Mikey Family PRISONERS vs JJ Family MILITARY Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

Ah so here’s the plan we’re going to distract them with explosives and get into the garage do you understand that’s right Mikey are you sure this is going to work uh of course I am I don’t want to hear any negativity so be quiet and let’s get out of here they should be

Here by now hey I don’t get it what’s that weird noise out there yeah I heard it too let’s go see what it is come on I don’t like it at all so stay close and have a gun ready I hope we don’t need it after after all it was like an explosion

Are the kids setting off firecrackers again it sounded like a grenade not a firecracker come on let’s get in it’s like they can’t see us and this is our chance to get out of here fast I can’t believe they didn’t see us hey hold it right there oh my god get

After them JJ’s car get in the car and go after them I knew something bad was going to happen they distracted us with an explosion to steal our tank I can’t understand how this happened oh my God and the voice sounds familiar it’s like I’ve heard it somewhere before hey man

Stop right there or you’re going to have a huge problem get out of here while you’re still alive or you’re going to regret it Mikey are you out of your mind stop right there what the hell are you doing I’m happy to see you JJ but I

Suggest you leave or you’ll get hurt if you block my way that’s right we need to block the road to stop the tank that way we’ll have a better chance of stopping it he seems to be in a bit of trouble he’s stuck and he can’t get out of there

Yeah you’re right this is a great chance to set up barriers and catch criminals Jay enough I need the money and that tank is worth a lot of money I’m not going to let you steal my property Mikey you’re breaking the law and you’re going to have to answer for your actions so

Get out of there you will be arrested and taken to the police station no I don’t want to go back back to jail not this again you should have thought about this before not now You committed a crime and you’ll be punished for it it’s

Out of the question oh my God I don’t want to I don’t agree who asked you don’t you even argue with me now go quickly and listen to what I tell you oh my God how could this happen not again let me out of here I’ll scream if

You don’t let me out hurry up I said hurry up shut shut your mouth Mikey I’m sick of you if you think you can manipulate me you’re wrong if you keep yelling I’ll open the cage and beat you so bad you won’t be able to get up Jay I

Congratulate you on catching another criminal if you’d like to take a break ah I wouldn’t mind I’ll see you later JJ yeah go ahead I’m going to sit here and make sure that sneaky slug doesn’t leave you filthy little dog meat you’re going to regret this oh you stupid monster why

Are you talking about me like that are you out of your mind you break into my campaign and steal my tanks and ask me such stupid questions I said calm down or I’m going to come in the cage and beat the dirt out of your stupid head

Come on or are you just a hero in your own words come on get in here and show me what you can do you clown you’re going to regret this Mikey you’ve already said so many things that I promise you I’ll make sure you go to

Jail for a long time take that go punch him Jay you loser you’re walking into a trap hey hey stop it right now hey somebody help me uh no one to help huh that must be frustrating huh now you’re going to sit there R what are you doing

Stop doing that uh-huh I’m going to do it right now you’re going to have to think about your behavior loser good luck with that I said freeze wait I got something for you yah do you want me to help you get out of here what I don’t get it what are you talking

[Laughter] about hey what the hell is that uh gotcha and that was a trap too Jay get out of there this is our place now yeah that’s right you’re going to sit there forever now Hey Arnold thanks for your help uh no problem dad I promise you Mikey I’ll

Put so many felonies on you that you’ll have to spend your whole life in the pit h oh my God it didn’t work out oh but it did we still have one more chance what what chance are you talking about you’ll be caged in there for the rest of your

Life oh really oh my god oh no what happened Arnold oh God no oh my God my son hey you stop right there and don’t move or I’ll shoot I said freeze you clown oh my god oh no Arnold hold on hey you all all right hold on son I got to

Get him to the hospital right away oh no how did this even happen oh my God hold on Arnold we’re here I the doctors are coming to help you hey is anybody here help us please hey hey all the staff why isn’t anyone here oh my God I hope you

Get some help here Arnold I salute you what happened my son he was blown up in a tank while he was in there is he going to be okay I need to take a look at him take him upstairs through that elevator over there I’ll be waiting for you there

Okay doc I got you I’ll be right there oh it’s a good thing somebody’s here I hope the doc helps you and you’re okay oh my God this is just awful Mikey’s son is such a how could he do this to me it’s just awful doc do you need any help

Can I get you something I need to examine him first but yeah I could use your help because I need to act now I need your help because the next room has all the tools you need to perform the surgery go over there and get it for me

While I examine your son and prep him for surgery yes doc it’ll be done there’s got to be all these items around here somewhere right that’s right take a look around the room I need supplies and instruments anything you bring with you will be fine okay yeah I can see that you have

All that stuff what about my son is he okay yeah don’t worry he’s going to be fine soon he’s going to be fine he’s just a little faint right now that’s why he’s asleep so to speak okay is there anything else you need I think so I’ll

Need you to go to a museum not far from here and get some instruments I’ll be starting the operation in the meantime don’t worry everything will be fine and you’ll soon see your son healthy oh yeah I hope so because I’m really worried and I hope I brought him here in the first

Place I’ll start the operation and you bring me the tools as a thank you the most important one is a scalpel but if you bring anything else I’d appreciate it yeah no problem thank you for helping me out you got it DOC so I take it this is the museum the

Doc was talking about let’s see what’s inside wow I can’t believe my eyes I didn’t realize ized there was a medical museum with so many different things in it what a Pity I don’t know anything about it these must be the best specimens and the most valuable examples

Of medicine cool I feel like I’m in a gun Museum but with medical devices but what did the doc say I need a scalpel it doesn’t look like there’s a scalpel around here what if it’s in another part of the building let’s see what’s in there I hope no one Minds if I

Come in here here great so it’s in here somewhere but where who I see the locks are on here that’s the spot that knife I’m pretty sure that’s the scalpel the surgeon was talking about oh well hey is someone here ah I’m not I’m a security

Guard and I’m looking around to see if everything’s in place oh good thank you yeah get out of here thank you for keeping the scalpel here ah ah this lock I don’t have much time to pick it it’s not that easy but there are all kinds of

Locks oh I can see there’s not much left just one last step and the lock is open come on great this thing belongs to me now ah I hope the doctor is operating and my son is okay hey I forgot we didn’t hire security this month let me see some id

Id I left them in the car wait here hey he stole a scalpel catch the thief before he gets away hold it right there I’m sorry man but just know that you’re doing this for a real good reason I’m sorry but I’m not just going to give it

To you freeze you’re not getting away from me hey Doc hey I got you this oh great your son is fine I’ve already done the surgery and I need your help now so soon I didn’t think the surgery would go so fast yeah I’ve had years of practice and

Experience so you’re lucky to have your son in my hands what other help do you need there’s a first aid kit in the lockers help me use it on your son okay what’s going to happen to him now he could use some rest and some rest but if

He has to go on a mission right away I’ll give him some pills that’ll make him feel better thank you doc I don’t know how else to thank you you’ll send me the money to my account as soon as you manage to earn it I I’ll leave you

My contact info of course doc I’ll pay you back and I even know who’s going to help you with that let him stay here for a while because he needs to lie down I’ll text you my contacts so you’re free for now I got it thank you again doc all

Right I’ve got one more job to do this little guy Gigi who’s Mikey’s son I got to find him so I’ll put up posters with a reward for information and location of this Criminal GG Mikey’s son if I catch him his whole family will be there I just have to find

Him first but how I have no idea but all I know is that he’s around here somewhere I mean somewhere in this town maybe even in the immediate neighborhood all right I’ve got plenty of time to find him I hope Mikey’s not going anywhere yeah where’s he going to go I

Guess I hope so hey what the hell is going on out out there oh my God there’s gunshots give me your money I’ll show you I’m a tough guy that’s my lucky day freeze and don’t move you’re under arrest quiet quiet quiet I Surrender just don’t shoot me

You’ve been caught XII now you’re going to your father’s cage I don’t have a father he was in a car accident what Mikey’s your father and your mother is astred I’m not XI my name isn’t gii at all PA hey who are you what do you mean

My name is Jacob and I don’t have a father you must be confused yeah maybe I’m confused and it’s weird but you tried to rob a store and you’re going to jail but oh my god oh know yes and maybe if you help me find one of the criminals you’ll get

Your sentence reduced by a few years what am I supposed to do you need to give me information on a guy named Gigi he’s Mikey’s son and maybe you know him because I think I do let me out of here right now I’m not going to sit here hey

I know him I mean oh so you do know who it is well then you’ll tell me but in the meantime sit there and think about your behavior ah I can’t believe I got them mixed up but they look so much alike I don’t get it Mikey has a second son why

Does he look almost as much like XII it’s weird but okay I hope I find Gigi someday too hey what the hell is going on out there uh-huh there’s Gigi that’s the one I’m looking for I’ll meet you guys at the warehouse tonight at midnight load the goods and come to my

Place wow what a voice is that xii’s voice I can’t even get it into my head everybody stay still and don’t moose it doesn’t matter if you’re all ready great I’m going to take this car so no one can see me because they know it’s a

Bandit car now I’m just going after XII he’s supposed to take me to that warehouse he was talking about so what do we got here uh-huh I see the Gigi’s vehicle is here that’s good news because it’s here somewhere but where where is this Warehouse I ah

This must be the warehouse because this building looks a lot like a scald room all right I’ll have to look around a bit to see what’s so interesting they must be transporting and preparing some kind of goods ah well what else could they be doing here I can’t believe Mikey’s son

Is like it’s like he’s older than Mikey he’s got a weird son what kind of dude is that all right what’s going to happen here yeah I see that they keep some forbidden items in here right and I think there’s a lot of guns in here maybe they’re illegally selling a lot of

Guns I’ll have to go to the station I hope I can do this on my own because I don’t need any help and for good reason so here’s our weapon store and now I need to upgrade my gear a bit first I need to change my uniform to

Combat armor since there’s likely to be a lot of shooting and I’ll have to try not to get shot I’ll also need a ballistic shield this Shield will help me against bullets it’s good against small caliber pistols but if they have rifles I’m done but I need rifles too so

I’ll take a set of weapons like this I think I’ve got too many guns but as they say there’s no such thing as too many guns oh if I do well I’m going to get a promotion for sure oh my God that’s wonderful so I planted the bomb it’ll

Allow me to raid them from high above it’ll make it easier for me to fight and it’ll give me a surprise effect let the circus begin everybody stand still and don’t move or get down on the floor but it doesn’t matter if I’m here to shoot you all you’re all

Done is great looks like I’ve pretty much got it all figured out that’s great you guys are so weak oh my God just one man took out everyone in this Warehouse oh no ha not everyone where’s our chief guest maybe he’s hiding somewhere I was

Right there’s a lot of guns in here yeah it looks like there’s a secret way down here it looks like our little guest is sitting there oh my God don’t shoot me now you’re going to your folks follow me stand against the wall and wait for me

To open the gate oh my God our last chance for salvation has failed we’re screwed yeah Mikey but you’re not finished you’re just going to rot in jail because you deserve it you dirty criminals especially your little son who’s actually older than you I’m going to charge you with so many felonies that

You won’t have enough time in prison in one lifetime

Mikey Family PRISONERS vs JJ Family MILITARY Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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