I Built a Secret ELEMENTAL FAMILY BASE in Minecraft!

Having elemental powers is so awesome I can fire breathe wherever I want well you’re like a dragon yep I know and check it out I can also shoot Fireballs boom oh wo wo wo that tree is on fire wa what the heck oh yeah we should probably

Put that out guys we’re going to start a forest fire oh gosh oh gosh wait is there anything else you can do oh yeah glad you asked but hold on a minute this one’s going to be kind of dangerous I can start a firestorm boom wait wait

Wait wait you should have told me to stand back put that out put that out oh yeah guys we should probably put this out we do not want to burn this Forest down right now put the fire out oh gosh that was a lot of fire but wo that

Looked powerful yeah that was awesome but wait a minute hold on what powers do you guys have o i have lightning powers I have a lot of stuff um let’s see here I can do this and wait what did you just bring a lightning Hammer ow it just

Zapped me wow what the heck is that yep and now it’s going to zap anything that’s nearby it oh my gosh that is awesome you can just spawn in a lightning Hammer but hold on a minute do you have any other abilities I can do a lightning web and wait what a lightning

Web what does that do like this here cam stand still oh wait hold on I can see you’re like shooting lightning at him wow see how it’s just coming off of him like that that is pretty cool but wait is that it and I’ve got one last one

It’s the storm cloud and wa what the you can just make a your very own storm cloud that’s pretty awesome Yep it’s pretty useful for hiding and stuff wa it just zaps me oh my gosh okay I’m tired of getting Zapped wait Kim what powers

Do you have oh I have the powers of Earth and check it out I have a giant Boulder wo you can make a boulder wo it’s going up the hill that is a powerful Boulder right there W yep I’ve also got earthquake wa what the heck you

Should have warned us before that oh yeah the warning I have an earthquake the warning would have been better before okay you just did it again but wo that is so powerful do you have anything else yep I have a grapple hook wait what you can grapple from the trees that is

Awesome it’s like a little Vine yeah it’s pretty awesome but wait guys what’s that over there and wait what hold on wait what where there’s like snow over there why is there snow it’s a very sunny summer day wait what snow hold on a minute I don’t see any snow how far is

It oh wait hold on I see some white stuff over there is that what you’re talking about yeah it’s right over there whoa wait what the snow okay this is very strange it’s like very hot out I don’t know what’s going on and H wait a

Minute guys is that a dragon wait sh I think it might be who it is a dragon guys I think it’s sleeping we got to keep our voice down everyone be quiet and who wait what’s that next to it are those a bunch of Bab what wait I think they’re Elemental

Babies oh yeah check it out there’s a fire one there’s a lightning one and also an earth one and wait what there’s a sign that says food on it uh guys I think the dragon’s going to eat these babies we have to free them we have to

Save them oh gosh oh gosh yeah you’re right but hold on guys how do we do this without the dragon waking up we got to be really careful come on dig under the cage okay okay yeah let’s just dig under the cage really quick we got to break a

Little bit of this snow and oh okay there we go let’s just get them out come here babies and oh look they’re finally coming out come here lightning baby come on fire baby come out fire baby you probably shouldn’t be in the water that’s not good for you okay there we go

The fire baby’s coming out as well let’s go but anyways uh guys we should probably get away from this dragon that thing looks scary yeah come on let’s head this way let’s get away before we wake it up yeah okay let’s get out of here and let’s make sure to bring the

Babies with us as well let’s just get really far away from this dragon that thing is terrifying I hope we didn’t wake it up yeah hopefully not but I think we should be good pH but wait guys we did just steal a dragon’s food yeah wait so what’s wrong with that uh

Nothing just the fact whenever it wakes up it’s going to try searching for it oh no yeah you’re right guys I’m pretty sure dragons have a really good sense of smell he’s going to be able to sniff us out oh no what do we do I don’t know but

We couldn’t just leave them there they’re way too cute to die we got to hide these babies somewhere wait a minute guys why don’t we build a hidden base that we can hide the babies in that way the dragon’s never going to be able to get them are you saying that we need

To outsmart a dragon yep we got to outsmart the dragon guys hold on we got to build a hidden base where should we build it where would a dragon never even think about looking wait what about under ground the dragon’s not even going to be able to fit down there that’s

Right the things are huge yeah here let’s go ahead and start digging a hole down over here and hold on on guys we got to make the entrance of the hole really really hidden because the dragon might see the hole and then I’m pretty sure it was an ice dragon so he might

Try to like ice breathe down the hole well how are you supposed to hide this hole though uh good question good question let’s see is there any like fake grass that we could use to cover it up um what about this and oh wait what

Is that hold on a minute is this just like a big grass block wait a model block what does this do um it looks like grass but you can go through it and wait what really wa okay that is awesome but hold on a minute this does kind of Stand

Out compared to the rest of the grass but hey I it’s fine the dragon is probably going to be uh he’s going to be flying all the way up over there he’s not going to notice the difference yeah we can just surround it by grass or

Something yeah or we could cover it with leaves from trees oh yeah yeah good idea good idea in fact what we could do is grab a spruce sapling and then we can just plant an entirely new tree here that way when the dragon is flying from

Above he’s not even going to notice it let’s go okay okay well anyways this is a pretty good start but now we got to make an actual nice house for these baby cuz we can’t just have them living in a stone pit down here uh yeah lightning

Baby deserves the best and no no no fire baby deserved the best fire is the best element here guys we got to build an epic triple element house it’s going to have all three of our elements inside of it guys you’re all wrong cuz Earth baby deserves the best and wait Kim Earth

Baby would probably like this right now this is like very earthy Right Now Yep this is awesome what okay okay but hold on we got to do something a little bit nicer for fire baby and lightning baby here let’s go ahead and clear out a bunch of space all right let’s do this

Right here here lightning baby you just sit right there don’t go anywhere okay and oh gosh okay we better make this base really good I’m pretty sure that was an ice dragon and none of our powers can really counter ice except for that mine maybe but still Ice is like super

Cold wow I just fell into a cave any wait Kim you got to be careful not to fall into caves the dragon might be down there I was trying I didn’t think it was going to be underneath me dragons also like living in caves we forgot dragons

Have dragon Zs and all that they they might be in a cave wait can dragons break stone uh I don’t know but we’ve got a lot of stone above us and we’re also Al pretty hidden so I think we should be good let’s just focus on

Clearing out a bunch of space for now and uh anyways I I I think we got quite a bit of room what should we set the walls of this place too I think it needs to be something really strong like obsidian or what about something that’s smellproof what smellproof oh yeah

You’re right that way the dragon’s not going to be able to sniff us out okay what is smell proof H what about like sponges sponges to like soak up the smell yeah exactly um I don’t know if that’s how it works hold on what is the smelliest block in Minecraft um let’s

See here wait guys what about hay blocks I’m pretty sure those kind of like they smell like cows and stuff what about Nether wart blocks what Nether wart blocks what do nether wart blocks smell like uh I don’t even know okay let’s just go with hay bales I’m pretty sure

Hay bales smell like cows so this is going to throw the dragon’s sense of smell completely off he’s going to think that we’re like a cow or something okay that’ll be perfect for hiding but uh you be careful don’t set anything on fire all right and oh yeah yeah fire baby be

Super careful do not set any of this stuff on fire this ha is super flammable I mean you’re the only one with Firepower so wait a minute guys hold on do we really want the inside of our base to be made out of hay blocks that’s going to be kind of uncomfortable like

Whenever you walk up against the walls the hay is just going to like scratch you why don’t we build like a second layer of walls inside of the hay oh yeah that’s genius yep I know and hold on a minute I know exactly what we should

Build the wall out of why don’t we build it out of some orange and yellow concrete so it looks like fire no we should make it out of green concrete wait I have an idea why don’t we just combine it and wait what you mean like combine all of our elements that’s a

Good idea I like it I like it okay well here I’m going to build the fire side over here and then we can have the earth side over there and that corner and then the lightning side over here okay I’ll get started on the lightning side and

Wait a minute guys there’s three of us and there’s four walls I’m taking the extra wall um cam your Earth babies’s in the way oh sorry hold on let me move him let’s go this base is looking sick now that two of the walls are made out of

Fire stuff it looks all right but uh what do we do now and hm let’s see let’s see we got the walls done we got the lightning side wait this lightning side kind of looks like snow but uh I guess it’ll do what it doesn’t look like snow

This is clouds and lightning uh oh I can kind of see it you got like the sky over here and then you got clouds okay okay but hold on a minute guys the next thing we got to do is set the roof and floor into something nice because right now

The roof and floor is looking atrocious oh yeah that’s definitely right um maybe something soft like carpet and yeah yeah let’s just set the entire floor into H let’s see what type of carpet could we use and oh here guys why don’t we just use some white W that way it’s not going

To like be interfering with any of our the Colors oh yeah that could work I like it I like it it looks clean yep let’s go this is going to look sick let’s just fill this in and then we will have a completed floor let’s go the

Elemental babies are going to love this base after this let’s just put down all of the this white wall over here like this there we go and hold on a minute guys while you’re working on the floor I’ll start working on the roof I’ll just

Set the roof into some white wo as well okay that works for me okay the floor is done let’s go this base is looking awesome now we just got to set the roof and hold on a minute can you guys set the roof into white wall I’ll go ahead

And build a ladder over here to actually get down cuz we don’t really have that yet just put some white wall over there and then let me grab a ladder and then put that down right over there like that and okay perfect now we actually have a

Way for getting in and out of the base all right this place is looking super comfy yeah everything’s made out of white wall but anyways now that we got this room done H what else should we build inside of this Elemental Basin wait a minute guys we got to build a

Kitchen cuz otherwise the babies are going to go hungry oh yeah I don’t want them to go hungry yeah wait I wonder when the last time they ate was they were probably locked in that cage for a while a lightning baby do you want to eat some electricity well anyway I think

We should put the kitchen like here and wa whoa whoa wait wait why on my wall because you have two and okay fair enough I guess we can do it on my well here let’s go ahead and dig out a little space for the kitchen right over here

Like this we can dig it pretty far cuz we got to feed three babies and oh wait we also got to feed ourselves so uh we got to build it pretty big oh true we’re a family of six yep hold on we got to have a lot of space here let’s go ahead

And just clear out some room and then now we got to start clearing out sideways over here this is going to take so long with just our Fist and wait a minute yeah you’re right hold on what we got to do is grab some TNT and all right

Guys it’s time to do some demolishing let me grab a TNT and flint and steel wait wait wait wait get the babies out of the way yeah hold on bring all the babies in the main room come on fire baby we got to go here let’s go all

Right there we go I think all the babies are gone and now let’s go ahead and put that a bit of TNT and all right it’s demolition time let’s go hopefully this TNT doesn’t blow up the main base over there and all right that that actually

Works pretty good hold on we need a little bit more let me just put a bunch of TNT in the wall over there like that there we go yeah on the left side needs it yeah yeah we got to have a bunch of space cleared out let’s go we have so

Much room now let’s go that worked awesomely perfect perfect I’m just going to put one more TNT over there and all right nice that actually gave us a bunch of space to work with now we just got to uh smooth up the edges cuz right now everything is looking very Jagged and

Not clean and ah there’s gravel oh no I hate gravel there’s so much of it stop complaining and just dig we need to make this place so nice for the babies yep yep yep all right but anyways H let’s see what should we set the floor of this

Room into ooh what about a little bit of spruce wood since we’re in a spruce spime that could look really fancy oh yeah and we can make the walls out of quartz oo all right all right I like that that’s going to look super fancy here I’ll start setting the floor right

Over here into a little bit of spruce wood got to put down this wood over here like that and all right I think this should be long enough now we got to start going wide let’s go ahead and put some on the sides here okay I’m going to

Put some right here let’s go and yeah I think this kitchen should definitely be big enough it’s it’s pretty big this probably the biggest kitchen I’ve ever seen in my life oh yeah this is a really big kitchen I bet we can put lots of fancy stuff here oh yeah we can have

Like a fancy dining experience it’s going to be awesome and oh wait speaking of it what food are we putting in our kitchen and hm that’s a good question wait wait let’s think about that while we’re building the walls uh we should definitely put some spicy food in there

I think fire Elementals like spicy food O Okay um lightning Elementals what food ises lightning like I don’t know um hm let’s see are there any like electric eels that you guys can eat maybe maybe they like batteries oh what if they like water cuz it’s like rain yo wait R hold

On I found some fresh water and saltwater eels hold on you want to take a taste of these things oh yeah give me that I dropped them right behind you there there’s two of them here what wa they those look pretty appetizing I think we need to put a little aquarium

With fresh eels in it oh yeah that’d be a pretty cool idea all right all right well here first let’s go ahead and finish up the walls we got to set all of these walls into some quartz and hold on I’ll also do the roof let’s set the roof

Into some uh wood yeah and wait guys we also need some vegetables in the kitchen as well for the Earth Elementals and oh yeah yeah what do you guys eat do you guys eat grass are you like a cow no we’re not like a cow we just eat

Vegetables what type of vegetables like carrots potatoes and uh stuff like that no grass no we don’t eat grass wait but grass is on the earth and you’re the Earth element yeah but there’s also plants on the earth why would we eat grass when there’s plants you want to

Know what else is on the Earth what Dash volcanoes you should eat those yeah you should eat some rocks that doesn’t even make any sense anyway wait do you eat rocks that seems like something you would do no I don’t eat rocks sure about that I bet this stone is looking pretty

Tasty to you right now no it’s not I eat vegetables what how else are you supposed to get your iron other than eating iron yeah wait do you not eat ores no I don’t okay okay but anyways this room is actually starting to look pretty sick it’s actually a really nice

Looking kitchen all we got to do is just finish up the roof over here and there we go the roof is complete now it’s it’s time to start making the actual kitchen stuff so here first things first let’s go ahead and put down a few kitchen

Equipment uh we got to put down some fridges some countertops all that sort of stuff yep we need some ovens okay I guess I’ll put down some uh barrels and stuff all right all right yeah we’re going to need some barrels for storage and here guys let’s put down three

Fridges one for each element and then the rest of the stuff we can just put down some countertops a few sinks over there well if we’re putting down three fridges uh this one’s definitely going to be mine w Wait well you’re getting a big fridge okay okay I guess let’s break

One of the fridges over here wait I want to get a big fridge as well hold on I’m I’m breaking this old one let’s all have big fridges yeah there we go we got three big fridges there we go that works okay and here’s some food storage I’ll

Put down some apples and stuff since you might like that cam ooh that’s a good idea and here I’ll put down a few cabinets up over here for some Storage storage what are you saying yeah it’s a fancy way to say storage it’s not fancy it’s just wrong no that’s how the French

Say it I’m pretty sure they don’t no I’m pretty sure they do but anyways guys now that we got all this stuff for I think you’re going kind of overload with the barrels what no I’m not going Overload at all what’s even inside of these barrels why it’s got a lot of Emergency

Food Supplies like um marshmallows the marshmallows are not Emergency Food Supplies what all right but uh it’s time to take out the fridges what food do I want in mine and hm let’s see I can help you find some food uh could I fancy you

A little bit of ooh double Tall Grass no dude fine okay what about an oak sapling I don’t eat stuff like that I eat carrots and stuff okay okay fine fine fine carrots and stuff got it so you eat like plants what about an ulum what is

Dude that’s a flower yeah it’s the same as a carrot no it’s not I’m just going to put some potatoes and some carrots and some beetroots all right all right fine fine wait do you eat melons yeah sometimes oh all right all right I guess

We can put some melons in here and oh wait okay you already got it filled that but hold on a minute next up we got to deck out the lightning fridge hold on Ruby this going to be your fridge what do you want to eat oh I just put a bunch

Of stuff in this one and wait what did you put let me see what are these batteries uh yeah there’s e at the top then there’s batteries and then at the bottom there’s some bottled storm clouds what bottled storm cloud wait what what do these things do I I can’t use it I

Think I’m not a lightning Elemental duh you can’t eat those all right all right but hold on a minute now I got to figure out what I want to put inside of my fridge um let’s see I guess the first thing I can put are some Fireballs you

Know Fireballs taste pretty good ooh fire Essence yo wait fire resistance heart cookie this looks delicious we just eat all that stuff inside of my fridge there we go and ooh I should also have a little bit of lava just you know to gobble it all down you know just a

Little drink a nice bavage as they say no one says that Dash all the fire elements do trust me anyways what else what else H yo wait check it out fire Lily mixture check this thing out it’s like fire soup what let me see that this thing looks awesome okay I’m definitely

Putting a bit of this inside of my fridge oh Dash I know it’ll go in your fridge pretty well and wait what is it here you go cam this is probably going to be better for you since you know there’s like dogs on the earth and then

They poop on the earth and then you eat it I’m not the Earth I’m the Earth Elemental yeah same thing same thing but hold on a minute I got to find some more fire stuff I think I saw something really cool and fire dragon flesh yo this looks delicious this actually looks

Delightful I’m going to put that inside of my fridge let’s go and who wait Ruby you actually building an aquarium that looks pretty cool uh yep I’m putting some eels in there and let’s see here and wait why are you putting the eels in the back and then covering it up with

These fish aquariums because there’s two levels to the aquarium silly oh oh I see okay well hold on we should probably make this aquarium look nice actually let’s put the walls into some quartz wait okay wait go e see with the water let’s put the let’s build the walls

First and then put the water down uh okay hold on hold on let’s get rid of all these eels in here for now let’s actually build the aquarium first and then put the eels in what I thought it looked fine you can’t have it be made

Out of stone that’s going to look gross okay whatever whatever you want hold on a minute I got to get rid of all these eels let me just uh pull out my fire breath real quick and all right there we go just going to crisp these up oh Ruby

There’s some cooked eel down here if you want oh never mind I think it all burned oh wait there’s one left oh yeah just save that for baby okay all right all right here I’ll save this for the baby Ruby there you go thank you all right

All right but anyways let’s go ahead and set all of this place into some quartz there we go this is going to be a fancy looking Aquarium go it’s all done wait not yet not yet hold on we got to set the roof into quartz as well we can’t

Have any stone exposed oh yeah there we go and done all right all right and now Ruby you can spawn in the yield okay let’s see here all right but anyways this kitchen is looking pretty cool but hold on you have an aquarium I want to build something for myself as well in

The kitchen hm what can I build for fire Elemental yo wait hold on I think I just got a cool idea what if I build a dispenser that shoots Fireballs at you and then you have to try to catch them in your mouth uh I’m not sure about that

One dude no no no this is going to be a super fun game for all the fire Elementals who I’m here it what ruby I think your heels are escaping what the heck get get your heels under control uh okay this is a process okay all right

All right well hold on I’m going to start working on my Fireball dispenser room right over here what I got to do is build a big long hallway and wait Ruby you got water spilling everywhere no another Eis cave chill out it’s fine that eel looks like he’s going to try to

Eat me okay I wonder why they’re not swimming up Ruby I think your eels need water to live this one’s not looking too happy right now yeah I think your eels aren’t happy with you at all well these are foods so whatever all right well

Anyways hold hold on I got to go back to my Fireball room let me go ahead and clear out a big hallway wait Kim can you help me out with this sure I can all right all right what we got to do is clear out a big hallway right over here

It doesn’t have to be anything too crazy why is there water here Ruby your ears are going to spill into my hallway stop oh no we already got two in here chill all right I’m sorry I’m going to have to fire breath on these guys there we go

Just going to get rid of all these and oh no now there’s fire everywhere guys we got to get rid of all this fire it was your idea to build it out of wood it was your idea to spill eels everywhere yeah but you didn’t have to set them on

Fire you could have just punched them guys guys calm down we can just rebuild the stuff okay okay there we go all rebuilt but there’s still an eel over I’m burning oh okay there we go he’s gone all right all right but anyways time to finally work on this room over

Here let’s make this room pretty nice we got to make a long nice hallway right over here like this and now let’s just go ahead and set all of the walls into a little bit of quartz in fact we should set the floor into quartz as well cuz

There’s going to be some fire in this room all right I I’ll start working on the seiling and this wall all right all right sounds good and hold on I should probably replace this door over here with an iron door I do not want it burning down let me just grab an iron

Door really quick and also a little bit of glass I have an idea I think it could look pretty cool what if I set the walls over here into glass like this yeah this is going to look sick and then I can put the lever down over here and uh you

Can’t put levers on glass okay I’ll just put a quartz block there there we go that works oh wait actually instead of a lever I should probably use a button that way you can get in and out there we go all right all right but anyways now

We got to set all of the walls of this place into some quartz blocks yep there we go all right all right sick and hold on wait while you’re setting the floor at to quartz blocks I’ll start working on on the dispenser mechanism what we need is to put a dispenser down right

Over here like this and then we got to fill it up with a bunch of fireballs and now let me go ahead and grab a little bit of redstone and I’m just going to go ahead and have this Redstone go over here from behind the dispenser all the

Way down there to the start of the room pretty much what you’re going to have to do is hit the dispenser and then try to catch the fireball in your mouth it’s going to be like a fun challenge all not for me but for you I guess no no no it’s

Going to be great you should all try it out here let me just put down all the Redstone and ooh wait I also need to grab a few repeaters cuz I do not want the Redstone signal fading out and all right hold on Kim can you try giving

That button a press real quick yeah I got it all right and yo that worked perfectly let’s go W what kind of fire charge is that it looks so weird oh it’s just a normal fire charge I don’t know what you’re talking about it looks different yeah it kind of does look

Different it looks more powerful but let’s go this room is now complete hold on check it out I’m about to catch this one in my mouth let me just press the button and yo oh I think that one hit you in the head ow I’m just going to get

Out of here all right all right but who wait oh Ruby I see you’ve made some changes on the inside over here we got a table now that’s pretty cool yep so can have family dinners and here’s a TV ooh all right all right but wait wait hold

On instead of a TV while we’re eating why don’t we have some bookshelves oh what that sounds pretty cool yeah yeah yeah this is a lot smarter than watching TV that way you can gain knowledge wait wait wait don’t put it around the kitchen island oh my gosh put it on the

Wall okay okay fine I’ll just put it get wherever I’ll put them right over here in place of the TV there we go okay that works out all right this kitchen’s looking pretty nice though uh what else should we add and hm I don’t know I think this kitchen is pretty much done

We don’t really need anything else we’ve got the big sacks of rice we’ve got the the barrels with marshmallows I I think we’ve got everything I think so too let’s move on all right all right but anyways what else should we build for these Elemental babies and wait a minute

Guys they’re going to need to have bedrooms of their own otherwise they’re like where else are they going to sleep oh yeah oh yeah I bet they had to sleep on rocks before oh poor babies I bet Earth baby likes sleeping on rocks actually yeah uh yeah you’re kind of

Right yeah all right but anyways hold on we got to build some bedrooms for all the other babies I’m going to go ahead and dig out a little area in my wall right over here oh no there’s a bunch of gravel here this going to take a year to

Clear out you have fun with that oh yeah don’t worry I got this all I got to do is just grab some TNT and a flint and steel and all right time to get down to business hold on is fire baby nearby okay he’s over there let’s go it’s time

To start blasting this place oh gosh there’s a cave right under me yeah there’s a cave under me too o wait hold on my TNT just broke some of the hay bals I got to be careful all right but anyways let me just clear out a bunch of

Space over here let’s go the TNT strategy is actually so op H I think this might be big enough maybe wider on this this side all right and okay I think I’ve got quite a bit of room here now I just got to clean up the edges to

Make sure that there’s not random blocks sticking anywhere and then I got to build a room guys fire baby’s room is going to be the coolest one here uh no lightning baby’s room is going to be the coolest one here you guys are all wrong cuz it’s going to be Earth baby’s room

That’s the coolest wait wait Dam what are you even going to do the Earth baby’s room are you going to like decorate it all or are you just going to like leave it out of stone cuz you know like Earth of course I’m going to decorate it I’m going to make it look

Awesome you’re going to put vines on the wall or something or mossy cobblestone no dude I’m going to make it good just don’t worry about it okay okay wait Ruby what are you you going to do for your lightning Baby M I’m going to make the

Room blue and white and uh maybe some Electronics he seems to like that o all right all right but anyways I think I’ve got a bunch of space cleared out now I got to start making this room look nice so first things first let me go ahead

And set the walls into some wait a minute I think I know what I’m going to set the walls into what about some magma blocks and orange concrete I can do magma blocks orange and yellow concrete this is going to look sick it can go in

Like a pattern like this yeah got to do this all around the entire room real quick all right this is looking pretty cool Kim what are you doing to your room oh uh I’ll show you after all right all right I think I’m going to make the

Walls white so they’re like the insides of clouds cuz I think that lightning mayy likes Cloud ooh that sounds like a cool idea yeah what if you make your room just entirely look like a cloud wait Ruby what you should do is grab a little bit of stained glass you can grab

White stained glass gray stained glass and also light gray stained glass and then just like build like a floor out of it o okay I can try that yeah yeah I’m pretty sure if you stack up the stained glass on top of each other it could give

Like a really cool effect ooh you should do the same for the walls um I’m already making the walls out of white wool all right yeah that should still look like a cloud but anyways let me go ahead and finish up my walls I’ve got the magma

Blur done now I just got to put down all of the yellow concrete let’s go this room is actually so massive fire baby is going to be so excited to see this all right but anyways all of the walls in my room are now complete now I just got to

Work on the ceilings so uh here I guess I can just set this ceiling all into some uh magma blocks yeah that could look cool well your walls are done mine aren’t done it’s kind of complicated o but hold on a minute I just realized

That my room is going to be like very hot there’s literally magma everywhere I guess that’s going to be fine for me and fire baby but uh you guys might want to be careful oh wait you’re not going to cool it off what if the other babies

Want to visit fire baby yeah you should have it like on a switch okay okay wait hold on what I could do is grab a few fans and just like put those on the ceiling that way if fire baby wants to cool off the room you can just turn on

The fans that sounds like a good idea now they can have sleepovers o yeah exactly all right but anyways let me just finish up the roof over here I just got to put down a bunch of magma blocks hold on wait what should I set the floor

Into if I set the floor into magma blocks then it’s going to be kind of hard for anyone who’s not a fire element to walk over it’s so ooh I have an idea what if I set the floor into some orange stained glass with some magma blocks

Underneath it yeah that’ll make it super safe yeah and it should also look super cool and wait a minute instead of having magma blocks on the floor what if I have lava on the floor yeah okay that could actually look really cool but here first

I got to clear out a bunch of space over here so there we go boom and okay now that I’ve got all this space cleared out it’s time to start putting down the lava let’s go I got to fill up all this floor with lava so boom there we go and

Finally it’s time to put all of the orange stained glass on Top This actually looks so cool I don’t know lava on the floor kind of seems dangerous no no no it’s going to be just fine you know worst case scenario if it breaks then Lava Baby is just going to have a

Nice hot tub and ooh wait that gives me a cool idea I should probably build a hot tub yeah that could be good but what what if he’s like allergic to Lava why would he be allergic to Lava he’s literally a fire Elemental I don’t know I’m just throwing out suggestions you

Want to be safe it’s your baby he’s not allergic to Lava he’s going to be just fine but here the floor is almost done I just got to put a few more pieces of glass and boom there we go the floor is done this actually looks so cool all

Right but anyways since this is supposed to be a bedroom the next thing I need to add are some beds so let me grab some uh orange beds yeah this whole room can be orange themed we could just put down the orange beds right over oh wait you can’t

Put beds on glass okay what I could do is just put some orange concrete down like that then put the beds on top of them there we go all right all right that’s looking pretty good but hold on I want to make this bed fancy what I’m

Going to do is grab some red sandstone and just put that around the bed like that ooh that is looking nice okay my walls and my floor are finally done jeez and wait Ruby you finally finished your walls and floor hold on can I see what

It looks like yeah you can come and see all right all right hold on give me one sec let me just fix that and ooh all right it’s looking like a cloud in here yo wa this place looks awesome you have like a nice view of a cave down there

Yeah it is pretty awesome but oh this took a lot out of me I guess I’ll make the rest of the room kind of simple it looks like a stormcloud cuz of all the black stained glass that’s pretty awesome I know right all right all right

But anyways back to working on my room over here what I got to do is put some Acacia fence over here like that that is looking pretty nice let’s go and H here let me also grab a few bedside cabinets for fire baby we can put one on each

Side like that there we go all right but anyways nice we got the bed done now let’s go ahead and install those fans in the ceiling so how about we put one right over here and then another one right over there like that there we go

And then if fire baby ever wants to cool down the room he can just turn on the fans okay perfect this works anyways H what else is fire baby going to want in his bedroom and H wait what about a gaming setup oh wait I need one of those

For lighting baby yeah here I’m going to start start building my gaming setup uh right over here this way Dash baby is never going to get bored it’s going to be awesome let me just go ahead and grab a PC for him and H wait I’m going to

Grab this purple one and we can put that right over there and then let me go ahead and grab a few monitors and okay check this out this is about to be sick Dash baby is going to have a triple monitor setup boom and then of course we

Also need to grab a chair and uh we can use this orange one over here to match the rest of the room there we go this is actually looking sick all right all right but anyways we got the gaming setup done we got the bed done and okay

One last thing I got to build off hot tub and oh I know exactly how I’m going to do that let me go ahead and grab a few fences and slabs and here I’m just going to make the hot tub go into part of the floor it’s going to be sick let

Me just go ahead and dig out a little area into the floor like this and then I also got to make a little stepping stool so that Dash baby can get in so let’s just do that over there like that and let’s go the hot tub is complete this

Looks awesome and there we go the sun is made wait wait what you built a sun oh yeah come check it out o all right all right I want to see this place and Y wait this looks kind of cool it kind of looks like a simulation of outside yeah

That’s what I was going for oo all right all right that’s pretty cool wait why do you have the bed over here oh I don’t know I think Earth baby would like it all right all right fair enough well anyways this room is looking pretty sick

But hm what else should I add inside a fire baby’s room we’ve got the gaming setup we got the desk and he’s even got his very own hot tub o wait I know okay let me go ahead and grab a little bit more lava real quick I was going to add

This at the start but I forgot what are you adding I’m going to add some lava lamps it’s going to look awesome there’s going to be lava lamps in Each corner wait that sounds so cool I should add a lamp yep these lava lamps are going to

Be sick and hold on instead of yellow stained glass I think I’m going to use normal glass I think that should look cooler yeah here we go let’s do this one over here that’s looking pretty nice let’s put another one over here in this corner and boom there we go these lava

Lamps are looking sick here I guess on this side with the hot tub we can just have a lava Fountain there could just be like a nice stream of lava coming from the ceiling let’s go all right but anyways now that all of that is complete I’m pretty sure fire baby’s bedroom is

Complete hold on I want to give him a tour of it I want to see what he thinks of this place hey fire baby let’s go check out your bedroom let’s see what you think o he looks like he’s excited he’s coming in and all right check it

Out fire baby welcome to your new bedroom and okay uh I’m not going to lie he kind of looks uh just like chill he doesn’t look that excited but hopefully he likes it I’m just going to leave him here for now maybe he’s excited on the

Inside and yeah yeah it looks like he’s staying in there he’s he wants to stay let’s go and I’ll go ahead and move Earth baby come on let’s go all right all right let’s see Earth baby’s reaction let’s see is he going to be super excited and jumping on the ceiling

And stuff and okay he’s pretty chill so far not that excited I think he’s just ready to take a nap yeah probably he was probably tired of being in that cage for so long but hold on Ruby you got to bring your baby in your room as well

Okay let’s go let’s see what their reaction is going to be my room is so awesome okay lightning baby let’s go all right all right let’s going ooh I see you’ve done some upgrades since last time wo this place looks sick yeah it sure does doesn’t it oh lightning baby

Do you want to take a nap a I think he likes his bed this looks like a spaceship yeah this place actually looks awesome wait what are these things on the ceiling ooh lamps that is sick I think lightning baby wants us to leave so he can take a nap and yeah let’s

Leave the babies in their rooms to take a nap but anyways now that we’ve got the bedrooms done H what else should we build inside of this Elemental Basin wait a minute guys we’ve got the bedrooms done but we don’t really have a washroom oh wait that’s right where are

They going to go potty well I guess there is one place for fire baby to potty he’s got a hot tub but that’s gross that’s gross hold on we got to build his own washroom we got to build one big washroom for all the babies so

Uh where should we build it what if we just uh made another floor for it down here and ooh okay okay yeah we can make another floor I guess let’s go ahead and dig down in here let’s grab a staircase we got to make a staircase to go down

What are you doing why are you trying to go down that way we literally have a ladder right here yeah yeah but a ladder is ugly we should use a staircase instead yeah but we we’ll just make it more ugly by adding more things okay okay fine fine we can stick to the

Ladder if you want let’s go ahead and extend the ladder going down all the way over here and let’s just go ahead and clear out another big room down here we can build more stuff than just a washroom okay I’m in the corner all right all right here I’m going to start

Digging over to you let’s go okay here now we just got to clear out all of this Stone and okay are you guys thinking what I’m thinking it’s time for another uh bit of TNT uh careful it doesn’t hit the wool but yeah let’s do it yeah here

What I’m going to do is dig into the stone so that it has no chance of hitting the wool so there we go I I think that should be good yeah look it didn’t blow up any of the ceiling okay perfect that blast wasn’t big enough

Yeah that blast was kind of small it’s not that big of a space though I think we should be fine just clearing this by hand and oh that that is not by hand wait R you’re breaking some of the ceiling over here no oh uh I might have

Have broken a little bit of this part right here oh no okay hold on let’s quickly repair this yeah since it’s a small space let’s just do it by hand okay okay whatever there we go let me just finish repairing this and all right nice that’s looking good now we just got

To clear out a little bit more space over here and all right there we go that is looking pretty good we have so much room down here yep we just got to block off this cave and we should be good let’s go let’s go all right all right

But anyways hold on what should we do for the walls and floor of this room we should do something different than from the top floor oh man this is going to be a humongous bathroom wait wait no Ruby we’re not going to build this entire room into the bathroom this just going

To be like the second floor and then we’ll have a bathroom somewhere here and guys okay I was thinking why don’t we set the floor into some of these Spruce logs this could look pretty fancy I really like this let’s go with this yep let’s go this is going to be the most

Epic looking flooring ever let’s just put a bunch of spruce logs going this way let’s go oh what if we strip them strip the logs ew actually hold on a minute we should try that that could look cool yeah look at it looks great ooh okay okay I’m not going to lie that

Does look kind of cool all right stripped Oak log it is Oak these aren’t Oak All Right strip Spruce lugs it is all right and here the floor is almost done this is looking pretty sick boom all right that’s looking awesome but now what do we set the walls out of maybe

Something like oh brick what about diorite uh okay why’ you say it like that diorite diorite that’s how you pronounce it I think it’s diorite no I’m pretty sure it’s diorite I want to use brick guys okay how about we use some dioris and some bries bries what oh wait

You meant that type of bries I was thinking this type of bries okay we could use that type as I’m speaking all fancy all right that’s how the fancy people say it no that’s not how fancy people say it but okay I love sipping my beverage in a bricket room I think Dash

Hit his head or the Heat’s getting to him what what are you talking about I’ll buy you a dictionary for your birthday okay but I I already know how to read okay I was just trying okay fine I guess you guys don’t like it but ooh this wall

Is looking pretty nice we got the bricks and the diorite let’s just keep doing that we just got to replace all of the stone and boom there we go the walls are all complete this is looking pretty nice but anyways now it’s time to build that washroom that’s the only purpose that we

Built this floor in the first place so uh where should we build it how about just uh right over here in front of the stairs put to the corner oh yeah yeah yeah right right here let’s have it front and center cuz you know the washroom is probably going to be a room

That gets used a lot so we should have it like close to the ladder wait are we sure one bathroom is going to be good enough yeah yeah it should be fine here what we could do is have a little bit of carpet in front of the bathroom just in

Case you know there ends up being a line um that’s enough carpet no I mean like cuz we have different elements until babies what if one wants to you know go in lava and one wants to go in water what you mean like a lava and a water

Twilight yeah bro we can just have a dual toilet setup it’s fine yeah yeah a dual toilet setup have you never seen those before uh no but I I’ll just trust you guys yeah yeah it’s pretty simple we just got to build a dual toilet set up

But here first things first we got to clear out some space and since this is going to be a multi-elemental washroom we should make it pretty big so that we can fit all of our uh dual purpose stuff let’s make the floor out of iron all

Right all right yeah we can make it out of iron this should look good all right there there we go and okay guys I think the washroom should definitely be big enough I think we’re right underneath my room there’s literally lava coming down from the ceiling oh uh that’s kind of

Cool yeah but hold on a minute I don’t think the other Elemental babies are going to like lava spilling through the ceiling let’s go ahead and set the roof into something uh what about some more iron okay yeah that could work all right let’s just put down a bunch of iron over

Here and then guys what should we set the walls of this room into what about some quartz I was going to say more iron but I guess that work no no we can’t have the entire thing made out of iron that’s going to look boring what we

Could do is have some quartz and then we could also have some quartz pillars like this this is going to be a fancy looking washroom wo okay yep it’s going to look sick let’s just go ahead and put all this stuff there like that all right this is actually looking sick and boom

There we go we got all of the quartz and pillars in wait wait hold on hold on what we got to do is grab a little bit of red stone lamps and check it out we can put some Redstone lamps over here on the sides oh yeah there we go that looks

Awesome doesn’t this look fancy oh yeah we got some Redstone lampes what what that’s how the fancy people pronounce them oh it’s lampas okay that was a little bit too fancy even for me why I think you guys are crazy cam you’re just not fancy enough but anyways there we go

This is looking good I’m not going to lie this washroom looks a little bit more like a fancy restaurant than a washroom but it’ll do now we got to build that Dual Purpose toilet okay so here I’m guessing what we got to do for a dual purpose tolight is First grab a

Little bit of sticky pistons and some Redstone cuz this is going to get kind of complex or wait actually what we could do instead is grab a dispenser and then some buttons and all right all right check this out let’s have the washroom be right over over here I have

A cool idea oh what’s your idea so pretty much since this toilet has to be uh you know really big for all the three of the elemental babies let’s go ahead and have a big sticky piston door to open and close it o okay all right yep

We got to make this thing pretty heavy duty all right so here what we got to do is let me grab a lever real quick and we just have a lever uh over here for opening and closing the tolight or actually let’s put the lever over here

Yeah okay all right all right and here what we got to do now is connect all of the Redstone to that lever so uh let’s just go ahead and dig up into the wall over here all right I’m doing it on the other side all right all right and okay

I think this one should be connected yep that worked perfect now we just got to connect this other side as well there we go and okay now if we flick the lever it should open and close the toilet door yes okay that works perfectly and all

Right all right now what we got to do is put down some dispensers so let’s go ahead and put down a few dispensers uh let’s put down one over here on this side and then another set over here on this side all right I see the vision yep

And then what we’re going to do with that is grab some lava buckets and some water buckets and then we’re just going to put lava buckets in this dispenser and then water buckets in the other dispenser this is what’s going to make it so that our Twilight can use uh lava

And water all right but anyways next up we got to connect all of these dispensers together to a button so why don’t we put the buttons down right over here we could have one button uh over here for lava and then another one here for water uh okay this is a very

Complicated bathroom yep guys we got to have the best Twilight ever okay we do not want any Twilight downtime if the Twilight breaks then it’s going to get crazy in here oh you’re right you’re right yep so here what we got to do is connect one of these buttons to those

Dispensers down there so I’ll go ahead and start putting some Redstone down here cuz it’s kind of a complex operation all right I’ll start bringing the Redstone down all right all right awesome sounds good just have the Redstone go all the way down here like that and okay nice I think the Redstone

Is connecting now if we go up over here and press this button on the right we should see some water come out yes and then when we press the button again the water will go back in the dispenser perfect oh cool um let’s see here what

Do we do next now we got to connect the lava dispensers to the other button over here so let’s go ahead and do that next we got to have another Redstone line going all the way down here oh Cam I see you’ve already started yep I think I’ve

Got it like that yep yep yep let’s go ahead and connect all of these together like that and then we should also probably throw in a repeater here just in case yeah there we go and all right now we can go ahead and test it out it

Should work if we press this button over here we should get some lava and yes that worked and we can press it again to get rid of the lava let’s go let’s go that works the Dual Purpose Twilight is working this is actually awesome all right here let’s go ahead and just

Finish it up we got to set all of the walls and floor into some iron blocks just to make it look a little bit nicer and there we go all right I think the toilet is now complete um okay let me put on some toilet paper and oh yeah

Yeah good idea good idea that’s that’s a that’s a nice touch oh and wait can I be in charge of making them Kitty bathtubs and wait what Kitty bathtubs what are those yeah bathtubs for kids so let’s see here um and oh oh wait we’re just

Going to use cauldrons and w Wait Ruby who’s this bathtub supposed to be for wait is this for Earth baby yeah it’s for Earth baby why they I’m just going to put one of these down what the heck is that is that a bathtub you can drive

It what sure I can that is pretty awesome w Wait Ruby are are you sure you got this there there seems to be a lot of lava spilling who um how do I put the lava inside of the B I don’t think you can put a lava inside of a cauldron okay

How about what we do is just have uh little tubs over here what we could do is just like dig down into the floor here and then we can have one tub with lava one tub with water and then uh hold on we got to find some liquid for cam

Ooh what about some fuel there we go okay it’s green so it’s earthy help any wait hold on is Cam in trouble what does Cam need wa cam what why is the bass up flying I don’t know jump out what in the yeah get out get

Out oh my gosh it’s Cur it’s cursed hold on hold on we got to break it hold on there we go okay but um yeah I don’t think that bathtub works but we have the kids bathtub so we don’t have our own and cim is stuck in the ground hold on K

You need to jump I’m so short what happened you’re stuck in the just get out get out all right but anyways Kim what do you think of your tub is for your kid wait what liquid is that uh it’s it’s tree juice yeah we got a tree

And then we compressed it until the juice came out don’t you like it I’m going to search this up let’s see bucket of is this fium no it’s not Fu what are you talking about but anyways guys now that the washroom is looking good let’s

Go ahead and close up the toilet cuz you know we can’t leave the toilet LD open wait hold on cam I standing on the Twilight real quick and let me press this button over here all right check this out get trapped why why why why the

Twilight kind of works as a trap as well I didn’t think of it like that let me put down some towels for the kids and ooh that’s looking pretty nice but hold on a minute guys we’re kind of missing like some very important parts inside of

The washroom we don’t even have a sink yet for people to wash their hands oh what yeah hold on let me go ahead and grab a sink and we could just have a few over here like that hold on a minute uh fire baby I know he’s not going to use a

Normal water sink I got to build a custom sink for him let me just grab a little bit of lava and H wait I’m pretty sure I can grab a faucet tap there we go going to use this one over here yeah what I got to do is put down this trapo

Here like that and then put some lava in and then we can put a faucet there yeah that’s going to be where fire baby washes his hands but you guys have sinks over here and I guess we can fill them up with some normal water there we go

All right this is looking pretty cool and ooh wait Ruby I see you got these sounds over here this is awesome mhm every kid’s going to get their own privacy that is actually awesome let’s go this is like one of the most fanciest bathrooms in the world yeah this is

Literally the fanciest bathroom ever we literally have our own custom toilet but wait hold on we still need a place for us to like you know shower and wash ourselves so why don’t we just build our very own shower yeah oh yeah check it out look this one’s good enough and wao

That shower is huge okay okay yeah we can use that but let’s go ahead and put it in the wall so that it’s not blocking off the sink or actually we could uh put it yeah there we go that works kind of oh while you guys do that I’ll put down

The sinks wait we already got the sinks check it out oh oh okay I’ll put down some towels yeah we got a lava one we got a water one we got a bunch but wait a minute was that a liquid comes out of this faucet is it water or or lava I

Think it’s water oh what okay well hold on I got to build my own custom shower then I can’t be bathing in water let me go ahead and put down a shower right over here and then on top of it let me go ahead and grab a dispenser and just

Put that down like that or wait I should probably put that there and then let me grab some lava and then put that in there like that and finally let me put down a button right over here and okay I think my own custom tub is complete oh

It’s not working ah it’s just spraying out the lava as an item I don’t think the shower is compatible with lava yeah I think you’re right okay I got to build my own custom shower let me go ahead and grab a door real quick o I’m just going

To use this last sliding door going to put that there and then go inside and okay this should work now oh wait I need to put lava inside of it and boom there we go I got my own lava tub now let’s go that’s pretty cool all right but anyways

I think the entire washroom is now complete this is literally the most fancy washroom ever yeah I’ve never seen a bathroom like this before this looks like a public bathroom it doesn’t even look like a bathroom that you would have in your house yeah it’s crazy let’s go

But anyways we got the bathroom done we’ve got the bedrooms done and we’ve got the kitchen done but wait a minute guys we don’t really have any P for the kids aren’t they going to get bored oh wait you’re right I mean I’ve got a little gaming setup over here but we

Should have some activities that they can all play together with yeah they must be so sad after getting kidnapped by that dragon and yeah yeah but hold on a minute hm what could we do that could be fun for babies we got to do something that could be fun for all Elemental

Babies H what about like a a go-kart course and whoa wait a go-kart track that sounds awesome okay yeah yeah let’s do it we got to build a racetrack okay but uh where um I mean we got a lot of room on this floor why don’t we just do

It over here behind the staircase okay I mean hold on ladder I keep calling this ladder a staircase for some reason oh wait I have an idea and wait what is it let’s put the racetrack in this cave uh wait Ruby don’t you remember what we talked about earlier dragons can live in

Caves right they have dragons dens oh yeah that’s right H what we could do actually is how about we use a little bit of reinforced glass and what we could do is build part of the racetrack out of some reinforced glass so that the babies can see inside of the cave oh

Yeah this is going to be sick it’s reinforced glass the dragon isn’t even going to be able to get to them a man the babies are going to love this one let’s go all right but anyways now we got to clear out a big racetrack so uh

How are we going to do this are we just going to make it round or what H I have no idea something simple that kids can understand yeah we can just have like a pretty round track let’s go ahead and just dig out over here this way we just

Have like a big loop pretty much okay uh should we use TNT and uh actually yeah that’ probably be a good idea let’s grab the TNT wait I have an idea wait what is it use this instead wait what is this w oh wait a TNT gun hold on let me try

This out yo this is awesome this so much faster than like just placing down the TNT ourselves yeah do it and go in a circle all right all right yeah let’s go here I just got to start carving out a little circle in this cave like this we

Don’t have to make this circle too big it is just babies playing so they’re probably going to have fun either way yeah yeah yeah yeah oh man this is so efficient yep let’s go this T gun is awesome it’s coming along great I just

Got to build a big loop hold on guys let me know if I’m going the right way I’m trying to build a loop and oh wait hold on I see you guys over there okay okay I’m going the right way at seems I just got to go a little bit this way you’re

Going pretty far dude yeah wait the track is actually going to be pretty big at seems it’s going to be pretty awesome though yeah come straight towards me all right all right I’m coming straight forward and oh wait Ruby I think I broke a little bit of your build over here but

It’s fine I barely broke anything wait what did you break uh you can take a look I think I just broke a little bit of the glass over here but it’s fine it’s fine I fixed it I’m going to put some reinforced glass here and there all

Right all right that’s a good idea but anyways we’ve got the big loop done we have a big loop going around this entire cave now we just got to turn it into a racetrack okay that should be a piece of cake first things first let’s go ahead

And set the floor into some gray concrete we got to turn it into a road all right let’s just do this oh we should also put the yellow stripe in the middle oh yeah yeah wait let’s put the yellow stripe in at the end and here since we’re pretty deep underground we

Can just leave the walls as some Stone we don’t need to change the walls into anything else it could look cool okay and um I’ll work on the Finish Line all right all right and since the walls are made out of stone we can make this entire go-kart track cave themed o yeah

We can make it look super cool yeah we got to make it like super cavey and stuff hm okay what what what what is there in caves oh wait I know what’s in caves lava we got to put some lava dripping from the sides oh you can make

It look like a m shaft ooh yeah that could be really cool here I’m just going to add a little lava lamp right over here why where why is the lava not going where I want it to go what is going on with this lava why is it oh my God there

We go it worked that time but check it out we can have some lava in the corner like that but I’m going to make sure to cover it up with some glass so that you know in case any babies other than the fire baby drives into it they’ll be safe

All right what do you think about this and wait are you making the finish line and ooh I see you made get it out of stained glass that looks awesome yep I’m just going to work on the track here it’s looking pretty good all right let’s

Go here I’ll help you out on the spots over here there we go once we’re done with the track we got to put down a bunch more cave stuff we got to make this place look like a whole M shaft okay and how wide does this road need to

Be um it’s kind of a random length I’m not going to lie it’s not like one specific length over here it gets more narrow than over here for example oh okay I’ll try my best all right just got to put these blocks all over here like this this thing is actually looking

Awesome Yep and now we’re almost done oh wait we’re actually almost done the loop yo wait that was some quick progress yeah it’s a really simple Loop which is great yep let’s go this thing is going to look so awesome once it’s done but wait guys we should totally test this

Once it’s done oh yeah 100% we got to test it before the babies oh yeah I’m going to win since uh you know it’s made for babies and all what how did that makes no sense you just call yourself a baby no I’m saying that it’s so easy

That I’m going to win against you guys what okay well I’m definitely going to win I’m probably the best driver here I’m definitely going to give first we’ll see about that but anyways let’s just finish this area up over here real quick we should probably patch up this big

Hole over here we can patch it up with some stained glass or a reinforce glass I mean oh yeah and weren’t we going to decorate to look like a m Shaft or something and yep yep yep let’s do that once we’re done with the road and all

That I’m just going to patch up this hole and then I’ll help with decorating it let me just cover up all this hole over here with some reinforced glass boom there we go I think that looks pretty good I’m just going to clean up all the rough edges over here real quick

And all right I think this area is oh wait there’s a big hole here let me cover this up and there we go all right I’m ready to race and what Kim the track is not even done yet what are you talking about did you really just build

Your own goart it’s got a diamond engine in it what yeah it does I’m definitely going to win okay okay well hold on let’s finish up the go-kart track first I’m going to go for a few practice Labs what that’s not fair you’re going to get practice on the course before us exactly

And I’m going to win what a sweat well I have to show Ruby who boss wait what all right all right but hold on a minute it looks like the track is pretty much complete now now all we got to do is add in all of those decorations we got to

Make this place look like a m shaft so uh let’s go ahead and grab some fence and I think just adding a little bit of wood fence randomly around this place could add a lot yeah this is looking awesome I’m going to put down some spectator seats ooh all right all right

Good idea that sounds like it could be cool I’m just going to keep putting down a bunch of random fences around this entire place I don’t know why fences look so good okay what do you guys think of this wait did you finish the spectator seats pretty much here I’ll

Come take a look in a moment let me just put those fences there and ooh that looks pretty cool oh I see you’ve added a little cage around it so that you know in case anyone flying by fast they don’t hit the spectators yep I want the kids

To stay very very safe oo good idea good idea but here I’m almost done with the m shaft stuff I’m just going to put down a few more Oak fences around here let’s go and all right there we go I think I’m done with the oak fences I think we’ve

Got enough this area looks like a proper M shaft now all right are you guys ready to race now and yep I’m ready to race but hold on a minute I got to get myself a go-kart really quick let me just search up gokart there we go and okay

I’m just going to grab a normal one I bet I can beat you even though you have a crazy modified go-kart yeah well uh I I guess I’ll see you uh at the Finish Line whenever I lap you okay okay that is absolutely cheating but hold on a

Minute I’m going to grab a little item here I’m just going to have a little trick up my sleeve with this thing there we go all right and I’m ready let’s go and all right guys let’s go in three two one and all right let me just you up

Real quick I’m eating you away let’s I think I just broke your carart by accident what the heck I was trying to pick you up with my gravity gun and throw you away like this what I guys I already finished the lap did I win and

Put me down and wait hold on I think you actually did win that oh no let’s go I’m going to do another one if that shouldn’t break my go-kart I think you’re about to come in last place I’m about to win as well let’s go second

Place too easy I really really like this course that’s so rigged but wait a minute yeah this course is actually super awesome it’s kind of short but it’s super fun wait a minute guys you know what we got to add hold on let me

Put my gard down over here we got to add some speed boosters speed boosters yeah yeah check it out we got to add some of these boost pads along the course let me just put a few over here like that we can have some more right over here we

Just got to have them wherever there’s like a flat strip of land ooh okay we going to have a few more over here like that and all right all right hold on let’s go for another lab this thing is going to be awesome with these speed

Boosters let me just try it out real quick yo wait it’s making my cart do a wheelie whenever I go on top of it that is sick wa wait do it again I want to see all right all right check this out every I’m about to line up and then

Wheelie time let’s go that is crazy that is awesome all right the kids are definitely going to like that but here let me also go ahead and park my cart over here just like that and all right I think the go cart area is officially

Complete let’s go e I’m so glad the kids are going to be able to get their minds off of the Dragon with that one yeah they’re going to forget all about the dragon but anyways let’s see we’ve got the go-kart track we got all the rooms

Hm what else should we build inside of this base wait a minute what if uh the dragon actually you know gets in here and um H okay that is actually a good question what are we going to do if the dragon does get in here guys we got to

Build an escape R we got to build a way that we can quickly get out of the base in case the dragon breaks in oh wa you’re right the kids have to stay safe exactly exactly and wait a minute guys I think I know exactly what we can do we

Got to make an escape pod over here Escape pod how do we make one of those well first things first we got to dig into the wall a little bit and uh let’s just go ahead and build a long hallway so that we can get super far away and H

Wait guys since this room is going to be super serious why don’t we build it out of some of these blue pillars o yeah wo I thought these were diamonds nope they’re blue pillars they look sick these are the fanciest pillars I’ve ever seen or should we put the floor as great

Conrete and yeah we can use gray concrete for the floor you’re I’ll start digging the tunnel you guys place the pillars Okie doie just got to go super far away all the way out here and okay I think this should be far enough let me try digging up real quick to see if

We’re still uh inside of our base and okay I think this should be a good spot for the Escape shuttle yo wait is that a chicken over there in the world is that guys I found a weird looking chicken I’m going to take him to our base what uh

Maybe you should be careful yeah what if it’s a baby dragon why would this be a baby dragon it’s be a chicken I don’t know you know what hold on it’s trying to run for me I’m going put it on a Lucian bring it in let me just grab this

Guy with my leash really quick and all right chicken you’re coming with me let’s go hey the chicken’s getting in let’s go yo guys meet my new friend I’m going to name him uh Jim Jim yeah look at him he’s a chicken uh Dash that doesn’t look like a normal chicken no no

No what do you mean the chicken is just fine here I’ll leave him in the go-kart track for now this seems like a fun area for him okay all right Mr Chicken you can just stay right over here o I’m going to attach him onto this fence over

Here there we go all right but anyways back to building this Escape pod we got to build a big long hallway I see you guys have built the hallway was gone that looks nice now what we got to do over here at the end is let’s clear out

A big tunnel that goes all the way up to the sky okay and this is where the Escape podt is going to exit from right Yep this is where the Escape pod is going to exit the building and all right there we go we got a big tunnel going

All the way up to the surface this is looking pretty good and wait Ruby do you have any more of those fake grass blocks um yeah I do o awesome awesome all right can you place them right over here so that the dragon isn’t going to be able

To see us and also guys we have to break this tree over here we got to get rid of it there we go all right that’s looking good bye tree okay let’s just put them right here oh gosh okay and all right there we go that is looking pretty good

But oh gosh guys there’s no tree covering this one hopefully the dragon doesn’t see it when he’s flying like from far above it’s okay it’s fine all right all right but anyways what we got to do now is go all the way down over

Here and uh hold on we got to clear out a little bit more space over here we got to clear out a few more blocks down here because we got to have some room for the Escape pod okay but how do we even build an escape pod well what I was thinking

Is let me grab a little bit of white concrete really quick okay I don’t understand still but uh can I help yeah yeah pretty much what we’re going to do is build a big rocket oh okay I think I get it yep and then we’re going to use

It to fly out of this hole that we got here in the ceiling but here we got to make sure that the rocket is not touching any of the walls because then it’s not going to be able to fly oh that’s true wait is this place even big

Enough yeah yeah it should be big enough let’s just go ahead and clear out all of the space around the rocket and here can you guys do that while you’re doing that I’ll work on rocket itself okay I got you all right all right and okay guys

This Escape pot is going to be a little bit cramped I’m not going to lie we’re each going to have um just a little bit of space like this what if instead of making it wide we make it tall yeah that’s the plan we’re going to have a

Bunch of rooms stacked on top of each other well this is going to be a luxury rocket huh yep we’re each going to have our own room but they’re going to be pretty small but wait a minute hold on the babies can have small rooms they

Don’t need a big room cuz they’re not as big as us that’s true that’s true so for their room what we could do is just use a trap door as the door like that and they can just have an even smaller room than us there we go let’s just go ahead

And build three little compartments over here for the babies and all right now we got to make a few compartments for ourselves hopefully we have enough room for all these compartments do I need to make the opening on the top bigger no no no the opening on the top can stay like

That but we should probably make the walls in this room look nice cuz right now they’re all made out of stone all right let’s make it out of that blue stuff and okay guys check it out we got three rooms over here for each of us and

Then we got three rooms down here for the babies next thing we got to do is let me grab a ladder really quick and let’s just have a ladder right over here on the inside of this room and we just have this ladder going all the way up

Over here and then we got to have a stop at each one of these doors so that we can get out and board the ship so there we go I think this is looking pretty good we’ve got to stop at each one of the doors so that we can hop out and

Board the ship yep now we just got to make everything look nice how does this look Dash hold on let me take a look and ooh this looking very blue I like it okay and should we make the ground gray or should we leave it a stone we should

Probably make it gray to look a little bit nicer but anyways let’s see we still got the grass over here I think it’s all still looking like a normal grass area from the outside except for the color of the grass the grass color kind of looks

A little bit off but it’s fine yeah it looks good enough yeah we can just plant flowers around it no biggy now we just got to make this area over here look nice so let’s set all the walls into some gray concrete so boom there we go

And now we just got to put down all of the ladders over here like this guys this is actually looking awesome this looks like a VIP Escape Route yeah this place is looking sick let’s go let’s go well anyways we’ve got everything done now there’s only one final thing we need

To do we need to go ahead and actually make it so that we can drive this rocket ship because right now it’s it’s just the bunch of blocks in a weird shape what we got to do is grab this thing called a physics infuser and also a

Captain seed and okay dibs on being the captain I’ll be over here at the top but now we got to find somewhere to put this physics infuser there going to be kind of hard to fit but I guess we can just put it over here like that yeah I guess

You have a window right here yeah yeah and we can put some glass over there and then we can also have the captain seat right over there oh gosh this seat is kind of cramped but uh this should do you need be able to see when you drive

Too though yeah we can make the entire top out of glass ooh all right all right yeah this is looking awesome all right but anyways I think now the Escape Podge should be complete let’s go wait I have a question what is it how are we

Supposed to get in oh well Ruby check it out I built this whole area over here where we can climb the lighter and then we can go through the doors oh yep it’s pretty awesome you can board the ship and then close the door oh I just closed

The door on you yeah thanks but anyways now that the Escape pot is complete I’m pretty sure our entire Elemental base is done let’s go awesome now we can relax finally let’s go spend time with the kids yeah let’s go wait on me guys all

Right all right and hold on a minute I want to go see what fire baby’s up to he’s probably still in his room and oh H hold on I don’t see oh there he is hi fire baby I bet lightning baby’s done with his nap now I bet Earth baby is

Still doing his nap yo so fire baby how’s it going what do you think of uh of this room is it nice and okay I don’t I don’t think he’s learned how to talk yet yeah there’s still babies man yeah all right well anyways I guess I’ll just

Uh chill around this room oh I’m going to go on fire baby’s computer while waiting let’s go I’ll put down some new carpets and stuff all right well I’m going to go test out the bathroom I got to go and ooh all right all right let me

Know if the Twilight works I really want to know if that thing is working all good um guys what what is that let’s go got it what in the world uh wait what is going on down here is that a dragon why is my bedroom destroyed um what in the

World is this how did I get inside of our base how did I get down here guys get out your elemental powers now what in the world okay everyone pull out your elemental powers we got to take this thing out go go go come on come on come

On D you’re setting me on fire I’m sorry I’m sorry wait hold on Ruby just like go in the water or something okay here go Elementals go here I’m going to try using my fire breath on him and oh no guys hopefully the babies are all right

This is not good uh you think how did this guy even get inside of our base I’m going to use my Boulder wait Dash that chicken you brought in earlier did it grow up into a dragon and what no guys that was definitely a chicken it looked

Like a completely normal chicken no way no way it was a dragon D you let a dragon in our house and oh my gosh hey guys I thought it was a chicken okay I didn’t know and hold on a minute did it actually escape from oh my gosh yeah the

Chicken’s not even on the leash anymore it grew into a dragon how does that even work I don’t know you did something this thing’s not dying oh my gosh okay hold on I’m going to hit it with my Fireball take this come on Lightning go wait Ruby

You got to put down another one of your lightning hammers I’m trying but I don’t think it’s working since we’re underground oh no it’s probably getting stuck at the surface okay okay come on we just got to keep on using our powers on him it looks like he’s taking a lot

Of damage so far this is good base is destroyed this thing’s too op we got this we got this someone take out the TNT gun and wait the TNT gun I don’t think I have that thing anymore but oh gosh I have my Fireballs I’ll use that

Yeah take this let’s go Dragon you’re about to go down how much heal does this thing have yeah make an earthquake already oh yeah cam good idea make an earthquake I’m trying I’m trying come on come on we just got to take this thing out it’s literally inside of our base

It’s destroying everything right now mostly your room Ruby your room is getting destroyed guys I think we need to get him to the surface or we need to run away no no no no no we can’t quit we have to take him him out it’s not taking

Any damage I don’t think we can get him up to the surface because there’s already a bunch of blocks above us okay let’s go TNT gun I’m just going to keep shooting Fireballs at him take this wait a minute guys hold on actually I think we’re getting him up to the surface he’s

Trying to break out let’s go I can see the surface come on let’s go let’s go we just got to keep doing some damage come on and wait a minute hold on is that fire baby over there wait fire baby what are you doing you have to go back to the

Room you got to be safe it’s not safe out here for you come go back come back fire baby and oh no fire baby stop you have to go back this is a dangerous spot for you fire baby get out of there oh no we’re going to lose fire baby and uh

Wait did fire baby just take out the dragon uh fire baby where are you going wait no wait did he just take out the dragon and now he’s going back what in the world I didn’t know fire baby was that strong and oh it looks like he’s

Just going back to his room now what what the heck and look at this place it’s destroyed oh no but uh thanks fire baby I didn’t know you were that op but uh guys the the base is destroyed now that dragon destroyed everything yeah we’re going to need to do a little bit

Of rebuilding but wait guys Earth baby survived too and wait so did lightning baby uh not lightning baby was taking a nap the whole time let’s go that means all of our babies survived we did it yeah but the base didn’t this is going to take a while to repair that’s fine

That was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

I Built a Secret ELEMENTAL FAMILY BASE in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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