The BEST Stardew Valley Cottagecore Mods

Hello besties and welcome to a different kind of video today we are leaving the realms of animal crossing and jumping on into the wonderful world of stardew valley and i will be sharing all of my favorite cottage course themed mods with you guys today i’ve got a pretty big

List of some of my favorite cottage corn mods that i have wanted to download or have download and use solely want to download because my poor statue only has 40 mods and it’s already suffering they will be split up into 10 separate categories some of them can kind of fit

Into multiple categories so i’ve tried to fit them in one particular category but these are 10 different categories here so we have character and fashion we have map recolors we’ve got buildings forage and crops furniture animal mods miscellaneous anything menu related villagers and sprats and then crafting

Related mods before we do get into this video though make sure to subscribe and let me know what your thoughts on stardew valley are are you an avid fan are you a junimo cart god would you like to see more stardew valley quick disclaimer all of these mods are

Downloadable through nexus mods i will be leaving a link for everything in the comments or description below but anyway let’s get into it so starting off strong with our character and fashion mods we have number one is this koi’s girl sets pack this is a really cute fashion set

That you can download it pretty much replaces the farmer’s hairstyles shirts and skirt and it just gives you cuter options i don’t know i like the starju valley stuff but sometimes we just need some cuter options up in here coming in at number two we have the koi’s all hats

Pack you guessed it it replaces the farmer’s hats and just gives you an extensive list of different kind of hats that you can put on your character there’s some really cute hats in here like flower crowns or navy hats this little scream hat as well like there’s definitely lots of cool options there’s

A chicken there’s a panda you know there’s just there’s so much that you can choose from and it’s a really cool little accessory mod up next we have probably the best mod to ever exist in this game the froggy hat mod uh you guess it it’s just a mod where you gonna

Have a froggy hat i’m sorry but could your game get any better next we have the sweet skin tones so this is a mod that replaces the default skin tones with sweeter ones and it also brings a single pink skin option and it’s just overall a really nice mod next up we

Have the missy’s shirts mod so this is just a big old mod pack with a bunch of shirts there’s so many different options to choose from and it really just feels like your catalog so many options so many color choices so i hope that you enjoy these and our last mod for our

Character and fashion set is the natural hairstyles mod so it is a set of 72 natural hairstyles including eight head wrap styles it this does not replace the vanilla game hairstyles as well so you do have the opportunity to keep those as well but there’s just some really nice

Looking mods and i really like the diversity with these ones they’re just so nice that is it for all our character and fashion mods coming in number two we have our map free color mods before we get into the first one there are so many different map recolor mods that i found

It really hard to pick some of my favorites i’m very particular with how i like my cottage core islands to look so i’ve only got three different map free colors but they are really nice so first up is the daisy nico’s earthly recolor this is the mod that i use every day it

Just tones down the sort of bright yellowness of the original game it’s it’s a very nice mod and probably one of the more popular ones that you’ve heard about coming in with number two we have a vibrant pastoral recolor this one is also kind of similar to the daisy nico

One with these sort of just like muted down colors this one also recolors the interior building exteriors mind levels trees big craftables decor and more it’s a really nice map as well and it just gives it that more cottage cool feel to it lastly we have the rustic country

Town interiors while this one is kind of a map and kind of not a map one i guess like it’s the interior of maps so it’s kind of a recolor but this is a very pretty mod that can change the interior of all of the npc buildings they’re just

Really nicely colored and they also work with the expansion mods such as stars you expanded coming in for number three we’re on to our buildings category we are starting off number one with the ally’s overgrown fairy buildings this one is a bit brighter than like cottage

Cool but it’s got some nice flowers and still sort of a muted feel to it this one changes all of the buildings on your farm including your greenhouse slime hunches stables and more it’s a really nice mod and it’s so nice to have everything sort of connect together i

Really like how this one looks it’s very pretty next up we have a very big fan favorite which is way back pelican town this one is such a pretty mod this one retextures all of the town building structures and decor it really just gives it a kind of medieval vibe to it

Really cottage cool filth and it’s just so pretty this is a very very popular mod and a very top recommendation for a mod to install coming in at number three we have the enchanted garden buildings this one is just so cute this mod does only change the buildings on your farm

It does also include the shed and the little junimo and slime hunch next up we have another favorite of mine which is the medieval buildings mod to me this is way back pelican town but for your farm with the way back pelican town you can it doesn’t actually change the buildings

On your farm so with the medieval buildings you get that same feel going across all of the buildings but you can finally change your sheds your cubes your bars and your house this is such a beautiful mod and it’s got these beautiful leaves going throughout all of

Them and it’s just so pretty i cannot it’s one of my favorite mods next up we have the oasis greenhouse this is a really cool mod if you want the opportunity to expand your greenhouse it gives your greenhouse a wine cellar a spa and more some extra space and all

That sort of fun stuff it’s such a pretty little mod and last on our list we have the seasonal garden farmhouse so this one gives you a larger farmhouse and cabin layout with seasonal views a bathroom and a small greenhouse it does also add a little rooftop garden after

The second upgrade it’s just a super cute mod it makes your little farmhouse look super super pretty so i definitely recommend getting this one especially if you like sort of having extra space it’s definitely one that is worth it next up on our list we have our forage and crops

Category starting in at number one we have the wildflower grass field it just adds a total of 52 new grass flower variants for four seasons helps to achieve a lively looking grass field it’s just such a nice mod and i really like how all of the flowers look in each

Different season there’s even some uh some grass for winter there number two we have the better crops and foraging there’s gonna be a little pattern going you’ll see these better crops and foraging oh my goodness they are some of my favorites i love how all of the crops

And virgils look in the game but this just gives it a very more realistic vibe to it it’s so pretty like nothing looks so bizarre or out of place it all really matches up i don’t know i love it so much can you tell i love mods can you

Then on our list we have ali’s flowers grass mod this is another grass sort of mod but this one changes your graph into a big path of flowers there’s obviously different options for the different seasons but it’s just so pretty and it can really help add a lot of color to

Your farm next up we have another better one we have the better artisan goods mod just like the last one this one changes the texture of the artisan goods including fruits and they just look so nice i’m living for the little like milk in a glass bottle living for it is

Iconic i really like how it gives everything a little bit more of a natural look to it and i just think it’s really nice next up we have the stardew foliage redone this is the foliage only this is a mod that i have on my game and

It is one of my favorite mods it changes the layout of the trees grass and more it’s such a beautiful mod honestly like it just helps add some more character to your island i highly recommend downloading this one definitely one of my faves and lastly in our forage and

Crop section we have the better fishing and beach foraging you guessed it it just changes the texture of all of the fishing and sea forageable items i really like how all of these look it just changes the look of it and i think that they’re really cute coming in in

Number five we’re in the next category which is our furniture category we start off strong with our rustic country walls and floors mod this is a really really pretty mod it changes the walls and floors for your house and gives you the opportunity to buy more like seriously

Look at the amount of different floors and walls you can get there’s so many different options and i really like it next up we have to match this the industrial kitchen and interior mod i also have this on my island it looks so so pretty it just changes the texture

And layout of the kitchen the bed and the tv and some other items it gives us this really nice industrial cottage course sort of feel to it it turns a lot of things into trees and plants as well which i find really cute it’s a really

Really nice mod and definitely one of my favorite sort of interior mods next up we have the yellows dark wood and cream furniture mod a awesome mod that just adds new pieces to the game of these beautiful colored furniture it still keeps the vanilla ones in the game as

Well which i really like gives you the opportunity to mix and match a little bit but overall a really really nice mod coming in next we have the garden pot retexture mod this one’s in a little simple one it changes the way that the garden pots look most people plant the

Garden pots in their house i know i do i think it’s just really really nice and last up on this list we have the boho urban outfitters furniture mod this is another pretty sort of like i’d say less cottage core and more boho sorry it probably doesn’t fit on this list but it

Does give everything a more muted option and there’s some really nice rugs and other accessories that do fit that cottage core theme it’s a very very nice mod and gives you a couple of nice bits of furniture that is all for our furniture mods so what is up next next

Up we have our animals mods um be warned you’re about to enter cute territory first off we have the elle’s new barn animals this is my favorite animal mod and something that i have in my game this changes how the barn animals look it does give a couple of different

Colored options for all of the animals for instance solid pointed belted sort of patterns to them it does make them a little bit cuter as well and oval is just a really nice mod secondly we’ve got a list of cuter fatter mods starting off we have the cuter fatter cows this

Is such a cute mod it just makes your cows cute and fat they’re just little round boys and they’re so cute it just changes how they look and i think it’s a really cute little mod and have a little cute fat cows secondly we’ve got the

Cuter fatter goats one as well i think it’s really cute it’s just just give some chubby cheeks how are you going to sit here and tell me that you don’t want a little cutie fat a goat like very very cute next we have the chunkins mod which

Is pretty much cuter fatter but chickens this does change the textures for void chickens as well it does also change the textures for the artisan goods and the eggs and milk which i think is a really cool little addition to add on to it as

Well next up some of my favorite mods we have the elle’s cat replacements mod this is just a really cute mod that provides 51 different free textures to replace with your cat there’s different colors different patterns as well and just overall a really really cute mod

Because then you can have your cat in the game see i’m very fortunate my cat is already in the game so i don’t need this but i did for my other cat and lastly on this list we’ve got the elle’s dog replacements mod very very similar

To the cat one this one however provides 101 different retextures for the dogs it includes different breeds and colors for all of those breeds which i think is insane absolutely incredible there’s really just no end to having your own pets in this game at this point a really

Really incredible mod i really really recommend else mods next up we have number seven which is going to be our miscellaneous set of mods i’ve got a couple of really cute mods that i wanted to share here so let’s go through them first of all we’re

Going to start off with the cottage cool fences mod this is a really nice mod that just gives you seasonable craftable fences and they just look so nice like i it’s such a pretty mod it’s such a pretty mod second on the list is i know i keep saying this but this is

Definitely one of my favorite mods the pigeon mailbox mod this is so cute it essentially replaces your mailbox with a pigeon a little carrier pigeon i’m sorry you’re going to tell me that you don’t want a little carrier pigeon in your game it’s a very cute pigeon too third

On the list we have the flowery straw hat mod this would have probably gone in a different section i pre-categorized these how did i heck this up so badly anyway it is just a straw hat that you get to have in the game and it changes almost every day depending on the season

And the day it’s a really nice mod and there are so many different flowers that can pop up on the hat next up on the list we have the succulents mod this is such a cute mod it gives you cute succulents in your farm it gives you the

Option to craft them and harvest them as well you can purchase them from sandy and it’s just such a cute little mod it just really helps to decorate your house with some cute little succulents and lastly on this list another big favorite sort of expansion themed mod of mine is

The hot spring farm caves this turns your little cave into a hot spring it adds another layer and it’s just so cute it’s also really great for recharging your energy i really like using this one with the bats because then it spawns fruit everywhere and there’s so much

More space to get fruit coming on next on our list we have our menu mods starting in number one we have the vintage interface mod this is a really really beautiful mod just gives a sort of white and dark brown background to it really really beautiful and one of my

Fave cottage core sort of menu mods number two we have the overgrown flowery interface mod this is another really nice sort of light colored mod and it’s so pretty it’s got fresh vines germy petals and a little floral romance it’s a very beautiful interface mod and i

Think it is highly worth it and lastly because i didn’t find that many menu mods that fit my cottage cool dreams we have the overgrown flowery cursor mod this is a really beautiful mod that pairs with the last one and this is an updated version of the curses from the

Original overgrown flowery interface mod it just gives you a cute little flower cursor it’s so cute we are on to number seven now are villagers and sprites mods coming in at number one we have anna’s toned down sprites this is a very subtle one but it just takes away that super

Bright in your face color from the characters as you can see little befores and afters it just really tones down the colors and really just helps it fit in with like a new map free color all that sort of stuff it’s a beautiful beautiful mod secondly we have beechus portraits

This is a very very nice mod that changes the portraits of the characters it does also give a couple of different options for some of our characters for instance it gives maro a long hair option it gives elliott a short hair option and it gives shane like a couple

Of different shirt options it’s a very very nice mod and probably one of my more favorite of these sort of portrait mods next up another favorite of mine is the seasonal outfits these are the slightly cuter aesthetic mods this is just for the regular characters it gives

Them so many different outfits so many different portraits and so many different sprites i think my favorite is the halloween ones they’re so cute definitely cannot recommend this mod enough it is such a cute mod and just really adds a lot more character and lastly doubling up on that one we have

The seasonal outfits the slightly cuter aesthetic but for your stardew valley expanded characters if you know me i’m a big big expanded fiend player lover and so i really like that they made a mod for us expanded players who really want to be able to add that bit of character

To those characters as well adds in some really cute outfits yet again my favorite is the spirit eve one they’re so cute she’s cruella but another really cute one that i would highly recommend downloading we’re coming up to the end we’re in our last category number 10 our

Crafting category starting off strong in this one number one we have the eden’s cottage core crystallariums mod i think this is one of the first mods that i downloaded and it’s one of my favorites it just changes the crystallarium item to a mushroom box with a glowing crystal

On top it’s so pretty and so cute and i highly recommend it secondly we have the edens mini overlisk cottage cool retexture another one by the same user it just changes the mini obelisk into a decorative white barrel still retains all the functionality of course but it

Just gives it a different look and i think it’s very very cute thirdly on the list we have the primitive artisan equipment oh my gosh this mod is so cute it changes the look of the artisan equipment like the cheese press the furnace all that sort of stuff it just

Gives it a nicer look to it and i think it’s so beautiful next up we have gwen’s medieval craftables mod this is a seasonal craftables retexture slash recolor mod there’s so many things that it covers this is a huge list it just changes yet again all of the artisan

Equipment it also changes the scarecrows which i thought was absolutely incredible and it gives you some new chest options as well and also a very cute mod with lots of different options and we are here we are at the last mod for this video the better gems and

Minerals mod we had to end off strong with these better mods because they’re so good this one is another simple one that just changes the texture of all of the gems and minerals that you find in game and the geo tools look so cool they

Look so cool anyway i hope that you guys enjoyed this video of me going through some of my favorite cottage cool darjee mods i’m a big star do lover we stream a lot of it over on twitch so if you want to catch some of that content make sure

To go follow me over there and who knows maybe we will bring a little bit of stardew to the channel so let me know what you guys thought about this video and let me know if you do want me to bring stardew what kind of stardew stuff

Would you like to see but anyway i hope that you guys enjoyed the video please feel free to leave a like and subscribe and as always i will catch you all on my next one bye everybody

I hope that you guys enjoyed this not so Animal Crossing video! I get so many questions about my Mods that I use in game, so I hope that this list helps you out! Love my Cottagecore themed mods, makes my game!

Links to all Nexus Mods in the pinned comment below (because character limits ahaha)

00:00 – Intro
01:11 – Character/Fashion Mods
02:57 – Map Recolours Mods
04:12 – Buildings Mods
06:21 – Forage/Crops Mods
08:23 – Furniture Mods
09:59 – Animal Mods
11:54 – Miscellaneous Mods
13:37 – Menu Mods
14:30 – Villagers/Sprites Mods
16:14 – Crafting
17:49 – Outro

Where else can you find me?
🍁Twitch: https://twitch.tvkitsu_ttv
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📧 Business Enquiries:

🎤 Microphone – Blue Yeti
📷 Camera – Logitech C922
🖱️ Mouse – Razer Lancehead Quartz
⌨️ Keyboard – Razer Blackwidow Quartz
🎧 Headphones – Logitech G733 Lilac
Elgato Stream Deck Mini
Elgato HD60 S Capture Card

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Gamer Supps – Use Code KITSU for 10% Off your Order or click here:
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Hello Everyone! My name is Kitsu, I am a Cozy Animal Crossing Gamer from Australia! I make contact primarily on ACNH, with a love for Stardew and other games! I am a streamer over on Twitch, and you can catch me there every Monday, Thursday and Friday!

#stardewvalley #stardewvalleymods #concernedape



    1 – Coii's Girls Sets Pack –

    2 – Coii's All Hats Pack –

    3 – Froggy Hat –

    4 – Sweet Skin Tones –

    5 – Missy's Shirts –

    6 – Natural Hairstyles –

    1 – DaisyNiko's Earthy Recolour –

    2 – Vibrant Pastoral Recolor –

    3 – Rustic Country Town Interiors –

    1 – Ali's Overgrown Fairy Buildings –

    2 – Way Back Pelican Town –

    3 – Enchanted Garden Buildings –

    4 – Medieval Buildings –

    5 – Oasis Greenhouse –

    6 – Seasonal Garden Farmhouse –

    1 – Wildflower Grass Field –

    2 – Better Crops and Foraging –

    3 – Ali's Flower Grass New –

    4 – Better Artisan Goods –

    5 – Stardew Foliage Redone – Foliage Only –

    6 – Better Fishing and Beach Foraging –

    1 – Rustic Country Walls and Floors –

    2 – Industrial Kitchen and Interior –

    3 – Yellog's Dark Wood and Cream Furniture –

    4 – Garden Pot Retexture –

    5 – Boho Urban Outfitters Furniture –

    1 – Elle's New Barn Animals –

    2 – Cuter Fatter Cows –

    3 – Cuter Fatter Goats –

    4 – Chonkins –

    5 – Elle's Cat Replacements –

    6 – Elle's Dog Replacements –

    1 – Cottagecore Fences

    2 – Pigeon Mailbox –

    3 – Flowery Straw Hat –

    4 – Succulents for Json Assets –

    5 – Hot Spring Farm Cave –

    1 – Vintage Interface –

    2 – Overgrown Flowery Interface –

    3 – Overgrown Flowery Cursors –

    1 – Ana's Toned Down Sprites –

    2 – Baechu's Portrait –

    3 – Seasonal Outfits – Slightly Cuter Aesthetic –

    4 – Seasonal Outfits – Slightly Cuter Aesthetic for SVE –

    1 – Eden's Cottagecore Crystalariums –

    2 – Eden's Mini – Obelisk Cottagecore Retexture –

    3 – Primitive Artisan Equipment –

    4 – Gwen's Medieval Craftables –

    5 – Better Gems and Minerals –

  2. I noticed that some of the building mods haven't been updated in awhile. I'm going to convert them to Alternative Textures (A mod itself) so that you can mix and match however you wish.

  3. Hi! Thank you so much for sharing these amazing mods!

    I do have a question if it's not too much trouble. I seem to be having trouble getting Yellog's furniture to work. I extracted the folder and placed it in the "furniture" folder of the Custom Furniture mod, but none of the furniture show up in game? I'm only having this problem with cf mods, CP (content patcher) and AT (Alternative Textures) mods work just fine.

    Thank you for anyone reading this, and I'd be really appreciative of any help regarding this.

  4. Has anyone here downloaded the rustic country walls and floors mod and gotten it to work?? I really love the look but I can't get the textures to show up 😭 I think it's because it's so old but if anyone has a solution that'd be rlly great :))

  5. I have installed these mods but I don't have a bed so I can't sleep the bed disappears after installing the mod, what should I do please?

  6. The hot spring cave is super cute but it did not work with the bat cave for me, there was no more fruit spawning so I had to uninstall,, but great suggestions nonetheless!

  7. omg thank u so much for this video!! i just got back into stardew and these mods are SO CUTE!! i cant wait to play!! thank u thank u thank u!! <33

  8. is that okay to install a mod that haven't been updated ?, I love Oasis greenhouse, but the last update in 2021, and I want that built in cellar, I will put cask and keg on that so i dont need shed anymore.

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