Beating Terraria, But I CAN’T STOP TELEPORTING

I beat Terraria but I couldn’t stop randomly teleporting every second I have a chance to randomly teleport across the map to a random location this challenge was a bit chaotic yet very fun to say the least if I wanted to beat a boss I had to defeat them as fast as I could

Before I teleported away or else they would despawn thank you for the massive support recently I really hope you enjoy the video if you do please like And subscribe as it helps out a lot thanks again on to the video I have yet to actually test this

Mod so we’re going to see how annoying it is I guess we just play until I teleport anything would the mod like to work oh well this is funky looking well this world gen’s actually kind of crazy this is this is real funky oh step stool yes wait what this is

Crazy heck yeah this this spawns crazy I’ve gotten three boomerangs this is the tiniest Beach okay so that was cool but also I’ve only teleported once what if we change this to like that yeah that works uh-oh oh oh I’m not even that far away I’m below the dungeon no oh H uh

Boomerang oh I’m okay I okay okay maybe that was too much um oh my God okay maybe it is hold on maybe maybe it was too much I can’t even do anything don’t die cool oh cool I’m just right here oh well I’m here now okay I’m Absolut absolutely turning

This back hold on okay can I at least make a house the answer is no I can’t I feel like I’m trying to like speed run it feels so stressful cuz I don’t know when I’m going to teleport ow hey that wasn’t nice ow and I lost my money

Great yeah this is going to be dumb uh-oh oh oh I’m actually directly under the house drop the rally it didn’t ow okay well I tried oh um hey hey uh this is a big beehive what in the can I stay here long enough to get that if it’s a boom stick that’s

Huge I will take it damn it oh you couldn’t hit him yeah the goal of this is to stay in one spot long enough to actually beat a boss huh all right oh this is actually big okay Waldo can’t be rare that’s like the fourth Waldo I’ve found Boomstick

Baby oo right before the teleport too I’ve been playing for less than half an hour and I’ve explored almost the entirety of the Overworld I guess we make our way to the desert hello Mr random teleport mod are we still working oh yeah it is there’s a desert

Cave right next to the Jungle there isn’t even an above ground desert there no oh hey what’s up so I got this already o Platinum hello where’s my boom stick ooh hello I will take that God damn it well oh that’s fun I’ll be down here unless I get teleported to the surface

Again oh okay I’m going to the surface oh am I yep I’m exactly where I thought I was money trough already dang man I’m not teleporting oh it’s like instantly as soon as the blood moon ends okay okay I am in a spot I’ve not been in before all

Right God damn it yeah that was uh that was dumb of me huh cool wait that’s Platinum get the loot star Fury where in the hell am I bro I’m just getting teleported to all the all the underground houses what is this and I got the eye spawner okay it’s

Almost time I really want that life crystal in Platinum but I might teleport before I can get to it or die that’s also an option damn it of course I’m in a spider biome I can’t get anywhere I simply need running boots of any kind and I think

Can beat bosses not the crab bro okay I’ve teleported to the same spot like 40 times bro bro okay uh do I want to fight the akulu now no I need boots and a grappling hook and armor does anybody want to teleport me anywhere that would

Be kind of nice you know getting Life Crystals is a lot easier when you just randomly get teleported into a cave oh hey um no no Thanks o I got it last second can I mine this I just want to see it yes oh that feels so Good cool I’m back here I guess cool I’m back here I guess ow I never see to like teleport at an infrequent rate it’s always I don’t teleport for a while and then I teleport like eight or nine times in a row and then it waits again is this the fastest

I’ve ever gotten Max HP well I can’t say that until I get Max HP but I mean I’m at 280 I’ve been recording for an hour and 15 minutes here we go hook time [ __ ] that’s annoying hey Shimmer I don’t have enough man man you kidding me that should be

Enough oh yeah absolutely enough for a grappling hook that’s one of three things down grappling hook acquired now we just need armor and any kind of speed boosting shoe I can make platinum armor holy all right step two acquired we have armor I could honestly probably beat the

Eye of cthulu like this no harm in trying Eh Okay can confirm you do teleport mid boss Fight oh God oh I’m feeling the effects of the amethyst grappling hook well that was freaking easy I did teleport a couple times but yeah that was pretty easy I feel like I can get like a free kill on the Eater of Worlds well I don’t know the Eater of Worlds I

Got to kill fast if I don’t kill the the Eater of Worlds fast I don’t think I’m killing it at all I want to make a a base like right here or like right here if that counts as a desert or Crystal all right that’s that’s Max HP I can in

Fact buy the mini shark but I’m not going to my map is so Cursed I can’t build the elevator I teleport too much okay what okay okay all right okay I could probably beat Skeletron no I don’t have I don’t have boots though a lot of houses here holy yes Hermes boots okay now we’re cooking hey teleportation potions cool I

Want to get to the desert by the dungeon make houses put a nurse there fight Skelly belly and win okay spawn point set and that’s why we set our spawn dude I’m so good at building holy [ __ ] no we sleep all right let’s do this thing Whoopsies Damn I got to be quick with that okay yeah that’s going to be a problem the goal is to beat Skeletron without despawning him or frankly any boss making any or beating any boss uh would be nice I would like to make a junk Le pylon at least in the

Meantime and I’m back here okay oh baby I got the best weapon in the game better to go one tap some things now bow it didn’t kill can I get like a like a slime rain or something I need gel I am going to beat Skelly belly and

I will not teleport away I will win I’m just going to get one hit with a zapinator and I’m going to kill kill Him oh the amethyst grappling hook sucks I should do that o the Juke I took a little bit of fall damage that’s fine oh hey Sky Island that’s cool oh what a snag my movement is so Rusty man oh never mind if I can take the hands out around the

Same time that’d be great if not I would just like to take them out in general ooh Jes all okay there one Hand you’re getting read like a fiddle Skeleton Man you’re getting played like a book I said that correctly do not question me oh yep yep okay I’ll stop [ __ ] talking you can die I didn’t teleport that entire time ow I should see what’s at the the sky island

First yes lucky horseshoe very useful oh I have a shiny red balloon a cloud in a bottle and a lucky horseshoe but I don’t I don’t have a goblin tinkerer I feel like I need to fight the Eater of Worlds yeah cuz I need a goblin

Army and that can only happen after I break the orbs oh Godly musket I will happily take free musket ball how does the randomizer find this spot how am I teleporting so much but like the boss fight I watch wasn’t that like a thing or did I just get lucky why

Isn’t there a corruption pile on I I I understand the lore implications but it would be so helpful to just teleport into the middle of the corruption no it spawned next to me this works I no I’m still here I’m still here baby I’m still here

Baby one take yes okay that’s crazy I’m Bamboozled I’ve been that was okay that was insane give me pickaxe oh do I have an Obsidian Skin Potion um I do not did I finish the elevator not a chance I did not make it I did not make it to Hell once I

Finish the elevator I can get hell Stone uh second thought I have so much obsidian I’m the obsidian man I’d say 800 obsidians enough there’s the teleport I’d say that’s close enough yeah let me buy Cavern pylon hey a meteor nice I want to get some fire blossoms can make an Obsidian Skin

Potion and get hell Stone any fire blossoms all right that’s a fire Blossom I’m about to go Crazy and grand total 991 all right uh I came back after uh going to the bathroom and I’m in a granite biome and Tim is here who haven’t I beaten the be um King Slime okay finding the meteor I’ve come to find out is going to be a

Lot tougher than expected if I keep teleporting everywhere there it is that’s an odd spot what if I just skipped the bosses and went straight to the wall would that be a smart idea all right let’s see if we can get some goodies in here without getting teleported out hey Water Bolt neat

Man I want like the Phoenix Blaster but I can’t get through the dungeon can a goblin army spawn oh good an actual event I can do let’s Rock cool and a goblin army spawn now okay that only took like an hour of offscreen grinding to get 11 tattered cloth let’s run It I should grab carel Claws and put those on I feel like that would be Smart D hey oh they’re in the house awesome oh did I win oh I wasn’t even paying attention I’m going to find the goblin Tinker I want to beat the Wall that’s a big ass dungeon what just realized how big it is it goes all the way past the corruption biome

Aha hello sir now I can put the armm scarf on finally all right that’s one of two things down now I just want to fight the wall I guess I just sit here and grind until I get a guide booted all again yay please all right finally dude holy

Do I want to make meteor bullets and fight with the the boom stick or do I actually want to like go for a better weapon I could buy a mini shark instead yeah let’s do it I got a key oh now I get the handgun when I already whatever looks like I’m using

This thing after I just spent 50 gold on this thing I think I’m good to go here I didn’t even make hold on I didn’t make the armor like an idiot that’s me I’m the idiot boy let’s hope I don’t teleport away oh hey let’s not do that hell yeah first try

Too you’re corrupted that’s nice you’re not you’re not and you’re not cool I say we break some altars my recording was paused and I hope it wasn’t for that long what is Cool D where is the hollow found It that’s 240 yeah screw it I’m just going to make titanium armor I was going to make like frost armor or something but nah I have no idea if I have enough titanium though 84 sounds like enough I just need Souls of light and night and I can fight

Bosses oh I probably need a weapon too like a weapon would be a good idea can drop a magic quiver that’ be kind of cool yeah no okay oh another hellbat Banner great can I get some Souls of KN please uh-oh I don’t like that I no I’m

Not ready I’ll take a Hellfire ooh that’s good okay I just need melee armor now unfortunately man I don’t want to go back up there and just die all I have seven Souls of Night I think I can go for Souls of light now Tim hey come On dude fast as [ __ ] boy I was going to say that sounds like a mimic perfect timing God [ __ ] the game hates me why it’s gone sad hey that a truffle worm cool that another truffle worm cool I just want to get my Hollow

My my Souls a light and be on my way that too much to ask hey turtle shell very nice oh dear God fine whatever hey let me stay in one spot for long enough hey what it oh yeah I should probably make wings too huh hello any

You demons want to come out and fight me worm that’s three spawners that’s good now all I need to do is to get get a decent ranged weapon and I’ll be good did you quit showing up old man I’m not rescuing you I’m not doing the Old One’s

Army that is not happening yeah we’re doing this oh hello hello there ow jackass is ow there you go yes first try oh yes that’s so helpful oh my God okay I just need to make uh arrows of some kind what is the crafting recipe for Holy arrows pixie

Dust unicorn horn okay I got to grind pixie dust anyways so I I don’t like this man I just need arrows any kind of arrows my NPCs are dying I don’t have wings which I I don’t necessarily like the idea of not of fighting this without wings but I

You got to do what you got to Do Come back [ __ ] come back come back man I I pre for you I came back and you despawn I’m not done with you yet Boy Break the laser okay good okay all righty okay yes two hands are down man I was I feel like I was overpreparing for this got to break the gripper destroy his grippers hey hey hey hey hey chill out chill out bro chill chill chill chill

Hey hey hey we can talk about this Prime saw down just the skull now um who needs Wings man oh that’s good we had a little blemish at the beginning cuz we kind of teleported away and despawned but you know we bring it back now I just got to

Get to this Blood Moon banana rang yes yeah what up loser yeah yeah what up what you doing huh drop a banana ring he dropped a banana ring is there anything useful I can make with this nothing crazy cool that works for me how much Hollow bars so I need to

Make hollow armor 12 24 18 54 okay so I need to beat another boss I’m just going to get ready to fight the other bosses well I I should get wings I really should get wings first and oh hey this is actually kind of cool looking any

Wyverns want to spawn oh hello hey hey leave me alone hey no no no that’s 20 or 22 10 Harpy feathers 15 Souls of light and or KN I should have enough Souls of Night unless I don’t I guess I don’t I can go get some ow

Ow okay those things hurt I just want soul of Knight Just One Singular soul of Knight please just give me a soul of Knight just a single one dear God there’s a soul of Knight over here I could have just picked it up all right time to make wings yeah I don’t have

Enough Harpy feathers God hold on hold your horses hold the phone come here losers not you I have not teleported in a minute I mean other than this I think the the game just throwing me a bone from the Skeletron fight there’s another one here we go I have enough now I’m

About to end this man’s whole career they came down here no my NPCs leave my NPCs alone you Maniac well at least it was only the Jeweler oh I don’t like the zero vertical momentum think I could beat a boss like this yeah probably Ow you really unfortunate if I teleported right here let’s run it a big dog ow I command you to stop one thing I don’t like about using the D Dallas stormbow here Is both of them can transform at the same time cuz I’m going to be hitting Both okay basm down now it’s just rer and dub all righty one more boss to go I can make hollowed armor now which I am absolutely doing yeah that should be good do this and try not to die Huh I did not make this tall enough no Lis leis no hey buddy I ran out of Jester arrows real quick je ow actually you know Hellfire arrow is kind of doing damage I ain’t going to lie but I’m also dying do oh that was so lucky that that just happened oh my God that is actually so lucky holy cow sir and or Madam can

You please exit my facility here I’m going to oh I can get chlorop FY too I’m going to do that get chlorop FY get life Fruit well at least I got teleported in the Jungle oh well great I am not Ready oh hey what up I do not have a good weapon for this I ser seriously need to build an AFK form I am running out of arrows very fast hey hey hey get me out bro hey Expert moveability now we sit here and we wait until I get teleported I guess yeah literally any form of Arrow would be would be better than this and it’s dead and it just dropped a chair no more Pirates back to looking for Life roots and things would a chlorified shopo be

Enough for now I guess oh unreal when I make it yeah okay that’s not crazy any life Fruit around hello life Fruit care to spawn oh hey I think I’m just going to dig straight down the crabs are there any life fruits around Titan glove I lost all the gold

No oh I think what I should do is just let the days pass by and just let life root and plant Terra bulbs spawn I have an idea and it may or may not be very stupid life ruit finally took so long I only have one okay let’s not Die [Applause] here we Go It’s Time Hell yeah beating Duke fisheron before beating planta I only got the Flareon but I’ll take it wait I still have Buffs I can do it again yes okay flare on R Wings hell yeah okay planta Arena planta Golem is that the move I know where a planta bulb is it’s

This way yeah it’s right here okay cool first things first get rid of every single trap in this area I don’t think I’ve actually ever used the Flareon once like I’ve seen other people use it I’ve seen my friends use it but I’ve never actually used it myself I’ve never

Actually had this Mount while making a plara Arena and it’s kind of helpful hey I can make turtle armor now heck yeah oh hey I think I just realized that this is I don’t think this is considered underground so I think planta might be enraged here which is going to suck if

That’s the case yeah so this is going to be either really really bad or like I guess like a a normal boss fight I don’t know oh well we’ll [Applause] see nope seems like it’s fine the amount of textures coming from the this summon is

Crazy ow oh my God this plant Tera fight is almost over thank you hollowed Armor Lon well that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to to be oh yeah right teleporting forgot about that I guess it just like I blitzed through the planta fight so fast I didn’t even teleport which is good no I’m not saving you old man this dungeon spawn sucks

Dude hey painting let’s just build this Arena and fight Golem and be on our way well I’m running out of my potions so that sucks I also don’t want to go through the dungeon again Whatever Oh okay hand one is down I really just want to take that second hand Down Cool all right that was cool and fun now I got to fight the lunatic cultist which is going to be a pain 486 18 oh perfect just enough uh get more potions fight more boss yes quickly reforge this thanks I’m going to go I’m going to go with the defense why

Not yeah 83 defense I say is pretty good oh hey one spawned up here okay he kind of crazy with it oh [ __ ] that’s hey can you quit that that would be great thanks I’m stuck on the Rope die okay oh here’s a solar pillar bu things

Yeah so my game plan for these is always beat solar pillar get melee item use the melee item against the rest of the pillars and then make whatever class weapon that I need I could just go like Daybreak or something or maybe I just use the flare on who

Knows I had 26 gold no my reforge money all right solar pillar is dead 18 18 it’s enough to make both oh Godly and Superior that’s insane getting both Godly and Superior no I have to keep the Fishbowl the Fishbowl is important uh where is Vortex all the way at the

Hollow no I got to take on nebula first man Whatever God I hate the nebula pillar holy I’m justly you know what it’s probably not the worst weapon for this no you know what I’m going back to this thing that was a mistake I’ve made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment I do not expect to be

Forgiven Evolution Beast I never knew that’s what they were called You’re Dead hello Vortex pillar oh Vortex pillar do you mind giving me your goodies I prefer if you didn’t kill me first but I don’t know I guess I’m here to steal from you so I don’t know where this bits Going I have a feeling having 500 HP would be a lot easier considering I’m at 4 and5 but who cares you know we just bash our head against the wall until we win that’s that’s how you play at least that’s how I play I feel like I’m getting worse all right

Sweet should I go look for more Health before I fight the moon Lord I feel like that would be a good idea yeah just like a little a little peruse Through the Jungle ever since the celestial pillar of event started I stopped teleporting weirdly aha there’s a life route oh hey

It’s it’s rattles meoo he’s back it has come to my attention that you do not have any more life Roots around there well I hate the pillar I hate them ow see now that kind of hurt hey Thanks all right let’s not screw this up here Woo okay hey why haven’t I teleported I wanted this fight to be funny ow okay all right let’s do this could avoid That who needs Vortex gear anyways let’s go dude and I had this [ __ ] star Veil on the whole time and I didn’t take it off woo Yeah

*Disclaimer: I’ve been working on this video for over a month, even before @sockrteez video, it was just a coincidence we posted similar videos around the same time*


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  1. Disclaimer: I've been working on this video for over a month, even before @sockrteez video and streams, it was just a coincidence we posted similar videos around the same time

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