Let’s play Stardew Valley EXPANDED for the first time! (ep 6)

I Hi gang sorry I’m over half an hour late for those of you who figured that I’d start at two you’re not crazy that’s how it usually is I have had a crazy day um yeah I warned of this in previous streams I have a crazy week like the whole week coming up is

Insane um and yeah so I just got back from I had to do I’m like in charge of fundraising in the fraternity that I’m in so I had to run like a three-hour long uh bake sale that went right up until about half an hour ago and I just

Like sprinted to my car drove back and frantically set up my stream so hopefully also I just set up all my computer stuff last night so there might be some tech issues please let me know if you hear any buzzing sounds I’m actually going to be quiet for a

Second uhoh hold on let me turn off my Fan okay you guys need to be honest if you hear a buzzing noise ideally it’s just ambient noise because yesterday my window broke in my apartment uh I tried to crank it open to get some cool air in here and it went and the like whole

Window like punched out of the wall and the screen like fell on me so my window is stuck like completely wide open right now so all and I’m like my room is situated right next to like the huge unit that powers the whole building in

In terms of like heat and it just goes like all day so there’s some ambient noise that will be pretty endless okay you still in spring break nope I had my first day class back from spring break yesterday so back coool um I got to do some mod downloading because we we

Discussed last time we were going to get the fruit tree honey mod those of who who could make it to our last starter Valley Stream um I have found my identity for this playthrough and that is fruit trees fruit trees is something that I always thought were kind of

Wasted in the base game because they are just always like a losing proposition financially and they’re so expensive that you really don’t can’t like reliably afford a good amount of them until you’re late enough in the game where they don’t move the knal at all so they’re really just like an aesthetic

Piece or if you need like a community center item or something so I’ve just downloaded a ridiculous amount of mods that uh screw with fruit trees and uh we’re using that to to make so I’ve got uh mods basically let me let me see here I’ve got Um mathematic Orchards which gives them more value I’ve got the big biggest one is the it’s it’s called like fruit tree tweaks and last stream we had a a town hall where I let yall pick where we were going to put all the sliders and the

Where it’s set now is that the fruits that grow are random sizes a tree can hold up to 10 fruits at a time and the trees themselves mature uh in two days rather than the 28 uh in the normal game uh sorry for always having these like extensive periods at the beginning of

Stream where I got to download [ __ ] so I’m I’m downloading mods thank you for your continued patience I also need to download something called producer framework mod okay let’s address the elephant in the room uh start of Valley I think just got an update uh I think it I think the update

Just came out right when I started streaming by pure chance which is incredibly unfortunate because it means that the sppy website itself might crash um so starter Valley just received the 1.6 update everyone has been raving about online I somehow didn’t hear about it or know about it at all until like

Only a few weeks ago and then now it’s like my today it’s been my whole like Twitter feed um so I’m sure every everybody in their mom right now is either streaming or like recording a starter value 1.6 demo or playthrough to go ahead and get out in the YouTube

Algorithm while they can uh which makes sense so I’m sure a lot of people on Twitch are streaming the new mod right now so I’m so sorry moderators uh you’re going to have to prepare to Baton down the hatches cuz there’s going to be a million people coming in asking if this

Is the new update so I’m so sorry moderators right here here you’re going to get really sick of saying no these are mods no this is separate no we’re playing with mods uh I’m so sorry I’ll try to say it as often as I can myself

To help y’all out um let’s see I need something called producer framework mod producer framework here we go thank you all for your uh ever Everlasting and continued patience I appreciate it I’ve had a hell of a day and I’m really excited to um play some starter Valley

Uh another game that came out like this is an update a whole game that came out yesterday at midnight is um I’m going to itch my neck came out about 10 minutes ago and said immediately crashed oh [ __ ] um but the new MLB the Show

Game is out came out at midnight MLB the show 24 those of you who are long time Watchers of the channel you might know that occasionally I used to play a little bit of uh MLB the Show uh at the end of streams like sometimes I’d finish up an animal

Crossing and be like we got an hour left let’s play some MLB The Show for Giggles uh and I’ve got it on my PS5 so once I hook up a capture card to that that could be a really fun thing to do on stream uh we can make another we can

Make another OC and uh one of the new things in this newest m the show game is uh you you now have the option to make a woman player uh because as as over the last year there have been a lot of Leaps and Bounds in um women in the league

Like the the first first woman in division one baseball happened uh first woman head coach happened first woman head broadcaster has all there’s basically the last year has been like a a revolution of uh women in Major League Baseball so newest in the game is is you

Don’t have to make a dude so we will not be making a dude for our player this time around we’ll be making a lovely lady uh but that’ll be a fun thing to do on stream okay yes good good Pinn comment that starts with in all caps it’s not going

To matter like unfortunately but it’s it it’s a great thought because we we both know no one reads the pin Comet unfortunately but that’s smart okay okay now I’ve downloaded two new mods so that should be all good to go please allow me just a little bit to get my bearings here

Okay um I’m also going to eat some funions I’m going to be hungry on stream because I usually like to eat right before I start streaming and this time I couldn’t the way my day works out okay I paused the update before starter Valley could update because I’m anxious

That the game updating is going to break all my mods so the update has been paused ideally this will be fine let me try launching Mappy okay yeah start value 1.5.6 phew all right we will not be playing new update there are plenty of other folks you can watch who will do

That I’m really invested in this playthrough um and before you ask I will likely not be doing like a 1.6 playthrough at least for a while maybe way off in the distance we can play with the new farm that I think they added but for now I’m just playing

This expanded stuff because it’s I’m into it okay let me um cue this up here we go back at it let me uh increase the game volume a little bit here we go all right ichel we are on day 16 of summer of year one I’m a Crut farm for those of

You who are not staying up to date with it no update it’s R Tree time that’s right okay um yeah I I’m blowing every single dollar I make every single dollar I make on fruit trees immediately terrible business model but with what we’re doing okay thunderstorm tomorrow days in my hands isn’t it

Always okay so it’s going to take me a bit to like oh that’s right we’re doing a lot of farm design stuff as well oh I didn’t uh do anim I got to launch animation cancelling I just booted up my computer for the first time last night to play fortnite and then did

Nothing else on it so there we go okay now it should work right there we go all right let’s pet the doggy dog hello oh we just lost a hefty amount of frames hopefully that’ll stop happening once I like kind of look at that the Orange is like glitching out it’s so

Big okay you know what something I’m going to do oh cool uh something I’m going to do for my own benefit I’m going put color variation on like 20 because the green looking oranges make me sad cuz they look ugly all right done all right well

We have all our fruit trees these ones are all going to grow those are going to grow we’ve got them everywhere we got mods that let them grow wherever in only two days so I’m literally I’m cheating is the gist I’m just cheating but y’all supported it uh which is great cuz I’m

Way into it um our grass is growing too this looks nice man I I had my doubts about this kind of natural Farm shape and I I know a lot of people said it annoyed them that I’m like doing it like this but I’m I’m like way into this look

The like uneven sprinklers just kind of [ __ ] strown about wherever I’m actually super into how that looks this area right here this is today’s Focus this zone right here which will be trees trees trees trees trees as far as the IE can see and Bee houses as well we’re

Going to be grinding for beeh hous that’s going to be today’s Focus to craft a bee house 40 wood eight coal an iron bar and a maple syrup do we have the recipe for tree fertilizer yet we don’t okay so we should also work on forging levels cuz

Maple syrup’s going to be the the hold up um iron bars and coal we can buy or grind for pretty easily we’ve already got a couple grown maple trees we can tap these are all starting to grow at the same time which is awesome um okay in that case let’s go uh

Um cut hardwood for starters cuz that’ll give us some forging XP we’re going to cut some hardwood um I think we should buy coal rather than farming and I think that’s a better use of our cuz we’re going to have a lot of money oh but fruit trees are really

Expensive and I also want enough of the end of the season to do cranberries okay uh here’s what we’re going to do I think I’m going to pause I’m going to go ahead and figure out how much money we need to have at the end of the

Season for all the Cranberries we want uh stardo Valley cranberry they are 240 so 240 I can’t remember how many I think I made 50 sprinklers so that’s what 8 or 400 not 400 or not 800 400 * 240 should be what 900 9 okay hold on I’m trying to Mental Math this

240 time 400 should be like 96,000 gold I think so we need to make sure we have 96,000 Gold by the end of the season so we should actually cool it on the spending for a good while so I guess instead of just crafting bu of bee

Houses buying a bunch of coal I’m just going to slowly stockpile lots of iron lots of wood lots of copper for tappers so wood we’re need a lot of wood so that’s going to be what we do today we’re going to do uh hardwood cutting normal wood cutting and foraging working

On that Forge skill try and get uh uh tree seed tree fertilizer go Jesus uh I’m leaving these trees on my farm cuz I like them and I’m instead just going to cut down all the ones in the southern Forest let’s see where’s my little uh path to the for I think it’s

That way I think I missed it whatever we’s just go this Way yeah I don’t actually know how many things are new in 1.6 cuz like from what I can tell if it’s just what like like starting over a new playthrough to try and get to New 1.6 stuff for the most part would just be like playing the game cuz I’m sure it

Would take a while to get to the point where you can like explore all the new stuff I mean we could always hop into my if I wanted to which I don’t but if I if I was trying to do like a 1.6 demo we could always hop into to my perfection

File just wander around there’s a lot more uh hardwood stumps on this one which I appreciate nope stupid dummy yeah it’s going to take me like until like 30 minutes into the stream to like be stable and have an idea of what I want to do and be making good good commentary

Is the game audio okay cuz I can never tell what this game cuz how piercing some of the sounds are it like looks really loud on OBS but then I listen to it afterwards I’m like oh that’s it’s good audio is good cool just let me know

Cuz the game audio might be too loud that’s new it’s a poison mushroom potentially fatal if consumed cool I’ll sell it or I’ll give it to like Elliot or something I don’t know little [ __ ] had it coming level seven foraging not sure what level we have to get to get tree

Fertilizer if it’s seven that’s incredibly clutched there’s another poison mushroom down here look at all these treats can eat treats for eats stupid dumb idiot oops I wasted that stupid dumb idiot was me the whole time how about that for like an M Night shamalan twist another poison mushroom

You intrigue me nope it’s dummy ymy and berries the new secret Woods in this in this mod are just beautiful I can’t pick those that’s right uh oh I’m out of space okay well let’s uh do some compartmentalizing let me eat this mushroom all right now we leave

Whoa there whoa there whoa there calm down it’s literally just a game oh my God baby okay maybe we should head back and drop some stuff off before continuing on cuz anything we find we’re basically not going to be able to pick up let’s just cut some

Trees this is good I got my steel axe this is exciting for me I kind of figured that since the title of my stream is uh let’s play Star Valley expanded with expanded in all caps and then part six um that maybe that’ll fend off a lot of

People who might be confused about thinking I’m playing the update uh but then I remember that a lot of people don’t read titles the number of times on YouTube streams that someone would say like I’m not trying to public Shame by the way if this just happen no problem um

But the number of times people would come into like YouTube streams and and be like what game is this it’s like my friend it’s the first word in the title oh I’m getting tired okay hold on you know what I’m going eat my cake yum is the new update really that big

Cuz I like didn’t follow it at all and the only things I know that are new are there’s a new Farm type and uh I don’t know that’s actually really it and seasonal outfits that’s it those are the two things I know about this one I’m TR forgetting about a lot

Hello you worked combat a bit new pets ah oh yeah this is technically spoilers we shouldn’t talk about this probably that’s on me I literally completely forgot that some people don’t want to be spoiled oops dude I’m popping off on the wood front right now right I want that spice

Berry mine thanks there’s another one over there come for you next I’m proud of us that we’re already at level seven forging that’s my favorite skill to get high up our skills actually as a whole are well combat’s pretty sad but besides that like our skills are solid

Forging is easily my favorite skill to get to a high level level 10 forging oh my God my favorite thing in the whole game I know technically Artisan is the best perk but like I don’t care dude the like aridium all fores are aridium smokes uh I’ll eat these silver ones

So it’s recommended to restart to get the full experience cuz how big it is oh I’m so curious oops might just do that on my own time this is great I’m about to almost a stack of wood once I have like an aridium Axe and I can just like shred through this whole

Forest that’ll be great capitalist dreams um I’m assuming these both are yeah just a lot of like icky um this gives you stuff I I want to save like my big stack of gold spice berries cuz that’s the kind of thing that I like to like have on me at the minds

Oops nine okay let’s go out there neat all right I got a stack of wood that’s great I’m G keep working my funions when I walk home I’m going try to only eat funions at boring times that I know will be cut out of the final

Product let’s take the short cut up I forgot there’s a short cut straight to my farm I’m very new po game yeah it’s only on mobile as far as I can tell though so I can’t play it whoops fat lag right there for some reason okay let’s dump

Uh I’m not planning to play any Papa Games soon I’m been feeling like slightly a slight bit of Papa burnout as of late so I’m going to take five on Papas I’m sure a lot of people are going to be very upset by that this is the cycle of of

YouTube is I find something that I really like to do and a video of it does really well and then I do like a bunch more because it’s fun and I like the videos and um and it’s great and then I start to get like a little tired of it

I’m like all right I’m ready to move on to something new but then people all of a sudden that’s the only thing good night all of a sudden that’s the only thing people talk about in my streams where now like probably for the next year every stream I ever do

Someone’s going to either make a reference to Papas or ask me to play Papas and then I get sick of it it’s like a circle that’s WR with wobble dogss that clo of the Lamb three for laus huge that is awesome most of our trees should be

Grown up today huh I’m pretty sure thunderstorm so we’re going to want to be out and about as much as we can today get all of our lightning rods struck love you boo terrible luck day not that it really matters yep look at all our beach ball-sized fruits that have grown here

A tiny orange it’s like a grape look at that one it’s not even on the tree anymore dude look at them all they all grew up oh my God I’m just going to like waste some time to wander around for a little if that’s cool with

Y’all I just want to look at all my trees look at all our fruit trees back here I also want to get a bunch more grass to throw everywhere going put a bench there bench here bench here this is great that one’s done this one’s going to actually take like the full time

Because I planted it before I downloaded the basically a cheat mod apricots done these are normal trees also in case y’all missed it I said it out loud though uh tree fertilizer that’s huge so um let’s see here let me put this away uh we’re saving the ancient fruit cuz we’re going to

Uh seed maker that in in the future let’s put everything away for now except these two um we got plenty of stone not a lot of fiber so we’re going to spend today I think in the mines grabbing a bunch of fiber um I think we’ll go on

Floor 20 and get all the fiber copper and stone we can so we’re going to be breaking gray rocks we’re not going to do the big rocks cuz the stone isn’t as pressing we’re going to be breaking the gray rocks cuz they can have coal in

Them and some Stone we’re going to be Breaking All the bushes and all of the um copper nodes so we can start working on some tappers I really like my farm I know a lot of people are not into it and let me know with the like unnatural shape of it

But I’m a huge fan the day off college tomorrow I’m deciding if I should Contin playing mopia play the new starter Valley update I don’t know anything about mutopia I need to find like a full list do you I know if there’s somewhere I could access like a full list of

Everything added in the new update give that a look see tomadachi live stream would be so silly what platform is that on her name’s Twitter gotcha 3DS oh well [ __ ] wait I’m G to put on a hoodie I couldn’t do um webcam today because um I finished the designs of my three

New uh shirts SL hoodies for filthy casual and they all got shipped to me today and I’m wearing one of them and I don’t want to spoil it yet because I can’t actually start advertising it or make the design live until until I get like a photo shoot done that I can use

To advertise but exciting stuff I think they look really cool I think it’s one of those things where it’s like exactly the kind of shirt I wanted to make that look has like a whack enough look that I’m sure a lot of people are going to think it’s super

Ugly uh but I really like it I me some was actually pretty easy oh well then I’m going to put that on my wheel spinner okay let’s see oh I forgot I need to break I just need to like calibrate I’m used to just looking for ore in the

Mines how long you going to be here Tom Marland Jesus Uh look at all that coal how exciting right I really want to look at the patch notes now cuz I’m so curious work on some funions and catch up on chat for okay whatever um let’s put everything of interest in the hot bar which is these

Four things not great so far but that’s okay it’s okay need a magnet ring or something I have one ignore me you were in another area code how did I kill you I have to itch my ear God damn it allergy season gross I’m back in the like sinus

World where my ear gets like really plugged and itchy and it’s a specific sensation where when I itch it like that happens all year cuz I just got all kinds of wax sinuses it’s like ah my ear’s itchy but I’m now back at the point where like my sinuses are so

Screwed that like rubbing my finger in my ear makes me like want to throw up makes me car sick gross icky there’s some bushes give me that thanks there you should seen ENT I know yall mean well but with all due respect I’ve have seen everybody about everything trust me I

Promise you all are very kind to be concern about my health but I promise I’ve seen everybody about everything forever and I’m drinking water I swear to God that’s the one that gets me for every other thing it’s like that’s really sweet that you’re concerned about

Me but no worries and then for when people are like drink more water I’m like hey I could like find you and then ring your neck out I like Dr myself on the daily I’m the most hydrated man around speaking up uh there we go but yes I’m not saying

Like hey [ __ ] you for saying hey you should go see a professional that’s a great point and it’s I’m very uh whatever the word is very grateful that you guys care about my health so thank you yeah I have like a turis tumbler of um it’s like this little plastic cup

With a plastic lid and like a purple straw and I carry it with me every I take it to parties I show up to frat parties with a turis tumbler of water it means so much to me and then I uh my friend and I broke into the school’s baseball field

Because we wanted to play whiffle ball on it at night and we had to hop this really tall fence and it shattered on entry and I was devastated uh but then I found another one that is identical to it so it’s like it never happened specials are great but are

Expensive really long waiting list yeah usually both blows took me half of a calendar year to get into a cardiologist so they could be like yeah that thing you knew you had you have it like thanks thanks guys appreciate you that’ll be $400,000 thanks guys I was so

Incensed at how much I had to pay for my 10-minute CAT scan that revealed nothing it was the briefest medical procedure I was in the building and then back out in less than half an hour and they were like yeah that’ll be hundreds of dollars

Just for me to hit go on this machine and for it to tell you like hey no your head’s normal it’s like are you [ __ ] serious stupid W oh Jesus 80 fiber is great 109 stone is also great 26 copper is not great and six coal is not

Great but hey you take the good take the bad um take the moon take the sun r I’m going kill this guy for the thrill of it you too no one’s safe cool boyfri has to remind me to drink water I actually was about to drink while eting

It I just go days without water found I sip on a straw or whatever for hours you got a bottle with a straw and I’m hydrated yeah that me too that’s exactly I like I’m just a naturally incredibly forgetful person about everything and I feel so bad because there have been so

Many times where I’ve like really upset people who mean a lot to me because I’ve like forgotten like close friends where it’s like dude I forgot it was your birthday or like oh my God I forgot blah and I’m not trying to defend myself cuz

That’s just bad and I need to get better at that but the point is I will forget about important [ __ ] all the time including drinking water so for a while I was not hydrated cuz I just forget that I need to drink and then yeah I got this thing with a

Straw it and now it’s like dude I freaking love sucking on things so now I’m like drinking water all the time cuz I just suckle it from my straw it’s a great time for everyone involved gotcha silly gezer yay new here but I’m watching YouTube

For months nice to meet you nice to meet you Sun uhoh sunshy NBA yo you play for the Suns is that Devin Booker nice to meet you too Devon Booker or are you is it Kevin Durant sunshine I see well welcome to Twitch I’d like to think we have fun here

Youf nerit my God the Grayson Allen it makes me so upset that he’s actually having a good year [ __ ] that guy everybody join join me in cursing upon Grayson Allen please mean he mean mean man he played for Duke and was an [ __ ] and then now he playss for the

Suns is an [ __ ] leave mins he hurt my Pooky Wookie Alex Caruso oh did he really what a turd are you like a bulls fan or do you just really like Alex Caruso I would respect either probably the ladder more if I’m being honest cuz that would just

Be funny broke his wrist last year I uh I didn’t start folling the NBA until this year so I had no idea unfortunate Bulls fan yeah that is an awful shame don’t oh you bastard whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever have you considered uh dying and murder

Dying did not work out for me we go yeah give me more call I want more coal out of these Rocks 7:40 p.m. we should scram a little soon cuz it takes longer to get back than it does in the facee Game there’s so much delay on my mic that I’m sure it sounds like I’m super offbeat and that like hurts my ear go because I have a pretty good sense of Rhythm and I hate that on streaming it looks like I don’t I also have a headache so I’m

Going to take five right here once I get up this ladder Advil skipping the song cuz I remember has words in it and I don’t like that okay ad will ad will my um I was playing fortnite with my friend yesterday and he was talking about he uh

He was my roommate in freshman year so you can actually hear him laughing sometimes in some of my streams or videos from back in like whenever that was 2021 2022 um he’s in the joint degree program so he’s in Scotland the last couple years and then he’s coming back to my

School this coming year and apparently they’re making him they’re making him him take intro to Hindi and he’s he’s he grew up in India so like his babyhood was his intro to Hindi but they’re making him take it so he’s going to be taking this intro to

Hindi class with this white dude trying to teach him his native his first language so that’s pretty great okay I took my Advil let me uh get get in like a more favorable position here my legs are all twisted up weird there I go I’ve got very sleepy eyes today I’m

Having trouble keeping my eyes open today I like slept okay last night but some days I just have like sleepy eyes this be one of those days I don’t know why I said this be as if I’m a Dingle dang pirate it’s all the pollen it’s a great

Point you’re totally right I’m so dumb did I not put two two together oh just just your know also for whatever reason I’m having eye problems yeah usually it used to be that the um poll would make my eyes water uh with my old contacts and it would just

Mean that my old contacts would fall out a lot when I would blink in all season which was annoying in its own sense but now I’ve got these new ones that are specifically made to um combat dry eye to prevent like that thing I kept complaining about about how I would go

For without blinking and then my eyes would glaze over and then I’d be like all right next time I blink they’re going to come out and they always would uh and they’re supposed to just to like keep your eyes more like moist um cuz they’re made with like a better material

So I have those now but the unfortunate side effect of that is level five now instead of um my eyes like watering and my contacts falling out when I don’t blink or during allergy season they just burn like my contacts stay in nice and square and they don’t get distorted which is

Awesome but they burn like hell so now like every night it feels like there’s like hydrogen peroxide in my eyes like they just burn every time I close them they just sting horribly which is annoying but I push through it I push through when I’m playing NBA

2K with my friends cuz I want I don’t know I want to win uh I’ve been taking a lot of L’s the last that’s the that’s been the theme of um like more than usual the theme of the last like few months of gaming for me has been just like hum humbling It’s

Been a experience cuz I play I don’t know I play a lot with my friends from home and for a while we would play rocket league and in our like little friend group I’m I I think I’m the best at Rocket league so it was nice to be

Like the best at something but for the last like three months all we’ve been playing is fortnite and NBA 2K which are two games where I am just like unquestionably the Undisputed worst at in our friend group just like pretty new to both games uh so I’ve had to come to grips

With just kind of being the worst for a few months um and then I went skiing for the first time over spring break which was more just being the worst at something a lot of humbling um yeah I’ve played extremely little fortnite in my life so I’m just not good

At it cuz I’ve like barely played I’ve barely played like any Shooters so I just have no experience in that whole genre and then 2K I mean I just I got the game recently and it’s kind of gamer takes a while to pick it up yeah so yeah very

Humbling and it’s like that I’m not used to because like or I mean that that for the most part I am used to cuz by and large growing up in my little like three person friend group I was usually the worst at any given thing cuz I was like

I don’t know I was the youngest in the group and the smallest and the least skilled at most things so I’m not I’m not being the worst at something in that friend group is not a new experience for me but it’s a shame to go back to my

Roots after getting used to being pretty good at Rocket League not expect like damn it I forgot how it feels to suck I want get back in time I lost track of time like I freaking always do stupid thing is uh next Harvest of blueberries we’re going to sell and

We’re just going to hold on because we need to make sure we have our 94k or whatever we need for our cranberries in the fall I’d also like to make clear that I was not bullied in my friend group I was just the worst at at games of skill and all

Sports except baseball which obviously don’t really just play with three people dude freaking I love how this is coming along man I got to be honest and if you don’t uh shut up who cares how about them apples okay let’s go to bed our trees are bearing fruit it’s

Just great things are happening all around uh F Scout please thank you all right gendus another stormy day so ideally even more um battery packs on the way let me dump dump these just like that all our goal is gone this sucks man got four left oh I already had

A bunch of copper ore okay so we’re kind of squared on copper it’s really just coal it’s all coal it’s always been coal it’ll always be cool me oh for shit’s sake here we go okay we should maybe try harvesting some of our fruit and just see what kind of

What kind of sales they make uh let’s do it but let me dump some of this random [ __ ] off and then I’ll there we go okay I’m hold on to these to eat okay that’s it no more coal um let’s Harvest all our fruit trees Jesus Lord in heaven the big ass

Oranges are awesome five from that one lots lots of fruit okay I think that’s all the summer ones CU I think the ones down here are like spring and fall I believe cuz it’s it’s a apricot which is spring and that’s fall awesome all right well we’re

Going to we’re going to did apparently the fruits sell for higher uh due to the mod I have um oh yeah I I need an orange for commun Center that’s a good cash that’s that is really good cash 4K for that dude yes please that is good

Cash let chat say [ __ ] yeah you say I don’t care say whatever you want what do I look like your mama daddy sorry okay we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to make some tree fertilizer now let’s see let me make like 15 all righty I want these to grow

First think you may have mred a peach homie oh shoot did I miss a peach thanks homie oh I already did this one there we go okay and then uh let me hit these up over here it’s a shame I like went all in on oak

Trees like I always do assuming we’d be doing a lot of kegs but now that I want to do mainly bee houses I wish there were more Maple okay done all right and then I guess we can fertilize the uh two little ones down here I’d like to buy lots of coal

I also got to find the peach I missed forgot how expensive grass starter is God damn it all right Peach Rogue Peach you’re correct look at that two peaches okay let me uh we’re going to put grass that’ll spread Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass

There we go more grass and then I want a bunch in there but uh we’re out of fiber uh let’s do some more grinding for fiber and Um I think today we just grind for fiber like solely fiber yeah today’s going to be just fiber cuz I want more grass the wrong way we need Trevor story emote we I will absolutely I’ll go ahead and say this right now I will absolutely 100% make an

Emote that is just Trevor story’s face like the baseball player I wonder if I can do that right now I don’t know if you can add an emote while you’re streaming no I’ll do that I’ll do it another time um yeah I’ll absolutely do that I’m so excited he

Couldn’t play all year last year because he had a um he had elbow surgery um and he’s back this year he’s he’s really sucked so far as a red sock because he hasn’t gotten much playing time and the time he has gotten he was injured so he

Didn’t play very well so everyone’s kind of giving up on him but I’m not and I’ve been I’ve been in on Trevor story since day one he’s going to have a monster comeback season even if he doesn’t hit very well he’s an outstanding def Defender which is super valuable as

Short and wouldn’t you know it it’s just spring training so it’s not indicative at all of how his season’s going to go but his spring has been phenomenal he’s been hitting so well this spring and I’m just like looking around on Twitter like uh do y’all see this [ __ ] anybody seeing

This besides me seeing this dude just like go off like I said he probably would crazy how that works yeah I’m all in on the Trevor story Redemption Arc should I go to a Cubs Dodgers game if you’d like that could be a good game they’re both projected to be good teams

Well th are projected to be [ __ ] unbeatable Cubs are projected to be pretty good do you like hockey I have watch watch almost no hockey in my life and I know nothing about it but I I could enjoy going to a hockey game sounds like a fun atmosphere looks like a great

Time I know that I know hockey is really iconic for having a great playoff atmosphere um I like I think the consensus of sports Twitter is well the consensus is that uh basketball the NBA’s playoff atmospheres is the last plays they just like for whatever reason playoff NBA games don’t feel that much

Hyper than regular season ones um I saw some lists people have made ranking like playoff atmospheres of different Sports basketball was last place on like all of them that’s why I love baseball so much it’s like I totally get why a lot of people are bored by it but it’s it’s so

Like it’s such a slow burn and it’s slow paced enough that playoff baseball games are so exciting because it lets excitement build so much and like like with basketball the scoring is so frequent that there’s not really a lot of momentum to be built but because scoring is so infrequent it’s something

Like baseball or hockey like hockey the scoring is infrequent but like the lead up to a goal being scored is often very short I love that in baseball you can like smell when runs are coming because like Runners will become like like there will be Runners on base it’s like oh my God

This is scoring opportunity and like it it like really it lets the excitement build so when something big happens it just like erupts which is great like if you look up some of the like loudest playoff home runs in baseball there’s so hype because like people have been sitting here for

Two hours watching like this slow burn and like all this is building up and it’s like oh my God oh my God oh my God there are Runners on base shit’s happening they’re like the opposing team’s pitchers finally like losing command a little bit I love it I love it pass away

Dummy I should keep breaking these in case they pulling them I really need more coal man this is so bad maybe I should Farm coal instead of fiber right now I’m just I hate farming coal so deeply let’s do it we’ll Farm coal all right fine you win you win stard

Valley zoom out for this okay I thought I already had it charged there we go one coal whatever what are you finding fiber for I wanted to make a lot of grass starter to make my farm pretty and also a tree fertilizer for my Tapper Army that I’m

Creating why are we like losing some frames all of a sudden it’s odd oh shoot it’s also happening on stream are you guys also getting like kind of stuttery movement it’s like not as smooth as I want it to be a little yeah this is a glitch that’s

Been happening it’s it only it’s only fixed if I uh go out of full screen what if I go right back into it what if instead I just go all the way into full screen okay well we’ll see ideally this this is this is much smoother damn it I was looking over to

See if there was any frame stuttering I’m very picky about that kind of thing uh don’t do nothing it looks better than me so I’m pleased I’m sufficiently pleased oh I see y excuse me dummy oh a diamond we’ll grab that later nothing cool love

It that gives you such a good amount of uh mining XP busting up a diamond oh that’s right right I got it I love hearing the elevator ding the piercing elevator oops nope don’t hear him balls man balls oops cool it’s a mean floor okay Nothing nothing at all what the fart dude what the fart if there’s a mod to turn it off oh you’re totally I’m sure there is I would love to do that that’s something that I wish there are a few things about this game that that I feel like could be such a quick

Update fix changing the elevator sound or making it less piercing and this is a big one for me decreasing the either decreasing the volume of scything a bush or making it so the sounds don’t stack when you Scythe a big group of bush is it like Stacks all the sounds on top of

Each other and it’s like a really really loud and Grading sound I don’t know if that’s just a me thing but I’ve always felt that way oops thr wrong but I want to gather them all it’s the best I could do there we go no survivors Forest sword I don’t want it

We got three ladders I’m killing three separate folks elevator ding into a fart with Reverb somebody actually get on that I don’t know I could probably do that myself I could easily like if I find the the file in game okay time out um stardew Valley s sound effects file game sound

Files all right whatever either way I’ll just need to find something that I can like it’s elevator ding. wve hold on browse local files content data effects fonts Maps Min portraits strings terrain tile sheets there’s farmer sounds sound bake wave bank and wave bank I don’t think it’s actually that

Cool thanks either way I’ll figure that out I’ll figure out a way to replace it with whatever I want want in due time cuz as it stands right now it’s like like the least favorite sound in the whole game so piercing this is uh exhilarating and I’m up to nine coal

Super worth my time it was actually more efficient to literally just break all the gray rocks we’re going to go back to doing that this sucks but like if I had the burglar ring it wouldn’t be but I just it’ll take me so long to get that I don’t

Know I always end up with a shortage of coal whatever floor 80 is definitely the best floor for fiber though there’s always huge patches of bushes okay we got a couple coal from that if we have like a free day we can always do some more fishing cuz it’s

Been long enough that I’m not down to get back to fishing just at the time on my last stream I did it like two full days in a row and I was like okay we’re done we’re done with the fishing oops this has been very lucrative for fiber today that’s exciting

And we have the winter grass mod so all our grass we worked so hard on won’t go away the second winter comes lots of good lots of good in the world lots of kindness lots of generosity in the world lots of good favor do you guys agree do you guys

Agree that the world we live in is beautiful and whole cool I think Clint says sells coal for 10 gold would be a steal uh unfortunately I think it’s 150 a piece which isn’t terrible but we don’t have that much room for spending right now with all the Cranberries I want to buy

So damn it just give me thank you it’s fine it’s going 950 we can go a little longer what no wait that’s like a whole patch of grass and gray rocks and I want both of those things [ __ ] you a copper bar is helpful sorry I cursed at you that’s actually

Really nice of You 150 I didn’t know inflation hit started Valley inflation I saw Tik Tok about that that was really funny uh hello oh that was a risky maneuver oh the risk is still present see you we’re leaving it’s late I love the fog yeah it’s very pretty funions are great oh fine for

Okay night time and it’s Friday tomorrow yay all right I got to eat more very tasty it’s a Friday it’s blueberry day okay let’s start start by watering the ancient Fruit all our big ass it’s so stupid I can’t run through there all our uh big ass fruit grew back I got a tomato it’s pretty pretty Epico I’m fluent um okay let’s go blueberry picking no man Left Behind come back have we uh we haven’t donated a

Right yet we should do donation run pretty soon because we have quite a few things man I really need those freaking mine carts dude but I’m not going to be able to get one until I find one iron ore almost at farming level 9 it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool

That’ll get us seed makers won’t it it’s good I can start seed making my ancient fruit level 9 oh yeah and then technically if I if I seed makeer at all tomorrow and plant it tomorrow I’ll be able to get two harvests out of them before they die and it’ll be a

Profit handy dandy oops yay this one’s all grown up it looks great well done nice all right so let’s see we got got to save one one’s already in there perfect um we already got a tomato in there we got all our crops so yeah I can go ahead and dump this off

And then I can sell the rest very cool all right get a snack I’m going go pee really fast I’ll be right Back For For I’m back back to work uh okay everything’s picked and sold I’m going to let fruit grow for a little while um um okay what to do today I’m going to need more cash so maybe we do some fishing cuz I’d like to buy coal I think

That’ll be far faster than trying to farm it myself so um let me make as many tappers as I can oh I have a lot of copper actually wood sign let’s make a couple of these for decor make tons of tappers we’re squared dude okay Maple gets priority all right let’s just tap

Everything that we can right now I made enough all right well let me go ahead and make here we go that’s all I’ve got uh I’ve still got a little wood left over and enough coal to make eight more tappers how much wood do you need for a

Tapper 40 so we don’t have enough wood to make eight more tappers but we have enough coal and copper to make eight more tappers let’s uh how many more do we actually need let me figure out one two 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15

Tappers I’ve got 10 so I only need five more so we’ve got enough wood copper and coal to make it happen nice tree farm Tree Farm okay let me then I need one more got figure out what uh we want to put on our signs and where that’s good well spread around

I’m going to put some here okay um there we go that’ll have like a little bit of resin or something on it oh it could be cute right here as well give me that back whoops um there you go okay wasting all today just running back

And forth to my furnaces stupid I was going to go fishing we’re not going to go fishing then today because we need to get there as early as we can because the king salmon goes out of out of time pretty fast okay here we go nice so we’re done on

Tappers um I’m just going to keep mommy like forever cool um in that case we’re not really low on wood so I guess let’s go do some more wood cutting let’s see how much money we make Today should check this just in case red cabbage seeds do we actually need red cabbage I don’t think we do we do that is huge nine days just in time oh my God that’s crazy all right so we’ll plant those wow we’ll have to put speed girl on it just to be

Safe oh I didn’t bring my hammer uh-oh all right in and out quick I don’t want to get harassed by the these fools excuse me thanks oh I want that yeah whatever neat let me uh regular I’m using a mod called star that keeps happening there’s like

Some kind of weird like asset glitch um I’ve got a mod called star Blue Valley which is my primary recolor thing and I’ve also got a Mona Dynamic nighttime that like combines with star Blue Valley to like make this color combo I really like cuz the dynamic nighttime puts like

A warm filter on like early and late times and star Blue Valley as you’d expect from the name a little blue for my taste it’s like extremely blue so having that like warm filter I think really makes a nice combination don’t touch me what did I just say we’re

Leaving yeah like this I like this a lot it’s like Minecraft shaders dude Andy’s going to be pissed all right I forgot this is the one I fell back into the Trap I completely forgot about the new characters keep falling into this trap cuz it’s can’t help it man I don’t care

Cuz like I want to meet these new characters but I get so sucked up in my own Farm okay um shut on these first yay all right well that’s it for me for the day picked up another 380 wood nothing to scoff at and I guess I will bounce now

Cut through the woods excuse me excuse wow masterful right there honestly oh my forgeable that’s right right let’s do that I can I can do one more round of those all right we have time for one more batch this summer so I’ll turn let’s see how many of these shitty sprinklers do I

Have 1 2 3 4 five one two 3 4 five 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five 20 so 80 80 spots I’ve leveled up I’m a level eight forager now okay 80 here we go all right this is my last batch of these before fall oh Fall’s

Coming up it’s my favorite it’s my favorite I’m going to say it so many times whenever I don’t have anything to say on stream I’m going be like I love fall I just know it when I was editing back the Perfection streams from Fall I was like dude shut

The [ __ ] up they know that you love fall nobody cares here we go ding ding ding bye all right now how many how many of these do I want to keep the grapes are good for energy so are the Spice be 38 silver spice berries 19 gold ones is huge

That’s getting sold these are getting sold sweet peas make for great gifts probably all right now let’s find a spot for this red cabbage seed oh wait till that’s done and then we’ll have one sprinkler we can place somewhere um to put red cabbage seeds and all of the

Uh ancient fruit seed maker to ancient fruit all right I could just use the spot with the blueberry di smart and we can hold off on the um ancient fruit zone for later wonderful there we go seed maker that’s what they look like I guess level eight

Forging our skills are solid dude look at that so we’ve got two more uh blueberry harvests so we’ll have plenty of money if that’s the case we’ll make about we have about like 80k or so to spend on um coal I think we should make like a 75,000 gold investment coal I

Really do new journal entry hey who cares sorry Demetrius but literally who cares okay seed maker this is tough 25 Wood 10 coal that’s the killer for me I don’t have that much well we’ll go buy coal today we’re going to buy coal today um cuz we’ve got the one gold bar and

We’ve got plenty of wood let’s see if there any more trees to tap this morning yep there’s one probably some others as well yep this’s not quite ready yet here we go all right those two trees are still still uh Brewing tree fertilizer one of my favorite additions to this game easily so

Convenient Neato okay we’re getting [ __ ] at Clint so we’re going to make a donation run out of it so let me um put everything away right here we’re actually going to we don’t have to use that right now cuz yeah we’re waiting on our coal run anyway all

Right super nice so let me put that in there what is super nice sometimes I say [ __ ] and I’m like man really that did not just come out of your mouth super nice okay we’re going oh I never uh watered my ancient fruit hold on someone just gift it a bunch of

Memberships Sergeant KJ thank you Sergeant KJ okay the chosen what does that mean is that a character I’m going to Clans oh wait hold on Geo geod that’s it oh wait I should check if I have any things for Gunther just the chosen one I guess smos character I never watched smos

Hi it’s Martin have a view of empty planes boring old mountain is back home you’re boring Martin see you Harry Potter ass tell him have to going have to Google the chosen after the stream because now I’m curious how accurate it really is if it sounds even close to what I sound like

Nothing here ex forging we got that um we’ll be able to finish this soon we can finish that easily That’s All Right Kind of Love Martin yeah he’s pretty cute okay apricot um I should have save one of my jellies Ian we got an apple tree we got a

Pomegranate tree we got a cherry we have all the trees we have a fruit cave anyway so like whatever okay um nope nope summer crops here we go bing bang Bing Bop well [ __ ] that’s awkward okay that’s fine um yeah we’re about to have that neat party to

Eat oh I had one of those just now oh I need to save one of those no we have an apple tree this is tough man okay whatever let’s do this that one Arium ore sucks man I really need those mine carts you Slowpoke you the r i don’t freaking know

Dude hope for it from a fish fishing chest or Geo probably okay clinty star shards who cares it’s actually new and I appreciate it all right whatever all right Clint uh my budget is pretty much everything I have on Coal I don’t regret that even slightly all right we’ve got 450 coal to work with now time for everyone’s weekly reminder I don’t care about this number all right I care about this number and all I’m seeing right now is that we’re about to Clips 250,000 in our first summer that’s all I’m

Seeing done please please okay back home all right now we’ve got tons of coal to work with most of it is going to go towards bee houses where’s a bee house maple syrup iron right okay we need lots of iron for that again I’d like to save fishing for

A day where we can get right down at the beginning so I don’t want to do that right Now I feel so bad dude I’ve been literally snacking non-stop for this whole stream this entire stream is going to be just played with me crunching on [ __ ] okay hi baby I already pet you right okay um me ditch some stuff and then we’re going to go to the mines we’re going to get iron all day all all day okay um I need to make a seed Maker here we go okay this whole thing is adorable it’s super cute only one that’s really unlucky getting a mixed seed from these three would be incredibly unlucky three that’s more like it uh that’s more like it okay let me is there any space that’s covered by a scarecrow that is

Available dude right here right where my godamn apple tree is um okay well let me go get the rest of them another one spot that’s unlucky that’s okay though uh I’m gonna put it this is in range of a scarecrow done done I forgot my hoe Jesus and I’ve got speed

Grow ding dong all right Now what is my iron looking like poor I have almost none so yeah all Iron today just we’re going to just get in there we’re just going to get in there and grind for iron let me do that here we go I’m going to hold on to my tappers y hey okay

That’s today’s goal and then it’ll just be a game of waiting for uh maple syrup to brew and now all of our money goes towards either cranberries in the fall or more uh fruit trees feeling good about my day oranges look like tree titties my day just got a little bit better 40 um ooh there you go I see you oh bomb thank you a ladder be helpful nope I got to run all the way back oops I’m zoom out so I can see any little babies hanging around come on I forgot there were babies there I

Should have killed I was zoning out damn it there we are are you a couple you two were hanging awful close next to each other bye that’s a couple that’s a happy family okay all right whatever only 87 I should be focusing more on iron than coal iron is like the

BL end all right now eat get back here you tool here we go 109 waste of time I heard that how many of you are there a whole bunch a whole bunch Bunch that’s why it pays to have spectacular hearing and awareness stop a ladder you suck to 466 holy guacamole me

Uh excuse me thank sorry I got a little impatient yeah there’s not much to talk about on this stream there’s a lot of grinding a lot of grinding for ore and coal and other such resources you’re M by the way all of you now I’m getting that weird frame

Starter thing this keeps happening I don’t know what causes it just like after playing for a little in like one specific aspect ratio it starts to stutter ever so slightly I hate it y’all are [ __ ] I’m my glitter glue glitter glue [ __ ] sucks loose sucks just annoying

There I’m just not that big into sparkly stuff in general I’m not a huge Sparkle guy I’ve never liked glitter or glitter glue or sequins or little bedazzled gems it’s favorite base in baseball what which base second base I Guess yeah it’s like I don’t even like even if it was the cleanest thing in the world I still would not like glitter it’s just too much for my eyes man it’s just and it doesn’t even look good it’s like it’s a it’s messy it gets everywhere it’s a nightmare and it looks Ugly oh it’s 1220 well I’m going to pass out cool got glitter on cars I don’t like it I like like I I I will say the other way is is bad for me too like like the a big Trend right now in cars is like really

Matte finishes like a matte gray finish I’m not big on that either I like a reflective car but I don’t like glittery like I like a silver car or like a black car or a white car or something that’s like reflective I’m going to pass out

I like my cars to be reflective but not glittery am I going to have time to put in a load of iron why do I say load is if it’s a washer Jesus you know what I mean probably uh I might not have time let’s push it though let’s push it 140

150 and we made it easy peasy no sweat and we’re raking it in 80 bucks that’s right I feel great oh who us we’re going fishing today and our fruit’s all glitchy and stupid ah okay there we go I had a bit of a struggle there please excuse the Outburst okay

Um let’s do that and yep let’s go check for tappers they’re going fishing all right how’s that sound babies okay waiting on that one there we go four left one 2 three four fishing day still only have the uh fabric glass rod so yeah do what we can uh I might run

Out of bait partway through the day but it’s okay do what we can um yeah these fish are hard to catch without like the aridium rod or any Buffs or uh any of the like tackles this sucks oh my God that’s so annoying so we might it might be a

Struggle but I’ll do my best oh why am I losing frames whatever whatever I’m going zoom in I forgot to zoom back in after the mines I like being zoomed in okay I literally forgot I literally forgot I’m supposed to go bottom left Jesus zoning out wandering around like a

Dingus like a dumb stupid dingus okay oops all right this is the most lucrative spot to fish if you’re talented enough to catch [ __ ] which I might not be whoop give me the new [ __ ] please stupendous yeah literally impossible that exact pattern is impossible oh that was my one cool fish

And I’m going to go back to catching shitty ones that sell for dirt helpful thank you the coal is the coal is appreciated [ __ ] well this is going poorly I’ve only hooked a hardish once and I lost it immediately cuz it just hopped straight up here we go this one’s like moving

Around not enough though there probably something stupid yeah cool butterfish butterfish there we go What damn it God damn it balls dude we are like not fing interesting fish at all this has been an unbelievably unlucky start to the fishing day we’re like dodging all the pricey [ __ ] come on I’ve hooked one I’ve hooked two good fish and caught only one of

Them Jesus this is unbelievable I don’t know actually what the like chances are of each of these so I can’t tell if I just got really lucky my first two days in a row and this is more realistic or I’m just getting screwed this time

Around again same kind oh my God this is torture wow is that six or seven is that six or seven of this exact fossil from fishing it’s either six or seven whatever I’m in a bad mood another freaking wee we fish this is unprecedented okay this one’s interesting

Slightly I should just focus on catching it for now never mind it died it immediately died oh wait it’s com back to life might be a Dorado G come on modded fish Jesus God damn it this sucks this is so annoying I got to look up the like

Encounter table for this River cuz Jesus we’re just dodging all the modded fish and I know they’re not that rare cuz I got a ton of them the last couple times I came Here here we go I’m going to lose it immediately never mind it died puppy puppy fish I wanted to see how much it sells for 437 that’s Good I would eat the puffy fish yeah I wonder what it tastes like oh my God another layo fish I’m going to run out time to even hook a king salmon soon they go away like I forget like seven something like that six or Seven whoops that sound effect always freaking blows I lost track of my energy whatever this day has been cursed since the start how did I completely miss the little you’re starting to feel exhausted when though God damn it okay this is something this looks like a

Butterfish whoa it just tried to Juke me and I I did not bite I owned that one by the way that was a king salmon very cool okay let me eat some of these okay we will not be fishing tomorrow cuz I will start with an energy

Penalty I’ll probably just going back in the mines then we’re in a bit of a grindy patch but it’s fine but it’s fine I don’t really care oh my god when it’s down there it’s literally Untouchable God it’s really shaking it’s really shaking butterfish another dookie fish another ding- dang dookie fish just

Throw it back in the river waste of space god damn it God damn it that was like a worst case scenario that was super unlucky no stop God damn it annoying little [ __ ] screw Off interesting fish fish of Interest this could be a king S no it’s probably puppy fish but I guess if I had to guess and I don’t have to but I will my guess would be puppy fish Dorado shoot me shoot me in the leg should be in the leg like you would

A horse another Dorado oh my God this has been such a crazy unfortunate fishing trip just managing to hook all the lamos damn for an interest fish it’s a butterfish this pleases me surprised how many folks are here just like silently fishing there just not enough stimulus I’m not even

Catching exciting enough fish to make for cool TV I just keep literal newspapers I was about to say shitty fish that’s even worse another one another one another shitty dookie fish oh my God I’m going to put the pole down like a like a like a sick dog I’m not even

Going to put it down like placed on the ground I’m going to put it down like euthanasia whatever I don’t know what the hook rates of these fun fish are I’m going to find out cuz I’m angry stard do expanded King Salmon s Valley expanded Wiki Forest West Forest the West Ora Vineyard

Entrance to Sprite spring in the bear shop massive pine trees and a small River for fishing neat fish several of fish can be caught in the small River uh okay there’s nowhere where I can see the Percentages harumph all I know is that this has gone so much more poorly than the first two cuz you ran out of bait bait just affects the time it takes to hook a fish not the like kind of fish you hook so it wouldn’t be

That plus I had to get a little message if I ran out of date butterfish thank the Lord above uh how much P do I have 70 still got a good bit um let’s Munch another one of these I guess freaking whatever we’re almost at level 10 that’s pretty

Cool I guess just trying to kind of like find something to to smile about these days you know okay just trying to like smile a little bit forgot what it feels like Treasure oh my God you [ __ ] stop moving stop moving stop moving you’re embarrassed you’re you’re causing a scene another artifact I already have this is crazy farts man there we go that’s a puppy fish right there got to be oh no it’s probably Dorado or whatever it’s puppy fish I missed the

Treasure chest but the puppy fish was the real prize honestly waste of my time how about that I shouldn’t do that it’s a waste uh I should leave soon it takes me a while to get back back Stars aren’t really out tonight that’s okay um what happened I left clicked like three

Times I think I I caught it in some kind of frame where I was it was taking inputs cool bream love it fun fun for all the kids ha H another bream another bream which is really entertaining and fun let’s go until I’m out of

Enera I don’t want to push it and pass out gotcha dummy oh we’re so close to level 10 dude we’re so close we’re not going to get it tonight but next time we go on a fishing day we’ll hit it for sure another sharp fish Jesus Lord

Above uh I’ve got room for couple more cats s this will be last cast last cast God damn it it’s not one of these fart fish I’m done last one I’m leaving we’re done it’s the last time you test my patience We’re leaving I put a zuu pet in my hair on I used to dress up my zuu pets and bring them to school that can’t have felt good what are zuu like zuu Pet’s one of those things I’ve heard a million times so the name is in just so familiar to me

But I don’t remember what they look like or what the hell kind of thing they are someone care to enlighten me on a what a zet is hamsters on Wheels thank you what the hell is even stopping me right there what is in my way I’m going to pass out and it’s your

Fault like the Star Wars beans oh the little bean guys Mighty beans something like that I think they were called Mighty beans I think I could be wrong though um let me me put another load of these in keep saying load like it’s laundry we need more iron need some more

Iron I’m going to bed good night I forgot to sell my fish ah look at how low my dang energy is dude I can’t do anything today you can’t say anything these days it’s my impression of every conservative committe and to ever walk the earth can’t say anything anymore without some

Some snowflake getting triggered you can sleep you know I could it’s a great Point all right well let me let me tap some some tap I might I might just sleep man honestly rais an awesome point there here we go all right this zone is

Done and then this is our last one right there look at our tree farm that’s awful cute once we start getting Harvest stuff we can put them on the signs oh my oh my checking Twitter they’re blushing his tree farm shut your mouth hey shut up I’m checking

Twitter I’m checking Twitter there we go I wanted I knew Tristan kasas had a home run and I wanted to see it jeez Jesus that ball was farted on oh my God that’s a hell of a nuke I’m liking that that’s going to show up on my lik Now all right all right gaming Chumps what’s game uh should I let me get some let’s just let’s do a Fruit Harvest today daily Fruit Harvest yum okay and then I’ll get these ones over here Mega orange okay we got 20 oranges 22 peaches look at that dude this is

Cheating I’m cheating I feel kind of bad I’m cheating look at these saes I’m cheating 10K for 22 peaches what is um how much the peaches sell for in the base game in this prion they sell for almost 500 A peaches is 140 they like tripled almost quadrupled

The price sell price of these fruits I don’t care I feel like this this playthrough I don’t know this is a single player game right I feel like if people get pissed over me like cheating that’s their loss on this single player game I both things I really need to do

Right now require a lot of energy I really need to chop wood and I really need to get iron um wait I need to water my ancient fruit close call we’re going to bed yeah if this is an online game what yeah and I’m not going to and and like

In a single player game like stardew Valley the only impact of cheating isn’t like a competitive balance issue it’s if you cheat there comes a point where removes the fun cuz it’s like you’re not playing anymore like spawn in all the items it’s like well you’re not playing a game

Anymore this is just making my fruit tree dreams come true is what this is and you know what worst case scenario people get pissed comment you’re boosting my video dude that claim that I always make while true is what really makes me feel like a an [ __ ] like how

Freaking super villain is that to be like by hating me I grow stronger it’s true though every hate comment you send just made me a little bit of Money it’s blueberry day guys chat new characters that would have been really smart but I went to bed that had been a great us yesterday actually God damn it I have a meaning to do that today’s Victor’s birthday all right let’s let’s make a point to give Victor a

Present anytime we get a birthday of a new character we should try and give him a gift I’m going to look up right now what Victor likes Victor Victor lives with his mother Olivia who cares both moved to pelant town after retired from working at Geico recently graduated top of his

Class from a prestigious University with a bachelor’s in engineering [ __ ] Victor all right Victor loves battery pack that’s perfect I’ve got a better pack all right battery pack for Victor No Blueberries Left Behind initiative starting now oops level what is that 10 that’s level 10 Artisan done holy

Smokes my God that’s going to boost my profits even more well not really cuz right now I’m pretty much just selling raw [ __ ] but it’s still huge let’s go all right I’m selling all of this well no cuz I need to save one for commun Center here we go

Now did it auto play to a new it auto played back to the gone fishing playlist which I have already played on these streams multiple times but I love it so we’re doing it again okay Victor Victor okay how do we want to spend the rest of our

Day uh could I uh definitely not fishing we’re going to mine for iron today there’s Martin again like shartan we’re having clearance sales soon 5% off all right see you farting we have fun we have fun here what are we talking about I got to I got a scroll

Up going to drive my ass to a boost now oh is that oh yeah you will need the rest of your body as well unless you intend on pouring the Smoothie up your ass that’s the message I saw that I wanted to scroll up for all right

Anyway oh my goodness yeah my my goodness I can’t take it anymore Ro to the garbage critical hit happy Birthday Victor your house is lovely I might just like wander around your house for a while if that’s cool happy birthday we’re up to three hearts

Of Victor very Kan I love it I received an email today with a job from a reputable Architecture Firm it’s all the way across the country I’m not coming able traveling that far away that’s okay this dining room table was built in grampleton cool thanks a book I can’t oh so I can

Look at the table but not the book up down right left up up down ax b y that is so much Chico for a video game I’m taking a picture of this I don’t know if it’ll come into effect in a cut scene with Victor or if I can just do it

Whenever up down right left up up down a x b y b a x x b a a BBB a okay sounds good man what a lovely table by the window Game Informer best games of the year Butterfly House can I play VI there’s a ghost station one and a super nendo Entertainment

System good for you Victor okay that’s enough of that all right well you guys have a lovely house I’m going keep wandering around here wow Victor you got a hell of a library in your home see you Victor okay okay I should have brought my mining

Stuff with me so I could go straight but I’m stupid all right irones anyone else have a crippling addiction to Monopoly go right now can’t say that I do what does Monopoly go when we eat the rich Victors first what’s wrong with Victor I mean I’ve called him boring

But I don’t know if we should eat him he doesn’t seem that Bad it’s a mobile game Monopoly mobile game well now I’m intrigued done Tree Farm done yay woohoo I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m out I’m out I’m free I’m free I’m running Around think Victor can hit the gritty I think anyone can hit the gritty if they set their minds to it family’s all in okay now there are like three to five people separately hyping get Monopoly go okay well now I got to get Monopoly go what is Monopoly go Monopoly go is

The best game dude everybody’s freaking in a monopoly go it turns out I got to write down a bunch of like shitty little stupid stuff I can do on like a oneoff stream Monopoly go is one of them oh oh my God you guys know how I always say I just

Almost thre up on stream uh strike the almost yuck at least this music is nice just water it was only a little bit it was only a little bit back to work it was I’m not going to go into specifics but it was enough in quantity

To I think not count as throwing up in my mouth and just count as throwing up I’ve been doing that a lot recently I’ve got like some whack thing going on my stomach I freaking I I puked on the mountain when I went skiing this spring break after falling I like absolutely

Munched slid 30 ft down the mountain and threw up well I threw up while falling so I like was just sliding to bottom Mountain toward my friend it’s just like I threw up she was like really like yeah I have acid reflex and that just happens yeah I mean I have acid reflex as well but it I thought I had grown out of like throwing up in my mouth cuz it was it stopped being as common like a while ago but the past like couple months I’ve

Been throwing up out in my mouth like every freaking day drives me insane I just realized in the last month this is so gross okay anyone who is easily grossed out uh unplug your viewer now give you 10c window are we ready last warning okay this is truthful

I don’t even need to say maybe because I know this is truth um in the last month I have swallowed significantly more of my own vomit than a carbonated beverage and that’s a truth I don’t like carbonated beverages I have I have drank thousands of times more of my own puke than

Soda in the past month cuz how frequently I just like Pearl in my mouth and then have to deal with the situation cuz I’m in class so I can’t like spit it out I just got to just be a man and gulp it down all right that’s

All the was in carbonated vomit yeah that would blow that’s a good point zoom out okay I’m just after iron that’s it 17 iron ore for the boy that’s me I’m the boy I’m rebranding I’m rebranding from therm to the boy can’t you have a soda stream I don’t

Want it to be though I don’t like fizzy and I’m neutral on vomit Almost level nine dude my skills have been really good on this file Sniff how about that you ever met a guy with a a head voice as good as mine I’m sad dude I can’t freaking sing along as reliably to these songs anymore cuz when I sing along to these songs I like to do it in my highest register and now I can’t hit

Those anymore because I have such bad allergies I can’t hit high notes anymore my nose is always stuffed my throat is clogged so I can’t like really lay into a juicy high note and I’m really bummed out about it I’ll find a way to deal with it if given

Time 4:50 p.m. I’m up to 131 I am like a swag guy you’re mine oh sick throat literally unfortunately w w you should make your own singing character and My Singing Monsters another really fun idea sounds like a great time my sne monsters OC do not steal

Yeah what would my monster be what would it look like and would it be a vocal one or would it play a little instrument like some of them do cuz some of them like just kind of like have a flute and just know how to play the flute some of them

Make these these really piercing noises with grotesque exaggerated body parts and other ones are like I can play the harp oh my god I’ve been slimed oh my God guys I’ve been slimed oh god I’ve been slimed we’re done my nose time out La La 169 iron respect spectable I crack myself up Sometimes I’ve been I like I don’t know where this voice came from I’ve been on a big kick with it recently it just kind of came out like a few days ago uh really late at night I was like delirious and I was like sometimes I

Don’t know I uh if I’m like really Delirious I’ll slip into Little Voices more frequently than I already do and this this one just kind of came up that I had never really pulled out before and now I’m like obsessed with it the best way I can think of to describe

It oh [ __ ] sake best way I can think to describe it is like I think it’s actually more biblically accurate to a nerd like a lot of times the nerd voice is like very nasy or very like a lot of like snorting and maybe a like a expander lisp but in my

Experience like the true kind of insufferable nerd type of voice is very breathy and a lot of soft S’s and I just like I’ve been so addicted to it lately it like I I’m trying to think of like a sentence that would work just something like like I’m

Talking like somebody who raises their hand in your like humani college class and starts going off and then the teacher says something and like they’ll be like yes I understand um I think we can come back to it later I’ve been on such a kick with that voice being like

How strange the police themselves sometimes go over the speed limit really makes you uh wonder if they even know the laws themselves that [ __ ] is all I can do right now it’s ever since I like cuz that’s where what happened first it was like policeman

Passed by and I was like how strange and then I was like I’ve created something like I’ve I I’m I’m on fire here and I just and and I can’t stop it’s such a fun voice voice to talk in it’s a great time please look up The

Chosen from SM is it is that it it’s legit that voice Shane top in a wolf shirt I don’t know who that is but I trust you I’m going look that up right now hold on let me pause my music what do I look up uh smash the chosen

The it’s in it’s there’s a smos Wiki page with the chosen On It The Chosen whose name is Spencer agu is a character portrayed by Shane top introduced in September 2020 in the video playing blackjack in Viva smos Vegas he’s made appearances in numerous smos oh my God this is too much

He’s characterized as misunderstood and harboring a sense of self-perceived power The Chosen serves as a parody of the archetype of the of typ Middle School boys who believe themselves to be akin to the main characters and media they consume that’s I mean that is the kind of archetype I was imagining in my

Head personality appearance when Examining The Chosen personality becomes apparent that it can be deconstructed into two distinct layers outward Persona you spice to present and concealed truth hidden beneath on the surface he strives to exude the image of a resilient modest Warrior wholly committed to advancing the cause of all Humanity however

Beneath this facade one can discern glimpses of a self-important insecure individual at a younger age these moments reveal someone who places a significant emphasis on the The Importance of Being Cool Jesus okay calm down all right let me find a video with the chosen in it Trivial Pursuit chosen

Edition welcome to try not to laugh Trivial Pursuit Edition chosen audition okay yeah you know what I I totally yeah I absolutely hear it it’s the S on the on on that word is what did it for me to try not to laugh Trivial Pursuit Edition right here ch

That like really soft whistly s is my freaking favorite thing when actual human people do that okay back to work that’s crazy yeah no I hear it that’s really funny anyway back at it God that does sound like oh well now I’m sad I thought it was my

Thing that’s okay I mean obviously it was never my thing every voice forever has been done but thought it was my own mind baby and I feel less attached to it as if it was a strange child you ever heard of the cart ARS I’ve not heard of the cart

ARS what time is it 10 10 man it would mean so much to me to have mine carts to use for my convenience there we go Neato excuse me now I’m leaving I’m almost out of water hello okay all right I’m probably just going to bounce yeah I’m

Gone and then I’m thinking this next day Wednesday the 24th will be our last for this stream and then I want to take the end of stream to um I don’t know where my capture card is somewhere I’ll have to set it up I want to

Take uh the end of stream I want to spend the end of stream making a uh a new player in the new MLB the Show game if I can figure out how to hook it up to my Playstation oh God that’s going to be so

Annoying cuz I got to do yeah I got to unplug that that’s whatever I can do it it’s fine eh no we’re going to save that for another day cuz I got to like figure out how to set it up so yeah we’ll just play one last day and

Then we’ll call it a stream sorry for folks who got excited about the baseball thing I got to spend like a whole no no final I’m changing my mind one last time we’re doing it I’ll figure it out regardless this is our last day this

Next one and then I’ll try to set it up if I can’t then I’m ending the stream if I can we’re making a player on ML the show done night time okay here we go level 10 farming done Artisan it’s the best one all right look at that almost six figs and

We have another um blueberry Harvest incoming so we can spend a lot of that on fruit trees which I’m going to do like right now only here we go okay I’m going to water my ancient fruit that’s the first thing I’m doing before I forget there we go oh wait let me dummy

Jesus okay W there go thanks okay let’s go uh plant our one new ancient fruit New Blood [ __ ] welcome to the family oh God damn it I want my pickaxe so I can remove that okay now this song is way louder than the rest of the songs in this playlist

Now what to do with our final day I want to make a bunch of bee houses but we just do not have any maple syrup yet and it’s going to be a while until we get some so I think what we should do is we should go buy

Plenty of fruit trees it’s a Wednesday so shut up stupid idea uh we’re going to cut wood we’re going to spend our last day cutting wood boring I know but we’re doing it cutting wood Stretch that voice I was talking about earlier is also the voice I hear in my head uh when I read Twitter replies I disagree with like when MLB the Show announced that they were um adding the option to make female players and of course I don’t know baseball is like the

Most hate crime ripe sport H probably football but baseball’s pretty bad too it’s just they’re both just very traditional white guys um so of course the vast majority of baseball Twitter was very upset uh with how unrealistic it is to have a woman in MLB in the video game where you

Can name your guy like thunder [ __ ] fart Stein and have him hit 600t home runs and then float over home plate literally there’s an animation that makes you float um but yeah every time I read one of those that’s the voice in my head seems strange a female player I’ll believe it

When I see it shut up [ __ ] you’re stupid there’s something so raw about just calling someone stupid with no no pop no circumstance no bells and whistles ah what a shame that my favorite franchise is going woke another day another video game going woke on me happens I

Suppose I want to watch you drown I like this voice thanks I’m going to keep working on it I’ll hone it next time it’ll be better already up to 400 wood like a boss gonna get back into that as well it’s a good it’s a good phrase think it perfectly embodies the

Character that’s what I’m saying like you’re telling me when when these kids talk like like in the intro psychology class I took and these freaking horoscope idiots kept raising their hands being like sure your textbooks can explain a way but I’ve seen the Stars the Stars tell Stories burn to death I would say the one the one shortcoming that that voice doesn’t work for astrology because in my experience the uh the astrology folks in psychology we um we’re more like the kind of valley girl where it’s like yeah but have you seen the Stars

Though like I’m not trying to like step on your toes or anything but like it’s very I don’t know I don’t know it’s it’s very Virgo it’s very Virgo my skin Crawl I just hated psychology every single person in that in that field is annoying as [ __ ] no Exceptions I’ve never met in my life a Psychology major to my knowledge I’m play her psych major I don’t even realize but in that case you’d be the exception to this rule for the most part I know when someone studies psychology because they insert it into every [ __ ] as a

Psychology major as a Psychology major as a Psychology major you don’t have to start every sentence with as a Psychology major I don’t care I do not care happy for you that you’re into this thing and you studied it nice I don’t want to hear about it it’s in every field but

Jesus I’m going to keep eating these fruits oops hat Mouse I should check in with hat Mouse see see what hats are for sale this will be our last tree mousy okay um oh what the hell these are like reskinned yeah yeah I’m not changing hats I freaking love my straw hat are

You kidding me I’m leaving all right that was good almost a stack of wood that’s uh let’s see 960 just about a bee house requires 40 wood 960 40 is 24 so I have enough for 24 bee houses it’s actually less than I would have thought that’s fine I’ve got more

Than enough iron iron’s not really going to be a problem anymore it’s going to be wood and maple syrup and of course coal cuz 24 bee houses eight coal a piece that is 184 coal no it’s 192 coal Jesus come on man multiplication you can do it 192

Coal uh yeah wood is actually going to be our limiting resource well Maple here above everything but then wood then coal then iron bedtime bed time all right getting into a Groove here start Valley expanded exit desktop all right I’m going to try and set up this capture

Card thing okay let’s see here where even is my capture card STS here it is so this is the output Um this can that was this the output that’s oh wait no no no that’s the output this is the input so I got swap these um and then let’s see here I

Gotta my capture card just like Live down here that would be so convenient I don’t know if I can get that to work I might not be able to I just opened something by bumping my computer I just opened Premiere just cuz I bumped my freaking whatever

Um one of these goes into the monitor Okay and then uh this goes into my USB Compu I have to fin angle with this after get it actually Likeing this is such a stupid idea unplugging [ __ ] while I’m okay we go um I just picked up and relocated my computer while live streaming okay it’s plugged in so let me try uh opening the Elgato game capture HD let me turn on my PS play St and let’s see it’s powering up

On come on please oh my God there’s a moment there’s a moment where look like it was turning on no signal damn it okay hold on let me drag this over here and then let me switch my input to my Playstation input to see I am indeed online on

PS5 it sucks man it’s it should be working because it’s just the HDMI cord into there into there oh it’s my PlayStation itself is like freaking Out yeah it’s my PlayStation itself my like monitor will not display it why oh my God HDMI 2 this is so annoying my monitor like keeps snapping me back to the other okay hold on yeah there’s some kind of update going on something that like my computer won’t allow me to hold on uh LG view Sonic monitor how to turn off uh input switch automatically

Oh yeah it’s just everyone’s online complaining about how shitty this monitor is which I agree with to be fair this monitor sucks for the price I should just get a new one it’s plugged in right yeah it’s just like completely busted does it still do this if I don’t use is like glowing

Red why huh hold on everybody’s having this issue oh okay there’s some setting thing I have to go through on the PlayStation first God damn it I got to unplug so annoying okay so I got to unplug that Jesus this is like what I Can Only Imagine just like this nightm ands

Okay now my PlayStation is just plugged into my monitor now my PlayStation is confused how what even happened that would have caused that oh Jesus my headset broke everything broke plugging in the Elgato okay Elgato is the only company that gives um Adobe a run for its money for the worst technology

Award Elgato I’ve always complained about their stuff of course the second I Tred to PL in their capture card it breaks my whole computer and Playstation my headset is disconnected now from my PlayStation I don’t know how it’s even possible I didn’t do anything that would have caused that let me try

Just resetting the PlayStation cuz I just don’t understand oh my God oh oh my God now my monitor won’t lock on the oh God this is so annoying how is this possible how did it break my headphones whatever this is stupid I didn’t even do anything it broke

Everything I just tried to plug in whatever plugged in capture card that’s just to bust my whole setup okay hold on um Elgato no signal PS5 like play PlayStation 5 just like PlayStation 4 has hdcp turned on by default here’s how to disable it connect the PS5

Settings here you go navigate to HDMI settings uh I wish you could tell me how to get there now get to the HDMI settings and disable HTC how you navigate to HDMI settings I need to figure out to turn off hdcp okay so it’s not screening video system

HDMI here we go enable htcp off I thought it broke it for a second cuz everything went dark okay now let’s try again got to unplug this and then is So Shad out Reddit man Reddit if Reddit goes away my career dies Reddit is just such a reliable source of tech help okay now ideally Is it playing my switch audio or my PS5 audio is it playing like Ambient chords no what the hell why was switch audio set to whatever uh properties device yeah no sound is being made right now how do I oh Jesus switch audio device what the hell man oh my God okay hold on now I got to figure this [ __ ] out Elgato hd60s how to get

Audio in OBS I don’t want chat link Jesus Google sucks I literally have to put Reddit at the end of every single search oh my [ __ ] god Elgato blows all right here we go chicken Elgato game capture software settings oh yeah no audio is playing here

Yeah okay um not edit don’t edit oh my God settings nope game audio how do I get to like audio settings what is going on okay should be under HDMI G this software man makes me want to cry it’s so bad capture sharing updates H Keys Advanced dude just give me audio

Settings oh my God this is crazy it’s completely busted oh my god what the hell okay Elgato game audio not working and I have to put red at the end or else it won’t work because Google sucks God I’m not picking up game audio yeah nobody helped out

I fixed it deleted the capture utility app and reinstalled it works again for while try figure out the audio last time I tried recording before update really I have to delete the app and then reinstall it oh my God 4K capture utility what is that install

Update here I’m G switch well no I have to stay on the black screen because it’s the only way I could hear the audio oh boy okay I’m installing for oh wait I have to close this and then I have to switch to this and then I

Gotta man really I got to do all that again install the update again holy [ __ ] I’m having so much fun right now install H really I have to close OBS dude oh my God the only way I can fix this broken software is by deleting it and

Reinstalling it the only way I can do that is by closing my stream fart hole dude all right I’m GNA have to end this stream and then and then I make a new one so this thus concludes so for people who watch this VOD later part six is

Star Valley they’re just going to have there’s G to be like a 30 minute long period of tech difficulty that then just follow like concludes in the end of the VOD but then we going to start a new stream we’re going to make a character

And then I’m going to end it so I’ll be right back everybody stay please

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thermcantread


  1. I don't think therm reads these and he probably already knows by now but a lot of the 1.6 stuff is very early game as well as late game. I started a new save and already got a load of new stuff.

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