[Stardew Valley] PATCH DAY! UPDATE 1.6!!! Let’s OFFICIALLY start our new life on the farm!

[Applause] I have arrived today is a very monumentous day for all of us who live in Pelican town today is the death of Clint we will all celebrate and rejoice as his body is lowered into the ground and I shall I’ll give my final words to

Him dear Clint of Pelican Town it is I Gail gallion you may know me from several times I visited your place to crack open a rock or perhaps to have my tools upgraded or perhaps talk about the fact that I have cocked you from Emily you will never have her you will never

Have anything in your life if my name is not g ale gallion this is not a eulogy it is a promise I got to do my um going live tweet give me one second guys let me let every let me let Twitter know that I’ve um I’ve officially started one

Second uh uh let me do my glowing live tweet right here right now with y’all uh there it is uh SC Nole your Clint is now a noodle hey guys I’m going to start now if that’s okay don’t tell your neighbors um actually no no no sorry for your

Neighbors if you don’t have headphones because I’m going to be doing awful things to Clint tonight I’m live hi guys how you doing uh sorry I was not looking at chat this entire time because I was so focused and I wanted to make sure that my focus was

Not distraught um my name is Gail g and a First Stage production’s Group avam and today we’re going to be playing the new 1. six update for stardew Valley just a quick reminder to take a look at the pin everybody if you or a loved one has played stardew Valley 1.6 update make

Sure that you don’t spoil nothing for me there is a very heavy price to pay if you spoil any of the 1.6 stuff but that doesn’t mean you can’t backseat a little bit because I still a fledgling stardo Valley player you may help me with uh

Regular stardo stuff but if you want to spoil stard value 1.6 stuff we know that it’s stardo 1.6 stuff then there will be severe punishments you will get a warning that’s right the severe punishment is one morning because you will not get a second punishment the second punishment

You will even you will never even know you got it because you will be removed from the facility if you try to backseat me twice for the 1.6 stuff I want to make that very clear right now and I’ll remind everybody later down the line when we get into things Clint pregnancy today

Live why did I I had the choice to read that or not read that and I chose to read that super reminder thank you very much cuz I was definitely focusing um off of chat thank you very much for keeping in check Clint count your days

Nix thank you so much for the Super Chat and this is a grim reminder for everybody that our resident blacksmith merely has just a few months left in his lifespan before I permanently put him in the dirt he’s going to be looking like the fifth member of AV when I’m done with him

Goofy why do I hate Clint so much that’s right I saw your Tweet about that I was going to I wanted a message but I figured it would be best to elaborate right here right now if you guys have not been keeping up with the past few stard Valley Streams they were

My those were my learning streams to put it simply I was trying to get my bearings I was trying to understand how the game works what doesn’t work what I’m supposed to do what sort of goals I should have and also who I liked in the

Game well I found out who I did like in the game I found out that uh I’ve got my eyes locked on for Sam I think Sam is very relatable he’s a very cool dude I want to be his broi and I like Abigail she’s a goth gamer girl that’s uh I mean

What else could you ask for they’re both super duper cool characters and there was only one character that I found that I despised more than anyone can you take a guess Clint’s kind of a creep not going to lie he is you know why it’s because all

He does is fall over Emily all he does is admire her from afar and that’s it that’s all he does doesn’t ever take a step forward doesn’t ever make a move doesn’t get his feelings across at all I hate Clint because first off he’s

A lazy son of a [ __ ] he works 9 to 4 and he still gets a 30 minute freaking lunch he works a 7-hour shift with a 30-minute lunch you are not putting your heart and soul into your craft sir you are not a blacksmith if you do not give a

Sh about the job you work a 9 to5 like everybody else and not only that you’ve got no respect for my time it takes you two days to upgrade a tool and for the rest of the time during those two days all of your faculties all of your faculties are

Inaccessible I can’t sell you nothing I can’t process geot it takes a hammer you crack it open it takes two seconds Clint and you can’t afford two seconds out of the two days you’ve already stolen from me to process a geode there’s plenty reasons to hate

Clint I hate his goatee too it does not look good on him he does goatee a shame that guy’s not even a biker he’s a fraud with a dad B I hate Clint let it be known here and far he will not be making out of this

Playthrough alive this is the real deal this is what the past four four the past four has been four star wait how many starv valleys have we done so far have I been going for four now I think it’s been four let me double check um how

Many thumbnails do I have for starting Valley three one two three okay three streams the past three streams my anger has just been slowly building for this man my my tolerance as at an alltime low get that incel oh I will I’m going to show him what it really means to be

An incel involuntarily celibate and involuntarily cut too I hope that doesn’t I hope that’s not a demonetizing word on YouTube we’ll find out after this I’ve been really good about it uh ADHD tangent by the way that tip from zany about not cursing for the first 30

Minutes my my last few streams none of them minus the karaoke none of them have been ad limited so if you guys are aspiring YouTubers just know that if you want to do live streaming wait 30 minutes and then let your heart and soul just gush

Forward let it all out cuz I have found the code thank you so much zany brand that is why you are my chosen one I’ve taken Clint taken Clint hate to a whole new level and I’ve only played four times three times technically yeah I guess four times if you count the

Little bit of the little bit of um stuff that I’ve done prior to uh streaming for you guys yeah technically four times but three official times where I’ve actually tried to learn the game previously I only fished um and that was it I just fished and went to the dungeon a couple times

That was all I did I didn’t learn anything but now we have the knowhow the know Hall to finally start Romancing we know that we want to get Emily’s hand in the dance for the spring festival because that will do at least 15% morality damage to Clint the dance is

Our first goal making money is a secondary goal I’ll have you guys know making money comes second to ruining this man’s life this is not a joke this is not a drill this next playthrough that we do I will be committing so many so many social

Crimes I will have lived up to the name pirate three times over can Clint actually die if there is not a way there is a will and I will find a way to make him feel dead on the inside priorities got you this playthrough is not is not for me to

Experience the update at this point it’s for me to experience the death of a bachelor whoo who letting the water flow no no however it goes I kind of know how to make money now yeah I’m going to be super rich that Emily’s never going to have a she’s going to be swayed

Immediately I’m going to be so rich some so filthy rich she’s going to be like oh this is my guy she likes gems and stuff she likes precious gems so I know she likes money I don’t know if she’s a gold digger or not but what it doesn’t matter

To me because she is just a number to the equation that is ruining a man’s life let’s um let’s get to the game let’s get to the game and then you guys come over here with me let me turn sty Valley’s music Up there we go I’m going to put the limiter down a little bit right there should be good there’s a new Farm yep don’t worry we are doing the new excuse meup we’re doing the new Farm because I figured like there’s people who watched me who L

Sty Valley and they want to see the new content maybe they don’t have access to it they play it on switch or something like that so I thought the best course of action was um despite my own preferences I think the um the Meadowlands is going to be really fun do

Aaron light thank you for the Super Chat thank you so much supporting the end Clint agenda I thought I was neutral but you’ve awakened my inner hater he’s a piece of he’s a piece of work but substitute the word work for crap you play on switch well then this

Stream is for you and also this stream is also to all the lurkers out there who don’t participate in chat this stream goes out to you you guys don’t ever say nothing but you are always here supporting my streams um thank you just a quick little shout out because I

Respect you guys so much you guys uh are the backbone you guys are always there supporting us literally that’s why it’s called the backbone CU you guys are supporting us thanks lurkers you guys are awesome if you ever one day decide that you want to chat you’re always welcome I know it’s

Sometimes hard to get into a phantom maybe you feel a little bit lost and you don’t know uh what direction it take to get in there but just know that my community will always be a warm and welcoming one no matter what and there are PE if there are ever people

Who are not warm and welcoming I will find them I will sniff them out and I will sarily kill them in a video game in Minecraft if my name is not Gail gallion but anyway I did a little bit of presetting so I liked this shirt it’s

Sort of has the same Vibe as my jacket like a dark black or like a dark gray with the buttons on it and then there’s like a little white shirt underneath so it kind of looks like what I’ve got going on here so I found this shirt I thought found this to

Be very nice but then I stopped character creation cuz I figured I would do it with you guys um I got to find my Gail gallion hair again which is not that one that one’s that’s more like an Elliot style ooh it’s that one yeah yeah yeah it’s

This one perfect my hair color is more saturated than this no wait more red like this like that no it’s a little oranger a little more orange like that okay it’s really hard to tell with the pixel colors cuz everything’s so dark you’re normally a lurker but you like

Attempting to chat hey look at that see sometimes if you’re a lurker maybe I’ll notice your chat message if it’s a good one I’ll definitely pick up on it iy thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you good luck with the game going to be lurking maybe sleeping since it’s

Past midnight have fun much love to chat and piip thank you so much and I guess you too all right six middle finger up at you yeah screw you iie sorry that was uncalled for thank you for the Super Chat I appreciate it um also there’s new animals there’s new

Pets you can choose from it’s still a variety of cats and dogs five cats 1 2 3 four five five cats and five dogs now and I like the look of this guy right here but I might go with this guy cuz he’s like is this guy more golden

Retriever coded than the other one so we got this one I’ll give you a second to look at it and then we have this one which is a little darker I think the first one the uh former one is probably more golden retriever coated right like this

One with the blue collar first one I think so too yeah and this time I’ll actually um accept the animal cuz last time I played I didn’t accept the animal but now it’s our real dog we’re going to have a real dog guys and then pants

Color uh uh I need brown like this color brown Satur or desaturate it drop the darkness up to saturation a little bit like that yeah that’s about right that’s about right actually wait what color of my pants again one second it’s the same as my shirt and

Jacket so let’s get it let’s get it just like that animal went into the trash hey they showed up and I said hey I don’t want this dog put it put it in the pound it’s all right it was just a fake dog it was um it was a simulacrum of the

Animal it could have been not a real dog and I think I don’t want an accessory I think I’m fine without one eye color needs to be Greenish little brighter like that that this is good now I look way more Gail gallion in this form than I did in the previous one didn’t I you’re a you’re a cat person but you don’t mind dogs also had like 32 cats at one time when your mom used to go to

Those cat contests what the hell is living with 32 cats like this just reminds me of the Puss and Boots movie with that one old lady who had like an entire house with like 50 cats in them and then puss got got got adopted by it

And then there’s that one dog trying to like blend in with all the other cats 32 is crazy 32 is crazy uh anyway yeah got Gail gallion here I’m going to be just Gail because I don’t like it when they call me by my full name it makes me feel like I’m in

Trouble the farm name is going to be gold wind farm goldwind farm and my favorite thing is gold I love gold your nanny used to own a lot of cats it’s a little chaos it’s way too many cats they get a hair ball you don’t know who tossed it who tossed it up

Who’s like it’s like who’s who hairball is this uh skip intro because well I’ve already seen it before actually know what no this is the first this is the first day of the real run so I will watch the intro one last time so I have I make sure that I have a

Grasp on everything that’s start Valley has to offer one last time I think we’re good oh wait no before I click go guys there was one option I saw in here before I started stream and that is the spawn monsters on the farm do you guys think we should spawn monsters on the

Farm I think it’s a really cool option I want to do it no no no no yes H that sounds so chaotic no yes for chaos no no yes yes yeah yeah yeah there a it’s a 50/50 so I’m going to go with my gut I’m doing it I’m doing it I want to absolutely that sounds hilarious what if I’m trying to get home at night with one HP after coming back from the mines and then I ghost just spawns and I don’t know snaps my neck says nothing Personnel kid and then leaves my body in the dirt that’d be

Hilarious what about the dog though the dog be fine or maybe it could scare the monsters off like a creeper is scared of cats and for my very special Grand Sean I’ve already read this but I’ll do it again and for my very special grandson I want you to have this sealed

Envelope thank you no no don’t open it yet have patience what farm Leia the new one now listen close there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life His fingers are twitching and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness oh there’s a little cat not a cat why’ I call it a cat a little makoko there’s a makoko up here when that happens my boy you’ll be ready for this Gift now let Grandpa rest XX years later oh we did work for Jo joj cor before which is crazy to think that there’s a route where you go back to being a a corporate peee sucker looks at looks at the clock it’s not it’s not time yet to

Curse that’s me that’s me they didn’t fix the bed for 1.6 huh n Grandpa still lives on a futon he got a that’s that’s why he um passed prematurely is because he had a terrible living living circumstance deil if you must be change goldwind Farm located in stard

Valley on Souther Coast is perfect place Grandpa PS if L is still alive say hi to the old guy for me William sure thing grandpa I got you I got you dude there was a skeleton at one of the desk was there really did I miss

That P was there a skeleton at the desk why didn’t you tell me also I’m still still pissed about the road here it’s a little bit too wide for my taste and there’s not enough um lines on the road it’s like is this one lane is this

Two lanes there’s enough for two cars to go by but is that is that allowed like what’s going on here wish I could have had a bird as a pet instead of a dog Loki too much road it’s too much damn road oh there we go there goes my monetization

I’m here hello you you must be Gail I’m Robin the local Carpenter marilo sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now tidying things up for your arrival the Farm’s right over here if you’ll follow me let’s see what the farm looks like

Everybody if there’s no cops it’s however many lanes you want wait you’re right though oh wait oh wait is that a guys there’s a there’s a there’s a thing over there already this is gold Wind Farm wow I know I’m surprised too this this looks great

Right what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s still some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time doubt thank for always being so cool your streams helped me finish your helped you finish your essay for college

About corpse education for the public of course I’m glad that that my streams have inspired your decomposition fetish you’re absolutely welcome and here we are your new home is this a different it’s nice I like this it’s called Meadows isn’t it oh no wait wait wait wait n the new

Farmer but I don’t need glasses welcome I’m Lewis mayor of pelicant town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal so you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very rustic true you’re Che Oh’s a path up

There rust oh rustic that’s one way to put it crusty might be a little bit more apt though heading out go of work hey good luck hope the VOD isn’t 9 hours long like the last time don’t listen to her Gil she’s just trying to make you disatisfied so

That you buy one of our house upgrades hum she says anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and in introduce yourself the town people would appreciate that yeah I bet they would huh wait

Where’s the water for watering oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here I’ll come by during the night to collect it well good luck you kind of hope the VOD is 9 hours long listen I have no self-control what happens happens tonight what what

Happens in stardo Valley stays in stardo Valley Kish kapish one second let me um save uh wait ah whatever whatever your progress has been saved oh wait this house looks different oh it gives you hay straight up too oh and there’s a tutorial on the

Side too next to my big fat head got 15 hay that’s pretty nice anything in here oh you can store clothes in this and accessories wait was that in the last decorative Lantern oh it’s decorative can be used as a decoration okay TV uh living off the land listen up uh

Chop that’s great fortune teller we’re not going to the mines today by golly we are not ah stop touching things beautiful sunor okay look at that nice this house is nice it’s a coing starting house it’s a nice it’s a really nice starting house oh no no no

Um okay I got to rework this this here this here this here okay let’s get rid of all this crap first um I will eventually introduce myself to every single villager but I don’t feel pressure to at the moment what I need to do is of course lay the land I don’t

Have any seeds at the moment I’ve got 500 gold at 9:00 I need to get my first set of seeds from um from the man you know the guy you know the one I’m talking about um uh Pierre I got to go to Pierre’s Place get some seeds and plant that stuff

Immediately uh because I understand the value of what a farm really is meant to be and that is to be a farm it’s not just a house this is not just a homestead for me to to to park my butt on while I go hunting the mines no there

Is a real Duty that is meant to be done here you mentally call him Pete Pierre Pete m I guess he kind of looks like a Pete yeah I can see it I was trying to debate whether or not I would call him a Pete myself and now that you said that it’s

In my brain and there will be a day where I do call this man Pete because of you so you can you can call yourself lucky for now living rentree in my head fmer brain working I am so locked in today guys you do not understand I am

In this to win this I’m going to make you all so proud I got to spend my energy and I got to till at least like what um M trying to decide what I want for a farm plot first maybe like a 5×5 to start out with I’ll do a 5×5 like right

Starting here 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five all right this is the basis uh where’s our Watering Hole by the way where could I get water from oh my God D oh my God thank God

There is water here I will definitely want a well sooner rather than later because that is a long distance to go for just water you see something blue is that the Blue Grass yeah I saw that blue grass some animals like it um what that

Entails I do not know and that is not an opening for spoilers I will find out all the 1.6 content on my own thank you so much everybody I love you guys um 9:00 so I’m getting some seeds now from Pier let’s get this bread question mark nothing changed Hello nice to meet

You um potatoes inventory is full oh snap I’ll get rid of the sap the sap is not important so I can buy 10 potato seeds for now which is good potatoes are really really good potatoes are fantastic for growing give your Tri trash give me

Trash um I also need to go to get a fishing rod right now oh field snack yum yum yum oh buy fiber what if iing grow I think I bet you my left Dollar that um Hi Lis I bet you my left Dollar that I am able to

Um get a recipe to farm Blue Grass like how you can do normal grass goone on fishing I’ll be back tomorrow okay so I cannot get a fishing rod today good to know um I’m going to eat this field snack I’m going to eat this field snack and do field work like

A field man wood field and I’m wait can I sell this oyster to Pierre’s place for money cuz I would like to get more seeds thought that the oyster would afford me much you eat potatoes like apples I feel so sorry for your teeth but I mean they

Do call it p d right in French which is Apple of the Earth yeah I’m not stupid guys I what I’m talking about um I need to forage uh it’s almost 12:00 12:00 is when our our Quarry comes out to play 12:00 is when Emily goes into her living

Room I need to find a not this I need to find one of the other wild flowers during spring which is like a daffodil I think oh snap I need to umh I’ll get lots of coal later I need to get daffodils for Emily so we can start swooning her sooner rather than

Later I have found two of the wild things but not the right one can I dig this up no okay um I’m going to just eat this I’m going to just eat this too horseradish come on where is it my inventory is low and I’m trying to pick

Up the pace cuz I need to gift her at least once I need to talk to her once and I need to gift her at least once I’m not talking to all the NPCs I do not care right now my eyes are on a prize and I will get first place over

That bastard Clint yeah I can start saying it now guys this past 30 minutes my my limiters are Unleashed man really did the research guys did you not see my tweet I literally am my entire life’s goal is to make a man’s another man’s life miserable if that’s not INSP Iration

Enough what is what truly is inspiration enough what is this holy crap spring onion okay I don’t see any daffodils ever anywhere the pettiness is unmatched thank you I’m quite proud of it I want to eat the spring onion but at the same time I want

To sell it for money but whatever hold on to it for now where is my where’s the flower it’s it’s 130 am I going to ruin my first day because I can’t find this stupid ass flower oh my God guys can I be real I don’t even like Emily I don’t think she’s cute this is strictly just for malice I am so serious this man’s never going to be the same after this play through sty Valley he will be miserable for Life spring

Onion this is the Clint hater run yeah I should have named the title that this is the Clint hater run oh my God there is so much in here H are there any wild flowers up here in my farm I don’t see any I know at 6 o’clock

I think wait is it at six o’clock that Emily goes to wait I got to do my research I got her I got her page pulled up right here uh 3:30 she goes home to work at she leaves home to work at the saloon so she’s still in her house and

She’s going to work at the saloon and she’s there until 12:30 at night so I have a lot of time on her regular schedule I have a lot of time to approach her which is nice but I do need I do need my my flower having the schedule open is a

Mood I’m not as uh I’m not as knowledged as other people who have it ingrained their brains so I have to learn them one at a time did I take notes no I pulled out the spark notes I am uh cheating I just getting unlucky is this

A luck thing is this like a skill like a luck skill issue should I have invested more into my luck stat instead of my strength and talking stat like obviously my Charisma and strength stat are maxed out but uh my luck seems to

Be oh there we go we got one okay now I can go meet her at the saloon I need to get rid of this I just throw the ground we got one I wish I got more than one so I didn’t have to chase around for

One tomorrow but as soon as we were able to go to the mines all of my jewels well not all of them sorry I’ll at least save a jewel every time for uh for Emily all right let’s get in there there she is hey you mind if I chat you

Up oh I can read it on your face you’re going to love it here in pelicant town well you know what they say When Love Comes in the door another one’s love goes out the window if you’re ever looking for something to do in this evening stop by

The saloon that’s where I work yeah I freaking know stup stupid here have this thank you I’m feeling a positive energy from this gift oh she’s into she’s into Witchcraft and like energy stuff I see hey you might as well talk to you since you’re here sorry I’ve read all these NPC

Dialogues once already for the first few events so I might not read them all again I cannot talk to you you’re strange okay I can go through the trash here now okay let’s go back home let’s uh start the planting hi Vincent hi this is um who are you again

Harvey aren’t you the guy who does like Family Feud I’m talking to Emily like I talk to babe and housewife that’s not looking good for Emily then if that’s the tone that I’m putting out maybe a little bit subconscious um nothing to sell oh no oyster goodbye oyster I miss you

Already all right the Palm D tears and we water them I got to get my farming leveled up as fast as possible because when I do that I’ll be able to start my super Giga smart sprinkler wait I just realized am I not allowed to farm on the grass

Here wait why can’t I farm on the grass this is going to be tricky okay I mean that’s not a problem for now but in the future this could be problematic I’m going to get the uh trees taken down by the way so I can get sap so I can increase

The uh I can use f wa can I craft fertilizer right now I cannot craft fertilizer okay never mind I I’m not worried about it then which of the Bachelors or bachelorettes do I like the least I hate Clint and I like Abigail and Sam those are my those are my

Homies like if I wasn’t trying to swo up Emily I might I would say I might even like prefer Sam the most I think Sam is my dude I would do a Sam route if I was not doing a cuck Clint route you know all right I don’t think I can make

Any more money tonight because shops are closing so it’s not a big deal oh oh I see there’s a bat here I need to go to the mines now to get my sword because I have monster spawns on whoops that’s going to be extra money though killing monsters does not take up

Energy it only takes up life so everything that shows up on my farm is going to get converted into the Raw Pure money all right mustache off glasses on because I am so in I’m locked in you what oh no there were things that I was not aware

Of all right well the good news is that despite that I still have a scythe I don’t know if I can use it as a weapon but if I can I can still kill things and I still have the opportunity to go and get mixed seeds to plant more Farm stuff

Before the night ends to increase my farming level can we look at the coupe yeah we’ll do it tomorrow we’ll do it tomorrow I want to make sure that my day one goes as well as I can make it the bat is still here it it is literally just still here

Huh okay give me seeds give me seeds give me seeds I bet the grass has the most seeds all right give me seeds give me seeds yeah you don’t like it do you I’m going to keep the blue grass here cuz I don’t know if I need it up or

Not ouch ouch I was it with that okay this is difficult um I see uh not having a sword day one is uh pretty brutal nice is almost dead like come on this like a permanent plague PL of bats there’s a slime over there too all right there we go that’s money that’s

Free money uh drop the clay I’ll get more clay in the future yo is that cashian floros raiding my channel hello dude Dr robs how are you guys doing today my name is Gail Gall if you’re not familiar with me I’m the pirate member of avalum the captain

Corsair the heartrob of the high seas and also um I’m here to cuck Clint it’s a pleasure to have you guys here how how you doing Cass hope you had a good stream how was the collab were you guys uh were you guys killing it did you piss your pants also I’m

Lost uh D Drops if you guys like St Valley the 1.6 update actually dropped today new content apparently got released all over the place where’s Cass at where am I wait where am I I’m lost where’s my home where’s my home is that a zombie oh my God where’s my

Home where is my home oh that’s the farm okay hello hello m I got to go this way how did I get so lost um oh I got to go up this way don’t I okay here we are we’re at home we’re at home all right let me plant my one

Last seed and water it yummy sell my bat wings kale scallion that name is still going around what is wrong with you guys that is not Gucci That is not Gucci let’s go to bed oh oh my God wait what is my luck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa day

Night one I’m getting a fairy and she chose the corner piece what a [ __ ] sorry no I’m thankful but also what a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] can I plant raw seeds can I plant raw I’m sorry can I plant raw potatoes got 40 gold for that

60 Gold for that these are only worth 15 each so poor I can get two more seed packs that is some luck though holy crap that is Insane luck sorry guys my [ __ ] was loud um Spirits are very happy today is the is it open now are the mines open on day

Two Your Number One Source going to rain all day tomorrow nice no you cannot you cannot plant raw potatoes advertisement I keep finding cool stuff my backpack is full sound like you does I need 2,000 gold for that don’t I 2,000 gold for the first backpack uh fishing trip oh yes fishing

Time free money all right oh I should have kept one potato wait let me keep one potato um I was advised by my legislative branch to make sure that I constantly at all times have one of every item that I would want to store for later and that

Includes all food items because when you go to the community center when the little K the makoko BOS start showing up you got to have um you got to start putting stuff in the log books and since this is the real run I got to start doing that thank goodness you start

You’re wearing headphones wait what I do did I say something sussy I don’t even know why I asked that of course I did I don’t know what I said but I said something didn’t I pine cone let’s go talk to um Willie and go free him let’s go free the

Willie makoka PO is a cute name thanks it’s almost as cute as Gail gallion isn’t it what’s up Willie what’s up dude Oho AO there son heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you something with the chicken oh that makes sense that makes

Sense ah I’m still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty Seas it was a big Hall I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that

The artifici stays alive and hey maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while um so should I fish no the mines are open now I need to see if the mines are open and um start digging there’s a good there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of

Fish I’ll do a new potato run tomorrow oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so come by if you need some supplies hello so buy anything a catch if it smells it sells that’s what me old papy used to say anyway you would trust Willie with your

Life low key Willie seems like a wholesome awesome dude I wish I’ve got alcohol I could drink be right back I’m going to grab a bottle of Ale [Applause] e hey you guys didn’t say anything sus while I was gone did you why is this guy always drinking when

You come into the stream let’s see I’ve had alcohol okay on my debut stream so that’s one I had alcohol on Z stream so technically if you count that that’s two I’ve had alcohol on my Drunk Minecraft stream which is three and I had alcohol the last time I played um starty Valley

With my joa Cola and rum so that’s four times I’ve had four times I’ve had alcohol four times and it’s almost been two months I get one more at least before management starts yelling at me it’s only one management it’s only one it’s only one don’t worry it’s only one guys

Don’t be afraid it’s a low alcohol percent it’s ale you know nothing crazy nothing crazy what about debut I said debut aren’t you listening to me y next up the ale Express Bottoms Up the fake lettuce stream oh you’re right on my salad stream I also drank uh shots of uh vodka I

Think so this is now my sixth time all right right whatever six is definitely a lot more than five anyway I’ve got fishing to do I think wait no I’ve got no room in my inventory why do I have no room in my inventory Willie what have I done to

Deserve this um no I I do not need to fish I’m getting distracted my ADHD is acting up a fool up in here up in [Applause] here wow that’s amazing clay six time in two months is not bad right whoa W wo wo an anchor what I found an artifact that’s an

Artifact yo how much does that sell for [Applause] though that is so cool the first artifact I find is an anchor guys it’s just like it’s just like on my ship it’s an an anchor just like on my ship guys is that oh my God I’m so lucky okay I’ll

Go pull that out of Louis’s yard in just a second I need to go and donate this thing at the Museum it’s open at 8:00 so it’s good timing dude this is the Run isn’t it this is the Run of all runs hey what’s up Gunther skip sorry Gunther’s kind of boring to

Me um anchor right over there I get a gift nope cool good stuff Gunther oh guys I would go I would visit I would visit Mr Clint here and say hello cuz I’m new in town if he op at a normal person’s hours I’m not mad you’re

Mad so I’m going to go check the mines to see if if I can get in there now to get my sword and talk to the um no I can get my sword as well as um do a little bit of digging today I’m going to buy two seeds two more P potato

Seeds um oh I can’t sell the clam here the scallop mines are still closed are they really wait Quest help blunted um a largemouth bass for Demetrius okay well if the mines are closed then I have no choice I’ll just have to um make money in other various

Ways um let’s go empty out my inventory back at base and then we can fish to our hearts content I need to wait for the letter to M up oh snap damn it okay thank you yeah again no one broke broke any rules just letting you guys know take a

Look at the pinned comments no back seating for any 1.6 content all the original stardo Valley stuff you’re more than welcome to back SE that okay uh and I did promise somebody that we would look at the uh the coupe really quick um let’s take a look there’s chicks in here already oh

My God there’s starving wait there’s already chickens in here holy crap I I [ __ ] you not I was not expecting that um sorry little guys glad you’re not dead let’s go feed them I’ve been starving them it was one night guys it was one night I’m sure I’m sure they

Started with food I’m sure they started with food you guys are mad at me okay I guess they didn’t get food last night maybe maybe they did not have food maybe that was a maybe that was a skill issue on my part oops I’ll put that away

Cool the door oh you’re right you so right you still right look look at all this time that I’m wasting chickies be free that one’s a duck that that one’s actually a duck oh it ate wait it ate the raw grass out there maybe there were more of them

Don’t don’t weigh my conscience with guilt please the fence they got grass inside of there I don’t want I don’t want them to get attacked by a monster I’m doing it for their safety clearly uh it’s almost 12 o’clock so I can start heading over to Emily’s house

Because I’m going to stand outside of her door and um give her her a gift Emily huh where is she does she live here no this is Sam’s house what where’s Emily I didn’t close the fence oh I didn’t close the fence oh that’s awkward that’s awkward where is that girl

Guys I got a referred back to my my cheat sheet uh 12:00 p.m. leaves bedroom to stand in the living room on the regular schedule on oh on Tuesday she has a Tuesday schedule oh she’s doing she’s doing arabat or aerob aerobics not aerobatics what the hell I can’t read

She’s doing aerobics until 1:00 in Pierre’s shop on Tuesdays I got this i got this guys I forgot she throws it back here on Tuesdays see is for sale yeah I know Emily wait let me talk to her first before anything else hi I work parttime

At gusa Saloon it pays the bills you know what pays the bills daa deals I didn’t mean for that to rhyme but now that I did um calculated patata patata patata don’t look okay never mind you can look all right let’s get some let’s get this fish got to get that

Bread please give me fish please give me fish oh there’s a tutorial on the fish now nice sunfish I need a largemouth bass please I need somebody with a bigger mouth than Rosco I know hard ass tall order but is that’s what the man Wanted you’re late how’s everything going so far decent we’re trying to speedrun the Emily route and so far we’ve gotten two days of um two days being able to gift Emily daffodils as as soon as we get EX like entrance to the mine cleared up we’re going to get our

Sword and start Mining and get some Jewels for her because you know we like to treat a girl right what’s a Girl’s Best Friend after all that’s right it’s me cuz I’m a diamond I shine bright like a diamond large mouth bass smallmouth bass wait I can get jewels like fishing

Too I forgot about that I forgot about getting jewels from fishing there’s so much more meta that I haven’t considered so many routes that I can take fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy mines are more fun they’re way more fun though you’re right but unfortunately at the moment I’ve got nothing but fishing to

Do I can’t just make seeds appear I guess I can with mix seeds but this is really my only money-making strategy at the moment I yearn for the mines I’m not a child guys I’m a grown adult man but I do yearn for the mines perfect large mouth large mouse or large mouth

Please please you realize Emily’s a crystal girly yeah she was talking about like energy and stuff like that the daffodil radiates energy or something like that like positive energy she’s totally into like that metaphysical stuff I think that’s cool it’s good to have hobbies oh [ __ ] I heard something and I

Pulled back sorry guys I pulled out too early any second now the large mouth bass is going to wind up in my lap oh sh I looked away from for a second large mouths are best found in the water outside the mines based that is based knowledge thank

You oh daffodil nice tomorrow is set in stone if I don’t get a jewel you think Abigail might be part Dragon she seems to want to eat gems a lot dude I freaked out with when I first gave uh I first gave Abigail a quartz in

My last playthrough and she said M that was delicious I’m like girly poop what’s what is in your MERS you got titanium reinforced jawline jeez you are an animal yo do they change the fishing oh 13in chub wait this is a different icon isn’t this a different icon for the chub

She ate it girly ate rock yeah she ate rocks right I’m not paying attention this this game needs to get turned up a little bit one second let me turn up just a wee bit for myself so I can hear the uh fishing noises you only gift two times a

Week oh I did not know that thank you that’s good information oh I see so that’s what that little meter next to their their portrait is where it’s like a it’s a little blue dot and it has like zero out of eight so that’s like zero out of

Eight interactions right okay okay okay so I didn’t need to rush I didn’t need to rush for it got a crap and a chest ooh rice shoots oh it’s a spring that’s a spring crop nice coal um I want to eat the uh well I guess I can get rid of this daffodil

Then if going off of what they said is true then it’s probably best for me to give her the best stuff every week don’t eat rocks you can’t tell me what to do Yum Yum Yum I want to need dentures by the age of 30 your dog keeps coming over and S looking

At my stream she says hi hi puppy hi puppy hi hi yo what’s your dog’s name let me call them over and see if they react did you guys know um when I visited my parents they frequently watch my streams as most of you know and their dog their dog hates

Pip she is an active pip hater she um she’ll run up to the TV screen and she will bark her ass off she is um anti- pip okay water this stuff I was surprised I thought everybody loves pip would you guys forgive a dog if they hated

Pip 7:30 got plenty of energy still um got no money but I’m going to be selling I don’t know how much algae sells for I’d rather just use it for the energy your dog’s name’s Abby oh she can’t hear me oh man who’s a good girl who’s a good Abby who’s a good

Girl my mom said just texted me she said I think she was barking at you actually oh fair enough that’s fair I should have put these things away oh no no I don’t want to fish here I want to go large get the large mouth largemouth bass I want that extra money for

Demetrius I keep making your dog react M got a away with dogs don’t I is it because of my dog energy is that what it is am I um am I exuding alpha dog behavior Your dog hates men and gets upset when you watch male streamers oh not alpha dog behavior I exud beta Labrador Behavior that’s what everyone’s been telling me recently oh snap give me give me give me large mouth bass please pleas simply become woman it was today that I decided yes I’m changing

Teams I must restart my starter Valley so I can become a girl Omega Chaba punches you in the mouth don’t ever say that again Car oh this is a large mouth bass this is it this is it oh there’s a treur chest there I need that I need that I need that that’s the good stuff I’m so skilled I am so skilled Bullhead First Catch Treasure Chest bait all this bamboo pole can’t hold bait that’s so

Stupid what’s the first thing I’m going to do when I become a woman my first declaration for when I become a woman is that um I will provide a month monthly ration of Hot Chip to all women oh bigger chub I will make it so that you will

Never have to worry about purchasing your own Hot Chip it is a woman’s Duty and right to constantly Eat Hot Chip be be bisexual and lie bro where is the where’s the large mouth pass I’m getting sick of fishing up the same fish Bullhead Gil for first woman president thank you thank you guys make sure you vote this uh coming election day vote for avalum president o that’d be kind of fun what if we vote for what if we do like a an avalum stream like an avalum collab stream where we are running for student

Council and then we have you guys vote on which uh where you guys want us to go that’d be kind of fun guys I’m so smart damn it so smart until I blow that fishing completely it’s going to give a lot of women tummy aches so glad you’re male

What the hell no no no no no you you guys know how to eat a Hot Chip well I’m sorry girls in general they know how to eat hot chip that’s all they do is eat Hot Chip and lie also be bisexual how do you think the others

Would campaign I think like if okay I’m going to I’m going to just place my bets on who’s going to get who I think zany is going to be student secretary I think obviously Cass would be vice president and Lucy would be president so it’s really a matter of what me and Rosa

Would be I feel like Rosa would be like the disciplinary Branch I just don’t know where I would line up Treasurer yeah probably Treasurer right I think I just I think I just um put everything in order as it was oh snap I exhausted myself I actually just think I created

The Canon avalum student council body line up all right fish don’t exist anymore it was all lie wait I had zero energy and I was like slowed did you guys see that I don’t know if you guys noticed I was like slowed Frost goes the of avalum council I don’t think Rosco’s face

Should be the face of the avalum council not because I dislike the guy but only because I think that he’s a behind the scenes kind of worker guy that guy Cooks he’s like the chef he’s constantly cooking fishing up farming up foraging up no farming up yet God damn anyway made

$720 off of patatas that’s crazy made 600 almost $700 off of H fishing we are going to potato up we are going to potato our asses off a pirate with access to all the money what could go wrong guys I’m very financially uh I’m very financially smart fishing archaeology oh my gosh

Money Harvest an egg from my chickens my chickens are not old enough to lay egg fortune teller displeased okay not going to the mines sunny tomorrow oh it’s you I noticed you’ve been breaking some rocks open and that’s and fighting ore that’s good that’s not true Clint I’ve had enough reasons to

Hate you don’t let me hate you for being a [ __ ] liar if you want to get the most out of the ORS you find you’ll need a furnace just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints lying around here I want you to have

Them the one good thing he ever did for me the furnace allows you to smell metal bars the bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool upgrades would you’ve smelted a few copper bars oops my finger slipped um let’s see I don’t think I

Need to do anything in my box I don’t have a new fishing rod so I can’t do baits I can’t craft fertilizer yet because my my Um farming has still yet to level up which is insane I don’t need a water or anything I think today is a go fish for the bit for the large mouth again right it’s probably the most efficient thing to do talk to Emily at 12:00 wait is

There a Wednesday oh wait when it’s raining Emily has her own thing okay she goes to her bedroom wait her raining schedule’s the same as her regular schedule okay so I don’t I don’t need to worry about anything her her schedule’s fine um I just got to wait for 12:00 and

Go talk to Emily in her house which is not normal at all but for some reason in stardy Valley that makes total sense have I considered getting some wood you know if this Farm has a silo uh from what I saw the only thing that was there

Was a coupe but I don’t know how to use a silo unfortunately I’ve yet to um purchase one on my other save file so I might I might not even know what one looks like to be honest I probably don’t even know what a silo looks like I

I mean I do in real life know what they look like but I don’t know in this game this giv Zero Energy all right it’s just another fishing day guys sorry it’s boring but it’s raining so the old man is snoring and so am I on these these silly little people

Wait I I’ll get i’ll get my seeds when I come back into down for the uh to deliver or to talk to Emily the other safe file is safe yeah yeah the other save file is Safe come on give me the good stuff largemouth bass H new pattern is this the largemouth bass that I’ve been waiting for my whole life little [ __ ] come on I feel like they added a new fish AI am I crazy to think that don’t these things like don’t they look different

Like they’re fighting differently they’ve got new strategies and tactics God damn it I got baited by the sound silos store your gathered feed or purchase feed oh so why do I need wood for that oh it’s a build one oh oh you’re saying to um to get

Wood to have a silo made on my plot right that’s what you’re saying okay well isn’t it expensive to to get things constructed I’ve only just started my file out so money is definitely not one of my strongest suits right now it’s only 100 copper oh my God it’s only

100 oh dear me damn it I looked away let’s do that then how much wood is it how much wood does it cost to have a silo built probably like 300 or something like that is what I would guess if I was going to be a guesser if I was going to

Assume by the way anybody drinking with me on a Tuesday night if so what’s your what’s your poison of choosing I haven’t had an ale in such a long time so it’s really refreshing for Me coffee it’s 100 Stone and 10 clay oh my God wait Clay is actually useful I didn’t know Clay was useful water you have no drinks wait I got to focus fish go crazy fish go crazy fish did not go crazy coffee and water you got Kool-Aid oh we did it Demetrius wait

Demetrius look I got it I got it where’s Demetrius at right now this time of day right here on the on the toilet hey what’s up bro thanks Gail the largemouth bass population was getting out of hand no it no it [ __ ] wasn’t Demetrius the large mouth bass

Population is not doing fine it is doing terribly there are none there are none left out there Demetrius this is the last one over overp population my ass anyway my money Thanks um construct farm buildings Coupe Barn well well well well wa that’s actually pretty cheap The Silo oh he needs five copper bars too I haven’t been able to go to the mines yet so um I can afford this though I need more clay but I’ll be able to afford

This once I go to the mine this allows you to Mill wheat beet and rice I need sheep though that’s a just another building a fish pond oh I should have been looking at this sooner a cabin oh if you want to get another friend’s house that’s cool a pet

Bowl stable for a horse Slim I’m Hutch what the hell is going on here a big Coupe shipping bin another one cool well I have a coup already so the next thing I guess we can do The Silo and then we’ll work towards a mill in the future I’ll try to get some

Sheep or can you purchase that stuff can you purchase wool from her no uh upgrade house no I forget where you oh you purchased farm animals from the other people I remember now did I cause a whole species of fish to go extinct no that was happening way

Before I got there clearly way before I got there let’s go talk to Pierre and get some more patatas yeah what do you say about that Pierre we’re going to get some your patatas closed on Wednesdays I’m going to walk the plank I’m going to walk the

Plank I guess I’ll fish in front of Emily’s house until she’s ready to talk to me again Do What You Won’t you think I won’t you think I won’t can we make french fries without potatoes but with like sweet potatoes or like cauliflower potatoes ew ew why would you not want

Potatoes why would you not choose Potato um what can I do right now I can keep fishing to get copper and potentially upgrade my pickaxe as soon as possible ooh trash I want that to go into the water wait no I I remember the makos don’t like it when trash gets thrown into the

River I should dispose of it like a normal human being you use onion instead God damn it using onion would just turn it into like a a blooming onion like you get like Outback Steakhouse or something like that which I’m not saying is bad but it’s not for me

Personally heard people like blooming onions and like spicy mayonnaise or something like that you you always hear a human being that’s because that’s what I’m saying like you’re a human being all right I’ll get this fish and then we’ll go talk to Emily I’m going to make her believe that

I like her a lot and then she’ll fall in love with me Shad hi Emily I’ve heard rumors of rare and Powerful magic rings forged Long Ago by forgotten civilizations I’m not sure if it’s true or just the fairy tale hey do you want this probably not right

You’ve already given Emily two gifts this week that’s enough why is the limit two why is the limit to beans yeah your bean squeaks if you guys ever listen to the sound of two green bean sprouts being rubbed together that’s the sound you make when you CA you don’t sound like a

Normal bird you sound like beans getting squeaked together whoa we got a fighter here is this a catfish I think I think I bet it’s a catfish I’m so Smart I wish it was gold catfish or a purple I probably can’t get a purple catfish with this garbage Rod wait I can eat fish now wait were you always able to eat fish is that new you could just fish up food now and eat a raw yeah you always could River

Jelly a rare jelly found in fresh water plus 30 maximum energy for 7 minutes how much does it sell for is that new that looks new that sounded new oh my pine cone is still here yum all there artifacts here I could be diing up iridium is what the purple grade is

Called interesting okay iridium tier hey check this out I got River you won’t buy my River jelly 200 for the catfish 90 100 75 50 each sardine bait this is new training Rod is 25 fiberglass Rod is 1,00 um this is a good investment now I can’t um buy seeds today so I’m

Going to use my money to buy this and we’ll go use the bait and be catching fish left and right trash trash monkey that Funky Monkey 200 for one fish we’re rich and we’re poor again it was it goes as quickly as it comes hi Emily okay bye Emily she doesn’t like me

Yet that stone needs to get removed I’m going to petition for the mayor to get that one stone in particular removed pissed me off makes it easier at least don’t at least I don’t have to have a a rice a rice what do you mean by a

Rice I want to sell this and hopefully it sells for a lot excuse me I hope it sells for a lot hope it sells for a ton a single rice grain one single rice grain oh for sashimi well I don’t have the recipe to cook Sashimi yet so I’m

Unfortunately the fish are just money bags for me are the chickens alive they got food they better be alive good afternoon Leia hi Louis oh my God is that Leia’s panties that we saw in no no no no it was Pam’s house or something like that right so

How’s your first night in the old Cottage don’t talk to me Louis you’re gross Leah hi it’s nice to meet you hi bye wait I can talk to you again your grandpa used to complain about the Ricky old bed but I think deep down he actually loved that house

You picked a good time move here the spring is lovely looks at the rain around me yeah real Lovely isn’t it does it mean 7 Minutes effect yeah yeah yeah the the rare jelly only is plus plus 30 Max for 7 minutes which isn’t bad it’s not

Bad please give me the catfish please give me the catfish please give me the catfish please give me the catfish please going C I need this I need this money I need this money so bad you don’t understand game it was regular catfish no stars no nothing come

On Comey please oh oh snap I got another one rare my ass I had a harder time catching a real fish this the river rare slime jelly is crazy seven more baits maybe should have pulled on Grand blue today instead I pulled today and I

Only got a 10 pole and I got nothing for it I’m not I’m not excited about it whatsoever Grand blue has bet me so are we dating Emily already no she barely knows I exist I gave her two flowers and I expected her to um to remember my name but we’re still we’re

Still working on it she’s like uh what’s your name again ale ale no no no Emily that’s what I drink my name’s Gail with a G because I’m a Gangster bre cuz I pulled off stream it’s lowkey because I pulled off stream stream for real kale oh yeah have that on my farm

Bro you don’t know how to farm you think you’re all green and leafy and stuff but I bet you’ve ever picked up a bet you’ve never even picked up a hoe before dude and I mean that Literally I picked you up bro you can barely live me bro don’t even try bro don’t even try bro I’ll fight you you I’ll pick you up first bro I’ll princess carry your ass down the road that’s a promise nuh yuh yuh oh my God I’m fishing on my G

Here what I have like three bait left or something like that perfect though [ __ ] three bait left two bait left all right let’s go I knew this fishing rod was going to be worth it treasure one left got a treasure amphibian fossil I’m half a minded to just sell that but I should

Probably I should probably not even though the money would be really nice right now the money would be pretty sick right now all right that’s all the bait that I’ve got um should I keep going should I keep going Gunther’s closed for the day I can’t get any more bait at the

Moment but I could just keep fishing I’ve got energy I guess I could also chop down trees to get resources for The Silo too I might do that I’ll catch this one last fish go and get wood for The Silo and no no The Silo needs Stone and

Clay that’s right I need to get stone so I’ll have to um do that on day five check the community Center to unlock your journey true you’re right oh God damn it it’s trash I love trash you’re so right thank you for keeping me in check hey it’s Sam wait

Sam you’re my like BFF in another in another life dude hey I’m Sam good to meet you that’s great dude I love that guy big old smile on his face not a care in the world you PL the idea of me need by um by accident real deep it’s literally

Living rentree at this moment uh what was I going to do again sell these fish sell this actually no I’m going to hold I’m going to hold on to one River jelly because if it doesn’t sell for a lot then it would be pointless to give away too so I’ll save

It for tomorrow it’s not like I’m urgently needing the money um I need 71 more stone for The Silo and then nine more clay so let’s do it let’s get that stop I don’t have a pickaxe on me how Zaki Ry thank you very much for the Super Chat here Captain a

Tip because you are cool well I didn’t say it you did thank you very much for the super thank you so much thank you thank you Uh m any seeds in here hello any seeds please all I see is no seeds no rocks either in fact now that I think about it no rocks really do I have to do this for 71 rocks actually where did my first where did my 21 Rocks

Come from 21 Rocks come from oh there a slime over there spooky what do I need for a furnace I need um like 20 copper ore I need like 20 copper ore and then oh my God piss off and then some 50 Stone I think or something like

That something akin to that amount it’s a little bit expensive at this current state in time it’s too expensive for me to build when I don’t even have access to the mines and I can only make one Ingot which will not grant me anything so it’s in my best interest right now to

Hold off on making a furnace before anything else it is not a high priority in fact I would say it’s a very tiny priority minuscule even the slimes are actually D Drops they just want my attention oh now they do I offered you guys if you guys wanted to go on a date

With me and now you’re here for the date even though you said ew to begin with I see how it is do drops you’re playing hard to get uh 14 energy left I could do six more oh there’s more clay over here thank God 10 energy should be eights yeah

Okay I can do two more oops one more okay let’s get out of here let’s go to bed the D Drops are loyal too damn loyal I’ll have you join my crew one day okay I don’t think tomorrow it’s raining so I will have to water my crops

In the morning first thing that’s why I gathered the wat the water fishing level up to two fishing leveled up to three my God and still no farming level up because a river jelly sells for 125 uh 125 for the river jelly seems extremely fair but I can’t decide

Whether it’s better to keep or to sell that sucks that actually sucks because I feel like it’s good to keep and I feel like it’s good to sell [Applause] I live off the land check for some spring onions Southwest of town where the river meets the ocean you can sometimes find a whole

Bunch growing right out of the dirt oh I keep picking this thing up oh yes I can hear the spirits Whispering something to me the spirits are very happy today oh I hope the mines are open then wether report tomorrow is a sunny day means lots of

Watering I could keep like two then sell the rest wait of what oh the Slime the Slime jellies that’s true that’s true yeah feel like it’d be better to hold in my back pocket Min me me me hats okay that’s very cool wait what dear farmer Gale I’d

Like to apologize for joking about your grandpa’s old Cottage ass when we first met it’s a really nice little place might need some space one day yes Robin cool I have watered I don’t need this anymore uh I need 35 more Stone let me just do that now let me get the stor

Now how are my chickens they feisty oh I I got to pet them right I got to pet them oh my God they grew up oh they grew up so fast I love you I love love you Mo oh right I don’t have a chest in here for the the chimpin is the fence gate still open yeah I think I’m too lazy to close it not going to lie I think I don’t care I think I think I cannot be arst oops that was a waste trying to minmax

My my time here all right cool good stuff good stuff good stuff 9 10 oh right there’s a there’s like something up here right I don’t know what it is but there’s something up here like a there’s like a pathway up here like a shrine oh is this one of the

Shrines whatever this is mobs can kill animals oh my God you you’re serious you’re so serious about that dear me that’s that’s quite the problem I cannot get this wood I have chopped this tree down and I cannot receive its Bounty this blows I hate this

Game how do I get rid of a bush I need to know for a friend asking for a friend uh just goodbye fivr I barely knew you chest down chicken eggs in I’ll go gra grab my hay and stick it in there too blows up with mind my [ __ ]

Chickens I need 20 more rocks and then six more soil I don’t know how to get soil except do you get it just by digging up the do you get it by tilling the ground is soil gathered by tilling the ground uh I can get enough rock with this

Energy yes okay cool that’s all I need to do then give me the stone boy give me the stone boy oh I bet rocks can sometimes have gems in them too can’t they that’d be nice if one just popped out of the blue um nine more rocks eight

7 6 5 4 we’re almost done three two one zero oh zero let’s go got enough rocks okay now now we got to just till the Earth grab some soil and eventually we’ll have ourselves a silo it’s just that easy chicky poo oh the fence is open that’s unfortunate who left that open

Who did that I’ll have your I’ll have your neck Gail tells the chickens I’m going up to get hay and don’t come back and they’re left to the monsters they can fight for themselves they get Experience nice we’re killing it let’s um let’s do the hoen up here I have good I have a good feeling about up here okay I got to eat something well I ho a lot now I’m tired I think I can make a field snack with a pine cone in my inventory field snack

Ma yummy don’t I need copper bars this oh yeah you’re right crap you’re absolutely right I feel less pressured to do it right now then good call let’s go talk to Pier there a there’s an item over here thank You my dandelion what would I do without my Dand Cion hi Louis this get pretty Lev shut up Louis you little Playboy oh ice cream that’s mine ice cream more like mine scream hello you must be Gil the far I’m Caroline nice to meet you Caroline uh beans are beans better than Potatoes takes 10 days takes six days 10 days from now it’s the beginning of the month still I think beans are good I think beans are good here I think I’m going to Bean this place up might as well might as well make a

Bean plot area oh wait I got to talk to Emily oh God I got to talk to Emily Emily I’m coming just to show you how much I care about you Sam don’t look please by the way hi clouds look great this time of here don’t they yes they do look away keep

Walking keep walking mine yes trash thank God Emily hi I’m glad you’re vacantly staring into this bookcase today I hope you’re farming in a sustainable way the Valley’s ecosystem is fragile just like my egoo but you know what’s even more fragile is Clint mental Daisy thank you for the Super

Chat thank you so much if you think about it you’re literally a chicken tender because you tend to chickens I guess that really does me I’m a snack doesn’t it thank you for the Super Chat I guess I really am a snack that was tasty that was a tasty little

Ale all right I’m going to do my beans on this side of the wall two three four 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and that’s enough exactly for 21 beans what the [ __ ] I’m not a snack I’m a meal a you

Shouldn’t have thank you I got to water these things now water my beam What the Fu I liked um I liked watering hops not watering but um tending to Hops last time I played I think that was fun I like the I I have a soft spot for these crops that stick around cuz they look nice not only do they look nice

They are also efficient too the blue be hair the blue hair do be setting off wait what were they talking about Emily looks like that girl that will ruin your life she has the blue hair what’s wrong with blue hair blue hair is cool right guys blue hair is

Cool uh what do I need to do I need More fishing I’m going to fish I’m going to fish I’m going to fish let me get water first though there we go just a reminder for anybody who just hopped into the stream if you guys like or if you’re intent on chatting in the

Chat then do take a look at the uh pins comments please thank you please and thank you I don’t want to sound like a Harper but just um no nobody’s being bad nobody’s being bad just let you know nobody’s being bad just trying to keep myself in my

Community friendly know what I mean know what I mean get a snack too my energy almost out I’ll just no I’m going to just wipe out my energy from fishing and then um I’ll be done with it I can’t be I can’t fish for too long

Obviously so let me Forge a little bit up here let me take a look up here really quick and I’ll go up to the river I’ll do a little yui do a little bit of U-turn good morning Gil hello good morning to you is it morning is it night is it

Evening is it day whichever way you look it’s every time of day wait there’s a fishing spot there that’s excellent yeah I love fishing Emily’s the secret blue member of avalom and I’m debuting her that’s what this whole story was about guys is that once I finally marry

Emily you guys will see the final sixth member of avalum the blue member it was her all along sorry it wasn’t an all boy gen Emily is going to ruin your Dreams nice dude I’m perfect at this I’m perfect at this she’s that mermaid oh is she the siren the siren Mermaid to my avalum oh God damn that was almost perfect rice shoots bone flute very sick nasty and sick nasty in a good way a sausage party is fine

Too yes indeed I do believe I love men Emily is the queen of Kings she’s got Clint and me wrapped around her little finger right now I don’t even notice it but like she’s The Mastermind behind all this I can’t wait to plant this rice sometime today today ah How much more I got 26 energy yeah I can do a couple more anytime today fishies anytime today in chat I want car I want Emily carnally are you saying that because you want her to become f fertilizer is that your is that what you’re doing I know your

Type can I get a meals theme at least oh my God that’d be sick oh my God eight more rice shoots fishing is the best thing that’s ever happened to me no you’re just gay that’s fair you know what today you’re allowed to be be gay I’ll allow it today you can be

Gay you know last night I was up till 3:30 in the morning playing hell divers with zy and Rosco oh my God there’s a bird I was playing hell divers for the first time with them and that game is way more fun than I gave it credit for

Like I knew it was like a funny little Boomer shooter not Boomer shooter but like a it’s a little shooty game it was insanely fun like I I got addicted this the first time in a long time like besides starty Valley here that I that I

Wanted to play a game just to play the game you know it was extremely fun if we if we can do it I would like to play it on stream one day even though I know it’s probably not everyone’s favorite pick but I want to play it I

Want to play it again so bad o more uh more green algae I mean I almost called it slime See I didn’t need a snack the ocean I’m sorry the water’s bouncy is filled with snacks you just need to know where to look and plus I could eat the fish too if I really needed to perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect 21 energy I can do another one your favorite Trio playing hell

Divers yeah off stream we’re denying you guys content we’re blue balling you all from what you really want please give me the fish please give me the fish please give me the fish please give me the fish please give me the fish please give me the fish please

Give me the fish pleas fish it’s algae dude we’re going infinite here in this fishing hole I don’t think they can keep me out just play it for like 12 hours on Saturday like I did with risk of rain I got I got stuff to do on

Saturday though guys I got the got the Mario Cart oh my God this algae is plaguing me got the Mario Kart collab you guys don’t want to watch Mario Cart it’s very fun you were wondering why your balls were looking a little off it was me you

Didn’t know it but subconsciously I was blue balling you no the Treasure Chest I was trying to be cheeky and trying to get both Moon Shiro thank you so much for the Super Chat thank you so much play what you like we enjoy watching and

Having fun with you I do have to be I do have to be conscientious of what I play of course but I also do want to have days where I have a day for myself you know and those days will come and those days will

Come all right I need to catch this fish and get the hell out of here please please please please please please please pleas here fishy fishy fishy fishy here fishy fishy fishy I got to whisper because it’s night time and I don’t want to wake up

Everybody I got to get out of here sorry I went back on that so quickly trash goodbye trash I wanna go yeah 1.6 finally came out I’ve been waiting for this since I started playing stardy Valley I saw the announcement on Steam they were like there’s a new

Update coming March 19th and I’m like well I can’t say no I must play as a slime there fishy fishy fishy plant my rice oh God I need my I need my uh water bucket I need my water bucket oh God I’ll sacrifice my energy for this I sacrificed my energy for

This oh stop slime stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop ow stop please please please please I want to sleep I want to sleep I want to sleep please I couldn’t plant all my seeds cuz I forgot to grab a hoe oh I’m so tired I can’t

Sleep oh my God I’m so tired I cannot sleep oh there we go never mind the game was just glitching we got the farming level up let’s go can I get um oh wait doesn’t give me sprinklers until next level oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] but I got money

Uh feeding animals build a silo yeah i’ would love to advancement reach farming level one and craft a scarecrow yeah sure money thank you uh fortune teller displeased Spirits that’s great partially cloudy with light Breeze lots of pollen oh hello what’s your name again Marne hello girl you see the Z here I’m

Not going to be able to do that I cannot keep that voice up hi puy very cute puy I found it sitting outside the entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray poor thing hey it seems to like this place say um don’t you think this Farm could

Use a good dog absolutely uh your name is going to be your name is going to be Excalibur that’s a cool name well Excalibur you’re a good you be a good Pooch okay I named him Excalibur because the lady of the farm gave him to Me I’ve got some new items in stock thanks Willie a new fishing pole very cool uh I need a hoe I need a got my watering bucket I got to sell this parsnip no wait I’ve only got one keep it in here oh let me get let me get four more

Wood really quick and I will make a new chest for just stuff to hold on to Robin oh well to our value JoJo mod customer suck my balls that that tree would have destroyed and decimated my house assuredly uh give me a lot of sap give

Me the wood I’m going to make a chest special items and Powers what moono thank you again for the Super Chat wait if Emily is a blue member of abalum does that mean that all of us are stardo characters if so can you just try and Riz one of the other

Boys since you said it’ be okay to be gay today uh if I was rising up Sam it would be him you’ll have to you’ll have to do some imagination though cuz I’m going the full Emily route unfortunately oh wait I got to touch the puffer thank you for the Super Chat I

Appreciate it all right we got a ho do a little bit of hoing and I ain’t talking about Pokemon I did not want to go that way whatever I’ll just extend it out that far I guess damn it I don’t want Farmland there damn

It I mean I guess I better do it now though hey look at that clay put that in there put the wood in there uh uh plant these why was I thinking so hard about that obviously I’m going to plant them all right let’s get to watering a

Man doop doop doop doop and we do it again one day we’ll have sprinklers everybody and when that day comes so will I nice that was almost exactly enough water for all that very cool and now all I got to do is get some more water and we got to water our

Be what the Fu alup Yep this is the auxiliar rating gameplay you guys Gainer for me stardy Valley 1 V one the crops never stood a chance let me go refill it again just to uh just to be uh precautious about it the thick water sound the thick water sound never gets old

I’ve got an artifact in my inventory I’ve got money that needs to be made uh to be spent I mean I got to buy more patatas planting more patas I would assume increases my my farming score the dogs watching TV good to watch I put on

Tom and Jerry so it’s probably trying to chase the animals on there I got 100 Stone not enough copper ore I got this fossil that I need to to donate put the fishing rod actually I’ll keep the fishing rod on me put the death away keep water Canon there uh put the hoe

Away put the axe way question mark uh I need To put this do This okay that’s all Moon thank you again for another Super Chat appreciate it last one for now until maybe later but I want to keep but you want keep wanting to ask how is PIP doing you haven’t been here for a while cuz IRL stuff and you missing us a that’s very

Sweet pip I mean she’s being a little [ __ ] as always but I love her she’s cool she hasn’t has she hasn’t caused me any problems recently so you know I can’t I can’t be too upset with her she’s been good let me take a sip of my joa really

Quick any flowers over here nothing to forge cool oh the community center it’s time oh hi there that’s not what he sounds like he sounds more like um what an eyes saw this is pel this is the Pelican town community center or what’s left of it anyway fixing my Mustache it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with Activity yeah that sucks dude now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV then engage with the community but listen to me I sound like an old fool you sound like one and you look like one so I mean it fits Georgia

Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so they can turn it into a warehouse pelicant town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from selling it I guess Old Timers like me get attached to relics of the past ah

Well if anyone else buys a JoJo Co a joa CO memor me memor membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it yes come to the dark side yeah let’s go inside wow this place looks like dog [ __ ] Louis what’ you do to it huh what’s

This I guess Vincent and Jazz must have been playing in here this place is even more dilapitated than I remember remember I forgot to roll my RS my person ity is Shifting as we speak what what’s the matter are you ill yeah I’m pretty sick with it bro you saw

Something huh I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats dilapitated big word humongous word you know what else is Big that starts with a d by the way you’re worrying me girl look I think I’m going to go head home I need some lunch dinosaur the dinosaurs are

Humongous they’re goddamn ginosa surus hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from now on maybe you can help catch that rat if you have some extra time how does it happen to the floor in a few years don’t buildings have cement foundations or something well you see

Pelicant town was built on the the the the stable backbone of one Pierre’s business and Billy Willy’s business as well that’s it that’s all I got going for them buring out here in the morning shut up h oh oh wait I think we’re good I think

We’re good I booted it up like three times I restarted it like three times and now you can hear me double over meow all we’re Gucci YouTube I love you don’t do that again you might become Clint number two after I’m done with him swear to God I’ll bite your arm off welcome back everybody my name is Gail g and First Age production Ian’s group avalom and today I’m playing stard

Valley and I’m going to cuck Clint don’t know who Clint is well let me Enlighten you it’s this guy he needs to die and he will he will die he’s going to perish he’s going to decease himself he’s going to walk the plank he’s going to Rosco Graves hi chat we’re good little bit of a hiccup but we got there you just joined and thought I was done no absolutely not 2 hours in my stream that would be pathetic hi Pam Pam is having a moment right here she’s practic vibrating when do they add death into

The game as soon as he said that he needs two days to upgrade my tools wait let me talk to this lady oh you aren’t exactly how I imagine but that’s okay I’m Jody hi Jody it’s a pleasure to meet you uh rat problem uh refined quartz the

Mine isn’t open right you said I needed a letter I’ll double check though I’ll double check it Community Center rat problem investigate the community Center that’s a little guy over there I see you I’m not wasting my time running around this entire building I’m going straight for you I’m beining bye-bye dude same yeah bro like same why was she vibrating she was just as angry at Clint as I was and the fury pent up inside of

Her could not be contained um where are all the foragers all the forage bles there’s like none I guess I’ll introduce myself to you lonus a stranger hello don’t mind me I just live out here alone okay you do you fam Lama wild radishes it’s you the man with an eye

Patch who thinks he’s as cool as I am however you are not I am the cooler eye patch man to me I was just peering down to this old M shaft it’s been abandoned for decades still there’s probably good ore down there but a dark place undisturbed for so

Long I’m afraid or isn’t the only thing you’ll find YouTube are we good hello jacking check checking one two one two I don’t see any issues happening on OBS YouTube please I want to be bullied again why do I have to read that why is that what I read refreshing myself stream offline no okay are we back we’re

Back oh yeah I see I’m I see I’m live I see I’m live this is very cool I’m having a good time today I’m having a good time with YouTube right now having a blessed wonderful time Um I’m going to do a latency test I’m going to say test on stream if you don’t hear me say test test re refresh to catch up test test Test if you did not hear me say test well I guess saying that out loud is um stupid never mind um we’re good okay uh whoever didn’t see the message probably um they’ll they’ll they’ll pick it up what’s putting down cool um I’m going to keep reading now I hate you YouTube with

Every fiber of my being I hate you Clint number two is on the board Now The Chopping Block got a bit bigger today anyway here take this you might need it guys it’s a award you you received a a rusty Seward name’s Marlin by the way I own the adventurers Guild right

Outside I’ll keep my eye on you prove yourself and I might think about making you a member hear me out about Marlin guys you don’t need to be you don’t need to be heard out the class is in favor I don’t have my pickaxe with

Me whatever I I got my sword though so that’s good YouTube’s a Clinton Enthusiast apparently absolutely disgusting disgusting behavior from YouTube Clinton enjoyers YouTube is Clint oh wait don’t just drop lore on me like that I might be on board with it anyway we’re s we’re soring and we’re doing

We’re doing so hard we’re going to Star so far we’re to get to the car and we’re going to watch as the chickens in my Coupe have perished yo did one of my chickens die nuh right oh no it’s fine over here little

M um what I need to do did I talk to Emily today can I check that Emily today I’ve not I’ve not talked to it’s almost 3:30 so I should head over to the tavern because that’s when she works no wonder Clint only has a 9 to 4

P.m. is because he runs YouTube on the side why is he running YouTube on the side in fact why is he still a blacksmith when he has a multibillion maybe trillion doll Corporation running his Shenanigans that’s what I want to know why why you still a blacksmith buddy

This just a hobby to you is that why um Emily Emily Emily Emily what is today today’s Friday where is Emily regular schedule 3:30 she leaves home to work at the stard drop Saloon she’ll be here momentarily I think I think um I’m just a little bit I got

Here a little bit sooner than she did oh there she is hi you with the face ah spring the season of pastels I actually prefer jewel tones myself oh excuse me I was mumbling about fashion again wasn’t I yes you are George spends the whole day in front

Of that darn television set I wish he’d go outside more some fresh air would do him good you need to help your husband he’s in the wheelchair you have the power to take him outside just thought I should drop that little bit of lore knowledge on you

Evelyn M yeah I’m diing through the trash stard do Valley’s got a bunch of treasure lying around aluminum bins with tons of stuff to be found the treasure of one man could be another man’s trash today I think that I will dig through every trash can Trash Can trash can Trash Can trash

Can oh it’s Elliot I’ve have not seen him yet oh the new farmer we’ve all been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation I’m Elliot I live in a little cabin by the beach it’s a pleasure to meet you hi you Willie it’s oh no I missed

Willie I could have sold stuff to him the cocoa melon bars thank you that’s a high privilege to be to be given to be called Coco melon to be saying that I spit Coco melon bars are you saying that I should I deserve to go viral that I should that I deserve to

Have merch sold and Min a store I would not disagree I have not talked to you personally have I ah Mar told you you just arrived I’m Monty yeah you dropped a dog at my doorstep I know who you are if you dig in the dirt you can find

Some interesting things are you a dirt digger dot dot dot hi goodbye stupid child um do I need anything do um uh is the wizard awake I can go talk to the Grand Wizard and um he can tell me more about the um the little cocoa melon Apple guys

Right or is that like do I have to wait for a letter from him too God I hope not I just want to do it I just want to um yeah it’s locked you can hear someone inside though damn I got to wait for a Letter what the hell huh treasure hunter a fishing tackle fish don’t escape while collecting Treasures all also slightly increases the chance to find treasures oh my God I’ll have new items every week so make sure to come back this is new magnet increases the chance of finding Treasures when fishing however

Fish aren’t crazy about the taste so less fish chance but more treasure chance I want this I want the treasure hunter but I don’t have enough money for it I want that so bad wait what can I do to make money right now it’s so late in the

Day Willie just ended so I can’t sell these clams and stuff to him ever wanted to feel fabulous and boost your charisma just on sale right now gaale gallons of riz’s mustache why are you wait is my is my mustache on sale h no it’s still on my face you

Can’t sell my mustache it’s it’s on me that’s my mustache thank you very much traveling cart appears on Fridays and Sundays but the items always change no wait I should keep these I’ll put the stuff that I’m collecting in here this is all the stuff that can be donated there’s a bat

There what kick that bat’s ass just give me one second all right bat this is your last time ever seeing the light of night oh I still suck at swinging wow these bats sure are tough this time of day come back here come back here please I’m going to sleep

Early wait no I have energy I need to chop trees down wow so funny thank you thank you thank you thank you I do my best for you I don’t know why my soundboard is working again when it wasn’t before but I’m all for it I pressed that button not knowing

Whether whether it would or would not come come off but it did so um soundboards back on the menu YouTube I will allow you to end the stream please no please the the emotions that I was feeling when dealing with YouTube Shenanigans just now my heart couldn’t take

It trees goodbye wait 17 15 one two three man man screw you game let’s go to Sleep how was pup pup’s doing fantastic although he’s still having trouble going to the bathroom outside so I’m doing my best though I’m trying to encourage him as much as possible but that little guy thinks that the carpet’s made of grass what do I do I’ve been getting supplements to uh help

With his training and yet and yet I’m I’m I’m moving the TV by the way the TV goes right here fortune teller welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future you come to the right place Spirits are very displeased today I’m never going to the mines

Forecast is clear and sunny wow sucks everything sucks hello oh the Wizards around okay now the Wizard’s around after I’ve decided that I wanted to visit yesterday very cool I hate you too as Modius isn’t this all the foraging stuff right there can’t I turn that into seeds into like 10 seeds or something like that my doggy’s over there wild seeds I’m doing it what supp this turn into spring seeds an assortment of wild spring seeds um I did not want it to plant like

That now it looks ugly God damn it do I have a fluffy carpet yeah yeah I do so he thinks that everywhere is the place to poop it’s unfortunate but that is just how that’s how nature works you know you get them treats and um clicker

Train them yeah doing I’ve been doing my best don’t worry guys I’ve been I’ve been doing everything in my power to make sure this little this little buger learns how to use the bathroom outside instead of inside I don’t want um I don’t want the poop deck to be a literal

Poop deck you know what I mean I know you know what I mean I know you know what I mean because he shits on the floor that that’s why the joke is that is I’m going to sell these eggs I need extra cash where’s the fun in that what

Teaching him how to train training him to to poop in the right spots where’s the fun in that the fun is that I don’t have to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to to go clean up stuff guys listen listen listen listen me getting pup to learn how to poop outside actually

Benefits you in more ways that you think I will have more energy on stream which is crazy to think that I don’t have enough energy right now right I will have more energy on stream I will be more excited and I can dedicate myself to more

Streams if this dog does not wake me up at 3:00 in the morning for me to go clean up his mess trust me you guys want this I know you do he’s a good boy he is a good boy no matter how bad of a boy he is he is

Still a good boy and I I wholeheartedly believe That you remember when your cats always thought your fluffy blanket is grass ooh aren’t but cats cat litter doesn’t cat litter stimulate cats to use the bathroom though why a fluffy blankets there’s many Mysteries huh okay I need need um to what do I need I need to put this away I’m going

To sell these eggs goodbye eggs I miss you I’m going to sell this parsnip I’m going to put this bread away uh actually no I’m going to keep the bread on me I’m I’m half a mind to go into the mines if I go into the mines I can kill

Bugs and if I kill bugs I can make bait so I’m going to go into the mines for a little bit just enough to harvest a little bit of bait I make go on like five floors so let me grab my pickaxe that’s not my box my pickaxe yeah this is

Fine um and I’ll grab the spread and I’ll be good with this I think let me put this part up in the the the community center box putting puppies outside every hour on the hour makes quick work for training um that’s a lot of dedication man it’s it’s hard with my schedule to

Do that but you’re absolutely right if I if I took him out more often then he would be using the bathroom outside more often and then he would realize that is what needs to be done is that he needs to use the bathroom outside H you’re right it’s a lot of

Dedication it’s a lot of dedication like I know I’ve made a joke about it all the time but like it really is like like being a dad you you need to um to be to be very Vigilant with pup with puppies get a robot to put him outside wait you’re cooking what’s the

Sauce what sauce he putting on that that meal he just cooked up for me or a dog sitter oh that’s expensive though it’s got to be a force of habit if he’s indoors mostly yeah you’re right oh that’s right this isn’t available yet all right let’s dig all the soft

Rocks Up Wait these oh nice that was good luck very good luck oh snap the first slime I meet is a rare slime what the hell please be a good ring please be a good Ring small glow ring oh my God that’s fantastic let’s go that is so lucky dude my my sorry got a little excited There I got a little excited seeing the quartz and the amethyst and the everything the everything got me pretty excited let me kill the Slime maybe he’ll drop a portal down for me nope that’s fine you could technically train dogs to use litter but most don’t I feel like that’s

Weird like no no offense to people use it but that’s just like that goes against my entire comprehension of the idea of a dog a dog using litter do they do that Kickback thing too when when cats use litter oh my God today is a day I

Thought today was supposed to be unlucky but the game’s proving that to to be quite wrong you found a geode yeah I know what a geode does cave carrots let me eat the cave carrots both of them the spirits aren’t pleased the Oracle lie that’s what I’m saying you can’t trust these fortune

Tellers they don’t know what they’re talking about I need that nice nice all right let’s let me get to floor 5 and I’ll get out of here cuz I got to go talk to Emily before the day ends I have to I have to be full committed like I almost have a perfect

Oh not a perfect week sorry cuz I only gave her mediocre gifts but nearly have a full like week of Emily dedication like there’s no way she says no to me to go to the uh the Spring Festival actually I don’t care about killing you I want to kill you cuz I

Like your bait like your baits kid ow what the hell what was that movement this guy’s got new tech all right let me kill this bug and I’ll get out of here all right let me get these um barrels and I’ll get out of here nice got a glow ring fantastic got

Amethyst for for tomorrow we can start gifting to Emily and not not only amethyst we got topaz and we have a quartz can I um delivery is uh final today I got to go refine this quartz really quick so I need to craft a I got to craft the furnace really quick for

Leia I have enough time because uh Emily works at the bar which is really convenient for me because I like to stay up very late in game well obviously you know most people stay up late but her schedule benefits me because she works late at the bar so she’s very easy to to

Put the moves on there are sprays you spray around the house in places you don’t want the P the pup to poop or pee yeah I have that and I used it you would have to spray the entire house though because he’s he’s made the entire house is litter box for

Now um crafting furnace is 20 copper ore and 25 stone do I have oh no I have oh my God I’m missing two copper ore oh nooms sorry what I meant to say was oh [ __ ] oh that’s that sucks that sucks really bad all right well Leia’s not getting

That um well what else can I do what else can I do at this moment um what other missions do I have the Liz the wizard I almost called them the lizard I got to go talk to the wizard might as well do that I’ll talk to the wizard then I’ll

Head to the bar and talk to Emily there’s a cave over there oh that’s with the that’s the cave for the mushrooms with the fruit bats huh you can give in and buy copper no I can’t you know why do you want to know why I cannot give in and buy

Copper sorry I hope this doesn’t come off as aggressive towards you because this is merely me making a point towards some bastard in stardew Valley I will remind you all that Clint works from N9 to four that stupid [ __ ] that’s exactly why he pointed it

Out oh I hate that you made me angry not you you’re I’m not mad at you I’m mad at Clint because you reminded me that I hate him it’s funny I know Clint’s schedule better than I know anybody else in this game and I hate him the most is this why

You guys kept tagging it enemies to lovers all right wizard man talk to me goodbye I don’t want to do the Kermit voice today but I will talk to him ah yes I have predicted your arrival a long time ago young Gil however your fate is ultimately in your own hands that’s

Cool it’s a thin line I’m going to become Clint’s 13th reason why I’m going to do it there we go 10 out of 10 VA thank you thank you you know they they actually offer me the role to play as modius but uh I I I turned it down so

That I could I could become a vtuber I’m so mad that I can’t um I couldn’t buy the thing yesterday that little tackle the treasure tackle would have been so sick all right this is going to give me copper ore watch this is going to give

Me copper ore this is going to give me copper ore this is going to give me copper or this is going to give me copper ore this is going to give me copper ore this one this one this okay I give up uh let’s head to town and go talk to

Emily give her the um the illustrious Jewel amethyst actually wait I’m going to give her the toaz and sell the amethyst no wait I can’t give her anything I just got to talk to her I’m going to sell the amethyst I’ll give it the toaz tomorrow I want

Money I’m a stingy greeny little [ __ ] you’re enjoying this so much even though YouTube’s being poopy is it still being poopy or is that because it was being poopy earlier big ass trees the the the pink ones I like them they’re cool very pretty this time of day or this time Year God

Damn day six garbage hat I know you guys are impressed I like making my own clothes but it’s not easy to get cloth all right so now I have Um wait what is this does she not like me at all yet seriously do I get like a new heart when the week ends I haven’t talked to you yet have I why are you bothering me I want to be alone all right and and alone you shall be with that kind of

Attitude what up Willie if the local fishing scene got a bit more lively I might expect that’s not his voice if the local fishing scene yada yada oh oh oh look who it is heyy hey how how do you like um here have a rock Clint throws a rock at

You [ __ ] I hate that guy y can I pickaxe this worm no I can’t uh guys I’ve got an emergency I have to pee really bad give me one second I got to pee really bad I’ll take two [Applause] seconds [Applause] [Applause] e you guys are Bloody Disgusting I saw you

Taking selfies with me I saw you giving me smoochies disgusting one second H nothing important cool video game time that was for pip a likely story how was my PE oh was fantastic do you guys want to know the details I um I peed into the toilet and then I washed my

Hands oh I got a chovi did I aim you’re really asking the questions aren’t you that was a rhetorical question I’ll have you know the what when I asked do you want to know more details it was rhetorical that was not an invitation my chovy just got

Bigger at least I washed my like r that guy doesn’t wash this hands Bast treasure that’s Bas that he doesn’t wash his hands I’m too scared of the Judgment from chat I got a herring oh my God the farm is saved everybody the farm is saved nice chest thank you I raised it

Myself see this is why fishing is awesome also he does wash his hands he was just weirdly avoidant about saying so oh no I’ll come clean about it cuz I want you guys to think better of me I’m an egomaniac after all I mean what other personality type

Could become a YouTuber other than an ego Maniac like me I’m so weird I’m so bloody weird uh anyway I’m going to put this in there going to put this in there this in there uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

Uh uh uh uh got to sell these I’m going to sell this all I’m selling it all I’m selling it all so I do wash it right I said I washed my hands stop probing stop probing I do go water your farm is it not water I

Did water it wait are you gaslighting me am I are you making me walk through this path again this Castlevania like transitioning stage this Castlevania syth night the they are watered you son of a [ __ ] you have go to sleep hey take care hope you have a good night sweet dreams

Are made of these water the dog the dog water your farm dog I thought they were calling me dog I thought that was like a hey yo bro go water your farm dog kind of deal you know the dog bowl is my dog going to

Die who am I to disagree you know I um after the karaoke I regretted not putting that on my um on my set list I could have afforded to put one more song on there and I totally should have put that song on There actually no cuz then I would have to do all those high pitch falsettos never mind I take it back that was a good idea I not put that on my set list is always next time T he next time I’m doing an unar I’m doing a I’m doing

An archived Koke next time guys which means that odds are you’re not going to hear any English from me zero English for reasons that you should not concern yourself with take my ey patch off I don’t want to wear my a patch anymore I don’t want to wear I don’t

Want to wear anything anymore actually I’m bald face I’m baby facing it JP songs oh yes unfortunately even though I’m not that good at JP songs I can run back at 1:00 which means I get one more fish in before I head back to town my town I mean

Home who am I to disagree he’s so naked you guys don’t even know what I look like anymore do you I wear the mustache so often you guys can’t see me without the mustache anymore it’s it’s disappointing you’re going to see the the acrylic dandies that you guys

Bought you got some new ideas to sleep on what does that mean wait what does that mean in the bottom left it said you have some new ideas to sleep on also I’m going to move myself I’m going to move myself over here I think this is a better spot for me to

Hang out at I think or maybe I should do like right here is this the um I think this is best I think this is the best spot cuz there’s like stuff popping up at the bottom left and I’m blocking it there were glasses plus eye patch

Plus mustache of course I would look naked yes it is I Gale gallons of ultimate Evil oh God I heard a sound in game wait no stop stop stop stop I got to go home I’m getting sleepy you like it more without some days you need a little bit

Of variety in your life though you know some days you need more than just milk cereal and bacon and eggs sometimes for breakfast you should have like a donut like a cream filled donut uh wait I got to water the dog got water the dog dog water there you go water the

Dogy that’s I have this why I have you exactly you spiced my life up dude you’re the paprika to my pepper level four fishing on day seven that’s crazy recycling machine worm bin Deluxe bait this is new I’ve never seen this before is this new am I crazy is this new

H can you go in the worm bin if you were a worm I would not love you anymore not new okay I’m just stupid M money I love money it’s not new but the deluxe bait is aha I thought so cuz I had not seen that before worm

Bin um let’s see crafting this Deluxe bait is two Moss not the Slime Moss worm bin is great oh I should make one then okay never mind don’t even think think about it queen of sauce stir fry is sauté the greens with some sesame oil and some ginger and garlic wow that’s

Crazy fortune teller neutral Spirits weather tomorrow is rain very good you’re putting chat in the worm bin ah no stop my rice you son of a [ __ ] I forgot to make a scarecrow 50 wood do I have 50 wood I see you it exploring gold mine um can you l t don’t do

It sorry I didn’t read that Um sorry I’m like mentally trying to put myself back together oh my God no yo dog can you do something aren’t you a farm dog go chase the goddamn crows I need fiber no not that damn Rob by Pip’s cousin Pip’s like long distant cousin do

You think that she can get in contact with them or something like that and say Hey [ __ ] off the property not [ __ ] up [ __ ] off there we go rip those uh rip those crops I need to make another another one too for over here do I have enough wood I need more

Wood I’m that’s my that is my prime directive right now I do not want to lose my I don’t want to lose more of my bean what the [ __ ] you know what I mean I got 20 fiber got coal I just need the wood how much wood do I

Have uh 12 I need 38 more let’s do this let’s get this bread yep the worm bin gives you ex five worms every day that’s fantastic however I cannot afford it sadly and my resources have been lost and and they they’ve been lost to the abyss that’s fantastic I

Love this game so much I love this so much God damn it there’s two pine cones in there too those are so rare the dog was too dehydrated to chase it up I watered my dog though I watered my no my do got water all right that’s

Enough I’m going to plant this and this hey recycling get out of here uh let’s do the watering cuz watering import tante mucho import tante uh craft this um I think this is probably the best place to keep it I don’t know I don’t know the

Radius of the Scarecrow but I trust that is enough shut up sorry had a an external reaction to hearing a dog bark I got to see how the chickens are doing I think they’re still eating the the the grass over there so I think they’re fine I wonder if there’s an

Inter action with the the chickens eating the Blue Grass I wonder if they like evolve or something like that oh my gosh wouldn’t that be cool would that be cool to see the the chickens evolve what if they evolve into like jelly chickens or something like

That all this hate was for knots I see you want to pet the chickens do it I’ve done my part you do yours all right everything’s good um I’ve got 2,000 gold I can go and um purchase the backpack along with a bunch more potato seeds potatoes take 6 days

Which means I can plant a ton more before the season ends I don’t want to do the math six more is three more sets of potatoes 18 days 18 days yeah three more sets of patatas nothing to harvest over here boring pathetic y I have to double check

Oh is it Wednesday is Pier about to close the door on my face that [ __ ] I hate you Pier but not as much as I hate Clint money initiation kill 10 slimes yeah I can do that reach level 40 easily done Maple seed I’d like a refined quartz oh now

Lwis wants refined quartz all right well at least I have the quartz to do so what up bro wait wait wait wait wait Wait there we go we’re cooking and this one’s 10K question mark what’s the question mark Do um should I get more beans should I just be a bean planter should I be the man of bean H I like the beans but I like potatoes too Ah it’s hard to it’s a hard decision because I think both of them are perfectly fine options I can sell four potatoes for 320 gold holy crap Beans I want to do H I’m going to do potatoes I’m going to do potatoes I think I like potatoes a lot and I’m going to get lucky I’m going to get really good potatoes hey what’s up Jody you’re taking the day off I don’t care do you even work here go wild and do cauliflower

Instead the The Day You See Me perusing around with cauliflower in my Fields is the same day that Gail gallion has died joa Cola um let’s get to planting it was almost perfect dog shush I’ll Water you in a second I need to help get watered idiot uh do

This and I I need to put one random ass plot right there for this potato to work out perfectly no I didn’t I did not need to do that uh I am blind you know what that is the price I’m willing to pay I’m going to go buy

One more seed I I I messed that up and I don’t want it to look ugly the aesthetic is so important to me the transition from Gail gallion to kale scallion will be complete kale scallion is more than just a scallion he’s a scoundrel he’s a liar and he he does not

Represent me hey I was do my nightly rounds and I noticed that your first parsnip was ready congratulations shut up um sell one sap for one potato nice I wasted 50 gold so that my farm can look nice you’re welcome everybody put Gail in the middle of a

Circle and put veggies around me that’s called a blood sacrifice what’s the what’s the what’s the vegetable equivalent of a blood sacrifice well I guess I’m still bleeding so it still counts cuz I’m there huh that’s a blood sacrifice if I’d ever seen one I don’t want to go to the vegetable

Side of things vegetables are cringe nobody in their right mind genuinely likes vegetables right like that’s just a prank you guys are trying to deceive me because you guys eat vegetables all all the time you guys are like well if he’s not getting to eat vegetables and

We have to we have to make him eat vegetables too even though it sucks right you’re gaslighting me you like tomatoes so I’m wrong nuh-uh Nuh-uh you like vegetables nuh-uh nuh-uh um I think today I need to talk to to Emily I got to talk to Emily before she goes to work I forgot to do that while I was out in town roasted seaweed is amazing I hate seaweed though I tried eating Oni giri

In Japan the first time I went to Japan and all I got the Pickled Plum one which I I got more than one type I got like uh I got like spicy chicken Oni giri and I got tuna Oni giri and I got pickled plumon giri I ate the spicy chicken one

First cuz I knew I would like it the most um I could not get past the fishy smell of the seaweed I forgot to bring I forgot to bring a gift for her do I raise sheep in my bar and I can turn it into cloth no I do not raise

Sheep I’m poor I have one goal to my name but soon you’ll know Emily the bounds of my riches the see what is delicious though stop lying to yourself guys stop lying to yourself just pick up moss and eat it boom it’s good that’s what you’re doing is you’re eating underwater

Moss I’m rich and ego that’s right nobody can contend all right till past time let’s finally give her something worth dying for just get better taste buds I lowkey wish it was that easy chat can I graft somebody’s tongue onto mine does somebody want to swap tongues with

Me and I don’t mean that in a kinky way I mean literally like chop your tongue off and then exchange it for mine instead and she’s gone to work you think she’ll give me a free drink if I give her this toaz at Work hey you the the lady who works here how about a gift the warm soothing energy of the stone helps us reens our thoughts it’s actually just what I need it on a day like this thanks we’re in we’re so in you’ll need a loom though you can

Make them yourself if you know the crafting recipe I don’t I’m stupid I’m an idiot Emily Emily Emily I’m stupid Emily Walter Walter eat the topaz Walter absolutely not you’re not a picky eater at all except when it comes to vegetables so you’re like me then so you’re like me for real for

Real hi Captain hi Hi oh my God wait rosals are in the rosals are in town wait a second I can’t see the raid message because my pin what’s up guys how you doing what’s up rosals we were just talking about how Rosco doesn’t wash his hands after he uses the bathroom just a

Bit ago so it’s quite convenient that you guys uh in today hope you guys are well we’re um trying to cuck a man out of his um his love interest not like he was ever going to get her to begin with but I’m going to pull her instead and

Then show him what a real alpha male looks like so um if you guys like drama if you like plot twists and turns and mystery and murder and all things that would not happen in stardy Valley then today’s your lucky day I am starting the first reality show in stardy Valley

Called Gail gone WI and it’s not about what you think it is it’s about me finally turning to the dark side where I will turn a man into a a body hello I hope your new farming life is planning out just as you hoped it’s not I’m a fisherman

Now Hi Sam oh it’s a nice day isn’t it yes a nice day to cck a man I’m going to kill Clint no I’m not going to kill Clint but he might not come out of this alive I’m not going to kill Clint no I’m not going to kill Clint it’s my solemn

Duty to make sure that he stays alive as long as possible Gail if I return wait wait fish Gail if I return to the Grave you can have my arcade hey thanks man or why are you dying why why are you perishing how am I liking the new update

So far um there’s some new stuff there’s like a deluxe bait which is pretty cool you don’t like meter seafood and milk and most cheeses taste bad to you you only have vegetables left you hate all of the good things in life oh no that’s sad I’m sorry you’re starting to feel

Exhausted oh look look who it is guys guys guys look who it is oh should I just should I just keep him in stasis here for the rest of his life what if I just oops oops the fish is getting away oops the fish is getting

Away oh time to catch it again guys what if Clinton never got to take another step in his life what if I just stayed here for the rest of the stream I just make Clint stick in this time period for the rest of his life wouldn’t that be

Purgatory I [ __ ] hate you here you want some greens this makes me depressed yeah I hope it Does you just joined back and you have no idea what’s happening I think that interaction is evidence enough as to what the idea behind everything is today so what made me want to go go against Clint uh if only you were here for the beginning of the stream I had such a

Beautiful I was um I was basically reading a script I wrote something for Clint because I was attending his future funeral at the beginning of stream I used my last piece of eight damn uh basically he’s a lazy piece of [ __ ] he doesn’t open up his store at convenient times

He works way too damn long on a project when he should be getting it done within a day um he stops his shop from Operations wait no no no no stop wait oh wait I can I can do go again he stops his entire Shop’s operations just to finish the upgrade after that it’s two days of no operation which means I can’t crack open Goos through him he just is

So inefficient and I hate him so I’m GNA take his girl I’m going to get married to his girl and by his girl I mean the girl that he likes because she would definitely not follow for him is all I’m saying chat didn’t even have to teach

Him why to hate Clint honestly so proud how could anyone like him oh he’s so relatable oh he’s a star C lost lover with Emily I feel for Clinton no nobody’s that stupid he’s cringe he’s lame Bon wait oh [ __ ] that could have been bad oh I got some mixed seeds let’s

Go kin enjoyers going nonverbal they don’t exist Clint stresses him out so bad he he looking at him looking at him actually sets off my fight or flight response but there’s no flight my fight or flight response is only fight I’m going to plant this mixed seed right here nice nice perfect

Day let’s go to hey Excalibur get off my bed actually no you can stay there never mind I lied you can stay there you’re chilling it’s a fight and Destroyer response exactly dog you’re in the way of the TV uh living off the lands talk about fences wow that’s really cool I love

Fences Spirits are in Good Humor a little extra luck we’re going to the mines finally sunny day tomorrow dog you’re in the way wait let me pet dog before anything else all right never mind I just pissed on the floor whoops that was a bad idea dear Gail how are you doing sweetie

Cookies I should have rather rested that I feel bad sorry Mom I didn’t read the rest of that message uh don’t need this I need these uh I need to put this potato in the other bin I’m going to take the river jelly I’m going to use it the thing today

We’re to go deep we’re going deep in the mines so we’re back in the mines wait no both cookies H can make a fruit or field snack um yeah I think we’re good I need to wait there radishes that need to be picked Sam route no not Sam route this

Time I was doing Sam route last time with Abigail but uh in this cannon Adventure I need to stick to my guns and just make Clint’s life as horrible as possible to be honest oh you know what’s a good idea on Emily’s birthday I’m going to make him

Work I’m going to make him work for two days on my tools on Emily’s birthday when’s Emily’s birthday in Winter I think it’s in Winter I’m going to make it so he has zero interaction with her on her own birthday slime huner slay four slimes I

Am I am there yesterday um Emily oh no Emily’s birthday is in Spring that’s perfect actually spring 27th is Emily’s birthday we’re going to have we’re going to have something ready to cook up on that day Emily would be like Clint you weren’t there for my birthday I thought

We were friends he’d be like Emily I had an order I didn’t want to do it but Emily you have to understand I need to get I my my Shop’s going to go under because nobody upgrades their tools with me anymore and nobody goes to the mines anymore to process geodes and nobody

Buys my ores anymore because ores are out of class then Em’s going to be like this is why I’ll never marry a blacksmith do I like Elliot be honest and say Yes uh yeah I think it’s cool I think I think Elliot’s fine I have no problem with Elliot

Whatsoever I haven’t gotten to know him very well though I know he’s a he’s like a not a fisherman per se but if I Rec oh it shows you the progress up there very cool I don’t know him very well but I think he’s based he’s a Fisher guy he

Likes fish how could I hate him I’m a fish man too I love me some fish I’ve got the whole Revenge plan in my head it’s not a plan it’s kind of like um what’s the word bird I’m making it as I go if something something fun pops up

In my brain we’ll do that next you know all right this floor sucks balls g we’re getting geod though which isn’t bad it’s also kind of whatever but it’s not like we’re ever going to visit Clint for geo busting because he’ll be busy working on some garbage that was a thing there my

Favorite fish uh uh me pulling years and years of Animal Crossing in my brain I know it’s a little bit of a basic answer but I like I like red snapper and Animal Crossing specifically the red snapper and Animal Crossing is like one of my favorite fishes it’s the most satisfying to pull

Up because it’s like a it’s like a nice little surprise it’s like a mediumsized fish in the ocean and when you fish it up you’re like oh my gosh it was not just it was not another seab bass it was actually a red snapper that’s 3,000

Bells that’s crazy you know it’s a nice little surprise I think red snapper is nice Cherry Bomb koer pretty too oh yeah koer really nice too and the same reason in Animal Crossing is like oh I was trying to fish for something else in the river but a koi showed up that’s awesome

You know I like it I am on board with the red snapper koise no one could ever guess favorite fish uh it’s obviously an anchovy cuz you like anchovy on your pizza I bet Heathen okay cool I didn’t want to go that way anyway thanks ladder my favorite fish draw based on

Animal Crossing it’s only because red snapper and Animal Crossing give me like really good like Nostalgia vies you like the snapping turtle in New Horizon because you can just place it around it’s so mess up they they’re I think they get Taxidermy in New Horizon because they have no movement afterwards

Right don’t they like no wait no if you touch them I think they do move right I’m trying to remember it’s been a while since I’ve uh played New Horizons I remember having a snapping turtle before talk to Lewis I got to talk to lwis e that guy’s a Weirdo all right after I get this copper ore delivered home we can make a furnace and start actually smelting bro the the boring floors of the mine I forgot what it was like to just walk down peacefully instead of being assaulted by ghosts and bats and raids and everything else in between

Sure is chill here gee it sure is boring around here if you know you know all right next ladder please ah thank you all right taking This got my leather boots wow my shoe color did not change whatsoever all right we got to go talk to Emily she is currently staring at her book case in her house it is Monday not Tuesday yet so we’ll be right back to the mines but first a quick intermission to go

Talk to our love interest actually it’s kind of a little bit it’s a little bit inappropriate to call her a love interest because there’s no love involved our Quarry is currently staring at a bookcase and I need to go talk to her I have a topaz too that I

Can give her I didn’t even realize I have a topaz a bit Dipsy but glad you could stop by and to sober up a bit am I a sobering Channel I was drinking earlier too this is not a place for you to come to be

Sober a damn it Sam came out I wanted to go through the trash Emily the warm soothing energy of the stone helps us reset to our thoughts it’s actually just what I needed on day like this thanks have I told you Haley and I are sisters strange isn’t it I spent all morning doing my hair now the rain can mess it up gosh she’s hot

Trash trash nothing great okay back to the mines the children yearn for the mines n cuz Gail has a poy I do have a pointy my pointy is that Haley is the real Target after Emily I’m going to divorce I’m going to divorce her after I marry Clint I’m

Going to marry her divorce her and then I’m going to go for uh Haley instead is that a little messed up is that a little messed St you guys think is that is that just a little bit too cruel and unruly yeah yep oh God there’s ground ground

Guys I could have talked to lisis while I was in town to get money shoot that’s whatever no bug meat hello what are you good for not for meat there we go I’m a digging I’m a digging I’m a digging I’m a digging yes but it’s dramatic so it’s

Cool I’m so glad you’re on my side yo this m shaft goes pretty far dude yeah give me a lot of coal baby you know this awkward silence inside the caves could be really you know brought up with just a little bit of bgm oh the bgm began that’s

Convenient um the game would also pop off really hard if this chest had a diamond in it just carrots that’s cool that’s Cool it’s not like I really wanted a diamond Anyway video game now you will perish and I will not get a hole from you very cool no the slimes do not have holes the Rocks do though and they say that every hole do be a goal and my goal is to go down

Every hole in this mine every hole that I can come across and I do mean that I love the mines why was that slime pissed was that a is that a is that a crab oh no it’s not a crab pardon you’re excused where are the where’s the bug

Meat I need more bug meat I’m a fisherman game give me so let me get this straight you marry Emily technically making you Haley in-laws and once you divorce Emily you’re going for the in-law well we become ex- laws after that so I’m going to be dating my ex-law so yeah that’s the

Plan I make it like Rel legal again so it’s okay right that’s how that works it’s just a matter of like position swap it’s kind of like playing football it’s like I’m not always a goalie just because I Could Touch the ball with my hands before if I turn into

Like a a defender or something like that or an attacker or a striker he’s like can’t use my hands anymore so it’s like the rules change depending on your position keep it in the family listen I got rid of the family that’s the thing is I got rid of the

Family die die die die die die yes nice Gil mless Arc No in fact this is the The maiding Arc that’s an interesting analogy I’m glad you understood happy women’s month I guess so true bestie you got some new ideas to sleep on what does that mean oh does that mean

My my my hunting went up my my slaying level must have gone what’s it called I forget my combat skills have gone up because of that I got there I got there guys I don’t care slime I just want to kill these little buggers nice dude there’s so many bugs in here

This is great no we got hard damn it I hate it when they get hard here comes the awful noise everybody get ready let me eat this carrot what year am I on I just started today this is my first year I this is my eighth day of this

Playthrough if the rusty sword wasn’t apparent enough obviously wow these bugs are um awful to to say the least um this sucks at least give me bug meat thank you yeah yeah yeah all right let’s kill these guys yink yink yink oh my God why did that

One go all the way over there don’t don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t Crystalis don’t Crystalis oh I got so much meat I got so much meat we’re going to be fishing for years boys this is the

Best I forgot if I talked to Emily today and I remember yes I did so we’re Gucci that one almost crystallized that would have been annoying listening to Gail while doing chores is interesting thank you I’m glad to be your partner while you do your chores I also need somebody playing in

My head when I do chores too otherwise it gets really boring and unfortunately for you guys I don’t have a little Gail to talk to me so consider yourself lucky I have to I have to settle for other people no a bastard you’re the little Gils well then

Why don’t I hear your guys’s voices in my head I have to see you guys oh actually no that’s not true I do say chat in my head when I’m not streaming got to go hey take care have a good night I do I do say chat in my head aot

Quite often so I guess you guys are the voices in my head where’s the exit it’s that rock right there it was a that was a crab actually Mr Crab I got to get out of here Mr Crabs I have to get out of here nice a away down is appeared where

The hell did it go you always need to be listening to something or you get so sidetracked off of uh off of so many tasks um it’s 2 it’s 12:30 oh there’s a quartz over there uh I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need it I need to build a

Furnace before everything else I need to build a furnace craft a refined quartz because wait let me check delivery oh no it’s the final day for the refined quartz never mind that’s over I do have to talk to leis for that I cannot talk to the Adventures Guild deeper in the

Mine reach level 40 feeding animals build a silo I still need to do that I think I can I can do no I’m one copper ore off that’s unfortunate I needed uh 27 to have exactly enough to um make five uh copper bars that’s unlucky is the garbage l a

Substitute to my pirate hat um so the the garbage can is actually it’s actually an analogy I never explained it on stream yet so the the garbage lid is is representing the type of person that I’m role playing this time around you know it’s a role play so oh wait I

Need one of those um I am garbage I am human walking garbage and this trash LD is to remind you guys that uh Gail gallion in this game is not he’s not the hero he is not a hero nice money show them my double raccoon

Stashes I don’t want to put on my double raccoon stashes how’s about one No whe the report tomorrow is clear and sunny fortune teller neutral can I get my freaking sprinklers yet game causes the fish to bite even faster increases the size of the fishing Bar nice that’s water uh I need get my water my water AKA The Watering Can is what they’re called in in most places they call them a water ring can here you go here’s your water excalibur’s bowl Maya thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you say good luck with the

Revenge Gil heading off to work but thank you in this community for making my mornings brighter stay winning and stay winning and amazing y’all thank you so much Maya thank you very much for the Super Chat I’m glad to make you guys day just a little bit more

Fun that’s all I want I just want to be the stupid goofball on the TV it’s these kinds of comments that I live for you know I don’t know why I’m doing that accent it sounds so dis disingenuous that’s what I live for though that’s what I live for I Revel in

The idea that you guys can just look at me and say ha stupid funny man on TV or I guess not on TV cuz I lost those privileges haha stupid funny man on the the monitor the screen that’s All how many how many eggs are in here that I have not collected yet four delicious and by delicious I mean money actually I’m going to sell these ancient seed oh I got something to donate to the Museum stupid funny me on your split screen while you work exactly that’s that’s all I desire I want you guys to be like ha that guy is stupid if if you guys think that at least once today then my job has been done correctly oh my God I need just one

Okay furnace let’s um let’s have our furnaces done I guess over here let me finish watering first my ADHD is going crazy right now game is good for that low key you being gone for the weekend made you bored because you watch me when I come back when you come back from

Drinks or work or whatever sorry unfortunately if I could work seven days a week without burning out I would but I do need at least one day a week for myself but maybe in the future they’ll develop a better Gale gallion one that doesn’t need sleep one that streams every day

Twice a day but that day is not today that Gil Gall does not exist I’m unfortunately flesh and Bone and I will wither away in the wrong hands no please don’t take breaks is what I read there please don’t take breaks okay if you guys say so I guess I’ll for the

Cause I’m Only Human I’m Only Human After All to put the flame on Me St the blame on me I’m withering yeah I need the I need the thick water to rejuvenate me back to life I need the thick water I’m going to sell these eggs I’m going to go talk to Clinton today I’m going to go and fight

Clint I’m going to put the cookies in here course in here I need that put that in here geod stay artifact donate put that in there furnace needs to go down to the ground all right I was going to um grab my Axe and get rid of some stuff over

Here hi Boby hi Booby I’m Only Human After All don’t put the blame on on me no blame on me uh wood Stone fiber slime slime wait I didn’t even I forgot to start cooking the copper or uh right there seven there you go uh

Let me make a chest for ores and stuff the mineral chest I like the oh no I have to I have to farm more wood thank you that song is going to be stuck in your head now you’re welcome no problem it’s a good song right you cleared your YouTube watch

History after I left for the break and the ADHD ads stopped I guess I’m actually like subtly suggesting to your guys’ ad feeds for ADHD ads uh you’re welcome I need coal damn it give me the goods but if I just go silent for the

Rest of the night what if what if my energy has been expended already guys should I just stop talking now I keep doing that test and it does not ever work well for me I’m really bad at keeping my mouth shut sorry dog I will not do that again clay

I still need more clay I can um I need one more copper ore I need my geod to pop off and give me some copper ore inside of them if we do we’re set if not I need to take a step into the mines bro when when nonverbal for 2.5

Milliseconds and said nah it was a little bit longer than that you guys have to give me credit listen time goes by way slower in my brain I think that the pie stream that I did was probably the least that I’ve gone slime Hunter want slay six green

Slimes in the local mine what the hell easily done Bounty I got to talk to Lewis before anything else they are giving me they’re literally putting money on a ladder for me this is fantastic I am a slime killing machine oh God what’s going on in here event is this new

Hello ah hello that wait ah hello there Gil I was just loading some more prizes into prizes into this machine here when I was so serious in that stream you were scared for your life like in a good Way it’s a new program I’ve come up with to help promote a good the a spirit of Goodwill among the towns folk you included it’s pretty simple sometimes you when you help help out others in town you’ll receive a prize ticket you can turn them in for rewards there’s

Some special stuff in there oh so wait me helping you killing the slimes are you going to give me a ticket now my only worry is that people will just go after the tickets rather than cultivating a true compassion for their fellow man yep I’m in for the Prizes no Lew I’d love to help oh he did a little he did a bottom [ __ ] Emoji is this new I believe it is I’ve never seen this before is that so well I’m glad to hear that at any rate keep checking the Help Wanted board in town that’s a good way

To get your hands on more tickets good luck out there hey LS give me a ticket right now he’s not even in here where the hell is Lewis where’s Lewis this time of day oh you know what I think him and Leah oh shoot let’s go snack

Bar I think him and Leah come from the bottom left during the time of day I remember seeing them when I was waiting for Emily trash trash Y where the hell is he okay I got to Google it I’m Googling it Louis leis leou LS Lis I tyed in Lu was instead he

Turned French luah luah yes go to louw page please it’s taking forever to load Lua it was typed like this loua LS bro I think this Wiki is dying Louis stard do Valley there we go um schedule Spring 11 walks into the local shop oh wait yeah he’s the there at the local

Shop right now okay cool you spell Lois on an accident you smel it on accident sorry I can’t help myself he’s actually French he’s actually French ah Gil so you helped us with our slime problem thank you I hope you didn’t go through much to to go through

Too much trouble those slimes can be pretty dangerous in groups it should be a little easier to go spunky now thanks Jeff enjoy your reward did take get a get no I didn’t get a ticket I hate this guy wait Emily’s in there I got to talk to

Her Emily I need to make daily contact with you so you never forget me look at the way she shakes that ass she wants me exercising K be fun yeah I bet it is yeah haven’t I have I gifted her two two things this week I have cool

Very cool oh look we got one heart guys we got a singular heart so if that’s if we get a rate of one heart per week that means 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 eight weeks equals 56 days which equals two months in some change takes two months to get

On her good side like the goodest of sides she’s getting just for you she’s breaking a down sexual style for me and there’s an anime happening right here let me just walk past this oh hi it’s good to see you again I’m tutoring Vincent and Jazz

Today but they’re a handful it’s nice to make a difference in someone’s life yeah I agree it’s funny how all the playthroughs you’ve watched W did Emily so It Go show weird girls you’re wanted more than you know my reasons for going after Emily are more or less than um less than

Well not good ancient seeds cauliflower seeds ancient seeds recipe ancient seed recipe ingredients ancient seed that makes sense for an ancient seed you must collect one ancient seed I made her toad yeah yeah I did do that didn’t I money yummy uh I should probably buy more seeds shouldn’t I hi Evelyn bye

Evelyn I’ll see you in therapy Shaking that ass again uh I’m going to buy more potatoes with all my money yummy ancient seeds are good I would imagine so they look fantastic they look Giga rare anything cool up here anything to harvest no no okay cool oh my God is it you the one I’ve been looking

For nice shoes oh those made of plastic wow she degrades me just the way I like by the way they’re called leather boots for a Reason sorry Gail got to take off my public ooshi page I can’t let people know I watch you that’s completely understandable as long as you come to my streams this could be our little secret best stardo guy your answer will determine our continued friendship I like Sam he’s just like me

For real for real Sam’s a cool dude I was Romancing him in my previous life zy before I turned into this um this husk of a man I forgot to do the geod and it’s 420 which means that you know unfortunately Clint isn’t going to do overtime because he hates money

So unfortunate unlucky honestly for me Sam has the same hair as zy it’s a little different Sam has more like slim jim Guy Hair you know Sam good but Sebastian though yo who the hell is Sebastian ew no I’m just kidding not ew not ew bam let me put my rice seeds right

Here well you don’t have to fight for this over one guy during the multiplayer true if he’s still interested in if if he’s if zy does want to continue playing or not to continue but like if he does want to pick up Stu with me we can make it a

Date sorry that was a little loud uh potatoes potato tomatoes tomato let’s call the whole thing off one two God damn it three four one two three four he’s a basement dweller that owns a motorbike and plays DND D God what a nerd uh 13 God damn it

Nine oh my God it keeps missing I I why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why nice my little Potato Patch here oh wait I need four more space my potatoes over here and then I’m

Going to do another patch right here 2 3 4 5 and of course I want to join you let’s go um I’ll message you after stream later if you’re still awake I’ll I’ll shoot you a DM with more details about that 11 7 5 3 1 who the hell just open a

Gate dog are you doing something over there something you shouldn’t be doing I’m going to need these cookies I got I got stuff to do I did not need to make all the space by the way I do not have nearly enough space for all this awesome not going to lie you’ll be

Asleep you’ve been pounding cocktails hey let’s go bro I’ve been drinking too tonight I’m with you all the way have a good sleep dude if you do if you do fall asleep that is and if not then [ __ ] kill it out there dude break a leg on the dance

Floor show them some Vigor and can door use my my my liquid retention thing on this because why the hell not uh I need a water now I forget that I have to do manual labor in this game cuz I don’t have sprinklers but this should um this

Should set me over the edge by the way can you hear the dogs barking outside just out of curiosity there’s some crazy ass stuff happening outside right nowal mural mural mural mural oh thank God I had enough in my water bucket no you can’t oh wow that’s crazy

Cuz I can hear them very clearly that’s fine I’m also becoming noise pollution by being me a little bit okay as long as it’s not that bad all right nice look at that ow bat [ __ ] yo when do the beans start sprouting though I want to go see what the Giants

Got I’m going to say say Fifi faum in his home put that there put that there wait no the soil goes in there nice all right whatever let’s go to sleep one copper Ora away from making a silo guys exactly one copper or away holy 3 hours a star do is that it

Only 3 hours oh yeah wait no it’s been almost 4 hours now honestly for me honestly that time kind of flew by pretty quickly for me poisoning weather report tomorrow rain damn it sunny Spirits are in Good Humor okay we’re going to the thing stir fry I already got

That cracking that was my Knuckles that was my con Knuckles everyone’s favorite part of the game is watering with your raw water bucket requires a scythe oh my God they’re finished they can do that I’m going to move this chest over uh where to uh right here right

Here I need that I need that I don’t need this uh Scythe nice very cool very cool indeed unmilled rice so if I ever get a mill I can start Milling it right sardy Valley really manages to suck you in once you play I don’t know

Why I emphasiz suck so bad but it does suck me in pretty hard uh watering time I appreciate the suck starting Valley is a game that makes me feel things that I haven’t felt in a long time oh the the water retention worked very cool I wonder how you are the way you

Are not why I am but like how I Am it all started when I was born gravity took hold of me and the floor well let’s just say Pet’s chicken Pet’s Chicken glad to know I got an update so people’s interest are renewed hey I actually I I actually got interest in this game without the update without even knowing about the update I was going to stream this regardless but then I found out there was an update and I said well it would

Be remiss of me to not play it for the update as well right so I went on my training Arc I played my streams and now I’m here becoming a full-fledge star Dean and let’s just say I am doing it why is the dog barking so much I have

The same energy of Ros go my ass is craving garlic bread my ass is craving garlic bread you say like that my ass is craving garlic bread he would say it like that you’re really happy I was streaming it as a new viewer you’re happy to see

Me play I’m glad to um glad to be playing some games that you guys enjoy and coincidentally I enjoy as well it’s a very mutually benef beneficial recipe for Success you know what I mean you’re happy and I’m happy if I’m not into a game on stream you guys will absolutely know because

I’ll tell you if I’m playing something that I don’t want to play you will all be the first to know I did not want to piss on the floor there I’ll make it abundantly clear that I’m if I’m doing something I don’t want to do you will know

Wait are these harvestable no these beans are not ready but they look almost ready they look super close to ready damn watering my plants is taking way too long I’m surprised my farming level has not increased can I see how close it is to evolving not evolving yeah I

Can’t and there’s so much loot over there I just want to pick it up all right let’s put this crap away let’s go talk to um let’s go talk to our best buddy Clint sorry it was very tough to say those words do I need to bring anything else I

Guess I could buy one Copper from him one copper ore make him useful for once let me get a refiner or to or refined quartz let me refine a quartz the chicken it escapes ah it’s fine we’ll come back I’m not afraid of it leaving it knows what’s best for

It can I change my cursor color cursor Nah wait f is the quest board oh I didn’t know that um so I need to go kill six green slimes for $360 R du today’s not the final day is it oh God today’s the final day how up how late does Lewis stay up out of curiosity Lewis goes to bed at

10:00 oh well that’s all no no what about Wednesday enters the manor for the rest of the Day enters Manor what is Manor oh it’s his house that makes sense um I think I can go kill the slimes and come back in time but that means I have to wait uh oh shoot okay I I’m going to do I’m going to do the GEOS

First I’m going to do the GEOS and go kill Slimes you just got here what did you miss um there we we’ve seen a little bit of new stuff in the game so far a Clint process geod do my dirty work for me wow 20 Rock wow a green jelly copper or very cool all right that he just denied himself some

Uh some funds from me which I’m I’m happy I’m more than happy to have not given him money please don’t block me please don’t block me I need to go fast people oh shoot I might no I don’t have to miss Emily because I can go to her work she’s up

Late typical Clint Behavior really pulled a Clint with that one didn’t you that’s my new insult for if we uh if I ever do anything competitive it’s going to be man you really Clint did that one Up do I need to go over here and talk to this guy I might be wasting time it’s locked okay screw you too then I hate You you can’t tell if I’m voicing something or using a soundboard because it’s really good for wait what instances I thought I normally keep the same Cadence but thank you that’s a very high compliment I appreciate that I got to go down slime oh that a big ore big

Ore die die die die die die die oh God I have chosen a bad time to come over here whatever just Zerg Zer Zerg damage damage damage damage damage no he crystallized okay dro the rice shoot now I got to deal deal with two Galaga aliens

Now only the older only the old Boomers will get that reference Galaga what a old game right guys who plays Galaga anymore nobody does nobody plays Galaga Clint is like a synonym for twit or something for some reason saying the word twit I know it’s not like it’s not

Like a non-pc word but for some reason it just feels bad rolling off the tongue it feels like feels like I shouldn’t be saying that word you know what I mean it feels like really harsh I’m going to start saying it from now on nice nice nice nice all right that was

Not a bad that was not a bad turn of events how many more slimes I not found a lot of slim I should really be beining it towards the slimes but I should also be maximizing my profit margins just like how I’m going to do that in tomorrow’s lethal company solo runs

Maximizing my profits please die thank you leth little company I love you uh all right get in the wall get in the wall get in the well all right one crystallized I’m getting out of here I’m getting off this floor this floor sucks I need slimes and it’s getting

Late got to be a great asset great great asset great asset great great asset ouch oh it’s all bugs where’s the slimes at I can’t say no to the ore I need the ore to upgrade my stuff I gotta Force Clint to work on his birthday so that he never gets a chance

To wish Emily a happy birthday and she’ll hate him for the rest of her life she said I thought you were better than this Clint it’ll be like I was better I was better but but but but but no butts anymore Clint no butts and no ass for

You where are the slimes at bro where the slimes at um Caren you still dunking on Clint that’s the entirety of the stream yeah grab us grab a drink you’ll be here for a long ride it’s going to be a long journey with this Captain Leading The Way [ __ ] [Applause]

[ __ ] no why you face the wrong way stupid you’re all disgusting be gone be gone there’s five six six flies there are six flies they are attempting to murder me murder my accent changed there I went to like I don’t know Norwegian or something like that

Jeez well there an exit if I ever needed one but I don’t cuz I’m trying to go this way my God you sure hate the guy nuh-uh I love Clint oh wait today Pier shop was closed lot I didn’t need to buy anything all right I’m going to get a

Wicked ass sword from the uh from the barrels over here watch no no no no no do not crystallize crystallize not crystallize whatever stop buzzing in my head starting to sound like a radio head song all right um bug off bug off bug off bro I’m not going to get my slime Cory

Quota 14 I’m going to die I have to fight for my [Applause] life I have to keep going and then I think from from what the schedule says I think mayor Lewis will be up all day I have I have 2 Hp oh my Lord this is getting

Close wait don’t I have white algae I thought I had white algae in my inventory I do oh I could I could have eaten that Oopsies thank God I got a sword all right 9:30 p.m. I still have time I need to find what how many more slimes get out of your sword get out of your sword I think I could have sold that actually now that I think about it four more green slimes please please please

Please please please please please Please this is getting risky this is getting risky frisky and risky [Applause] please die fast please die fast please die fast four hits not bad please get me out of here my past life in stard Valley had better luck with slimes and now it’s bugs it’s all bugs I got like four slime

Rooms in one um one trip to the dungeon to the mines before and now it’s NADA it’s zilch there’s no slimes they’re extinct just like the largemouth bass has gone extinct I mean I I will not want for fish at least I think the money’s gone guys I think there’s no hope for

Me I think it’s over I think my hope is gone all we need is Our Hope whoa whoa who who building up all my energy making my dream a reality there’s no energy left in me turn feeling a set of eyes on me I can’t just

Run away I what I gun my path has led to regrets I wish I never came here now Emily thinks I’m dead but wait what’s that can’t rhyme for [ __ ] that leak would have saved me if I had it I just want to call your name to heal

This pain there’s nothing left this is who I am there’s no time to think doing what I feel is right take back what is mine you just need to go on consequences can be Chang if you make now hope wait Emily I got to talk to Emily and

Lewis it’s locked it’s open till 12 I have I have ruined my perfect run a damn it I ruined my perfect Emily run it’s over it’s so over when’s the Spring Festival since I’m here the egg Festival is on the 13th and the flower dance is on the 24th so I

Have two more weeks I’ve got two more weeks time where start yeah I got to just delete my file now I suck mining urge too strong I was not I wasn’t mining for mining sake I was trying to like find the slimes to kill I’m going to sell this and this and this

And one of these oh my God this is a zombie oh my God it’s trying to kill me I don’t want to kill you but I oh dear me I’ve I’ve I’ve ruined myself I’ve ruined myself I’m not going to make it in time am

I dog dog push me a bit dog push me [ __ ] ah I leveled up yeah mining up a [ __ ] God D it Dam it oh like that chicken sounds like it’s dying um woes from crows sounds like you need a scarecrow shut up Spirits are very happy today oh they

Told me to go back to the mines I guess Uh current quests reach level 40 build a silo oh I should probably um do that huh let me build another furnace since I have the resources to do so cool minerals I lost my favorite

Axe uh the axe I know where it is I know where the axe is actually let me do that really quick actually no it’s not timed I’m not going to do that right now screw you I hate you I don’t hate you to you got some new ideas to sleep on oh don’t

Tell me that’s all I needed to increase my farming if that’s if that just if that’s going to tell me that my farming is about to level up right now I’m going to be so Pissed uh I need that I need a water stuff G wait uh get these cook these I do not need to water my furnaces uh this I need these where’s the rest of my clay stop barking dog you’re making a Ruckus I need one more clay and I need to get my

Wood you being a wonky again if other people are having issues with it oh I have no wood oh God the oh [ __ ] I’ll do the silo tomorrow then I’ll do the silo tomorrow no wait I don’t need wood I need Stone I got gas lit again see you

You gas lit me to thing I need I need a wood instead of stone it’s Stone okay never mind I’ll do it Now uh this this I need to get clay so I need my hoe let’s get to ho and give me one clay now what oh oh thank you that was it that’s all I needed to do is just shout and scream nice sometimes being loud is the solution let’s go get that

Silo let’s get that Silo is that Robin God you’re so right you’re so right you’re so right and I hate that I hate how right you are I don’t hate that actually I’m glad you’re right you’re smarter than I I always think that she built stuff I

Don’t know why I wish she would because I hate going all the way to Robin’s house she’s just so out of the way I didn’t bring my geod did I whatever I don’t care let’s get this thing built hi I plan on spending lots of time with my telescope this summer okay nerd

Enjoy enjoy astronomy or something like that I should have said astrology that would have hurt her even more it’s okay we got here just in time for the the building to open sure surely construct Farm building Silo build build ooh I can put it like over here what’s a good spot for

It inside of my Coupe inside of my Coupe this is going to be my like my Refinery over here so maybe like right here no that’s going to be ugly I can’t put it up there this is the extent that I can put in uh let’s do

It well I can’t do it over there I wish I cleared out a space for it where it doesn’t take up Farmland pretty much yeah I don’t want to you’re right wait actually you’re totally right I don’t want to put it on any farmland so we’ll put it like right here

Erectus nice oh crap I kept my watering can on me like an idiot was there a quest at in front of Pierre’s place I don’t think there was but I don’t think I looked so I’m going to just believe there wasn’t I’m going to gasl myself again I can move it

Later oh true wait yeah you’re right thank you you’re so smart okay okay let me break these boxes and we’ll go down all right wait I want that nice oh my a ladder for me I guess I’m not really hunting for um anything in particular today because

There’s no Quest I don’t I don’t need slimes I’m just here to make money I have so much bug meat dude this is crazy Chad is Gail’s Guardian Angel actually true where would I be without you guys constantly reminding me that I’m an idiot I go off the rails so often you

Guys are like the conductor to this crazy ass ship that we call the stream you’re not passengers you’re conductors all of you guys are wearing the conductor’s Hat die and here we go again with the assault of the senses the sense is being my freaking [Applause]

Ears my ears are being assaulted I did not ask for [Applause] this oh [ __ ] I’m getting pretty good at this playing racket ball with bug carcasses quite a unique sport I think we should officiate that let’s put that in the Olympics racket ball with bug carcasses you are not wearing the

Conductor hat because you’re terrible at helping to keep on track if anything you contribute to the chaos all right you can be a passenger like me then you can be in the VIP seats the conductor of the train of chaos or a passenger of the train of

Chaos nice I got a dwarf scroll too sick dwarf scroll do not sell for [ __ ] so it’s completely fine to just sell or to to donate them that is a that is a rock with HP a crab if I will say cherry ball oh God Dam it please wake up

Nice you’ll be working on the engine mechanic girlies are so cool are you doing it just to look cool you’re like oh my God I’m such I’m such an engineer oh my God then like like you’re trying to fill coal into the engine but you’re like oh how do I do

This again wait silly me I forgot oops we blew the place up I didn’t know what I was doing low sorry that is not an attack on your character I was just creating a straw man character I just thought it would be silly bro this entire floor is filled with crabs [Applause] die

Die okay literally every rock on this floor was a was a crab also blue slime what’s a blue slime doing here new sword new sword new sword new sword new sword new sword nope oh carrot seeds planted the spring carrots yo is this new are carrots new I’ve never they’re new

Cool that’s crazy that carrots are new we had we had poppies we had poppies and cauliflower before we had carrots of all things takes three days to grow by the way three days to grow that’s insane that’s cool getting drive by again no he’s crystallizing he’s got to get his HP back

No please come here and die like a good bug Come to Papa and get slain tell me stardo invented carrots slj no not slj they literally did stard do invented car where’s the exit am I crazy oh my God there’s a bug there’s a guy in here isn’t there no oh there

Is son of a [ __ ] a new way down disappeared bastard can’t escape jokes on you I am smart sorry to disappoint you that Ding was me going urethra very cool very cool floor new ASMR idea boyfriend calls you over and beats the living [ __ ] out of

You until you squash like the bug you are yeah how how how on board are we to that chat does that sound good is that the new plan no he’s crystallizing crystallizing I mean sounds good is that going to be our is that going to be our little project

Zy is that our project that we’re going to do we’re going to role play as um one of us is going to be a bug this floor sucks sorry I should not be so aggressive I know the floor is just trying its best who beats up who we can take turns

Let me get the hell off this floor this floor sucks Robin’s lost axe right I’ll get that before nightfall surely surely surely you can’t be serious I am serious and don’t call me surely yo any bugs on this floor yo who up who up work can they bug [Applause] me

Coal did I just quote airplane did you forget who I am I’m the Boomer Nostalgia bait guy of course I’m going to quote airplane I quoted the most quotable part of that movie oh I got an omni Geo that’s hot you know what sucks about geod is that

They’re amazing and they can have some fantastic stuff inside of them but you have to talk to Clint that’s just my two cents though I think the game would be a lot better if they removed Clint from the game you thought Z was talking about the song no there’s a 1980s movie called

Airplane it was a fantastic piece of satire it’s really funny really there’s a there a there some of some of the parts of it didn’t age very well but otherwise it’s a very funny movie guys we’re going to die down here there’s no exit oh my God a double Omni

Geode wow the spirits were not lying today today do be a good day and the bugs are coming okay 10 bucks says that I don’t find a staircase through the Rocks but rather through these bugs that are going to pester me this one’s going to spawn a that the

One on the bottom right there the one closer to me this one in the back now that one’s going to spawn the staircase Okay I Lied I was placing my bets ouch [Applause] woo anytime today anytime today a staircase would be quite lovely all right screw this game I hate game have I seen Father Ted no I’m not familiar with it but if they remove Clint then whose life am I going to ruin oh

Pierre’s Pierre’s second on my [ __ ] list only because uh well actually no that’s only a past life me I think Pierre’s Fine he’s kind of a beta um if not Pierre’s then I might then I might go full ballistic and ruin Pam’s Life by gifting her alcohol

I’ll start a brewery and slowly let Pam succumb to the uh to the consequences of her actions I’ll make her a lesson for the entire town guys I don’t think I’m going to make it out of here guys I don’t think I’m making it out of here guys I don’t think I’m

Making it out of here guys I don’t think I’m making it out of here guys I don’t think I’m making it out of here these rocks they don’t have they don’t have an exit oh wait there was an exit right here the entire time that makes sense not [Applause] again [Applause] no [Applause] got him can I blow this up right now just that of curiosity nice Hey sir I heard you like cool things well I’ve got a cool thing for you right here yeah I know dude I understand completely can I go back in the mine you

Think oh I hate these the bugs the bug swarms are the worst because they’re so they’re slow but they’re not slow enough to be not annoying and there’s a swarm of them and every time you hit them they get knocked back a million feet away so

It takes time for you to hit them again if they died in one hit yeah sure whatever I’m not afraid of them they take like six hits it’s a pain in the ass can I make it oh yeah absolutely is there something in there did you guys see that did you guys

See that thing in the something was moving in the Blue Grass over there but I don’t have enough time to scout it out was that a chicken we did it we got those sprinklers oh hell yeah Roots platter wait Roots platter from combat pardon excuse oh it’s not a craftable okay

Sprinklers it takes iron bars so I need to go back into the mines Spirits are annoyed today but I want to go to the mines tomorrow’s going be the egg Festival ew eggs no I like eggs that’s a joke egg Festival yada yada okay oh hi

Robin thank you for all your uh free hard Work I can’t see because of this tree my beans are still not ready yo when did I plant these beans maybe like on the 13th it’ll be ready Maybe I’m out of water time to go fill my cup up my cup runneth over with Emptiness oh there we go organize oh I can plant my carrots let’s do that let’s plant some carrots I only got two seeds though which kind of blows I’ll put them right here might as well uh fertilizer fertilizer CH zap yes can I fertilize this too no no I cannot all right get back in there fertilizer John wait I didn’t want to put everything in there minerals get out of there you don’t belong in there nice I’ll take those TR BS I didn’t water up God damn it the way

Forgot the water you say that way too late I’m too stupid to do it on my own all right water water time oh snap jimy crickets guys it’s already and by already I mean those two were in particular nice back to the watering pissing on my vegetables

Doing what a farmer does and what I do I do best you wouldn’t have to water the rice if you planted it by the water what the hell wait wait a second are you pranking me you’re pranking me surely that’s a prank right I’m out of water bro watering plants is

A pain in the ass if only I had a sprinkler system to combat my my desire for Less effort rocks rocks rocks rock rocks uh it’s 9:00 a.m. 4:45 I’ve got crops I don’t need to buy needs uh I do need to go talk to Clint and I need to

Give a topaz to Emily because I have been neglecting her the past two days oops oops it’s not a prank and don’t call them surely my apologies I was out of line oh snap a daffodil Ada dafodil keeps the daughter a will is what they say they being

Me hey don’t look at that don’t look at the trash bro it’s my trash what’s up Lew you little [ __ ] you can fish in the Farm’s waterfall or it’s silly trash the Farm’s Waterfall oh I I can give it a shot I can give it the old College try

As my forefathers have done before me oh Clint honey uh first off do this dwarf hat the hell is that iron ore omin GE whoa five rocks was that an ancient tampon flu appetite my floor appetite was ruined just by looking at that thing put this in Here I’m going to give the the dwarfish helmet to the dwarf Clint is gcha and that’s why I hate him no I don’t hate gcha quite quite the opposite I enjoy GAA to a crippling degree I hate him because he stinks he smells like

Soot uh what am I doing here going to go deliver this helmet um what else do I need to do uh Emily actually Emily’s going to her room let me go just drop the topaz off to her so I don’t forget too much Gad is a bad thing but it’s so

Fun the food at jojamart might not be the healthiest for my family but with such low prices you’d be crazy to shop anywhere else Jody are you a plant and I don’t mean like the vegetation type I mean are you trying to like brainwash people into getting into JoJo

Mart what’s he doing on his skateboard over there you a skateboarder bro Sam’s trying to do a kick flip that’s badass oh Emily ah spring the season of pastels I actually for jewel tones myself oh excuse me I was mumbling about fashion again wasn’t I were you um here here’s

The jewel for you you’ve already given gift oh I already gifted her two we two times this week oh never mind it’s all mine you get none of this how every sted player eventually becomes a stalker to every NPC in the game they work on my time I don’t work on theirs

It’s like a power Dynamic Flex oh hi Haley do you like me yet Haley is ignoring you o I’m going to give you a flower Haley for me thank you will you talk to me now no Haley’s Hot dude nothing spawns here anymore spring sucks wow he just so happened to give her her favorite flower well I figured like Emily really likes daffodils and Emily is Haley’s sister so the chances of her liking daffodils as well was pretty high I have a trash can lid above my

Head of course she’s going to ignore me that’s not very nice to say my trash can lid looks very nice upon my Dome uh I need iron ore and I need that and the spirits are not very happy today and I need to finish watering my plants

Uh there’s a lot of things that I must do I hate labor who invented Labor I’ll punch them in the balls and then Chad goes what if they don’t have balls I’ll punch them in the I’ll punch them in the kneecap I’ll give them a right hook to the leg

No one’s ever felt that before so it’ll be a first for them God I guess I’m going to fight God shut up trying to think um I’ll put that in there I need to donate to donate that eventually I need to put these rocks in here no I want

Those no ah whatever you can stay in there Okay how many wait how many copper bars do I have now I have five + 2 is 7 which is two more here is nine um on a bad day like today wait I don’t have money to upgrade never mind I’m poor ignore me ignore me and plus I need to upgrade

My stuff on Emily’s birthday or before Emily’s birthday so that Clint can’t be involved which is on 27th mind you on the 27th the gates ah if the chickens die it’s a skill issue I didn’t bring food uh he’ll give me food though watch he’ll give me

Food dude you said it not me I mean I mean I am pretty great I’m 10 floors away from 40 I don’t think I can make it on my energy unless dot dot dot unless dot dot dot oh topaz very cool because I liked I would like to sell more topaz for

Money cool stuff oh my God there’s ghouls down here what are you guys doing anyway not y’all like not not you chat but like these guys that guy turned into a ladder I see his his uh his strategy was to try to camouflage as as a ladder but it did not

Work he’s dead now that was so cool m oh I don’t want to kill those guys anymore they they’re waste of time but it might be a oh never mind got a ladder yo is floor 40 when the ice level starts because I need iron orse I I need

It like today not literally today but like I need it I need it so bad someone’s birthday K I was wondering if you can if you can get a happy birthday since it’s it’s on Eastern you won’t be here to see the streams uh yeah sure of course AEM okay we

Go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear K happy birthday to you happy birthday for you okay happy [ __ ] birthday ah the beautiful sounds of slaying the Monster uh I should just go bum rush for oh but the I need the copper ore

Still I want to bum rush the ladder though I’m going to Sherry bomb this and maybe it’ll spawn a new ladder question mark where are your hands you need to clap oh you’re probably sitting on them Idol hands are the devil’s play thing after all lad

Time I’m not going that way did you know how to make a Kermit did you know that if you know how to make a Kermit voice you probably know how to make a shakiro waka waka impression too whoa little known fact everybody write that down what the hell is a Shakira Wakka Waka

Impression what is this secure a Wakka Waka impression am I crazy or are they crazy what the hell is that bro this ring could be a little brighter I have one bug meat you’re starting to feel exhausted yeah I can oh those ladder all right any ladders oh

Amethyst I have 12 energ ow I have 12 energy I think the 12 energy is enough for the uh amethyst I think it’s like five hits maybe hopefully it’s five hits one two 3 4 5 let’s go okay let’s get out of here um break nice they think you think they mean a

Shakira impression Sam wakaa a am I going to get sued now for saying that I hope not it’s a song from the World Cup oh man I’m so out I’m so uh out of the loop for that one Goa sari chat John Boku uh um idiot too n Baka not mean it’s from

2010 um damn I’ve let you guys down didn’t I I don’t know Shakira’s World Cup Song I don’t I I might maybe if I heard it I would know what it sounded like but at the at the moment I have no idea what you guys are talking

About goodbye amethyst I’ll see you in hell goodbye topaz I’ll see you in hell um should I make another yeah I should make another furnace furnace not that I needed to apparently did I pet my chickens grenka is trying to sleep chicky is trying to sleep what a beautiful name

Grenka Carla II thank you very much for the Super Chat that says elab babo Marley preserv but luck will not be on your side tomorrow’s the um egg Festival let’s get some sleep let’s get some [ __ ] Sleep amethyst is 100 I thought it was worth more than that oops am I reverbing I my reverbs was still on the most important thing about learning a language is getting the point across and Gail always manages to do it see this is the kind of support that you

Guys should be showing me you guys are always like oh my God I’m literally cringing right now Gail stop it oh my God Gail stop it no guys you know what I said you know what I said and you’re mad because I said it thank you thank you for being on my

Side for once I appreciate It Po what am I doing Here got these potatoes I also need a water why am I why am I doing this in the wrong order yo are these beans done though like oh my God how long does it take for beans to finish I’m watering y’all but God Dam you’re making this job harder than it

Needs to be oh I I’m going my brain’s short circuiting because I’m looking at this stupid ass tree that’s pissing me off that’s a hoe not an axe they all look the same to me give me that have a mind to blow this tree up with a

Bomb this tree is going to go to the right wait no what if I do this yeah there we go got some new ideas to sleep on let’s [ __ ] go Oh let go touch my chickens too oh my gosh one thing at a time my brain’s not aligning with the objective at the moment you smell beans you smell like Bean what the [ __ ] water water water water water water water water water guys when the sprinkler system comes out we’re going

To be so cool we’re going to be balling dude we’re out of water bombing shs should be illegal IRL just from how cool it’d be bro that’s what I’m saying but it ain’t so we’re going to keep doing it Ain it I don’t know what that accent was

G dog I get it you’re starving well I’m never going to feed you but here’s some water at least I need more seeds I got to visit Pier today oh wait today’s the egg Festival God damn it God damn it who invented festivals anyway the egg Festival has beg to the Town Square so these these notifications are new they’re telling you when [ __ ] happens now which is convenient I appreciate

It cuz I’m stupid I would I would forget I’ll be like oh my God I need to go fishing right now Gail’s going to act like the Romans when they develop the sewer system once he gets sprinklers I’m going to be absolutely tearing up this place in

Terms of how efficient it’s going to be as soon as I get my hands on my sprinklers I need iron ore stats the festival reminders aren’t new I I think they are cuz I didn’t see them last week when I played what is my Roman Empire me plus bed is my Roman

Empire I don’t get that can you guys elaborate that since I have you guys here on the topic of a Roman Empire what is where did that originate what is that what does that phrase originate from I understand the concept as like this is like my ideal like this is like my ideal

Or something like that right but where where does that come from am I a night owl or a morning person if you if you ever see me in the morning okay hang on a second let me let me preface this before I tangent even more if you ever see me awake in the

Morning you’ve been blessed mornings are also my favorite time of day my favorite time of day to sleep I am not good at waking up in the morning but I sure as hell do love a morning I love Dawn it’s my favorite time of day your Roman Empire is something that

Is that is always in your mind and you’re always thinking about it oh okay I get it I get it okay I understand the phrase now a little bit better the Roman Empire meme came from a Tik Tok where girls would go up to guys and ask them how often they

Think about the Roman Empire oh okay wait why are guys always thinking about the Roman Empire should I be concerned I feel like I should be worried I’m going to plant that tree on those flowers to to cultivates nothing your Roman Empire is PIP my Roman Empire is PIP Fried

Chicken what’s up got a plush bunny I can’t afford got a lawn Flamingo I cannot afford straw baby seeds straw baby seeds there goes all my money worth it though no one really talks to me I just come for the devil legs okay oh look who it is everybody

It’s our favorite character the guy who’s actually running the show is there any more food please I’m so I’m so obsessed with food I can’t stop eating please girl help me my one true love wasn’t Emily it was this PL of racked ribs [ __ ] our hens have been working

Overtime to prepare for this Festival they deserve the best tonight bowls full of sweet yellow Corn I hope everybody’s enjoying the food I’ve been cooking up for days to get everything ready fried eggs a boiled eggs poached eggs deved eggs scrambled eggs chocolate eggs you name it I put something nice into the punch you know kids are drinking from that right Pam shush that’s just between you and me kid spring is this spring is a busy time of year so it’s nice to have a day off to catch up with friends Abby’s always loved the egg hunt

Ever since she was a tiny girl I’m going to kick their asses today by the way in the egg hunts I’m going to demolish them egg what a strange thing to eat is it aren’t dead animals even weirder to eat bro if you really think about

It even with my bad leg I never miss a Town Festival sometimes I’ll hide an egg too well and no one finds it well until summer rolls around and the hot air starts to bring out the rotten smell my voice acting is making your dog owl your dog’s a big fan huh

Uh not yet no sorry Vincent loves this Festival it’s a joy to see him so happy I’ve been up since Dawn coloring eggs it’s always my favorite part of the Season Emily got a new voice just now taking breaks from work can make you more productive in the long run that’s

True H this fruit punch is unusually good oh no you got a little bit of Pam’s Secret Sauce there’s frh Festival has been a tradition as long as I can remember tradition connects us with both the past and the future it’s comforting you’re eating egg right now what kind of egg are you

Eating is it a boiled egg I bet it’s a boil half boiled egg or a softboiled egg I mean what’s everyone so happy about huh eggs why eggs because eggs are cool dude I love eggs eggs definitely have a place in the well balanced diet nerd oops I should

Take off my doctors half for the time being you’re not wearing a hat you jackass hey this is the cool kids Club we used to do a rotten egg toss mayor Lewis put an end to that pretty quick searching for eggs is like going on a treasure hunt so true and that’s why I’m going to school your guys’ asses cuz I am a berry treasure hunting machine my nose allergies he’s got nose allergies

Guys where do the egg hunt start I’m so excited I hope I can find some eggs before Vincent takes them all oh my God can we date Sebastian no we’re um we’re we’re going to have a monogamous relationship with Emily until we divorce her for her sister welcome to the egg Festival compliments

Of my wonderful brood of henss oh no wait did I talk to everybody I got to talk to I talked to Billy I talked to Haley and um Alex I try to eat at least three eggs every day I need that protein for my legs why your legs specifically that’s a weird

Thing to to like Hound on this Festival is all right but what I’m really looking forward to is the flower dance yeah that’s going to be my barometer test too really let me know if you want to dance I’ll bring you flowers uh I think that’s

Everybody unless I think no this is the sign board I shopped I talked no not to everybody I always look forward to these gatherings it makes the valley feel like a real Community the children have been looking forward to this festival for weeks sorry I just wanted to give Penny something different of

Voice I’ll never be able to like line myself up with this what the [ __ ] was that Penny Penny’s balls dropped today let’s do it all right let’s kick some kids asses in the festivals it’s the um it’s that time for the highlight of today’s festivities the annual spring egg hunt

Yippee calm down now now kiddos you’re going to need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take home the exclusive prize I need to find at least 10 eggs that’s my goal this time not the announcer voice no that’s Gail gallons of riz’s voice now is everybody

Ready let the egg hunt begin oh [ __ ] it’s literally starting right now oh God I didn’t I didn’t plan a route I didn’t plan a route oh thank God I can walk past there trash no oh no oh no oh no I did not plan around no get away from that egg

Mine I see one there okay how much time 33 seconds oh I am so bricked uh egg here give me that egg I see one over there [ __ ] I see one over here too oh God I’m getting clobbered by kids today aren’t I oh no no no no no no oh dear

Me I need one more at least at least one more let me get nine let me get nine eggs at least nine eggs oh that one 5 4 3 2 one no my 10 Egg wow look at all these eggs now I’ve only I can get you kids to pick up lat this efficiently we’d have the cleanest town this side of the gem scene and now the winner of this year’s egg hunt g gallion g last name omitted here’s your prize

Enjoy no tenen hos see me poor favore Lia to you too well that’s it for this year’s egg Festival thanks for coming Everyone straw hat dog I’m trying to touch this thing water this [ __ ] fertilize this [ __ ] she’s not working on my Silo under construction yeah I know I did that for scientific reasons you should click your dog with that hat in your hand wow what the there’s slime in

There there’s a slime in the bushes over here ow fast chickies are you okay yeah you’re fine I’m going to sell these eggs wait can IRL pup get a hat he would just chew it he would eat the ever loving [ __ ] out of it there’s slimes in the farm not on

Purpose I think I have um I have monster spawns on so I think I just ended up there I thought it was like a I thought it was a blue grass thing but it’s not look at okay let’s go to bed level two forging charcoal kill Pata egg

Nice I did not know you could doll up your pets with Hats that’s fantastic one feeding animals Robin the local Carpenter Silo oh the Silo’s done fortune teller Spirits are very displeased today let’s make some money and have Clint upgrade one of our stuffs greetings that is I the queen of sauce Co

Slaw um cabbage with vinegar and Mayo very cool that is amazing animals oh my gosh my crops are all popping off who who Who boo you love kelaw I am impartial towards kelaw wait chickies nice large eggs POG should I sell them guys what should I do with the uncommonly large eggs should I sell the eggs you have children in this game apparently you can I’ve Been Told I should make mayo with eggs I need to buy vinegar too right also that potato Harvest though popping

Off I should put it in the community center first wait can I start doing that now I thought I have to wait for asmodus the wizard Lord to um to SN ify my um oh my God The Silo is so godamn tall it’s blocking the view of my beans what the

[ __ ] does it as modus need to like tell me when it’s okay to go stuff you can also turn kids into Birds if you don’t want them what the hell did you just say in my chat you can turn kids into Birds mail maker machine yeah how how

Much do I need for the May mayonnaise machine one Earth crystal one copper bar oh wow that’s really cheap don’t I have an Earth crystal at the moment I do I I bloody do all right let’s do it let’s make mayo Mayo the odds be ever in your favor [Applause] I’m very Funny I got to sell this crap I got to get all this crap out of my inventory well not all of it but like like most of it Mayo machine guys I made one I did it tomato tomato yeah I get it I get it I get it I

I I I uh I understood that reference let’s um let’s put the mayonnaise machine up here I love mayonnaise um how do I use it turns eggs into Manis it’s just eggs cool that’s badass please don’t consume the Mayo that’s what it’s made for it’s made to be

Consumed what else would you do with mayo also I need money because um currently as it stands I don’t have anything planted really I need the other Roots other than defil I need this this and this I need to put these in the thing need put a rice in there wait

This is the stuff that I’m saving for the community center in 1.6 you couldn’t eat Mayo because because the devs think it’s gross with the new update you can now eat it you can eat it interesting absolutely riveting but why would somebody eat Mayo on its

Own don’t do that chat don’t do that chat if if you guys have any any care for my sanity and my well-being please do not consume mayonnaise as it is mayonnaise in essence is a condiment condiments are made to be used with other things um um the essence of eating manise on its

Own does go against the Geneva Convention and if you were to do that you would be declaring war you would be silently silently be be declaring war with over 300 different countries it’s in your best interest if you were to not consume mayonnaise this is me looking out for you please do not

Do this Japanese Mayo is good though it’s delicious though yeah okay but like okay but like Japanese mayonnaise if you want to drink that through a straw you’re more than welcome to I I permit it how long does it take for the mayonnaise to Complete oh it’s a country some sort of stupid concept that people made up to to separate us from the real matter at hand and that’s video games got to go B hey take care have a good night hope you sleep wonderfully hope you enjoy the night or

The day or the evening or the morning or whatever the hell whatever the hell it is for you enjoy pushes up my freaking headphones I have a lot of baits and I have a lot of bug sticks bug Stakes let me put the um EG in here okay

I’m going to go to the I’m going to wait no I got to talk to Sunday today Sunday today Sunday today Sunday today Sunday I need to gift this topaz to Emily stop pressuring you to redownload stardo Valley stop fine if you’re going to keep nagging me to Reby it I guess I have no choice pulls that credit card I knew you’d see things my way I want it my [Applause] way oh I get a ticket for this oh it tells you if you get a ticket um it’s a two star Mission 90 gold but I get a ticket three sunfish sunfish are are sh I’m not doing this today I got to go talk to Emily guys are

Sunfish in the ocean or in the river I forget merchants in the forest I’ve got no money I guess I can check regardless but I got no money yo Emily are you are you done staring at the wall nope oh wow thank you this color perfectly captures my mood today hi Gail

Yep do you raise your sheep do you raise sheep in your barn you can turn their bow into beautiful bolt of cloth you’ll need a loom though thank you for always keeping me informed about cloth and wool what would I do if I forgot one day

That you can turn wool into bolts of cloth Sunfish is an ocean fish okay thank you I got two days to do that that’s enough time ah I want sprinkler so bad but you know what let’s go this way I’ll do I’ll do the mins on a more beneficial

Day oh [ __ ] it’s the sewer cut scene I don’t want to read these kids’ voices I’m sorry I’m skipping it please forgive me they get spooked that’s how it happens guys if you guys have not seen that cut scene the kids get scared and then I get scared and

They say what’s inside the hole and I go oh don’t know it’s locked and I’m like yeah spring onions spring onions garlic seeds oh my God I can afford something pomegranate sapling oh I should consider getting a tree planted soon now beans for what what is this what is this

Scam what is this scam why is 300 for a bean starter why is everything so overpriced rare seed huh huh huh Sunfish is a river fish oh thank you guys I wasn’t looking at the time um this is a scam they’re out of season is that why they’re expensive cuz inflation damn you

Economics I hate you so much yo can I afford a sheep purchase animals no we need a big barn I need a big barn well today’s been a waste of time so far she sells stuff at all times of the year so her prices are expensive because

She can give you something you want for a different season sometimes I see and what she decided to offer me was garbage I understand now what’s this blue grass doing though wait if I use the Scythe does the Scythe um increase my chances of getting seeds let me use the

Scythe oh I oh oh shoot I got no money but I I need to go buy seeds I could buy okay with 800 gold I could buy 16 potato seeds it’s something my I got gold star got gold star man the scyth will give me hay now that I have a silo

Interesting well I’m wearing a garbage hat what did I expect that’s a little dismissive don’t you think I’m taking the day off you I feel like every day that I’ve talked to you you were taking the day off uh it’s the 14th yeah just buy more

Potatoes whatever 16 did I do my math wrong no I didn’t do my math wrong I said 16 I think how am I doing I’m fantastic I’m having the best day of my goddamn life we’re doing the real stardo Valley run with me gil gallons of trash

At your service I I’m going to take the hat off for a while I think I’m going to put the trash hat on the dog actually now that I think about it let’s go plant these goddamn seeds he got L seeds nice I got mayones you love that I’m enjoying this

Game so much I freaking love this game this game is fantastic it’s been treating me very well large egg in the manise machine now she’s noticing my interest to sell me things she’s a pro she’s not a pro she’s definitely an AI she’s been tracking my cookies and trying to see

What sort of things that I’m interested in um um um race cars ponies um fences Lumberjack shark now let’s see what she brings in Lumberjack personal preference hat dog hat plus dog dog hat beautiful that’s wonderful what I name my farm very boring goldwind farm goldwind farm like the goldwind Pirates

Which is what I a part of um guess I’ll refine quartz now that I have nothing else to refine at the moment I want to go into the mine so bad I yearn I yearn so hard for the vines but I feel like today’s is just

Going to be a boring ass recovery day not recovery but like um how do you how do you phrase it just a boring ass day is this going to be an endurance stream we’ve been going for 5 hours now I don’t plan on making this an endurance stream though is the thing but

Should the stars align it’s better than your joke of a naming of naming any Farm you start with in a game after the last farming game you played what’s the last farming game I played does animal I guess Animal Crossing would have to be the last farming game that I played I

Think H shy so now I get hay from these things does selling hey give a lot of money no I don’t think it would wouldn’t oh my God wait what if I farm the blue stuff it just turns into hey also hey hey hey get it hey hey hey got get it cuz

Hey yeah yeah so funny when chat just says no it makes me feel so sad I’m just kidding it doesn’t make me feel sad doesn’t make me feel sad at all feels like my job’s been done properly oh mixed seeds good why are mixed seeds so goddamn

Rare I want more seeds but the seeds just don’t seed up you know I mean don’t quote you but the blue stuff makes animals happier okay okay can we get some more mixed seeds please I am on my knees begging you game please I just need a little bit more man

Just a few more man please that was a bat I’m like what is that what are those footsteps that I hear it was a bat guys yeah hope you burn in hell a little bat you never plan an endurance stream that’s true if you planned an endurance

Well actually no I planned for the Minecraft endurance stream but unfortunately the the one endurance stream that I planned lasted less than 5 hours barely 4 hours which is a little bit upsetting I’m going to save my coal I don’t want to I don’t want to refine

More quartz I don’t want to do it I don’t want to Hon Sho Hono gold quality mail both of them were gold quality I hope they sell for a lot is all raining beautiful sunny day God damn it yeah I read these today right Co La a bee house speed grow and Farmers lunch very cool farming $3,000 mayonnaise gold mayonnaise sells for

$285 I a mayonnaise [ __ ] now holy [ __ ] weather report tomorrow rain clear Sunny Dam it Spirits are neutral that’s fine living off the land salmon Berry season oh I love me some salmon berries hello dear I know you’re just getting started as a gardener so I wanted to give you a little tip most

Crops only grow in one season oh wow thanks Evelyn for telling me how to farm I’m a [ __ ] farmer sorry I got a little angry for no reason uh I’m going to keep these carrots someone I keep two of the crops so I’m going to put these in here I’m

Not going to sell them let’s water let’s water and get straight to the points we need to go to the mines today they need to go to the mines I Yearn it sucks knowing that sprinklers are unlocked for me and yet I have no access to them [ __ ] man Mayo’s considered an artisan good I sell for more good it should I love Mayo I got a water the beans the beans are ready the beans are finally ready pets you pets you on the Head grabs egg no no these eggs are getting fat I can sell it for 444 gold but why would I do that when I can get mayo from them big n Big Egg let’s go okay let’s keep doing this do eggs get bigger as the chickens get older is that what’s happening will

I be getting large eggs from now on or is it just luck was I lucky two days in a row weren’t there three chickens no there was only two this whole time although you do bring up a good points chickens are really cheap I should just

Um buy more I should buy two more chickens for my crops for more Mayo production they get bigger when chiy happier ooh interesting I love watering with my thick water oh please be enough please be enough please be enough water no why I was oneof I was oneof Lethal

You want the blue chickens is if that’s a spoiler please refrain from spoilers in chat if that’s a new like update with the with the patch please refrain from doing spoilers thank you very much oh it’s not okay never mind then proceed proceed did not mean to get up all in your

Grill um let’s see got put this way uh uh garbage put this way put this way put this way this this is all this can stay actually no put put the egg away I’ll make more man later I’ll put that egg in the thing when I come

Back those chickens have always been in the game but you can only get through a specific way okay thank you what do I have to refine quartz make get out of here stupid uh 940 um I need to buy more seeds and then I can go to the uh to the mines

Uh is the dog pup no the dog’s name is Excalibur I did not pet Excalibur today oh salmon berries delicious all right the the salmonberry is going to drop on that side I see how it is game I see how it is you had a goth chicken IRL in the

Past did it have big titties was it a big breasted chicken looking for four copper ores Clint wants four copper ores Clint of all people wants my ore okay okay okay okay um let’s see I these take six days so I could do two more sets of potato seeds

Let’s do let’s buy 30 or actually let’s buy 40 I think that’s fair it’s a fair amount no she was just black and had an attitude you nasty I was thinking about how well she would taste on a plate what are you talking about what are you talking about I was wondering how well she deep fry banned from your farm for a thousand years I got Banished guys I got like no time to go to the [ __ ] mines today goodbye mayonnaise I’ll see you in hell oh there’s a daffodil there that’s cool why was there a daffodil there I got to farm more I got to be a hoe again I hate being a hoe a hoe a

Ho plant that [ __ ] get that hoe out of here put that in there uh watering dime yeah watering time we water watering time I was trying to do a Waluigi impression but I gave up halfway but I also didn’t give up it’s a weird little situation I was

In personally don’t trust Gail in the kitchen to Fried Chicken anyway I’m a pretty good fryer low key High key pretty good fryer I have to take my word on that though people always ask me when I go to the bathroom boy you frying chicken in

There that’s how good of a fryer I am now now now I say now I say boy now you frying chicken in there [ __ ] Looney Tunes meme now boy you got you got to stop pissing in the middle of the water there in the bowl you got to aim for the sides

Boy hear you hear me boy you got to aim for the sides if you guys get it you get it all right let’s um see how much time we can wait Emily I got a God damn it I don’t want to do I even I don’t even have

Anything to give her I’ll go talk to her and then head to the mines Fog Horn Leg Horn yeah yeah yeah yeah it was a meme with him now now now saying now say boy stop aiming for the center there damn you frying chicken in there but for

Real though you piss out as [ __ ] that’s cool I love that I love that so much it’s so stupid it’s so stupid oh sh what is she doing under the bed what is she doing under the bed what is she doing oh she’s sleeping sh sh she’s

Dreaming what the hell is going on in stard Valley is she connecting to her inner Spirit the trees are made of Heads whoa I’ve entered a spirit realm what the hell is going on here why are you here I I don’t know honestly your guess is as good as mine am I Edward I was trying to talk to her it was it’s like it was like 1:30 p.m. she should not have been asleep

Let’s be real yes she may take special herbs and such so that’s what the daffodils were that’s reminded me of Something even the tiniest blandest simplest light holds a wonderful secret what is blood talking about now I know why you’re here it’s a sign I’m shaking she just killed me she fow snaap me she she was like she she treated me just like she treats Pip she’s hi it’s okay she was asleep I thought were you smoking in your bed that’s how you you’re going to stain the cloth with a stench Gail there’s something special about Gale our Destinies will intersect yeah that’s cool at all but like what’s up hello Gail I had a feeling I’d be

Seeing you today why that’s kind of horrifying honestly I don’t like that that scares me I’m in she’s literally dreaming about me and suddenly I’m thinking about backing off now Clint you can keep her I think she’s all yours bro I’ll give you the I’ll give you

The I’ll give you the strategy guide on how to romance her dude it’s she’s all yours oh salmonberries I’m getting distracted am I regretting the decision of Romancing her lowkey no that was hot the whole your mind is a temple kind of deal she took that to the next step yo what’s up

D rabbit Sean salmon berries love you too do I need to go in here to talk to these guys probably not right what do I mean Hots like hot uh what what why did I get an achievement insect head thank you thank you upgrade upgrade 50 go 50 go for me thank

You she’s a bit crazy but who isn’t these days you know what you’re right [ __ ] it you’re right who isn’t crazy these days I’m a [ __ ] pirate that’s resorted to selling his voice on the internet what’s crazier than that actually probably a lot of things don’t answer

That all right get me to the next floor wow that was easy I need to go to floor 40 stat right now I actually got hit by that guy I’m so depressed eat these F snacks am I having fun I’m having so much [ __ ] fun Gail’s the type to lose interest

When they reciprocate in you it’s about the thrill of the hunt you know what I mean oh I would deliver this copper ore if you know Clint didn’t close his shop at 4:00 every day maybe I will deliver it but oh well oh well tomato

Tomato hell yeah I got the power oh I got iron ore let’s go I’m going to blow this up I got a share bomb right yeah got shair bombs yum yum yum thanks for the graub yo if she works tonight I got to be I got to get back before 12:00 so

I’ll get to floor 40 and then I’ll come back and deliver an amethyst on her shift so that her her night gets better you know what I mean so she can think wow that Gil guy really cares about me my shift at the the the the Noisy Oyster was my ass trying

To think of a punchline for the joke but cannot deliver because brain does not work whatever I don’t care anymore goodbye bat Sean Earth crystal mine Earth Crystal equal Mayon machine Mayon machine equal production production equal more chicken ability more chicken ability I stalk Emily at the tavern at

Night not true I’ve only been there a couple times at night as far as she knows sneakers uh the brown boots look better on me though I’ll sell these shoes BL blow up and there was iron ore nice sick nasty she would think you’re stalking her probably nuh-uh

Nuh-uh she would be like oh you’re so romantic Gail thinking about me even when I’m here at work and you could be out doing work on your own but instead you’ve come to talk to me in the middle of the night very cool girl very romantic that’s dedication she’s crazy

She would be into it yo can I not die down here please thanks is z Twilight yeah but like who hasn’t dreamed about Edward colen stalking you at your bed bedside watching you sleep because he doesn’t know how to just me this place sucks there we go

Oh my gosh the crit 85 this weapon’s fantastic more bug steak she wants my sun moon and raising and rising signs yeah I know right she’s like hey could you tell me what time of day you were born I’ll be like uh 3:32 in the morning

I think maybe she like o i mean that’s okay she like that’s okay we can work through that s Toro sign oh I see that makes sense while you’re a farmer um have you thought about giving up farming oh yeah the iron or is finally here

Oh look at the little soots I love the soot Sprites all right it’s 10:00 and it takes an hour for me to get home oh my God Crystal fruit let’s pop off King um I can eat one more of these let’s see I’ve got eight iron ore on me I can start producing um or reliably now because I’m here at floor 40 would I give up farming for her absolutely not no no way farming is my life my true bride I’m here for the

Grind I was doing just fine without a partner before her I’ll do just fine without her going forward too need be need be I’ll give love a chance but you will not give me an ultimatum I stick to what I believe in I want to make one of these I

Probably shouldn’t but I’m going to do it Anyway I love the music here it’s so pretty it’s so Pretty feels like the game like opens up in here you know what I mean like everything just everything begins once you reach floor 40 of this place Any iron ore over there yes let’s Go ouch we should be able to collect these little guys and turn them into pets dude if I could they there would be like an entire fenced in area oh my God I missed the time oh my God I missed the time whatever it got a floor 45 [ __ ] it

That was worth it I’ll I’ll deliver a gift for her tomorrow I talked to her already today she she talked about her psychedelic trip so we can make five bars which is five sprinklers which is 20 plots that can be uh 20 plots that could be uh renovated give me the goddamn

Merry you’re getting eat people you still have to watch me you should definitely sleep and get good sleep while you’re watching me who’s going to stop you the police not likely they haven’t made music in a while that was a boomer music joke inventory full oh no or is

It put that in there uh cool doggy it’s bedtime Pets the dog miners treat yummy I bet that increases pickaxe proficiency excuse me I burped guys I might have to pee again and refill my joj Cola what the report tomorrow’s cloudy with pollen hiccup Spirits are neutral today okay

Give me one second guys I’m going need the bathroom and grab some more joola and I’ll be right back for more star G Valley so enjoy the morning music Pips say a pip says hello to all you guys thanks for sticking around she says and she she also said um I quote I translate uh pip quite efficiently she said um make sure to hit that like button if you want to support the stream and if you haven’t

Already consider subscribing if you haven’t leaving a comment after the stream also helps out a lot helping me boost up on the algorithm so that more people can enjoy the stream that’s a lie she didn’t say any of that she she didn’t say any of that

She lied or I lied she didn’t say anything she didn’t say sing she didn’t say any of that she lied I lied for her let’s go give me that give me I need the I need the max Queen I need four or four Clint I need to keep oh [ __ ]

Um what am I doing right now what am I doing okay I need a brain brain harder this here this this this this this this this these need to get sold these need to get sold do I ever stop to think and think how weird it is that some birds can

Speak it’s uh it’s cool but it’s not understood like a language right like the way the birds speak from what I understand is that they mimic it and they get a response from the mimicry right so it’s not that they’re learning how to speak but rather they learn how to um

Use their talents to get what they want it’s sort of like how like if you if you really think about it a dog sitting is like learning how to understand human language right but they just know the sound and the response to it which is kind of like talking but they’re not

Able to communicate with it they can’t say like oh because I sat even though you didn’t tell me to I should be getting a treat right now it is when you say sit they know that a treat will be coming afterwards if they do the thing

So it’s like a response rather than a communication it’s I mean it is a communication but it’s not a it’s a respon rather than a uh twofold back and forth uh anyway um to answer your question yeah I think it’s [ __ ] cool uh dear neighbor I hope you are feeling

Settled in your new home I am fertilizers that’s [ __ ] cool dude that’s great for you honestly pop off King sorry I didn’t mean to nerd out like that that was pretty cringe I’m sorry no why did I do that I’m so stupid I got rid of the ore that I

Needed to deliver to Clint God damn it God damn it Dam it Dam it let’s go get my eggs more mayonnaise more man why did you give me a small egg hang on a second hang on a second Who the hell’s pumping out tiny eggs you’re not putting in all the leg

Work are you better not happen again tomorrow um no no no no I need to um I need to shove this in Here this seed is not growing ever I’ve noticed that explains how a an African gray parrot got a guy arrested then um you’re going to have to tell me that you cannot just drop that on me and then expect me to be like oh yes scratches my chin I understand the story

Completely I know exactly what you’re referring to what the hell what how did a guy get arrested because of a parrot wait actually no wait wait wait wait I think I know exactly what you’re talking about wait no I don’t actually elaborate sorry I’m probably going to

You a ton of whip flash uh tell me tell me why he ain’t nothing but a heartache tell me why Ain Ain nothing but a mistake tell me why I never want to hear you say maybe my geod will have some that’s true thank you thank you for recalling

That out this one’s going to have um copper ore for sure the regular geode that’s 100% a g that’s a 100% gacha roll for us you can see why half of us get those ADHD ads shush they’re going to propagate because of you it’s true that they mimic but some

Birds do hold the convo it’s like they learn a whole set of situations so they can participate within a range interesting so it’s kind of like how crows can can’t crows also learn like or mimic human language with each other and they talk with each other also my beans are going to take

Another day to grow a guy murdered his wife and the African gray parrot snitched on him by saying the last words oh that’s horrifying God if I was in that situation and I heard a parrot say like maybe like a friend of mine’s last words I don’t think I would ever

Psychologically recover from that it’s bad enough that they got killed even worse that their bird was carrying your dead friend’s words that’s horrifying that’s that’s terrifying you got examine in court oh my God cross examine the oh there was an Ace Attorney meme about that I know exactly what you’re talking about now

There was a picture of um of Phoenix wri that said judge bring the parrot to the stand or the to the podium or something like that it happened in real life in real life like twice too why are parrots so cool pip you hear that I actually called you cool for

Once I need to move this Silo the Silo’s pissing me off so tomorrow hopefully I’ll get more Beans crossing my toes Maybe I can’t tell if they’re all watered I I I am never planting vertically ever again this was the worst idea ever actually it was the worst idea ever um it’s 12:00 Clint’s about to close I better go say hi to him before he

Does I also got to see Emily too it’s Tuesday though which means she has a different routine I remember what’s her routine again let me double check yes Tuesdays she oh she’s at Pierre’s place on Tuesdays okay hold toe toes with us what did I miss for you to prompt that that

Statement okay okay Clint Clint listen I’m doing I have one little chore to do Clinton just hold hold the doors just for a little bit I know you want to end shop early because nobody ever visits you because you’re a sad sack of [ __ ] but welcome to Pierre is all going to help

You o magic man oh it’s the joa Guy Come and Get It folks coupons for 50% off your purchase at joja M 50% well anyy takers there was an African great Perot and she was working with the same Handler her whole life and the handler was leaving for the day and the bird said I love you and then passed away

That night I wish I didn’t read that that’s heartbreaking but I can’t match those prices I’d be selling at a loss it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that but can you blame them Georgia Corporation is clearly the superior Choice soon the whole world whole town

Will realize that that’s crazy anyway hey Emily talk to me I work parttime at Gus’s Saloon it pays the bills I somehow highly doubt that um here’s a gift for you oh it’s beautiful Gail I hope you didn’t put yourself in too much danger to get this oh I did so you

Better you better thank me later the awkward silence was getting to me my trash not yours huh that boy just turned into an old lady guys guys the sad topics I’m sorry that happened let’s keep the uh atmosphere lighthearted though please it’s very interesting though it is extremely interesting however for the

Sake of the chat room let’s not turn this into a sad sad story time this is supposed to be a happy occasion where we all laugh at the stupid man with a mustache on the screen you know what I mean process GEOS all right here’s my copper ore damn it damn

It I hate Clint so much he literally stole he stole my ore that my ore was in that inside that geode and he gave me a fist full of dirt instead that [ __ ] I should buy ore from him wait no that that would defeat the oh

Well yeah yeah you’re right it’s a net it’s a net positive well it’s not a net positive but I get the ticket so I should you’re right I’ll buy the ore and give it back to him wait do I like give it to him give it to

Him oh he I can keep the ores too bring him four copper ores does this not count that’s like give it to him give it to him just talk to him oh right go around the counter sorry you’re so right thank you you’re so smart Clint shut up stop talking to me thank

You you’re so smart chat you’re smart I’m dumb 90 gold is a small price to pay for this ticket hey what’s up Sam oh hey it’s good to see you again you invite Clint to the wedding to maximize his suffering I’m on board with that he could be s

VP uh one ticket equals oh is it a gcha no just 12 carats oh [ __ ] the next ticket is a tree oh [ __ ] I need this it’s not gacha it’s it’s good give him a plus one to really rub it yeah hey Clint you want to bring

Somebody to the wedding oh what do you there’s nobody you really want to bring oh that’s okay as long as you show up buddy that’s all I want that’s Sinister what if you brought Haley oh we’d have a problem oh we’d have a problem signing off for the day hey have

A good day hope you have a wonderful rest of your time in this wonderful day mayo Mayo M Mayo I could have put it down there and it would have been much more appealing to look at leai I’ve got no water I do want to step into the

Mines one more time pet my chickens Happy Chicken Happy Chicken age 1 month chickens live for a long time right they’re not going to die on me I hope have I ever had a grilled mayo sandwich all right mods B that person no I’ve never had a grilled mayo

Sandwich and in fact you know what actually you know what I don’t hate that idea because you’re not eating raw Mayo you know what I’m very proud of you I’m extremely proud of you everybody who ever stand Mayo will they will die on the hill that

Mayo is its own edible product you have not fallen for that and thus I say thank you thank you for having some semblance of sanity left in you that chickens are s sitting on each other it’s two years for chickens no two years is too short as Manny an instrument slaps you

Stop that no the spicy mail count absolutely spicy Mayo’s Mayo of course it Counts Nice give me the mat Wings what the hell’s that monster compendium monsters have a small chance to drop double loot I’m sorry did I just get a giga drop oh my god I’ve never seen that before in my Life is that new may maybe I don’t know I don’t know if I’m just lucky or if it’s a new Item guys it’s um it’s eerily quiet in here so if bats can drop two wings that means they can drop four wings interesting not that that’s really much I guess well that’s pretty cool because that means when it activates it would give me 60 Gold guys it’s it’s like way too awkward

In here please give me the give me the ladder give me some music please give me something I’m just sitting here lost my thoughts please I’m go crazy do you guys ever think that um it’d be a lot nicer if you didn’t have a voice in your head life would be a lot

Simpler if you weren’t constantly thinking I was talking with a buddy when I was at the wedding and he was like he was talking to me about how some people don’t have like a voice in their head to like dictate what they do or like to narrate their actions I think that’s

Crazy what a weird not weird sorry what a what an interesting like it’s like an interesting mode of living you know Brave of me to assume you guys think I give you guys the B iFit out I think pipsqueaks are way smarter than I am at least I can say that with confidence

Because there’s like how many of you guys and how many of me these guys break they break rock but they don’t at the same time give me that [ __ ] you’re going to say that’ be boring but if you can’t talk to yourself about it would you know was boring they still

I mean people with that um what is it called n Marie oh God I’m super late but stard yo what’s up I saw your Tweet Marie I saw you said goodbye you’re going to be gone for like 5 weeks hello I’m playing the game of all time

I’ve only got to this game a couple weeks ago oh my God is that diamond or no it’s aquamarine probably I only got into it recently but um I’m kicking ass and I’m chewing it too oh thank you for the Super Chat though Marie I appreciate it thank you so

Much helping a starving artist like myself thank you thank you so much every donation counts please qus in the cup quarters in the cup truly the game of all time I don’t know why but like the moment I got my my hands on this game it just felt like I

Became a kid again feels like I’m playing on my Game Boy Advance playing a game with basically no end ooh that was a juicy little shirt with a bow H I got a red shirt and some more retaining soil aluminum a lead Rod oh my it’s weak though new stuff all around don’t spoil yourself Marie there’s good stuff happening in this game uh get out slime I wish I did not bring my watering bucket down here it heavily influences from Harvest

Moon oh absolutely it does if the creators have not inspired this game at all by Harvest Moon then I would be I would I would donate to charity right now if none of this game was inspired by Harvest Moon that would be a revelation this game was basically made

For people who played uh played Harvest Moon as a kid oh Nice let’s get out of here Oh it’s one death is it really one death oh my God I did not know that I am not Kash Koy as most of them say the urge to abandon all responsibility to farm is real just just program a bot to do your work for you so you can watch as your

Farm gets built without you having to lift a finger it’s just that easy just uh learn how to code Ai and then make it play a game pull a neuros or something like that that was a that’s a zombie Interesting tomorrow we plant sprinklers not plants sprinklers where’s the fun in that um oh my God my farming is level four now and I still haven’t even gotten preserves jar oh [ __ ] um it’s fun because it’s kind of like um for me personally when I play mobile games

If they have an automatic feature the fun is building up or like solving the puzzle of how to get it to play itself I think that’s super fun gather C oh my money to win friends yeah I did that oh I still got to get the axe I guess I could do that

Today queen of sauce fortune teller Spirits are neutral cloudy tomorrow pollen oh my God there’s male new cooking recipe salad flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super healthy meal you’ll feel energized see you soon Emily’s trying to poison me Emily is trying to kill Me why did she tell me how to make a salad does she hate me does she hate me now did she pull a 180 on me and said friendship was for the weak I’m going to make you wish you were dead kind of Beat oh she’s working with Clint is is that what it is I get it now I see is all charade are my beans ready again God damn where are my beans at bro mod Minecraft is like that too setting up machines until you get to sit

Back oh oh like factorio too I loved factorio ah I’m out of water I need more thick water how many I can make nine sprinklers that’s not bad nine sprinklers is pretty damn good thick egg that’s what I thought that’s what I thought give me them thick

Eggs those the stream woke up when he’s still playing yep that’s a typical Gail stream for you I have no idea when to stop can someone get all these pink little petals out of my face they’re distracting me my brain cannot focus I’m being short circuited at the moment like

A chaff grenade has hit me in the face she’s trying to help me explore new things the only thing that I want to explore is the mines where vegetation cannot be F actually no that’s not true cave carrots do exist [ __ ] I hate Vegetables they’re cute what do you mean the petals are aesthetic I wish they would land they’re taking too long to land and too floaty for my taste all right I got a lot of money I got sprinklers ready I can start makes shifting some new crop wait no this The

Meadows have not a lot of Farmland yo can I delete some grass please video game please can I delete some grass please please please please please please please please Please oops pissed on the floor I hate it when that happens ah I pissed on the floor and I I was off by one oh I’m so mad I’m so mad I’m so upset right now do I like potatoes at least well everyone’s going to yell at me that

Potatoes aren’t vegetables but yes of course I love vegetable I mean I love I love potatoes I almost just threw myself under the bus there caught myself I love potatoes I love potatoes they’re the best damn fruit vegetable that’s ever been seen that’s a silver large egg very

Cool po are fruit I am not doing this right now let’s see this goes in here a pres preservation jars wood coal and stone got wood I got coal and stone let’s make a preserving jar put these salmon berries in there preserves jar Baby Tonight creeper got is falling in love Again this dog barks so abruptly it scares me sometimes all right Emily is almost ready we got to go does she like aquamarine she does right she likes all jewels yeah she likes aquamarine okay cool let’s go um wait wasn’t there something else I was going to give

Her I already gifted her twice this week what am I doing sell this [ __ ] money I’m home uh you can go in here you go in here you no uh you wait quality retaining soil oh it’s just better retaining soil oh uh yeah let me use it let me just use

It I got a bunch so um sp’s already fertilized there we go might as well use it on something right cool just use all of it all of it consume okay I can’t use that though I got to put these clothes in here I they’re just bombarding my inventory with needless

Space nice got two Js that’s enough for both my feet the potato talk makes you want noi I was trying to think of a pun I could do with noi but I can’t think of Anything FR here going here sprinklers nine sprinklers is 36 spaces of Farmland which is pretty damn good pretty damn good I need a spot that I can can actually Farm though over here I have to go a little bit further for it but if it’s going to be automatic

That’s not a big deal um axxe I need my Axe I don’t like The Meadows because I’ve got no Farm all my farming strategies are going out the window because I’ve got no space for them no cheese no cheese only potato there you go thank you you saved my ass got that noi pun out there oh that’s Strong wait why am I even chopping this tree down it’s on a it’s on a wooden or it’s on a grass spot guess I’m not going back in the mines today eat the godamn thing today is Wednesday which means Pierre’s shop is not open I just

Realized a I hate you Pierre you’re so inconvenient you don’t get days off dude I don’t get days off you don’t get days off son of a [ __ ] uh nice nice nice nice can I craft the bomb yet no can’t seven that food at all got the salmon

Berry is there cheese in stardy Valley you’ve never played I think I have seen somebody make cheese before in stardy Valley I think that is a thing I think 100% that is a thing I would say with 100% doubt with 100% without a doubt that there is cheese in sty Valley sty

Valley all right so let me line this out I need to hoe but I don’t have energy which makes it very hard to Hoe any Edibles in here screw it I’m going to I’m going to eat these sories there you go no energy for hoing yeah it’s not even late night either I’ve overexerted my hoing so we got that I’ll put another sprinkler right here oh my God stop that’s fine it’s fine it’s

Fine then I’ll put another hoe not another ho another SP spinkler right here and going to eat more salmon Baris going chop this tree down because it’s in the way cheese gives good money e milk and cows for that I’m assuming that’s how you make cheese what I do it

Though okay okay okay um this rock I wish it was gone I cannot blow it up though I am too weak I’m too fragile and I can’t upgrade because um first off CL a [ __ ] but also second off I used all my my copper bars already so we’re just

Going to keep going this way we’ll do we’ll do a two line so got this right here got this right here got this right here uh and this way here wait is this farmable oh my God damn it’s not [ __ ] I have to go this way five energy eat a

Berry I can do undo with the pickaxe yeah but I have to just it pisses me off I got to go this way no that’s not where I wanted um oh my God I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this um I hate this I hate this I hate

This oh I hate this I’m going to do it over here I’m doing this over here I’m doing I’m redoing it I’m taking it all away no [ __ ] it you just stay there I’m I’m not wasting my energy on you I’m mad I’m mad I’m mad I’m not actually mad that was a

Lie I deceived you sorry okay sprinkler here then you put th right here you put another one right here you put another one right here then you can put the one right here put right here right there this looks terrible what have I done wrong what how what am I doing wrong my

My serpentine pattern that I’ve been practicing since last playthrough was what happened I don’t remember how to do it anymore uh this goes here this goes here this goes here that goes like that so I can ho out all this like this this oh [ __ ] I like

That like this like this this and then this then it goes down like this Serpentine pattern formation is locked in I’m feeling exhausted oh no snack uh I get this tree out of the way tree you must leave now sorry your time on this Mortal coil has been brief

But well it was just brief there was nothing really else good about it thank you for your wood your sacrif will be in vain it’s the computer motherboard pattern don’t call it that it’s a lot more elegant and refined than computer motherboard like actually this sounds kind of refined actually I’ll take it

Back yeah yeah that I changed my mind yeah you’re starting to feel exhausted oh dear me I’m so exhausted you’re hoing all day blah blah blah 12 11 9 8 there we go this is starting to look like a farm again four three six there’s a [ __ ] bat get out of

Here H it’s okay I’ll have to reho it tomorrow anyway let’s close up shop get some money and then tomorrow we’re going to Pierre’s and we’re booking it and we’re planting so many goddamn seeds I’ll plant whatever takes the most time probably like cauliflower or something like that oh no I need

Something with nine days right cuz there’s 27 days in a month or 28 28 or 27 Money wild grass can ruin your crops if you remember correctly so I need to Scythe around your crops every day so get closer oh that’s fantastic thank you thank you for telling me and also refreshing rain a farmer’s best friends yeah that’s true Spirits are very happy

Today it’s going to rain all day tomorrow okay okay dear Gail it’s been so long mom says I found an envelope some money Grandpa left for you thank you for the $500 dos mama let me water the dog dog’s been watered let me whoo whoo whoo

Him all right he can stay sleeping then see if I care no do not need the green bean give me that give me that um I got my Scythe out no I Don’t swap them cut them take them plant them nice why do I have all these green beans just sitting around now that I realize it why why have I been sitting on my green beans this entire time that is money that could be Made nice just think of the honest work guy as I work it’s honest work all this farming all this labor that I put myself into it’s honest get the job done why do I have a slingshot I don’t want this put away way way now here we

Go no still don’t going there uh all right time to piss on these plants wait let me go get my eggs first now that I think about it so I can start planting the um not planting so I can start the mayonnaise all right time to piss more very

Cool the soil water has been retained makes my job a little bit easier today I have no idea if there’s a plant right here but I there we go I was having trouble watering behind it the scarecrow’s fat head his fat dumpy was getting in the way of my thick

Water kind of bogus TBH family Lama dingdong I saw a post on Twitter that said um that white people should bring back booya is that what the people want do we want to hear booya again is this is that high in demand now booya I thought Splat tuners already had that covered every

Time you like get a frag and Splatoon you go booya or something like that booah no I don’t like it it’s kind of corny I mean I know like Gail gallion says something’s corny that’s a laugh booya’s pretty silly I like it but it’s silly booya needs to be back I

Think I’m an anti- booah though I think I’m anti booah guys I think I’m going to go um I’m going to have a watering I’m going to have a a well installed actually I have no stone I can’t do that where did all my stone go I want to have a well

Installed in my place so I can stop going over the chicken CP as long as having fun oh absolutely if you’re enjoying saying booya by all means if you’re having fun everyone else is having fun me personally nah not a booah type of guy I’m more like a I’m more like

A dab kind of guy just hit him with a quick dab you know you don’t want to Relish in the moment too much you don’t want to make people feel bad like if you absolutely school they ass and something you know just a quick little

Dab just to make it hurt a little bit just to sting just a little bit the mayonnaise is done still streaming uh what’s it to you are you a cop of course I’m still streaming all right yeah I need a watering well nearby my house hey ASAP in what situation does one use

Booya okay so the immediate thought that comes to my mind when you when when I hear somebody say booya I imagine they just got a strike at the bowling alley when I hear somebody say booya my brain goes to oh this person they just nailed a date with the hottest girl in school

When I hear booya my brain immediately goes to oh this guy just got laid he goes all right Booya they won Monopoly yeah you landed on my railroads booya these all sound like great things yeah no booya is a uh is a unanimously positive thing they always say or always say Boya kha boyaa um oh you know what I’m not a dab

Kind of guy I lied to you I’m a I’m a boom shakalaka type of person if I got to say something corny and out of date it’s got to be boom shakalaka Clint wants 30 copper ores for inspection you son of a [ __ ] it’s farmer Gil you’re damn right

It is um 12 days I can’t do that in time 12 days for that I guess I’ll do parsnips potatoes I can do potatoes and then parsnips afterwards okay let’s see I’m just going to buy a bunch buy like 50 I think 50 is good boom shakalaka is

Good oh you know what boom shaka laka is the go-to that’s the meta a damn it I was going for the trash but Evelyn turned this way you’re more of a finger guns kind of guy yeah no I think finger guns are actually fantastic too that’s high

That’s high meta but like for something verbal if you need to like shove something in someone’s face I think boom shakalaka is where it’s at for me you’d say cool beans if you had to pick an old one cool beans you don’t say cool beans when you

Pop off though right that’s like a th boom sh alaka and booya are like pop off type [ __ ] oh it’s the the tampon again and coal excellent shop this sells for 200 very cool I forgot to sell my beans directly to Pierre I was going to sell them directly to him o a

Daffodil I already gave Emily her gifts right I did you looked up gil g and vtuber on Pinterest and almost all of it is meiku a [ __ ] is the cat out of the bag now everything I say is corny out of date what the hell what about um shut

Up jerk I’m not out a date you’re out of date you you you wish this was a date yeah I got him sorry there was a bug on my cabin wall I was trying to take it out tried to rip the life force straight

From it oh wait can I go to the thing and donate now can I start giving to the um Community Center give me that oh hi Haley hello I’ve decided I’m going to organize my clothes today I’ll have to throw out all the last your styles to make room

For the new ones oh at least she’s trendy gas for me thank you yeah you’re welcome I found it on the floor next to you that was pretty squaresville what the hell did you say to be nerd it’s not squaresville gives you a noie oh I had to come talk to this

Little guy again didn’t I okay now wait spring foraging bottle now I can do this from here right I’m one with the forest now no I have to come back here to do this damn you snorted when I got dragged and then someone in your house texted you bless you what I got

Dragged I thought I could oh here it is no okay yeah I can do it from here I can donate it’s this button right here I’m not stupid oh guys Clint closed for the day it’s 400 p.m. guys you know bright bright the day is still long and hard

But Clint decided to close shop early he hates money he has to make the hike every time but do you you can look just no touch oh that’s [ __ ] that makes me angry a mad mad goodbye Mayo I loved you like a brother I know it’s a dumb question how

Long do preserving jars need to take for um to do their du cuz that it’s been going for a day now I guess they take like days right I can’t hoe out but for now let put this [ __ ] on the ground I got to hoe out I got to hoe

Out usually some days okay okay I’ll need a lot of these preserving jars then huh hoe it’s time to hoe and water God damn it [ __ ] nature getting in the way I hate nature so much and we’re hoing and we’re hoing and we’re going and we’re hoing and we’re hoing and we’re

Going and we’re hoing and we’re ho all right we’re good wait my potatoes are watered I didn’t water these manually are they just getting watered as I a if I walk away do they get watered if I don’t if I’m not in vision of the sprinklers no what the hell

This sprinkler did water them how do they do that how do they do that all right got to do another line down here uh I need one spot this one right here perfect let’s piss on them today was a good day to go to the mines

Too also I forgot to go talk to Emily she’s at the bar do I have a gift for her I guess I could bring her no I don’t need a gift for her I just need to talk to her all right let’s do it it’s cuz I ho

The ground and those spots stayed and it watered the empty spots overnight oh oh I see I see I see I see so the spots were already watered very cool so I need to go water these other ones oh my God get out of here crazy ass crazy a looking goofy

Dude oh my god there was a spot right there I missed to put a potato oh my God I hate it I hate it I hate it please give me mix seeds please give me mix seeds oh please whatever um let’s go talk to Emily at her job I might have accidentally said

Haley just a second ago I meant to say Emily if that was the case blind very blind these glasses may make me a four eye but I can see none the better oh it’s this cut scene where he talks about trash um had fun with that I’m on your side by the

Way don’t forget to Scythe wild grass so it doesn’t destroy them overnight no I want that grass destroyed it’s on in my Farmland I don’t want it to come back unless you meant oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry sorry sorry I know what you mean I know what

You mean I know what you mean I hope you’re farming in a sustainable way the how do I know I was draw good feeling yeah shut anyway we got three hearts now we’re cracking it yeah yeah sorry I I picked up what you meant a little too late oh look who’s at the

Bar I can tell from the scratch box on your pickaxe that you’ve reached a deeper layer of the mines if it starts getting difficult to break Stones you’ll want to upgrade your pickaxe I can help upgrade [ __ ] mocky roll epic he’s being nice he doesn’t realize

That a past him in a different dimension has screwed me over so irreparably that my eye has transcended the timeline to destroy him in this one so that’s not his fault but he is he is going to face my wrath sorry sorry about that this versin

Clint I still hate you just as much as the day I bore you um let me grab some water in game did I grab my eggs too I did you want to keep watching but it’s 11:00 p.m. take care of yourself first and foremost the stream is here for you you

Do not have to be here for me that is the rule here you take care of yourself first and foremost and I will be a stupid little idiot on the screen green beans not bad for a renewable resource not bad so I want to get a fall tree H plant

Fall trees early in oh it’s raining let’s go fortune teller Miley perturbed luck is not on my side of course on a rainy day my luck is not on my side and tomorrow’s Sunny [ __ ] farmer Gail I have a request for you I need fresh cauliflower for a

Recipe I want to make could you bring it to me sure Jody oh look at that I got cifl let me go grab the axe I’ve been saying this for days now I need to I need to grab the axe sweet dreams are made of these who in their mind will

Disagree this part is not hold what’s up oh it’s because I didn’t Place anything there no it’s because I frecked up everybody’s looking for something damn uh the ax is in this map I IC that stands for if I recall correctly for anybody who’s unici or unaware or

Uninitiated is what I meant to say but they combine themselves dude mixed seeds do not exist oh wow hello spring onions I love you I love you spring onions I love you spring onions I love you spring onions oh my God what did I do to deserve so many spring

Onion I love you spring onion there’s the axxe this is Robins right yeah yeah this is Robins makes sense what is this only a master of the five ways may enter according to the zero out of five that it just told me I’m apparently a master of no way what about fall

Onions what about them they taste better what’s up the assets sorry I’ll take them off y I’ll be a pirate again y is this more to your liking it’s locked why is your house locked let me in why is your house locked let me in let me in

Hi it never rains in Calico desert that’s where my my friend Sandy lives I wish I could have visited her today it’s a bolt of blue cloth there’s pieces cut out of it and embroidered in little embroidered patterns along the fringes guys I was able to break into our house

Today you like the glasses they’re cute I think they’re cute too I think they’re fantastic have up the new update over you going to bed yeah it’s 6:30 a.m. you should definitely get some sleep it way too late to be watching streams have a good night all right

P a leak for a new recipe you’re making for Sebastian do I have a leak is a spring onion not a leak where does jod live I don’t know anything about this game except for where Emily lives Jody Jody Jody okay well I can go to Robin’s Place really quick and deliver this

Thing reminds me of the one with leak Miku song yeah I know the one yeah I’m pretty excellent at singing it too um hey got your thing hey you found my axe what a relief I almost chopped my toe off with the other one I was using thank you you’re welcome

Money next to Emily oh my God I was there the entire time Jodie pie it’s time to come get your cauliflower I should sell my crops hey Pierre buy my [ __ ] please they sell for 10 wait that sucks that blows fall tree fall tree fall pomegranate I should buy that at the

Beginning of Summer I’ll buy that at the beginning of Summer my 2.0 isn’t how but hotu Miku that’s my hidden identity why would I make an outfit why would I make an outfit based off of my true identity that’s like doxing myself Pier looking kind of I wish he would stop looking TBH

Not I mean you know I mean do I have a leak I do have a leak very cool I’m just going to put this other stuff in here who want to leak again Sebastian that’s the emo kid I didn’t buy seeds God damn it I’m an idiot

Coffee would be real nice right about now I’m going to deliver this to jod and Sebastian and then I’m going to make my ass towards the mines for whatever time left I have in the day Jody what’s up callar for you oh that looks so delicious thank you this is just what I wanted it’s going to be perfect for my yellow curry you’re welcome thanks for the money there was like a 50% increase in the value of that cauliflower that’s POG Sam’s jamming where does Seb basan

Live Sebastian does Sebastian have a house does he get to live in dard Valley does he live in the graveyard he is Zemo uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh he lives with Robin I was there already God damn it he lives in his mom’s basement Rob Robin’s a

Mom think I can get her digits he’s emo not homeless my stomach grow where is oh is he down here he’s not here where’s he what’s he doing on rainy days wait Google Sebastian stard do Valley basan I spelled his name right that’s crazy uh spring

Rainy day in his bed gets out of bed and leaves to go to the beach I’m on a [ __ ] wild goose chase God damn it dude all this walking I’m doing and not enough mining so I’m not back in the mines I’m not swinging my pickaxe side

To side side side to sign baby tonight creepers got us falling in love again and baby tonight scaming love Again mine carrot seeds from digging up those things on the beach carrot seeds again a book it’s moist oh there there’s the emo man love those Beach carrots in question mark me too yeah hey thanks for the help this is just what I wanted you you pring out here the

Ocean’s best enjoyed alone don’t you think is he telling me to [ __ ] off I’ll oblige is it a lost book if you found It I don’t know I thought he had um I thought he had a new um wait largemouth bass bait increases your chance to catch a largemouth bass wait a second how much is large bass largemouth bass suur is it worth it to do that wait Will stard Wait stardew Valley large mountain

Bass uh sells for 100 gold base okay never mind that’s not worth it that was that’s absolutely not worth it guys the deluxe bait better catch you a legendary fish you can apparently craft it um but you need Moss which personally I’ve got to come AC cross I’m inclined to think it doesn’t

Even exist uh okay so I have enough time to go to the mines for a little bit and I’m going to do that I want ore I need more silver ore or iron ore why does it look silver if it’s iron iron or is more brown but copper is also Brown

So I guess they would get mixed up it’s a design choice for for the game play but I still can’t wrap my head around it because I’m stubborn I love ore money makes Sebastian happy I’m glad to make you happy buddy all right Clint needs 30 oh it’s

Already 400 p.m. Clint’s [ __ ] off wherever the hell else wait but I can Del it even past hours I just realized so if I do manage to get 30 copper ore um well which I’m not cuz I’m not going to a copper ore floor but you know

I could still take it to him I just realized that it just occurred to me that that’s the uh that that could Happen hey come here come here I got a blade with your name on it JK it’s got my name on it but I wanted to make you feel included yeah what a route if I can find him yes is he getting like drunk in his like basement or something like that his apartment

Basement complex by himself what would Clinton do after work what’s what’s he what’s he got going on in his day that that makes it so that he he gets to get off at 4:00 instead of 5:00 like most people he goes to the bar and drinks doesn’t he Clint stalks Emily oh

Yeah that’s right he’s not getting drinks he’s just stalking Emily were those beautiful those small bouncy creatures that were just slaughtered um I don’t know their name but I’m going to call them Sprites like from Spirited Away because I think it’s cute you love that I hate Clint so much

That he just doesn’t exist after 4 p.m. he’s like an SCP if you ever catch him past 4 pm you’re most likely going to die Yum Yum Yum or Yum Yum Yum bats screaming in my ears hey little guys yummy oh there’s the ghosts they’re finally starting to spawn eh

So I can make myself that bright Stone ring or whatever it’s [ __ ] called no No slow sticky ah goed up I got I got goed up did he drop a [ __ ] fish yeah he dropped a ghost fish in fact the spirit of that ghost was actually a fish in his past life he was um oh I got the dwarf scroll nice he wasn’t just any

Fish by the way that ghost in particular was the M the wallmounted singing bass you know the one that would sing Elvis Presley songs nice ghostfish for Community Center does it need one no push Mark maybe not now oh yeah you’re right Cannot drop it in there had

To test it though had to test it I got to find out for myself I’m the kind of guy that needs to see things handson front and center on the deck did I ever get a floor where I got attacked with a flying bug thingy absolutely like every [ __ ] floor in

Fact well not now of course but the goddamn flying bugs all the time yeah wait inventory full what’s it what’s it full of oh sap I don’t care about sap do I look like a sap to you don’t answer that please my ego is very fragile Captain still streaming that’s

What I do best it’s all I can do is all I can do for all of you nice coal I love coal cuz God forbid oh my God is that a witch’s hat a flat topped hat guys I almost got my hat in game wait guys it’s so close

It’s like a Pilgrim’s hat instead though it’s close that was pretty close it’s not the bats though yeah know I know what you’re talking about not on this floor but in the the the initial cave floors yeah the flying bugs the one goes that one I know what you’re talking

About I’m hip I’m privy I know what you’re talking about all right but I do know that I need to get off this floor now now I’m back in the mines swinging my pickaxe I to sign sign sign to sign that doesn’t seem very likely now these bats are swarming from side to Side keep them coming yep just keep them coming why is it always flying at me a bomb absolutely thank you so much already G to cuz I a sho adato tiasu y if I had a dollar for every time somebody said Gail’s still streaming after I got back sorry that is not a

Discredit to you hey hello welcome back I just think it’s funny how many times I’ve seen it today how long have we been going now I started at 7:00 which means the 5 hours 8 hours 7 hours 7 hours s hourish sevenish showers not bad six ARS at this point almost seven

Nearly eight 8 minutes till seven let me get out of here let’s see how many we got we got 11 iron ore that was pitiful disgusting got him friendship up and then tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow comes Today oh the Jam’s done I’ll pick that up somewhow got it I got it planted nice go go go go every time level four combats new item Warrior ring that’s whatever what’s on the TV fortune tell Spirits are very displeased today no rain tomorrow oh it’s potato harvesting time

Hello potatoes I missed you Big Egg inventory full Awkward did you know you could do spr to say I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt what does that mean you could do spr what does that mean I’m a NOAB Kid uh CPR you could do oh CPR oh hey guys I’m back to saing I understand what that means give my Scythe Nice so I can apparently use this rice in the future on a mill so I’m going to I’m going to keep some of it not some of it I’m going to keep all of it basically until I’m able to get a Mill nice nice what’s that book I have for uh it apparently doubles uh has a small chance to double the loot from slain monsters very cool Ghostfish s very goods um cool I’m going to take these things that I need to go and donate now this this this actually no I already donated this I need Um this I have this I need a leak I don’t have a leak anymore I gave it to Sebastian’s goofy ass not doing that anytime soon I need this Crystal fruit crocus spice Berry grape Sweet Pea that’s for summer though fall exotic foraging is oh my God need a cave carrot

Do I have one of more of those I’m so productive in the game I don’t feel like it sometimes I feel like I’m floundering I’m trying my best assist though I am trying my oh I can sell these beans I’m trying this goodbye goodbye I need to go to Pier I need to

Buy more seeds um how do I trust Pips not fly off her feet are glued to my shoulder it’s not a trust thing actually it’s the opposite of it it’s that I don’t trust her uh the local Herring population uh I’m not I’m actually not even accepting

That Quest I’m so offended by the proposition of getting 90 gold for doing uh for fishing for herrings um it it it offends me personally so I’m not doing that goodbye trash goodbye let’s go talk to Emily before she goes um and does her daily meditation quote

Unquote Sam why do you always have to [ __ ] block me when I go I just want to go through the trash dude all I’ll go to the community center first Community Center oh wait there’s a bunch of um bushes over here seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds

Seeds no oh we got one wow that’s crazy I love seed ccha Chad said there were leaks in my chest at the farm oh I’m an idiot oopsie doopsy probably my my main chest in the farm huh thank you Chad for taking care of me in you go donation Time winter there you go very cool I’ve got a bomb no don’t want it fair enough don’t understand why why you wouldn’t ah all right Emily’s doors are open I’m going to go say hi puts on my best Suit and Tie I really do just look like a pilgrim now

Though it’s a little too pointy for my taste ew a child that’s the wrong house hey Emily you doing that thing where you start floating in in like in place again now you’re just chilling what up I like making my own clothes but it’s not easy to get

Cloth and it’s such a long trip to the city you could have fit that in one diag log box yo can I go into your sister’s room are we friends yet nope sorry haly I didn’t mean to intrude I’m feeling an urge to go shopping GH I

Wish there was a mall here go to joore oh by the way I got a daffodil for you my lady gas for me thank you yeah yeah you’re welcome sometimes the bgm reminds you of Viva pinat swear to God the moment I get to play Viva Piñata on stream I’m going

To be doing that Viva Pinata is my childhood I love that game so much I’m not even trying to like appeal I just love that game uh I need more copper ore because I need to upgrade my pickaxe so I got to go do that I’m going to go

To the mines I’m going to go back to floor one or like floor like 15 or something like that wherever is the most convenient to go I’m going to blow this place up I’m going to blow this whole mine up what’s via pinata about Viva Pata is another

Farm type game where pinatas will roam throughout your farm and if they like the if they like the farm they’ll stay and then they’ll become basically like your pets and you can raise them and like there’s lots of cool like interactions between them and there’s like secrets and stuff it’s really cool

I [ __ ] with it so hard please let there be an exit here hey at least I die in one H please stairs no damn my HP bar looking kind of thick today a’t it all that leveling up that I’ve been doing there we go get me out of here I’m

Speedr running this I need all the copper now I feel faster than normal am I crazy to think that do I look faster in game let me go do I look faster in game or am I crazy is the exhaustion finally catching up to me a little so I’m not crazy

Do I have fast shoes no they’re Tundra shoes they’re pretty normal are there fast shoes in game no way right that’d be awesome if there was and then we go down here to exterminate the local population not that they need their life anyway your life is better in my pockets

In the form of bug meat got to go faster [ __ ] one copper ore what does the luck even mean honestly what does luck even mean on the news I feel it’s all a Fraud copper copper why does Gail look like he’s about to create to recreate The Witch Trials of Salem I would never do that and if I did I’m just saying cast will be first on the chopping block so you guys are safe um it’s because

This is the closest hat that I well it’s actually the recent the most recent hat that I found and it looks kind of like my captain’s hat so I thought you know might as well wear it right right Oh new shoes rubber boots I’ll sell them okay got to go down you might be second rip no no no no no no no no no don’t worry there’s not an official Ora yet except for whoever is first that’s Cass he can take It You would like to say luck is your destiny maybe it was Destiny meeting Gale is it lucky do this a lucky Encounter guys I’m so good at endurance streaming if I really wanted to I think I could go for another 12 hours realistically I would just need to get food nam I me oh wow they caught blocked me if I didn’t have this bomb I would not be able to get through

This wait I didn’t oh I didn’t get through it oh [ __ ] oh I could just mine it what I thought it was too big for me that was a waste um guys um guys I I think I might have wasted my time here I I think I think I I might I think

I might have just wait oh there we go need more copper now rice shoot ah shoot rice remember Captain [ __ ] blocking cannot be Sol resolved by bomb huh my stupid ape brain can only think in blow up and act like I don’t know nobody though what do you mean what do you

Mean huh Colonel I’m trying to get past this Corridor but this Rock’s ass is dummy thick and it’s alerting the pickaxes yo am I really going to mine every single Rock in here before an an open pick oh my God the last two rocks was down to the last two rocks oh seeds

Nice no ore some more copper no copper copper no copper copper no copper oh man a shucks the [ __ ] [ __ ] Ros skill me they did that was funny did someone say treat no treat treat no treat treat no treat oh shs oh it’s a rare rock over here got a toaz Sick eight energy left three energy left okay um any Edibles I got algae I’ll eat algae from the dungeon sure what’s the worst that could happen not bad could use ketchup this sucks how much did I get 34 that’s enough for five bars at least I don’t know why I said it so

Sassily that’s enough for five bars at least yeah that’s good adle actually wait no I got bug meat wait hang on hang on bug Stakes bug Stakes oh I want more copper ore I want more copper ore ooh lucky nice very nice cool cool until the part where nothing

Happened and there was nothing in here literally just a Rock Fest you’ve seen so much fan art of me you’ve been wanting to draw me for ages hey if you want to I’m I’m open for it I think all the fan I’ve received so far has been beautiful oh thank God copper

What do I say I don’t know how to say I don’t know how to respond to that Gail gallons of Riz is at a is at a loss as to how to respond to a situation like this somebody wants to draw me um thank you I’m flattered I think I’m I think

I’m flattered is the most aopo way of approaching the situation right guys be my wingman here still ongoing yeah sure I am they don’t call me Gale gallons of could go all night for nothing the merch time span is over yep merch is officially no more but that isn’t to say there won’t

Be more merch in the future so please look forward to that everybody dude I’m so glad I ate those bug steaks this is great this is fantastic 16 energy left I can go down to the next floor right now wait that wait that wait whoa whoa whoaa that

Floor was in the shape of a star did you see that it was in the shape of a mother freaking star one two three cool let’s get out of here are you sure people call you that maybe it’s the tiredness kicking in um okay low key I call myself a lot of

Things to give myself a lot of encouragement cuz I know chat won’t do it you’re too afraid but jok’s on you I see the messages that you think I won’t see the one where you’re like Oh Captain he’s literally the reason that I wake up in

The morning he’s so sweet and he’s so funny I love his humor he’s literally like me for real for real oh I see them I don’t respond I don’t like it but I see them you guys are outed so hard hey we call you a lot of

Stuff and I appreciate it cuz you guys are saying nice things about me eggs inventory full got it there we go manise machine Crank That Soulja Boy wait I got sell stuff uh Sell got it let’s go did I water my crops today I [ __ ] didn’t did I I don’t think I did Rose of inventory are locked you have to you have to upgrade your backpack I need $10,000 to be able to do that and I have I have $110,000 but I

Also need to balance conserving enough money to to replace the um yeah I just got enough money the book seller is in town today I need to balance um having enough money to purchase seeds and such along with oh yeah see I did have a leak you’re right it was in there

You’re so right I have to balance having money to be able to buy seeds as well as balancing my what am I what am I saying um the Necessities the necessities of like equipment and stuff like that because if you spend too much on equipment you’ll eventually end up not

Bankrupting yourself but you will struggle a little bit to recover the money that you spent so it’s a balancing act you know and I think I’ve got the lay of the law the lay of the land now nice I think I’m understanding how to play the game Do pirates pay taxes yeah yeah we do not happy about it but yeah we Do does only a pirate ship add to the taxes it’s a property tax it’s a [ __ ] property tax and there’s a [ __ ] ton of money that goes into paying for it too that treasure test is going to give me a Reason I need to buy more plants today my potatas are finishing up Nice all right I don’t think I read the I don’t think I watched the TV today but pirating and plumbing no ships might contribute to taxor no it’s just found money it’s inheritance you know oh [ __ ] they do tax inheritance radish salad delicious the spirits are annoy today

Perfect sunny day tomorrow very cool not really but like whatever uh let me water first oh God the fact that my farm is not right next to my house sucks because I can’t tell if the potatoes that I planted south of here are going to be

Done when I want them to be or I can’t tell like immediately off of just waking up in the morning you know freaking sucks also my energy is not maxed out this is definitely oh wait no it’s cuz I’m watering everything I’m stupid when’s Emily’s birthday the

27th so I can do I can upgrade my pickaxe now so that mining is easier and then I can upgrade something else like my axe or my um my why why do why are we able to upgrade our Hoe by the way what is upgrading the hoe even

Do oh wait no I think I’ve seen it before you can hold down oh if you upgrade your hoe I think it upgrades like the the range of how much gets tilled if I recall correctly thick water nice nice nice nice nice you guys like the sound of the

Thick water yet I’m still on the fence of got it that dog sounded like it got that dog in him you know what I mean I keep saying you know what I mean a little bit too much I’m getting sick of it I’m getting sick of saying it now it’s

Boring it’s it’s overused I’m going to I’m going I’m going to come up with a new term now do you catch my drift never mind that sounds really cringe never I shut up Gail have you ever played mind sweeper I beat my son so much in mind

Sweeper that he hasn’t talked to me in 3 days anyways happy tax season happy tax season taxpayer I’m glad you’re paying your taxes so that I don’t have I mean that I I mean so that the so the government has more money to pay back to us in the form of

Service water the dog oh I got to water the dog you’re right I love 11 10 8 6 7 okay got to water the dog what the dog doing got that dog in me and it’s the $1.50 hot dog from Costco shees what the hell got that dog in

Me yo they get a $3 hot dog cuz I’m taking both of them at the same time I got two dogs in me uh what am I doing I’m going to get my Geo let’s go crack them open with Clint I got to buy more seeds and Stuff I need a leak I got to donate this wait I want the bad leak Maybe there’s time to go to no I don’t want to go to the mines today do I do I oh God I love the mines though wait I love the mines though do I want to go back to the mines on a bad luck day I

Mean I need the ore but I mean at the same time do I really need it’s such a hard decision wait what am I doing I got 10 copper bars and I I’m up okay yeah I’m going to upgrade my pickaxe and force myself to not go to the mines

Today yeah what’s the mission I could really go for a ripe cauliflower from jod 525 gold on delivery absolutely jod you’ll get my best cauliflower and my best cauliflower I mean you’re going to get my worst one daffodil daffodil Pam don’t look this way please this game stresses the hell out of you

What do you mean actually no I totally get it are if you’re new to it the the fact that you’re constantly on a time crunch basis could totally could totally stress somebody out I I totally get it let me let me be on your side I get you I understand what’s up

[ __ ] thanks I’ll get started on this thing as soon as I can I forgot the geod H whatever I forgot guys okay don’t forget Clint needs to work on his pickaxe for two whole ass days we’re not allowed to do anything with Clint he needs his Focus this guy can’t do

Anything he can’t buy nothing from you he can’t sell you nothing he can’t crack geod on the side this guy needs 100% of his Focus to upgrade this pickaxe okay God I hate this guy my sister is so weird sometimes I wonder if we’re actually related hey better for me if

You’re not for me thank you yeah you’re welcome let’s go upgrade the community center guys cleans is so freaking inefficient that’s a light way of putting it it’s a very nice way for you to say it bundle complete reward Bridge repair what does that mean 30 spring seeds

Are these going to grow in time you like the windsh in here snow yarn and crocus cave carrots oh I forgot to bring the red Mushroom [ __ ] fall foraging cool Clint’s not the sharpest tool in the oh what the hell is happening wow wow wait this is kind of like banjo and kazui all of a sudden the hell is this spring crops SP oh [ __ ] oh man I’m on it little dude I’m on it like on it It’s pronounced like crocus uh I’m trying to decide whether or not I want to hit you with a Dez nuts joke or not no not today I’m better than that um 21st and they take six days I’ll take your entire stock let’s go talk to Emily oh today’s

Sunday I’ll I’ll just go talk to her for now I’ll go invade her privacy she’s got 30 minutes to work just so you guys know I know because I I I care for her you know I got to make sure she gets to work on time she’s staring at her bookcase

She does this all the time hi Gail do you raise sheep in your B you don’t need a Lo that sh stop talking about sheep I don’t care the spring crops bundle I got to get this [ __ ] done now huh Mayo goes in the the Mayo holder

Wait I had crops to plant already [ __ ] I want to plant the potatoes cuz I bought them and I like potatoes wow I bought exactly enough to fit all I bought exactly enough to fill this entire space am I God gamer say no more the answer is yes I’m

Aware I might just hold on to these spring seeds I might not plant them I need sustenance I need salmon Berry wait I never saw how much the um the salmon Berry Jam sold for actually no I’m not going to eat these I’m going to I’m going to keep making them into

Jam okay I need parsnip I need that I need one cauliflower one green bean cauliflower potato parcet cauliflower potato parsnip green bean cool I wish I could donate from here come on guys can’t you come like escort my stuff to the community center for me nice outfit thank you play matches me doesn’t

It I think it looks quite dashing on me except for the part where I look like I um pillage foreign people besides that it’s quite nice Who Are You Caroline today I’m going to just relax and think positively o You’re a stronger person than I am Caroline I can barely think positively

What do you got over here little guy what’s this the fish tank oh [ __ ] there’s a fish there’s a fish one too all right let’s see what we get for this one the spring crops one two three four reward 20 speed grow thanks thanks I guess oh [ __ ] you need gold too quality

Props bundle oh [ __ ] so they do require Golds a [ __ ] that sucks oh God what’s happening the banjo kazui levels are just opening up my brain’s going to go Lulu cuckoo crazy hello is that the only the only one that opens oh thank God the little rats their territor is

Expanding thanks to me territory expansion what’s this one doing or and stuff blacksmith’s bundle one of each bar wait geologist bundle quartz Earth crystal frozen to your Fire Quartz easy oh oh you need these okay that’s extremely easy to do I like that bundel that seems extremely doable now

What now what do I do uh what do I do I got a I got a water but I got no goddamn energy my energy is at five it’s at an all time low I might have to I might have to eat some more raw veggies uh like this leak y worth it

The pink trees look so pretty they look pretty then they get all this goddamn pink [ __ ] in my face when I’m doing work it’s a bloody mess in here I got the floor ruined why’ you pour why’ you pour that on the floor sir such a

Waste I’m out of the water can I make it is I don’t think I have enough energy I think I eat one more thing my in-game character eats healthy food my outg game character also eats food that’s good for him what do you mean by that are you slandering me 21 oh we’re

Good cool uh I didn’t pet my chickens I think they’re as sleep now though uh get up thank you okay I already read that go to sleep for the night how much money I make very nice very very nice good morning USA get your hands on a fishing pole and

Sell your catch fishing is a great way to make a little extra cash when you have some downtime the distance your bobber lands from from any dried land determines what kinds of fish you’ll hook as well as the location season time of day and weather what Spirits are in Good Humor little

Luck going to rain all day tomorrow all right chat we’re going to stop here for the today it’s way too late for me to keep going I went two and a half hours way longer than I intended to so thank you guys all for falling asleep to my

Wonderful stream and thank you guys all for sticking around for as long as you did um I doubt any other avalum member is alive right now the answer is no there there’s nobody live right now Shocker on that front right let’s see yep yet nobody so thank you guys for sticking

Around we’re going to go ahead and get some rest tomorrow I’m doing some solo lethal company if you guys like lethal company and you like seeing me freak the hell out I think tomorrow is a very good opportunity for you to get some very good clips of that um I enjoyed sty

Valley I’m enjoying the well it’s technically not even the new update really except for the new like metal lands Farmland which is very pretty I like it a lot the lack of Farmland though is going to be a killer for me I bet um so yeah I think I’m going to go

Ahead and just go to the ending screen from here take care take care of yourself and have a good night or day or good morning or goodbye or good night or day time zone yeah that’s the one all right Bye My name’s Clint and I am approved of this stream I don’t deserve Anything I think Emily belongs with Gale because he’s a much more handsome and gorgeous individual who has much better prospects for the future yeah I think so too Gail I mean Clint I think so too Clint in fact I think that Emily should have a kid with me

What do you think Clint yeah I I think the two of you with your jeans combined would make a beautiful child yeah thanks Clint I am quite a handsome person and your Emily well my Emily now would be much happier away from You

I’m going to steal Emily from clint.


Pip asset! : https://twitter.com/ashurnotazer

Thumbnail art by : https://twitter.com/Asteli_i


Going live: #galeGoingLive
Clips: #Pipsclips
Thumbnails: #thumbGale
Art Tag: #galeGallery
Meme Tag: #GaleGallons
Lewd Tag: #GaleGoneWild



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But to keep our crew safe and amicable, please make sure that:

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【Cassian Floros🌿✨】
Youtube: @CassianFloros
Twitter: @CassianFloros

【Lucien Lunaris🎸🌙】
Youtube: @LucienLunaris
Twitter: @LucienLunaris

【Zander Netherbrand💜♈】
Youtube: @ZanderNetherbrand
Twitter: @ZanNetherbrand

【Rosco Graves🕹️🩻】
Youtube: @roscograves
Twitter: @rosco_graves


mama: @cocokana_ovo
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Zatsudan room: @slimenura
Logo and Gaming screen: @azatomomiage44
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FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION is a Vtuber agency established by REALITY Studios Inc., a virtual talent management company based in Tokyo, Japan.
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  1. mega thank you for the stream gale! 🍻
    it was super fun as always to watch you play and experience the update
    watching you chop down your hay source with no ability to harvest it (the grass) did pain me a little but the clint life ruining more than made up for it lmao
    thank you again and i’m excited to see how this save file goes!
    otsu captain o7

  2. WHEW 7 hours of stardew, but honestly good job setting up this new save file despite almost starving your chickens, looking forward to the “Clint suffers route” as opposed to capitalist joja route lol (also they make checklists for the community center, I keep one pulled up next to me when I play so I can check things off as get them) otsuuu 🍻

  3. thank you for the stream!!! I was playing my own new game while watching and the update has me hooked on this game again. excited to watch the progress in the new farm 🫡🍻

  4. Thanks for the streaaaaaaam Captain! I’ve been having really stressful days because I’m moving to a new apartment so having your stream as background noise helps me relax a lot 🥺💛

  5. I just love that you stream for a long time. I sleep to you streaming and then wake up to you still streaming 😂 A perfect morning if I say so myself. Thank you!

  6. Otsu Captain! Thanks for the stream! It was fun, very nice, it really made me have a good time! I really like watching you play a lot! Thank you very much for the hours! Now rest Captain! Nos vemos mañana! 🍻💛🍻💛🍻💛🍻💛🍻💛
    7 Amazing hours, it was so comfortable!

    I had to do something so I delayed commenting, but I saw all the hours haha

  7. Another nice and long stream! Thank you Captain remember to take care of yourself and to eat and drink water and never to push yourself! 🍻💛

  8. found you quite recently; thank you for the seven-hour stream! i promised myself i’m not sleeping until the stream ends because i’m cramming my engineering drawing tasks rn, LMAO.

  9. Otsu Captain, you really like this game, huh? xD I had to go to sleep before you ended stream lmao But I understand, this game is so cute and good that is addictive 😔👌 It was very fun, thanks for the stream 💛💛💛

  10. Seeing how you are trying speedruning Lethal Company, do you want to speedrun Stardew Valley as well?
    There are beginner-friendly ones (Hat Mouse is considered to be the most begginer friendly, it's like 15 minutes)
    There are a lot short ones that are interesting and they could teach interesting strategies and game mechanics for a playthrough or just be funny (urchin hat for example)

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