Why Wolf Armour doesn’t fix Anything

It’s ever so interesting to pay attention to the Minecraft snapshots almost every week you get a clinical injection of cool new things added or changes about the game one week they add the copper bulb the next week armadillos one week they might revolutionize Redstone and the next week they make

Crafty Master man SE for the next 3 months point is you get to watch the development of the game in real time you get to see what changes about stuff since they were first introduced case in point War farmer December M 18th 2023 Mojang releases a new snapshot adding

Armad dillas and wolf armor simultaneously some Jackoff makes a video complaining about the lack of mob jobs but I wouldn’t know anything about that when it was first introduced wolf armor acted functionally identical to Diamond horse armor just instead of it being made out of diamond it was made

From some poor animals exoskeleton but as it turns out even with the new Warf armor People’s Dog arenos couldn’t survive a single creeper blast so after much hooing and Haring the armor was affected ly buffed in another snapshot to be much much stronger I say effectively because it wasn’t just made

Stronger with bigger numbers but rather had an entirely different armor system introduced for it alone and now for a quick Sidetrack because in research for this video I was looking into damage did you know how crazy the damage calculations in Minecraft are especially with armor check this out this is the

Formula for calculating a damage a player will take if hit by a sword why it looks this absurd I have no idea I would have guessed it would just be a damage reduction by a certain percentage amount but apparently not I even tested it myself when I hit this horse with the

Netherite sword it takes exactly 5.5 04 damage down from a netherite sword’s base eight damage that’s right three decimal places because despite your health bar saying you have 10 Hearts it’s actually a total lie it’s just the visual approximation of the true amount sure it says I’ve got 10 Hearts but I

Actually only have 99.999 sucker this is is how wolf armor previously worked before they completely changed it 72 days later now how it works is while the wolf is wearing armor it doesn’t take any damage at all instead the damage it would take takes away durability away from the armor so

Only when the armor breaks the wolf starts its torment of suffering except that’s also not true because some damage types still hurt the wolf regardless such as drowning freezing suffocating and throwing your w into the vacuum of space which I guess makes sense I wouldn’t like it either but you know

What’s insane how tanky these new wolf farmers are one wolf can now survive 13 full strength hits from a netherite sword hell put 20 of them in a room and they can easily nibble a warden to death the strongest mob in the game so I decided to escalate first I dropped a

Wolf from 100 blocks it survived I then dropped a w from a 200 block fall it survived so then I did what any normal person would do and build a mega Death Cannon designed by Raz works it uses hundreds of stacked wind charges to launch arrows at insane speeds now

Arrows do more damage the faster they travel so this arrow in particular should approximately do uh 600 damage straight to the wolf’s Cranium let’s launch it and yet it still survives Something Fishy is happening as it turns out warolf armor damage is calculated in a

Bit of a funky way the has a durability of 64 which means it can absorb a total of 64 damage before being destroyed except let’s say I deal 100 damage in a single hit what happens to the remaining 36 damage logic suggests it should be applied to the wolf but this doesn’t

Happen the game just forgets about it and it’s nullified the consequence of this is a wolf wearing armor can survive a fall of infinite height or take a single hit of infinite damage and just shrug it off sure it might have been through the Minecraft equivalent of a

Plane crash but you know it was wearing a tiny bit of armadillo skin so I guess it’s fine now I don’t know about you but this seems a little silly to me in fact as I was experimenting with the crazy stuff dogs can now survive I realize something dogs even without armor are

Somewhat resistant to fall damage because if I push this dog off a cliff it will only fall 12 blocks before teleporting back to me you see dear viewer I’ve tricked you this video is not a about war Farmer at all this video is secretly About now viewer brace yourself because here come the hot takes wolves being able to teleport to players is kind of stupid and does not make sense for modern Minecraft in fact it’s always been a bit ridiculous but it’s just something we’ve come to accept as how

They work the ability to teleport to the player is a gameplay compromise because let’s be honest the warf AI kind of sucks it frequently gets stuck behind blocks was unable to follow the player across gaps or a whole bunch of other chanous scenarios so the devs just made

It so the wolf can teleport when it gets too far is a bandage fix on the wolf being utterly brainless in 1.21 the wolf has received eight new skin variant the AFF forementioned wolf armor as well as customization options with dying it with the wolf suddenly getting so much

Attention after 13 years maybe it’s suddenly not a far ask for the devs to look inward to the actual mob Behavior itself because most certainly nobody cares about the wolf sure maybe they find Minecraft dogs cute but they don’t actually care about specific dogs each Minecraft wolf is functionally the same

From one another they have no individual personality they are confined to one of two Fates they either sit in the corner of your house at infinim or mindlessly follow the player until unfortunate favors go on give a player two dogs and see if they don’t mix them up after 2

Minutes compare this to pandas if you don’t don’t know Minecraft pandas have programmed personalities seven of them in fact for example worry pandas will avoid the player when possible and hide and cry during thunderstorms or lazy pandas will lie on their backs more often and are slower than normal look it

Ain’t much but it’s something especially compared to the wolf the point I’m trying to illustrate is if wolves are supposed to function as pets to the players they sure don’t act like pets or animals or have any sense of self it’s quite underwhelming when you really look

At it hell even can compare it to horses which have a variety of coats speeds jump Heights Health values and genetic breeding rules while wolves have nothing so this is what I would propose I think the most important thing Mojang should add to Wolf behavior is add the ability

For them to roam a base freely without wandering off and getting themselves killed make it seem like they actually live with you rather than just mindlessly sit in a corner akin to a decorative armor stand imagine you’re in your base crafting some ingredients and suddenly your little wolf friend walks

Over to you excited to see you back from Adventure using this free roam base you could then add more personality through hidden slide values for example how playful they are versus aloof how indoorsy they are versus outdoorsy how extroverted versus introverted they are for interactions with other dogs you can

Even make him more active during the day or night and with each wolf having random values on these sliders you would effectively create a unique personality profile for each and every wolf based on these simple variables maybe you could have a more playful dog that would Chase

His own tail or annoy your pet cat by chasing him around maybe you have a more introverted dog that would growl on others when he’s just not in the mood or maybe you could have a pet pitbull that mongs baby villagers when he’s hungry the possibilities are endless really

Hell at this point I would even take some pre-programmed personality traits just like the pandas it’s certainly better than what we currently have where they just follow you from point to point staring at you with their Beady dead eyes me personally I’ve never really been the type of player to collect pets

In my Minecraft base and I think the biggest reason is their lack of meaningful depth which this certainly would add and I think players would take a great pleasure in building collections of dogs having their own personal favorites and imagining some dogs as friends or enemies it would really add

Life to the world because as it currently stands the most fun I’ve ever had with Minecraft wolves was throwing one off a 200 block drop for this video and he didn’t even die [Applause] a

Wolf Armour may be the hot new thing added for Minecraft Wolves in 1.21
But it still doesn’t fix underlying issues with the mob. The Wolf STILL sucks!

Big Wind Charge Cannon by @RaysWorks :

Additional footage by:

#minecraftmemes #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #bedrock #redstone #minecraftjava #minecraftfunny #minecraftfacts


  1. Greg: i dropped the dog from 100 blocks. It survivor. Then from 200. It survived. Then i did what any nowmal person would do
    Me : drop it from 300 blocks?
    Greg: no. I built a death cannon

  2. Ok, but I did trap a warden, in creative, and got 20 dogs with armour to kill it, they did with 6 still alive, and they can never w take quite the beating now, so more than die for m one creeper, now 4 or 5, but I do get ai and pathfinding

  3. It's incredible how impossible your suggestions are.

    The AI suggestion would not only be hard to make, it would reduce the life of a dog.

    Way to go Mr. Thinker.

  4. I love how we are talking about the stupidity of Minecraft dogs while my camel has been spinning inside the waterfall at my base ever since I brought it home

  5. @gerg how about having a dog house that a wolf gets bound to so they can wander around your base never getting further than lets say 50 blocks away from the house unless you take him on a leash. And also change leashed wolf behavior to act more like a real dog would do, walking ahead not getting dragged around

  6. The armour should activate follow mode allowing him to follow and teleport to his owner and the dog without armour activates a freeroam mode
    Also in freeroam mode he should always be either 50 blocks near a bed or player

  7. Okay it may suck but here's one thing. Can we just be grateful that we got something new at least? (Like jesus, this community is full of emotional cry babies that want everything to be perfect)

  8. I think the biggest problem with doing that is the fact an AI overhaul would be enough for an entire update, yet they only have one every year and would rather focus on new features rather than fixing old ones. They've been bug fixing like crazy lately, but to overhaul AI is insane and at that point you might as well make Minecraft 2

  9. These are all valid arguments, but on the other hand some of us will remember how much personality a certain Mimecraft dog named Sven had purely because his owner imagined him to have one. Sven got in trouble and needed rescue and we were anxious about him getting hurt more than about our own minecraft dogs, because Sven had character. I would love for these mentioned changes to become reality but until then we will have to use our own imagination. My daughter had a week long feud with her minecraft dog who had killed her pet fox. The dog got a special dog sized prison and the silent treatment for a few ours, then day by day my daughter talked to him about his actions and as she progressively forgave him his prison got cuter and more comfy until it was a dog house and no dog prison. 😅

  10. That's exactly what I was thinking. Although wolves can now be taken on adventures, they can be more of a problem than an enabler, as their AI is terrible, and they can just lose track of you out of nowhere and never show up again.
    You can still very well lose your wolf, the difference is that he doesn't die this time. There should be at least one item to teleport the wolf to you when it cannot be loaded by The chunks

  11. Thinking about it, here are other examples of major weaknesses with mobs that involve A.I…

    • Villager-based farms in general.
    • Ranged mobs ignoring entities blocking the target, even if it is an End Crystal or cross-fire mob that will retaliate.
    • Being able to bait slimes(and sometimes skeletons) into hazards.
    • Skeleton infighting.
    • Being able to cluster mobs around a creeper, then blocking, one-shotting an entire group of mobs.
    • Mobs fighting other mobs outnumbered.
    • The Wither hovering above a player; this makes cheesing the Wither with End Crystals way easier.
    • Nullifying mobs as hazards using boats.
    • Bats.

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