IMPROVING The Minecraft Mob Vote Winners

One of the most controversial aspects of recent Minecraft updates has been the mob votes I mean go on to Twitter and say you wanted penguins in the game and you’d probably get executed now there were a lot of reasons I and many others don’t really like these votes primarily

It came down to the claim that once the mob loses it would never be added to the game again I already have a whole video talking about that problem but there’s more to the issue than just that so far most of the winners have turned out to be underwhelming or sometimes the worst

Mob of the game thanks phom but recently taking a look at the snapshots for 1.20.1 and I have to say they’re doing a great job with the armadillo actually the armadillo stuff is coming in 1.2.5 now that’s a pretty big thing for me to say since I personally wanted

Crabs to win last year well I still think I would have preferred crabs I’m no longer too sad about it losing so in today’s video I want to do two things first I want to cover why I think the armadillo is succeeding where the other

Winners have not then I want to take a look at all the previous winners and give some possible ideas on how they could be more useful in the future as Minecraft is a constantly updating game they can always go back and fix previous problems I mean they just recently

Overhauled the bat’s texture which I’m still not used to yet so that means in this video we’ll be trying to improve the Phantom glow squid laay and sniffer on top of those though I figured why not add on the B and booat mobs as well being the fox goat and frogs also

Apparently the panda was from a Chinese exclusive mob boat so sure they can join the fun too with that being said if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel at 200km ranking every 2D Mario level and let’s Jump Right In first off

Why am I such a big fan of the armadillo well let’s start with what it was advertised to do at mine conon live it was said that the armadillo would be used to make armor for wolves and the reason I didn’t want it winning is because well to be frank I wouldn’t use

It much don’t get me wrong I almost always have a wolf but I almost never let it leave my base that’s just because the wolf was so vulnerable and I personally didn’t expect wolf armor to change that I mean if a wolf jumps into lava there’s only so much you can do but

Once the armor was actually added they implemented it in a pretty interesting way it works very differently from both player and horse armor instead of just reducing the damage taken the wolf will not take any damage unless the armor breaks unless you use potions don’t do that this actually makes the feature far

More interesting to me because that will make wolves significantly less vulnerable able to dying the way you get this armor from the armadillos is by using a brush on them which I think is a good way to expand upon the new tool the armadillo will drop an armadillo sco and

Six of these are needed to make the armor the armor itself has 64 durability so it’s got a pretty solid amount of uses now that is great and all but still not the most exciting feature in the world at least to me it’s what they advertise so for people that voted for

It this would be perfectly acceptable but what really got me to like the armadillo past how well the wolf armor was implemented were the additional features that came with it there are three big additional things that armadillo brought that were not shared in their announcement first let’s go

With the smallest of the bunch the fact that the wolf armor can actually be dyed now this is a standard for leather armor types but there was no telling if that apply here too just like the leather armor this isn’t just confined to the 16

Dy colors as you can combine a bunch of dyes to get specific Shades look at me and my wolf the exact shade of purple is purple guy on top of being able to Dy the armor armadillo’s got a special property regarding spiders since they’re bred using spider eyes spiders and cave

Spiders are actually afraid of the mob so whenever they see an armadillo they’ll run for their lives that might just seem like a cute little interaction but if You’ ever built a creeper Farm before you know that it’s fear of cats are often what make the Farms work now I

Don’t know for sure yet if armadillos will be used in future spider Farms but I think it’s got a good chance of being helpful however both of those additional changes pale in comparison to the final one which is what inspired me to make this video they’re adding eight brand

New wolf types the wolf pack grows stronger this is an addition I genuinely never thought they do yes they are just retextures using the same model but I honestly prefer that approach while I will still probably leave my Wolves at home when I play thus making the armor a

Bit useless for me this change actually does affect me I’m going to have a lot of fun trying to collect all nine wolf types especially since they each spawn in different biomes Ashen will spawn in snowy Tigers black will spawn in Old growth Pine Tigers Chestnut will spawn

In Old growth Spruce Tigers the original wolf will spawn in Tigers Rusty will spawn in sparse jungles snowy will spawn in groves spotted will spawn in Savannah plateaus striped will spawn in wooded bad lands and woods would spawn in forests obviously that means some wolves will be rarer than others which I think

Will be a fun system I hope they added advancement for collecting them all similar to a complete catalog they should name it what the dog’s doing now technically this change doesn’t exactly connect to the armadillo but it’s clear that it was only added because it won so

I think the reason I love the armadillo so much is because it doesn’t feel like they’re doing the bare minimum they didn’t have to add wolf variant or the spider fear but them doing so allowed the armadillo to have so much more depth as an inclusion but that’s also where my

Problem lies with most of the other mob boat winners they just feel like the bare minimum in some cases they honestly feel even less than that so for the rest of this video I’m going to try and come up with a few ideas on how these m could

Be tweaked to be more interesting or useful obviously these aren’t the only ways they could go about this but it’s just what mine say mine came up with so going in chronological order here we have oh it’s this guy now I could just cross my arms and go they should just

Remove him but that’s not really productive also they basically did that by adding a game roll for it that’s embarrassing so how can I make this thing actually more useful pretty much the only thing it’s good for is making slow falling potions from its Phantom membrane sure could also repair elytras

But just use mending Honestly though I’m really struggling here the problem with the mob is how it spawns but at the same time time changing that feels like it defeats the point so I’m just going to add a few more things for the membrane to do even if that doesn’t really fix

This guy’s problem first off I think using a fermented spider eye on a slow falling potion would be a good way to get levitation while the effect does exist it can only be gotten from shulkers right now obviously the potion wouldn’t last for that long since flying

Up for 8 minutes or something would be traumatic where am I other than that though I really don’t have much else so let’s just move on next up is the panda who had its vote in 2018 like I said though it was a China exclusive which is

Why many people don’t talk about it when it comes to these votes I guess I should mention the mobs that lost this fo which were the Golden Monkey deer pink dolphin and crocodile honestly I probably would have voted Panda two of this Bunch currently pandas don’t really do that

Much which I guess is pretty accurate to real life they do have one interesting feature though and the fact that there are several different variants some of which have actual gameplay changes currently there are seven the normal Panda doesn’t do anything special and the brown panda doesn’t either but it is

Very rare now I think it is really cool that there’s a rare Panda color but I also think it’d be cool if a brown panda could come in the different personality types as well so I think it would be neat if we got a brown lazy worried playful aggressive and weak Panda sure

That doesn’t really change too much but I don’t think the pandas were in desperate need of updates anyway they do their job of adding some life to Jungle biomes and the bamboo that came with them recently got upgraded to essentially be a new wood type in the

Same years as the panda we got the biome Chooser which essentially acted as a mob boat buff for biomes in this case the winner was the tiger which brought with it the brand new Fox mob like the panda this is another one that’s mostly aesthetic it’s even got its own unique

Variation in the form of the snow fox that’s not to say that fox doesn’t have any uses though and I think they can be expanded on for example when a fox spawns they have a 20% chance to spawn in with an item those items are a feather leather wheat egg rabbit hide

Rabbit’s foot and an emerald when killed the fox will also drop this item which can rarely be helpful I think it’ maybe be cute if the snow fox could have an exclusive item like a snowball though obviously that’s a minor addition that doesn’t change much what would be a more

Substantial change comes in the form of glowberries foxes are able to be bred with both sweet berries and glowberries because of that foxes are actually able to harvest sweet berries for themselves by plucking it off the bush since the item goes flying off afterwards we can use this feature to create automatic

Sweet Berry Farms it’s not the most helpful thing in the world but the option is there this however does not apply to the glow Berry despite both being harvested in the same way by clicking the plant where the berries are so I think it’d be a good addition for

The Foxes to be able to pluck berries off of glow Berry Vines you can already make automatic glow Berry Farms using Pistons but this could provide for a different approach finally the last Fox change I’d make is to let tamed ones attack zombie villagers they attack normal zombies but I guess they just

Forgot to program those next up on our list is the goat the goat in the game already we have a decent use being the goat horns you can get a goat to drop these by having them Ram into a wall like an idiot currently there are eight

Different goat horns Each of which play a different sound half of the horns come from normal goats whereas the other half are exclusive to screaming goats I think that provides for a decent enough use but they could definitely go farther in fact they actually did before the goat

Was officially added there were a lot more goat horns in the snapshots they were crafted with copper and more than double the count of available horns I believe the original count was 20 different horns which makes really confused as to why they decided to remove all the copper ones the copper

Horns also had the additional feature of playing a slightly different sound depending on if you were looking up crouching or doing Neither the only reason I could find for the removal comes from the wiki saying they didn’t live up to developer expectations whatever that means I think they should try and add these back if SS a bit ridiculous that we have so little sounds compared to the snapshots but now

We’re finally back to actual mob vote winners with the glow squid this is where things start to get a little bit more interesting while I do genuinely think that glow squid is one of the more useful mobs in this video I also think it’s one of the ones with the least tap

Potential starting off why doesn’t it actually glow I mean compared to its surroundings it looks quite bright but it doesn’t actually produce any sort of light this is something a lot of people were disappointed in when it was added since the mob vote video seemed to imply it would produce light I was

Disappointed because I didn’t want it rest in peace iology on top of it not being able to Glow the glow item frame also doesn’t produce light either now yes the glow item frame is still helpful in making Maps much easier to look at for example but I would have liked for

Them to still light up the surrounding area at least a little bit the glow ink sack is also only used for two things right now making the text on signs brighter and making the glow item frame now to be fair those are two pretty solid uses I definitely use the sign one

All the time however I also think there are plenty of other things they can make glow for example while this may be a bit complicated I think it’d be cool if a glow effect could be added to Banner patterns you would glowing when adding the color in the loom which could

Provide for some more unique Banner designs especially if you can make some layers glow and the others remain standard if they want to make it so whole banners have to Glow though then maybe Banner markers on maps could also receive this glow to make them stand out

More they could also let the Glo ink be added to paintings to make them brighter as well I’m sure there’s a lot of other things that could also make glow but the point is that it’ be cool if glowing sacks had a few more uses I guess you

Could also let them make potions of glowing not that it’d be the most helpful potion in the world but in multiplayer scenarios it might be helpful in finding your friends if you get lost assuming you don’t know how to press the F3 key our next mob boat

Winner came to us in the form of the LA who for the most part does about what I’d expect it picks up items as set two and throws them at note blocks this even includes non-stackable items which makes them pretty good for automatic sorting systems to be honest I really don’t have

Any problems with the LA they’re definitely pretty Niche but they fill a good roll and do it well stop using the word Niche moving us right along we have another mob that comes from the 2019 biome vote being the Frog like the LA I think it’s current uses are good but I

Also think they can be expanded the main reason you want frogs are to get the three different frog lights which are really nice looking lighting blocks my favorite part about them though are the colors they essentially come in yellow green and purple while there are plenty of yellow light blocks these are

Basically the only green and purple ones making them extremely valuable the way you get the Frog lights are by having a frog eat a Magma Cube and the color you get is based on the biome frog you use my suggestion here is pretty simple I’d love to see more frog lights in more

Colors as for the colors I’d love to get a red or blue light block yo it’s like Mario colors no way as for the Bome of these frogs I think maybe the jungle could be a good place also I know they won’t do this but I think it’d be really

Funny if they add a poison frog type that can kill you it’d be like a killer bunny but a little less rabbit and more like but now it’s time we’ve reached our final mob of this video and if I’m totally honest the biggest disappointment as well the sniffer feels

Like a complete waste of potential he was advertised to sniff up ancient seeds and yeah I guess they did that he can stiff up a whopping two things torch flower seeds and pitcher pods personally I think the torch flower looks okay but I’m not really a fan of the pitcher plan

Both flowers can also be turned into orange and cyen die respectively yeah that is very underwhelming it feels like the absolute bare minimum and unlike the other mobs in this video I almost have no reason to ever see it even if on the more pointless side stuff like the panda

Are at least present in the world for better Ambience for the sniffer though you have to go out of your way to find it and I think most people just don’t bother so what can Mojang do to fix this guy let him sniff up more stuff I mean

Just increasing the plant count here would help a good amount there was also a leak going around that seemed to show there was another plant in development that got scrapped so why did they settle for only two I don’t want to just say add more though because I think I came

Up with a fun idea that would make the sniffers significantly more useful as I said the point is that it sniffs up ancient seeds so what if you could find a seed that when grown into a flower could be crafted into a brand new diey

But this wouldn’t just be any Dy did you know that Minecraft has actually had two wool colors removed from the game that’d be the spring green wool and the rose wool which are present in Minecraft classic edition before being removed so one could say these are ancient colors

Which would fit the sniffers theme nicely then it would have two die colors exclusive to it making the mob much more valuable sure they’d have to make new color blocks for these two dies but that should not be hard as it’s literally just changing the color of the same

Texture except for glaz Terra Cotta I guess but who cares so yeah I think the sniffer should absolutely get more seeds to find that hopefully lead to more helpful plants but anyways that’s it for this video do you hate LA’s and hate me for not changing them let me know in the

Comments I’m really happy they seem to be going above and beyond with the armadillo so I really hope that changes for these other mobs come too many of them are fine as is but there’s definitely a lot of Mis potential here but anyways dry bones for Smash and I’ll see you guys next

Time n

The minecraft mob vote has been one of the most controversial elements of recent updates. One of the reasons is because the mob vote winners have more often than not been sort of underwhelming. Luckily I do NOT find that to be the case with the armadillo coming in 1.21. So in today’s video I want to try improving the previous mob vote winners in order to make their inclusions more justifiable!

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  1. The losers of past mob votes ARE NOT removed from ever being in the game, that only applied to the 2017 mob vote where the phantom won. We can still get the copper golem and crabs. And if we don’t, we riot…..

  2. I really like your ideas ! I've heard from an untrustworthy source (a friend) that Mojang is planning to try to add dynamic lights, so if it's true, it would be great to add it to the glow squid !
    (also they didn't say loser mobs would never come back to all mob votes, only the phantom and the alley or the sniffer, so maybe, just maybe some losers might come back just like biomes. + they added the hovering inferno to minecraft dumgeons so now they are obligated to add all other mobs, including the pink witheer, Mobbo and Ray Tracing. wait, what was I saying ?)

  3. 7:16 foxes picking glow berries wouldn't work as a farm, as a farm needs to break the vines as they only grow glow berries when growing new vines. Changing the berries growing in this way would break builds where the vines are just used as vines

  4. Another thing with the Armedillo, I do wonder if wolf variants would of been added without it. Like did the wolf armor encourage them to add the variants as well? Maybe we wouldn't have gotten those if the crab or penguin won.

  5. They should add the two removed colors back and have them be obtainable using the Red and Blue Roses respectively
    And have the sniffer dig up the seeds for them that would be so hype

  6. Mojang only said the losing mobs were gone forever with the first ever mob vote. The other mob vote losers may still be added at some point.

    While a little different, the swamp got an update (mangrove swamp) which was a loser in a biome vote. It included chest boats and the frog. And here they are, despite swamp losing to the mountains.

  7. Why not have some kind of consumable item or potion that wards off the phantom for like an in game week? It’d be made with the membrane so you still have to encounter them sometimes. Maybe it’s just a band aid to the larger issue, but I think it’d go a long way.

  8. Maybe for the additional frog light colors, tadpoles could somehow be adapted to be able to grow up in the nether. Maybe a rare pond with perpetually boiling water could be added for this. And the additional colors would be:
    – Red -> Crimson Forest
    – Blue -> Warped Forest
    – Gray -> Basalt Deltas
    – Orange -> Nether Wastes
    – Brown -> Soul Sand Valley

  9. I had the idea of allowing the Sniffer to rarely find the ACTUAL ancient flowers of Minecraft. Those being the Classic Rose and Cyan Flower. No changes to the texture, just pure nostalgia and fanservice for long-time players.

  10. I am so disappointed that the glow squid did not give the player any sort of hypnotization effect like the one that was shown in the voting video

  11. Mojang intentionally hyped up the sniffer to make it win and then didn’t give it any features that were actually cool. Why? What was their thought process?

  12. I really think the sniffer should do more than providing cosmetics. It's already so difficult and feel so rare it should really do something. Personally I think it should provide medicinal plants that would be an alternative way to make potions, maybe with some effects unic to each system. His current functionality is so useless to survival runs, and adds like 3 textures to creative.

  13. My idea for the sniffer is to have actual ancient Minecraft plants like the blue rose (and maybe we can get some new ones and some plants can give you new dye like rose blue for the blue rose.) and maybe even real ancient plants from like the ice age or the Jurassic period.

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