Will Update 1.6 make me a Stardew Valley fan? πŸ‘€ | Stardew Valley Co-Op

No e e e hi friends I’m all over the place hello welcome in you guys can probably you probably heard me like huffing and puffing trying I’m so I I don’t know why I’m nervous right now but here we are I’m like trying to get everything together trying to be organized welcome

In everybody and welcome to the stardew valley update 1.6 today is going to be an interesting day because I am playing co-op with KO Dan from Crossing minute console KO here on YouTube we’re all playing together and we’re going to decide whether I can actually enjoy this game or not but

Welcome in everybody we also have some membership mileston thank you so much to everyone who has become a member let me just take a look and see exactly who it is because it’s blocked on my end hold on let me see um yes just chilling thank you so

Much for renewing your membership to the little Bru um Stephanie Greywolf thank you so much for becoming a member um to our little bruise welcome back to the little Brew Crew and um I think you upgraded your membership too also Stephanie thank you so much for upgrading to our bougie brus

You now have access to custom emotes private Community posts and our members only live streams thank you so much for being here and also who is excited about stardy Valley sugar cookie Bailey Sabrina um editor hello TJ Claire hello welcome in Kina J teacup hello Deanna oh

My goodness Diana it’s been a while how are you um Mimi Sherry Cola hello Harley welcome in Claire Henry welcome in everybody christe so good to see you thank you so much for five months to our bougie bruise welcome welcome um let me see because we I think they might be

Waiting on me lurking while at work I hope work’s going well for you let me get my headphones on so I can hear Let me we just got to get organized okay we’re about to jump in and say hi to K and Dan and see if they are

Chatting with their chats or ready to go ahead and jump in okay did I put my headphones on right yes I did okay hold on one second let’s see hello okay they’re still chatting to their chat so we’re good Caroline hello Katarina you’re excited hello Karina

Ashley welcome in thank you to our mods Beck it’s so good to see you thank you so much for being here thank you guys for the compliments on the hair as well mallerie Sherry Cola hello might try playing again while watching you please do join

Me please do join me I may need to turn down some of the sounds and stuff so you just got y’all let me know how things are sounding Nuka welcome in welcome in let me know if the music is too loud y’all are going to die laughing

When you see when you see what we named oh my my gosh let me know if that’s better when you see what I Nam the farm Jess hello so excited to make a stream we’re so excited that you’re here Jess sounds perfect okay that’s better

Perfect okay got it got it got it let me just check and see are they they’re in chat right like you guys would know okay we’re all muted and deafened we’ll see I’m just going to mute myself for now so if they start chatting with me

I’ll be ready um can anybody guess what we named the farm if you’ve watched some K Dan Katrina live streams in the past y’all could probably guess what the farm name is you could probably guess Peach toes yeah I just had an early dinner now I can watch and enjoy

Stream let’s go Caroline welcome in are is anybody in here currently playing stardew Valley and is anybody in here trying to figure out whether stardo Valley is going to be the game for them or not because here’s the thing the funny thing about our Co-op today is the fact

That KO doesn’t like stardo Valley like just is not a fan we have um Dan who absolutely loves stardew Valley if you guys don’t know Dan Dan from Crossing minute make sure you guys get subscribed Dan is great love stardy Valley and then you have me who’s on the fence and can’t

Figure out if I’m just not playing right or what yes TJ we’re playing with console KO and Crossing minute um Mimi thank you so much for SI 16 oh my gosh 16 amazing months time flies when you’re having fun looking forward to the next 16 months Mimi

You’re the best thank you so much for everything thank you for your help on the channel and thank you for just being a wonderful part of our community we appreciate you and love you and thank you for 16 whole months that is crazy that is crazy trying to get back into it

But I’m not sure yeah see I’m trying I’m like I don’t know if I’m just playing wrong or what it’s one of your favorite games teacup Ryan welcome in I’ve literally never seen stard Valley Stream don’t know anything about the game oh well L you might be in for a treat

Today um I’ve never played stard going to watch and see if I like it okay hello hello hello hi um what’s up what’s up how’s it uh how’s it going uh I’m terrified okay well thanks for talking I will chat with you again some oh that’s

It well I didn’t get an inv code so I ass it Oh no you’re you are it’s totally fine let me just go ahead and grab the invite code for you really quick I thought I think that’s cuz I exited out you know I don’t know what

I’m doing Dan you know this hello hello hey hi hold on one second I got to adjust my volumes and my settings but I’m going to drop the code in our chat really quickly so you guys can jump into the game and we can get started I am I am actually trying to

Refrain from letting you guys play the game okay codes in chat we’ve already had to remake our characters one time this is true because K decided to make her character 90 years old for some [Laughter] reason we’re not going to talk about how my we’re not going to talk about it okay

It was a mess it was may may she rest in [Laughter] peace all right so got can everybody hear KO and Dan okay is it loud enough does everything sound okay gosh why is this start okay I have modified the St volume so many times you

Have to do it in game it’s awful every time shouldn’t be every time it might be a bug I think it’s a bug I’ve had to do it every time I’ve logged in my invite code is just not working for me I don’t even have to have an invite code I can just

Join what wait why is my Farmer gone oh my Farmer’s gone too hello okay you you ruined our Farmers we we had everything set up for this my Farmer looks the same sounds like a personal problem all right I’ll be new farmer number two so we’re making them

Again you shouldn’t have to do that every time though right the volume is so loud I know it’s awful I just turned it all the way down I’m sorry everybody yeah I don’t know I can’t fix it y’all it’s going to be a bit before I can fix it I’m

Sorry I hope you enjoy the music yeah they say they can’t hear you at all hold on one second I probably can’t hear with the blasting music yeah it’s not helping that’s for sure okay okay this is my third time making a character um Bailey thank you so much

For the $5 Super Chat my son loves watching your videos he yells every time he hears you it’s so cute Bailey can you give your son a hug for me that is adorable thank you so much um okay so I’m turning their volume up I have KO Vol volumes

Up Dan volume is up does it sound better now okay can you guys talk we’re testing volumes right now hi okay I can finally lower the volume I still have not been able to lower the volume thank goodness is this better or is it perfect does it need do

They need to be a little bit louder I look so much better now that I redid my character okay I think I can options let me know if the game volume and the people volume is good everybody yes please I mean man that music is loud y’all it’s it’s very

Aggressive my my sounds are still too loud overall I’m just going to lower everything everything like I’m having to turn it down really low yeah ridiculously low my sound is like one click up from just being completely muted at this point yeah oh my gosh I’m out in the woods are

You here yeah let’s go see Dan okay hold on we can switch to okay Dan cam okay can y’all hear the game sound at all and can you hear them I hear yeah okay I can hear Dan hello I can turn it up for I’m not

Turning it up very loud because we got to feed the chickens there we go oh we do we do have chickens that’s right let’s go check out the chickens oh my gosh you got to pet him oh don’t a them my God it’s already on to you’re

Supposed to pet them K are you in the middle of the forest c d are louder I can fix that do you want me to turn them down um thank you so much teacup for one gifted membership I appreciate you so much um Bailey congratulations welcome

To the little RW crew hope you enjoy your gifted membership and Bailey again thank you so much for the Super Chat I appreciate that so so much I’m already hitting chickens okay how do we pet the chickens right click I’m lost oh Scrappy oh I can sell them for 2508 gold

Maybe we should keep them they make us money maybe Scrappy should be already trying to sell the chickens it was a mistake honestly I they don’t want to let me pet them every time I right click it just shows their age maybe cuz I already pet them today perhaps wow

Thanks Dan sorry I didn’t know only one of us could could love on the chickens well you’re the one that knows how to do these things Dan it’s look it’s been a while I’m sorry I usually play by myself because I don’t have friends oh okay

Well now I now I feel bad well yeah my my friends are usually chickens and cows and you’re taking this away from me wow so sorry about that yeah well I don’t forgive you oh oh I’m hitting a lot of buttons a lot of the wrong buttons okay

Let’s can we all have a look at our outfits K where are you uh that’s a great question near some trees I’m sorry for hitting the chickens guys okay it was an accident K’s in okay there’s KO look how look how cute KO is y’all look at us look at

Us I’m going to try and take a picture yeah we need zoom in though oh wait I’m I’m trying to get even sorry oh Zoom here we go oh K keeps moving every time I okay um bestie St so good to see you classy cozy welcome

In Mera hello it’s so good to see you too okay we got the photos Okay so Dan is a stardew Valley Professional and is going to be guiding us through this yeah sorry no it’s totally fine you’re going to be guiding us through this stardew Valley Journey

That we’re about to go on correct yeah sure um okay amazing and fun game one of the first things that helps to do is to get into the questing so it wants you to meet everybody in town yeah that I don’t like but that’s awful it’s awful but if

You if you follow me we can find them most of them pretty quick probably not every single person today but most of them a frog oh I’m sorry when would you like to do that let’s do that now okay let’s get this over with we look so cool

Though come on you got to be honest did you get any seeds by the way when you like opened your box like when you woke up uh oh I’m so sorry I have not opened my box did we all get a box oh yes I got

Some hay for the chickens oh papy for chickens is good okay let me go and check what I got in here my house was Steph says this doesn’t look like in shrouded Steph doesn’t know anything about me um I got hay as well I got 15

Hay okay I’m not going all the way back to my house to find hay somebody says your character looks like Jeremiah Johnson wait you have a little I can’t get in you got to right click the oh I I gave the chickens the hay how

Does Dan know what to do with all this stuff don’t know I play the game you’re going to let our chickens out well you can let it well yeah should close the oh my gosh don’t ax at them what are you doing I didn’t know you’re going to kill

Them I just have nothing in my hand this is going so well already do I need to how might I how how does one donate hay uh we need a silo to actually store it so we just have to put it in a chest or something okay got it all right um okay

It’s good to close the fence cuz I think it keeps them in there but if they get out they they find their way back at night anyway it’s not a huge deal okay so you can’t actually lose them correct um but you can close them out of

The CPE and they don’t like that oh so so leave the little CPE gate open if in the winter we’ll close it okay and uh they don’t come out and eat when it’s raining so that’s what the hay is for that’s Harvey down there we can go get

Him thank you so much for three wonderful Munch Ginger Bell it’s so good to see you I also meant to tell you that I love your profile picture I just think it’s so nice but I will not watch wait I will not watch cuz first it’s 1:00 a.m.

Here in second I need to explore it myself but I wish you all so much fun thank you Ginger Bell get some rest and thank you for popping in I hope you love the game get Evelyn before she gets uh away do we all need to talk to them does

It count stop Evelyn and then Alex Pam call me Granny if you like do we talk to everybody individually yeah just one at a time just kind of right click them they’ll they’ll say hello okay couple of them down here I don’t remember 200 Animal Crossing villagers I don’t remember most the

Animal cring Viller oh hi Penny Okay so we’ve got Penny we’ve got Maru oh Leah’s kind of hard to uh get a hold of early on and she’s up here by the medical uh facility I don’t want to call it a hospital uh Le’s cool Sam is interesting looking do we

All get our own data uh yeah I think so oh wow Sam did you meet him yet I met Sam met Sam uh Haley’s inside this house she’s standing around the kitchen not us just running in these people’s houses you you can’t go in their bedrooms yet until like you’re better

Friends with them oh you’re that new farmer girl okay so how going into their personal spaces is off limits makes sense yes but you can stand around the living room all day long uh Vincent and Sam’s mom is at their house right now Jody okay

Can we zoom in and out of our views by the way you can do that in the menu uh but you can’t like just like scroll in and out easily or anything okay I zoomed in on mine cuz I can’t see anything okay Stevie thank you so much for

Popping in and leaving a like Jody’s nice don’t forget to like the streams y’all whatever stream you’re watching how do I describe where Clint is uh Flint is over to the right but he’s he’s going to the bar a lot of them are about to hit the bar it’s 7:20 p.m.

Already is this a joke this time faster when we’re in a multiplayer setting this crazy uh it well you can’t pause now that we’re in a multiplayer setting unless you hit enter and type SL pause what yeah oh my God so Shane Gus and Emily who are in the

Bar where’s the bar chef and owner okay it’s kind of in the middle of townish the star drop Saloon is there a way for it to not get so dark outside uh yes [Laughter] sleeping up here it’s up just up here okay oh my gosh there’s tons of people in

Here oh Shane just asked me why I’m talking to him so I’m going to exit that conversation Shane is not giving friendly Shane is uh you’ll find a misunderstood character ah okay I still don’t like him we’ve only met I’ve only met 15 out of the 28 where are yall

At I’m at sh no idea how to check oh by the way the name of the farm guys is $2 nudes if you didn’t guess $2 nudes yeah $2 nudes is what we landed on so that’s what you landed on we’re so original excuse that’s what you

Landed on that’s your you named it this what what are you talking about we all decided it was a great amazing name are you getting drinks in there or oh sorry yeah we we are actually slightly buz right [Laughter] now why does Dan look homeless we I don’t have any money you

Can just waiting outside the bar with oh Shane Shane’s really hard to meet we got to stop him stop halt halt in your track Shane this is Sebastian Sebastian sorry stop do not go inside this house get him get him get him I got him okay

My gosh why so hard to he just he has weird hours and since we’re not friends with him he just he’s not out of his house a lot I relate to him very well I see uh speaking of homeless we have uh what’ you do if someone just stood in

Front of your your door and said stop you cannot go in until you meet this other person lius lius is in his tent that would not be great oh oh line this small space excuse is he a caveman he’s camping he’s mind don’t mind me I just live out here alone I

Won’t I’m not minding you sir I don’t even know why we’re here that was a lot of people I I don’t know if how many more we have we didn’t need the fishing guy yet but I think he is to bed early or something Marney as

Well we’ll get a quest for the fishing guy right too like we’ll get a quest for him later yeah he’ll be like hey time for you to come down to the dock and it’s really ominous and weird oh ah is this our house oh yeah it is okay I can’t see any I

Literally it’s really dark we can craft campfires I think oh I just got a I’m tired yeah I think we’re sleepy it was a lot of I don’t know how to get back to my house is this my house this is my house I have no idea where my house is

Oh look at that Dan has already created buil the campfire yeah fire oh I think this is my house well I want to do the same thing I would like to create a CRA oh I don’t have enough stuff fantastic I’m going to just go to sleep fantastic I don’t know craft Dan

Is tucked into bed okay so now we’re just waiting for KO Shane is giving Town bad boy it is giving Town bad boy that’s for sure I’m kind of disappointed that it’s not Peach toes I mean Peach toes would be a good a good name I wish this was released on switch

I know I’m so sorry for anybody playing on switch for me in the past hello dog mom by the way welcome in I guess okay here is my thing was start okay is everyone ready yep yeah um it just seems like whenever people are playing like we’re just running around

Trying to do things as quickly as possible just to like check them off the list like are are we really have like are yall really having fun like is it fun to check these things off the list is that the goal it’s good to get it out

Of the way but the game is a slow paced kind of like thing but you’re playing with someone who’s played it 100 times okay I’m just kind of like I got to get this done but we do not have to do it this way I mean people when they

First play probably don’t even look at the quests right away on their first day you know what I mean I hear everybody kind of plays differently like I was reading some Twitter posts about it and some people were like for the first like couple of months all they did was like

Fishing like didn’t follow any main quest lines like you can kind of just do whatever you want to do you don’t have to do like any combat or anything if you don’t want to I don’t know if it was the first couple months but for a while it wasn’t like

Anything you know Quest driven or anything like that will Wily’s got something for me Willie that would be our our call to the beach oh is that be we have mail I haven’t checked my mail that’s what I do like that you we all have to kind of Follow The Quest

Together okay yeah they’re all okay visit for 5 p.m. Harvest an egg from your chickens my little house area is cute I got a little Pond over here let me see K’s house KO would have first of all Dan’s house matches perfectly with Dan’s aesthetic right now I just I

Have to throw that out there that was not in homeless it’s giving log cabin and logger and you’re definitely Nick Offerman yeah and Ko’s house is where is Ko’s house oh it’s over here I mean it’s good spot I got a little p down here it’s so cute excuse

Me that cute you’re fired canceled can we get some band Kos in the chat please thanks so much okay we’re taking all of your blue grass by the way hope you don’t mind that’s r Wait what I think it’s rare I don’t know it’s it’s new I’m sorry it’s rare

And you’re getting rid of it I may have sliced it all down and got nothing for chopping it so I don’t K’s putting I’m I see that Dan we have to keep an eye on our monies by the way with KO here we never know yeah you

Know how things go K’s going to i l this is free I made it right now can you imagine just go buy a bunch of stuff I actually can’t imagine do remember Lego [Laughter] fortnite and my time at Sandrock my time at Sandrock that was iconic

Honestly okay so does it make sense to kind of like get all of this like to clear the space out here uh it’s a good way to burn through your energy if you want okay I don’t know if that’s if we don’t have a lot of seeds then there’s not I mean clearing

Up the space is good for putting down buildings planting crops okay but uh we don’t have to do that right now do we share money yes now I could have chosen to for to not be shared oh correct Dan is going to steal all the money why am I

Going to steal the money D cuz you’re a money stealer oh no a money stealer Dan is this true is these are these allegations about you true these allegations are yeah yeah excuse me well great that clears that up okay it did clear that up he

Wonders why he has no friends to play games with hey just making fart noises into the into the mic I’m going to put a chest in here with the chickens okay cool we can store our hey correct I feel like there’s okay so can we talk about

The patch notes did y’all take a look at the patch notes yeah why was it written like a novel didn’t didn’t he start by saying this was going to be a small update oh did you read the full patch I read the the overview where he’s like I

Don’t want to spoil too much I read the non-spoiler ones and I feel like it was pages and pages long yeah he did say he got carried away yeah that was I’m actually really shocked for this to be one guy as well so in web pixes yes they are three

Separate backpack upgrades um saine welcome it it’s so good to see you classic KO um Angela hello welcome into you as well there is so much Harley I’m actually quite shocked I was like how are we supposed to how are we supposed to keep up with all of this so very

Interesting but I’m excited I I’m actually enjoying it multiplayer is fun in this game I 50 whoops can we clear way to the beach you guys think that would be smart cuz isn’t there like a back entrance to the beach or something like that uh

Yeah oh it’s not far not too bad oh that’s good yeah so we’ll just move any of this stuff out of the way using your Scythe does not cost any energy um axes pickaxes things like that do cost energy is there a way to get more energy yes is that through like

Food it’s through just kind of like going to festivals doing the quests there’s these things called star drops they’re very rare and you only get them in certain moments in the game uh the first one we get should be during a festival like we can buy it about to die excuse

What K do you want to come with us to the beach to get a fishing rod let’s go to the beach each let’s let’s go get away they say what the I got to say going to get us copyright strikes look if I’m that good I found wild

Horseradish that’s good we can put those in the community center oh very good oh who’s this if oh you found someone oh it’s Leah she just said hello good neighbor pop into the barn up here and see if Marne is home marne’s not home okay Dan also said that there

Is so you can can play in a way where it’s like you do a lot of farming or you can take care of farm animals instead does it matter what you choose to do uh yeah no it’s it’s kind of up to you you could a lot of people do Farms that have

A little bit of everything some people like to specialize uh in this case because the farm is like mostly grass instead of dirt I think it’s implying that like hey why don’t you just raise a bunch of animals instead of plant a bunch of crops oh I see oh elegant oh we

Got to get you left me I’m lost oh we going up to the right in front of that reddish house yep yep oh Elliot is is giving a fairy tale book type of vibe we got we got Jass over here too Elliot is looks like he rides a very muscular

Steed a knight that’s what I’m thinking there it is K did you meet Elliot no okay Elliot’s going to run away soon oh oh jazz is so cute oh my and Penny okay he lives in like okay his Pixel Character looks very different from his he looks like an absolute doofus and

Then he’s like this like romance novel cover guy that’s literally what I said they said Elliot is giving Fabio beast in human yes exactly beast in human form that’s exactly what it is oh I found a seashell how do I pick it up oh I don’t have any inventory space that’s

Why oh this isn’t good what am I going to do okay Co what what’s okay I’m just going to drop the seeds is he down here uh he should be okay what’s the best way to make money in this game too uh crops and animals and so lots

Different ways okay didn’t give me anything early game early game fishing is I yeah why didn’t we get the fishing cut scene maybe I need to talk to him we have to go while this is open it’s locked open from 9: to 5: there was a specific time we were

Supposed to go 5:00 p.m. before 5:00 p.m. oh okay he said yeah we’re absolutely not chatting at this time of night thank you so much okay and George I haven’t met George I don’t think George is up here oh K did we lose you Tamlin Vibes Tamlin

Yes that’s exactly the vibe I’m getting from that guy Mad Max welcome in welcome in this is George hello George George he’s he’s not a fan of George I get it hey you’re the new girl huh I think you’re gonna we’re gonna get along great I’m Alex Alex is kind of handsome

Well hello there and Welcome to our little Community met her already that’s El ele uh Evelyn and George oh George looks upset how many have I done 23 of 28 George just told me to buzz off we could see if we go back up north we could see if Demetrius is out right

Now since it’s not as late it’s so kind of late what is going on here I could really go for a rip parsnip have this basket I don’t remember this basket on this table last time are we accepting it we probably should yeah I don’t know I we don’t we

Have not planted any parsnips can we find a parsnip we can get seeds for parsnips and plant them I am terrified I just accepted that bye Alysa oh well lose the game if you don’t complete it um we have two days yeah they take four to grow so oh

Okay game over wow uh I quit this go here I guess we can’t do much right now um do we plan to Wed anybody I’m sure oh yeah definitely what are you carrying uh I think this is a dandelion daffodil Sebastian just hit me with a

Question mark I don’t think he wants to talk I don’t know how to um open my inventory oh is this a parip Okay evan says a large bass is worth a lot of money okay they’re all going to marry the same person uh Evans also says Catch 10 fish

Or 12 and you’ll make some decent money every day if you do it every day fish every day I will travel I get fishing I get bored of fishing there there you unlock faster ways to travel as time goes on yeah I was going to say we definitely need

That um uh I’m playing with console KO and Crossing minute both creators here on YouTube make sure you check them out they’re great are we all going to bed now I think so okay yeah wow what a productive day sorry my house is like a million

Away I was just about to say it’s gonna take you like five minutes to get Home I think the quest I’m doing is ddv it’s glitched for me at the moment um yeah ddv has some bad bugs right now um also Evans thank you so much for the tips internet Mama welcome in so good to see you Mad Max so good to see you as well oh it’s

Raining oh that’s always good if we had like any crops planted right we’ve done like nothing to make any money literally we’re poor um should I sell anything like the Wild Horse Rish you said we should keep right like what see that’s the other thing about these games that

Always gets me I’ll like collect everything and then have no storage space and then I’m stressed and I’m still poor cuz I’m not selling anything so what do I do uh so make money by like making stuff I just got eggs from the chickens for example I

Could sell them if we want to get some extra cash um I’ll just go ahead and do that those chickens would not have made it if you weren’t here Dan I totally forgot we had chickens they die no they just they don’t produce as high of quality of like crops

We’ve got Buster and Scrappy Buster and Scrappy grew up fast those were just chicks Once Upon a Time two days ago one of the things we can do is go to Pierre’s place and buy some parsnip seeds Okay let’s do that and uh we can

Plant them and take care of um all that fun stuff okay should I make a chest really should we all have chests outside of our own houses Maybe I’ve made one inside my house but uh if you oh I made one inside my house yeah

If you wonder where my stuff is you just barge in there and grab whatever oh you’ve got you had 50 wood right off the bat huh I’ve been doing the work oh it’s Wednesday so we can’t here yeah that’s the thing with Pierre he’s closed on Wednesdays oh my gosh who’s closed

During the middle of the week is this some kind of joke I know we can go to jojamart jojamart is the evil Corporation we’re not supposed to like them let’s just do a JoJo run first out the out of the gate so everyone will love that the difference do you know the

Difference between the two I just know that the one is the one that everyone does and then the other one is the one that everyone’s like finally doing a JoJo run JoJo run there’s two ways to play St Valley one is to do what everyone does which is complete the

Community center and once you do it runs joa out of town joa is a big Corporation and if you watch the intro cut scene you find you used to work there and you you you left their corporation cuz they suck turns out they have a store in this new

Town you you came to so a lot of people ignore jojamart altogether they never shop there they never give them any money and then they just complete the community center it runs them out of town but you can go the joa route where instead you buy a joa membership and

Then instead of completing the community center meaning collecting all these things and and doing this wholesome amount Quest that like helps Revitalize the town you just give jojamart a bunch of money and it unlocks all the same things the community center would but it’s just kind of like all about making

Money and I actually like Jojo runs for other like second third playthroughs because it’s like once you complete the community center it’s like been there done that so yeah you can talk to this guy okay and he’ll sell you a JoJo membership when you decid if you want to

Become a JoJo member I’ll be delighted to help you make your transition a joyous experience easys soft Scorpio thank you for becoming a member um also guys no worries uh necessarily about uh I don’t well never mind let’s just not do spoilers if we we

Have Dan Dan has all the info I think that Dan is our spoiler Dan will be our spoiler so uh we’re trying to play through at with minimal spoilers so I appreciate you guys for the advice um okay all right so technically I feel like the first run in the game most

People would probably go through collecting that’s probably what I would do I’m either way OPP this is like my H hundredth time playing so only only my H hundredth time no biggie okay Pier is closed on Wednesdays has anybody gone in the hospital I don’t think I’ve been in

Here uh can’t remember hey the hospital gu is kind of handsome wow let me take a look Harvey okay Harvey’s romanceable I think he’s got interesting glasses but hey um Valkyrie welcome in and I can tell you that I am not a 2d friend but

It is kind of growing on me I’m not going to lie does anybody else here think Harvey’s handsome I’m kind of interested in Harvey I’m not going to lie we also have Steph Steph knows all things stard do Valley as well if you guys are not subscribed to all Steph and

Games here on YouTube make sure you’re subscribed wow how on Earth did Dan get the seeds and get them planted back here this fast I’m feeling so self-conscious about the way I play the game now but how did you get the seeds I went to Jojo

Mar oh my gosh I found if Pier’s going to close on it’s not it’s not [Laughter] poop I actually cannot I’m like so blown away every time I hear that noise it almost sounds a little too realistic pretty good one oh I I permanently broke this fence it’s gone

Uh yeah you made an entry I was trying to put it back but it’s it was too old I guess just gone well good going Dan now the chickens are really going to get out of the cpop oh no okay uh don’t worry I can craft another one can you yes I

Fixed it yes Dan is the only one who has I mean I’ve played I’ve technically played starter before but any tips never passed the egg thing any tips for someone just starting out right here this journal this exclamation point this is kind of like going to help you get through the early

Stages of the game if you tell if you follow its instructions other than that it’s a game you play at your own pace you know just have fun Farm do things like that uh plant lots of crops sell lots of crops make lots of money keep if you’re doing a community center just

Keep up to date with like what you need to be collecting for the community center because sometimes you’ll get something you’re like I’ll sell it but it could have been put in the community center now they don’t have something cuz like coral island has um it shows you

Whether something’s been donated or not can you see that yes okay um that’s once we once the community center becomes available to us there’ll be a new button in our inventory and we can click it and see like our progress and stuff okay Bo everything yeah pretty

Much board everything I’m going to sell everything what are those noises which ones the burping noises no it sounds like a werewolf or something excuse me uh I don’t know I’ve never really known the I just heard it it said oh I heard it it said

Who yeah I don’t really know what those are all about I’m sure somebody does I think Dan’s trolling us I think Dan knows what it is is it going to I don’t I promised it’s going to go get us no you’re fine everything’s fine okay just ignore those cozy girl step welcome in

Uh I’m down by the beach by the way talking to the the fisherman guy we got aut I’ll never make it in time it’s 4:30 yeah I’m not going to make it either wow okay sorry about that hi there Miss is that’s how it’s going to heard there was a newcomer in town

Good to finally meet you cut scene ah I’m still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty Seas it was a big haul I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod um here I want you to have my old

Fishing rod it’s important to me that the Arts of fishing stay alive and hey maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while wow wonderful oops I just broke some great you received a bamboo pole okay got it um there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of

Fish um oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so come by if you need supplies I’ll also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells that is a terrible say um that’s what my old papy used to say anyway if it smells itself great Community just people going absolutely wild with decorating

Yeah I like the mods people do can I rotate this no um cozy girl Steph welcome in so good to see you guys cozy girl Steph actually was streaming some I think you were streaming some fortnite and was planning on getting into some stardew Valley earlier today I was

Lurking a bit hope you had a great stream welcome in make sure you guys are subscribed to Cozy girl step Mad Max is another fantastic Creator we have lots of great creators in the space we have TJ my mod who’s a wonderful wonderful um cozy game streamer here on YouTube we

Also have JoJo who does content as well make sure you guys check them all out and welcome in everyone thank you guys so much for being here I hope you’re enjoying the stream and for those of you who are just popping in we are playing with console KO and Crossing minute here

On YouTube as well doing a little co-op in stard Valley um I just saw default gamer hello so good to see you it’s so good to see you welcome in money is tight in stardew Valley especially when three people share one wallet would you have preferred to play

With everyone having their own wallet where’s the fun in that that’s true that’s what I thought that’s why I was like let’s just share a wallet that when it when multiplayer came out a lot of people were mad about it and so in the next big update he’s

Like all right fine here ah I see I see um cozy Valkyrie welcome to the bougie Brew cozy Valkyrie thank you so much for becoming a member of our Bouie brus you now have access to custom emotes private Community posts and our members only live streams and if you want to join

Discord or if you’re in Discord you can link your YouTube to Discord to get access to a members only Channel we have there we get lots of hearts in the chat for um cozy Valkyrie please guys thank you so much Valkyrie oh can have more than one going horizontally they’ll change direction

Yeah but how do I I’m fed up I am absolutely Ely fed up I am fed up I am done what’s what happened have you seen Ko’s house oh I I was I stopped by earlier yeah he was tearing down my fence I’m about to tear down your fence

Are you kidding me you just kind of threw this together just a farm plot it’s just a farm plot yeah [Laughter] okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m getting out of here I can’t believe this Dan and I just have a little fire outside of our houses I

Don’t have a fire I don’t have a fire I just have plots and blah blah blah I don’t even have any crops yet don’t even know what she has it’s like so much console Cari says I wouldn’t trust Dan with my wallet I don’t trust me with my wallet

So whoever that was has good judgment St do trees grow back uh yes it’s much easier to play on PC I will I will say that I used to play on Nintendo switch for anybody who is not asking and not wondering um and I didn’t

Like I didn’t like it at all for some reason I think it was just hard to play on switch for me I went through a point uh when the switch was still a bit newer and started would just come out I threw out my back yeah and I was already playing started

On the PC but I couldn’t sit at my desk CU I threw at my back and so I was playing on the switch and I I got so many hours into my switch from that I actually really enjoyed it maybe I is on the steam deck I think it’ be I don’t

Know why I feel like I’d like it better on the steam deck okay I’m in bed we need some money I planted parsnips none of us are surprised Ko’s Farm is decorated already exactly not even not even [Laughter] I I personally love playing on switch maybe it’s because I didn’t understand

Playing like I didn’t understand how to play the game on top of playing on switch so I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what was so confusing about this game that was hard for me to understand the first time I played I was

Also like what do I do I feel like this game has that problem yeah like it just needs a little more Direction but maybe it’s meant to do whatever you want to do so maybe that’s why I would say so Dan are you asleep uh

No I will be sorry oh I was wondering I just wonder if it was glitched I was saw the time okay oh not the 1 a.m. shaking in the corner what happens if you die or 2: a.m. you will pass out and someone will bring you home and you typically lose

Some stuff lose some stuff oh no if you die in the caves you lose some stuff um what happens I think they take some money when you I don’t know oh no your energy is just really bad the next day that’s what happens oh okay I was going that makes

Sense but if you die in the caves that’s more punishing okay so we don’t want to die in the caves yeah oh I did I pet the little chickens they give little hearts that’s sweet okay okay you’re taking care of the chickens are you trying to like spell

Something out with the little plots out here what’s going on I I cry for help I was okay so to be fair when I did all of that yesterday they were all planted perfectly and today they are they look like this I don’t know what happened huh

It looks like you were trying to spell out SOS it’s a mess and you overshot it a little bit and then you gave up okay getting started it looks like if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics feed your chickens each day by letting them eat grass

Outside or by placing hay in their troughs um Harvest an egg okay so I did that KO there’s an egg in the CPE if you want to get it to complete that Quest so you can get 100 gold yes I will get that on my way back and where are you um in

Town in town friends we’re starting to separate more H I’m worried I feel like Ko’s headed straight to the [Laughter] carpenter who me we do need to probably uh do that at some point oh I’m I have the fishing thing oh yeah y’all should definitely do the fishing thing

Oh it’s cool that you can change the look of your chest too okay I’m kind of enjoying myself that’s good I’m glad I’m a little worried though because I’m about to start haven’t done anything this is true I mean well K I know you’re not talking you’ve only

Decorated your entire house so his Dan what what W you know what that’s it I’m done I won’t I will not be left out of this party what see Dan had vences and stuff too I was feeling insecure well yeah me too now so now I

Have to make F hey I was looking at that tree I’m sorry you had your eyes on that more items uh you just do stuff you level up and then you unlock more recipes and stuff so if if once once once the crops are grown for example we should all

Probably Harvest some of them so that we can all get some farming levels oh yeah that’s a good idea I’m just chopping down some having a fine time you’re having a fine time is that like a five out of 10 like a yeah I think we can increase that number I think we

Can St hard thing for me is like I just want everything to be open at the beginning like I don’t want to have to wait until 9:00 a.m. to go see this guy and then wait until before five to go see this guy well I mean every minute is like a

Second though it’s not that bad I know oh potatoes I know I’m guessing I shouldn’t get potatoes expensive well we kind of need one of everything for the community center anyway okay clay and copper got it got it got it excuse me okay looking at The

Silo they had a bunch of small stuff in the update I’ve been noticing little things here and there but uh yeah so far it feels pretty similar there’s new vendor if I check the calendar okay everything is so expensive everything is definitely super expensive mhm like what can I

Sell you got to make money fish yeah we need to fishing is like my least favorite thing to do though in this game I will say I cannot see fishing I don’t like it either have I met Pierre okay I had not met Pierre and there’s his wife here either I just was

There too Caroline I don’t think I can meet Abigail oh Abigail’s coming out perfect okay wait where’s the C oh it’s here oh look look Ko’s running by friends K’s here probably to make fun of my plot I’m getting I can’t get the egg KO is over your plot a single Peach [Laughter]

That’s what it feels like I was going to do something today and I forgot what it was fish oh yes thank you that’s what I’ll do okay what do you guys think about I built a fence okay this is dumb why did I make a fence right here makes sense [Laughter] bamboo pole

Potatoes did they make it so once the cut scene was over you were standing next to Willie but back in the day you were like all the way up at the top of the beach is that what they changed cuz that felt different I skipped the cut

Scene and I was standing on the dock where the cut scene ended which I don’t think it used to be like that sure oh who whoa whoa whoa okay yeah fishing is really hard at first but it gets easier when you upgrade your pole okay oh this is the question that I

Had somebody said to buy a trainer pole instead of the bamboo pole oh really does is the trainer one better I think the trainer one has for beginners it has a bigger green bar or something like that so it makes it easier to catch fish but I wonder if

That comes at a cost of XP yeah well I think it said also that you can I remember looking at it um it only catches certain fish I think okay for now I’m going to use the trader pole I think cuz I let me try to let’s let’s try

Fishing o a hot spot here I’m concerned how do I know when to are we all fishing right now yeah I am fishing I don’t know I hate it I hate fishing in this game not going to lie when I started out I found it easier

With a controller I don’t know if that makes a difference everyone called me crazy I think I it’s the same I think it would be easier with a controller I’m not going to lie something’s happening you have to click to move the little green bar I can’t even catch a fish there’s

Nothing oh Turner thank you so much for subscribing welcome in no one subscribed to me oh uh oh oh my goodness everyone go subscribe to if you aren’t subscribed to Crossing Min here on YouTube he’ll whine about it he will make it known it’s going to make it really awkward for Everybody okay wait keep and subscribes and then resubscribed to d uh I find constant quick clicks the best do to fish I do too that’s a good point sunish oh you caught a sunfish yeah oh we’re going to be rich if we all fish together today we’re going to have a ton

Of money I think my first goal is getting a backpack upgrade but um oh God the first backpack upgrade is not super expensive we could probably all do that pretty easily what’s not super expensive the first backpack the second back backpack is pretty expensive uhoh I probably shouldn’t do this last

Cast teacup says she just subscribed Dan oh thank you I’m going to run home before I pass out what’s the little things in the ground right here oh there’s an artifact that’s an artifact yeah if you bring it to the library you’ll uh it’s not too late uh

You’ll get some reward for it oh I can’t pick it up I don’t have any inventory space uh what yeah the inventory is so small do we need sap for anything important makes fertilizer but it’s pretty plentiful how much are you throwing away uh 18 that’s not terrible

If you drop it on the ground we might be able to pick it up later but I can’t I don’t know I tried to drop coal on the ground earlier and just disappeared so maybe you can’t do that anymore I dropped zap and it was fine I was able

To pick it up okay okay you found an artifact the curator of the local Museum might want to know about this okay fantastic I know some of these fish oh yikes some of these fish might be in the community center uh but I’m just going

Toell no oh my gosh no no no no no no no no okay so let’s take a look at our quest in the journal guys we have you found an ancient looking object could it be some kind of artifact from long ago perhaps Gunther curator of the local

Museum has the answer so we need to visit Gunther um as you experi gain experience you’ll discover new crafting recipes to increase profit and make life easier a scarecrow for example will prevent crows from snacking on your pre precious crops reach farming level one and craft a scarecrow okay feeding animals so we

Need to get a silo let’s go see how much it well we’ll have to do that tomorrow CU it’s getting late but I I do want to know how much a silo is going to cost also thank you Raina is multiplayer the update biggie uh multiplayer is not we just decided to

Play together because we thought it would be fun yeah early game is rough Samantha I will I will give you that that is true what oh my gosh who did that was it okay or was it just here what who did that who did what one of you

Two exqueeze it could be a new event no did you like try and smash it or anything no can I smash it yeah okay oh my gosh I broke your path when we hover over the farm in the map it says the $2 nudes Farm threatening noes was actually added

In the new update oh my God okay who did what what did what happened why is Dan Dan put a sign in front of my house I didn’t do that you’re carrying a sign above your head right now well I took the sign away from K’s house cuz it was scaring her

Oh D’s just labeling the crops right now that’s all can we sell in this box right here yeah okay uh I’m going to sell all the fish we should get some money for that oh crops great sign thank you yeah we definitely needed that um what do you

Guys think about my little decoration around my house where oh great fantastic wow oh you know it was so good it just Blended in with the environment yeah really funny guys really funny fastic amazing wonderful beautiful w wow that is so that’s crazy that’s crazy did

You name the tree I don’t know why I did this okay that’s what I’m saying I I think that eventually I’ll chop down this tree and put something else back here can I name the tree you absolutely can name the tree okay too much power over our

Farm K’s uncomfortable with it Fred the tree okay you guys heard for here first this is frad the tree frad the tree the name is is Fred the tree oh Fred the tree Fred is an important part of this Farm we all must respect Fred is an icon a

Landmark never get rid of him oh no I didn’t mean to do that is it is Fred dead oh no I just I fence around Fred okay how did Fred already get killed no Fred’s alive it was 10 minutes or is in game Fred is Alive and

Well Gotta Give Fred a hug hug the tree saber so good to see you and welcome in welcome in hey K just got Dinko for my birthday last Friday March 8th and I’m having a hard time stop playing dink is a good time I’m so glad that you got there for your birthday

Happy belated birthday to you by the way saber how you been Fred is cute with his little fence thank you console car thank thank you we made good money 524 gold I know the player that we’re waiting on is it me so sorry yeah excuse do we get any um I think we

Should do joa you think instead of collecting everything we should do joa yeah cuz it would be fun should we do a poll I’m down for a poll all right should we all do a poll should we do yeah okay uh community community center run joa run now don’t be cowards Community

Center should we oh wow our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling operation I think they changed the parment uh what’s the other version called if it’s not JoJo run it’s what I just called yeah Community Center run okay we did a poll everybody stop voting

For Community Center come on I know everyone’s like I want to do good good and right in the world and you’re going to be the community here we go with K’s fing Point y’all go ahead and um vote on what type of run you guys think we

Should do my chat knows what’s up we already know my chat hates the environment loves capitalism really that’s see based on this poll okay it says to our value JoJo Mark customers our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling operation near the mountain lake I’d

Like to remind you that our drilling operation is entirely legal pursuant to uh whatever that is amendment responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused as always we value your continue support and patronage um Morris JoJo customer satisfaction representative okay so

They’re definitely doing illegal stuff there’s something really really groundbreaking that you miss out with the community center run Whimsy okay whimsy whimsy joa is gross junimo forever the junimos are cute are junimos creatures that’s uh they live in the community center and uh can we not go in there at all if

We’re doing joa we can go in there you miss on the moral High ground it’s the point of the game you know the point of the game is is about it’s living how you want to live this is I agree with this it’s do whatever you want to do okay so Bose

Says Community Center teaches you how to play the game more over just focusing on money I picked JoJo because there’s new stuff added for that route that I heard what they’ve added new stuff to the JoJo run and you’re trying to gatekeep it on us take us away from it you’re trying to

Hide new content from us okay how did y’all’s polls end up mine is in favor of joa my PO Community Center mine’s 63% Community Center yeah mine is 67% Community I have 31 votes though and there’s 90 people so there’s a lot of people not pulling

Their weight around here I have 49 votes okay everybody make sure you vote on the poll so we know what type ofing their weight around freely without contributing right you’re eating up band with guys if you’re not going to vote on the poll what are you doing not eating up band

With oh my God I see you found some seeds po planted all the miscellaneous seeds freeloaders we’ll just do some fishing are you guys getting anything from chopping down the blue hay or is that just for your animals to run walk around and eat during the day uh both okay uh you don’t

When you get the silo then you’ll get stuff for chopping down the grass before that you don’t get anything okay come on Al lurk to vote I think people are now Community Center out of fight is there new community center content or is it just JoJo that got a

Buff what’s the new content is it just some new dialogue or is there like some actual like big thing yeah I wish I knew cuz I don’t I’m just getting garbage KO lied there’s no fish in here I got fish I’ve literally only fish I think you got the only fish I think

You ruined an entire ecosystem yeah cuz I couldn’t I haven’t caught anything okay does it do you catch different stuff in the darker part of the lake I don’t I don’t know I’ve never thought of it like that okay I think it’s just for fun you just pulled glasses out of

There I did remix bundles so I hope they didn’t add something I don’t like yeah the remix bundles I like doing the classic Community Center if I’m going to do it I like knowing what I have to do um froggy hop says don’t forget about the traveling cart do we know what that

Is oh Pig cart uh yeah there’s no fish in this Lake um I’m going to I want to go see how much it costs for a silo 100 gold but we need 10 clay and five copper excuse me so we got to go in the mines yeah but uh the mines were just

Opened okay today they have let’s see here what’s this actually some pretty interesting stuff is the cart here every Friday or something I think Wednesday and Friday oh my goodness the cart is cool because it has stuff in it that could help you complete the community center faster

Today it looks like maybe cactus fruit could be there crayfish would be good but these are so expensive so expensive we can only purchase one thing basically yeah and if we’re not doing the community center which it seems like the jury’s still out then I don’t know what to do is the

Jury still out because it seems like everyone’s very Adam that we can’t do the community I can confirm that my poll has votes and it’s 62% Community Center mine is now 50/50 the longer I leave it up the more people go against Jo I just met

Marne which got me to meet everybody and now I’m going to give my first gift to Marne which is a stick that I fished up and she says oh I guess I’ll take it oh um I wouldn’t be super excited about a stick either I don’t think well I didn’t

Have anything else and Marne is kind of annoying so I’ve met 23 of the 28 I have no idea who I’m missing I guess I could check the little ch the Red House South of the farm Happ once meet them all uh you complete the quest and then it says go

To give a gift to somebody as another Quest and then once you do that it gives you 100 gold we need all the gold we can get it for meeting 28 people and the quest is done okay the cart is there Sunday and Friday okay cool a red

House k your character looks so cute running around with the little pigtails thanks Marty are you kidding you’re not good enough friends is she joking do you want to come back come out the door is open and you just won’t let me back [Laughter] there really Marie really cute okay wow

How is it 4:30 all is there a way to slow down time like what’s happening Marne said I do not want to talk to anybody else today thank you for all the JoJo vot carrot seeds wait there’s seeds that pop out of those now takes three days to

Grow so there’s these little ever I call them worms they’re supposed to be Twigs or something they’re these little tiny spots and there’s new ones they’re green and they dropped carrot seeds oh which are new it’s look it’s like a forageable seed oh that’s cool I think I did read that they

Were forageable seeds nice o Demetrius greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and F father thanks for introd well I don’t mind being a stepmom I love of kids Demetrius is taken oh that’s too bad darn that doesn’t stop K oh okay oh oh okay Marne is out

KO who Marne the one we were trying to get she’s back out she lost her opportunity to meet me sorry says uh-uh oh there’s a ton of people at the saloon thing today okay Pier I’ve already met who haven’t I met in here I’ll go meet people tomorrow cave we have one inventory

Space I love how bustling it is in here you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on excuse me I keep getting that notice too I’m wondering if I don’t know if it’s crafting recipes or what but I keep getting that as well and I’ve been really curious as to what

I keep on almost unlocking Abigail is pretty oh I’ve met 27 out of the 28 people okay who else do I need to meet oh wow I’m just holding y’all back aren’t I you better get on it okay I think I need to meet a green-haired kid or some guy that looks

Like a wizard not sure which one the the Wizard is not part of the group that you have to meet okay but you will want to meet haired kid it is I’m looking for a green haired kid is that not Vincent uh it looks like a

Child green haired kid hold on yeah if you go in it’s like at the very bottom well for me anyway um yeah it’s definitely a kid I think there Caroline Caroline is not a kid Caroline’s Pierre’s wife it’s just that her portrait for some reason is very

Short I don’t know why I see yeah it’s very interesting I never noticed how short the portrait was she’s a whole wife and a mother excuse so so sorry about that one car really I do apologize I did not me Caroline which kid is green hair I think

Vincent has pink hair well her picture looks tiny I was just assuming slimes you’re embarrassing yourself what time is it do I need to get home yes okay I mean stardo Valley is fun with friends that’s for sure all right so let’s it’s awesome multiplayer yeah it’s really nice

Actually okay are y’all in bed no uh no okay I’m trying to help us get our silo me too what yall doing I’m in the caves I’m not doing anything about asylum in the caves I want to come in the caves it seems dangerous caves it is dangerous and

Late okay should we do a cave run tomorrow yeah I’ve literally never been in a cave since nard Valley yeah we’ll want pretty empty inventories someone says if you put your favorite thing as concerned ape you will get a special thank you message when eating a star drop really mhm that’s

Cool my favorite thing is the Danley cup that’s what you put yeah if you put Danley cup you’ll get a special special thank you message from me oh is that right yeah that’s actually what I put his M too yeah yeah well thank you it’s a thanks for nothing if I

Had a least favorite thing I’d definitely put that there you missed a perfect opportunity Dan and I cannot believe what the thank you message wasn’t the noise oh um Skyler welcome in DB thank you so much for that tip by the way I didn’t know that I wish I would have put

That so I could have seen the the thank you message um and yes Raina you can definitely share with me who you married I’d love to know Mr still your man Mrs still your man listen I’m just saying sometimes you know things don’t work out that’s all I’m saying run is

Now winning in my poll yeah me too I think we should go against it Community Center won my poll as well me too I’m closing it Chad can’t be trusted I don’t know why we ever give them any any say and oh wow look at the look

Outside today what are these little pink things that’s so cute I love it Clint I don’t live here stop it I our chickens I’m kind of obsessed with having wildlife in the game Danny has a gun okay Harvest an egg from your chicken uh I left my watering can home Little House on the prayer K that’s exactly what it’s giving I’m almost out of water where are the chickens should I clean out their little pin oh do we have giving them food oh they have food

How do we fill up our watering can don’t oh uh they eat that why would you do that is KO trying to starve our chickens she’s trying to starve the chickens those you stole my egg OHS why why are we claiming the eggs now that’s so confusing we never we never

System for this I can’t finish the quest unless there’s an egg sitting out okay here here here I have an egg I’ll leave him alone can I give the egg to you KO no it has to be like in the thing I took them yesterday so K must have taken them

Today I I thought you I don’t know why in my mind I thought you had got that egg yesterday sorry about that truly was an accident are you sorry I’m I’m heading to the caves wait okay wait before you go in there how do I fill up my watering

Can uh any Pond okay so not at this little water okay cool um do I need any weapons specifically to go into the mines you’ll get one when you get in there I would just bring your pickaxe and a pretty empty inventory are you doing in there mining what are you doing in

There oh my God that is good okay oops okay I guess I’ll work on the farm then while yall go do it oh oh here we go I guess I’ll stay back and work on the farm while you guys we’re going to come back and K’s built an entire a whole

Thing am I going the right way do you want to come to the caves with us no I wasn’t invited you you’re assumed you would want to join us K you have to join us in the caves to do what we need clay for The

Silo and and copper wait did you pick a cat or a dog I picked a dog oh so I guess we have a dog to be fair the dog is really cute someone said bring food but it’s I can’t live on this Farm the fact that you picked that dog

Over that cute cutie pie black cat the cats were adorable I thought we would all maybe get our own pets maybe I’ll get her I don’t know where the cave is sorry cut scene it’s to the north yeah look on the map where we should be on there I Think I was just peering down into this old M sha it’s been abandoned for decades still there’s probably good ore down there but a dark place undisturbed for so long I’m afraid aren’t the only things you’ll find um here take this you might need it let’s

Go rece Ry store dance still farting you like re You remix it [Laughter] like Okay so this guy’s the adventurers Guild guy okay got it is this clay right here uh clay oh okay it’s usually you can get clay with a gardening hoe on like sand and stuff did

You yeah does it do all the rock are they all different or something um basically the rocks have rocks in them and sometimes coal and then there’s copper ore that it’s pretty obvious like if you find an or Rock okay oh I see him okay I see the difference

Yeah and if there’s no or rocks and I’m I’m not looking for anything else specific as soon as the ladder pops up I’ll just go okay got it oh what are you doing with that is that a oh are you in a fight right now it’s all right it’s a

Crab I killed it what are crabs doing Rock crap uh so there are five every five levels you get a checkpoint okay so you can jump to that point the next time you come in yeah they always reset what level are yall on uh three three I want to fight

Haya oh the nois is that when you hit these things are these flies oh oh my are we just looking for the hole Yeah I had found it but I was wanting to get this other stuff too okay so haunted chocolate here I saw somebody say that it’s going to be more combat

Based yeah I heard that too which is a little bit interesting found the hole the hole something tell me do we get to ax the big rocks probably with an upgrade once we yeah we got to upgrade our pickaxes there’s another hole we got an elevator he you’re just rushing through

All the holes oh what’s this is the elevator the key to did you already take the elevator no we just went through the hole where am I oh we should all mine This Rock I guess and see if it drops extra ore or whatever this one

Yeah oh here okay I was I was worried I was worried I was lost we’re supposed to all M this rock together ready wait okay did we all get something I did I got one I think I might have got something I wasn’t paying attention to how much I got oh I found

The found the hole yeah this be a lucky day is it usually harder to find holes it depends on the the luck you can check your TV and see what kind of luck you have oh so you should go to the mines when you have

More luck or you can play around that oh okay that’s kind of cool I like that K looks so fancy I am in I’m an a steed Cottage lady your long [Laughter] dress oh oh ow you don’t have a sword I do I just ran straight into that

Thing where did Dan Dan’s just gone I know I found another hole I got slime I’m going to die not I’m going to die um is there oh there’s stuff over here yeah there’s uh copper so are we able to find clay down here sorry if you already said that

Dan uh not like easily it’s probably easier to go to the beach or something okay thank you I did not see the hole down here wait what level are you on Dan eight where’s the hole but it’s at the very bottom I found bug meat excuse me bug

Meat a juicy W of bug flesh I don’t think is there a way to easily exit the mines yeah I was just uh yeah the ladder uh that you at the entrance of each room will bring you all the way back to the top Goa okay got it if if

Someone can find one more hole like my energy is almost gone I guess I could use this I found quartz oh where did you get a bomb I found it I found a geode oh yeah Clinton can take care of those the blacksmith can break it open

For you who knows we’re trying to get to level 10 oh I found it oh I found it coral island this game coral island is stardo Valley that’s what I was saying yeah was I supposed to open that yeah oh I said I already have stard Valley when that game came out Lea

Boots yeah you can put those on and they give you but I have uh it’ll be worn over your current shoes so they give you defense and Immunity okay yeah all right well oh oh my gosh I almost threw him away I don’t know what to do

Uh oh oh oh hello wait how do I give those back how do I give them back just take them home and put them in your storage I’ll grab them out of there okay cool that’s a good idea where we going well I’m I’m out of energy yeah

I’m going to go down to the beach and see if I can find clay you said I just need to use my hoe to do it right yeah abig playing her flute oh she was hole for president hole is always for president you got some new ideas to sleep on exqueeze

Me Billy said that’s when we level something up oh who are you thank you guys so much for over 100 likes on our stardo Valley Stream I appreciate it so so much I hope you guys are enjoying the Stream um again if you’re just kind of tuning

In we are I’m trying to decide whether stard Valley is a game that I can get into or not so far it’s been a lot of fun feel like I’m getting a hang of things um but thank you guys so much for over 100 likes if we could get to 200

Likes on this stream that would be amazing and I appreciate all the love and the support I really really do I hope you guys are having fun I’m going go to the beach and see if I can find clay another thing is I never know where I am

Yeah same I think I’m starting to figure it out though did they not water the carrots H I came all the way down crops chat is ratting on you for not watering the carrots who me yeah yeah you didn’t water the car well I’m sorry my watering

Can either um some of us can’t be the only ones watering all the crops all day while you two just run around I watered all my crops on my plot oh I’m sorry I forgot we were playing individually and not together as a team well well when when that voice comes up

I literally don’t know which one of you is making it yeah carrots are new I think carrots are definitely new right Dan I think they’re new yeah oh my inventory school oh K let me put my boots in or your boots in the storage so you can get them too but your house

At my house or I can drop them off at your house I’m headed to your house now’s just standing in front of his house flexing copper of course I’m trying to help get us a silo where is storage in your house it’s inside yeah oh it’s inside it’s inside you

Know let me go look in Dan’s house let me make sure nothing fancy is going on in here ah get out excuse me put on some clothes all right I’m back oh I could have been sitting by the fire that would have been like even more that actually

Would have been iconic yeah should we should I keep anything in my inventory or sell anything bug meat I’ve got sap I’ve got slime uh I mean um you can get rid of it if you want I tend to hoard things it’s a problem I’m going to keep it

Okay not sound very sure about you getting rid of that I’m really not sure the carrots you can get rid of it if you want to yeah the carrots are a new thing okay I’m going to put all the stone stuff get all my tools back out okay bye

RM okay I have lots of stuff man we’ve already been playing for an hour and a half we’ve done nothing yeah I feel like we haven’t done a whole lot we met everybody we went to the mines I have not met everybody and I have not gotten my egg I still have to

Meet the the young adult the adult the child adult the adult child uh so you can get your egg uh today yes I have oh I leveled up in foraging okay cool we almost have 1,000 gold oh hello Clint uh hi there good morning I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks

Open in finding ore that’s good uh if you want to get the most out of the ores you find you’ll need a furnace oo just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints lying around here I want you to have them you wait for what oh a well no I

Don’t need your stupid well thanks the furnace allows you to smelt metal bars okay par Snips par Snips are ready how do we evenly okay so each of us grabs six of them to evenly distribute the XP okay um when you’ve smelted a few copper bars consider having me upgrade one of

Your tools it can make your work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy I think the community center needs is it five of regular ones and then one gold was that it I I can be the one to keep some for the community center I just don’t remember the amounts I know a gold one for is for like one bundle and then the spring crops bundle takes one or five or something like that I can’t I I don’t know I know

Nothing I know nothing of what to do I know anything about a bundle about it I’m going to go spend our money on more parsnips or other crops Okay so so we need to so are we saving one bundle and selling all the rest I can’t remember what we

Decided yeah okay did anybody sell their parsnips already today I’ve not sold one yet someone said one regular five gold okay five gold that’s what I see thank you Jack all right five gold oh five gold seems a little excessive a book seller okay so on the 11th there’s a new event

That happened there’s a book seller so we’re on the seventh right now we should remember that a book what do you get from the books I don’t know it’s just on the calendar oh cool okay so I need to talk to Gunther today and also do the Geo

Thing and we go sorry sorry uh K did you say you planted potatoes three of them that’s all I could afford would you mind one of them going to the community center were you wanted to keep those no you can do whatever with them okay so I’ll do cauliflower

Then o uh very expensive I’ll do six of them and then I think we need beans what am I this egg I think you can just sell it now KO a spud planting spuds is crazy but necessary adult child I’m going to start saying adult child I’m just

Saying okay I’m looking for green hair if anybody sees green hair running around today let me know Caroline is probably inside Pierre’s shop uh cuz they have their house is like attached to it so she can be in the back sometimes okay let me go check and see okay your shop is

Huge oh she is back here but I can’t go in Caroline please okay she looks like an adult in real life okay so she looks like a regular size adult okay my God I got three new quests already I’m taking the day off okay well

Great I love books I can’t wait to see what that event is I’m super curious about the event he I think they added a lot of new events right are you trying to connect all of our places mhm yay you can feel free to tweak my paths if uh

You think it’ll look better okay I also need to pave a way down to one of the ponds too I consider that behaving that so is it we take one person how do I one stack stuff okay so when I’m at the beach and I’m looking for clay I just dig around randomly

Yeah maybe okay yeah sure why not all right let me know if you find any it’s not going well so far but okay I don’t know if I the way Dan yeah Dan doesn’t know I think it’s definitely more reliable if you find those little twig things dancing out of

The ground okay I see but I think you can get it from just digging around with garding home I’m just going to make a oh yeah I got some from the uh dirt not not sand but dirt by our farm there’s some oh interesting okay

Okay I can I found a piece at the beach but I think it’s very yeah it’s very random okay so I think you just have to hoe the dirt how many pieces of clay do we need 10 I have three I have two fantastic amazing I have zero that’s even

Better glad to be of service to [Applause] you Jackie I think you’re right you can find clay anywhere also hello Jackie oh yeah I think they’re worms too I don’t know why I said Twigs I fell for it I’m sorry they kind of do until they’re like wiggling around then they

Look a lot like worms wait y’all can’t tell the difference between worms and twigs well when you say it that way an ancient it’s an argument like amongst the community starting to feel exhausted my goodness oh I need to go get more copper have y’all been getting spring

Onions I personally sell them even though they aren’t worth much I had I don’t think I found a spring onion yet maybe I did oh I stay far away from uh Twitter so I missed that but I know he’s very active on Twitter I think if you dig separately

You have a better chance of getting play okay makes sense the refuses to say ho I can confirm that I haven’t heard Dan say hoe once today I I keep saying gardening ho gardening ho yeah I’m glad I want to be specific because y’all named the farm2 news

I’m sorry $2 nudes is a very respectable establishment right uhhuh it’s only right that we also named our farm $2 nudes yeah we’re making all the crops for our restaurant exactly you connected the two games okay yeah huh where did you think all of those ingredients came from in

Playup I just don’t remember parsnips and Clay part of the menu you don’t have that in your Bal the slimes act different now they don’t have the same kind of movements they used to okay these places closed way too early I’m selling the parsnips I’m selling the egg correct yeah

Yes well I so I sold a stack of parsnips already I kept one parsnip for the community center okay I think we need fertilizer before we can see a lot of gold ones but fertilizer isn’t too far away five gold seems like insane yeah once we get fertilizer it’s not that bad

Okay oh cut scene oo abysal not a single piece in the entire collection Gunther is cool looking desire Desiree hello welcome in thank you for being here oh what’s this she found something let me see okay I’m assuming we have to fill up all these tables which is crazy

Remarkable it’s a very old um it’s very old I’d love to study this in Greater detail but it’s yours uh H I’ve got a favor to ask you would you consider donating any new artifacts or minerals that you find we could make a groundbreaking discovery together oh and who knows if you keep

Donating I might come across some interesting items to send your way okay fun think about it will you if you decide to donate just bring the objects to the front desk that us just slowly walking away playing it’s not on switch yet oh yeah it’s not out on Switch

Mobile okay I found a tips on farming note okay use fertilizer to improve quality reduce workload and hasten hasten crop growth fruit trees take a whole season to grow but they require very little maintenance I could have told you that okay crops die as soon as

The season ends some crops such as kale and wheat need to be harvested with the sea okay cool is it Scythe or SE Scythe Scythe wow I didn’t I didn’t know what I should say when you said that now you know I would prefer you let me know okay

Okay I’m going to donate this geod to the museum or this whatever this artifact is oh you can put it anywhere oh that’s kind of cool yeah oh I like that oh I like that a lot so when I I knock down your fence I it’s gone yeah I can replace it

Okay okay we got 250 gold for donating to the museum that’s cool yeah we’ll get little Rewards well they know we’re poor that’s for sure okay I have four clay total so we’re definitely getting close to what we need for the clay I have three I like to make the artifacts in a

Rainbow order oh that sounds cool I like that a lot actually if you think we should redo my fences and make them look better that we could do that too I know I didn’t say that did I oh I know but if you think they could look better that’s that’s also

Good let’s go take a look at this creation that they’re making what edits are happening on this Farm pathing trying to give you these oh so later on we’re going to get objects and other things to Stone I have stone if you need it bra hell wow K’s a professional

Wow this is so cute right I like how you’ve done it kind of like in perfected yeah um I would have never done that and it would look so stupid just a cute little path just a c I’ve made no progress in the game so you’re doing what you like maybe

That’s why I don’t like the game is because I don’t actually play the game I just flop around and you just want stardy Valley creative mode decorate my farm I do want everyone to notice that my farm area looks like this and Kos and Dan’s is beautiful so I’m just as

Everybody can take note what we’ve all seen here today oh I should sell really quick well oh yeah I forgot to do thats that’s okay like dink my farm looks the same if not worse Jackie how far are you into the game is this your first time playing or have you played stardo

Before also I I think Jackie’s Farm looks better than that oh 400 43 gold let’s go I leveled up in farming let’s go did did you guys get levels uh I leveled up in forging oh Violet thank you so much for subscribing did not pay attention oh my

Goodness um so the rooster or the chickens do we we can just start selling those eggs right we don’t need them for any more quests or anything yeah uh the eggs will come in handy for making mayonnaise which will be worth more the mayonnaise that we’re

Supposed to drink yeah if you want to start keeping those for that you can or you can just sell them cuz we’re poor uh you know it all works oh wow these carrots grew fast we have two carrots now we have three parsnips right okay I

Don’t know what to do with the carrots so I’m afraid to sell those cuz I don’t know if they’re part of something they give 75 energy and 33 health which I feel like is pretty good right uh it’s not terrible oh okay sounds like it’s terrible based on

That reaction I just put them in my chest inside if anybody needs the carrots for anything okay so okay water to the crops we need to find clay so we can make the silo yep I peted the chickens I’m collecting L eggs I have a 15-year-old Farm on my switch

That looks great but I started a new save with the new map on my PC I’m currently on my steam deck ooh nice Jackie Farm 15-year-old Farm which is insane is has it been around that long I guess so so am I allowed to harvest all these or do we need to do

Like one per person uh no you can Harvest them look at this cute little path k m y so cute I feel like this Farm’s a little bit I don’t know if it’s shorter and like wider or just smaller does feel a little bit smaller is it because there’s more area up

Top ah Maybe oh the river that runs around it too is a bit interesting cuz I think there’s probably a way over this River somehow oh Jackie said the game is 8 years old I she made it to 15 years in the game which is actually more crazy when I think

About I was starting to question like a lot of things in my life I’m like when did this game come out how old am I where CRA where was I when this game came out 15 years in the game wow usually with a save when I make it

To about year three I’m at a point where I’m like okay I’m good yeah so uh clay H is it worth it to get the new OLED or is the original okay I mean I would say if you have the original it’s not necessarily necessary upgrade it ah oh I

Have a cut scene yeah do you guys have the same thing yeah so I should go back and start grabbing stuff for the community center okay oh hi there let’s see Pelican town community center the community center looks a little rundown should I try stardo Valley again I mean I’m having

Fun um what an isore um this is the Pelican town community Center or what’s left of it anyway uh it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity I love the vines on it now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would rather

Sit in front of the TV than engage with the community but listen to me I sound like an old fool Joo carp uh Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so that they can turn it into a warehouse pelicant town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from

Selling it I guess Old-Timers like me get attached to relics of the past oh well if anyone else buys a jojoo membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it oh no what okay here let’s go inside oh yeah it’s defin it’s super run down in here oh not the

Creaky um what’s this I guess Vincent and Jess must have been playing in here uh this place is even more dilapitated than I remember excuse what’s this thing what uh aliens a little creature what’s the matter are you ill not the face that I’m making uh you saw

Something H I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats and there it is again okay I’m terrified now is his name Pierre he probably thinks we’re insane you’re worrying oh it’s Louis you’re worrying me K look I think I’m going to head home I need some

Lunch okay glad it’s kept St Valley so exciting for so many people for so long okay um there are little green apples in here huh inside the community center yeah they’re like little what are those little things they’re called junimos jimos okay apples they look like little green apples Zero I sought to meet 20 i s to meet four people I only have have to meet one and I just it’s she’s the most elusive person on the planet right now Caroline yeah oh was he 25 yes okay three people left okay she’s not at home right now which means maybe

I can catch her outside somewhere I wish they would like show you where everybody is on the map like there was like a filter oh that’d be cool the wiki is one way you can solve that problem but uh she she might be in like the Town Square

Okay me go check oh she is meet her too she’s right here K I wish Abby wouldn’t spend so much time in her room interesting that she shared that with me okay oh she I mean she’s very womanly and not very kid like that’s what I would saying in a person

Yeah wait oh Jackie said there’s a mod for for that to make Carolina kid or I guess to track people on the map I think oh is even worse somehow okay so I need to meet I don’t know who any of these people are there’s question marks next to their

Names yeah so those are the people that you haven’t met yet that girl and the wizard The Wizard is not part of your quest to meet everybody so I just need to give somebody a gift thanks looks nice’s a mom K thought that Caroline was a child to be fair

Caroline does look very childish oh she looked childish in her little picture okay this is Marney oh she’s the one yeah yeah that I couldn’t get in and Demetrius okay all right I’m going to go back down to the beach and finish getting some clay cuz I think the Silo’s

Going to be important oh I don’t want to sit next to you no that’s SM why are they always on that bench together Diva doll they’re friends and they don’t have the internet they don’t have the internet you think if you didn’t have the internet you would just sit outside on a bench

[Applause] with I might same time meet you at the bench in the Town Square does anyone know where Demetrius would be I found Demetrius walking the bar one day he lives up north uh in the house where Robin is she’s like the carpenter uh I describe this it’s the

Blue The House of the Blue Roof like as we’re going to the mines trailer okay so you going to go up from there the you know the route we could we Yuri hello welcome in also there’s a UI mod that does that’s almost impossible

For me to play without one ooh I need to try some of these mods I want to get like um a Aesthetics mod like a graphics mod I don’t know what they’re called and I have no idea how to install them but I want to get one of those mods installed

I’d love to get the UI mod and things like that that will help um I think that would be really cool Jackie yes if you could share a list of mods with me that would be amazing Diva doll hello welcome in by the way hope you’ve been doing

Good I’m enjoying playing this game this is like the first time I’m actually giving it a real shot so um it’s going good but welcome Anda doll so good to see you okay I have nine clay oh okay so we should have enough to get the silo then yeah I think so

Excellent also KO you could try checking the um The Tavern at night that’s where a lot of people are or the saloon sorry not the tavern okay and shrouded and shrouded and shrouded okay Jackie no worries no worries you can remain comfortable on your couch it’s locked installing mods on St Valley is

As easy as Sims mods in my opinion it’s been a minute but um uh if I can do it you can too okay yeah yeah yeah I think that I mean I’m I’m is it just like finding a mod and putting it in a folder kind of they’re they’re going to

Be broken for a bit oh yeah that’s right that a lot of them were already ready oh really on Twitter yeah oh wow okay are you on Twitter Dan I have an account but I’m done with that website you have an account yeah is done

I am done with that website it’s not the best place on the planet uh no it never was but it’s definitely not anymore um oh I need to go to the I forgot to go to the blacksmith did y’all dig out a dirt line uh I think that one’s always been

There if not might have been Dan seems like something Dan would do so what did I dot Line Dirt line yeah I was trying to get clay K was helping why am I getting blamed I don’t know what you’re talking about she just said it was always there she helped it’ll be fixed

Tomorrow K has tucked into bed I’m sure you’ve had a long day of decorating everyone’s plot but my own thanks so much for that excuse are you talking to me hm no no not at all look I only have so many resources you want to contribute to the

Cause I can continue to make my way up there wow you guys heard it here first forget that we’re we’re going out and collecting all the stuff and risking Our Lives M we come back you don’t Stone anymore you risk your life because you stole all their stuff and we could come

After you for it I leveled up in farming oh good I have a plus one ho proficiency wow plus one ho plus plus one ho proficiency I’m just saying it’s just I don’t know what to say so proud of you thanks thank you put that on your

Resume I I think I will you’re really making $2 nudes a proud place to work I I’m just saying $2 nudes is the best farm to be at oh the update isn’t ready on Game Pass yet I yeah remember it’s not ready on switch or Game Pass right

Boo ah yes the wizard okay good we got our wizard letter like I just got accepted into wizard school can confirm I don’t have anything from The Wizard you don’t in your mailbox mailbox my mailbox is empty yeah oh someone didn’t go in the side of the comunity center

Oh mistakes were made yep there’s your over you know it’s funny that uh I’m being blamed for something I didn’t know I have to do because my team doesn’t communicate to me you got the cut scene didn’t we talk about it I may have had you

Muted what what we’re supposed to be a team yeah we never mute yeah we would never do that to you oh is that right alleged that was right yeah allegedly all right so I did my my trippy wizard scene now I can speak junimo which means I can go donating

Stuff K are you proud of my path can we get rid of this what K’s tired of looking at it um okay yeah they need to $2 nudes again Jan it was Dan’s idea it was not my idea it was definitely Dan’s idea to name it

$ I would never suggest that I can confirm that Dan was like hey what’s the farm name and I was like I don’t have anything in mind and Dan was like you know actually $2 nudes would be perfect and I said you know what we we’ll do

Whatever you say Dan I promise I would never do that are you sure I yes that conversation that’s exactly how it happened okay pretty sure that’s I mean there nothing wrong with the name you’re all [Laughter] High missing I got some eggs take those to the been interesting and wholesome how are you feeling about this now KO oh I have a gold star egg should I keep that uh I don’t think we need a gold star egg for the community center we will need an egg for the community

Center though now that I think about it just egg so maybe I should take the egg out actually I think we need a a white and a brown egg but I could be I don’t know I got to we got to get this thing unlocked a little bit more before I know

For sure okay so let me go back to the community center so I can get the same you know if I can remove this what um this path it pickaxe uh spring summer spring foraging that’s what I’m missing okay you can pave over that part pave over what part Dan in here making

Donations I’m trying to find a dandelion oh I have Dand lons I think in my chest at home okay oh yeah okay this is just a different language can’t read that yeah you need to get your wizard letter ah you didn’t get a blue letter in the

Mail not yet but I didn’t go back into the community center once I left so that’s probably why crap oh it’s really run down in here well we can fix it yay we’re going to fix it up I love fixing you just got to throw random crap in all the

Rooms oh okay sounds great all right dandelion I’m stealing it okay so you’re working on that let me see what I have for Quest right now I have a ton of quests foraging head craft a furnace deeper into the mine reach level 40 in the mine oh my gosh build a silo

Okay I’m going to go I’m going to work on building The Silo I think okay so I have copper in my house uh in my chest and so you need copper uh I think you need Stone and or wood you you need 100 gold and you clay

Okay I think we have all of this where do you go to do that Robin’s Place you want to come with me K oh oh look look at K how nice KO this is looking this is looking really nice I don’t know I hate this little line I don’t get it I think

That part of that line was there I think from the beginning so I don’t know I’m going to take the copper the clay think I’m carrying the team it’s 100 Stone 10 clay five copper bars for the silon said that you’re carrying the team have they seen the farm bzy said that yeah

Wow I guess we’re just chopped liver not good at anything guess now I wonder if we just sat here and did nothing for a day how that would feel not much different wow we need large eggs that’s what we need so the small eggs are not

For the community center okay uh Dan do you want me to take your geod and break those open at the blacksmith oh sure okay copper bars do you want me to take your to what happened there what was that last sound that was K we’re mocking that okay do we have the money

To buy more seeds yes I’m buying more okay pixel welcome in pixel what crop should I be uh growing uh cauliflower well wait it’s The Ninth yeah cauliflower is good it’s expensive but it’s a I think it’s a good yield does the day matter because of how long

Actually I did not mean to give that away shoot uh sorry potatoes are good okay yeah other people are saying potatoes as well Samantha says that I’m pulling my weight in the game so that’s funny cuz my chat all says that I’m the best wow close for the

Day I got to get out of here I just got non cauliflower seeds it’s crazy that all these places are just randomly closed like it’s a Tuesday where what are you doing on a Tuesday and why did you choose to take the Tuesday of all all days off this place is way too

Chill people just do whatever they want around here huh yeah what’s this thing okay my chat is screaming not to listen to Dan I have no idea why wait for what though I have no idea the potatoes no don’t listen to Dan I just bought 18 potatoes so I hope it wasn’t the

Potatoes other someone else in my chat said potatoes and potatoes are like a whole thing like there’s videos about people spamming potatoes to make money potatoes need love too there’s lots of screaming and I have nine cauliflower I think K just wanted to brag about many viewers she has oh is

That what yeah that’s it I often go around bragging about that oh Tuesday’s leg day oh that’s right everyone’s doing their exercises today okay so we have a furnace how do we so we need coal to craft at the furnace yeah should I should I turn all of the copper that I

Have into copper bars I will say there’s still no explanation as to why we were screaming Marne is never there Marne is slacking off and I don’t like it marne’s the worst oh my go the animation for the furnace is insane it’s interesting thought it was going to

Explode for a second sounds like a spaceship taking off yeah we definitely need more seeds 15 20 25 30 I’m going to buy some more potatoes craft a furn so I need to craft a furnace as well okay I’m going to go to the mines for a little while okay

Yeah the copper ore is used to craft the furnace so that is the one I guess recipe watch out for y okay I’m just going to put all wait you sorry close oh my gosh see I hate that how are you farming so fast I have seeds

From the community center did you just a reward I went inside and came back out in 2 seconds and you had all of these down though that was I feel like that’s super fast oh so yeah if you hold your mouth button down and like just walk

With the mouse cursor on the spot you want to farm it’ll just plant them oh my gosh that is actually so helpful to know bring my horse ratus for energy okay good thinking it’s 7 o’ I you fill up my can it’s 7:00 by the time I get up

There it’s going to be 10 p.m. I’m just going to try to go get a little bit of copper cuz K you’re going to need copy copper to make a furnace to complete that Quest too by the way I have to make one too yeah we can put them all

Together though having many is helpful you can move them into my little fencing area by my house if you want well okay fine build a cute little black like blacksmithing area or something KO and K they’re linked down below oh now I feel bad crafting from Storage

Ever uh yes uh once you get a crafting table yes you have put the storage nice right next to the crafting table but yeah I kind of wish I wish in games like this though that they would I wish you didn’t have to find all of the holes all over

Again oh yeah the min’s always reset mhm are you really in the right now I am are you trying to go to sleep no it’s fine I’m getting some copper chickens are are stacked on top of each other so they keep flashing from uh White to Brown oh wow

As I walk around them they change copper n is insane insane Behavior excuse well excuse me for just being productive you know dance chat is over here saying how we do nothing true yeah band Dan chat chat huh how they feel about that did we plant the be very

Receptive did we plant the potatoes your community seems to be very receptive to everything that me and K do and suggest you yeah uh did did you ever plant those potatoes I did oh that’s this down there yeah I can’t see anything they’re there these SPS aren’t watered that I didn’t

Have enough for those two spots so you’re just going to let them Wilt no there are not potatoes in those two spots Dan Heather your secret safe with me okay well I can’t see anything so I wasn’t going to water the empty soil we only need one more like to get

200 likes on the stream let’s go oh thank you so much for the love oh wow yeah I don’t even have 100 oh my goodness everyone go over and like the end stream everybody go like stream oh I don’t even have a 100 oh oh I just found an Earthly

Crystal I are good for crafting mayonnaise makers mayonnaise makers yeah uhoh it’s getting late oh no it’s so late mayonnaise if only someone had told you not to go in the mines this late um yeah I wish one of you guys would have said something about that we just thought by now you

Knew can we ever decorate the inside of our house yeah you even get wallpapers and stuff oo oh yeah I actually saw that they added like 20 new wallpapers and like 30 new floors or something like that oh cool add a buch of ones are they better than the plate up

Wallpapers uh yes the bar PL up is pretty low am I enjoying the new Farm I actually like this Farm yeah tomorrow uh dance channel is UM at Crossing minute here on YouTube I need to link it in the chat and everything but the link should

Be in in the chat right now we have a command for Dan yay thanks for 100 likes yay 100 likes let’s go I didn’t even have to bet for it no no not at [Laughter] all you know for other players my statistics show that only so many of you

Are subscribed to the channel oh yes can see that oh my goodness blah blah blah um I’m actually really liking stardy Valley right now I’m so glad KO what are you thinking how are you feeling yeah how you feeling um I’m still I passed out oh no [Laughter]

Impartial K’s like I don’t like this game did you just lose all the copper you just did I swear to God if I lost all the copper that I just got I’m never going back in the mines again okay I kept all my stuff so that’s

Great oh I went to bed you you what excuse EXC I so I got out of bed and I have my watering can and I just instantly like clicked K you are not going to be happy about this um Marney is here with our pet what are you going to name it okay

You see this dog here oh oh he’s so cute K he has a hanker Chief they have a handkerchief now I found it sitting outside the entrance to your farm I think it’s astray poor thing you’re not here um hey it seems to like this place

Okay so we’ve got a good dog will you adopt this dog what happens if I say no to adopting the dog wait you can say no uh well I don’t think you get a cat I think you’re just kind of a heartless monster if you do that I’m adopting the

Dog okay the name that’s generated is nooch do we want to choose something else TJ suggests we name him Bean I’ve got Percy and beans in chat right now chill with a bunch of L’s someone said chill with a lot of L bunch of L

Yeah chill yeah with a lot of L’s Snoopy pepper Tuma P perer someone said to name them nudes and potluck potluck how do we feel about noobs I mean there’s a lot of really really good names Rush this oh Wishbone is cute I like beans beans is a cute name I actually like

Percy and beans our farm isn’t $2 it’s $2 nudes like the whole thing so the dog being called nudes doesn’t make any sense the $2 dog like what are we saying $2 I’m going to let’s go beans any type of noodle for the name H um yeah

Rony oh uh Balan a BAL yeah now y’all know me well enough to know I don’t know how to spell bolog b o l o g n e s e excuse me B bolog yeah spell bolog siries got this yeah I was going to say just take your phone ask

It okay it’s b o l o b o l o g n e f e wow bolog spaghetti well bologan you’ll be a good Pooch now okay really leaning into the $2 nudes name of the farm oh where’s my good old boy where is he does he live outside inside we got a

Large egg let’s go let’s go we got to put that in a chest we got to yeah we got to put that in the commit Center when we uh get a chance oh my gosh I’m going to install a bunch of mods this is going to be

Great I more Stone I want a better pickaxe why don’t you a visit get five copper and 2,000 gold I think for the upgrade 2,000 2,000 seems like a lot a lot mhm oh tomorrow’s uh book day or whatever oh we need to make sure that we

Do that buy some books okay 20 copper ore and 25 stone all right let me go ahead name is noi that’s so cute noi is such a cute name I said beans because of coffee beans oh that would have made sense that definitely made sense I thought it was beans because of farts

What yeah excuse closed on Wednesday everything’s closed everything’s always closed this game is ridiculous you can go to Jojo Mart oh I’m gonna do that can I sell there yeah where’s joa just to the right over the bridge beans is my daughter’s nickname that’s so cute join us right

Oh she looks so happy to work here the stars with the question marks I don’t know what the stars with the question marks are where are those stars with the question marks someone’s asking what the stars with the question marks mean but I’m I’m clueless oh I’m

Not sure yeah on the calendar oh uh yeah I was wondering if that was an event that that isn’t quite unlocked yet like for example we’re in year one so when those days come up nothing will happen yet but I could be wrong I don’t know

Those are new for sure I’m sure some people know because people are probably rushing through this like mad oh wait a at JoJo Mark oh my gosh K you can get cat trees and bird houses and stuff good thing we have no use for a cat we have a dog

Wow wow okay you pick dog excuse me where do I buy a silo from uh Robin oh I’m at okay I need to go to the carpenter where’s Robins at carpenter carpenter is it by the blacksmiths it no uh towards the cave like to the north oh I’m in the I’m in

The wrong area Okay Sebastian you know we ambushed him at night y’all I just we just woke up how is it 2 p.m. I can’t sell here cuz I’m not the owner of the farm oh oh that’s pretty that doesn’t make any sense at

All yes I’m close by K if you want to I don’t know if you can give stuff to me though I’ll just go drop it in the uh in the bin that’s not a big when the day is almost over anyway Kim K don’t let K shame you for

Picking a dog we all know dogs are better than cats it’s true no no dogs are too much too much I love dogs but I cannot own a dog are they too like um like needy is that why you don’t like it’s not that they cuz I

Have a needy cat that’s not the neediness it’s the fact that I have to go walk them I have to like make sure they can go out and go to the bathroom and all that stuff and it’s like yeah I want a dog to have a good life and I

Know I’m going to have a really hard time keeping up if I have a dog okay can I ask a question how do we break down these geod I’m at the blacksmith now I think um geod yes you you give them to Clint behind the counter and you better

Hurry cuz you have 10 seconds and uh he will break them down for you I don’t I don’t even have’s up no no I tried to warn you I wasted my time even coming here because I was supposed to be getting a silo is that place still open should I

Even go check oh my gosh what which place Robin’s Place yeah no I wouldn’t even bother at this point it’s she’s I actually Scoops the litter so I don’t have to do that I just get to cud all the kitties oh I think I’m allergic to

Cats a little bit oh or certain cats I actually had a cat growing up but I think I’m allergic to like cuz I’m not allergic to all of them but my sister cat makes my eyes itch so I don’t know maybe she has dandruff or something interesting Pages thank you so much for

Subscribing welcome in um okay great so I’m just going to take all this stuff back out of my inventory for the 15th time this stream and we will try again another day sounds good lyanna okay how much do I need to make a wait you just have a yard covered in

Poop it’s more than that I think oh my gosh that’s meca’s yard oh Dan is just donating we’ve got clam muscle oyster where did you find these things the beach let’s go to the beach beach let’s go get away they say what they got to say you’re going to get copyright stri

Yeah anyway stuff was donated do you know how often i s sung blame it all on my roof I showed up and boo yeah and you’ve had copyright claims so not for that I I don’t know they say depends you sound an awful lot like trying to catch a fish your dog

Eats his poop hello Zelda oh I as soon as I hit the button the dog barked oh that is actually insane I don’t understand how to fish someone just came into my chat and said hi I’m Zelda and then you [Laughter] farted um sorry Zelda welcome to the

Stream is there something you do with soggy newspaper because I just caught that uh you could put it in the recycler it’s actually pretty cool because sometimes they’ll give you cloth I don’t know how that works oh the sounds at night are nice what’s this little hole in this

Cliffside wall over here that hole Yeah there’s like a hole of oh is this oh you just made that noise and I thought it was my fishing thing what is happening right now I’m like a Pavlov dog like condition to if anybody’s wondering that’s just Dan farting realize I could ruin someone’s

Fishing Excursion with that okay that one was timed perfectly where’s my dog at anyway I haven’t seen this guy since we adopted him my house by the fire excuse me I’m sorry wow I adopt the dog and he’s in here taking a little nap in your

House this is a thing with me and animals like they love me this is me yeah yeah that’s what I said but not like that I said it differently okay now that the community center is open by the way you can see this thing in your inventory

Um it’s looks like a little tree you click on it you can see all the different things in the community center thing in my inventory uh in top right of your so if you open your inventory with the E button uh top right of your inventory there’s a thing

Community Center um it’s like an icon with a little tree on it no it’s like a shadowy tree I don’t have have you talked to the wizard I haven’t no yeah you have to talk to the wizard okay all right oh yeah it’s in my it’s

In my thing to okay we’ll talk to the wizard tomorrow I’m going to put everything I need for this Silo in my inventory tonight okay we’re just going to found already subscribed to me haven’t found a who Demetrius earth is that Robin’s house what’s he doing there uh he’s

Married to Robin oh I think I think Liv well why is it not his house I think their relationship is close enough to where they live together yeah I don’t know why it’s not his house I think because Robin’s right by the front desk and so I just

Associ um good evening I started with your d uh dream light Valley Streams and as a near day one stardo Valley player it’s cool to see you play stardo Valley 2 thank you so much Ally I’m actually trying to decide whether this is a game that I want to continue to play on

Stream if I can get into because I’ve tried to play stard Valley multiple times and it’s been I don’t know it’s been difficult for me to get into but I’m really enjoying it so it’s a lot of fun I’m glad that you’re here thank you

So much for that I’m glad that you like the ddb streams too okay going to sleep okay got it oh my farming finally leveled up there you go potatoes I’ve been farming every day and it just now leveled up it’s the harvesting that does it you actually have to harvest yeah you know

Do some work my stuff would actually have to grow for that nice the book seller is in town today oh it’s the perfect day too I lo I lost my favorite ask ask excuse me excuse me what you lost your what I lost my favorite axe if you find it please

Return to ASAP I’m having a trouble I know where it is okay I accepted the quest oh oh no a crow hey get away from that dang it we need scare crow you are you kidding me crap that Crow just ate our that’s going to cost us a

Lot of money ooh I got three gold parsnips oh that’s lucky yeah y’all are just harvesting everything getting all of the stuff I just did those I won’t Harvest any more over there I’ve not harvested anything today wait don’t go yet we have to water all these crops where you going to the

Book seller wait but I want to go to the Book seller wait can we go to the Book seller after I get the silo we can go after we water the crops Dan can I don’t get any stuff for that I’m not helpful with that anymore we get crops and money

I just want yall to know that I actually fed our dog today so I watered all of the crops down at my place wow see it watered all the cops down at her place I’m out of water okay book seller okay book seller I know where they are we need scarecrows

But whatever the dog is really mad about the water situation the dog is is barking this is it where is the book seller I don’t know I’ve never seen this event before they there’s a hot air balloon symbol so I I they might be landing a hot air balloon somewhere excuse me

Let’s go down by like uh Leah’s house and stuff let’s go to the beach beach let’s go get over no I said’s house let’s go to the Beach I don’t know who Leah is I don’t know who which one’s Robin’s house Leo’s house is this one with the green roof Robin’s house is up north um where are lives we’re looking for the hot air balloon the hot air balloon what is

This did you find it I have a cut scene of a sewer oh the sewer cut scene okay Dan let me know if you find it I’m running up to go get the silo if we can get it okay hey Little Birdies can I catcher those Oh no just they just fly

Away they’re missing a key oh I found Robin’s axe guys I’m worried I’m not going to get to find the thing before it’s too late okay so we need to search around I’m too busy talking about a slimy sewer yeah I’m at this I’m I’m stuck in

The same cut scene right now oh boy I I don’t know why I didn’t get that cut scene why are they down here at this these are children what are they doing here are you sure they’re children behind Jo I’m not a good judge okay okay

Thank you um I’m literally I could not be farther away from thank you for the five months love you too thank you so much e this sewer is disgusting they said love you yeah it’s pretty wow like Luv you know oh okay all right love you oh my

God is it up here okay so we found the books thing it’s it’s where behind the joj mar oh my gosh I’m so far away we can’t afford anything old Slither legs excuse me what you will now run a lot faster through grass and crops is

25,000 wait it’s like that kind of thing it’s like upgrades poster of it combat farming experience So This Book Festival is something new this book event thing yeah it’s up here can see the value of your items wow okay oh I see it the hot air balloon thing combat experience really

Omac he’s cute this is cool marcelo’s books horse book look the horse book’s creepy oh this actually looks really cool oh that’s so cool I’m sorry the the Taxidermy horse book is too much you can get a little extra speed when riding a horse I want

That the value of your items oh that’s freaking awesome okay so basically you buy these books to get special perks yeah Slither legs get old slyther legs oh my goodness uh if it’s going to be called slyther leg I just want to be able to run faster in general does it last

Forever I assume so for that much it better it for just running through crops though guess it’s definitely something you’ll probably buy later on when you have big crop farms or something yeah when money is just not an object okay I need to find right now we had that much and I bought

It negative 25,000 I okay wait where is Demetrius in Robin’s house where is that in demetrius’s house oh that’s the one that’s up north I think I’m headed to that exact location right now is that righto so you have 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper no who that’s that’s what you

Need to get the side 100 Stone yeah I one stone oh my God I’ll go to the mines we’re buy the mine so we might as well go in here to get the stone I have five copper 11 clay and like 40 something stuff Slappy Slither [Laughter]

Legs you’re there let’s go are you still trying to meet everyone I found him now I have to give someone a gift can I give it to him yeah oh yeah that’s exactly give it to I want to give you this hold hold the thing over your head

And I think right click Kate’s obsession with running fast in every game like it I really do want to run fast in every single game uh I still got it all right I have 80 stone I have 17 oh my gosh it’s 340 they’re going to be done working by the

Time I get there what all these bugs what the heck oh my it’s 4:00 do they does their day end at 4 why does their day not end at 5:00 whose day is end end at four uh at one you know what I don’t know if

Robin’s ends at four or five okay we may still have a shot people okay I have 100 Stone it’s 430 I don’t know if I’m going to make it I don’t know if I’m going to make it 440 it’s so dark in here oh I found a ladder I’m not going

To make it there’s no way I swing on the swings can I slide fantastic amazing wonderful you so much oh look at that Robin’s just leaving Joan hello um things are going I feel like we’re not really making much money right now yeah we have like a third of the

Team just not really doing anything Dan pick it up how do I get okay so I guess I can’t shop in here because she’s not home great yeah thank you Kenna and for the 20th time on stream I have oh wait uh someone grab this clay above Robin’s house okay I’m coming um

Did you go to the mines without without a weapon yes I need I just AED the dog you did what I didn’t mean not bologan he doth deserve this treatment wait if I hoe the grass does the grass go away uh like the Short Grass I think it might

No let’s I got to run home and check on our dog that was just axed by KO the great KO a in dogs I hit the wrong button and I pet it afterwards a see bolog is growing on you you do like dogs I don’t dislike dogs I just think

The cats are better and cats get mistreated look at all those chicken unfair no I just mean have you seen those commercials yes I just mean if you go into a pet store it’s like 90% dog stuff and cats will have like an end cap the

Cat stuff is so cheaply made too it’s really frustrating is it like I want the good stuff for my cat I just feel like how can you cheaply make cat stuff isn’t that like cats like have nails do do you know have you ever seen on YouTube

Shorts uh Kurt the cat is this orange cat no this guy has his cat named Kurt loves his cat and has all these toys for Kurt and so one of them is this fishing rod and you like cast the line and the Cat chases the little feathery thing at the

End of it and so I tried to buy a fishing rod toy that was similar for my cat and it’s garbage like you cannot cast the line it’s just not weighted correctly oh wow and it’s so disappointed I’m like where did he get this freaking fishing rod toy petition

For Dan to make cat toys yeah yeah I I would I would make high quality cat toys that they would absolutely not appreciate uh there’s an egg in here it looks like a pretty big egg brown egg maybe yeah I was trying to figure out if we

Had given them a brown egg and we could just sell that one yeah so we need a large white egg and we’re uh that can go to the community center okay Jackson Galaxy stuff is decent is it um I’m allergic cat so I’ve never had one but they should have cool toys too

They definitely deserve to have cool toys I just feel like cats like I mean dogs have teeth but cats play with things with their nails so it feels like stupid to make them cheaply make their toys cheaply if that makes sense um naam sorry I missed your message are

You playing with your hubby no this is a a Crossing minute also known as Dan here on YouTube and also console KO we’re all playing together finally just invested in like the nice ones that are like mostly wood they still have little scratching surfaces and stuff but

The ones that are covered in that carpet they would just destroy them in like a couple months cat towers are a racket it’s unbelievable how much those things cost too yes for not even the good ones egg Festival oh boy that’s going to be fun tival oh what happens there youest

I’ve ever gotten in this game you hunt for eggs you you always lose to Abigail but since there’s three of us she probably can’t possibly win but I don’t know out of the three of us who is going to win interesting I’m running up to go buy the

I’m getting this Silo today bird person I know like birds also I need to talk to the wizard The Wizard is located in the bottom of the map uh yeah okay wait what’s wrong with bird people oh it opens at 9 a.m. oh my gosh cat people are wild bird people are

Worse I want the best for your birds I wouldn’t single out a a group of people who like a certain pet though cuz we’re all insane yeah we we’re all yeah if you have a pet you’re basically just you have an animal that has held hostage in your house and

You assume it wants to be there they do that’s just that’s what you want and it doesn’t know any better so they do might have lived outside before I mean three of them and they all wanted to be in here my cat was an indoor outdoor cat

She would go out early in the morning like 8:00 a.m. and come back at like 5:00 p.m. yeah we used to Growing Up we had an indoor outdoor cat and uh then there was a bad experience and now we don’t have yeah a I couldn’t do it we had a

Big yard so that might be to be honest now that I think about it it was probably more than luck than it was anything but we couldn’t keep her inside we have uh coyotes in our backyards oh absolutely not yeah if we had animals like that around there would be no way

I’d let my coyotes can be vicious from what I hear bye Mojo need need something built yes I do actually guinea pig people um I grew up skinny pigs oh K you can buy furniture up here at the brown armchair yeah TV floor TV seasonal plants basic logs brick

Fireplaces they’ve got beds lamp post oh you can get all your flooring and stuff here too wood floor rustic floor Stone floor where are you I’m at uh Robin’s house Robins mhm oh there’s literally so much to buy but it is expensive how do I switch like she has a lot of

Recipes too more than what we have expensive yeah okay I got the silo guys we have we have everything we need now what’s The Silo going to do coal oh I can actually build it right now okay where should where all my wood where should I The Silo you stole

All of my wood I I’m sorry I thought it’d be better to ask for forgiveness then well it’s not wow you sto I was trying to make a scarecrow before all our crops get eaten now I have nothing to make it with oh well excuse me for buying The Silo we need to

Feed all our chickens all two of them where does The Silo go uh next anywhere you want okay can I move it if I place it down yes okay you’ll have to go back to Robin’s but it’s free you can just move it around willy-nilly yay that was

Fun okay I’ll start working on your new Silo the day after tomorrow it’ll take some I always take festivals off well excuse me I’m getting tired of y’all tell me she really wants to go lose the egg Festival wait is that today tomorrow it’s tomorrow okay who cut down Fred the

Tree what that was KO I saw when I was placing my KO did you cut down Fred I’ve been down at my farm I saw you standing right next to Fred when I was putting the silo down a Fred’s gone rest in peace Fred can I get some

Rips in chat for Fred Fred did not deserve we need some 07s in chat for Fred there’s no proof I was I was like oh K’s probably changing the sign oh no she just act spread great no she just did a murder committed a felony I’m going to I’m going to create

A tomb for Fred here lies once the Fred the good Freda I can’t believe we haven’t earned any more recipes I think we can we not even have the Scarecrow yet I have the Scarecrow oh I have the Scarecrow too you also named a tree who else named a

Tree okay I kind of needed that slime but else is in here that I’m like missing I wonder if I should be fishing because it’s like commun centered now is something we’re trying to do yeah to cuz the fish are going to be the hardest part right yeah can’t believe we’re doing the

Community center K’s just Dro you named a tree in addition to the dog and the chickens Etc you you are typically supposed to name the dogs and the chickens Etc the tree was just an exception to the yeah red was a good tree I can’t believe my house probably

Looks so Bland now with Fred not there K’s actually putting into for [Laughter] jail it’s not like you’ll play again true you’re not going to play again K’s loving this game I don’t know when are youall going to have time to play again how many months did it take us to do this

Uh it took a while but Hey listen you can always start your own Farm mhm m H H gr do all of this again yeah well it would be kind of a first- time experience for you thanks for hanging out Skyler have a good night oh this is

The only part of the game I’ve played we’re kind of carrying the team here so you haven’t really done much except for chop down Fred that’s that’s the only busy work K’s done today yeah our only named tree how have I not done anything I’ll have you know Fred was a magical

Tree I put down the entire path Fred magically died I’ve been planting I’ve been earning money every day fishing where do you think that 1,800 gold came from Fred’s me dump Fred stump that’s right okay why am I not JoJo welcome in JoJo if you guys are

Not subscribe to Jojo here on YouTube please make sure you get subscribed um JoJo is a cozy streamer here cozy game streamer here on YouTube make sure you show some love welcome in Jojo and yes we are playing stardy Valley and enjoying it Willie do not stand here D

I’m hitting it right when it’s doing the exclamation point yeah I keep doing it it’s not working for me I just gave up oh my gosh that is funny why are those so perfectly queued up um I want to live in this Wizard’s Tower by the

Way wizard tower is pretty cool okay so is there a certain place that you get all your mods like is it Nexus mods or something yeah um yeah are all the mods on Nexus mods safe or do you have to be like smart about what you pick uh that I

Don’t know I’m pretty sure they are I’ve never questioned it I guess mhm so I think I don’t know maybe there’s an approval process or maybe you should be safe maybe you guys know I’ve always wanted the mods to be on stupid uh Steam Workshop cuz I find that a lot easier oh

Yeah mhm excuse me bless you I was trying to mute my mic and I couldn’t do it in time I wondered what was yeah bless you yeah sorry about that oh excuse me timed it with yeah yeah it was happening it was coming okay I’m going to read this cut scene and be

Back I rasmodius seeker of the Arcane truths mediary between physical and ethereal Master of the seven Elementals or elements Keeper of the Sacred you get the point I do get the point um and you K the one whose AAL a rival I’ve long foreen um here I’d like to show you

Something is it behold excuse me hey the saaman or whatever they’re called am I supposed to be doing something you’ve seen one before haven’t you uh what’s happening here they call themselves The junimos junimos Mysterious Spirits these ones for some reason they refused to speak with

Me and now they’re gone um I’m not sure why they’ve moved into the community center but you have no reason to fear them got a jimon I don’t know I just I couldn’t remember you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language most interesting stay here I’m going to see

For myself I’ll return shortly stay here excuse me did he just peace out so I’m just I’m supposed to stand here what um I found the note what the language is obscure but I was able to decipher decipher it uh we use the junimo uh we the junimo are happy to

Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are the one with the force then you will see if you are one with the force then you will see the true nature of this scroll um H one with the force what do they

Mean I love this this house sniff sniff excuse me you sniffing the squirrel aha come here jimon is your new name my cauldron is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby Fern Moss scrub caramel top toad stool can you smell it I don’t know if I want to it’s green

Here drink up Let the essence of the for uh Forest permeate your body I don’t know about this this doesn’t seem seem safe oh okay oh plus 38 energy plus 10 Health why are we we look like we’re not doing well excuse me hello oh no what’s going

On I mean it gave me Health but now I’m just oh we we solve poll yeah I was just making sure they’re not like go to bed okay lots of trees I guess we’re just I’m coming becoming one with the forest it definitely seems like we’re High you’ve gained the power of forest

Magic now you can decipher the true meaning of the junimo Scrolls okay so now we can read in their language got it all right Mist in order to be subscribed to KO it’s in the contract okay um someone said you’d have to pay me to be Crossing minut Fair okay yep we don’t

Want respect we want Mutual bullying and harassment okay we don’t want to chill time we come for the chaos and screaming at us okay I do that though solid we like the abuse KO knows best um they like the abuse feel like Kato’s just saying this and they’re all like

Putting words in their mouths yeah these are all just my ALT accounts and I’m [Laughter] just I’m typing all that in the chat just so I can read it out loud exactly okay I made it in time the question is should Dan play fortnite with us oh

No why don’t you want to play anything that we want to play I that’s not the case I don’t want to play fortnite Dan said oh no what about eded I’m busy oh now you’re busy I’m busy that day I’m sorry oh is that right okay you’re busy that day yeah got it

Dan would you like your wood back what does this do again I I know I went and got my own oh so I can keep the 200 wood I have yeah go ahead yay thank you so much Dan yeah you’re welcome so appreciate that okay I need 25 stone this seems so

Stupid wow look I can’t believe Fred is Dead Fred is dead rip Fred you just left I didn’t put I didn’t put rip fret so you just left St wow this is crazy business Dan won’t play ddv anymore no too busy for Ed not too busy for stardo

I’m saying I know it’s wild business oh well I wasn’t busy today maybe they would watch you play fortnite or in Tred you know you know what happened when KO started playing fortnite what she started attracting entirely different viewers great to her Channel and they’re all mean oh they’re

Not oh yeah oh yeah fortnite viewers are scientifically mean meaner than stter viewers so you just don’t want new viewers is what you’re saying I don’t want mean viewers any meaner anyway some of these some of these viewers are pretty mean I mean how many of you like the stream I mean come On like our chat is under attack what do we need to do about it chat why did they just run over here and put a sign in my front [Laughter] yard come on K let’s get out of here we got to go oh the egg festiv the egg Festival oh

No do I need to empty out my inventory see y’all we’re too busy are we too late no we it’s starting now we got to go we have to run I’m not going to make it we have yeah we only have until like 8:00 8:00 p.m. I don’t know it’s

Sometime oh we’re waiting on KO I’m not going to make it guilty of liking the stream I’m really far away here comes the the the axan don’t forget to buy strawberries that’s a good point ooh strawberry seeds how many strawberry seeds do we want so here’s the thing about

Strawberries um they’re very expensive so the idea is that you buy some but then you save some strawberries so you can make your own strawberry seeds in the future okay so buy some to plant but also save absolutely save some once they’re a decorative Pitchfork and also

They take eight days to mature so we got to make sure we we stay on top of the schedule uh what about this seasonal plant right here these kind of look cool I should have just waited until this day I could have just talk to everybody all at Once I don’t know if that counts or not should I just buy the seasonal plant these are so cute unlike the stream out of pettiness that’s fair I amizing L seasonal plants I may or may not have purchased I haven’t purchased it yet but I want one I’m about to purchase a

Decorative Pitchfork that’s a thousand I guess technically you could just wait till a festival like this to meet everybody in town when does this thing start do we just chat with everybody uh you chat with the mayor okay the mayor where’s the May what’s that

Harvey it counts to talk to them here I didn’t know that oh I don’t know if it does I was just I in my mind it made sense cuz everyone seems to be fried eggs boiled eggs I know where is the mayor I made I made all them eggs

Do you think everyone’s ready for the egg hunt yet should I say yes yeah yeah I have no idea what we’re supposed to be doing hopefully there’s an explanation I guess we’re looking for eggs whoa It’s time for the highlight of today’s festivities the annual spring egg

Hunt calm down now kiddos you’re going to need you chat with everyone to make you make them like you more oops oh well oh yeah I definitely did not chat with a single person everyone ready oh let the egg I know where all the eggs

Are what am I supposed to be doing what do they look like they’re hidden behind things the little colorful bits behind things I get behind things so it’s not good I’m just cutting you stole that is it only in this vicinity I guess the area is blocked off that you can’t get

To sorry egg hunt day you don’t mess around wi something good yes there’s an egg back here I guess have to find out or maybe you won’t I already lost I probably did I didn’t uh I got eight eight four three wait two one I’m oh I

Got it wow I got wow I got seven guess it’s not bad nine eggs and you win I think I got nine yeah I got wow look at all those eggs me me me me me now the winner of this year’s egg hunt yeah Dan is it Dan yes yes Dan what did

You get oh you’ll see here’s your prize [Laughter] enjoy well that’s it for this year’s egg hunt egg farts egg farts I can’t believe Dan literally knew where all the eggs that’s not fair I know you knew look what I got where are you I’m by my

House what did you get he got a cool hat give me that hat what give me that hat right now give me that hat leave me alone where’s my pickaxe give me that hat right now Wow that’s crazy that you that that you did did that that’s well not the side oh my gosh okay so I should plant one strawberry is it worth it to plant one I’m just going to save all the strawberry did we buy strawberries yes I bought three strawberries which is an

Odd number don’t know why I did that one and we’re just never going to get rid of them we’re going to keep them I think cuz we can make more at a later date or something but I don’t know how much later a no idea but I planted some and watered them

So and when I say some I mean one it’s getting late oh bedtime okay I don’t faint it’s 1210 I fainted at I it was that late lose the hat thank you guys for over 200 likes on the stream give give me that hat I’m just going to steal that

Hat Dan has tucked in the bed oh have you queen of sauce I learn to make klaw oh look at Robin working on on The Silo under construction it’s making me ruin my path over here man these potatoes take forever okay I think I just got two

Regular white eggs we need one large white egg correct yeah two regular what about losing your pants excuse what I don’t know what my chat’s talking about I don’t know how our wallet survived Festival the egg hunt was fun there a lot of really tempting items in that uh

Store oh okay I need to go to the blacksmith to process these geod does anybody have any geod that they want me to process before I go I have two I think okay are they in your chest inside your house yeah you should take your hat

Off and put it in the chest um yeah can I borrow the Hat I just want to see what how it looks on my hair I don’t trust you I promise to give it back I don’t I don’t trust you we promise to give it back leave my hat alone hello

You don’t want to share the Hat sharing is caring all right all right fine I’ll I swear on the stardew valley Gods to give it back how do I do this I just want to see if it hides your hair yeah that’s what that’s what I’m like interested in you

Don’t like your hairir no I mean my hair’s want the hair the problem is like in some games it covers it so much that oh it’s cute oh yeah it turns into a little ponytail perfect that good okay how do I give it to KO to see how K’s hair

Looks do I just pull it out of my inventory I don’t want to accidentally delete it to the side if you accidentally throw the trash Oh I would be so distraught did you get it K know what I do the pigtails are so cute with it everyone looks better than the hat but

Me you guys keep it I don’t even want it anymore a d you can take your hat back come get your hat don’t be like that take your hat back oh my God the drama so dramatic fine we’re going to be dramatic about it over I won the egg Festival you

Sure did who said Dan won all KO was the one that got nine eggs uh Dan I don’t know if you noticed but there’s a sign outside of your house that says boo I like it yeah great artwork um I am going to take your geod are they reminds

Me of the kind of person I want to be every day oh does it mhm a ghost really it should just be a fart noise how are you going to write that out let’s see it mer that’s the best I [Laughter] got what oh it’s Haley’s birthday happy birthday

Haley happy birthday Viller in the gamey birthday to to you happy birthday happy birthday to you Dan you want to join in anytime nope all right so I need to find Haley yes on this map you’re going to give her a flower KO somebody says you can put

The Hat on the dog res says she can put the Hat on the dog we have to see how the hat looks on the dog I’m not giving up my hat for the dog horses too if it was a cat I would do it happy birthday NPC uh what am I going to

Give her for her birthday uh you should find some Dand liion oh there’s no eggs in here let’s see what we get for J daffodil yeah I want to find a daffodil oh I might have some uh I just gifted this guy a geode and he sighed at

Me excuse me process geod why was this option not not here last time you’re like so done with your crap you don’t have enough room in your inventory are you kidding is this a joke there’s nothing I can throw really wants some Midnight’s fin: CL okay yeah I’ll get her

That this is bad I came here with no inventory space wait what do you think she’d like this a clam why does it not leave me over there Clint is the worst I can confirm that I can’t stand Clint right now Clint is awful and creepy Clint looks creepy he is creepy

So there’s this whole Saga Emily the the lady with the blue hair like she’s a romanceable character and as your relationship develops with Clint and even if it develops with Emily like maybe you’re trying to you know woo Emily mhm like it Clint seems oblivious

To you to your interest in Emily and he continues to come to you for advice on you know how to talk to her yeah so he’s just like oh I really like Emily but I don’t think she notices me you’re like but I like Emily and so it’s really

Awkward and he doesn’t take a hint and he’s just really uh he he gets bad vibes I don’t I do not like Clint it’s giving nasty disgusting Haley is standing by the fountain if you’re trying to find a present for her or find her to give her

A present do you think Haley would like a stick no would she like a wild horseradish I don’t know she likes daffodils a lot I just had a daffodil I don’t have a daffodil okay okay it’s okay let me look St we need daffodils Wiki Haley so Haley’s favorites are stuff we

Don’t have but her likes she likes daffodil kind of a lot and a leak you can give her a leak oh she dislikes those never mind don’t do that oh um oh boy okay okay wait uh she hates wild horse radish in fact it’s like one of the worst things you

Could give her hate is such a strong word she only hates three things and one of them is wild horse radish my don’t move Haley I’ve got to go to the blacksmith first I’m running so slow I may not ever get here in time okay I’m

Just giving you this cut scene I don’t want to De with it there’s the wizard I’ve seen him before more carrots and Jack be nimble Jack be thick book gain plus one defense what I just found this what oh my gosh you’ve learned a new power what who wait wait what what’s

Happening I got I found a book and I gained one defense oh my gosh of course you did Dan what about us we need hot pepper spicy eels coconuts fried mushrooms all of that stuff sounds awesome why am I kind of obsessed with st right now this is not good for

Me I found daffodils I have two KO if you want one they’re free uh Haley is no longer where she was before this is not good good it’s 5:00 p.m. she must be going to the saloon for a cocktail on her birthday for sure right what does she look like she’s got

The blonde hair oh I found her she’s down here in the community area I think she might be walking home though oh you got me a birthday gift well I really like it okay K do you want this yeah will you throw it at me yeah for sure a she’s

Running away oh no no hold on throw it wait oh gosh I have to see oh my gosh she’s going to her room grab her she going no going give her the nael wait how do I do it click on it in your inventory okay she really liked it oh my

Gosh everyone’s guarding the trash cans am I supposed to dig through the trash Oh you can actually find stuff in the trash yeah oh by the way hat you can get too I found a thunder egg it says Gunther can tell you more about this if

You donate it to the museum oh yeah there you go uh you found another hat sir no if you if if you dig through trash there’s a chance to get a rare hat oh I’ll dict your trash do you want to know what it is yes the trash can

LD never mind don’t want it why why are you digging in the trash okay Maru can you mind your business please so if you find the trash canlet hat you can put on the horse the dog or whatever what’s really funny about it is when you wear

It and then you hold something over your head it looks like you’re holding a thing on a silver platter oh that’s kind of cute yeah if I find the trash can lid hat I’ll just put it on the cat that we get later on I’m sure you both look like that name

The cat dumpy and then put the trash can on his head dumpy oh dumpy works too cuz like dumpy dumpling perfect it does okay Museum I’m right here I might be able to donate this thing to the museum oh never mind it it’s closed at six shocker hate how early everything closes that’s

Just ridiculous it’s not even dark outside why are y’all not working get back to work trash cat oh no one’s pet the dog uh I feel ashamed oh I love stardew Valley now I want to keep playing yeah how long are we playing it’s 11:14 wow time really is flying I

Know do we need to call it soon I mean do like one more day yeah okay wait what am I I also got mudstone so I guess that can be donated to the museum too now is there wonder why he has the flowers like dancing what flowers like these little

Things you can chop them up with your ho chop them up with your hoe eh see this is why I always say oh sorry not these ones I didn’t know those are ho proof ho proof is there any stone oh there is some Stone here I need some more

Stone your pickaxe isn’t strong enough to break this I break those in the mines all the time is this a joke I know isn’t that weird Dan so technically at some point we should get enough stuff to clear up this whole Farm what is chat thinking about stardy

Valley is what I want to know oh good question what does everybody think should we do a poll do most people like you got to tell us what you think of sty Valley class in six hours you must have liked it then stayed up that late it’s like I don’t particularly love watching

Stardo really yeah oh I remember you saying that I like watching I don’t feel obligated to say love it for sure I I like this this is fun and chill I think for a solo thing I want to you know me I like to take stuff and make it

Annoying so I want to make some kind of twist yeah should play hard mode or something yeah played along while you’ve played I’m loving the update I’m all about St you again nice yeah I’m feeling it right now me too I need to donate these thanks for telling me something

Very obvious Evelyn I’m glad you like it I hope you continue to play it um I’m already a stard fan so there’s that grateful for the live I love it I definitely love watching it even though I’m not a personal fan of playing it oh okay 1400 hours speaks for itself did you

Leave Steam on by accident you left your game on and went to go on a vacation why can’t I do we need a golden potato for anything an axe to chop those down um golden potato potato I mean oh uh yes maybe I think a gold star potato

Probably would be useful hello dear starting as a quality crops uh no it is not part of the quality crops bundle okay we need five parsnips for that five melons five pumpkins five corn but there’s only three so we need just three of those things okay okay so my

Tool let me know we get a large white egg because we can put that in the community center okay I’ve been keeping an eye out for it but I haven’t seen it just yet PS4 wow I saw that okay just chopped down Fred yeah well Fred doesn’t even

Really exist anymore does he Perfection on many farms wow judge Route 2 equals tons of hours dang my question is for people who are watching this is like would you watch somebody play it like vanilla from the start if that makes sense like just like going through everything that you’ve

Already played before I guess with the update there’s new stuff so but I don’t know I wonder like is everyone already done with everything at this point right I’m not going to be fishing today I don’t need my seat and I don’t need my hoe all right I I don’t I feel like

There’s so much content that was probably added oh what happened how do we get all that money I sold potatoes oo oh my dog is barking CU he supposed to do that oh I didn’t know we can go up here the real question is so what should I be

Uh making now still potatoes potatoes seem to make really good money I mean we’re up to 4K now it’s the 15th so just make sure the days line up but uh that can be yeah potatoes are good it take six days oh but I don’t know oh the oh our silos done

Yeah I don’t know how many days are in Spring uh 28 so now that the Silo’s done when we chop up grass with our Scythe we will you’ll notice little hay symbols going over your head yeah like those are going into the silo automatically and feeding not feeding they they’re going into the

Chicken cop like there’s a little thing that has hay in it that’s handy yeah it’s pretty awesome um I’m glad a lot of you guys are enjoying stard Valley I’m really actually enjoying it too um I’m enjoying the update in the new Farm I know stard Valley isn’t everybody except the tea

But I feel like it’s so well done and more more than worth the cost especially with it being on sale right now it’s on the Steam Sale I do enjoy watching and helping people when they’re new to stard Valley come on Cozy Corner welcome in

And yeah I would need all the help that I can get honestly like I don’t want spoiler help but if I’m doing something wrong I want somebody to tell me like hey here’s how you do this type of situation if that makes sense but I’m so glad that you guys are

Enjoying and would love to watch more stardew Valley the question is can I work stardew Valley stard Valley maybe some Pia ddv I mean how can we get far enough in this game to actually like make a dent in the content does that make sense oh Cozy Corner that’s a perfect

Way thank you so much for that too by the way but yeah maybe we’ll start a stardew valley save if you guys really are enjoying is this a geode right here this oh it is my inventory is full uh I wish I could just delete things there we

Go it gets more fun the more you play I think that’s my problem too like the reason why I’ve had so much trouble enjoying stardo Valley is because I um I haven’t really played far enough into the game to experience the festivals experience all the cool like content

That you don’t get when you’re grinding early game so it’s really something I’m trying to be better at honestly my grass is so pretty um I have salmon berries or salmon berries salmon salmon are those useful for something or they just oh they give you 25 energy and 11 Health okay cool yeah

Uh later on you can also put them in preserve jars but um usually by then you have a lot of other stuff to put in preserve jars so I usually just sell them but okay um they’re good early on for foraging XP okay that’s definitely I’m just

Picking them up as I see oh and you’re you go running in with a s that is funny Dan are you planning on playing some more stard Valley with the new update even though you’ve already p played 100 times probably I might I I’m trying to decide if I’m going to like

Start another new Farm or just go like one of my old Legacy Farms and like start building it out somewh yeah oh hi K hi K I don’t know what I’m doing right now maybe I’ll show off my farm at the end of the stream yeah oh yeah I we should

Raid over so we can see yeah we can all see it well I’ll be ending the stream very shortly thereafter that’s okay yeah well you can just raid someone else all our people if you want to oh all is there anybody else I don’t know I think

Bla world is streaming shy Valley right now yeah uh yeah there’s some people okay oh wilbo’s on oh is wilbo playing stard Valley yeah wilbo’s actually made a lot of progress though are we shocked wasna say is he baking a pie does he camera no he has like some

Crops planted it looks it looks like he hasn’t done much he’s on Sunday day seven or yeah suay talking wilbo’s farm he’s got a couple little crops but it doesn’t look like they could ever be growing into anything useful it just looks like green sticks coming out of

The ground so I don’t even know what he’s planted Dan has not been messing around in here what what did he plant what are those green sticks green stick are they carrots uh no the carrots didn’t look like like that where did wilbo get green sticks

What did he plant are they tulips oh he probably why would he plant flowers what does he know oh I love that you can oh he’s he must be doing something that we don’t know about he’s just being willbo green beans green beans have a wooden stick oh maybe you just wanted to

Decorate could be can you decorate with them uh you can use them around beehives maybe maybe you can decorate with them now but they’ve always been pretty useless you can sell them maybe um TJ yeah that’s a good point I could do the grindy stuff on off stream and then do a

Lot of the like goal goal based playing like things that I want to do for the day and not do too much of the grindy stuff for sure how much of the grindy stuff could you actually keep off stream for stardo valley though I’m genuinely curious um I need to craft this

Perfect look at me completing Quest y’all he had some thing in there and I didn’t know what it was it was like a ticket machine or something H weird 300 pieces of wood to fix this bridge seems like a bit much oh is it the mayor’s

House oh maybe oh it was in mayor Lewis’s house sorry and he has something and it’s like a ticket machine I have zero tickets though okay got all that Earth crystal all that if we’ve donated Earth crystals and stuff to the museum should we just sell the rest Earth crystals are good for

Crafting okay so keep those sorry if I asked that already um okay got it all right I made my furnace so I completed that Quest use your furnace to smell a copper bar one coal five copper okay oh that thing’s new with the update okay what is whatever it was in mayor

Lewis’s house oh yeah I heard that a lot of people got updated uh furniture and stuff too like rugs and stuff in their house like they they did an overhaul it looks like it was something if you had like tickets you could get either some carrot seeds or like other little

Things but I don’t know how to get the tickets maybe festivals I don’t know don’t know anything okay let me look back at my quests again smelting I’m working on that Robin’s lost ax no clue where that is green slimes oh I need to craft a scarecrow I don’t have any of the

Materials for this stuff wood coal fiber have all of that stuff it’s back inside my house there’s no there’s no fish in this pond it’s so annoying there’s no fish in any of the ponds on our plot is there usually fish in the ponds do you think it’s like something with

The no there’s usually not fish I and not I don’t know not a great amount anyway you can do crab pots and get a few things what a crap many fish you expect to be in a pond doing three help wanted things gives you tickets I already failed at the first

Help Wanted thing so it’s great there’s a river farm and there’s I think there’s more fish than that oh that might be true I don’t really understand the different Farms I completed many quests I’m proud of myself different layouts and different strengths and weaknesses there’s my favorite one’s

This Forest farm and it has you know those big green stumps that we can’t cut down right now yeah yeah over to the side it has a bunch of those and they come back every day so it’s like an a really nice source of hardwood oh yeah

That is nice yeah so good for building yeah okay can I ask a question if we use this if so this type of farm has like this blue grass that’s important for like the animals or whatever if you use a mod that goes over like an aesthetic

Mod that goes over that is the Blue Grass still there like does it adjust to the type of farm that you pick how does that work it the Blue Grass it would be entirely like dependent on how the mod maker textured the grass M so hopefully they would use a different texture for

The new grass oh okay otherwise it might look just like normal because it wouldn’t be a tech textured over okay worst case it looks like all the other grass but I don’t I don’t think it would do that that I think it would be its own texture still okay got it that makes

Sense all right so this is the last day right we’re playing together yeah I think are we gonna raid over to we’re gonna raid over to Dan so that Dan can show everybody a an OG farm stancy farm yes yeah okay we’ll we’ll love to do

That I’m gonna go ahead and say bye and then we’re gonna rate over to you Dan thank you both so much for playing stardew and Dan thanks for all the tips and everything I really had so much fun playing today yeah I I had fun spending

All our money at the end I just what did you buy wait we had 4K didn’t we I I bought a backpack upgrade you bought a backpack wow so it was really fun thanks for having me it was really cool I take back everything that I said I knew that this

Scam was happening at some point today yep thanks a lot God see you in a minute Great Dan thanks say bye you guys still want to raid me or yeah I don’t know we’ll see um okay well thank you guys all so much for hanging out so quick question

Before you guys go we are going to raid over to Dan Dan’s going to show us one of his OG stardew Valley Farms so I think that would be a lot of fun I need to know from you guys and maybe I’ll put up a poll or something on the community

Tab but I really would like to know from you guys whether you want to see more stardew Valley and if it’s worth playing through and really giving it a chance on the channel um all honesty if you’re not interested in watching it or seeing it please let me know especially if you’re

Watching this back on YouTube if you’re not interested comment below let me know but if you would like to see more I really enjoyed it so I think it could be fun um but yes thank you guys so much for hanging out we’re going to R we’re

Going to Ray Dan so let me go ahead and put this redirect in really quickly um so that we can once I end the stream it’ll send you guys over to Dan’s channel uh okay there we go um also thank you so much to everyone who became a new member tonight or

Renewed their memberships I appreciate you guys so much um Bailey thank you so much for your $5 Super Chat teacup thank you so much for one gifted membership on the stream tonight you guys are all so wonderful I had so much fun playing stardo Valley and I’m really enjoying it

Promise you’ll get addicted once you get through the grind I feel that coming cuz I’m already starting to feel that way I feel like you could do stard do Valley like once a month or like every two weeks I feel like I could I could could

Probably work one in once a week now that I stream so much so um but yes thank you guys so much for hanging out we’re going to go right Dan say um say we’re going to say hash bag theve okay hash bag how do you spell

Thief is the yeah there we go hash bag Thief when we raid Dan for purchasing a a $2,000 backpack upgrade on our dime um and again I’m so glad I thought that was fun I was wondering how it would be single player on stream yeah I’m wondering too I guess we’ll find out

But yeah thank you guys so much for hanging out we’re going to raid Dan I’ll see you guys over there and until next time I’ll catch you all on the next one Peace

Playing co-op Stardew Valley for Update 1.6 with @consolecaito and @CrossingMinute

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