NOOB vs PRO: MODERN WATER HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today I’m building the greatest Waterhouse no I am woodo let’s battle be careful guys because at sunset this giant volcano is going to erupt and kill us we need to start building our Waterhouse so that we can escape axi I just have to type SL SL paste which will

Spawn in a modern mansion for us to build in wo wood so so cool what are you guys talking about this tiny thing isn’t a Waterhouse look under the water this is the actual Waterhouse completely under the ocean I wish we could change the color of it though to Pink how about

Pink and green axie our favorite colors I just need to grab my special wand and then we can select these blocks to change them that water our house is so ugly mine is going to be way better I don’t think so mine is already the biggest Waterhouse that I’ve ever seen

In Minecraft that’s not even true woodo just wait till I’m done with my one oh yeah manga we’ll see about that check this out axie I just changed the colors on the side of the house so now it’s pink and green which is making our modern water house look look 10 times

Better than Mongo’s already it looks so good woodo I wonder what Mongo’s going to build a little dirt Mound exactly axie it’s going to look garbage well woodo your Waterhouse is so clear with the glass that I can literally see inside hey I can see you over there too

MCO and according to what I’m looking at it looks like your build is worth a one out of 10 ha what no it’s not I’m going to look through the glass of your build and I’m going to copy everything you make nice try but you can’t copy a

Genius come on axie I wish we had an amazing bedroom to sit inside our Waterhouse and look at all the amazing Coral underground so how about we do that okay I call dips on this entire room the entire room is not for you silly you need to share with everyone F

So how about I place down my bed over here and then I place down another bed for you right next to it axie don’t worry about putting a bed for me woodo I already made myself like 20 beds what axie that’s too many beds I have so many

Ideas for other things that we can put in that space so how about you just get rid of these and instead we stay nice and calm with these two double decker beds okay axi okay Woodle but you better make some really cool stuff to make up for it oh

We will axie trust me has no chance of beating us when we buil this underwater house woodo I bet your bedroom is going to be super ugly my one is going to be way better trust me oh yeah what is your bedroom going to have the view of a bunch of

Dirt no it’s going to be able to survive the volcano unlike your one which is going to be exploded straight away oh yeah well when that volcano rups I bet you won’t have the chance to watch any TV because you’re going to have no internet look axie I just put in a

Massive television for us to watch anything we want while that volcano erupts and we’re safe under the water cool and look woodo I even got a painting of underwater to go in our waterous house what that is insane axie I want one of those let me just pick out

A bunch of paintings like this and yay I got one too now you can sit here and look at this painting and also look at the TV and I think I know what I want to put on the TV right now do you know do you want to put on a nature documentary

Well I have something even better it should be a woodo video so you need to subscribe right now now in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and now that you subscribed I’ll let you inside of my amazing underwater bedroom I’m already inside of your underwater bedroom though

Well that’s because you subscribed axi but if you don’t subscribe you’re going to end up in Mongo’s trash Waterhouse wait what my Waterhouse is amazing take that back sorry no takies backies I’ll already know that yours looks Garo Garo oh my gosh you guys will

Regret making fun of me ha I will never regret it let me just put some decorations next to my bed and check this out axie I got my little underwater octopus with my nice green lamp but are your decorations edible wait ax you just ate them all so

Now you don’t have any decorations I can just put them back and them again oh right axie you know what I think we need to put something up now that we place down our beds how about we also put up some lighting decorations I love nice

Big lights in my bedroom okay wood I’m just going to copy you ooh look at these don’t these look fancy axie I love how they’re looking our bedroom is going to be the coolest ever now that our beds are all placed up axie I was thinking

That I want to play with with some sand but we have no place to do it so how about I build a nice big sand boox over here it’s just like playing in the sand in real life except you’re completely under the water with mud what axie I

Don’t want any mud on my sand that’s going to make it turn into rocks and I don’t want to play with rocks woodo I don’t think you know how science works of course I do anyways axi check this out I can build as many sand castles I

Want and even my sand castle looks better than Mongo’s Waterhouse no it doesn’t wudo why do you keep talking trash do you want to fight no I just know that my house is 10 times better than yours come on axi let’s have a sand castle building

Competition that I know I’ll beat you at oh yeah little I don’t think you could even beat me in your dreams let’s go 3 2 1 and I’m building so many sand castles I’m building more no axie I’m going to stop on all of yours oh axie now we have

No s castes to play with why did you stop on all of them you started it okay ax you know what how about we just don’t stomp on any of them at all let’s just place down one for each of us so that we each have a San Castle okay okay woodo

Even though it’s your fault you stomped on them what I didn’t stomp on them on purpose I think I just accidentally tripped axie I heard you say you were going to STM on them look I just put down this giant mushroom axie which means that this is the Mushroom King

Sand castle what about you what are you going to make your king for your sand castle I’m going to make it Mr Axel I just have to grab him from my bed wait what Mr Axel you’re going to make an axel the king of your sand cat

Of course woodo oh no it’s over for you woodo you should have picked me as a teammate never mind go axie is 10 times better at building right uhhuh all right then axie what I want to do next is have a place to sit down and relax so how

About I get some beautiful quartz blocks and we build a very nice tub where we can chillx in and look at all the amazing fishies underwater wait so we’re building a place to sit in the water in the water exactly it’s kind of weird if you think about it but it’s actually a

Genius idea and we can even heat it up like this so now it’ll be nice and steamy and we can dip in the water whenever we want wo this feels pretty good woodo I’m going to just take a nap in here what axie don’t take a nap you

Didn’t even get your coconut drink to enjoy while you’re sitting here and relaxing there we go now this is the life ah now I can really fall asleep no aie don’t fall asleep this Build Challenge is not over silly manga will easily take over if we even miss a

Single minute of building so I forgot we need to add one more thing over here and that’s some bath robes we can’t forget these silly but woodo neither of us even wear clothes well it’s okay and nice bathrob after the hot tub is all you need and now that we have that place

Down I was thinking axie don’t you think we should invite some of our friends to our underwater house too we don’t have any friends woodo um axie are these axelos not your friends how dare you disrespect them they’re my family woodo well there you go friends and family

That’s exactly what I meant axie so how about instead of some plushy aelott we bring in some real ones by building a mini aquarium that actually connects to the ocean oh that’s such a good idea I’ll name them too so that they never go away that’s a great idea axi and while

You place down your Axel friends I’m going to place down my turtle friends because I want them to live inside of our house too I mean why would you want to live anywhere else in the ocean this place is obviously the the best and way better than hey speaking of

You do you have any friends that you can even invite to your waterhous I don’t think so what wo yes I do I’m going to invite your entire family remember when I became best friends with your Uncle Jimmy what in the world are you talking about I have never heard of that

In my life well then I’m just going to invite your mom and dad over wudo they’re my only other friends what in the the World Manga where are you getting these friends from it’s kind of concerning me I’m getting these friends from your house wudo it’s your mom and

Dad oh my gosh ax are you hearing this manga wants to steal my mom and dad and put them in his house that’s really weird woodo just focus on my cute axelos instead oh look at them you got your Axel swimming around and I have my turtle swimming around and I think they

Love it axi this is so cute why are they all at the top wood I think they’re all just mingling around axi they just love how amazing our aquarium is except one of my turtles escapes can we give him a name and let him sleep next to my bed

Okay his name can be smelly smelly no axie he is not smelly we’re going to name him roses because Turtles always smell like roses okay I’m going to name him roses and then smelly in parentheses what in the world aie I already told you that he’s not smelly oh

Gosh you know what there’s never winning with you I’m just going to start putting down some nice carpet over here so that smelly has a place to chill out yay so you finally accepted that his name is smelly well not exactly you just forced me too and I’m not going to let you

Force me do anything axy especially when it comes to using my diamond so that we can buy things so I need to build a secret vault and luckily I know that this Waterhouse has a little Vault area right behind our beds wait really so we can store all our valuables in here and

Manga will never know where they are exactly hey you heard that I’m hiding all my diamonds so you can’t steal them from me anymore don’t worry woodo I’ll find them no matter what I always do m go you actually can’t this time you want to know why why because

I’m actually going to use ghost blocks do you know what ghost blocks are axie are they blocks that died no silly they’re blocks that are completely invisible to the eye but you can walk through them and then it unlocks something right behind it doesn’t that look insane wo that does look really

Cool will never think to walk through this random wall exactly and all I need to do to remember that it’s there is just draw a little arrow so now we can go inside whenever we want and then we can keep our diamonds and gold safe come on axie let’s place them all down

I’m going to put some packed mud too what axie mud is not a valuable do not put mud inside of our vault hey wo it doesn’t matter if you add ghost blocks or not I can still go through them you know you’re going to need to really good

Defenses if you don’t want me to come inside that’s impossible if you don’t know where the ghost blocks are then how would you be able to get inside you’re just saying that to scare me I always find a way woodo don’t worry oh gosh axi come on let’s get out of here I

Think the last thing we need to do is put down a table with some snacks on it because I’m kind of getting hungry and when I watch TV I want to have plenty of snacks to enjoy did I hear the word snacks yes you did axie so how about we

Make a table with a bunch of cake no axie don’t eat it yet are you going to eat the table too maybe oh no axie you are way too hungry right now I think what you need to do is slow down a bit okay we’ll go get some

Actual food in a bit for for right now I’ll just put put a bunch of cookies and cake over here to just let us live a little bit longer without an actual meal and then when we want to watch movies we can just grab them sit on this beautiful

Carpet and Munch away but lud if I sit on this carpet for too long my butt’s going to hurt I know axie which is why we need to go explore the other areas of our underwater house did you forget that we have a downstairs too and I wish that

I had the perfect place to put down an underwater Beach a whole Beach that’s such a cool idea can we get started right away well axie what do you think I’m doing I’m not dilly-dallying anymore let’s build the coastline for our beach which basically means where the water

Meets the land where the water meets the land I don’t know if I get it well actually it’s just where the water touches the sand silly it’s not that hard to understand oh oh so the beach part of the beach exactly axie anyways now that I have all of this sand placed

Down I think you know exactly what we need to put next and that is lava what lava why would you put down lava axie wo woah wo slow down that’s too much lava it’s a lava Beach under the ocean no axie we are not putting lava in our beach silly someone could

Get get seriously hurt I think the only place that should have lava is and wait a second axi I just had a genius idea your little prank by putting down lava just inspired me to go prank come on I think what we need to do is grab some invisibility potions go there

And mess with them okay I’m going to steal his clothes let’s just leave our Waterhouse and go see what looks like and wait what what is this thing why does it look like a giant buoy let’s go my Waterhouse looks perfect woodo is never going to win this bill challenge

Wo Mongo’s Waterhouse is actually packing a lot of stuff in here axie he’s got a little table for food and a bed and he’s got a bunch of decorations all around too this does look better than I expected but what if I start smashing things no axie don’t smash everything

Really you need to be slow and precise with that so I’m just going to cause a couple of leaks so he starts to freak out and I’m going to steal his underwear wait what there’s leaks in the house and now it’s going under the water oh no

What are you going to do now now that there’s a bunch of water in here that’s the perfect place for sharks to spine wait what there’s also sharks here oh my gosh do I need to aband abandon this house and build another one yes abandon it so that you wasted your

Entire time building this one oh my gosh I’m sorry house maybe I’ll come back for you one day but for now I need to leave hold on can’t escape I’m going to break his belt and spawn in a couple more sharks to eat him that’s so mean oh no so many

Sharks that was so fun but quick we really need to go back to our underwater house because we’re still not done yet and now has to restart by building his hey how’s your underwater house coming along oh my house is coming along great woodo why do you ask well

I just wanted to know because I heard there were a couple of sharks nearby they didn’t come invade you did they no woodo what are you talking about there’s some she’s in the water oh really okay I was just making sure so there weren’t any leaks at all no woodo

And why do you keep asking about leaks do you have something to do with them um no not at all come on axie let’s just continue building so doesn’t get sus of us okay but I’m going to put up my prize on this wall your prize what

Priz in huh you took Mongo’s clothes ew he’ll never know they’re missing okay ax you know what I think what you need to do instead is work on this amazing Tiki Bar that I’m putting over here I’m going to put a bunch of leaves and stuff

On top to give us some nice shade by the beach even though we’re completely underwater anyways wao tree’s underwater can we put more plants and stuff well maybe axie but what types of plants had the be Beach they’re kind of hard to come by because it’s such a dry and hot

Environment that’s right maybe not plants I’m going to put them seashells instead ooh seashells sound like a great idea axie I want you to put down plenty of them okay woodo I’m on it nice those seashells look amazing and now what I can also do is I can add some seagrass

For some decoration on the outside and then we can’t forget about our sand castles as well axie sand castles are the number one most fun thing to do at the beach and I love building them they’re really fun to step on axi don’t step on them that was my hardw sand

Castle sorry Woodle but it’s fun okay fine axie you know what there is still one thing I want to add to my ocean and that is two boats so that we can go fishing in here yay yay hey but wood how are we going to get fish out of the sea

There’s all this glass well don’t worry axie the fish will spawn in this little water area too and wait a second I think I’m catching something axie it’s big it’s pink I caught it Exel ra I’m a sea monster and I’m going to kill you no please sea monster don’t

Kill me you look like the most vicious sea monster ever axi leave me alone no roodo and I’m going to get larger right oh gosh axi grew in size this is bad you know what I need to do now I need to finish off my beach by putting an

Artificial sun so now I can bask in the sunlight and get a nice tan I’m going to get a nice tan too woodo let me just go back to normal and take a quick little nap no nap saxi we’re still not done yet and as a matter of fact I’m kind of

Hungry I really wish we had a kitchen to enjoy some food which is why we’re putting a kitchen right over here let’s make it go everywhere no axie we’re not making it go everywhere okay I have a vision for what we could put here all I need to do

Is grab some tables and what we’re going to make this area is an underwater Buffet underwater Buffet doesn’t that mean the food’s going to get all soggy no silly an underwater Buffet is where you can get any type of food that you want and then you can also get any type

Of drinks you want too and it’s nice and dry because I built this entire house silly oh if I can get anything I want can I get roasted worms of course you can axie I’ll personally make you anything you want I just had to put the

Plates down here and now we can work on our menu who wants Pizza I want pizza you’re not invited how about some sushi do you guys like sushi I want sushi okay I’ll get you Sushi Sushi’s pretty good but where are the worms Woodle actually I’m working on

That part okay how about a basket of bread do you guys like to eat bread bread is good when it’s made of worms I love bread axie I’ve never heard of worm bread so we’re just going to have normal bread right now okay you’ll never know

If there’s worms in it Woodle oh gosh axie I really hope there aren’t any hold on a second I just need to grab myself a nice hamburger a lobster and a hot dog and even some noodles so that now we have one of pretty much everything look

At this little lobster it looks cute just like you axie I’m not cute little I’m scary I wonder if I could put you on a plate you’d be pretty tasty no I I wouldn’t I would taste really bad not like you hey should we try axing

Our Buffet I think she would be pretty tasty yes let’s do it y yum what I would rather eat I’m sure if we grilled him he’d be really good with some vegetables how about we don’t eat any of us okay I actually have a way better

Idea of what we could eat let me go ahead and grab this blender and we can instead enjoy some teas no axie I think we should eat woodo I agree I’ll grab him right now no please don’t eat me okay I didn’t do anything wrong you’re going to the

Ovens no aie please don’t bake me okay I just need to put down this menu over here so now when you come inside the buffet you can grab a plate look at all your food options and then go down the buffet to get your food and drinks and

Then what I can also do is I can put some slabs over here and this will be the special request Chef’s area I might still eat you though woodo unless you can come up with some other cool things to put in our base okay axie I could

Definitely do that for you let me just grab some more plates real quick and now I can make you any custom food that you want what would you like to eat today ma’am can I have one boiled woodo one boiled woodo okay okay coming

Up no don’t eat me ex it was just a joke okay don’t actually do that come on you have all this food in the buffet and after you got all that energy you need somewhere to shake it up so I had this great idea of adding a neon party room

That sounds super fun I’m going to dance to Axel music Axel music what does Axel music sound like axie I’ve never heard heard of that oh it’s just the best music ever it’s like normal music but with singing Axel AOS are you sure that’s actually good axie I’ve never

Heard an axel sing before but I don’t know if I want to hear one sing do you want to hear me sing wo oh maybe but can you promise it’s not annoying of course it’s not annoying when have I ever been annoying in my whole life um pretty much

Every day what okay give me a mic so I can sing my concert okay axie I’m just going to grab you some speakers and then also that microphone you wanted just like this and now I can put the mic right over here just like that and then

I’ll put the speakers to the left and right so that your voice will be projected nice and loud and all the ocean creatures will be able to hear it so don’t mess this up axie go good so even Monga will be able to hear this yep go

Ahead I call this one twinkle twinkle little Exel twinkle twinkle little Exel Something There Are lyrics I forgot what is that uh-oh ax I don’t think like that maybe we don’t want to make the sea creatures upset by your singing skills no I must finish the world so high no no axie I’m

Deleting the microphone now you can’t sing anymore that’s okay I’ve been practicing my projection so the whole ocean can hear me anyway no ax enough enough enough okay please no one in the ocean wants to hear that song anymore okay thank you for trying if no one else

Wants to hear me sing then I wish I could at least have some instruments to play oh yeah I’ll give you some instruments axie I mean you literally can’t mess those up so how about I get you some drums and a guitar and then you can play with those yay I’m going to

Bunk them all day bnk bnk there you go axie now that sounds a lot more listenable now I can just extend the party area over here a little bit more and then I think we can also add some hanging lights so that they look really really cool this place already looks so

Cool woodo I know right and it still looks 10 times better than whatever concoction manga’s trying to make hey manga go how’s your base coming along loser it’s coming along amazing woodo are you sure about that cuz I’m sure you don’t have a disco party room like we do

Well I’m about to add one cuz you just told me okay manga you know what if you’re just going to copy our ideas you won’t be able to copy this one axie if I ever want to play some video games we’re going to need a place to do it so how

About I build a console table where we can play any types of consoles like a PS5 or an Xbox can I play an axel 500 what in the world is that axie I have never heard of Axel 500 is that good yep you just live under a rock Hodo

Interesting okay I guess we can axie but can it play the Spider-Man games I really like that one it can play the dolphin Man games dolphin man I’ve never heard of dolphin man axie but you know what I’m fine with playing with whatever as long as I get to enjoy my guilty

Snacks pizza and cookies while I play video games that’s the life axie we’re going to play all the Exel games especially the one where all the axelos have to team up and eat the big bad Turtle what oh gosh I don’t like that one I better get something to protect

Myself so how about I grab some obsidian and and what I can do is I can build a defenses area is that to stop me from eating turtles well yes that and also because of that giant volcano axie if we’re going to be trapped under the water forever we need some armor and

Tools to protect us from different threats that are in the ocean for example sharks sharks yes axi sharks are vicious and guess what they love to eat axel and turtles so we need to do whatever we can by getting some really good armor and some really good weapons I’ve got it

Woodle the perfect armor cardboard because no shark is going to want to eat soggy cardboard wait what axi you might actually be a genius that’s not a half bad idea except there’s only one problem I don’t think it fits me you’re going to need a lot of cardboard boxes for that

So how about instead I put this Jade Samurai armor that seems a lot less protective than my cardboard armor but still pretty cool no we both look like ninja axi I guess you could call us the Ninja Turtle and axel that are in an underwater house get it no I don’t get

It oh okay sorry axie I’ll try and make a better joke next time but I have something that’s not a joke this prismarine armor made with a bunch of Elder Guardians and it matches our underwater Vibe yay we just need one more set of armor Woodle what’s it going

To be let’s see I want something that’s super duper cool and wao check this out how about a cool diving suit so that we can go in the water and mess with again let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go wait no ax we can’t do it just yet

You forgot we have to get our weapons and I think I know exactly what I want I just have to search for it real quick come on I think it’s somewhere in here and check this out axie this is a sword on a stick which means that I can take

Any mob and stick it on the end of it and then heat it up over a grill and eat it that is amazing Woodle I’m going to eat this tentacle on a stick wait what actually that’s not a weapon at least mine is a sword on a

Stick let’s see there must be some sort of better sorts and wo I think I found some really cool ones look there’s this really shiny blue one and then there’s also this really fiery lava one what do you think of those axie those are pretty cool but I have something even cooler

You do what is that I have this sugar cookie sword sugar cookie sword that thing’s not powerful my firework gun is take my firework sexy you’re just a hater woodo I’m gonna put this pickaxe here too okay fine well here we go I put the firework weapon over here and then

All of our other ones I don’t know if they’re the strongest in the world but there is still one that is the strongest ax and that is the Bazooka the Bazooka yes exactly doesn’t it look super cool you can use this and aim at your targets and then blow them up that’s super

Dangerous under water though what if you caused a massive leak well then we’d have a big problem that you’d have to fix axie why me you should fix it what I’m not going to fix it why would I have to fix it it was your mistake well you

Have to fix it because I’m going to be taking a nice SNP and drinking coconut drinks wait no axie we can’t drink coconut drinks yet we’re not done there is still one very important thing you see how you have to go through this top house to get to the underwater Parts

Uhhuh well what I was thinking is that we add a red carpet and a little welcoming area so that manga feels like a true VIP when he comes down here why are we going to let feel like a VIP because we need him to give us a

Good score so that we can win the Build Challenge obviously oh so we make him feel like a VIP and then we take the Bazooka and we go boom exactly axie so I’m just going to get a couple of coconut drinks to put over here and then maybe I can get him

An item frame and some papers and we can make him check if he’s even on the list to get inside our base how about that then we can kick him out if he starts to say mean things about it that’s perfect Woodle now I’m really happy with

Everything we have axie look at our cooler house is hi B doesn’t even compare oh are you even done with your house of course I’m done I’ve been done for so long well axi we better go investigate and see if it’s actually true let’s fly out of our underwater

House and go to the stinky one wait what why are there two underwater houses well the first one actually sinked under the water and there were sharks so I built the exact same house over here oh my gosh axi can you believe it he actually had to make a

New one because of our prank he just made the same thing though this guy is not creative exactly axie let’s go inside and take a look and oh mango what’s that smell inside of here it smells like doooo oh sorry it’s my underwear and my socks that I wore for 5

Days straight ew that is so nasty don’t you even have a shower in here no woodo we’ve been living underwater for a couple of days now so I don’t have a shower oh gosh what else do you actually have though please tell me you have a

Bathroom well as you can see I have a bed over here then I have a kitchen over here with pizza and um that’s pretty much it what this is it this is not impressive at all don’t worry though if you want to eat some food you can

Always go out here and go fishing and if there’s a really really big emergency then you can come over here to the back of the house where no one’s looking and take a huge dump into the ocean that is so nasty how about instead of taking a dump into the ocean and

Polluting it you instead come to our amazing underwater house as you can see when you go underwater you can look through all of the windows and see all the amazing stuff we added wo woodo this does look better than I expected but my house is still better no it’s not

Why don’t you come through the very top down here and onto the red carpet where you can come inside wo a red carpet let’s just check if you’re on the list and oh it looks like Mango’s allowed for 5 minutes so here’s your coconut cocktail sir welcome to wudo and axis’s

Underwater house no way this is so cool hold on I need to dress appropriately let’s let me just grab this real quick and there you go I’m ready mango is that a bini what is wrong with you I’m glad you wore the proper attire sir you may

Now come this way wait no axi he needs to come upstairs first to our bedrooms one of the coolest rooms in our underwater house check this out I have my bed and axe’s bed wait where do I sleep well manga you have your own poopy house you don’t get to sleep been

Our one no voodo let me sleep in the hot tub you’re only invited for 5 minutes so we’ll have to carry you out and dump you in the ocean Midway well maybe we can let him chillax in here for a little bit and then after you’re

Done chilling in the hot tub you can come over here and play sand castles with me and axie I don’t want to play sand castles with you I’m worried about making myself a little bedroom and I think this area is perfect all I need to

Do is just grab all of my underwear and put it right here just like this ew a this part of the house needs to be burned and destroyed later I’m just going to seal it off so that can’t mess with it anymore hey why are you

Sealing it off let me use some dirt doors okay fine come back down the house with me you’re being a very unruly guest anyways after you come and enjoy our bedroom you can come down to our amazing Beach which is basically a simulation of a real life beach with its

Own Tiki Bar boats reclining chairs and of course the amazing Sun so that you can get a tan wo why would you have a beach with water and an underwat area because it’s super awesome right axie uhhuh you just don’t understand us anyways why don’t you come over

Here to the buffet where you can enjoy a delicious meal meal go ahead and grab a plate and then you can choose from the food and drinks that we have but if you don’t like any of those I can also make you a custom meal like a woodo boiled oh

My gosh I’m so hungry I haven’t eaten in days okay you know what I’m going to have to eat everything what in the world M you eat everything that was too much food and now you have too much energy so why don’t you come over here and dance it

Off while axi sings you an amazing song come on big guy um wo I’m afraid I got a little fat what is the world so you definitely need to shake it off come on axie sing your song This one is about a us the exles on the bus go around and

Round oh my gosh is getting his groov on oh I’m not used to people not screaming when I sing No this song is Amazing well after you’re done enjoying your dance moves you might want a little snack late in the afternoon so I got this giant gaming console and a

Couple of pizzas and cookies that you can eat oh my gosh mango you can’t eat all the snacks you know what you’ve had enough snacks sir I need to put you over here because I’m going to enlist you in our defenses team where you have all these different

Cool armors to choose from and these cool weapons so that you can defeat anything and uh why did you get wider woodo are you sure I’ll be able to fit in these armors uh why don’t you try and put one of them mine okay let me try

This one on it gosh it’s so hard to fit and woo I think I made it a little bit bigger what in the world that is the biggest cardboard box I’ve ever seen axie it’s kind of scary woodo I don’t know if I want to be in your anymore I know me neither

La la I’m going back to my room guys I’ll see you later oh gosh axie I think we’re just going to have to get used to our new roommate let’s just lock off our bedroom so we never have to see that guy again thank you guys so much for

Watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

NOOB vs PRO: MODERN WATER HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft
Today, we’re building the most extravagant, fancy aquatic house, right above a coral reef! How pretty! Have you ever build a house or base on the ocean?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

Mikey vs JJ Family – Noob vs Pro: Airplane House Build Challenge in Minecraft

MAIZEN FAMILY: NOOB vs PRO: TRAIN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft


NOOB vs PRO: COCA COLA House Build Challenge in Minecraft



EVIL MIKEY vs The Most Secure House – Minecraft

#Minecraft #MiloAndChip #NoobVsPro #Maizen


  1. Wait a minute wudos videos only mongo and axy are noob but in mongos Channel there are noobs so mongos his helping his friend wudos to get subs

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