I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore!

I survived 100 days in fantasy Minecraft hardcore this mod pack turns Minecraft into one of the best fantasy games I’ve ever played it adds classes mounts unique gear and so much more in these 100 days I use new Legendary Weapons tame mystical creatures and take on the most powerful bosses you’ve ever seen

All while following a quest line and story with hidden lore with that being said everybody relax grab your favorite snacks and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in fantasy Minecraft Hardcore it’s doing tricks that’s that’s amazing that’s incredible top 10 finds in this video for sure oh good oh my God I knocked that skeleton back so far ooh that’s good oh no oh my God what is he doing what is he doing stop I don’t want to talk about

What I just did I’ve been corrupted by this weapon okay so right off the bat we get to choose our origin which is pretty cool and uh there’s a lot of options to choose from Human I’m probably not going to go with but let’s quickly read it

Skill you gain Proficiency in one skill of your choice vves are magical people of Otherworldly Grace they have an easier time hiding in foliage and are slightly faster I really like half orc just as an option so far you get 20% more melee damage you can get saved if

You drop to zero Health there’s some crazy options Incubus Banshee Arachne which is like I think spider so Yeti has some pretty cool traits it gives you a lot of Health gives you a magic ability to inmb enemies and ice and you have more power in the snow but less power in

The desert and you also take more damage to fire that’s the main thing that I’m a bit worried about we’re slightly bigger though which isn’t too bad we are immune to slowness we have way more Health than a regular human we’re going to select Yeti okay so right off the bat we’ve

Spawned with a wooden chest plate that has some additional perks on it a shield a wooden sword food and also a couple of books so oh you can make weapons and it looks like you can imbue them with abilities this kind of reminds me of death knights from World of Warcraft I’m

Guessing that’s what this is based on if you guys know what that is we have our Quest book and this is going to be our main guide as to what we want to do so it looks like to start there’s some basic kind of things like observe a wolf

And then there’s also I believe some bosses I don’t know what zarp tuck is but for example you can make a giant by throwing a strength potion on a zombie it seems and look at the rewards we get they’re pretty crazy if we look into these things there are a bunch of bosses

That we’re going to have to fight and a bunch of weapons to collect as we can see so yeah I mean this is kind of like an MMO RPG but in Minecraft edition I’m moving oddly fast and and I have a lot of Health as you can see I have orange

Hearts which means that’s like a second row of them yeah I’d say we chose a really good race uh taking a look at our map which is really useful by the way I think I see a village over there and then I don’t know what this is let’s

Take a look oh boy oh no no no no no I’m not ready to fight anything hold on oh no I’ve I think I’ve walked into a very bad area folks oh okay it’s a level one illusioner but I don’t want to fight an illusioner right now with this pack it’s

Going to be all about without adventuring to find loot because I mean the things you can find are pretty crazy in mod packs like this yeah like here we got a chest rotten flesh okay not too good not exactly what we’re looking for hello owl level one

Owl oh I almost feel like taking it out but I won’t do it I won’t do it I don’t know what you guys are talking about I didn’t do anything okay usually I’m very friendly with animals but folks this time I’m a Yeti okay and I cannot uh

Cannot be a softy on this one and there’s another owl don’t look guys don’t look so let’s head over to what I think is a village that’s a little bit of a trip but we can make it there no problemo and look at that there’s some more hay bales here thank you very

Much there’s also like a hiden chest here potatoes and apples I’ll take I don’t care too much for the glistening melon slices glistering yeah I’m going to have to resort to eating some rotten flesh for now but that’s all right hello level one sheeps um I I’m

Totally not going to take you out I would never do such a thing guys you can’t get mad at me I need food I don’t know what this is I mean it’s completely out of our way but it’s kind of just a random mushroom here looks pretty cool random little mystical

Mushroom okay all righty that’s a thing oh hello uh level one zombie um well if you’d like to spare some gear that’d be great okay there we go we took him out and press K to open your new skill tree oh oh path of the initiate plus one to

All schools of magic path of the warrior plus 10% melee damage and path of the WF farer plus 10% movement speed I mean I think we should go for the melee damage just because we’re fully embodying this Yeti race at this point and it should open up a lot of damage capabilities for

Us here so that’s cool okay here we go this is what I saw on the map I hope it’s actually a village there’s a lot to discover and explore oh hold on old Champions remains there’s uh a boss here that’s pretty random old Champions remains so that’s one of the Mosses that

We’re going to want to take out and it does seem like it’s becoming nighttime so it’s a good thing we’re posted up in a cozy Village and I’m also going to very um amicably borrow loot oh yeah this is what I like to see and we might be able to sleep off our

First night here yes we can now before we wake up from our nap I want to thank think the sponsor of today’s video BCT hosting if you want to play Fantasy Minecraft with friends or you just want to start your own server I’d absolutely recommend using bisect hosting they

Already host more than 2,000 mod packs including fantasy Minecraft itself better Minecraft rlcraft and pretty much any mod pack You’ll Play they also host more than 40 other games have 20 locations worldwide provide 24/7 support 365 days a year with an average response time of 15 minutes and they’re interface

Is really easy to use especially because of their oneclick install jar menu so if you want to host a server for Fantasy Minecraft or anything in general including vanilla Minecraft or another game click the link in the description and make sure to use my code swev at

Checkout to get 25% off of your order it would definitely help the channel out and it’s a great offer thanks again to bisect hosting and now let’s continue our adventure okay new day I don’t feel much different yet but you know what we are in a good position I’d say that we’re

Doing pretty Prett good on food now we probably want to collect some wood by this point so let us do that let’s make ourselves some tools okay full set of stone tools and it looks like everything you craft gains a specific type of trait so our shovel has increased dur ability and reach

Which is nice and our sword has decreased quit chance but more durability pretty cool Hello guard how are you doing sir so we’ve got some basic loot and it’s probably a good time to Adventure for a little bit definitely not going to fight this boss yet but we will

Later what do we got over there we got some kind of a floating structure almost uh like a lighthouse looking thing do we want to go up there already I mean I guess we could I’m a little bit Concerned okay I’ve got a good amount of building blocks let us build up to the island here there’s a lot of ore here which isn’t bad at all let’s see if there’s anything else though welcome to your Island um okay what others are there interesting hello there’s a lighthouse and a lot of

Stairs a lot of stairs feel good yeah what um okay let’s see Heavenly tea okay Bunch Heavenly pedals gives a slow falling effect oh we need that wa epic Diamond great great hammer spell infinity spells are free to cast look at this thing though two-handed plus 10% crit chance 20% durability increase and

Plus one luck wa holy moly look at the weapon we found are you kidding me I was not expecting that also a diamond sword cookies Nether wart uh we’ll grab that and I’m already filling up up on inventory space really quickly here so it would be wise to find a place to set

Up so we will eat one of these petals and oh it only gives you slowfall for like 3 seconds should I risk it and use it midair I think so uh-oh um I’m going to have to keep chowing these down uh okay we’re good we’re good right

Uh-oh oh oh uhoh uhoh what is going on down here dude no what is happening in this mod pack back okay I I’m not prepared clearly okay let’s sleep away the night now I think we should search for a perfect place to set up our base

Because I have twoo full of an inventory also look at that what is that dude that looks sick I wonder if this thing is like ridable or something or table at least uh zarp tuck oh observe a zark talk look at that we’re getting an achievement for it boom Quest completed

And it looks like we might be able to tame it yeah we are going to need a saddle though oh it’s a zombie oh okay you know zombie I have this like op great hammer thing and you’re dead if we could uh tame this fella that’d be great

Oh I tamed it okay well that’s great but I don’t know if it’s going to follow me or what I think we might just have to come back to this later if uh we get a saddle that is anyways let us search for

A place to set up our base and I kind of like walking around in this five sometimes just because our character looks really cool hanging tree oh okay that’s creepy but let’s mark the coordinates I remember we saw this guy in the scariest mod pack video but we

Never ended up coming back to him and then night just because it was too difficult oh and look at oh boy oh boy um this is uh the M cell’s Dimension I think oh boy I’m glad I have extra Health as a Yeti here because I don’t

Know what would happen if I didn’t anyways a bunch of cool stuff here so we will probably come back to defeat that boss even though I did that kind of recently in another video ah yes Clover Plains wait are these chicken oh they’re ducks look at these guys oh these guys

Are cute man these guys are cute I totally shouldn’t take them out for their feathers I don’t know why I’m feeling evil in this pack I think it’s because I’m really embodying the yeti lifestyle you guys can’t even get mad at ooh what is this up ahead that’s kind of a nice

Looking building don’t you think might be a nice place to start out at least oh wait no there’s uh okay there’s pillagers and stuff hello well we definitely can’t set up here because they’re just going to keep spawning but I mean I can try to do something I don’t

Love that I cannot use my shield while I’m holding the hammer okay we’re not doing this I got a platinum Chunk from that I don’t know what that’s for man what is that though oh my God God how many creatures are in this pack I was not expecting this hello

Are you guys friendly yes they are hello Drake Mythic mobs huh oh and another oh boy okay can we stop attacking me please wait hold on what if I make the Pillager attack this Drake okay that didn’t work ow block good and crit hit block okay got

Him there’s no more right yes these dras can I ride or something no it probably eats some kind of meat right um Apple meat bread I don’t know what do you like to eat it’s okay we shall move on there are a bunch of ruins here which is

Rather interesting here’s a chest uh paper ink sacks okay basic stuff oh and a bow with a bunch of arrows that’s actually a pretty good find folks and although I’m not planning on being a massive Archer uh having a bow in these packs is usually pretty pretty important

And another chest here okay more arrows the traits we have on this bow are really bad so if we take this one as well and then we combine them we should get some new traits on this bow yeah those are better nice onwards we go uh

What is that that might be a very nice place to set up actually I see a nice basic home hello there are the people living here friendly W Safe Haven welcome to Dungeons and taverns villager wa this Villager has a a lot of trades for emeralds and this is a nitwit look at

That it’s a nitwit expert that’s new isn’t it anyways let’s see what’s inside here can we make ourselves Co there’s a chest and it’s a lot of hay as well thank you little bed areas and we will make use of one ah yes nothing better to

Wake up in the morning too than a zombie burning yeah I’m honestly really liking this as a place to set up as our first base I know it’s not too Grand or anything but for now it’ll serve its purpose very well I’ll probably clear some of this out just so that we have

Space and then we can set up some chests here so we can place some chests like this very nice ooo feels good finally we’re going to have a clear inventory boom stack of bread beautiful and we have a lot of apples in the case

That we get a bunch of gold we can make a lot of golden apples might be nice to go mining for a little bit because I I think we are running on such basic gear that adventuring through anything is going to be a hassle and also we should

Be keeping up with these skills because we have two more points left so let’s see here we have a choice between more health and resistance or more damage I think typically actually getting more health is the best thing you can do because otherwise you just end up taking

Way too much damage from the bosses and mobs so there we go we got some resistance and an additional heart I figure we should try to find find a Cave opening got a little house here as I’m adventuring we got more apples and just general food also a little painting

Which you know what I will take for ourselves here we go this looks to be a pretty big Cave opening over here which is perfect it’s also a pretty biome now there are some ores that I have no idea what they are so I’ll need to adapt to

That a bit but I think I’m mainly going to be looking for normal ores like here we have salt uh sigil whoa so you can do some stuff with this mod called bewitchment we also got tin ore over here look at this from Mythic Metals I

Don’t know what that mod is let’s see tin looks like you can make some Gear with it yes we got coal so that’s going to let us make some torches beautiful and hold on it does seem like you can do alloy forging as well by the

Way so you can combine copper and Tin into bronze for example how good is bronze uh let’s see can you make armor with it you can bronze chest plate is six armor an iron one has six armor as well okay so nothing too crazy bangam ore there are a lot of things that

Requires iron to mine okay interesting maybe we’ll get into some alloy crafting because I want to make sure we’re gearing up as well as we can okay folks I just looked into this this Mythic Metals mod has a bunch of stuff going on with it which we are

Definitely going to make use of you can make a specific type of like alloy furnace as well that lets you get more Ores from smelting so that’s another thing we’re probably going to do early on anyways enough talking about the mod let us continue Mining and Adventuring boy I hope uh the mobs down here aren’t too crazy but we’re going to find out magn or this lets us make steel which is just a little bit worse than Diamond but can be a pretty good metal to start out with look at that there’s

Like an iron pile here whoa it just keeps giving you more iron and it looks like we ran into like one of these catacomb dungeons oh boy this might be a bit difficult to progress through right now hello level six skeleton okay I’ve gotten some iron so it’s probably wise to start smelting

This up oh yeah look at that there’s some uh weird segment of the cave here we’ll head down into in a moment meanwhile I’ll get my iron and we can make leggings and boots there we go very nice hello strange cave what is going on down

Here biosom caves wa I almost feel like I’m going to die of some toxicity here got lapis lazuli as I like to call it and another random ore morite ore but I can’t can’t mine this without iron so I will smelt up enough iron for an iron

Pickaxe okay there we go iron pickaxe Acquired and we can mine this more kite oh you can make TNT with this okay uh Dura steel engine bangam TNT and we found our first piece of gold cool I’m sure with the adventuring we can do in the nether we’ll probably find

Exponentially more gold than we’ll ever find mining here but we’ll still pick it up quadrilla or um okay oh goodness there’s so many things we’re going to need to look into here look at this nuke core um I mean I don’t know if we’re in

The mood to make a nuke but we have that option Latin more look at that I mean I don’t care about the mobs anymore I’m just fascinated by all these different ores we can find this uh block verid discent nyum makes a lot of squishy sounds listen to

This oh not a good sound to have in your ears and it looks like we’re at Deep site level now I actually need to collect some of this stuff for the forge that we want to make oh hello oh I’m seeing mobs now okay here it is folks the real danger is

Starting now that mobs are here I need to make sure we have full iron let me smelt some more of this up immediately I can already make an iron helmet and uh makes me a little bit more confident to come up here hello oh my God maybe I shouldn’t be confident

Oh my God oh my God the shots are going through my shield oh boy and a ghost is coming after me got him got the skeleton okay now I need to take out the ghost I’m assuming okay well I got it so that’s good there’s this little Camp

Here sometimes these are fake chests so we should watch out nope it’s real good oh look at that we got gold ingots blocks of copper which I’m not too big of a fan of but in this pack maybe we’ll find use for it and then we got a chest

Uh with diamonds ooh look at that okay I like that a lot what is this verg glass oh okay so this is ore from another mod that is also an important ore cuz you can use this look at that to make some cool weapons oh Goblin Trader hello oh

How I’ve missed you my friend I often uh run into this fella what a good guy look at this you want Iron boom just doubled our iron what else can you do for us uh gold yep you just can’t not love this guy you know you got to love them uh now

This Enderman is nice because I would like to head into the end eventually so if we can just quickly cheese it and take him out easy peasy that’d be great there we go ender pearl okay uh I mean we’ve got a good amount of ores and everything we really needed when we came

Down here so I think ooh this is a good little fun I think it’s a good time to head on out of here so I shall mine Out okay we’ve made it up to the surface very nice and I forgot to mark our home didn’t I whoops okay well we’ll find it but I guess we’ll do that in a moment because what is going on here this is a village it seems wow okay very cool

Looking Village ooh there’s a bounty board here look at that but I don’t think we necessarily need anything what is that is that an Enderman wait look this is an Enderman mushroom Fields Enderman oh well he wouldn’t do anything weird if I attack him right cuz I mean I

Am trying to stockpile ender pearls here oh no don’t be weird man where’d he go now he’s going to have a Revenge Arc against me if I don’t take him out so I I’m just going to finish it uh that is if I can find it okay um well that’s

Fine wa look at this here is a structure it’s not a home though it seems like uh it’s a horse stable huh oh there’s a saddle right there I think we’re going to keep the saddle for a little bit here because I’m curious if we can use it on that animal we saw

Earlier we can hang up our painting what’s a good spot right there okay you know weird weird picture but we’re going to go with it well while we have a second here we can look into the quest rewards we’ve been getting and I think we’ve unlocked

A bunch so yeah we got some XP levels apples golden apples which reminds me we need to get to that Zar tuck that we found earlier and try to use a saddle on it where would it be I believe it was somewhere in this direction oh here we go it’s flying are

You kidding me there’s no way you’re telling me that we can get a flying Mount already only issue is it’s up there and I’m down here uh how am I actually going to get the saddle on it oh boy I might need to build up to it yes

Yes oh look at that wow this is uh this is crazy so early on and we already have a flying Mount like this are you kidding me wow uh now I did allow it to get to nighttime by accident so let’s return home before anything crazy spawns the

Next best step for us really would be heading out and enchanting our gear so I reckon we head to a village and do so over there here’s an enchanting table now I do kind of need a grindstone to get this spell infinity off of our Hammer okay

There we go grindstone and with that we can take off the enchantment to now reenchant this with something hopefully better no you’re telling me I can’t enchant this Hammer what what oh oh hold on this is a binding table or something this is an enchanting table um we’re

Going to forget about that for now but what we’re not going to forget about are these bookshelves I am going to take them and we’re going to make an enchanting table for ourselves uh that does also mean we want to find Diamonds though and I guess

We have a few ways of doing so one of them just being adventuring which I think is the most fun right now so let’s get to our Mount which uh we need a name for by the way cuz zarp tuck is a difficult name to say I’ll think one up

And uh we’ll we’ll name it soon here’s some flying Islands look at this this is something I would never do if I didn’t have this fella looks like it’s uh like a floating village though hello ooh got slime balls blaze rods even and steak ancient Rose wo smells like ancient and

What else do we have here what an elytra am I being trolled right now or did I really just find a whole elytra here that’s uh that’s pretty over powered um it would seem that there’s like a cape slot but it doesn’t seem like I can

Actually use it um oh where did it no no come back please no please don’t do that no come oh boy I was afraid this would happen I’m sure there’s some kind of a way you can control these mounts but I don’t know what that way is I’m almost

Tempted to try to jump in midair catch it but it’s just not worth the risk at this point okay wait I I have another plan I guess I can build over to the water which isn’t too far away can’t believe I got ditched by my Mount like

That I was supposed to save the Deep slate but that didn’t go well and let’s Go woo okay we’re good what is that is that a flamingo hello Flamingo oh there we go I give you pets buddy yeah oh that’s a Vindicator since when are these guys here dude okay this guy we can take out easily goodbye oh and we

Got a zombie chasing us okay I need to sleep off the night please don’t hit me oh my God that skeleton does a lot of damage oh holy moly there it is there it is it’s finally lying down okay let’s go yep out we go well there were no diamonds there

That’s for sure only pain and there’s something over here another one of these floating buildings which don’t seem to have any diamonds for us I’m a little bit hesitant to just run out in case our bird runs out on us again here’s another saddle name tag eyes ofender even epic

Iron shovel and a Heavenly tea so what happens if I drink a Heavenly tea oh it gives you a bunch of really nice perks look at that it gives you instant health and regeneration and resistance for a bit I think another cool looking Village here oh look at this not bad at all

Still not what we need though we do have a floating village over here again I don’t think we’re going to find diamonds here though oh wao hold on flaming quiver um I did not realize that there were artifacts in this pack we’ll keep that in our

Inventory oh oh did oh that guy just fell in the lava all right goodbye sir no please don’t do the same thing tool Smith please buddy onwards we go look at that there’s something over there on the map that looks pretty sick whoa here we go got a

Little Temple okay I’ve been seeing more of these recently I don’t mind adventuring into this I have not seen one with like a face in the front before though now I do think we might actually be able to find some diamonds in here so let’s check it out oh and um okay is

There even a way out like are we just going to die oh no oh okay is there another room we can go into there’s no other room room are you telling me there’s a way to get through here not die oh okay oh boy oh it’s like playing Russian

Roulette only problem is I I I don’t know how I get out of here I do know that this is giving us a bunch of arrows though I want to collect all these to be honest I think it ran out of arrows just

Because of how bad I was at it oh no it still has more we’re going to take those folks block of emerald okay a little bit suspicious looking but nevertheless okay we can head down further ow um just ominous water I don’t love that we’ll just swim across then I mean

I hope I don’t get bitten by piranhas or something oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh bad bad bad bad bad bad bad vindicators oh no okay that almost killed me right there we need golden apples on our bar oh my goodness okay oh oh okay I did not

Think that would break everything I also broke my axe just now oh boy hello hello V oh there’s a Pillager too okay we’ll take you you out easily where did The Vindicator go ow ow ow ow there we go this is what I wanted now where is this Vindicator

There’s The Vindicator should be able to get it from here ow oh my God just got me to half a heart okay there we go dead uh-oh okay yes I wanted to break through to cheat um I did not want the silverfish to spawn oh boy oh boy okay okay that’s a

Bit of an issue oh no oh no oh no I am getting a bunch of skill points from this I’ll tell you that much might be a good way to farm skill points okay well totally legitimately got through to you know this entrance here and a bunch

Of emeralds okay cool but where are my diamonds maybe here wa epic Arcane orb orb Weaver’s Grace move normally while casting sharpness so this gives you a bunch of Arcane spell power and stuff oh man it seems like we might need to get into some spell casting oh and there we

Go we got three diamonds I mean that’s good that’s exactly what we were looking for tell you what I really need a backpack okay let’s head on out of here now do we still have our zarp tuck zarp tuck where are you hiding buddy we’re going to have to call it Heidi because

That’s what it loves to do apparently oh there it is there’s our Zar tuck oh goodness I know for a fact that this is going to end up being a huge problem but you know what I’m just going to enjoy this Mount while we have it I do

Actually think I have two diamonds back at home so let’s head back and put our diamonds to use so that we can make an enchanting Table oh I’m finally back home but a bunch of moms are spawning again which I really I really don’t like that we’re going to have to take these fellas out taking enemies out like this actually really benefits us cuz it gives us skill points so I don’t mind this at

All look at this Carnage while at or above 75 stacks of Rage or exhaustion gain Health boost and immobilizing Aura well I mean let’s unlock it just because it’s a whole ability for us we can also unlock the sword fall ability so I’m going to start working towards that

Which we can actually get with our next points let’s get to these diamonds so diamond pickaxe and now we need to head out and mine some obsidian which I’m realizing is going to be a little bit dangerous but let’s go do it oh here’s a ruined nether portal though which uh

Well now that I see this that’ll solve all of our issues won’t it there’s a formidable amount of obsidian there and a chest as well hum gold maze that’s a cool item but we don’t need it coin pouch golden carrots cool I’m going to quickly mine this get ourselves some obsidian bam enchanting Table boom 18 bookshelves just like that where can we set this up I guess what we could do is break this little chunk out not before sleeping though okay and now we can place our enchanting table here and we’ll just fill in the rest of these bookshelves

I’m doing it in a really weird way for some reason there we go that should be level 30 it is and fortune 3 that did not look bad to me at all what would we get on our great hammer Smite four not so great and Phantoms Mark 3 it just

Applies glowing to enemies I don’t really want that but fortune 3 does seems like something we would definitely benefit from so we will go with that one boom oh perfect pickaxe Unbreaking meh Unbreaking meth now there is actually a roll option here but we should also consider the possibility of just putting

An enchantment on our armor cuz that’ll help us survive so let me roll here yeah protection four bam perfect yes and we also got a quest reward here which boom that gives us three more levels so level 30 sharpness three huh um okay let’s do it sharpness 3

Prospector 3 why not prospector gives us a chance of getting emeralds when we defeat enemies and one thing that I wanted to do was look into the Paladin spells because these are going to give us healing and damage so if we grab some books

And Lapis let’s see what we can do so if we go to one of these spell binding tables we should be able to do something so boom lapis and book and yeah there we go Paladin lium so if we do that look at that we got Divine protection and Flash

Heal protects you from the next three incoming attacks for 8 seconds and Flash heal heals you or friendly Target by 1 to one and a half Health points holy book yes holy shock heal you or a friendly Target and smite an enemy or Holy Light channels a be of light

Healing friends and dealing spell damage okay we will be able to cast while having the great hammer in hand but we need to get he healing runes first which require Cobblestone and gold nuggets that’s actually pretty inexpensive so let us drop this fell back at home and

Then we will find a caving system mainly we would just need Cobblestone really but it would also be nice to find the ores that’ll let us upgrade to Steel for example or something even better than diamond and so the mining Begins and I’m starting to see a pretty interesting biome on our mini map here it’s like rainbow so let’s see what it is prismas oh yeah okay I know this biome look at this man this is sick I’ve found this one before but I haven’t really

Walked through it a lot look at how cool it looks man I would debate just setting my base up here Honestly hello sir there’s a spawner up ahead oh it’s spawning already right break that okay not going to lie with our Hammer here we are very very vulnerable to skeletons and I don’t like it at all look at that though the old eye I guess we need to collect the 12

Unique eyes to get to the end in this pack wo wo wo hold on look at what I just found okay um uncommon Soul P it does two more damage so it does 13 and then on right click instigate a tethering of souls Trading Places with and freezing your target while gaining

Meaning haste and resistance upon reaching your destination ignite nearby enemies and pull them closer to you after 6 seconds your soul tether is severed causing you to trade places with your target a second time um I’m not going to lie that is a pretty confusing

Item we will test this out here we go hello boom I used it um wow pretty powerful I can’t give my final verdict yet but it almost seemed like they couldn’t attack me while I was doing that okay time to test this on a creeper might be a terrible

Idea but I don’t know kind of worked it’s setting everything on fire around us wow dude you say diamond door oh how nice is that well I just mined some of this carot and it looks like it gives you bonus looting on items and then I also

Got this carmot stone that lists itself as a mithil drill upgrade oh there’s a structure here hello diamonds thank you a lot of diamonds I’ve been getting a good amount of gold here which is nice and Cobblestone is easy to collect as well I see something over there I think

It’s literally a stronghold guys hold on I don’t know if that’s really lucky or if they spawn more commonly but let’s head over there I’m going to mine over there and get diamonds along the way thank you very much A lot of them too wow wow a lot of diamonds that was two

Veins together okay great we’re up to 26 that’s a very solid amount aha here we go yep stronghold ice spy look at this we got a necklace that gives you frost and soul spell power nothing that we are really prioritizing right now but I will take it and equip

It Anyways glacial Gladius interesting steals heat from your enemies when attacking become intangible attacking the nearest enemy five times over a second dealing 12.8 to 19.1 physical damage and and frost damage I think we just found a pretty powerful weapon folks and it would seem that these

Stronghold chests hold a lot of this crazy stuff yeah look Eternal knife pillar of The Monkey King this has three different abilities I need a backpack okay we just need leather that’s it look at how many spells I have here W I can just permanently permanently Whirlwind I

Want to test this out on enemies okay here we go okay okay you’re dead that was pretty quick there we go so far I think the soul p is just the best hands down oh this one’s a rare version of the pillar of The Monkey King with sharpness four

On it I’ll take it and a plus two Health necklace which you know what is better than our current one oh and here is a random toy shark oh you can place it that’s cute is it necessary not at all am I going to take it yes definitely

Smite oil adds Smite to a tool and turns it into a spell container if if it isn’t already let’s see what the Smite does so it deals a bunch of damage and healing damage to each enemy as well okay let’s see how Smite works here oh okay that

Works pretty well folks um you could say that I’m very happy with that you know to say the least die oh this is great oh you’re trying to attack me bam you’re gone here’s the portal easy peasy oh okay and here we have another overpowered look at this

4,000 durability this had 1,800 this one had 2,780 and this one has 4,000 okay we’re going to try it out hello okay well you’re dying and you’re dead that was pretty simple actually the blizzard thing and our attack speed with this weapon is actually way faster than

The other two isn’t it it is my range with this is so long sorry bat we also got three more skills skill points look at that sword fall I’m going to get more resistance there we go okay I think it’s time to get out of here because at this rate I’m

Just going to be stuck here forever with how cool this is disturbing the dead too what kind of an achievement is that enter a large graveyard um okay great to know that I’m in a graveyard there are chests here though nothing too special in these Golden Apple that’s good though nether

Great scrap um okay maybe I lied about there being nothing too special here runic tablet can be used to craft and reroll runic weapons can also be used to repair unique weapons oh all right well that had a lot of loot hello not as scared of the Pillager

Anymore kind of feeling confident to enter their building actually smithing upgrade oh increases knockback dealt by the wear of pocket piston okay we equip that and shock po that stuns nearby enemies I believe hi guys oh you want to fight me take this blizzard oh okay that’s not very effective I’m not going

To lie to you uh-oh uh-oh okay switch weapons okay that was pretty effective and I’m running because I’m taking way too much damage okay it spawned me back I forgot that did that oh boy oh boy okay there we go take that that fire ability pretty powerful not going to lie

To you okay now we’re running ow oh boy I’m kind of cutting it too close here we need upgrades to our gear okay we’re finally back with our enormous inventory I definitely think we need to get a backpack quite literally as soon as possible cuz I am kind of sick of

Dealing with not having enough inventory space come here Zar tuck and you need to find some cows buddy oh that is overpowered there we go eight leather nice boom and boom Fray backpack we’re going to turn that into the iron variant right away and then we should even be able to do the

Gold yes and then is there another variant Diamond okay the diamonds I’m a little bit more greedy over but okay I’ll do it bam be jeweled backpack there we go backpack oh look at that we can just press this button and it lets us access it beautiful now I do also have a

Good amount of diamonds and a lot of gear that I need to upgrade so I will go ahead and make all of these pieces Let’s uh collect some more of our Quest rewards here ice Whisperer wa seven levels for that seven levels for that one oh my goodness okay we’re getting a

Very good amount of levels from these we can easily start enchanting what is that death barter when you die you can pay your way out of death with emeralds are you kidding me I mean if I start carrying around emeralds with me can I just survive cuz that’d be great okay so

We’re all geared up in diamond and we are obviously working towards getting as many levels as possible so that we can enchant it perfectly but until then it might be a good time to try and head into the nether my only huge hesitation is the fact that I am vulnerable to any

Type of fire damage yeah I mean that should be a big hesitation shouldn’t it a Yeti really is not welcome in the nether unfortunately we have this portal here I might be able to scrap together the blocks just well enough to make it work work there’s also a witch here

Though so let’s uh yeah let me try to fix this up here there we go that should be a workable portal now I just need Flint there we go Flint okay with that we can light oh ow light up the portal perfect but I did remember before we do

That I’d like to make that special furnace that can smelt different ores to make that we need deep slate bricks and a blast furnace there we go deep slates stone cutter we can turn a couple deep slate into deep slate bricks bam we actually want to get

Smooth Stone and there we go blast furnace plus deep slate brick forge controller bam and we’re going to need to combine that with a certain type of block structure here in order to actually make this thing work so one two three like this one two one two one two

And one two is that working it is we did it okay cool alloy Forge and I believe we would just want to throw in some coal in there bam perfect oh wow it really eats up that coal and now we can start smelting iron up and let’s see how much

This gives us three iron incets yeah that’s pretty crazy we are tripling our ores oh boy I’m running low on chest space which indicates two things first of all that you know we should probably move out of this place and find a big bigger one but second of all that you

Know while I’m not able to do that we should make space for chests and I’m thinking we can make a little open floor concept here there we go looking much better now we can fill this up with Chests now next on our list was heading into The Nether okay let’s do this there we go first thing I’m going to do upon entering this place is I’m going to Mark our portal and I’m going to make get purple to make it aesthetic thank you very much it’s time to start exploring

And I mean I’ve got to say this does not disappoint at all look at how beautiful it is and there’s a structure here oh my God those are pillagers oh I need golden boots don’t I I always forget this let me grab some there we go golden boots

Okay back in we go okay hello piglin oh you guys look sick they look like uh blood Orcs you know anyways I am not going to mess with these guys eyes now I am noticing I am much slower in the nether because I mean I think that carries through with the yeti perks

Where we are worse off in the desert and I guess that applies to the nether too but it is what it is now here’s random diamonds that I guess I will take wow um more diamonds here I don’t know if I just got really lucky or if this is very

Common but either way I’m completely okay with it hello spawner coin pouch legendary arcane Spell blade look at that it still is nothing amazing if we would have gotten one of our unique weapons to be legendary that would have been awesome O The Witcher 3 steal for

Hunt music from The Witcher 3 I’ve actually been wanting to make a video on The Witcher 3 let me know if you guys have any thoughts on that please do yeah I think this is a great place to try to upgrade our gear a bit and I’m guessing

That uh we have a larger chance of finding legendary items in the nether than in the Overworld so that’s another good little thing here’s a blaze hello get oh come here oh I love our smite do we have any more skill points we do we have

One more okay so I do want to start you know getting more healing power that’d be kind of nice let’s start progressing towards it here oh there’s another Fortress here I did not realize the king’s residence enter the blaze King’s Tower wait oh no that’s a piglin brute

Oh no oh no get away from me get away oh my God I apparently I had a totem on dying oh it’s because of death barter it used about 45 emeralds and it saved me oh my God I almost died that was very overwhelming I’m not going to lie to you

Folks now look at this we have an uncommon Royal Longbow here which you know what I’d be happy to take I feel like that’s going to be better than our bow and it also looks really cool but we really cannot have a performance like that if we want to survive okay here we

Go okay okay okay boom if a piglin brute comes out we just have to attack with our generic attack cuz when I try to Smite them it takes too long and I die anyways this is like the Blaze King apparently so maybe there’s a boss here

Look at that netherite ruby ring plus 8% attack damage that’s actually really nice and I did get some Magma Cream meaning we can probably Brew up fire resistance potion soon which would be an amazing idea for us as a Yeti I did get a netherite upgrade template which is

Beautiful we definitely wanted that and ooh look at this netherrite Citron ring plus 8% healing power so a lot of really really great items that can be found here there’s also a you know mysterious ladder going down which might lead us towards the Boss look at that maximilan Helm

Interesting it’s actually better stats than our Diamond Helmet enter the blaze King’s Tower inside a nether fortress H ooh there’s an upstairs part oh boy okay and I saw a blaze let me try this new bow out wow two shots and it takes out a blaze that’s good loot chest here we got

A bunch of harpoons I’ve been finding which uh is pretty interesting oh there’s a wither skeleton uh-oh uh-oh go away go away block of gold I guess we’ll pick that up uh-oh that’s the boss okay look I’m willing to try and fight this boss but we’re going

To need to do a couple things beforehand we’re going to need fire resistance potions that’s for sure and I also want full protection for diamond armor okay I I think that is a fair compromise folks so it’s time to do the usual routine of getting levels and enchanting and so the enchanting begins

Protection for oh yes here we go quartz thank you very much oh and I shouldn’t forget about our Quest rewards let me just check what we’ve got that’s five levels yes so we can use that for now I will keep mining though More diamonds wow oh and I found another chest here from a spawner which has a runic tablet again so that’s good topaz ring more music discs might be nice to get some enchanted books as well just because with my chest plate here it’s epic and I

Don’t want to lose that and I also don’t want to lose death barter so we can easily put protection three on for example I’ll collect my additional levels here looks like I might be running out of lapis I’m out of lapis completely actually that means that we need to quickly go underground hello Everybody oh I’m so overpowered it’s crazy here I found a little lapis pile so that’ll give us just a few pieces look at this divine protection can’t hit me one shot one shot one shot and one shot oh an armored up zombie one Shot he about 2 and a half stacks of lapis I think we are done for now okay so we’re back with lapis lauli let us enchant uh Thorns too that’s not going to do it uh let’s see if we can enchant something else cuz I have a limited

Amount of levels here yeah it would probably be nice nice to enchant a new chest plate and see if we can get protection on it protection three and then we’re going to combine that with this book which gives us protection for I can’t believe we got Thorns 2 though

That kind of ruins it okay there we go protection Unbreaking and respiration that’s better than nothing honestly we’re doing about as good as we are ever going to do so let me get an anvil and I can get the iron from our alloy Forge which is going to work and we should be

Able to just combine these not perfect not perfect at all but good enough for now okay I mean we kind of have our full set of protection armor here wait can I put protection four on our chest plate I wonder yes I can now I just need to make

Some fire resistance potions I just need the glass bottles thank you and then I also wanted to get our name tag and initially I wanted the name to be just Heidi for our pet but now I’m thinking like Heidi so it’s like an actual name but it still has the meaning

Of Heidi where are you Heidi there you go Heidi you’re a good girl good girl Heidi yes with that done folks it might be time to approach this Blaze boss I am able to make just a few additional golden apples boom and I don’t think there’s much left for us to do other

Than to head in it does seem like I have significantly less Health in the nether so we really need to watch out for that okay here we are we are back I’m just going to drink the fire resistance right away I don’t want to forget and it’s

Going to last us for 8 minutes I think if we just you know attack it Blaze King oh boy okay we’re going boom Divine protection so it can’t hit me for a few hits boom I think the fact that we have fire resistance is really helping us I cannot see

Much I’m going to use our divine protection look at that oh that looks sick I never saw that before we’re going to take it out man uh-oh uh-oh something’s going on Golden Apple and yeah there we go oh look at that Blaze King’s helmet amplifies the power and determination of

The bear when at low Health okay cool we got a nice little Mythic item well with that done I would be happy to scout around the nether a little bit more wa look at this Crimson Forest yeah I’d say it’s scary looking oh no these guys are in this pack hello I Divine

Shielded you cannot hit me but I can hit you my friend here we go I think this is just another nether fortress however this part is like a wither skeleton Fortress and it usually has some pretty decent loot so I’d like to check it out real quick goodbye I really love my spells

They are very very helpful being a crusader is an amazing class cuz it gives you invulnerability what else do you want what is this Bramble Thorn unique effect chance on hit to release a blanket of toxic spores slowing and poisoning anything nearby okay we’ll take it because it’s a unique

Weapon okay not finding anything too special here I think it is time to head home okay now there are two things I want to do next one of them is to find a new place to set up our base because I really think we’re outgrowing this

Little house here and then number two is finding a new set of gear for ourselves and there are a lot of sets of armor for now we can go with the maxilon set because it is pretty good and it has more armor than diamond we will have to

Move on from this afterwards though because we need to find something better for example this hallowed armor is one of the more powerful I’ve seen it has four armor toughness and nine armor so it’s even better than netherite so uh yeah let’s try try to find a cool place

To set up our base if I can find Heidi who is currently hiding aren’t you Heidi oh there you are camouflaging into the grass okay I’m kind of excited we haven’t adventured through the Overworld in a little bit uh maybe we can go east how about that here’s another sky village which

You know what that could kind of be cool to set up in but I’m worried about this fella here flying away I did look into it and we can actually make wayist stones so we should probably do that at some point uh but either way I just I

Don’t think it’s worth setting up here ooh and I’ve reached the snowy biome here which has also given me speed it seems look at that we got little mushroom guys here hold on hi guys what are you doing spoing hi why are you bothering can’t

You see I’m having a Spore day why do I feel like a fun guy in a no fun zone okay really buddy clearly we got an attitude problem here but we’re going to leave you alone let’s seems like there’s like a little structure here and I’m

More so checking it out out of curiosity more than anything uh epic iron axe oh okay I mean that’s actually better than mine so I’ll take it and oh epic Oak iron shield um okay that gives us armor and Max Health which our current Shield did not do wow okay great

Find what is that is there anything special going on here I wonder oh and that looks to be like a wizard tower uhhuh nice little home here very cozy kind of reminds me of The Hobbit wait wait wait is that gold wait look at that I almost didn’t realize there’s just

Like eight blocks of gold here that’s crazy that’s a whole stack basically bam oh more than a stack of gold crazy let’s see what’s going on with this Tower here there’s also another illager building over there I actually hear Monsters uh oh wow okay I’m going to Divine shield

And just get in here in fact I’m going to use our ice Whisperer cuz I feel like that’s much better fitting oh boy we need to break the spawner wow a lot of spawners boom that was a rather intensive introduction to this building there’s an anvil here

Let’s take it what is up here this might be a contender for the base that we move into folks it’s not perfect or anything but it’s definitely one of the cooler buildings we’ve seen nice view here nice little luxurious bed oh look there’s a hidden chest here ooh that’s where the

Actual loot was isn’t it we got a cold eye Golden Apple fur padded chain mail upgrade okay I’ll mark this down as potential because this could be a nice place to stay for us oh Message in a Bottle SE message the angler fish Lures its prey with a bioluminescent appendage

Dangling in the dark depths Venture into the unknown and learn about the fascinating adaptations of deep sea creatures oh so there’s like a deep sea portion to this mod which I guess is pretty cool hello guys we’re not going to be very friendly are we oh here is the Enchanted guy oh yeah

He has 300 health okay I’m just going to eat a golden apple in case let’s use our divine shield and now we just Spam damage oh and we put him in the water to be honest I kind of want to loot him so I might have to jump down after him hold

On let me sleep off the night before a bunch of crazy things spawn and oh another message from the bottle which I’ll pick up and we’re jumping down cuz we’re going to take you out isn’t that right fella yes that is here rare diamond axe efficiency 4 wow um

Okay works for me look at how many fish are here though hi guys are you all friendly I hope you are hello a jolly day underwater I must say oh that’s a shark okay don’t you’re trying to attack me you’re dead buddy now to get back up um

Yeah okay I’ll make this oh my God oh my God okay I’m enter pearling away what just did that to me dude it was another one of the enchanted mobs that’s crazy I was about to say I’m going to make a vow to return here when we upgrade our gear

Now I don’t know if I want to keep it but I mean I guess I will goodness okay I’m going to search for a little bit longer just because I’d like to explore more options that I found a little Ocean Village here huge ocean Monument here

But I’m not going to look into that wa and look at this this is a different structure here I might have to mark this down then what is that though there’s animals that are scaring me yeah like look in comparison to this Temple that we found this one is even bigger and has

This whole attachment so huge ocean structure here’s a little jungle temple that I’ll pop into in case we can find one of the eyes I’m actually not sure if we found the jungle eye already we might have but just in case oh boy uh-oh okay okay this is not good go away oh

Boy not good I’m blinded oh runic tablet in this dispenser that’s pretty random oh hello oh not the cave spiders wow mobs are definitely getting stronger you know what I think it is the further out you go on the map the stronger the mobs get I’m 100% certain that that’s the

Case and it’s time for me to leave before I get taken out okay hold on I took my little break now with a plan we can enter and hopefully take this jungle temple down golden apples are really going to help and then we are going to want to swing but preferably with our

Elite weapon here wow this is a really good weapon um I am demolishing these spiders actually and there’s some diamonds more diamonds now I have gotten some skill points seven to be exact so we should definitely look into that let’s see bonus healing power we’re going to just

Rock with that we are two points away from path of the Crusader okay um all the adventuring has been cool but I think we have come to a verdict which is that I will set up in that kind of Mage looking Tower we found over here okay

Here we have our new base location it would be wise to set up a waist Stone here before leaving for our old base I just need to make an abyss Watcher which requires ender pearl to Flint let’s see here Abyss Watcher and then obsidian okay where can we quickly find obsidian

Lava here we go thank you boom I made two way stones right away so we can easily have one for our old base as well I can name this home now let’s quickly carry our things Over oh here here we are we’re home okay we can place this right over here and we will also need to clear out this area won’t we yes Indeed and I have just realized that teleporting costs levels so we’re going to want to do this Efficiently Now I will actually have to break this waist Stone and fly back to our base because I don’t want to leave Heidi Behind ooh our gear has also been taking damage which I didn’t see yeah I think it’s a good time to start trying to make this new gear and to do that we would need an alloy Forge why not place it on this floor we can just remove all of this extra

Stuff we can set it up in this corner there we go so we want to make the maxim milon armor for which we need steel and to make steel we can just use iron here we go iron and then we need to fill that up with coal as well bam okay

That should get to work making steel and yeah all we need is just a whole bunch of this steel stuff that’s literally it while I’m waiting on that I will look at my quest rewards real quick just cuz these tend to give us a lot of levels we

Should also set up the enchanting table I’m just going to clear everything out Here perfect working level 30 enchanting table and the Steel’s been smelting up really nicely so we can already begin making this gear okay we’re going to need a lot of these steel plates so I’m just going to make a bunch of them right off the bat and then we can make this a

Bar boot boom that’s already the helmet nice do the same with the chest plate and we’re just going to run through all of these ooh 50% negative durability that’s really bad we are probably going to need to make a new one okay maybe I’m going to need more iron than I expected

While that’s continues smelting I’m going to quickly head down and grab coal and iron because I’m actually running low with how much we ended up using here Oh hello giant geka oh I tamed it I don’t know what its uses to be honest but I mean you know we have it here it’s it’s it’s around okay back from the mining trip it was pretty successful there’s another stack of Steel and I’m also going to set

Some iron to smelt okay let’s see what we can do here not a lot better there we go that’s pretty good there we go leggings not bad at all boots wa we got them with legendary which actually makes them a lot better than I thought they’

Be 2.8 armor toughness plus 4 Health 30% bonus durability pretty good and folks if we put this full set on we should look pretty cool oh yeah look at that I’m ready oh my goodness now I do need to enchant this gear that’s what would actually completed and this time I

Am not going to settle for anything less than protection 4 boom okay that’s all right you know what I am realizing the helmet having negative 25% durability is probably one of the worst things that can happen to us so I’ll make another one that I’ll enchant and maybe we can

Combine the two helmets are the fastest piece of gear to break as is ooh we got an epic one that’s a lot better 2.8 armor toughness on this piece as well great protection for chest plate okay okay and we are going to have to head

Back to the nether to get more levels oh hello oh my God what is this chup pabra where did it come from that’s kind of disgusting that does give me an idea though we could take some of these guys out for some levels because I want to

See what’s going on in this Tower and clear it out a bit if possible take that oh boy oh boy okay I’m going to use my hammer get Divine shield and we are going to take these guys out with our spells not going to lie folks the healing is

Really not powerful at all I’m not sure if we have any way to make it stronger even though I use skill points it still seems to not work well yeah maybe we need to use like the holy wand that we got earlier or something I think I

Remember how to make it we just need gold and iron right so boom boom holy wand okay hold on let me see so if I right click this it heals me for one heart M okay mediocre let me see if we have anything else holy staff I think we

Should test this out cuz it has more healing power here we go holy staff what’s the healing on this okay two hearts and it’s pretty quick it’s just we can only use it once and we do get Divine protection with this one anyways uh we should get levels we just need to

Get obsidian but I can do that by approaching a nearby pool of lava bam perfect hello again ooh hello again I know what that is is it’s a friendly creature believe it or not but you don’t want to run into it it’ll it’ll literally blow up anyways uh I’m

Going to get to mining for some levels oh no so one of these hex blade magisters have spawned which means that I need to trade them something or they’re going to try to kill me great great great great I can’t make any of these spell blades can I actually maybe

I can and to get uh this guy off my case it might be worth it so let me quickly try to head home in time I don’t know if uh they’ll follow me through the nether oh it looks like you will we’re not powerful enough to take this guy on yet

So what we’re going to do is quickly hopefully make this item for him and he’ll leave us alone for now oh wait I I have a Spell blade I saved myself good magister’s approval good good good good your patronage has saved you for now perfect okay back to mining for XP we go Protection 4 Unbreaking three amazing protection 4 oo an amazing helmet wow okay that’s good we’ll replace the other helmet with that one and then we just need to enchant our leggings and maybe we’ll also make a better chest plate we’ll see we’ll see where life takes us oh hello what are

You we got a little hedgehog here oh that’s so [Laughter] cute oh man that’s cute okay uh let’s go back and get more Levels Wa rare mechanical short bow eight projectile damage and pretty good perks all around and it has a very fast pull time I think I like it more than this Royal long bow to be honest so we are going to take it let’s put the short bow to use as I’m

Getting plagued by these wither things oh one of them dropped a wither skeleton skull thank you okay let’s see leggings protection 4 acrobat 2 that’s okay nothing amazing and then we did want to try to get a better chest plate let’s try to make another one here bam W

Plus two Armor Plus One armor toughness 5% speed I will take that trade any day of the week so let’s enchant this piece that’s uh wow that’s really good death barter 3 oh um I ended up losing it I forgot about that yeah we want that and

Acrobat 2 that’s a weird enchantment but okay that’s looking pretty decent folks I think we’re going to want to combine the two chest plates so we have a protection for death barter 3 one boom we got the new chest plate and we’re looking pretty Ked out folks I can make

Some more golden apples boom and I mean it would seem to me that we’re kind of ready to head into this castle that I said I’d approach once we upgraded our gear I’m a little bit nervous about that and the only thing that’s really holding me back is a

Lack of food I see some hay bales there though so let’s grab [Applause] those okay well that gives us some food which will last us for a while but uh we’re going to need to go out and find food soon I guess hey I’m going to need you to go away sir oh my goodness oh my goodness okay you know what I’m going to

Take all of you out just just you give me a moment goodbye don’t love the bat Omen it is what it is you know what can I find a cow somewhere cows where you at oh there we go wait that’s a yellow cow ooh let me drink some milk my favorite

Drink there we go and I’m good to go anyways we had the mission of heading into the castle Oh and before we head in we should make use of any points we have left which we do we are able to access the path to the Crusader signature

Ability Heaven Smith’s call call down an anvil from the Heavens to crush your foes signature ability consecration you consecrate the ground Beneath Your Feet dealing damage to enemies while healing allies sacred Onslaught if blocking during the charge you deal damage based on your armor value and knock back

Enemies I kind of like consecration here because it gives us a way to heal I’m curious how powerful it’ll be but we don’t have any points left yet so we are going to have to wait on that yeah hello Vindicator now vindicators are the scariest part oh get get yeti on get

Yeed on I just remembered my ability yeah vindicators are the scariest part of this because of how much damage they can do in such a quick period of time my boots are already kind of starting to break fortunately we’re close to home here so we can easily

Return anytime I’m going to sleep off the night and let’s see what we can find inside of here oh boy there’s the V yep they can come from anywhere and they’re dropping emeralds which is actually a beautiful thing for us because that means we’re going to be

Able to use death barter chest here gas TI okay could be useful and a bunch of nether supplies got a little Rainbow Room uh Dwarf Fortress main theme okay that’s cool but we we don’t want to get copyright stried okay no no I’ll take the disc though okay with

Vindicators we don’t use Smite we just do this just attack normally there we go beautiful and chest here Smite four replenish three protection three not a bad book at all oh my goodness we’re just going to take him out from here cuz that’s a little bit scary and we got a

Couple Emerald blocks here which I will definitely take a gold set of armor another one we don’t need those nice and ooh legendary iron helmet although we don’t need it still cool oh hello goodbye to you sir full room of blocks of coal here which

Uh I’ll grab I guess why not cake ah how nice is that oh I just saw an enchanted mob oh this is the one okay we’re good we’re good there we go oh we dropped a diamond pickaxe yeah one really good thing is the amount of emeralds we’re

Getting from doing this that is amazing for us and a bunch of hay which you know what I was just talking about how badly we need food there we go here’s more hay thank you oh June beetle so sorry we cleared out pretty much the full Castle

So that went a lot better than I thought it would I think at this point I’m definitely comfortable with trying to locate some of the more or so endgame bosses which is very risky but I think that’s the best next step we can take now I can repair all of our

Gear there we go we have one point and we almost have another one so I can get one heart and then next we’ll be able to get concentration uh we also have four points here so what do we want to use that on heavy armor Mastery while your

Armor value is above 15 you have a chance to gain strength when hit that’s pretty good I think we should get that we can do the heart melee damage melee damage and we’ll get here shortly now in order to progress it looks like we have to complete each chapter otherwise the

Different Quest will be locked for example if we want to fight the old Champions remains boss it’s locked until we complete that that and then this is locked until we complete chapter 1 so we need to defeat four more witches that’s one of our quests we need to find a

Village which I feel like we’ve done but uh maybe we haven’t and then the Green Giant we need to throw a strength potion on a zombie and I’m guessing that’s going to summon a giant zombie boss so let us get to Brewing some Splash strength potions I do need a piece of

Gunpowder so let me get one really quickly oh here we go an orc look at this are you kidding me he’s stole my item come here oh got him goodness gracious there we go two gunpowder oh goodness that’s all I needed I’m sleeping off the night I don’t care so

Much better so much better okay let’s uh Brew these potions up and there we go now we need to find a zombie um which I could technically do underground I don’t know how spawning a giant zombie underground would uh work though might be kind of funny what could possibly go

Wrong oh there there he is our plane is working oh my goodness oh no no no no no wa oh my god oh no no he’s going to kill my pet no no Heidi no no no no no okay get away Heidi why are you following him

Heidi’s attacking him okay oh this is bad okay okay no no no no no no I think Heidi’s going to die did Heidi die no no no oh I’m so Upset you’re dead I hate you good good that’s pretty sad we just lost Heidi that was not the plan at all so hopefully we’ll be able to find you know a Reincarnation of Heidi or something maybe a new Mount you know what I’m going to make a

Gravestone here we go we’ll put it right here here lies Heidi the best Mount one could ever wish for heart oh there we go oh that’s sad okay well uh we have to move on folks we I’m not going to lie we got to move on I guess let’s search for

A village or a swamp because either one of those will give us what we need okay I mean here’s another Village oh first we need to make an iron sword okay oh my goodness okay we can do that real quick there we go oh that was

Holding us back and now we need to observe a villager it has to be a regular one though oh finally nice there we go I’m observing you don’t mind me you’re a weird looking monkey here some food for you what I also need to observe a cat interesting oh there’s a cat come

Here come here okay yeah we need to get some fish hold on oh man I can’t feed it cuz of the grass no okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go there we go Quest on and then yeah gotcha

There we go we have a cat pet now nice now I believe the next thing we should do is actually make a Nature’s Compass because this will help us in finding a swamp B since it just lets you find any biome you want so let’s go cat I’ll name

You Lucy because it reminds me of a cat we once had those of you who watched my better Minecraft series would understand oh and I’m not sure where Lucy went uh she kind of stopped following Me bam compass and Nature’s Compass there we go and with this yeah we can select anything we want so if I type in swamp and we just press regular swamp uh there’s one 5,000 blocks away which is very far oh how I miss Heidi already

Oh no oh and before we head out I did have one idea which I’m curious if it’ll work if we make another one of these Abyss Watchers does it work as a waist Stone yes it does so now we can teleport home from wherever we want I never do

This but I recently saw it somewhere so that’s a great thing to do I have another question which is if this compass works in the nether well either way actually I just used a nether portal calculator and I know exactly where we need to go so I’m

Going to grab obsidian and then we can just quickly travel through the nether to the location we want to go here we go obsidian your mine okay got the obsidian and before I forget I need to quickly grab healing runes and a flint and steel as well but

Boom two stacks of healing runes and some to spare which is definitely enough cuz I basically only use them for the Divine protection okay into The Nether we go so the compass technically works oh boy I am so slow in the nether it’s crazy I can’t really tell what’s going

On with the compass here I don’t know if we can actually trust it so I’m just going to go to the coordinates I know are Legitimate okay so the thetically right about here should be the perfect spot to set our portal I’m hoping this works uh clearly there are no guarantees in this pack with anything so let’s see what happens there we go flint and steel and let’s see what awaits us on the other

Side hello yeah it seems like this took us just about where we need to go hold on let me check the compass yeah we’re pretty close whoa look at that there’s stingrays in the water they look really cool okay here we got the swamp beautiful we made it also I just turned

Off fov effects just to see how it feels since a lot of the time we’re getting slowed randomly and it’s affecting us uh which I don’t like now optimally we’d want to find like a little witch hut that would be great and what is this here there might be some witches in here

Let’s have a look no no there are not although there’s another structure up ahead this way let’s see what it is Bewitched okay well that points to there being witches and I hear witches oh yes hello one of them dropped their cackling broom sweep your enemies off their feet with the cackling

Broom how does this work I quite intrigued I must say take that oh it’s just a normal attack that’s pretty funny though oh it got me poisoned are you kidding me oh what is that stormbringer unique effect shock deflect if you hold right click Focus energy to a single

Point of your blade allowing you to momentarily block incoming attacks when successfully timing this ability with an enemy melee swing you will perform a Parry dealing damage and launching your opponent while also reducing the ability cool down wa well boom let’s get that achievement that’s a brand new weapon it

Does seem like the damage is much lower than our other weapons it looks really cool though like look at this thing oh beautiful hey witches aren’t exactly the best type of mob to test this out against but I mean you take what you can right anyways we’ll keep that with us

And that uh Parry ability might really come in handy with uh some more difficult bosses we’ll see goodbye and I mean that should be the which Quest complete it is beautiful now we just have the man’s best friend which is a Wolf Quest and the warden which we need

To observe Now using the Nature’s Compass we should be able to find deep dark let’s see yes uh there’s one 500 blocks away okay um well then we can observe the warden very soon I don’t think we’re going to fight it though we need a better bow for that and this

Might be a huge mistake but I mean we got to do what we got to do to progress I just hope we’ll be okay and here we are there’s actually a Cave opening here which is very convenient so let us head into the deep Dark okay now I am in the deep dark but I’m not not necessarily seeing skull oh well no here’s skull it’s like a purpley one though which is interesting uhhuh okay um deep fish oh boy I’m not going to lie to you I’m uh a little bit terrified oh

God oh God um oh God did I already spawn a warden yeah I don’t see a warden okay I think it was just a warning call the thing is though we do want to spawn a warden so I’m throwing Nether back down in hopes of doing just that oh boy I am

Scared oh there we go okay well it’s spawned I’m a little bit petrified it is however hard to look at it oh my God it is cursed okay hold on how close do I have to be to it oh no okay I’m Divine shielding and I’m going in okay I don’t

Know there we go we have to fight it in order to complete this Quest so oh oh boy I just need to literally sit here staring at it that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to eat golden apples and stare at it oh dude this is this is quite

Literally an impossible task I’m at half a heart no please please please please please please that is way harder than I thought it would be okay okay um I think what we have to do is come in with full health here Divine shield and just stare

At it so I’m going to wait to get my health back up and while while I do this let me quickly Check Yes we have a point to get consecration so I’ll unlock that I didn’t use my regular skill either so let’s do that death defy might actually

Be a good ability it gives us some regeneration when we’re really low so there we go we’ll work towards that I’m going to eat a golden apple I’m going to Divine shield and we’re just going to stare at the warden no please please don’t move no please do not move oh

God I’m I’m in too far now oh my God this is actually impossible please please please this is the worst Quest know to man oh it worked I need to Divine Shield very good heal okay go an apple ow oh boy okay we’re running a bit

Otherwise I may die at this rate um this is bad oh no okay I’m Ender pearling I’m Ender pearling we have to run we have to run run run two hearts oh my God not good at least we completed the quest though and to be honest I would have

Been able to defeat the warden and still can I just don’t really want to risk it right now okay I think we’re good um I’m testing consecration it is actually healing us a decent amount not bad okay that was scary but we did it and we shall head back home which actually I

Can teleport to bam oh it uses the eye though I didn’t know that okay good to know let’s see just one more Quest Man’s Best Friend observe a wolf so we can definitely do that one take bones with us and I need to find a wolf which would

Probably prob be easiest in a forest right so that’s what we want to find Let’s uh try to put our Nature’s Compass to use here Forest oh boy there’s a whole lot of forests uh there we go regular Forest oh and there’s one really close to us

Perfect okay here’s the forest uh it seems to be an extremely small one but there’s also like a tiger here and I believe that’s another spot where we can find ourselves a wolf oh Lucy’s following us now hi Lucy look at the Bert whoa what are you guys doing was

That like a mob vote mob I I I don’t know honestly but it seems like a pretty cool mob that’s funny we are in a Tiga here and that is not a wolf that’s a slightly different creature but hopefully we can find a wolf nearby what is this it’s

Like a little villager statue okay Epic chain mail chest plate cool and a golden apple you know what cool cool guy right there cool guy snowy tie guy yeah this is usually right on the money for finding wolves we got Penguins here too hello guys uh also a curs looking

Structure oh and a witch I don’t like the fact that Lucy’s here with us it’s kind of scaring me uh Lucy are you Okay a Lucy was sleeping with that’s cute oh why am I getting chilly I’m a Yeti why are you letting me get chilly world oh that’s an icier okay oh boy Lucy Lucy you need to sit okay hold on let me freeze this guy oh that’s beautiful oh get Frozen goodbye looks

Like we also got another Point here so we can upgrade consecration where did I leave Lucy there you are a structure here though name tag I’m getting chili ooh wait totem of freezing equipable in the Charming slot interesting let’s put it on I don’t know what that does at all

Okay well we’ll just have to find out now can I unfreeze myself yes I can thank goodness torches exist there’s some cracked stone bricks here which we actually need for the Explorer’s Compass I also wonder where it leads let’s have a quick look okay sketchy area for sure loot

Chest pretty good loot actually pretty good loot loots okay W common watching Warg glaive unique effect Omen chance on hit to rip the life from a Target below 25% health and Grant some of it as absorption to the wielder chance on hit to siphon the health of nearby enemies

Healing the wielder wa that’s pretty cool unfortunately the rolls on it are really bad cuz it’s a common weapon but no matter what I would be very curious to use this thing oh really cool weapon that’s about it so I will head back up

And no wolf yet but we do have a village here which is nice cuz I needed food oh yeah Lucy just randomly decided to sleep no Lucy uh we have to loot the buildings whoa I found another unique weapon look at this arcan fyst chance on hit to levitate your target Channel your

Arcane energy to assault nearby enemies lifting them into the air while dealing damage over time than slamming them into the ground okay another weapon with good perks I wouldn’t say it’s anything better than what we have but uh yeah pretty cool it’d be really great if we

Can get something that really focuses on holy and you know being a crusader or Paladin or whatever cuz that would synergize well with what we’re doing Golem kit Iron Golems have always protected the villagers of the world uhhuh I’m guessing this just lets us summon a Golem okay I’d say looting went really

Well I got a stack of food and I can move on now to once again try to find the wolf that we’ve been searching for for so long I’ve lost track of Lucy again but you know what I don’t know I’m sure she’ll come back and if she doesn’t

That’s okay too you know she’s a free Cat wolves oh my goodness this is taken so long yes yes become become my pets okay we got we got two wolves or twins we’ll call them Rick and Morty no relation to the TV show I feel great because we finally completed this quest which has taken a long time and with

That I believe chapter 2 will become unlocked Let Us return home I’m just going to go through the nether oh and one of our wolves died okay yeah I mean that’s just what’s going to happen there we are okay Morty you have a seat right here there we go okay let’s look through

Our Quest rewards here we’ve gain a totem of undying which is pretty special 20 levels more levels uh bananas netherite scrap skill point cool reinforced Echo Shard XP levels wow okay so a lot of things uh looks like there’s also a reward for getting a lot of

Different ores we’ve done pretty well we have these rewards as well a bunch of levels and we should be able to move on to chapter 2 now looks like we need to obtain ver glass and Moonstone I think we done that let’s see verg glass and we

Need to hold Moonstone as well so I have verg glass I thought I had Moonstone but I don’t see any to be honest okay well in that case maybe it’s a good idea to go mining for a bit and at the same time see if we can get any more new ores let

Us quickly name Morty here we go Morty and we will go mining for a little Bit ooh we got uh more deep dark here I don’t like that at all we’re going to avoid that this cave looks crazy by the way it looks really cool kind of cinematic you know oh my goodness there’s a dragon uh now I know I wanted to tame one although

It’s it it it’s it’s going to be risky folks I mean I can quickly try and the way I can do that is by using our divine protection and then just trying to ride this Bella here so I don’t know let’s let’s see if we can make something

Happen oh we’re good so far so far we’re good okay I don’t know I don’t know what to say I don’t know what to think I’m riding the dragon oh did I tame it I did oh beautiful oh the dragon just demolished that spider that’s right um

Now I do have a saddle for this guy already but in order to really be able to use it we are going to want to was Stone it up to our base probably I will mark this as Dragon I don’t know if it’ll end up teleporting with us but we’ll

See oh is this it by any chance hold on Moonstone yes okay we found Moonstone beautiful now it’s time for us to head back on upwards and we do have our Dragon underground here but again I want to have something to teleport home with we’ll be back for you buddy I promise Okay now I wonder if we’ll be able to find any Enderman out here because I do still want to go back for our Dragon oh this Enderman has 100 Health yeah thank you I’ll try making a was Stone and see if we can transfer the dragon over by the way consecration

Doesn’t do a lot in fact as you can see it’s doing nothing right now uh yeah took me a moment to realize that but uh does literally nothing great right we’re going to place one outside and then we are going to place the other one near the dragon and hopefully we can

Teleport aha here we go my dear Dragon I am back I am back to pick you up okay so we place the waist Stone and then we click it and the answer is no okay um we’re done with that I can’t be bothered now um our cure

Is not doing good but that’s okay I’ll make some new pieces we will’ll also expand our very organized storage as you know I love organizing my storage yes indeed okay now what is next on our agenda here making a moonstone compass then we need to find an old Champion’s

Grave and defeat the old Champions remains so that’s the first boss and we can definitely take that on but before before doing that I think we should head into The Nether and try to get a bunch of gold because that way we can get a whole ton of golden apples and I think

That would really benefit us that being said let me repair our gear first because it is all not doing very good at all beautiful and you know what I need to repair my tools as well perfect you know what while we’re at it I have a bow

That is not Enchanted and I have 30 levels so let’s see what I can get power four and bonus shot sure looks pretty decent let’s do it with that folks I’m going to quickly Brew some fire resistance and then I’ll be on my way okay I want to try something

Out wow wow 250 Health Iron Golem are you kidding me um anyways uh with that we should be good to head into the nether okay I have no idea where our adventures will end up taking us all we can do is just go for it whoa look at who dude this is

Crazy holy moly what is going on this looks sick anchor tree whoa that’s what this is wow that’s uh that’s quite the sight man I have not seen something that cool what is this giant lucus what it gives you lucis spor and glowstone pile okay not worth anything but

Cool new skill we’ve gotten a lot of skills so let me put some to use yeah I have five here we got spell breaker so that causes hostile spell projectiles to explode when in close proximity to you that’s pretty good and then death defy looks pretty good so we’ll work towards

That I also have one more point in our class here we can make it so concentration gives us might sometimes which increases our damage so why not that way maybe we’ll actually get some use out of it but anyways there’s something over here let’s set a temporary Waypoint It looks

Interesting and interesting it is it’s one of these temples it’s got a skull on the top I’d be happy to check this out I kind of wish I had a weit a pearl over or something but I don’t so it is what it Is okay I mean other than the place being kind of aesthetic um let’s see if it’s got any good loot for us especially cuz this version of the temple is in the nether usually the nether has more promising loot it also might be a bit more dangerous so let’s be

Careful yep okay all right very cool this doesn’t look uh sketchy at all guys I don’t know what you’re talking about oh we got a nether eye I don’t know if we had one before or maybe we did that’s still cool but how do I get through is the question and because I

Don’t know the answer I will just mine through this is trapped aha there we go got some emeralds diamonds and actually gold which is the main reason I came into the nether okay well that was a cool little place to explore we shall Journey onwards oh eggplant okay don’t don’t step on the

Eggplants and another structure over there and there so that’s a double whammy let’s check them out I think one’s just a Bastion Remnant which is perfect uhuh here we go this definitely looks like a Bastion Remnant and that also means no this is not a Bastion this is a

Boss room oh okay well if we’re going to fight this thing I need to make sure we have a few things ready first of all we’ll pop a fire resistance second of all oh I can have my iron golem handy which is pretty funny and third of all

We definitely want our shield on us that said I think we might just want to go for it if things get a bit too crazy I will run out of here that’s right folks I will escape I don’t care so let’s go let’s break this block which should

Summon the boss yes yes there we go golden apple there we go Golem now because of our divine Shield we are in good hands oh my goodness I’m chunking down this thing’s Health with the iron golem too oh holy moly oh oh oh that’s that’s not a holy

Moly oh boy okay maybe maybe I celebrated a little bit too soon okay maybe not die die uh-oh uh-oh shoot it and we got it wow okay okay it exploded we’re good woo we are more powerful than I was thinking to be honest Hest and I’m feeling good about

That so let’s grab the ancient debris I’m feeling good it looks like if you use an alloy Forge you can actually double your netherite which is pretty crazy anyways that was a very very big win and I want to progress to that other structure that we saw nearby oh the decaying King

Oh that’s what the structure is I’m pretty sure it’s one of the later game bosses that’s definitely towards the end of the boss chain here before fighting that one we probably want to have golden apples and you know be fully ready and situated I will mark it down decaying

King and it’s gold which is a perfect fit but we will not approach that yet uh this is a Bastion Remnant right that’s good oh okay I did not mean to fall here that’s kind of a bad move you know when you’re trying to survive kind of bad to

Fall in the middle of every enemy around you I must say but we’re okay okay good ah Iron Golem go help me out okay good good good good thing it doesn’t get mad at me when I attack it okay no gold in the center here oh my God it’s a mutant Enderman I

Am not going to mess with that thing we’re we’re not approaching that absolutely not no way and there’s something else over here I think that might be another boss potentially let’s have a look I guess it’s good that we’re finding all of these boss structures cuz we can always

Return to them later but I still want my gold oh my goodness oh my god I didn’t even take that much fall damage okay uh here we are I’ve arrived at whatever this is I don’t know if this is a boss structure it might just be like a little Fortress honestly not finding as much gold as I thought I would in the nether I’m kind of disappointed I really did think this would give us a great way to get golden apples but it’s not seeming like it yeah we might just have to get out of the

Nether Oh I thought maybe we found gold but no nope still not gold finally home sweet home okay wow that was quite a journey are these guys shooting at my Golem hey yeah don’t be shooting at my Golem get him yeah yeah what are we going to do about

These guys we got a problem on our hands Golem you know got to take them out here and taking these guys out isn’t a complete waste of time cuz it actually gives me skill levels so yeah that’s nice okay I did just come up with a

Better idea though we might just be able to teleport down into a cave cuz we had our way Stone down where the dragon was yes perfect okay let’s see how mining goes there we go gold oh boy uh what was that what was that why did that get

Activated huh um my totem of frost just got used which is strange cuz I’m still at full health to my knowledge I never drop down below full health um okay well that’s interesting I guess anyways at least we found some gold here oh and look what I’ve run into

There’s seems to be something here I don’t know what it is yet oh it’s like a ruined nether portal which actually has some gold for us I think I saw a gold block up here yes I Did whoa I found a little Lush kind of cave biome area look at these guys Moss Bloom they look really really really Cool helium Flamingo allows the wear to swim in the air for a short period of time can I equip that oh I can only one issue I use Q as my Sprint Key so okay yeah looks like I’m going to be accidentally activating this one a lot

Uh yeah I might end up taking it off that’s pretty funny Though oh and we got a bunch of gold from here actually nice by spiders and golden apple silver upgrade okay I don’t know if we’re going to need that but I’ll take it lost eye have I gotten this one before I might uh not have yeah cool s skull the wear temporarily becomes

Immune to fire damage when hurt by fire could be pretty good for us just because fire is our weakness and honestly it’s better than this Flamingo thing sorry Flamingo yeah being around a m shaft is great this is probably one of the best places for Gold Oh and it’s a mutant zombie do we have a flint and steel with us no we don’t the only way you can actually kill those guys is if you have a flint and steel okay well I’ve engaged it so let’s just go I feel confident enough to fight it okay maybe maybe oh

Boy oh no I just dropped my hammer okay great this is going swimming so far wouldn’t you say folks I thought he had 150 health and then It upgraded to 500 wow now the water honestly Saving Grace here okay oh my goodness yep take that buddy I’m I’m

Sitting in my hidey-hole I could care less got him okay we got him but now we literally need to find flint ASAP or else he’s just going to respawn I can’t believe I don’t have a flint and steel he already respawn go away okay okay okay run run

Oh we’re good oh my gear is about broken we’re not good we’re not good okay um I do actually have an anvil and silver with me right yes so I can repair our gear on the Fly here which is very good for us not going to lie folks it’s

Looking like we need to craft a new set of armor cuz this is starting to get really expensive to repair and it’s also not holding up too well against uh some of the mid game bosses you know anyways hold on let me get us some flint and

Maybe we can still take the zombie out if he didn’t recharge to full health which I hope he didn’t okay there we go Flint oh my God I had a flint and steel the whole time I knew it you know this keeps happening to me and it’s it’s it’s

It’s kind of scary I keep having the items in my inventory now there’s a lot of gold here so if uh the mutant zombie doesn’t mind I’m going to spend time doing what we came here to do which is to mine for gold don’t worry folks there will come a

Day where we can easily defeat a mutant zombie we just need to work uh towards progressing our gear a bit more some kind of a structure over here which we can go towards wow well there’s also a huge huge Cave opening here which means more gold got one of these we cannot neglect

Them because yep they got a lot of gold in them let’s see what is up here though okay cave spider spawners we hate those break break no thank you y got me you know it is what it is it was written it was written uh epic diamond

Sword interesting and some more gold uh a mimic oh boy oh boy oh boy this one has more Health than usual actually got it though grappling hook increases experience drop by creatures we can equip that that’s nice oh yeah that definitely works cuz I

Just saw my XP bar go up by a lot ow ow ow hold on I’m being demolished a bit there we go I just Yeti ability them oh my God I just yeed them so hard where where are they are there spawners for these guys cuz I cannot see the

Spawners oh boy hold on hold on hold on hold on I should be doing a few things I should also be summoning our Iron Golem to be honest I don’t know why I wasn’t doing that the really cool thing about these guys is they actually scale up in

Health and level the further out we go so yeah these guys are tanks man and there’s also Gold Blocks here look at these guys dude he’s just one-shotting everything I don’t even need to do anything how beautiful is that yeah get them Golem get him buddy yeah a bunch of

Golden blocks around here which is just perfect I need to make changes to my load out here I’m getting demolished like are you kidding me I got two Iron Golems protecting me and I’m still just getting absolutely destroyed by these Strays oh wait there’s a second level to

This okay let me have a look hold an apple okay fine I’ll go to the midle floor too I really don’t want to but fine I’ll do it oh enchanted golden apple so worth it are you kidding me oh my God two more enchanted golden apples am I in

Heaven wow um we just found three enchanted golden apples that is by far the best find we have had in these 100 days okay I’m being barraged barraged by Strays the way that they are scaling in correspondence with their level is much crazier than most mobs because they are

Just demolishing me uh yeah everything’s breaking I think we kind of have to get out of here like I keep saying I’m going to leave I know but I just found three enchanted golden apples what do you expect me to do not try to loot every

Single corner of this place oh boy look in there okay hold on hold on we need to formulate a little bit of a plan if we’re going to do this my gear is about broken the best thing we can do is head in with Divine Shield break the spawners

Get out and then bow them and I’ll put in another Golem I’ve wasted them all but I mean this has been a worthy dungeon to waste them on I’m going to do it they’re kind of taking each other out which is good their direct damage isn’t

A concern it’s more so the freezing yeah there it goes again but they are taking each other out which is perfect for us so now I should be able to bow at some of them oh and my chest plate broke oh my God I’m basically naked right now my

Gear just all broke hold on I can get a chest plate here better than nothing that’s for sure and I really want to loot these chests uhhuh epic chest plate I thought we might be able to find some more enchanted golden apples doesn’t look like it though wow well to say the

Least that was absolutely insane I’m going to save myself some time and also this will benefit us in the long run I’m just going to Waypoint out of here cuz that then gives us another teleport to mine with again in regards to Gold I say

We did pretty decent I got a second and a half of ingots and then three and 1 half stacks of raw gold and the thing about raw gold is we can put that into the alloy Forge and we’ll be able to double our gold I believe let’s have a

Look okay not double but 1.5 times our gold because for every two we get three so that’s nice now in regards to armor there’s this hallowed armor which looks to be very powerful so the only question is how do we make it yeah we need raw

Atom tight raw myth will and raw or it shall come okay let me see which of these ores I’ve actually gotten here we go we got mithil so I think that is all we have um with mythol we just kind of randomly found them so it’s possible

It’s the same for these two but it’s also possible they could be in a different dimension uh now I think one good thing to do would be to head into the end defeat the Ender Dragon and maybe walk around the end for a bit how

However before we do that um I mean I guess we can just stick with this gear and repair it although the issue with that is it is becoming exceedingly expensive to do so I’m also curious how many of the unique Eyes of Ender do we have because that

Might end up playing a important roll we actually have less of these unique guys than I thought we would so yeah I don’t know if we end up needing these we are not ready to head into the end I can make an additional one I think yes there

We go the witch eye because I had the witch pupil from when we farmed witches but that leaves us at a total of four five so yeah this is less than an ideal situation that’s for sure uh I am also doing the gold here but we might want to

Put an iron to get more steel so we can repair our gear hopefully for the last time because o I would love to move on to a new set of armor and while we wait for some steel to be made we can make golden apples with some of the gold that

We’ve collected and we have even more than this which is the good news boom 33 golden apples total with three enchanted golden apples that is really good we’re also going to need some more Eyes of Ender if you know the regular ones end up working oh the cost the cost is so

High it’s kill me but okay we barely got away with it so I mean that’s good so I guess let’s head into the nether to quickly collect some Eyes of Ender oh here we go we got an Enderman already I’m just going to look at this one because he was not

Coming otherwise oh boy oh and one shot now this would be easier if we had looting I do not have looting though so we’re we’re just going to have to make the best of it oh two more ender up there although there are some unique types of Endermen I’m hoping

None of them are crazy overpowered there we go the fact that I don’t have any uh looting is actually going to make this much harder than I would like it to be but luckily there’s a whole bunch of Endermen spawning around here after defeating uh more than a few

Enderman though I am starting to think if it would be wise of us to first get a looting weapon and then hunt for the end pearls we so desire here’s the deal if both of these end drop an ender pearl I won’t get a looting weapon okay let’s

See and one of them dropped a pearl so looks like I’m going to get levels and that’ll benefit us in the long run Anyways okay got a good amount of levels and then I can finish that off by accepting my quest reward and not to mention the other rewards that I got here fire gauntlet let me see oh I can’t equip that in addition to the golden hook so I will probably just keep the

Golden hook on but that’s a cool little artifact that gives us additional fire damage and what I think I’ll do is I’ll just enchant one of our kind of legendary weapons and uh make sure that we get looting on it oh boom looting three skull Smite five and knock back two okay

Well if we want to fight the warden again this is the weapon to use there we go okay it worked out and we got a lot of Ender Pearls from one guy so that’s great hello CA okay 13 end pearls that’s enough let’s see if that actually ends up working okay let’s make These Eyes of Ender I already had one and I’ll also grab the unique eyes with that we should just be able to head to the stronghold and see if this works out I’m doubtful

I’m going to go through the nether just so it’s faster okay right about here and if we go a little bit lower we should find what we need oh Magic Metals ooh stormx so I actually saw something about this I’m pretty sure this ore can create pretty powerful gear eight armor two magic

Protection two armor toughness so it’s basically like diamond but it adds magic protection which is pretty cool so if we ever need that we know how and where to find it let’s make our Portal bam yep here we are and here is the stronghold which I should also mark down let’s see let’s see if we can have any luck oh this eye doesn’t want to be used great great okay so looks like we have to use these unique eyes the good

News is I think these eyes that are already in might count as a part of the portal I might be completely wrong on that but theoretically we are left with 1 2 3 4 five eyes I’m not finding anything about the end portal unfortunately and I guess we have to

Continue along the boss quest line and even though we haven’t been able to upgrade our gear it is still functional I’m just hoping we come up with a solution in the near future here which honestly might just be using netherite yeah that might be what we do now I am

Actually confident in fighting the first boss the old Champions remains with the gear we have now so we can do that we have to craft a moonstone Compass now do we have enough Moonstone to make a moonstone Compass I don’t know nope it does not seem like we

Have enough so need to go mining I guess we only need two more pieces oh there we go I found it all I had to do is go to our way Stone boom Moonstone compass with that we can head to the old Champions remains but before

Doing that it would probably be wise to make some kind of a potion I’m thinking strength and speed would be amazing to have and we already have fire resistance I will need a couple pieces of Glowstone and I also need sugar so I need to find some of

That look at this what a nice morning to wake up to poppy fields beautiful look at that I just found a random chunk of copper blocks I almost feel bad not to take this I don’t know if we’ll ever use it but you know what I I’ll take

It ah whoo wo whoo whoo whoo whoo wo wo wo wo um I was just traveling and then I found a c message bottle okay apparently this corrupted Enderman can walk on water great great great great awesome you know what this is probably one of the better spots we could have fought

This thing oh no where’d it go no I almost took it out is it up there it is what is it doing okay do I need to build up to him you know what the block of copper might come in handy let’s go up this is the randomist boss

Fight oh I got him I think I got him holy moly did he drop anything he did ominous Pearl Unbreaking one is this a permanent ender pearl is that what it is or is there a certain amount of durability on it we will find out as we

Use it um but that was an interesting boss fight to say the least it was definitely unexpected I’m still trying to find sugar cane more specifically sugar there’s this weird thing happening this whole chunk of land is seemingly on a cliff I don’t know if that’s a thing that happens everywhere in fantasy

Minecraft maybe it is and maybe that’s why we haven’t been finding sugar cane or I’m just getting really unlucky here we go just just as I say that we run into the end of this cliff and uh find some sugar cane for ourselves okay well we have sugar cane

So let’s return on home monkey hello you having a good time yes you are that’s so cute we actually had those bananas before it’s too bad I don’t have it on me a that’s so cute why is it following me though I don’t even have anything for it it’s doing tricks

That’s that’s amazing that’s incredible top 10 finds in this video for sure what is that hello I’m not sure if there’s actually anything useful here hello oh there’s a Vindicator waiting for us here and an invoker are you kidding me woo we’re powerful enough to take him out no problem though that

Kind of feels good common evocation hat interesting little fine and a totem of undying beautiful there’s another chest over there which we can try to grab and you know what it’s a good time to test out this Pearl that we got wo alone the Pearl is powerless merge it with we need

To merge it with blaze powder or something why am I getting shot at can you stop guys seriously can why just go away oh my goodness it’s an enchanted skeleton okay hold on we have to handle this oh good oh my God I knocked that skeleton back so far it will never see

The light of day again hold on let’s read this again real quick merge it with blaze powder or a gold Block in a smithing table okay loot chest Golden Apple interesting statue here I have no idea what this is for pretty sketchy building I would say golden apples and a smithing

Template okay we’re back okay so we need to get Glowstone as well but before before I do that let’s quickly try to combine our ominous Pearl with a gold block golden block and ominous Pearl gold wa um okay I mean it makes some kind of a block mysterious power Forge a

Command block in a smithing table with an ominous Pearl and a gold block oh this is a command block what is going on I just got an item that I can’t use okay I’m confused we we do we just I guess we have like an unobtainable item that’s

That’s all it is okay let’s grab glowstone Hey boom potions brewed up okay at this point it would seem that we are ready to travel to the old Champions remains so I guess it’s time to head on over oh look at that we got a blue nether portal here that’s pretty cool I wonder if the blue obsidian can actually

Work for a real portal we’re not going to test that though why I’m too Lazy okay maybe running all the way here was a bad idea I’m realizing now how far away it was I did not realize that before at this point I’ll probably just finish off my trip but then heading back um definitely better to do it through the nether I’m going to get ourselves a

Horse here just to finish off our travels yeah there we go this will speed us up a little bit wow what a long journey I did not expect this holy moly it’s basically taken me two whole days here we go old Champions remains okay now to find the

Actual place where the old Champions remains are I don’t know what that spot is exactly I see there’s something over there I don’t think that’s the right structure neither do I think that is maybe I can mine closer to towards the Waypoint here although this Waypoint was

Kind of randomly made like I don’t know exactly where the spot is um although I guess I do have an idea which is the compass right technically that might take me there would seem like we’re right above it here or below it so I’m going to mine upwards first and then

I’ll mine downwards and we’ll see if it leads us to where we need to go oh an old Champions grave oh there it is I see it on the map Okay so we’ve actually found it which means that a boss Ling fingers right around the corner let’s

Make sure that we are prepared I have my potions I have my golden apples I think all that’s left for us to do is to mine into this grave and to take on the boss and I’m going to need our hammer for the Divine protection for sure drink the

Potions golden apple and I’m going to keep our Hammer with us I will shield and let’s go for it hello oh boy here we go oh my God I’m destroying this guy hold on I feel bad almost he can’t even hit me I’ll let you get one hit off

Buddy get one hit come on okay there we go okay this guy got destroyed oh okay I forgot about this part there’s another okay hold on hold on hold on hold on I did forget about this part I cannot lie to you oh God okay okay this one

Actually does a lot of damage we have to take it out where is it okay Golden Apple I cannot oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Take

That die please go away oh God how many of you are there where’s the real one got him I think I think we got him like multiple versions of them spawned oh okay hold on a few things dropped here Lord Soul the last will of the old

Champion resides in the soul essence of even tide you feel a strong sense of longing as if it desperately wants to return to something okay wow we got him good that progresses us further and also why do I still have Wither on me um I don’t like that ooh look at that Dark

Moon Longbow you can craft using this Essence far as Moonlight arrows that deal purely magic damage and Pi targets you can do an arrow storm full speed is reduced for this Weapon by -5 oh okay never the Le that’s probably a better bow than what we have and then here we

Have this weapon called droger Massive Attack damage during the night okay yeah like right now it has 10 attack damage I guess cuz it’s nighttime so that’s pretty good but I’d rather have a weapon that’s not limited to only being good during one part of the day you know well

Now that we’ve taken that boss out we kind of can begin our journey of taking these endgame bosses out my only concern again is with the armor but we might just be able to make a new set of the same stuff and that’ll kind of hold us

Over for now if not we just make a netherite set in fact that’s what we’ll probably do okay going to go home through a portal whoa hello withered demon is it going to try to attack me it doesn’t look like it is oh it is okay you can

Die you’re dead you’re done buddy that thing looked sick demon heart wao it has an insane amount of saturation look at this at first Contact the ancient race befriended the demons knowing only in secret how powerful the demon heart truly was 600% saturation you can smelt

It into a molten demon heart which then you can make Demonite chunks with which then you can make Crimson ingots with which then you can make some weapons with there’s also this Blood thirster heal every hit if item is not on cool down at full health gain a shield

Instead of heal wa I kind of like this weapon well we should try to get more of those Souls that the weapons that uh I just saw there were pretty sick especially the one that heals you the only issue is I completely ran into that

Mob by chance not on purpose so I don’t know how hard it is to find them but uh we’ll keep an eye out I guess okay now that we’ve defeated the old Champions remains let’s have a look here uh the next part is finding the Cathedral of

Resurrection and it looks like to summon the returning Knight we need to click on an old Moon altar with a lost soul and you get that by smelting down Soul Sand so first things first we want to find a Cathedral of resurrection and to find that we can use an Explorer Compass

Which ooh I had most of the materials for but not cobwebs so I might need to get like Silk Touch shears as silly as that is so that uh we can go ahead and grab some for ourselves so we can’t actually enchant the shears directly so

We need to get a book and get some touch on that hopefully we can get lucky and I’ve already run out of lapis okay well it looks like getting this Compass is going to be a little bit more difficult than I thought it would

Be but uh we do have our way Stone into the mines and we should be able to get the lapis fast enough hopefully oh I found Orel come so this is the ore that we needed for the upgrade that’s actually pretty cool that we found that I might even be seeing

More hold on if that’s the case we would only need one more ore oh hello it’s a mimic good old mimic goodbye steadfast spikes grants immunity to knock back interesting I’ll put them on there’s more of that ore that we found this is good folks this is uh this is really

Good well this lapis mining trip has turned into a completely other type of mining trip and I am cool with That oh boy this guy’s come here hello um we don’t really want to deal with him so I might just end up uh crafting the thing that he wants I have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to do it so we better decide fast I guess let’s head back and get the

Offering that we need need to prevent ourselves from getting hexed there we go Arcane spellblade so if we need to give an offering we’ve got one oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no um okay they spawn inside my house uh okay wait I have an idea I have a

Blizzard ability I don’t know if this is actually attacking anybody okay how about this oh no my Yeti ability worked on my dog oh thank God thank God okay I don’t know what’s going on guys honestly um I think they left I think we’re good I don’t know the attack

Happened but I wasn’t in my base so we kind of we kind of cheesed it but I’m good with that oh hello Morty good thing Morty didn’t suffer from our Yeti ability anyways back to trying to get a simple silk touch enchantment I’m not having luck with finding silk touch just

Yet I don’t know if I’ll have more luck or what but I’m going to try this for a bit more I am finding no luck from enchanting car okay hold on maybe I’m not being the smartest let me find a piece of cobweb and let’s see if we can

You know either Shear it or use a silk touch pickaxe on it before that though we need to repair our gear once again it is mightily suffering one might say and so are my levels holy moly this is expens expensive oh I can’t even repair it yeah the moment has arrived folks the

Moment has arrived we need to switch off of this armor and I’m thinking that getting a diamond set and upgrading it to netherite is a great option before we do that though let me see if I can quickly find some cobwebs okay I know I’ve seen cobwebs in

The past but I’m not finding any right now uh maybe below home we have one I don’t know uh might just take a little bit of looking around like the graveyards for example that we’ve been finding they could have cobwebs right I mean this is such a small thing to have

To do a search over but we kind of need to uh here’s this castle that we have next to our base I didn’t check if it has cobwebs can do a little quick sweep around I’m not actually seeing any cobwebs around here and it is going to

Get dangerous I also forgot the fact that our gear is going to break so yeah we should probably get out out of here if we can it’s funny cuz I know for a fact we’ve seen cobwebs so many times and I just I can’t find them now I don’t

Know man maybe there’s a m shaft down here let’s have a look uhuh it is a m shaft it’s a very cold one with some geared up skeletons oh my here we go though we got cobwebs okay cobweb yes okay cheers work on cobwebs I don’t know why I thought they didn’t but

There we go let’s get more than enough that was complicating my life so much good thing I checked cuz uh it worked so we can head back home oh look what I found I found another zarp tuck that’s what they’re called literally just spawn right in front of my face oh

Um do I have a saddle on me I actually do so if we can quickly tame this fella we will have a new Mount to ride finally I was just thinking about how uh sad it was that we lost ours previously there we go boom and yes oh feels good okay feels good

Finally boom compass and explorers Compass bam so if we use that we can find anything we want which is amazing because if we put in Cathedral of Resurrection bam we can find it although in a radius of 10,000 blocks it says not found which is not uh not a not a thing

You want to hear and this is not the type of gear you want to see either oh my now I do have this set still remaining for now I might just have to repair this because I can’t do much else and then we will work on our new set

Shortly okie dokie so we can find this cathedral but we won’t be ready to actually do anything with it so I think what we should do is just run through to another portal we have in the nether see if we can find the building around there

And if not I mean the search will continue along the way I’ll also try to collect up some quartz because we need to start getting ready to make our new set of gear and convert it to netherite okay here we got the other portal let’s see if anything awaits us on the other

Side Cathedral of Resurrection still not found uh-oh okay I did play around on another world and I was able to locate the cathedral nearby it didn’t actually go to it but the compass showed it as available so that’s good news now before we do that I think we should do the very

Important task of upgrading our gear and potentially gearing up as though we’re going in for a boss fight I think we will just stick with this set of armor to be honest even though it’s not ideal because it is going to give us a way to be done

Everything very quickly whereas if we try to make a new set we’re going to have to enchant it all and everything I think just upgrading it to netherite is enough now let’s see if we can do that or if we’re going to have to get some more netherite yeah so we’re going to

Need some more but uh we’re well on our way for a full set of armor so it should be pretty easy to do this let’s go mining for netherite real quick here we go our first vein of ancient debris another one another one and I’ve run into something

Here which is like a oh okay it’s just a nether fortress kind of M shaft I think wa but there’s some loot in here running shoes increases the wearer’s movement speed while sprinting and increases wearer step height which is actually amazing we definitely want that so I’m going to replace the knockback

Preventing boots we had on oh that’s going to be great we really needed some movement speed oh I just broke my pickaxe wow um that happened quick okay well that’s my bad I guess that signal is a good time for us to head home you know what the good news is though

Ancient debris can actually be put in and doubled in an alloy Forge only thing is we need a level three alloy Forge um which might be a bit difficult to get it looks like endstone though you can use to make it beautiful okay then we just

Need to get some endstone which is uh honestly no problem and we are right uh near the portal that will lead us to the stronghold actually so we can just mine up to it that kind of works out nicely wouldn’t you say through the portal we

Go okay let’s head to the stronghold and probably I should just make a bunch more wayist stones to be honest so I’ll Farm up some more ender pearls here we are and here we are now I am curious about when one thing can we reuse the same eye

Twice and it’ll work no this eye can’t be placed they got me I thought I was being pretty clever wait why did I think I had unlocked the end guys I’m not the brightest I’m not the brightest am I so look we need five more eyes that’s

What’s going to let us actually upgrade the alloy Forge so with that being said we might want to prioritize getting the five other eyes we need which I wasn’t expecting to do but that might just end up being the best aggression for us and then we’ll get back to defeating the

Bosses there are some ones that I know where we can get like the Rog guy is in the jungle the magical eye would drop from an evoker wither eye from a Wither Undead eye you can craft this one and it doesn’t even look too hard to do I just

Don’t know where to get this Undead Soul um so yeah basically there’s a few that I know where to get like even that cursed eye I know we can find in the nether so while I didn’t really want to do it I think what we need to do is kind

Of go on an Eye collection trip hopefully we can do this quickly and to optimize it what I’m going to do is use our Explorer compass and that way for example we can search up jungle temple 2,500 blocks away let’s go okay now as I’m flying here I have

Been looking through some other eyes that we need just so I have reference of what else we should be keeping an eye out for there’s also a lot of kind of ocean related eyes like we have the exotic eye that we need basically two conduits for and then I believe the

Black eye is also found in treasure chests so that would be another one from the sea and then there’s also the guardian eye so yeah that’s already three eyes related to the Sea and we need five total so then if we can locate a shipwreck for example that would be

Pretty good for us uh shipwreck normal and it looks like there’s one close by and then we can just locate the bury treasure rinse repeat that and then we’ll uh be able to get a lot of eyes and then fighting the guardian itself is going to be probably a bit of a

Challenge but if we get water breathing and a bunch of golden apples I think we will be okay and boom shipwreck with a bunch of monsters nearby I don’t like that hello coin pouches and iron we don’t want that and the simpleton trying to Simply find a bury treasure map chest

Yes here we go it seems like we are actually already near the treasure which is beautiful so let’s get our Mount and get to the treasure itself yes I got it okay let’s fly over to where we need to be and we should be here just mine around a little bit aha

Here we go very close to the surface nice and easy hey okay uh are you okay buddy do oh you eat golden apples okay you love that good I guess uh here we go hard of the sea we got a squid plushy look at this equipable in the Hat slot

Oh okay you know I’m done with that I got a random squid on my head now okay so that’s one heart of the sea down we’re going to need a second one and we’re going to need Nautilus shells and you know what we might be able to find

Something in a structure like this as well let me just boat over hopefully okay let’s see what we got going on in this little structure here hello prismarine okay that could be good we might need some of these materials there’s also like these random little shipwrecks that uh we can be

Looking into every now and then like we got some unique fish and enchanted books it looks like wo look at this this is like a spiky biome yeah there’s like Spikes all over wa that is not a place you want to step into at all I’m going

To put our zarp tuck over on the land here and the Shipwreck should be below us yes it is what do we got flippers improves agility in water huh that’s fun I’ll take those that’s actually going to have some use for us and another Golem kit I do like these they’re pretty

Powerful um that’s cool Loot and all is there any bur treasure map chest does not seem like there is we got a little Pillager Fortress I don’t know if we got the eye from one of these I think we have but just in case I will quickly check this out cloud in a

Bottle allows the wear to double jump ooh that’s good currently we have a fire resistance one but it hasn’t been working too well so I will equip that my reaction was pretty funny but you know what it’s a good item to get okay all of

You can die okay uh nothing else here it seems still that’s pretty good loot to pick up here we have a larger ship which isn’t even a shipwreck it’s a ship folks and there’s an animal on top of there but uh we should definitely approach

That oh yeah now I can double jump look at this this is pretty sick I do miss our Paladin ability by the way so I’m going to go back to using our hammer for a bit I do think it has so many advantages hello Drake yeah and we can

Check these chests out a bunch of dead fish in them which is pretty funny oh and a Vindicator okay I’m going to be a dead fish if I don’t pay attention apparently yeah I will say our double jump is actually very very helpful and we do have some stuff in

Here hold on though I’m still being attacked and this is really making me want to get some holy armor I think we will do it because man oh man if we could heal more from all of our abilities that would be so good common prior vestment wao um it gives you a

Percentage of healing power power we don’t really want a percentage though we need direct healing power look at this though Diamond holy staff wao um I didn’t really think into it but uh there are upgrades oh here we go Crusader boots I think that’s what we would most

Likely want here Crusader seems to be some of the best gear we can do hello villagers I will free you although I’m not sure if you will end up Surviving anyways oh and I started a raid I was worried that would happen okay I’m trying to loot this and get out cuz

There’s Nautilus shells which are exactly what we need also some emeralds which don’t hurt us at all there’s our Zar tuck go go go oh and our double jump is going to be useful in trying to catch our Mount because uh I really struggle with that oh but the double jump is so

Helpful beautiful okay I’m not going to lie folks I’m kind of feeling tempted to just go into this ocean monument and get the guardian eye I’m going to go for it this might be a dumb idea but I’m doing it okay and you know what I can do while

We’re here is put on our diving slippers here we go that should help us out a little bit here we go I think I found the entrance will this actually have an Elder Guardian in it I don’t know but what is that why is there a trident

There oh well I just got the Trident so that’s cool oh I also taking a lot of damage not so cool okay I kind of got through here um I am taking damage but again I should be able to do this and that’ll give me replenished breathing oh

Here we go other Guardian let’s go I’m going to Golden Apple cuz uh oh this fell is actually doing damage to me okay he’s doing a little bit more damage than I thought he would but it’s okay it’s okay nothing we can’t deal with nothing we can’t deal with right right right

Right right right enchange it Golden Apple okay okay go go okay um I did not think it would be this hard okay go go die die yes did he drop the ey part of the C but he didn’t drop an eye did he okay my gear is about broken uh-oh okay

Move move move I have a wa Stone on me so we can teleport back home okay that was not ideal because we did not get the eye meaning either they don’t drop it or what I think is that we just have to defeat another one again I can’t do that

Until my gear is repaired so I’m just going to teleport back home from here wrong teleport there we go now the good news is we got our second heart of the sea I guess so we don’t need any more of those and to craft the conduits we just

Need more Nautilus shells let us repair all of our gear look at this we have 10 points out of 10 in that case we will get death defy now we will have increased regeneration when we are at low Health okay let’s see we also actually have 10

Points for the Crusader class let’s just get all of these I guess because it doesn’t seem like I can get these two so we might be done with points in in this class here in that case let’s just finish our points here I wouldn’t mind more movement speed so I’ll actually

Invest into this why not that looks great for us I’m going to get more movement speed here and then I can get Goliath when falling long distances gain Earth Shaker causes you to damage and knock back surrounding enemies when landing on the ground okay so that’s the

Final Point spent we I think can unlock three more actually but that’s it and then here I don’t even think we can use anymore so that’s that but anyways let us fight this other Elder Guardian hopefully aha here we go there we go Divine protection and let’s go for

It there we go got it did it drop its eye no it did not it did not drop its eye and that’s a little bit concerning there’s a chest here did I loot this no I didn’t boom a bunch of Nautilus shells beautiful oh oh boy this is the

Enchanted Guardian 400 Health stronger than an actual Elder Guardian we got to take this fella out don’t we yeah you’re done pal and you’re gone it dropped a efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe you know what that’s a good way to make up for the pickaxe I broke let’s get out of

This Temple and continue on maybe find another one or find a jungle temple for example and we can also access this little Vault chest here which I’m doing gladly increases where’s attack speed by 40% um um this is a pretty crazy hand Relic because let me just test this look

At how fast we can attack with our Hammer now are you kidding me wow that’s amazing yeah without it look how slow I am oh my goodness wao there’s this huge jungle temple here wow this is massive okay um I mean first of all there are a

Bunch of blocks of emeralds all around this place and man my inventory is getting way too full not much I can do about that what is going on in this Temple though is really the question that I am asking I got a bunch of levers

I don’t know if this is like a puzzle I don’t know I’m flicking all the levers down it’s not really doing anything there is an underground part though H H okay and I was about to say it’s going to be trapped and it definitely is trapped there’s another trap right there

Oh there’s a chest oh boy and it’s a trap chest it seems oh okay apparently a bunch of husks are now falling on me okay nothing in that chest oh there’s something below us though hello hello there’s a bunch of loot here emth the shards which are actually something we

Need who look at these trees your eucalyptus trees I’m pretty sure they look really cool I don’t know if I’ve checked out this one oh okay there’s traps everywhere so you really got to watch out here I know for certain there’s uh like a vault room this might be it even why

Is that chest bloody that’s pretty suspicious part of the sea okay I mean there we go yes I see one of the eyes okay hold on oh black eye okay perfect so we’ve got the black eye now and that adds to the five that we need to find in

Total I was not expecting to find that one here but we did okay I’ll say that uh we still have adventuring to do but that gives me a little bit of Hope here’s another Pillager Camp these could have the eye we’re looking for the corrupted eye have I gotten this

I think I have ooh maybe I haven’t cuz it gave me a reward anything else in here gong of weakening this actually gives weakness to nearby enemies okay wow nice so if that really is a new eye then what that means we have to get

Three more eyes one of them we can craft with the conduits another one we can get from the Wither and then we need to find one more to fill in that space what is this that’s spawned here I can’t tell hold on let’s have a look this is a

Pretty cool little dungeon here the villager fossil body wo I mean I’m sure that item doesn’t have any actual use but it uh kind of looks interesting a haunting reminder of a village Lost in Time two out of two so maybe there’s a one out of one uh-huh totem of undying

Wow that’s uh good item to find here artifact shards huh unidentified artifact if you get nine of them and then I’m guessing you right click that and it gives you something I don’t know I must say the quest to find the 12 eyes is a very long one indeed but I feel

Like we are slowly progressing closer and closer to finding all of them I’m thinking of my options I think one of them is going ahead and crafting the exotic eye right now and then after that going to the nether to try to find the cursed eye which I know we definitely

Can and finally fight the Wither for the Wither eye I think that’ll give us the last three that we need and if we need one more we can get the guardian ey as well right now let me quickly hopefully get Coral I think that place has Coral

Right there so that’s where we want to head to I’ll set a temporary Waypoint here we go I’m seeing some Coral fire Coral here we go that’s one that we need horn coral I think we need that one as well tube Coral that’s another one and bubble Coral there we go that’s the

Fourth one and with that we should be good to head home if we take our two Heart Of The Seas and wrap them we’ll get two conduits and then with those we just need two glow ink a which I have as well as an Eye of Ender and I have that

As well and Bam exotic eye cool cool now let us head into the nether so that we can get the cursed eye and we can check if we can find the CIS ey in this Fortress for example but I’m pretty sure most of the time it can be found in

Bastion orance cross necklace increases length of invincibility after taking damage okay while we don’t have any Paladin armor that’s actually probably better than our necklace night vision goggles might actually be nice um I don’t know how to feel about this look at this more loot nether eye again but

We don’t need that okay I’m not finding anything else in this nether fortress so I’m going to move on okay we got something going on here okay that double jump was very scary I’m not going to lie this looks like another one of the blaze uh Kings

Powers and I’m not really interested in fighting The Blaze King again but here is a Bastian Remnant I think yeah it’s like two together basically would you look at that I’m cool with it nothing too useful nope still no I that’s okay we’re going to have to keep

Searching my goodness we are powerful our gear though is starting to break down okay here’s another fashion remnant of sorts which uh is a bit dangerous is there’s piglin brutes everywhere and I just realized that our boots broke oh no I will check this last chest and then

We’ll be forced to head out of here unfortunately uhu nothing there okay well I mean like I said we got to leave now because my gear is all busted up I might just was Stone back home to make our lives 10 times easier yes oh I got an undead soul I have no

Idea where I got it from but I got one which which means we might be able to craft the eye right away um let’s see guest here we have a bone we have an uned Soul we need rotten flesh I definitely have that and then there’s one more item being a phantom membran

Which I’ve also collected in case we got the undead Soul wow so that means we can create an undead eye there we go Undead eye let’s just stack the eyes we currently have 1 2 three theoretic that’s three new eyes didn’t I oh yeah four uh so don’t we just need one more

Eye by that logic and what we might be able to do then is just fight the Wither I have let’s see two skulls I might even have three yes I have three Wither Skeleton skulls I’m going to have to enchant a new set of boots protection 4

Okay the boots themselves not too great but you know what at this point we’re taking what we can get and I might even enchant some new pieces of gear just because it’s so costly to repair them at a certain point that uh we need to replace it protection for helmet okay and Thorns

With 25% durability that’s going to break very quickly but that’s a okay we can actually combine it with our old helmet maybe magic protection for okay burning three okie dokie I got some new Gear Repair ooh that chest plate is getting very costly but I can probably get some

More levels from our Quest rewards which I haven’t collected in quite a while oh yeah you know what I can actually do is I’ll take all the levels I’ll enchant and then I will repair I’m going to enchant some new pieces of gear just while we have so many levels that’s not

Bad at all okay bam we have a full set of armor repaired once more I think we can fight the Wither so let me just grab some Soul Sand thank you I just brewed up some fire resistance potions and I think we’re good to go to fight the weather

Okay I’ve moved away from our base so that we can summon the wither and I also slept off the night so we don’t have skeletons like this annoying us with that I think we should be good to go I’m going to drink our fire resistance golden apple and Boop let us drink speed

Cuz that’ll be helpful and I’ll also have strength in case we need it but I think this should go pretty smoothly if I do say so myself it is uh does seem to be a little bit stronger than usual but that’s no worries we will take it out just

Fine one issue um I cannot see my health bar that’s not very preferable I literally have no idea how many hearts I have right now oh that’s also not preferable at all okay he’s coming for us now and with our Hammer we should be able to take him out of no time really

Oh boy that’s a creeper goodbye creeper and dead nice oh no if a creeper close up our loot oh I’ll be so annoyed there we go wither eyes we got them we also got a lord soul good that’s probably going to be needed to summon another

Boss well I’d say that went pretty well folks with the Wither defeated we theoretically should have all of the eyes required to open up the Ender Pearle I say we take our eyes head into the stronghold and try to fight the Ender Dragon real quick I mean honestly

Shouldn’t be too too difficult before do that though there’s one thing I want to do which is put the infinity book I got onto our bow here boom so that lets us easily shoot at the Ender Dragon okay Moment of Truth folks moment of truth let’s see if we can place all

Of these eyes and boom it worked it worked okay well and in that case I’m heading into the endend oh boy there’s some ore here the lasi let’s just try to get to the surface real quick oh wow There It Is the End Dragon is looking pretty crazy um oh boy wait

What are you guys end Enderman are you kidding me get away from me um corrupted Pearl teleports to a random location and chorus fruit okay well that’s quite random anyways let’s blow all this stuff up there might be one more Crystal left I’m just going to start shooting at the End

Dragon though because I don’t know which crystal is left totally fine it’s totally fine I’m doing a lot of damage to this fell though oh yeah I’m somehow really knocking this Ender Dragon back I don’t know what it is but it’s pretty funny because I’m

Kind of able to knock it off its path which I’ve never been able to do and oh I almost got it literally like one shot nope Two Shots three shots four shots five shots there we go Ender Dragon down wa that’s an aggressive noise but we got it very nice give me

The XP and the items please Ender Dragon plushy you can wear it as a hat there we go we got a lord soul oh there’s like an extra heart here heart container which by the way we can get some more heart containers but yeah bam that just gives

Us an extra heart okay that was successful we finally got endstone so we can make a tier three alloy Forge and I’m in a random spot oh boy I’m a long way from Home okay so we should be able to make a alloy Forge out of endstone now boom endstone brick forge controller and we’ll build the new one here okay so with that we should essentially be able to double our netherite scrap so we can actually just smelt up the ancient debris

Itself and I hope I’m doing this right yeah it seems to be working probably didn’t have to separate them but yeah it’s doubling our netherite would you look at that it’s also running out of fuel so fast look at that it ran out of fuel already that was a whole

Stack of coal yeah I have 19 blocks of coal if you’re telling me that’s not enough fuel oh I don’t know what to tell you I guess it’s worth the cost there we go eight netherite ingots that’s insane uh so now we can upgrade all four pieces

Of armor oh and I need the netherite upgrade okay I only was able to make three netherite smithing upgrades so uh that means we need to collect more diamonds the nether is a great place to find diamonds um I didn’t bring a lot of food with me which is my one mistake but

Uh hopefully we can find diamonds sooner than later oh I don’t have a fortune 3 pickaxe anymore oh my goodness okay I need to quickly get a fortune 3 pickaxe oh that’s a mutant Enderman please mutant Enderman I’m not looking at you get me out of there there we go

Fortune pickaxe back to the nether I go oh and there we go diamonds already ready and there’s more yeah the nether is a great source of diamonds in this pack I feel like this uh mutant Enderman is trying to attack me it is trying to

Attack me oh oh no I hit it by accident I hit it by accident with my ground slam oh no oh God oh God oh God oh God it’s chasing me okay okay run can I shoot it with arrows oh I can oh get destroyed I’ll go

In for a melee head let’s go oh oh he’s dead but he’s about to explode oh my God what is he doing what is he doing stop stop stop please okay we’re good we’re Good okay 52 diamonds got that real quick and we’re good to head out there we go that’s all the netherite upgrades we need for now at least and let’s upgrade our gear yeah there we go full netherite we also want to upgrade the pickaxe because there are some ores we’ve been finding

That you can only mine with with the netherite tool and it looks like netherite actually gives you resistance to frost heat as well which is interesting I didn’t expect that but I definitely feel powerful now now one thing I was thinking of doing so that we can actually you know feel like a

Paladin is create a paladin Helmet or you know what not a paladin helmet but a crusader helmet here yes cuz that gives us one healing power and I’m curious if that’ll affect our abilities like concentration because if it really has a big effect on it it might just be better

To use than a netherite helmet so let us make one bam ooh we got it epic as well which is really beneficial and then we can enchant it with hopefully protection for Unbreaking three I wouldn’t mind if we even added uh some respiration onto there okay protection four that’s it but

You know what better than nothing and I am really curious as to if this will work at all uh also let’s make sure we have some potions um honestly just having a couple strengths one speed and some fire resistance is probably good enough and we also have a bunch of

Golden apples so that’ll serve us well oh one thing I should do is repair our Hammer here because it is not doing very well boom okay now here’s the thing I I’m before we go anywhere you know I’m realizing I haven’t done a good job of

Making use of the cool items we could be making like for example we can make with this essence of evanti this Dark Moon Longbow which is pretty cool and it has some interesting abilities like an arrow storm and Moonlight arrows that deal purely magic damage uh so those are

Pretty cool perks and it uh looks very easy to make we just need stick gold and string and then this Essence and boom we have this legendary epic Dark Moon long bow oo okay we got a good roll on it too which is a good sign and I do actually

Have enough levels to enchantment I kind of wish I put my INF book on it but it’s too late for that let’s see if we can roll into something good power four h okay Power four poison Cloud 3 you know what I’ll be okay with that and I think

I do have extra arrows yeah boom I have a whole other stack and I’d say that we are good to go let me just quickly see what this thing looks like when it fires ooh that looks really cool and then it does have a ability I

Don’t know how we trigger it though hold on oh oh yeah so now we can send down an arrow storm which is pretty cool boom and oh you can’t actually use the bow after you do that get to know I was also looking through the weapons we can make

With our lord soul and I’m really liking this darken Scythe essentially you start off with a base version of it and then you get red and blue Souls depending on what type of mob the mob is and at the end it ends up upgrading the scythe and

I mean there are a lot of cool weapons here I have to say but yeah I’d like to make this dark and Scythe it looks like we need Crimson ingots for this and we need Demonite chunks for that we’ve gotten a few demon Hearts not enough to

Actually make all the ingots but I can probably save up for that if we find some more in the nether especially as we go adventuring right now oh the decaying King I have accidentally run into this but you know what I kind of feel like I just want to

Take him out you know I don’t even care if it doesn’t give us credit at this point I’m kind of ready to fight to be honest and you know if it doesn’t give us credit worst case we’ll fight it again okay and and if we can’t do that I

Mean look I don’t know what to tell you but I don’t really want to back down from The Challenge and there’s a boss right in front of me you know I feel like I’ve been in retirement for too long so I believe folks that we might

Just have to take this fella on oh yeah here we go okay um okay oh wow he just instantly starts attacking you okay hold on let’s just drink fire resistance strength oh my goodness we’re I mean I’m very powerful I don’t know what else to tell you uh yeah we’re ready let’s go

For it I’m going to consecration Divine protection and I mean oh also our consecration seems to actually be doing damage which is awesome cuz that means that it can heal us as well I’ve been waiting to actually have some holy power and we finally have some oh my goodness this guy like literally

Only does fire damage are you kidding me oh okay let’s use our new bow yeah buddy get him with the arrows woo and he’s gone wow that was um very very easy I’m I’m not going to lie to you folks that was that was quite quick

But we got him and you know what I am more than happy with that look at that he dropped the darken blade this is The Sword version I guess of the Scythe I wanted to get I kind of want to use this weapon and you know what we can use it

In conjunction with our Paladin weapon we can just use both because this looks absolutely sick man look at this it’s kind of popping through my head but yeah okay well I’m not going to lie to you folks we are a lot more powerful than I thought we were does that give us any

Achievement uh the decaying King no it doesn’t cuz we have uncompleted dependencies okay return night we have to fight that guy okay okay okay that was cool let’s find the cathedral in fact I’ll just make the portal right here there we go flint and steel it and

Let’s see what awaits us okay I’ve spawned in a cave that’s fine though let’s see Cathedral please yes oh okay there is a cathedral nearby so I’ll just Mark the portal as being here Perfecto and I mean it’s time to head up to to the surface

Then okay oh hello you guys want to Go take that let me use our Arrow ability oh yeah destroyed hold on though why would we travel manually when we can just travel through the nether right I mean now that we have the coordinates yeah I mean why travel 5,000 blocks so you guys are going to have to excuse me because

I’m going to go right back down before I go I am going to quickly find some lava because we need extra obsidian if we want to make another portal okay we just have to go East I haven’t been finding any demons while traveling through the nether still I

Don’t really know how rare their spawn rate as it seems to be pretty pretty rare though okay here we go so right around here should be where the cathedral is and I’m in a gab with a mimic hello mimic hi buddy really missed you I know night vision goggles okay by the

Way we got this withered demon heart from the boss as well there is no beating there is no blood as the demon race was cursed by a great artifact long ago all life had been drained yet so much raw hatred and power remains huh chaos orb all the colors of light and

Dark pass through this orb throw it into the sky to summon dieses of Night and Day so this is probably like a final boss we need to get three more items to summon whatever this is Arin Stone okay so there’s more lore interesting you can also make a pure moonlight great sword

Used to summon three Moonlight beams in Split directions interesting okay well that’s cool and all but uh we have business to attend to folks and by business I mean potentially laying a massive boss I just have to get out of this massive cave first cuz I’m at -50 y

Level which is not good okay we’re coming up to surface level here oh I definitely see it yep that’s the Cathedral of Resurrection for sure look at this place oh boy this place doesn’t look very inviting you know oh boy I hope a boss isn’t getting summoned hold on hello old

Moon altar what do I need to do with this so we need a lost soul and the way we get that is just by smelting a piece of Soul Sand which is easy enough it’s just a little bit annoying okay hold on let’s look around the chest in the case

That they have a lost soul this is a really cool structure by the way oh okay we got some encrypted text here ritual ooh um okay don’t love to see that oh astral influence ha of course fener found a loophole although it is not the most ethical way I must say it certainly

Worked I am glad the other went with the ritual I’d rather not pry into the dark arts too much hopefully no one questions the dark sigils on the Titan they shouldn’t realize the symbols anyway they will definitely help with the Titan when the time comes too there is no

Doubt about it our prayers are being heard they must be waiting waiting for our ritual the first attempts did not go so smoothly nor the second nor the third the orb seems to reject the soul of why would it reject it is the soul too powerful that doesn’t make sense they

Said it could hold millions of demon souls this is not good we cannot delay our plans further we cannot risk The Knowing of our discovery of godhood we must find a way wa godhood interesting I’ve never used that word got more chests okay well we have to go get a

Lost soul and there is a lava tool on the surface so I’m just going to use that for obsidian and hopefully we can get this done quickly bam here we go Soul Sand give me give me and that should be it and here’s our portal which

I forgot to mark down so good thing I found it okay let’s quickly craft ourselves a furnace boom and then we just need to get a lost soul yeah boom lost soul so with that it’s time for us to head into the cathedral folks and oh hello dark sorcerer oh these guys were

Not out here before okay I’m going to need to use our Hammer because this does exponentially more damage than anything else right now I’m going to get a fire resistance potion on just in case there’s any fire damage we want to avoid that and other than that with golden

Apples and our divine protection I think we are good to go oh okay that’s really sick hello buddy oh my God oh my God okay let’s go this guy looks sick oh and we have to kill his Sorcerers otherwise it looks like they heal him remnants okay go go dodg his

Attack this is not bad at all let’s use our bow on him doesn’t look like that work too well okay I just hope my gear isn’t breaking take this sorcerer out take this guy out wow this guy heals a lot I’m just going to keep crit hitting him oh

Okay okay another sorcerer got to take him out literally ASAP my gear is starting to break uh this is not good okay how about we kill you yeah 20 Health come on 24 Z you can now craft the orb of origin oo there we go we got got him he dropped

A weapon a bunch of things are dropping here Nightfall Lord’s Soul Arkin Stone we need that for that final item we found third times the charm acquire the Nightfall and command your own Undead Army cool last arrival defeat the returning Knight so it seems like we need Spirit orbs I’m glad we’ve kept

Ours Lost Souls which we have and a soul star we have all of these ingredients so we can definitely craft this I just don’t know exactly what it will be used for okay we’ve completed this chapter so that’s beautiful and I’d say that we did really really well let me quickly take a

Look at this new weapon we got called Nightfall May raise Remnant companion while killing Undead yeah so I kind of looked into this um you can press a key Buton to gain resistance and absorption which is really nice and you can charge and shatter mobs ahead I mean that’s a

Pretty cool weapon and look how big it is oh man okay that’s a pretty pretty sick looking weapon hello horse I’m not going to kill you with this weapon okay I’m sorry I’m so so I don’t want to talk about what I just did I’ve been corrupted by this

Weapon it wasn’t my fault anyways I’m extremely fast like nowadays which is new the Fallen icon summon him by R clicking with essence of EV tide okay well maybe we shouldn’t have used ours but um we still probably want to fight this boss so that means we have to fight

The old Champions remain again let me actually see if we can find the structure what would it be called though Champions Graves okay off we go Again okay should be right around here oh and I’ve spawned in the deep dark that’s that’s not great I I ended up spawning inside a really large mountain so it’s taking me a long time to mine up but uh I do see the old Champions remains on my screen which

Means it should be near us somewhere here here we go oh boy okay I fell right on in oh okay hello I have the wrong weapon selected but let’s just try the Nightfall real quick I mean pretty pretty normal you know I’d say pretty normal it attacks

Faster that’s for sure but it’s not doing any crazy damage at all whereas if we put on our Hammer oh we just m down okay and there’s the frenzy Spirit which we are definitely going to want a shield for but even then it’s just like it’s getting

Demolished and I think we defeated it yes we did okay essence of Evan tide so theoretically that’s what we needed there okie dokie that was easy peasy look at my helmet okay at this point we’re definitely returning home with our little Ender Dragon plushy on the top of

Our head but I actually realized is I can just make a Way Stone just going to grab two pieces of Flint oh wait wait wait you know what no here’s what I can do I just go boom boom boom and then boom I use this I can teleport straight

Back home oh there we go I forgot we don’t even need to craft a waist Stone okay well we need to repair our gear so I’m going to do that as best as I can which honestly isn’t isn’t that great and wow that chest plate just cost me 32

Levels to repair I didn’t realize oh no I did that wrong I should have I needed to replace the chest plate but I did not okay now can I repair this Crusader helmet and we can repair it oh beautiful okay and I can probably get some levels

Yeah 20 levels from there and anotherr Ingot beautiful so boom we can repair the helmet fully okay now I’d like to defeat the other bosses remaining there’s the Fallen I which it seems we summoned by right clicking with essence of Evan tide so we can try to test it

Out outside of our base here let’s head out a little bit this isn’t necessarily the most cinematic spot though you know what I mean it doesn’t feel right I think I’ll just summon this boss in the nether that’ll feel a bit more right if that’s something we can do let’s see if

It works M no it’s not working okay you know what it might be folks I might have to use this essence of event hied at the same ritual spot we fought the returning Knight in so you know what I think we should head back there oh look what I found Adam and

Knight it’s hard to say but this is the material we needed to make that hallowed armor that makes me kind of want to look through a bit more of this cave because I had not found anything before and if I found it here maybe we can find some

More Yep here’s more that’s good wow okay so this seems to be maybe biome based or something because yeah I’m finding a lot of this stuff here runite or I don’t know what that is okay I reached a big lava pool here just because I am still trying to find more of this

Ore I’m up to 38 Adamantite which is really good um I more worried now about the other ores that we needed to collect because as for this one it seems like we have as much as we need I can’t lie to you folks I’m kind of excited because that means we

Can make some very powerful gear that I’ve been wanting to make since the beginning of the 100 days really and even though it’s a bit late better late than ever really now I’d say it’s time to go to the returning night building and summon this next boss we want to

Fight okay here we are oh and the alter is not even here dude oh my goodness so it seems like we would need the altar but I don’t know if we can make it we can these are easy materials iron skull that’s fairly easy too okay unfortunately all of those materials are

At home in that case we will head home and then summon the boss close by and you know what that’s okay because on this trip we actually ended up getting a lot of good things like food and we got the important ore that we wanted so

That’s good and just as I’m on my way home here I’m curious to check in on the decaying King’s Tower because I want to see if he respawn potentially that would save us a lot of time I’m guessing it didn’t respawn yeah and there’s no alter here or anything either okay good that

We checked though okay let us craft this altar bam iron skull and Bam all the moon altars so using that we should be able to summon this next boss I’m not going to travel anymore for it we’re just going to fight it out here okay uh golden apples in hand strength potion

Ready let me eat a golden apple let’s place the alter and let’s summon this boss oh fallen ion there he is okay that definitely worked uh strength potion yeah this guy looks like an upgraded version of the fellow we fought I shielded right away oh oh my God this

Guy’s taking like three damage a hit okay um okay this is definitely a stronger boss oh boy oh not the blindness I have no more healing runes no no no no no no okay I can’t Divine Shield anymore it’s fine it’s fine right it’s fine oh okay I really don’t like that ability

Hello take that take that my friend you’re done you’re done pal oh boy okay wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no he has a har oh dude this guy just one shot me this guy literally almost just demolished me

Right there if I didn’t have any totem of a dying are you kidding me okay hold on um we should make this new set of armor because clearly fighting that guy with the currents that we have is not working yeah let’s see do I have enough

Ores okay so it looks like I do have enough ores for a full set now I wish I had more mithil because we’re going to need more of it if we want to make ingots to repair the armor later but for now folks this is a huge accomplishment

And I’m hoping everything will go smoothly and regards to this oh no you need a forge controller of tier 2 specifically oh no I okay okay blackstone’s probably going to be the easiest thing for us to get so I’ll quickly head into The Nether and do

That I still am shocked over the fact that we almost got absolutely demolished in a split second by that boss like I don’t even know what to tell you guys about it here we go Blackstone Basin this has what we need boom Blast Furnace there’s our tier

2 Stone Forge and now we just need to build it like we normally do bam okay round two I need more coal though uh-oh do I need to go mining for coal uh probably but I’ll set it to smelt for a bit with the little amount of coal we do

Have let me just confirm that it actually works I almost am not going to believe it if this works boom hollowed Ingot wow wow wow wow okay la la la Co mining so fun okay there we go and the hallowed ingots are coming along folks we can

Craft this very very very powerful gear oh boy um one problem look at the trait that I just got on that 50% negative durability are you messing with me right now and that’s so bad too oh no oh no oh not all that work for this to

Happen oh my goodness um um well this is why I would have liked to have a lot more of the resources required okay leggings please no why are you doing this to me okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to try to head down and see

If I can find more of this mithil stuff uh really quickly though uh Crystal Heart increases we’s maximum health by 10 I think that means like five Hearts what belt do I have on now oh I have the double jump no you’re going to make me pick between the double

Jump in the 10 Health increase are you kidding me oh my goodness um okay I’m going to go with a double jump for now but this during the boss fight probably is going to be very good to use oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is it this

Is mythol or hold on um okay that was one little vein okay let’s teleport over here and we might be able to find more mythal around here let’s see I see some over there there we go more mythal this is the cave where we were finding a bunch of mithil good

Thing I left our waystone here and I kind of remembered and yeah there’s a whole bunch of mithil around here oh thank goodness that’s why I was confused cuz I thought I had picked up a lot more and I still might have but I didn’t see it in

My chest I I don’t know okay 44 raw Mythril there we go folks let’s see how much of each Ingot are we going to be able to make a decent amount it’s mainly this Adam and tight that we actually don’t have enough of anymore but you

Know what for now now I’m just going to be happy with this hopefully we can get better rolls on our armor yeah um okay that is not much better we can take a roll and combine these and see if we can get something more so decent and we failed okay uh

Uncommon hallowed helmet this is a lot better than that so you know what we’ll probably deal with it um if we smelt this down we get one hollow nugget we get one nugget if we smelt it down um which is not very helpful uh but it is

What it is o yeah we have 10 more hollowed ingots left so the boots really bad still we’re going to want to try again there we go okay at least it has more beneficial perks than harmful ones I do have one small idea that could work

Which is the fact that when we were getting that ore it was way down below in like y level -40 so maybe if I go down to Y level4 again then at this port yeah essentially if we can go to a large lava pool like we did before that could

Be the solve to our issue okay here we are uh this is the moment where we find out if there is hope for us oh my God maybe there actually is there we go got that thank you okay I’m seeing more and more pop up guys so

We have uh actually found what we need to make more or give me give me give me W strange disc okay that’s interesting we might want to play that at the end of The 100 days you know what I’m going to try to remember to do that okay I mean

I’ve already gotten 27 which is probably going to be enough yeah we have a pretty equal amount of everything so that’s very very nice oh and you know what I’ve learned making blocks of coal instead of just regular coal is way better for using heat like it’s so much more

Efficient cuz I just put in a stack and it probably gave me 34s of this much now if I put in a box of gold oh beautiful okay and with that we can perfect our gear not a good chest plate combine those not a good chest plate but it’s

Okay because we can make More leggings also bad give me something better there there we go ooh in an epic chest plate that is what I like to see protection 4 okay not bad protection 4 not bad protection four okay the not not too great I’m not going to lie to you folks not too great but it

Is what it is it’ll have to do it’ll have to do I will say we’re looking cool we’re looking cool I do wish we had death barter on this chest plate okay only issue is I run out of lapis again so I have to go mining again here we go okay lapis

Please there we go death barter 3 oh I just need some levels which I thought I might have I think I do yeah there we go boom and boom so now we can put that on our chest plate as well I think let’s just confirm I don’t want to actually do

It yet but see if it works yes it does beautiful okay and we can actually do that with the extra gear yeah so we can just enchant all of them to get Unbreaking here we go Unbreaking I need more levels Unbreaking thank you we need Unbreaking on this one thank you okay

Let us combine all of our pieces of Gear and there we go full set of armor full Unbreaking protection 4 and the traits are pretty good now going into any boss fights I’m going to make sure we literally have as many emeralds on us as possible I know it’s funny but uh these are each like individually totems

Of UND dying basically and we don’t even have to hold them in our hand which is nice we also have the crystal heart which can increase our health by a lot oh you know what we should do for sure is make more healing runes there we go

And I would spend time making potions and everything but honestly I don’t think we have enough time to do that so uh first of all we need to head out and defeat this boss that basically almost onot us a moment ago I hope he’s still

Out there because I do not want to have to resummon him now if we’re going to go in close proximity I’m just going to make sure we have some absorption hearts and we can make extra golden apples later so that’s not a problem let’s see if this guy is still here though okay

Harbinger of moonlight we’re going to go in I have my Divine Shield this time which is very helpful oh and he’s not taking any damage oh boy great okay there we go okay he’s taking damage now good I don’t know yeah there is actually the potential to dodge his attacks I

Just have to fight him in F5 so I can actually see what is going on oh boy I don’t know what he’s doing we’re dodging that okay apparently not oh boy he definitely tanks down my health he’s gotten about half of it just out of the way that’s good we Dodge That oh boy oh and that’s a summoning wow this guy is a stacked boss man okay going golden apple and eat some food regenerate our health that way hopefully and crits crits crits going Golden Apple oh no I’m pretty sure uh Enchanted mob is somewhere nearby I’m going to

Hope that that does not affect us someone dropped a weapon wow that looks cool I don’t know if it’s any use I have no time to check it right now I’m just going to keep doing damage to everybody with this Hammer okay and I don’t like getting

Blinded I’m going to eat the golden apple and Dodge that food okay go it’s especially good when we can crit our Smite we do a lot of damage then uh-oh okay I just hope this guy doesn’t have a third phase there’s no way right like that’s impossible we’re going to

Get him there we go that’s got to be it right no no no no dude come on come on you’ve got to be you you’re literally you’re trolling me I’m literally being trolled okay I dodged a bunch of attacks this has to be the final oh boy okay oh

You know what happened he reset that’s why he reset oh my God are you kidding me okay okay this boss is no joke oh my God the zombie is attacking him I guess that’s good uh-oh Y and the zombie’s dead that’s what happens when you try to

Attack this boss okay you know what let’s try to make use of our bow because this guy obviously oh and we can’t use our bow on him are you kidding me oh no oh my God oh my God he just demolished me all of my health okay we’re just I’m

Just dealing damage to him like I don’t even know what to tell you okay okay uh-oh okay it’s Fine heal up I’m just basically trying to crit him with smites and then run good good good good hit and then we have Divine protection okay run okay find protection beautiful okay good got a bunch of hits oh boy Divine shielding golden Appling this is a little bit hard to

Fight him in this terrain oh boy oh boy okay it’s also hard when he explodes me up in the air okay go go go good hits oh boy oh boy oh boy please please please oh oh my God okay he’s like 1 HP dude come on come on let’s go let’s

Go wo I think we got him I think we got him oh that was that was a pretty crazy fight dude that was um wow this guy let’s see what items he dropped but this guy was no joke moonlight great sword used to summon Moonlight beams yeah this

Is a really cool sword look at that and then what else do we have essence of luminescence that spawns another boss I believe we got this random double-edged great sword that’s just okay a lord soul the true soul of the old Champion so powerful that it shattered the Arin

Stone containing it wow oh that was quite the fighto okay we did it but our adventures are not over yet because there is still a few more bosses and if they’re anywhere near as powerful as that we’re going to have some struggles so I hope that was the most powerful one

Although folks uh if we look up here there is another layer to this so yeah uh I’m scared okay let me try this moon beam thing looks like you kind of activate it just like a bow it doesn’t really do it on its own unless yeah no you just right click so

It’s like a dual weapon it can either be melee or ranged I guess that’s pretty cool and MOB kills we just completed a quest I’m pretty sure that means we’ve literally defeated like a, mobs that’s quite the number to reach on day 99 okay I’m going to hurry up here because we’ve

Got to figure out what we’re going to be up to if we want to craft this chaos orb we have this we have this now we do we have the Arin Stone that’s a good question but we do need the crown of chaos we need to summon a mage called

The monarch of chaos who is apparently a very powerful powerful Mage and in order to do that we need to use The Shard of uncertainty which we got from the Wither and then we need to put that on a Blackstone pedestal great boom Blackstone pedestal okay so that’ll summon this Mage boss uh

Which is a little bit scary I would like to fight this boss somewhere else maybe in the end Dimension you know what I’d be down with that cuz I want to switch it up a little bit we can use our Rings better because you know I’ve been using the ones that

Give me some healing perks but we don’t really need that anymore and I have so many apples so we can make quite a significant amount of golden ones I think I have more gold too yeah look at that we can smelt that using our different alloy forges even so bam bam I

Got this power glove from the quest which gives us plus four attack damage that’s better than this piston thing because it just gives us extra knockback which we don’t really need let’s see here 33 more golden apples and I can make even more bam 40 golden apples total very

Good amount I say we head into The Nether and begin this fight that is concerning because I have no idea what it’s going to be like so let us head over to the end okay well we’re here oh boy the only problem is these guys but we can take them out easily and

Uh yeah I mean I guess there’s not much left for us to do other than to go ahead and summon this boss let’s go for it I’ll have my enchanted gold anopolis with us and oh boy monarch of chaos there it is let’s go uh-oh okay well the Endermen are

Coming after me that’s fine oh my goodness I’m doing so much damage to this thing oh this is way easier oh yeah take that buddy it’s dead it’s gone that was fast oh I’m happy about that and there is the crown of chaos equipped to gain immunity to Decay regeneration while having Decay

Effect and permanent luck what does that Crown look like pretty cool pretty cool Cape of chaos I didn’t know about that equi to wither all nearby grass and dirt blocks for a short duration every 2 seconds apply wither to nearby non-player entities wa I don’t know if

I’m actually going to use this but it is pretty freaky looking oh and withered Waba Jack someone’s random projectiles with random effects okay I am curious oh um um it also throws ender pearls this is the randomest thing Ever holy moly this is crazy anyways with that collected all we need is the Arkin Stone so if we combine all four of these together Boom the chaos orb all the colors of light and dark pass through this orb throw it into the sky to some of the

Daes of Night and Day and folks it is night time technically day 100 but we still have a little bit more time to take out this final boss okay folks um yeah this is a little bit horrifying I don’t know what’ll come out of it but I

Guess we should summon what it would be the nightstalker at this point and you know what we’re going to summon it right over here let’s go folks we don’t have much time to spare boom I threw the orb up in the air going to Golden Apple have

My enchanted golden apples oh my God they both spawn at the same time oh no um okay okay um oh no can I not even oh God okay let’s go I guess I can’t even oh my God it’s going to One-Shot me what have I done no

I need a more powerful bow for this okay hold on here it is there we go when it’s oh my God it’s going to it’s just destroying me okay let’s go this is this is terrible oh no they both just team up on you too okay let’s go just crit hits is

Literally the only way we’re going to be able to do this oh please please don’t hit me thank you please I’ve gotten them down a pretty good amount of Health but I also literally cannot see anything I’m glad I kept the double jump on for this fight cuz goodness gracious I can barely

Move around okay I have my Divine shield for a bit oh and it’s already run out okay okay Golden Apple oh boy I really don’t like that both of these fellas spawn at the same time let’s go oh I’m going to get one of them there we go

Woo uh-oh why is the second one full health again no dude you can’t do this to me okay let’s go buddy bow at this fell a little bit oh my God okay I’m eating my second enchanted golden apple let’s go wow this is oh this is overwhelming oh

God come on we have them below half Health man it’s so close I’m just going to bow at it while it does this I’d rather not be hit by a huge meteor okay back up in the sky oh and it’s okay it’s Grand slaming me great

Okay I’m going in for another hit Maybe not maybe I’m just going to get destroyed okay great great great great great I don’t know how many emeralds we have left not a lot um I need to put more on my inventory there we go okay I

Need to get some good crit hits here but it’s really hard to hit this thing there we go oh boy what is it doing now okay let’s go let’s go man these are the sickest fights I’ve ever seen in my life okay okay let’s use our special ability with our bow die please

Die please die come on wo we got it we got it I don’t know if it’s going to explode I’m just going to run away okay we actually got it we actually took it out what did it drop Dawn breaker killing Undead may cause an explosion that damages fears and sets nearby

Undead on fire blazing blade sets mobs on fire for longer scaling off of fire respect level uh-huh Lord Soul D of the daylight long ago a group of ancients prayed to her and her sister oh that was two sisters interesting wow that was uh definitely one of the coolest fights

I’ve ever done in my life and folks I mean that marks us defeating every boss from miam’s Soul like Weaponry which is really really nice I’ve never defeated all those bosses and I mean it’s day 100 so I’d say that we ended this off really successfully there was one more thing I

Wanted to do before we ended off off this 100 days though and it involved the Jukebox and a very cursed looking disc strange disc let’s play it huh it’s just making like Crystal noises what is going on whoa is this starting to play a song oh oh oh yeah yeah thank you for

Watching Everybody again if you want to play with your friends or you’re interested in starting a server of your own make sure to check out by hosting using the link in the description and use my code swev for 25% off of your first month other than that everybody

I’ll see you all in the next video peace out

I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore!

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  1. the temples with arrows have different blocks where you can walk safely, just look at whats beneath the pressuyre plates

    you can create a summoning staff to teleport and command your mythic mounts

  2. you should try making a 100 day video on craft to exile 2 its an amazing rpg mod the skill tree is massive with custom spells and classis (its goated u should play it)

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