Mikey and JJ Joined The MUTANT ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft! (Maizen)

Hey are we lost where are we this place is weird it looks like a forest but it feels like something’s wrong uh Hey guys look I think there’s a note here father then look and read what it says for some reason I have the strange feeling that

We’re not alone here that this Forest holds some kind of secret maybe we didn’t come here for nothing but we have to find our way oh my god dad oh no oh my God God what happened oh no it’s a trap it’s an ambush we have to get out

Of here they’re are husbands we can’t just leave them here oh my god oh no JJ run our parents they’ve all been wiped out oh my God Mikey we’re in danger uh then why are we standing here let’s get out of here before they destroy us too oh no let’s look over

There I think we’re in trouble are we done now no this not be Why Us someone help us oh my God what do we do now that we’re in such danger Jay why aren’t they attacking us look at this they’re standing there like they want something

From us maybe they need us somehow yes they do c you’re right if they need us they won’t attack us they probably want us to go somewhere with them hey I don’t want to do that I think we should get out of here if we run they’ll start

Shooting at us hey you filthy skeletons get out of here before it’s too late don’t worry kids you’ll be all right we’ll protect you wow giant talking zombies I can’t believe it oh we wanted to thank you for saving us but we have a problem it’s your parents that’s

Terrible but what were you doing here we got lost in the woods and then we were attacked now we have nowhere to go and our parents we can’t just leave you here this is a very dangerous place and whoever comes in here will be dinner for

Skeletons so if you want to come with us cuz we have a safe place ah especially since it’s starting to rain we have to hurry before they get wet and sick well the choice is yours if you want to come with us if you’re afraid you’ll be lunch

For the skeletons JJ go with them it’s our only chance to survive we don’t mind really so thank you very much again you don’t have to be afraid of us you can trust us because if we wanted to eat you or something we would have done it a

Long time ago but show there’s no point in wasting our time especially look at our shelter we live near water and it’s safe enough here are there a lot of monsters here mostly skeletons they’re kind of wild and attack anything that moves well there’s a place further down

In the cave where you can sit and sleep so don’t be shy and feel safe ah thank you again for saving us we can’t thank you enough for that JJ is very cozy here I love it thank you guys again but we don’t know how to survive anymore you’re

Not going away you can stay with us and live here I’ll teach you some crafting skills or maybe you know how to create resources and items on the workbench no we tried it once but unfortunately we don’t know the recipes ah well then follow me I’ll show

You a place where you can get some practice uh we’re going to make new things that’s right well look what I’ve got here there’s a workbench where you can create objects and you can see all kinds of recipes for these items you have plenty of time so if you want you

Can try to create something now if you’re tired and need to rest go to sleep make yourself at home all right thank you again for such a warm welcome we’ll try to create some items here here you go grab your resources and try to lay out on the workbench exactly what

You see on the walls there’s swords and axes and all sorts of other stuff so go ahead there’s a chest behind you my name is Adam by the way what’s yours I’m JJ this is my friend Mikey thanks again for saving us no problem my wife’s name is

Gabriella we don’t have names because we’re zombies but that’s what we call each other what am I supposed to do with these pieces of iron JJ huh so JJ you go to the workbench and create exactly what’s on your left your job is to create the helmet it’s a simple matter

Of putting pieces of iron on top of the helmet then you need chest armor that’s going to take a lot of iron and then just make your pants and your boots and don’t forget to do the same for Mikey wao I like this it’s really nice and

Useful you see how easy it is to make things when you have a recipe so there’s nothing complicated about it yes it’s really fun cool now we’re going to have gear right yes you can carry all this stuff with you they should last you a

Long time come on on Mikey hey you stop running around like that Jay give me all the gear you built for me you’ll need the armor to protect you from physical damage oddly enough ha like it’s supposed to protect you from skeleton arrows I guess we don’t

Care about that because we have tough skin yes I’ve seen how scared of you skeletons are but we’d like to create more weapons and tools uh let’s start with a sword two bars and a stick at the B B go JJ get to work hey Mikey what are

You going to do run around like a clown and just watch come on help me out too come on JJ don’t show off because you have a lot of work to do yes you need a sword to fight off the enemy a pickaxe to dig up useful resources in the rocks

And act to chop down logs and staks and there’s something else I don’t remember what it is for gardening and digging up Earth we have so much time ahead of us that we’ll find a use for these things thanks again Adam hey Mikey why are you so sad I made

These presents for you too so grab them and we can test them out later thanks JJ I’m just sad about the way things turned out the most important thing is that we survived and somehow we’ll destroy those skeletons oh wow I wouldn’t recommend it because there’s too many of them and you

Don’t want to do anything rash it’s too early for you to do this but you need to get some sleep now so go to your seats and feel safe to tomorrow we’ll think about what we can do I’ve got a lot of ideas actually so get some rest you’ve

Done so much for us it’s made me uncomfortable frankly I don’t know why you’re helping us big guy thanks to all of you and especially you big dude we’ll never forget this so have a good night’s sleep well let’s get some sleep now cuz we need to get our strength back listen

I didn’t realize this place would be so comfortable and my back’s fine shh so don’t disturb my sleep well sleep then I’ll sleep then Too ah my stomach I’m so hungry me too I’m so hungry hey guys I hear you’re hungry well then let us feed you there’s no o it’s just Rotting Flesh they they don’t eat that ah yes unfortunately if we eat it we’ll turn into vegetables that’s okay we’ll go to the woods and

Find some food nope you’re not going anywhere we alone because it’s dangerous we know what to do so come with us we’re going to a village not far from here maybe the villagers there can help us wow are you friends with the Villagers no we’re trying to stay out of their

Sight so they don’t get mad at us let’s go come with us it’s not far wa how long have we been walking for long enough I think not much longer aha I forgot something we’re not just going there to get supplies we’re going in there to buy supplies so I’m going to

Give you a bunch of iron to trade for supplies we could just steal the supplies but okay ah let’s do whatever you say Adam stealing is wrong and ugly you don’t have to stoop to that we going to do Fair H well they villagers must have

Some kind of food the kind we eat well here we are SAR this is the village hey man we brought you some stuff would you mind giving it to us now he’s scared of you yeah it happens all the time and we’re used to it but now you have food because he dropped

Something great now we can go back right nope that’s not fair so I’m giving you a bunch of iron bars we’ll have to go to them and ask them for food and give them These Bars in return Adam even though you’re a giant zombie you have a very kind heart I’m

Amazed have my son go with you so that villager doesn’t get scared of you okay hey villager open the door H who the hell is that hey we brought you something oh my God it’s a zombie giant don’t eat me please oh No that was funny but why are they all scared of you all right villager you should be thanked for helping us now let’s go back to our place it looks like there’s nothing more for us to do here what’s up did you make it that villager just fainted and lost

Consciousness it was kind of funny hey who the hell are you guys I hear you’re hurting the villagers oh my God we don’t want any trouble so let’s get out of here I just wanted to talk to you you don’t have to do this oh my God he’s

Gaining on us I can see it’s getting dark and it’s not normal because it’s dangerous don’t worry kids we’ll be home now and everything will be okay oh no oh my God Jay and Mikey run we’re going to make it on our own and come back to you save yourselves uh no

We can’t just leave them here oh my God it’s the skeletons looks like we’re trapped again JJ and Mikey I said run get to safety now well then let’s run JJ let’s go to our Hideout we need to figure out a way to save our friends

He’s right we have to save our ourselves because we can’t beat them now oh my God this is just awful I don’t want them to suffer too we have to save them yeah I understand that but how do we save them I don’t know go and free

Them destroy the skeletons and save our boys yes but we’re going to need better equipment for that Adam was right Adam can try to fight them but it won’t last long that’s why we need to search the shelter and find better gear let’s take a look around hey Mikey let’s go look in

That place maybe we can find something useful in there JJ we’ve been here before why are we back here again because Mikey I think there might be a secret in here somewhere do you realize that uh a secret like a secret room with some kind of equipment in it I’m not

Sure about that but yeah if we search the cave carefully we might be able to find some Diamond equipment that is much stronger than what we have now uh-oh JJ I don’t see anything useful in here yet so I don’t even know where we’re going to find any of this stuff it

Can’t be Mikey there’s got to be something in here maybe some kind of secret lever or button just take a closer look yeah I found Mikey what JJ what did you find a lever there’s a lever we have to activate it right I guess so and then some secret room will

Open up well let’s have a look I’m hoping it’ll do something to help us in the battle ahead wao you were right there really is a secret room in here wao uh it’s so mysterious we have three chests and which one do we open well let’s try this

Chest nope iron I understand that we don’t need it because we already have it yes we need much better equipment something that’s really strong and can take a lot of damage uh let’s take a look at this chest over here what have we got here H gold is a valuable resource but

Unfortunately gold armor is one of the worst in terms of Effectiveness it’s easier for us to go without armor than in it uh you’re right we should look at the last chest there must be something valuable in it after all right wo that’s exactly what we need

Diamonds there’s so many of them Mikey don’t be greedy we came here to get stronger gear not to steal valuables uh that’s all well and good but I wish we didn’t have to fight we need to find another way yeah Mikey you’re right it’ll be a lot more effective if we

Don’t fight so come on we need to get ready and get back to that spot I don’t think they stayed there you think they could have been taken with them and taken Somewhere the tracks led us to this exact spot Mikey look we came in the right direction after all oh no are you sure they’re here here yeah they were kidnapped and brought here I just don’t understand how that’s possible I don’t understand it either but what now what

Do we do now I have a plan we can still use stealth hm I don’t understand you what if we dig an underground tunnel and then try to use it to get to our friends H why that’s an interesting idea actually I like it I just don’t want to

Fight them sometimes it’s better to use your brain than to go for it is for that right here so what the tunnel will then lead straight to them well I hope so I don’t know exactly where they are but we’ll dig forward because the cave is in

That direction then I’ll keep an eye out to make sure no one comes in here so how’s it going in there I don’t know I’m digging a tunnel and I see rocks so we’re already in the cave they must be around here somewhere yeah there

You are hey Adam it’s me JJ get over here now Jay how did you oh my god what are you doing here how did you find us follow the tracks rotten flesh you led us right into this cave now it’s my turn to save your bodies so let’s go come on

JJ thank you go to the tunnel and wait for us at home I’m not finished here a little bit because I want to do something just don’t stay long we do not want to save you again for the second time I still want revenge on those ah

Those dirty skeletons for what they did to our families now they can never live here again cuz I’m going to blow this whole place up and there will be nothing left then maybe these skeletons will stop showing up in the woods or even disappear that’s what they want take

That you filthy mutants everybody disperse there’s going to be a very loud explosion that was a blast hey hey JJ looks like you did a good deed come here and take a look what’s going on here Mikey what happened there was a cave in and now the skeleton cave doesn’t exist

Anymore maybe we stop them somehow maybe they won’t even come into the woods anymore ah looks like you saved us well thank you for not leaving some zombies in the Lurch uh you’re not just zombies to us and thank you for accepting us like this your family to us

Mikey and JJ Joined The MUTANT ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft! (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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