Discovering Stardew Valley’s New Ore

I’m exploring stardew Valley for the very first time the catch I’m not using any Wiki whatsoever I’m just relying on the gamer intuition and your guys’ comments anyways enjoy the video good morning hello and welcome back to another video of stardew Valley it is a very important

Episode uh because you know I’m not sure why it’s because But A lot’s going to happen and so hat Mouse is selling hats today we’re definitely going to go find some big day for us because we actually get to now purchase the much awaited bag which will give us some extra inventory

Spots and make life just a whole lot easier before we get into all of that we got to do some of our uh our tender Lov and care of the farm here and I just wanted to say thanks so much for stopping in if you are enjoying the

Video or if you’ve enjoyed some previous ones and you’re coming back for more please consider subscribing it means the world as I’m trying to to become a full-time YouTuber and that’s been a dream of mine since I was a little kid you guys are making it feasible and for

That I am very very grateful and it’s fun and all that other fun Jazzy stuff um you know it’s actually been a minute since I played stardy Valley and that’s just because we were starting up Minecraft and then I skipped uh stard do Valley episode to get another video out

That I just really wanted to get out as far as like video involving mental health and everything else so I’m not throwing it away don’t worry I know a lot of you guys are happy and here because of stardy Valley and I promise to deliver how regularly I don’t know and

That’s another discussion entirely is I feel like I’m going to I I’ve been in a Cadence where every other day is Terraria and I’m going to keep that however I do feel like I want to start doing things less organized and more just what am I feeling that day what do

I want to actually create and feel like when I do that everything should work out because it’s more sustainable not that right now it’s not sustainable like I feel great with everything um and by the way the Discord has been going crazy we recently added an XP system and some rolls thanks to

Some of our mods and things like that and it’s just growing rapidly um so hop on in there if you’re not yet we have such a cool Community everybody’s talking and voice channels every night and the chat’s always popping so if you want some friends hop on in there I’ll

Be there as well streaming some stuff but uh that that Discord is just it’s been such a blessing to me because it’s given me a sense of community and a sense of like there’s people that actually care you know this is videos are very like oneway Street in in many

Ways which is which is really cool like I get to speak my mind and everything else but to get to communicate with you guys on a deeper level which I get to through comments and things like that but to actually Converse back and forth within Discord is just something that

Like it’s really hard to describe I love it and I’m really grateful for it and we got the large pack inventory has now increased to 24 oh we got to buy more what’s this about let me buy this 10K all right I thought we were going to get

Both rows we did get an extra row which is still solid we don’t need to argue that at all we do get 25 energy from salmonberry so first and foremost I just want to get deeper into the mines so we can actually complete this reach level

40 in the mines is the goal for this video whether or not we can actually achieve that we’ll find out very very soon on the next episode of cloud playing stardew Valley actually it’s this episode I was trying to make a funny fun fun reference but it didn’t

Work okay we don’t need to call it out we can just we can live happily knowing that I’m going to go insane playing and talking to myself anyways we’re working our way up here and we’re going to go into the mines we’re going to do all the M stuff we brought our trusty

Club and let’s check this chest before we go down I think we do want this torch no matter what and now we are good to go let’s head on down to 35 we should be able to achieve uh what we’re trying to achieve very soon o and I’m just going to move

The pickaxe to the second one because it’s an easy switch between the weapon and and everything else oh we we got a little rock friend here let’s go yeah there we go take that damage whoa hey hey hey hey okay all right moving on moving

On oh oh hey hey we don’t need to do that okay you’re to the right I’m going to place this torch guys I know you can’t see I’m sorry I’m scared there’s a lot going on here I’m nervous a little nervy boy okay so we made it to the end here I say

Since it’s dark we just try to actually find the ladder we’re going to wait for that beautiful beautiful ding noise because that’s when we know it’s real we got a geode let’s go so we should try to get out of here before like 2:00 if

Possible so we can make it down to the geode do the extra stuff we need to get done I’m not really worried right now too much about getting ores because I’m just trying to progress as quickly as possible down this stuff here another geode oh we’re cruising

Perfect but I will not say no to any ores if they show up especially because we have all the extra stuff we’re speedr running look at this speedr running mines oh beautiful last floor and then we get to 40 which means we should probably get an upgrade of some

Sort let’s keep on moving here so it doesn’t seem like there’s been too many enemies I’m not complaining at all we made it oh my gosh what is this biome it looks like icy something a slingshot what an omni geode a blacksmith can break this open for you

These geod contain a wide variety of minerals let’s actually go up right now we’ll come back tomorrow we’ll go a little bit deeper but I really want to go see what we can do with these geod we’re going to drop off this torch because we need oh wait we don’t even

Need the extra inventory space we’re still going to drop it off anyways I don’t want to hear it all right I don’t want to hear anything we need to figure out a way to get a more sustainable source of coal maybe there’s a way to make charcoal in this game

We’ll check after we bring this back to the blacksmith but right now um we have so much copper and not enough coal which I never thought would actually be a situation we’d be in considering most of the games coal is very prevalent and copper and and other

Ores are much easy or much harder to get in other games but this one I’m either hitting the wrong things or I got the wrong the wrong mentality here here we are the Beautiful song paired with the beautiful blacksmith looking extra fresh today my boy can we talk let’s process some

Geodes what speaking of coal let’s go five stuns that’s annoying five more or not even we got one from that I want to use a slingshot how do we add ammo Let’s see we have ammo what do you mean this is Stone right let me do do I need to

Like oh I have to like put in Stones okay hold on all right I need to I need to stack these and then put it in perfect check it out yo look at us go we got the slingshot let’s not waste our ammo now that we’re here we don’t even have anything to

Give but we have something in the Community Center we should be able to bring the horse radish I believe we have horse radish back at the house actually somebody in the comments had mentioned that had wasted about half a day looking for stuff I didn’t need to so thank you

For making me realize how stupid I am but also thank you for reminding me that we actually had that you guys make this experience so much better genuinely um something about this actually is I enjoyed gaming but I could never personally speaking here it was really hard for me to justify playing

Games just because I felt like I was a waste of time and I know it’s not but my body especially with how I was like trained as a kid growing up and stuff like I love games but it was always a waste of time and so like me starting

Videos was obviously out of like pure just I want to do this for myself but also it gave me like a sense of um I’m doing something like kind of Ive and I will say it’s a very like counterintuitive mindset like I really don’t believe that’s the case like we

Should just do things for our soul and for the things that we want to do but um I found a lot of a lot of joy and pleasure out of starting YouTube and it’s turned from that feeling of productivity to now like this is my space to breathe it’s my space to

Create it’s my space to grow and be still with myself and I’m really grateful that I’ve found a hobby like that because I feel like it’s really hard to find that especially as you’re getting older with the pressures of of the life we live um so here’s your sign

To to just start whatever you want to start do whatever you want to do um and don’t stress about making money too much because it’s more than that it should come secondary but we finished our first bundle we got a bridge repair let’s go and spring

Seeds I don’t think I mean it’s the 18th so we should be able to plant something here we have a cut scene oh what are you we’re getting some new spawns okay let’s go check them out so we have even more to fill out it seems let’s see

Oh I should have saved the cauliflower oh no I should have saved a cauliflower I think we have everything but cauliflower we should have everything but cauliflower let’s go see let’s also check out what’s going on over here River fish oh sweet now we have a purpose to fishing perfect okay let’s to

Go and I believe we finished the journal entry reach the bottom of the mines did we not get a reward for just oh that’s a nice noise um did we not get a reward for going to floor 40 was it just like a hat on the back good job thanks

Dad all right no help wanted any birthdays coming up oh it’s Pam’s birthday uh Pam I have a berry for you we got to find Pam now everybody’s closing down Pam you have to be down here right we’re going to give her some berries Pam no no that’s Haley right

What’s Pam look like pamam Pam that is Haley I am I am okay Pam we’re going to find you Pam if it’s the last thing I do today come on Pam you got to be in here no she must be in the bar oh let’s kick this can okay

Nothing uh yeah you guys are really helpful saying I should kick cans but I haven’t found anything with my can yet I feel like being lied to being misled a little oh pam pam is this you no wait is it yes let’s go Pam okay she she liked her gift that’s

Good now I’m going to take Aim and we’re going to hit oh oh my gosh I’m so I didn’t know I’m sorry here here here Penny okay we’re not ever going to get married after that no she she she’s she’ll come around she’ll come around so you guys have mentioned that we can

Actually like start relationships in this game and stuff and that’s kind of tight it’s kind of tight we’re going to see what happens I don’t know how it works but starting to have a few crushes already you know the deal who’s like the best to like marry I’m not like trying

To decide based on that but like you guys got to help me out you know what I’m saying somebody’s going to treat me the best here okay 10 copper we should probably upgrade our pickaxe feel like that’s a a nice next step for tomorrow I feel like we could probably get our

Potato oh no we’re out of green beans we sold everything what am I doing no cauliflower nothing okay well here’s cauliflower here’s something else I forget strawberries so we should be good let’s have an early night real quick oh sweet look at that okay so from

Here we hop on into bed we’re going to have an early night and get started early in the morning with some more mining I don’t believe we made any money last night we didn’t okay we got another letter here please let me open it okay I have a request for you I need

Fresh cauliflower for a recipe I don’t have okay yeah yeah wait we can still take this though because this cauliflower should be done soon let’s make sure we fuel up our farm I can’t wait to make sprinklers guys you have no idea I feel like it’s just it will be a

Burden that’s lifted off of my chest once it’s done and I have a feeling that we’re not going to complete all of the first spring bundle stuff this spring but we could definitely get it done next season I just didn’t know that that was

A thing that we had to do um so now that we’re learning oh would you look at that we got green beans don’t even mess with me we got we have potatoes tomatoes green beans and uh we’re going to have some more stuff here soon uh and then we’re only going to be

Missing one last item let’s just check real quick um believe here here so green bean cauliflower potato we have all of those we don’t have a par snip and that is unfortunate um but that’s really easy to get in the future did we forget to water something hello did we just lose a

Plant I don’t want that we just lost some pure profit from strawberries when we Harvest these we’re going to be rich Filthy Rich okay let’s fill up this water because it’s always best to take care of that kind of stuff the day before it’s just polite for your

Future self you know so we’re going to put that back we’re going to hit potato we’re going to bring the copper upgrade our weapon and we’ll be good to go not the weapon I’m sorry the the pickaxe here we’ll be good to go so let’s stop

By the who’s up here Birds I’ll leave you guys be we’re going to bring these to the town hall what’s it called the town hall the the whatever it is and we’ll put these away we’ll take our win and we’ll keep on moving down to the

Mines or up to the mines and keep on keeping on what a beautiful stard Valley day and it’s even more beautiful now that we’re hanging out that was it was cringe right but it was cute it was like quirky like oh my gosh we’re hanging out having a good time uh let’s see

Here spring bundle boom boom boom boom perfect okay now we bring these we’re going to put this in the middle of those two so then we can just quickly cycle between okay we’re on the pickaxe and boom we need to shoot real quick boom Oh my gosh that range is

Crazy and then we just keep on moving five good old salmon berries feel like we we just don’t even need to worry about inventory space anymore I forgot that I don’t need to be too conscious about that we can just we can just mine away um I’d like to buy like something

That keeps a head lamp or something maybe they have that over here pretty sure this guy doesn’t open until like one or something right it’s hard to learn all the times in this game 2 p.m. okay so we’ll go into the mines we’ll take care that when

We come back up we’ll leave our copper in here take the torch actually we can even take the co oh take the copper we’re good to go perfect we’re going to 45 now baby oh and it’s not dark anymore sweet what are you guys let’s

Not come on come on do the damage oh Crystal fruit oh my gosh all right hey we’ll take that whoa hold on these floors are really helpful to to get stuff we got some coal is this iron what is this take some damage no wow you have a lot of Health

Got Some Coal got some quartz now what are you iron let’s go we made it to iron guys we’re also going to pick up some crystals all right perfect uhoh I wonder if you can get soft locked in any of these places you know Boom Crystal Crystal we keep on

Moving oh my gosh that’s so satisfying did you hear that uh-oh what’s going on what’s going on we got a whole bunch of bats is that what the deal is oh no I didn’t mean to but honestly I’m not even mad let’s keep on moving here oh there’s

Iron over here let’s go get it oh see our pickaxe is starting to do much less all right we’ll get our iron deposit let’s go one little iron never heard anybody and we made it to another we have so much time and energy left we’re just going to keep on

Moving oh my gosh so much damage needed who are you what are you we got to check this guy out down here come on come on oh that’s a bat okay not not my favorite not my favorite moment let’s go we got a Batwing we got

To see what we can craft with that I feel like it’s going to be cool let’s just get some of these I feel like my my Strat is just go as deep as you can as as quick as you can and then we can always revisit floors you

Know that’s at least what I think is the appropriate thing to do we’re going to find out massive oh we got some bouncers here we got some jumpers do we just yeah we’re going to take it oh I saw the iron we should have just grabbed the iron I failed you guys let’s

Go all right K bomb moving where’s some iron I need to see some more iron my body’s craving it show me the iron I want to I want to snipe this guy watch this show yourself okay wow that did not work at all oh is that some iron would you look at

That all right come on show yourself one more time last one’s a charm boom oh this going to drop a ladder too watch okay we’re not going to talk about it all right we’re just going to find the ladder right here we should start heading up soon I want to make sure that

We can uh still go purchase some stuff from our friend from the mines we’re going to eat we got to get some energy back what floor are we on feel like we’re getting really bad RNG right now what floor 48 okay hold on we’re going to

Make it we’re going to make it he’s open till 10 speedrun speedrun come on speedrun worst case we skip this I’m not even going to worry keep going keep going okay all right we we got to leave I don’t I don’t feel comfortable I’m going to eat some more salmon berries we

Need the energy perfect we got a little bit for tomorrow we’re going to leave I know we wasted some time it’s okay okay don’t need to yell about it everything’s fine we should also check out before we go to sleep where the bridge was repaired okay let’s see Amethyst ring

That’s cool we could get rings wow we can sell bat wings for quite a bit I want to save it because I feel like we need to start saving some stuff um doesn’t seem like wao a wood Mallet I didn’t even know we got that w hold on a Second that is a crazy Weapon okay all right we’re doing damage now let’s sell our our wood Club thank you very much it was great knowing you now we oh wait we can upgrade I forgot we can upgrade come on I don’t need new sword I want to upgrade maybe I oh we’re in the wrong

Place the black Smith already closed oops see we should have left earlier but we’ll upgrade our pickaxe tomorrow I think we have enough copper unless it’s going to be like 20 we should be pretty good um I look over and Siri’s just listening to me on my phone come on we don’t need

To do that right now all right let’s go actually make some money now hold on is this is this Crystal fruit something I feel like the crystal fruit has to be something we have quartz all right we’ll save the crystal fruit because somebody’s going to want

It as a gift or we just sell it screw it right just sell it I like your style we’ll sell it let’s see how much money we can make Jody’s request we’ll see see if we have cauliflower tomorrow okay jod let’s make our way back here all

Right if somebody’s waiting at my house I’m going to be mad I don’t know why but okay cool we you then Crystal fruit bat wings will save actually let’s see what we can craft real quick anything evolving bat wings we can make a sturdy ring which is kind of

Cool bug steak so nothing with bat wings yet so what we’ll do is sell them sell them all sell some quartz we’ll save the iron we’ll actually go cook this iron right now our first Iron baby’s first Iron look at that um we’re going to sell the

Sap wait what can you do with it fluid yeah we’re good we’re good oh wait that’s how you make whoa we got a jade we should have brought that to the museum quality retaining soil we’re going to use this on oh it’s already fertilized what do

You mean okay we used it on those probably didn’t do anything but got to save some Stone put our copper away we got 33 copper in here whole bunch of coal we’re going to take the extra second and smelt this away should we just make a second smelter

Probably oh there’s Leia look at that we’ll we’ll water Leia as well um that should be enough oh crafting nice boom boom perfect and then we’ll oh we only have 13 I thought we had hold on a second Iron’s taking a lot longer I really thought we had like 30

Something it’s okay we’re going to save the copper bar to remind ourselves next time we hop on that that is something we’re doing saving the spring seeds and the melon seeds we’re going to plant the melon seeds in the summer bring the Jade over to the one and only put this

Back oh gosh we’ll just keep everything else in the inventory for now let’s give some water to Leia she’s thirsty and how is the iron still not done what’s going on here I need one of you to finish in the next 3 seconds oh easy mode don’t even question it so that iron is going to be smelting all night I think it’s safe to

Say that we’re probably good guys thanks so much for joining along if you enjoyed the episode or this video and you want to see some more drop a like you know subscribe do the whole subscriber stuff the the the YouTuber stuff the call outs and stuff regardless I really appreciate

You just joining Along on this journey it’s been a huge dream of mine and I’m glad you’re along for the ride anyways let’s see how much money we made and I’ll see you oh we made money I’ll see you in the next one goodbye e e e e

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EP 09

In this Stardew Valley episode, cloud explores deeper into the mines, aiming to reach level 40 and uncover new ores like iron. Alongside their mining adventure, they manage their farm, interact with the community, and reflect on the value of gaming and its impact on personal growth. The episode showcases the joy of discovery and the importance of community support, highlighting Cloud’s journey in balancing game progression with personal reflections and aspirations.

0:00:00 – Starting the Day with Big Plans
0:01:34 – Returning to Stardew Valley
0:03:12 – Celebrating the Large Pack Upgrade
0:04:16 – Delving into the Mines
0:06:25 – Discovering the Icy Biome
0:08:17 – Experimenting with the Slingshot
0:09:07 – Reflecting on Gaming and Productivity
0:10:22 – Completing the First Community Bundle
0:13:15 – Attempting to Befriend Townspeople
0:14:31 – Planning for Tomorrow’s Mining and Upgrades
0:19:14 – Discovering Iron Ore
0:24:15 – Evaluating the Day’s Achievements and Planning Ahead


  1. Once you get to six hearts with any of the bachelors or bachelorettes you can gift them a bouqet available for purchase at pierre's and that will allow you to date them. Each person has a heart event that is unlocked after dating them. None of them have any specific benefits, but they each have a unique story. I would also definitley reccommend keeping one of every crop if you can because you never know when you will need one for a quest or a cooking recipe (after you have upgraded your house). I am loving this series so far!

  2. I personally find Harvey to be the best marriage candidate. He was one of the first villagers I spoke to (I think I had watched enough let’s plays to understand the concept of marriage in the game.) I just saw a sexy moustache and I proclaimed there and then that I was going to marry him.

  3. Bat wings buy you butterfly hutches. I put them in all my buildings, they're really nice. You'll need 200, so no hurry, just stick them away in a chest. Like everything else, lol. Remembering what you put where is the thing.

  4. Combat tip: Melee weapons have a special ability when you press right click.

    P.S. if you press right click while holding a club and then immediately spam left click you'll be surprised 😊

  5. Since you got floor 40, someday if you get something called "Prismatic Shard" (shard with rainbow color) for the first time please do not gift that thing to museum,,keep it for yourself,,from that thing you can get something you gonna like

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