The ULTIMATE Minecraft Nether Adventure

This is the ultimate survival Adventure over 200 mods put together turning Minecraft into an Amazing Fantasy Adventure there are 12 Eyes hidden All Around the World in all sorts of different structures guarded by Bosses baddies and a whole lot of distance so far I’ve found one and I died to get it

No so that’s one of my three lives down this is episode three so if you want to know what I’m talking about you’re going to want to go back to the previous two videos or don’t I’m just a disembodied voice commentating over some Minecraft Gameplay but when we last left off I was

A disembodied voice attached to a character who was escaping a dragon chasing his Airship and believe me as I was flying away here my real life self was really scared that I was about to encounter my second death but after landing at a nearby Tower looting everything from the chest and hiding

Down inside waiting for Nightfall The Fiery death didn’t quite come so I jumped back into my Airship and flew away making sure to give a wide birth around the Dragon’s Nest but still not seeing it laying inside so it’s out and about and on the prowl I landed at a

Nearby Village thankfully unbated so far sleeping on the roof and then doing a bit of exploring there was a grave or a statue or something outside I made sure to break that down for resources and then looking at the map I realized which direction the dragon had gone oh yeah it

Looks like the dragon definitely went back back here in this direction considering the scorched Earth that’s there I went ahead and authorized myself on this town’s waist Zone in case I ever want to warp over in this direction checking out a nearby mushroom structure that was really only guarded by a single

Piglin frot spawning out of the spawner that I was able to break before it went ahead and got new friends chess loot was pretty good including the first obsidian of the world which I was able to collect and store away in that loot backpack jumping back in the Airship and flying

My way back home once I was home I did a little bit of decorating a little bit of organizing and it was time for an upgrade this is awesome enchanting setup wait I could have just taken the enchanting table I didn’t need to craft this I just

Remembered oh I’m upset with myself now I could have just stolen the enchant a all right well let’s take the few pieces of lapis that we got and put it to Use protection 4 all we need is level 30 okay these already have Protection One so I can’t enchant these protection 4 would be awesome so I think we’re going to go straight to that so we need levels and one really good way to gain those right now is actually surprisingly doing

A little bit of farming now normally you wouldn’t get experience from farming but we have all sorts of magic beans that we’re able to grow that will give us that including inferium this magic dust which is grown from a bunch of plants that you just leave lying around can

Allow you to craft basically anything from wood to animal parts to Diamonds don’t think about it too hard just just don’t think about it too hard the only problem is you need a ton of it if you want to make any actual substantial upgrades so getting started on this now

Definitely helps and some early ad Ms that you can get from it would give me some nice gains to get up towards level 30 once I was through the night though I plopped down a waist Stone here at home warped over to the Birch Forest Village

That was somewhat close by and did a little bit of exploring to see what I could possibly see and you know what they say always check inside the tower I knew there’d be something up here experience oh that’s actually really good cuz that’s what I need right now I can have both heck

Yeah I’m a pirate now look at me with a new Gauntlet that would allow me to double my exp gains yeah it’s time for some Fighting I don’t know what it is but it actually got really satisfying to just break the Barrels near the end of this instead of looting through each one individually there’s something about like the little pinata effect of a bunch of items with loot beams just plinking down onto the

Ground to allow me to collect all of the treasure here with my pockets and my backpack moderately full and it getting a little bit late into the night I headed back over towards the church with the waist Stone inside warping my way way back to the base grabbing some lapis

And getting myself a massive upgrade massive absolutely massive now we can actually take like two hits see what everything else enchants to silk touch would be nice efficiency to I’ll take that just Unbreaking you know what that is not bad I’ll take that and I’m not done there magic dust

Time to meet the other magic dust in this mod pack let’s try to take on a dungeon for ourselves what do you say eating this is a bad idea but also necessary for our progression I can’t eat it I can’t eat it I have to take damage I know how to take some

Damage that’ll do I thought this was like a golden apple but no I can eat it now dungeons visitor that apple is going to be the first step towards a whole new set of magic and abilities that I can unlock that can give me the power to Smite enemies with lightning throw Boulders

Across the world heal myself or just straight up make me invulnerable for a few seconds at a time and given some of the bosses in this mod pack I want to rely on all of those spells going forward but it’s not as easy as eat the

Apple become a wizard no you have some steps you need to take now I think I can just craft this I don’t actually need to go for the desert oh it allows you to get the dungeon Seeker advancement so I need it a that’s frustrating we’re going

To have to find a desert I have no idea where to even find a desert so since we’re not going to be able to find a desert anytime soon I figured let’s go and focus back on our first magic dust and do a little bit of Caving Happ hello Goblin friend what do you have to trade for me oh my God if only we had Fortune oh no Goblin friend oh you’re fine I thought the game was paused I was wrong you have a bit of useful trades thank You what is this whatever it is it is interesting and there’s a door nice I think we need to have this here to just collect treasure ooh Some pearls that’s awesome what was that coins ow oh no Not having skeletons kill me two episodes in a row Unbreaking sharpness yo this is huge what is this structure though this is awesome oh my goodness all these chests have loot diamonds see this is perfect timing with the blue moon cuz I’m getting better rolls on all of these chests that’s what

Luck actually affects it only affects chests and I think maybe fishing but this is the perfect time to have found this thing right here and that is the end of the day and what we call perfect timing this will grow amethyst now for me which is really nice that’s actually genuinely very useful

No shot look at that always check behind walls Folks first obsidian oh first obsidian break of the server yes is that just coal Blocks block of Despair oh I suddenly feel less safe about where I am right now okay nothing else is immediately around that let’s just throw that in a backpack so it can’t affect me at all and head back upstairs and with two successful days spent in the mines the Crafters they

Yearn for the mines I did a little bit more mob fighting to just pick up any odds and ends finding some more diamonds and Amethyst in yet another little M shaft area down here grabbing the tools grabbing the tiniest bit more of magic dust I don’t have a problem you do

Fighting a few Cobalts and then heading up the water returning my way back up to the surface dropping everything off organizing it and calling it a day so I didn’t realize this but when I was down in the caves and I killed that witch I

Got a witch pupil now this might be kind of eye themed it’s not an eye but it can be all I need is an Eye of Ender so if we can find some blaze powder this this is eye number two so if we put this right

Here we get an End Portal going we can get another eye also my pickaxe is about to break we have another diamond pickaxe that we found so let’s check enchanting on this Unbreaking three would be very nice let’s see what we get just Unbreaking which is a bit of a

Bummer let’s try unenchanting this does that put us up to level 30 no bomber you have anything we can do for a level we do a little bit of crafting actually nice we got food coming too we are very soon going to be able to make ourselves a lot better foods which is

Great cuz this is very full plop those in there for right now make a few hay bales and some bread that we’ll have to do for the moment bring the carrots out just to make some space what we can actually do really quickly some upgrades cuz our Bow’s

About to break too let’s enchant a new bow or let’s see what a new bow would get us as well as our new pickaxe power four would be so good and efficiency 4 would be good as well so let’s get a level going how can we get a level

Quick we can cook some things potatoes potatoes is good for XP so we’re going to go ahead and upgrade some of our stuff to inferium right now first things first we can get our watering can upgraded so this will do a lot better now then we can try to upgrade our bow

But I kind of want to enchant it first so it doesn’t ruin but we can upgrade our chest plate we need some iron in our inventory there we go make a couple of those we have a couple of those all of those and all of those

Can upgrade our chest plat so we go from 8 and two to 8 and two okay so it doesn’t upgrade but it puts us on the track which is important cuz if we wanted to we could upgrade to this which is 8 and 225 but it can go all the way through

Multiple tiers so like this one to this one to this one to this one and when we have all of these we have create a flight so we’re basically Invincible but also we’re green because green probably also upgrade to a diamond helmet at the very least but this is awesome now cuz

Now I can water a huge section of the crops oh no no I didn’t mean to do that this will start everything growing a lot faster well at least a little bit faster why don’t we spend some time though and see what the nether looks like you can put it over

Here it’ll be far enough away that we won’t hear it and yes I’m filling in the corners because professionals have standards you better believe we fill in the corners here here we go all right let’s do this of course of course it’s a Basalt Delta

It’s a video from me of course it’s a assult Delta well regardless where we spawn the first thing I needed to do was Secure my portal to deal with all of the modded monsters and I dealt with this thing that you might not have heard of called a Gas wait I only had two Arrow that’s a problem you’re potentially a problem wait what is this is this a Prosperity Shard it is now the nether here is dangerous but not unfamiliar to me I actually started with the ultimate mod pack based off of the mod pack I made

For my 100 days nether Adventure a few videos ago at this point so things like the piglin ships are things I’m familiar with the things that are attacking me from outside however a little bit less so of course it’s missing the front these ships have a nasty habit of always

Missing the what is that what is That I know but it went down like a chump when you can kill it and it can’t see you everything dies are you throwing people at me you are oh I drank those way too fast are they just throwing their kids at me man parenting in the nether has

Gone downhill now that I understood the angry Striders that throw babies I mean I don’t know how to make that funny actually I know how to make that funny but I don’t know how to make that funny in a way that’s appropriate for my channel okay I did a little bit of

Looking around seeing what I could only identify as some sort of Boss Arena made out of nether brick a little bit ways away marking that and deciding to head off in the opposite direction throwing a pearl to clear the lava and then starting to make my way over the terrain

And lucky for me it didn’t take long to find a nether fortress literally just over one kill and I have a lot I want from here but the Wither Skeleton that fill this structure are extremely dangerous they wear maximan armor and if you watched Game of Thrones or a few

Other videos that armor makes you extremely hard to kill and makes you suffer zero knockback meaning there’s no way to clear the Gap if a wither skeleton catches you unprepared they are on you until one of you dies wait wait wait yo that that’s another eye that’s huge that’s another eye

Yes that’s another nether eye so for context the nether eye is probably the most common but it still feels good to get it my second eye is massive that’s another step toward being able to beat this game and complete this challenge but there’s more that I want from this

Structure so I’m making sure to explore the other areas as well breaking the gate or at least one of the ways that the gate is open and I love how this all integrates with create when both are installed but the main Fortress here is

Where I’m going to be able to find a few other things that are going to be essential Nether wart and blaze rods for potion brewing as well as a whole bunch of nether right if I go look in the right places because the actual Fortress

Up here the layers and the rooms this is just the beginning the things that you expect to see in the nether fortress is just the top floor and working my way down the spiral staircase hidden inside of one of the legs of this main structure you get to the underground the

Under lava which is where things get really dangerous got TR I have time for you right now okay now I have time for you ow nothing right now sorry buddy one of the first rooms that I was really excited to find was actually the library on here is a bunch of flame related

Enchants broke down everything that I got here including all the item frames and everything else that’s all just nice to have and I got relatively lucky on my rols I think these are just Unwritten right yeah these are empty the enchanted books though Smite fire aspect fire aspect binding protection look they’re

All Nether themed it’s all somewhat on brand but still it’s good to have I continued clearing my way through all of the tunnels here getting whatever I could fighting any wither skeletons mainly by Leading them back to a two high Gap where I could kill them with relative impunity but then I started

Seeing ones that were a real problem they’re wearing half Diamond so that kind of armor right there is indicative of another backpack mob I don’t know if there’s an actual more accurate term for them but the sophisticated backpacks mob will sometimes spawn mobs with a backpack on and usually when it does it

Greatly increases inrees their armor and their damage and danger mainly by making them faster stronger and deadlier I lost my first life to one of these mobs just a regular skeleton with an iron sword that’s a wither skeleton with a giant two-handed Steel Flame Blade no way I’m

Messing with that so I bravely started making a retreat out of the area trying to mine my way into another tunnel and then head down there where I couldn’t be followed by any of the wither skeletons the only problem is the tunnel I was trying to get through was blocked by

Both Withers and blazes and I had to fight my way through gaining a few inches at a time here and there I did find another secondary dropped off area which I was able to go and explore grabbing a bunch of gold string and other resources from an area that looks

Like maybe an obelisk had been melted down but once I returned back to the tunnel which led to the exit started hearing something really concerning what is that sound not knowing what that is or if it could reach through the blocks or it was going to catch me up at the surface I

Ascended extremely carefully mining through the wall trying to find an Evac plan and I saw one just over the distance there’s a way Stone there if we can get that can we get to that there there I mean it’s really hard to make work on the way

Over to the way Stone I found a chest with a pretty nice bow inside upgrading myself and trying to clear a path I made it down a level and then down another staircase having to pin myself into an area being surrounded by wither skeletons and they were not giving up easily

Yes oh that’s huge there’s more than one no way did I just get a second Wither Skull that’s two that’s two okay buddy don’t mind me just walking through here friend let’s break this nether Tower saddle Fire Res okay but I think it’s time let’s it’s

Going to cost me three it’s worth it let’s go Home that was tense I genuinely that could have gone so badly I cannot believe that we have two wither skulls that is half a Wither well two3 of a Wither almost a Wither most of a Wither just from one trip to another that went really well that could have

Gone very badly but it almost it almost went really well I had a waste on here the whole time look it’s all about dramatic tension okay but we are now below level 30 so we can’t do another round of enchanting just yet I am tempted to try to make

Ourselves a little bit of some upgraded stuff firstly I want to see if I can upgrade this bow and honestly that’s pretty easy so let’s just go ahead and upgrade that quick power to bow now what would it would it take to upgrade it again I need to make an infusion

Crystal make ourselves that now the annoying part that is that which is that we might actually have enough to go multiple upgrades standby we’d be a little shorter but anyway Pentium bow let’s upgrade that and a titium bow we are one short but check it out we have basically

Our third wait hold on we can craft it let’s actually craft it we have just enough I vender craft this is our third eye The Witches Eye that feels awesome we’re one quarter of the way to being able to beat this game complete this challenge 25% complete with this goal three eyes

Is not enough to open the portal and allow me to fight the dragon but it is a massive start and being only one life down those ratios are kind of matching up but now that I had a whole bunch more levels I did some basic enchanting on my

Gear or at least investigated what enchants I would get the next time I was above level 30 but I started putting those potion ingredients that I had been collecting to use making myself a whole set of strength and splash healing regeneration pots combat related potions

Which might give you an idea of what I’m thinking to do next Once I had everything I need to prepare myself for a fight I headed over into the woods to go tell a few Hermits hello and not the ones from her it’s the skeletons I’m going to fight the skeletons Um there you go get absolutely wrecked string potions are insane now if I had done that slower I probably would have actually earned more experience but worthwhile I don’t think that’s an actual block yeah there we go it’s gone oo curse gloomy bones a whole bunch of spells some

Ashes so we got to hold two levels out of that which I think is just a matter of hubris if we go do that in a less efficient manner we should probably gain some more XP literally the definition of suffering from success we killed it too well hello sh

I killed it too well the first time around that’s a lot of next or not well we did okay this fear I’m afraid apparently I don’t know why what am I supposed to be afraid of fighting a few more dinosaurs I headed back towards home taking some of the 30

Plus level enchants to upgrade my gear see what we get on our boots hopefully it’s something Good let’s go that is awesome so we now have two pieces of protection 4 we haven’t even Enchanted our helmet yet breaking three what would the pants get let’s let’s disenchant these blast 4 protection three and protection two this is pretty good we’re now in at least partial protection

Everything that feels awesome so let’s recap I’m now in at least partial protection 4 I’ve upgraded uped my chest plate from Diamond to inferium meaning it provides additional benefits I have potions I have enchants I have better weapons I have better ranged combat it’s time to go spread some freedom and

Liberate a village for democracy look I just want to play hell divers eventually okay but jumping in the Airship I flew over towards the village blasting Freebird over the speakers as I was ready to drop in and cause some damage those pillar villagers had controlled this town for long enough

And it was time for New Management the only problem was there were no more employees problem is I don’t hear the villagers and I was really hoping to be able to buy arrows cuz I don’t have any I think the village might actually be dead so if I can’t protect the village

Going to be damn sure that I’m at least going to avenge it I started working my way into the castle switching between my potion bottle and my double jump Cloud to give me Mobility but to also protect me from the blindness of the illusioner mobs I also took out some of the easier

Kills down and around the lower levels of the castle that were trapped in with water since I had a little bit more Mobility there due to my snorkel which I think gave me a passive pseudo depth Strider capability I hear villagers and while was well protected I am not invulnerable

Here pillagers are still doing three or four hearts of damage on axe hits arrows pelting me from all directions can keep me on the back foot if I’m not careful so positioning was extremely important taking advantage of whatever environmental aspects I could to make sure to be able to eliminate my

Opponents before they had a chance to do real damage and the most important thing is to just never Panic always have a cool head and know where you’re going no see you all next week everyone change here R let them Reach the we we got to change the game

This is the Ultimate Survival Adventure – a fantasy modpack with almost 200 mods and one simple mission, collect all 12 hidden eyes and defeat the Ender Dragon before you lose your three lives. Once they’re gone… the series is over. And today, there be dragons on the loose! And I can fly.

In this psuedo-Hardcore Minecraft adventure I’ll try to take on Dragons, Wizards, and Pirates to conquer the world and beat the game… and I might not always be alone…

The Modpack will be available once Curseforge approves it! I submitted it last night!

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  1. Been watching your Mulitverse 2000 days while waiting for the video. Finished it yesterday and found your 1000 days so started that as well. Totally confused by the mulitverse but its got me curious enough to keep going. But this is the series I'm here for. This has been an awesome 3 episodes. I'm looking forward to more!

  2. sierra has REALLY been flexing his editing skills in this series and i'm here for it.

    also ah yes, the ultimate killer: fall damage. i wonder if the additional Protection is going to be enough? probably not, but i can hope. it'd be a shame for the run to end this early!

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