it competitively which competitive for CS:GO and valerant both are cringe in my opinion again I have another friend that plays competitive valerant for a team um I just don’t understand it but you know that that’s up to you man like I just don’t think that csgo or

League are worth anyone’s time and I don’t get why you know views on that stream content kind of goes crazy but uh for me I’m all right yo thank you for subscribing appreciate you yeah not a big league guy Pokemon unite is whatever you know it’s it’s not bad it’s not good

It’s Pokemon but league so I guess it’s a little bit better I don’t know it’s kind of weird just my hot take don’t really care for valerent I respect that I just see them as waste of time but you know to be fair all gaming is a waste of

Time I used to play a [ __ ] ton of shooter games like I used to be big into Rainbow Six Siege and then I realized slowly over time my mind became you know not stagnant and I was like wow I’m actually playing this for like nothing

At the end of the day that’s kind ofra crazy have you watched any League of Legends Esports that [ __ ] is Fire gets very hype I’d rather watch Minecraft championships to be honest with you like I think those are more excited why do I have this yeah I’m

Selling this for no time at all it’s not a waste of time if it’s something that you enjoy then it becomes a hobby I mean that’s fair but at the same time like a lot of those games have no end goal and it’s just uh you know oh

The next season comes out and your tactics or your skills are Obsolete and now you have to regain those skills and then when you do the next season’s out and then you’re just as bad as you were and then yeah it’s so so confusing like it’s just to the point

Where it’s like not even fun that’s why I gave up rainbow cuz I was like every single season there’s just a new meta and I can’t get used to it people getting nerfed and this and that and the other and I’m like bro I can’t keep up with

It that’s why I just play games like this yeah update’s not out yet unfortunately but that’s the point so revolving door makes it interesting keeps the game fresh I mean it’s fair I also feel like that’s where the downfall of like a lot of those games are like to

Be fair fortnite it’s had a pretty far downfall it’s more played now that they introduced like the Lego fortnite and thear hero but before that it was kind of going at a bad rate man hermit craft more for the people that’s fair mushroom cave is better in

My opinion I think it is but the fruit back cave also gives you like the early completion without having to buy saplings so to me that’s better cancern D chatted on the Discord server get ready did he fact Checker can we get more of them get ready what’s new Isaac

Adventure welcome in how you doing we’re waiting for the stardo update it’s about it he said don’t get ready yeah get ready and 9 hours I don’t even know what I’m doing at this point I’m just running around welcome back bingus sorry for calling you an L streamer for not

Playing risk rain I was only joking though I’m loving the stream I appreciate you I feel like it’s just kind of a funny joke just to time people out [ __ ] the phone rules of my school I ain’t missing this Fair here bab buoy welcome in Seth how you

Doing can we get a high Seth in chat from everyone a train rip phone teacher’s going to come and Chuck it up against the wall look at that look at the highets Seth High [ __ ] you volcanic chat is actually going insane today you guys are amazing I felt so badass though being

Timed out like it was just part of my dark personality exactly sometimes it’s like it’s character building you know like you got to get banned in order for the chat to be like oh [ __ ] people get banned here oh I better I better act well behaved

God Seth just sent me a terrible picture yo everyone if you are not subscribed make sure to subscribe we’ve gone up like almost 100 subs today two more subs and we’ll be at over 100 Subs in one day which is insane thank you all so much appreciate you I like the old man

Voice I’m terrible at doing voice impressions but you know we try our best I already donated one of these bro get out of here dog [ __ ] the almighty bingus dark era true bis bingus villain Arc where does a jelly go oh Artis does anyone actually ever get bees in this

Game concerned ape actually said get ready it’s real 100% I’m refreshing Reddit that’s it we’re going to Reddit boys don’t get too ready it’ll still be a little bit Probably h Hello George so what are we thinking he said get ready then don’t get too ready oh my God he did he did post something so at least we know he’s awake I think we have a couple hours yet unfortunately I mean we’re still going to be here

Chilling I would switch to a different game but you know we’re chilling be 12:00 p.m. his time so two more hours that’s not terrible finally he posted yo thank you for subscribing appreciate bingus wasn’t subscribed bingus how could you be watching me for this entire time and not be subscribed

Everyone make sure that you’re subscribed we have gained 100 subscribers in one day that’s insane thank you so much you guys are awesome again to do a little self-promotion in the description there’s a Discord link there’s my twitch link there is a membership link anything that your heart could desire is down

There time out bingus again for not subscribing exactly like who isn’t subscribed right now is there multiplayer games chat can play I mean I do have like jackbox and stuff but I feel like we should probably just stick to the stardew for now because everyone’s hyped about stardew and they want to see

Stardo sub now you’re banned Isaac chaos face what did he post on uh he posted it in the Discord jackbox on fridays. give true jackbox is always on Fridays we’re losing viewers what’s happening everyone’s booting up their [ __ ] their [ __ ] this is our moment I quite honestly thought I was

Going to stream to like five people today so thank you all so much I don’t want to get the hose balls crushed by Abigail or mom’s knife floor one yo thank you for subscribing mom’s knife floor one I’m going to give you a hot take I don’t think Mom’s knife is a good

Item hate to tell you what’s his Discord yeah it’s in the description it’s the top top Link in the description as well as there’s a join button helps me out helps support the channel as well as I post a new video every single week and you guys get early access to

Them lots of cool stuff plus you get little member emojis it’s pretty crazy I’m about to pass out is there even a point for me being down here not really I’ll be back after the toddler naps sounds good I hope my toddler naps I love Isaac but I’m terrible most

Of my wins come from me getting op items I mean can you actually win Isaac off of a skill yes but it’s better to get op items no I don’t want to die I’d rather pass out from energy than die I’ll be honest with you it’s getting late father needs to update soon

True any games on Steam Sale anyone recommend I’m not a huge steam gamer so like I can’t I don’t know I’ll be back I need to yell at Bratz on Discord what everyone is joining the Discord this is crazy thank you all appreciate you guys thank you for all the subs all the

Likes it’s crazy Bad Piggies I’ve never played that game and I feel like I must go back through your content and play it myself Isaac is pretty fun I’m not going to lie if you like any Rog like Isaac’s pretty cool I would say it’s my favorite game

Why did my screen just bug out all right give me enough please pretty please I pled like 50 yeah we got enough we got way more than enough don’t do that okay now I can sell everything else it is the 24 we don’t really need to do much it’s almost end of the

Season eight pieces bro how am I so rich with hay everyone is genuinely leaving now I appreciate everyone coming out thank you hopefully you have a great rest of your day I do I do Isaac’s pretty cool I think everyone should give it a try did I play it sounds

Good definitely check out the Isaac streams I am going for completion on that game with three files it uh it’s going to take a long time I keep trying to get motivated to play Boulders gate I I never got into it like I’m not going to be someone that’s

Like oh I hate D and D but I I don’t know Boulder’s gay I don’t know never was a D and D fan myself a lot of my friends play it but me Boulders Gates Peak thought you said risk of rain 2 was Peak not every game can be

Peak this tree’s been bothering me it looks so good but my ADHD brain says too much exactly I tried to play it and I got about 10 minutes into it and was like there’s so much to understand I’m just done who hears plays Minecraft I dabble a little bit play more modded than

Anything someone went a bit too far in my Discord got banned o that’s rough not on my Discord I feel like we haven’t banned anyone on Discord to be honest with you balers gate is Peak yo Finn welcome in uh Finn you missed it we had like 150

People in the chat it was kind of insane there was a point where my brain started malfunctioning I was just shutting down I couldn’t I couldn’t handle it everyone say hi Finn we got the goat back true Finn is the legend cuphead Peak I never played cuphead I think stream

Wants me to play cuphead too which I eventually will do Uzu is about the only person to get timed out yeah but even then Uzu is kind of just a joke to get timed out the [ __ ] happened uh PL you missed it we were at

150 we went up 100 subs today uh it’s been a crazy stream everyone say hi PL that’s my editor pl’s got to turn this into something I don’t know can we make anything out of the stream that’s the question blow I think that’s the most amount of people I’ve seen on here yeah

I mean the likes explained for themselves it’s been a crazy stream I’m happy though highlights maybe for sure look at this this is insane yeah PL is my funny editor we love PL yes worship me no no that’s it revoke all of your highs go back through the chat and delete

Them Plus’s a little bit too big for his britches right now no I just want the game to update though a knee slapper we have the goats we bow I’m the funny man he’s just the one that edits the funny man what could we do what could we do it’s a

Wednesday it’s almost the end of the season I don’t know like what what else do I need let me go back through my picture where do I need to do I already got everything I got the sturgeon got the Pu fish got the red snapper got the tilapia got the

Tuna I got all of the farming except for red cabbage which I’m not too worried about it’s whatever Hitman Peak well every game is Peak now Bros indecisive all ha pl we are not worthy proper PL moment game’s Peak what game we’re losing everyone now what is happening quick guys if you’re not

Subscribed make sure to subscribe English I mean it I only speak one language but it’s fine we’re chilling Celeste Peak I never played Celeste update is taking too long people are clocking out I don’t blame them PL how’s that video coming we going to have a video this week

Sweet some people are getting the update now I know about that I don’t know about that you’re fibbing no there a’t nothing hopeway don’t with both of ours nice sick this is a big moment all right give me these make a bunch of these just tuned in take it the update

Is still not here no it’s not unfortunately it’s not but we’re waiting we’re chilling bingus you think I’ll break existing mods what do you mean perhaps we can pin a message but see when people join in they’re going to be like oh my God are you on the update

And then that gets them to chat so like chat interaction then they realize how much of a funny man I am before they just like oh his pinned messages that the update’s not out that’s a bad idea the mods in the sty Discord are getting annoyed with a Mayo spam that’s

Hilarious I mean that is the biggest thing to come out of the update what if he just like takes it out before the update just to ruin everyone’s day what if he does that that’d be a power move getting close to that 4 Hour Mark just letting everyone know in case you

Are sticking around stream will eventually crash but it will be back I am not going to bed till you chug mail it will happen I hate all these little baby trees just get out of here then why are you writing in Swedish we’re just having arguments in the chat now everyone’s fighting

It’s a blood lust what do we do guys what do we do because I can fair enough don’t argue I don’t know why I’m tired now all of a sudden cuz I’ve been waiting for too long I mean it seems like he’s up and he’s putting the update out it’s just going

To take a minute I just don’t know when we need to know when ow if iuck can just hit myself weo weo we W the wind’s crazy out here it is we got any more michiganders out in the chat real Michigan moment if it ain’t at 12 we start

Riots I mean we still have an hour and a half till that [ __ ] Kevin they found me I don’t know what to do I’m just waiting for the update to come out I’m just I don’t know this is wait this is worse than waiting for Delta run I never was an undertale fan

Either so like I Delta run was kind of one of those games flew under my radar do you have ginger Island on the save I don’t not yet unfortunately this is the first year so we don’t have a lot unlocked what could I upgrade could upgrade my axe tomorrow I

Could get the coupe tomorrow I got 10,000 fish nah I’m out of energy I sleep that’s what I do I sleep I have a comically large jug of mayo I could drop off to him how how about we don’t F please don’t is this what silk song fans feel

Like I’m scared of tornadoes since last year there was one literally 2 miles down the road yeah Michigan tornado is kind of go crazy there’s nothing to do I’m just I’m so bored are these melons even going to grow in time what if I [ __ ]

Up as a hollow Knight player this is how we feel sad L’s in chat there’s the hot pepper Quest guys we’re going to go oil up George of undertale L undertale is pretty great Delta run so far has just been barely anything fair all right what do I need what do I

Need yeah it’s Jelly Time guppy is dead look guppy’s dead it’s an Isaac reference you don’t like undertale L streamer go ahead bingus me but it has to be said I didn’t say I don’t like undertale I just said it was a game that flew under my

Radar didn’t care to play it so it’s not that I don’t like it I think it’s okay it hasn’t done anything for me to be like wow I got to play it you know what I mean plus a big undertale fan we had pretty nasty tornado sweep through Grand

Blank not too long ago yeah pretty scary pretty scary game of the decade why isn’t it won any awards for it then oo crowd go silent oo I mean seriously like I feel like it’s more of a cult following than anything game of the decade is crazy

Exactly game of the decade is Skyrim always buby you’re not wrong I don’t know it it just feels like you’re hyping it up just a little bit too much I never was a big Fallout guy like I I played Fallout New Vegas it was all

Right I don’t know game’s got to be like super good to pull me in like it’s got to have replayability an easy enough story to understand because my brain is small like even Skyrim I think it’s a great game but I’ve probably not gone can you not do

That the hell was that it genuinely scared the [ __ ] out of me I don’t even know what was trying to tell me you get that thing to shut up so slow when you going want to go to new places yeah I’ve only played Skyrim for

Like maybe an hour hour and a half but yeah I think I think it’s a good game still game’s got to be Peak though upgrade your bucket maybe when can we play hopefully soon Grand Blank is like 30 minutes away same bro what am I doing all right go

Upgrade the coup uh mayonnaise moment drinking mayonnaise moment the stream is getting back up there we got 69 viewers again if you are new make sure to subscribe appreciate you guys what about Resident Evil another game that’s never grabbed my attention man I feel old I still remember when

Oblivion came out oh my God now that’s an old one you ever played modded Skyrim modded Skyrim is fun I already have that I definitely don’t have over 600 hours in modded Skyrim H I feel like you do I don’t know there’s just a little bit leading me towards those inscription is another

Peak card game I might want to play that soon people have been talking about it batro Peak batro is Peak batro has grabbed my attention it’s great game I think it’s one of the best Rog legs we’ve got in a minute as well as just a [ __ ] a card

Game batro is great should I mix up some Isaac tear should we try some Isaac’s tears live on stream I mean I already tried it off stream but that mies up some Isaac’s tears yes okay cuz I’m kind of like I’m running on E right now I need something

I need a I need a little bit of a pickme up any news about the update uh he’s active in the Discord and says get ready but not too ready so Isaac’s tier review live all right we’ll do it let me go get some [ __ ] some water

I’m not going to put it in the Isaac tear Shaker though because I’m going to be real the Isaac Shaker is a little bit too small for my liking ENT the gungeon is awesome it is I like Axel lot more than enter the gungon though to be completely honest with you

Axel out Peak such a great game and it’s it’s actually like so cute it’s so cute it’s so Kawaii all right Isaac’s tier moment got to mix up my my game drink message from Discord less than an hour sick not a big fan of the uh the gamer

Fuel powder ratio to gamer Subs not going to lie gamer Subs has them on that there’s like little to no powder in Gamers subs and it tastes way better in my opinion but yeah you know whatever we are in the end game what the hell is that what is

What 45 minutes 45 more minutes according to his score let’s go it’s almost here I just realized my camera wasn’t on the entire time I’ve been doing this what a moment what a moment of all moments uh anyways Isaac’s tears I’m not putting it in the Shaker because the

Shaker is too small in my opinion but I posted a picture of my dog and sweater we do have a pets tab in the Discord if you want to post in there your cam supposed to be on yeah I mean I was showing it off but thanks for

That there’s some water suck in the cap you’re looking good over there sir poins hey flamer [ __ ] you respectfully yeah should make a streamlab scene just for face cam but then it’s too it’s too wide brother it’s too wide and I’m not I’m not doing

That what what did I do it got a little too excited it did Isaac’s tears though is pretty cool I like it let me make it a little bit bigger cuz I know everyone wants to see this everyone in their mom wants to see this Ryan Gosling what you talking about Isaac’s

Tears look at him dude he got scalped I’m so mad I was removing it and it ripped part of his eye off I was like what the [ __ ] bro said update should be in about 45 minutes I’m [ __ ] hyped he’s look maxing no it’s too frothy man I like I gamer

Subs is [ __ ] smooth this [ __ ] is like why is there so much [ __ ] foam like is this dish soap there’s okay there’s genuinely so much [ __ ] foam foam foam phone whatever I’m trying to say look at how much [ __ ] foam is in this [ __ ] dude look at that this [ __ ] is 90% dish

Soap I would never make fun of Edmund no meu I don’t Mew Mew stupid dude it’s [ __ ] foaming all right Isaac’s tears uh apparently it is what white grape and pineapple or something like that also look at the bottom of it they have like the different Isaac things it’s so cool

I love it everyone’s leaving now it really is soapy it [ __ ] is I mean it’s all right it’s mostly just pineapple it’s not bad it kind of does taste like candy though flamer is right about that yeah Edmond Millan oiled up showing us mug genics gameplay face Cam’s going byebye for

That that comment right there who made that one gfuel when I have ice and gfuel it never Foams for me H that might be the SEC sec I’m right about what uh the Isaac’s tears kind of just taste like candy I’m just here to listen to your soothing voice well thank

You thank you for the compliment question mark maybe refresh the Discord I’m not seeing anything man stardy Valley 1.6 will be released in approximately 45 minutes sent at 1:47 p.m. crazy start a timer Isaac serers tastes like Smarties you’re not wrong it definitely does taste like a candy I don’t know if it’s

Exactly Smarties but it’s pretty good I’m not going to lie I knew it it’s 12 his time we were right about something let’s go good job Mr Kappa huge W for Mr Kappa can I get the trash app or is that just not going to happen well since we only have 45

Minutes I don’t know what are we doing game of the century is Final Fantasy 9 changed my mind Final Fantasy 9 isn’t like seven the one that everyone loves or is that the one that everyone hates I don’t know no kobis no kobus unfortunately no

Kobus it’ll be March 20th for me oh my God Seven is Garb Fair I just know it’s the one that’s remade constantly ban me for the dog pick in general nah just post some in uh pets from that one you’ll be fine I don’t really care discord’s like

One of those things I don’t really use that much I want to buy Grandpa’s ashes it turns your entire mouth black and it doesn’t even taste that good hot take Finn if Finn is still in the chat he can conf confirm it’s perfect gooning time I’ll be back oh my

God I’ve learned my lesson from the hose yippe good luck I can go to the mines really at least I didn’t buy it yeah I mean it’s not that good update almost got in trouble well you didn’t so successful Mission I don’t know these melons are

Going to grow the hose where the hose at the what what did he say the one piece confirmation yeah Grandpa’s ashes taste like [ __ ] and it stains your mouth not good not good the melons better make it we’re hoping we’re praying for the melons do you believe in the no walk

Glitch what is that you’re speaking a foreign language bet Grandpa’s ashes doesn’t foam up every single g- fuel that I have mixed up has foamed I don’t know why yo Genesis congrats you were right though the one piece is real it is I swear to God like gfuel literally

Makes [ __ ] just dis up again not to [ __ ] on the company cuz you know I at this point I’ll take any sponsor I don’t care uh preferably I would like to be sponsored by gamer Subs though I feel like gamer Subs is a better tasting product Hot

Take I can’t even be canceled for that that’s just that’s it he tweeted coffee time no way successful Mission now it’s time for coffee all right give me these I have to donate hay how much for what oh is it the stupid Marney bundle can you please yeah just three apples what do

You think I made out of money all right I’m going to need cake he actually did that’s amazing good on that man give me those I want to support my Canadian boy and his grandpa but now I’m sad who even made Grandpa’s ashes who designed that flavor is the

Update still not here uh about like 30 minutes-ish somewhere around there he’s at his first coffee now he got everything ready so he’s just waiting blard I don’t know who that is do I I feel like I do do I I don’t know yo again if you guys are

Not subscribed and you haven’t liked the stream make sure to do so we’re at 121 likes you guys are insane we’ve went up over 100 subs today so thank you all so much honestly I appreciate you actually people have unsubscribed we’re not at over 100 anymore sad very very sad thank you for

Unsubscribing that’s it stream’s over we’re at a negative now today too sad favorite gamer Subs flavor I’ve tried like five or six of them and I would have to say that grape grenad deer is my favorite cuz it’s just it’s just grape Kool-Aid but with caffeine so

That’s good I haven’t tried titty milk I want to try it back it up we’re leaving honestly yeah I feel like when we go back to the normal Isaac content a lot of these people not going to be here but you know maybe oh [ __ ] get away from me [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] are is your dude worse than spiders in Isaac for real real confirmed by me I feel like we need to build the audience that like watches for me so like if any of you guys are just going to watch because of me afterwards I appreciate

You I may stay around I love Isaac well thank you I appreciate you I’m not the best at Isaac but you know I’m playing the game I’m trying to get Triple dead God I don’t play Isaac but I’m interested fair I’m going to michigander stay together real thank

You no I mean the stream has been 100% worth it either way you guys are awesome thank you for subscribing appreciate you Universal you’re epic has anyone been to Universal before I’ve always like thought about going to one of those like Parks like Disney or Universal or something I’ve been to Cedar

Point but I don’t know I don’t know what would be more worth it I’m not really a Disney guy to be honest with you I think the only cool aspect of it is like the Marvel aspect a little bit but like at the same time Universal I don’t

Know I’ve been to Indiana that’s it fair as someone who’s heard of it but never played it what is Binding of Isaac about so it’s a top down view Rog like where you pick up random items you fight random enemies at the end of every floor is a boss there’s

A shop in every floor there’s an item room in every floor uh you just got to build your character and get stronger and then eventually take down a final boss and then guess what you do it again because when you beat a run you unlock something new then you play it in there

Star Wars not a huge Star Wars guy the original movies were okay I’m more of a Lord of the Rings guy to be honest with you like out of all like the Harry Potter Star Wars Lord of the Rings like I’m I’m more Lord of the Rings I’ve definitely watched all the

Star Wars movies as well as like seeing all the series but you know it’s it’s all right yeah you can do that Mr Kappa sounds fine to me I do not see a problem with that a diamond and an aquamarine thank you give me that how’s everyone doing though we’re

Less than an hour away from the update are we excited who’s playing as soon as it drops the temp is 45 real feel 30 I was going to say let me check mine yeah feels like 30 Michigan moment can’t wait same is anyone not able to play it until

You’re watching me play it is anyone just watching me because of that 90 the obsidian Edge he’s edging I figured it was a good time to get housework on that’s why like when I started the stream I was like well before I start the stream I might as well do some chores first just in case the wife gets home is like you didn’t do

Anything around the house today well now I did counteract we had amazing stream and I did my [ __ ] very epic yo Noob uh update comes out in like less than a half hour going to have to leave the stream no this is so sad you could just have me on in the

Background that’s a big brain move I’m grounded right now using my friend phone oh my God I think wife would be okay cuz it’s pretty baller stream I mean I just texted her the amount of people that we had in there but I haven’t checked her response yet let me

Check let’s see what she says she said whoa good [ __ ] and then she said do you want a snack and a drink I’ll bring you home anything I think we’re at a profit boys like to say the least I think we have won today my husband is supporting my dreams

Too I mean that’s the number one thing is like Tessa has always been super supportive of like me doing streaming but now that it’s actually going good and I’m like making money on it somehow she’s like totally down for it wife happy good life actually though

Real get the [ __ ] away from me ho holy [ __ ] there’s so many enemies oh my God I’m trying to like lure them all into one space so I can drop this thank you I’m about to get n on look at goobers did you guys know that you

Become a member you can select from the tear and they’re called goobers it’s pretty funny I like it the gorilla meme get away from me want to see a silly vid of flying a drone with a duck on top yeah send it in the memes I’ll be down to check it out strange

Bun I needed one of those what is this floor he’s making coffee confirmed that’s it boys the coffee is being made that always makes me so concerned when a slime is running away from another slime it’s got a heart above its head I’m like H I know what that’s insinuating But got to leave for a bit to send you’re good he knows exactly what he’s doing he does I’ll subscribe if you scream out loud that you love the telephone I love the telephone moving on I sent Meme Nice concerned coffee slime death by snoo snoo you’re not wrong that’s exactly

What it means too every time I see it I’m just like oh very get away from that loud enough I mean I do have neighbors so like you know I said gorilla wife right wife life good kill wife wife gone think about wife regret oh [ __ ] there’s a crab

Too right there how much time is left uh under 30 minutes I don’t know exactly when I’m sure chat will update me when it’s out till then we’re just going to play the game not for much longer he’s making coffee true brat wife confirmed no no my wife’s pretty

Epic did you guys know that my wife actually makes appearance on stream sometimes she’ll play a Binding of Isaac run sometimes she’ll you know like the other night I got drunk on stream uh it was two days ago for St Patrick’s Day and she took over my

Stream just so that she could play Smash Bros it was pretty funny yo thank you for the $2 donation chilling with everyone until 1.6 comes out true appreciate you thank you so much everyone like it I forgot that you can like things now it’s

Crazy she would not One V one me she was hammered bro I was hammered your wife sounds awesome she’s pretty cool she should be home in a couple hours she’ll probably make an appearance she likes St so she might sit by and watch I’m going stick around to be friends with your wife

Fair marriage is the ultimate 1V one I mean we uh we do brawl it out in the Super Smash Bros sometimes not going to lie she do be kicking my ass though even though I can you know play characters better to say the least she just knows how to be annoying and spam

And she actually has skill at spamming so it’s bad and it’s good you know floor 100 Wow first star drop let’s go this is huge if it makes you think of Isaac thank you for that donation again appreciate you do we get a wife reveal I mean there

Is a wife reveal on the channel if you guys go and check out the the trying sodas video she’s in it I did a blindfolded challenge where I tried a bunch of sodas and tried to guess what they were didn’t go very well but I got a few that’s all that

Matters I spam so bad in games like smash yeah that’s what she does is the game fun awesome melon welcome in uh yeah it’s pretty fun I enjoy Miss poins really wanted to smoke with me she did she doesn’t let anyone Yap at her she’s damn known for [ __ ] cutting

Yapping I’ll tell you that get this goober smash stream one if I had a better capture card and a computer that was better then I would which is why you guys should join the Gavin pogin membership as well as donate cuz the fun the fund rather think about the fund

Better PC means more content that’s the long run he seems to think 25 minutes still update still fair I like those odds we stay winning boys don’t I only have to make it to like 105 or something no is it 120 I can’t remember facts I got an HP laptop same that’s

What I’m streaming off of right now is an HP laptop I’m a professional Yap Master but professionals have standards Fair another update going to Algebra I want to cry God why is this such an insane stream thank you all for being here watch time on the stream is about to go crazy bro

Honestly I think I’ll rework my decision I’m going to give the the kamea a a three out of 10 I’m going to give the Super Saiyan a 10 out of 10 I’m going to give Isaac steers an eight it’s it’s growing on me I like it the average for the stream is going

To be like 50 viewers what are you talking about I told you Super Saiyan was a 10 well I’m glad I got it I probably should have swapped out the the other one but to be honest with you Tess likes it so we’re at a win it’s not bad I just

Personally am not going to drink it why did the tree just fall H why’ you do that so you so oh I need a donate sell you sell you sell one of you do I need another one I do do I need a cave carrot no all I don’t know about anything

Else my husband was showing me MMA clips who’s ready for the uh the Jake Paul versus he’s goingon to die dude like the the next Jake Paul fight he’s gonna [ __ ] die he’s fighting [ __ ] Mike Tyson who thought that was a good idea I don’t know how long I’ve been

Here maybe 1 hour I appreciate all of you though even if you just been here for a couple minutes appreciate you make sure to sub also we can finally get a dinosaur egg now cheering for my goat Jake Paul that’s that’s not going to be good he’s going to die

Bro if Jake doesn’t die it’s scripted fun fact Mike is old it doesn’t matter if Mike’s old have you seen the video of him training like he’s going to Jake’s going to die bro it’s over for Mike Tyson dude is 57 and he’s throwing haym makers he’s going to

Die he he’s he’s still literally yeah he moves like a [ __ ] 20-year-old everyone’s counting him out cuz he’s old but the fact is no number one he has more skill Than Jake Paul number two he’s bigger than Jake Paul yeah it’s Mike Tyson I mean come on man Mike the mid Tyson

Okay yeah he did just get his ass beat by Tommy no one talks about that though you know everyone’s got to talk about his wins though what about his win against B Ben asrin the washed up used to be actually not a boxer boxer right he didn’t

Actually fight in boxing so throw him into boxing where he’s never done anything before nah Jake beat him though I think that’s what everyone focuses too much on it’s like it wasn’t his [ __ ] Sport and he’s washed up yeah Mike Tyson’s washed up too but he’s still

Mike Tyson he’s not B Asar Ben asran was nothing dude he about to get an ear chomped off that’d be hilarious I’d be okay if that was the final outcome you know they would do it too for publicity and like everyone’s always like oh well there this person’s just

Going in it to fight for money Ben asrin yeah I think he was going in it for money a lot of the other people that have fought him sure but Mike Tyson’s not doing this for money like it that’s a stupid take the melons are not looking good we

Got one more day I believe yeah I think the argument is invalid though Mike Tyson does not care about the money hope Mike Tyson brings pigeons to his fight have you guys seen the uh the Mike Tyson Mysteries on Adult Swim that’s like one of the best shows ever he does not need

Clavia I mean our generation or Not Our Generation but the one lower whatever that be you know the 10-year-olds that are on Tik Tok right now those are the people that don’t really know who Mike Tyson is I feel like everyone else knows though to an extent you’re not wrong safe

State how many more minutes we got what we got what we got someone get the timer going sobbing yeah I mean it it is it’s Mike Tyson okay I didn’t mean to talk to you but H I really don’t anything it’s a [ __ ] last day of the Season yeah I’m going to

Buy some seeds I’m going put them in the ground it’ll be fine it’s like 12 gotcha one more cup of coffee yeah can we all agree that Coco melon is the dumbest thing ever I mean I agree I think parents nowadays and again no discredit to anyone is in here that

Is a parent parenting is a very hard job it’s tough uh but I feel like putting your child in front of a tablet or a screen that is projecting uh overstimulating images into their [ __ ] brain which is causing them to have autism and then you go well autism is more common nowadays

No it’s autism is caused by these [ __ ] shows that you’re programming in your kid’s brain uh anyways moving on from that parenting is a hard job but sitting your kid in front of a tablet isn’t the solution and I’m not saying that every parent has a chance to raise their kids like you

Know I was but like come on man I [ __ ] as a kid I was out running around [ __ ] throwing dog [ __ ] at the neighbors like it it’s not that hard to be fair a lot of babies were just born during like covid and [ __ ] so there wasn’t a lot of

Like you know going outside or going over to friends houses or anything like that so it’s understandable for these couple years but like going on past this it’s going to be pretty [ __ ] bad no I’m going leave I got autism I there’s nothing wrong with autism I think people overgeneralize autism like

Uh I was the generation that was uh ADHD is the most common thing ever and it was just doctors trying to sell Aderall uh to literal children so you know I was in that lumped into oh you have ADHD I don’t have ADHD I don’t and then

Everyone’s like oh you outgrow it no it’s just oh my kid’s a little bit hyper let’s pay an absurd amount of money to put him on some medication that’s going to [ __ ] him up for the rest of his life that’s what I feel like autism is now to to a certain degree nowadays

Everyone’s over sterilizing autism is like this widespread like EP epidemic of our children of this generation it’s like it’s not though it’s how you parent your children and how you raise them like I said CO’s a different thing a lot of parents weren’t able to raise their children the same way that

Everyone else was because of Co which is fine but no I agree the over stimulating TV shows are not going to [ __ ] help your kid told the hubs about Mark’s autism last night he had an aha moment who’s Mark didn’t realize I was dyslexic till my senior year of high school exactly cuz

ADHD was this widespread thing of like every kid has ADHD they all need to be hyped up on Aderall bro oh hi Mark best movie ever hands down maybe it’s a proven fact like these shows are so over stimulated they’re causing your kids to have [ __ ] panic attacks when they’re not

Able to express their emotions or know that they’re having a panic attack which is ruining their brain your kid doesn’t want to watch CoCo melon every day because they enjoy it your kid want to watch CoCo melon every day because they feel like they’re going to have a panic attack if they’re

Not watching it and if they are watching it then they’re over stimulated and they’re just feing for that next hit it’s like [ __ ] putting your baby on meth I’m going be honest with you moving on this is supposed to be a positive stream now I’m ranting about babies on

Meth to be fair Aderall is just glorified meth but you know we won’t talk about it Aderall ruined my brain for years man uh I’m still 4our Mark mhm 4 hour mark anyways Tommy wisel is the new Joker introducing the new Joker why is that also ruin my brain nah he’s

A god he’s a God we back let’s move on I mean it’s a it’s a good conversation to have you know I feel like a lot of streamers are more like you know the I don’t want to talk about this topic because it’s this and it’s like you got to have opinions on

Some things now like when it comes around to like election time or we’re talking about like world politics slash like the wars that are going on in the world right now I’m not going to talk about those cuz people just rant and Rave about that and I think all opinions

Are dumb on those matters there’s a right and there’s a wrong there’s a stupid and there’s a correct moving on from politics and that type of [ __ ] uh if we want to talk about that I mean yeah I think the new generation of children are going to be doomed to

Fall and that’s just a fact I’ve met a lot of baby like I have I have two nieces that are the same age right now and one of them has autism which is not caused by this tablet [ __ ] that I’m talking about just has autism not very good at speaking but very very

Fluent with you know writing and reading and this and that and the other she just doesn’t speak that much but then my other niece on the other hand is like a crack demon and she’ll run around outside pick up chicken poop and just [ __ ] start throwing it at people and

Thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world she’s like full functioning like she’ll spit your [ __ ] ear off my little sister was watching her the other day and she told her go get back in the kitchen go make me some food I’m like she’s like what

Three so it’s just I don’t know it’s a it’s a mixed bag my ass was beat when I acted up me too I also think that’s an issue tooo people over sterilize the fact that you know oh don’t beat your kids it’s like I was beat

Not my dad would say you weren’t beat I was um but you know it’s a it’s a Stern lesson that I feel like a lot of these kids don’t get nowadays they’re just sort of like handed everything and they get to act however they want to act without being

Corrected C demon yeah she is though base maybe he just tweeted the updates out I’m giving you two seconds of my time to look at Twitter refresh his page and see end the [ __ ] day end the [ __ ] day end the [ __ ] day end the [ __ ]

Day it’s out end the day it just posted 41 seconds ago the update is out in the day time to [ __ ] get it boys who’s hyped everyone get your spams in chat out blow that [ __ ] chat up just Spam [ __ ] as much as you can

Go this is the no timeout zone for a couple minutes let’s [ __ ] get it all right let me update this [ __ ] this is our moment this is our moment we’re here we’ve been here I appreciate all of you waiting everyone who came in for the clickbait and everyone who sticked around till the

End I appreciate You we’re so updating right now 37% 99% the update is finished I’m booting stardew right now please boot the game verifying update what do you mean what do you mean now it’s installing the update oh my God speedrun a new farm and chug Mayo so tense right

Now chug that Mayo den no see now I would trust this guy to say mayonnaise May I’m on right now yeah well I’m not so shut up we are we’re so back by the way I have 110 hours of steam play time speed run a new Farm in chug Mayo I shall I

Shall it’s not letting me update this is so so sad it’s it’s j 110 hours is kind of weak to be fair I mean I have it on seven different things that’s what I play it on so you have to remove the fact that that’s the only amount of ours cuz it’s

Not we’re here we’re here new all the music’s on there it is the meals Farm it’s not the best for growing crops but there’s a chewy blue grass that animals love you’ll start with two chickens not the best for growing crops this is why I said no one get overhyped it’s not going

To be great it’s going to be much like these ones it’s going to be much like these ones everyone was so [ __ ] hyped for it uh poop the farm farm favorite thing Farm oh new dog new cat new cat oh Alice Alice moment guys it’s Alice

They have an Alis cat I must send this to test guys it’s my cat it’s actually sick it’s Alice moment I got to name Alice all right what we doing uh yep these are all still the same cool favorite thing Farm your cat’s called Alice yes Alice reveal I

Shall you know what join the Discord right now in general I’m going to post a picture of Alice name poop all right I’m posting a picture of Alice right now in the Discord so if you’re not in the Discord join there’s a picture of Alice for you what is this why am I

Swinging what is happening why am I swinging my energy wow the house actually looks insane hey you mean you tell me you don’t start with parsnips uh let me Fu Zoom this [ __ ] out man Zoom that [ __ ] out okay yo okay this is kind of sick get me the [ __ ] out of here

This is kind of sick look at the Blue Grass there’s a waterfall yeah that is actually really cool I’m going to go play thanks for the stream it was awesome I appreciate you Bing us have a good day as well as anyone else that is setting out right now thank you guys for

Being here how do you get over there I must oh there’s more Blue Grass I thought there was only going to be a little bit does it do anything special ESP when you Scythe it no wait does it not start you with a silo so you only have to survive with

The grass that’s on your farm what the [ __ ] until you can get it Silo what are the chickens names though I want to know what the predetermined names are everyone is dipping now the dates out I mean to be fair understandable oh the babies honey look at the other

One I’ll return for The Binding of Isaac streams appreciate you I’m proper off now see you not dipping thank you biscuit and honey goated names this is so awesome near Mary there’s a new big tree thing oh the map looks different holy [ __ ] I don’t know to be fair like off of

First takes right now I mean it’s a decent amount of land but like I’m a farmer don’t let bingus go we’re just going to go look around we’re going to do some Peruan I’m living through you vicariously cuz I live on switch fair enough it doesn’t 1.6 is finally here no more

Clickbait holy [ __ ] that is a big tree oh you got to be able to go in there you have to you have to be able to go in that tree it’s it’s got to be an event there’s no way it’s not you see how you can like walk up right to

It check the board for the new holiday true whoa looks like the house is slightly different it’s a little more more blue whoa book seller book seller question marks Treehouse that’s what I’m thinking there’s got to be something with that what is these what are these what is

Book seller are we just skipping till we get an event I mean that’s kind of what I want to do I want to skip till event happen I want to spoil it for everyone right now yeah that’s it this is the spoiling stream open the player tab in inventory whoa what the

[ __ ] what is that everything’s so different what is that at the bottom book seller I can’t there’s a sign text sign you can write custom messages there’s so much new information oh they moved the the bowl too what’s up here they sectioned it off that’s honestly great spoiler stream 2024 yeah that’s

What we’re doing IR time for spoilers what do we have to sleep till the 11th or something yeah it’s time to go to the 11th wait was that like a multi- skip day feature what was that huh why there a question mark I can’t click it yo Thor thank you for

Subscribing new map farm this is we’re just skipping to find out what the books seller is cuz I’m really really curious about that we will do like a full new Farm but I want to see what these new events are this is the spoiler stream we’re figuring everything out right

Now you guys like the content make sure to subscribe this has been an amazing stream thank you guys so much poor honey is going to die from starvation while Gavin takes the longest nap m nah she’ll be fine the tree is a home for raccoons oh you’re right big brain big brain welcome

And Jesse how you doing it’s actually a fat idea the book seller is in town today what does a book seller do we need a calendar for in my home can I buy the calendar is there too much but where though where is the book seller wait

What why is there stars on the book is that there new animal tab in inventory oh you’re right that’s awesome what are these why is there a special item tab now where’s the book seller book seller sells books I what where is the book seller where do you

Be maybe like up by Community Center what is this what okay this update goes crazy there is so much [ __ ] in this update [ __ ] carrot seeds been lurking since you started the stream well I appreciate you [ __ ] carrot seeds what the hell I’m taking ages to customize my

Character help yeah you can change your character later don’t focus on it too much get in the game get in the game dude I’m actually excited about the carrots that’s huge so she’s not at the traveling cart I don’t know where she would be what’s up welcome in shotgun farmer

How you doing congrats on the gifted membership by the way Shotgun If you can’t see uh today’s been a absolutely insane stream our carrot spring crops forage I can’t check it Community Center might be near there yeah cuz it did say in town and I checked pretty damn near everything

That’s all still same that’s all still same where is this book seller at plus one check out Pier’s Fair check Pi for new seeds true oh my there’s a sign is up here what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] read this to gain some foraging experience mining experience you run a little bit

Faster gain a little extra speed while riding a horse you can run through crops faster you can now see the value of your items that’s insane that’s crazy that is huge I love it books are op they are holy [ __ ] what else are we checking we got Fallout special books

True we can go check the beach next I do want to check Pierre’s see if there’s anything new in there I quit Isaac why why did you quit Isaac oh the middle appears got a upgrade didn’t it yeah the shrine’s moved he’s actually got a he’s got a kitchen pet adoption at Mary

What for me it’s a little boring so yeah fair enough dehydrator Place five pieces of fruit edible mushrooms inside to dry them we have we have jerk question mark Pier’s always looked like that I swear it didn’t I swear am I just coping did you know BTS went to the military I

Didn’t after a sleep message tree falls down repair it for 100 hardwood okay Willie we’ll go check out Willies major cat listen man I’m just trying to think of anything can I skip I crashed my entire game we’re so back sorry I’ll stop spoilering I mean that’s fine I’m just trying to figure

Out new things those are all the same o dogghouse cat tree you a cry a bird house why are they so expensive too much money too much money check Robins all right bet I’m going to have to go in like 15 minutes I’m sorry flameer I have to

Protect you you’re putting it in the hands of flam Jer okay where did my music go I’m pretty sure glitch city is like reaching out and taking people down now so I might get taken down for that but it’s fine [ __ ] glitch City piece of [ __ ] the only reason that glitch City

Got big was because sharing their music was free and now they’re demonetizing people for their music in my opinion that’s a massive L [ __ ] glitch City please I can’t do this alone the mod signal turn the mod signal on here’s another one I mean it’s just carrot seeds it’s all I’ve gotten so

Far big chest a model ship that’s actually insane what the [ __ ] that’s expensive that’s why today’s artist suck man if it’s art supposed to be shared I mean that’s fair but yeah again glitch city is not like this [ __ ] brand that’s like making [ __ ] for people does all look like this I don’t

Know I’m trying to like pay attention and see if like rooms have changed or anything I don’t think so curious about wandering trigger well we can Skip One More Day do that I don’t think anything else has changed we’ll check Museum and clinch just in case but oh the waterfall looks

Better that’s actually huge that looks so much better rather than it just being like the Barren River that goes to Nowhere yeah that looks so much better I love this we going to skip to scar star dayss on the calendar yeah yeah I’m going to show off all the events and then probably just do a like a full play on the new One notice how like the entire hype was built up like pre the DLC coming out or like the new update and now everyone’s gone it’s crazy I appreciate the people that are still here though but now we know who the real ones are and who the fake ones are just

Saying you can’t do star days yet how do I get them how do I do them on God on God actually though I’m still here appreciate you that’s a new one they desert events how do I mod it to get a million dollars so I can do

Everything how do I get a million dollars do like console commands or something how do I how do I cheat I don’t know how to cheat in this game guys teach me create a new save use the item id glitch for money and then finish the bundle to

Get desert for event how do I do that what would I have to name myself can I name like a chicken an ID and it’ll give me that or does that not work oh they patched the ID all mods are down because the update so what would I have to name a chicken

In order to like test if it works someone give me like item for like Prismatic Shard or something we’ll let them out do they go for the blue first need to Google Prismatic Shard ID please so what I just name it 432 I’ve never done this before so I don’t

Know I don’t know how that works has to be spoken by an NPC cringe how are you supposed to get that one oh there wait was up there oh it’s the statue I like how they moved everything around on this one completely add the okay but it won’t work if it’s a chicken

Right like I’d have to do it on my character we can we can do this we can do this hold on why did I acit desktop I’m a boomer I don’t know how this [ __ ] works you guys got to teach me the ways 74 is the ID for

Shard it can be with an anable but only works when they are bought okay so I’ll just name myself that then so it’s bracket sign 74 closed bracket sign right yeah I mean we’ll see if it works I don’t know it could well it could not who knows we’ll figure it out

Oh I didn’t start on the new Farm I started with cut scenes too get me out of here we got to back out having the cut scene on kind of Grinch wait did they change the intro cut scene did anyone test that did they make it better or worse or did

They change it at all I don’t know do we just test everything at this point cuz we know that everyone in their mom is like just speedr running to start the game all right we’ll delete this one got to go with Alice metal L skip intro Boom repeat item id will give

More I mean I only need a couple right still the same okay God this Zoom is so bad who plays on the normal Zoom so bad it’s so bad everyone cringe react to Alex again why is Binding of Isaac in the bottom left because Binding of Isaac vault is 42 42,000

Gold we can do that but we have to get everything else too so it’s like it’s not that easy to like speedrun it I miss playing stardo okay it’s past midnight I’m going to go to bed I’ll catch you on the next stream I think what we might do is we

Might skip around if there’s any events I can do right now then great if not we start a new one could you do joa how early can you do joa I’ll see you later Mr P see you Mr Kappa thank you for being a mod appreciate you

I mean how early can you do joa really dude new save file yes wait who’s Gus I don’t remember who Gus is I’m so bad at the game who’s Gus who Gus I believe at the same time is community center fair good night an have a good night appreciate you hanging out

Oh yeah the in okay no one’s saying my name no one’s saying my name what if they don’t say your name anymore get trolled no one says your name H well it still works so it does still work this is good now who else will say my name you we got

One how much is it going to be to complete JoJo money rod ideal what’s your idea I want a cracked version steam isn’t working no way yours is not updating so you can get three at once repeat items will do should we though I know you guys want

To see the new events I mean I could I could do that what do you guys want you guys want me to do it yeah but you can just talk to Gus will he say my name over and over well that didn’t work I like these These are nice stand in

Front pretty sure that was patched we could still get enough we just need to find out who will talk to me and say my name the update is out it is it’s here we’re playing it right now who shall say my name I don’t know I don’t know who would say my

Name I mean we could skip to like egg Festival and I’m sure a lot of people will say my name I don’t know what’s like a mutual gift that Everyone likes like food I could sell and get some food and start giving people food Instead says give people gifts cuz they will say your name A Lot H Emily says your name if you gift a hated item sick I shall do that I feel like it’ll be easier more P pass like first couple Days I mean I got two that Bo okay well we we made some she hates weed oh no I mean we have money so what what I’m thinking is skip to the egg Festival right a three-day event in the desert in the spring that’s [ __ ]

Wild so how many days do I have to skip to be able to buy the JoJo thing by telephone at Robin and call Clint does that work I kind of too excited and came back how do you have prismatics uh we’re just getting money so that we can go to the

The desert and see the new Event yeah what day is the community center cut scene at you the ability to read and dony on the fifth okay please don’t be closed if you call Clint he’ll always say your name okay also we made a lot of money on this stream not like donations and [ __ ] but

We made a lot of ads so I’m going to roll out A Gifted membership good luck whoever gets it let’s get some member hype in the chat I like giving back giving some memberships back to you guys plus it’s been a crazy day so I hit community center on Day five

Fair we’ll see when I get it I give back 123 likes on the stream you guys are insane all right good luck good luck on getting the membership boys shave goofy shave moment congrats on the membership shop I want to let me use my controller anymore oh I want to be a

Member mod getting a membership rigged yeah I chose him if you guys want to get yourself a membership click on that join button they are $1.99 so they’re pretty freaking cheap helps me helps support the channel mod getting a membership is rigged that’s hilarious hurry up Finn with the five gifting thank you

Finn appreciate you I’ll match you Finn look at that congrats on all the memberships I’ll gift another one as well I’ll match it thank you Finn so much appreciate you congrats to Ryan Lucas Isaac Tim Tom looks like one of them wasn’t given away Finn was gifted a membership by

Finn now how does that work you want to you want to tell me how that works I don’t know how it works there’s another gift to membership if you guys want to get one for yourself click allow and then uh maybe you’ll get one or join the membership yourself pretty Epic

Yeah how did you gift yourself a membership bro how does that work this is so weird moving on Epic membership moment I think we got like 90 members on the community now so thank you guys so much I have no idea well congrats now you got a little mud

Kit bro she wasn’t even here this was nothing but a waste of my time I wasted my time for nothing I knew it was Tuesday which is Yoga day but I was like M you’ll need 22 Prismatic shards 40 to be safe I’m going to go fly duck drone you have

Fun with that thank you for hanging out have a good day say my name yo Mr Man welcome how you doing this is actual Agony new record of viewers today Mr Man we hit 140 almost 150 viewers at Peak today yes look at the likes on the stream too it was kind of

Insane today’s a huge day for uh stardo so it’s understandable but it’s still crazy it blows my mind we went up over 100 subs today which is wild if you are streaming in short there’s a chance that the gift free membership will hit someone who doesn’t even sub I think there’s a

Chance but it’s not like it’s not that much 125 likes God damn go buy a bunch of joa cola and gift it Emily fair but that’s only like one per day that’s only two per week the money isn’t there I mean I understand it’s still a

Way that I can get one and manipulate but you want these just buy two you might say your name Fair two per week it’s pretty low average nope it seems like Pierre is the only one other than Emily and Caroline that have said my name get out of here you [ __ ] where is

She find her is she doing the damn yoga here you go is update here up is here she can’t hide from me from very long a Boop like pter reaction that’s how I feel I feel like I’ve been lied to I just want a million dollars so I can do the

Events okay I guess we’ll just skip a day and then call Clint over and over and over I guess that’ll work why will no one say his name we got it we did you just walked in ruined their day and left yes and what about it I think letters in the mail also

Count right I don’t know all we should get community center now I believe is the farmer villain Arc it is Alice bro that’s so cute stop trying to name it Dudley at least oh I could have named the cat 74 I could have got one more Prismatic you’re right well Alice lives

On what mail doesn’t work rigged no give me that I’m going to go now I need some rest fair enough I’m going to try to get to some of these events and then uh we’ll see bye see you it’s money it’s not a lot but it’s money it’s

Raining when’s the egg Festival the 11th all right so two things were said in chat number one go by the phone number two curious about what the traveling cart looks like let’s see if they changed the traveling cart I don’t think they did but maybe who knows I definitely don’t what is this

They move the cave down here that’s weird I don’t want to go there it’s the same cave too much [ __ ] in my path I’m excited about that raccoon tree still the same why is it ridium bar I could definitely could what about talking to Marney there Shop’s not

Open got I’m getting to the point where I’m like lazy cuz I want to figure out what these events are but I don’t have money and I don’t have 100% at save uh personally I usually choose the mushroom but I’ve been choosing the bats just so I can get like easier Community

Center clears you know what I mean it’s kind of fair weird looking squirrel now we wait we wait 20 more minutes and then we buy the phone and then profit question mark I think I should have had like a 100% save or at least a a done save so I could

Access these events but I don’t I could load one up on my switch but it won’t have it oh when you choose a cave it’ll give you okay gotcha I got you dark couch inventory full the Quest for money that’s what the say yeah that’s right I’m making a million

Dollar you can buy chickens from Marney reset it if the phone thing doesn’t work that’s true who knew cheating would be so much work I know right is there something on the [ __ ] wall there there we go that took way longer than it need to h h So the phone is the way to go well so we’re never disrespecting Clint ever again he is the god Easy Money Clint’s going to be mad cuz I keep [ __ ] ringing him you need 40 max so let’s just get like let’s get like 50 how about that 50

Sound good 50 sounds good to me honestly we stay with it’s as simple as it is MHM make Clint angry speedrun 90% I think he’s past angry right now we’ve called him 15 times in a row in the same 10 minutes this works this is so good

What do you guys think are we getting money are we technically getting money here this isn’t working I’m so excited I have Money wait do I even have to call Clint can I call Robin Too nope it’s only Clint what do you think of the update so far hey it’s pretty cool I’m excited to see what these new events are honestly that’s that’s what I’m trying to do does everyone know when the events are and how to access them Mr spoiler man are you still

Here cuz obviously there’s two events right there’s the desert one that takes up 3 days which is coming up soon be this is actually free money free money no I don’t even think I have a I don’t have a save with a witch hut even I’ve barely played on Steam other than modded

Which we got to the end in but then we deleted the save I don’t know why we deleted it but we did all right let’s get like 45 soell them all it’s sunny today so we should be able to access the community center thing and I’m just going to have

To run to the uh to the thing I think you’re good you have 40 yeah but we’ll just get a few extra just in case just in case we got to buy anything if anything shiny pops up and I’m like oh I need that we can always just call him to get more

Too all right let’s go sell them who’s ready for the cash drop I played so much Start do like 300 would never made it to witches or Ginger Island really or Galaxy sword true I could get a Galaxy sword skip skip skip thank you let me through we could buy all the books

Too see how much that movement speed increases so we got to sleep tomorrow go on to the witch talk to the witch then go to joa pay for everything should be able to do it by the event that’s what I’m thinking what if you just like just Out Of

Reach nah yeah we’re way good we are so good right now hello sir wizard not witch yet that’s what I meant I don’t know if I said witch or not Cleo what are you doing why is that dead time to eat get my money tell me to bring me my

Money that’s a fair amount that’s a fair amount another one time for the Wizard seems so far away now yeah there’s like no area to farm which I don’t know about this one I do like that you get a free Coupe don’t get me wrong but I still feel like it might just be better to go for normal Farmland I mean obviously we’re

Going to do a save tonight or tomorrow whatever it be right now we’re just finding out the new events getting the new stuff but uh you know did I not check the mail this is so sad how could I not check the mail what an idiot I’m an idiot

I don’t think you need the wizard I’m pretty sure you have to at least unlock like unlockables in the community center but I don’t know who am what am I talking about maybe I don’t know I don’t know nothing about this game we’re still going to do

It and then what tomorrow I should be able to buy everything from joa to be safe Fair okay so I’ll just skip we’ll buy everything we’ll go to the desert for the new event check it out I wonder if it’s like night market but desert you have to wait for Community Center to

Be torn down what do the new cabins look like I’ll go show you it’s pretty cool ch I wonder if the desert is expanded me too cuz like we didn’t really need another spring event but I’m not mad you know what I mean cuz like egg Festival is mid flower dance is

Mid so maybe we did need a Spring Festival I don’t know I feel like there’s nothing in the summer what’s a what’s a Summer Event that’s like crazy cabin outside doesn’t look different cabin inside looks like that should just be able to sleep bye from

Georgia I got to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back don’t mind my Prismatic Shard I didn’t cheat We so back one major festival and two mini festivals don’t think the book seller would be compared considered any of those I mean you’re right I expected the metaland farm to be completely blue though me too can’t wait to get some sty with my sisters in it’s a pretty fun update so far

Cleo I just hear cat yelling at me from across the house sea River in cave jelly what sea River and Cave jelly what is that we just waiting we waiting we waiting it’s fixed it doesn’t give you Prismatic damn I was kind of hoping it would but uh it’s fine we’re still waiting

I wonder if you have to activate the event for Jojo membership by going to Piers when Morrison walks in talking about membership discounts or something maybe not though H we’ll see right now come back tomorrow oh my God that’s it it’s over hey let’s go uh let’s go that’s how I

Feel we are nearing the end of the stream now I did say tonight that we’re going to do some batro so I’m thinking tomorrow I’m thinking tomorrow we start new Farm go crazy cuz we have done a 6-hour stream so far uh and I’m getting pretty hungry

And the wife is about to get home so I’m thinking I’m going to go cook some dinner but we’re going to see these events first in then one and then we’ll do a full run new map not maybe full run but like you know play around a little bit maybe books

True I want to see this new desert event man books and desert before streaming for sure does anyone else know when the new events are other than spring do we know around what time don’t spoil what they are but cuz I want to see him I do really appreciate everyone coming

Out to the stream though it’s been an insane stream thank you all as everyone is starting to filter out it seems like I appreciate all of you it was a crazy one who knew that the hype before the DLC would have been or the update would have been

Insane after buying we wait again that’s very true very true but we’re still having fun new events in summer okay two minor events are fishing events don’t know when those are H some of the books say volume one so maybe there are more books I mean that would make sense that would make

Sense some environment event probably the big tree I believe it’s a raccoon tree which is pretty epic that’s it I want the raccoon tree I wonder if I was to boot it up no because again it’s on switch I was going to say we have a full save done like almost

Perfection on the switch but that doesn’t really matter Oh I thought I could just buy them all at once bro what the [ __ ] damn it I thought I could [ __ ] buy them all at once man that’s a lot of money too do we even have enough for

That you can get M you can get multiple pets after maxing hearts with your first pet damn I mean I should only need to buy the bus right or is the bus the entire completion never mind as I ask never mind I don’t need to buy all of them

Right just the boss that’s it I think there was something new with Jojo If you completed it but apart from that do I really care it’s all [ __ ] that we can [ __ ] with later just a boss all right bet I’ll go check the book seller I want to see how fast

The movement speed is like is it a necessity is it a small addition I don’t know let’s see bait and bobber okay so I changed all right give me this I want the price catalog that sounds cool that’s so cool it’s not like crazy but it’s definitely a little bit

Faster it’s not insane is it worth 15,000 right off the start maybe trade in books what the [ __ ] new update and stardo Valley yes what the [ __ ] stardo Valley Almanac what the [ __ ] book of stars brother needs his fairy dust 35k worth on Mid games not early I mean

15,000 for this much movement speed it might be worth it I think that was items into the books wasn’t it not books into items which I mean that’s pretty Good okay so what was the days of the event I have a calendar in my house but do I do I do I I do I couldn’t remember my brain my brain doesn’t work anymore after the stream hit 150 this morning I’m just like that it requires a book H the desert Festival

Yo you know what Clint give me some more money I’m going to need to upgrade my speed again wait what what oh he opens up in wait till 10 p.m. for what 15 to 17 I believe hurry up Clint pick up the phone boy Yeah I’m going to need some more money Clint because uh I want to buy that book I want to see how much faster it is with two books what would the third one be if it went 15, so it would be like 45,000 so I’m going to need some big money here Again oh 10 for the B okay you think it’s a daytime event or a nighttime event for the desert cuz like Night Market is only accessible during night but it just just it does just say desert Festival that’s insane $3,000 to see what your items are worth that’s actually [ __ ]

Huge like I love that I got to drive home in 10 minutes we spent so much time cheating we did though but this is it all comes down to This you can always just watch the stream back up to Clint for qu cash yes sir but like what if the next book like the the walking speed is like 45k you know cuz look how much we got right now 28,000 plus that we need a 35,000 right now so it’ll

Probably be 50k actually so that would be 7,000 to get 40,000 another 10,000 for 50,000 so we just need like 20 more No Maybe something like that I don’t know math numbers 35,000 plus 50,000 that’s 85,000 I’ll have you on the car but make it back before stream ends it was

Awesome hanging out Gavin I’ll definitely be tuning in for some ISAC and the future starter streams thank you man appreciate you honestly I appreciate every single person coming out to the stream today thank you we are casually going down in subscribers which is unfortunate um but you know appreciate

Everyone coming out still it’s been a really good stream 40,000 so 40,000 puts us at almost enough give me like give me like eight nine more you know what solid 10 give me 10 that’ll be fine and then we can buy the second speed book and then see if it’s a third

One for 50,000 which I believe it will be what if it’s like 100k I want to see how much these books change us books go crazy man that’s all I’m saying right now books go crazy there’s so many stardo streams going right now I don’t doubt

It if you do 30 shards you have 93380 fair I think it’s a good amount well no cuz it’s it’s 50,000 give me like give me like five more I’m greedy uh I don’t want to I don’t want to like break the bank or anything I’m greedy imagine like three speed upgrades

Plus a coffee holy [ __ ] I mean you can probably walk the entire map in like two minutes doesn’t Clint buy at a discount does he I don’t know if he does that wouldn’t make sense though let’s see I mean I’m moving pretty fast but it’s not like noticeable that’s why I’m

Like hoping that these books are better I’d imagine NPCs buy less than shipping we’ll see we shall see Clinton buys at 2,000 okay cool God I’m [ __ ] getting hungry what do I make for food tonight H I don’t know what I want o I can make some I can make some [ __ ] Burgers

Bro that sounds pretty good 100,000 we’ll [ __ ] take it then we go up here we buy books and we run fast super fast right I love the animation it’s so good that’s pretty damn fast horse the book they’re so expensive man oh you’re right it is in

Okay I mean even then that’s still like that’s insane cuz I could buy like one of these that’s crazy now go buy some coffee and see how it Stacks true I mean that’s noticeably faster oh my God we have to wait eggplant Parmesan oh it’s nice that they actually

They tell you the times now that’s good better than what it used to be how’s my leveled stacked up oh that’s how that works okay tried to launch my game and it says missing executable H 2.5 speed probably this is the the theory testing I mean I’m not going to lie it’s pretty

It’s pretty fast like just starting off with that one book not the best if you’re mid game and you have nothing to spend your money on it’s pretty worth but starting off the game with it I don’t know about that it’s pretty expensive it’s pretty expensive

Okay 6 seconds roughly to walk there to there drink coffee I mean it shaves a second off that’s fast as [ __ ] though speed is useful in skull cavins you’re not wrong I mean this is that’s crazy that super [ __ ] fast oh you running like if there was

Ever a running in this game this is [ __ ] running all right give me one more Prismatic so I can take it to the desert skip to the 15th and go to the uh the festival same speed as horse coffee now imagine if we had a horse coffee though yeah we’ll talk about [ __ ]

Speed little bit of speed bro looking it like he stole something I did I stole a million Prismatic shards they can’t even process how many I took if you’re lucky enough in the fall you have two speed book I mean if you get it by Fall it’s going to be worth

It it’s definitely more of like a end game mid game sort of thing but it’s not bad to say the least I skipped the first day of it I am so sorry guys I can never recover my bad my bad hopefully nothing happens on the first day cuz we won’t know

Oh I’m going to the festival you’ll have to drive yourself what who put me in the driver’s seat who put me in the driver’s seat oh it’s the things from the [ __ ] the [ __ ] thing it’s the ambers I’d like to make you a very special dish something perfectly suited

For your unique taste may I shrimp what the [ __ ] uncomfortably hot shrimp oh he hitting that [ __ ] desert gumbo I can’t like check my speed but I’m pretty [ __ ] fast man I tell you that oh the desert is totally different free Cactus okay so it is a nighttime event

You pay 500 gold to drive yourself yeah oh it’s just speed one that’s sad okay so it’s definitely a nighttime event but like how do I get the ambers though I don’t get a fishing pole I hate to tell you Willie I don’t got a sword brother they’re Calico eggs

Huh so you like do the challenges during the day where’s the uh where’s the sword there’s a race I have speed you think I can’t do a race oh [ __ ] it’s like the thing from the uh the island it’s like the thing from the island I wonder if that needs another gam in

It where’s my [ __ ] thing whoa she’s walking around what do you mean I didn’t notice that’s an actual moving Flamingo top right for the sword but there was something laid over top of it maybe it’s not accessible during this good God I fast yeah there’s something over top of

It it’s kind of [ __ ] up it’s kind of [ __ ] up man he put his [ __ ] right there Harvey’s here Will’s here got the whole Squad laughing oh so if you die here during the event you get teleported here oh lus no what the [ __ ] are these what are the what are these

Why is there a dog in a boot what the actual [ __ ] is going on this is some cracked out [ __ ] man can I like bet on these fools it’s a rat what do you mean the race is in progress guess the winner and get some practices uh shoe biscuit I’m betting on shoe

Biscuit are we going yet I wonder if there’s any in-game music for this hold on mute the music bro music goes Fire stand in front of the others and cheat okay go shoe biscuit well you know I would say I’m a Gambling Man but um it might not work out the best for me here maybe Sho Biscuit’s [ __ ] killing it right now and chew biscuit wins nice I’ll [ __ ] take it chew biscuit

Is one what do I get oh [ __ ] okay now can I just do that over and over yeah I can Cactus crawler it’ll never be the snail I can’t watch the stream sorry I don’t want to be spoiled Fair sorry shave I mean we’ll just we’ll just gamble it again and then see what I can do with these eggs check the other shops they should be open now for sure for sure dark piano midnight Beach double bed midnight Beach did we just get a spoiler for a new event midnight Beach think so Prismatic chicken decal the blue chickens have been confirmed pepper Popp just I can just straight up buy eggs from them thanks Sam’s old guitar 40 to 55 damage good Lord Brother Emily moment this is Emily’s moment honestly an Emily and Sandy moment is pretty Cool I look like a goober what the hell did you do to me what’ you do to Me hold on can I do it again is this a is this a way to get free clothing now or like once every day okay so during this event you can get three different outfits that’s kind of insane sick who won the race by the way it’s obviously my boy that I voted

On cuz I’m iconic how’ the snail almost win holy [ __ ] okay I win twice in a row let’s go I am a rat Confirmed Sam’s guitar is insane like that seems 100% worth it what do you do Mystery Box mummy mask buy a [ __ ] mystery box oh they sell them too whoa test of knowledge if you answer my questions correctly or ear a prize what do you say

Yes what is the date of The Season’s end the 28th when does the aot tree bare fruit that’s fall wrong no come on man what do you mean I got it wrong I can’t catch that what if I like accepted it though cuz I don’t have a weapon should have asked

Chat what the [ __ ] oh is this the idium size I’m guessing this is after you gold Scythe you get rium Scythe here we’ll have to test that you can just keep getting free food okay this event is actually crazy cool that’s insane who are you can’t talk no you can’t get the Prismatic

During this Festival which kind of sucks I don’t care about your event I wonder if there’s anything secret with the uh Black Market thing each section has a different buff that’s crazy um that’s a haly moment moving on free Cactus what oh I love this thing this thing is

Great this is a smiley little Cactus guy Tess you got to come see this [ __ ] Huh swag what do we do come here look there’s a desert Festival it’s like the night market yeah you can like gamble on these guys in a race that’s shoe biscuit he’s a little he’s a little like rat in a boot nice and then they got a

Cactus crawler they got a snail and you can like have him make you a bunch of food uh there’s fishing challenges there’s Min challenges this is [ __ ] crazy is this Cooper you buy like hats and [ __ ] Emily also has a tent here where you can get a

Random outfit change so you get a free full outfit every day of the event it’s a 3-day event it happens right at the start of spring that’s pretty cool it’s weird I don’t know what other events are but I’m sure I’ll find them later all

Right Gavin I stayed for a bit to see the Festival but now I got to go I’ll see you around man me too I’m going to head out as well I appreciate everyone coming out to the stream thank you it’s been a great one sorry we couldn’t get

Into the uh the full meat and potatoes of the DLC but we will later um probably going to do a Ballo stream tonight and then tomorrow we will probably do stardo so I wait open the box first we’re going to open the box on the next stream I’m leaving it off

There open The Loot Crate you guys got to come to the next stream to find out what’s in the loot crates I’ll buy as many as I can but anyways I appreciate you guys have a good day I will see you all tonight thank you thank you and peace out goodbye everyone

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